I've said is before and I'll say it again:
We should have gotten Charlie's quidditch jersey for his max friendship reward
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darkstarshine · 1 year
So... is lovelink dead for real?
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yamamiya · 1 year
Jam City Presents: Love Won't Save You (Short Film)
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aliciaaveryan · 2 years
Look at her, all sad because Charlie is not coming with her :(
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Still, he's always so kind and considerate.
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Plus, he's walking her to the lakeshore, what could be more romantic?
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Jam City, please, LET ME DATE HIM.
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silverdoe · 2 years
another day, another moment where I remember I can't romance charlie weasley in hogwarts mystery...
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benscursedkid · 2 years
this tragic news is the start of my shitposting arc
the only explanation I can accept is that they’re only pretending to date to make their crushes jealous
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missnight0wl · 11 months
hi there! I just wanted to put all my thoughts in this ask, because I have the feeling that you'll understand me!
first things first: I MISS RAKEPICK SO MUUUCH!
She was by faaar the most interesting character in the whole game! I was really invested by her backstory and her character development (well, until JamCity f*cked her up, but she's still superb in my mind). But after Rakepick ended up in Azkaban and a long time before that, I didn't have so much fun playing the game anymore (if you can call it playing - it's more like pressing the game).
+ I often have a hyperfixiation on certain characters and she was one of them. That's one of the reasons why it upsets me so much that JC fcked her up + no content anymore etc etc.
*sad noises*
Oh, I totally feel you. In fact, I was actually thinking just days before getting your message about how the more time passes since Rakepick’s last appearance, the less exciting the story becomes. I mean, meeting her in Azkaban and seeing her in Olivia’s memories were easily the most interesting moments of Y7. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they were good. MC in Azkaban was beyond ridiculous and they really messed up Olivia’s backstory. Also, both situations led us literally to nowhere. But there was that moment when I was like: “Oh, it might be good!”, and it made me think again.
And I think it comes down to Rakepick being basically the essence of what this story was supposed to be about. I know I’m super biased when it comes to her, but… think about it. HPHM used to be the question: “What happened to Jacob and what role the Cursed Vaults played in it?”. Rakepick was in a unique position where she was joining the past and the present – and she had the answer. On top of that, she was delightfully mysterious about it. I guess that’s partially why JC decided to ruin her and get rid of her altogether. Because otherwise, she’d have to reveal the truth eventually. And that means the end of the game – and JC obviously doesn’t want that.
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hphm-jeniferltheman · 2 years
What do you think are the chances that JamCity rewrites the game to make Rowan’s death avoidable? Obviously I really hope they will, but since their death has such a big impact on the story I don’t know if it’d be feasible…
0.01 percent. I mean, i still have hopes
the game is about to end and they shouldn't settle with one ending. Just like in horror rpg games, even if Rowan's death doesn't lead to the True ending, They should make a Good ending where Rowan's death is avoidable and how this will affect the ending of the game.
It's gonna be a hassle for JC but at least the people would play again to experience multiple endings. This would lead players to continue playing the game
It's a win-win situation( SO C'MONN JC)
But this is just my wishful thinking 🥲
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Lily is unstoppable. There's no killing her, not when she's got no less than four horcru-I mean, four accounts, that she can use for her revival. With the power of kickass piercings, and the wisdom of the almighty Patterslink, nothing will stand in her way!
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karaokulta · 1 month
🚨💡 ATENCIÓN, DESARROLLADORES: El panorama móvil está cambiando 🔄 Jam City, gigante en el desarrollo móvil, recientemente realizó cortes significativos en su equipo. 🏢 Tristemente, un 10% del talento ha tenido que decir adiós, aproximadamente 85 creativos y técnicos. - ¿Qué nos dice esto? Veamos: - 👀 El mercado de juegos móviles es más volátil de lo que parece. - 🎮 Nos enfrentamos a una industria que evoluciona rapidísimo, y no siempre hacia donde esperamos. Así que me aventuro a predecir: 1. 🔄 Veremos más énfasis en los desarrollos ágiles. 2. 👾 La innovación será rey y los modelos de negocio se reinventarán. 3. 🤝🏽 Esperemos que estos talentosos profesionales pronto encuentren nuevos horizontes en la industria. ¿Mi opinión personal? ⭐ Ni los grandes son inmunes al cambio, y eso nos llama a todos en el campo a pulir nuestras habilidades constantemente. 🛠️ Aunque el momento sea sombrío para algunos, también puede ser el catalizador de nuevas y emocionantes oportunidades. Y tú, ¿qué piensas que será lo próximo en el tablero de juego móvil? 🎲📱 ¿Eres uno de esos talentos listos para el próximo gran salto? ¡Comparte tu visión, pregunta o simplemente pasa un buen rato etiquetando a ese amigo que siempre tiene una predicción épica sobre el futuro de los juegos! #JamCity #DesarrolloMóvil #IndustriaDeVideojuegos #Innovación #Oportunidades #GamingCommunity 🕹️👾📲 👇¡Queremos oírte en los comentarios!👇
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lonestatus · 9 months
thank you ox jamcity
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darkstarshine · 1 year
And here we go AGAIN. The love triangle shit. Stop that, Jamcity and Ludia.
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Don't y'all f*cking dare to pull another Liam/Min-jae vs Maknae shit on us again.
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Weekly Dragon Spotlight: Sharp Ridgesnipper 🪩🦖
Another hybrid, and one I’ve used in my B Team, this dragon is a great addition to any team, with a good hard hit and a physique to match.
I like how it looks like if a T-Rex got fitted with some Tony Stark wings and back armor! Iron Rex!
I really hope this post can help spread my love of this dragon, and hopefully I’ll see more players utilizing this kind of hybrid in the Thawfest Games!
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I also really enjoyed how JamCity describes this dragon as a kind of sneaky almost Red October type of creature. Never know their moves, never know their actions, so cool!
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garnett-2000 · 1 year
This Week's Artist Tuesday
Artist Tuesday This Week Artist Tuesday.#thisweekartisttuesday ✒Artist Tuesday #JamCity#JamCitymusic#artisttuesday @jam____city#JamCityfans#JamCitycover#JamCitysongs#JamCitytour Who currently has Debut Single! “LLTB” ~ Jam City ~ @awal #Musician Link – https://www.instagram.com/p/CuB9JkOtu_2/?igshid=Y2IzZGU1MTFhOQ== #Spotify# SpotifySinglesCoverArtist Tuesday of the week reported from…
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alwaysthehbp · 2 years
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benscursedkid · 2 years
I disappear for…….some time and you’re telling me ben is now dating ISMELDA???? i—but—he—
jamcity, I’m speaking to you now. what did I do wrong? tell me. i can change 😭
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