#Jhin 47
youwantedavillain · 2 years
Mood at the Moment:
Someone fucking shoot me, I'm almost done with gathering all of my fucking evidence, and yet every time I get onto that shitty ass program -- Discord -- and look at all the shitty memories that I once thought were all fantastic and fun, only to realize that they are no better than the bile that a drunkard chucked up outside the local back ally bar... it's painful and stomach-wrenching. Truly, I just want to shoot myself after I shoot my laptop with an AK-47.
I honestly wish I could separate those memories from the good ones that I had with my actual friends and now-boyfriend.
The memes that I had with them in League of Legends, doing Phat Damage Sona and Zooming Jhin memes. Making art and just writing the dumbest fanfics that make no sense and being so Goth that I LITERALLY QUOTE the goth band Evanescence.... But I can't.
The shit smeared onto my name is legitimately irreversible. I do not know how many people saw that gossip. I don't know how far that gossip was spread. The amount of math that could be done and how quickly a grapevine can grow is... maddening. So, I have to go this route.
I have no other choice because having to see that there were no lessons learned by these fuckers. No redemption for them. No genuine, heartfelt apologies from them. And no closure for myself. The fact that this shit has been repeated and done so much that there are others who suffered a similar fate- if not worse -- to myself, and one saved soul... Well... I guess I have to keep going.
And I'm gonna do it with all the grace of a wrecking ball - and I'm gonna ride it bare ass fucking naked like the villainous bitch they wanted and inevitably turned me into.
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aboutbot47 · 8 years
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lechet · 3 years
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I posted 4,682 times in 2021
416 posts created (9%)
4266 posts reblogged (91%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 10.3 posts.
I added 323 tags in 2021
#loki - 107 posts
#fav - 37 posts
#cats - 34 posts
#jhin - 27 posts
#loki spoilers - 23 posts
#good omens - 21 posts
#thor - 20 posts
#rumplestiltskin - 18 posts
#spock - 18 posts
#bts - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#listen you gotta admire jonathan's first instinct is to grab ricks pistols and join in on the shooting
My Top Posts in 2021
this whole episode spock’s been about jizzin in his britches over this new computer theyre testing thats running the ship, really efficiently, talkin abt its gonna replace starship captains bc its so much better
then him and kirk get a second alone after a mock battle for the computer and kirks asking him about the computer n spocks just like “[is the computer] practical? maybe, but not desirable” 
and MY ASS sitting here like “oh spock’s gonna talk about how bad it would be for battle because theres all sorts of nuances that hes learned from being aboard the enterprise about logic vs not logic in battles n heats of moments n shit”
"computers make excellent and efficient servants but i have no wish to serve under them. captain, the starship also runs on loyalty to one man, and nothing can replace it, or him."
64 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 23:20:47 GMT
why the fuck hasnt there been one (1) single conversation about loki actually being a jotun since thor 
i feel like that requires at least one discussion
64 notes • Posted 2021-08-19 18:27:16 GMT
kayvan as nandor is the hottest goddamn man I’ve ever seen in my life I’m losing my fucking mind
86 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 13:01:13 GMT
this is the cameo neil newbon did for my friend 
genuinely the sweetest shit ive ever heard
95 notes • Posted 2021-12-04 02:45:23 GMT
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i cant do palettes sry rengi
114 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 00:36:22 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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catboykishibe · 5 years
1. What is you middle name?
I don’t have a middle name actually 😌
2. How old are you?
I’m 20! But idk how to work tumblr anymore so my description still says I’m 19 skhdud
3. When is your birthday?
August 19th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Leo uwu
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
I’m not sure
7. Do you have any pets?
No but I wish. My landlord doesn’t allow pets
8. Where are you from?
The U.S
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
Probably like an 8-8.5
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Like 4
12. What was your last dream about?
I can’t remember but I’m pretty sure Jhin was trying to kill me like he usually does
13. What talents do you have?
My talents include remembering the most useless ass information, rambling, and being smart and a dumbass at the same time
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I seem to share a brain cell with you so I think that counts
15. Favorite song?
Truth Hurts by Lizzo and Ilomilo by Billie Eillish they both slap I have too many favorites so this is all I can muster before I lose my shit and pop off lmfao
16. Favorite movie?
Us (2019) oh! And Hereditary (2018)
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
I don’t wanna out myself but look at Swain ( don’t @ me or I’ll snap you in half like a pencil)
18. Do you want children?
Maybe. Probably
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Maybe?? I’m not very religious nowadays
20. Are you religious?
Kinda sorta?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
I don’t think so
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I met a bunch of League esports people like 4 years ago if that counts
24. Baths or showers?
Baths duh
25. What color socks are you wearing?
I’m not wearing socks rn :^)
26. Have you ever been famous?
Lmfao no
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Honestly no. Shit seems awful
28. What type of music do you like?
That vaporwave shit really slaps
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Only one
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my side and facing the wall
32. How big is your house?
It’s not super big, but it’s comfortable
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
I’ll have cereal or a breakfast burrito or sandwich
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
Does a nerf gun count?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
Yes! When I used to be in Girl scouts and we went camping I got to try it. The arrows weren’t real tho
36. Favorite clean word?
Frost it sounds pretty
37. Favorite swear word?
Fuck or bitch
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Probably like 27 hours yeah it’s a really specific number but it was probably that much
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
41. Are you a good liar?
Maybe? I don’t know
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I like to think I am
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I don’t think so
45. What is your favorite accent?
Nigerian accents are pretty tight but I also kinda like Russian accents too
46. What is your personality type?
Is this that myers-briggs shit? Cause I don’t know I’ve never taken it lol so just accept that i’m a nice gremlin
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
My “Let’s Summon Demons” Hoodie
48. Can you curl your tongue?
I can make a taco
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
Right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Spiders are friends but they jumpscare me a lot
52. Favorite food?
I fucking love this chicken in chipotle sauce that my mom makes it’s so bomb
53. Favorite foreign food?
Uzbek Plov is so fucking good
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
I try to be clean but sometimes I become a lil messy
55. Most used phrased?
“You wanna catch these 10lbs of dick?” which i typically say when I’m about to 1v1 the fed assassin on the enemy team
56. Most used word?
Fuck or maybe Bitch I don’t know
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
It depends sometimes I can take 10 minutes and sometimes I can take an hour it’s all about the vibes of the day
58. Do you have much of an ego?
No? I have no fucking clue
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
I suck lollipops
60. Do you talk to yourself?
All the time
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
No but I don’t care because when I sing to myself I’m the only one hearing myself so it’s all good if I’m bad
63. Biggest Fear?
The ocean that shit’s scary
64. Are you a gossip?
Only when I’m with you sjhnfsjjshj
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
The Shape of Water (2017)
66. Do you like long or short hair?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Nah dog
68. Favorite school subject?
It’s a tie between art and history
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
Nah too scary. I also don’t know how to swim
71. What makes you nervous?
Literally everything
72. Are you scared of the dark?
No I like it well enough though
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
When I do I try to be really polite about it
74. Are you ticklish?
Very especially in my sides (don’t get any ideas or I’ll fold you like a chair)
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
I don’t think I have? Maybe?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Uhhhh brain-machine broke so I don’t remember if I have :/
77. Have you ever drank underage?
Ew no
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
Some dude in my martial arts class
80. How many piercings do you have?
I have one on each ear uwu
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
82. How fast can you type?
Not very tbh like I can type at a good amount of speed but like I’ll have a fuckton of typos haha
83. How fast can you run?
Fast enough. Listen the only time I’ve been able to run really fast was when I ran a mile in 9 minutes and 50 seconds and I don’t care what anyone says that was cool as hell
84. What color is your hair?
Black. But I dyed it red last year
85. What color is your eyes?
Dark brown
86. What are you allergic to?
I don’t think I am, but who knows
87. Do you keep a journal?
I keep an art journal so ye
88. What do your parents do?
Both my parents work, but my mom is recooping from surgery right now
89. Do you like your age?
I suppose?
90. What makes you angry?
Probably some of the clowns I interact with when I play late night arams
91. Do you like your own name?
Yeah it’s aight
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I have thought of baby names far too much and I have too many that I’ve consider but I can tell you those later haha
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I want both
94. What are you strengths?
Something something stupid
95. What are your weaknesses?
Clownery, my friend I got it from you
96. How did you get your name?
Well my parents discussed many baby names ranging from Selma to some other shit and then they got my name and were like yeah that’s good and here we are
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Probably not
98. Do you have any scars?
Yeah dude
99. Color of your bedspread?
A nice boysenberry color with a nice white pattern
100. Color of your room?
It’s supposed to be white
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jericho-swaggins · 6 years
4, 17, 19, 20, 30, 35, 47, 50 { im hella curious >w> }
4. Best or Favorite role to play?- already answered -
17. Most annoying champion to play against?Yasuothat fucking windwall and stupid damage : ^)))
19. Favorite champion Taunt track?uhhhh taunts are the thing I spam the least soooo I’m just gonna go with Swain"I would not ask of anyone what I would not do myself."
20.Favorite champion Joke track?Mordekaiser“I like my weapons how I like my music, heavy and metal!”
30.Favorite champion associated with Ionia? art daddy himselfJhin ♥but I also love Master Yi a lot tbh 35.Flash on D or F?F IS FOR FLASH!!11!!
47.Favorite Rioter?Riot Stellari for sure! she’s wonderful :D
50.If you could remove one champion from the game who would it be?QUINN!! QUINN!! QUINN!!I HATE HERWITH A BURNING PASSIONSHE DOESN’T DESERVE TO OWN A BIRDFUCK THIS [bleeeeeeeep]:))))
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silly-storm-chaser · 7 years
//22, 38, 47
22- Favorite skin? DJ Sona is BAE38- Favorite adc? Jhin47- Your favorite female champ? Sona
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getjinxed-lol-blog · 7 years
Do all the League asks!!
my hand hurts from all the typing lmfao but here u go anonn 1- First champ played? I think it was either ashe or lux2- First main? Soraka3- Season when you started? season 64- What got you into league in the first place? A boyfriend at the time told me I should try playing it 5- Current rank? S36- Highest rank? S37- Current main? Jinxxxxx8- Odd pick fave? Xayah top lane9- If you could date a champ irl who would it be? noneee10- Best odd combo? maph and mf11- Worst league experience? ONe time i was playing with people i knew irl and i had a bad couple games and they said girls shouldnt play games or this is only why they play adc 12- Best league experience? making friends from it honestlyy13- Ever got stuck in a rank? stuck in fricking sliver314- Met anyone you met on league irl? nah15- Last league game score? 16/7 i thinkk16- Last champ played? Vayne17- Most champ played? Jinx18- How many mastery 7s? 5 I believee19- Ever cosplayed a league champ? kinda????!!1 i did ahri ''makeup'20- Ever had a penta kill? Yea 3 of demm21- Favorite champ? Jinxxx22- Favorite skin? Splash art wise is sg janna or elderwood lb23- If you could perma delete a champ, who would it be? yass or tryn cant play against them at all24- Current instant ban? draven or lucian25- Least favorite champion? gp26- Aram, twisted tree line, or Summoners Rift? SR27- Favorite special game mode? one for all28- Ever gotten so tilted you broke something? nah29- Ever been reported? probably30- Ever been banned? boo31- How many summoner names have you had? one32- Ignite or heal (adc)? Heal dawggg33- Most expensive skin owned? dat lux one34- Longest game? probs 70 minutes35- Longest amount of time playing consecutively? dont wanna say 36- Too many chests or too many keys? keys37- Favorite midlaner? ahri or ori38- Favorite adc? jinx39- Favorite support? nami or thresh40- Favorite top? Darius or poppy41- Favorite jungle? kha or sej42- You’re worst champ? kali43- Favorite lore champion?idk!1 the dragon man44- If you have a champions abilities irl who would it be? soraka so i could heal people n silence them :)45- If you could be a league champ what would your kit/role be? Adc obviii, no idea what the kit would be tho46- Your favorite male champ? swain or ekko47- Your favorite female champ? JINX48- What’s your favorite league ship? jinx n jhin49- What’s your favorite LCS team? tsmMm50- Ever used RP to buy a champ?yeah i bought jinx with rp lol
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blackautistics · 5 years
What is Critical Autism Studies?
Redefining Critical Autism Studies: a more inclusive interpretation
What is Neurodiversity?
Disability, Diversity, and Autism: Philosophical Perspectives on Health
Neurodiversity, Quality of Life, and Autistic Adults: Shifting Research and Professional Focuses onto Real-Life Challenges
What is the Self-Determination Construct?
An Exploration of the Self-Determination Construct and Disability as it Relates to the Dine´ (Navajo) Culture
What is Theory of Mind?
Autism and Psychosis
A symptom-based approach to treatment of psychosis in autism spectrum disorder
Diagnostic Characteristics of Psychosis and Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adolescence and Adulthood. A Case Series
Racialised Autism
Autism, Ethnicity and Culture: Working with Children and Families from Minority Communities by Dr Prithvi Perepa £19.99
Race, Culture, and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Understanding the Role of Diversity in Successful Educational Interventions.
Multicultural issues in Autism
African American Families on Autism Diagnosis and Treatment: The Influence of Culture
Autism spectrum disorders in sub-Saharan Africa
Autism, Rhetoric and Whiteness
Conners, J. L., & Donnellan, A. M. (n.d.). Walk in Beauty: Western Perspectives on Disability and Navajo Family/Cultural Resilience. In H. I. McCubbin, E. A. Thompson, A. I. Thompson, J. E. Fromer (Eds.), Resiliency in Native American and Immigrant Families. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.
Fombonne, E. (2007). Epidemiological surveys of prevalence developmental disorders. In F. R. Volkmar (Eds.). Autism and pervasive developmental disorders (33-68). Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Kapp, S. K. (2011). Navajo and autism: the beauty of harmony. Disability & Society, 26(5), 583–595. Matson, J. L., Worley, J. A., Fodstad, J. C., Chung, K.-M., Suh, D., Jhin, H. K., … Furniss, F. (2011). A multinational study examining the cross cultural differences in reported symptoms of autism spectrum disorders: Israel, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(4), 1598–1604. Sullivan, A. L. (2013). School-Based Autism Identification: Prevalence, Racial Disparities, and Systemic Correlates. School Psychology Review; Bethesda, 42(3), 298–316.
Travers, J. C., Tincani, M., & Krezmien, M. P. (2013). A Multiyear National Profile of Racial Disparity in Autism Identification. The Journal of Special Education, 47(1), 41–49.
Autism and Intersectionality
Charting Relations between Intersectionality Theory and the Neurodiversity Paradigm
The Theory Of Intersectionality: A New Lens For Understanding The Barriers Faced By Autistic Women
An intersectionality framework for transformative services research
Bodyminds Reimagined: (Dis)ability, Race, and Gender in Black Women’s Speculative Fiction.
Intersectional Neurodiversity
Intersected Disability
Brown, L. (n.d.). Autism FAQ. [Web long post]. Retrieved from
Brown, L. (2011, August 4). The significance of semantics: Person-first language: Why it
Matters [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://www.autistichoya.com/2011/08/significance-of-semantics-person-first.html
Brown, L. (2012, August 12). Disability in an ableist world. [Web log post]. Retrieved from
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tenseiga · 7 years
the other half of the ask meme that nobody asked for (well. @totopopopo did but then i gave the wrong answers. so.)
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life? n.nonbina.ry.. persn
3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” furry
5: Are you afraid of falling in love? no?
7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? like probably it’s not really something i keep track of
9: Name the last four beds you were sat on? fuck alright mine, my grandmother’s, uhhhhhhhh thats it thats all i got 11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned? hell no i thought i’d be dead by now 13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler? they’re both so good
15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? mmmmhhh zoos are full of cool animals but u can make fun of art u dont like in museums. i’ve been on a date w jhin to a zoo so let’s go to the art museum this time. spice things up a lil
17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact? im sorry im too lazy to check who that is. probably at least a day.
19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? hahahhahahhaha no
21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? if they didnt live across the ocean? ye
23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? just one, it’s a metal band and it’s got the quote from the cinderella movie on it
25: What’s on your mind? gay
27: What is your favorite color? i like blues and greens
29: Who are you texting? u sound like my mom
31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? thats called anxiety
33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you? ”irritation” is a feeling
35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you considering i literally do not remember who that is, i’d be pretty neutral about it
37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed? i dont think so
39: Has anyone upset you in the last week? im always upset 24/7
41: Where’s your last bruise located? left thigh
43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? this morning during  my mom’’s most recent Yell Session
45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes? @dheerse and i have a matching pair of shoes and it’s the best thing that’s ever been on my feet
47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style? i’ve been bald before and it was rad. so yes
49: Does your bedroom have a door? the room in my mom’s house? yes. the place im moving into? nop
51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping? probably but no one off the top of my head
53: Are goodbyes hard for you? kinda
55: How is your hair? beautiful as always
57: Do you think two people can last forever? like an immortal type situation or a couples thing?
59: Green or purple grapes? apathy
61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? yyes i want out of my mom’s house. i move next week. i cant wait
63: Where will you be 5 hours from now? that answer is boring. i’d much rather be cryptid hunting
65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked? @dheerse
67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today? no thank god. im in a “dont touch me” mood
69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? thats like daily existence my dude
71: How many fingers do you have? enough
73: How old will you be in 5 months? twenty and a half
75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love hi, quick question what does this say
77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? nope. that was high school babey im out of there
79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike? @gayscottryder, also my very gay boss at the grocery store (i almost went clubbing w him? that would have been an experience)
81: How many people have you liked in the past three months? like platonic liked or romance liked? bc romance like is 1) my fiancé 2) my fiancé 3) still just my fiancé
83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight? i’ll text em a lot
85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care? jhin did a weed once im calling the cops i also did a weed but
87: Who was your last received call from? one of those automated call centers
89: What is something you wish you had more of? plane tickets to germany. or houses. i would like one more house than the number of houses i currently have, which is zero houses
91: Do you sleep with your window open? like a little
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? hi buddy i’m a closeted queer trans youth. draw your own conclusions
95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? yeah i have no fuckeng clue who that is
97: Did you sleep alone this week? all day every day night babey
99: Do you believe in love at first sight? i guess kind of begrudgingly? happened to me online so
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torutu · 7 years
27, 36, 37, 42, 47
27.first thing you notice to a guy/girlabout guys is usually the teeth and their hairbut the girls is their hair too and make up(thats the first thing i try to check)36.Occupations you wanted to be when you were kid.therapist(mostly)movie directerdoctor37.do you believe in ghosts.no but i believe in Jhin42.what do you wear in bed.Just my underwear47.what makes a great relationshiptrust , understanding each other and endless heads from both sides
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bekkomi · 7 years
38 & 47
38. Favorite adc?
    Jhin! He’s my number one (but ngl, probably my 4th best skill wise lmao)
47. Your favorite female champ?
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Kalista. I love her design a lot. Her kit, lore, quotes, and everything are so thematically well designed and unique. Her and Azir are the main ones that kept my interest in league. (Even though I don’t play them because they are hard as crap)
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crazycookieraider · 7 years
1, 2, 4, 12, 22, 26, 27, 28, 43, 44, 45, 47 LEEEES GOOOOO
1- First champ played?Ashe :P
2- First main? The first long time main was Diana. The first first was actually Lux.
4- What got you into league in the first place?My bro downloaded it and insisted that it was better and simpler than the original/first DotA, which I loved at the time.
12- Best league experience?There were lots but the first one that popped to my mind was that one graves jungle game I played with you and fed my ass off but stole drake and screamed loud enough for my whole neighborhood to hear me 
22- Favorite skin? Creator Viktor (even though I fucking suck at him). Honorable mentions are Headhunter Nidalee (and you know why), Blood Moon Jhin, aLL THE DIANA SKINS TBH
26- Aram, twisted tree line, or Summoners Rift?I like them all equally, but it usually depends on the mood.
27- Favorite special game mode?Used to be All for One until it became cancerous. Same thing goes for Doombots. Currently I’d say ARURF. It would be nice if they brought back Black Market Brawlers/Butcher’s Bridge.
28- Ever gotten so tilted you broke something?I broke one little part of my keyboard (that is used to keep the keyboard up) when I slammed my fist against it :P
43- Favorite lore champion?YOU OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW THAT ITS JHIN GOD DAMNIT. And the whole package that was Burning Tides. Also old lore Viktor.
44- If you have a champions abilities irl who would it be?Zillean R, Jhin E, TF R, Evelyn Passive and Ivern R cause D A I S Y.
45- If you could be a league champ what would your kit/role be?A combination of Amumu, (for the depression) Ziggs (for those bullshit phase moments) and Veigar (for the e d g e). So the ultimate Yordle.
47- Your favorite female champ?Diana :>
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aboutbot47 · 7 years
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Khada Jhin 47 and Summoner Ainn.
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lilientrish7 · 3 years
League of Legends Worlds 2016 Week Two Recap
League of Legends Worlds 2016 Week Two Recap
  Another exciting week at Worlds has come to an end with the final few games of the group stages taking place. We now have confirmation on who will be progressing through to the knockout stages and who will be packing their bags and leaving empty handed. The next part of Worlds is the knockout stage where every match becomes more and more import as we progress.
If you happened to miss all the action from week one or have completely forgot, then be sure to refresh your memory here.
Let’s start off with the highlights from day 5 of the League of Legends Worlds 2016. A lot of exciting matches went down including the first tie breaker match of the tournament. Here’s what happened.
Day 5 Highlights (6th October)
  G2 vs ROX
Winner: ROX wins after 35 minutes and 24 seconds. First Blood: 2 minutes and 53 seconds (G2 Expect kills ROX Smeb with G2 Trick assisting) First Tower Destroyed: 16 minutes and 27 seconds (ROX Kuro) Largest Multi Kill: 1 (G2 Expect) Largest Killing Spree: 4 (ROX Peanut) Gold Advantage: ROX Ahead 8.2K Barons: 1 (ROX at 29 minutes) Dragons: 2 (ROX)
3 (G2)
Towers: 11 (ROX)
3 (G2)
MVP: ROX Peanut (Lee Sin)
Winner: ANX wins after 30 minutes and 2 seconds. First Blood: 8 minutes and 45 seconds (ANX Likkrit kills CLG aphromoo with assistance from ANX PvPStejos and ANX aMiracle) First Tower Destroyed: 17 minutes and 6 seconds (CLG Xmithie, aphromoo, Stixxay, Huhi all contribute) Largest Multi Kill: 1 (ANX Smurf) Largest Killing Spree: 3 (ANX PVPStejos) Gold Advantage: ANX Ahead 14.6K Barons: 1 (CLG at 25 minutes) Dragons: 3 (ANX) Towers: 11 (ANX)
0 (CLG)
MVP: ANX PvPStejos (Graves)
CLG vs G2
Winner: CLG wins after 36 minutes and 17 seconds. First Blood: 4 minutes and 16 seconds (CLG Xmithie kills G2 Expect with assistance from CLG Darshan) First Tower Destroyed: 12 minutes and 35 seconds (CLG Stixxay, aphromoo, Xmithie) Largest Multi Kill: 1 (CLG Darshan) Largest Killing Spree: 3 (CLG Stixxay) Gold Advantage: ANX Ahead 16.5K Barons: 1 (CLG at 31 minutes) Dragons: 3 (CLG)
1 (G2)
Towers: 10 (CLG)
1 (G2)
MVP: CLG Stixxay (Jhin)
Winner: ANX wins after 1 hour 6 minutes and 20 seconds. First Blood: 5 minutes and 0 seconds (ANX’s Jungler PvPStejos kills ROX Kuro in the middle lane) First Tower Destroyed: 16 minutes and 37 seconds (ANX PvPStejos, aMiracle) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (ANX PvPStejos) Largest Killing Spree: 7 (ANX aMiracle) Gold Advantage: ANX lead for the majority of the match with ROX taking over within the last few minutes of the match Barons: 3 (ROX at 35 minutes, 47 minutes, 56 minutes)
2 (ANX at 25 minutes, 63 minutes)
Dragons: 4 (ANX)
2 (ROX)
Towers: 11 (ANX)
3 (ROX)
MVP: ANX aMiracle (Lucian)
G2 vs ANX
Winner: G2 wins after 36 minutes and 42 seconds First Blood: 1 minute and 7 seconds (ANX aMiracle kills G2 Zven in the bottom lane with Likkrit, Kira, PvPStejos all assisting) First Tower Destroyed: 20 minutes and 4 seconds (G2 Zven) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (G2 Expect) Largest Killing Spree: 5 (G2 Expect) Gold Advantage: G2 lead by 13.6K gold Barons: 1 (G2 at 27 minutes) Dragons: 2 (G2)
1 (ANX)
Towers: 10 (G2)
0 (ANX)
MVP: G2 Expect (Irelia)
Winner: ROX wins after 37 minutes and 46 seconds First Blood: 3 minute and 1 second (ROX Peanut kills CLG Stixxay) First Tower Destroyed: 20 minutes and 32 seconds (ROX Kuro) Largest Multi Kill: 1 (ROX Smeb) Largest Killing Spree: 5 (ROX Peanut) Gold Advantage: ROX lead by 11.4K gold Barons: 1 (ROX at 29 minutes) Dragons: 2 (ROX)
2 (CLG)
Towers: 10 (ROX)
3 (CLG)
MVP: Rox Peanut (Elise)
ROX vs ANX (Tiebreaker)
Winner: ROX wins after 29 minutes and 22 seconds First Blood: 4 minute and 13 seconds (ROX Peanut kills ANX Likkrit) First Tower Destroyed: 10 minutes (ROX PraY, GorillA, Peanut, Smeb) Largest Multi Kill: 1 (ROX Smeb) Largest Killing Spree: 7 (ROX Peanut) Gold Advantage: ROX lead by 16.9K gold Barons: 1 (ROX at 27 minutes) Dragons: 2 (ROX)
1 (ANX)
Towers: 9 (ROX)
0 (ANX)
MVP: Rox Peanut (Elise)
Day 6 Highlights (7th October)
Day 6 also had us biting our teeth as again we saw another tiebreaker to decide who made it through from group C.
Winner: EDG wins after 34 minutes and 41 seconds First Blood: 3 minute and 27 seconds (EDG Clearlove kills ITZ Jockster in a bottom lane gank) First Tower Destroyed: 6 minutes and 11 seconds (EDG Meiko, Deft, Clearlove) Largest Multi Kill: 4 (EDG Scout) Largest Killing Spree: 7 (EDG Scout) Gold Advantage: EDG lead by 11.5K gold Barons: 1 (EDG at 32 minutes) Dragons: 4 (EDG)
0 (ITZ)
Towers: 8 (EDG)
4 (ITZ)
MVP: EDG Scout (Elise)
Ahq vs H2K
Winner: H2K wins after 41 minutes and 42 seconds First Blood: 13 minutes and 40 seconds (H2K Ryu kills AHQ Mountain) First Tower Destroyed: 16 minutes and 10 seconds (H2K Ryu) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (AHQ Westdoor) Largest Killing Spree: 6 (H2K Ryu) Gold Advantage: H2K lead by 9.3K gold Barons: 1 (H2k at 38 minutes)
1 (AHQ at 29 minutes)
Dragons: 4 (H2K) Towers: 10 (H2K)
3 (AHQ)
MVP: H2k Ryu (Ryze)
H2k vs EDG
Winner: H2K wins after 44 minutes and 57 seconds First Blood: 2 minutes and 56 seconds (H2K Ryu kills EDG Scout) First Tower Destroyed: 14 minutes and 56 seconds (H2K WINION) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (H2K FORG1VEN) Largest Killing Spree: 4 (H2K Ryu) Gold Advantage: H2K lead by 13.7K gold Barons: 2 (H2k at 25 minutes, 37 minutes) Dragons: 4 (H2K)
1 (EDG)
Towers: 9 (H2K)
2 (EDG)
MVP: H2k Ryu (Ryze)
ITZ vs ahq
Winner: AHQ wins after 28 minutes and 29 seconds First Blood: 5 minutes and 15 seconds (AHQ Westdoor kills ITZ Jockster) First Tower Destroyed: 6 minutes and 17 seconds (AHQ Mountain) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (AHQ AN) Largest Killing Spree: 6 (AHQ AN) Gold Advantage: AHQ lead by 11.2K gold Barons: 1 (AHQ at 24 minutes) Dragons: 2 (AHQ)
1 (ITZ)
Towers: 10 (AHQ)
3 (ITZ)
MVP: AHQ AN (Jinx)
ITZ vs H2k
Winner: H2K wins after 29 minutes and 16 seconds First Blood: 6 minutes and 13 seconds (H2K Vander kills ITZ Revolta) First Tower Destroyed: 12 minutes and 38 seconds (ITZ mica0, Jockster, Yang) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (H2k FORG1VEN) Largest Killing Spree: 5 (H2k FORG1VEN) Gold Advantage: H2K lead by 11K gold Barons: 1 (H2K at 25 minutes) Dragons: 3 (H2K) Towers: 9 (H2K)
3 (ITZ)
Ahq vs EDG
Winner: EDG wins after 46 minutes and 55 seconds First Blood: 8 minutes and 22 seconds (AHQ Mountain kills EDG Meiko) First Tower Destroyed: 13 minutes and 23 seconds (AHQ Albis) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (EDG PawN) Largest Killing Spree: 7 (EDG PawN) Gold Advantage: EDG lead by 3K gold Barons: 1 (AHQ at 30 minutes)
1 (EDG at 37 minutes)
Dragons: 3 (EDG)
2 (AHQ)
Towers: 11 (EDG)
6 (AHQ)
MVP: EDG PawN (Vladimir)
H2K vs EDG
Winner: H2K wins after 44 minutes and 57 seconds First Blood: 2 minutes and 56 seconds (H2K Ryu kills EDG Scout) First Tower Destroyed: 14 minutes and 56 seconds (H2K WINION) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (H2k FORG1VEN) Largest Killing Spree: 4 (H2K Ryu) Gold Advantage: H2K lead by 13.7K gold Barons: 1 (AHQ at 30 minutes)
1 (EDG at 37 minutes)
Dragons: 2 (H2K) Towers: 9 (H2K)
2 (EDG)
MVP: H2K Ryu (Ryze)
Day 7 Highlights (8th October)
Day 7 saw pure domination from the Korean team SSG as they safely secured their spot as the number 1 in Group D.
Winner: SSG wins after 45 minutes and 11 seconds First Blood: 3 minutes and 47 seconds (SSG Ambition with CuVee) First Tower Destroyed: 11 minutes and 11 seconds (TSM Doublelift) Largest Multi Kill: 3 (SSG Ruler) Largest Killing Spree: 7 (TSM Doublelift) Gold Advantage: SSG lead by 8.6K gold Barons: 2 (SSG at 23 minutes, 41 minutes) Dragons: 1 (TSM)
3 (SSG)
Towers: 10 (SSG)
3 (TSM)
MVP: TSM Doublelift (Lucian)
Winner: SPY wins after 36 minutes and 15 seconds First Blood: 11 minutes and 29 seconds (RNG Mlxg kills SPY Wunder) First Tower Destroyed: 13 minutes and 32 seconds (SPY Wunder) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (SPY Sencux) Largest Killing Spree: 6 (SPY Sencux) Gold Advantage: SPY lead by 14K gold Barons: 2 (SPY at 25 minutes, 35 minutes) Dragons: 2 (SPY) Towers: 9 (SPY)
1 (RNG)
MVP: SPY Sencux (Malzahar)
Winner: TSM wins after 28 minutes and 35 seconds First Blood: 4 minutes and 43 seconds (SPY Trashy kills TSM Svenskeren) First Tower Destroyed: 13 minutes and 5 seconds (SPY Trashy) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (TSM Bjergsen) Largest Killing Spree: 12 (TSM Bjergsen) Gold Advantage: TSM lead by 14.6K gold Barons: 1 (TSM at 25 minutes) Dragons: 2 (TSM) Towers: 11 (TSM)
1 (SPY)
MVP: TSM Bjergsen (Syndra)
Winner: TSM wins after 23 minutes and 53 seconds First Blood: 7 minutes and 3 seconds (SSG Crown kills RNG Xiaohu) First Tower Destroyed: 8 minutes and 35 seconds (SSG CoreJJ) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (SSG CuVee) Largest Killing Spree: 7 (SSG Crown) Gold Advantage: SSG lead by 13.3K gold Barons: 1 (SSG at 21 minutes) Dragons: 2 (SSG) Towers: 9 (SSG) MVP: SSG Crown (Viktor)
Winner: SSG wins after 23 minutes and 42 seconds First Blood: 3 minutes and 42 seconds (SSG Ruler kills SPY Sivir) First Tower Destroyed: 8 minutes and 35 seconds (SSG Ruler) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (SSG CuVee) Largest Killing Spree: 6 (SSG Ruler) Gold Advantage: SSG lead by 15.6K gold Barons: 1 (SSG at 21 minutes) Dragons: 2 (SSG) Towers: 10 (SSG) MVP: SSG Ruler (Jhin)
Winner: RNG wins after 36 minutes and 52 seconds First Blood: 7 minutes and 2 seconds (RNG Uzi kills TSM Biofrost) First Tower Destroyed: 7 minutes and 45 seconds (RNG Mata) Largest Multi Kill: 3 (RNG Uzi) Largest Killing Spree: 5 (RNG Uzi) Gold Advantage: RNG lead by 5.4K gold Barons: 2 (SSG at 25 minutes, 33 minutes) Dragons: 4 (RNG) Towers: 11 (RNG)
5 (TSM)
MVP: RNG Uzi (Ezreal)
Day 8 highlights (9th October)
The final day of the group stages was sure to be good with last years winners SKT battling off competition from C9, IMay and FW.
IMay vs FW
Winner: IM wins after 41 minutes and 11 seconds First Blood: 15 minutes and 57 seconds (IM Athena kills FW Mapie) First Tower Destroyed: 18 minutes and 16 seconds (FW SwordArt) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (IM Baeme) Largest Killing Spree: 4 (IM AmazingJ) Gold Advantage: IM lead by 11.8K gold Barons: 2 (IM at 30 minutes, 37 minutes) Dragons: 1 (IM)
3 (FW)
Towers: 9 (IM)
4 (FW)
MVP: IM AmazingJ (Ekko)
C9 vs SKT
Winner: SKT wins after 50 minutes and 10 seconds First Blood: 5 minutes and 11 seconds (C9 Sneaky kills SKT Wolf) First Tower Destroyed: 20 minutes and 29 seconds (SKT Duke) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (SKT Blank) Largest Killing Spree: 5 (SKT Blank) Gold Advantage: SKT lead by 11.5K gold Barons: 2 (SKT at 28 minutes, 43 minutes) Dragons: 3 (C9)
2 (SKT)
Towers: 9 (SKT)
4 (C9)
MVP: SKT Blank (Lee Sin)
C9 vs FW
Winner: FW wins after 39 minutes and 48 seconds First Blood: 4 minutes and 29 seconds (C9 Meteos FW MMD) First Tower Destroyed: 13 minutes and 2 seconds (FW NL) Largest Multi Kill: 3 (SKT Maple) Largest Killing Spree: 7 (SKT Maple) Gold Advantage: FW lead by 10.1K gold Barons: 2 (SKT at 25 minutes, 33 minutes) Dragons: 1 (C9)
4 (SKT)
Towers: 11 (SKT)
2 (C9)
MVP: FW Maple (Ryze)
SKT vs IMay
Winner: SKT wins after 45 minutes and 27 seconds First Blood: 5 minutes and 51 seconds (SKT Blank kills IM Athena) First Tower Destroyed: 13 minutes and 21 seconds (SKT Bang) Largest Multi Kill: 1 (SKT Maple) Largest Killing Spree: 4 (SKT Maple) Gold Advantage: SKT lead by 12.3K gold Barons: 2 (SKT at 25 minutes, 33 minutes) Dragons: 5 (SKT) Towers: 10 (SKT)
3 (IM)
MVP: IM Jinjiao (Jhin)
IMay vs C9
Winner: C9 wins after 51 minutes and 7 seconds First Blood: 3 minutes and 57 seconds (C9 Sneaky kills IM Jinjiao in the bot lane) First Tower Destroyed: 7 minutes and 46 seconds (C9 Meteos) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (C9 Sneaky) Largest Killing Spree: 9 (C9 Jensen) Gold Advantage: C9 lead by 16.8K gold Barons: 3 (SKT at 24 minutes, 35 minutes,49 minutes)
1 (IM at 42 minutes)
Dragons: 4 (C9)
1 (IM)
Towers: 11 ( C9)
2 (IM)
MVP: C9 Jensen (Ryze)
Winner: SKT wins after 39 minutes and 51 seconds First Blood: 9 minutes and 39 seconds (SKT Bang kills FW SwordArt) First Tower Destroyed: 12 minutes and 6 seconds (SKT WINION) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (SKT Duke) Largest Killing Spree: 10 (SKT Bang) Gold Advantage: SKT lead by 15.9K gold Barons: 1 (FW at 30 minutes)
1 (SKT at 37 minutes)
Dragons: 3 (SKT) Towers: 9 (SKT)
1 (FW)
MVP: SKT Bang (Ezreal)
Knocked Out Teams
With 16 teams battling it out for the Summoner’s Cup it’s obvious that only 1 team can win. Now we’ve come to the end of the group stages these matches become a lot more important as one bad play and you’ll be knocked out of the tournament.
Heading into the knockout stages we’ve already had to say bye bye to 8 teams, some who deserve it due to their poor performance and some who just got really unlucky. Let’s have a look at the 8 teams who have been eliminated from Worlds 2016.
G2 Esports
After only winning 1 game from their entire group G2 leave the tournament on 1 win and 5 losses.
Counter Logic Gaming
The second team from group A to leave, CLG won 3 games and lost 3 putting them 1 win behind ANX.
After only winning 2 games from their group and losing 4 IMay finished in joint last place of group B along with Flash Wolves.
Flash Wolves
Joining IMay with the same results of 2 wins and 4 losses Flash Wolves are the second team from group B to be waving goodbye to World.
A promising contender for their region ahq missed the 2nd place by 1 win and were forced to settle for 3rd finishing on 3 wins and 3 losses.
The Brazilian wildcard had trouble holding up against other international teams at Worlds and ended up finishing in last place with 1 win and 5 losses.
Team SoloMid
One of the NA favourites for the home crowd Team SoloMid narrowly missed out on the number 2 slot and ended up being eliminated after 3 wins and 3 losses.
For Splyce it has been a disaster ever since their first match and their last match was the final nail in the coffin. Finishing last in their group with only 1 win and 5 losses it’s no surprise Splyce have been eliminated.
Upcoming Quarterfinals
Now the group stages are over we can get on to the important matches, the quarterfinals! The schedule and teams have already been selected for the upcoming matches and will happen over the course of 4 days.
The next quarter final is on the 13th October when Samsung Galaxy take on Cloud 9.
Quarter Final (13th October) SSG vs C9
The number 1 from group D will be battling against the NA number 2 from group B on 13th October. Both teams have shown great determination and strength during the games with SSG leading on 5 wins and 1 loss versus C9’s 3 wins and 3 losses.
Quarter Final (14th October) SKT vs RNG
Following on the day after all eyes will be on last year’s winners SKT as they take on the Chinese hopefuls RNG. SKT currently holds a record of 5 wins and 1 loss versus RNGs record of 3 wins and 3 losses.
Quarter Final (15th October) ROX vs EDG
South Korean hopefuls ROX Tigers will be facing off against China’s Edward Gaming to see who can make it into the semi-finals. ROX Tigers currently lead on 5 wins and 2 losses compared to Edward Gamings 4 wins and 3 losses.
Quarter Final (16th October) H2K vs ANX
The last EU team in Worlds will be battling Russia’s Albus NoX Luna on the last day of the quarterfinals. H2K currently lead with 5 wins and 2 losses compared to ANX’s 4 wins and 3 losses.
Be sure to tune in next week when we’ll be covering the highlights from the Quarterfinals matches and see who’s made it through to the semi-finals.
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dustverses · 3 years
League of Legends Worlds 2016 Week One Recap
League of Legends Worlds 2016 Week One Recap
If you play League of Legends regularly then you should fully know that the 2016 World Championship is in full swing. Starting last Thursday on 29th September we’ve already had 4 incredible days full of amazing plays and multikills. In only 4 short days we’ve seen an incredible 24 games played with another 24 games still to come over days 5 to 8. Although we are still in the early stages of the competition we are quickly approaching the knockout stages of the tournament.
To make it through to the knockout stages every match from now on is super important. Every win puts a team closer and closer to that important qualifying position that will see them go through to the next stage.
In case you missed any of the action from last week here’s a recap of the week one games from day 1 to day 4.
SPOILER WARNING: If you plan on watching the games and don’t want to know the results then we suggest skipping to the bottom to show the upcoming games on day 5.
If you want to re-watch all the games from day 1 to 4 then all the YouTube links you require are available here.
Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony for the League of Legends World Championship 2016 took place on Day 1 at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco. The ceremony started off with a short video covering last year’s worlds and the expectations of this year’s players.
In front of the 7,000 strong live audience all 16 teams were introduced to excited fans with the North American home crowd especially loving TSM and SKT1. The whole opening ceremony lasted around 20 minutes before diving straight into the first game which was G2 vs CLG.
All games for the group stages are round robin, meaning whoever wins the game gets the point. The best of 3 games is introduced later on in the tournament during the knockout stages. This meant many of the games were pretty quick and we got to see which team was on form during the match.
Day 1 Highlights (29th September)
G2 vs CLG
Winner: CLG wins after 34 minutes and 13 seconds. First Blood: 4 minutes and 3 seconds (CLG Darshan gets caught out in the top lane by G2’s Jungler Trick with G2 Expect securing the kill.) First Tower Destroyed: 11 minutes and 55 seconds (CLG Xmithie, aphromoo, Stixxay, Huhi all contribute) Largest Multi Kill: 3 (CLG Stixxay on Caitlyn) Largest Killing Spree: 6 (CLG Xmithie on Olaf) Gold Advantage: CLG Ahead 10.8K Barons: 1 (CLG at 23 minutes) Dragons: 3 (CLG) Towers: 9 (CLG)
3 (G2)
MVP: CLG Xmithie (Olaf)
Winner: ROX wins after 27 minutes and 36 seconds. First Blood: 3 minutes and 47 seconds (ROX Smeb dies first after a wild chase in the Jungle with ANX Smurf taking the kill) First Tower Destroyed: 13 minutes and 42 seconds (ROX Pray, GorillA, Peanut and Smeb all contribute) Largest Multi Kill: 4 (ROX Pray on Lucian) Largest Killing Spree: 7 (ROX Pray on Lucian) Gold Advantage: ROX ahead 17k Barons: 1 (ROX at 25 minutes) Dragons: 2 (ROX) Towers: 10 (ROX)
0 (ANX)
MVP: ROX Pray (Lucian)
H2k vs ahq
Winner: ahq win after 47 minute and 11 seconds First Blood: 4 minutes and 5 seconds (top lane gank with ahq Mountain securing the kill against H2k Odoamne) First Tower Destroyed: 16 minutes and 8 seconds (Solo kill from H2K Odoamne) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (ahq Mountain on Olaf) Largest Killing Spree: 4 (ahq Ziv on Rumble) Gold Advantage: Ahq ahead 10.6k Barons: 2 (ahq at 31 minutes and 43 minutes) Dragons: 1 (H2k)
4 (ahq)
Towers: 10 (ahq)
4 (H2k)
MVP: AHQ Ziv (Rumble)
Winner: ITZ win after 42 minutes and 11 seconds First Blood: 4 minutes and 59 seconds (EDG Deft takes down enemy ADC mica0 in the bot lane with Meiko assisting) First Tower Destroyed: 7 minutes and 40 seconds (ITZ mica0, Jockster, Revolta all contribute) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (ITZ Yang on Gnar) Largest Killing Spree: 5 (ITZ Yang on Gnar) Gold Advantage: ITZ ahead by 14.3k Barons: 2 (ITZ at 23 minutes and 33 minutes) Dragons: 4 (ITZ)
1 (EDG)
Towers: 10 (ITZ)
3 (EDG)
MVP: ITZ Yang (Gnar)
Winner: SSG wins after 33 minutes and 59 seconds First Blood: 5 minutes and 33 seconds (SSG Ambition ganks the top lane and kills SPY Wunder with SSG CuVee assisting) First Tower Destroyed: 14 minutes and 11 seconds (SSG Ruler, Wraith and Ambition all contribute) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (SSG Crown on Viktor) Largest Killing Spree: 7 (SSG Crown on Viktor) Gold Advantage: SSG ahead by 13k Barons: 1 (SSG at 29 minutes) Dragons: 2 (SSG) Towers: 11 (SSG)
1 (SPY)
MVP: SSG Crown (Viktor)
Winner: RNG win after 37 minutes and 2 seconds First Blood: 4 minutes and 54 seconds (during a team fight RNG MIxg ends up killing TSM Jungler Svenskeren) First Tower Destroyed: 15 minutes and 14 seconds (TSM Bjergsen and Svenskeren contribute) Largest Multi Kill: 3 (RNG Xiaohu on Cassiopeia) Largest Killing Spree: 6 (RNG Xiaohu on Cassiopeia) Gold Advantage: RNG ahead by 8.4k Barons: 1 (RNG at 31 minutes) Dragons: 2 (RNG)
2 (TSM)
Towers: 8 (RNG)
4 (TSM)
MVP: RNG Xiaohu (Cassiopeia)
Day 2 Highlights (30th September)
SKT vs C9
Winner: SKT win after 31 minutes and 10 seconds First Blood: 5 minutes and 37 seconds (SKT’s Bengi kills C9 Jensen with SKT Faker assisting during a mid-lane gank) First Tower Destroyed: 16 minutes and 11 seconds (SKT Duke and Bengi contribute to the first tower) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (SKT Faker on Syndra) Largest Killing Spree: 3 (SKT Bengi on Elise) Gold Advantage: SKT ahead by 16.1K Barons: 1 (SKT at 27 minutes) Dragons: 3 (SKT)
1 (C9)
Towers: 11 (SKT)
1 (C9)
MVP: SKT Faker (Syndra)
FW vs IMay
Winner: IM win after 47 minutes and 19 seconds First Blood: 4 minutes and 3 seconds (FW’s Maple kills IM’s Avoidless with assistance from FW’s MMD Gnar) First Tower Destroyed: 12 minutes and 13 seconds (FW’s NL, SwordArt and MMD all contributed to the first tower) Largest Multi Kill: 3 (IM Jinjiao on Jhin) Largest Killing Spree: 4 (IM Jinjiao on Jhin) Gold Advantage: FW lead by 3.8k for 38 minutes before IM took over and had a 6k advantage Barons: 1 (IM at 38 minutes) Dragons: 3 (FW)
2 (IM)
Towers: 8 (IM)
4 (FW)
MVP: IM Jinjiao (Jihn)
Winner: TSM win after 33 minutes and 57 seconds First Blood: 4 minutes and 20 seconds (TSM Svenskeren kills SSG CuVee with TSM Hauntzer assisting) First Tower Destroyed: 12 minutes and 13 seconds (TSM Doublelift with Biofrost assisting) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (TSM Hauntzer) Largest Killing Spree: 7 (TSM Hauntzer) Gold Advantage: TSM ahead by 14.4k Barons: 1 (TSM at 31 minutes) Dragons: 4 (TSM)
0 (SSG)
Towers: 11 (TSM)
2 (SSG)
MVP: TSM Hauntzer (Kennen)
Winner: RNG win after 25 minutes and 32 seconds First Blood: 4 minutes and 56 seconds (RNG Uzi and Mata take the first kill against SPY Mikyx in the bot lane) First Tower Destroyed: 12 minutes and 50 seconds (RNG Uzi, Mata and MIxg contribute) Largest Multi Kill: 4 (RNG Uzi on Ezreal) Largest Killing Spree: 10 (RNG Uzi on Ezreal) Gold Advantage: RNG ahead by 16.1K Barons: 0 Dragons: 2 (RNG) Towers: 10 (RNG)
0 (SSG)
MVP: RNG Uzi (Ezreal)
H2k vs ITZ
Winner: H2k win after 30 minutes and 41 seconds First Blood: 18 minutes and 9 seconds (H2K’s Ryu kills ITZ Jockster with Jankos and Vander assisting) First Tower Destroyed: 10 minutes and 52 seconds (H2k FORG1VEN and Vander get the destroy the first tower in the bot lane) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (H2k Odoamne on Kennen) Largest Killing Spree: 5 (H2k Odoamne on Kennen) Gold Advantage: H2k ahead by 11.9k Barons: 1 (H2k at 27 minutes) Dragons: 1 (H2k)
1 (ITZ)
Towers: 10 (H2k)
0 (ITZ)
MVP: H2k Odoamne (Kennen)
EDG vs ahq
Winner: EDG win after 41 minutes and 1 second First Blood: 3 minutes and 31 seconds (EDG PawN kills ahq Chawy in the midlane with help from Jungler EDG Clearlove) First Tower Destroyed: 6 minutes and 22 seconds (ahq AN with Albis and Mountain contributing) Largest Multi Kill: 1 Largest Killing Spree: 3 (EDG Deft on Lucian) Gold Advantage: EDG ahead by 10.7k Barons: 2 (EDG at 22 minutes and 38 minutes) Dragons: 3 (EDG)
1 (AHQ)
Towers: 8 (EDG)
3 (AHQ)
MVP: EDG Deft (Lucian)
Day 3 Highlights (1st October)
Winner: ANX wins after 39 minute and 55 seconds First Blood: 8 minutes 45 seconds (ANX Likkrit kills CLG Huhi with assistance from Kira and PvPStejos) First Tower Destroyed: 13 minutes and 35 seconds (ANX Smurf with PVPStejos contributing) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (CLG Stixxay on Ezreal) Largest Killing Spree: 6 (CLG Stixxay on Ezreal) Gold Advantage: ANX ahead by 4.2k Barons: 2 (ANX at 25 minutes and 35 minutes) Dragons: 2 (CLG)
2 (ANX)
Towers: 9 (ANX)
7 (CLG)
MVP: CLG Ezreal (Stixxay)
ROX vs G2
Winner: ROX wins after 43 minutes and 39 seconds First Blood: 6 minutes and 55 second (G2 mithy kills GorillA in the bot lane) First Tower Destroyed: 14 minutes and 52 seconds (G2 Zven with help from mithy) Largest Multi Kill: 3 (ROX PraY) Largest Killing Spree: 10 (ROX PraY) Gold Advantage: ROX ahead by 7.5k Barons: 3 (ROX at 23 minutes, 34 minutes and 41 minutes) Dragons: 2 (ROX)
2 (G2)
Towers: 11 (ROX)
5 (G2)
MVP: ROX PraY (Ezreal)
FW vs C9
Winner: C9 win after 1 hour 10 minutes and 20 seconds (what a long match!) First Blood: 4 minutes and 13 seconds (FW Karsa kills C9 Impact with assistance from MMD) First Tower Destroyed: 10 minutes and 35 seconds (FW NL, SwordArt, Karse and MMD) Largest Multi Kill: 1 (FW MMD) Largest Killing Spree: 6 (C9 Jensen) Gold Advantage: C9 ahead by 6.3k Barons: 2 (FW at 40 minutes and 53 minutes)
2 (C9 at 60 minute and 68 minutes)
Dragons: 5 (C9)
3 (FW)
Towers: 11 (C9)
9 (FW)
MVP: C9 Jensen (Orianna)
IMay vs SKT
Winner: SKT win after 31 minutes and 53 seconds First Blood: 5 minutes and 5 seconds (IM Avoidless kills SKT Faker in the mid lane) First Tower Destroyed: 9 minute and 25 seconds (Minion with assistance from SKT Wolf and Blank) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (SKT Faker on Cassiopeia) Largest Killing Spree: 2 (SKT Faker on Cassiopeia) Gold Advantage: SKT ahead 15.1k Barons: 1 (SKT at 26 minutes) Dragons: 4 (SKT) Towers: 11 (SKT) MVP: SKT Faker (Cassiopeia)
Winner: TSM win after 45 minutes and 2 seconds First Blood: 4 minutes and 31 seconds (SPY Mikyx kills TSM Biofrost) First Tower Destroyed: 17 minutes and 14 seconds (TSM Svenskeren with assistance from Biofrost and Doublelift) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (SPY Sencux on Malzahar) Largest Killing Spree: 7 (SPY Sencux on Malzahar) Gold Advantage: TSM ahead by 6.3k Barons: 1 (TSM at 37 minutes)
1 (SPY at 28 minutes)
Dragons: 3 (TSM)
1 (SPY)
Towers: 10 (TSM)
6 (SPY)
MVP: SPY Sencux (Malzahar)
Winner: SSG win after 32 minute and 18 seconds First Blood: 5 minutes and 33 seconds (SSG Ambition kills RNG Uzi after a gank in the bot lane) First Tower Destroyed: 14 minutes and 53 seconds (RNG Uzi, Looper and MIxg all contribute) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (SSG Ruler on Jhin) Largest Killing Spree: 5 (SSG Crown on Ryze) Gold Advantage: SSG ahead by 10.2k Barons: 1 (SSG at 23 minutes) Dragons: 3 (SSG)
1 (RNG)
Towers: 8 (SSG)
3 (RNG)
MVP: SSG Crown (Ryze)
Day 4 Highlights (2nd October)
ahq vs ITZ
Winner: ahq wins after 35 minutes and 14 seconds First Blood: 5 minutes and 14 seconds (ahq Westdoor kills ITZ Yang after roaming to top lane) First Tower Destroyed: 7 minutes and 37 seconds (ITZ tockers, Jockster, mica0 and Revolta all contribute) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (ITZ mica0 on Ashe) Largest Killing Spree: 3 (ahq Ziv on Jayce) Gold Advantage: Ahq ahead by 14.2k Barons: 1 (ahq at 33 minutes) Dragons: 4 (ahq)
0 (ITZ)
Towers: 11 (ahq)
1 (ITZ)
MVP: AHQ Ziv (Jayce)
EDG vs H2k
Winner: EDG win after 37 minutes and 57 seconds First Blood: 1 minute and 59 seconds (One of the fastest so far in the tournament, EDG Deft kills Vander in the bot lane) First Tower Destroyed: 10 minutes and 52 seconds (EDG Clearlove destroys the bottom tower with assistance from Meiko and Jhin) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (EDG Mouse on Irelia) Largest Killing Spree: 3 (EDG Mouse on Irelia) Gold Advantage: EDG ahead by 13.5k Barons: 1 (EDG at 31 minutes) Dragons: 3 (EDG)
1 (H2k)
Towers: 11 (EDG)
2 (H2k)
MVP: EDG Mouse (Irelia)
ANX vs G2
Winner: ANX win after 40 minutes and 24 seconds First Blood: 4 minutes and 42 seconds (ANX Kira kills G2 Perkz in the mid lane) First Tower Destroyed: 15 minutes and 8 seconds (ANX aMiracle with help from Likkrit, Kira and PvPStejos) Largest Multi Kill: 1 (ANX Smurf) Largest Killing Spree: 3 (ANX aMiracle) Gold Advantage: ANX ahead by 11.4k Barons: 2 (ANX At 23 minutes and 32 minutes) Dragons: 4 (ANX)
1 (G2)
Towers: 9 (ANX)
3 (G2)
MVP: ANX aMiracle (Lucian)
Winner: CLG win after 36 minutes and 34 seconds First Blood: 2 minutes and 4 seconds (CLG Huhi kills ROX PraY in the bot lane with assistance from team members aphromoo and Stixxay) First Tower Destroyed: 9 minutes and 33 seconds (CLG Stixxay with Huhi, Xmithie and aphromoo contributing) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (CLG Huhi on Aurelion Sol)) Largest Killing Spree: 11 CLG Huhi on Aurelion Sol) Gold Advantage: CLG ahead by 15.7k Barons: 1 (CLG at 31 minutes) Dragons: 3 (CLG)
1 (ROX)
Towers: 10 (CLG)
1 (ROX)
MVP: CLG Huhi (Aurelion Sol)
Winner: FW win after 41 minutes and 36 seconds First Blood: 6 minutes and 57 seconds (FW Karsa kills SKT Faker in the mid lane) First Tower Destroyed: 14 minutes and 13 seconds (FW Karsa with assistance from FW MMD) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (FW Maple as Aurelion Sol) Largest Killing Spree: 7 (FW Maple as Aurelion Sol) Gold Advantage: FW ahead by 8.2k Barons: 2 (FW at 27 minutes and 35 minutes) Dragons: 2 (SKT)
2 (FW)
Towers: 8 (FW)
3 (SKT)
MVP: FW Maple (Aurelion Sol)
C9 vs IMay
Winner: C9 wins after 38 minutes and 37 seconds First Blood: 5 minutes and 4 seconds (C9 Meteos kills IM AmazingJ) First Tower Destroyed: 12 minutes and 33 seconds (C9 Meteos with help from Smoothie and Sneaky) Largest Multi Kill: 2 (C9 Impact on Rumble) Largest Killing Spree: 5 (C9 Sneaky on Ezreal) Gold Advantage: C9 ahead by 9.8k Barons: 1 (C9 at 35 minutes) Dragons: 4 (C9)
1 (IM)
Towers: 9 (C9)
2 (IM)
MVP: C9 Sneaky (Ezreal)
Current Standings
Now we’ve had a few matches played this gives us enough information to determine which teams are doing well from each group.
Group A
1st ROX Tigers 2-1 1st Albus NoX Luna 2-1 1st Counter Logic Gaming 2-1 4th G2 Esports 0-3
G2 are the clear strugglers in this group, they have yet to win a game and are on the verge of being knocked out of the tournament. On the other hand all the other teams are currently joint first so this will make the matches even more interested over the next coming days. After all only 2 teams can only progress to the knockout stages so 2 teams will have to wave bye bye.
Group B
1st SK Telecom T1 2-1 2nd Cloud9 2-1 3rd IMay 1-2 4th Flash Wolves 1-2
SKT1 and C9 have taken the top spots after the first few games in group B. Although it is still very close between the rest of the teams we think SKT1 and C9 are still the top contenders for making it into the knockout stages.
Group C
1st Edward Gaming 2-1 2nd Ahq e-Sports Club 2-1 3rd H2k-Gaming 1-2 4th INTZ E-Sports 1-2
Similar to group B Edward Gaming and ahq have shown clear dominance in their matches with have earned them the top 2 places. H2k and INTZ are lagging being in 3rd and 4th place but these ranking could easily change over the next coming days.
Group D
1st Royal Never Give Up 2-1 1st Samsung 2-1 1st Team SoloMid 2-1 4th Splyce 0-3
Group D is also very similar to group A with 3 teams all joint for the first place. Either one of them could be knocked out just from losing one game so it’s all to play for in group D. Unfortunately for team Splyce it seems like their dream is over as they’d have to win all 3 games just to have a chance of being in the top 2.
Upcoming Games on Day 5 (6th October)
The League of Legends Worlds Championship 2016 resumes on 6th October with 6 more matches all from group A. This should give us more information on who will be going through the knockout stage. Here are the upcoming matches on Day 5 (6th October).
G2 vs ROX
CLG vs G2
G2 vs ANX
From the current standings G2 are currently at the bottom with 3 losses and if they don’t win all of their next 3 matches they won’t be going through to the knockout stage. Everyone else in the group is joint first so it will be an even more exciting showdown as to which 2 teams go through to the knockout group.
Whatever happens be sure to check out our recap next week to see what went down.
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Want to go face to face with Faker?
Get a LoL Smurf account and get owning!
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All the even questions >:3c
1- First champ played?
Annie2- First main?
Nasus3- Season when you started?
Season 5 I think wichever was going on on August 20154- What got you into league in the first place?
Friends5- Current rank?
Bronze Hell6- Highest rank?
Silver 3 how i got to bronze hell dont know  7- Current main?
Gnar and Kled love and aint leaving them8- Odd pick fave?
Jhin for top9- If you could date a champ irl who would it be?
All of them XD expect zilean he old honestly probably Rumble10- Best odd combo?
want kled and rammus bot lane with a friends ended the game before 20 mins11- Worst league experience?
team went 8-46 i was the 812- Best league experience?
read 1013- Ever got stuck in a rank?
yup still bronze for life plz send help14- Met anyone you met on league irl?
not yet15- Last league game score?
20/8/12 (lies im just to embarrassed i did really bad)16- Last champ played?
Lux17- Most champ played?
Gnar18- How many mastery 7s?
0, But got 4 lvl 619- Ever cosplayed a league champ?
This year maybe  20- Ever had a penta kill?
yes most recent yorick21- Favorite champ?
Rumble22- Favorite skin?
infernal Nasus23- If you could perma delete a champ, who would it be?
Aatrox hes useless so why not24- Current instant ban?
top lane darius mid akali25- Least favorite champion?
blitz one trick pony26- Aram, twisted tree line, or Summoners Rift?
Summoners occansionally twisted27- Favorite special game mode?
urf regular28- Ever gotten so tilted you broke something?
yes got 18/0 but 20 mins with lux 29- Ever been reported?
yes but not telling 30- Ever been banned?
not yet31- How many summoner names have you had?
three32- Ignite or heal (adc)?
neither flash and teleport33- Most expensive skin owned?
elementist lux followed by di sona34- Longest game?
arounf 74 mins35- Longest amount of time playing consecutively?
1 1/2 went trough a rough patch and lol helped36- Too many chests or too many keys?
keys37- Favorite midlaner?
Jhin/Lux38- Favorite adc?
Jhin/Jinx39- Favorite support?
Lux/Tahm40- Favorite top?
Gnar/Kled41- Favorite jungle?
Nasus/Kindred42- You’re worst champ?
Nearly everone i havent listed so far43- Favorite lore champion?
Kindred44- If you have a champions abilities irl who would it be?
So many but Ekkos ability to rewind would be nice45- If you could be a league champ what would your kit/role be?
top lane welds gun and knife
Q-point and click deals physical, shoots a bullet thats slow and lowers armor for 2.5 sec
W-passive, poison activates every 5 secs next basic deals % max health over time 
E-skill-shoot, activates passive even if its on cd and slows
R-passive creates shadow armor around himself and weapons gains increased stats 46- Your favorite male champ?
 appearance rumble play nasus47- Your favorite female champ?
appearance Kat play sona48- What’s your favorite league ship?
Rumble Tris49- What’s your favorite LCS team?
Dont really have one50- Ever used RP to buy a champ?
Yes Kled
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