#Jimmy Kwan
tribeworld · 1 year
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azusaluvclub · 4 days
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weak hero reactions; making you cry
thank you @kaazunes for the request! this was a tricky one to write because, for some of these guys, i can't imagine what they'd do to make the reader upset lol- so not all of it is them doing something intentionally, but the reader being hurt over the guys' circumstances. i tried not to make the reasons too same-y, lol. hope you enjoy!
gender neutral as always~
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jimmy bae / bae jihoon
⋆ He would never mean to make you cry, but Jihoon is a person who usually acts/speaks before he thinks. This would be one of those times
⋆ You can tell he's overwhelmed; whatever was happening with the Union has him anxious, every nervous tick of his on full display. To no avail, you keep prodding him to tell you what was wrong, with him repeatedly pushing you away
⋆ Fed up, he lashes out, telling you to stay out of it and leave him alone. “God, you’re so annoying,” he mumbles. You sink into yourself, salty tears pooling in your eyes
⋆ Once he notices, Jihoon immediately regrets his words. He grabs your hand and dries your tears with another, feeling like a complete dick (granted, he is one). It’s hard for him to apologize, since it does serious damage to his ego, but he pushes one out. He loves you too much to save his pride right now
⋆ “I’m sorry… You care about me, I know,” he assures, listening as you vent about everything that was weighing on you, and how you wished he’d offer you that same honesty. It shifts his perspective, as you often do; it’s what he likes most about you, because you change him in ways he never thought he could
⋆ After some more reassurance, the two of you work it out. You forgive him and cuddle up to watch a movie, not once letting each others’ hands go~
jake ji / ji hakho
⋆ Man, Hakho is such a good boyfriend that it’s almost impossible for him to make you cry. If you do, it’s probably when you're both crying, often over your guys’ favorite anime (one piece *cough cough*)
⋆ But you hadn't seen Hakho in days and were growing more and more worried. All your calls went to voicemail and your messages left on delivered. He'd do this sometimes when he was busy with Union affairs, but you were sick of it. So there you were, standing at his front door
⋆ When he comes out, his expression is defeated and the first words out of Hakho’s mouth are, “Why are you here?” He sounds disappointed to see you and it feels like a punch. Why are you here? Were you not supposed to care about him?!
⋆ You want to explode, until you notice the exhaustion on his face and realize you can’t. Instead, you break down crying, because you hate seeing him this way. You couldn’t understand why wouldn’t leave the Union when it was draining him so much, or why he'd constantly hide from you when things were rough
⋆ Hakho envelops you with his arms, burying your head in his shoulder. “I’m sorry, baby, I just… I can’t leave yet. I love you, but it’s not that easy.” You beg him to explain; he says there’s no point. Honestly, he wants to spare you knowing the more unsavory things he’s done, even if it wouldn’t change your love for him. "Next time I won't run from you."
⋆ Hakho comforts you until the tears subside and promises that he’ll leave soon. You know it’s just him consoling you, right now, but you'll keep hoping none-the-less
wolf keum / keum seongje
⋆ Seongje can be a prick, unintentionally or not. You know this, but his blunt attitude was what interested you in him and, at times, you loved it — until it bit you in the ass
⋆ You’ve dragged him to the mall for a shopping day. There was a family event coming up that you needed nice clothes for, and unfortunately nothing was working. Everything you’ve tried on fit wrong or washed your skin out. Seongje was no help, either, only shrugging or nodding to the outfits you’d showed him
⋆ Growing tired, you ask him to give a real opinion. He looks at you, “If I’m honest, it’s fuckin’ ugly.”
⋆ You frown and slink back into the dressing room, dejected, quickly changing back to your regular clothes. The whole walk home you barely speak, the words still spinning around your mind. Did he really think that of you?
⋆ Unable to take it any longer, your lips begin to quiver, tears brimming your eyes. Seongje notices and pulls you into an alleyway, a bit disoriented as he thought things were going great, and suddenly you’re crying in the middle of the street. He’s never been good with emotions or situations that required a lot of them, but he listens to you and tries to sympathize, wiping away your tears. It stings being confronted with the effect of his words on someone he cares deeply for, and watching you cry is the worst consequence
⋆ “Don’t cry, okay,” he says. “I didn’t realize I’d hurt you, sorry.” It’s easier to forgive when you see his pouty face, even though you want to stay upset. He’s still learning how to be less rough, but it's an honest effort; you'll give him some grace with that
⋆ He kisses your forehead and you kiss him back, giving up on shopping and deciding to visit the arcade instead (which was a lot more fun, anyways-)
forrest lee / lee sehan
⋆ If Sehan makes you cry, he cries too; and if you are crying, it's not typically his fault. Sehan is more normal than fellow Union leaders, so he's mindful of your emotions in a relationship
⋆ You were supposed to go on a date, but hours went by and it seemed like he was going to flake. You were confused as this wasn't like him at all, and it had you worried that something happened. When he didn't pick you up, you instead spent your night sobbing in bed. You'd thought that, though he's a delinquent, he would be different to you. But he stood you up and didn't have the decency to even send a text
⋆ Around 11, Sehan shows up and you promptly pull him inside to confront him. When the light hits his face, you gasp — it's covered in bruises, dried blood caked around his nose and the side of his head. His knuckles are battered, too, and your tears come creeping back in, dribbling down to your chin
⋆ Sehan jumps into boyfriend-mode, holding you tight regardless of how sore his body was. Making you cry hurt worse than all the punches he'd taken, especially when you cried because of him. He felt like shit; all he could do was apologize profusely and rub your back
⋆ "I wanted to come sooner, but... shit happened. I didn't want to ignore you, or have you see me like this," he whispers. "I'm sorry, I should've called." Sehan kisses your head and you melt into him. Even if you wanted to be mad, you couldn't
⋆ Once you've calmed down, you sit him in the bathroom to tend his wounds and plan out your next date, Sehan eager to make everything up to you
donald na / na baekjin
⋆ As much as he tries, Baekjin isn't always the most attentive. He's often caught up with overseeing the Union + his business endeavors, not giving him much time to really be there for you
⋆ The moments you get are brief so he tries giving you his full attention, but he gets distracted easily, even when you disapprove. This time you were out to eat, sitting in a restaurant way out of your budget, on one of the few dates you'd have. It was going perfect until he disappeared for 20 minutes to answer a call, leaving you all alone
⋆ You're let down, severely. When he returns, you're sullen, unsure if you should say anything. You don't want to feel this way, so you tell him you want his phone off the rest of the night. Baekjin lets out an annoyed sigh, "I can't, you know this. There's a too much going on with this Cheongang mess and I can't drop it."
⋆ It's a slap in the face. Your eyes sting, appetite wasted; you don't want to cry here, but you hate when he does this and now he's completely brushing it off. You can't fight the tears that come, and Baekjin's heart stops. "So is the Union more important than me?" you ask, his stomach tightening. Were you really this hurt over it? He didn't realize how serious it was to you and now he's regretting it
⋆ Baekjin reaches across the table for your hand, disappointed with himself. "No, it's not," he reassures, powering down his phone and shoving it in his pocket. "You are, so it's just you and me tonight. I love you." He kisses your hand and you soften at his touch
⋆ He spoils you the rest of the dinner, buying you all the dessert you want. He doesn't say it, but Baekjin feels relieved not having to worry about what was going on outside of your little bubble; all he needed was to see a smile on your face
kingsley kwan / kwan seokhyeon
⋆ You love Seokhyeon, truly, but you can get frustrated with him just as easily. If you tell him he's wrong, he'll do his best to change, however he isn't as perfect as he'd like to be
⋆ The one thing that comes between you is his loyalty to Baekjin. Sometimes you think he should date him instead, but that's you being petty. It's not uncommon for your plans to get cancelled because Baekjin needs him. While you try to not complain and see it from his POV, today you just can't
⋆ Seokhyeon is helping you prepare for your exams, as he's a lot smarter than you (and you like the time spent with him), until he gets a call from Baekjin. It seemingly lasts forever and once he hangs up, Seokhyeon tells you he has to leave. You frown; you've told him before not to do this. Not only that, he knew how badly you needed help on your exams, yet he's ditching you again
⋆ Your lips quiver as Seokhyeon packs his things. When he goes to say goodbye, he sees your watery eyes + red face and stops, frantically asking what's wrong. He knew you wanted to spend time together, but he thought you'd understand
⋆ You decide to let it out, how you feel second place to Baekjin and that Seokhyeon's relationship with him seems more important than the one he has with you. He drops his head in shame, knowing what you're saying is true — no matter the intention. Still, it stings to see you hurt over his actions
⋆ "You're right, I should be putting you first. I love you, there's nobody who matters more to me." You struggle to believe it, but he pulls you close and you allow yourself to try and accept it when he says, "I'm sorry."
⋆ Seokhyeon calls Baekjin and asks to see him later, cuddling up to you on the couch after. He kisses your cheek and pulls his textbooks back out, ready to help you pass your exams
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voidnoidoid · 2 months
weak hero undergrad uni headcanons part 2: union edition
doing this instead of actual uni work lets goooooo! and without further ado...
Jake: medicine/healthcare. i feel like he would become a doctor so he could heal people like his brother. I find it very sweet, like "i'll become a doctor so i can help you get better!" and it would be a nice conclusion to his character arc cos jake struggles with his bloodlust and capacity for violence. turning his energy towards healing would be good for him.
Dean: hotel management. this is because i watched too much hotel del luna and thought it would be funny. dean number 1 hotelier! he's protective over his friends... so being in the hospitality sector isnt too far of a stretch
Timothy: computer science/business analytics. he's really good with data and scouring the internet for info. He could put his skills to good use in the IT sector. alternate path is secret service spy agent...
Eunchan: ngl he'd skip uni and go be a streamer or something but if he HAD to pursue higher education... he'd go to a trade school i think! he seems like a hands-on typa guy.
Jimmy: business. look at him. his inferiority complex ass (affectionate). yeah I think his ambition will take him far with a business degree. jimmy bae ceo of loser inc. (sorry jimmy stans)
Jack: law, specifically commerce law. He'd be a consultant at jimmy's potential company. he gives me law vibes.
Wolf: jewellery design/metalworking. look hear me out on this one... wolfie loves his bling bling, and once he goes to therapy for anger issues, i think he would like working with jewels and gold/silver accessories. he needs a hobby.
Hwangmo: education/ early childhood education/psychology. ok HEAR ME OUT TRUST!!! hwangmo has been dealing with wolf (glorified manchild) for YEARS. and he seems like such a softie once you get past the harsh exterior (bro can befriend anyone). i think it would be really cute if he became a school teacher or therapist since he's good with people and mediating.
Dongha: cosmetology/hairdressing! dude look at those luscious locks tell me he's not gonna save people's haircuts. he'd specialise in high fashion/experimental hairdos, i see him being a stylist for fashion models.
seongmok: honestly... dude would join the military. or if not he'd study communications. which is ironic because he barely speaks.
kingley: law+commerce. he'd totally do a double degree and bust his ass to become a corrupt lawyer for donald's sake. or a secretary.
donald: law / political science / business ... he'd wanna do something that would let him change the world.
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whchenlvr · 9 months
req: Could you write how the members of the union would react if they accidentally made their girlfriends cry please?
when they accidentally make you cry ;
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weak hero union x fem!reader
donald na
➤ royally freaks the fuck out
➤ “wh-what happened?” “YOU.” “ok..”
➤ he got you flowers for no reason. no one had given you flowers before, so you (on your period) couldn’t stop yourself from tearing up a bit :’)
kingsley kwan
➤ panic
➤ “i.. um.. wh-why are you crying..?”
➤ he would apologize profusely, even though the thing he did wrong was buy the wrong snack at the store. you’re more upset that your favorite tv show character died, the snacks were just your breaking point
jake ji
➤ bro starts crying with you
➤ to make it up to you, jake buys you a “newer, better” mug and makes you all the tea or cocoa you want
dean kwon
➤ he told you he wouldn’t love you if you were a worm. that’s why you cried
➤ “y/n… are you crying?” “WHY DO YOU HATE ME??” “???????”
➤ in the end, dean takes it back and tells you he’d bring your little worm self everywhere with him <3
jimmy bae
➤ he accidentally stepped on your toe
➤ once the first tear rolls out of your eye, jimmy is ready to jump off of the top of the stairs
➤ “jimmy! get down, it’s dangerous up there!” “i hurt you, y/n. i made you cry. i don’t deserve to live.” “JIMMY BAE GET DOWM HERE RIGHT NOW MISTER.”
wolf keum
➤ he said i love you. for the first time
➤ you were the first to say it, and wolf made it clear to you that “i love you” isn’t something he says easily. so when he blurts it out walking home one night, you can’t stop yourself from sniffling
➤ “what’s wrong?” “you love me?” “……. yeah :(“ “WAAA I LOVE YOU TOO WAAAAAAAA”
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zayadriancas · 7 months
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Make me choose: @maya-matlin asked: Friday Night or Take My Breath Away?
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weakheroforever · 3 months
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Polls will be posted shortly, go vote !!
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bkenber · 2 years
Oscars 95 - The Show Can Still Put a Smile on My Face
With each passing year, I find myself getting increasingly cynical and disenchanted with the Academy Awards/Oscars. As a kid, I watched them with wonder and excitement as the winners gave such great speeches in front of an audience that adored them. But as an adult, I see more and more how the wheels spin as movie studios continue to spend millions upon millions of dollars on their Oscar…
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View On WordPress
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fuckyeahnancykwan · 9 months
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Jimmy Logan and Nancy Kwan in a scene from The Wild Affair (1965)
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boyuans · 10 months
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141123 關智斌 Weibo Update
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
this is a poll for a movie that doesn't exist.
It is vintage times. The powers that be have decided to again remake the classic vampire novel Dracula for the screen. in an amazing show of inter-studio solidarity, Hollywood’s most elite hotties are up for the starring roles. the producers know whoever they cast will greatly impact the genre, quality, and tone of the finished film, so they are turning to their wisest voices for guidance.
you are the new casting director for this star-studded epic. choose your players wisely.
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(no contestants currently in Round 6 of the Hot & Vintage Women Tournament have been included to avoid tipping the vote.)
Previously cast:
Jonathan Harker—Jimmy Stewart
The Old Woman—Martita Hunt
Count Dracula—Gloria Holden
Mina Murray—Setsuko Hara
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
DPXDC Prompt Masterlist #651-700
651. Danny is a School Nurse 652. Bruce meets College Buddies Jack & Maddie 653. Not Enough Ectoplasm in Gotham 654. Tim Finds Inhuman Danny (Fav Prompts) 655. Respect Your King 656. GL hears of AEA 657. GIW finds Red Hood 658. Gotham and Metropolis on Ghost Council 659. Ghostly Amazo 660. Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell 661. Self Defense Danny 662. Slushie Ectoplasm 663. Kwan: Super Lawyer (Fav Prompts) 664. Killer Croc and Wulf >:D 665. Sam Manson Summoning (Fav Prompts) 666. Tim Summons GK to Find Batman (Fav Prompts) 667. GK is Summoned: Barry Edition 668. Jimmy Olsen: Damsel In Distress 669. Jimmy Olsen is a Ghost (Fav Prompts) 670. Danny Races YJ 671. Red Huntress meets Red Robin (Fav Prompts) 672. Wes Weston and Jimmy Olsen >:) 673. Jim Gordon adopts Danny (Fav Prompts) 674. Tim is Trapped in the Bat Computer 675. Immortal Halfa Tim AU 676. Mute Ghost Speak Jason Todd (Fav Prompts) 677. Jason Todd has Johnny 13's Bike (Fav Prompts) 678. Danny Meets an Imp 679. Harley Quinn finds Cujo 680. Non Linear Nasty Burger (Fav Prompts) 681. Blue Beetle Scarab Ghost Speak Translator 682. Tucker Gets a WaynePhone 683. Wonder Woman and Danny work at Taco Whiz 684. Wes Weston Nightwing Identity Reveal 685. Jimmy Olsen & Danny Identity Reveal (Fav Prompts) 686. Ember meets Firefly 687. Tim Accidentally Takes Ectoplasm (Fav Prompts) 688. Kryptonite is Infinite Realms Currency 689. Kara meets Dani (Fav Prompts) 690. Alfred Meets Danny in Underground Caves 691. Danny is one of Billys Patrons (Fav Prompts) 692. All Liminals Proceed to the Route 693. Billy is hunted by the GIW 694. Golden Glider meets Dani 695. Killer Frost meets Danny 696. Lois Lane interviews Jazz at Arkham (Fav Prompts) 697. The Question goes to Amity 698. Danny Finds the Fortress of Solitude 699. Phantom Girl Finds the Ghost Zone 700. Tim finds Connor. Connor is a Halfa. (Fav Prompts)
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dontkickmyshin · 1 year
Weak Hero Barbenheimer
gray yeon: watched oppenheimer first and thought it was mid. watched barbie next bc big ben forced him to and liked it.
big ben: was the most enthusiastic in rounding everybody up to watch barbie. watched it once with all his friends and then alone again at the theatres. bet he dressed up in pink too.
alex: oppenheimer, only watched barbie because ben made him.
eugene: oppenheimer and barbie but he would've watched both regardless of big ben
teddy: barbie, but he felt too embarrassed to watch it on his own so he used big ben as an excuse
gerard: barbie all the way
rowan: the most enthusiastic barbie watcher asides from ben
lily: barbie
julia: oppenheimer, then barbie with lily
lala lee: watched oppenheimer, then felt insecure and watched barbie
jimmy bae: oppenheimer at the theatres, barbie in private
jack kang: oppenheimer because jimmy made him, barbie at the theatres
forrest lee: felt insecure but watched barbie in theatres, beat up anybody who commented on it
grape and robin: were embarrassed but followed their leader to barbie, watched oppenheimer later on
wolf keum: oppenheimer once then barbie another three times
kingsley kwan: oppenheimer
donald na: was more inclined towards oppenheimer, but then he watched barbie just to see what the hype was about, and started contributing to the deep and profound analyses of the film's message on social media
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bloodgulchblog · 7 months
Can you believe we're over half way through this season and it's still not good?
(This is a rhetorical question, I super can.)
We dive right in where we were with Vannak dead, Jimmy Rings injured, and everything on fire and exploding.
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But Halsey sees something.
It's a bird!
It's a plane!
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The gang shoots a brute and bails onto the ship with Kwan providing covering fire.
But Riz decides she's going to go back for Vannak's body and I genuinely think for 5 seconds that they've just straight up killed her too.
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We get a flashback to James Circle being super fucked up with Cortana in his brain after the end of the 1st season (the thing we started this one with flashbacks to) and get slightly more information: Halsey asking Parangosky to help him... somehow.
(Also I didn't talk about this last time but: Parangosky is still secretly working for ONI, which makes her whole subplot make more sense but also I don't care about it and it was much funnier the other way.)
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Anyway they haven't killed Riz yet but considering this is the second time they've acted like it, I'm not holding my breath.
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Okay, everyone knows how bad this can be, cue title.
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Makee is crying about Reach. You and half this fandom every day, Makee.
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We get more confirmation that Arby's is trying to be who I think he is trying to be. (Still can't be assed to look up what this character's actual name was, it's not Thel 'Vadamee so I'm very relieved and otherwise don't care.)
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He's mad that Makee stopped him from killing Jonas Oval.
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Makee and Arby's still have the flash drive with Cortana on it. Arby's doesn't give a fuck about that, but Makee tells him it's important and he's like okay fine then you figure out what to do with it.
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Then we're back on the boat.
Jimmy drags his injured ass over to Riz and Halsey shows up.
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Jimmy starts tearing into Halsey about treating them as weapons instead of people. The reflection on how he hurt Riz earlier is alright, but I just consistently hate how this actor emotes this character and between that and how hamfisted the writing always is, I can't enjoy anything about this.
(I do miss some lines of dialogue when i do screencap piles like this, just because of the nature of how I'm doing it and how I'm limited on images, but I promise nothing of value is lost.)
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The emphasis on family as the thing that defines humanity makes something itch about this for me.I'm out of images already. I'll finish this scene in the next post.
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voidnoidoid · 9 months
Thoughts on Weak Hero's Ending
Weak Hero ended a few weeks ago, and I took some time to process the ending after I read it. Overall, I think it was a great ending to such a wonderfully written series.
I like how things were mostly wrapped up, but left as an open ending. I appreciate how the Union, although mostly defunct, is being kept somewhat alive by Kingsley, who can't accept that Donald is truly gone and that the Union is over. I might write a more detailed Kingsley analysis, but it's interesting how Kingsley, as Donald's right hand man, never fully understood Donald. He placed him on a pedestal and deified him. He did care about him, the most out of everyone, but it is still sad how he got so caught up in making Donald king that he failed to recognise how Donald's rapid ascension and ceaseless violence was a cry for help.
Jake being the one to recognise Donald's true feelings is rather apt. I haven't thought much about his character (as is not fully analysed) but I think he's much more complex than he lets on. He's in a similar situation to both Ben and Donald I think, that being both Ben and Jake are the leaders of their schools, they just want to hang out with their friends and have fun, both shoulder the burden of being the strongest of their schools alone... It's just that Jake has a darkness within him that led him to join the Union. He has an inner bloodlust, one that he recognises in Gray. Jake is very perceptive of others emotional state, so it's no wonder he could correctly guess how Donald was feeling, given that he's one of Donald's most reliable officers.
I'll have to update my Donald analysis soon, because of the revelation that Donald willingly put himself in danger, running in the road screaming for Gray to fight him again. I think on one hand, Donald wanted that connection he felt with Gray again, as well as desiring gray to defeat him. But also I think he felt like death was the only escape left, hence the panel where he had a resigned and accepting expression as the truck neared him. As if he was waiting for his end.
I'm sure the Union will dissolve soon despite Kingsley's efforts. Wolf and Jake have left, and maybe Forrest and Jimmy too. I also like how Jimmy's character arc closed off, with him admitting that all he wanted was to be acknowledged by Donald.
Now then, let's go over to the Eunjang kids!
Although they lost the fight, they won the war. Losing meant they didn't have to bear the burden of being the strongest. Though they may face some fights in the future due to the resulting power gap left in Donald's wake. But that's a story for another time.
Eugene woke up and is happy and well! I really love how despite Eugene thinking he didn't contribute much to the fight, all his friends comforted him and reassured him of his major role thanks to his light controlling device! Yay Eugene appreciation!
Unfortunately Gray was deeply affected by Donald's death and entered a spiral of self guilt... the scene with his reflection mocking him hurt to read. Thankfully his friends were by his side to ground him. Gray really does have a kind heart after all.
Finally, Stephen and Gray meet again! I like the reintroduction of Jeremy, and that he remains a good friend of Gray by telling him Stephen is okay! His reactions to Gray being the White Mamba was so funny to read. I can't express how happy I was to see that not only was Stephen still alive, also that he's all better and working part time at a cafe! Gray's monologue at the end was so touching, and im glad he was able to greet his most treasured friend with a big smile.
I really wanted a Stephen and gray epilogue where they interact, but I do like the happy open ending. I think Stephen would be so happy for Gray and he'd fit right in with the eunjang kids! I guess that's what fan fiction is for lol. (sorry for the lack of weaktober writing... ill try to write something.)
I kinda wish some side characters had more cameos, like Toby, Lily and Julia, but their arcs were wrapped up relatively well too.
That sums up my overall thoughts on Weak Hero's conclusion!
Thank you to Seopass and Razen for creating a wonderful story!
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bidokja · 2 years
Weak Hero Character Names
For those who don't know, the Weak Hero webtoon anglicized a bunch of the characters' first names from Korean to English. They don't do this for newly introduced characters anymore AFAIK, but all the names they anglicized initially have been kept that way.
Since I've gotten a few people asking about the names, so I decided to compile a list of their original Korean names. You can find amost of these on their character profiles on the Weak Hero fandom page, but I figured people would appreciate having a quick reference that is all in one place. Hopefully this helps people learn/connect their original names.
Remember, this is not a full character list, it's for finding the Korean names of the characters that had their names anglicized.
The format will be:
Anglicized Name -> Korean Name (common alternative romanizations will be in parenthesis)
Eunjang High
Alex Go -> Go Hyeontak (Hyun-tak)
Ben Park -> Park Humin (Hoo-min)
Colton Choi -> Choi Hyoman (Hyo-man)
Eugene Gale -> Seo Juntae (Jun-tae)
Gerard Jin -> Jin Gayul (Ga-yool)
Gray Yeon -> Yeon Sieun (Shi-eun)
Phillip Kim -> Kim Pilyoung (Pil-young)
Rowan Im -> Im Juyang (Ju-yang)
Teddy Jin -> Jin Taeoh (Tae-oh)
Daehyeon High
Dean Kwon -> Kwon Hyeokjin (Hyuk-jin)
Jake Ji -> Ji Hakho (Hak-ho | Hagho)
Timothy Park -> Park Taegi (Tae-gi)*
Ganghak High
Jared Sun -> Seon Jongwon (Sun Jong-Wan)
Toby Kim -> Kim Dosik (Do-sik)
Wolf Keum -> Keum Seongje (Sung-je)
Hyeongshin High
Forrest Lee -> Lee Sehan (Se-han)
Myles Joo -> Joo Seungjin (Seung-jin)
Robin Ha -> Ha Minjo (Min-jo)
Sam "Grape" Lee -> Lee Gongsam (Gong-sam)
Yeo-il High
Donald Na -> Na Baekjin (Baek-jin)
Kingsley Kwan -> Kwan Seokhyeon (Suk-hyun)
Yoosun High
Harper "Helmet" Ha -> Ha Huicheol (Hee-chul)
Hugo Yoon -> Yun Hoyeong (Yoon Ho-young)
Jack Kang -> Kang Jeongyeon (Jung-yun)
Jimmy Bae -> Bae Jihun (Ji-hun)
Other Recurring/Relevant Characters
Bryce Oh -> Oh Beomseok (Beom-sok)
Julia Chae -> Chae Yujin (Yoo-jin)
Kenny Ji -> Ji Gwangseok (Gwang-seok)
Lala Lee -> Lee Minji (Min-ji)
Lily Nam -> Nam Jeongah (Jung-ah)
Oswald Yang -> Yang Seonghun (Sung-hoon)*
Sean Shin -> Shin Jeongseob (Jung-sub)*
Stephen Ahn -> Ahn Suho (Su-ho)
Wesley Song -> Song Baekkyu (Beak-gyu)
(* These names weren't on the wiki, so I looked at raws.)
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cupiditis · 1 year
wait for your turn. i'll be done with him in a sec.
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♡ . navi
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♡ . current event : summer stories
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weak hero
unsightly sights : jake ji, wolf keum
so easily could have been : gray yeon, eunjang
closure : wolf keum
inspired by @.nightangel7705 : wolf keum
pathos : jimmy bae
foreign feelings : jimmy bae
sharp : kingsley kwan
swan : gray yeon
thinking a little differently : gray yeon
heart eyes : ben park
failed attempt no.3 : wolf keum
eternalized in wax : gray yeon
haunting : donald na
love is stored in the bottom cabinet : gerard jin
under contract : wolf keum
favorite photo : alex go
a goodbye kiss : ben park
forgive : wolf keum
eyes : jake ji
an apology bouquet : forrest lee
plans : ben park
beauty is in the eye of the beholder : gray yeon
feel you close : wolf keum
late start : alex go
work nights : kingsley kwan
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surviving romance
late night drive : juri ma
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genshin impact
where the heart is : diluc ragnvindr
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from the other world
pathos : jimmy bae
foreign feelings : jimmy bae
under contract : wolf keum
sharp : kingsley kwan
swan : gray yeon
summer stories
plans : ben park
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