sometimesraven · 2 months
Obsessed with relationships where the two characters have very different types of compassion
Character A is compassionate in a soft way. Almost naive in ways, they're trusting and gentle and they've been through a lot but they always had someone to fall back on; some kind of support system. They're selfless to a fault and work themselves to the bone to make everyone else happy because they want to give back the kindness they've been shown in their life despite their pain.
Character B is compassionate in a hard way. They've suffered and nobody was there to bail them out when they got in trouble. Maybe they used to be like Character A, but they never got anything back for their selflessness and the world has hardened them. Letting down their walls and allowing people to see their compassion is tough for them but those closest will always see the cracks in their composure.
They become close and buffer each other's compassion; A will remind B not to completely cover themself in that hard shell and B will remind A that not everyone wants the best for them and it's not selfish to take care of themself first. They're a perfect pair.
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leaky-heart · 1 year
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netalkolemedia · 25 days
Taïwan offre des kits de protection aux forces de sécurité haïtiennes
Au cours d’une cérémonie ténue hier jeudi, le gouvernement taïwanais a offert 400 kits d’équipements de protection individuelle à la police nationale d’Haïti et aux FAD’H. Un geste qui vise à supporter les forces de sécurité haïtiennes, selon l’ambassadeur taïwanais à Port-au-Prince, Wen-Jiann KU. « Aujourd’hui, nous faisons face à des défis conséquents qui nous offrent l’opportunité de témoigner…
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rascunh3i-edicoes · 2 years
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Série Vikings Warriors — The Bear and The Bride
By Jianne Carlo | 2010
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hanakotsugumi · 2 years
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I miss you (
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lionofchaeronea · 3 months
We humans are like wild geese carrying messages in autumn while the world's affairs, like dreams of spring, vanish and leave no trace. --Su Dongpo (1037-1101), trans. Jiann I. Lin and David Young
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godzilla-reads · 2 years
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—From The Clouds Float North by Yu Xuanji (trans. David Young and Jiann I. Lin)
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Jianne Pierre Green Cable Knit Long Sleeve Crew Neck Sweater L.
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schoje · 2 months
É comemorado nesta sexta-feira, dia 2 de abril, o Dia Mundial da Conscientização do Autismo, transtorno no desenvolvimento do cérebro que atinge cerca de 70 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. Em Camboriú temos uma história de acolhimento e superação para contar. Trata-se de Jianns Mayo, de 8 anos, autista e imigrante venezuelano, que somente aqui em Camboriú começou a receber o tratamento adequado. Moradores do município de San Felix, na província de Bolivar, as suspeitas por parte dos pais quanto à condição de Jianns começaram já cedo, aos dois anos. Sendo confirmadas quando Héctor e Yinelbis levaram seu filho a um pediatra local, onde o diagnóstico foi realizado e logo depois, confirmado por um neurologista.  “Lá na Venezuela não havia escolas para autistas, crianças com esse problema não eram aceitas, consultamos com psicólogos, mas a escola que encontramos era particular e custava muito dinheiro, não havia tratamento acessível para Jianns lá”, explicou a mãe, Yinelbis Piamo. A família deixou a Venezuela e veio para Boa Vista, capital de Roraima, em 2018. Pouco tempo depois, chegaram a Camboriú. Jianns na época com 6 anos, foi matriculado na escola municipal Marlene Pereira Zuchi, no bairro Lídia Duarte, apresentando no início, dificuldades para se adequar à nova realidade, em função do estranhamento do ambiente, já que crianças dentro do aspecto tem uma grande necessidade de estabelecer uma rotina. O estranhamento, porém, foi diminuindo gradativamente,  melhorando ainda mais, com o encaminhamento feito pela escola para a Associação dos Amigos dos Autistas (AMA) de Camboriú, já em 2019. Desde o início foi destacada uma monitora de educação inclusiva para ajudá-lo.  Ele teve avanços em vários sentidos, desde aspectos relacionados à sociabilidade, até outros mais simples, como o manuseio de talheres durantes as refeições, o que aprendeu rapidamente na escola, com a ajuda da monitora. Paralelamente, também houve evolução quanto a questões comportamentais. Se antes, Jianns usava fraldas durante todo o tempo, agora faz uso das mesmas apenas durante a noite, enquanto que, problemas de temperamento, como as súbitas variações de humor, pouco a pouco também foram melhorando.  “Estou muito feliz. Mudou muito em relação a como era antes, as mudanças são incríveis. Meu filho progrediu. Agora com o acompanhamento clínico, tudo está ocorrendo perfeitamente e a escola tem sido muito boa para ele. O diagnóstico foi feito na Venezuela, mas todo o tratamento foi realizado aqui!”, exaltou o pai, Héctor Mayo. Atendimento a crianças autistas em Camboriú Em Camboriú, a Rede Municipal de Ensino conta com 156 alunos diagnosticados dentro do espectro autista, que em atendimento a esta demanda, tem a disposição um amplo acompanhamento clínico, fornecido tanto por profissionais da rede, quanto por entidades parceiras. “Contamos na Educação Especial com uma equipe de monitoras de inclusão que colaboraram com as Atividades de vida diária (AVDs) e auxiliam o professor com a aplicação das atividades flexibilizadas pelos professores regentes, enquanto que as especialista são fundamentais no desenvolvimento motor, da fala, e de aspectos cognitivos das crianças, além de dar suporte com orientações e acolhimento aos pais, responsáveis e professores”, explicou a secretária de Educação, Maria Alice Pereira.  
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presslakay · 3 months
Haïti: réunion entre le Ministre de la Défense et l’ambassadeur du Taïwan, la formation des militaires au centre des échanges
Le Ministre de la Défense, Jean Marc Berthier Antoine a rencontré, jeudi 4 juillet 2024, l’ambassadeur du Taïwan en Haïti, Wen-Jiann Ku, dans les locaux du ministère au Champs-de-Mars, dans la capitale haïtienne. La formation des agents des FAD’H et autres ont fait l’objet des discussions. Dans ce contexte marqué par l’aggravation de la crise sécuritaire, le gouvernement continue de multiplier…
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sometimesraven · 9 days
do we reckon Ian has a collection of Jenn's shirts that she's left at their place or let them borrow or they've stolen from her
and vice versa
how long before they entirely swapped wardrobes by accident
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jeuniful · 5 months
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` . # welc 2 jeuniful ~
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jianne (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ - ,, ea asian ! ;
artenti's biggest fangirl !
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+ . - rules n regulations ! ;; link
+ . - mstetrlist 4 fandoms ! ;; link
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niragixpsych · 9 months
Her brows raise in slight shock, and she tilts her head to the side as her eyes gaze up into his dull orbs. A rosy hue forms on her cheeks at the sight of the man not being at arm's length for the first time, unconsciously taking in the scent of his cologne.
"Ooo, you're worried about me now? That's so adorable! Seriously, what's wrong with you? You're full of surprises today," The shorter woman chuckles. Giving him a soft grin, her green orbs shift down to look at the rifle.
"Is that the only one you like? I mean, I have a lot of choices here. Like this one!" She quickly strolls toward a tall shelf, climbing up a thin wobbly ladder, taking a carbine in her hands. Jiann carefully turned to look back at him, showing off the weapon.
"This one's like the hunting rifle, just more..." She stares at it, blinking a few times. "I dunno... it looks flashy." A snicker leaves her mouth, and as she waits for his response, the ladder shakes with her weight. "Ooh!" Jiann's eyes widen, one arm holding the gun while the other desperately clung to the ladder. The woman cursed under her breath, wishing that he'd hurry with his choice, making her body cling more to the shaky object. Her eyes burned into Niragi's figure, nearly falling.
"C'mon, Niragi!" She urged him desperately, looking down at the floor. "Make up your mind..." Jiann quietly whined as she turned her head to stare at the shelves, trying to find a way to save herself from a painful fall.
"I wouldn't call myself worried. I'm simply not in the mood to deal with the stupidity of someone else." Niragi said, trying not to get too pissed because he was called adorable. He was so close to getting a new weapon he didn't want to ruin it, not that the young woman could really prevent him from taking what he wanted.
He let his eyes wander over the options available before putting the hunting rifle down. He was well aware that the young woman was struggling and if she managed to hurt herself it would be her own fault. He wasn't someone that could be bought with a gift, even though deep down inside he appreciated the young woman going out of her way. But he wouldn't say a thing about it.
In the end he let out a slightly annoyed sigh. He walked over to her and took the weapon out of her hands with one swift motion. He held it with one hand while using the other to hold onto the shaky ladder. "I'll take this one and you have 30 seconds to come down here or I will let go again." The militant said and the look he gave her, let her know he was being serious.
Niragi had decided to be a bit more on the nice side today, but this wasn't something that would last for a long time. More than anything he didn't want to deal with a crying woman because she hurt herself. But if he had to he would simply walk away, knowing someone else would hear her and then take care of her. He wasn't someone to nurse someone, the other way around wouldn't happen either.
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jianne12 · 2 years
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juno7haiti · 2 years
Haïti et Taiwan signent une convention de partenariat pour lutter contre le choléra.
Haïti et Taiwan signent une convention de partenariat pour lutter contre le choléra. #J7dec2022 #Juno7
Haïti et Taiwan signent une convention de partenariat dans le cadre de la lutte contre le choléra. La République d’Haïti, via le ministre de la santé publique et de la population Alex Larsen, et Taïwan, à travers son Ambassadeur en Haïti, Wen-jiann KU, ont signé le mardi 29 novembre une convention de partenariat visant à renforcer les efforts du gouvernement haïtien dans la lutte contre le…
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thechowk · 2 years
How the Occult Shaped Branding’s Obsession With Color – Eye on Design
How the Occult Shaped Branding’s Obsession With Color – Eye on Design
“Color … is more like religion,” he wrote in 1945. “It is in the blood, an essential part of the psychic make-up of an individual.” It’s a view that still resonates, even today.  Read this fascinating history about color by Ellie Howard here. As design researcher Jianne Whelton asked: “What privileged color that it should combine with the term psychology?” Color has infiltrated every aspect of…
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