#Lily Black
lilystargazerwhite · 3 months
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No clue why my other lily black drawing blew up but here’s an actual one
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Logorolica Susu Ribbon Shoes by Lily Black
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letsspringintoaction · 7 months
Fairy Conversations
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"I've committed a cardinal sin!"
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"Which one?"
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"Sis thats cardinal direction."
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"I... no wait... but I was..."
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"Dang it! Marisa lied to me again!"
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auburnarcana · 8 months
Auburn's Halloween costume 2023
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Happy Halloween~! My costume tonight is Lily White ( & Black) from Touhou! Total time: ~27 hours
60s timelapse:
Full timelapse:
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animepopheart · 9 months
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★ 【小北】 「 报与桃花一处开 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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noppythepon · 1 year
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Second daily drawing are my 4 favorite characters with black color themes:
Beat, Yuuki, Lily Black (just lily white in black), and Shadow
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Lily is unstoppable. There's no killing her, not when she's got no less than four horcru-I mean, four accounts, that she can use for her revival. With the power of kickass piercings, and the wisdom of the almighty Patterslink, nothing will stand in her way!
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mugenfinder · 2 years
Is it gay or "self-care" if you fall in love with a clone of yourself?
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wagreb · 2 years
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May I request my OC Alex with @m-is-for-mungo's OC Lily Black? With the Autumn palette and maybe either the Lindy Hop dance or The Twist dance? The mood is like Rowdy also. Maybe they're dancing to the Nuka-World theme song. 🤣🤣😅😅
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[ Sketched by Supporting Artist @kaybrandchaos ]
Do the Twist, like we did last summ-AUTUMN
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lilystargazerwhite · 3 months
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Big Lily black
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lilyblackdraws · 3 years
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77 - she is beauty
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m-is-for-mungo · 3 years
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I received my latest commission from @drovenna, and it was a concept I’ve tried to attempt myself many times to no success. But now! It’s here! And it’s 1000 times better than anything I could have ever fully imagined 🥺🥺
Lily and Charon, captured as they were in 2074 and post war 2289.
In the 2060’s, the US government paired with an excommunicated Soviet guard group (this is all mine so who knows what actually happened in universe). The government’s plan was to send battalions through this super secret underground training and cybernetic augmentation to create the ultimate super soldiers. Someone who was an expert in espionage and could fight like 5 men.
The battalions slowly whittled down as people became emotionally broken, mentally destroyed, or had issues with authority that couldn’t be reprogrammed through various means.
Lily joined the battalion as her husband had died and left her nothing. She had no other options for life and she signed up for the program. (Of course the government lied about what the program was exactly)
Charon was a 19 year old street punk who had been jumping from jails and youth homes for years, and finally fucked up bad enough that he was going to be sentenced and sent away. (He was actually innocent, but wrong place wrong time.) He was given a choice. Jail or sign up for the program for “reformation”.
A year into the program, Lily and Charon were the only remaining participants. They were barely holding on, and found friendship and a brotherhood among the other, and many nights were spent holding the other as they were breaking down.
The Russians had broken away from the original blueprint of the program, and both Charon and Lily were having fits of disassociation and would be prone to fits of speaking in Russian, major lashes of anger and violence, I’m talking unadulterated rage. They usually would have no memory of the fits. This was due to the Russian’s playing subliminal messaging through the compound’s intercom system (much like VaultTec had done in one of the vaults). They were no longer just extremely skilled spies, they had also been programmed as Russian sleepers.
Two years into the program, they were both put into surgery for their cybernetics. They had internal comms devices inserted (much like MGS’s Codec), technology similar to VATS implanted into their brains.
They also had spinal cord augmentation. They have what are essentially needles fused into their spine, causing an increased release of cortisol and adrenaline during training, and eventually would be used to remotely control them. By triggering the device at the base of their skull, the increased cortisol would makes them irritable and stressed, and would give a higher incentive to follow direct orders (the device would wean back the hormones), and cause extreme discomfort should Lily or Charon be seen as disobeying or hesitating.
These devices were never removed. They spend a few more years training with the devices, getting used to their effects (but they were also under heavy surveillance to monitor any resistance to the implants, and how long it took to guide them back to tasks at hand). Lily and Charon were recruited in 2070. By 2074, they were nearly completely controlled by these implants. They still had one last procedure to endure.
Can’t possibly put all of this work into the perfect super soldier and then risk losing them to domestic civilian life. Charon’s was obviously much simpler than Lily’s, and he signed his contract while she was still recovering.
I headcannon that Charon is actually the soldier you play as in the Operation: Anchorage DLC for Fallout 3.
Lily and Charon are reunited once again, in 2289. Lily and MacCready take a caravan to the Capital Wasteland to bring Duncan home, and Lily asks the locals where a nice quiet bar is, and is directed towards the Underworld. (This is counting on the LW not gaining Charon as a companion, and seeing as I don’t have a LW OC, it’s a reality.
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wagreb · 2 years
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charomiami · 6 years
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@m-is-for-mungo ‘s Lily Black with a bonus glow!
See The Others? - Kofi Donation Perk Run
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