#John W. Bonner
politicaldilfs · 6 months
Montana Governor DILFs
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Greg Gianforte, Ted Schwinden, Marc Racicot, J. Hugo Aronson, Elmer Holt, Brian Schweitzer, Forrest H. Anderson, John E. Erickson, Frank Henry Cooney, Stan Stephens, Thomas Lee Judge, John W. Bonner, Roy E. Ayers, Sam C. Ford, Steve Bullock, Tim Babcock
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gogmstuff · 1 year
More images of 1912 fashion -
1912-1913 Afternoon dress.
1912 (Winter) Jeanne Paquin evening gown (Helen Larson Historic Fashion Collection, FIDM Museum - Los Angeles, California, USA).
1912 (Winter) Jeanne Paquin evening gown (Helen Larson Historic Fashion Collection, FIDM Museum - Los Angeles, California, USA).
Left 1912 Lucile dress (V&A). From omgthatdress.tumblr.com/post/654088327176306688/evening-dress-lucile-1912-the-victoria-albert 1280X1707.
Center and right ca. 1912 Chantilly lace dinner dress front quarter and back (location ?). From whitakerauction.smugmug.com-Fall2012-Clothing-ID-22-140-i-b3kCXfz 3068X2895
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1912 Lady in Furs, Mrs. Charles A. Searles by Cilde Hassam (location ?). From tumblr.com/catherinedefrance 900X1090.
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1912 Lady wearing a large hat sitting by Franz von Stuck (auctioned by Sotheby's). From their Web site 1753X1991.
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1912 Mrs J., by Józef Męcina-Krzesz (location ?). From godsandfoolishgrandeur.blogspot.com/2016/11/randomly-ix.html; shadows 60% and fixed spots w Pshop 750X975.
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1912 Mrs. Ernest Guinness by Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee (auctioned by Christie's) From www.pinterest.com/nouvellegiselle/vintage-inspiration slightly cropped & fit to screen 924X1500.
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1912 Mrs. John Lawrence by Edmund Tarbell (private collection). From cutlermiles.com/mrs-john-lawrence-edmund-tarbell/ 992X1280.
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Left 1912 Princess Elena of Greece, nee Russia, in 1912, wearing the diamond and pearl tiara she later gave to her daughter as a wedding gift From pinterest.com/inara0798/aristocrats/ 602X960.
Center 1912 Princess Paley in a dinner dress with fancy headdress. From Sacheverelle's photostream on flickr 488X983.
Right 1912 Vizcondesa de Termens From laalacenadelasideas.blogspot.com/2012/12 1018X1316.
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1912 Robe de Visite de Paquin (pl.5, La Gazette du Bon ton 1912-1913 n°2) by George Barbier. From edition-originale.com/en/prints-engravings-photographs/ 1682X2518.
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Left ca. 1912 Frau Prinzessin Rupprecht in Bayern, Marie Gabrielle in Bayern, by F. Grainer. From eBay fixed spots w Pshop 1017X1600.
Right ca. 1912-1913 Olga de Meyer wearing the famous Paul Poiret coat La Perse, photograph by Baron de Meyer. From facebook.com/144304418968266/photos/a.397639360301436/1143579645707400/?type=1&theater 1123X2048
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Left 1912 Winifred, Duchess of Portland by Philip Alexius de László (Portland College - Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire, UK). From books0977.tumblr.com/post/111045895147/the-duchess-of-portland-1912-philip-alexius-de 999X1280.
Right 1912 New Book by Walter Bonner Gash (location ?). From tumblr.com/larobeblanche/742427773413556224/the-new-book-c-1912? 876X1024.
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Left 1912 Le Manteau bleu by Xavier Gosé (location ?). From tumblr.com/mote-historie/744587745354301440/painting-by-xavier-gos%C3%A9-le-manteau-bleu-1912?.
Center 1912 Fourrures Max (Max Furs) in the catalogue 'Fourrures Portraits Minatures' by George Barbier. From tumblr.com/mote-historie/732453186620866560/george-barbier-illustration-for-the-catalogue?source=share& 1939X2541.
Right 1912 Man and woman in evening dress by Coles Phillips (NYPL). From tumblr.com/sartorialadventure/747029584815489024?; fixed flaws & spots w Pshop 764X1000
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ca. 1912 a Femme chic, Supplément by A. Souchel (Rijksmuseum). From their Web site; fixed flaws & spots w Pshop 3229X5315.
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jc · 1 year
Meetup Digitales Bonn in der Kreuzkirche
Am vergangenen Mittwochabend versammelte sich eine kleine Gruppe Interessierter vor der Kreuzkirche am Kaiserplatz in Bonn. Wie immer bei unserem „Meetup Digitales Bonn: Behind the scenes“ wollten wir einen Bonner Ort kennenlernen – auch Ecken, die man sonst nicht zu sehen bekommt.
Wir hatten das Vergnügen zu erfahren, wann und wie die Kreuzkirche erbaut wurde, welche täglichen Aufgaben ein Pfarrer meistert, wie die Kooperation mit der katholischen Kirche funktioniert und wir genossen einige sehr amüsante und aufschlussreiche Anekdoten. Der Blick hinter die Kulissen war also schon erfüllt, bevor wir überhaupt losgelaufen waren.
Unter dem Dach und über dem Kirchenschiff – da kommt man nicht so schnell wieder hin
Die physische Reise begann mit einem Ausflug nach oben, auf den Turm der Kreuzkirche, wo wir einen atemberaubenden Blick auf die malerische Stadt Bonn genossen. Nebenbei erfuhren wir auch, wie es um die Digitalisierung der Kirche steht. Kurz: Corona gab einen mächtigen Schwung, aber es ist auch noch ein weiter Weg zu gehen. Weiter ging es dann auch für uns. Und zwar in den Keller, in die Krypta der Kirche. Hier durften wir auch einen Blick in den historischen Bunker werfen, der uns eine andere Perspektive auf die reiche Geschichte Bonns bot. Pfarrer und Führer Martin Engels war angesichts der Rolle der evangelischen Kirche im Dritten Reich kritisch und führte ebenjenen Bunker als Beweisstück an: Er wurde vermutlich schon vor dem Krieg angelegt. Man war sich also der Lage bewusst, unternahm aber nur etwas zum Schutz der eigenen Gemeinde.
Wir haben eine ganze Menge lernen dürfen an diesem feinen Sommerabend. Vielen Dank nochmal an Martin, der uns so sympathisch und kompetent geführt hat! Und vielen Dank an die neugierige Gruppe, die immer zur richtigen Zeit die passenden Nachfragen stellten, die uns noch tiefer eintauchen ließen.
So wunderbar dieser Abend auch war, so habe ich trotzdem bedauert, dass fast die Hälfte der Anmeldungen kurzfristig ihre Plätze freigaben. Die begrenzten Plätze konnten leider nicht mehr nachbesetzt werden, was dazu führte, dass einige die Chance verpassten, an diesem einzigartigen Erlebnis teilzunehmen. Immerhin waren fast alle so freundlich, wenigstens ordentlich abzusagen, sodass wir nicht umsonst auf sie warten mussten.
Nächstes Meetup am 6. September
Wir hoffen jedoch, dass solche Situationen bei zukünftigen Veranstaltungen vermieden werden und freuen uns bereits auf unser nächstes Meetup Digitales Bonn. Am 6. September treffen wir uns bei Haeger Consulting, einer innovativen IT-Firma, die dafür bekannt ist, in Menschen mit Potenzial, ungewöhnlichen Lebensläufen oder branchenfremden Erfahrungen zu investieren. Ihr Investment kommt nicht nur aus der Notwendigkeit heraus, sondern aus einer Leidenschaft – wie sie selbst sagen, lieben sie es, Menschen zu entwickeln. Das wird sehr toll und spannend! Hier kannst du dich anmelden.
Alle Fotos: Bonn.digital/Marc John
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(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2023/08/meetup-digitales-bonn-in-der-kreuzkirche/)
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cosmicanger · 2 years
legit surprised to this day that people do not support Black brands that center fat people and that’s actually cute or sexy & trendy & what’s next in fashion. cause even from just an “im evil i wanna make a lot of money” way, so much money could be made if you made a trendy alternative to fashion nova, asos, rainbow, shein, super expensive customs, etc. for fat people looking for something that isn’t unflattering sacks or just drowning in fabric w bad drapes. like where’s the asata maise, theophilio, who decides war, against medical advice, mowalola, telfar, nicholas daley, wales bonner, bianca saunders, christopher john rodgers (besides the Target collection which was amazing because that collection really showed you can make cute dresses with a lot of limitation up to 5x, all new clothes should cost under $100 but luxury is basically defined as how much cant most Black globally afford this so yea), a cold wall, martine rose, thebe magugu, (def forgetting some) for fat Black people to rock? at least no sesso, hanifa & phlemuns go to a 3x and 5x while the rest barely have XL (still not enough tho). and sorry customs aint the same cause it is a whole process. dont even get me started on how most Black people cannot afford any of this. luxury is defined by anti-Blackness, specifically anti-Black classism.
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the-brambled-way · 3 years
Magic in the Ancient Greek World Recommended Reading List
Disclaimer: This is a list of books and essays recommended for reading and learning about how magic was practiced and perceived in Ancient Greek society. This is not a list about how to practice modern witchcraft. Please use your common sense and critical reading skills when researching any topic. I cannot be held accountable for anything you do with this knowledge.
Arcana Mundi by Georg Luck
Magika Hiera edited by Christopher A Faraone/Dirk Obbink
Ancient Greek Love Magic by Christopher A Faraone
Magic in the Ancient World by Fritz Graf
Magic in the Ancient Greek World  by Derek Collins
Drawing Down the Moon Magic in the Ancient Greco-Roman World by Radcliffe G. Edmonds III
Greek and Roman Necromancy by Daniel Ogden
Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds by Daniel Ogden
Greek Magic: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern edited by J.C.B. Petropoulos
Oracles, Curses, and Risk Among the Ancient Greeks by Esther Eidinow
Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancient World by John G. Gager
The Greek Qabalah: Alphabetic Mysticism and Numerology in the Ancient World by Kieren Barry
Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, the Ancient Greece and Rome edition, edited by Bengt Ankarloo and Stuart Clark
The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation edited by Hans Dieter Betz
Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic by Stephen Skinner
Magic and Ritual in the Ancient World. Religions in the Graeco-Roman World edited by Paul Allan Mirecki and Marvin W. Meyer
Magic and Magicians in the Greco-Roman World by Matthew W. Dickie
Ancient Magic and Ritual Power edited by Marvin W. Meyer and Paul Allan Mirecki
Daughters of Hecate : women and magic in the ancient world by Kimberly B. Stratton
Inquiry into Plants by Theophrastus of Eresus (The loeb classical library books are public domain. See them all here.)
Greek Magic, Greek Religion by Robert L. Fowler
Magic in the Ancient Greek World by Werner Riess
Nature, Cause, and Agency in Greek Magic by Derek Collins
Untimely Death, Witchcraft, and Divine Vengeance. A Reasoned Epigraphical Catalog by Fritz Graf
Who Practised Love-Magic in Classical Antiquity and in the Late Roman World? by Matthew W. Dickie
Binding and Burying the Forces of Evil: The Defensive Use of "Voodoo Dolls" in Ancient Greece by Christopher A. Faraone
Molten Wax, Spilt Wine and Mutilated Animals: Sympathetic Magic in near Eastern and Early Greek Oath Ceremonies by Christopher A. Faraone
Vanishing Acts on Ancient Greek Amulets: From Oral Performance to Visual Design by Christopher A. Faraone
Magic, Religion, and Science: Divine and Human in the Hippocratic Corpus by R. J. Hankinson
Magical Amulets by Campbell Bonner
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My URL In Songs
Tagged by @val-bti 
*cracks knuckles* it’s gonna be a long one, boys
I - In a Week - Hozier & Alana Henderson
W - Wellerman - The Longest Johns
A - Ain’t Gonna Die Tonight - Macklemore & Eric Nally
S - Sunlight - Hozier [again]
B - Be My Eyes - Pentatonix
O - On the Nature of Daylight - Max Richter & Louisa Fuller & Natalia Bonner & John Metcalfe & Philip Sheppard & Chris Worsey
R - Run Boy Run - Woodkid
E - Empty Chairs At Empty Tables - Eddie Redmayne
D - Deep Water - American Authors
S - Sweater Weather - Kurt Hugo Schneider & Alyson Stoner & MAX 
O - Oran na Cloiche - Kathleen McInnes
T - The Tales of Lee Scoresby - Lorne Balfe
H - He’s A Pirate - Klaus Badelt
I - I Am The Doctor - Murray Gold
S - Stay With Me - Dominik Scherrer
H - Hell or High Water - Passenger 
A - Another One Bites The Dust - Queen
P - Primeval Theme - Dominik Scherrer pagain]
P - Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones
E - Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles
N - Natural - Imagine Dragons
E - Everybody Knows - Sigrid
D - Don’t Wanna Be - The Score
It seems I listen to a lot of songs beginning with W and not enough beginning with A, E and D
Tagging: Eh, I dunno, whoever feels like trawling through playlists and rediscovering songs for this game, it’s fun
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weirdletter · 6 years
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Ave • atque • Vale: Reminiscences of H.P. Lovecraft, edited by S.T. Joshi and David E. Schultz, Necronomicon Press, 2018. Trade paperback and limite edition hardcover, info: necropress.com.
H.P. Lovecraft was one of the most beloved individuals of his era, and many friends, colleagues, and correspondents wrote memoirs of their association with him. This volume, one of the most exhaustive collection of Lovecraft memoirs ever published, gathers together some of the best-known accounts of Lovecraft the man and writer, including W. Paul Cook’s classic In Memoriam: Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1941) and Sonia H. Davis’s The Private Life of H.P. Lovecraft, a moving discussion of her marriage to the Providence writer. Members of the celebrated Kalem Club (Frank Belknap Long, Rheinhart Kleiner, Samuel Loveman, James F. Morton) add their assessments, while such neighbors as Harold W. Munro (Lovecraft’s classmate at Hope Street High School), Clara Hess, and Muriel Eddy offer unique glimpses of Lovecraft’s life in Providence. As Lovecraft became a titan in the world of pulp fiction, such colleagues as Donald Wandrei, E. Hoffmann Price, and H. Warner Munn recounted their recollections. Late in life, Lovecraft became a mentor for a cadre of young fans and writers who were spearheading the fantasy fandom movement, and many of them—R. H. Barlow, Fritz Leiber, Robert Bloch, Kenneth Sterling, and others—told of their memories of the dreamer from Providence. Ave atque Vale has been meticulously edited by S.T. Joshi and David E. Schultz, two of the leading authorities on Lovecraft. They have supplied biographical information on the various authors and annotated each essay thoroughly to explain obscure references and to correct errors. This book will be an invaluable contribution to the study of H.P. Lovecraft.
Contents: Introduction   I. Some Overviews Ave atque Vale! by Edward H. Cole A Few Memories by James F. Morton In Memoriam: Howard Phillips Lovecraft—Recollections, Appreciations, Estimates by W. Paul Cook Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Samuel Loveman Some Random Memories of H.P.L. by Frank Belknap Long A Memoir of Lovecraft by Rheinhart Kleiner The Normal Lovecraft: A Memoir to Restore Balance to the Shade of a Man of Delightful Character by Wilfred B. Talman The Private Life of H.P. Lovecraft by Sonia H. Davis Memories of Lovecraft by Sonia H. Davis Amateur Affairs by Hyman Bradofsky   II. Childhood and Early Adulthood (1890–1922) Lovecraft, My Childhood Friend by Harold W. Munro Letter to Winfield Townley Scott by Clara Hess Little Journeys to the Homes of Prominent Amateurs by Andrew Francis Lockhart Young Man Lovecraft by L. Sprague de Camp From “Further Recollections of Amateur Journalism” by Arthur Goodenough Lovecraft Was My Mentor by Horace L. Lawson 20 Webster Street by George Julian Houtain Howard Phillips Lovecraft: The Sage of Providence by Maurice W. Moe A Tribute from the Past by Ira A. Cole Discourse on H. P. Lovecraft by Rheinhart Kleiner Memories of a Friendship by Alfred Galpin I Met Lovecraft by Paul Livingston Keil   III. Early Professional Career (1923–1930) Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Muriel E. Eddy The Man Who Came at Midnight by Ruth M. Eddy The Kalem Letters by George Kirk Bards and Bibliophiles by Rheinhart Kleiner Lovecraft as a Conversationalist by Samuel Loveman Recollections of H. P. Lovecraft by Vrest Orton H.P. Lovecraft: A Pupil’s View by Zealia Bishop Lovecraft in Providence by Donald Wandrei H.P.L.: A Reminiscence by H. Warner Munn One Day in the Life of H. P. Lovecraft by Frank Belknap Long   IV. Later Years (1931–1937) An Interview with Harry K. Brobst by Will Murray The Sage of College Street Howard Phillips Lovecraft H.P. Lovecraft the Man by E. Hoffmann Price Idiosyncrasies of H.P.L. by Ernest A. Edkins Some Memories of H.P.L. by Helen V. Sully Three Hours with H.P. Lovecraft by Dorothy C. Walter [Memories of HPL (1934)] The Wind That Is in the Grass: A Memoir of H.P. Lovecraft in Florida by Robert H. Barlow Letter to Fantasy Commentator by Robert Bloch H.P. Lovecraft as I Knew Him by Duane W. Rimel Caverns Measureless to Man by Kenneth Sterling Interlude with Lovecraft by Stuart M. Boland Lovecraft’s First Book by William L. Crawford My Correspondence with Lovecraft by Fritz Leiber Miscellaneous Impressions of H.P.L. by Marian F. Bonner A Glimpse of H.P.L. by Mary V. Dana The Last of H.P. Lovecraft by John B. Michel   V. Brief Tributes Howard P. Lovecraft [1890–1937] by Walter J. Coates From “More Regrettable Passings” by Arthur Harris Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Charles W. Smith O Artemidorus, Farewell! by Ernest A. Edkins From Maurice Moe’s Son by Donald J. Moe A Walk in the Field by George W. Macauley Letter to Weird Tales by Hazel Heald Letter to Weird Tales by Robert Bloch In Memoriam: H. P. Lovecraft Letter to Weird Tales Letter to Science-Fiction Critic by Clark Ashton Smith Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Donald A. Wollheim A Tribute to Lovecraft by Robert W. Lowndes The Genius of Lovecraft by Henry George Weiss (Francis Flagg)   VI. Poetic Tributes Elegy in Spring by August Derleth To H.P.L. by Samuel Loveman To Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Clark Ashton Smith Biographical Notes Bibliography Index
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rodadecuia · 2 years
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rhianna · 2 years
Hidden Treasures; Or, Why Some Succeed While Others Fail by Harry A. Lewis
Bibliographic Record
Lewis, Harry A.
Title   Hidden Treasures; Or, Why Some Succeed While Others Fail
Contents   Preface -- Introduction -- Quotations -- Daniel Drew -- Russell Sage -- Cornelius Vanderbilt -- Amos Lawrence -- Horace B. Claflin -- William E. Dodge -- Jay Gould -- John Wannamaker -- Alexander T. Stewart -- Nicholas Longworth -- Robert Bonner -- William G. Fargo -- James C. Flood -- John W. MacKay -- James C. Fair -- Horace Greeley -- Thurlow Weed -- George W. Childs -- James Gordon Bennett -- Phineas T. Barnum -- Mathew Vassar -- John Jacob Astor -- Potter Palmer -- James Harper -- Henry Disston -- Peter Cooper -- George Law -- Darius O. Mills -- Stephen Girard -- Moses Taylor -- William C. Ralston -- George Peabody -- William W. Corcoran -- Nathan Mayer Rothschild -- John Adams -- Thomas Jefferson -- John Marshall -- Alexander Hamilton -- James Madison -- James Monroe -- Lewis Cass -- John C. Calhoun -- Robert Y. Hayne -- Daniel Webster -- Andrew Jackson -- Thomas H. Benton -- Henry Clay -- Martin Van Buren -- Stephen Arnold Douglass -- Abbott Lawrence -- Alexander H. Stephens -- Millard Fillmore -- William H. Seward -- Horatio Seymour -- Winfield S. Hancock -- George B. McClellan -- Ulysses Simpson Grant -- Stonewall Jackson -- General Robert E. Lee -- Henry Wilson -- Abraham Lincoln -- Edward Everett -- Edwin M. Stanton -- Andrew Johnson -- James A. Garfield -- Chester A. Arthur -- John A. Logan -- James G. Blaine -- Samuel J. Tilden -- Henry Ward Beecher -- James Watt -- George Stephenson -- Benjamin Franklin -- Eli Whitney -- Robert Fulton -- Elias Howe, Jr. -- Isaac M. Singer -- Richard M. Hoe -- Charles Goodyear -- Prof. S. F. B. Morse -- Cyrus W. Field -- George M. Pullman -- Thomas A. Edison -- Why some succeed while others fail.
Language   English
LoC Class
BJ: Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Ethics, Social usages, Etiquette, Religion
United States -- Biography
Release Date  Dec 20, 2006
Copyright Status   Public domain in the USA.
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aryburn-kc · 2 years
Negative 1672 Union Pacific RR Station Bonner Springs Kans Feb 23 1970 001 by John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
Moon, Pak, and the ASC - Le Cercle, Japanese Fascism, Drugs, Black Ops Gold, Pedophilia, and Terrorism
The American Security Council: Cold War joint CIA-FBI-Pentagon front involved in illegal operations Excerpts and information from: https://isgp-studies.com/american-security-council Originally posted on WIOTM on April 21, 2016 The ASC is largely the U.S. branch of the Cercle network
The American Security Council and Le Cercle are higher level groups in the same network as the WACL.
Jerry Falwell, a close ally of the American Security Council…General Daniel O. Graham…of the ASC…Joseph Coors, also of the ASC.
CIA officers on the ASC national strategy board have been…covert operations expert Ray Cline.
The conservative establishment can actually be traced to a small group of McCarthyite generals and oil barons surrounding General Douglas MacArthur…General MacArthur was a hero of the American Security Council
General Wood became the founder of the American Security Council…Other close allies of MacArthur… General Charles Willoughby, G-2 intelligence chief; General Bonner Fellers, chief of psychological operations and a major Anglophobe; General George Stratemeyer and General Albert Wedemeyer.
Harry Jung, the American Nazi at the basis of what became the American Security Council…Jung also worked “in close cooperation” with the FBI and on occasion acted as an advisor to junior FBI agents.
In addition to reorganizations at the American Security Council, members were also involved in setting up Citizens Committee for a Free Cuba (CCFC) in 1963. ASC board members as Edward Teller and Claire Boothe Luce were among the directors…Admiral Arleigh Burke and Nicholas Duke Biddle of the elite Pilgrims Society sat on the board.
some senior military officers flirted with the idea of attacking the Soviet Union “preventively…The strategy designed under Project Control…This study was strongly tied to future American Security Council members…Among the supporters were General Curtis LeMay…As the person who ran the World War II firebombings of Japanese cities, killing more than two million people in the process, LeMay had grown to become completely indifferent to the suffering of innocent people.
In 1991 it was General John Singlaub, of the ASC’s strategy board, who suggested to use nuclear weapons against Saddam Hussein.
Anthony Kubek, Thomas Moorer, General John Singlaub, General Lewis Walt, Edward Teller, Eugene Wigner, all of the ASC, also sat on the board of Western Goals.
Young Americans for Freedom…leadership can also be found in the American Security Council.
It appears that Reagan’s election was supported by rather murky elements in the CIA, including Ted Shackley (Le Cercle), future defense secretary and national security advisor Frank Carlucci, General Vernon Walters (ASC), future CIA director William Casey (Le Cercle), future vice president George H. W. Bush and his national security advisor Donald Gregg.
California’s Democratic State Committee accused Reagan of being "an extremist collaborator and extremists’ candidate”. Criticized were his affiliations with the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, the John Birch Society, the Church League of America and Young Americans for Freedom. The committee also listed Henry Salvatori and Patrick J. Frawley as contributors to Reagan’s campaign. Both members of the national strategy committee of the ASC in the 1960s.
General Graham, a co-chairman of the ASC.
Looking to the board of the Center for Security Policy roughly ten to fifteen years after its founding, it is possible to find many individuals who also sat on the board of the American Security Council. They include Paula Dobriansky, whose father was at the ASC; Edwin Feulner, also a key player in the Heritage Foundation and Le Cercle; Jeane Kirkpatrick, Sven Kraemer, General Bernard Schriever, Edward Teller and William Van Cleave.
One particularly important player seems to have been Ray Cline, an OSS veteran in the Far East alongside men as Richard Helms, General John Singlaub (ASC) and Howard Hunt. From 1958 to 1962 he was the CIA station chief in Taiwan and in later decades a co-chairman of the American Security Council. Cline became a close friend of Chiang Kai-shek’s son, intelligence chief Chiang Ching-kuo. Together they were involved in overseeing a rather extreme anti-communist indoctrination program.
After MacArthur’s September 1950 daring amphibious landing on Inchon and conquest of North Korea, his forces were responsible for the liberation of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who had been imprisoned in a brutal labor camp for having set up his own personality cult. In the decades thereafter the Moonie Cult, in which he served as the messiah, was backed by the Korean CIA, MacArthur-released Japanese war criminals Yoshio Kodama and Ryoichi Sasakawa and ultra right forces in the United States, mainly as a lobby to keep a strong U.S. regiment in South Korea.
The American Security Council was among the most prominent right wing groups tied to the Moonie Cult. By the 1980s leading ASC luminaries as General Daniel Graham, General David Woellner, Ray Cline, William Van Cleave and Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, as well as General George Keegan, were all involved in Moonie Cult fronts as CAUSA and the International Security Council, the latter a rather obvious spin-off from the American Security Council. Other well-known supporters of Moon included ASC-members General Alexander Haig, Jerry Falwell, Ronald Reagan, as well as Douglas MacArthur II, Arnaud de Borchgrave and CIA deputy director and William Casey friend Max Hugel. In 1991 Regnery Press, belonging to the ASC, actually published a book with the telling title: Inquisition: The Persecution and Prosecution of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
As may seem rather obvious at this point, ASC men as General MacArthur, General Singlaub, Ray Cline and several others largely stood at the basis of the formation of the World Anti-Communist League network. Chiang Kai-shek, Sasakawa and Kodama, the Shah of Iran, leaders in South Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Europe, South America and other locations all visited meetings of the WACL and its closely-linked Asian People’s Anti-Communist League. At this point it should also be clear that the accusations of fascist ties should be anything but controversial - it’s the norm.
MacArthur II: fascist armies and pedophile entrapment networks
From 1969 to 1972 he (MacArthur II) was U.S. ambassador to Iran…reports of repression and torture were widespread…Fingernails … were removed under torture. … And I know women who were raped in the Shah’s prisons - with snakes. Torture stories are endless…The Shah permitted no opposition.
Clearly Iran was not the best place in the world to live in. And according to Foreign Service officer Roger C. Brewin, this is just the way MacArthur preferred it.
MacArthur II also followed into the footsteps of his father, and not just as a business partner of Sun Myung Moon. While ambassador to Japan from 1957 to 1961, he negotiated the U.S.-Japan Mutual Security Treaty with prime minister Nobusuke Kishi, one of the suspected war criminals that had been released by his father, along with Kodama and Sasakawa. The Mutual Security Treaty was actually so unpopular, that Kishi was forced to resign. This was despite the fact that Kodama, who had been working for MacArthur’s father, had put together an army of 18,000 gangsters and ultra right youths to suppress leftist demonstrations.
It seems rather obvious that Kishi and Kodama were working hand in hand here with the U.S. State Department, CIA officers and possibly Army Intelligence, which were actually all personified by MacArthur II. Also during his tenure as ambassador to Belgium from 1961 to 1965, MacArthur was said to represent both the CIA and the State Department and was suspected of involvement in Belgium’s strategy of tension - which involved the creation of underground fascist networks.
MacArthur II: Important ties to the Belgian X-Dossiers of the Dutroux Affair, as well as the American Franklin/Craig Spence Affair. And he’s not the only one: Gen. Graham and Gen. Richardson, both of the ASC, have similar ties
De Bonvoisin was the major financier of the underground fascist movement and knew at least three of the pedophile pimps whose names came up in the aftermath of the Dutroux case. The fact that he was invited to attend at least one meeting of the top level and super secret Cercle group, is one of many indications that de Bonvoisin was CIA. Other invitees to Le Cercle were friends running the Belgian chapters of the World Anti-Communist League and Western Goals. It is not known if de Bonvoisin also knew MacArthur, although it’s more than likely.
Ray Cline once remembered that Major Jean Bougerol of PIO had received counter-insurgency training in the United States while Arnaud de Borchgrave was the one to introduce Bougerol to de Bonvoisin. It was also said that de Borchgrave, who comes from an aristocratic Belgian military intelligence family seemingly also linked to child abuse, was de Bonvoisin’s CIA contact. This relationship is significant, because Ray Cline, de Borchgrave and MacArthur II were all three supporters of the Moonies. Cline’s son-in-law Roger Fontaine, de Borchgrave and MacArthur II served on the editorial board of the Moonie Cult’s Washington Times in the 1980s while Cline, a co-chairman of the ASC, and de Borchgrave shared the board of the U.S. Global Strategy Council. And it appears that the Belgian friends of these men were involved in this extremely sadistic child abuse network.
There’s more. From at least 1981 to at least 1983 MacArthur II, together with the ASC’s Thomas Moorer, was also serving on the five-man-board of Washington lobbying firm Hill & Knowlton, founded and headed by Robert Keith Gray. In 1966 Gray had been a key founder of the George Town Club, together with questionable businessman Tongsun Park and with funds provided from the Korean CIA. The board was stacked by CIA men (and one woman), a Catholic priest and at least one person seemingly involved in MKULTRA experiments at Edgewood Arsenal. Gray himself was tied to the combined Franklin/Craig Spence child abuse scandal by Senator John DeCamp
Going back MacArthur II for a second, he joined the board of Maurice Greenberg’s AIG in the first half of the 1980s and stayed on until his death in 1997. The company, which has decades long CIA connections, may well have played a major role in the destruction of the World Trade Center.
Clandestine gold retrieval…The story begins with World War II, when Japan’s shipping routes to the homeland were cut off by the allies. This resulted in Japan not being able anymore to bring back additional gold from all the Asian countries they were looting. In response all the remaining gold was hidden in secret stashes across the Philippines, with the hope that the war would be won and the loot could still be recovered at some point in the future. It was General Tomoyuki Yamashita, the military commander of the Philippines, who was put in charge of this operation.
“Legend” has it that it was an intelligence officer working for General Charles Willoughby, Santa Romana, who witnessed heavy boxes being unloaded from a Japanese ship that were carried into a tunnel, after which the entrance was blown up. Upon inspection this tunnel turned out to contain large amounts of gold. Romana and his superiors soon figured out that it was Yamashita who was creating secret gold caches all over the Philippines. After the allies captured Yamashita’s driver, it was General Lansdale and Santana, on orders of MacArthur, who forced him to reveal the location of a dozen additional caches. Both MacArthur and Lansdale would later become involved in the American Security Council.
In total several billion dollars of gold was discovered. Instead of returning it to the various countries that rightfully owned it, the gold was resmelted and stashed in 176 banks in 42 different countries. The funds were put at the disposal of the CIA to help finance its covert operations around the world….The CIA, through men like General John Singlaub, also continued to look for gold over the years…The fact is that this story would have been skipped, were it not that it is so closely linked to members of the American Security Council and that there is some evidence that these gold recoveries were actually made. Marcos’ dictatorship fell in 1986. Around this period reports began to surface that retired General John Singlaub was digging for gold in the Philippines - seemingly a clear indication that the CIA was back in the business of retrieving Yamashita’s gold.
The files of Robert Curtis give us additional insight into the activities of Singlaub in the 1980s…Curtis somewhat reluctantly went back in the gold digging business with a group of private CIA spooks, merging his C & B Salvage & Investment firm with Phoenix Exploration Services Limited and Nippon Star Limited…Apparently Singlaub himself, at the time chairman of the World Anti-Communist League and a strategy board member of the American Security Council, had been using the ultra right John Birch Society to finance Nippon Star.
Singlaub and friends had big plans with all the potentially recovered gold from the Philippines…To in effect build a new military-industrial complex…Singlaub, Schweiter, Daniel Graham, George Keegan
Apparently the group was expecting to retrieve $100 billion worth of gold, which would mean  approximately $16 billion dollars to fund their “own” military industrial complex. The names given are interesting. General Graham was on the strategy committee of the American Security Council with Singlaub, while serving as vice chairman under Singlaub at the World Anti-Communist League. General Keegan was of the exact same ilk as these men and also very close to the ASC.
Schweitzer was a director of U.S. Global Strategy Council, along with Graham. Schweitzer’s close associate, Ray Cline, the CIA covert operations expert mentioned several times before, was co-chairman of the American Security Council and head of the U.S. Global Strategy Council. Cline was also involved in the Philippine politics. In November 1986 he traveled to the Philippines with Schweitzer to prevent then-defense minister Juan Ponce Enrile from leading a coup against the newly elected president Corazon Aquino. Cline was also involved in the clandestine retrieval of gold, taking over the original work of General Edward Lansdale, General Douglas MacArthur and General Charles Willoughby.
Paul Helliwell, began delivering arms to KMT forces in Burma. The KMT forced the local population into poppy cultivation. The proceeds were flown out using the planes of CAT and Sea Supply…At the time, the pro-Chiang Kai-shek “China Lobby” financed full page ads claiming that the communist Chinese were behind the opium trade. In 1952 it was found out that the opposite was true, leading to the dismissal of CIA chief Richard Stilwell. Incredibly, the Asian People’s Anti-Communist League took over the operation from the CIA, likely even using the same airplanes. Important to note here is that all these elements would sooner or later become part of the American Security Council.
Rising to the rank of general, Stilwell would end up on the strategy board of the ASC, in addition to becoming a frequent visitor of Le Cercle. Ray Cline, a top-level CIA operative and co-chair of the ASC’s strategy board in the 1980s, is suspected to have been an important founder of the Asian People’s Anti-Communist League. With Helliwell he was involved in setting up the Sea Supply Corporation and related CIA fronts. General Singlaub of the ASC board was also active for the KMT in Burma at the time.
Marvin Liebman, a prominent ASC member in the 1960s, was seen as one of the leaders of the China Lobby…Liebman also became involved with the Asian People’s Anti-Communist League, the World Anti-Communist League, the Friends of Free China, pro-Pinochet American-Chilean Council and was a co-founder of the American Conservative Union.
American Security Council members have been major supporters of Chiang Kai-shek, but a more important conclusion here is that many key CIA officers involved in the early Far East drug trade could later be found on the ASC strategy board. The primary examples are General Stilwell, Ray Cline and General Singlaub. These men also played roles in other intrigues, from secretly retrieving the Japanese war loot to the sponsoring of coups around the world. Nitze was the founder of the Committee on the Present Danger; Admiral Zumwalt became a member. Moorer sat on the board of Western Goals and visited Le Cercle while… associated with the ASC…could be found on the national strategy committee of the ASC
To a large extent the same group was involved that had earlier ran the covert war in South East Asia. Next to CIA head William Casey, those implicated were ASC strategy board member General John Singlaub; ASC consultant Oliver North; Air Force General Richard Secord; and Ted Shackley, who always seems to operate a bit more in the background.
The attorney for Singlaub and Secord at the time was Thomas Spencer, a member of the ASCF who later ran the Miami Dade Chapter of the Association For Intelligence Officers with Shackley. He also helped Shackley with running the American side of Le Cercle.
Underreported in the Iran-Contra affair is the fact that the Contras largely paid for their arms with cocaine that was sold in the United States, sparking the crack-cocaine epidemic. Interesting to see is that those responsible for that epidemic from the Latin American side could be found in the American Security Council: Contra leader Colonel Enrique Bermudez, Adolfo Calero and death squad leader Roberto D'Aubuisson, to name a few.
The principal lobbying firm for SDI, or Star Wars, was High Frontier, set up in 1981 by General Daniel Graham, a member of the national strategy committee of the ASC. His deputy at High Frontier became General Robert C. Richardson III, another member of the strategy committee. General James Abrahamson, a member of the ASC and a visitor of Le Cercle, was director of the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization from 1984 to 1989. Another prominent ASC member was Karl R. Bendetsen, chairman of the SDI Panel for Reagan at the Heritage Foundation from 1980 to 1984. His deputy was General Graham. Edward Teller was also part of the study group.
NAMES (Voluminious information on all people connected with the ASC)
***Sen. Thomas Dodd - Editorial staff
***William R. Kintner - Co-chairman, strategy board - Director of the Moonie-funded International Security Council.
***William Van Cleave - Co-chair Strategy Board - Chair International Security Council, 1991-1996 (Moonies)
***Stedman Fagoth - Nicaragua/Honduras | brought to the U.S. by the ASC
***Eugene P. Wigner- National strategy comm.
***John M. Fisher - President - President WACL U.S. 1971-1972 and on advisory board in 1980s
***W. Cleon Skousen - ASC Field director- Mormom. Racist. FBI special agent 1940-1951. Prominent field director American Security Council until at least 1964. Convinced that Eisenhower had been a communist agent. Prominent anti-communist author. Charter member Council for National Policy. Well known for his 1972 anti-Eastern Establishment work The Naked Capitalist. Speaker for CAUSA (Moonies).
***Gen. Edward Almond - National Strategy Comm. - Made Alexander Haig his aide in Korea, as Almond was a friend of Haig’s father-in-law
***Gen. John K. Singlaub - National strategy comm. - Developer Ranger Training Command at Fort Benning, Georgia after the Korean War., Co-founder Western Goals Foundation 1979, Governor and member Council for National Policy
***Gen. Albert Wedemeyer - Strategy board - Far East commander during WWII. Chief of staff to Chiang Kai- shek 1947.
***Gen. William A. Worton - National Strategy Comm., May have recruited Teilhard de Chardin in ONI
***Gen. E. David Woellner - Field director - President CAUSA (Moonies). Involved with the International Security Council, funded by the Moonies. Field director ASC. Executive director U.S. Global Strategy Council.
***Clare Boothe Luce - National strategy comm. - Dame of Malta, Member 2nd Committee on the Present Danger, Director AFIO and Accuracy in Media
***Henry R. Luce - Benefactor - Co-founder Time magazine in 1923 and headed it until 1964. Very close to CIA head Allen Dulles while OSS/CIA/psychological warfare expert C.D. Jackson worked under him at Time. Bought the rights of the Zapruder film, published frames, but did not show it to the public as a whole. Bought the rights to Marina Oswald’s story, which was never published. Member Pilgrims Society.
***Nelson A. Rockefeller - Benefactor - Member Pilgrims Society
***Eugene V. D. Rostow - Benefactor - Chairman Committee on the Present Danger 1976-81, 86-92. Director Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 1981-1983. Anti-détente. At Yale throughout life. Director International Security Council (Moonies). Advisory board Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA).
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mayfafa · 3 years
Assignment 1 Data Management and Visualization
STEP1. I have chosen Gapminder dataset.
STEPS 2 to 5.
After looking through the Gapminder codebook, I have decided that I am particularly interested in the following two topics:
T1: breast cancer rate association with CO2 emissions
T2: Checking the relationship between breast cancer & HIV infected people and suicide rate worldwide.
I will include the relevant variables in my personal codebook. These include alcohol consumption, breastcancerper100th,co2emission,HIV rate, suicideper100th.
The customized code book will be as follows:
May’s Gapminder Codebook
Our code book will include  five indicators and data for a total of 215 areas. The variables are: alcohol consumption, breastcancerper100th,co2emission,HIV rate, suicideper100th. The unique Identifier is the Country.
 Table created from gapminder.csv file including 6 columns (country column in addition to the five columns representing the selected variables). 
Note that I’ve created it (copy paste from given codebook as instructed in the lesson) and saved it but couldn’t copy the table here. 
Research Questions
Topic 1. Do CO2 emissions & alcohol consumption affect breast cancer rate?
H1. CO2 emissions and alcohol consumption increase breast cancer risk.
Topic 2. Is the suicide rate high in people who have breast cancer and HIV? Are these variables directly proportional?
H2. suicide rate is higher in people who have breast cancer and/or HIV infection.
STEPS 6 & 7.
Literature Review Topic 1.
An article published in July 2007 [1] has studied breast cancer risk in relation to exposure to air pollution from traffic emissions throughout life in Western NewYork. Our findings add to accumulating evidence that early life exposures impact breast cancer risk and provide indication of potential importance of traffic emissions in risk of breast cancer. Another research work in 2008 has found that traffic emissions contain particles that have significant estrogenic activity and have an effect on increasing breast cancer risk [2]. A third article investigating the direct relationship between increased alcohol consumption and high breast cancer risk. According to a recent article in 2017 by University of Texas Cancer Center website [4] more than 100 studies have looked at the association between alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk in women. These studies have consistently found an increased risk of breast cancer associated with alcohol intake.
 Literature Review Topic 2.
A study published in 2010 has analyzed data in Switzerland where high rates of suicide happen to be described in HIV-infected patients [5]. Another recent article published in 2019 has showed suicide rates among cancer patients including breast cancer as a function of age group [6] (see figure below). However, according to a more recent study in 2021 by the national cancer center shows that the rate of suicides related to cancer is declining [7]. This makes the topic of my choice more interesting.
URL for figure https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30643135/#&gid=article-figures&pid=fig-2-uid-1
Figure 1 Suicide among cancer patients as a function of age group [5]
 [1] Nie, Jing, Jan Beyea, Matthew R. Bonner, Daikwon Han, John E. Vena, Peter Rogerson, Dominica Vito et al. "Exposure to traffic emissions throughout life and risk of breast cancer: the Western New York Exposures and Breast Cancer (WEB) study." Cancer Causes & Control 18, no. 9 (2007): 947-955.
[2] Perry, N. M., P. C. Allgood, S. W. Duffy, and K. Mokbel. "Exposure to traffic emissions throughout life and risk of breast cancer." Cancer Causes & Control 19, no. 4 (2008): 435.
[3] McDonald, Jasmine A., Abhishek Goyal, and Mary Beth Terry. "Alcohol intake and breast cancer risk: weighing the overall evidence." Current breast cancer reports 5, no. 3 (2013): 208-221.
[4] Kellie Bramlet Blackburn. “Alcohol and breast cancer risk: What to know”, September 2017. https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/focused-on-health/alcohol-breast-cancer-risk-what-to-know.h30Z1591413.html
[5] Keiser, Olivia, Adrian Spoerri, Martin WG Brinkhof, Barbara Hasse, Angèle Gayet-Ageron, Frédéric Tissot, Anna Christen et al. "Suicide in HIV-infected individuals and the general population in Switzerland, 1988–2008." American Journal of Psychiatry 167, no. 2 (2010): 143-150.
[6] Zaorsky, Nicholas G., Ying Zhang, Leonard Tuanquin, Shirley M. Bluethmann, Henry S. Park, and Vernon M. Chinchilli. "Suicide among cancer patients." Nature communications 10, no. 1 (2019): 1-7.
[7] NCI Staff. “Rate of Suicides Related to Cancer Is Declining”, February 17, 2021. https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/cancer-currents-blog/2021/cancer-related-suicide-rate-declining
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runnerlive495 · 3 years
The Hamiltonian Horse Race
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The Hamiltonian Horse Race At The Meadowlands
Hambletonian Horse Race 2020
Burke (as Burke Racing Stable) co-owns Southwind Frank (Muscle Hill - Flawless Lindy) with Weaver Bruscemi LLC, birthday boy Gene Kurzrok's Our Horse Cents Stables and J And T Silva Stables LLC. Racing Horse Hamiltonian was sired by and out of Baha Men, Hamiltonian is a 11 year old Bay Gelding horse owned by B A Hamilton & Mrs A G Williams and trained by K W Marshment. Find out more with our Thoroughbred Horse Profile Directory and Horse Racing Results. The horse was to race under his former owners' names the rest of the year, with Bertmark splitting earnings and expenses. Armbro Goal earned $578,400 with his Hambletonian victory, Firm Tribute took home second money of $289,200 on the basis of his third place finish in the first heat and his second place spot in the second heat. Hambletonian Stakes, also called Hambletonian Trot, annual American horse race for three-year-old trotters, one of harness racing ’s most widely known events. The Hambletonian was first held in 1926 at Syracuse, New York. It was later moved to Goshen, New York, in 1957 to Du Quoin, Illinois, and in 1981 to Meadowlands (New Jersey) Racetrack.
The Hambletonian stakes is a prestigious American harness race, named in honor of Hambletonian 10 a foundation sire of the Standardbred horse breed, also known as the 'Father of the American Trotter.' The Hambletonian is held annually for three-year-old trotting Standardbreds. It is the most coveted North American race for trotters; among races for pacers, only the Little Brown Jug is as prestigious. The Hambletonian is the first, and most prestigious, event in the United States Trotting Triple Crown races. The Hambletonian is currently run at Meadowlands Racetrack in August.
Hambletonian 10, or Rysdyk's Hambletonian, (May 5, 1849-1876) was an American trotter and sire who profoundly influenced the sport of harness racing. The stallion was born in Sugar Loaf, New York, on 5 May 1849. Hambletonian has been inducted into the Immortals category of the Harness Racing Hall of Fame.
Origin and Early Years
Hambletonian 10 bred by Jonas Seely, Jr. on his farm at Sugar Loaf in Orange County, New York. He was sired by Abdallah who was a grandson of the hugely influential Thoroughbred sire, Messenger. Abdallah was ugly in body and temperament, so much so that he was sold to a fish peddlar for $5. Hambletonian's dam was known as the Charles Kent Mare or the 'Kent Mare.' Hambletonian was thrice inbred to Messenger, considered a foundation sire of Standardbreds.
Seeley's hired hand, William Rysdyk, cared for the mare and foal. Rysdyk became so attached to the pair and was so convinced that the foal would someday be great that he asked to purchase them. Seeley finally agreed, and for $125 William Rysdyk took his prize possessions home.
Hambletonian had an unusual build, being low at the withers (15.1 ¼ hh) but high at the croup (15.3 ¼). This length of hind leg did, however, provide a great deal of thrust with each stride, and he passed this on to all his get.
Hambletonian 10, as he was registered, made his first public appearance at the age of six months at the nearby Orange County Fair in Goshen. He caused quite a sensation and horsemen started referring to him as 'Rysdyk's Abdallah colt.' This colt began his stud career at age two when Rysdyk allowed him to cover four mares. Meanwhile another son of Abdallah, Abdallah Chief, owned by Seeley C. Roe, was looming as a competitor for the local stallion honors. Roe had nothing but contempt for Hambletonian, and claimed he'd never be a trotter, only a show horse. This issue was settled in 1852 at Long Island's Union Course. Hambletonian and Abdallah Chief were hitched to skeleton wagons with their owners driving. Three minutes and three seconds after the start, Hambletonian crossed the finish line ahead of his rival. Roe still wasn't satisfied and insisted on another race. A time trial was held. Abdallah Chief went the mile in 2:55 1/2. Then Roe watched Hambletonian, in what would be the only time trial of his career, trot the mile in 2:48 1/2. Rysdyk then placed Hambletonian at stud in Chester and bred him to local mares for a fee upwards of $500. The horse's reputation quickly grew as a sire of speed, and Rysdyk made a modest fortune from the horse's services. In his years at stud, 1,331 foals were sired. From four of Hambletonian's sons (George Wilkes, Dictator, Happy Medium, and Electioneer), the lineage of virtually all American Standardbred horses can be traced.
At age 27 on March 27, 1876, Hambletonian died. Both he and his owner, who had died in 1870, were buried in Chester, N.Y. Seventeen years after Hambletonian's death a granite monument, the gift of many people who had fond memories of the horse, was placed over his grave on Hambletonian Avenue.
In 24 seasons at stud, between 1851 and 1875, Hambletonian produced about 1,335 foals. Through four Hambletonian sons, 99 percent of all of the harness racing horses in North America today trace their bloodline to him.
In the 1860s, one of his sons, Dexter, trotted the mile in 2:17.25-a record. Dexter was immediately bought for $25,000 by a Robert Bonner for his own private driving pleasure. A rigidly moral man, Bonner did not approve of racing or betting, so no one will ever know if Dexter could have trotted even faster. But ever since, no horse lacking lines to Hambletonian in their pedigree has ever done better.
The Hambletonian Stakes race, the most prestigious harness race for trotters in North America, is named in honor of Hambletonian 10.
For More Information:
Thoroughbred Heritage Portraits Hambletonian 10 Hamiltonian Society Sugar Loaf Historical Society
Hambletonian StakesTriple Crown raceLocationMeadowlands Racetrack, East Rutherford, New Jersey, United StatesInaugurated1926Race typeHarness race for standardbred trottersWebsitewww.hambletonian.org/index.htmlRace informationDistance1,609 meters (1 mile)SurfaceDirtQualification3yoPurse$1,000,000 (2015)
The Hamiltonian Horse Race At The Meadowlands
The Hambletonian Stakes is a major American harness race, named in honor of Hambletonian 10, a foundation sire of the Standardbred horse breed, also known as the 'Father of the American Trotter.' The Hambletonian is held annually for three-year-old trotting Standardbreds. It is the first event in the Triple Crown of Harness Racing for Trotters. The Hambletonian is run at Meadowlands Racetrack (New Jersey) on the first Saturday in August.(1)
Hambletonian Horse Race 2020
The Hambletonian first took place at the New York State Fair in Syracuse, NY in 1926. The race switched from Syracuse to Lexington, KY for the 1927 and 1929 races, however, because of rainouts. Starting in 1930, Good Time Park in Goshen, NY hosted the race until 1956 with the exception of 1943. That year, The Hambletonian was raced at Empire City Race Track, which became Yonkers Raceway in 1950, because of wartime gas rationing. The Du Quoin State Fair in Du Quoin, IL gained the rights to host the race in 1957 and held on to it until 1980. Since 1981, the race has been at the Meadowlands Racetrack in East Rutherford, NJ
Most wins by a driver
6 – John Campbell (1987, 1988, 1990, 1995, 1998, 2006)
Most wins by a trainer
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5 – Billy Haughton (1974, 1976, 1977, 1980, 1982)
Ben White (1927, 1933, 1936, 1942, 1943)
Stanley Dancer (1965, 1968, 1972, 1975, 1983)
Stakes record
1:50 1/5 – Muscle Hill (2009)
Hambletonian Stakes winners(edit)
Year Winner Driver Trainer Owner Time Purse 2020Ramona HillAndy McCarthyTony AlagnaBrad Grant, Crawford Farms, Robert Leblanc & In The Gym Partners1:50 1/5$1,000,0002019Forbidden TradeBob McClureLuc BlaisSerge Godin & Distinction Capital1:51 0/5$1,000,0002018AtlantaScott ZeronRick ZeronRick Zeron, Crawford Fms, Holland1:50 4/5$1,000,0002017Perfect SpiritÅke SvanstedtÅke SvanstedtSrf Stable,Delray Beach,FL1:50 3/5$1,000,0002016Marion MarauderScott ZeronPaula WellwoodJean Wellwood, Devin Keeler1:51 4/5$1,000,0002015PinkmanBrian SearsJimmy TakterChristina Takter, John & Jim Fielding, Joyce McClelland, Herb Liverman1:51 0/5$1,000,0002014TrixtonJimmy TakterJimmy TakterBrixton Medical Ab (Bengt Agerup) & Christina Takter1:50 3/5$1,006,1252013Royalty For LifeBrian SearsGeorge DucharmeAl Ross, Chip Campbell, Jr., Paul Fountaine1:52 1/5$1,000,0002012Market ShareTim TetrickLinda ToscanoRichard S. Gutnick, T L P Stable, William J. Augustine1:52 1/5$1,500,0002011Broad BahnGeorge BrennanNoel DaleyFam Alber Horse Racing LLC (Leif Alber)1:53 0/0$1,500,0002010Muscle MassiveRonald PierceJimmy TakterBrixton Medical Ab (Bengt Agerup), Order By Stable (Stefan Balazsi), et al.1:51 0/0$1,500,0002009Muscle HillBrian SearsGregory B. PeckTLP Stable, Jerry Silva, Southwind Farm, Muscle Hill Racing LLC1:50 1/5$1,520,3332008DeweycheatumnhoweRay SchnittkerRay SchnittkerSchnittker, Iannazzo, Gewertz, Baldassare & Deweycheatumnhowe Stable1:52 0/0$1,500,0002007Donato HanoverRonald PierceSteve Elliott(Lessees) Steve Arnold, David Scharf, Golden Touch Stables1:53 2/5$1,500,0002006GlidemasterJohn CampbellBlair BurgessRobert Burgess, Karin-Olsson Burgess, Marsha Cohen, Brittany Farms1:51 1/5$1,500,0002005Vivid PhotoRoger HammerRoger HammerRoger Hammer, Todd Schadel1:52 3/5$1,500,0002004Windsong's LegacyTrond SmedshammerTrond SmedshammerAnn Brannvoll, Ted Gewertz, Patricia Spinelli1:54 1/5$1,000,0002003Amigo HallMichel LachanceBlair BurgessWalnut Hall Limited (Alan J. Leavitt), Robert Burgess, Karin Olsson-Burgess1:54 0/0$1,000,0002002Chip Chip HoorayEric LedfordCharles SylvesterC. Sylvester, M. Prakas, Wingedfoot Farms, N. Goldman1:53 3/5$1,000,0002001Scarlet KnightStefan MelanderStefan MelanderStefan Melander1:53 4/5$1,000,0002000Yankee PacoTrevor RitchieDouglas McIntoshHarry Ivey & Dr. Tom Ivey1:53 2/5$1,000,0001999Self PossessedMichel LachanceRon GurfeinSelf Possessed Stable (D. Scharf, J. Silva, L. Domiano, G. Segal)1:51 3/5$1,000,0001998Muscles YankeeJohn CampbellCharles SylvesterPerretti Farms Inc, Irving G. Liverman & David French1:52 2/5$1,000,0001997Malabar ManMalvern C. BurroughsJimmy TakterMalvern C. Burroughs1:55 0/0$1,000,0001996ContinentalvictoryMichel LachanceRon GurfeinContinentalvictory Stable1:52 1/5$1,200,0001995TagliabueJohn CampbellJim CampbellArlene & Jules J. Siegel1:54 4/5$1,200,0001994Victory DreamMichel LachanceRon GurfeinFA Stable (Frank Antonacci) & Victory Dream Stable (Alan J. Leavitt, et al.)1:54 1/5$1,200,0001993American WinnerRonald PierceMilton SmithRobert Key, John Glesmann1:53 1/5$1,200,0001992Alf PalemaMickey McNicholPer ErikssonKarl-Erik Bender, Per Eriksson1:56 2/5$1,288,0001991Giant VictoryJack MoiseyevPer ErikssonJacqueline & Theodore Gewertz, Robins Racing Stable1:54 4/5$1,238,0001990HarmoniousJohn CampbellOsvaldo FormiaLindy Racing Stable, Sal Garofalo1:54 1/5$1,346,0001989Park Avenue Joe (DH)Ron WaplesCharles SylvesterPark Avenue Stable2:00 2/5$1,131,0001989Probe (DH)William FahyOsvaldo FormiaLindy Farms2:00 2/51988Armbro GoalJohn CampbellJan JohnsonJames R. Plate, Paul H. Ryan, Michael V. Caggiano1:54 3/5$1,156,8001987Mack LobellJohn CampbellCharles SylvesterOne More Time Stable (Louis P. Guida, et al.) & Fair Winds Farm (E. Mullen)1:53 3/5$1,046,3001986Nuclear KosmosUlf ThoresenPer HenriksenLilla Henriksen, Geo. & Gary Hoffman, Stephen Sullivan1:55 2/5$1,172,0821985PrakasBill O'DonnellPer ErikssonHans G. Enggren, Iain L. Mackenzie, Carl J. Vizzi1:54 3/5$1,272,0001984Historic FreightBen WebsterSamuel 'Skip' LewisABC Stables, Inc.1:56 2/5$1,219,0001983DuennaStanley DancerStanley DancerClearview Stable1:57 2/5$1,000,0001982Speed BowlTommy HaughtonBilly HaughtonPony Stable (B. Haughton, D. Miller, P. Soldner, F. Miller, M. Hempt, B. Brown)1:56 4/5$875,7501981Shiaway St. PatRay RemmenRay RemmenShiawassee Farm, Inc.2:01 1/5$838,0001980BurgomeisterBilly HaughtonBilly HaughtonPeter Haughton1:56 3/5$293,5701979Legend HanoverGeorge SholtyRay TrippMessenger Stable (Raymond Galt)1:56 1/5$300,0001978Speedy SomolliHoward BeissingerHoward BeissingerAnn Beissinger, Barbara Mumma, Alan J. Leavitt, William Rosenberg1:55 0/0$241,2801977Green SpeedBilly HaughtonBilly HaughtonBeverly Lloyds1:55 3/5$284,3101976Steve LobellBilly HaughtonBilly HaughtonMill Island Stable (Richard Herman & Murray Siegel)1:56 2/5$263,5241975BonefishStanley DancerStanley DancerStanley F. & Rachel L. Dancer & A. M. Cuddy Stable1:59 0/0$232,1921974Christopher T.Billy HaughtonBilly HaughtonJohn L. Thro1:58 3/5$160,1501973FlirthRalph N. BaldwinRalph N. BaldwinArden Homestead Stable (E. Roland Harriman & Elbridge T. Gerry, Sr.)1:57 1/5$144,7101972Super BowlStanley DancerStanley DancerRachel L. Dancer, Rose Hild Breeding Farm1:56 2/5$119,0901971Speedy CrownHoward BeissingerHoward BeissingerCrown Stable, Inc. (Frank & Thomas Antonacci)1:57 2/5$129,7701970Timothy T.John F. Simpson, Jr.John F. Simpson, Sr.John F. Simpson, Sr.1:58 2/5$143,6301969Lindy's PrideHoward BeissingerHoward BeissingerLindy Farm, Inc.1:57 3/5$124,9101968Nevele PrideStanley DancerStanley DancerNevele Acres, Louis Resnick1:59 2/5$116,1901967Speedy StreakDel CameronFrank ErvinClarence F. Gaines, John R. Gaines, Kenneth D. Owen2:00 0/0$122,6501966Kerry WayFrank ErvinFrank ErvinGainesway Farm1:58 4/5$122,5401965Egyptian CandorDel CameronStanley DancerRachel L. Dancer2:03 4/5$122,2451964AyresJohn F. Simpson, Sr.John F. Simpson, Sr.Charlotte Sheppard1:56 4/5$115,2811963Speedy ScottRalph N. BaldwinRalph N. BaldwinCastleton Farm1:57 3/5$115,5491962A. C.'s VikingSanders RussellSanders RussellMr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Petersen1:59 3/5$116,6121961Harlan DeanJimmy ArthurDelvin MillerMax C. Hempt, Delvin Miller, Ray Cleveland1:58 2/5$131,5731960Blaze HanoverJoe O'BrienJoe O'BrienS. A. Camp Farms1:59 3/5$147,4811959Diller HanoverFrank ErvinRalph N. BaldwinHall Stables (Howard M. Hall)2:01 1/5$125,2831958Emily's PrideFlave NipeFred EganCastleton Farm & Walnut Hall Farm1:59 4/5$106,7191957Hickory SmokeJohn F. Simpson, Sr.John F. Simpson, Sr.Lawrence B. Sheppard & Archie Mudge2:00 1/5$111,1261956The IntruderNed BowerNed BowerAllwood Stable2:01 2/5$100,6031955Scott FrostJoe O'BrienJoe O'BrienS. A. Camp Farms2:00 3/5$86,8631954Newport DreamDel CameronDel CameronOctave Blake2:02 4/5$106,8301953HelicopterHarry M. HarveyDelvin MillerArmstrong Bros.2:01 3/5$117,1171952Sharp NoteBion ShivelyBion ShivelyClyde W. Clark2:02 3/5$87,6371951MainlinerGuy CrippenGuy CrippenRalph H. Kroening2:02 3/5$95,2631950Lusty SongDelvin MillerFay FitzpatrickHayes Fair Acres2:02 0/0$75,2091949Miss TillyFred EganFred EganCharles W. Phellis2:01 2/5$69,7911948Demon HanoverHarrison R. HoytHarrison R. HoytMr. & Mrs. Harrison R. Hoyt2:02 0/0$59,9411947Hoot MonScepter F. PalinScepter F. PalinCastleton Farm2:00 0/0$46,2671946ChestertownThomas S. BerryHarry P. WhitneyWalter E. Smith2:02 1/2$50,9951945Titan HanoverHarry E. Pownall, Sr.Harry E. Pownall, Sr.Arden Homestead Stable (E. R. Harriman & E. T. Gerry, Sr.)2:04 0/0$50,1961944Yankee MaidHenry ThomasHenry ThomasArch L. Derby2:04 0/0$33,5771943Volo SongBenjamin WhiteBenjamin WhiteWilliam H. Strang, Jr.2:02 1/2$42,2981942The AmbassadorBenjamin WhiteBenjamin WhiteWilliam H. Strang, Jr.2:04 0/0$38,9541941Bill GallonLee SmithLee SmithR. Horace Johnston2:05 0/0$38,7291940Spencer ScottFred EganFred EganCharles W. Phellis2:02 0/0$43,6581939Peter AstraHugh M. 'Doc' ParshallHugh M. 'Doc' ParshallDr. Lowry M. Guilinger2:04 1/4$40,5021938Mc LinHenry ThomasHenry ThomasHanover Shoe Farms2:02 1/4$37,9621937Shirley HanoverHenry ThomasHenry ThomasHanover Shoe Farms2:01 1/2$37,9121936RosalindBenjamin WhiteBenjamin WhiteGib White2:01 3/4$35,6431935GreyhoundScepter F. PalinScepter F. PalinEdward J. Baker2:02 1/4$33,3211934Lord JimHugh M. 'Doc' ParshallHugh M. 'Doc' ParshallEarl L. Mefford2:02 3/4$25,8451933Mary ReynoldsBenjamin WhiteBenjamin WhiteWilliam N. Reynolds2:03 3/4$40,4591932The MarchionessWilliam CatonWilliam CatonMrs. Ralph Keeler2:01 1/4$49,4891931Calumet ButlerRichard D. McMahonRichard D. McMahonCalumet Farm2:03 1/4$50,9211930Hanover's BerthaTom BerryTom BerryHanover Shoe Farms2:03 0/0$56,8591929Walter DearWalter CoxWalter CoxWilliam H. Cane2:02 3/4$60,3091928SpencerWilliam H. LeeseWilliam H. LeeseDavid M. Look2:02 1/2$66,2261927Iosola's WorthyMarvin ChildsBenjamin WhiteE. J. Merkle2:03 3/4$54,6941926Guy McKinneyNathaniel D. RayNathaniel D. RayHenry B. Rea2:04 3/4$73,451
^'The Hambletonian (and Hambletonian Oaks Filly Division)'. hambletonian.org. Retrieved 2009-04-15.
External links(edit)
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hambletonian_Stakes&oldid=1000947487'
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San Antonio Spurs Stats Leaders
Spurs leading scorers - Tottenham Hotspur FC Statistics | Premier League
Wpurs Thomas this website Total Rebound Pct 1. Assist Pct 1. Avery Johnson Tony Parker Cory Alexander Johnny Dawkins Jon Sundvold John Paxson Steal Pct 1.
Alvin Robertson 4. Johnny Moore 3. Mike Gale 3. Doc Rivers 3. Kawhi Leonard 3. Cory Alexander 2. Jerome Kersey 2. Spurs leading scorers Murray 2. Block Pct 1. Jakob Spurs leading scorers 5. Mike Green 3.
Pau Gasol 3. Billy Paultz 3. Will Perdue 3. Nazr Mohammed 3. Turnover Pct 1. Sputs Bonner 7. Spurs leading scorers Finley 7. LaMarcus Aldridge 7. Dale Ellis 7. Bryn Forbes 8. Lonnie Walker 9. Usage Pct 1. Walter Berry Offensive Rating 1. Brent Barry Tiago Splitter Defensive Rating 1.
Jerome Kersey Malik Rose Robert Horry Samaki Walker Francisco Elson Offensive Win Shares 1. James Silas Defensive Win Shares 1. Danny Green Win Shares 1. Win Shares Per 48 Minutes 1. LaMarcus Aldridge. Kawhi Leonard 6.
Spurs All-Time Points Leaders: Career Totals in the Regular Season
Spurs leading scorers Barry 3. Alvin Robertson 3. Terry Porter 2. Robert Horry 2. Spurs leading scorers Nater spurs leading scorers. LaMarcus Aldridge 2. DeMar DeRozan 2. Pau Gasol 2. Brent Barry 1. Kyle Anderson 3. Kawhi Leonard leadijg. Value Over Replacement Player 1. More San Antonio Spurs Pages. Full Site Menu Return to Top.
In the News : L. JamesA. DrummondV. OladipoA. DavisJ. Colombian PA. ENG Champ. ENG L1. ENG L2. Greek SL. Irish PD. La Liga. Liga MX. Ligue 1. Paraguayan PD. Russian PL. Serie A. Swiss SL. Turkish SL. Uru PD. Afr Cup. Algarve Cup. Argentina Supercopa. Belgian Super Cup. Bundesliga Playoffs.
C Nations. C U17 Champ. C U20 Champ. C W Champ. Copa Lib. Copa Maradona. Copa Rey. Copa Sud. DFB Pokal. Dutch Shield. England Shield. Euro Cup. Euro Qual. FA Cup. France Trophee. German DFL-Supercup. Gold Cup. Int'l Champ Cup. Italy Supercoppa. Lg Cup. Recopa Sudamericana. SheBelieves Cup. Spain Supercopa. U17 WC. U20 WC. UAE Super Cup. UEFA Nations. World Cup. Tottenham has been a member of the Premier League since its creation in — This heralded a consistent run where Tottenham has finished in the top six spurs leading scorers the last eleven consecutive seasons, qualifying for the UEFA Champions League in four consecutive seasons from —16 to — Players in bold are currently contracted to Tottenham Hotspur.
Statistics correct as of 19 March From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tottenham Hotspur. Retrieved 14 July Retrieved 22 November BBC Sport. Retrieved 4 January Retrieved 21 May Archived from the original on spurs leading scorers October Daily Mirror. The Herald. Spyrs from the original on 14 January BBC Sports. Retrieved 1 September BBC Sport Spurs leading scorers. Retrieved 6 July BBC News.
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Episode 412 - The Guest List 2020
It's the 8th annual Guest List episode! Thirty of this year's Virtual Memories Show guests tell us about the favorite books they read in 2020 and the books they hope to get to in 2021! Guests include Derf Backderf, Philip Boehm, Ruben Bolling, Betsy Bonner, Henri Cole, Joan Marans Dim, Emily Flake, Jonathan W. Gray, Tom Hart, Arthur Hoyle, Rian Hughes, Richard Kadrey, Ben Katchor, Kathe Koja, Tess Lewis, Ellen Lindner, Margot Mifflin, David Mikics, Otto Penzler, Woodrow Phoenix, Darryl Pinckney, Alta Price, Steve Ronin, Dmitry Samarov, Michael Shaw, Stoya, Benjamin Taylor, Jeff Trexler, John Vercher, and Sheila Williams! • More info at our site • Support The Virtual Memories Show via Patreon or Paypal
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England vs West Indies, 1st Test Live Cricket Match Score Series: West Indies tour of England, 2020 Venue: The Rose Bowl,Southampton Date & Time: Jul 08-Jul 12, 03:30PM LOCAL Squads: West Indies Squad: John Campbell, Kraigg Brathwaite, Shai Hope, Shamarh Brooks, Roston Chase, Jason Holder(c), Shane Dowrich(w), Rahkeem Cornwall, Alzarri Joseph, Kemar Roach, Shannon Gabriel, Chemar Holder, Nkrumah Bonner, Raymon Reifer, Jermaine Blackwood England Squad: Rory Burns, Dominic Sibley, Joe Denly, Zak Crawley, Ben Stokes(c), Ollie Pope, Jos Buttler(w), Dominic Bess, Jofra Archer, Stuart Broad, James Anderson, Chris Woakes, Mark Wood #todaymatch #todaylivematch #match #onlinematch #livematch #todaylivematch #matchupdate #matchscdule #onlinebettingid https://www.instagram.com/p/CCX7J50jpT_/?igshid=1teulhjr7ux3
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