#Jango x Myles
dragonsandwolvesohmy · 7 months
Does anyone know the fic where Obi-wan is a parent, and he gets employment as a weaver by a Mandalorian who later adopts him. Jango goes to the shop to buy a kute, meets Obi/Ben, forgets, and keeps going back. Obi/Ben's kid is cute too, and Jango is absolutely in love. there was even a little song about weaving and fish that Obi/Ben sang to his kid.
The wonderous @rhokitten put me the straight this one, thank deities! Here I was thinking Obi was parenting Luke or Anakin and dating Jango, but Obi-wan was the baby! It's Myles who's the parent and Jango's partner, Obi/Ben is a cuttie toddler.
This is Kir’manir—Or How Myles Became a Teen Dad! by Mithril_and_Acorns.
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floaromaxtowns · 1 year
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To end all the mando discourse
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kbirbpods · 5 months
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[Podfic Link] | Length: 45 minutes, 31 seconds
Original Work: Dangerous Truths by kj_feybarn
Star Wars: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Myles the Mandalorian
Rating: Teen & Up Audiences
“Ben,” Myles kept his voice calm. “I was looking for you.” Jango’s head whipped around, staring at Ben in shock. There hadn’t been time between stumbling on the fight and getting involved in the fight for Myles to explain just who it was they’d just found. Ben’s gaze darted toward the street again. “Why’s that?” Ben asked, tone not-quite conversational. He sounded exhausted, Myles noted, even with only two words to judge and Myles could hear the strange slowness to the words that came when a person was struggling to string a sentence together. Myles tapped at his ribs where the two lies lay. “Found a few scars on my body that hadn’t been there before.”
Notes: podded for @polypodweek 2024 with the author's permission!!
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rulimaquina · 1 year
Farewell To All The Earthly Remains
Fandom: Star Wars.
Characters: Jango Fett. Myles the Mandalorian. Jaster Mereel. Boba Fett.
Ship: Jango Fett x Myles.
Rating: General Audiences.
Tags: Mandalorian Religion (Star Wars) - Mandalorian Culture (Star Wars) - Jango Fett Needs a Hug - Myles' full name is Myles Boba to me - no beta reader we die like men - The Manda as another realm that exists alongside the realm of the living but can't be reached by the living - Parental Jaster Mereel - Major Character Death - Sad with a Happy Ending - Boba Fett Needs A Hug.
By the time Myles realized that the Jedi was coming his way, it was too late.
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the-starry-seas · 5 months
Cuy'val Dar Myles WIP peek (also is there a ship name/tag for myles and jango bc i will be needing it if so)
Myles sighs, his chin in his hand, staring blankly past the window and seeing absolutely nothing beyond it.
"I don't know if he knows what I'm feeling," he finally says.
Palakwi rolls her eyes.
"Every living thing on Kamino," she replies, "can tell you're in love with Jango, except Jango."
He frowns.
"Do you think I should give up?"
"No, I think you've chosen someone very stupid and need to lower your expectations."
"Thanks," he says dryly.
"You're welcome."
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mayxthexforce · 9 months
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my opinion of it
Funny as fuck. Bossk literally baby-trapped himself when he kidnapped Boba. Who'd have thought that instead of getting brutally murdered for that, he'd get made official Boba-sitter? Definitely not Bossk, but people weren't lying when they said Jango Fett is unpredictable. Bossk is so loyal to the Fetts and cares about and loves Boba so much, but he cannot say it because weakness gets what you care about taken from you, and they both already lost Jango. Bossk NEVER gets over Jango. As for the verses where he lives, he's grabbing his humans and getting the hell out of the Star Wars plot while they can. Fuck everyone. Fuck the clone wars. They're going to go stay in their lane far away from any lightsabers.
Devotion forever and ever. Nobody can convince me those two haven't known each other practically since the day Jango was adopted by Jaster. They go way back, highschool sweethearts vibes but neither of them got to be normal teenagers because there was a civil war going on. Then they spent so many years apart, not knowing what happened to the other. But the love was always there.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
writing patterns tag game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @threebea!
I think I tend to lean heavily into either a curiosity-raising short statement, or more commonly, something that establishes context and how it differs from the canon/where or when it takes place generally.
Like slamming a map down on a table and planting a "You are here" flag.
They Went to Live on a Farm (Ahsoka/Rex ambiguous relationship, & Wolffe)
She comes to the planet on public transport, safer now than she has been in years. She pays for a ticket, and hardly worries about bounties or Imperial inquisitors. She’s outlived that regime.
Shmi Acquires Some Teenagers... Sort Of (Shmi & Obi-Wan & Satine & Jango)
Shmi is twenty-eight years of age when she is purchased from Gardulla.
This Child of Ours (Shmi/Mace pre-ship, Mace & Anakin & Obi-Wan)
Shmi has been alone for a very long time.
Familiar Face (Face Me Now) (Anakin/Jango pre-ship, Jango & Myles, time-travel)
Skywalker stares.
Small Talk (Fox/Anakin/Padme)
It’s not how Fox expected anything to go, honestly.
Aspire to Be (Aspire to Do) (Padme/Kryze)
Padmé Naberrie is eleven years old the first time she encounters Duchess Satine Kryze.
yeah these kids are totally mine (Ahsoka/Jango, time-travel, ft. toddler Ferus and toddler Padme)
"He's mine."
A Wedding Night to Remember X-rated (Shaak Ti/Jango, history/fantasy au)
Lady Ti is the eldest unmarried daughter of one of the twelve noble houses of the Jetii.
(We Both Know Why) You Come to Me X-rated (Fox/Anakin, Anakin/Padme)
Skywalker’s breathing is heavy.
Lazy Morning X-rated (Mace/Anakin)
Rebuilding from the hell that Sidious had left behind was exhausting.
Tagging: @sergeant-angels-trashcan @itstimeforstarwars @thefoundationproject @noturusualpotato @other-peoples-coats @archangelsunited @loosingmoreletters @jebiknights @willowcrowned @yellowocaballero
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yukipri · 5 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
I was tagged by @clembarbarossa. Thanks so much for the tag!
3 ships: Mnenfhnhfgh it's hard because I almost exclusively ship polyamory, so there's always gonna be rollover, but...I guess for 3 different "groups" of ships:
Clones x Obi-Wan (including but not limited to Cody, Fordo, and yeah let's throw in Jango too)
True Mandos x Obi-Wan (Jango, Myles, Silas, why not Jaster too)
Boba x Din x Paz (sandwich)
First ship: I started shipping far after I was into fandom as a whole, since I was a late bloomer when it comes to interest in fictional romance as a whole, but probably Qui-Gon x Obi-Wan?? (around 20 years ago lol)
Last song: Ask Me Why, by Joe Hisaishi, from the Boy and the Heron OST
Last film: Godzilla Minus One, Directed by Takashi Yamazaki (and I'll go see it again when the black/white version comes out in North America on 1/26/24!)
Currently reading: Triple Zero, by Karen Traviss (I'd almost finished it last year but Life happened and I had to stop, so re-attempting from the start)
Currently craving: Mosburger Mos Cheese (very specific burger from burger chain in Japan, and alas the US has nothing like it...)
I'm tagging genuinely anyone who wants a go, I'd love to get to know you better!
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mrfandomwars · 2 years
Jango Fett has terrible jokes, he has the Dad Jokes and bad puns
He has Everything on bad jokes
Good thing that Myles genuinely finds him funny and always bursts out laughing at his jokes
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ironhoshi · 3 years
"I see you managed to return without problem," he finally said to the Jetii at the table. He forced his gaze towards the man, trying to stop his obvious staring at Ben. Quin merely gave a shrug and a smirk. That knowing look let him know he had been caught ogling. Well, that was fine, he wasn't ashamed.
"He gave Master Windu a massive headache," Aayla piped up helpfully. Jango wasn't sure why that was important information, but Ben got the strangest little smirk on his face, clearly pleased.
"But it got you as my Padawan early, didn't it?" Quinlan pointed his spork at the young Twi'lek. She merely made a face at him and leaned hard into Ben's side. Possessive. The man blinked in confusion, but promptly put his arm around her. Jango stole a glance with Myles and did nothing to hide his victorious grin. Ben would be an excellent buir.
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generalobi · 3 years
I’m sure you’re busy and likely have already gotten prompts to continue it, but more of the Obi-Wan as a Minister on Melida-Daan please? Whenever you get a chance!
The hospital is in ruins. It took years for them to build it and all it took was one bomb to destroy it all.
Obi-Wan runs his hand along the scorched walls. Everything was here. Bacta, bandages, medications, rations, beds, their only surgery droid. And now it’s gone. Just like everything they built, this fragile progress took years to make and hours to burn. It’s a reminder of just how precarious their position is. MelidaDaan has barely recovered. All it would take is a spark.
“It was definitely the Elders,” Mal says, breaking the silence that had fallen over the Council at the sight of the hospital.
“Do you know why?” Obi-Wan asks.
“I know you should still be in bed,” Daria says, raising an eyebrow.
He ignores her, continuing his inspection of their temporary base. Setting up camp in a bombsite might not be the most comfortable, but it’s hardly the first time.
“They want war,” Mal says, “They want us out of the way, off “their planet”, so they can go back to killing each other.”
Eris traces meaningless patterns in the ash that’s settled over their meeting table. Obi-Wan allows Daria to steer him into a chair. Nield hasn’t moved from the doorway, eyes scanning the sky for threats.
Fragile. Obi-Wan hasn’t thought of his fellow leaders, of himself, as fragile for a long time. But they are. They’ve barely healed from the war, and every bit of progress they make is snatched from them by disaster. It isn’t fair, but nothing is.
“What pushed them to act?” he muses, mostly to himself.
“The presence of the Mandalorians,” Jyfn says, “We’re getting ready to rejoin the galaxy, telling our story.”
Mal grimaces, “I hate to say it, but Jyfn is right. They would’ve done this anyway, but the Mandlorian delegation sped up their timeline. It’s lucky for us, we know they’re serious and they didn’t have enough time to plan. They couldn’t truly devastate us on such short notice.”
Daria snorts, crossing her arms over her chest. She hasn’t stopped hovering since Prince Fett carried him and Nari out of the hospital two days ago. Obi-Wan would be annoyed, but he knows it could be worse. He could have all of them hovering, fussing and being general nuisances. (He scared her, he scared them all. He was almost sure he was going to die and he would’ve done it gladly, but he’s sorry for the pain he’s caused them.)
“This wasn’t devastating enough?” Eris murmurs, “Three people died, hundreds more will. We don’t have stockpiles of bacta, replacements for machines, or anywhere to keep those who are sick and injured. And we don’t have a trade deal anymore.”
“Yes, we do,” Obi-Wan says.
At the same time Mal says, “They would have bombed the Fortress, and the school, and the food stores. We’d starve quicker than we'll die without a hospital.”
Daria kicks his chair, just enough to jolt him, “Don’t be stupid.”
“Whatever they want to keep this deal,” Obi-Wan says softly, “we must do.”
“Within reason!” Daria snaps.
“We don’t know what they want,” he places a hand on hers, “It could be nothing more than the story. If it’s my withdrawal from the Council, then we may have to do it. And if it’s my imprisonment or-”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” Neild says fiercely, whipping around to face them, “Don’t you dare finish that sentence Obi-Wan. We won’t just give you up. We can survive this.”
“Can we? Look around, Nield, we need supplies. Do you know they carry bacta just for bruises? What we consider lifesaving is their basic medicine. Even if Mal’s strike is successful, and the threat is dealt with, there will be other threats. And we will still be without a hospital. My freedom, my life, is nothing in comparison to what we could gain.”
“It is everything,” Daria argues, “There is a difference between casualties of tragedy, and willingly sacrificing one of our own in the hopes that strangers keep their word and give us bacta.”
She isn’t wrong, but neither is he.
Obi-Wan sighs, running a hand through his hair, “We must talk to them, at least. We can only distract them for so long.”
There are lots of ways Obi-Wan can present his story. He is a politician, a warrior, and a storyteller. He can twist the truth however he wishes, and he might try if he weren’t so tired. But he is. Force, he is so tired.
He brings a cup to his mouth with a trembling hand, scalding tea leaving a quiet calm in its wake. Daria hovers behind his chair, a weapon on her hip. He was too tired to argue. The Mandalorians track his movements, helmuts tucked under their arms. It is almost uncanny that people so warm can quickly become so cold. So suspicious.
“Perhaps, you should begin by asking your questions?” Obi-Wan suggests softly, cup rattling against saucer as he sets it down.
They exchange a look.
“Are you a Jedi?” the Manda’lor asks.
Daria’s knuckles are white on the handle of her knife. He takes a deep breath, steadies himself and sends a soft pulse of comfort towards her.
“Another simple question that is more complicated than you realise,” Obi-Wan muses, wishing for Jedi robes for the first time in a long time, “I was once a Jedi Padawan, seven years ago.”
“And you didn’t think it pertinent information to share?” Ser Myles says.
“He doesn’t owe you anything,” Daria snaps.
Obi-Wan rests a hand over hers, “It wasn’t pertinent. I am not a Jedi, I never achieved Knighthood. And you seem to forget that any atrocities committed by ancient Jedi were repaid in kind. I have more reason to fear three trained traditionalist Mandalorians than you do a half-trained Jedi.”
The Manda’lor considers him, “And how did you end up a half-trained Jedi on a wartorn planet in the Middle Rim?”
“Chance, perhaps?” Obi-Wan shrugs, “Or the Force. My Master and I were sent here on a mission, to retrieve another Master. She was injured and needed immediate medical attention, but I refused to leave the Young. My Master was in love with her, and his judgement impaired. He repudiated me and told the Jedi I was lost. I imagine I’ve been presumed dead, and a funeral held.”
It is the bare bones of the truth, the story without the emotion. He is too tired to give them his grief today. Daria squeezes his hand in comfort.
“So,” Jango says, “You left the Jedi, to help fight a war? And they just let you?”
“My Master just let me,” Obi-Wan corrects, “Master Jinn was a difficult man, with a difficult past, but the Jedi raised me and loved me. The blame does not lie with the organisation as a whole. It was Master Jinn, given responsibility he shouldn’t have had by Master Yoda. don’t mistake my life as another reason to let your hatred fester.”
“That doesn’t make it right,” Ser Myles says gently, as though Obi-Wan is fragile.
“No,” Daria agrees, because Obi-Wan is fragile today, “it doesn’t. But that’s not the point. The point is, the pin is in your hand. The ball is in your court. Obi-Wan has told you his story, and now it’s up to you to decide whether that story is good enough for you.”
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floaromaxtowns · 2 months
X and N from Fandom Edition asks
Ask me: FANDOM EDITION [Accepting]
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Saint Seiya: Aldemu This time I'll shout out Deathmask/Aphrodite as another OTP I have <3 Pokemon: Sacredshipping - Eusine/Morty Star Wars: Cody/Rex
N - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor
Shout out & mega kudos for @rulimaquina <3 I'm such a big sucker for her writing through and through. May I interest u with her Jango/Myles fic Farewell to all Earthly remains. It made me weep the first time she showed me and I read it LOL
Unfortunately all my fics are in Brazilian Portuguese, since Saint Seiya barely has any fics in English.
I recently got to meet this lovely Brazilian fic author DarkShaka! Which was super funny bc I've binged reading SO many of his fics in the past LOL I had the pleasure of seeing some more of his Aldemu works and I died of love <3
Campo de estrelas might be my favorite one from him
I also love tons Antes do Vendaval - it was what pushed me to check out & read Episode G
I also often re-read The Destroyer and the repairer a Habikiki fic <3 probably what settled as another ship for me. (this one is in English!)
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catsnkooks · 3 years
keep lying (to me) ch. 2: the touch
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Jango Fett
summary: The Jedi Council has heard rumors of a Sith working closely with Mandalorians. They send newly knighted Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos to the heart Mandalore to investigate these rumors. Infiltrating Mandalorian society is harder than expected, especially if said society hates you because of a centuries-long conflict. But that’s nothing a little secret romance won’t fix. 
word count: 1.4k
rating: t
warnings: obi being a flirty lil shit, some cuss words
a/n: i rlly do love them. much love to the jangobi discord for helping me through this
previous chapter, next chapter
Obi-Wan sat down beside Quinlan in the dim cantina and slid the datastick over to him. “There. Anything you could ever want to know about Mandalorian contact with Force users.”
Quin grinned and slid a drink to Obi in return. “I knew you could do it.” He plugged the datastick into his holopad and began filtering the information Obi-Wan gave him.
“Successful, boys?”
Obi-Wan looked up when Katrin approached their table, grinning and taking a swig of his drink. The alcohol burned pleasantly down his throat. “Of course. I'm always successful.”
Oche plopped down in the seat beside him. “Funny, that’s not what I remember happening last time,” she teased, her dark eyes twinkling.
Obi-Wan scoffed. “That was just one time.”
“Uh huh.”
Keep reading
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Day 1 of aerynwrites’ December Writing Challenge: Baking
Paring: Jaster Mereel X Jon Antilles
Jon has been away for a while, working on a mission in the outer rim.  Jaster feels lonely as he tries to keep it together for him and the children. 
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: angst, pain and comfort, Jaster was missing Jon, pre established relationship, Canon Divergence, heavy petting, not beta read, we die like men.
Jaster Mereel was not a man that people expected to be festive, his cold beskar exterior lended others to think of him as cold and serious all of the time. Much to his childrens chagrin he was not like most people's expectations. When in the privacy of closed doors Jaster was very bright and affectionate with both Arla and Jango, he paid special attention to making any holiday feel special and memorable. While both of his children were warriors at heart, they were still children and it was important for them to experience the lighter parts of childhood. The life day season was a particularly exciting part of the year. Jaster had already brought in a tree to decorate and was in the kitchen baking for his family. 
It was during these moments where he missed his partner the most, he understood that Jon couldn’t be with them as much as either of them wanted. The life of a Jedi was a constant battle between duty, honor and family, and Jon was always going to need to put duty first. It had been weeks since Jaster had last heard from him, Jon had said that he would try to return to their sides soon. Jaster knew well that soon didn’t mean within a few days, or even weeks, just as soon as he could get back. Even Jango and Arla were starting to become restless in Jon’s absence, they both liked to pretend they didn’t like the Jedi Master but they both seemed to be in fouler moods when he was away. 
Jaster was doing his best to keep himself together, to keep his children together. Myles was around often, handling many of the finer details of being the Manda’lor and taking Jango out to go train and get his mind off of Jon. Arla busied herself with her studies and spent more time with the armorer, perfecting her skills with beskar. Which left Jaster alone, painfully and completely isolated from those he loved most. While he did spend the majority of his day dealing with the responsibilities of being the Manda’lor there wasn’t enough work to keep himself occupied. His mind always returned to Jon, his jetii, somewhere out in the outer rim, helping those in need while he was stuck on Mandalore. 
A drop of liquid splashed down into the batter he was mixing, pulling him from his thoughts and back to reality. Jaster hadn’t even realized he had started crying, the tears just flowed freely from his eyes. He grit his teeth as shame bloomed in his chest, the tears unbecoming of a Mandalorian, he had promised Jon that he would keep it together, for the both of them. 
Jon had finally made it back to Mandalore, he was sore, tired, and bruised from his latest ‘adventure’ in the outer rim. His mission had taken him much longer than he had intended it to, dealing with smuggling rings always seemed to take more of his energy than he wanted them to. Spice traders were some of his least favorite types to deal with, the drug ran rampant throughout the galaxy as a way to get high fast. But this particular ring was killing people, cutting their spice with a highly dangerous mixture of chemicals to make the spice stretch farther. A small amount of it was fine, but for those that were addicts and people who needed spice as a form of medicine the consequences were deadly. 
 But now he was finally back, back to where his home was. He had commed ahead to Myles to keep Arla and Jango occupied for the evening so he could spend it with Jaster. He had been away much longer than he had wanted to, though if he had it his way he would never leave Jaster or the children. But his duty to the Order and the Force dictated that he had to leave. But now he was back, walking through the familiar halls of the Royal Palace to where their smaller personal living quarters were. 
He could smell the familiar scent of Jasters baking from outside the door, warm baked goods, heavenly vanilla and pine. He felt a small twinge of sadness when he opened the door and saw the life day tree had already been brought in and decorated. Then he saw Jaster, bent at the waist over a bowl, shoulders trembling with silent sobs. His bag fell to the ground with a clatter as he rushed forward wrapping his arms around his beloved. At first Jaster stiffened and tried to wrench himself free of Jons hold, startled by the sudden contact. Once he was aware of who it was he allowed himself to go lax against Jon, letting the Jedi cradle him.
Jon was taller than Jaster, and Jaster fit perfectly against Jons chest, the top of his head the perfect rest for his chin. He cradled him there, wrapping himself around Jaster like a warm protective blanket to keep him safe from harm. Jaster was fully crying now, dampening the front of Jons robes with his tears as he clung to the taller man. Slowly, Jaster calmed, his shoulders no longer shaking and he just leaned into Jons chest. 
“Welcome home Jon. Sorry I am such a mess,” Jaster hiccuped as he cleared his throat. 
“You have nothing to apologize for,” Jon said gruffly, tilting Jasters head up so they could look at each other. 
Even with his face still damp with tears and eyes red rimmed from crying, Jaster was still the most beautiful, handsome man that Jon had ever seen. It reminded him again how lucky he was to be able to call Jaster his. Jon held Jasters head gently in his hand, his calloused thumb brushing over Jasters tear dampened cheek.
“I missed you,” Jaster whispered, enchanted by Jons ice blue eyes staring into his soul.
“I missed you as well my love,” Jon returned, before dipping his head to catch Jaster in a hungry kiss. 
Desire bloomed in Jasters chest, he had longed for Jon to return, to feel his touch, his lips, on his own again. Jon gently pushed Jaster against the counter, pinning him in with his body as he pressed feverious kisses all over his face and jaw. Jaster looped his arms around Jons neck as Jon lifted him effortlessly onto the counter, the cookie dough now forgotten in the bowl beside them. Jaster spread his legs so Jon could step between his thighs as the kisses moved down to his throat where Jon sucked a dark mark into Jaster’s skin. Jaster felt like his entire body was on fire, pleasure coursing through his veins as he tangled his hands in Jon’s hair, gently pulling on the strands. 
Jaster’s body jerked as Jons hands grabbed his thighs, pushing his hands up towards Jaster’s pelvis sending electricity coursing up his spine. It also seemed to bring some clarity to his pleasure-addled brain as he gently pulled Jon away from the trail of hickeys he was leaving down his neck.
“Arla and Jango will be home soon, we can't do this here,” Jaster’s voice wavered, as he panted against Jons shoulder.
He looked up to see Jon’s devious grin as he looked down at Jaster with a hungry look in his eyes, “Myles is keeping them both for the entire night, I have you all by myself.”
He dove back into Jasters neck and Jaster let out a low moan as he tried to prepare himself for their evenings activities. 
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Aliit ori'shya tal'din Chapter 5
Jango Fett x reader
Word Count: 1290
Summary: Jedi suck.
As if crashing because his jetpack gave out wasn’t bad enough, Jango’s heart seized up when he saw a Jedi ship in the sky clearly headed in the direction of the Mandalorian camp. If they found his people, the results could be disastrous. Especially given how divided Mandalorians on the whole were. Between the pacifists that would see their culture destroyed, Death Watch that wanted to take the warrior lifestyle way too far, and his people--the True Mandalorians--that only wanted to maintain their practices and beliefs, their very way of life was threatened.
And to make matters worse, you were in that camp.
“Myles, do you copy?” Jango tried to maintain his usual, ‘Leader’ tone for that question. “Myles? This is Jango. Do you copy?” His voice was a little more frantic. Through much struggle and a groan of pain, he forced his way to his feet. The ship roared over his head, closer and clearly coming in to land.  “Myles, if you can hear me, evac the camp.” Hopefully the connection was only having issues one way. He saw the ship’s ramp descending from the corner of his eyes as he tried to hurry. “Myles!” he was shouting now, running towards the camp as fast as he could manage through the snow with the weight of his armor. He could hear their footsteps getting far too close. “Get everyone out now!”
Desperation drove his movement as he tried to beat the Jedi to the camp. It felt like the powdery snow was replaced by thick mud with how difficult it was to wade through, but he managed to reach the edge of the crater that hid their camp before the now-running Jetii managed to. “INCOMING!”
His shout pierced the air just moments before his people spotted the Jedi standing ominously at the rim of the crater, lighting their sabers ominously. Jango didn’t listen to whatever the leader was saying; instead he slid down the snowdrift to stand by the Mandalorians’ sides. If they were going to die here, he would be by their sides. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you crouched behind a box aiming your slug rifle at the enemy.
“Mandalorians, open fire! Shoot the loudmouth first!”
The next several minutes saw him barking a combination of orders that seemed to be all for nothing as soldier after solder fell to the Jetii’kad. They tried to keep them at a distance, even tried switching to projectile weapons, but nothing would stop the onslaught. This is it. My leadership led us here. Some Mand’alor I am.
He watched in horror as Myles was sliced in half in midair by one of the Jedi. Vaguely, he was aware of the people you managed to pick off from your slightly-hidden spot, and knew that meant that the sheer number of Jetii on the field went down. But it wasn’t anywhere near enough. Using a rock clenched in his fist, Jango fought hand-to-hand with several of the bastards, getting too close for their lightsabers to be of much use, but still, there were more. As soon as the last Jedi he was fighting was prone, a hand clenching his face in an attempt to stem the bleeding nose brought on by the headbutt Jango delivered to it, a strangled scream halted his attack.
Jango knew that voice. His head whipped around to find you, unfortunately seeing the bodies of every one of his troopers littering the ground in the process.
You were gritting your teeth in a fierce snarl, helmet lost when a Jetii ripped it off, while that Jetii dragged you out of your hiding place by your hair. “Fuck you,” you spat despite the vulnerable position you were forced into: on your knees with some unseen Force holding your arms by your side.
“You two are Bonded,” the lead Jedi mused aloud. “The Force moves strongly between you.”
“Let her go,” Jango growled. He had no time for their metaphysical nonsense.
“Only if you surrender.”
“Leave, Jango,” you ordered, eyes filled with defiance. “Save yourself.”
He shook his head. “Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde,” was his only response even as he dropped to his knees in defeat.
You squeezed your eyes shut. You should have known he would never simply leave you. Neither of you had ever been any good at leaving the other behind. “You’ve killed us,” you breathed, letting your head drop forward as the Jetii used their precious Force to pull both of your weapons away from you. 
This fight was lost.
“You’ve killed us all,” Jango echoed. It would never be noticeable to others, but you could hear the grief in his voice. It’d been a few years since he took control, and those years had been great and full of prosperity, but you knew this would weigh on his soul for the rest of his life.
As far as the two of you knew, it was true. Between the pacifists and Death Watch--who you suspected was behind this whole situation--the True Mandalorians that used to make up the people you called ‘family’ were all that was left of the old way. According to the other two, Jango wasn’t even a Mandalorian. As if their shucking off the old ways weren’t enough, they had forgotten that the old beliefs held that anyone taken in by your people was a ‘real Mandalorian’. Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaas'la, after all. Yet they had fallen into the trap of blood purity that many other worlds coveted, the belief that one could only be a Mandalorian if they were born into it. An entire way of life, destroyed by people that swore to protect peace in the Galaxy.
What a joke, the thought ran through your head.
The Jetii that held you released his grip and allowed you to dart to Jango’s side. Clearly, the two of you weren’t threats to them as long as you were weaponless.
Instantly, your husband’s hand came up to cradle the back of your head to bring your forehead to his. Guilt ate at him for it, but the fact that you at least managed to survive brought him some relief. Mourning you wasn’t something he thought his spirit could take on top of everything else.
No matter how much you tried to fight it, you couldn’t stop the hot tears from carving burning trails down your cold face. Your hand came up to clench desperately at the high neck of his shirt. It took everything in your power to keep from sinking into a soul-deep despair at the realization that everyone you loved, everyone that made up your family apart from Jango, was gone forever. You allowed yourself to let out a keening wail at the thought, though, knowing that you’d never resurface if you kept all that sadness inside.
“Cyar'ika . . .” Jango murmured, eyes squeezing shut at the sound. It was something he’d heard only once before: when your parents died, and it was something he’d hoped never to hear again.
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum,” was the only thing you could gasp out. Your breathing was on the verge of hyperventilation, but you couldn’t seem to slow it down.
Off to the side, the Jedi watched the scene with forcibly blank stares. Many could feel both of your sorrow echoing out through the Force. Others could feel the ripples that extended out from their actions, changing the course of the future, perhaps not for the better. All realized that this was a terrible crime they had committed, one that was essentially a genocide against the old Mandalorian ways.
“What have we done?” the leader breathed, regret coloring his tone.
Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde - "We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors."—Mandalorian marriage vows
Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaas'la. - "Nobody cares who your father was, only the father you'll be."
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum - "I love you."
cyar'ika - darling, beloved, sweetheart
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dom-i-nic · 4 years
for the character asks - mmmm prhaps arla? i don't know too much about her still and i'm interested to hear your thoughts :D
oh okay! one sec, lemme find the post *jumps into the trash pile that is all the random posts I've made over the last hour or two* okay here it is!
Why I like them - Basically nothing happens to Arla in canon. She doesn’t exist in canon. In legends, she shows up for one or two arcs but gets fucked over by K*ren Trav*ss. That leaves a lot of room for me to project my own theories and develop my own character for her. Also she had so much potential to be so so badass. I mean come on. jango fett’s older sister?? you know she can kick ass.
Why I don’t - see above. I'm not gonna go into what happens to her in legends because some of it is pretty graphic and fucked up. if you really wanna know, look at her wookipedia page but it makes me so mad.
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - None XD.
Favorite season/movie - ... none.
Favorite line - I think she says a line in legends like “Could you stand to be me?” which really fucking resonates with me. self-loathing :D
Favorite outfit - arla in Mando armor baby!!! I really like all of the designs ive seen for her but tbh I like mine the best (is that narcissistic, lol oh well).
OTP - Arla x a lady idk who, maybe I'll write an oc for her.
Brotp - arla and myles. arla is a mess, myles is responsible.
Head Canon - neither arla nor jango is fully human, even though they both look like they are. in fact, the majority of Star Wars characters are actually in some way mixed species. because that was a more general head canon, I'll give another, more specific one. arla can speak six different languages fluently. she also really likes learning new ones. her blood is about 60% caf because she can’t take care of herself.
Unpopular opinion - arla dyes her eyebrows. I bet they grow in platinum blonde.
A wish - the arla I'm writing has so so many issues. I do want her to work them out eventually. maybe go to some therapy.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - all of my oh-god-please-dont-ever-happens happened in legends 💀💀. uhhhhh I think in my fic, the oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen for arla would probably be jango’s death, I think it would just completely wreck her. she’s basically his self-assigned protector and she’s really really close to him (*because of trauma* also yes she's close to myles but its even more so with jango) and she’s also lost her adoptive dad and her biological parents. it would just feel like the ultimate failing for her.
5 words to best describe them - dedicated, protective, stressed, loving and caring
My nickname for them - just arla. maybe arls?
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