#Jeffrey Jeff Johansen
acradelius · 2 years
Could you do some NSFW Jeff Johansen headcannons? He needs more love!
"Jeff Johansen"
Fandom: Dead By Daylight
Pairing: Jeff Johansen x Reader
Rating: Lemon [🟡] (NSFW!)
Warnings/Mention Ofs: Career Inspiration From Sexual Encounters, NSFW Commissions, Solo Masturbation, Family Trauma, Traumatic Upbringing, Passionate/Fluffy Sex, Slight Breeding Kink, Aftercare
Word Count: 581 Words
Author's Note: Consider me now a Jeff stan
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While he doesn’t necessarily create all of his pieces based on his sexual encounters with (Y/N), he will admit that he’s taken inspiration or has used certain aspects to incorporate into his pieces, as long as he’s granted permission to do so by (Y/N) first. Despite that those pieces that he creates might end up in someone else’s possession in the end, he cherishes the fact that only he will know where that inspiration came from. He indulges in the fact that he’s the one that has actually gotten to experience what is being presented in his art, and sometimes ends up becoming so worked up about thinking about making love with (Y/N) that he’ll either take a break to masturbate or even see if (Y/N)’s wanting to have sex at that time or later on. Also, one of his favorite activities to do that concludes both art and sex at the same time is those “Love Is An Art Kit” sessions. He absolutely enjoys the process of creating the pieces, but also will go far enough to hang them up around his home, or his studio, and even has hung one up at his workplace, always becoming hesitant and flustered whenever someone asks about it.
While many people do not know, and most likely will never find out, Jeff’s sexual preference can be blamed on how his upbringing was. With his parents constantly fighting, the way that he was always isolated due to him having to move away from everything he had known due to his parents divorce and having to move in with his mother. He cannot bring himself to participate in rough sex, and cannot see himself with a partner that prefers that type of sex. Jeff finds himself to be more comfortable, more at peace, whenever it comes down to having passionate, loving sex. There’s those reassuring, lovey-dovey whispers of “I love you” or “What can I do to make you feel even better?” and gestures that are followed by gentle touches that travel across the body. Jeff would admit, more only to (Y/N) than anyone else, that he has a slight breeding kink. He would also admit, more only to (Y/N) than anyone else, that he has a slight breeding kink. He would absolutely love making love to (Y/N) knowing that they would be creating a family that he could properly love, and properly thrive with. 
On the other hand, that Jeff hadn’t had met or formed a relationship with (Y/N) until after having been taken by the Entity and ended up within the Entity’s realm, things aren’t that much different. Yet, you would not be able to persuade (Y/N) that Jeff has absolutely no experience or is garbage at aftercare when he literally has a perk labeled “Aftercare”.  Even if the sexual experience hasn’t even begun or isn’t even close to being over Jeff is on top of making sure that (Y/N) is doing fine, and that if they need anything that he will do his damn best to make sure it gets done. “Are you needing something? Like something to drink or something to eat? Would you like to take a small break, or finish the session at a later time? Is there any position you would prefer to be in?” No matter what, Jeff would absolutely make sure that (Y/N) is taken care of and shown that he cares about them.
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leonkennedyirl · 2 years
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Jeff Johansen
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cherry-cristal · 1 year
Would the Survivors recognize Nicolas Cage?
So, I’m gonna put if the survivors gonna recognize Nic when he finally arrives to this hell
YES/NO (if yes) Would they gush about it?
Dwight Fairfield: YES/NO | Dwight is you average white guy with average taste so of course he knows who’s Nicolas Cage is. He gushed, but not too much, from shyness and politeness.
Meg Thomas: YES/NO | She looks like she watches shitty movies with her mom whenever possible, so of course she knows who he is! She gushws, so much, like, she’s 10/10 an extrovert she made him sign so much leaves.
Claudette Morel: YES/NO | She knows who he is, has watch like, 2 and a half of his movies and knows more about his memes than him.
Jake Park: YES/NO | He knows who he is, but not being a huge movie person he doesn’t really care.
Nea Karlsson: YES/NO | She’s from 2021, she was a young delinquent and passed more on the streets that in front of a screen so she knows but she couldn’t give more of a fuck.
Laurie Strode: YES/NO | Her nightmare began in 1978, and the next few years because of her brother she could keep up with media.
Ace Visconti: YES/NO | HE KNOWS HIM and he knows how to fake his sign, he had got sooo much money with that scam! He of course asked for his autograph!
William "Bill" Overbeck: YES/NO | He was a veteran, bitter about the civy life, he heard his name once or twice but don’t really know him.
Feng Min: YES/NO | SHE RAN A FORUM FULL OF HIS MEMES! She was fan of his shitpost and asked him to reenact so much of her favorite dialogues!
David King: YES/NO | He knows who he is, has seen a few of his movies but doesn’t really care, so when he sees him he was like ‘yooo, no even celebrities are safe from this shithole’ and that’s all.
Quentin Smith: YES/NO | He knew the memes (the old ones) but after everything with Freddy and now being in the Entity realm he forgot about him.
Detective David Tapp: YES/NO | He saw like, two of his movies and that was all, his ex-wife was a fan but he doesn't really paid attention to mainstream media being a workaholic and all.
Kate Denson: YES/NO | She’s from the 60′ I don’t think Nic Cage was even born. 
Adam Francis: YES/NO | He actually learn about him when the Nicolastick became famous in Japan, but nothing more.
Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen: YES/NO | He watched a lot of his movies when he was around 18 or 19, and even if he’s not as much as a fan now he still gushed a little about him.
Jane Romero: YES/NO | SHE had meet him before, even drink with him, but since their circles weren't really comparable, they didn't keep contact, she welcomed him not differently from whoever else falls in this nightmare.
Ashley J. Williams: YES/NO | Everything went to shit in 1982 for him, jumping from age to age and trauma to trauma he doesn’t even know what year he was taken from.
Nancy Wheeler/Steve Harrington:  YES/NO | Being from the 80′s, and with all that went on with Eleven and the kids, they don’t know who he is.
Yui Kimura: YES/NO | She knows him because Hiro (her bff) is a fan of his movies and camped with him outside a store when they announced the Nicolasticks, she almost cried when she saw him because she was reminded of Hiro and how he was when she dissapeared and really couldn’t face him in a while.
Zarina Kassir: YES/NO | She know he exist, maybe saw... one? Two movies? But she’s not interested in fiction movies and being a workaholic didn’t let her much time to care about celebrities.
Cheryl Mason: YES/NO | Nope, no idea, no having time for teenhood and all that “vessel of a god and Silent Hill stuff” didn't give her much time to kept up with celebrities.
Felix Richter: YES/NO | He knows him, his tailor once told him they tailored a suit for him, but that’s all to be honest.
Élodie Rakoto: YES/NO | Knows, doesn’t care, she’s too busy trying to save her parents thank you very mucho.
Yun-Jin Lee: YES/NO | She knows who he is, doesn't really caring BUT since Ji-Woon was SO OBSESSED WITH HIM she actually tries to avoid him... And everyone else to be honest.
Jill Valentine: YES/NO | Even if Nic’s career started to be noticed in the 90′s she didn't have time to go to the cinema so maybe heard about him from strangers in the streets, but that’s all.
Leon Scott Kennedy: YES/NO | Goody-two-shoes freshly outa school rookie cop Leon sure didn’t have time (or actually care) about the upcoming actors.
Mikaela Reid: YES/NO | SHE KNOWS HIM, she went to a couple of comic cons to meet him and has an autograph from him, she gushes so much and actually gets hurt when he told her he didn't remember her.
Jonah Vasquez: YES/NO | His movies were what keeps him sane whenever he had a little bit of time for himself, he binge watched every-single-one, with beer and stale nachos.
Yoichi Asakawa: YES/NO | He has seen a couple of movies and were there when almost all of his student were late to class because they camped to try to buy a Nicolastick.
Haddie Kaur: YES/NO |Knows about him, has seen a couple of movies, knows a few memes, but that’s all, she’s busy, ok? That doesn't mean she didn't ask for an autograph...
Ada Wong: YES/NO |  Nope, Nicolas what? No idea, doesn’t care, doesn’t matter.
Rebecca Chambers: YES/NO | Even if she doesn't know who he is, she gushes about meeting a celebrity, especially the Entity’s Realm!
Vittorio Toscano: YES/NO | Dude’s older that dust, he doesn’t know what a photograph is.
Thalita Lyra: YES/NO | Knows him, watched movies with his brother and actually really likes one of his memes, asks for an autograph for her brother (but it’s actually for her)
Renato Lyra: YES/NO | Has watched every single one of his movies in an “ironic” way, actually likes a lot of them and stuttered welcoming him.
Gabriel Soma: YES/NO | Dude’s from 2098 after a war that made humans go to outer space, I don’t think he even knows what a movie is.
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aweirddreadfulterror · 7 months
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blot-squisher · 11 months
Have you done an alphabet for Jeff? Jeff is my baby <3333
SFW Alphabet Ask Meme for Surviving the Game Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Jeff is very quiet with his affection. He shows it best in private moments and in soft, genuine ways. Don't be surprised to find a small painting on your table one morning, quietly left for you to find.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) Jeff prefers solitude, but if you're comfortable with long stretches of not speaking and allowing music to fill the silence, you'll quickly become good friends.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Jeff is often very touch averse. It's not that he doesn't like to hold his partner, but more that he's not comfortable feeling crowded. Stretching out together on the couch or on a blanket so he's got plenty of space is usually best.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Jeff is used to the bachelor lifestyle and the responsibilities that come with it. That being said, his house is usually covered in paint, art projects in progress, and a lot of empty take out containers. He's unintentionally drunk paint water more than a few times.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) Privately, and without malice. Even if the relationship ends on poor terms, he's not one to cause more bad blood or start a fight. He's seen enough of that and has no time for it in his life anymore.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Although he would be willing to get married to the right person, it would be a very, very long road to get there. Jeff believes in taking his time, and a relationship as important as that shouldn't be rushed.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Usually very soft spoken, Jeff's hands are as gentle as his voice. He can and will fight if need be, but he'll always try to work things out without violence first.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Jeff will rarely instigate a hug and may even shy away from them if he's feeling overwhelmed. He's not a fan of crowds and dislikes the feeling of being mobbed. On the rare occasions he does hug, it's very easy to relax to the point of wanting to fall asleep.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) It'll take a while, but don't worry. It's not that he doesn't care or have feelings, he's just trying to find the right time and way to express himself.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Jeff expresses himself best through his art. Although he's not a terribly jealous person, when such feelings do arise he works it out through his favorite mediums. Art and music.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss their partner? Where do they like to be kissed?) Jeff enjoys taking his time, kissing his partner all across their body. He isn't particular about where he's kissed, really, as he prefers to be the one offering touch.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Jeff isn't overly fond of children simply because they (usually) have no concept of personal space or volume. He doesn't dislike them and would actually make a fantastic father, but he prefers to avoid other peoples kids.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Sitting on the porch drinking coffee as the sun rises. Or, if you're in the Pocket, sitting on the porch drinking coffee and watching the swirling void sky. Hey, inspiration is inspiration.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Sitting on the porch, but drinking home brewed beer. If he's not on the porch, he'll either be in front of his drawing pad, computer, or other canvas.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) Honestly, it'll probably be at least a couple of years before you even learn his middle name.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Jeff may put on a mean face at times to keep people away from him, but he's actually rather calm and collected.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about their partner? Do they remember every little detail they mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) So used to solitude, it can take Jeff a while to start remembering things. He's not doing it to be hurtful, he just isn't used to taking that kind of care of another person.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in their relationship?) The first time he told a joke and got a genuine laugh out of you. He wasn't expecting it, as he usually only told jokes to his dog. It's nice to get a positive reaction like that out of someone.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect their partner? How would they like to be protected?) Jeff is very protective over his loved ones, and if words don't work, he's not afraid to get into the fray. He doesn't want anyone to get hurt on his behalf, so if you can talk down a situation (or at least try before jumping straight to violence) it'll go a very long way in his book.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) It'll really just depend on the occasion and how far ahead of time he remembers it's coming up. Chances are he'll do something small and private though, even if it is a little late.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Jeff will go hyper absorbed in his work and lose time. How long has he been sitting in front of his computer? Has he eaten today? Has he slept? The answer is probably not...
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) He's very picky about what kind of beard shampoo he uses, but other than that he's really not very concerned with his looks.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their partner?) Jeff is used to living alone, but if he lost someone that important to him, it would deeply and greatly affect him for a long time.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Jeff doesn't mind cats, but he greatly prefers dogs. Dogs don't tend to jump on tables, knock over paint water, or leave little paw prints all over drying canvas...
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) Loud noisy people who don't respect personal space or alone time. He's not opposed to listening to his music at a slightly higher volume, but he still tries to keep it at a respectful level.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) What is sleep?
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voices-in-the-fog · 8 months
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Who will You choose . . . ?
[ Voices in the Fog roster ]
SURVIVORS who remain . . .
Dwight Fairfield, the Nervous Leader
Meg Thomas, the Energetic Athlete
Claudette Morel, the Studious Botanist
Jake Park, the Solitary Survivalist
Nea Karlsson, the Urban Artist
Laurie Strode, the Determined Survivor
Ace Visconti, the Lucky Gambler
William "Bill" Overbeck, the Old Solider
Min Feng, the Focused Competitor
David King, the Rugged Scrapper
Quentin Smith, the Resolute Dreamwalker
David Tapp, the Obsessed Detective
Kate Denson, the Hopeful Songbird
Adam Francis, the Resourceful Teacher
Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen, the Quiet Artist
Jane Romero, the Influential Celebrity
Ashley J. Williams, the Alone Wolf
Nancy Wheeler, the Aspiring Journalist
Steve Harrington, the Former Jock
> Jonathan Byers
Yui Kimura, the Hardened Streetracer
Zarina Kassir, the Plucky Documentarian
Heather “Cheryl” Mason, the Veteran of Terror
> Cybil Bennett
> James Sunderland
> Lisa Garland
> Alessa Gillespie
Felix Richter, the Visionary Architect
Élodie Rakoto, the Occult Investigator
Yun-Jin Lee, the Self-Interested Music Producer
Jill Valentine, the Founding Member of S.T.A.R.S.
> Claire Redfield
> Sheva Alomar
Leon Scott Kennedy, the Rookie Police Officer
> Carlos Oliveira
> Chris Redfield
Mikaela Reid, the Young Mystic
Jonah Vasquez, the Mathematical Mastermind
Yoichi Asakawa, the Brilliant Marine Biologist
Haddie Kaur, the Brave Podcaster
Ada Wong, the Mysterious Secret Agent
Rebecca Chambers, the Gifted Medic
Vittorio Toscano, the Endless Wanderer
Thalita Lyra, the Competitive Kite-Fighter
Renato Lyra, the Analytical Jack-of-all-Trades
Gabriel Soma, the Resourceful Engineer
Ellen Ripley, the Nostromo Warrant Officer
Alan Wake, the Bestselling Author
Sable Ward, the Gothic Occultist
Luis Serra (Resident Evil)
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KILLERS left to claim . . .
Evan MacMillan, The Trapper
Philip Ojomo, The Wraith
Max Thompson Jr., The Hillbilly
Sally Smithson, The Nurse
Michael Myers, The Shape
Lisa Sherwood, The Hag
Herman Carter, The Doctor
Anna, The Huntress
Bubba Sawyer, The Cannibal
Freddy Krueger, The Nightmare
Amanda Young, The Pig
Jeffrey Hawk, The Clown
Rin Yamaoka, The Spirit
The Legion
Frank Morrison
Julie Kostenko
Susie Lavoie
Adiris, The Plague
Danny Johnson, The Ghost Face
Demogorgon, The Demogorgon
Kazan Yamaoka, The Oni
Caleb Quinn, The Deathslinger
Pyramid Head, The Executioner
Talbot Grimes, The Blight
> William Birkin
Charlotte & Victor Deshayes, The Twins
Ji-Woon Hak, The Trickster
Nemesis T-Type, The Nemesis
Elliot Spencer, The Cenobite
> The Chatterer
Carmina Mora, The Artist
Sadako Yamamura, The Onryō
Druanee, The Dredge
Albert Wesker, The Mastermind
Tarhos Kovács, The Knight
Adriana Imai, The Skull Merchant
HUX-A7-13, The Singularity
Xeomorph, The Xenomorph
> The Xenomorph Queen
Charles Lee Ray, Chucky
Unknown, The Unknown
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cinder-no · 8 months
Cinder's Favorite Character Master List
Animal Crossing
Amelia Bianca Blanca Bob Bow Cephalobot Chai Coco Étoile Flick Master Frillard Gyroids Hopkins Jack Kabuki Kapp'n Katrina Kicks Lucky Mathilda Meow Merengue Niko Pavé Petri Pierre Pietro Raymond Rhonda Rolf Ruby Serena Tia Zipper T. Bunny
Apex Legends
Caustic (Dr. Alexander Nox) Fuse (Walter Fitzroy Jr.) Mad Maggie (Margaret Kōhere) Mirage (Elliott Witt)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Adam Clem Doc Dracula Jenny Calendar Moloch the Corruptor Rack Rupert Giles Spike (William Pratt) Zachary Kralik
Cartoon Network (connected universe)
Ace D. Copular Baboon Kaboom HIM Killa Drilla Snake Valhallen
Eyeless Jack Laughing Jack
Doctor Psycho (Edgar Cizko) Extraño (Gregorio de la Vega) Lobo Man-Bat (Dr. Kirk Langstrom) Mister Freeze (Victor Fries) Number One The Riddler (Edward Nygma) Savant (Brian Durlin) Snowflame (Stefan); read-through complete.
Dead by Daylight
Asakawa Yoichi The Baba Yaga The Birch The Cannibal (Bubba Sawyer) The Cenobite (Elliot Spencer) The Chatterer David King The Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn) The Doctor (Herman Carter) The Draugr Dwight Fairfield The Executioner (Pyramid Head) The Ferryman The Grid Xenomorph The Hillbilly (Max Thompson Jr.) HUNK The Huntress (Anna) The Jabberwock Jake Park James Sunderland Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen The Knight (Tarhos Kovács) The Krampus Leon Scott Kennedy The Krampus The Nemesis (Nemesis-T Type) The Oni (Yamaoka Kazan) The Onryō (Yamamura Sadako) Robbie Rabbit The Shape (Michael Myers) Vittorio Toscano William Berkin The Wraith (Phillip Ojomo) The Xenomorph The Xenomorph Clone The Xenomorph Queen
The Doom Slayer The Intern
Dungeons and Dragons (Baldur's Gate 3 and Magic the Gathering)
Abdirak Astarion Ancunin Auntie Ethel Avatar of Me (card) Gromph Baenre Kar'niss Lorin True Soul Nere
The Elder Scrolls
Arnbjorn Cicero Durnehviir Knight Paladin Gelebor Moira Nazir
Joshua Graham Lily Bowen Nick Valentine (synth) Tabitha Victor (PDQ-88b RobCo security model 2060-B Securitron)
Fire and Ice
Lord Nekron; watch complete.
FromSoft (Bloodborne/Dark Souls/Elden Ring)
Father Gascoigne Godrick the Grafted Grave Warden Agdayne Manscorpion Tark Sorcerer Rogier Starscourge Radahn Vengarl of Forossa
Half Life VR but the AI is Self Aware
Benrey Dr. Bubby Dr. Coomer (Dr. Harold Pontiff Coomer) Darnold Pepper Gordon Martinis Freeman Tommy Coolatta
Not Important
Abe Sapien Hellboy
The Kurgan (Victor Kruger)
Judge Dredd
The Clan Techie (Bill Huxley); read-through and watch complete.
The Last Unicorn
Amalthea Celaeno King Haggard Mabruk The Red Bull Schmendrick
Lazy Town
Glanni Glæpur (pre-show Robbie Rotten; treated separate in fanon) Íþróttaálfurinn (pre-show Sportacus; treated separate in fanon) Robbie Rotten Sportacus
Left 4 Dead
Ellis The Hunter Nick The Screamer The Smoker The Witch
Arcade Batroc the Leaper (Georges Batroc); read-through in progress. Blackout, of the Lilin; read-through and watch complete. Crazy Eight (Earth-982) Daimon Hellstrom Digger (Roderick Krupp); read-through in progress. Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) Doctor Rot (Bentley Newton) Electro (Maxwell Dillon) Frog-Man (Eugene Patilio) Gorgeous George (George Blair); read-through in progress. Graviton (Dr. Franklin Hall); read-through complete. The Human Fly (Richard Deacon) Jakita Wegener; read-through complete. Morbius (Dr. Michael Morbius); read-through in progress. Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) Nitro (Robert Hunter); read-through complete. The Owl (Leland Owsley) Riptide (Janos Quested) Ruckus (Clement Wilson); read-through in progress. Speedfreek (Joss Shappe) Stunner (Angelina Brancale); read-through in progress. Toad (Mortimer Toynbee) Tombstone (Alonzo Lincoln) Tower (Edward Pasternak) Will-o-the-Wisp (Jackson Arvad)
Max Headroom
Max Headroom
Dick Knubbler (Richard Knubbler) Nathan Explosion
The Moomins
The Muppets
Beaker Uncle Deadly
My Hero Academia
All Might (Yagi Toshinori) Eraserhead (Aizawa Shōta)
Devil Lude Peloquin Shuna Sassi
One Piece
Buggy the Clown Caesar Clown Pedro Vinsmoke Sanji
Cassidy (Cole Cassidy) Hanzo Shimada Junker Queen (Odessa Stone) Junkrat (Jamison Fawkes) Roadhog (Mako Rutledge) Sigma (Siebren de Kuiper)
The Owl House
Alador Blight Emperor Belos (Phillip Wittebane) Principal Hieronymus Bump
Absol Absol (mega) Aerodactyl (mega) Deep King Agnol Alakazam (mega) Annihilape Arbok AZ Banette Banette (mega) Beedrill Beedrill (mega) Biker (trainer class) Blaziken Blaziken (mega) Bouffalant Brambleghast Gym Leader Brassius Breloom Brute Bonnet Carbink Carnivine Centiskorch Charizard (mega X) Clown (trainer class) Corviknight Cubone Delphox Diancie Diancie (mega) Dhelmise Dragalge Dragapult Drampa Druddigon Dubwool Eelektross Espurr Firebreather (trainer class) Florges Flygon Furfrou Galvantula Gengar (mega) Gliscore Gogoat Goodra Golisopod Grafaiai Grimmsnarl Gumshoos Team Skull Leader Guzma Guzzlord Haunter Hex Maniac (trainer class) Hex Maniac (ghost) Hoopa (unbound) Houndoom Houndoom (mega) Hydrapple Hydreigon Incineroar Inteleon Kangaskhan Kingambit Kommo-o Gym Leader Larry Lopunny Lurantis Lycanroc (midnight form) Kahuna Nanu Majin Malamar Mandibuzz Mareanie Marrowak Marowak (ghost) Maushold Mawile Mawile (mega) Mightyena Miltank Mimikyu MissingNo. Naganadel Cipher Nascour Ninetales (Alolan form) Noivern Obstagoon Gym Leader Opal Team Yell Leader Piers Team Skull Admin Plumeria Pyroar Pyukumuku Rapidash (Galarian form) Rayquaza Rayquaza (mega) Sableye Sableye (mega) Salazzle Scolipede Seviper Shedinja Shiinotic Spectrier Spiritomb Tauros Team Skull Grunt (trainer class) Thievul Tinkaton Toxtricity Trevenant Vespiqueen Wooloo Xurkitree Zangoose Zoroark (Hisuian form)
Postal Dude
Sasha Nein
The Red Eclipse!
Miss Conduct
Resident Evil
The Duke HUNK Karl Heisenberg Leon Scott Kennedy Mr. X (T-00) Nemesis (Nemesis-T Type) Salvatore Moreau
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head Robbie Rabbit
Space Ghost
Brak Moltar Sisto Zorak
Stardew Valley
The Dwarf Elliott Shane Willy The Wizard
Star Trek
Lietenant Commander Data Soong Constable Odo Ital
Star Wars
General Grievous General Armitage Hux Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) Darth Maul Captain Phasma Grand Admiral Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
Studio Ghibli
The Mandrake No-Face
The Time Machine
The Über-Morlock
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
The Venture Bros.
The Action Man (Rodney) Master Billy Quizboy (William Whalen) Brock Samson Dragoon (Jiles Perry Richardson, Jr.) Henchman 21 (Gary) Iggy Pop (James Newell Osterberg, Jr.) The Monarch (Malcolm Fitzcarraldo) Dr. Mrs. the Monarch (Sheila) Dr. Orpheus (Dr. Byron Orpheus) Pete White Red Mantle (Charles Hardin Holley) Sergeant Hatred (Courtney Robert) Vendata (Don Fitzcarraldo)
Warhammer 40k
Corvus Corax Leman Russ Magnus the Red The Night Haunter (Konrad Curze)
The Warlock
Weird Science
Metal Face
What We Do in the Shadows
Laszlo Cravensworth Nandor the Relentless
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sakurachan7734 · 9 months
Where are you?
Chapter 3: missing posters
Agent Meg: do you want me to get her?
Agent Mikaela; yea you can get her
Zoe: maybe I can practice magic in the woods
Agent Meg: should I get her now?
Agent Mikaela: yes you should
Meg gets out the van takes out a needle and stabs Zoe in the neck
Zoe pov
I don’t know what happened but I was just walking around and all of a sudden everything went black and I was asleep for awhile and then I woke up in a weird room on a really uncomfortable bed and the room was cold and I saw a bunch of people in white coats
Dr David: you’re finally awake 
Zoe: where am I?
Dr David: you are at a secret facility that contains monsters
Zoe: but I’m not a monster
Dr David: but we have noticed that you and your older brother are not like any human 
Zoe: because of my powers?
Dr David: yes
Dr David: that’s why we contained you
Zoe: but I haven’t hurt anyone
Dr David: yes but your brother and his boyfriend‘s, friends whatever they are haven’t hurt people several times 
Zoe: that doesn’t mean I will hurt you!
Dr David: but still you need to be here
Two months later 
Zachary pov
It’s been two months since Zoe disappeared we had put missing posters all over the place I searched everywhere I asked Aristotle and Charlie where she is none of them has seen her I starting to get worried about her I don’t know what to do at this point I might as well just give up but I know I can’t she is my sister i also can’t give up on looking for Jackson two people I love I can’t give up on people I love I need to keep looking for them
Zachary: grandma I’m going out for a little bit
Catalina: oh dear be careful
Zachary:* running around the neighbor* zoe!! Zoe Zoe!! Zoey!!! Where are you?! come on this isn’t funny!!!
Meanwhile, with agent Zarina and agent haddie
Agent zarina: so that’s the new SCP’s brother?
Agent haddie: well we did a dna test and it’s her brother we should probably question their grandmother too 
Agent zarina: why not the parents?
Agent haddie: we couldn’t track where the parents were so we have to send someone to talk to the grandmother
Agent zarina: nah let’s not talk to the Grandma she probably has no idea what we are doing
Agent haddie: ok
Agent zarina gets out of the car and puts a bag over Zachary’s head
Zachary:* trying to kick zarina* hay let me go!!!
Agent zarina:* shoves Zachary into the back of the car* target captured
Agent haddie: perfect let’s get out of here 
A few weeks later
Catalina pov
Zachary hasn’t come back yet I’m worried something happened to him maybe he ran away with his boyfriends but hopefully not hopefully he will come back I already put up missing posters and I looked around for them all week I really hope Zoe and Zachary aren’t dead
Meanwhile with Zachary
Zachary: what the hell am I why am i wearing orange?!
Dr Jeff: first of all chill out kid and you are in a secret facility that contains entities that can hurt humanity
Zachary: why am I here then?
Dr Jeff: well several witnesses have said that you and three other people have been going around the town causing chaos
Zachary: who are you?
Dr jeff: I am researcher Jeffrey Johansen but most of the people here call me Jeff 
Zachary: will I ever get out of here?
Dr Jeff: no you’re here for a reason you and your sister are danger to humanity
Zachary: you have my sister what did you do to her?!
Dr Jeff: we didn’t do anything to her she is just continued here along with you
Meanwhile, with Aristotle
No one pov
Aristotle was walking around the city and notice is missing posters of Zoe and Zachary everywhere and notices weird trucks everywhere 
Aristotle:* picks up a missing poster of Zachary* first Jackson now Zachary who’s gonna be next?
End of chapter
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vikkirosko · 2 years
Masterlist Survivors
👓 Dwight Fairfield 👔
👟 Meg Thomas 🏃‍♀️
🧪 Claudette Morel 👓
🏞 Jake Park 🏕
🖼 Nea Karlsson 🛹
🎃 Laurie Strode 🗡
🃏 Ace Visconti ♠️
⌚️William "Bill" Overbeck 🪖
🎮 Feng Min ⚙️
🥊David King 🏈
💤 Quentin Smith⏰️
🔫 David Tapp 🧢
🎸 Kate Denson 🏵
Kate Denson x Reader headcanons Violinist
🥼 Adam Francis 🪨
🎨 Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen 🎸
🎤 Jane Romero 📺
🏍 Yui Kimura 🔧
📑 Zarina Kassir 📹
🔦 Cheryl Mason 🌫
🏛 Felix Richter ✏️
🔍Elodie Rakoto 🔦
📀 Yun-Jin Lee 🎶
📟 Jill Valentine 🔫
🚔 Leon Scott Kennedy 🔫
📖 Mikaela Reid 👓
🕶 Jonah Vasquez 🧮
🌊 Yoichi Asakawa ☂️
🔦 Haddie Kaur🎙
👠 Ada Wong 🎧
💉 Rebecca Chambers 🩹
🔮 Vittorio Toscano 📜
🔧Thalita Lyra 🪁
🪁Renato Lyra 🎸
⚙️ Gabriel Soma 🪛
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cryptic-ashes · 1 year
Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen
(Long post incoming)
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Name: Jeffrey “Jeff Johansen
Age: 44
Gender: Cis Male
Origin: Ormond (Canada)
Profession: freelance artist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6'2” (187 cm)
Weight: 209 lbs (95 kg)
Personality: laid-back, quiet, dry humor, hard shell - soft core, helpful
Family: Unnamed father (deceased), unnamed mother, unnamed dog
Other: Jeff used to be the same age as the members of the Legion, but since he left Ormond in his teens, he wasn’t pulled in by the entity. He aged while Frank and the others remained in their teenage years. The scar on his eye is a cruel reminder of how he almost lost his eyesight.
Bio: Jeff was a quiet kid while growing up. He soon learned that quiet kids make good targets for bullying though, so he put on a tough-guy act in his teens. It helped him be left alone, especially during the hardest years of his life when his parents got divorced. He drowned his troubles in beer and heavy metal, working in a video store to escape their fighting. This is where he met “The Legion” and agreed to paint a mural for them for 50 bucks and a 12-pack. After moving away with his mother, he found a roadie job, which helped him escape his new town. Years later, after almost losing his eyesight in a fight during a concert, he went back to school, soon making a living out of his other passion - art. When his father died, Jeff returned to Ormond to get his belongings sorted, leaving his dog with friends for the duration of his travels. He never returned.
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askyoichiasakawa · 3 years
Hey Jeff! I heard the Trapper likes to draw, maybe you can strike up a conversation with him?
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“I’ve never took him as an artist so this is a bit of surprise to learn- huh..really tells you to never judge a book by their cover.“
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acradelius · 2 years
Welcome to the Ultimate Dead by Daylight Masterlist! Here you can find the characters that I write about for Dead by Daylight. . This particular list will be updated whenever new characters or skins come out.  Each character masterlist will be updated on the weekends for any new content written about them.  Any other miscellaneous content featuring Dead by Daylight or characters, such as Alternative Universe writings, will be at the very bottom!
Dwight Fairfield
Meg Thomas
Claudette Morel
Jake Park
Nea Karlsson
Laurie Strode
Ace Visconti
William "Bill" Overbeck
Feng Min
David King
Quentin Smith
Detective David Tapp
Kate Denson
Adam Francis
Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen
Jane Romero
Ashley J. Williams
Nancy Wheeler
Steve Harrington
Yui Kimura
Zarina Kassir
Cheryl Mason
Felix Ritcher
Elodie Rakoto
Yun-Jin Lee
Jill Valentine
Leon Scott Kennedy
Mikaela Reid
Jonah Vasquez
Yoichi Asakawa
Haddie Kaur
Ada Wong
Rebecca Chambers
Carlos Oliveira
Chris Redfield
Claire Redfield
Jonathan Byers
"Trapper" - Evan MacMillan
"Wraith" - Philip Ojomo
"Hillbilly" - Max Thompson Jr.
"Nurse" - Sally Smithson
"Shape" - Michael Myers
"Hag" - Lisa Sherwood
"Doctor" - Herman Carter
"Huntress" - Anna
"Cannibal" - Bubba Sawyer
"Pig" - Amanda Young
"Clown" - Jeffrey Hawk
"Spirit" - Rin Yamaoka
"Legion" - Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey
"Plague" - Adiris
"Ghost Face" - Danny Johnson
"Demogorgon" - Demogorgon
"Oni" - Kazan Yamaoka
"Deathslinger" - Caleb Quin
"Executioner" - Pyramid Head
"Blight" - Talbot Grimes
"Trickster" - Ji-Woon Hak
"Nemesis" - Nemesis T-Type
"Cenobite" - Elliot Spencer
"Artist" - Carmina Mora
"Onryo" - Sadako Yamamura
"Dredge" - Dredge
"Mastermind" - Albert Wesker
"The Look-See"
"The Mordeo"
"The Birch"
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sloppy-butcher · 4 years
How I imagine Survivors to be based on shitty talk-show captions:
Part 2
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Oh... Hello there.
[Asks now open.]
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blot-squisher · 1 year
I heard that one of the survivor's knows the Legion and that survivor's name is Jeffrey Johansen. In your Surviving the Game story, will you be planning on introducing Jeff and also his interactions with Legion since they are both from Ormond, Canada?
(This is only really 'canon' to STG, other fans/other fics may interpret their relationship differently)
When they were all in Ormond (and in the same age group) Jeff was never close to the Legion. He painted a mural for them for their hideout, but that was really the extent of their 'relationship.' It took them a while to recognize him since he'd continued to age between the time they and he were taken by the Entity. Although he had his own suspicions that this Legion was the same one that had vanished from their hometown all those years ago, he was never able to see their faces to confirm it.
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justheretop0st · 2 years
Heat And Snow
There are seasons in this world. There is occasional heat and cold. Both temperatures varying in-between these extremes. Heat and snow bring their own telling signs.
In the heat, all he could do was watch the sweat drip from her nose. Sometimes it would fall from her nose onto the ground. Other times, it would fall and slide down her chest. There wasn't much that he could do to help her. But sometimes, they would find a piece of wood to use as a fan. She would fuss, but he insisted. Any comfort he can supply her, he would do anything for it.
In the snow, her lashes are spattered with flakes of snow. As is most of her body, but another telling sign is the goosebumps that rise in her arms. In this instance, he moves to her side, sliding an arm around her and pulling her close. He was cold too. Together, they are usually able to warm up. But sometimes, it isn't enough. And the two are forced to stay huddled together, shivering. Not that it was a problem. But the Entity chose the wrong thing to make real.
In its own way, the Entity tries to torture its victims. But in a way, it's 'torture' is keeping their humanity with each other. During these times, instead of suffering, everyone is huddled with on another trying to keep warm or cool off.
She was thankful for it. Somehow, he had started this cycle. When she was at her lowest and freezing cold, he started to hold her in order to keep her warm. He would fan her and try to keep her cool, even if it meant he suffered the elements just a little longer. And every time, she would thank him. With a kiss. With a hug. With conversations. With her love. He was a catch. But in his eyes, she was worth protecting from the Heat and snow.
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