#Jinx my beloved
nonbinarylesbianherb · 7 months
“comfort character” bitch what comfort??
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cupinho · 11 months
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Where is your head at?
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leventar · 14 days
woke up to skz being on the arcane soundtrack im insaaaaaaane
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milk459 · 2 years
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Jinx my beloved 😪💙✨
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kissettka · 2 years
sometimes these two look so much alike
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lesbian-parappa · 2 years
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reblog this cat immediately
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queermyth · 1 year
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bruh-anator3000 · 2 years
The Lab Inspector's Daughter
Summary: You're a lab inspector. Boring job. But the little girl you took under your wing sure made it interesting. She grew up into a smart kid, easily finding her way into Piltover's finest Academy. She also decided she would double as a matchmaker.
Pairings: Viktor x gn!reader (the sound of heels are mentioned but they can be any heel, like on a boot or whatever)
Wordcount: 8.2k
Proof-read: Never
Warnings: cute family relationship, the Viktor and Jinx friendship I desperately want to see, reader is the supportive parent figure we all need, mentions of BPD and PTSD (and episodes), explicit language, slightly out of character Viktor? reader goes off on Viktor, he ends up kinda diggin it, Sky says it isn't her first time being held at knife-point, Jayce is barely mentioned and I feel kinda bad about it, I don't know what I'm talking abt science wise so just work with me here, main plot is more about reader being there for jinx and their love for Viktor is a side plot, I might make it into a part 2 for more romance but eh, we'll see
One fateful night, while in the Undercity running some errands for Heimerdinger, you heard blood curdling screams behind a burning building. Your initial reaction was to run away and call for the Enforcers but the cries were far too high pitched to be just anybody. It sounded like a young girl. You wouldn't live with yourself if you left a defenceless little kid in the alley of a burning building.
You remember that night like it was yesterday, the blue haired girl sobbing beyond belief. She was a mess, a dead, mutated man behind her as she clawed at the ground, screaming out for a Violet. You stood in front of her, bags heavy in your hands as you watched. It tore your heart up.
"Hello, sweetheart." You lowered yourself to her level, leaving your bags on the floor. "What's wrong?"
A lot was wrong with this scene but she was the only one alive to tell it. She was curled into herself, breathing ruggedly as she peered up at you through her hands. Her hair stuck to her forehead in the pouring rain. Your footing slipped out from under you when she rammed into your midsection.
"She left me!" She screamed into your hold, her voice raw with pain. Her little arms wrapped strong around you. Hesitant, yes, but you couldn't stop yourself from bringing your arms around her.
You never planned on being a parent. That night, however, left you with a daughter you would burn the world for.
"It's okay to be excited, you know." You smiled and finalized some paperwork on the clipboard in front of you, heels echoing through the halls.
Jinx let out an exasperated sigh from besides you. "Being excited is for children during the holidays," She tossed her long blue braid back over her shoulder. "I'm just joining you to get a possible interview to intern under the creators of Hextech, it's-" A giggle escaped her as she wrapped her arms into the crook of your elbow. "Okay, I'm really excited!"
You laughed, gently nudging her hip with yours. "I knew it. You should be excited, they're very fun people." Jinx gasped, her precious sapphire eyes wide.
"You've met them?!" You felt bad as you shook your head, watching her deflate into your shoulder. Her lips pulled into a slight frown.
"No, but Heimerdinger talks very highly of them." She nodded along, jostling your side with her head movements, her lower lip in a pout. "Now, you're sure your professor let you off for this?" You turned your head towards her, levelling her with a questioning look.
She gritted her teeth, blowing air through them. "It was once!" She pushed off you, making you stumble. "And he admitted it was his fault for poor scheduling! Not mine!" She crossed her arms over her academy vest, head turned from you.
"I know, darling, I just wanted to double check." Shaking your head with a fond smile, you stopped in front of two large doors. Turning to her, you fetched the lab key from your satchel.
Jinx stood to her full height, still shorter than you despite her confidence holding her high. Her hands were clasped behind her back, her lower lip caught between her teeth as she bit back her smile. Bouncing on the balls of her feet, braided hair brushing near her ankles, she beamed.
Your heart clenched in proud sorrow. Jinx looked so grown in her academy outfit. Her pressed ruby shirt under her off white student vest, gold tie adorning, tying it all together. Her soft brown pants were held by a belt she couldn't keep her markers off of. Neon scribbles of whatever she felt like on the black leather. Her boots, polished to perfection the night before in preparation for today.
Her excitement on her sweet, soft face never changed from when she was a kid. Her curiosity and desire never faded.
You sighed, refusing to deny the urge to cradle her cheek. Jinx leaned into it, her bangs brushing against your wrist. "How are you feeling?"
"They're quiet today." She whispered and raised her hand, her thumb resting on your knuckles. Her blue and pink nail polish beginning to chip off. You returned her gentle smile.
"I'm glad." You stepped back and held up the golden key. "Remember, as long as you aren't actively trying to blow something up, they'll love you." With a flourish, you unlocked the doors to the famed labs of Hextech.
The rumble through your shoes felt far too familiar. Your hand that held your clipboard went to shield Jinx's face and you brought her close to your body. She tucked herself into you when you turned her around, having your back exposed to the loudest explosion you've heard in a while.
Smoke flooded the room, whipping through your hair. Coughing shook your ribs as you held Jinx closer, trying to block her from the smog. Two others joined in on the hacking before the pop of a window being opened was heard. And just as soon as it started, the smoke was gone.
"That was," An accented voice was interrupted with a harsh cough. "Not what was predicted."
"No shit, Vik." The man who was standing waved his hands through the air, trying to get the ashy air out faster. "That was a level 8 explosion, we need like... what? 6?"
"Try 4." Jinx pulled away from your grasp now that the danger was gone. For whatever reason, she was incredibly knowledgeable in the art of explosives. And for years, as long as she kept herself safe, you let her tinker and learn more.
However, you did not feel comfortable letting her walk over to the table where the two famed scientists worked, picking up the burnt pieces on the floor as she went. But she already went, talking as she did.
"I don't know what you're trying to do but level 8 explosives are pretty much illegal, and too large of an impact to keep anything alive." She held the blown gears out to the two. "The prototype made a set 5 - maybe 6 - explosive, amp it up and you could effectively kill yourselves." The two men gawked. They definitely weren't expecting a blue haired teenager to roast them on their profession.
Feeling like this was the opportune moment, you introduced yourself. "Hi, you'll have to forgive my intern but I'm here for your lab inspection. Jayce and Viktor, right?" You smiled and adjusted your shirt from how tightly Jinx had held onto it.
The brunette, Jayce, straightened from his hunched position over his co-worker. You guessed that was Viktor, who was still sat in his chair. "Wait, what? That's today?" He ran over to a stack of paper, quickly shuffling through it.
You gave a nod, joining him by his side. Casting a quick look to Jinx, the gears she held had been switched for a screwdriver as she pointed to something in front of the man beside her. He was leaning in just as much as her, nodding along as she spoke.
Jayce found the envelope he was looking for, his fingers digging into it. He pulled out the letter and his thick eyebrows drew together as he read it over. "No, see?" He showed you the paper, pointing to the date. "It says the twenty..." He trailed off, re-reading it. He whispered a soft 'oh.' It was, in fact, today.
You sighed softly. "We can reschedule, if we must, but I'm busy for the next few months. And, if Heimerdinger is correct..." Jayce sighed as you lifted up the pages in front of your calendar.
"We need the green light by the end of the week if we want to keep working." His large hand ran over his face. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he swore quietly under his breath. He shook out his body before turning to the desk Jinx and Viktor hunkered over. "Viktor! The lab inspection is today, shove things into drawers!"
You hid your laugh behind your clipboard, watching as the other man sat up straight so quickly, his back gave a few cracks. He fumbled for the crutch beside him and stood.
"You said it was next month, Jayce. Are you sure-?" He walked over, hands gesturing to the mess around them.
"Yeah, I guess I lied. It's today." Jayce sighed, leaning into the counter behind him. His hazel eyes turned to you. Looking you over, you noticed the spark most had when they knew they were in trouble. Jinx had the exact same look before she would butter you up. Often after she already blew up half the kitchen.
He smiled wide, a handsome tooth gap showing. His smile was award winning. Fitting for Piltover's golden boy. "I'm so sorry you had to catch us like this!" He crossed his strong arms over his chest, smile still wide. "We're usually much more professional, but some days we just have to take larger risks."
You could see Viktor beside him, fiddling with the crutch beneath his arm as Jayce continued to joke about how they were much more put together. You've heard them all before. Most scientists were actually terrible at organizing, these two no different.
As he blabbered on, you took their appearance in fully. Jayce was tall and had a strong, sturdy build. Charisma rolling off him as he talked with his hands. His academy suit switched out for a more practical lab wear. A dirted white tunic with eight buttons in front. Leather protecting his shoulders and his red slacks held up by a large gold and brown belt. He had a five o'clock shadow and a small slit on his eyebrow.
Viktor was quiet as ever, eyes cast to Jinx as she nodded her head along to an unknown tune. What eyes he had, sharp and as gold as the scrap metal littered around the place. His chestnut hair ruffled, slightly pressed down from the goggles on top of his head. His shirt was a reddish-brown, lighter stripes running down his sleeves. What you assumed to be a comfy knit sweater vest over it. He had a leg brace but not one you've seen before. Made you wonder if he had designed it himself.
He looked nice, but drained. His eye bags looked heavy. Your concern was derailed when you saw two adorable moles, one under his eye and another above his lip.
You felt embarrassed as a wave crashed over you, desperate to kiss them.
"So, considering all that, what's our mark at?" Your attention snapped back to Jayce. He had gone back to leaning on the desk behind him, crossed arms and bright smile in place. You sighed.
"Oh, you guys totally failed!" Jinx spun in the chair she took over, dropping the tools back on the desk. "2 out of 10, which is considerate despite almost blowing us up when we walked in." You held out your clipboard with the ratings for her as she skipped over.
Jayce tried to say something but Jinx continued.
"Lack of proper ventilation, no solid tool kit in sight, no cleaner for tools either," She tapped the pen against her chin as she read off the list. Jayce stared at you, mouth opening and closing like a fish. You smiled at him, nudging him with a nod to listen to her. "Not to mention, your research tactics are far below the board. You also have at least 3 uneaten sandwiches out, in a very chemical environment, that could be detrimental to everything."
You pulled out the 'denied' stamp and Jinx slammed it on the packet, making the two scientists jump. "Failed!" She handed them the papers.
"No... no, we need this lab!" Jayce begged, handing the papers to Viktor as he stepped in your space. "She's an intern, what does she know?"
"A lot." You took the stamp Jinx handed back. "And she's not done yet." You smiled. Jinx flipped through a few pages before pulling out yet another packet.
Viktor deflated. "Please, I don't want to be denied again."
"According to Heimdinger's official book of lab safety, section 10; untapped discoveries, you have passed with flying colors!" You handed Jinx your approved stamp with a huff of amusement. She hit it hard against the papers. The two flinched again. "Congrats! You get to keep your laboratory for another year!"
Jayce and Viktor stood before her, gawking yet again. They looked to you and all you could do was shrug.
"You do need to get that sandwich thing under control though, that's super dangerous." Jinx added and held the clipboard to her chest. "Or fix the ventilation so the chemicals can be more dispersed, therefore leaving your sandwiches alone."
Jayce gave a slow nod before turning to you. Brown eyes wide. "Why wouldn't you just approve us in the first place?"
"Heimerdinger insists. 'Unanimous vote,' He says." You gave yet another shrug. You had no real idea why Heimerdinger, the oldest on the council and in science, didn't just push his handbook as mandatory. But you had to follow it.
Viktor's free hand came to cradle his chin, nodding. "Yes, he does say that a lot. Council must've wanted their opinions first then double checked by Professor's requirements."
"Exactly." You breathed. You've read about Viktor when sorting files for the Professor. He was his favorite assistant. Besides the good looks, his attention to detail must've been why. "I'm very sorry, it is always a rollercoaster but, you know," You smiled. "Council rules."
Jinx handed your clipboard back. She gave a small nod towards them, eyes wide and waiting towards you. Their attention was stuck to the papers she handed to them. With a deep breath, you continued.
"You know, my dau-" You cleared your throat. No time for favoritism. "My intern is looking for a more hands on job in the labs." Viktor looked up, golden eyes peering into you. "I know you two have been looking for a second assistant, and as her employer, I can guarantee she'd be a perfect fit." You nodded towards the table they had been sitting at earlier. "Especially if you need help with explosives."
Jinx swatted at your shoulder. To anyone else, that may have not been a very good thing to point out. But these two built their industry on risk taking. You walked in on an explosion. They would be happy to have help with it.
Viktor looked at her, eyebrows pensive. Before he gave a light smile. "I would like to hear more about that theory you were telling me about." Jinx's face flushed and she couldn't keep eye contact, eyes darting to the floor.
"Anyone who can downgrade a blow up from an 8 to a 4 in just a few minutes is someone I want on our team." Jayce held out a hand. "What's your name?"
"Uh... Jinx! My name's Jinx." She quickly took his hand with a wide smile. Her eyes turned to you, shining with possibility. You gave her an encouraging nod. "I'm a second year student, my name and face should be easy to find on any roster." She beamed.
"It was great to meet you, Jinx." Jayce patted her shoulder. "We'll think about it, okay?" He offered. She nodded and you thanked them.
Jinx was bouncing off the walls when you closed the door behind you.
"Do you think they actually liked me?" Jinx paced behind you, nervously tugging on her hair.
"I don't think they would lie." You supplied, nodding to yourself as you looked over the Hextech lab review sheets. "They definitely appreciated your input earlier." She groaned behind you.
"No! No, they didn't say that!" You turned in your seat, ready to say 'yes they did,' when you noticed the far off look in her blue eyes. Her eyebrows were pinched together as she wrapped her arms around her. "They didn't say that..."
You scooted your chair closer, softly resting your hand on her arm. First, your fingertips followed by your knuckles. Placing your palm flat on her skin, you called her name, voice low and quiet.
"Whatever they're saying isn't true." You reminded. "They just want to make you upset. You're stronger than them." Jinx let out a shaky sigh.
"I'm stronger than them." She echoed. Her gaze still fixed on the wall opposite of you both. It was the bookshelves in your office. To her, you weren't sure what it was.
"You're safe. They can't hurt you." You stood and joined her side, movements slow so she could tell where you were going.
"They can't hurt me." She forced a deep breath. You held open your arms, giving her enough space to decide if she wanted the hug or not. She never did deny you, but some days the visions were too much and touching could send her over the edge.
She folded into your arms quickly, hiding her face in your shoulder. Her hair tickled your nose as you rested your chin on her head. Her nails gently scraped your back, her grip trying to stay light.
"They were impressed, I could tell." You mumbled into her hair, fingers playing with a few stray strands of her soft teal hair.
"You're just saying that." She sniffled, forehead nuzzling your shoulder.
"No, sweetheart. You're far more capable than you give yourself credit for." You took a hold of her shoulder, urging her away so she could see your face. "I know you never believe me but you got into the Academy because your intellect impressed Professor Heimerdinger. Not because I'm close with him, but because you're smart. You have ambition and you chase it. You are going to get that job."
Her eyes welled up and she hugged you again. Full of emotion, no longer afraid.
And of course, you were right.
You weren't surprised when she burst into the kitchen the next day. She was hyperventilating, mouth running a mile a minute as she recounted her day. You sat through her sidetracking, letting her get it all out of her system before she screamed out:
"I got in!" Jayce and Viktor apparently had pulled her aside from class and asked if she was still up for their internship. She readily said yes and they handed her some paperwork to fill out.
Which went straight into your hands given that you were the only one who could focus out of the two of you. And, despite her being old enough, you were technically her guardian for another year.
She rambled on about what they told her. How they would have to put her as something far lower than her skillset at first due to how the internship rules worked. They promised they would pull her up the ranks as quickly as they could because her ideas did not belong sweeping the floors.
They explained the rules of their workspace and insisted if she had any objections to them, she should say something so they could find a way to work around it. Their space was built on communication and working around each other, she had the right to find her fitting too.
She then promptly screamed, scaring you out of your chair, upon seeing the time. She made you get up and shoved you towards the closet. She promised them you'd be there the same night, for a "parent interview or whatever."
It was for reference, on how well Jinx was in the lab. Under pressure and dealing with dangerous items. It would've been unethical, you being her parent and all but when you told them your concerns, Jayce waved a hand in dismissal. He trusted you would be impartial. Jinx deserved this job, you were going to remain impartial, n matter how badly you wanted to gush on about how amazing your daughter was.
They remained professional, taking notes and nodding along as you talked about Jinx's work ethic. What scared you the most was when they asked where she grew up. You knew Viktor was from the Undercity himself but you still felt nervous. The jobs Jinx had been considered for were immediately shut down when they learned she was your illegitimate daughter from the Undercity.
However, Viktor seemed to smile. The conversation side tracked as he asked you why you decided to adopt a kid from the Undercity. When you gave them the clif notes on how you found her and ultimately decided she was yours now, they shared a smile. Viktor said he was happy to hear you were so welcoming of others.
They also did not seem off put by her PTSD nor her bipolar episodes, Jayce saying "You have to be a little crazy in our line of work."
You wanted to disagree, and clarify she wasn't crazy, she had a shitshow of a childhood. But Viktor nodded and another laugh fell over the two, you joined. It was light hearted. You weren't going to get overprotective.
The next three months flew by. Jinx came home with a new story every day. How Jayce showed her the hex crystals and how she almost let it slip how her and her sister stole something similar when they were young. When she got nap couch privileges. Or the time Viktor had fallen asleep during their research, so Jinx decided she could do the same. That was one hell of a debate when you told her she couldn't make a habit out of staying the night.
She told you about their other assistant, Sky, and how she couldn't tell if she was also from the Undercity or not. You didn't know what to tell her. She still hadn't figured out Viktor was from the Undercity, you weren't sure how to interpret her assumptions.
You would sometimes visit her workplace, to drop off the lunch she forgot to take. Jayce and Viktor never had any objections to your presence, no matter how many times Jinx said it wasn't allowed. They even would insist you stayed some days, just to drag out Jinx's obvious embarrassment. In that time, you got to know them.
Viktor was sweet, Jayce, too, but Viktor had something about him. He didn't mind showing you whatever they were working on, shushing Jinx everytime she protested. He took his time to explain how the machines worked.
Jinx would always say 'It's pointless to explain it.' Because she knew you never got it. And Viktor would always respond 'It's easier, that way, I won't have to fight anyone on my every word.' Before throwing a very pointed look her way.
Jinx was very fond of Viktor, that you could tell from how she spoke about him at home. In the lab, she followed him around and took in everything he said. They were comfortable enough to spit rude remarks at each other, knowing the other would only return it, with even more malice. A violent repartee. But they weren't actually angry, not at all. It seemed that their form of bonding was shoving each other around and Jinx telling Viktor his shoes were untied, only for her to hit the back of his head and run when he looked down.
It was sweet. It felt like she finally had the second parent you never could provide for her.
But each day, that sick sad pride overcame you. She was all grown up now, in a job she loved dearly. You were happy to see her enjoying herself. Glad to see her pursue her dreams. But it hurt. It hurt telling her about a lab review you did only for her to nod along, absent-minded, as she reviewed her own work.
She didn't get excited when you told her about the jobs you did. She no longer tailed behind you, begging to join you in hopes she could sneak in an interview. She barely cared when you said you'd be in Noxus for a week. They were having some convention and you weren't going to ignore a paid trip to Noxus.
But Jinx didn't care. She nodded and asked when you were leaving. You gave your answer and she went to her room to finish up a project, forgetting her dinner.
She did join you to the Hexgates, wishing you luck and love on your departure. She also slid you a list of art supplies she had her eye on. You couldn't say no to her. You didn't know how anyone could say no to her.
The convention was nice. Noxus was a beautiful place. You met Ambessa Medarda, almost died on the spot when she complimented your work. It was nice but you wish it went faster. You missed your sweet Jinx. You missed getting to visit her in the lab. Missed getting to talk with Viktor each time. You made sure to buy the pencils and markers she asked for, along with some truffles you thought she would enjoy.
You came home, hurrying down to the Academy to turn in your reports and see your daughter. You gave Heimerdinger no time for pleasantries nor explained much, dropping the packets off before running home. You adjusted yourself and bag before you entered, box of chocolate truffles under your arm.
"Jinx! I'm home!" You called out as you unlocked the door. Lifting the truffles up, "I got some good looking treats! Come try them with... me..." You trailed off, hearing muffled sounds. Sounded like crying. "Jinx?"
You let your bag drop to the floor and ran into her room. You found her curled into her side, tears streaking down her face. Her nails dug into her hair as she cried.
You fell to your knees in front of her, pulling her hands away from her face. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" You cupped her face, thumb brushing under her eyes.
"It was a mistake! It was a mistake!" Jinx begged. "No, it was an accident- Sky, she just- No! It was a mistake!"
"I believe you," You moved to sit on the edge of her bed. "What happened, what mistake clouds you, honey?"
Sniveling, she pulled herself into your lap. "I don't know... things got too much and I tried to get out." You softly congratulated her. Getting out of stressful situations wasn't her strong suit. She often found comfort in the chaos. It was hard to unlearn it. "But they needed my help and it was just so much then Mylo- SHUT UP!" She screamed at the wall. "It was your fault! You told me to!"
You ran your hand down her spine. "Deep breaths. You're safe with me. I'm not leaving." She shuddered.
"I... I acted out, and they fired me."
"What?!" She flinched back at your raised voice. You soothed her, apologising. "No, no I'm sorry, I'm angry with Jayce and Viktor."
"You're not mad at me?" Jinx's eyes were wide and watery. "Because they are, so is Viktor." She pointed to the wall. "No, they're not mad, they're making fun of me. It's my fault."
You shook your head. "No, you tried to get out of the situation. Whoever kept you there is at fault." Jinx almost started bawling all over again as you stood up. You gently pressed her shoulder down, stopping her from following. "I'm going to talk to them, see what happened." She cast her head down. "It wasn't your fault. And there's some truffles to make you feel better."
"Did you get the paint pens?" You nodded. She hugged your arm. "Thank you."
Jet lag be damned, you stormed through the Academy halls, rage rolling off you. The students who usually said hi to you immediately looked the other way. They could feel it, the way your blood boiled over with anger. You've only felt this way once before, so consumed with rage. It was when some kid destroyed Jinx's rocket she spent weeks on. You did not care that the elementary school had forced you out, you were only glad that the other kid was kicked out too.
You forced a few breaths, trying to let the anger shimmer out. You couldn't get too upset on the off chance they would understand and give Jinx a second chance. Using the master key given by Heimerdinger, you pushed through the lab doors.
It was much messier than last time. Papers were scattered across the tile floors. Metal scraps among them, chairs cast aside like someone had too hard of a temper tantrum. Chalk pieces were broken and some dust particles still lingered in the air.
The only person in the room was Viktor. He was mumbling to himself and picking up papers from the floor. He kept a hand on the counter as he struggled to lean down.
You sighed, and picked up papers strewn around as you walked over. He didn't notice your presence until you held out a stack to him.
Viktor was startled when you handed him the papers. He straightened up with a small huff and set aside the few he gathered. Taking them from you, his fingers brushed over yours.
"I heard Jinx got fired over a mistake?" You didn't even bother to beat around the bush. He sighed through his teeth.
"If that was a mistake, I'd hate to see what an intentional attack is like." The papers hit the table with a harsh smack.
"She said she had a manic episode," You crossed your arms over your chest. Viktor shook his head.
"She caused the explosion that caused all of this," He gestured to the mess of a lab. "And then tried to leave." He leaned in, snarling in your face. "That sounds like poor discipline."
Your eye twitched. He was starting to push it. "She was stressed and tried to find a safe space to calm down. If you had given her a chance-"
"She held a knife to Sky's throat, you tell me how to give someone like that a second chance!" His grip tightened on the metal desk. He stood up and turned around, using the counter to help him get to a chair.
That part was left out on Jinx's side. You stalled before giving a stiff nod. "I didn't know about that, sorry. But could you try to talk to her? I'm sure she will apologize if you give her the chance to explain herself."
Viktor scoffed as he took a seat. "No explanation can fix that crazy result." Another twig snapped. You barely held it together, taking a breath as you forced your shoulders to lower from your ears.
"I thought you said you needed to be... crazy in this line of work." Hands tightened around your biceps as you said it. It felt dirty in your mouth.
"We said slightly crazy, not insane." He grumbled and hunched over some equations in a leather bound notebook.
That's it.
Like a fake blood capsule from a Halloween store popped over your eyes, you only saw red. The final branch had snapped. And with it, your ability to remain calm.
No one calls your daughter insane.
"Are you stupid?" You blurted out. Viktor looked up from his journal, golden eyes wide. "Jinx has worked here for 3 months and in that time, had only one breakdown. You're the scientist, you can do the math on how uncommon that is, can't you?" The words fell through your teeth. Like venom dripping from your mouth. "I warned you, she suffers from bipolar episodes because of the shit-fucked childhood she had! And you said it was fine! Something in this lab scared the shit out of her to send her into a spiral and your response was to make her stay and clean up? Are you dumb? How thick is that skull of yours for you to yell at a panicking kid?!"
Viktor's eyebrows narrowed. "She threatened a co-worker!"
You stepped forward, getting in his space. "Before or after you decided it would be so smart to yell at her?" He fell silent. "Exactly. You know, I thought you would be the most accommodating with her."
"Why?" He growled. "Because we're both from the Undercity?"
"Because you're both constantly undermined!" You threw your hands up, using your hands more as you got angrier. "I've read your file, Viktor. I had to when sorting through Heimerdinger's stuff. I know how horrible people treat you because of where you're from and what you lack. Every step of the way, you have been underestimated and yet you're here, one of the revered founders of Hextech!" Your finger was in his face by now.
"Jinx has been doubted, dragged and spat on every step of the way in her career. When you let her work for you, I thought she would finally feel comfortable and have a fair chance because I know you would offer it to her." He tried to scoot back but your hand caught the armrest of his chair, holding him in place. "I'll pay for the damage, I'll take the responsibility for it all, just give her another chance. Please. Talk to her and let her explain."
Viktor swallowed, staring up at you with large eye. You pushed him, watching the wheels on his chair send him back further than you meant. His elbows awkwardly stuck out by his side as he held the arm rests.
You shook your head. Once Viktor met your eyes, no longer any anger or fear in them, you left.
Jinx poked at her plate, pushing her pancakes around with her fork. Her free hand held her chin up. Her eyes were drained of her usual excitement, dark circles under the darkened blue irises. Last night ruined her.
You tried your hardest to get her ready for another school day. School always cheered her up, she loved being challenged and seeing the result of her hard work. Her intelligence had kept her in class longer as she discussed theories with her professors.
She didn't want to even try.
"Give it a few days," You tried to reason. You held her bag out with a sympathetic smile. "They'll come around." She shook her head, bangs moving with her.
"No, I messed up. Big time." Jinx looked to the side, tears welling up. "No one will ever want me again." You whispered a soft 'hey,' and placed a hand on her cheek. Letting her bag drop onto the empty seat besides her, you tugged her onto her feet.
A tear rolled down her face as you held her. "It's going to be okay. If all else fails, you'll just have to make your own lab. Your own industry." Her arms wrapped around your shoulders. "Like you always wanted."
Your hand went into her hair, the other tight around her torso. You rested your chin on her head. She was tucked deep into your hold, rubbing your shoulder with her forehead. Together, you gently swayed, rocking her back and forth. You took deep breaths, smiling when you heard her join you.
"If you really can't finish the whole day," You urged her to pull away. She did, crossing her arms over herself, eyes still cast down. You took a hold of her shoulders, easing them from the side of her head. Brought her face to look at you, pink lips in a slight pout. "You tell the professors you don't feel well and you can come home."
She nodded and picked her bag up from the chair. Her fingers traced over the neon drawing she made how many years ago? Her sapphire gaze reached to meet your eyes.
"I believe in you." You reminded, pressing a light kiss to her temple.
"I love you." She wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug before running out the door. You laughed and called your love after her, before sighing. She didn't say that often, she was afraid to. She was growing out of old habits. You couldn't be prouder.
You turned to the kitchen, hands on your hips. Now, you were going to bake her some chocolate chip muffins.
You didn't know how much time had passed when you heard the timer go off, signalling the muffins had been baked. Sliding your hands into the knit gloves Jinx made for your birthday, you pulled the oven door open. Heat flooded out, making you wince from the intense heat. With it, came the sweet smell of chocolate chips and vanilla extract wafting through. It reminded you of simpler times. When you would bake these for your Jinx when she scraped her knees.
A light knocking came from the door at the same time you pulled the metal muffin tray out. Glancing at the time, you sighed. It was a little past lunch. It must've been Jinx. The sight of muffins would cheer her up so you brought them along with you to the door.
"I made you some of your favorites," You sang out, unlocking the door. "Chocolate chip…" You trailed off, eyeing the man in front of you.
Viktor looked down at the tray of muffins in your hand, leaning against his cane. His lips curled into a soft smile, pulling that cute mole up. "Those look delicious." He raised a slender hand.
You yanked the tray back. "They're for Jinx." Your words fell out like bricks, boring and plain. He gave a short nod and dropped his hand.
"Fair." His crutch shifted under his arm. His chest expanded with a deep breath. "I eh... wanted to... say sorry for acting so brash with Jinx." You perked up. His amber eyes took in your expression. The hand on his cane shifted with a crinkle.
You looked down, surprised why his cane sounded like plastic. A small bouquet of flowers were held out, awkwardly making him lean on his cane as he held them for you.
"Oh! I- thank you." You smiled and took them with your free hand. Taking a deep breath, nose hovering over the mix of pink and white petals. They smelt sweet, like the irreplaceable truth of Mother Nature. But you halted. "Shouldn't you give these to Jinx?" You raised a brow.
Viktor laughed, sultry and sweet. "She insisted I give them to you." He readjusted his crutch, sighing as he finally stood right. "I did talk to her and she explained everything." You nodded. "And you were right. My anger only scared her more, making her feel the need to threaten a life in order to escape."
"Thank you, for giving her another chance." You opened the door more. Tilting your head to the side, you silently invited him in. "I know there isn't ever a good reason to threaten others, and I'm working on that with her, but thank you."
He nodded and tentatively walked in. "She's a bright kid. And, if I truly made her upset, I wanted to at least offer an apology."
You pointed him to a seat near the kitchen table, moving to get a vase for the flowers. "I need to apologize too," You sighed and put down the tray of muffins. "I had no right to-"
"Oh, please, that was fun." He gave you a light smile as you slid the dishware in front of him. You cocked an eyebrow. He shrugged. "No one ever has the gull to yell at the poor disabled Undercity kid. Less so now that I'm a 'revered founder of Hextech' " He made air quotes as he sat down. "Those who do only insult me for the leg I don't have." You tried to offer a soft sorry but he continued. "Being told I have a thick skull in my own laboratory was eh... very entertaining experience." Viktor laughed softly, placing his head in his hand as he watched you, molten gold irises scaling your entire body.
A blush overcame you as you grabbed a vase. The neon animals scribbled on it reminded you to take a breath. He was enjoying this. You might as well.
"Are you telling me the revered founder of Hextech likes to be degraded?" His face erupted with pink as he sat up a little straighter. You laughed, filling the vase with some water. "Want a muffin?"
Viktor swallowed once. Then twice. With a deep breath as he sat back, he nodded. "I would like one, yes."
"Whatever you say, Mr. Hextech." You plopped the white and pink flowers into the colored vase with a smirk. His eyes followed your movements, that pretty pink still on his high cheekbones.
"Viktor, please." He corrected softly.
You pulled down a plate and slid it over the counter. "Sweet milk?" You offered and he perked up once more.
"You have that?" He nudged the plate closer when you placed a muffin on his dish.
"If I ran out, I'm pretty sure Jinx would die."
Viktor's shoulders sagged. "Must be an Undercity thing. I would die without sweet milk, too." You shared a laugh.
Like a demon spawning by the call of her name, the moment was broken by a loud shrieking laugh as Jinx kicked down the door. She rammed right into you, her excitement vibrating off her.
"You were right!" She screamed and held you close. "Viktor came by and talked it out and I got the job back! And I went to Sky to apologize and she said that it was nothing, that she had been held at knife point before for more serious reasons and I got my job back and-"
As Jinx rambled into your shoulder, you cast Viktor a look. He was sitting there, watching the two of you with lifted brows. Curiosity shining in the honey pot of his eyes.
Slowly, you peeled her off as she continued to talk. You slid her a glass of sweet milk and a napkin with her muffin on top. Her body responded by picking the items up but she wasn't mentally aware of what she was given, she just held them as she spoke.
"Jinx, sweetie," You tried, gently cupping her face. She hummed, eyes wide with glee. You tilted her face to the side, showing her that there was a guest in the house.
Instead of stopping, or maybe even trying to continue talking with Viktor, Jinx screamed and threw her muffin at him. The baked good hit his chest with a sad thump and fell to the floor, as your daughter hid behind you.
You sighed. "He's real. Not a vision." She peeked over your shoulder.
Viktor wiped off some of the chocolate that got on his vest and brought it to his lips for a lick. "I would say I'm pretty real, too."
Jinx stopped functioning. Her breath stalled as she peered at him. You gave her head a soft pat, like a restart button, she finally stepped back with an awkward laugh.
"Whoops, sorry. Got a bit carried away…" She twirled a stray strand of hair on her finger. Viktor gave a soft smile.
"I'm only surprised you forgot it was your idea I visit, given how insistent you were about the flowers." He leaned back into the palm of his hand. He was gentle with Jinx, reminding her of earlier events in a quiet tone. It made your heart flutter, seeing someone treat her well.
"Right… Right! And that you should ask them on a date!" It was your turn to short circuit.
"Eh, Jinx!" He sat up, red covering his face. She let out a soft 'what?' "I was going to do that… on my own time."
"You say that all the time though!"
"You've been wanting to ask me out on a date?" You turned to Viktor, watching his face get beet red.
"Ever since you made him lunch along with mine," Jinx proudly answered for him, earning another glare from her boss.
"That was at the beginning of your internship…"
"Yeah, he's been trying since then."
"I'm about to fire you again, Jinx." Viktor grumbled and ran his hands over his face. She gasped.
"Wait, no!" She turned to you, firmly gripping your shoulders. "Y/n, Viktor hates you and doesn't want you to ever speak to him again."
"Jinx!" You and Viktor both shouted, voices tinged with embarrassment. You cleared your throat and pushed her off. "I think you need to go to your room. Or back to- did you skip class to tell me this?"
Jinx laughed, patted your shoulder, gave Viktor a very obvious wink before bolting back out the door. She definitely skipped class.
Slowly, you turned on your heel and faced Viktor. He leaned back in his chair, long fingers drumming the table. His gaze was stuck on the vase of flowers he had filled earlier and a bright blush on his face.
Breathing out, "A date, huh?"
Viktor sighed, slumping. "I uh, yeah…" You couldn't stop the smile that spread on your face. "I was planning on asking you soon but… well, it seemed a tad inappropriate to ask you to dinner after I apologized for yelling at your daughter."
You chuckled and crossed your arms. "That's thoughtful, thank you."
"You don't have to, I'm sure you're very busy… and I am not… the, well,"
"Dinner sounds nice." Leaning forward on the kitchen counter, you tilted your head. "Are you free after work tonight?"
Viktor's face erupted into that same pink. He gave a slow nod, "Dinner tonight works."
"Great, it's a date." His lips broke out into a wide smile. Sitting up straighter, he opened his mouth to speak.
Your shoulders were near your ears to block out the loud pop that shook the room. Colorful confetti burst over the entire kitchen. Paper purple, red, and blue streamers fell over your head
Jinx stood proud with her newest invention, 'a confetti cannon' in hand. Ashy smoke blew out from the barrel as she beamed, smile so wide her precious tooth gap was on display.
"Date match: success!" She sang out with a loud whoop. "I knew the plan would work!"
"What plan?!" You and Viktor both asked, over the loud ringing of her newest explosion.
"The plan that got you a date!"
"So… you purposely got yourself fired by threatening Sky so we could date?" You narrowed your eyes.
Jinx lowered her cannon. "No, that was a mistake." She shook herself out before beaming again. "The plan was to get you to bond over yours truly." She gave a bow, blue braids falling with her.
You ran a hand over your face. Of course Jinx would pull this. She was the common denominator in her formula of love. You began to rethink if her plan started before she was even interning for them.
Viktor's laugh broke up the silence. He was shaking his head, hand on the table as he stood while he laughed. "Jinx, you are insufferable." He grabbed his cane from the back of the chair and walked over to her.
She stood tall, the cannon strapped onto her shoulder dropped as she tucked her hands behind her back. "Better get used to it, candy cane." Her hand stuck out to point at you as she stared up at him. "Because we're a packaged deal."
"So are your explosives." Viktor brought a hand to her hair and he pushed her head down with a scoff of a laugh. "Get back to class before I tell Heimerdinger this is your third time skipping."
"Third time?!" You gaped. Jinx blew you a kiss before bolting out the door. You and Viktor walked to the door to watch her. To make sure she was actually running to class, not hiding behind the door with her cannon reloaded with more confetti.
You looked behind you. Paper pieces and little glitters were everywhere. Even in the muffins. And in the glass of sweetmilk left out. You sighed and slumped against the door.
"I am so sorry." You offered, slightly embarrassed by your daughter's hijinks.
Viktor only smiled. "I hope her pushing doesn't deter our date. Whether or not we have developed feelings due to her meddling, I would still like to get to know you more personally over dinner."
You watched his face closely. His bright gold eyes were crinkled at the edge by his smile. His high cheekbones were tinted with red. And those adorable moles tempted you still.
You smirked. "She's right, you know." He quirked a bushy brow. "You want to date me, Jinx is non-negotiable."
He returned your dark smile. "The real concern is, can you handle two insane scientists?" He lifted your hand to press those surprisingly soft lips to the top of your knuckles. "Meet me outside the labs tonight?"
This sudden confidence had you floored. "Yeah… can't wait." With a wink, he walked out of your house.
This was going to be fun.
Check out my Masterlist!
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sohosaturn · 11 months
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tried digital painting for the first time, it was pretty good practice!! it turned out better than i expected lol
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thisisapaige · 4 months
i love younger sibling characters <3
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lady-griffin · 2 years
How could anyone not love her?
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She’s just a silly, little gal having some fun and misadventures.
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nonbinarylesbianherb · 2 months
“Never thought I’d catch you blubbering. Wonder if Silco even saw that.”
“Twice. When he met me,
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-And when I killed him.”
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no-moremusic · 2 years
the 6x15 director is the same as jinx… and eddie’s in it…. this world is not cruel it’s wonderful
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my beloveds💕💙💜
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cashandandrogyny · 1 year
i just wanna say ur spotify is rad asf
akjjkfsehga thank you dude :D
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maiaczy · 5 days
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Sometimes taking a leap forward means leaving a few things behind.
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