#Jaskier and Yennefer besties
thedemonofcat · 5 months
The first witcher Jaskier met besides Geralt was Aiden, a member of the Cat School, who had been hired to assassinate him.
Technically speaking, Aiden's contract was to eliminate the Viscount of Lettenhove, but he was taken aback to discover that the target was actually the same Bard who sings about the witcher he'd heard so much about.
Instead of fulfilling his contract, Aiden and Jaskier found themselves sharing a rather pleasant picnic.
Geralt, unaware of this turn of events, is frantically searching for the Cat witcher who he believes is out to kill his Bard.
At the same time, Lambert, having heard that his fellow witcher is intent on hunting down his dear friend, is racing to find Geralt to prevent him from killing Aiden.
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mothpiercings · 2 years
geralt, to himself very quietly because he just Needs to say it: if i woke up tomorrow as a horse first thing i'd do is eat a whole apple with the core in one bite. i bet it would be really nice. then i would kick whatever's behind me
jaskier, awake, having just met geralt like two days ago: what the fuck what the fuck
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“There's a small connection between Jaskier and Yennefer that's blossoming, blooming. I think they're, you know, still mortal frenemies but... but it means we get to see a more vulnerable side to Jaskier. A Jaskier that is leaving his ego at the door in order to open himself up to new people and let people in.”
— Joey Batey.
“Anya and I have been begging for scenes together since since we met in Season 1. We're good pals and I'm a huge fan of hers and her talent, she's just an amazing actress and we've been sort of asking Lauren, 'please can we have a little bit more, a little bit more,' because it is really fun to play that sort of, you know, surface level hatred but a growing and developing fondness. You start to find little nuances and sentences that fully-conscious Joey might not have been able to do, and it becomes freer, it becomes more intimate. They're both trying to work out who they are and how they fit into this Continent that is changing so rapidly, and exploring that in Season 2 and beyond it's going to be something that I think brings more texture to the characters, and makes them more complex, and hopefully more interesting to watch.”
— Joey Batey on Yennefer and Jaskier scenes.
“They [Jaskier and Yennefer] really complement each other well, I think. You [Joey Batey] really do attack the worst, the heart… the most emotional points to Yennefer.”
— Anya Chalotra.
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orangechickenpillow · 2 years
Yennefier and Jaskier are the most married couple I've ever seen. They're friends with benefits. They're not even friends. They love each other. They can't stand each other. They'd die for each other but "If you get too close to the edge and fall off that cliff I'll drink to your memory but dont think I'll miss you." They've been married for fifty years. This is their second date and their having the best sex of their lives.
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elwayken · 1 year
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Listen, we all know that Yennefer’s parents weren’t great, and according to almost all fanon things I’ve seen for Jaskier’s, they aren’t good either.
Thus, the vision of Jaskier and Yennefer singing The Horror and the Wild together.
I just want them to do a duet, okay?
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hesagentlelman · 1 year
Yennefer and Jaskier being besties:
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underpreparedbard · 7 months
Any Baldurs Gate 3 Fans Out There?
My latest obsession, aside from the Witcher, is BG3. Particularly Astarion (which I'm sure comes as a shock to absolutely nobody).
If any of you lovely lot are also fans I've made a fan blog where we can talk about the weave and try and pretend like it hasn't reformed our entire personalities!
Come join me @youlickedadeadspider
(I'll still be posting and sharing witchery goodness)
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johnnyutah · 1 year
Have truly lived long enough to see myself become the villain by constantly promoting my ot3 on other ppl’s posts about two of the characters within, while also growing enraged every time someone reblogs a post about my favourite two person ship and tags it ‘yes yes and [character C] is there too!’. but here’s the rationale. I’m a genius
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yetanotherknitter · 1 year
it has been? months??? years????? I have had a dramatic break up and begrudging reconciliation with the Netflix Witcher and I still! can't! stop! thinking about that moment in s2 when yen hears jaskier playing in the distance and just. relaxes.
specifically I can't stop thinking about it in the context of that OTHER moment in s2 where yennefer reunites with her friends at aretuza and they spend the first few minutes being Very Mean before clinging to each other in abject relief they're all alive and y'all I think yennefer thinks she and jaskier are friends
like, they've known each other for decades and they meet up every so often to trade snide remarks and drink and maybe commiserate over geralt being *gestures at all of geralt* and that's basically friendship right? at least, according to her shitty childhood and all the socialization she got at the trauma factory of aretuza they're practically besties
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i just think!! that yennefer and jaskier should get drunk together and shit talk geralt and get giggly and cry and sing all of jaskier's top hits at the top of their lungs and he should serenade her with her sweet kiss while she falls over laughing and they dance on tables before collapsing into bed and falling asleep wrapped up in each other and drooling on each other and wake up the next morning disgustingly hungover hair wrecked eye liner smudged and make eye contact and laugh and just generally be besties slash boyfriend girlfriend ok!!
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thedemonofcat · 2 months
It's winter in Oxenfurt, and Jaskier is spending these months working as a professor at the Academy. One night, he finds a cat outside in the cold. Not wanting the animal to freeze, Jaskier decides to take him in.
In some ways, the cat reminds him of Geralt.
When spring arrives, Geralt comes to fetch Jaskier, temporarily accompanied by Lambert. Jaskier's cat persistently meows at Lambert.
Unbeknownst to everyone, Jaskier's pet cat is actually Aiden, a Witcher.
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mothpiercings · 2 years
jaskier: before getting into something, i always ask myself if can mansplain, manipulate and manwhore my way out of this.
jaskier: if the answer is no, i leave it at that and allow myself to forget about the next option, manslaughter. mostly.
geralt, narrowing his eyes: what's mostly supposed to mean?
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apileoftrashwriter · 2 months
the geralt/eddie parallels haunt my every waking thought
if it wasnt 5 am and i was on my laptop i would type a novel on how geralts self hate regarding the trials, becoming a witcher and his inhumanness and eddies internalized homophobia, being raised catholic with heteronormative familial dynamics, and military trauma parallel so hard....
plus the presence of their children - ciri/chris - and how their dynamics with their fathers act as both objects assisting in geralt/eddie's self acceptance? healing?, and also obstacles in due to how the fathers project those pre-healed traumatic mindsets on them
and i would get into their dynamics with their male besties and how in accepting their love for them they have to combat those unhealthy lines of thinking head on. accepting that geralt isnt an unfeeling monster undeserving or unneeding of love, and eddie is attracted to men and has had a healthy co-parenting dynamic with someone who wasnt a woman. (jaskier-buck parallels is a whole other can of worms)
then dont even get me started on their relationships with women - starting back with geralts feeling of abandonment by his mother and eddie's emotional feeling of abandonment (and later literal abandonment) by shannon (in addition to the implication of his emotionally neglectful mother). and the betrayal the women in their life have committed against their kids - yennefer w ciri, shannon w chris
like theres so much im going insane
i love them both sm they are my cinnamon apples
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fandom-junk-drawer · 1 year
The Witcher Headcanon - Worm Witcher Worm
Jaskier wrote Burn Butcher Burn after The Mountain Divorce, and spent the next two years singing it in every tavern and inn he came to. It became one of his most well-known songs.
Geralt spent his time wandering the Path alone, and heard people talk about a popular song, but he never paid much attention. After he made up with Jaskier and they started traveling together again, he eventually found out about the song.
It was awkward. Really awkward. They couldn't look each other in the eye, and conversation was painfully uncomfortable for days afterwards. They had a nice long talk one evening, only after Roach got tired of watching them wallow and took matters into her own hands...er, hooves.
She'd trod heavily on Geralt's foot while he was unsaddling her, then shoved him toward Jaskier with her head. Geralt had taken the hint and started the most awkward converstation in history.
Under Roach's watchful eye, threatening snorts, and laced back ears, words were exchanged, the figurative Olive Branch was extended, given an encouraging shake, and apologies were made along with promises to be better.
Fast forward months later. Jaskier and Geralt were back to being besties, and Jaskier was spending another winter with his surrogate family. Jaskier had gotten up late, had a late breakfast, and then drank some wine to get rid of his hangover.
He'd harrassed Lambert about his hair, lecturing him in the middle of the Great Hall before dragging him down to the hotsprings.
He'd gone wandering the corridors and empty rooms of the keep, playing out the stories in his head that would inspire songs and ballads.
He'd gone to have long, philosophical discussions with Roach, who was a very good listener, and agreed with him on everything.
Jaskier skipped down to lab to f**k with Yennefer, getting in the way, bantering, and generally being a nuissance.
"Will you get out of here? I'm trying to work, you irritating, insufferable, c*ckwomble!"
"Oh, please! You know you can't stand to be parted from me!"
"I will part you if you don't leave immediately!"
"Ooooh, it that a proposition?"
"Get out before I throw you in the garden, and plow you-!"
"That's anatomically impossible for you to do, but I'm always open to new experiences. I'm sure we could figure something out!."
"I'm going to turn you into a worm!"
Jaskier ran for it when Yennefer lunged at him, and ducked out the door, laughing. "You'd still love me even if I was a worm, right?"
Yennefer chased him out the door, throwing an empty bowl at him.
Jaskier retreated to his room, deciding it was best to stay out of Yennefer's way for a while. He worked on one of his new songs for a while, then went down to the kitchen to pinch a bottle of wine and some bread and cheese.
He took his time, enjoying his snack, and as the level of the wine in the bottle slowly dropped, he started thinking about what Yennefer had said about turning him into a worm. Would she really do it? Would it be permanent, or would it wear off?
Would the spell work on Witchers? Would they be normal worms, or would they be different? They were Witchers, after all. Would they keep their Witcher qualities? Would they be Witcher worms?
And that begs the question: would he be regular worm sized, or would he be, like, a giant worm? With a hat? Would he still be able to sing? Would he be just a giant worm with a fancy hat and a lute that went around singing songs?
Would he sing about people, or would he only sing about worms? Would he have to change his songs to be about worms instead? And how would he play his lute? Would he use his a**end, or would he have some sort of little arms? His brain, marinated in alcohol, started exploring the idea.
Several hours later, Jaskier found himself back in the Great Hall, sitting at the dinner table with his Wolf family. He listened to the stories from the Path, laughing along, and teasing the Wolves about one thing or another. They drank and sang, and played games, and made fun of Lambert.
Long after they should have been in bed, all of them to a man were sh*tfaced off their a**es.
It was too hard to play Gwent when the cards wouldn't hold still long enough to get proper look at the suits, and you couldn't remember how to play anyway.
Telling stories of the Path had lost it's appeal after the stories only got more confusing because no one could remember which story they were telling and in what order the events happened.
Fighting was out of the question when the floor kept tilting and rolling under your feet and the b**tard you were trying to fight kept changing places everytime you blinked.
All the while, Jaskier's slowly pickling brain kept circling back to his earlier thoughts about worms. The thoughts wriggled in and squiggled around, burrowing deeper into his thoughts, brining new thoughts and questions, new things to wonder about.
Eskel tossed back the last dregs of his White Gull and plonked his tankard down, called cheerfully "Jask, sing us a song!"
"A song, bard!" the other Witchers called out in agreement, then started chanting, "Sing! Sing! Sing!"
Jaskier, brain embalmed at this point, heard the crowd calling him, and could not resist. The next thing he knew he was standing on top of the table, thoughts still falling down the rabbit hole of worms. He cradled his lute, and, with his last functioning brain cell only able to remember something about worms, started singing.
The song was familiar, especially to Geralt, but he was confused. They lyrics were different. He didn't remember the song being about worms. Still, it was catchy. It was one of those songs that stuck in your brian and kept you awake all night, playing over and over.
There was something about it that just made you want to get up and move. No, it was like some sort of magic spell: It compelled you to get up and...
Jaskier's voice rose and boomed through the Hall as he hit the chorus, "WORM, WITCHER, WoOoOrRRRMMMM!"
Jaskier could not explain the phenonemon that resulted in the weirdest form of locomotion that he had ever seen. Witchers all thourghout the Hall were throwing themselves to the floor and undulating across it like sine waves.
Jaskier marvled at the magical sight, belting out the next verses and following up with the chorus.
Yennefer and Vesemir, hearing the noise came into the Great Hall to see what f**kery was afoot and were greeted by the oddest sight.
Jaskier *Standing on the table*: "WaTcH ThAt WiTCheR WoOoRRRMMM!
Geralt and his brothers: *frantically doing The Worm*
Yennefer stood there watching out of horrified fascination, speechless as Geralt 'wormed' as if his life depended on it. If he wormed any faster, she feared he would go airborne. Jaskier hit the chorus line again, belting out "WoRm, WiTcHeR WoRM, WoRM, wOrM, WoRm..."
Vesemir dipped out without a word. He was going to bed. He was just too old for this sh*t.
Yennefer watched for a few moments as her two idiots went on with their nonsense. She wondered what was going on inside their heads, then decided she didn't want to know. She marveled at how easily she had let these two imbeciles into her life. She sighed. Love was so complicated.
Yennefer left moments later, not wanting to bear witness to what ever disaster was going to happen if one of them Wormed too close to the fire pit, or over the piles of empty bottles of White Gull.
The next morning, the Witchers woke up with massive hangovers, wondering why they felt as if they'd been bludgeoned by rock trolls. They could remember nothing of the previous night's activities, but for some mysterious reason, they all had had odd dreams about worms.
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rebrandedbard · 6 months
hey srry if this question makes you uncomfy or anything, but what are your thoughts on geraskefer and the other ships between the three?
Oh it isn't uncomfortable at all! In fact, this is a perfect example of polite interest and ask etiquette. You're asking about a subject I've blogged about and shown interest in, and in a very polite manner. I'm over-explaining this so as to comfort you and encourage future asks, my dear good nonny.
Since TWN season 2, I've loved geraskefer. Season two shifted all their dynamics in very interesting ways. I will elaborate:
That scene in the pub and later in the boat between Jaskier and Yennefer converted me. I LOVED their vibe in season 2, and what little we had in season 3 with them was delightful. I love them having this banter-heavy dialogue, this playful "I tooootally find you annoying" best bitchy friends attitude (exaggerated, of course, for fun in fandom). They really do have each other's best interests at heart. They care. And to have them be together without the involvement of Geralt is very nice, even if he is a large part of why they would come together in any circumstance. But seeing the trust between them grow and to see how they need and rely on one another is so compelling. Drinking buddies <3 and I need them to kiss.
Canon and a power couple. Divorced parents trying to get back together. A good contrast. The tension of knowing your love may be influenced by magic has a kind of tragedy. However, I need them to interact more outside of sex and talking about the wish. The opening of season 3 where we saw them as a family made me actually like them as a couple. I need them to be friends before I can ship them, and season 3 went a LONG way to making that happen. They've slowed down enough to actually get to know one another, and I look forward to seeing more of it.
The OG. The OTP. The reason like 99% of you are likely on this blog. Besties with romantic tension. The bants. The sass. The friendship and deep understanding at the core of who they are and how they interact. The ride or die. The tragedy of having it all thrown in your face and made insignificant in a moment of weakness. The desperation to repair what was once taken for granted. The choice to put in the work to repair what was lost. The honesty that comes with it. The fact that I am a gay (technically bi, like 85% men 15% women-ish whatever I'm gay I don't do math). These are what I find so compelling about the two.
All of the above with a healthy dose of tension, confusion, pining, despair, and an ending in which finally, just this once, everyone gets exactly what they want, and it's okay to have it. The healing. The appreciation for one another. All the fear gone and all the love spoken. The bisexual dream. Jaskier is the glue. And I want them to FIGHT over him before they all get together. THE ship that makes me actually think polyamory would be THE best conclusion. They're already family regardless and I will cling to that. It's a main FOUR. Those three are equals in this unit.
I hope that answers things for you! In conclusion, I love all the variations. Generally speaking, I rank them by favorite as geraskier, geraskefer, yennskier, yenralt. The more Jaskier in the relationship, the better.
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
The writers don't seem to be able to create conflict without turning to betrayal.
Last season it was Yennefer selling Ciri to some OC demon, so Geralt has a reason to be angry with her. (Not Ciri- they're immediately besties.)
Now Jaskier betrays Geralt for some OC dick in order to "protect" Ciri.
Not only there's no logic to it, it unnecessarily lacks faithfulness of character, while adding absolutely nothing to the story. No depth whatsoever.
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