#John E. Erickson
politicaldilfs · 6 months
Montana Governor DILFs
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Greg Gianforte, Ted Schwinden, Marc Racicot, J. Hugo Aronson, Elmer Holt, Brian Schweitzer, Forrest H. Anderson, John E. Erickson, Frank Henry Cooney, Stan Stephens, Thomas Lee Judge, John W. Bonner, Roy E. Ayers, Sam C. Ford, Steve Bullock, Tim Babcock
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carica-ficus · 2 years
Recenzija: Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Stories
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Autori: H. G. Wells, Charles B. Stilson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, W. L. Alden, George Griffith, Ambrose Bierce, John York Cabot, Harry Gore Bishop, Robert Barr, Robert E. Howard, Nictzin Dyalhis, Francis Flagg, Kenneth Morris, William Morris
Urednik: Andrew Erickson
Datum: 28/12/2022.
Ocjena: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ove godine sam naučila da mi kratke priče jako leže te da ih cijenim više nego duže proze, stoga nije niti čudo da me odmah privukla naslovnica ove knjige. Između ostalog, naišla sam na nju u nekom periodu kada sam se baš odlučila malo odmaknuti od realizma i ponovno se okrenuti svojoj prvoj pravoj ljubavi: spekulativnoj fikciji.
Ova kolekcija je ispala savršen izbor.
Predstavljeni su slavni autori koji su bili među začetnicima spekulativne fikcije. Njihova djela razrađuju popularne teme: što odvaja čovjeka od stroja, povezanost umjetnosti i praktike, prolaznost života, ovisnost čovjeka o modernim izumima i mnoge druge, no sve prati izrazito snažan osjećaj znatiželje i široka, gotovo dječja, mašta koja se izražava u obliku fantastičnog stvaranja. Upravo zato su takve ideje, filozofije i pitanja još uvijek danas zanimljive u krugovima ljubitelja fikcije, a ove se priče stoga stvarno može smatrati bezvremenskim.
Većina autora u kolekciji prikazuje žarku želju za pustolovinom koju je fascinantno iskusiti desetljećima nakon što su njihova djela napisana. Njihove priče ne zamaraju se nebitnim pitanjima i detaljima, već izravno prenose radnju bez obzira jesu li one realistične ili ne. Spisatelji ne dopuštaju djelu da gospodari njima, već su oni ti koji vode riječ. Drže se uz činjenicu da pišu o fiktivnim događajima, a time iskorištavaju slobodu da jednostavno odbace ili preobraze prirodne zakone koji ne odgovaraju njihovom svemiru. Meni je to bilo vrlo osvježavajuće iskustvo jer se često susrećem sa spisateljima spekulativne fikcije koji svim silama pokušavaju nadomjestiti nedostatke u fizičkim zakonitostima svojih radova samo da bi ušli u ciklus beskonačnih, nepotrebnih objašnjenja koji oduzimaju od doživljaja priče.
Jezik kojim su djela pisana je stari, klasični engleski koji nije jednostavan za čitanje, stoga neće svim čitateljima jednako dobro leći. Definitivno je tekstu potrebno posvetiti više vremena, ali stilovi pojedinih autora su apsolutno prekrasni te njihovi opsežni rječnici vrijedni divljenja.
Ukoliko ste u potrazi za starijim pričama spekulativne fikcije, a ne znate gdje biste počeli, "Science fiction and fantasy short stories" su solidan izbor sa kolekcijom čuvenih djela i autora. Sadrži djela bogata pustolovinama i akcijom, nježnih scena ispunjenih znatiželjom te straha od onog nepoznatog i onog poznatog.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Birthdays 8.10
Beer Birthdays
Edward Greenall (1758)
Charles Haberle (1860)
George E. Muelebach (1881)
Chuck Skypeck (1954)
Lisa Dergan; St. Pauli Girl 2003 (1970)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Ian Anderson; Scottish-English rock flautist and singer (1947)
Antonio Banderas; actor (1960)
Alexander Glazunov; Russian composer (1865)
Rick Overton; screenwriter, actor and comedian (1954)
Norma Shearer; Canadian-American actress (1902)
Famous Birthdays
Al Alberts; pop singer (1922)
Jorge Amado; Brazilian writer (1912)
Devon Aoki; model (1982)
Samuel Arnold; English composer (1740)
Rosanna Arquette; actor (1959)
Patti Austin; singer-songwriter (1950)
Noah Beery Jr.; actor (1913)
Laurence Binyon; English poet (1869)
Claudia Christian; actor (1965)
Suzanne Collins; writer (1962)
Jeff Corey; actor (1914)
Charles Darrow; Monopoly creator (1889)
Jimmy Dean; singer, sausage mogul (1928)
Gilles de Roberval; French mathematician (1602)
Alfred Döblin; Polish-German physician (1878)
Rica Erickson; Australian botanist (1908)
Jon Farriss; Australian drummer (1961)
Leo Fender; founded Fender Musical Instruments (1909)
Eddie Fisher; singer and actor (1928)
Rhonda Fleming; actor (1923)
Julia Fordham; English singer-songwriter (1962)
Jimmy Griffin; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1943)
Jack Haley; actor (1898)
Angie Harmon; model, actor (1972)
William Harnett; Irish-American painter (1848)
Bobby Hatfield; singer-songwriter (1940)
Fred Ho; saxophonist and composer (1957)
Herbert Hoover; 31st U.S. President (1874)
Daniel Hugh Kelly; actor (1952)
Kåre Kolve; Norwegian saxophonist and composer (1964)
Zofia Kossak-Szczucka; Polish writer (1889)
William Manuel Johnson; bassist (1872)
Jimmy Martin; singer and guitarist (1927)
Frank Marshall; chess player (1877)
Tom Laughlin; actor (1931)
Anton Losenko; Russian painter (1737)
Ward Moore; author (1903)
Henri Nestle; German chocolatier (1814)
Kate O'Mara; English actress (1939)
Wolfgang Paul; physicist (1913)
Charlie Peacock; singer-songwriter (1956)
Michael Pepper; English physicist and engineer (1942)
Hieronymus Praetorius; German composer (1560)
Mark Price; English drummer (1959)
Abai Qunanbaiuli; Kazakh poet, composer, and philosopher (1845)
Tony Ross; English author and illustrator (1938)
Ronnie Spector; pop singer (1943)
Andrew Sullivan; political blogger (1963)
Justin Theroux; actor (1971)
Arne Tiselius; Swedish biochemist (1902)
John Kirk Townsend; ornithologist and explorer (1809)
Diane Venora; actress (1952)
Trần Tế Xương; Vietnamese poet and satirist (1870)
Vernon Washington; actor (1927)
Susan Dorothea White; Australian painter (1941)
William Willett; English inventor, founded British Summer Time (1856)
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booklovershouse · 10 months
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Oiii, booklovers!
Esperando o patrocínio da Marissa Meyer pq eu tô fazendo propaganda de todos os livros dela, viu?kkkkkk
Hoje vamos de Instant Karma - se pegaram a referência ao John Lenon, parabéns! Aliás, não sei pq na minha cabeça essa música toca no tom de Stupid Cupid (e eu nunca nem escutei Instant Karma na minha vida 🤡)
~ por falar nisso, pvf, dêem uma passadinha no post de Renegados, quase ngm viu ele 🥲
•| Título: Instant Karma
•| Autor: Marissa Meyer
•| Págs: 384
•| Classificação: +12
🏖️" - Instant karma's gonna get you!" 🐬
Instant Karma é um romance adolescente com uma leve dose de fantasia e muita referência a músicas.
Prudence Bennet é uma garota inteligente e extremamente perfeccionista. Quando ela recebe uma nota ruim após ter feito um projeto de ciências com um dos alunos mais distraídos da classe, acaba quase tendo um treco ao ter que refazer tudo - e dessa vez realmente levando em conta as opiniões de seu parceiro.
A parte de fantasia é que, numa noite louca no karaokê, Pru acaba caindo e recebe o estranho poder de fazer "justiça kármica". O problema é que seus novos poderes não funcionam justamente na pessoa em que ela mais quer usá-los: Quint Erickson, seu par no trabalho.
Esse livrinho tbm faz estilo "romance de verão" por se passar numa região praiana e ainda ter a presença de várias criaturas marinhas.
No geral, Instant Karma é um romance fofo, embora eu tenha achado o final meio apressado. A escrita da Marissa, no entanto, estava incrível como sempre.
🐬 | Quem aí curtiria ajudar num centro de animais marinhos?
Bjs e boas leituras <3
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𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 (2022)
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9 episodios de 45 minutos y al caer la 2º temporada
SEVERANCE, la serie creada por Dan Erickson cuyos episodios ha dirigido en su mayoría Ben Stiller, funciona como un ejercicio formal, una metáfora sobre el capitalismo en su grado más extremo y, al menos en parte de su trama, casi podría ser una pieza de algún autor del llamado teatro del absurdo.
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Severance , Los protagonistas realizan tareas repetitivas e incomprensibles en la enigmática empresa Lumon, donde los empleados deben someterse a una operación que divide sus memorias en dos: una para el trabajo y otra para su vida personal.
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Así, mientras están trabajando, desconocen quiénes son fuera de la empresa, y cuando están afuera, no saben qué hacen en su trabajo. Son dos seres completamente disociados y desconocidos entre sí. Se presupone que la mayoría acepta este sistema para huir de experiencias traumáticas en sus vidas personales.
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El protagonista, Mark (Adam Scott), asume el liderazgo de su equipo tras la misteriosa partida del anterior jefe. Junto a él, Helly (Britt Lower), quien lucha por comprender su situación, y otros personajes como Dylan (Zach Cherry) e Irving (John Turturro), completan el enigmático cuadro laboral.
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A lo largo de la serie, la tensión crece tanto dentro como fuera de Lumon. Los personajes comienzan a cuestionar el sistema, especialmente cuando Mark se encuentra con Petey, un ex empleado que parece haber roto la barrera entre ambos mundos.
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Aunque los primeros episodios pueden parecer ásperos, la serie se transforma en una crítica existencial al sistema laboral y la despersonalización que provoca el capitalismo más despiadado, planteando un ciclo imposible de romper.
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Sin dudarlo nada le ponemos cinco estrellitas y esperando la 2º temporada ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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themovieblogonline · 2 months
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zigzagderogeliogarza · 2 months
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El miércoles 4 de mayo de 1994 un tsunami musical golpeó al subterráneo del Distrito Federal: los Esquizitos dieron su primer concierto en El Ágora de Insurfentes, abriendo un show de “fenómenos eléctricos” para Sweet Leaf, en el que tocaron cinco canciones en estado de shock. En esas rolas podía percibirse el insano encontronazo entre la música surf de los sesenta y el psychobilly que inventaron los Cramps. Tuve la ventura de estar ahí con el Horacles, fue como presenciar el nacimiento de un ser de sonido bajo el agua. En ese bucito de rock no imaginamos que el cuarteto original cumpliría treinta años de tocar con un concierto el 4 de mayo de 2024 en el nuevo Multiforo Alicia. 
En aquella tocada empezaron a formar a una tropa de seguidores, la mayoría salidos del bar Tutti Frutti y la tienda de discos Super Sound, que atiborrábamos el SUB, el sótano de la Iguana Azul y el viejo Multiforo Alicia. En esos días sucedió el fenómeno de la máscara del Santo, a partir de la canción “Santo y Lunave” y la portada del disco Los Esquizitos (LP), en la que Alex usó la máscara y la motosierra. De pronto, los foros donde aparecían se rellenaban de luchadores con camisas hawaianas. Era el único grupo que en los noventa tocaba surfabilly en la escena de nuestro rock; también Los Sicóticos, pero desaparecieron como un bólido estrellado. Los Esquizitos, en cambio, siguen y siguen con la formación que inició: Brisa Vázquez en la batería, Nacho Desorden al bajo, Alex Fernández en la guitarra y el gran Güili Damage en la voz y la guitarra.
Sin proponérselo, crearon un movimiento de marea musical en la Ciudad de México. Después de ellos llegó la ola de enmascarados hawaianos con guitarras Fender agitadas por el trémolo, encabezados por Lost Acapulco, el primo-hermano de los Esquizitos. Por su parte, los Esquizitos se aventaron más allá, en su discografía Hágalo Usted Mismo (EP), el estupendo Tú Quieres Ser Como Yo (EP), Esa Noche (EP), Santa… or Astrosanta (sencillo) y Por Favor, Calmantes (EP), le meten a todo sin abandonar su lancha con fondo de cristal: punk, reggae, metal, tropical, rockabilly, country, psicodelia, shoegaze, noise y experimentaciones sonoras ambiciosas, como “El Efecto Bob Ross”, catorce minutos de ruido mareador. Usan instrumentos atípicos del rock, como el theremin, el kazoo, el acordeón y la motosierra. Y han hecho estupendas versiones que resucitan de Ramones, Pixies, Roky Erickson, los Twist e incluso le quitan lo fresa a Elton John. 
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Based on the famous book by Jules Verne the movie follows Phileas Fogg on his journey around the world. Which has to be completed within 80 days, a very short period for those days. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Phileas Fogg: David Niven Passepartout: Cantinflas Whist Partner: Finlay Currie Ralph: Robert Morley Monsieur Gasse: Charles Boyer Mr. Fix: Robert Newton Achmed Abdullah: Gilbert Roland Saloon Hostess: Marlene Dietrich Saloon Pianist: Frank Sinatra Train Conductor: Buster Keaton Proctor Stamp: John Carradine Steward: Peter Lorre Saloon Bouncer: George Raft Colonel: Tim McCoy Stationmaster: Joe E. Brown Princess Aouda: Shirley MacLaine Mr. Talley: Melville Cooper Police Chief: Reginald Denny Railway Official: Ronald Colman Denis Fallentin: Trevor Howard Hinshaw: Harcourt Williams Tourist: Martine Carol Francis Cromarty: Cedric Hardwicke Roland Hesketh-Baggott: Noël Coward Foster: John Gielgud French Coachman: Fernandel Paris Tart: Evelyn Keyes Flamenco Dancer: José Greco Abdullah’s Henchman: Cesar Romero British Consul: Alan Mowbray Steamship Company Clerk: Charles Coburn Drunk in Barbary Coast Saloon: Red Skelton SS Henrietta First Mate: Andy Devine SS Henrietta Engineer: Edmund Lowe SS Henrietta Helmsman: Victor McLaglen London Carriage Driver: John Mills Sporting Lady’s Companion: Glynis Johns Sporting Lady: Hermione Gingold Prologue Narrator: Edward R. Murrow Drunk in Hong Kong Dive: Mike Mazurki Reform Club Member: Ronald Squire Reform Club Member: Basil Sydney Bullfighter: Luis Miguel Dominguín Elephant Driver-Guide: Robert Cabal SS Henrietta Captain: Jack Oakie London Revivalist Group Leader: Beatrice Lillie Club Member: A.E. Matthews Club Member: Walter Fitzgerald Club Steward: Ronald Adam Clergyman: Frank Royde Extra (uncredited): Abdullah Abbas Extra (uncredited): Jesse Adams Extra (uncredited): Fred Aldrich Extra (uncredited): Ray Armstrong Extra (uncredited): Gertrude Astor Extra (uncredited): Walter Bacon Extra (uncredited): Rama Bai Extra (uncredited): Leah Baird Extra (uncredited): Brandon Beach Extra (uncredited): Eugene Beday Extra (uncredited): Helena Benda Extra (uncredited): Audrey Betz Extra (uncredited): George Blagoi Extra (uncredited): Eumenio Blanco Extra (uncredited): Nina Borget Extra (uncredited): Danny Borzage Extra (uncredited): Hazel Boyne Extra (uncredited): George Bruggeman Extra (uncredited): Bob Burrows Extra (uncredited): Paul Busch Extra (uncredited): Gordon Carveth Extra (uncredited): Spencer Chan Extra (uncredited): Jack Chefe Extra (uncredited): Sing Chen Extra (uncredited): Dick Cherney Extra (uncredited): Bud Cokes Extra (uncredited): Louise Colombet Extra (uncredited): Bill Couch Extra (uncredited): Paul Cristo Extra (uncredited): Roy Damron Extra (uncredited): Eddie Das Extra (uncredited): John Davidson Extra (uncredited): Jack Davies Extra (uncredited): Jack Davis Extra (uncredited): Anna De Linsky Extra (uncredited): Gloria Dea Extra (uncredited): John Deauville Extra (uncredited): Harry Denny Extra (uncredited): James Dime Extra (uncredited): Joe Dougherty Extra (uncredited): Dan Dowling Extra (uncredited): Harry Duff Extra (uncredited): Arthur Dulac Extra (uncredited): Charles Dunbar Extra (uncredited): Renald Dupont Extra (uncredited): Larry Duran Extra (uncredited): Minta Durfee Extra (uncredited): Jack Ellis Extra (uncredited): Richard Elmore Extra (uncredited): Frank Erickson Extra (uncredited): Bob Evans Extra (uncredited): Harry Evans Extra (uncredited): Franklyn Farnum Extra (uncredited): Art Felix Extra (uncredited): Grace Field Extra (uncredited): Sam Finn Extra (uncredited): Bess Flowers (uncredited): Frances Fong Extra (uncredited): Otto Forrest Extra (uncredited): Helen Foster Extra (uncredited): Jesús Franco Extra (uncredited): Ben Frommer Extra (uncredited): Curt Furburg Extra (uncredited): Joe Garcio Extra (uncredited): Joe Gilbert Extra (uncredited): Mary Gleason Extra (uncredited): June Glory Extra (uncredited): Albert Godderis Extra (uncredited): James Gonzalez Extra (uncredited): Carmelita González Extra (uncredited): Dick Gordon E...
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whitepolaris · 3 months
Broadway and Grand
The unluckiest intersection in all of Oklahoma lies in the center of downtown Enid, two hours west of Tulsa. It has nothing to do with faulty traffic lights, traffic congestion, or unsuccessful business venture, mind you, but the fact that, over the span of forty-years, a total of five men, four of them law officers, were killed at this very spot.
The first was in 1895 when Marshal E. C. Williams was shot to death trying to break up a fight. R. W. Patterson, a government official, was scuffling at Broadway and Grand with J. L. Isenberg, publisher of the Enid Daily Wave, over a series of venomous articles that had appeared in the newspaper. Patterson, who was a registrar with the U.S. Land Office, published his legal notices in a competing paper. In retaliation, Isenberg began publishing scurrilous opinions and accusations concerning Patterson. After Isenberg accused him of infidelity, Patterson decided he had enough and punched Isenberg in the face.
About the time Marshal Williams arrived to break up the fight, Patterson pulled out a gun and starting shooting at Isenberg, who quickly ran into a nearby store. Williams pistol-whipped Patterson; Patterson shot the marshal just above his heart. Before the marshal collapsed, however, he took a shot at Patterson, striking him in the temple. Both Williams and Patterson died. Isenberg escaped and later moved to California.
Ten years later, in 1905, another Enid officer was killed at the same intersection. According to a newspaper report at the time, Deputy Sheriff Robert O. Beers received a message one evening alleged to be from the city attorney, which asked for a meeting in the Anheuser-Busch building at the corner of Broadway and Grand. When Beers arrived, he was met instead by two angry men, J. W. Walton and Jacob Erickson. When an argument ensued, Beers pulled his gun but was shot in the head by Erickson before he had a chance to fire. Few details regarding the argument were released, but the confrontation reportedly had something to do with Beers's involvement in an illicit relationship. (Did you get the irony of a man named Beers dying in the Anheuser-Busch building?)
In 1906, less than a year later, yet another lawman was fatally shot in the same building. Marshal Thomas Radford had been in office for only eight months, and just weeks before he had been declared by the chairman of the police committee to be the best marshal Enid ever had. Unfortunately, not everyone agreed, especially John Cannon, who ran a rooming house on East Broadway known for its pleasure of the flash. Redford, determined to close down the rooming house, forced the business's tenants to move, then thwarted Cannon's attempt to set up shop across the street by warning the new building's owner not to rent to Cannon.
Furious, Cannon confronted Redford at the Tony Faust Saloon in the Anheuser-Busch building. Cannon walked up to the marshal, placed his gun to the officer's chest, and fired. As Redford tried to run, Cannon fired back and stuck the lawman a second time, in the torso. Redford continued staggering out the front door, where Cannon shot him again, this time in the head. The marshal fell to the street and died shortly thereafter.
Radford's funeral procession, which consisted of 115 carriages, measured nearly a mile long. John Cannon served twenty-five years in prison.
At the end of a hot July day in 1936, patrons were filling up the German Village Saloon to refresh themselves with a few mugs of beer. Owner Jim O'Neal, however, couldn't relax that evening, as he had been tipped off earlier in the day that someone was going to try to rob him.
O'Neal had been keeping an eye on one particular patron for some time, who seemed oddly familiar. When he realized he may have seen the man in some notorious photographs, he called Enid police officer Cal Palmer to come check the man out. Palmer, along with Officer Ralph Knarr, asked the man to come with them, who replied, "I think I know what you want me for," but kindly asked if he could first finish his beer. The officers agreed.
When the man set down his empty mug, however, he pulled out a revolver and shot Palmer three times. Knarr four times, and another man in the leg once. He then took off out the side door and up an alley, quickly pursued by five other officers. When the killer reached the street, he jumped into the backseat of a car occupied by two men and commanded them to drive.
After the driver hit the gas, he noticed the officers in pursuit, and both he and his passenger jumped out, leaving their hijacker behind. The driver directed the officers to the vehicle, who began firing. The fleeing man jumped out and hid behind the car, but was fatally struck in the head by one of the officers' bullets.
The man was later identified as Lawrence DeVol, a member of the infamous Karpis-Barker gang, which had recently broken up. As for the two officers shot in the saloon, Knarr recovered from his wounds, but Palmer died instantly when one of the bullets struck his heart.
Thankfully, Broadway and Grand, save for a few ghostly encounters reported in the in the surrounding buildings, has been quiet ever since. Probably the worst you'll encounter today is a few red-light runners and the resultant blasts of car horns. But, of course, history is still being written.
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angelayan183 · 1 year
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letterboxd-loggd · 3 years
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Ride a Crooked Mile (Escape from Yesterday) (1938) Alfred E. Green
July 18th 2021
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garadinervi · 5 years
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Paul Watzlawick, John H. Weakland, and Richard Fisch, Change. Sulla formazione e la soluzione dei problemi, Foreword by Milton H. Erickson, Translation by Massimo Ferretti, «Psiche e coscienza», Casa Editrice Astrolabio – Ubaldini Editore, Roma, 1974, pp. 74-84
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Birthdays 8.10
Beer Birthdays
Edward Greenall (1758)
Charles Haberle (1860)
George E. Muelebach (1881)
Chuck Skypeck (1954)
Lisa Dergan; St. Pauli Girl 2003 (1970)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Ian Anderson; Scottish-English rock flautist and singer (1947)
Devon Aoki; model (1982)
Antonio Banderas; actor (1960)
Charles Darrow; Monopoly creator (1889)
Alexander Glazunov; Russian composer (1865)
Rick Overton; screenwriter, actor and comedian (1954)
Famous Birthdays
Al Alberts; pop singer (1922)
Jorge Amado; Brazilian writer (1912)
Samuel Arnold; English composer (1740)
Rosanna Arquette; actor (1959)
Patti Austin; singer-songwriter (1950)
Noah Beery Jr.; actor (1913)
Laurence Binyon; English poet (1869)
Claudia Christian; actor (1965)
Suzanne Collins; writer (1962)
Jeff Corey; actor (1914)
Jimmy Dean; singer, sausage mogul (1928)
Gilles de Roberval; French mathematician (1602)
Alfred Döblin; Polish-German physician (1878)
Rica Erickson; Australian botanist (1908)
Jon Farriss; Australian drummer (1961)
Leo Fender; founded Fender Musical Instruments (1909)
Eddie Fisher; singer and actor (1928)
Rhonda Fleming; actor (1923)
Julia Fordham; English singer-songwriter (1962)
Jimmy Griffin; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1943)
Jack Haley; actor (1898)
Angie Harmon; model, actor (1972)
William Harnett; Irish-American painter (1848)
Bobby Hatfield; singer-songwriter (1940)
Fred Ho; saxophonist and composer (1957)
Herbert Hoover; 31st U.S. President (1874)
Daniel Hugh Kelly; actor (1952)
Kåre Kolve; Norwegian saxophonist and composer (1964)
Zofia Kossak-Szczucka; Polish writer (1889)
William Manuel Johnson; bassist (1872)
Jimmy Martin; singer and guitarist (1927)
Frank Marshall; chess player (1877)
Tom Laughlin; actor (1931)
Anton Losenko; Russian painter (1737)
Ward Moore; author (1903)
Henri Nestle; German chocolatier (1814)
Kate O'Mara; English actress (1939)
Wolfgang Paul; physicist (1913)
Charlie Peacock; singer-songwriter (1956)
Michael Pepper; English physicist and engineer (1942)
Hieronymus Praetorius; German composer (1560)
Mark Price; English drummer (1959)
Abai Qunanbaiuli; Kazakh poet, composer, and philosopher (1845)
Tony Ross; English author and illustrator (1938)
Norman Shearer; Canadian-American actress (1902)
Ronnie Spector; pop singer (1943)
Andrew Sullivan; political blogger (1963)
Justin Theroux; actor (1971)
Arne Tiselius; Swedish biochemist (1902)
John Kirk Townsend; ornithologist and explorer (1809)
Diane Venora; actress (1952)
Trần Tế Xương; Vietnamese poet and satirist (1870)
Vernon Washington; actor (1927)
Susan Dorothea White; Australian painter (1941)
William Willett; English inventor, founded British Summer Time (1856)
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lokitvsource · 2 years
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NATALIE HOLT IS the sound of fandom. The composer has developed a bit of a cult following after creating the ethereal, theremin-heavy score of Loki. The project was so successful, that she was tapped to score fellow Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi, becoming the first female composer entrusted with a Star Wars property. Next, she’s moving to another fandom by scoring Batgirl’s upcoming movie for the DC Universe. And after that? Inverse can reveal that it’s right back to work on Loki Season 2, which is now filming.
“I spoke to Tom Hiddleston and said ‘I hope they're not like expecting a new theme for Loki Season 2,’” Holt tells Inverse. “And he was like, ‘Oh, I think there would be outrage if we didn't use your themes you've established in Season 2.’”
2022 HCA TV Nominations
Best Writing in a Streaming Series, Drama
Chris Mundy, Ozark “A Hard Way to Go” (Netflix)
Dan Erickson, Severance “The We We Are” (Apple TV+)
David E. Kelly, Nine Perfect Strangers “Ever After” (Prime Video)
Hwang Dong-hyuk, Squid Game “One Lucky Day” (Netflix)
Kerry Ehrin & Scott Troy, The Morning Show “La Amara Vita” (Apple TV+)
Michael Waldron, Loki  “Glorious Purpose” (Disney+)
Soo Hugh, Pachinko “Chapter One” (Apple TV+)
The Duffer Brothers, Stranger Things “Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab” (Netflix)
Best Directing in a Streaming Series, Drama
Aoife McArdle, Severance “The You You Are” (Apple TV+)
Ben Stiller, Severance “The We We Are” (Apple TV+)
Hwang Dong-hyuk, Squid Game “Red Light, Green Light” (Netflix)
Jason Bateman, Ozark “A Hard Way to Go”(Netflix)
Kate Herron, Loki “​​Journey into Mystery” (Disney+)
Night Shyamalan, Servant “Donkey” (Apple TV+)
Shawn Levy, Stranger Things “Chapter Four: Dear Billy” (Netflix)
The Duffer Brothers, Stranger Things “Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab” (Netflix)
Best Supporting Actress in a Streaming Series, Drama
Dichen Lachman, Severance (Apple TV+)
Julia Garner, Ozark (Netflix)
Jung Ho-yeon, Squid Game (Netflix)
Maya Hawke, Stranger Things (Netflix)
Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things (Netflix)
Patricia Arquette, Severance (Apple TV+)
Sadie Sink, Stranger Things (Netflix)
Sophia Di Martino, Loki (Disney+)
Best Supporting Actor in a Streaming Series, Drama
Billy Crudup, The Morning Show (Apple TV+)
Christopher Walken, Severance (Apple TV+)
Joe Keery, Stranger Things (Netflix)
John Turturro, Severance (Apple TV+)
Owen Wilson, Loki (Disney+)
Park Hae-soo, Squid Game (Netflix)
Tramell Tillman, Severance (Apple TV+)
Zach Cherry, Severance (Apple TV+)
Best Actor in a Streaming Series, Drama
Adam Scott, Severance (Apple TV+)
Gary Oldman, Slow Horses (Apple TV+)
Henry Cavill, The Witcher (Netflix)
Jason Bateman, Ozark (Netflix)
Lee Jung-jae, Squid Game (Netflix)
Penn Badgley, You (Netflix)
Tom Ellis, Lucifer (Netflix)
Tom Hiddleston, Loki (Disney+)
Best Streaming Series, Drama
Loki (Disney+)
Ozark (Netflix)
Pachinko (Apple TV+)
Severance (Apple TV+)
Squid Game (Netflix)
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Paramount+)
Stranger Things (Netflix)
The Morning Show (Apple TV+)
Taika Waititi REVEALS his original plans behind Chris Hemsworth's 'huge' Loki tattoo in Thor: Love and Thunder
During the interview with Marvel, director Taika Waititi opened up about his intentions behind the tattoo. He revealed that his initial thought was to add a tattoo on his last film with the studio, Thor: Ragnarok. Waititi shared that the tattoo was originally planned to be unveiled in the third Thor film when he and Loki are on a busy street in the beginning minutes of the film. However, he continued, that eventually plans were made to remove the ink. He also disclosed that Kevin Feige, the President of Marvel, wanted the tattoo to be big as he added, "Kevin was like it should be huge."
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ultraozzie3000 · 4 years
The Coming War
While many Americans partied through the Roaring Twenties, there were a few voices out there, barely audible, that warned of economic collapse and another world war.
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Oct. 3, 1931 cover by Helen Hokinson.
The humorist and New Yorker contributor Frank Sullivanwas among the few who took notice of the dire predictions (of war, anyway) and turned it into a funny take on how a European war might…
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themovieblogonline · 2 months
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