#Jonathan literally went to Nancy of his own free will because he likes/cares for her
emblazons · 10 months
That “did Jonathan lie” poll proving that following subtext / non-explicit storytelling and forgetting entire canon events for the sake of headcanons is an issue across the whole entire fandom because W H A T
We literally see Steve RUN INTO JONATHAN before he WALKS OUT THE DOOR. He didn’t tell Jonathan a damn thing and they literally show us that? Plus Jonathan was already of the opinion that Steve and Nancy were happy /he had no chance because of seeing them dancing earlier + kissing at school—he was just trying to support what he THOUGHT Nancy wanted just like his brother does with Mike in S4. Be serious
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Nancy may shared trauma her way into romantic relationships and I know she’s known for it, but Steve is the real king of bonding over shared trauma. He just does it platonically
Season 2 Steve was like yeah okay I’m gonna go help this kid I’ve literally talked to once because who else is going to and then shared trauma himself into being besties with him and giving away his embarrassing secrets just to cheer him up within a matter of hours
Then with the other kids who he’s only talked to once at the hospital after the season 1 stuff (with the exception of Mike who is just his ex’s little brother that can’t stand him) get involved plus Max who he’s literally never seen before in his life and Steve’s like well time to risk my life for all these children while also being worried about Henderson’s feelings even though I barely know him
And then there’s the whole going to go face Billy and potentially get the shit kicked out of him to protect the kids he barely knows that escalated into nearly getting killed to try to stop Billy from killing Lucas that ended with Steve heavily injured and knocked unconscious only for him to get right back up when he’s awake and go put himself in front of all the kids he barely knew and protect them
And then after that point he was like anyway I guess I’m friends with a bunch of 13 year olds, even though it’s a personality trait of mine that I worry about who people at school see me talking to. And he adopted them all and risked getting fired to give them all free ice cream and sneak them into movies and was bonded enough with from all the shared trauma enough not to care that Robin was making fun of him for all the kids he was friends with, but he especially adopted Henderson in the whole I’m your dad and emotional support system and I’m getting you ready and driving you to your dance and hyping you up before you go in kind of way
And then season 3 we all know how he ended up inseparable from Robin and not caring who knew how much he liked her and how much time he spent with her after that. But he also had a new youngest person he’s formed a bond out of shared trauma with friend out of Erica
And we all know if Eddie had survived, he would have gone from ew I’m not wasting my time hanging out with Eddie the Freak Munson when Dustin tried to get him to be Lucas’s sub to hanging out with Eddie and not caring who knew and getting pissed at people who talked about Eddie the way he used to because Steve literally doesn’t have a single character he’s close to that isn’t someone he originally bonded with because of shared trauma and who he’s now protective over
Steve Harrington dropped his toxic friends and immediately after went to go apologize to Nancy and Jonathan and got thrown into the shared trauma that bonded them together but also bonded Steve to both of them and now bonding from mutual trauma is literally the only way he knows how to form real friendships
Nancy at least formed friendships with other people working on the school newspaper. The party became friends with Max and with Eddie and Gareth and Jeff and that guy with no name before they shared trauma with him. Robin is pretty codependent with Steve but she still is in marching band with Vickie and she presumably has other people she talks to and sits with at school and in band. Erica has a whole friend group of her own we saw at the mall plus the Hellfire Club. Lucas befriended Max and the Hellfire Club and some of the basketball team without having to share trauma first. Jonathan befriended Argyle long before he got dragged into anything. El and Will aren’t great at building relationships outside of the people they’ve gone through shit with (with the exception of Will having befriended the party pre-shit hitting the fan) either, but Steve went from the guy everyone wanted to be friends with or be with to the guy that can’t pull off a relationship or make friends in an ordinary setting (and who for months was only friends with kids 5 years younger than him)
His relationships with other characters may not be unhealthy, but somebody get this man help in the sense that he literally doesn’t know how to form an authentic or lasting connection with anyone without almost dying by their side first
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daydreamxr17 · 2 years
Why we love Steve?
Appreciation post for Steve Harrington because we might see him the last time soon (I hope so not but...)
Season 1
He started of as a rich douchebag and had amazing development
He regretted immediately talking shitty about Nancy and even went to clean what he wrote about her
He ended things with all of his former friends because he realized they were assholes
He was worried about Nancy even tho they were on bad terms in that time
He regretted everything with Jonathan and came to apologize even tho from his side it could be: "my gf cheated on me with him"
He knew shit about what was happening and still he risked his life and came back to Jonathan and Nancy and saved them
After everything, he waited with everyone for Will to wake up, even tho he absolutely didn't have to
He bought Jonathan new camera and told Nancy to give it to him, because he knew Jonathan wouldn't accept
Season 2
He was amazing bf to Nancy, took care of her, talked to her
He was looking after her when she drunk instead having fun
She literally called him and their whole relationship bullshit and still he told Jonathan to take her home
The next day he was willing to listen to her after everything
He came back to apologize to her even he tho he didn't do anything ("I'm sorry... What the hell am I sorry for")
When Nancy wasn't home and Dustin called him to help, he went even tho he had literally zero reasons to help his ex's brother's friends
He was with them the whole time, risked his life, protected them, got beat up by Billy for them, helping them with Dart and everything
He was okay with whole Jonathan and Nancy thing, he was obviously hurt and still he did his best to reassure her, that it's okay
He became Dustin's brother figure, gave him hair advices and he even gave him ride to snow ball
Season 3
He was just so good friend, to Robin, to kids (when he helped them go to cinema)
He was so happy, when Dustin came back, he listened to him when his friends ditched him
He was helping Dustin with the Russia thing since the begining
He didn't make Dustin feel like he didn't trust him about Suzie and satellite and everything
He all over again helped Dustin, risked his life, his job, almost died, let himself beat up, tried to protect everyone,...
He just cared for everyone
His new crush just admitted she's lesbian and he had to good reaction - no judging, no grudge, no remorse, he talked to her and stayed friends with her even tho he must felt hurt when he finally found someone good to himself
He saved Nancy risking again his own life
He stayed supportive friend to Robin
Season 4
He's supporting LGBTQ rights and Robin's crush
He was on Lucas' game, when his other friends weren't
Yet again he was immediatelly willing to help Dustin and Eddie - when he was accused stranger to him
Again and the whole season he was protecting them, helping them, caring for them, (babysitting them)
He always wanted to put himself into danger instead others - Nancy, Robin...
He was worried for Max and looking after her
When she pushed him away he still went to her and thanks to that she's still alive
Did you see that surprised smile when he gót the letter?
This guy is literally giving them the free ride whenever and wherever they want
He jumped to lake to find watergate even when he didn't know what might be there (not just because he was good swimmer, but because he didn't want anyone to risk their lives)
In upside down he protected Nancy with his own body, risking his life (AGAIN)
When they were going back from upside down, he went last so he could see everyone safely go trought
When Vecna possesed Nancy, he stayed with her
He was the first one to hear Dustin in upside down and comunicated to him and Erica, which lead to them escaping
And the rest we'll see
EVERYONE JUST LOVES HIM - KIDS, NANCY, ROBIN..., because he's the very best of them
So... Did I forget something?
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alias-b · 5 years
Tumblr media
Without The Lights~ Billy Hargrove x OC Camille Harper
Chapter 4: Heart Of Glass
A/N: Secrets out this chapter. Be warned this chapter deals with an attempted s*icide at the end. It’s not graphic or gory, but trigger warning. Cross posted to my ao3
  “Feeling any better?” Rosemary hurried over when Camille came into the kitchen in her pajamas. She, Edna, and Noah all stopped talking the second she appeared in the doorway. Not unsettling at all.
  “Yes.” Camille held herself when her mother kissed her head.
  “I’ll speak to a doctor and they’ll fix your dose. Do not worry about it, honey.” Noah came to his feet. “You should rest.”
  “I’m fine now.”
  “We need you healthy.” He was more matter-a-fact than a comfort. There was a knock and Edna moved out to see to the door. Camille held at least a hundred questions back before the housekeeper returned.
  “For you, Milly.”
  “Oh?” Camille saw Nancy there with Jonathan Byers behind her. A dozen more questions came up.
  “Can we talk?” Nancy uttered, obviously bothered. Jonathan shoved his hands in his pockets.
  “Yes...” Camille pulled a hoodie over her nightclothes when the cold chilled her flesh and slipped on shoes to go out without telling her parents. “What is going on?”
  “Can I trust you?”
  “Nancy, you’re freaking me out.” She hesitated but got into the back seat while Jonathan took the wheel and her friend huffed, buckling up. “We lied to you.”
  “Shocker! Who could have predicted this?” Camille was hard as Jonathan drove them off.
  “I know, I know. But, I'm serious. Something happened last year. Something huge.” Nancy turned to see her friend. “You’re kind of apart of it. You deserve to know. But, I need your help, Camille. I need you. We’ll tell you everything.”
  “What do you need from me?”
  “We need you to spy on your dad.” Nancy pressed then and Camille laughed out loud at her.
  “Okay, fun's gone! Jonathan, pull over. I’m done.”
  “We can’t until you know everything.” Jonathan turned down a forest path and went up the hill. They got to a view that overlooked Hawkins. Small lights dotted the little town. He parked and they both turned.
  “Barb is dead.” Nancy teared up, arms crossing over the seat. Jonathan produced a photo, ripped apart and taped back together. Camille was shaking but she took it. Barb sat on a diving board. Alone. Behind her was a twisted sort of man. A creature with no face. “That was taken the night she disappeared. Steve’s party.”
  “I didn’t go.” Camille traced the outline of her lost friend. She didn't go because they were there.
  “That thing took her. It took my brother too.” Jonathan offered, frowning. “It tried to kill us. It’s...not from here. We can tell you everything but, please...keep an open mind.” Camille was slowly going mad, eyes lifted.
  “I’m listening.”
** ** **
  “I’m not hungry!” Billy called when there was a knock so he cranked up his music. Max cracked his door open. “Go away, shitbird.”
  “What happened at the high school today?”
  “Fuck if I know, leave me alone,” he kicked his backpack aside.
  “Why are you such an asshole?” She blurted, touching her lips as if to stop it when he grew livid.
  “Why did your fucking mother have to toss herself on my dad, huh?! Answer that, Max!” Billy growled. “Leave me alone.” She glared and shut the door. It was an hour before his father’s angry steps vibrated the floors. Billy wanted to hide. His door bashed open and Neil stalked in.
  “What?” Billy stood up, fists tight as if to brace himself.
  “Was that girl with you again?”
  "Which one? I see lots of girls." Billy played dumb and shrunk when Neil advanced. "She's nothing to me, dad. Went home sick today before they canceled classes. Power blew. We’re classmates, I have to see her. She tutors and shit.”
  “I don’t want my pussy of a son associating with little whores like her, you embarrass me enough. You know the type of person she is, you know to avoid them. Some people are just better separated and I don't like repeating myself. Bad enough I have to see you tart up like some queer before you go chase them.”
  “Well, dad, what am I: a queer or a pussy chaser?!” Billy shot back sarcastically, unable to stop it, and Neil grabbed him by his shirt with two iron fists. The teen slammed into the wall, head throbbing before he was slapped. Spots exploded in his eyes.
  “Neil,” Susan appeared like a tiny mouse in the doorway. Billy jerked around and Neil slammed him into the shelves this time. His son froze, eyes lifting as if he could escape the moment. “Please.”
  “Not until this little shit learns his place! You disrespect my house. You chase filthy little...sluts.” Neil growled and Billy grew petrified, eyes glazed over. “You stay away from that girl. There are certain people I will not have near my house and that girl is one of them. I teach you nothing? Say, yes.” Billy’s lip trembled. "What was that?"
  “Yes, sir.” He scratched. Neil yanked to push him away roughly and Billy stumbled, falling to the floor. Susan just watched, she appeared sorry. Terrified.
  “You both-”
  “Oh, fuck off, Susan.” Billy jabbed as if to egg his dad on when this became too damn much. Neil came to a skidding stop, whirling before one steel toed shoe knocked into Billy’s stomach.
  “Neil!” Susan called to stop him. Billy hacked for air, lungs gave an unpleasant spasm. Clear vomit hit the floor along with blood from his lip.
  “What do you say?” Neil tore a hand into dirty blond curls.
  “I’m...” Billy heaved too hard to get his breath back. It burned. Drool fell down his bloodied mouth. Eyes bloodshot and wet. “I’m sorry, Susan.”
  “Neil, stop. Please.” Another well placed smack stung and Neil was crossing to go out, pushing Susan along before the door slammed. Billy climbed into bed and pulled his legs up so he was a ball. Quiet sobs hitched. Max curled up in her room too. Staring at the wall she and Billy shared. She brought her legs to her chest and tucked her own head down to cry.
** ** **
  “Drive me home.” Camille shoved the picture back. “This is-”
  “It’s real. All of it.”
  “You’re talking about other dimensions and little magic girls. This is some sci-fi conspiracy shit, Nancy. This isn't you. Drive me home.” Camille pressed. “And you think my dad knows, what the fuck, Nance? My father is literally the epitome of mild mannered scientist. He fits every stereotype for god’s sake. It's annoying. He can’t even kill spiders in our house. He makes mom do it. He’s studied his whole life to-”
  “Just keep an open mind. Watch him. You know something's been off. You know it. They must hide things from you, Cam.” The old nickname made Camille softer. “They’re never home. Search and you’ll find something. Anything.”
  “This is crazy. And Mike’s group knows. Chief Hopper. Joyce Byers. Steve?! What am I-?”
  “Please, just try and if you don’t find anything you can shove it back in my face.” Nancy promised. “Jonathan and I are going into the lab. We’re taking them down. For Barb and Will and El and everyone else they hurt.”
  “And this Eleven girl?”
  “They stole her and used her as a test subject. There were others. She disappeared. Mike...they cared about her and he’s been broken up about it. That’s why he’s acting out. Promise me that you’ll be careful and just...keep an eye out.” Camille thought of the attic room. “What is it?”
  “There’s a...” She stopped, sighing. Sanity was long overrated. “Fine. I’ll play.”
  “Don’t tell anyone in your house. Not even Edna. It’s not safe.” Jonathan offered as they drove home. Camille observed all the dead farms on the way. This town was losing it.
  “I got it.” Camille rubbed her eyes. “This is heavy. I’ll...keep an open mind.” Something more was off. Something inside her. That feeling fed too much. “I’ll see you guys later.”
  “Camille...thank you.” Nancy reached to touch her hand. Camille could only nod.
  “Where did you go?” Noah appeared the moment she came inside.
  “They might cancel school tomorrow. Have to redo wiring and clean up half of it after the power went haywire. Nancy and Jonathan are...having some relationship problems. Teenage stuff. You know? Glad that I'm single.”
  "As am I, honey," he'd joked, touching her shoulders. “Take it easy tomorrow. We’ll all be out. You call if you get worse again. Promise me.”
  “There’s my girl. I love you.”
  “I love you, daddy.” She came to hug him, eyes on the family photo behind him. Camille suppressed tears. Held him tighter.
  “Take these before you go to bed. Different dose. I’ll bring you a new bottle later on with instructions.”
  “Thank you.” Camille climbed the stairs, numb. She locked her door and went into the bathroom, seating herself on the tub. Slowly, she uncurled her fist to see the little blue capsules. Cheeks sucked in. A frown etched her face with anger. Splashes sounded when they dropped into the toilet. Camille flushed them down and got up to see herself in the mirror. Hands gripped the sink. Free. She huffed out and lifted her eyes. Red rimmed and tired. “Fuck.” Another bright idea popped into her brain. A horrible, bright idea. She found her voice at last and made the decision. “Hope you’re up for this.”
** ** **
  “Hello?” Max picked up the phone when it rang early that next morning.
  “Max? Hi, um, is Billy there? It’s Camille.”
  “Yeah, he’s here.” There was shuffling and a huff.
  “Harpy?” Billy was flat.
  “Hi, ah, um-” Camille twisted the phone cord in hand.
  “So...they canceled the rest of this week. Guess the building is a little totaled. Catch up will be hell but, ah, I wanted to know if you could come over.”
  “I have a date later."
  "Cancel it." She shrugged. "You'll have other dates. You're the Keg King. Come over here instead."
  “Um, oh, just the...the paper. Get a head start, Strode will want it first thing Monday. She’ll be looking for immaculate work since we got time off. You want the grade, help earn it.” Camille lied and it was silent so she played his game. Voice changing. "My house is empty." Billy inhaled through his nose.
  “Right, I’ll-” the line went dead, “-see you.” It was ten minutes before Billy tore into her driveway. She opened the door and saw his face, gasping.
  “Pretty, huh?” He snuffed out a smoke and came in. No use making up a fake fight story. She knew him. That already grated. A nasty red welt marred his cheek and his bottom lip was cut, swollen still.
  “So, the damn paper. Huh.”
  “I lied.” Camille shut the door and picked up a long essay stapled together. “I got up and did the paper. It’s good, we’ll get an A.”
  “I read the book for you...for nothing.” He quirked one brow. "And I cancelled a date."
  “Yes...um, shoes. I need a favor.” She pointed and Billy rolled his eyes. Boots slipped off and his coat plopped to the couch. He tossed his arms out and let them drop.
  "Queen needs a favor."
  "Great thing about favors is paying them back." Camille didn't hesitate and his eyes snapped to her own.
  “Well, you got me here and now you have my full attention.” Billy fell against a chair, arms up over the back. His legs spread and he observed her. She ignored the idea he obviously had. “What favor?” He noticed her fidget. “What’s wrong with you?”
  “I’m not sure anymore.” Camille stepped toward him, summoned the courage. "I just...I need... Ugh, this is crazy. It's crazy and you're going to think I'm crazy."
  "Too late but, I'm in the boat with you. So, talk."
  "It's a small thing."
  "What," Billy eyed her, "do you need from me?"
  “I need you to help me pick the lock on the attic.” Billy’s chest heaved when he laughed, pain vibrated up his side so he held his ribs.
  “Fuck, Harper, I thought you had something difficult. Fine, I'll bite now. Better be good.” He swayed on his feet to follow her upstairs.
  “Housekeeper won’t be in until Thursday and my parents are occupied until...I never know anymore. We have plenty of time.” Camille led him to the door.
  “Why break daddy’s rules today?” Billy dropped to one knee and dug for his keys, pulling two silver tools from it.
  “Because I don’t know who to trust anymore,” she confessed and he stopped to see her eyes again. They cast and burned.
  "So, you trust me."
  "Shocking. ...I guess I don't find you to be a very good liar." Camille admitted. Somehow that was comforting. He seemed to accept such an answer. “Do it. Show me how.”
  “Not much to it, watch.” Billy jimmied the lock and Camille was intent. She sniffled on what may have been a thin trail of blood. “And...shit...okay, your dad knows what he’s doing. But...I got it.” The door popped open and she gazed up the stairs. “Princess, first.”
  “I feel like if I go up the stairs, everything is going to change and I...” Tears welled. Didn’t fall. “I can’t come back.”
  “Already awake, remember? Now move your pretty ass before you kill the rest of my social life.” He’d gestured.
  "You don't have to stay."
  "And miss out on daddy's top secret project? Fuck, no. I cancelled a date. You're stuck with me." Billy was intrigued now. Camille looked at his hand so he offered it. Fingers clasped and she followed the steps up with Billy behind her. Her breath puffed when they reached the top. It was...nothing. A metal desk and lamp. Books. Loads of file cabinets. Small TV and VCR. “So, your dad is boring. Got it. Hope this was worth it.” He watched her step forward, releasing him. Light came into the room from an oculus above them.
  “Thought it would be a suitcase full of cash or a long lost sister.” Camille remarked. "Guess I get to rub it in Nancy's face. To think that I really believed for a moment."
  "Believed what?"
  "It's stupid. Just a bunch of lab shit. I was just paranoid, I mean this is..." She yanked and a file cabinet didn’t budge.
  "Your dad doesn't ever let you in." Billy observed. "Locks the door with fancy shit. And he locks the cabinets. The hell?"
  “Sounds like a person with something to hide... Let me try.” Camille sighed at herself. Billy handed his lockpick over.
  “So, you just-”
  “Got it,” she popped the drawer open and gave them back like it was nothing. “Quick learner.”
  “Right...” He watched her sift through files. All marked with dates and three little numbers. 006.
  “What the hell is all this?” Camille opened them up along the metal desk. A picture fell out and Billy picked it up, recalling the photos along the house.
  “The fuck...” He gave a funny look then turned it. “Is that you?” A skinny child. Shaved head. Hospital gown. Distinct beauty mark. Standing awkward and squinting at the camera. Her arm was raised to block the flash. Three numbers etched her skin. 006. Camille looked down at her own arm. The tiny burn that must have melted those numbers away. The scar twitched.
  “This is me. All of it.” She heaved, snapping files open to absorb information. “My childhood...was complicated. Spotty. They kept me inside. I was a sickly kid. So I thought...” She read blurbs as she went and Billy was frozen. “Meds. Electroshock. Fuck. My whole life...he told me how important I was. But, to who?” Camille read onward, world crumbling. She recognized her own damn father’s handwriting in some of these.
  “...Six shows no special signs. Nothing… Termination possible….”
    “Six rouses no reaction yet when prodded into emotional state. Further tests on file….”
  “Today, we hit a breakthrough… Must develop reading skills. Six learned English and writing in four days. Has the advanced vocabulary and grammar of an adult at four years old. Made to read...what the hell...surpassed every reading, writing, and recollection test. Photographic memory proven. Muscle memory pending. Must investigate further.” Camille was ripping through files and Billy shook his head.
  “Quiet,” she hissed. “Six, deemed the most average, will participate in the assimilation and repression study. Dosage adjusts. Repression is possible.”
  “No!” She whipped around this time, fingers shaking. He met her eyes and froze. “...Dr. Harper and his wife have agreed to...to…” Camille felt herself sink. “Edna Mathias will serve on staff. Six will do what none of them are ready for. Subject will be introduced to the outside. Must be wiped clean first. Abilities controlled…  Stimulation is key. Subject will return at the right time for further testing. Possible age eighteen. Can these subjects function in the outer world? ...Controlled…suppressed… Can they be forced to adapt? ...Spies… Oh, god. Oh, my fucking god.” Camille was teetering, ripping up tapes to shove one into the TV.
  “What...is this?” Billy watched her fall to her knees before the screen. A little girl at the table. Rocking. A huge book in front of her.
  “Six, solve the equation.” She watched a too small child do perfect calculus. Camille went for more tapes. A younger Noah Harper bonding with her. Running tests while she cried and cried. An older man named Brenner joined them. These men trained her. Groomed her. She saw herself speak foreign languages. Copy intricate dance moves. She was a dancing money. Mimicking everything. A twittering mockingbird. Billy lurched forward and turned it off.
  “Hey!” She pushed at him so he ripped her up.
  “Camille, what the fuck is this?!” Her head tipped forward to his chest when she broke. A scream wailed and Billy watched the glass window vibrate. A single crack drew down it. Camille sniffled blood again and swallowed.
  “They lied. They lied...” She was sobbing at full blast. “Don’t you get it...? This is me, all of it is me. Everything. My life. It's the experiment! I'm the experiment!” Camille pushed from him. “Fake adoption papers… A test subject. My life...it’s all a fucking lie! They crafted it like paper dolls. Fashioned it to fit their ideals so I'd...” Her lungs ached. “They stole me...and gave me to...” Camille ripped for more information. Until she saw two names. “Adam King...Status: Deceased. Judith King...Status: Unstable. Current location...Dayton, Ohio.”
  “Camille, you got to explain this shit to me.” Billy’s hands were on her again. “You’re tell me that your rich lab rat father...stole a fucking kid and... You're right, this is crazy.”
  “Hawkins Lab. They took me. They did. Six… I think they took others.” Eleven.
  “This fucking town,” Billy rubbed his eyes.
  “I can’t tell you...everything. Things happened last year and we...were all were lied to. Something awful happened in that lab and it’s rotting Hawkins.” Camille was in a hurry to put everything back. Perfect like it was never touched. She slammed the file cabinet and Billy grasped her hands to slow her.
  “This...is unreal. And you think...you have some kind of ability. This isn’t a fucking movie."
  “One way to find out.” Her face cracked with a smile that jarred him. He knew the game wasn't over. "Another favor?"
** ** **
  “Max!” Billy was calling while Camille waited by his car. “Come outside. Bring your skateboard.”
  “Billy, not now!”
  “Max, I swear to god!” He bellowed again and she growled to herself, tearing outside.
  “What?!” Her anger faded when she saw Camille’s eyes. “Do you know? They said you did now.”
  “How do you know? How much did they-”
  “You know who. And not enough. They're-”
  “You’re hanging out with them again?” Billy was tense.
  "Not like they want me around either!"
  “Hey, both of you need to chill because I'm already mid-breakdown. Max, I need a weird favor. Show me a skateboard trick.” Camille touched Billy’s chest.
  “Uh, why?”
  “Why am I the only one outside this loop?” Billy got between them and Max grabbed her board.
  “Just...relax.” Camille sniffled. “It’s not safe. Just go with it.”
  “Fucking damn it, Camille.” He’d mumbled, rubbing his eyes. His fault for pursuing a fox.
  “Do a trick. Your choice.”
  “Okay...” Max wheeled herself down the street and back up, she ollied then landed with ease.
  “Now, let me try.” Camille came forward, that same intent expression on her face.
  “Um, why?”
  “Because I’m going insane and I want an audience for it.” The older teen took the board and set it down. Testing, she put one foot on it and pumped herself forward. Billy and Max watched in awe as she repeated the same move and kicked the board up to catch it.
  “Shit, Harper...”
  “I thought you didn’t skateboard.” Max gestured.
  “...I don’t.” Camille breathed heavily, eyes landing on Billy to confirm her fears. “Max, thank you this has been helpful. Billy, we gotta go.”
  “Where?” He whined this time, exhausted with questions.
  “Now! Max, if you see Mike and them...tell them to find Nancy and Jonathan. Tell them I said they were right. Billy, get in, what are you still standing there for? Favor isn't over, beach boy.” She ushered him off. Max watched the Harper girl practically kidnap her brother. They sped away and Camille was quick.
  “Dayton, Ohio. I need you to take me there. To the address on file. Few hours tops at your speed.” Camille yanked a map from his dash.
  “Fuck that. I’m taking you home and I’m waking up from whatever trip this is. And I'm going to go get laid.” No more queen bees for him.
  "Your lay can wait. You saw it. You already know too much. I'm not letting you go."
  "What the fuck does that mean?" He sped still.
  “Billy, I can’t explain everything. Just know that this might be my only chance for answers and I need you. Okay? I fucking need your help. Hard to say, but...yes, I trust you and not many others right now. There. God, I'm sick. That lab sat there...and those children. And Barb. Fuck, I’m...an idiot.”
  “You’re telling me there’s a whole big, magical fucking conspiracy in manure land?”
  “Something in that direction. Might be exciting for you. I'll owe you a million favors. I...I want to meet this Judith woman, she knows something.” Camille begged. “My life...never added up. You know what I would give to put the pieces together for the first time? To know the full truth. My parents...lied to me. My life. It’s all fake. It was doctored and written out before I could...live it. I have to go. I’ll drive myself if you don’t take me. I'll fucking hitchhike. Frankly, I don’t want to do this alone. You saw that room. Billy, I need you.” Couldn't let him out of sight now that he knew.
  “Harper,” Billy stopped at a light and rubbed his head. He looked into her eyes. Pleading. It broke him. “God fucking damn it.” He made a U turn and sped the other direction, grumbling. "Only going because I don't even want to get laid anymore."
  “Thank you, Billy.” She offered.
  “Long drive ahead. Start talking.”
  “I...I can’t tell you all about last year. But, my friends went through an ordeal and I fucking missed it.” Camille held herself. “Nancy found out something about Barb going missing last year. Something to do with Hawkins Lab. She asked me to spy on my dad. He keeps everything about his work private. That lab did something horrible and it has to stop.”
  “You think there are five more little shits with...with...powers walking about?”
  “I don’t know, I just know they stole kids and tortured them for sick experiments. I know the parents of those kids never made it out either.”
  “The lights.” Billy recalled. “Let me wrap my head around this and I will collect on those favors.”
  “Ditto and I expect nothing less.” She agreed. “Stop at a payphone, I need to lie to my lying god damn father. Can I have a cigarette?” Billy peered at her, lips lifting.
  “Help yourself.”
** ** **
  “This can’t be it.” Billy looked up at the building.
  “It’s the right address.” The grey sky threatened to darken above. Camille read the sign. “This is basically an old folks home...a fancy ass psych ward.”
  “How are we supposed to get in?”
  “Follow my lead,” Camille marched inside the sliding doors. Not a plan in sight. A receptionist looked up at them. “I’m looking for a Judith King. I’m her niece. This is my...brother.” She smiled bright and the lady didn’t look impressed, clicking into the computer. Billy tried not to make a face at that.
  “Uh, Carrie.” She’d lied.
  “Not on the list. No visit.”
  “Miss, we drove all this way...we go to college and can’t ever come see her but took the day to make up for that.”
  “Shame. Sorry, kid, you’re not on the list.” She continued. Billy loosened his coat and eyed Camille when she turned to go around the corner.
  “Wait, uh, Carrie, that was pathetic.” Billy muttered as they went back down the hall.
  "You think I don't know that? I'm frazzled. What do you suggest?"
  “Follow my lead.” He swaggered forward and leaned down back at the desk, arms crossing. “Hi there.” That Billy Hargrove charm oozed out with a devilish smile. The young woman stilled to meet his eyes. “Look, ah, Miss…?”
  “Maria.” Billy drawled, licking his lips. “I know you’re just following the rules.” He pulled a cherry candy from the nearby dish and set it between his teeth. Camille crossed her arms to flush. “But, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could make an exception. Just once.” Deft fingers tucked hair behind her ear. “Come on...” He uttered in that velvet tone. “Do it for me. I admit...I’m ashamed. I haven’t seen my dear Aunt. I have to make it up to her and I need your help, Maria. Just a few moments and we’ll be out of your pretty hair. Scout’s honor to behave. Cross my heart.” Fingers drew an X over his chest, the shirt button opened. “Hope to live.”
  "I don't know."
  "Maria..." That sing-song tone hooked her. Billy was intent, swaying and lax. "It'll be our little secret."
  “Well, okay, just this once,” she whispered.
  “Maria. You are a gem...I won't soon forget it.” Billy winked and she giggled. Camille tried not to roll her eyes. Billy took two visitor passes and pressed them to his lips. “Appreciate it, dollface.” His eyebrows lifted. Smug when he peered again at Camille so she followed him.
  “Take the elevator to four. An orderly will show you to her.” Maria called and Billy winked at Camille this time. Her lips twitched, eyes averting because she loathed him.
  “Yeah, yeah, don’t push it.” She could have kissed this stupid boy right there.
  “Push it? You kidnapped me into some...weird manure land conspiracy.”
  “That I did.” They went up. The orderly gestured and Camille felt her hands shake.
  “Judy...there are two kids here to see you.” He showed them into a small room. A woman rocked and watched the television. Ballet played before her. She had the same dark hair save for early flashes of silver. The same green, hazel eyes. Face shape down to that damn beauty mark. Billy felt his stomach dip. The woman didn’t look up, transfixed on the TV before her.
  “Judith?” Camille tried.
  “She hasn’t spoken since she arrived,” the man replied. "About seventeen years ago."
  “Sir, we...um...we weren’t there for, you know, the incident. We were so young. Can you tell me what exactly happened? Our parents don’t like to talk about it.” Camille managed.
  “Ah, well, Judith suffered some sort of head trauma. She and her husband were in a terrible car accident, I think. Adam, the husband, he died on impact. And so did their unborn baby at the hospital. Awful thing. She was almost to the full nine months.”
  “Unborn baby.” Camille pressed her lips together. Billy stuffed his hands into his pockets.
  “Yes. She came to us catatonic. The generosity of an old friend paid her way. Nice couple.”
  “A nice...couple.”
  “Judy, here, she doesn’t do much. She sure likes to watch the ballet. Classical stuff calms her down. She liked to crochet dolls. Little ballerinas. Church choir kids who visit sure love them. She’s probably trying to communicate in some way. You know, with her lost daughter.”
  “Daughter?” Billy lifted his eyes from Camille’s stiffening back.
  “Yes, they were having a little girl.” He smiled. “Judith doesn’t get many visitors. Except for the woman. About every other month. Comes and gives her fresh flowers. Talks to her a few hours. You see?” Camille turned her eyes to a vase of wilting sunflowers. Her world snapped apart.
  “Thank you...for telling us. Can we have a moment alone?” Camille forced a grin and the man shut the door. Billy reached out to touch her shoulder and she flinched. “No...no.” She knelt down. “Judith?” She tried. “Judy, look at me. Now.” Nothing. “Mom.” The word tore. Her rocking stopped. “Mommy, I’m sorry.” Camille took her hand and eyes landed on her own. For just a beat, Judy saw her. A tiny Star of David hung from her neck. Billy lingered back as if he would break the moment like glass. “My name is Camille. I’m your daughter. I’m your little girl. I’m sorry. They did this to you. I can’t fix it.” Camille wept softly in her mother’s lap. The woman lifted a frail hand to touch soft locks of hair, petting her. Not enough registered. “She knows me. She does. Mom?” Judith reached into her robe pocket for a limp doll. A ballet dancer. She offered it and then she was gone again. Rocking.
  “Camille, we have to go.” Billy had to break the glass.
  “No, she knows me.” Camille clutched the ballerina close. Billy grasped her shoulders to bring her up. “No, no...she knows me. Wait. Wait...I can get through. I can fix it. I have to. Mom... Mom, I love you.” A tear rolled down Judy’s cheek. She just rocked with wide eyes. Camille felt herself flutter and tumble. Her mother was gone. Her identity was gone. Billy got her out of there and walked her to the elevator. He ignored Maria on the way to the door and pressed Camille into his car. She rocked too now, curling up with the toy in hand. Billy turned on the car and she broke. A scream stifling into the yarn and stuffing. The price to put these lost fragments together was high. Not even thinking, Billy had his arms around her to stop it. She cried and squirmed. He squeezed her tighter until she was raw. “Please, just take me back. Please, Billy.” He pulled off his brown bomber jacket and let her burrow under it. Air conditioning dried her red, splotched face. Camille wept most of the way home and Billy just let her without a word.
** ** **
  They parked in front of her place and Camille didn’t move. She stared at that huge, pretty house. Numb. Billy unbuckled and turned when she followed.
  "You think...they were running? The car accident?" Camille swallowed.
  "If they were running with you, it means they gave a shit." It meant they loved her.
  "You believe it, don't you? You believe now."
  "Like I have a choice." He'd exhaled, sobering.
  “Do not say anything about this.” She warned with hard eyes.
  “Who can I tell?” He scoffed. “Don’t tell them what you know either. These people. The damn maid. You play Queen Bee and stay out of their shit.”
  “I trusted her. I trusted them. It’s all red now.” Camille trembled and slid closer to Billy next to her.
  “Camille.” He felt her invade his space. His jacket fell from her torso. Faltering on the spot, she seemed intoxicated and offered the words he wanted since she popped that pretty pink bubble.
  “I want...to try something.” Camille ran her hands up his chest and he inhaled deeper. Skin fizzled upon contact. Palms cupped his face, ran back into curls. He didn’t try to touch her, he just stared at her face. Head cocked back and she kissed his neck. Light like a butterfly’s wings. Her lips edged and he grew aroused. Hands lifted to touch her wrists so she came up to see his face. Eyes looked deep into his. Sparkling. “I want you.” Her voice was hoarse. She didn't try to kiss his lips. “I want you. Billy.” She gave a sort of whine against him, forehead on his. He could have laid her back and made her feel good. Slid his hands under her sweater. Let her caress him. Completed the chase at last. But, he didn’t. Any other day but not this one. Not this fucking day. He saw a bloodied fox clamped tight within the sharp teeth of a vicious jackal. He didn't want to be that jackal. Didn't want to pick her from his teeth later as if it was the only way to recall her taste. For once. Billy felt his own flesh pulse. He pulled her wrists back and exhaled her out of his skin, eyes lifting to see her own well up.
  “You only want me now,” Billy Hargrove smashed the glass this time, “because you hate yourself.” Camille sat back. Eyes flickering over his face. A sort of grim acceptance seeped into her expression. She inhaled. Became stone. Became the queen bee. Only because it was all she could do now. Camille got out and smacked the door shut. She didn’t look back at him. Billy watched each light flicker on and off as she moved through that house again. Utterly alone. He didn’t leave. He just sat in his car and pulled his jacket back into his lap. Upstairs, Camille wandered like a ghost, shifting into her parent’s medicine cabinet. She stole a bottle they wouldn’t notice and went to her room. Pills stuffed down her throat like a kid with candy. She didn’t stop, not until the room spun. Not until there was a knock upon her window. The bottle dropped and scattered her treats all over. Lulling, Camille fell back against the front of her bed and looked once more at the doll smashed in her fist. It was all gone and she didn’t care.
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willel · 5 years
Season 3 Review
TLDR; I’ve only watched it once so far. My opinions are relatively positive, but I did have this... weird feeling like something more was meant to happen but didn’t. 
The Review:
Here’s the order I will go in. Plot review, and then character by character review. For the characters, I’ll try to put the shorter reviews on top. Don’t expect a perfect review, these are my free flowing thoughts. 
Plot was ok? I’m going over it in my head right now and there’s nothing in particular I didn’t like. Like last season, maybe they could’ve spent more time on other characters and relationships? Relationships that REALLY needed it? The flow of the story moved at a decent pace. I didn’t really feel like it was dragging at any parts. 
I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but they just have way too many characters. When you have this many characters, you spread your story thin. It happens every single time. Why do writers never learn from this? The more you add, the more time you have to give them, time you don’t have?
But now it’s too late. Maybe some of these characters can fall back into the background? (Such as Robin, who I didn’t mind really)
As for how everything resolved, it was ok I suppose. The Mind Flayer? He was cunning, sure. But not nearly as cunning as the fandom dreamed him up to be, and I preferred the fandom interpretation. For a while we’ve all been predicting the Mind Flayer wouldn’t immediately go for El. He’d go for her friends and family, or Will’s friends and family, or Will again and then make it’s way to her. It’d make his beef with her very personal. Like take Mike. Or Hopper. Someone she’d least likely expect. 
But no, it was taking random victims from town, or people El already didn’t like or know. (which by the way, I feel sorry for those poor people. Some were just children. Tsk)
Things could’ve gotten so much more cunning and creepy. Like they’d all be questioning if they’d been infiltrated by the MInd Flayer and someone in the Party wasn’t on their team or something. I dunno. Something. 
As for how everything wrapped up, I don’t think Hopper is dead for one. Joyce was breaking down and assumed he was dead, but was she actually looking at his crispy body, or just an empty spot? If it’s empty, why do I feel like he escaped into the portal or hid somehow? Huh
And the very end?? As predicted, the Byers are moving away. I know before the season released the big theory was Will and El would be kidnapped, but after we got a still of Jonathan caressing Nancy’s face (they both looked to be crying), the shot of The Party biking away from the Byers empty house... I dunno. Something was off. Would Joyce still move if they were gone? I mean surely she would’ve stuck around Hopper to get help in finding their kids, and I highly doubt Hopper was gonna move anywhere. 
I remember a very long time ago, Noah mentioned something about characters coming together, but not in the way he expected. And more recently, he said something happens at the end of season 3 that will give him and El more screen time next season. 
This leads me to 2 conclusions. All that Byers fluff I wanted is next season... AND SO IS ALL THE EL AND WILL I WANTED. 
But... I feel like there was so much opportunity to put some stuff in THIS season, you know? So, I’m kinda conflicted right now. I look forward to it next season, but I also feel it could’ve fit in this season 2. 
CG looked good. Better than I was expecting. So good job folks. My biggest takeaway is simply too many characters. There just is. 
So, onto the characters!
Erica: Very happy with how this turned out. We’ve already got black nerd rep with Lucas, but now his little sister too? So rare to see in media to be honest. It would be so cute if she joins The Party for DnD games. Not as a main maybe, but the person to go to for math.
Robin: You know, I’m glad it took the turn it did, with her being gay and all. I’m glad they aren’t trying to pair every single person under the sun. I think it’s good that Steve found someone that gets him, but that is truly just his friend that happens to be a girl. That said, I don’t know what there would be for her to do in future seasons, you know? Like, maybe she serves a role similar to Mr. Clarke where she can crack some code or something. But as a character? There’s no where for her to go, you know? And that’s not a bad thing! I think she can totally work as a supporting character. (though I feel conflict with that too. Cause she’s LGBT representation and we’re kinda imbalanced with the cast if you know what I mean)
Steve: I was fully expecting them to turn Steve into a complete goof and lean in too hard on the meme. They still kinda did, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. His doucher side still popped out now and then. Some scenes with Robin I liked (the bathroom discussion). Other times they spent WAY too much focus on his story (the “do you remember ms. Clicker” and “ooo the ceiling is wavy”). That said.... I feel like Steve’s character has also been mostly resolved? Where does his character go from here? Maybe he’ll get a girlfriend, but like Dustin’s girlfriend, I don’t find it necessary to focus on or anything. He’s got a friend his age now, still friends with Dustin. If there weren’t so many Steve fans, I feel like it’d be a natural progression to have Steve fall back a little too. (but I doubt that’s going to happen.)
Dustin: Dustin. Mmm. Dustin. I always feel like I have so little to say about Dustin. Not because I dislike him, but hey. We all have our favorites, right? I’m glad he took Erica under her wing and showed her it’s ok to be a nerd.... SD THAT HE BROTHER COULD’VE HAVE DONE THAT, but I digress I digress. Sometimes, your sibling isn’t the one to show you the way. It’s cool that he got a girlfriend I guess, so he actually wasn’t upset about Max and Lucas at all. He basically had similar feelings to Will, but less angry and intense. Was not interesting in the whole singing situation, but it was nice to have a comedic comeback with Lucas and Max teasing him.
Lucas: Lucas, my other son. He served the role I thought he would this season. The love doctor, trying his best to set his bestie on the right path. I mean, I guess his advice was sound, but El isn’t Max. His and Max more toned down relationship is how I feel like 14 year old romances should be. Teasing each other. Teasing mutual friends. Playing around. Hugs. They’re sweet. Wish we’d gotten more time of them talking about stuff going on though. I thought Max and Lucas would kinda work together to give their friends some space and give them time to think or something. Not Lucas actively working to get them back together and Max almost doing the opposite. I’m so happy that he was trying to apologize to Will about the dnd campaign. Will insisted he didn’t care anymore, but I bet he still appreciated Lucas bringing it up and saying it was a good campaign. What a good friend. So cute that they worked on the fireworks together. AND THE SEASON STAPLE HAPPENED, THEY HUGGED! YES. AND LUCAS WAS ACTION MAN, CUTTING EL FREE OF THE BEAST
Max: Max was definitely out of have fun this season. I’m glad she made a new bestie and they got along great. Though I do think Max could’ve approached the “you should be more independent” situation more gently (because El will take it all literally and do stuff word for word), it is what it is. The end result was positive. I’m glad Max called Mike out on being a little too controlling/protective, but you would’ve thought the others would’ve said something sooner? I guess Will tried but we all know how that went. Lucas poked fun at him, but didn’t really push for change. So, it’d make sense for Max to be the one to do it I guess. El had to make things change, not Mike. What I did not like this season was Max on multiple occasions trying to get through to Billy? We saw what their relationship was last season. Toxic as all hell. I’m sure Max wouldn’t want Billy to die or get morally wounded or involved in the supernatural shenanigans but... something was just off about everything. Mm.... like... she’s seen what Billy can do. Would she really doubt he did something bad that hard? It would have been nice if El had a “I need you to trust me.” line with Max like she did Mike. They’re both in their own way trying to dictate what El should be feeling (Max much less so, but still). Even if Max believed her, would’ve have changed much either way. Moving forward, where can her character go? Maybe some family stuff? Billy’s dead now. Where will Neil’s abuse go? Because, it’s clear he’s always just been a piece of shit. 
Mike: Mike wasn’t as cruel as he could’ve potentially been, but he certainly was a little shit sometimes. His love and affection for El was clearly becoming an obsession. I’m glad he was basically forced to take a step back and had to try and work things out. El gave him virtually no pity or reward until she felt like he earned it. And the whole thing with Will? Ooof. What were you thinking Mike? Will obviously put a shit ton of work into his campaign and then you treated it like a joke the entire time and didn’t realize you were being a butt until Will finally had enough. Mike has always been very emotional and hot headed. He easily gets tunneled visioned too. But you know, despite liking girls and being with a girl, Mike Wheeler is still Mike Wheeler, a nerd who doesn’t know how to deal with girls really. I’m sure by the next time we see him, he’ll be much better.
Hopper: Hopper??? He was.... basically a dick the whole season. While I didn’t mind he was being the “leave enough room for jesus” trope he had going on, threatening Mike and making him lie to El was just.... what the heck are you doing Hopper? You’re really going to risk your relationship with El and Mike because you don’t like that they’re kissing so much? I get that you miss spending time with your brand new daughter, but I’m sure eventually all those butterflies would calm down and you could have your father and daughter times again. He should’ve swallowed his pride and did what Joyce said. And then Joyce? Omg Hopper please. She lots the man she was potentially going to marry and move away with less than a year ago. I know you’re horny, but please have a little class? I don’t hate Hopper, but man. He was WAY out of line sometimes. And I probably only feel this way because Joyce essentially told him “Screw you” multiple times. I can see why Joyce was hesitant to jump into a relationship with Hopper. He does share a few qualities of Lonnie. Don’t get me wrong, not NEARLY as toxic. But Joyce spend the whole season arguing with him like she did her ex husband. That can’t feel good, you know? Hopper needed to be better. He needed more time. Buttttt, unfortuntelyyyyy, time that could’ve been used for that.... wasn’t used for that. As for his death? To be honest, I won’t be convinced until I see a proper body. But just.... he was so considerate and patient last season with Joyce. What happened? Ooof
Joyce: Joyce. Best mom Joyce. I love her. Always have, always will. She did not take any shit this season from anyone. I can tell she was beyond pissed that Hopper was blowing off her concerns yet again. It was hilarious that she left him alone to yell into the void and was like, “No it’s ok. I’m just gonna borrow these and break into the facility without you.” I wanted soooo much moRE TIME WITH HER SONS. OR WITH EL. What are you doing Duffers? Then again.... when I really think about it, Joyce hasn’t had anything to do except worry about one of her sons in season 1 and season 2. It was a nice change of pace for her. She had her own adventure of sorts and that’s great. That said, I did love the .00002 second clip of her and Jonathan wiping his face. And I love that she was hugging Will so tightly that he actually said, “I’m suffocating.” I also liked that Will and Joyce cried in each other’s arms..... BUT WHAT THE HECK, SOMEONE GIVE EL A HUG PLEASE
Jonathan: I will say Jonathan’s nonchalance toward Nancy’s treatment did not feel quite like him, but I guess I understood his point of view after they were fired. Like, OBVIOUSLY he didn’t like Nancy’s treatment, but I guess the Byers financial situation has gotten so bad he just.... let that stuff slide (Joyce mentioned how Hopper was her first customer and she’s doing nothing but putting clearance labels on all their store products, so her job is definitely not safe) I’m glad we were granted not only the arguments, but also their apologies and whatnot. I feel like it’s in Jonathan’s nature to be skeptical until he’s proven utterly wrong. Not a bad trait to have, just makes him a wee bit hard headed. I was sorely missing Byers bro time. Omg there were so many opportunities to have them not just next to each other, but speaking and stuff? Or worrying about their mom? Or something? What is up with that? Ooof. They said this season was reminiscent of season 1, but I don’t see that at all. Even when Will wasn’t there for most of the season, the Byers still just... had so much???? going for them??? But now? There are no gifsets I can make this seasons of the bros basically. Or of Joyce and Jonathan. Like, nothing. And that’s a shame. (Just that scene of them driving in the car basically) Though, LET ME JUST SAY IT WAS SO BIG BROTHERLY THAT JONATHAN WAS TRYING TO HELP EL BUT WAS UNABLE TO CATCH THE WIGGLY CREATURE. AND TRYING TO PROTECT EL FROM THE WRIGGLY MOUTH TENTACLE. He’s so soft. 
Nancy: Nancy had a lot to do this season and that’s great. I wonder now that the two hot dogs holding her back the most in the post are gone if she can finally shine and make a name for herself? Or maybe she’ll follow her mom’s advice and work for a different paper? I’m glad she stood up for herself and followed through with her investigation. Also, it was kinda cute that Mike called for her when the big beast was breaking through the ceiling
Karen: KAREN. I thought I was going to be really mad at you this season, but I’m glad you turned things around. Ted sucks, but he’s not a creep or abusive. If you want a new life Karen, then I hope you do it the proper way. Just divorce him or whatever. But you know what? Karen dragged his ass out to a crowded fair and he actually seemed to be enjoying himself so maybe he just needs a push in the right direction. As for the kids, omg. I’m glad Mike and Nancy finally came to her to cry and talk. Maybe they didn’t tell her everything, but at least they told her something? You know? And she had beautiful sound advice for Nancy. Karen is back in the graces of good moms again. 
Will: WIll my boy. I know they said Will would be getting a break this season, but other than his friendships falling apart and feeling like the worst... to me, it was kinda odd how the Mind Flayer didn’t care about Will at all? Will is basically giving away all of the Mind Flayer’s secrets and he doesn’t care at all? Does he not know? Surely the all powerful Mind Flayer can tell... unless it’s not the Mind Flayer piece that’s giving Will this ability to sense him. Like, Will really has a sense evil ability I suppose. Which leads me to WIll’s power. I think this can be considered Will’s power, but I have a problem with the way they implemented it. Will sensed things sure, and could tell the Party if the monster was nearby or something. But... why have Will feel that so late? Wouldn’t this plot point be better implemented by Will feeling the Mind Flayer much much sooner? Or within people when they aren’t acting psycho with black veins? Why have Will say “Oh yeah, something bad is here.” When it’s obvious something bad is here. You know what I mean? I mean, technically he was feeling it before anyone else noticed anything, but not enough time to properly warn them. You know? Maybe this is a matter of practice makes perfect. He needs to work his new muscle to get a faster heads up. But yeah, my prediction in that way was right. His powers would be related to sensing or feeling. In some episodes, there were these various moments where I was sure Will was going to step forward and say something. Or offer El advice or comfort (like when she was diving deep and Flayed Billy was being mean, because he’s seen and felt some shit too), but it never happened. It always fell onto Mike to resolve. And I mean, that’s ok I guess. And typical of him to do so. I was also expecting more people to notice when Will was touching his neck and stuff, but Mike only noticed that one time in the movie and no one else paid attention. Also, it was weird that it took Will so long to notice Nancy and Jonathan’s struggle in the hospital. Side note, Will the Wise had me ROLLING. Will should join the drama club after all. He’s amazing. He should become an actor. On the topic of his sexuality, I have changed my mind on it. While before I was certain he was gay, now I think he’s either gay or aroace. Or both. To be honest, I’m not well versed on the subject, but whether he’s ace or not, I think he’s still gay. As for where his character is going? I hope his BRAND NEW SISTER EL can get him to chill on the “All girls are icky” routine. Pffff. My boy, you don’t gotta romantic like a girl to be friends ya know. Honestly, I can’t believe Will and El only really had 1 conversation on screen. That is BOOTY. P.S, I’m glad there wasn’t a love triangle. It would have been a mess. Lol
El: And nowwwww, to El! El dealt with a lot this season. I remembering mentioning to a friend that everyone demands Will get a break, but never mention El getting a break. She was basically tortured this season. I’ve discussed her a lot in Mike’s section, but to summarize, I’m glad she found her own form of independence this season. She was taking on a little too much Max (like she was with Kali. And before that, Mike), but by the end, you could clearly see she really coming into her own. A little mix of everything with her own self coming through. Now, onto her powers. So, they’ve changed how they work a little. Apparently, El decides who can and can’t see her in the void. That means, the ONLY people who have broken this rule is her mother and Flayed Billy. That whole thing with Will? That’s because she wanted him to hear her at the very least. And also, apparently anyone can talk to El while she’s in that place because she heard Mike like she heard Joyce in season 1. Also, that power to dive into memories wasn’t Terry’s power. Or rather, that’s yet another power El has that her mother has too. At this point, it kinda feels like they’re just piling any ability onto El that fits what they’re trying to do with the plot. It is an interesting choice that she’s lost them for now, but I wonder why exactly. You can still hear when she’s using her power, but nothing happens. Now El can really be a “normal” girl until they reappear (which they’re bound to do). Also, IT IS SO SO AMAZING THAT JOYCE TOOK HER IN AND NOW iT’S A FAMILY OF 4 AND JOYCE IS LEGIT HER MOM OMG. EL HAS A MOM!!! (Ok, she’s always had a mom. But you know what I mean) She’s now living in a house with more people. And although Joyce is a very clingy paranoid parent, she is not clingy and paranoid like Hopper. If there’s a problem, she properly address it with her kids. I think El will really like this new take on family with Joyce. 
Was SO happy to see Bob. I’m glad his memory is alive. Would’ve liked to see Will think about him, but I guess Will had another things going on. Still. Would’ve been nice. Very nice. Also glad to see Dr. Owens for a split second. You know, I really liked that Alexei guy. He turned out to be kinda adorable and was really trying to help. It’s so sad what happened to him honestly. Didn’t care for trying to make Billy sympathetic, but I guess if you’re going to kill him off, you should better understand why he’s suck a dick. I guess. And, it’s quite sad all those people disintegrated into poo. I feel like I already said this. 
Although my feelings have not completely settled, there is one thing that’s clear. I still prefer season 1 and 2. I basically feel like everything I expected to happen this season is actually going to be next season. It’s a weird feeling to have. Makes me feel uncertain. Should I really be looking forward to the promised next season when I felt like this one surely could’ve had more? Know what I mean? 
I want to say I should definitely be getting what I want next season. But... I wish it were this season. 
As for what’s coming next, well, obviously the Russians are dumb and they opened a gate. And they have an American prisoner. But anyway, I wonder what the Mind Flayer/Demogorgon is going to do next. Track down El? Mmm.... and I guess the US government right now must not be a threat whatsoever. Not with Owens in charge. Mm. El faced no backlash being seen by all those government goons. 
Ok that’s it for now. If ya got questions my askbox is open.
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I am absolutely begging you to write a sick Jonathan Byers fic if you have the time😭😭 I just finished the first season of stranger things yesterday and I’m so in love with the idea of him getting sick. Thank you!!!!
(Ya girl is back! My writing is a bit rusty, and a little shorter but hopefully that’s ok!! I love my boi Jonathan, and I love u guys; so lets hope this goes well! Takes place only a bit after S1, so no s2 spoilers here for u anon!! :) )
Jonathan cannot afford to get sick.
And when he says that, the phrase extends to have multiple meanings. A.) it means that Jonathan in a literal sense of the word, cannot afford to get sick. The Byers are not rich, medicine is costly, and they rely Jonathan’s wages from the cinema, so Jonathan cannot afford to be sick.
And B.) It means Jonathan can’t get sick because he has way too many responsibilities in his life to get sick. Jonathan has to be a good son. He needs to cook his family breakfast, do his chores, take Will to school, all to keep his family afloat. But most of all, Jonathan has to be a good big brother, especially after the whole debacle that had happened with Will. Will needed him more than ever, and Jonathan was going to assert every fibre of his being to make Will feel safe again. And to do that, he couldn’t be sick because that would mean he could not put every joule of his energy into Will.
and C.) Jonathan cannot look weak. It is only now that Jonathan for the first time has two people who genuinely do want to be around him, and it is only now that Jonathan is surrounded by people who make him feel safe, wanted and cared for. He cannot ruin anything he has with Nancy or Steve, because now that he’s had a taste of friendship, Jonathan doesn’t think he could return to the lonely world he once knew.
So when Jonathan wakes up Friday morning by an intense tickling in his nose, causing him to convulse in his bed with three harsh sneezes against his pillow, he feels a feeling of dread rise in his stomach.
When he rises out of bed and sat up, he was greeted by a pounding, splitting headache so painful it practically sweeps him; so hard that Jonathan could have fallen back over back into bed. Then he realised he cant breathe through his nose, and despite the little hot air he is breathing out and the hot flush he feels on his cheeks, he feels frozen.
As much as his soul cries out at him to stay in bed, and as much as he feels his heart reach for the bed and cling on for life, Jonathan’s brain knew he couldn’t stay. He weakly thrusts his aching, fevered body out of the comforts of his bed and steadies himself by grabbing onto his bedside table for dear life.
It seems like an eternity before the world stopped whizzing and whirling around like he was on some acid trip of a merry go round, but all things come to an end, even oddities like this. Jonathan weakly stumbles over to his door, his vision quite tunnelled, fading in and out with each throb of his head.
He doesn’t know how he made it out into the kitchen without falling over, but he does, despite the zig zagged direction he chose to take and the shaky nature of his legs, like jelly, about to succumb to his illness any moment now.
When Jonathan makes Will’s lunch he’s sloppy. His sandwich isn’t perfectly positioned and when he cooks breakfast he shakes and the fried egg ends up an odd shape. When he pours the orange juice into the glass he spills some over, because his hand can’t stop to tremor and his entire body is racked by the freezing temperatures only he seems to notice.
What Jonathan also doesn’t notice is that Joyce has flown into the room and has immediately noticed his current state. And she is Joyce, so naturally she fusses and she beelines for the thermometer and shoves it in his mouth. Jonathan protests of course but she’s Joyce, and she doesn’t  lose.
And before he knows it he is being hoisted to bed by his feisty mother and Jonathan is defeated.
In his feverish haze time doesn’t pass quite right and he’s not quite sure what time it is but he hears a gentle knock on the door, to this rhythm so familiar it brings Jonathan back to his senses, and he knows it’s Will. He always knocked on his door with his own little rhythm since he was little, Jonathan would know it anywhere.
“Yeah, come in,” He rasped out, his voice so rough he cringed, resembling nails against a chalkboard.
His little brother tiptoed in carefully as not to further his headache or anything to upset his weakened body; he was always thoughtful like that, and Jonathan loved him for it. He was proud of him always.
“Hi Jon,” Will whispered lowly, a sweet smile spread across his lips.
“Mom told me you were sick so I brought you these,” He continued as he set down a box of tissues, the mix tape Jonathan had made for him and a R2D2 stuffed toy.
“The Artoo toy always makes me feel better so hopefully it can do the same for you,” Will said as Jonathan gave him a smile, although weak, still bright, as Will always made his day a little brighter.
“And your mixtape always makes me happy, so I’m hoping it can make you happy too,” Will grinned as he placed the tape into a player.
“You’re the best Will,” Jonathan grinned softly as he turned on his side to face him, before his face contorted and he quickly retreated into his pillow to muffle three vicious sneezes that leeched him off his remaining energy. He groaned softly.
Will frowned as he leaned in to feel his forehead, pushing the hair out of his face, “You’re not feeling great, are you?”
Jonathan chuckled weakly, his voice congested and deep, and he was sent into a brief coughing fit, turning away from him to cough into his arm. Once he recovered, he sniffled and wiped his irritated tears away, forcing a smile, “I’ve felt better.”
He leaned in to ruffle his hair and bat him playfully on the cheek, “Now go away to school, you don’t want to catch this.”
Will chuckled and hit him back, “I’m sure it’s better than listening to Mrs.Leahy drone on and on.”
Jonathan made a monstrous noise to scare him and jabbed at his stomach to tickle him, “Raaaarrrghhhh! The plagues gonna get you!”
Will giggled and ran away.
Jonathan couldn’t help the wife, bright smile that spread across his lips. That laugh could save the world. And to think just a two months ago he thought he’d never hear it again, was terrifying. Hearing it made him immediately feel just a bit together.
Jonathan doesn’t remember much but he knows he managed to drift off to a feverish sleep halfway through one of Pink Floyd’s songs, and now he’s waking up to a splitting headache and he feels like he’s burning alive but he can’t stop shaking either, and waves of blistering hot crash through him followed by a tidal wave of freezing cold leaves him curling up within himself.
He feels dreadful, and his body feels so heavy and weak and he genuinely wants to cry out because everything hurts too much. When Jonathan coughs its chesty and raspy, each cough pressing daggers into his lungs. He whimpers in pain as he tries to brave through it.
When the pain simmers down enough Jonathan becomes aware of the knocking at the door. The knocking is too much for his overstimulated brain and it’s too much for him to handle and an electrifying spark of pain causes his head to throb repeatedly. He whimpers again but somehow he pushes himself off of his bed.
When he stands a wave of nausea hits him and his vision fades into black. Jonathan feels so light and he can feel the sickeningly haunting pit in his stomach as he free falls. He pulls himself off of the ground and his legs shake and he can barely walk as he is shaking too much, and his vision is fading in and out but he grabs onto the walls to try and get there.
It’s a long and treacherous journey but he makes it, and at the end of the tunnel is a beam of light, because when he opens the door it reveals a worried looking Steve and Nancy.
He’s too shocked to reply, and his brain is way too slow to say anything so he can do is cling onto the door frame and shake. Nancy and Steve are the same and are too horrified at how awful he probably looks and shame pulsates throughout him. But Jonathan can’t dwell on it too long because he’s bursting into another harsh coughing fit that doubles him over, each cough causing his head to throb and lungs to scream in pain. He clings onto the door frame to support himself and he feels so faint and weak he can feel himself losing control.
Just before he slips from the door frame and falls, Steve is lunging in to catch him, supporting him so he can finish coughing, rubbing his back comfortingly. And when he finishes Steve slings Jonathan’s arm over his shoulder and the look Steve gives him is so kind that it melts him all over.
His eyes are so kind and so filled with care, “Hey bud, you okay there?”
Jonathan nods and sniffles, groaning as a tickle flares within his sinuses and he pushes away slightly to violently sneeze twice into his elbow.
“Bless you Jon,” Nancy says sympathetically, quickly caressing his face. “We need to get you back into bed.”
She slings his arm around her shoulder too and they get him back, gently laying him down on his bed. She tucks him into the blanket and hops onto bed with him to feel his forehead, and Jonathan can see the panic flash in her eyes.
“Steve, Steve he’s burning up!” Nancy said worriedly, trying not to sound too frantic.
“I’ll get him a cold towel,” Steve replied, trying to disguise the worry in his voice as he went off to the kitchen.
“Why are you here?” Jonathan asked feverishly, his voice weak and barely audible.
She gave him a small smile and started to play with his hair, brushing it out of his face, gazing at him sweetly, “We were looking for you. We couldn’t find you so we asked Will and he said you were sick, so we skipped class and ended up here.”
Jonathan’s eyes twinkled with adoration, his eyes watering as he felt so cared for, “You..were looking for me? You didn’t have to skip class just for me.”
Nancy looked a little taken aback, “Jon..of course we were looking for you. You’re our friend. We care about you.”
“Really?” Jonathan asked in disbelief, his voice cracking as he was unable to comprehend the fact that anyone actually cared for him bar his family. It left his heart soaring.
Steve returned with a damp towel in his hands. He climbed atop Jonathan’s bed and gently laid the towel on his forehead. He smiled softly and started to massage his temples, “God Jon, you’re really sick, huh?”
Jonathan nodded but pushed away as a sudden tickle itched at his nose, so abrupt he hadn’t had time to build up to it or warn Steve, with only time to turn his head away and aim away from them, sneezing two loud and violent sneezes that leeched him off his remaining energy.
Steve frowned and reached for a tissue and wiped at Jonathan’s nose for him, “Bless you buddy, you feeling okay?”
Nancy offered him a sympathetic smile and climbed in next to him and comfortingly leaned against him, playing with his hair.
And suddenly in that moment Jonathan is hit by the revelation that he is surrounded by two of the kindest people he has ever met. When he looks at Nancy he sees the softest, sweetest gaze looking upon him with so much care, and each stroke of her fingers against his messy hair is tender and loving. He looks over at Steve who is watching over with him ever so bravely, ever so determined to keep him safe. Jonathan has never felt this safe, so secure, so loved in his life.
It feels so good that it fills every ounce of him with sunlight and starlight and everything beautiful, and he is then hit with another revelation. A revelation that crushes him to his core; the realisation that should he lose it he doesn’t think he’ll be the same because now he would be aware of the void. And this won’t last; Jonathan knows it. It’s not possible that he’d be loved like this. No one ever has really before.
Jonathan can’t even stop himself, and his lip is wobbling and his eyes are watering and before he can even put the walls he has built with such an endeavour back up again tears are spilling from his eyes.
“Jonathan?” Nancy asked, alarmed by the sudden tears.
Jonathan aggressively tries to wipe his tears away, but new ones keep replacing the ones he’s gotten rid of, and eventually Jonathan realises that all attempts are futile, and his walls have broken down.
“Hey, what’s going on bud?” Steve asked reassuringly, taking Jonathan’s other side that Nancy isn’t already at and wrapping an arm around him.
“Its just, no ones ever done this for me besides my mom and my brother,” Jonathan hiccuped, trying to stop his sobs.
Nancy softened and pressed a soft kiss into his hair, “And we’ll do it again.”
Jonathan shook his head, “No, no you won’t.”
Steve furrowed his brow, “What do you mean?”
Jonathan sobbed and sniffled, causing him to cough harshly into his fist, “You won’t. Because I’ve built these walls around myself and hidden the parts of me I don’t like, and now they’re down you’ll see me for who I really am and you won’t like me anymore, and I’m going to be alone again.”
Jonathan loathed the silence that ensued.
“Jon..we’re not going to do that, ever,” Nancy promised, reaching for his hands and holding them in her own, eyes bright and so sure.
Steve tightened his grip around Jonathan and pressed a kiss against his temple, “You are never going to be alone again, Jon. We’re here now.”
“You won’t like what you see,” Jonathan whispered softly.
“I think it’s you who doesn’t Jonathan, not us,” Steve said gently.
“Are the walls down now, Jonathan?” Nancy asked softly.
“Yes,” He whispered with shame.
Nancy kissed his cheek softly, “I still love you.”
Steve nodded, “As do I. I think you need to start loving you too.”
It would take a while, but Steve and Nancy would be there every step of the way.
They never left his side that night, connected for the first time really.
And they would be for a long time.
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