#Daxter is best boi
troblsomtwins829 · 2 months
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This one's probably one of my favourite Human!Daxter concepts. It's not the final version, not by far, but it's the one I reference back to the most whenever I draw him.
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adhdavinci · 1 year
ngl as a big fan of jaxter and specifically ottsel!daxter characterization as far as how he canonically expresses satisfation with it at the end of J3,
it saddens me that a lot of the content features human daxter
to the point where i read Human Daxter in the tags and go 🔫😑 Violence
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radioactivepeasant · 2 months
Chaos Wednesday (doesn't normally happen): Demon Slayer Baby au!
Two back to back snippets: how DJ got his nickname, and how Damas caused A Misunderstanding (long post, be forewarned)
Tess brightened, flinging her arms open.
Daxter leaped up onto the bed, careful to avoid the stack of pillows Tess was using to prop up her swollen ankle.
"How's my best gal doing?"
Tess fell back against the headboard with a groan. "Booooooored. Nobody can get out to check Dead Town for old medpacks, so I'm stuck in here for now. I hope Krew isn't being too hard on you!"
Daxter scoffed. "Pssh. Me? Never. He finally appreciates my skill in drink mixing."
A snort of derision from just below the bed contradicted this. Tess noted the pitch of the voice and raised her brows.
"No fights on the way here to get the eco out?"
Daxter cuddled up next to her and shrugged. "I think he just wanted to feel safe, actually. He's getting better at transforming at will!"
Tess smiled and patted the bed. "Hey goober! Come on up!"
Little black claws appeared at the edge of the blanket and scrambled for purchase. Tess didn't really understand why he didn't just adjust his height -- he had full control over the proportions of his limbs like this. But she didn't mention it. Jak was so much happier in this state, acting more like Daxter said he did before they came to Haven. Tess may not have had a full picture of what was going on in that prison when Daxter rescued Jak, but she knew what complex trauma looked like. If it made Jak feel happier, feel safer to be some kind of little goblin, then who was Tess to stop him?
"C'mere, kiddo." Tess reached over to help him up.
With a little gasp of triumph, Jak scooted up over the edge and flung his arms up in a victory pose. His sleeves, sized for a teenaged boy of regular size, unrolled themselves with the motion and flopped over his hands. The travel-sized dark warrior shook them in annoyance, sending them flapping back and forth.
"Awww, come here you cutie!"
Tess scooped him up and danced her fingers over his sides.
"Tickle tickle tickle!"
Jak hissed, but his ear to ear grin gave him away as he batted at Tess’s hands.
"Weirdo sis!" he signed with a snort. "Daxter help!"
"Look bud, she was gonna go after one of us. You gotta take one for the team," Daxter said. "I just got this fur combed flat."
"Who's my favorite murderbuddy? Dee-Jaaaay! DJ's my favorite murderbuddy!" Tess sang, scrubbing her knuckles across the hissing eco being's scalp.
Daxter scratched his nose and frowned. "Huh? DJ?"
"Yeah!" Tess grinned at him. "Dark-eco Jak! DJ! Get it?"
The ottsel looked over at Jak, who was clearly enjoying being fussed over for a change.
"DJ...huh. Whaddya think of that, pal?"
A soft look overtook Daxter. He reached out to muss Jak's hair. "Alright, DJ it is."
"Yee!" The newly nicknamed DJ flailed his arms even faster in excitement. The sleeves smacked Tess and Daxter in the face. It was absolutely on purpose.
He didn't know why everything was more fun at this size -- was it because there were more things to climb on? Because fights were more of a challenge? Because people were nicer to him? -- but he loved how wild and big all the eco -- and even all his feelings were. Most of the time.
He didn't like Big Sad and Big Scared. He had to go back to tall DJ during those feelings to get them under control. Or let Sig carry him around, but sometimes that was embarrassing.
"Torn is going to come back here before long," Tess warned the boys, "So if you didn't want to do some work today you'll have to make yourself scarce."
DJ began to snicker and pulled his scarf over his head like he was hiding before flailing his arm out from underneath. Daxter cackled, knowing immediately what Jak was suggesting.
"No, bud, I don't think Tattooed Wonder would appreciate it if you hid under the bed and grabbed his ankle when he walked by. It would be funny though."
"Nooo that's so mean!" Tess giggled.
DJ kicked his arms and legs up in the air, made a croaking screech, acting out what he thought Torn's reaction would be before collapsing into giggles as well.
"You're a menace, DJ," Tess cooed, scratching the base of Jak's horn nubs.
"Why yes," DJ signed, "Yes I am."
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Damas Causes Problems (on purpose)
"No leads on Mar yet."
Sig slouched in the corner booth, eyeing the empty bar as he spoke quietly into his talk-box. "Been trying to work out why Jak does the...the thing. Why he looks like a desaturated Mar when he does it. All I got is that Praxis picked up a hu'men experimentation hobby."
"I wish I could say that didn't sound like a logical progression of his depravity," Damas hissed on the other end of the line. "Do you...know which form is Jak’s natural one?"
Sig knew what Damas was thinking. He'd wondered it himself. Was Jak made in Praxis's lab? Was the tiny child resembling Mar his truest form and the young teenager a disguise to protect him?
But to the best of his knowledge, it was the other way around.
"The taller one -- with- with Mar's kinda hair -- that's his base shape. He's still learning how to control the dark stuff. That's why he gets stuck in Baby Mode as often as he does. Used to make him real mad, now he just thinks it's funny. But while we're on the subject...I have a request. I know you don't want to get involved in the civil war beyond runnin' guns, but-"
"Spit it out, Sig."
Sig rubbed the skin under his prosthetic eye and groaned.
"I'm scared for Jak, man. Every time I see him, he's weaker. Kid’s about to drop over the edge of exhaustion and he keeps trudging on because he says "they" told him to. And I'm pretty sure he's talkin' about the Underground. Now, I know it's off agenda, but- I wanna follow him back. Find out whose trying to work him to death and straighten em out."
He could almost see the shrug as Damas answered.
"Why're you asking me? He's your kid."
Something warm fluttered in Sig’s stomach and he grinned despite himself. "Yeah. He kinda is at this point, isn't he?"
The line was quiet for a few seconds. Time enough for sounds to begin emanating from the street. Then,
"When you find Mar-"
When. Not if. As if his success wasn't even in question, even after two years.
"When you bring him home, bring Jak, too. I want to meet this kid -- in person, this time."
"You think I'd let him and Daxter stay here?" Sig scoffed.
Just then, the door swung open, bringing with it the ottsel's familiar voice.
"I'm tellin' you, sweetheart, it's all about the pine-pears. Slice em, grill em, put em on the steak. I guarantee even Hoverboy will love it."
Tess walked in with the boys -- Sig didn't blame them for walking together. This wasn't the nicest neighborhood even without the KG -- and she giggled.
"Daxxie, I've never even had pine-pear. How am I supposed to convince Krew to put something on the menu if we can't get any?"
Jak looked worse than before. The circles beneath his eyes were deep and purple, and he looked dehydrated. Daxter perked up from his shoulders to glance in Sig’s direction.
Crap. He loved the boys, but they weren't ready to know about Spargus yet.
"Hey, shift's gonna be starting soon, hon. Imma have to call you back."
"I beg your pardon!?"
Damas sputtered, not sure whether to be offended or amused. After a beat, in which he must've heard the other voices, he sounded calmer. "Ah. You have company. Carry on."
"Yeah yeah yeah. No, I'll remember. Don't worry about it," Sig said quickly, and a little louder than necessary. "Milk, eggs, paper towels. You need me to grab anything else when I clock out?"
Jak stopped next to his table and cocked his head with a soft frown.
"Who you talkin' to?" he asked.
With a sardonic lilt, Damas’s voice grated in his ear.
"Oh, is that my "stepson"? Tell him to take a nap."
"Tell him yourself!"
"Sure. Watch your ears."
And before he had time to brace himself, Sig had his ears ringing as Damas raised his voice and loudly called,
"Hey kid! Be good for your old man today. Take a nap when he tells you to this time."
Sig flushed scarlet from the tip of his ears to his neck when he heard the usually stoic king burst into uncontrolled cackling.
"I am going to get him for this," Sig muttered as Jak’s face twisted in confusion.
"Who the heck is that?"
"A menace, that's who," Sig growled. "Ignore him."
Jak, unfortunately, did not.
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hecketernal · 6 months
Everyone Thinks Jak Is Dying AU (Aka everyone miscommunicates to some pretty ridiculous and angsty levels but Jak's totally fine) ((pls read I swear I still have some comfort with this hurt some funny with the tragedy pls hear me out))
Explanation: I had had this weird impression that Jak was flat out dying from dark eco poisoning, when I was a kid. It seems kid me had made some assumptions from listening to Baron Praxis' propaganda stations where he flat out says, "The dark eco inside you will eventually kill you, Jak," and the way Jak first reacted to getting light eco.
Everyone else seemed to die in the Dark Warrior Project. Hell, they flat out acknowledge Jak should be dead himself from the amount of dark eco pumped into him. Even if a slow death via eco poisoning isn't what the games were going for, it would still make sense lorewise. The game will insta kill you for falling into the stuff.
Buuuuut for a moment just consider...applying that misconception to Damas and Jak's growing paternal bond.
Jak, in his freshly betrayed wariness, decides to hide his dark eco abilities. He's tired. He can't trust anyone except for Daxter, but Daxter is The Exception in capital letters and everything. Jak has found a force he can't or isn't equipped to beat within the long, hot stretch of the desert with no Keira to build a contraption to get them out. He doesn't even know... if Keira cares enough to build some zoomer with a heat shield or whatever would come to her mechanical mind for them anymore. None of his "allies" spoke up very loudly to defend Jak, so Jak stashes his otherness away. Well, he hides it to the best of his abilities. He'll never be a spy, but he can manage a few marauders in some Arena of Death with just a gun and some effort. Transforming had always been last resort anyways. With fear from his betrayal instead of anger leading him, he never transforms in front of all of Spargus to see. He's doesn't want to be Baron Praxis' renegade weapon, the man made monster that slipped its leash. He wants a moment without that. He can't go back to the kid from Sandover. He doesn't want to, but the idea of being just another exile like everyone else is...heady.
Jak doesn't know that he can't hide what's already been seen. Dark eco scars are distinctive, and Jak's were very visible during his stint with unconsciousness and heatstroke. The monks had attended to the two boys, but they had not done so silently. Precursor monks did not care to censor their muttering about dark eco corruption. Their prayers for salvation or less pain for the boy were easily overheard by the alert King of Spargus. It's likewise impossible to hide the way dark eco skitters towards Jak. The way it sinks into his skin. The way his pallor goes white. His face pained. The way the newest recruit sometimes clutches an arm, angling it away from view. Jak does manage to hide the growing claws with this action, so good for him. Bad for Damas.
Damas is under the impression that Jak is dying. Dark eco poisoning is an unpleasant but often inescapable death sentence for even the strongest warriors. He's known good Wastelanders that had to be buried after just a brush with the energy. It might be slow with this new recruit, but it will come all the same. Won't it? Damas tries his best to remain distant. His heart has already been shattered from the loss of one child, but it seems those broken shards are destined to break a little more. Jak is so damningly earnest for someone who tries to act jaded and tough. Damas can't remain distant. Every wall Damas builds is blasted away by the young warrior's newest actions. Damas is doing his best to hold himself together, but inside he is a mess. He doesn't want to lose another son. When Jak spoke of not knowing his father, Damas realized there was one thought more agonizing than losing another son, a lonely son dying fatherless. It catalyzes the father for he cannot stop thinking of himself as anything but a father. Isn't this what he always told himself he would do anything for? Another moment with his child? Damas will not squander the time they have left. Besides, the desert is rough and fickle, and violent death has come for all of Spargus' other kings. He might worry for naught. His death might come for him sooner than Jak's.
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daxthewonderbeagle · 27 days
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I'm devastated to announce that my darling boy Dax crossed rainbow bridge on the 7th March at 18:05pm.
I knew this day would come, and I tried to pretend that it wouldn't happen. I had 12 wonderful, stressful, loving and chaotic years with my boy, and it wasn't enough.
I've taken every opportunity to take in every last sigh, chuff and snuff. The look of your big brown eyes, your soft ears and your big belly. Every awoo, boof and bork.
My world is suddenly so much smaller without my Daxy dog. You were my best friend, keeper of all my secrets. You gave the best snuggles when I was down. Provided love and comfort through divorce, miscarriages, and loss.
Thank you for being my rock, you'll always be my pupper despite the snow around your eyes. I wish I could have kept you with me forever.
Daxter 25th February 2012 - 7th March 2024
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sonicasura · 1 year
Past/Present/Future Trio
I figured why not put this on a different post as I didn't want to clutter the other one. Basically how the group dynamic between Jak, Link and Jim affect their respective companions. Enjoy.
Jak, Daxter and Link show up in Jim's world during the exodus to New Jersey. The Demolition Duo from a warp ring jump (during Jak 3) gone wrong while Link arrives through the Lost Woods when leaving Termina. It was an absolute miracle that a misunderstanding fueled fight didn't start between the four.
Link is constantly encouraged to act like the gremlin kid he is by everyone else especially from the trolls. (Troll whelps are a huge rarity so they take any accompanying children, troll or not, very seriously.) If a task needs to be done, the Hylian is given an option to help unless its an all hands on deck thing. Same option is extended to Jak, something Daxter approves as his best friend isn't a full on errand boy.
Dark Jak is seen as a young troll to the entire Trollmarket to his utter befuddlement and Jim's amusement. He isn't the only troll youngling in the group anymore! "Horns? Quite a fine pair! Claws? Nice and sharp. Fangs? I definitely see tusks beginning to grow. Thrive in the dark? You are a young troll, Jak!" - Blinky.
Link helps Jim improve on his swordsmanship, Daxter shares wingman moments with AAARRRGGHH, Jak and Claire bond over their dark powers. A certain ottsel also gets himself a pair of pants alongside a knife after so long. Blinky just happy that these kids can bond more with people their age.
Constantly comparing each other's worlds and experiences, later on the traumatic ones. Everyone pretty much deemed Haven City worse than Ohio. Jak, Daxter and Link are deemed honorary trolls quite quickly alongside offered a home with the group. There were obvious tears from the two blondes.
Jim and Jak(as Dark Jak) tend to cross horns with each other, kinda like deer. The former does it mainly outta troll instincts plus the eco channeler is the perfect sized opponent. Daxter often records it like its the super bowl.
Epona gets some custom horse armor so Link's dear companion has extra protection. Jak tends to spoil her with a fresh apple or sugar cube when given the opportunity. Jim makes sure they have horse care products on hand.
Light Jak and Dark Giant Jak threw everyone for a loop. Angels are considered super rare that the Eco Channeler's light form is the closest they seen. Everyone agrees with Blinky about Dark Jak being a troll as Dark Giant appearance has the traits of a full-blown adult. (I'm redesigning the Dark Giant form later.)
Link laughed his ass when he used the Fierce Deity Mask before the travelling group. Jim is already salty about Jak but gets even more salty that his little brother in trauma can turn into a god! He wants to be able to switch between his troll and human form too!
Jim, Daxter and Jak find out that the Fierce Deity is a Fierce DADity. They're collecting dad figures like Pokemon cards at this rate. Fierce fixes Jim's armor issues and now the Trollhunter can finally change outfits. Blinky got dragged away by AAARRRGGHH before he could give the deity a shit ton of questions. Guaranteed group fishing trip the moment they end up near a lake.
Jak, Daxter, Link, Jim and Claire absolutely trade swears in different respective languages much to Blinky's horror. The Demolition Duo curse in Trollish very often as they picked it up better than Hylian or Spanish. Jim and Claire sometimes curse in Hylian. Link swears like a sailor in both Spanish, Trollish alongside Precursian. Jim shared some swears to Toby and it quickly spread amongst the friend group in Arcadia.
Link comes across an abandoned yet fully functional Heartstone thanks to his dungeon crawling expertise. It's quite a rough job to make a new Trollmarket there but otherwise perfect as its about two fifths distance between Arcadia and New Jersey. Two homes were made specifically for Link and the Demolition Duo.
Jak may have accidentally found but also activated a warp gate near the Heartstone. A sudden nighttime trip that drags Jim, Link, Daxter and him outside the Monk Temple in his world. They're found by a relieved Damas, man been freaking as he grown attached to the Demolition Duo, then quickly taken back to Spargus before sunrise.
Link and Jim get adopted pretty quickly cause the King of Spargus has Batman's adoption habit. The half troll gets a special outfit so he can travel during the day with no issue. Doesn't take long for Claire to figure out what happened or have the warp gate fully functional.
Beneficial relations between Spargus and Trollmarket? Absolutely. Both have goods that can benefit the offer but also take a huge load off of Jim when it comes to his responsibilities as the Trollhunter. The warp gates makes it easier to visit the now extended family especially since a deactivated one been found in Arcadia.
The three are super protective of each other. Jim legitimately growled whilst bearing his fangs and Link brandish his sword straight at Samos alongside anyone else from Haven City who treated the Demolition Duo poorly. Exile their brother plus his best friend to the desert to die after making the two your errand boys? Yeah fuck you guys.
Link may(definitely) stolen some paperwork, clothes, books and tools from people who mistreated the Demolition Duo for Jim to eat. Flimsy or false Precursor Metal is apparently quite tasty to trolls so it only tasted better to the half troll. Jak and Daxter were laughing their asses off when they caught Jim eating Kleiver's stolen shirt.
Two certain blondes alongside one ottsel get doted on by one Barbara Lake once they visit Arcadia. Just immediately adopted especially since Jim already considers Jak, Daxter and Link as brothers. They FINALLY get a mother figure.
Instant shenanigans once Toby joins in on the group antics. Water balloon fights with a tiny bit of powers and magic involved? A heat seeking balloon might've hit Stricklander in the face while he was on a coffee date with Jim's mom. They immediately ran afterwards but the man got his revenge later via ice water buckets.
A warp gate to Hyrule is later found but Link ultimately chose to stay with everyone else. He's practically a cryptid in his world, visiting alongside different companions and vanishing without a trace. The Hero of Time finally found a place to call home once more.
And that's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you at the crossroads between Arcadia, Spargus and Hyrule. (Yes, triple gif.)
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mrmallard · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers.
Thanks for the ask game!
A lot of these are probably gonna seem kind of "base", or like highly specific.
1: Getting lunch at work
I don't always get lunch at work because I'm either about to be super late, or because I've been spending too much money and I need to try and cut back to make rent. Lately it hasn't been as much of a problem. Either way, getting lunch at work always makes me happy.
We can order in from a local cafe/restaurant, and every day has its own associated special. My favorite special is on Wednesday - it's a chicken burger with chips (fries) for $13. The burger has half of a chicken schnitzel on it, which is cut in half again to make two burger-sized patties, as well as mayo and lettuce. Eating is a general pleasure whether I'm at work or not, but getting to sit down and eat well after working my ass off for like three hours straight is a real highlight of my work day.
2: Video games
I've always been super into games, and even as I've gotten older games have probably been the most influential media in my life. I'm able to take a step back and acknowledge real life; I'm not exactly well-adjusted, but I'm not living in a fantasy world either y'know.
I could cite at least thirty games here. I love Tetris. Life is Strange fucking rules. I've been playing Runescape on and off for almost twenty whole-ass years of my life. Minecraft has gotten me through some of the toughest years of my life. Turn-based RPGs were a fairly late-stage thing I got into as a teenager - my favorite games growing up were like Jak and Daxter, and eventually Sonic the Hedgehog - but now it's probably one of my favorite genres, and I am certifiably Not Normal about Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest.
It's probably bad that I don't have a more sociable hobby, but man - video games are the best. I love video games.
3: Final Fantasy in particular
Look I'm really deep in the Final Fantasy mines rn so I'm just gonna vent.
I'd dabbled in RPGs before, with the PS2 pack-in demo disc including a demo for Dark Cloud and with me eventually owning both a Harry Potter game and Pokemon Yellow and Crystal on the Game Boy Color. I'd also tried to emulate Chrono Trigger, but keyboard controls and general impatience left me feeling kinda bleh about the whole thing.
Final Fantasy was beyond my scope as a kid, and I actually wouldn't come into direct contact with a Final Fantasy game until high school. I lent a friend of mine Tekken Advance - which is a 2D sprite-based port of Tekken 3 for the GBA, with mixed results - and he lent me Final Fantasy X in return.
I did not like Final Fantasy X. At all.
I grew up on Jak and Daxter, and Ratchet and Clank. I grew up on Pokemon and - of all games - Rocket Slime on the DS. The shortcomings of the Game Boy Pokemon games were whatever, because they were Game Boy games - they still had their own flow and charm, while FFX felt dated and stiff.
FFX came out around the same time as Jak and Daxter, and that game runs circles around it! Real-time shadows, 60fps, dynamic character animations etc. Ratchet and Clank was the same. Of course, it wouldn't come out until way later that Naughty Dog games were basically freaks of nature, with the first Crash Bandicoot going so far as to overclock the PS1 to run properly, and both the Jak games and RnC - which used the same engine as Jak and Daxter, and proprietary code from the games as well - being borderline un-emulatable for a good while, because the tech was so cutting edge and unlike anything else on the market that any support for those games would have to be tailor-made for how they ran.
But that's the comparison I had. It's the early 2010's, and FFX fails to impress even among its own contemporary releases. That's how I felt.
Time passes. I get really bummed out at one point, and there's nothing that I want to play. I just want to sit there and play a game at a steady pace, and I don't want that game to ask very much of me - I want to make progress without the active gameplay that a Jak and Daxter would ask of me.
And then I remember that jank-ass PS2 launch title that I basically forced my way through until I gave up. I'd given it back to my friend years ago, and I went down to the game store and bought my own copy. Worst case scenario, I wasted a few bucks on a game I would continue to dislike - but I was listless and bummed out, and I wanted something to play.
I bought FFX-2 before I even finished the first game. Playing FFX again just hooked me in for good.
I played Final Fantasy 5. I played a bunch of FF1's GBA remake. I tried to emulate FF6 and FF8 (the latter after demolishing Kingdom Hearts 1), but like Chrono Trigger, something just didn't feel right and I couldn't progress. I end up playing FF13 and its sequel, I watch playthroughs of 7 and 9 (though I did play a significant portion of 9), and I get into spinoffs like World of Final Fantasy.
Today, I'm knee-deep in Final Fantasy at most points of the day.
I appreciate the games on their individual merits, but I really love the connective tissue. I'm a huge FF5 guy, and Gilgamesh on the Big Bridge is one of the huge, hallmark moments of that game - his appearances in later games, starting with FF8, create an organic sort of expanded universe through the Void that was introduced in the same game.
I like that Final Fantasy 5 and Final Fantasy 13 are ridiculously at odds with each other concerning their approach to game design. I like how FFX is this beautiful game based on like southeast Asian culture, and how FF8, in comparison, has you fighting fucking dinosaurs with a big sword that has a revolver barrel on it. Final Fantasy is a ridiculous, endlessly robust franchise, and I love it dearly.
4: Songs with wordy lyrics
This one's as honed-in and esoteric as possible. I love a song that goes crazy with the wording in the verses.
I don't have any screenshots on this phone, because I've made endlessly detailed posts about this before, but I'll offer some examples.
The champion of this type of songwriting has got to be Dar Williams, with her song Iowa being absolutely packed with lyrics. At one point, between verses, she manages to squeeze in a little interjection that adds so much flavour to what she was already saying - it's like "once I had everything, I gave it up / for a corner of the driveway in the woods I've never felt / and for you, I've come this far across the tracks / ten miles above the limit and with no seatbelt (and I'd do it again)". All the verses in that song are that wordy, but that "and I'd do it again" is EXTRA EFFORT between this verse and the next part of the song, and it's just such an awesome song that she gave 110% on.
But even smaller lyrics that get unexpectedly wordy in an offbeat way are very pleasant to hear in a song that might not be super wordy in the long run. Idylls of the King by the Mountain Goats is this huge, grand, romantic song (in an album about two people basically stuck circling the drain and pulling each other down with them, which is arguably most famous for being the album with No Children on it) with structure like "this place, with its old plantations / these roads, heading out towards the sea" and "your eyes, twin volcanoes / bad ideas, dancing around in there" - very effective, emotionally evocative lyricism, sure, but the second verse busts out this line:
"and I dreamed of vultures, in the trees around our house / and cicadas, and locusts, and the shrieking of innumerable gibbons"
And the WAY he sings "the shrieking of innumerable gibbons" just SCRATCHES AN ITCH IN MY BRAIN in a way that's super hard to describe.
Maria Mena also has songs that do this, though I won't touch them due to subject matter. Overall, wordy lyrics in songs make me very happy.
5: Hawaiian shirts
I'm not always a very outgoing or cheerful person in real life, but Hawaiian shirts help me to make up the deficit. They're bright and outgoing, communicating a laidback sort of vibe, and they're very open and breezy which is great for ease of movement. Hawaiian shirts make up a significant portion of my wardrobe, and I really relish the opportunity to get more because even the act of throwing one on and buttoning it up - or god forbid, taking a buttoned up shirt I've worn before and just sliding into it - honestly makes me feel so good. Not a lot of clothes fit me, but my stable of Hawaiian shirts never lets me down. In the words of a great philosopher: they're comfy and easy to wear.
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liugeaux · 3 months
The Best Games of 2004 | 20 Years Gone
A long time ago, in the late 00s, I REALLY wanted to be a Video Games Journalist. I was writing and podcasting for local tech website Techpedition and we even worked our way to E3 2009. I was able to parley my mask of legitimacy into getting a couple dozen free games from publishers, but was never able to break into the "business".
It's fine, I've still paid super close attention to the industry and have a handful of podcasts that I follow. One thing that I missed out on was creating the end-of-year best-of lists that have become so popular with pundits of video games. Partially because I didn't have a big enough outlet for it to matter, but more so because I didn't have the resources to play all the relevant games within their release years to render a judgment.
I typically get around to playing all the games I'm interested in, but it usually takes me about 2-5 years. It's partially a time thing but mostly a budget thing. So, what this is, is the beginning of my trip through the last 20 years of video games. I'll be creating a top 10 list for the last 15 years and going forward, I'll post a new list every year of the top 10 from 5 years ago. That is assuming I keep up with it, lol.
These will be written as if they were published the year of the list, so there will be no references to future games or better sequels, etc. Let's get started. Travel with me back to the year 2004 which, news flash, is now 20 years ago.
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#10 - Metroid: Zero Mission
Not only is Zero Mission a solid remake of the classic original Metroid, but it succeeds at both making it feel modern and ultimately super-playable, which isn't something you can say about the old NES game.
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#9 - Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within
Much more agro than its predecessor, The Warrior Within builds on the foundation of the standout Sands of Time and smooths out a lot of the jagged edges, specifically in the combat department. Your mileage will likely be tied to how much you like Godsmack-itude, but POP2 is a great sequel.
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#8 - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Paper Mario was a weird novelty and shadow follow-up to Super Mario RPG, but despite its clear creative direction, it was missing the character needed to fully succeed in the RPG space. The Thousand-Year Door has character in spades, and it will charm your staples off.
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#7 - Sly 2: Band of Thieves
Making Sly Cooper into an open-world heist game took what was a decent platformer to the next level. Where the first game was a solid third place behind Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter, Sly 2 makes the argument that it's a top-tier Sony series. Each mission matters and each of its characters is special.
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#6 - Pikmin 2
Better than its predecessor in every way, Pikmin 2 shows the first game's primary game loop wasn't a fluke. The addition of Louie, as a second playable character who's played simultaneously with Olimar, adds a heightened level of stress, making each recovery mission a manic exercise in task prioritization.
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#5 - Halo 2
Is Halo 2 as impactful as Halo: Combat Evolved? Not really. The story isn't stellar, and the surprise Arbitor missions are little more than a pallet swap, but dropping the proven Halo action onto the Xbox Live service is game and industry-changing. I'm not a multiplayer guy, but I enjoyed the single player and I recognize how important Halo 2's success is to gaming as a whole.
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#4 - Mario vs Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong '94, on the Game Boy, is secretly one of the best games of 1994. Mario vs. Donkey is Nintendo fleshing out that idea and making an addictive puzzle platformer. It starts out simple and sweet and ends hard and satisfying. Had this been the direction the Donkey Kong franchise went rather than Rare's DK Country series, SNES games may have had a very different trajectory.
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#3 - Spider-Man 2
Licensed games always suck. Movie tie-in games always suck. Spider-Man 2 is an anomaly on top of an anomaly and it's 100% powered by the Swinging mechanic Treyarch built for the web-crawler. It feels SO good to swing around NYC that it's hard to believe Spider-Man as a character wasn't created specifically for video games.
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#2 - Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
R&C3 is undoubtedly a great game, I'd even say damn near perfect, but its placement this high on the list may seem a bit weird. That's where my opinion comes in. I'm a huge 3D platformer fan, it's probably my favorite genre. With that factored in with the depth and polish of this shiny new Ratchet game, #2 on the list doesn't seem so outlandish.
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#1 - Half-Life 2
There's always talk of "importance" when it comes to works of art. Abbey Road is important, Michelangelo's David is important, and even A Clockwork Orange is important. Video Games, a medium that's still technically in its infancy, has only a handful of important titles. I'd say Half-Life 2 fits the bill. It's use of physics as a gaming mechanic is as technically impressive as it is clever. It's an FPS but it's not "just an FPS" and the mood and tone established throughout are as compelling as that of Blade Runner. Half-Life 2 is a stunner that will be studied for years.
Notable Omissions:
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - I've never liked GTA games. I respect their scope and ambition, but when it comes to playing them as games, GTA titles just stink.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - I've never gotten into the Metal Gear games and the more people yell at me to play them, the less I want to.
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - This one technically came out in North America in 2005. So, with me being from the US, It will hit next year's list.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords - I might end up playing this one eventually, but as of 2024 I have not.
What are your favorite video games from 2004?
See you next time. Cheers!
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apple-pecan · 2 months
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (2001)
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jak, the vaugely anime-esque boy with no personality, and his way more personable best friend and sidekick daxter, sneak onto misty island for the epic lulz. one thing leads to another and daxter is accidentally knocked into some dark ooze and TFed into an ottsel, an otter weasel hybrid. finding him to be way too marketable now, jak and daxter embark on a quest to change him back to normal. that's all the story yer gettin, so time to make like mario and collect as many power stars cells as humanly possible.
while on paper this would be a bog standard 3d platformer collectathon game, there's a few things that set it apart. the big thing is you're not jumping into paintings or portals to go to different stages or something; rather, the entire world is interconnected, making this one of the first open world games so to speak. and the cool thing is there's hardly any load times! there is a drawback to this though; you have to leave each area the way you came in, and if you're not used to the level layout for each area it can take a while to find your way back. i know the last time i played this game years ago i got stuck on snowy mountain and got too infuriated to keep playing. not this time~!
missions range from "find the power cell somewhere in the stage" to "help out an NPC and they'll give you a power cell" or even "pay an npc with precursor orbs and they'll give you a power cell" and maybe sometimes you'll be like "find 7 red coins scoutflies and get a power cell" and there's the odd mission where it's all like "lick daxter's feet and he'll give you nothing in return also you have to get mouthwash now." okay i made that one up. or did i... ANYWAY, you'll be doing a lot of different things to get these power cells and it's all pretty fun and engaging. gotta catch em all!
the controls are pretty solid for the most part, although sometimes i ran into issues where jak just wouldnt double jump for some reason or wouldnt grab onto ledges. other than that though the movement was fun and i liked spinning around breaking crates. wait am i talking about crash bandicoot or... well, they ARE by the same developer. one other thing i had an issue was the health collectables. you only have three hit points, with no stat upgrades whatsoever to increase it. this wouldn't be that much of an issue if it didn't take 50 whole green eco orbs to replenish ONE hit point. for the record, most enemies just drop 3 or 4, and a lot of stages arent exactly brimming with enemies sometimes. so just dont get hit as much as possible. i feel like if they halved the amount of eco orbs to replenish your health this wouldve been mitigated somewhat.
there are also vehicle sections, where you ride a zoomer (no, not that kind of zoomer) to try and get from one "hub" area to the next. these make your controller vibrate like fucking crazy and whenever one finally ends i feel all weird and tingly. i dont know if this is a good or bad thing but hey it's worth mentioning.
the story is not really existent after the beginning of the game up until you near the end, which is fine for a game like this. i quite liked the ending where jak and daxter find some mystical energy that can defeat the bad guys but it could also change daxter back to normal, so he has to decide if he wants to either become unmarketable again or save the world from destruction. guess what happens. the music fits the game, its basically more subdued crash bandicoot music. not something i'd particularly listen to outside of the game but it does add to the lighthearted mood of the game. graphics are honestly still kind of amazing to this day; the characters look like living cartoons and the different environments are breathtaking. i love the shot when you first leave the green sage's hut and see sandover village sprawl before you; can't even imagine how amazing this must've looked back in 2001.
all in all, this is a solid, fun collectathon, a great first (and ultimately last) attempt at the genre by naughty dog. yeah, thats right, they never did anything like this again. a few months before this game came out, a little game known as grand theft auto iii came out and permanently changed gaming forever. it had all the open environments like this but with more gameplay variety besides jump here and collect stuff. more importantly you could steal peoples cars and shoot people in the face. so naughty dog took one look at this and said "this is just what our mascot platformer series NEEDS!" so in jak 2 you can ALSO steal peoples cars and shoot people in the face. and then they decided to cut the cartoony middle man entirely and make uncharted and the last of us, which use photorealistic graphics instead, and get rid of the open world shit and make it so it's JUST shooting people in the face. oh well, it was fun while it lasted!
NOTE: i like how for both crash and jak, the last games in both series naughty dog would make are racing games. im sure its been brought up before but it's still funny to me. now when are they gonna make the last of us kart racing game already..........
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layziidakkii · 7 months
You ever played Jak and Daxter? Loved that edgy elf boi and his animal friend who’s actually his elf best friend who was turned into an animal.
I've never played Jax and Daxter, but I remember I had a cousin who had the game when I was growing up. I watched him play some of it, and it's a super cool game!
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year
A King's Musings
A warrior king thinks about his peculiar guests and the face of the person who brought them.
Part of the Past/Present/Future Trio! Best to check that out first, especially the comments and reblogs, or else you'll just be super confused.
Damas would admit that Jak will never fail to surprise and worry him. The young man alongside his smaller companion had been gone for two weeks ever since they snuck into the Monk's Temple. It wasn't no lie that a good chunk of his Spargus citizens than just their king were a bit worried.
Jak and Daxter peculiar dynamic helped ease the tension from the serious matters outside the walls. It's hard to not be amused by youths getting into ridiculous but mostly harmless antics. Something that felt needed when the problems at hand aren't the usually ones for his people. These were much larger and dangerous matters that even his unaware citizens can sense.
Then not even an hour into the night did the Spargan King received a message from his most trusted friend, Sig. Jak and Daxter had been found but they weren't alone. Two other boys were with them, one who had a lethal allergic reaction to sunlight. It was enough extra motivation for Damas to come over alongside an escort and get the four youths back to Spargus before sunrise.
The King was about to arrange separate rooms for the other two boys but they all insisted on staying with the "Demolition Duo". It wasn't hard to notice the kindredship between them. One of sworn brothers ready to burn the world to ashes for each other.
"I figured I would find you wandering the halls again." Damas turned away from his thoughts to look at an approaching Sig. Although he couldn't help but raise a brow at the bits of feathers stuck haphazardly on the man's armor. "Old habits die hard my friend. Let me guess, a pillow fight?"
The man playfully rolled his only organic eye at his king's query. "Blue Cherry has one hell of a swing. Knocked the air outta me real good than just make a pillow explode. I can only imagine taking a hit from him as a full grown adult." James Lake Jr or "Jim" being the young man's preference.
A half human/half 'troll' who shared a very similar situation to Jak. Sadly he couldn't change back to what he once was from how it been phrased. The boy could easily be mistaken for being part Lurker if he didn't have that smooth stone hide and horns. Maybe a subspecies?
Jim was sixteen but dwarfed Damas by a foot if you weren't counting the horns. It isn't hard to see what his sworn brother meant as the boy still had some growing to do. They were lucky Kleiver hadn't thrown out his old PJs when he was a teenager. Between the four, Jim is more outspoken and approachable.
"An agreed sentiment as the young man has no doubt seen his fair share of the battlefield if he shares Jak's predicament. Though I bet it was Link who started their little fight." Damas' smile could barely conceal the heartache that stung his soul.
The world of a warrior wasn't a kind one. Every man and woman will face their own unspeakable horrors as war is bound to find them at some point. The eyes that a 10 year child should never be cursed to have. Link was painfully close in personality to his lost son, Mar.
An innocent youth with a knack for getting into mischief and prefers to use sign language than his voice. Sadly Link's innocence had also been robbed in the same way his fellow brothers lost theirs. By men like the Green Eco Sage who believes children should hold the weight of the world on their shoulders.
"Little Cherry is as clever as his aim. He already knew the right trajectory and timing to throw so he could hit my face before I even opened the door. Jak got himself some competition when the boy's old enough to pick up a gun."
Damas snorted at the image of his friend being met with a pillow to the face. There were already some rumors about Link being the King's secret love child amongst his guards. "I'm glad to know they're making themselves comfortable already. Hopefully the boys don't decide to throw another pillow fight in their new room."
"So when you are going to start working on those adoption papers? Just know that you have to do shared custody for Jim cause his mother might beat you with a broom if otherwise." Sig chuckles at the pointed look from Damas.
He knew his sworn brother's fatherly instincts when it came to lost children like the four boys. Damas is family man at heart and he always wanted to give Mar siblings. When his son disappeared, it wasn't hard to notice the sorrow in the man's eyes.
It hurt to find Damas sitting on Mar's bed with his son's favorite Crocadog plush in hand. No updates on the lost boy for over a year just made it worse. There been a few leads but they were muddle before absolute silence once Kor was dead. Although some reports were linked to two particular boys who slowly been healing Damas' heartache.
There was something about the Demolition Duo, especially Jak, that resonated with the King of Spargus. A very familiar bond that neither parties could identify but can definitely feel. Kinda like... Both men hadn't noticed they had stop in front of Jak's room. Unlike 20 minutes ago, it was quite silent.
Damas and Sig looked at each before the latter silently open the door. The room had been overtaken by feathers that once made their home in the pile of torn pillow cases at the farthest corner. Jak and Link's items were closer to the bed especially the youngest peculiar "Fierce Deity" mask which sat on an intact pillow.
It wasn't difficult to find the room's occupants. All four boys were all fast asleep, huddled together in a slightly awkward cuddle pile. Jim was behind everyone as his head rested on Jak's chest alongside Link and arms held the two smaller blondes. The youngest boy nestled himself against the oldest with a firm grip almost if to make sure he won't disappear.
Jak was in the center of the two whilst Daxter laid behind his head, curled up like a feline. A very rare sight to behold as the duo still had issues when it came to sleeping. Haven City hadn't been so kind to their health from the constant mission reports Sig gotten ahold of during his stay.
The heartwarming scene felt very familiar to Damas, too familiar. Soft peaceful expression on Jak's face as his body was held in the safety of his brothers. Just like...
Realization hit Damas harder than a gun handle to the teeth. "Sig, get me every report involving Jak's stay in Haven. I'll be in my private studies as there's something I need to check. The answers we been seeking about Mar's disappearance is much closer than we thought."
Sig quietly headed off while the king look back at the sleeping youth, specifically Jak. The image of a little greenish blonde child surrounded by blankets as he held a plush crocadog to his chest paint the king's mind. "Please let me be right."
The door closed without a sound as darkness gently blanket the room once more.
And that's it. I'm a sucker for Dadmas just like Fierce Dadity so I couldn't resist. Figured I give Jim a break from the madness he's been subjected to on my main blog. Still on a Trollhunters kick so it'll taking longer to get other stuff done.
Life has also been insane as curveballs keep coming. I'm currently working on the next chapter for Of Bug Cults and Living Stone while proofreading my older works. Until next time folks, I'll see you back at the crossroads between Spargus, Arcadia and Hyrule!
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@radioactivepeasant @hermitdrabbles56
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troblsomtwins829 · 1 year
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"SO THERE I WAS....surrounded on all sides by the NASTIEST beasties you ever saw...!"
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adhdavinci · 5 months
It's late enough I'm not gonna add my WIPs to the post this week, but I will happily request one from you! Jaxter 5-1 please!
yeeees thank u here is 3 asks worth
🔞⚠️ NSFW, interspecies sex, deepthroating/neck bulge
Dark green hair tickles his nose. Daxter can't physically smile, but he grunts triumphantly, gazing up at his boy. Jak moans loud enough that it echoes off the walls. “Fucking - shit, Dax,” Jak pants, “it's - I can see it -” Daxter's fingers slide over the frankly huge bulge showing through his throat. It's completely obscene, and kinda weird that it doesn't hurt at all, past some mild discomfort when he breathes. Actually, it feels kinda… good. Like he was made for this. Sliding a hand along Jak's wrist, he pulls it to his neck, encouraging his best friend to feel himself through Daxter's fur. “Holy fuck,” Jak whispers. “It doesn't - h-hurt?” In response, Daxter pulls back halfway, just until the head of Jak's cock barely leaves his throat - and then plunges all the way back down. The resulting cry hits Daxter's ears in a sharp ecstasy that leaves him longing for more. Luckily their only company in the hideout is currently sleeping off alcohol poisoning, so they should be fine.
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radioactivepeasant · 7 months
Snippet Monday: Blackmail au
"Travel the stars with us," the Precursors said, "Become one of us."
"I will," answered the hero, "but only on one condition: in the next iteration of this endless cycle, let the child have his family. Let at least one iteration of us know his father."
"If we allow this," said the Precursors, "you will still be the chosen hero. You will still hold the blood of Mar. And you will still suffer. But for one lifetime, we will let the child be a separate person, in exchange for your service in this lifetime."
"Then it is agreed," said the hero, and so the wheel of time turned, changing direction ever so slightly.
Part One: The Bargain
"Ah, there he is, right on schedule." Krew chortled as Jak slipped through the pub door.
There were a lot of people at the bar, all Wastelanders. Tess shot a worried look at Jak, but kept her bubbly smile up. What was going on? Were these friends of Sig’s? Jak wasn't so sure, considering the concerned grimace Sig was sporting.
One of the newcomers, a broad, scarred man with a drooping mustache, stood up and approached Jak slowly.
"Yep," he drawled, circling the boys, "Nipper's got the eyes alright. Same jaw, too." He snorted. "Heh. And here I was afraid you was losin' your touch, Krew. Right. We'll take 'im."
"Excuse me?" Daxter sputtered.
"Sorry, Jak," Krew said without the slightest shred of sincerity, "But after that little racing stunt of yours, I had to do some thinking. I've got a lot of money riding on Errol winning that final race. I'm afraid you've just become too expensive to keep on. No hard feelings, eh? It's just business."
"Ok?" Jak eyed the Wastelanders suspiciously. "And that's supposed to keep me from racing because...?"
"Because you're under new management, shall we say." Krew gestured to the Wastelanders. "Don't think of it as being fired! Think of it as a transfer of sorts."
Daxter bristled. "You wanna run that by us again, Morning Breath?"
Instead, the Wastelander turned on his heel to face Krew. "Now, you an' me, we both know you're askin' too high for the state the brat's in. Come on, Krew, you ain't fed him this whole time?"
Jak went rigid and began to back towards the door. Whatever was happening here, he wanted no part of it.
"Well it's wholly up to your lord's discretion, of course," Krew said, oily smooth, "If you can't come up with the price, I'm sure the Baron would pay fairly for a soldier of Jak's caliber."
One of the women at the bar laughed meanly. "Lordship said you might say that. He also said to remind you that you could do that, but only if you feel like being hanged with your own entrails."
Krew fanned himself and hovered higher. "Oh dear me, that sounds like bad blood, doesn't it? Speaking of blood, you'd best get moving if you don't want to lose the boy, there. I'm not responsible for losses incurred during pickup."
Jak had barely gotten out the door before they were on him. Someone grabbed Daxter from his shoulder, and four more sets of hands pinned his arms. These weren't weak, exhausted Havenites. Or indolent KG looking for excitement. These were real Wastelanders, and they were more than a match for Jak's struggles.
"Let him go, rot you!" he snarled, lunging for the woman holding Daxter by the scruff, "Get your hands off him!"
"Easy, boy, easy." The woman took a step back. "Just gonna hang onto Shorty here as insurance."
Sig finally managed to push his way through the crowd and elbowed one of Jak's captors in the gut, hard. As the man doubled over, Sig ripped his hands off of Jak's arm.
"Hands off my rookies," he hissed.
"Sig, w- what- what- what-" Jak could barely speak. Rage and terror constricted his lungs, his throat.
"I don't know, cherry." Sig shook his head grimly. "But I'm gonna find out. No matter what happens, you stick close to me and do as I do, okay? We're gonna get you through this."
Then he shoved the rest of the Wastelanders away, one by one. They parted like wheat before the wind, like they knew Sig. Like they respected him. The second he was free, Jak had to lock his knees to keep from collapsing. He couldn't even bring himself to be angry that they could all see him trembling uncontrollably. Krew had sold him to Wastelanders like a piece of meat. Like a slave. What would happen to the search for the Tomb if he was imprisoned in the Wastes? Would The Shadow force the Kid to search in Jak’s stead? He wouldn't put it past him, not after the jobs they'd sent him to do.
"Oh, I do so love facilitating family reunions!" Krew cooed, hovering at the door, "It warms the heart! And me wallet!"
He waggled his fingers meaningfully and cast greedy eyes over a trunk the one called Kleiver kicked in his direction.
"Mmyes, tell your liege lord I'll keep me eyes peeled for the smaller brat, eh?"
Jak's already chilled blood froze. He lunged for Krew, barely restrained by Sig at the last second.
"Don't touch him!" he growled, "Don't you even look at him! I'll kill you! I'll rotting kill you!"
Jak didn't see the Wastelanders around him, even Sig, suddenly exchange extremely grim looks. But when Sig tugged him away from the bar and towards the waterfront, he knew something had changed.
"Quiet, cherry," Sig hissed in his ear. "You're gonna have the Guard down on us with that yelling, and I don't want to give Krew any ideas about collecting that bounty on you!"
They had to physically drag him into the air train, and even that was only possible because the woman holding Daxter captive went in first. Cursing Sig every step, Jak struggled in vain to get his arms free.
"Jak!" Sig finally exploded, "Knock it off! We're trying to save your ass, here!"
"I didn't ask for your help!" Jak aimed a kick behind him and met hard metal armor. Memories of the prison clawed at the edge of his mind, threatening to pull him back into a dark place.
"You have no right-! You can't buy- you- you-"
His breathing became rapid and labored. "I am not a thing!" he screamed, finally breaking free.
Seconds too late. The hatch was closed.
"Jak! Jak, look at me, kiddo, look at me!" Sig desperately tried to grab his arm.
"I don't know what's going on, you gotta believe me. But I know Krew wasn't joking about selling you to Praxis, and I'd die before I let that bastard get his hands on you again."
Kleiver curled his lip at them from across the hold. "Paid a ransom that coulda fed a garrison for a month and this is the thanks we get? Ungrateful brat is what you are."
Sig glared at him. "Ransom?! You walked in there talking like an auction! Who's ransoming Jak?"
The woman holding Daxter spoke up.
"Lord Damas wants him. Krew contacted him, month back. Said he had proof the Heir of Mar abandoned a bastard son during the coup and if nobody came forward to "take responsibility", he'd out him to Praxis."
Jak went very, very still. Was Krew using him to defraud someone? Wouldn't be out of character. But where had he gotten the idea to pass Jak off as the lost Heir? And did that mean little Mar was abandoned? If he was, Jak knew he was going to make this so-called lord in question pay in blood for it.
"Jak? Bull. Damas lost the baby in the coup. He didn't abandon him." Sig snapped.
"Not on purpose, at least," Kleiver snorted. “If you was carryin’ a deposed king’s brat during a hostile takeover, would you say anything?”
Sig tightened his jaw and said nothing.
Jak didn't know how long they were in the air train. He'd blocked everything out. The Wastelanders, Sig, even Daxter. He'd shut them out and retreated into the one corner of his mind where the darkness couldn't touch him. The place where he remembered the sound of the ocean, and warm waves against his ankles. He was free there, and they couldn't take the sea from him.
When they landed, he didn't even notice until a blinding light pierced the hold-
Along with the smell of salt air.
Jak raised his head slowly, squinting through hanks of hair into the light. His free place in his mind didn't have the smell of the sea. Why did he smell salt?
"Everybody out!" Kleiver bellowed, "You know I don't like monks, so let's get this over with, yeah?"
Sig wrapped an arm around Jak’s shoulders and pulled him to his feet. "Stay close, kids," he murmured, and Jak finally realized that now he had Daxter. "I...don't know what to tell you. But I'm gonna do whatever I can to keep you two safe, okay?"
They exited onto a spire of rock, high above what seemed like an endless stretch of desert on one side, and a turbulent sea on the other. A Precursor temple sat before them, surrounded by ruined columns and porticos. Three zoomer-like vehicles were parked near a tiny natural waterfall, which seemed to mean something to the Wastelanders.
"Welp. He's already here." The woman in the yellow turban sighed. "Fingers crossed this checks out, everybody."
She waved to Sig.
"Get him inside before noon, huh? I don't feel like losing a layer of skin to the sun, thanks."
It was nearly ten degrees colder inside the temple. Personally, Daxter thought the weird people dressed in rubber emanated half the chill themselves. One of them approached Sig, holding a small plastic cup. Their eyes flicked to Jak, and they held out the cup with a bored expression.
"Blood or saliva sample," they said flatly.
Jak balked. "What?"
Sig cringed. "They want to...to see if you're who Krew claimed you are. Just...spit in the cup, kid. Their computer will tell them if Krew was lying or not."
When it became clear that the monk wasn’t going to leave until they got what they were after, Jak begrudgingly spat into the cup. The monk exited the chamber without a word.
Jak spent the next three hours huddled in an alcove, behind a small Precursor statue. He clung to Daxter like a lifeline, glaring out at the monks and Wastelanders watching him and whispering amongst themselves. Any time one came close, Jak scooted further back into the cloister. None of them looked small enough to get around the statue at the mouth. They couldn't reach him here.
One man in particular wouldn't stop staring at them. He had a commanding presence, despite not being the tallest or broadest in the room. Scars decorated his face and arms, and sharp points of Precursor metal had been set into his skull. Which was admittedly kind of badass. He watched Jak with dark, piercing eyes and a hard set to his jaw. When a monk placidly paced forward and presented the man with a datapad, murmuring, "Positive match, sire," the man's eyes darkened further.
He turned on his heel and disappeared through a door.
"I'm going to pray," the man snapped in a rough voice. "Leave me. And get the boy some water, for the gods' sake!"
Was that the man who had supposedly paid a ransom for him? Jak retreated into the very back of the cloister and buried his face in Daxter's fur.
"Rot this day. Rot this whole rotting week," he mumbled.
"You said it, pal." Dax wrapped his arms around Jak’s neck and tried to comfort him. "Hey, they made me spit in a cup too! You think their computer will tell them I'm an ottsel? Or a human?"
Jak blinked. "Uh....how smart are computers supposed to be?"
"Like. As smart as Vin, I think?"
Jak shrugged, grateful for the distraction. "Maybe. That'll freak ‘em out, huh?"
"Oh yeah. So what do you think is up with Spikes? Wrong answers only."
"Wrong only? Uh...he just found out he's part marmoset."
"Or his application for a piercing refund was rejected."
"Or," Sig interrupted flatly, "he just found out he had a kid he didn't know was alive, and he's dealing with a lot of guilt right now."
Sig crouched at the mouth of the cloister and looked in at them. He seemed to have aged years since that morning. He held out a hand and sighed like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.
"Come on out kiddo. We're gonna get you some food, some-"
He closed his eye and shook his head. "Volcan's bones. I...I didn't know- none of us did...gods, he must've snatched you the same year we lost Mar-"
"Mar?" Jak interrupted sharply, "What do you know about Mar?"
When Sig looked up again, Jak was shaken to see tears in his eye.
"I ain't talking about the founder of Haven, cherry. And I don't think you are, either."
He sniffed and cleared his throat. "Little thing. So...he's so- he was so small. Sweetest little kid you ever met, always getting into trouble."
He cleared his throat again and tapped his cybernetic eye. "Only takes a moment. You look away one minute. Not even one full minute. And that's all it takes for the world to end. Praxis sympathizers ambushed us. Shot out my eye and took- took Mar. We never saw him again. But...but I think you did."
Jak's stomach churned, and the world began to spin. Mar? The little boy he'd been so desperate to protect? This had to be some kind of trick, they were trying to trick him into giving up Mar's location so they could get to the Tomb. Daxter's claws dug into his arm, pulling him back to earth before the dark eco could take over.
"I have to go back-" Jak croaked, "You have to take me back- take me back! Take me back! I can't leave him alone!"
Sig shifted and looked up at someone just out of sight.
"I was right," he said heavily, "He knows something."
Next >
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The Real Heroes - Five Gaming Sidekicks that Carried the Protagonist
   From combat and platforming to sneaking and puzzles, the hero in any video game can do it all - most of it, anyway. When the game is over and the protagonist is getting all the praise and glory, it’s easy to forget that they often had help. It’s rare that the main character can accomplish every single task in the game all by themselves, which results in the thankless job of the sidekick. They’re usually non-playable, rarely acknowledged, and almost always completely necessary for game progression. They’re not just there to help in combat; the player literally cannot complete the game without their aid. The companion’s help is indispensable in almost every game they’re in - activating mechanics, discovering hidden items, or simply acting like walking keys for otherwise-insurmountable obstacles. After all their hard work, it’s time to shine a spotlight on some of the best companions in gaming - give them a hand!
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Sparx the Dragonfly (Spyro the Dragon, 1998)    He might not have the star power of Clank or Daxter, but Spyro’s tiny dragonfly friend Sparx is one of the most important characters in the Spyro the Dragon saga. This diminutive little bug actually serves as Spyro’s health bar, changing colours each time Spyro is hit until he vanishes after the third strike - implying that Sparx is constantly taking all the hits meant for Spyro! Once Sparx is out for the count, Spyro will go down in a single hit, so you’d better keep that dragonfly healthy. Sparx’s other main ability is automatically collecting any nearby gems for Spyro, allowing the player to keep their momentum through each level without needing to carefully tip-toe around and manually grab each individual gem. Additionally, Sparx can point the player in the direction of any missing gems in the level, an invaluable mechanic in a game where gems can be easily missed in tall grass or around corners. On top of all that, Sparx also happens to be generally adorable with his little buzzing and zapping sounds, and his idle animations where he’ll even fly right up to the camera and wave at the player. Without Sparx, trying to 100% any Spyro game would be insanely difficult and tedious - it’s no wonder Sparx is Spyro’s best friend. He may as well be the player’s best friend too!
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Trico (The Last Guardian, 2016)    Escort missions: usually the bane of anyone playing them. The NPC you’re charged with protecting is often painfully slow, and seems to have a deathwish considering how often they end up walking into enemies for you to jump to their rescue. Thus, an entire game that is effectively one long escort mission sounds like hell, right? Not when the character you’re leading is a gigantic apex predator about fifty times your size. For most of The Last Guardian, your massive feathered friend Trico tends to be the one protecting the player, rather than the other way around. Trico is the only thing standing between the defenceless player and the armoured sentries trying to capture them, and climbing up onto its back is the only way you can clear pretty much any area in the game as Trico leaps from platform to platform across the giant ruins the two of you find yourselves in. Besides being plain badass, Trico is also the most realistic and impressive example of animalistic AI I’ve ever seen in a game. Trico really feels like an actual creature - it gets easily distracted by food and will paw at any treats out of its reach, it will splash around in water for fun, and it is very careful not to accidentally step on the player if they happen to be hanging around its giant feet. The bond that the young boy you play as forms with Trico throughout the game feels just as real as the bond the player will form with it, and soon you’ll be treating the huge beast as though it were your own pet. An adorable, unstoppably powerful pet.
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Six (Little Nightmares 2, 2021)    After spending the first game in the playable spotlight, Six takes a step back into a supporting role in the prequel game Little Nightmares 2 with some of the most impressive AI I’ve ever seen. Hand-in-hand with Mono, the player character, Six quickly proves to be the most helpful companion you could ask for in the warped and dreary Pale City. She helps out throughout the game completely unprompted, grabbing items and keys for two-person puzzles and running ahead to demonstrate how to clear certain platforming segments. Six even treats stealth sections as though she were a real player, ducking and dashing about when it’s clear, unlike certain other game companions that just blindly barge through like there’s nothing to fear. Other moments in the game add to the lifelike feel of Six, reminding you that she’s just a little girl under that hood; she’ll grab random toys just for fun, amuse herself in empty playgrounds if the player hangs around long enough, warm her hands on fires, and so on. Of course, Six isn’t exactly what you’d call an “innocent child” - that fire she warms herself on? It’s the burning corpse of a monster you trap in an incinerator. She’ll snap fingers off the sentient hand enemies for fun, ambush and rip apart enemies that are set up to be avoided, and generally remind players that she was a bit of a psychotic little monster in the first Little Nightmares. Players of that game will know to be wary of Six - after all, Six doesn’t play second fiddle for long, and the second game’s lead character Mono is nowhere to be seen…
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B12 (Stray, 2022)    Have you ever wondered what your cat could be capable of if it could just talk? As it turns out, the answer is “save a whole city of robots”, all thanks to a tiny little translator drone. In Stray, the playable cat wouldn’t be able to do much of anything if it hadn’t encountered B12, a small flying drone that acts as a translator and item-grabber for the heroic feline. B12 has completely lost all their memories after being stuck as an AI in a massive software system for millennia, and it’s due to the actions of a small ordinary cat - that is, stepping all over a random keyboard and batting various objects off shelves - that B12 begins to accompany it and help the cat escape. B12 offers most, if not all, of the game’s overall lore and backstory to the player, hidden in various “memories” that the cat can discover around the underground city to help restore B12’s mind. In return for this, B12 helps the cat (and the player) by collecting useful items, hacking certain electronics, talking to the resident robots and guiding you ever higher towards the city’s upper levels. As such, despite being the cat’s “sidekick” for the duration of the game, B12 is technically the one doing all the heavy lifting - the cat is effectively B12’s ride. As more and more of B12’s past and the larger plot surrounding the game’s setting is revealed, the more engaging and intriguing the game becomes beyond the general “play as a cat” gimmick. If not for this glitchy little bot, Stray would be over within minutes, and we’d be missing out on a massive, fascinating world to explore from the eyes of its tiny tabby hero. 
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Smallfry (Splatoon 3, 2022)    While plenty of other video game companions are helpful in their own right, it’s not often that you get to weaponize your little buddy. In Splatoon 3, the story campaign features a tiny, friendly Smallfry salmonid accompanying the player like a pet, acting like a throwable bomb in some levels to distract enemies, activate platforms, and even stun otherwise-invincible foes. Certain levels will also strip the player of all their gear save for Smallfry, meaning you’ll have to rely on his help to reach the goal. Outside of the main story levels, Smallfry’s job is clearing out all of the deadly “Fuzzy Ooze” covering most of the overworld and blocking your progress. Touching the Fuzzy Ooze even slightly will instantly kill the player, spitting out a hairy corpse, but not Smallfry - he just gobbles it all up, eating a path from level to level. Besides his amazing appetite, Smallfry will also sniff out hidden collectables in the overworld all on his own, hopping out of your backpack and scurrying madly to the invisible treasure. When it comes to the grand finale of the campaign and it’s just you and Smallfry against the final boss, Smallfry really proves his worth - from eating the Fuzzy Ooze protecting the boss, to powering up at the last stretch to really even the odds as Hugefry. It’s truly a sight to behold. Finally, as per the norm in Splatoon, Smallfry is just plain adorable. Just look at those derpy little bug eyes! 
   There’s all too many of these unsung supportive heroes out there, so if there’s any other sidekicks that deserve the spotlight, feel free to let me know! Reblogs and likes are appreciated, and thanks for reading!
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theshiaxartistwrites · 11 months
Heir to Eco
Fandom: Jak and Daxter Rating: Mature Tw: Violence, Abuse, Torture AO3 Link
Chapter Four
Jak was slack jawed when they stepped through the hidden little door into the brightly lit shop. The metalhead skull was tucked into a bag on his hip, as requested by Sig to help keep a lower profile. Guns and armor lined every wall, table, and shelf that crowded the square room. While guns weren't really Jak's thing, the armor had him drooling and even he could appreciate the craftsmanship and work put into every piece.
The sound of a blaster warming up made Jak freeze, swiveling his head to look at the busty blonde that was staring down the gleaming red barrel of the most intense weapon Jak had ever seen at him.
"Easy tigress," Sig stepped between the barrel and Jak. "Shorty's with me."
"Sig!" She turned from terrifying to sweet as a button in a blink. "'Bout time you came 'round, gonna finally let me tune up that sticky hunk of blaster for ya?" She rested the gun on her hip, smiling and batting her eyes flirtatiously. Jak had to turn his head to stop from watching her chest, she was clearly not wearing any support and with the way her shirt was unbuttoned, Jak was halfway sure it was on purpose. Sig seemed unfazed.
"Ha. Ha. Not on your life," He replied humorlessly and shifted Peacemaker to his back before motioning to Jak. "We're here to get my 'partner' here better equipped. He's a pugilist."
"Oo! A fistfighter? In this day and age?" She seemed to ogle at Jak, looking him up and down with intrigue. "I'm guessing the knuckle bumps are your handiwork?" She motioned to the plates strapped to Jak's hands, giving Sig a taunting smirk.
"It was the best we could do in the moment." Sig huffed, crossing his arms defensively. "You gonna fix 'im up or not, Tess?"
"Well duh," She tossed her blaster onto the counter and stepped around to a door hidden behind a banner. "I'm always here to fix up my boys, can't have the Underground workin' with last year's gear, right?" She giggled, motioning Jak to follow her back. Jak looked to Sig, who motioned him onward.
"Go on, I'll be here." Sig turned away to go look at blaster attachments. Jak stepped around the counter and ducked under the banner, squinting at the bright white light and baby pink decorations. It was like whiplash, bright pink and floral decals next to metalhead skulls and weapon benches. There was even a rumbling forge in one corner that was painted a mix of pink and white to resemble a bunnydillo, but had bits of metalhead metal heating up inside it. It was the most effeminate garage of death Jak had ever seen. He swallowed hard.
"Don't look so spooked, sweetheart," Tess giggled at him. "I only bite if you ask real nice." She winked, walking over and standing across from him at one of the cleaner tables.
"Lemme see your hands, sugar." She motioned him closer. Jak stepped up, laying his hands on the tabletop. Tess unwrapped everything quickly, practically yanking it all off, though she stopped when Jak flinched and she saw blood.
"Oh!" She grimaced as she pulled away the bloodied bandages, the blood long since dried. "Ugh! I get the 'in the moment' now." She cursed under her breath, tossing the wraps and plates aside and stepping over to grab a white tool box from under a different table. She dropped it on the table and popped it open, medical supplies inside.
"You better believe I'm gonna give that man a piece of my mind!" She grabbed Jak's wrist and pulled him closer, ignoring the way he flinched and squirmed as she cleaned every bit of blood and dirt from his knuckles until all that was left was the raw wounds. Jak grit his teeth as she slathered a salve over the open cuts and then wrapped his hands tight and proper with clean white gauze. When she was finished she grabbed a tape measurer and took a few quick measurements from his fingers to his elbows.
"You're lookin' a little pale, sugar." Tess patted Jak's hair, the poor young man taking deep breaths to overcome how much more her manhandling had hurt than punching the metalhead grunt had. He could have sworn her grip was stronger than Sig's, which was honestly intimidating given that Sig had been able to pick him up like a ragdoll before.
"Sorry, sweetie, guess I got a little worked up," She gave him an apologetic look. "Lemme make it up to ya, Siggy said you're a melee fighter?"
Jak nodded, rubbing his knuckles gently with his thumb.
"You like to punch or kick more?"
'Little of both.' Jak signed, watching her blink in surprise.
"Oh. You're mute? Oh no," She put a hand to her cheek and Jak suddenly felt self conscious. "You gotta promise me you won't laugh, it's been a long time since I've had anyone who signs around."
Jak smiled at her and put a hand on his chest.
'I promise.'
"Alright, let's get you equipped then~" She turned, only for Jak to pat the table to get her attention again. He pulled the Spyder Gunner skull from his hip bag, setting it on the table and watching her eyes light up.
"Oh this'll be perfect!" She exclaimed, snagging the skull and strutting across the room toward the forge. Jak followed her, thinking about just how much Daxter would have drooled over such a gorgeous woman. He rolled his eyes and shook his head, a dull ache in his chest. He really hoped his little buddy was still alive.
It was almost three hours before Jak was finally freed from the back room, coming out to find Sig had found a couch in a corner to kick his feet up and take a nap on. Jak came over and knocked his new glove against Sig's boot with a soft clang.
"Hm?" Sig woke up and sat up, pivoting to put his feet down. "Damn kid, you clean up well." Sig blinked, standing up to get a better look at all Tess had done. She hadn't just made him armor, but changed his clothes and hair as well. His hair had been brushed and trimmed up to his shoulders and was held back with a new pair of zoomer goggles.
"Damn, she went all out, huh?" Sig scoffed. Tess had replaced his nasty brown jacket with a nicer indigo blue tunic with long sleeves and a mandarin collar. His pants had been traded for a nicer black pair that had a leather saddle patch to protect his inner thighs and several button-clasp pockets. She'd given him a heavy leather belt with what looked like holsters on either side.
Sig took a little walk around Jak to look at his armor next. All polished metalhead steel, he had curved Needle Fish skulls for pauldrons and a nice pentagonal chest plate that had been made from the Spyder Gunner skull. In place of boots, Jak's feet were wrapped with thick white canvas all the way up to his knees. A plate of metal was mounted across the top of his foot with two sharp little spikes that matched neatly to the two spikes on his metal knee pads, both plates held on with leather straps.
Then there were the gloves. Elbow length black gloves, with leather straps to keep the spiked elbow pad and forearm guard in place. The best part was the knuckle plate, with inch long curved spikes, like claws, on each knuckle. Sig tilted his head on the small, empty metalhead gems on the back of each plate.
"What are these for? Bling?" Sig scoffed.
"They're for channeling eco," Tess announced, stepping out from the back, wiping grease from her hands with a towel. "Our boy here is one hell of a conduit, figured I'd give him a way to actually store the stuff." She grinned. Sig just hummed, looking at the gems for a moment before patting Jak on the back.
"He looks great, Tess, wha' do I owe ya?"
"It's on the house," Tess waved him off. "As long as you promise you'll bring him back sometime." She winked at Jak, who turned his head away as his cheeks got hot. Sig snorted back a laugh.
"Long as you promise not to eat him alive." Sig put a hand on Jak's back to turn him towards the door.
"Mm, if I have to." Tess crossed her fingers behind her back playfully.
"Before you go." Tess called, the men stopping at the door. She grabbed two domed disks that had similarly empty gems as Jak's gloves. She walked them over to Jak and placed them in his hands.
"These will store one type of eco each, make sure you empty them completely before refilling them with any other eco, kay?"
Jak nodded enthusiastically, taking the eco containers and affixing them into the holsters on his hips. Tess admired her handiwork and waved to Jak as he was pushed outside by an impatient Sig.
"Well," Sig waited for the door to close. "A free upgrade and our smith likes you, that's never a bad thing."
'You sure?' Jak signed, rubbing the embarrassment out of his face.
"Don't sweat it kiddo, she's already got a partner, she's just like that with everyone."
Jak seemed skeptical, but followed Sig back to their zoomer with a large yawn and made his ears dip low enough to touch his shoulders.
"Ah," Sig seemed to have a realization. "Let's get back to Torn and the hideout, yeah? You look like you could use some rest."
'I'm fine.' Jak protested.
"Sorry kid, still can't understand ya." Sig said exaggeratingly, earning a snort of dissatisfaction from Jak, who signed something rude at him, though Sig pretended not to see.
"Come on," Sig climbed onto the zoomer and patted the seat behind him. "The city will still be here in the morning."
Jak snorted again, but climbed on behind him and held on tight. Part way through the ride, Jak found himself leaning heavily into Sig's back, exhaustion starting to seep into his every bone. How long had it actually been since he'd slept? In a real bed no less? Jak had been on either cracked concrete, cold steel, or a thin, hay-filled roll for the last two years. He could hear Sig's heartbeat. A slow thump, like the distant beat of Babak drums. The man felt so much warmer than the cold night air, his broad form shielding Jak from the crisp wind.
Surely he could close his eyes for just a minute and enjoy the ride.
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