#Jaya Sri
sinhalasonglyrics · 1 year
ආලවන්ති | Alawanthi by Jaya Sri [2023]
ආලවන්තී මාමේ සබකෝල සැන්දෑවේසීතල හීන වර්ෂාවේසිහිල ගෙනේමට සැමදාමාද මිහිරාවීසවුදිය පුරන සඳයාමේනුඹෙ වත පිරුණු සඳ වාගේනෙතු දැහැනේමට සැමදා හිතා හිතා නුඹේ රටාමගේ හිතත් උමතුයි සොඳුරීපතා පතා පෙරුම් පුරානුඹේ දෑස නෑ අත්හැරුනේහිතා හිතා නුඹේ රටාමගේ හිතත් උමතුයි සොඳුරීපතා පතා පෙරුම් පුරානුඹේ දෑස නෑ අත්හැරුනේනුඹට වශීවෙලා මා තනිවෙන්නට ආසම නැහැ දැන්නුඹෙ ගත හැඩ සිහිවෙයි හැමතැන්සිහින සැබෑ වෙන හැටි දැනගනිමින්බලා…
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fanofreading · 3 months
The Healing Power of Ficus Religiosa: A Dive into Ayurvedic Wisdom
Ficus Religiosa, commonly known as the sacred fig, is a revered tree native to the Indian subcontinent, playing a pivotal role in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Also referred to as the bodhi tree, peepul tree, or ashvattha tree, this species goes beyond its religious significance, offering a plethora of health benefits according to Ayurvedic texts. Religious Significance Hindu and Jain…
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gooselacom · 1 year
Komisi 2 DPRD Medan Tegaskan PT Sri Deli Jaya Bayarkan Mantan Pekerjanya
Komisi 2 DPRD Medan Tegaskan PT Sri Deli Jaya Bayarkan Mantan Pekerjanya
Medan – Komisi 2 DPRD Medan menggelar Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) dengan pihak Disnaker Kota Medan UPT Wilayah I Tenaga Kerja, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan dan Pihak Manajemen PT Sri Deli Jaya percetakan dibawah STTC Group dan mantan pekerja PT Sri Deli Jaya yang berlangsung diruang rapat kerja di Komisi 2 DPRD Medan, Senin (03/10/2022). Rapat yang dipimpin Ketua Komisi 2 DPRD Medan, Sudari didamping…
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newsnusantara · 1 year
Hutan Kota Ditambang, Bupati Minta BJU Reklamasi
Hutan Kota Ditambang, Bupati Minta BJU Reklamasi
Bupati Berau Sri Juniarsih saat meninjau secara langsung kondisi hutan kota yang ditambang oleh PT BJU, Selasa (1/11). NEWSNUSANTARA,TANJUNG REDEB- Bupati Berau Sri Juniarsih didampingi sejumlah jajarannya mengunjungi Bumi Perkemahan Mayang Mangurai dan Hutan Kota Tangap di Teluk Bayur yang nyaris di tambang oleh PT Bara Jaya Utama (BJU). Bahkan, dia juga meninjau sejumlah titik jalan poros yang…
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handweavers · 2 months
every malaysian address is like "34-7, jalan gerbang utama U9/3c, SS UJ 9, 47620, bandaraya damansara sri bukit jaya, kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan kuala lumpur" there isn't enough room to write it on the envelope
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entheognosis · 10 months
Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi is a sacred fig tree in the Mahamewna Gardens, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. It was planted in 288 BC, and is the oldest living human-planted tree in the world with a known planting date.
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haribolnamaste · 8 months
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Jaya Sri Krishna Janmastami!
#krishna #krsna #babykrishna #janmastami #janmashtami #vasudevakrishna #sesanaga #vrindavana #yasoda #janmastamiseason
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 2 months
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scrapbuuk · 3 months
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Bandar Sri Damansara, Petaling Jaya, June 2023.
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ritish16 · 2 years
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Sri Dutta. Jaya Dutta. Guru Dutta. 😇🙏
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colin-ross · 10 months
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I am not religious, I am probably not an atheist - I am too lazy for that so I may be agnostic… Anyone who knows me though will testify to whatever deity they believe in that I am an equal opportunist when it comes to celebrating all feast days if they come with food though.
If I did believe I would probably be closer to being a Buddhist (or a Jain, but again that is too much like hard work), although it is more of a philosophy than a religion.
Anyway enough of that, I will be visiting a number of religious sites over the next few months for a number of different religions. I shall endeavour to treat them with equal respect and take their version of events as fact for the purpose of what I write.
Yesterday I was in Anuradhapura and visited Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi - the sacred bo tree. This tree is a cutting from the Sri Maha Bodhi which Buddha found enlightenment under. It is said to be the oldest human-planted tree in the world at over 2,300 years old.
Whilst in Anuradhapura I also saw a number of Buddhist Stupas, a Moonstone and saw quite a few statues. Photographs will follow.
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zavostero · 11 months
Eyang, Cucumu Merindukanmu!
Tiga hari yang lalu, aku membuka kembali lembaran foto eyang kakung dan eyang putri di album foto yang sudah lama tak tersentuh. Bersama bapak dan ibu, kita bercerita dan mengenang masa lalu. Eyang luar biasa jaya pada masanya, dengan rumah megah 1 hektare sebagai saksi perjalanan hidup mereka. Ku lihat bapak remaja di album foto itu. Terbesit di benakku, kira-kira apa yang bapak rasakan saat itu, ya, hidup bergelimang harta dan tahta mengingat eyang merupakan keturunan Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VI yang masih menjunjung tradisi ningratnya.
Dulu sebelum bapak stroke, bapak selalu bercerita bahwa eyang merupakan salah satu orang terkaya di Semarang. Proyek telepon pertama di Semarang dan juga taksi borobudur merupakan contoh kecil dari sekian banyak gurita bisnis eyang saat itu. Bapak bilang, dulu setiap anak eyang—enam anak termasuk bapak—memiliki pembantunya masing-masing yang mengurus mereka dari kecil hingga besar. Jumlah pembantu, supir, dan pekerja di rumah eyang saat itu jika ditotal mungkin kurang lebih ada 30 orang, atau lebih?
Mereka sangat terpandang. Keluarga konglomerat. Keturunan ningrat. Dikelilingi orang-orang hebat. Ah sungguh nikmat.
Kini, baik eyang kakung maupun eyang putri telah tiada. Aku bahkan belum sempat bertemu mereka ketika aku dilahirkan. Berulang kali bapak bilang kalau aku mirip sekali dengan eyang putri, seperti reinkarnasinya, haha. Jujur belakangan ini pikiranku dipenuhi oleh mereka. Aku kerap berandai, apa jadinya bila mereka masih hidup? Apakah mereka akan menyukaiku? Apakah mereka akan mengajakku jalan-jalan bersama salah satu mobil mewahnya? Kata bapak, sih, eyang kakung dan eyang putri pasti akan sangat mencintaiku jika mereka masih hidup. Dan tentunya, semua keinginanku akan dituruti.
Hatiku meringis. Ya Tuhan, aku ingin sekali berbincang dengan eyang kakung dan eyang putri. Aku ingin bertukar pikiran dengan mereka. Lebih dari itu, aku ingin sekali melihat sosok mereka. Aku ingin mereka memelukku dan mengatakan bahwa aku hebat! anak bapak yang hebat! cucu eyang yang hebat! Tapi, bagaimana bisa? Kalaupun aku mati, belum tentu aku akan dipertemukan dengan mereka....
Eyang kakung, Eyang putri, halo! Aku putri dari putramu yang ke-empat. Aku bersaksi bahwa putramu merupakan bapak terbaik di dunia. Dia mencintaiku selayaknya dunianya. Dia selalu mengorbankan apapun demi keluarga. Dia tidak pernah menuntutku, memarahiku, membentakku, dan memukulku. Dia tidak pernah menyakitiku, Eyang. Terimakasih telah melahirkan putra seperti bapak.
Aku mencintainya dengan tulus. Aku merindukannya untuk dapat bicara kembali sebesar ia rindu untuk dapat bersatu kembali dengan kalian. Aku ingin kalian tahu, Eyang, bahwa bapak pantas mendapatkan seluruh kebahagiaan di dunia ini. Aku bersumpah bahwa orang sebaik bapak pantas mendapatkannya. Tolong do'akan putramu untuk segera pulih, ya, Eyang. Tolong bisikkan kepada malaikat di surga untuk membantu kesembuhan bapak.
Saat ini mungkin dunia sedang tidak berpihak pada kami, tapi aku janji bahwa suatu saat nanti, entah kapan itu, aku akan mengembalikan semuanya ke tempat di mana seharusnya berada. Dukung aku terus dari atas, ya, Eyang! Aku akan terus mendengarkan playlist Oldies Goldies untuk merasakan kehadiran Eyang di sini. Kata bapak dulu Eyang suka mendengarkan lagu-lagu American-English Pop 1960s-1980s di radio. Persis sepertiku juga, loh, Eyang! Hehehe.
Sudah dulu ya Eyang. Kapan-kapan aku akan bercerita lagi. Selamat beristirahat dengan tenang, Eyang Kakung dan Eyang Putri.
Much love,
Semarang, 30 Mei 2023 // 2:20 WIB
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The Aditya Hridayam, is a hymn in glorification of the Sun or Surya and was recited by the great sage Agastya to Lord Rama on the battlefield before fighting with Ravana.
This historic hymn starts at the beginning of the Battle with Ravana, when Lord Rama is fatigued and getting ready to fight. The mystical hymn is dircted to the Sun God, the illustrious lord of all victories.
The Aditya-Hridyam Hymn is part of the Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana (the chapter of war) and contains 31 slokas.
Nama Suryaya Santaya Sarvaroga Nivarine |
Ayu rarogya maisvairyam dehi devah jagatpate ||
Oh Lord Surya, ruler of the universe, you are the remover of all diseases, the repository of peace
I bow to you. May you bless your devotees with longevity, health and wealth
1. By reciting Aditya Hridaya Stotra Sri Rama killed Ravana and achieved Victory.
2. "Tejaskamo Vibhavasum" people desirous of Tejas-Aura around them, have to recite Aditya Hridaya Stotra. This is stated in Bhagavata.
3. By the grace of Surya Kunti Devi was blessed with Karna . Monkey Rurajasa with Sugreeva as his son
4. Satrajit obtained Syamantaka-mani by worshipping Surya.
5. Dharma Raja obtained Akshaya patra by worshipping Lord Surya and he used to entertain his guests with this wish yielding bowl.
6. "Dinesam Sukhardham" It is stated in Skanda purana that one has to pray to Surya Bhagavan for happiness and welfare.
7. The Samba purana declared that Samba the son of Jambavati could get himself cured of his leprosy by worshipping Lord Surya.
8. Mayurabhatta could make his body akin to a Diamond and became free from disease.
Sunday is the day of Surya.
One must avoid Liquor and Meat on Sundays.
Veda has stated that it is essential to get up early before sun rise.
One must get up in the early morning and offer oblations to Sun God. It is desirable to take bath in any lake or pond or river.
Stand opposite to Sun God and offer the Arghya.
Then the Cosmic rays covering the flowing water in Arghya pradana will emanate the power received from the rays of Sun and they project on our body.
1. He possesses Seven horses (Seven rays)
They are Jaya, Ajaya, Vijaya, Jitaprana, Jitakrama, Mano Japa, Jita Krodha (Bhavisya purana)
Jaya : The first ray bestows firm conviction, mental and physical strength generosity domination of others and benevolence.
Ajaya : gives Compassion, tranquility and intelligence, inward understanding.
Vijaya : Voracious reading, high thinking and spiritual base.
Jita prana : Deep thinking, extremely kind, merciful.
Jita krama : grants high quality discipline, very knowledgeble & scientific evaluators.
Manojapa :
Dedication & devotion, sincere and pursues the path of truth.
Jita krodha : In depth evaluation, artistic taste in fine arts and adoration of beauty, love for display.
2. The Seven Chandas : (poetic metres)
1. The Gayatri
2. Jagati
3. Usnik
4. Tristupp
5. Anustupp
6. Pankti became the six horses.
7. the Bhruhati chanda has became seat in middle of the Chariot.
Surya Bhagavan sits on this Chariot of Chandas & travel on the space.
3. Lord Surya has Seven rays :
These are
1. Susumna
2. Suradana
3. Udanvasu
4. Visvakarma
5. Udavasu
6. Visvavyaca
7. Harikesa
“Susumna”: This is equivalent to the brightness of thousand rays.
This ray with this name make Chandra (Moon) most beautiful one.
The Nectar given
by fullmoon to all bestows on them happiness and pleasure.
“Surandana” : The moon has originated from this ray.
Even the rays of are only rays of Surya (Sun) alone.
“Udannvasu” : From this the Kuja graha (planet) is originated.
This ray of Surya will protect living being from defects of blood & gives them health, brilliance & wealth.
“Visva karma” : This constructs the Budhagraha (planet).
This ray will remove mental agitations of people & grants all auspiciousness and peace.
“Udavasu” : This ray constructs Brihaspati planet.
This planet grants pleasures & liberation to all living beings.
By worshipping this planet all hurdles, obstructions, opposition will be removed & success is achieved.
“Visva vyaca” : From this ray Sukra & Sani have originated.
Among them Sukra is responsible for Virya (sperm) Sukra is incharge of humans procreation & also his ray brings death.
Hence by worshipping this
ray one will get complete longevity.
“Harikesa” : Due to this ray, all Stars (Nakshatras) are born.
These come to be known as Nakshatra because they are protecting human bodies from loss of strength, Virya & Teja.
Surya has seven service personnel
They are
1. Nakshatras
2. Months
3. Fortnights
4. Seasons
5. Years
6. Days
7. Nights.
He has Seven Indriyas (organs) they are
1. Two eyes 2. Two Nostrils 3. Two ears 4. One face.
Surya Bhagavan is the person that activates the functions of these organs.
6. He has a Horse by name Sapta.
Having a Chariot with this name he
is called as Sapta Sapti.
This name is denoted at end of Kalki Avatara riding this horse.
The seven colours of Suryadeva : 1. Red 2. Orange 3. Yellow 4. Green 5. Blue 6. Indigo 7. Violet, are the seven horses of Surya 🍀🍒
Full Credits : Aavesh Tapde ji
Stay safe stay better
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kaelio · 11 months
Chapter 20: Longaevus
It does not matter if now and then a Mekare erupts guano-specked from some obscure hypogeum or a Thorne sheds like the wolverine the wicking frost of Arctic ice. I am old and those older will stay rare. They cannot get commoner. The sacred fig at Anuradhapura, Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi, was young when living bristlecones were ancient. But it is old.
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newsnusantara · 2 years
Dua Kampung di Berau Jadi Percontohan DRPPA
Dua Kampung di Berau Jadi Percontohan DRPPA
NEWSNUSANTARA.COM,TANJUNG REDEB – Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (KPPPA) menetapkan 142 desa sebagai wilayah model Desa Ramah Perempuan dan Peduli Anak (DRPPA). Di Kalimantan Timur ditetapkan untuk Kabupaten Berau dan Paser. Dua kampung yang terpilih dalam program ini yaitu Kampung Labanan Makmur dan Labanan Jaya. Penetapan ini berdasarkan keputusan Menteri PPPA Nomor 70…
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misalpav · 1 year
🎶 jaya srinivasa jaya venkatesha vrusha shailanatha sri padmanabha vaikunthanatha jaya jaya jaya vishwateja rajadhiraja tava jaya jaya jaya devadi deva jaya vasudeva sri ramachandra jaya kalkiroopa shaureesha modha byri ninadha jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya 🎶
🎶 mammu kachina vaadu maa manasu dochina vaadu mangalakarudu maa srinivasudu 🎶
and u my bestie, on this very fine day, have made a very good cinematic decision. feel free to pat yourself on the back, sit back, relax, and enjoy the next 2-3 hours of your life
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