#Jenkins online training
jadenvargen · 7 months
free online james baldwin stories, essays, videos, and other resources
James baldwin online archive with his articles and photo archives.
Giovanni's room"When David meets the sensual Giovanni in a bohemian bar, he is swept into a passionate love affair. But his girlfriend's return to Paris destroys everything. Unable to admit to the truth, David pretends the liaison never happened - while Giovanni's life descends into tragedy. This book introduces love's fascinating possibilities and extremities."
Go Tell It On The Mountain"(...)Baldwin's first major work, a semi-autobiographical novel that has established itself as an American classic. With lyrical precision, psychological directness, resonating symbolic power, and a rage that is at once unrelenting and compassionate, Baldwin chronicles a fourteen-year-old boy's discovery of the terms of his identity as the stepson of the minister of a storefront Pentecostal church in Harlem one Saturday in March of 1935. Baldwin's rendering of his protagonist's spiritual, sexual, and moral struggle of self-invention opened new possibilities in the American language and in the way Americans understand themselves."
+bonus: film adaptation on youtube. (if you’re a giancarlo esposito fan, you’ll be delighted to see him in an early preacher role)
Another Country and Going to Meet the Man Another country: "James Baldwin's masterly story of desire, hatred and violence opens with the unforgettable character of Rufus Scott, a scavenging Harlem jazz musician adrift in New York. Self-destructive, bad and brilliant, he draws us into a Bohemian underworld pulsing with heat, music and sex, where desperate and dangerous characters betray, love and test each other to the limit." Going to meet the Man: " collection of eight short stories by American writer James Baldwin. The book, dedicated "for Beauford Delaney", covers many topics related to anti-Black racism in American society, as well as African-American–Jewish relations, childhood, the creative process, criminal justice, drug addiction, family relationships, jazz, lynching, sexuality, and white supremacy."
Just Above My Head"Here, in a monumental saga of love and rage, Baldwin goes back to Harlem, to the church of his groundbreaking novel Go Tell It on the Mountain, to the homosexual passion of Giovanni's Room, and to the political fire that enflames his nonfiction work. Here, too, the story of gospel singer Arthur Hall and his family becomes both a journey into another country of the soul and senses--and a living contemporary history of black struggle in this land."
If Beale Street Could Talk"Told through the eyes of Tish, a nineteen-year-old girl, in love with Fonny, a young sculptor who is the father of her child, Baldwin's story mixes the sweet and the sad. Tish and Fonny have pledged to get married, but Fonny is falsely accused of a terrible crime and imprisoned. Their families set out to clear his name, and as they face an uncertain future, the young lovers experience a kaleidoscope of emotions-affection, despair, and hope. In a love story that evokes the blues, where passion and sadness are inevitably intertwined, Baldwin has created two characters so alive and profoundly realized that they are unforgettably ingrained in the American psyche."
also has a film adaptation by moonlight's barry jenkins
Tell Me How Long the Train's been gone At the height of his theatrical career, the actor Leo Proudhammer is nearly felled by a heart attack. As he hovers between life and death, Baldwin shows the choices that have made him enviably famous and terrifyingly vulnerable. For between Leo's childhood on the streets of Harlem and his arrival into the intoxicating world of the theater lies a wilderness of desire and loss, shame and rage. An adored older brother vanishes into prison. There are love affairs with a white woman and a younger black man, each of whom will make irresistible claims on Leo's loyalty. 
Baldwin essay collection. Including most famously: notes of a native son, nobody knows my name, the fire next time, no name in the street, the devil finds work- baldwin on film
Take this hammer, a tour of san Francisco.
Meeting the man
Debate with Malcolm x, 1963 ( on integration, the nation of islam, and other topics. )
Debate with William Buckley, 1965. ( historic debate in america. )
Heavily moderated debate with Malcolm x, Charles Eric Lincoln, and Samuel Schyle 1961. (Primarily Malcolm X's debate on behalf of the nation of islam, with Baldwin giving occassional inputs.)
apart from themes obvious in the book's descriptions, a general heads up for themes of incest and sexual assault throughout his works.
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logicwaves · 2 years
Deliver applications and services at high velocity, automate and integrate the processes between software development and IT teams, build, test, and release software faster and more reliably.
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fanhackers · 15 days
I interrupt my dive into Abigail DeKosnik’s work to note that as the United States moves deeper into its (apparently endless) election season, we’re seeing a lot of fandom-as-activism starting to emerge, as well as activism-as-fandom. De Kosnik herself was one of the early writers on fandom/activism, writing “Participatory democracy and Hillary Clinton's marginalized fandom” for the very first issue of Transformative Works and Cultures in 2008; more recently, Aja Romano wrote about how Donald Trump’s followers can be seen to be acting like a fandom for Vox: “If you want to understand modern politics, you have to understand modern fandom.” 
TWC hosted an entire guest issue on Transformative Works and Fan Activism, edited by Henry Jenkins and Sangita Shresthova; Jenkins and Shresthova also collaborated on By Any Media Necessary: The New Youth Activism (NYU, 2016) which collects essays on fan activism. Other essays on fandom/activism have been published by TWC with Alex Xanthoudakis’s Mobilizing minions: Fan activism efficacy of Misha Collins fans in "Supernatural" fandom (2020) and  Hannah Carilyn Gunderman’s Fan geographies and engagement between geopolitics of Brexit, Donald Trump, and Doctor Who on social media (2020) being recent examples. Meanwhile, Tanya Cook and Kayle Joseph are the authors of Fandom Acts of Kindness: A Heroic Guide to Activism, Advocacy, and Doing Chaotic Good (Penguin Randomhouse 2023), a guide on how to use fandom and fannish strategies to make a difference. 
Some examples of fandom/activism emerging this U.S. election season include Heroes 4 Harris: Kamala-Con  which is scheduled to happen online today, Sunday September 8, 2024, 1pm PT / 4pm ET: this is billed as “a Comic-Con for Kamala” and “the largest fandom led gathering in support of a presidential candidate in American history.” It will feature: “actors, writers, directors, and super fans of Hollywood's most inspiring heroic fandoms” and promises not just inspiration from some of our favorite stars (Mark Ruffalo, Sean Astin, Rosario Dawson and others - not to mention Henry Jenkins himself) but also breakout groups and training in “fan mobilization.”  
Meanwhile, Lynda Carter (always a Wonder Woman!) is also trying to get out the fan vote for Harris with her group Geeks & Nerds for Harris Walz (@GeekOutTheVote); this is also billed as “a fan activist campaign” and they are planning special online events, the first of which will be an online call on September 24, 2024.  As they describe on their website: “Fandom has never just been about media consumption. Fans are artists, creators, and digital ambassadors. When we share what we love, it radiates around the world. And to paraphrase the Vice President, it’s how we show them who we are. By connecting battle-tested campaign canvassing strategies to the heritage and practices of fan communities, we can encourage fans to get out the vote in key battleground states.”
Donald Trump, aside from being his own fandom with himself as fan in chief, also seems to have had some self-identified fandoms collectively organizing for him over the years - these include Fans of Kanye West, Fans of Race Car Driving, and, strange but true, Fans of the 1980s, who apparently believe that Donald Trump would also be a fan of 80s horror movies, Scritti Politti, and  the soundtrack to Pretty in Pink. (I’m not making that up; it’s on their Twitter.) That said, Mel Stanfill’s newest book Fandom is Ugly (2024) argues that, despite its popular reputation, media fandom is not essentially progressive; that in fact, “reactionary politics and media fandoms go hand in hand.” Stanfill’s book looks at the ways in which fans have organized in conservative, reactionary, or even hateful ways, from Gamergate to the collective abuse and harassment of actors in the latest Star Wars franchise. 
The discipline of fandom studies is now being used to study all different kinds of affiliations and advocacy movements, not just those based around film, tv, sports, or music. Fan studies is now applied to political and social movements. Jenkins is still a powerful voice on the relationship between fan studies and participatory democracy (whether progressive or reactionary): read this 2024 interview with him published in Communication and the Public: “The path from participatory culture to participatory politics: A critical investigation—An interview with Henry Jenkins.”  As Jenkins notes:
Part of the ethos of fandom is to ask questions—from nitpicking to imagining other outcomes, different trajectories for character arcs, and other worlds where the story might occur, all of which is expressed through fan works. I would say that fans are often more critical than the general audience in asking these questions, which makes them somewhat different from many partisans and activists I might know who rarely question their beliefs and ideological commitments. And fans are more tolerant—as an aggregate—of different interpretations than partisans are of different ideological stances. So, you could do worse in grounding a democracy than engaging with fans.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
As your bones lose density, the only way you will protect them is by keeping your muscle mass; building strength in middle age is part of what will define the shape and tempo of your old age. “
When 50-year-old Anna Jenkins, the founder of We Are Fit Attitude (Wafa), a woman-only health and fitness club, looked online for images of older women exercising, she was irritated by the pitiful size of the weights: the stock image is of a woman with grey hair lifting a 1kg weight, as if doing so were some kind of milestone. My personal bugbears are the photos in which there is a personal trainer with an expression of infinite patience next to the older woman, as if the latter is weak and half witted.
Stock photos are the internet’s idea of what the world should look like, sets of generic images intended to illustrate articles and advertising, often revealing more worldview than they probably set out to. There are famously a lot of photos of white women laughing near salad, meant for healthy eating content, but also reinforcing inane cheer and self-denial as cornerstones of femininity. If fitness imagery of the young is all about aspiration – six packs, muscle definition and impossible body fat percentages – fitness imagery of older people is almost anti-aspirational. Its message is: “You probably can’t do anything at all, but look over here, there’s a lady managing this tiny thing.”
Jenkins runs the Wafa classes remotely and in person for women ranging from their late 30s to their mid-70s. One Saturday, at a class in Merton, south London, they decided to create a new set of photos, repopulate the ecosystem of stock photographs, so that when you search for “older women exercising”, you will be able to see what that really looks like. “These are proper weights,” says Annette Hinds, 60. “We’re not pussyfooting about.”
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Jenkins went into group work and coaching from personal training because she had noticed that, in the gym: “Women would go straight to the cardio machine because they knew how it worked. It’s a frightening environment when you think you don’t belong, when you’re unhappy in your body shape. But they didn’t need more cardio – at 45-plus your body needs strength work. Especially during the menopause. It’s just a fact.”
As your bones lose density, the only way you will protect them is by keeping your muscle mass; building strength in middle age is part of what will define the shape and tempo of your old age. But as Glenda Cooper, 51, who usually does this class remotely five times a week, says, there is more to it than that. “Women at this time of life have parents we’re caring for. I’ve got two kids. You don’t want to take up too much space, you feel invisible anyway, you don’t make time for yourself. It’s so important to have a sense of your own strength, which I think is absent from the rest of our lives.”
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The atmosphere is fierce: as Lorraine Turner, 59, says: “I never used to think I was competitive, but later in life, I’ve realised that I am. I get a lot out of it if I push myself more.” Karen Silvestri, 60, remarks archly: “My husband’s a chef so I eat a lot and drink a lot. I still manage to retain this normal shape.”
Palmer’s daughter paid her a compliment on her butt the other day: “She said it wasn’t flat like a lot of women my age.” Downward comparison is very motivating, and it is also fun to watch when people are so unabashed about it.
“We’re a funny bunch, women, aren’t we?” Teresa Klasener, 61, says. She was very active until she got rheumatoid arthritis, then it all hit the skids until she started with Wafa two years ago. “We have all these mental blocks, we don’t prioritise ourselves, but once we’re in a group, we’ll fly.”
Jenkins says: “When I first became a personal trainer, I’d see a lot of women who were yo-yo dieters, and it was often because they were trying to be skinnier than their bodies were meant to be. I think exercise makes you confident in your shape as it is.” That might be the ultimate break with the visual norms of the fitness industry, that these are images of strength and exertion for their own sake, not for how they’ll make you look in spaghetti straps.
“I never knew what people were talking about with the endorphin thing,” Redford says. “And now, I do feel a sense of joy and self-congratulation, knowing that I just fucking went for it.”
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myloveforhergoeson · 16 days
Online Songs - Chapter 1
Find me on wattpad + ao3!
Chapter 1: Must Have Done Something Right ~ 3k
With shaking hands, Daisy-Mae Denton walked into the Clear Creek High School Public Library. 
What was usually a quaint, quiet space to read or sketch over her summer break was filled with the hustle and bustle of other students now that their first day had ended. The crisp smell of comfort and old paper swallowed entirely by the pungent scent of bodies, bodies, and more bodies.
Plenty of her fellow classmates had flooded the space, taking up the sage green couches she loved to curl up on as friend groups caught up, sitting on the floor between the endless rows of shelving while she tried to weave through to the non-fiction section, picking things up from their assigned spots and setting them down elsewhere just as she turned the corner down another row of books. 
The history assignment she clutched should have been the main source of her anxiety, because a multi-page essay handed out on the first day was never a good sign, but in reality, that was the one thing keeping her together as she passed the others her age, keeping her eyes trained on her brown penny loafers for as long as it took to reach the 970s.
If 900 is History and Geography… And 970 is North American History… That makes United States History- 
“Maisie! Duck!” 
Just as her fingers reached out to trace the 973 call number at the spine of the first US history book, she processed the words and crouched as quickly as she could. A football spiraled right through the area where her head used to be in a perfect arc from one side of the long, four-tiered shelf to the other. Her heart began to painfully pound as the junior who threw it rushed past her, clad in his blue and silver varsity jacket.
Rory Jenkins. They’d been in the same classes together since elementary school. 
Shoulders brushing in the narrow space when Daisy straightened herself upright once more, Rory hurried over to his receiver, who was laughing, “Nice one!”
Cheeks heating, Daisy gripped the paper in her hands tighter, hardly able to register what he’d said with all of the blood rushing to her ears. 
He’s laughing at you.
The 973s filled her vision, allowing her to confirm her memory of the Dewey Decimal System as the first title about US history popped up. A book about World War Two; Way too late in the timeline. Mrs. Gruben had barely gotten through her introduction to the course and its extensive quarterly essay project before touching briefly on the settling of the first colony at Jamestown right as the bell rang. 
Eyes flicking down the line until she found a title related to colonial times, Rory’s laughter filled her ears again. Her awkward duck couldn’t have been that funny. Neither was his mash-up of her first name. 
When she turned to correct him, he and his friend were already at the opposite end of the long shelving, backs turned to her as their shoulders shook. One of the librarians at the help desk held a finger to her lips, shushing them as they walked by. 
Though she wasn’t able to shake her feelings of unease, grabbing the first book that looked helpful did get Daisy back on track. She was here to get a jumpstart on her work after all. 
Please use three primary sources, five secondary sources, and this YouTube documentary to construct your thesis, the student read from the sheet in her hand. Having the freedom to choose what documents and books to use was reassuring, she had no problem scouring the shelves for whatever she needed, and the original Jamestown site was only about an hour's drive away from her hometown of Chester, Virginia. Gathering the necessary sources would be no problem.
It was the printed-out YouTube link that scared her the most. 
Neatly placing the assignment instructions on the book's cover and tucking it between her arm and hip, Daisy kept browsing, picking out any title that caught her eye. Checking out books on a desired topic was a snap, especially with such a nice, full library on Clear Creek’s campus; Her almost perfect memory of the building’s layout from a lifetime of visits with her Nana made it even easier. 
Holding all the information she could between the lines of the texts as she stacked them up was reassuring. Everything she should need was filled into the bent, yellowing pages, perfectly spelled out for her and her needs. Far better than some silly online documentary she’d have to keep pausing and rewinding over and over again as she wrote down the facts she’d need in her notebook. 
By the time she’d found an empty table and set her impressive stack down, most of the other students had trickled out. Silently, she thanked God she didn’t have to ask someone if she could take the seat next to them, that was always so embarrassing. Her watch read 3:30. Had she really been lost among the shelves for half an hour? Nana would be proud. 
Besides, she wouldn’t be expected to be home until her Grandad returned from his art studio around 5… If she were there any sooner her older brother, Jay-Jay, would certainly pester her to help him whip up whatever recipe suited his wild whims. Cooking was his thing, certainly not hers, though she was always happy to partake in his impressive dishes. 
So, for the time being, she grabbed her spiraled history notebook from the beige messenger bag leaning on the leg of the plastic chair she sat in, and opened the cover to the first book, Jamestown: A Legacy, and dove back in time. 
At least, she tried to, but the keyboard of the computer in front of her was annoyingly large. When she allowed the book to fall completely open, the cover hit one of the keys and the bright blue screen flicked on, reflecting off the lens of her bronze-lined glasses. 
Daisy wasn’t a technophobe, as her best friend Makana Aukai liked to call her, but she wasn’t all that fond of the way the computers had overtaken her beloved library over the years. Less space for her note-taking, and more space for a blindingly bright monitor in her face while she was trying to learn. The greatest civilizations in history had gotten along just fine without the internet, all the way from Mesopotamia to Ancient Egypt to the modern United States, so why couldn’t she? 
Besides, it seemed like the models changed every year. No one had the time to keep learning how to use these new devices for information when the encyclopedia and reference books worked perfectly fine. Or they did when given the proper space to use them.
Her eyes flicked back to the assignment sheet. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to check out the documentary early now that the computer was awake. It’s not like she had a computer of her own to watch it on at home. 
Slowly taking her index fingers to the keys, she typed out her student ID into the first box labeled username. White polish on her nails stood out starkly against the black of the keys. 
Password was the stumper. Having set this account up two years ago at the beginning of her freshman year, she had no clue what she’d chosen to protect her account. 
She typed out password, as that seemed the most logical choice. It’d be impossible to forget the word if it was right there on the screen. The box wiggled after she pressed the enter key. 
A small pop-up filled her vision asking What street did you live on growing up? 
Letter by letter she squeezed out Hilltop Avenue. 
An image of the large white colonial her grandparents owned filled her vision, picturing the expansive green lawn and gorgeous forest surrounding it. The street Jay-Jay taught her to ride a bike on, the large open spaces they’d build leaf piles in when fall came. 
Once that answer was accepted, another question appeared. What was the name of your first pet?
That was an easy one, Poppy. 
Daisy’s aging calico was her first and only pet, given to her by her grandparents on her tenth birthday. Originally, Poppy had been a way for Daisy to learn about the responsibility of learning to care for another living being, but the other members of her family were just as obsessed with the cat as she was. Poppy’s toys littered their carpet, her food taking up a whole shelf in the fridge, and her fur clung to their clothing as tightly as their little cuddle bug did when everyone gathered in the study in the evenings to read together. 
Also accepted, she was then prompted to change her password, once and for all picking password before she was brought to the desktop - An image of the front of her high school during the wintertime, snow blanketing the gorgeous brick buildings. Now, she had to get to YouTube, which she believed was easier said than done. 
None of the icons on the left side of the screen looked like the company logo on the videos she’d seen Makana pull up. Awesome. 
Internet Explorer looked promising, so she maneuvered the mouse in that direction and clicked on the blue and yellow icon, waiting to see what would happen. A small outline appeared around the picture, but beyond that, nothing, so she clicked it again. Once more, nothing. 
So stupid, she thought to herself clicking on it over and over until something changed. Piece of junk!
A few moments later a larger box appeared in the middle of the screen, the pointer of the mouse icon turning into a spinning wheel for a few seconds before the Google search bar appeared on a white background. Now, this Daisy knew how to do. Whatever she put in the smaller bar under the logo would pull up just what she was looking for. 
YouTube, her fingers managed, enter. 
This time, an unfamiliar image pulled up in the box, and this was usually where Makana shone, picking out something to show her friend to try and “cure” her “internet aversion.” So far nothing she’d picked had made Daisy want to explore the platform any further, but now that she knew it housed history documentaries too, that might pique her interest far more than the poor excuse for sketch comedy Kana always pulled up. 
The search bar was a little tougher to find this time, at the top of the tab instead of in the middle, and Daisy pulled the essay instruction sheet out and began to slowly copy the link Mrs. Gruben had added in. One by one, she read the letter out on the paper and meticulously searched for it on the keyboard. Why the letters weren’t in alphabetical order was beyond her, and it probably took her five minutes to struggle out every single letter, but eventually, she was confident enough to hit enter one more time and wait for the video to pull itself up. 
Nightmare In Jamestown sounded awfully intriguing, especially given the sordid actions of the settlers against the Indigenous people who had called the land home long before their boats arrived, but that title didn’t show up on her screen.
Check Yes, Juliet - Kendall K popped up instead, causing her eyes to flicker up to the bar where she’d painstakingly typed out the long link. Apparently, she’d gotten something wrong and it had taken her to the wrong video. 
Just as she was about to click away and try again, the small black box changed. In its place, a blond boy who looked about her age filled the screen. Beanie and flannel-clad, he sat on his bed, presumably in his bedroom with a brown guitar laid across his lap. Carefully, he adjusted the black and silver lightning bolt strap across his shoulders and cleared his throat. 
“Hey, this is Kendall…” He appeared uncomfortable speaking to the camera, eyes flickering upward from the strings like he was looking right at Daisy. 
Her chest tightened. 
A few more seconds passed and Kendall cleared his throat, taking the pick clasped between his fingers to the strings and strumming out a quick chord. When he smiled, sheepish, two dimples cut into his cheeks. “My friends dared me to try this out - Here goes nothing.”
The video was loud, probably far louder than it should have been playing in a library, but she had no idea how to turn it down. However, the moment he began to sing the words, fingers flying across the fretboard like it was nothing, she wanted to make it even louder. 
Kendall’s voice was beyond captivating, siren-like, she’d argue, and she found herself enthralled before he even hit the chorus. It was clear, yet sultry… Smooth, with a gruff edge. Daisy had never heard anything like it.
He kept looking in different directions as he sang, changing it up when he needed to take in more air or switch his strumming pace, but near the end, he looked back at the camera again and she swore he could see her on the other side of the screen, piercing swirls of green and flecks of yellow coming through even with the poor video quality. It didn’t help that he was singing what sounded like a love song…
Cute… She caught herself thinking, propping her chin in her hand as she leaned into the screen, as if it would give her a better view of him. The wall behind him boasted a handful of posters for people she’d never seen before and a bunch of pictures that were too small to make out. A few medals were tacked up by his headboard, and what looked like a hockey stick was propped up by the wooden frame. 
Daisy couldn’t look away, attempting to decipher every pixel of the video she could to learn more about this boy with the beautiful voice. Which was, as she came to realize once he sang out a final, “Forever we’ll be, you and me…” completely irrational. Kendall had made this video to show off his musical prowess, not to be studied by some stranger. 
Despite this, she quickly gripped the mouse and shook it over the video until the bar at the bottom appeared and she hit the two bars sitting next to each other. Slowly, she followed along the red line indicating the watch time and grabbed the circle at the end, pulling it back to the beginning and starting the video again. Makana did that at all the funny parts of her favorite videos to see them play over and over. 
“Hey, this is Kendall…”
Watching the video again felt like the first time, though this time, she closed her eyes and focused on the lyrics, trying to remember all the parts of his face. And maybe, she imagined he was singing to her for a few seconds, before feeling her cheeks heat and shaking the thought out of her head. He certainly didn’t deserve to be ogled over as much as he deserved to be picked apart based on his bedroom. 
But, the sweep of his blond hair into his eyes when he looked down at the strings had her head spinning. She couldn’t help her mind from wandering just slightly. 
Besides, seeing him on the screen allowed her to skip the fear of meeting someone new and potentially embarrassing or humiliating herself like she normally did. Getting thrust into social situations against her will was at the top of the list of things Daisy hated, but at least this way, she could watch the video and admire Kendall’s talent judgment-free. It was halfway social, especially if she kept pretending the song was meant for her.
Though… I bet he’s sweet when the camera’s off too…
Daisy pulled at the neck of her brown sweater. The library was never this warm. Had someone turned the thermostat by the bathroom earlier as a prank?
When the song ended, she rewound it. Then again. The stack of history books towering beside her all but forgotten. 
“Ms. Denton?” Someone behind her asked, and the girl practically jumped out of her skin. She didn’t even pause the video as she turned in the chair, looking at the older woman behind her. Ms. Peabody, one of Nana's friends, who was also the head of the library, stood over her. “Would you mind putting some headphones in if you’re going to watch something?” 
The heat creeping up her face from embarrassment quickly turned into the fires of shame. “O-oh. Of course. Sorry… Sorry.”
Scrambling, her hands were trembling at the unexpected interaction before they stabilized themselves on the plastic mouse. Daisy paused the video as quickly as she could. 
Headphones. Why didn’t you think of that? Ms. Peabody’s going to complain to Nana next time they see each other.
“Thank you, dear,” The older woman smiled, flipping one side of her cardigan over the other before she turned to walk away. A second later, she turned back. “Is that a friend of yours?” 
Eyes widening, Daisy turned from Ms. Peabody’s intense gaze, only to find her line of sight locking with Kendall’s on the screen. Now she was back to flushing with embarrassment, dropping her view to her shaking hands. “No. I just… found this. I’ll turn it off. Sorry.”
“No? What a shame. He’s very handsome.”
Daisy was about to combust in her seat, heart leaping up and down her throat like the drop dower at the Chesterfield County Fair. Brain freezing, she was unable to come up with anything to say before Ms. Peabody smiled, crow's feet by her eyes crinkling before she headed back over in the direction of the help desk. 
He was handsome. So handsome Daisy couldn’t breathe. What did that say about her? 
This poor stranger, she chastised herself, about to click off the video, gather her books, and head home, before she noticed a section at the bottom of the video labeled Add a comment. 
It didn’t appear as though anyone else had, which was shocking to her, considering his undisputable talent. No one had anything to say about the ease at which he played the guitar or his unique tone of voice? Not even one comment about his choice of song or how cute he looked in that beanie?
No… That last one wasn’t as relevant, but the thought swirled in Daisy’s mind regardless. 
What a shame, I suppose I should change that.Lacing her fingers together, Daisy turned her palms outward, cracking them with eight satisfying pops. Swallowing thickly, she placed her index fingers on the keys and slowly began to piece her thoughts together.
eee hi! welcome to the first chapter of online songs - i hope you enjoy! <3 be sure to check out my other works in the btr fandom too :) lmk what you think!!
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queenofglassbeliever · 8 months
@emonydeborah and @leveragedlibrarians I created a character profile for Alexandria!
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Full name: Alexandria Stone.
Nicknames: Alex, Allie, "Pebbles", Andria
Relative(s): Jacob Stone (father), Athena (mother), Eve Baird ("aunt"/mother figure), Flynn Carsen ("uncle"), Ezekiel Jones ("uncle"), Jenkins ("grandfather"), Cassandra Cillian ("aunt"), Isaac Stone (grandfather), Unspecified number of paternal cousins.
Affiliation: The Library, The Librarians
Occupation: Librarian in Training, Sculptor, College student (online)
Status: Alive [Immortal]
First appearance: And the Brainchild
Portrayed by: Josephine Langford.
Alexandria Stone is the demigod daughter of Librarian, Jacob Stone, and the goddess Athena.
And the Spear of Athena. In the reset timeline, the Library is tethered and the Librarians have a moment of respite. Until the clipping book sends them on a quest to recover Athena's lost spear. Their success in the mission catches the eye of the goddess herself. Though it is Jake specifically who has Athena's affection.
And the Brainchild. Set between And the Steal of Fortune and And the Christmas Thief. The Librarians come into the Annex one morning to find a newborn baby girl wrapped in linen and wool in woven basket. There's a note, in Greek, addressed to Jake. The baby is a gift from Athena, concieved from her divine thoughts and Jake's ingenuity. Jake calls his new daughter Alexandria after the lost library of. After reaching physical maturity, around 20 or so, Alex became immortal.
Alexandria is a polymath with a IQ of 260. She spent most of her time in the Library, getting lost among the endless rows of bookshelves. Jake would often find Allie, sitting on top of the shelves which she used to climb up on when she was a child. She is incredibly stubborn and fearless.
Invulnerability. Alexandria is immune to all physical harm.
Genius level intellect. The daughter of a genius and the goddess of wisdom, Andria possess a mind that far surpasses that of a mortal. As a kid, she was bullied by her school peers because of her intelligence. The bullying became so bad that she was pulled from school and was instead homeschooled in the Library.
Skilled hand-to-hand combat/Martial artist. Starting at the age of 8, Alex was trained by Jake and Eve in self-defense and later in martial arts.
Telumkinesis. As a demigodess of war, Alex possess the magical ability to adapt to using any weapon.
Ley line weaving. Imagine that ley lines are composed of billions of "threads" of magical energy. Alexandria can weave those "threads" together to cast various spells.
Enhanced Physical Prowess. She has enhanced strength, durability, and swiftness
Craftsmanship. Alexandria is a very skilled sculptor and at pottery.
Jacob Stone. He is Alexandria's father. At the beginning, he was very unsure of his ability to be a good father. But he took it one day at a time. Jake and Allie are very close and have a loving relationship. Allie was given the nickname "Pebbles" because she "is a small Stone." She shares a lot of similarities with her father and looks very much like him. They disagree over her future at the Library. Alexandria has dreamt and prepared her entire life to be a Librarian. Jake isn't necessarily against it, but he does want her to half a normal life outside of the Library. At least for a time before she receives her letter. He wants her to go to university and have experiences.
Eve Baird. Affectionately called "Aunt Eve," she is seen as a mother figure by Alex. Aside from Jake, Eve had the biggest hand in raising Alex.
Jenkins. Considered to be Alexandria's honorary grandfather. He has been a teacher, a guide, and a friend to Alex all her life.
Flynn Carsen. Alex has always enjoyed Flynn's company and beating him at chest.
Ezekiel Jones. Though Flynn is the fun uncle, Ezekiel holds the position of favorite uncle. (Though Flynn doesn't know that, he believes he's the favorite). Alex has been Ezekiel's partner in mischief since before she could walk.
Cassandra Cillian. Their relationship had a rocky start due to Cassandra's dislike of babies. The noises and the smells were just too much for Cassandra's synesthesia. But thinks got better when Alex was around 3. Alexandria began showing strong mathematical abilities far above her age. Cassandra became a tutor of math and science. When Alexandria developed magical powers and felt that they were too much, too big, Cassandra became an understanding ear and mentor.
Athena. Alexandria's mother, whom she's never met. She has received gifts from Athena which she keeps locked in a chest at the foot of her bad.
Isaac Stone. Alex's paternal grandfather. She met him once and he insulted her father. So she threw him threw a wall. She was 15 at the time.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 1 year
OC Profile: Voss Mendelson
Long read and pictures.
Basic Info
Name: Voss Mendelson
Alias(es): R3d_F0X
Date of birth: February 26 2044
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Night City, Charter Hill
Sexuality: Bisexual
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Voss in some of his preferred style
Height: 5’ 7/170 cm
Build: Slim/athletic
Hair: Bright red (is a natural ginger)
Eyes: Natural green but now red and black
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Cyberwear: Deep dive port, titanium spine with additional sockets to his internal cooling systems for coolant. Self-ICE, Mantis blades (although later replaced with regular arms), Arasaka Mk. 4 Cyberdeck, Lynx Paws, Kiroshi optical implants. Facial cybernetics linked to his cyberdeck allow him to activate pre-programmed actions with facial movements, other cybernetics to manage data flow and synchronise the link between him and his Cyberdeck.
Voss' tattoo (mod by me) coolant port and skull socket mods by Anrui.
Father: Frederick Mendelson (missing in action presumed deceased)
Mother: Hannah Mendelson (alive)
Languages: English, German (primary language)
Arasaka: former counterintelligence and Netrunner
Afterlife mercs: member
Aldecaldos: friend
Maelstrom: tolerated
Occupation: Mercenary
Role: Netrunner, infiltrator, thief
Weapons: Mantis blades, Nue, Archangel (later especially after giving up his Mantis blades.)
Personality type: INFJ-T The Advocate is one of the most conscientious, principled, and idealistic personality types. Advocates, filled with lofty goals and ambitions, are far from idle dreamers. But it’s all too easy for them to feel weighed down by internal pressures when their reality doesn’t match their great aspirations.
German Dad, NUSA Mum. Both his parents were Arasaka employees. His Dad was presumed dead when Voss was 16, while on corporate espionage operations but a body was never recovered. His mother was also an Arasaka employee, specialising in weapons development. He is an only child and speaks English and German. So handy for the mess that he was clearing up with the leak in Frankfurt before Jenkins’ hit attempt on Abernathy.
He sometimes found the life his family had limiting and restrictive; his parents were strict. They pushed him hard at school, and Voss did his best to achieve. His Dad taught hom how to run the Net from an early age, trained him in his own test environments before they ventured online together. Voss hasn’t looked back since. He’s very close to his Dad’s side of the family.
Voss was never destined to follow his Dad directly as his parents had hoped; Voss tends to stand out a bit too much for the job and never wanted to be the “grey man" his Dad tried to mould him into. His Dad was actually more relaxed of the two; he was much more kind and affectionate towards Voss, and they had a good relationship. His mother however was more detached and didn’t like her husband encouraging Voss to find a balance of achieving and becoming his own person. Frederick was still proud of his son whereas Hannah treated Voss as more of the joint experiment she originally planned. Frederick realised trying to force Voss into something he clearly wasn’t was going to do more harm than good and did his best to nurture him.
After his father vanished, his mother didn’t deal with it well. She resented Voss as he was very much his father’s son. He looks similar to Frederick and he continued to speak both languages.
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Voss in his Arasaka career years
Hannah estranged and disowned Voss when he went to university; Voss was out as bi before Frederick vanished. Frederick accepted his orientation but when Hannah discovered Voss was in a relationship with another male student while at university, she threw him out. Jackie and his Mum took Voss in, as Valerian, a friend (and an OC belonging to a friend) of Voss’ from Pacifica, wasn’t able to help him out.
Voss ended up joining Arasaka after successfully graduating but in counterintelligence with an emphasis on Netrunning. He enjoyed the work and met Jessica Kikuchi, a PR liaison representative for Arasaka who often worked with his department in managing publicity when some operations were in public view or had a public aspect to them. They were together for five years until she was summoned to a role in Japan at short notice. Jenkins refused Voss’ transfer request.
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Voss and Jessica
Trying to find friends and his place in Night City frequently brought Voss into conflict with his parents, or more exactly his Mum hated it but his Dad was relaxed. Staying out late, not telling them the whole story of where he'd been and who he was with were common reasons. Voss has known Jackie since he was quite young and in many ways Jackie was just as important an influence on the young Voss as his Dad. Jackie helped Voss become a bit more confident.
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Voss and Kerry Eurodyne
Voss suffered from scoliosis. His Dad had been setting aside money for Voss to use when he was fully grown to have surgery and give him cybernetics he would need. Part of this was a titanium spine to resolve the scoliosis as well as add in additional ports for his Netrunning. Voss hates the scar on his spine as it follows the path his organic spine went and he had it obscured by his tattoo. He has others which he also doesn’t like, particularly one on his left brow. He can be self-concious about his body as it can tend to softness, particularly around his middle. Doesn’t help that others thought he wasn’t masculine enough because of how he is physically and emotionally.
He’s great at netrunning, prefers to sneak and use stealth to deal with many things. He can talk his way into and out of things, a useful skill learned with Jackie and for survival in the Arasaka world.
Being freed from Arasaka allowed Voss to have the freedom he had craved but there are still all the tricks and plays he knows from the game which he likes to use to his advantage and as a way to get back in a small way at all that happened to him. He hasn’t forgotten what he was, and yet he fully embraced the change his removal from the corporation presented.
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Voss in his characteristic Netrunning suit
He can be a bit of a people pleaser, mostly just because he didn’t have much opportunity for making friends growing up, and the pressure on him to succeed academically strengthened those traits. He can have difficulty in saying no to some things but has learned from past mistakes. Voss is charming, easy to talk to and sensitive to those closest to him. Voss has a soft heart if you get past the sarcasm and layers of old Corpo armour he hasn’t quite got rid of. The better he knows somebody or feels comfortable around them, the better they see who he is, so if you see him at his weirdest, most crazy and lively then you’re close to him.
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L to R; Jackie, Voss and V(Vesper)
His upbringing taught him determination, resilience and how to thrive under pressure but at times when things get too much it manifests in feeling overwhelmed, anxiety and occasionally depression if left unchecked. It is exacerbated by his autism too. He tends to withdraw and isolate when he gets that way but his close friends can be relied upon to help when he’s headed that way. He is an overthinker which is useful for his work but has it’s downsides and can feed his anxiety. Voss is prone to migraines which are usually caused by stress or if a Netrunning gig has been particularly taxing.
Hyperfocus can have it's downsides!
Voss is autistic. He’s managed in corporate life by what his Dad taught him and has masked a lot. He found that his intelligence, his capabilities and manner could be used to compensate. He can tend to info dump and talk in an excitable manner, something Vesper picks up on very early on. More information is in another post to come.
He’s perceptive so he picks things up, as he’s casually going around the city. People watching is one of his favourite things to do. That said he can handle himself in a physical fight when he has to; Mantis blades and being quick on his feet makes him a surprising and challenging opponent.
Voss is friends with Jackie, V(esper), Lightning, Valerian. He meets Kerry thanks to V and over time they get into a relationship, eventually they formalise their relationship. Voss is also friendly with Panam, Judy, Carmelo, Rogue.
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zendyval · 4 months
Z had to prove herself as a dramatic actress since she was coming from Disney Channel and generally actors coming from children's entertainment are not taken seriously. So I understand if Z does a few more dramatic roles before accepting a comedy. There have been comedic elements to some of her dramatic performances, particularly her doing the dick pic tutorial on Euphoria or narrating the stylison fan fic in it or just doing the physical comedy of Rue repeatedly crashing on her bike while high. And she used her dance training to do the tennis scenes in Challengers or the fight choreo in Dune. She straight up danced in Euphoria S2 and Euphoria's choreographer won an Emmy for his choreo on the show. And she did aerial dancing in Greatest Showman. You don't have to do a Step Up movie to use your dance training
I didn't say I wanted her to do a Step Up movie, but I want to see her actually dance. I understand she used things she learned from dancing in these other films. There are other kinds of dance. One of the movies that has come up before is Barry Jenkins making an Alvin Ailey biopic and there have been conversations of how Z might be able to play Carmen De Lavallade.
Second, I don't think comedy needs to be seen as a lesser than and comedy does not even if have to mean a silly comedy, though it could be. Dark comedy is also a thing.
The interesting thing though from these convos is I find that people online are always saying Z has to prove herself or needs to be taken seriously more than the industry does. I think she's fine.
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shinyyrabbit · 7 months
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Hii! I'm very new here so, I'm not sure how these are done but I wanted to do an intro before posting anything
I'm not sure if I'll be very active here, specially once school starts where I live since I'm very dedicated and focused on my studies, but it still felt weird to not do this idk
So! Introduction stuff, yes 😌
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★Name: Rabbit is the one I mostly use online, Cris is also ok
★Pronouns: I prefer they/them but either those or he/him and she/her are good!
★Languages: Spanish, English, I'm trying to learn Japanese too
★Typology: ENFP 2w3
★Zodiac: Taurus!
★Camp Half-Blood cabin: Cabin 6
★NRC dorm: Heartslabyul
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◈Series: She-Ra, The Owl House, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Ever After High, Infinity Train, The Good Place
◈Movies: Literally ALL Studio Ghibli movies, Nimona, most Diney movies (love the films, absolutely despise the corporation) That kinda sums it up actually so uh my two favourite movies are Nausicaä of the valley of the wind and Alice in Wonderland (1951) OH and Society of the Snow
◈Books: Percy Jackson, The Scholomance trilogy and I'm trying to finish Heroes of Olympus
◈Music: The Beatles, 60's to ig 90's Rock, HUGE fan of Epic! The Musical, I also vibe with pop songs specially Latin American pop, indie if that's considered a genre, love Argentinian rock also
◈Hobbies: This will sound weird but, studying and reaserching, also painting, and drawing sometimes too, singing, watching movies, and any kind of crafts, I'm even learning ceramics
◈Videogames: Literally just Twisted Wonderland. The only one. Fr.
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✧ I definitely WON'T shut up about my partner, they're my everything and I want to brag about how great he is and what a beautiful couple we make like, all the time and I plan to do so in here
✧ I really, really love anything that is shiny
✧ I have dissociative amnesia
✧ My main kinnies like, in general, for now at least, are Luz Noceda, Howl Jenkins Pendragon, Glimmer, Adora, Annabeth Chase, and also I think Sokka and possibly Frank Zhang
✧ My favourite colour is lilac and I also like yellow
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Yeah I'm pretty sure that's everything, all the important stuff at least
So yeah, that's it, that's me and now I'll maybe start posting stuff if I feel like it
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helenofsimblr · 1 year
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Elita: Meanwhile at the little pop up base just outside the destroyed Magnolia Heights… the press conference was ready to begin.
Timothy: Ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming. I know you must have lots and lots of questions, but I assure you, we are going to be honest and forthright. A couple of weeks ago, this District was nearly subject to a dreadful tragedy, worse in scale than anything we see here. As you all know, one of our space stations fell from orbit and nearly landed here.
He paused for a little dramatic effect.
Timothy: Thankfully, the remaining personnel on the station acted quickly, and bravely, and neutralised the threat before it could do more harm. So let's open up for some questions. Yes please.
Reporter: I’m here for the San Myshuno Mail, Minister, what exactly caused this to happen as there are a lot of theories circulating online?
Timothy: I am familiar with these theories. What actually happened, was a highly trained team of agents, sadly, went rogue, and they decided to try and do this. These agents slipped through the cracks of psych evals, due to budget cuts, we simply weren’t able to maintain the staffing levels from before. It was most definitely not the result of any foreign power, and The Citizens Republic is certainly not to blame. I want to categorically state that. Next question!
Reporter: Dan Jenkins, San Myshuno Times. Senator Moriarty, as the senator for this District, what can you do to assure the people that you will ensure that something like this doesn’t happen again? A lot of people are still very frightened.
Jack: What happened here was a disgrace. I am convinced that the influx of lefty leaning liberals into the Senate is to blame. These liberals want to cut our defence, our cops, and push their nonsense agenda at the expense of people’s lives and safety. I will work, TIRELESSLY, to ensure our forces are properly funded so that never again can people under such stress and strain place everybody else at risk. The more we focus on nonsense! The more likely we will be placed in such danger again. 
Reporter: But Senator, are you not a member of the Progressive Party?
Jack: I was, but as of this moment, I renounce that membership and I will be joining the Loyalist Party and that is the banner I will fly, when I stand at the next election. It's time to put the people first!
Timothy: I think we can all agree with what my colleague has said here. Now more than ever we need to unite and stand by our brave fighting men and women! And that is the honest truth!
Nickie: Nickie Catzunburg, independent journalist and investigator. Are you really going to be honest with the people this time Mr. Symons or will this be another elaborate lie to veil the truth? 
Timothy Symons: Ah the redoubtable Ms Catzunburg, of course we will be honest. The station was infiltrated by a small but crack group of Special forces personnel who sadly had suffered mental breakdowns, due to funding cuts. Quite what their motives were, we do not know. 
Nickie: I have it on personal authority that there were no funding cuts that would cause such mental breakdowns. 'With body count at the base, there would be no need for such cuts.
Timothy: In recent years Ms Catzunburg we have had to cut various sectors of the military care provision due to these funding cuts, we can thank all the liberals in the Senate for that. Luckily, we have Senator Moriarty here who stands with our brave fighting men and women and he will fight with me to make sure funding is increased so that our heroes, our veterans are looked after, physically and mentally. What happened was a tragedy, and one, that this government is dedicated that it will never happen again. 
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mercyjuliet1512 · 14 days
Unlocking the Power of Selenium: A Beginner's Guide to Automation
In today’s fast-paced digital world, ensuring that your web applications perform flawlessly across different browsers is crucial. This is where Selenium comes into play. As a robust, open-source tool, Selenium is designed to automate web browsers, making it an indispensable asset for developers and testers alike. Embracing Selenium’s capabilities becomes even more accessible and impactful with Selenium Training in Pune.
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Whether you’re looking to streamline testing processes or enhance the functionality of your web applications, Selenium offers a powerful solution. This guide will introduce you to Selenium, explain its importance, and provide a step-by-step approach to getting started.
Understanding Selenium: What Is It?
Selenium is a comprehensive suite of tools aimed at automating web browsers. It allows you to automate various browser activities like navigating through web pages, interacting with elements, and verifying outcomes. This automation capability is especially beneficial in testing, where consistent results are key. Selenium helps eliminate manual errors and speeds up the testing process, ensuring that your applications work as expected across different environments.
Why Selenium is a Game-Changer
Here’s why Selenium is a go-to tool for many in the web development and testing communities:
Broad Browser Support: Selenium’s ability to operate across multiple web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer, ensures that your web application is compatible with all major platforms, providing a seamless user experience.
Language Flexibility: One of Selenium’s strengths is its support for various programming languages. Whether you’re familiar with Java, Python, C#, Ruby, or JavaScript, you can write your test scripts in the language that best suits your workflow. This flexibility makes Selenium adaptable to different project requirements.
Seamless Tool Integration: Selenium works well with other development tools, such as Jenkins for continuous integration and Maven for dependency management. This integration capability enhances your development pipeline, making it more efficient and reliable.
Vibrant Community and Open Source: As an open-source tool, Selenium is free to use, which lowers the barrier to entry. Additionally, the large and active community surrounding Selenium provides a wealth of resources, including tutorials, documentation, and forums, to help you overcome challenges and improve your skills.
 To unlock the full potential of Selenium and master the art of web automation, consider enrolling in the Top Selenium Online Training.
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Getting Started with Selenium: A Step-by-Step Guide
Ready to dive into Selenium? Follow these steps to set up and start using Selenium effectively:
Select Your Programming Language: Begin by choosing the programming language you’re most comfortable with. Selenium supports several popular languages, including Java and Python, making it accessible to a wide audience.
Prepare Your Development Environment: Set up your environment based on your chosen language. For instance, if you’re using Java, install the Java Development Kit (JDK). If you’re opting for Python, ensure Python is installed and configured correctly on your system.
Install Selenium WebDriver: Selenium WebDriver is the core component that interacts with web browsers. Download the specific WebDriver for the browser you plan to automate, such as ChromeDriver for Chrome. This tool enables Selenium to control browser actions programmatically.
Create Your First Test Script: Start with a simple test script to familiarize yourself with Selenium. A basic test might involve opening a website and verifying its title. This introductory exercise helps you understand the basics of Selenium’s operations and the syntax of your chosen language.
Execute and Analyze Your Test: Run your test script and observe how Selenium interacts with the browser. If your setup is correct, the browser will follow the actions outlined in your script, such as loading a page and checking its title. This initial success confirms that your environment is ready for more complex testing.
Delve into Advanced Features: As you gain confidence, explore Selenium’s advanced capabilities. These include managing dynamic web elements, handling forms, dealing with pop-ups and alerts, and implementing waits to synchronize tests with the application’s behavior. Mastering these features will allow you to create more sophisticated and reliable automated tests.
Engage with the Selenium Community: Don’t go it alone—leverage the extensive Selenium community. Participate in forums, contribute to discussions, and make use of the many resources available, such as online courses and GitHub repositories. Staying connected with the community will keep you informed about the latest best practices and innovations in Selenium automation.
Final Thoughts
Selenium is a must-have tool for anyone serious about web development and testing. Its ability to automate browser tasks across a variety of platforms and languages makes it an indispensable part of ensuring your web applications are robust and reliable. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can begin to harness the power of Selenium, transforming your approach to web application testing and development. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, Selenium offers the tools, flexibility, and community support you need to succeed in today’s competitive tech landscape.
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ramyavarshini · 15 days
Essential Skills and Technologies for Full Stack Developers in 2024
As we move deeper into the digital age, the role of a full stack developer has never been more crucial. These professionals are the backbone of modern software development, combining expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies to build complete web applications.
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For those looking to master the art of Full Stack, enrolling in a reputable Full Stack Developer Training in Pune can provide the essential skills and knowledge needed for navigating this dynamic landscape effectively.
To thrive as a full stack developer in 2024, you'll need a robust set of skills that cover everything from user interfaces to server management. Here’s a detailed look at the key competencies you’ll need to succeed.
1. Front-End Development: Crafting User Interfaces
The front-end is the face of your application, where user interaction takes place. A solid understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is foundational, but in 2024, that’s just the beginning.
Advanced JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries: Mastering frameworks like React.js, Angular, or Vue.js is essential for creating dynamic and responsive user experiences efficiently.
Responsive Web Design: With the continued dominance of mobile browsing, proficiency in CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS is critical for developing mobile-first, responsive designs that work seamlessly across devices.
Version Control: Mastering Git and using platforms like GitHub or GitLab is indispensable for managing code versions and collaborating effectively, whether working individually or as part of a team.
2. Back-End Development: The Core of Application Functionality
The back-end is where the heavy lifting happens, powering the application’s core logic and operations.
Server-Side Programming Languages: Expertise in languages like Node.js (JavaScript), Python, Ruby, Java, and C# remains vital. The choice of language often depends on the specific needs of your project.
Web Frameworks: Familiarity with frameworks like Express.js (Node.js), Django (Python), Spring (Java), and Ruby on Rails (Ruby) enables you to build and manage back-end systems efficiently.
API Development: Understanding how to develop and integrate RESTful APIs is essential for ensuring smooth communication between the front-end and back-end, particularly in data-rich applications.
Security: Implementing robust security measures, such as OAuth, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and role-based access control, is critical to protecting user data and ensuring secure transactions.
3. Database Management: Handling Data Efficiently
Effective data management is crucial for the success of any application.
Relational Databases: Proficiency in SQL and experience with relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle are necessary for managing structured data.
NoSQL Databases: With the increasing importance of unstructured data, familiarity with NoSQL databases like MongoDB or Cassandra is becoming more valuable.
Database Design and Optimization: Strong skills in designing databases, writing efficient queries, and optimizing performance are key to managing complex data environments. Here’s where getting certified with the Top Full Stack Online Certification can help a lot.
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4. DevOps and Deployment: Keeping Applications Running Smoothly
In today’s development landscape, understanding DevOps practices is essential for maintaining and deploying applications.
CI/CD Pipelines: Mastery of Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitLab CI helps automate testing and deployment, ensuring a smooth development workflow.
Containerization: Proficiency in Docker and orchestration tools like Kubernetes is essential for managing applications in cloud environments, ensuring they run consistently across different platforms.
Cloud Services: Knowledge of cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is crucial for deploying and scaling applications in a cost-effective and flexible manner.
5. API Development and Integration: Connecting the Dots
APIs play a pivotal role in connecting different components of an application and integrating with external services.
GraphQL: Learning GraphQL offers a more efficient and flexible approach to data querying, which is especially beneficial in complex web applications.
Microservices Architecture: Understanding how to build applications using microservices allows for better scalability and modularity, enabling different services to be updated and deployed independently.
6. Version Control and Collaboration: Working Together
Effective collaboration is key in modern development environments, and version control systems are the foundation.
Version Control: Mastery of Git is essential for managing code changes, coordinating with team members, and tracking the progress of a project over time.
Project Management Tools: Familiarity with tools like JIRA, Trello, or Asana helps in organizing tasks, managing workflows, and ensuring that projects stay on track.
7. Testing and Quality Assurance: Ensuring Robust Applications
Quality assurance is crucial to delivering reliable software that meets user expectations.
Unit Testing: Writing unit tests using frameworks like Jest (JavaScript), JUnit (Java), or PyTest (Python) ensures that each component of your application works as expected.
Integration Testing: Ensuring that different parts of the application work together as intended is vital for maintaining overall system integrity.
End-to-End Testing: Tools like Selenium, Cypress, or Puppeteer allow you to test entire workflows, simulating real user interactions to catch issues before they impact the user.
8. Soft Skills: The Human Element of Development
Beyond technical prowess, soft skills are essential for a well-rounded full stack developer.
Problem-Solving: The ability to troubleshoot and resolve complex issues is crucial in any development environment.
Communication: Clear and effective communication is key to collaborating with team members, stakeholders, and clients.
Time Management: Balancing multiple tasks and meeting deadlines requires strong organizational skills and time management.
Adaptability: The tech landscape is ever-changing, and a successful developer must be willing to learn and adapt to new technologies and methodologies.
9. Staying Ahead of the Curve: Emerging Technologies
Keeping up with new and emerging technologies is vital for staying competitive in the job market.
WebAssembly: Knowledge of WebAssembly can enhance performance for web applications, particularly those requiring heavy computational tasks.
AI/ML Integration: Incorporating machine learning models and AI features into web applications is becoming more common, and understanding these technologies can give you a competitive edge.
Blockchain: With the growing interest in decentralized applications (dApps), blockchain technology is becoming increasingly relevant in certain industries.
In 2024, the role of a full stack developer demands a diverse skill set that spans both front-end and back-end development, as well as a deep understanding of emerging technologies. Success in this field requires continuous learning, adaptability, and a commitment to staying ahead of the curve. By mastering these essential skills and technologies, you’ll be well-equipped to build and maintain complex, high-performing applications that meet the demands of today’s digital landscape.
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itonlinetraining12 · 25 days
Enhance Your Skills with These Leading Quality Assurance Software Testing Courses
Quality Assurance professionals are at an all-time high. Companies are constantly looking for individuals who can ensure their software products are reliable, user-friendly, and free of bugs. To meet this demand, a variety of QA software testing courses are available that can help you elevate your skills and advance your career. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore some of the best Quality assurance software testing courses covering everything from foundational knowledge to advanced techniques.
Why Quality Assurance is Crucial in Software Development
Before diving into the courses, it’s important to understand why QA is a critical component of Free qa training and placement. QA ensures that software products meet specified requirements and are free from defects before they are released to the market. This process not only helps in maintaining the product’s quality but also boosts customer satisfaction, reduces maintenance costs, and enhances the overall user experience. As a result, QA professionals are essential in delivering high-quality software.
What to Look for in a QA Software Testing Course
When selecting a QA software testing course, it’s crucial to consider several factors to ensure the course meets your learning needs:
Curriculum: Look for a course that covers both basic and advanced topics, including manual testing, automation testing, performance testing, and security testing.
Practical Experience: Ensure the course offers hands-on labs, real-world projects, or simulations to apply the concepts you learn.
Certification: Opt for courses that offer certification upon completion, as this can significantly enhance your resume.
Instructor Expertise: Choose courses taught by experienced professionals with a strong background in QA and software testing.
Flexibility: If you’re working or have other commitments, look for online courses that offer flexible schedules and self-paced learning.
Top QA Software Testing Courses to Elevate Your Skills
Here are some of the top QA software testing courses that can help you advance your career:
1. Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) by ISTQB
The ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) is one of the most recognized certifications in the software testing industry. This course is ideal for beginners and covers the fundamental principles of software testing, including the software development lifecycle, static techniques, test design techniques, and test management.
Key Topics: Test processes, test design techniques, static techniques, and tool support for testing.
Duration: 3-4 weeks
Certification: Yes, upon passing the CTFL exam.
Who Should Enroll: Aspiring QA professionals, software testers, and developers who want to enhance their testing skills.
2. Automation Testing with Selenium and WebDriver
Automation testing is an essential skill for modern QA professionals. Selenium is one of the most popular tools for automating web applications, and this course focuses on teaching you how to use Selenium WebDriver effectively.
Key Topics: Selenium WebDriver, TestNG framework, automation frameworks, and continuous integration with Jenkins.
Duration: 6-8 weeks
Certification: Yes, upon course completion.
Who Should Enroll: QA professionals looking to specialize in automation testing, developers, and manual testers transitioning to automation.
3. Advanced Software Testing Techniques
For those who have mastered the basics and want to dive deeper into QA, this course offers advanced topics in software testing. You’ll learn about performance testing, security testing, and how to implement test automation frameworks effectively.
Key Topics: Performance testing, security testing, advanced test automation, and test-driven development (TDD).
Duration: 4-6 weeks
Certification: Yes, upon course completion.
Who Should Enroll: Experienced QA professionals looking to enhance their skill set and specialize in advanced testing techniques.
4. Agile Testing and Test Automation
With Agile methodologies becoming the Software testing course understanding Agile testing is crucial. This course focuses on Agile testing principles, test automation in Agile environments, and how to collaborate with developers in an Agile team.
Key Topics: Agile principles, test automation in Agile, behavior-driven development (BDD), and continuous testing.
Duration: 5-7 weeks
Certification: Yes, upon course completion.
Who Should Enroll: QA professionals working in Agile teams, developers interested in Agile testing, and team leads.
5. Performance Testing with JMeter
Performance testing ensures that your software can handle a large number of users and high levels of data processing without compromising performance. Apache JMeter is a popular tool for performance testing, and this course teaches you how to use it to simulate heavy loads and analyze performance.
Key Topics: Performance testing basics, JMeter tool usage, load testing, and performance analysis.
Duration: 3-4 weeks
Certification: Yes, upon course completion.
Who Should Enroll: QA professionals, performance engineers, and developers focusing on performance optimization.
6. Security Testing for QA Engineers
Security is a top concern in today’s software landscape. This course is designed to teach QA engineers how to identify security vulnerabilities and ensure that software is secure from potential threats.
Key Topics: Security testing fundamentals, vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, and secure coding practices.
Duration: 4-6 weeks
Certification: Yes, upon course completion.
Who Should Enroll: QA professionals interested in security testing, security analysts, and developers focused on secure coding.
7. Mobile Application Testing
With the increasing demand for mobile applications, the need for skilled mobile app testers is on the rise. This course covers everything you need to know about testing mobile applications, from functional testing to performance and security testing.
Key Topics: Mobile testing fundamentals, device testing, automation tools for mobile testing, and performance testing for mobile apps.
Duration: 4-6 weeks
Certification: Yes, upon course completion.
Who Should Enroll: QA professionals focusing on mobile app testing, developers, and mobile app enthusiasts.
8. Introduction to DevOps for QA Engineers
DevOps is revolutionizing the way software is developed and deployed. This course introduces QA engineers to the principles of DevOps and how to integrate testing into the DevOps pipeline.
Key Topics: DevOps fundamentals, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), automated testing in DevOps, and monitoring and logging.
Duration: 5-7 weeks
Certification: Yes, upon course completion.
Who Should Enroll: QA engineers interested in DevOps, DevOps practitioners, and software engineers.
Benefits of Taking QA Software Testing Courses
Enrolling in QA software testing courses offers numerous benefits that can significantly impact your career:
1. Stay Updated with Industry Trends
The software testing field is continuously evolving with new tools, methodologies, and best practices. By taking QA courses, you can stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and ensure that your skills remain relevant.
2. Enhance Your Employability
Certified QA professionals are in high demand. Completing a recognized QA course and obtaining certification can make you more attractive to employers and increase your chances of landing a high-paying job.
3. Expand Your Skill Set
QA courses offer the opportunity to learn new skills, such as automation testing, performance testing, and security testing. By expanding your skill set, you can take on more challenging roles and advance your career.
4. Improve Your Problem-Solving Abilities
Software testing requires strong analytical and problem-solving skills. QA courses often include real-world projects that allow you to practice these skills, helping you become a more effective tester.
5. Networking Opportunities
Many QA courses offer the chance to connect with industry professionals, instructors, and fellow students. These networking opportunities can lead to valuable industry contacts and potential job offers.
How to Choose the Right QA Software Testing Course
With so many QA software testing courses available, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:
1. Assess Your Current Skill Level
Consider your current experience and skill level in QA. If you’re a beginner, start with a foundational course like the CTFL. If you have experience, consider advanced courses that focus on specific testing techniques.
2. Determine Your Career Goals
Think about your long-term career goals. Do you want to specialize in automation testing, performance testing, or security testing? Choose a course that aligns with your career aspirations.
3. Research Course Providers
Look for reputable course providers with positive reviews and a strong track record in QA training. Consider factors like instructor experience, course content, and student support.
4. Consider Your Schedule
If you’re working or have other commitments, choose a course that offers flexibility. Online courses with self-paced learning options are ideal for busy professionals.
5. Check for Certification
Certification can enhance your resume and demonstrate your expertise to potential employers. Ensure that the course you choose offers certification upon completion.
In the competitive field of software testing, continuous learning is essential to stay ahead. Whether you’re a beginner looking to enter the QA field or an experienced professional aiming to specialize in advanced testing techniques, these QA software testing courses offer the knowledge and skills you need to elevate your career. By investing in your education and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends, you can ensure long-term success in the ever-evolving software Quality assurance tester course. Ready to take the next step in your QA career? Explore these courses and start elevating your skills today!
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DevOps Online Training | AWS DevOps Training
Best DevOps Tools: The Comprehensive List | 2024
DevOps tools are crucial for automating and streamlining the software development lifecycle, facilitating collaboration between development and operations teams, and ensuring the continuous delivery of high-quality software. Here's a comprehensive list of the best DevOps tools in 2024, categorized by their primary function:
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1. Version Control Systems (VCS)
Git: The most popular distributed version control system, widely used for source code management.
Git Hub: A cloud-based hosting service for Git repositories with added features for collaboration and CI/CD.
Git Lab: Another Git repository manager that includes built-in CI/CD and project management features.
Bit bucket: Atlassian's Git solution, which integrates seamlessly with other Atlassian products.
2. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Jenkins: One of the most popular open-source CI/CD tools, known for its vast plugin ecosystem.
CircleCI: A cloud-based CI/CD service that supports fast, efficient builds and deployments.
Travis CI: A CI service integrated with GitHub, popular for open-source projects.
GitLab CI: Integrated within GitLab, it offers CI/CD pipelines directly from your Git repositories.
Azure DevOps: A cloud service from Microsoft that provides CI/CD pipelines, along with other DevOps services.
3. Configuration Management
Ansible: An open-source automation tool for configuration management, application deployment, and task automation.
Puppet: A configuration management tool that helps manage infrastructure as code.
Chef: Another configuration management tool that automates infrastructure provisioning.
SaltStack: Known for its speed, SaltStack manages large-scale infrastructure and can perform tasks in milliseconds.
4. Containerization
Docker: The most popular containerization platform, allowing developers to package applications into containers.
Kubernetes: A container orchestration tool that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
Open Shift: Red Hat's enterprise Kubernetes platform, with added developer and operational tools.
Rancher: A container management platform that simplifies running Kubernetes clusters.
5. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Terraform: An open-source IaC tool that allows users to define and provision data center infrastructure.
AWS Cloud Formation: Amazon’s IaC tool, used to model and set up AWS resources.
Azure Resource Manager (ARM): Microsoft's IaC service for managing Azure resources.
Pulumi: A modern IaC tool that supports multiple languages and cloud platforms.
6. Monitoring and Logging
Prometheus: An open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit, often used with Kubernetes.
Grafana: A visualization tool that works with Prometheus and other data sources for monitoring dashboards.
ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana): A powerful suite for log management and analysis.
Splunk: A commercial solution for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data.
Datadog: A cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform for IT infrastructure, applications, and logs.
7. Collaboration and Communication
Slack: A messaging platform that integrates with various DevOps tools for team communication.
Microsoft Teams: A collaboration tool that integrates with the Microsoft ecosystem, including Azure DevOps.
Trello: A project management tool used for tracking tasks and project progress.
Jira: Atlassian's tool for agile project management, integrating well with other development tools.
8. Security
Snyk: A security tool that helps developers find and fix vulnerabilities in open-source dependencies.
Aqua Security: A security solution for securing containerized applications.
SonarQube: A tool for continuous code quality and security inspection.
HashiCorp Vault: A tool for securely managing secrets and sensitive data.
9. Artifact Management
Nexus Repository: A repository manager for storing and managing build artifacts.
JFrog Artifactory: A universal artifact repository manager that integrates with CI/CD tools.
Harbor: An open-source container image registry that secures and manages Docker images.
10. Testing
Selenium: A popular framework for testing web applications.
JMeter: A tool for performance testing web applications and other services.
SonarQube: Besides security, it's also used for continuous inspection of code quality.
Visualpath is the Leading and Best Software Online Training Institute in Hyderabad. Avail complete DevOps Training Worldwide. You will get the best course at an affordable cost.
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annajade456 · 9 months
Bridging the Gap: A Developer's Roadmap to Embracing DevOps Excellence
In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the role of a DevOps engineer stands out as a crucial link between development and operations. For developers with an eye on this transformative career path, acquiring a unique skill set and embracing a holistic mindset becomes imperative. In the city of Hyderabad, DevOps Training offers a strategic avenue for individuals keen on validating their proficiency in DevOps practices and enhancing their career trajectory.
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Charting the DevOps Odyssey: A Developer's Comprehensive Guide
Shifting gears from a developer to a DevOps engineer involves a nuanced approach, harmonizing development expertise with operational acumen. Here's a detailed step-by-step guide to assist developers aspiring to embark on the dynamic journey into the world of DevOps:
1. Grasp the Fundamentals of DevOps: Establish a solid foundation by delving into the core principles of DevOps, emphasizing collaboration, automation, and a culture of continuous improvement. Recognize the significance of the cultural shift required for successful DevOps implementation.
2. Master Git and Version Control: Dive into the world of version control with a mastery of Git, including branches and pull requests. Proficiency in these areas is pivotal for streamlined code collaboration, versioning, and effective tracking of changes.
3. Cultivate Scripting Skills (e.g., Python, Shell): Cultivate essential scripting skills to automate mundane tasks. Languages like Python and Shell scripting play a key role in the DevOps toolchain, providing a robust foundation for automation.
4. Explore Containers and Kubernetes: Immerse yourself in the realms of containerization with Docker and orchestration with Kubernetes. A comprehensive understanding of these technologies is fundamental for creating reproducible environments and managing scalable applications.
5. Grasp Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Familiarize yourself with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles. Tools like Terraform or Ansible empower the codification of infrastructure, streamlining deployment processes. The pursuit of the Best DevOps Online Training can offer profound insights into leveraging IaC effectively.
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6. Experiment with Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Take the leap into CI/CD territory with experimentation using tools like Jenkins or GitLab CI. The automation of code testing, integration, and deployment is pivotal for ensuring swift and reliable releases within the development pipeline.
7. Explore Monitoring and Logging: Gain proficiency in monitoring and troubleshooting by exploring tools like Prometheus or Grafana. A deep understanding of the health and performance of applications is crucial for maintaining a robust system.
8. Foster Collaboration with Other Teams: Cultivate effective communication and collaboration with operations, QA, and security teams. DevOps thrives on breaking down silos and fostering a collaborative environment to achieve shared goals.
Remember, the transition to a DevOps role is an evolutionary process, where gradual incorporation of DevOps practices into existing roles, coupled with hands-on projects, fortifies the foundation for a successful journey towards becoming a DevOps engineer.
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surendra-nareshit · 1 month
Master DevOps: Your Complete Guide and Roadmap | DevOps Online Training
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Introduction to DevOps
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the need for streamlined and efficient software development practices has never been greater. Enter DevOps—a culture, philosophy, and set of practices that bring development (Dev) and operations (Ops) together to improve collaboration, integration, and automation throughout the software development lifecycle. DevOps is not just a buzzword; it's a transformative approach that enables organizations to deliver high-quality software faster and more reliably. If you're looking to build a career in this field, DevOps Online Training is your gateway to mastering the skills required to excel in this domain.
What is DevOps?
DevOps is a combination of practices, tools, and cultural philosophies designed to increase an organization's ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity. By breaking down the traditional silos between development and operations teams, DevOps fosters a culture of collaboration, where both teams work together throughout the entire software development lifecycle. This collaboration leads to faster development, more frequent deployment of updates, and higher overall software quality.
At its core, DevOps emphasizes automation, continuous integration, continuous delivery (CI/CD), and monitoring. The goal is to minimize manual intervention, reduce errors, and improve the efficiency of software development and deployment. Through DevOps Online Training, you can learn how to implement these practices in real-world scenarios, making you an invaluable asset to any tech organization.
How DevOps Works
DevOps is built on a set of principles and practices that enable organizations to build, test, and deploy software rapidly and efficiently. Here's how DevOps works in practice:
1. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Continuous Integration (CI) is the practice of merging code changes frequently, often multiple times a day, into a shared repository. Automated testing is then conducted to identify and resolve issues early in the development process. Continuous Deployment (CD) takes this a step further by automatically deploying code changes to production after passing the CI pipeline. Together, CI/CD reduces the time between writing code and delivering it to customers, ensuring that software updates are released frequently and reliably.
2. Automation
Automation is a critical component of DevOps. From building and testing code to deploying and monitoring applications, automation helps streamline the entire software development lifecycle. By automating repetitive tasks, teams can focus on more strategic activities, such as optimizing code and improving system performance. Automation tools like Jenkins, Ansible, and Puppet are commonly used in DevOps to create efficient, repeatable processes.
3. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the practice of managing and provisioning computing infrastructure through machine-readable scripts rather than manual processes. This approach allows teams to automate the setup and configuration of environments, ensuring consistency across development, testing, and production stages. Tools like Terraform and AWS CloudFormation are popular choices for implementing IaC.
4. Monitoring and Logging
Effective monitoring and logging are essential to maintaining the health and performance of applications in a DevOps environment. By continuously monitoring systems and capturing logs, teams can identify and resolve issues before they impact end-users. Tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK Stack are widely used for monitoring and logging in DevOps.
5. Collaboration and Communication
DevOps is as much about culture as it is about technology. A key aspect of DevOps is fostering a culture of collaboration and communication between development, operations, and other stakeholders. This collaboration ensures that everyone is aligned with the project's goals and that issues are addressed quickly. Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Jira facilitate communication and collaboration in a DevOps environment.
6. Security in DevOps (DevSecOps)
As security becomes increasingly important in software development, DevOps practices have evolved to include security as a core component. DevSecOps integrates security into every stage of the software development lifecycle, ensuring that security vulnerabilities are identified and addressed early in the process. By adopting DevSecOps practices, organizations can build more secure applications without compromising on speed and agility.
The Roadmap to Becoming a DevOps Engineer
Becoming a DevOps engineer requires a combination of technical skills, practical experience, and a deep understanding of DevOps principles. Here's a step-by-step roadmap to guide you on your journey:
1. Understand the Basics of DevOps
Before diving into specific tools and technologies, it's important to understand the fundamental principles of DevOps. Learn about the core concepts of CI/CD, automation, IaC, and monitoring. DevOps Online Training can provide you with a solid foundation in these areas, helping you grasp the essential elements of DevOps.
2. Gain Proficiency in Programming and Scripting
A strong foundation in programming and scripting is essential for a DevOps engineer. Start by learning a programming language like Python, Ruby, or Go, as well as scripting languages like Bash or PowerShell. These skills will enable you to automate tasks, write custom scripts, and work with various DevOps tools.
3. Master Version Control Systems
Version control systems (VCS) like Git are critical to DevOps practices. Learn how to use Git for version control, branching, and merging code. Understand how to collaborate with other developers using GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Version control is a fundamental skill that every DevOps engineer must possess.
4. Get Hands-On with CI/CD Tools
CI/CD is at the heart of DevOps, so gaining hands-on experience with CI/CD tools is crucial. Learn how to set up and configure Jenkins, CircleCI, or Travis CI to automate the build, test, and deployment processes. DevOps Online Training often includes practical labs and exercises that allow you to practice using these tools in real-world scenarios.
5. Learn About Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
IaC is a key practice in DevOps, enabling teams to manage and provision infrastructure programmatically. Familiarize yourself with IaC tools like Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, and Ansible. Learn how to write scripts that automate the creation and configuration of infrastructure, ensuring consistency across environments.
6. Develop Cloud Computing Skills
Cloud computing is an integral part of DevOps, as it provides the scalability and flexibility needed for modern software development. Gain proficiency in cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Learn how to deploy applications to the cloud, manage cloud resources, and work with cloud-based DevOps tools.
7. Enhance Your Automation Skills
Automation is a cornerstone of DevOps, so it's essential to master automation tools and techniques. Learn how to automate tasks using tools like Jenkins, Puppet, and Chef. Understand how to create automated workflows that integrate with other DevOps tools and processes.
8. Learn About Monitoring and Logging
Effective monitoring and logging are crucial for maintaining the health of applications in a DevOps environment. Familiarize yourself with monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana, as well as logging tools like the ELK Stack. Learn how to set up monitoring dashboards, create alerts, and analyze logs to identify and resolve issues.
9. Embrace DevSecOps Practices
Security is a critical aspect of DevOps, and understanding DevSecOps practices is essential for a successful career in this field. Learn how to integrate security into the CI/CD pipeline, conduct security testing, and implement security best practices throughout the software development lifecycle.
10. Gain Practical Experience
Theory alone is not enough to become a proficient DevOps engineer. Hands-on experience is crucial. Work on real-world projects, contribute to open-source DevOps projects, or participate in internships. Practical experience will help you apply the skills you've learned and build a portfolio that showcases your expertise.
11. Obtain DevOps Certifications
Certifications can validate your skills and make you stand out in the job market. Consider obtaining certifications like AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, Google Cloud DevOps Engineer, or Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert. These certifications demonstrate your proficiency in DevOps practices and tools.
12. Stay Updated with Industry Trends
The field of DevOps is constantly evolving, with new tools and practices emerging regularly. Stay updated with industry trends by reading blogs, attending conferences, and participating in online communities. DevOps Online Training programs often include updates on the latest trends and tools in the industry.
13. Build a Strong Professional Network
Networking is important in any career, and DevOps is no exception. Join DevOps communities, attend meetups, and connect with other professionals in the field. Building a strong network can lead to job opportunities, collaborations, and valuable insights.
14. Prepare for DevOps Interviews
As you near the end of your learning journey, it's time to prepare for DevOps interviews. Practice common DevOps interview questions, participate in mock interviews, and review your projects and experiences. DevOps Online Training programs often include interview preparation sessions to help you succeed in landing your first DevOps job.
DevOps is a powerful approach that has revolutionized the way software is developed, tested, and deployed. By fostering collaboration between development and operations teams and leveraging automation, CI/CD, and cloud computing, DevOps enables organizations to deliver high-quality software at a rapid pace. Whether you're just starting your career or looking to transition into the field, DevOps Online Training can provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed as a DevOps engineer.
By following the roadmap outlined in this article, you can develop the technical expertise, practical experience, and industry knowledge required to excel in DevOps. Remember to stay updated with the latest trends, build a strong network, and continuously improve your skills.
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