fishedeyelenz · 6 months
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did another one
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abruisedmuse · 1 year
I just finished episodes 4-6 of the Daisy Jones show and omg I'm emotionally drained. I'm the president of the Billy hate club. Daisy and Camila should date, leave that man fr. This or team Eddie and Camila, idc. For some reason it felt so much worse than in the book.
I just finished watching five minutes ago. Its been a day so I just got around to it.
My god nonnie he's a bigger asshole in the show. It's like he takes to steps forward and everything is good and then he trips and stumbles backwards several steps. He's literally just being a dick to Daisy because he wants her. Buddy that's not her fault. Don't be an ass to her cause you're weak. He fucking played her with that kiss. Where in the book it was genuine, this he took full advantage of the moment and how Daisy felt just to get her what he needs to do. Maybe he did it that way so he doesn't have to face the fact he wants her idk. I dont care it was dirty and a cheap move. And it was the beginning of Daisy's true downfall.
And Camille deserves so much fucking better than Billy. I believed it in the books and I sure as hell do. Girl yes go cheat on him with Eddie. I don't usually condone cheating. But in this case? FUCK HIM. Daisy and Camille wouldn't be a bad idea either. But since Daisy is Billy's mirror I'm going the Eddie route. I hope they're endgame in the worst way. I wish we saw them hook up so we definitely know but then again it is obvious.
OH. MY. GOD. Doesn't Camille get pregnant again? With the twins right? If they keep that...what if they're Eddie's kids in the show 👀 it would be amazing.
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justice4billy · 6 months
You're the worst- part nine
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Warnings; angst and many feelings
Billy x fem reader/ enemies to lovers
Two chapters in one day! You lucky ducks 😉
Camille groaned as she fell onto the sofa. God, this whole trip had been a disaster, she had come here to get away from her issues with one man, only to get wrapped up in another. She was a disaster of the highest form.
"I'm such a dumb slut" she cursed raising her head and letting it fall onto Mariahs soft pillow. She opened her eyes, fisting the pillow over in her hand and screaming into it, she couldn't help but picture the look on Billy's face when she wanted to leave. It was like he had been slapped.
The worst thing was a month ago she would have revelled in his misery, but for some reason the thought of him being hurt felt like a led weight in her stomach. She let out another muffled scream wishing her brain would turn off.
The living room lights flickered on, causing her to flinch. Mariah stood in the doorway, her brow raised and hand on her hip.
"What the heck are you doing?" Mariah asked raising her brow.
"Being a dumb fool" Camille answered before sitting up. "Did I wake anyone?" She asked.
"Well, I've been awake since six my parents wanted to make and early start so I drove them home, and Danny is taking his home when they get up" she replied furrowinf ber brows. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"No" Camille replied glumly. "Can you not tell?" She sassed slightly.
"Well judging from your muffled screams, and the fact you have a face like a wet weekend then I'd assume no" she stated moving further into the room, quietly shutting the door behind her. Mariah plopped beside Camille, putting a hand on her arm. "What happened?" She asked.
"We slept together" Camille mumbled.
Mariah furrowed her brow. "Umm okay" she stated confused. "Was it bad sex?" She asked.
Camille shook her head. "No" she replied. "It was really fucking good" she added.
"What happened then?" Mariah asked.
Camille sighed. "It was afterwards, I fucked it up" she admitted.
"How?" Mariah asked.
Camille groaned. "Afterwards, we lay together for a bit and then I asked what time it was and stated I should go home" she started. Mariah nodded listening intently. "Then he asked if I had any plans and I said no, but I still insisted on going home and then I had a shower and I asked if we still hated each other" she continued looking up at Mariah and wincing. "You should have seen his face, it was like he'd been shot" Camille finished.
"Jesus Cam" Mariah winced.
"I know, please don't look at me like that I feel like an idiot" she stated.
"Do you hate each other?" Mariah asked.
Camille bit her lip, giving her a shrug. "I don't honestly know" she confessed. "I could still strangle him and I still think he's a misogynist" she stated looking down at her nails.
"But?" Mariah urged.
Camille sighed. "But, everytime we have sex I start to develop odd feelings" Camille stated.
"Sex can do that, it relases hormones" Mariah stated matter of fact.
"I know, that's what I think it is" Camille replied. "But then I like the fact he listens to me, he knows what I like and keeps repeating it when we have sex" she confessed. "Brad, he never wanted to do anything that I did, I asked him so many times to try diffrent things and he would never budge it was like he didn't care about my satisfaction" Camille stated.
"And you think Billy does?" Mariah filled in the gaps.
Camille nodded. "He even asked if I liked dirty talk, I didn't even have to tell him" she stated.
Mariah nodded. "So it's just really good sex then?" She asked.
"Yeah, at least that's what I thought" she stated. "But, his face it was like I'd literally ripped his heart out and now it's all so fucking complicated" she grumbled.
"OH hun" Mariah pouted. "You know deep deep down that Billy is quite sensitive  maybe your reaction triggered something, or maybe he hates people leaving" she stated.
Camille furrowed her brow. "I always thought he was a player who discarded girls like trash" she admitted. "But he was gentle with me, cleaned me up and put his arm around me" she stated looking up at Mariah. "And I got scared and panicked" she admitted.
Mariah nodded. "So, do you like him?" She asked.
"My brain is so muddled" Camille replied gloomily. "Doesn't matter I'm leaving in two days" she stated.
Mariah sighed. "Sounds like you guys made a connection, whether throough the sex or maybe its been there all along and the sex brought it to the surface" Mariah theorised.
"Its just sex anyways" Camille stated. "Maybe I just need to go home and get back to work" she stated.
Mariah frowned. "Dont you want to stay till new years eve? We could do something, I hate the thought of you being alone on new years" Mariah urged.
Camille shook her head. "I need to go home, I start back at work on the third" Camille stated.
Mariah hummed with a grin on her face. "Well, Danny isn't back till the fifth and neither am I" Mariah started. "And I've always wanted to see the ball drop in time square" she smirked.
Camille grinned. "Are you saying what I'm thinking?" She asked.
"How do you fancy spending new years eve with your bestie and her adorable partner? In New York City?" Mariah asked.
Camille grinned. "Yes, I'd love to it's just the ball is a ticket event and they will be sold out by now" Camille stated with a frown.
"Well, doesn't your apartment overlook time square?" Mariah asked.
"Yeah, you may see it from my bedroom window" she stated. "But my apartment is only one bedroom, unless I have the couch which I don't mind" Camille stated. She wouldn't care she'd just be happy to not be alone on new years eve.
"Well, me and Danny spoke about it last night and we booked a hotel just outside of time square, it cost alot but we wanted to surprise you" she stated. "But seeing how glum you looked happy early surprise!" Mariah shrieked.
"OH my god!" Camille exclaimed throwing her arms around her best friends neck. This was going to be the best new years ever she thought.
Camille was spending her boxing day laying on the sofa, stuffing herself with chocolates and crying at the sixteen candles. Ugh. What the hell was wrong with her she thought. Her mind kept drifting back to this morning, stupidly wondering how her day would have panned out had she stayed.
"Probably more sex" she grumbled before berating herself.
The phone ringing interupted her pity party, catching her off guard. She wasn't sure if she was able to answer it, Danny and Mariah had gone to drop his parents off and had phoned a few moments ago stating they were stuck in traffic. Maybe it was them she thought, getting up and dusting the chocolate wrappers off her lap before rushing to the phone.
"He-" she started.
"Danny, I don't know what the fuck is happening but I'm going insane" Billy stated. Camille felt her heart fall to her toes, opening her mouth to interupt him. "I'm starting to act fucking odd dude like I'm starting to get fe-" he began before getting cut off by Camille, as much as she wanted him to continue it felt wrong, he had phone for Danny not her.
"Billy" she cut in.
Billy paused, she heard him let out a deep breath. "Camille?" He asked sounding unsure.
"Yeah" Camille replied dumbly.
"Oh, Wheres Danny?" He asked sounding slightly awkward.
Camille cleared her throat. "They went to take his parents home, they were stuck in traffic about ten minutes ago when they called" she informed him.
Billy hummed. "Right, well tell him I called" he stated.
"Will do" Camille chriped. "How are you?" She blurted out shutting her eyes and cringing at herself. She was so lame.
"Umm, I'm okay" Billy responded sounding surprised. "You?" He asked.
"Fine, yep all good" she replied quickly. Jesus, shut up Camille.
"Right-" Billy began.
"Billy, come on it's your turn!" An unfamiliar female sounded in the background.
"I gotta go, i'm on a meter" Billy stated not evening saying goodbye before hanging up.
Camille heard the dial tone ring out, peeling the phone away from her ear. Her heart panging slightly, so whilst she had been worrying about the tension between them he was with another female.
Camille slammed the phone down, sinking down to the floor and wiping a single tear that ran down her cheek. She was such a complete and utter fool.
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neo-grey · 18 days
Haiii! My name is Neo, and I'm kind of new to writing.
(P.S. some characters for the shows will also be in the movie category)
these are who I am taking requests for:
The Flash:
Barry Allen/ Flash/ Savitar
Cisco Ramon/ Vibe
Dr. Kaitlyn Snow/ [Killer]Frost
Iris West/West-Allen (platonic for west-allen)
Ralph Dibny/ Elongated man
Joe West
Nora west-Allen (Barry's Daughter)
Harrison Wells/ Eobard Thawne
Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold
Lisa Snart/ Golden Glider (maybe)
Oliver Queen/ Green Arrow
Cecile Horton
Henry Allen (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Kara Danvers/ Supergirl
Mon-El/ Lar Gand
Alex Danvers
Winn Schott
Jimmy (James) Olsen/ Guardian
Kal-El/ Clark Kent/ Superman
Lex Luthor
Lena Luthor
Samantha Arias/ Reign (maybe)
Brainiac 5/ Brainy
William Dey (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Gotham: (I didn't get to watch it all before it got taken down so if you request these characters it will most likely be really bad )
Bruce Wayne
Alfred Pennyworth
Oswald Cobblepot/ Penguin
Jim (James) Gorden
Jeremiah & Jerome Valeska
Harvey Bullock
Selina Kyle/ Catwoman (maybe)
Theo Galavan
Jarvis Tetch/ Mad Hatter
Salvatore Maroni
If you think of more lmk!
The Umbrella Academy:
Luther Hargreeves/ Number One (1)
Diego Hargreeves/ Number Two (2)
Allison Hargreeves/ Number Three (3)
Klaus Hargreeves/ Number Four (4)
(Number) Five Hargreeves/ Number Five (5)
Ben Hargreeves/ Number Six (6)
Vanya (Viktor) Hargreeves/ Number Seven (7)
Lila Pitts (maybe)
Cha-Cha (maybe)
Raymond Chestnut
Sparrow academy
Marcus Hargreeves/ Number One (1)
Ben HArgreeves/ Number Two (2)
Fei Hargreeves/ Number Three (3) (maybe)
Alphonso Hargreeves/ Number Four (4)
Sloane Hargreeves/ Number Five (5)
Jayme Hargreeves/ Number Six (6) (maybe)
Christopher Hargreeves/ Numbr Seven (7) (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Penelope Garcia (I love her sm. wish I had a Penelope In my life)
Elle Greenaway
David Rossi
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau
Jason Gideon
If you think of more lmk!
Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet Witch
Agnes/ Agatha Harkness
Geraldine/ Monica Rambeau
Ralph Bohner (maybe)
Darcy Lewis
Jimmy Woo
Dottie Jones/ Sarah Proctor (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Moon Knight: (Haven't finished watching)
Marc Spector*
Steven Grant*
Jake Lockley *
Arthur Harrow (maybe)
*I wasn't sure if I should put them together or separately so I just did them separate
If you think of more lmk!
The Boys: (planning to watch)
Soldier Boy
Billy Butcher
Black Noir (maybe)
Those are all I somewhat know^^
If you think of more lmk!
Temperance Brennan
Camille Saroyan (maybe)
Jack Hodgins
Zack Addy
Angela Montenegro
Matt Murdock/ Daredevil
Foggy Nelson
Wilson Fisk/ Kingpin
Karen Page
James Wesley
Ben Urich (maybe)
Vanessa Fisk (maybe)
House MD:
Gregory House
Robert Chase
James Wilson
Allison Cameron
Eric Foreman
Lisa Cuddy (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
(I'm just going to name a few movies I know, not the characters)
Any Marvel movies
avengers ( Thor, Captain America, black panther, etc)
( I have NOT watched Shang-Chi)
Wanted 2008 ( Wesley Gibson)
The Princess Bride
Avatar & ATWOW
The Hunger Games
Maze Runner
RENT ( The musical)
Suicide Squad
FBAWTFT (maybe)
HTTYD (maybe)
Planet of the apes (maybe)
Spider-man into the spiderverse & across the spiderverse
Ender's Game ( haven't watched in a while)
Rocketman ( the Elton John biopic [I love E.J sm!!😍])
Labyrinth ( with David Bowie)
Fast and Furious
If you think of more lmk!
-Bands/music artists-
Tokio Hotel
Green day
Arctic Monkeys (maybe)
The Smiths
The Weekend
Motley Crue
Melanie Martinez (maybe)
Charlie Puth
David Bowie
AC/DC (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Things I am willing to write:
Smut Fluff Angst Platonic Reader-Inserts Comfort Humor ( I'm not entirely sure what this is)
Things I will NEVER write for:
Incest member x member character x character (its hard for me to do tbh) Rape/ unconsented anything Pedophilia Racism/ any discriminatory things
If there is anything that's not on this list that you would like me to write for send In your requests and if I don't know them I will try my best to do my research! I will also write for celebrities if you request!! As I said, if I do not know them I will try my best to do my research.
- Neo
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months
9, 14, 15, 19, 27 for the group ask game for Quinn and Co
Ooh thank you! The Ghosts are a fun crew :D
9. A moment that was never shown in canon, but I think they had together
So the team clearly has a lot of questions about One (they have a bet running about his family, they wonder about his backstory) and his name is never actually revealed in the movie, but I think the others have absolutely pestered him about what it is as soon as the rest of their names are revealed.
(Fun fact: in my first 6 Underground fic, not Desert Song, I headcanoned One's real name as Logan specifically for a reference at the Hugh Jackman/Ryan Reynolds rivalry. I don't have a name for him in Desert Song, but I want to come up with something different for this one)
14. If they watch a TV show together, what would they watch?
NO OKAY THIS IS FUNNY bc in the movie, they actually make a ton of references to Leave it the Beaver and it's One's favorite show, so I DO actually have an answer for this lol
But for my own answer, I think they'd bond over something like Criminal Minds. Camille is trying to solve it along with the characters on the screen, Billy and Javier just like all the quips and action, One watches it for Garcia and Morgan's fun dynamic, Blaine likes watching them work together as a crew and particularly likes Hotch, and Amelia both finds the psychology interesting and has a big crush on Reid.
15. If they watch a movie together, what would they watch?
I'm tempted to say one of the X-Men movies, just for the irony of it (the cast includes both Ryan Reynolds and Ben Hardy, there are a few superhero references already, and the writers of 6 Underground wrote all three Deadpool movies) but I think they probably have movie nights and swap out on choices. Javier and Billy pick a lot of action flicks, Camille always picks French dramas (that nobody else on the team can understand without subtitles), Blaine likes comedies, One picks classic cinema like Citizen Kane, and Five is a bit of a wild card.
19. Who I think is the most likely to save their friends in danger
Out of the canon crew, Blaine (since he actually does stop everything to save Billy in the movie). But if we're including Quinn like you said, it's got to be her - she's just as daring and twice as willing to defy authority.
27. The most chaotic person in the group?
I want to say Billy, but he's less chaotic and more just ADHD. Out on missions and things, he's actually pretty focused and capable. I think the real answer is Three - who's goofy and chaotic both in and out of the field
Fictional Group Asks
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bostcn · 1 year
okay i’m going to try this again ! i’m looking for some 1x1 partners to write on discord with ! i’m such a headcanon whore BUT also love doing replies of course. i have a tiny lil brain so my replies won’t be too long , but trust i am here for the long run ! i’m honestly just looking for someone who will have me refusing to close my laptop every other night because the hcs/muse/replies/all of the above is just flowing !
to make things a little easy i have a few wanted plots, a few wanted opposites, and a few fcs i want to play myself ! i’m gonna drop them all below the read more ! if anything about this post interests you please smack that like button or message me directly and i swear i’ll come bother you so quick !
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+ please take a look at my rules before reading to see if we’re a good match !
daisy jones x billy dune situation pleaseee
childhood friends turned lovers with a lil angst in b/n
if we’re both single by a certain age pact
this lil plot about two people in witness protection having to act like a happy suburban couple
two folks who unintentionally had a baby and are figuring things out together
a lil con-artist falling for a victim moment
used to date , one of them went to jail , and now that they’re out the other muse is completely diff than what they were like before
a plot that would have so many deuxmoi blind items
flirting fluff kinda ! they’re plotting murder
WILD CARD ! we just come up with smth together
oliver jackson-cohen
oscar isaac
harry styles
aron piper
florence pugh
theo james
michael b jordan
paul mescal
daniel sharman
bruna marquezine
phoebe tonkin
bill skarsgard
adam dimarco
matthew daddario
anya taylor joy
jeremy allen white
tbh i’m down for anyone!
dakota johnson
camille rowe
francisco lachowski
alex fitzalan
zoe kravitz
barbara palvin
tamino amir
rosie huntington whiteley
blanca padilla
adriana lima
jasmine tookes
zoe kravtiz
also down to play your opposites!
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madwomansapologist · 7 months
wip game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Oh, no (chapter 7 of Autumn Thunderstorm) - Thranduil x Reader
Shoot for the moon (chapter 1 of Moonlight Meets Sunlight) - Steven Grant, Marc Spector and Jake Lockley x Reader
Rockin' - Camille L'espanaye x Reader
Way Cool Baby Love - Shawn (tgp) x Reader
Little talks - Michael (tgp) x Reader
You look like you've seen a ghost (chapter three) - Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher
It's not complicated, trust me - Gomez Addams x Reader x Morticia Addams
Free rent, free love - Gomez Addams x Reader x Morticia Addams
this time only tagging (with no pressure) writer mutuals: @madame-fear @sotwk @wordbunch
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A Yellow Rose of Sodor short
Summary: James and Camille either do a spooky movie marathon or a spooky video game for Halloween each year. This year they try out the game Outlast and it goes as well as it sounds.
If I had to give this a rating it would be T because James is naughty.
Edward x James
Camille (OC) x Gordon
Flying Scotsman and Gordon brotherly fluff.
“I can’t believe you bought it.”  James said, staring at the TV screen as it loaded the game.
“I wanted to play a spooky game for the Spooky Season.”  Camille said with a laugh, sitting cross legged on the sectional sofa.
James sat down next to her, grabbing the red blanket folded on one of the ends, “This is insane.”
As the game loaded up, Camille stood and turned out the lights before returning to the couch and getting under the blanket with James.
“Remind me why we’re doing this?”  James asked as they watched the main character make his way to Mount Massive Asylum.
“Because we’re big brave courageous engines and aren’t afraid of no video game.”  Camille chuckled as she read the note at the beginning of the game.
“I’m not sure I’m going to like this battery mechanic.”  James noted, watching Camille make her way around the asylum’s grounds.
“Well, we survived Amnesia so I’m sure we can handle this.”  She responded, examining the armed vehicles and attempting the front door.
“This is infinitely worse than Amnesia.”  James noted, “Thomas wouldn’t even play this one with us.”
“Let him be a scaredy engine.”  Camille teased as she had Miles Upshur (the main character) climb up the ladders and scaffolding and into the asylum.  The lights flickered in the building and then broke.
“Oh noooo.” James groaned, “It starts so soon?”
“We’ve got this.” She grinned as something hissed in the game, causing both engines to startle a bit.
“Do we though?”  James joked back, as she squeezed through the small gap.
“Well nothing horrible is happening so far.”  She said, picking up a note, “Looks like they were experimenting on the patients, specifically a guy named Billy.”
“Oh, surprise, surprise.  And how is the name Billy supposed to be terrifying?”
“Maybe he was a failed project?”  Camille asked, as they heard a door shut and lock.
“Well, we’re not alone.”  James said stating the obvious.
“Ew!”  Camille wrinkled her nose, “Intestines on a plate.  I’ll take the ventilations instead.”
They both shrieked at a jump scare as they walked into a room full of headless bodies.
“Nope!  Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope!”  James shouted, pulling the blanket up to his face.
“They killed us.  They got out.  The variants.”  Said a dying NPC on a pike, Camille and James watched with horrified faces, listening as he gave a little backstory and then told them to get out while they still can.
“I like this advice.  Can we go out the window?”  Camille asked genuinely.
“It’s what I would do.”  James said.
Suddenly the lights were turned on in the room, causing both of them to scream, Camille almost dropping her controller.
Edward and Gordon looked from the stairway with slightly concerned and shocked faces.
“What are you two doing?”  Edward asked, looking from the two to the screen.  He sighed, “A scary game again?”
James gave a sheepish smile at his beloved and Camille grinned stupidly, “It’s spooky season!”
Gordon was giving James a disapproving glare, noticing his girlfriend sharing a blanket with him.  James ignored him, choosing to keep his focus on Edward, “Want to join us?”
Edward scoffed but smiled, “Are you asking me if I want to watch the game with you or are you really asking me to hold your hand while you torment yourself with another scary story?”
“The latter.”  James admitted, “Not that I’m scared or anything.”
“You both just screamed as we turned the lights on.”  Gordon pointed out.
“Only because we weren’t ready for it.”  Camille said, “The game is supposed to be scary, we don’t need real life jump scares.”
Gordon rolled his eyes, but nonetheless, he and Edward sat next to their partners.  Gordon grabbed another blanket to specifically share with Camille.  James gave a harrumph as he pulled his red blanket over both him and Edward.
“You’ve got to turn the lights back off, honey.”  Camille said to Gordon, “Atmosphere is important.”
Gordon groaned and rolled his eyes but did as she asked.  As he made his way to the lights, Scotsman sauntered down the stairs and eyed the small group on the couch.
“What are you four up to?  A double date?”  He asked with a smirk.
“Aren’t you supposed to be going home?”  Gordon grumbled, side eyeing his younger brother.
“Felt like staying for the holiday.”  Scotsman said waving him off, “If you’re not doing a date what are you guys playing?”  He asked, looking at the TV.
“It’s not even Halloween yet-“ Gordon started but was interrupted by Camille.
“We’re playing Outlast for the spooky season.”  She said smiling at Scot, “James and I pick a movie series to watch or a game to play every October.  You can join, originally it was just me and James, not a date.”
“Don’t mind if I do.”  Scot said, sitting between James and Camille.  Gordon gave a frustrated growl, turning off the lights and sitting back down under the blanket that he was now sharing with his girlfriend and younger brother.  Scot just grinned at his brother.
“Alright, so, let me explain the story thus far.”  Camille said, “We are a journalist for some big company and we’re investigating the story of Mount Massive Asylum and its supposed experimentation on its patients and other unethical procedures.  We, of course, came at the dead of night on a slightly stormy night.”
“Of course.”  Scot mimicked.
“We had to break in, kind of, and the lights went out.  We’ve already seen a freaked out patient, the rooms are wide open and destroyed, and we found several beheaded people and an army guy completely decked out but with a pike through his body who told us we needed to get the hell out of here.”  Camille finished.
“Which is where we’re picking up with you guys.”  James added, “We tried to jump out the window but apparently that’s too easy.”
“So, you’re just starting.”  Gordon stated.
“Exactly!  So now we can all go through this together.”  Camille said, picking her controller up and exploring the hallway.
“Creepy.”  Edward stated, curling into James.  Although he was the older, and one might say braver, of the two engines, Edward wasn’t a big fan of how far the horror genre had progressed in his lifetime.  Where many movies were considered goofy, this new stuff was hard to watch.  James took a bit of pride in these moments where he could comfort his boyfriend instead of vice versa.
“Your battery is dying.”  Edward pointed out.
“I think I’ll be OK.”  Camille said as she sidled through shelving.
“Little Pig!”
All five engines yelped as the main character was pulled out by a rather large NPC and tossed through a glass pane.
“Nope!”  James ducked under the covers.
They listened as a priestly character talked to the main character and then the objective appeared saying to escape the asylum.
“I like that objective.”  Scotsman said as Camille examined the bloody writing on the walls and the beheaded bodies.
“Me too.”  Camille said, running around the building, using the new mechanic of peeking around the corners.
“The guy in the wheelchair is alive.”  James said.
“Thank you for stating the obvious, James.”  Gordon said with a bit of venom.
“Don’t be mean, little brother, just because you’re scared.”
“I’m not scared!”  Gordon snorted, watching as Camille looked at the patients sitting around watching the TV ignoring her character.
“At least they’re not being mean to me.  I don’t like the choir music though.”  Camille said, ignoring the brothers as they began to bicker.
“Why’d you scream then?”  Scotsman continued to tease.
“I didn’t scream.”  Gordon said, “That’s not dignified.”
“You totally screamed.”
“I yelled, at most.”  Gordon glared at his brother.
The man in the wheelchair jumped out at the main character, Camille having to shake him off and all the engines had yelled out again as she fought the character off.
“Get him off!  Get him off!”  James yelled out.
Once she got away, she laughed a bit, taking a quick glance at Gordon, “You were saying, Gordon?”
“I uh-  Bite me.”  Gordon said, folding his arms across his chest.
Scotsman laughed.
“We can look behind us as we run now.”  Camille noted, “Why would I want to do that?”
“If something’s chasing you?”  Edward asked.
“Yeah, but I don’t want to look behind me if I am being chased.  Ignorance is bliss.”
As she examined the security office, Camille noticed that she could hide in the locker, “Why do I need to hide?”
Hide in the locker.  Don’t try to fight.
“No, no, no, no, no!”  Camille yelped, hiding in the locker after the priest tripped the power.
“That big guy is coming back.”  James said, hiding all but his eyes under the blanket.
“You were here, weren’t you?.  Little pig.  I’ll find all you whores.”  The big man said on the screen.
“Rude.”  Camile taunted.
“I’m not sure I’m ready for this game.”  James said.
“That’s why I’m playing and you’re just watching.”  Camille said.
A bit later
All the engines were well cuddled under the blankets after dealing with the twins and were screaming as Camille dodged the crazed patients and entered the elevator.
“Get in! Get in! Get in!” James shouted, his knees shaking in anticipation.
Once they were locked in, the engines all took a breath.
“Hey, we got away.” Camille said with a smile.
“Yeah, but I don’t trust whoever told us to get in this thing.”  Scotsman said as they were met with the doctor who punched the main character.
“Well, crap.”  Camille said.
“I don’t like this.”  Gordon said as they were bound to the wheelchair and wheeled away.
“Oh, he’s sarcastic.”  Edward wrinkled his nose as they were put in the elevator with the crazed doctor, “This can’t be good.”
“The trail of blood can’t be a good sign.”  Camille said.
“Shh.  Shh.  You weren’t putting that tongue to any use anyway.”  The crazed doctor said to one of the patients freaking out on the gurney.
“Oh nooo…” Camille whimpered, “I don’t like this.”
“Do we have to keep playing?  We’ve played enough tonight right?”  James whined.
“We can’t just end it here.”  Scotsman said.
“You’re not the one playing the game.”  Gordon glanced at his brother, who despite the calm outward demeanor, he could tell was getting shaky, “If Camille doesn’t want to then she doesn’t have to.”
“Maybe you just don’t want to watch.”  Scotsman said with a grin, “It’s alright little brother, I understand if it’s too scary for you.”
“Scot, I swear to Lady above, if you call me little brother one more time I’m not going to be held responsible for what I do to you.”  Gordon retorted, “We’re the same bloody height and I’m your older brother.”
Scotsman stuck his leg out from under the blanket, showing off the three wheels going up his ankle and leg, “The wheels don’t lie…”. Scot paused with a smirk, “Little brother.”
Gordon swung a pillow over Camille’s head and smacked his younger brother in the face with it with a solid PLUMP.
“Ow!  I can’t believe you actually hit me!”  Scotsman yelped.
“I can’t believe you didn’t see it coming, Scotty.” Gordon sneered.
“Ladies, ladies, you’re both pretty.  Can we please get back to the game?”  Camille said with a bit of irritation as she had to pause the game due to their little spat.
All turned their attention back to the TV as the doctor grabbed various tools, but seemed partial to a pair of large scissors.
“No!  I can’t watch!”  Edward said, ducking his head into James’ neck.
“Nope!  I’m out!”  James shouted too, hiding under the covers.
Camille let out a small scream as she hid her face behind her fingers, peeping ever so slightly as the villain cut the main character's fingers off.
Gordon and Scotsman yelled out in disgust and horror, both cringing very visibly at the violence, Gordon grabbing the pillow from earlier and barely peeked over it, while Scot hid his face in his shirt as he pulled it closer to his eyes.
“OK, OK!”  Camille called, “I call it tonight.  I can’t take it.” She paused the game and put the Switch in sleep mode.
“Agreed.  Let’s go to bed.”  Gordon said, shakily.
However, after turning off the game they realized they were stuck in the dark, as the night had gotten fairly late without their noticing.
No one moved from the couch.
“We could just sleep down here tonight.  Together.”  James suggested.
“Uh uh.  No way.”  Scotsman said, “I’m sleeping in a room where I can lock the doors.”
“Scared, little brother?”  Gordon teased heavily.
“I’m not scared!”  Scotsman said a little too quickly, “I just don’t like sleeping in open spaces.
“We slept in berths for the majority of our lives, Scotsman.”
“Yeah but it still had doors!”  Scotsman retaliated.
“Don’t you two start again.”  Edward said, starting to stand, “I’ll get the lights before you turn the TV off.”
The others nodded in agreement and Edward stumbled over to the lights, turning them on.
“Now you can turn the TV off.”  James said, and then looked at the others in a bit of a panic, “Not that I’m scared of the dark or anything.”
“I think it’s safe to admit we’re all a bit afraid of the dark tonight.”  Camille said, curling into Gordon as the two stood up.
“And someone has to drive home on this dark night.”  Gordon said, looking at his brother a bit smugly.
“No way am I driving home tonight.”  Scotsman said before backpedaling, “Because I’d rather get my beauty sleep here than drive all night and be too tired to work in the morning starting at the mainland.”
“Aren’t you getting in trouble for how much time you spend on Sodor?”  Edward asked genuinely.
“Well, I… maybe a little… but I enjoy spending time with my family and they can’t say much considering I’ve given them just about a hundred years of service without asking for much.”  Scotsman shrugged.
Edward nodded his head in consideration, “Fair enough.”
“OK, not trying to be a downer or anything, but did anyone else notice it’s storming outside?”  Camille asked as they heard a bit of rolling thunder.
“Yeah, you know what?”  James said as it got louder, “I’m out of here.”  He grabbed ahold of Edward’s hand and almost skipped up the stairs, he was so nervous.  
Edward followed a bit clumsily, not expecting the sudden movement, “James!  Cut it out!”
The small Gresley family followed shortly, Camille being the most cautious as she was the one who played the game.  Gordon held onto her shoulders, feeling her shake underneath.
“You know, maybe it’s time you stop playing horror games for the Halloween season.”  He advised, “I don’t think it’s doing your nerves any good.”
“I’m fine.”  Camille said, eyeing around the corner as they traversed the stairs.
“And we’re climbing up the staircase slowly, because…?”  Scotsman asked.
“I’m just sleepy.”  Camille said in determined denial.
“Uh huh.”  The two brothers said in unison.
As they reached the top of the stairs there was a loud thundering crash and the power went out, the night lights that lit the halls turning out, diving them into pitch darkness.  Camille screamed, practically jumping into Gordon’s arms and he couldn’t help the shocked noise that came from his mouth either.
Down the hall they could hear James shrieking in panic.
“OK, I know that Camille’s old room is now technically my guest room, but I also know you left the twin size bed in your room from when I broke my leg and I’m claiming it again tonight.”  Scot said in a shakier voice.
Camille jumped from Gordon’s arms and ran, “Well, I’m not sticking around any longer.  Nope, nope, nope!”  She practically pranced down the hallway, stretching her legs as far as they would take her.  Gordon and Scotsman followed her more quickly than they would like to admit as a second crash was heard nearby.
Camille dived under the covers of the King’s size bed soon after she threw the bedroom doors open and curled into the fetal position as it stormed.  Gordon sighed as he shut the door behind him and his brother.  Scot quickly kicked off his slippers and curled into the twin bed on the other side of the room.
Although Gordon hated to admit his own fear, he looked down at Camille with a stern gaze he knew she couldn’t see.  “No more horror games.”
The little lump moved, “I watch horror ‘let’s plays’ no problem.”
He sighed, kicking his own slippers off, “But you can’t play them without panicking or nightmares.  Don’t think I’ve forgotten about Amnesia or that alien game.”
“That was different!”  Camille complained.
“How so?”  Gordon asked, “You were freaked out about vents and face hugging aliens for weeks.”
“They’re terrifying!”  She said, curling into him as he laid beside her, “But these are just humans and although they’re being scary, they’re not as scary as chest bursting aliens.”
There was silence for a bit before they heard a whimper from the other side of the room.
“Can I sleep with you guys?”
“Absolutely no-“ Gordon started.
“Yes!  More bodies means more comfort!”
“Camille!”  Gordon complained.
“It’s not like he’s hitting on me, Gordon.”  Camille said as Scotsman slid in before Gordon could further his complaint.
“He’s a grown engine!”
“He’s your little brother.”
“I would’ve been fine but someone had to bring up face huggers and chest bursters.”  Scotsman added pointedly at Gordon.
“I didn’t know you knew about the alien franchise, Scot.”  Camille said.
“I wish I didn’t.  I get nightmares every time.”  Scot said with a shudder.
“I get it!  They’re so creepy and with the way the movie-“
“Please, let’s not talk about it?”  Scot asked seriously, “I really don’t like it.  In all honesty.  I don’t.”
Gordon couldn’t help but look at the two scared forms that slept beside him.  Camille, his everything, scared by the storm and the video game and Scotsman, his younger brother, with a new weakness he didn’t know about.  Something he might’ve teased him about but it felt so odd hearing him sound so small talking about something that genuinely scared him.  He sighed defeated, scratching the back of his head and laid down.  He kissed Camille on the forehead and ruffled his younger brother's hair.
“This is a one time thing.”  He told them, “Goodnight you two.”
“Goodnight, Gordon.”  Camille said, snuggling into him.
“Goodnight… big brother.”  Scotsman added, feeling a bit more comfortable closer to the others.
Down the hall, James was curled up in a small ball himself, holding onto his stuffed Rhino, Pebble.  Edward, ever the big spoon to the bigger engine, was stroking his hair and kissed the bigger engines neck.
“It’ll be OK, Jamie.  I’ve got you.”
“I’m never letting Camille convince me to do another horror game again.”  James whimpered.
“I do believe that it was a joint decision, James.  Like last year and the years before that.”  Edward scolded playfully.
“Well then… you don’t ever let me do that again.”  James said, scolding back.
“What am I, your mother?”  Edward teased.
“You’re something much more valuable than that.”  James said and turned to face Edward.  Edward smiled at him, giving him a kiss on the forehead and pulled the red engine into his chest.  James relaxed, listening to Edward’s heartbeat.
“Did you lock the bedroom door?”  James asked.
“For the fifth time, dear, yes I did.”  Edward said with a patient sigh.
“And the windows are too?”
“Yes, Jamie.”
James squeezed Pebble, curling into Edward as much as he could.
“And is-“
“James.”  Edward said sternly, “It’ll be OK.  We’re OK.  It was just a video game.”
“Yeah, but-“
“What on earth could I possibly do more to convince you everything will be OK?”  Edward said a tiny bit exasperated.
“Well… we could…” James said in a rather certain tone, trailing off a bit.
“It’s already late, James, and we have goods trains to pull tomorrow.”
James whined, “But Ed…”
“Oh no, don’t ‘but Ed’ me.  If that’s what you wanted, then you should’ve devoted more time.”
“But I’m devoting time now.”  James said, giving a small but suggestive movement against Edward, “I’ll sleep better.  It’ll get my mind off of scary things.”  He gave Edward a pout and puppy eyes, despite knowing the smaller engine couldn’t see in the dark, “Please?”
There was a bit of silence, before a sigh was heard, “Fine.  But I want NO complaints in the morning and I will not have you whine to me or Sir Topham Hatt tomorrow, you understand?”  Edward said sternly, despite leaning into James’ neck and giving him small pecks and nibbles.
James let out a giggly moan, happy regardless, “Of course, Edward dear.”
“I mean it, James.  Or there will be consequences.” Edward crawled on top of the larger engine, pulling Pebble away from him and placing her on the bedside table.
“Oooooo… I like the sound of that.  Maybe I’ll be naughty on purpose.”  James said slyly.
“I mean it, James Hughes.”  Edward said, stopping his affection.
James groaned at the sound of his full name, something he hated hearing from the older engine, “Fine, fine.  I’ll behave.” When Edward continued giving in to the younger engine, he couldn’t help but smirk and think I’ll behave… for now.
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aliciaphen · 1 year
Hi. School projects have eaten up all my time and I haven't posted on this account. Also, the beautiful women who have recently followed me have been blowing up my notifications and it's been quite annoying. On the bright side, I have a lot of art to post! Here is all the media I consumed in January!
Frances Ha (2012) dir. Noah Baumbach. It tells a beautiful narrative of coming of age in your twenties.
Billie and Jean. Another chill, kinda dumb podcast but it's something fun to play in the background. Gives some good laughs.
Titanic (1997) dir. James Cameron. Needed something after watching Avatar TWoW.
Mileage (2022) created by Jennifer Wu (PM) Kym Santiana (PM) Ruyee Lu (PM) Christopher Hsueh Joy Zhou Miranda Li Nicole Taylor-Topacio Ruby Saysanasy Saul Benavides. My friend made a really awesome short film for her 3rd year! Please check it out. The music suits it so well and the story is very exciting!
Cruella (2021) dir. Craig Gillespie. I wasn't going to watch this but Josiah mentioned the same person directed I, Tonya (2017) which I thought was great. I watched with a dog that I was dogsitting.
Goodfellas (1990) dir. Martin Scorsese. A pretty good story. I think the acting in it was great as well. The slurs threw me SO off guard.
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) dir. Joel Crawford. I'm so excited for Shrek 5. This was great. Love how Spiderverse is bringing about a new age of animation.
The White Lotus, Season 1 (2021). I'm only watching this for Jennifer Coolidge.
Emergency Intercom - Enya Umanzor, Drew Phillips, Ky Newman. It's an every-month thing.
TXT Live at Lollapalooza 2022 (Full Performance) - Tomorrow x Together. Just very upset that they announced tour dates and Toronto wasn't on there.
Fall (2022) dir. Scott Mann. Why would they do that?
The Menu (2022) dir. Mark Mylod. Nice.
Audio: January 2023 Spotify Playlist
Space 1.8 - Nana Sinephro. Love this album SO MUCH.
Animation Happy Hour - Garrett Lewis, Katie Low, Ben Girmann. I'm excited to have found this podcast! I feel like it'll be a good resource in helping me with my future endeavours.
The Whole of the Moon (Fiona Apple cover) - Fiona Apple. Mother. Inspiration.
ATTENTION: MILEY LIVE - I'm so happy for Miley's success and I'm very sorry I was part of the crowd that shunned her post-Disney era. She's an amazing artist and I could listen to her sing rock songs all day.
Time is Way Weirder Than You Think - The Ezra Klein Show. A podcast episode we listened to for class. Confusing and it raised more questions.
Ditto - New Jeans. The girls have done it again.
Don’t Forget My Love - Acoustic - Diplo, Miguel. Fuck the original. This is it.
VIBE (feat. Jimin of BTS) - TAEYANG. Taeyang is so funny. Whenever I think of him I think of that video where he sings thank you and I love you for 2 mins.
Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones. After watching the Ghibli film, I wanted MORE.
Sketching for Animation - Peter Parr. A book I have downloaded and have seen the first few pages of. I have yet to really get into it but it also seems like a great resource to improve my art.
Gesture Drawing for Animation - Walt Stanchfield 
What They Don't Teach You at Film School: 161 Strategies For Making Your Own Movies No Matter What - Camille Landau, Tiara White
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ranochjart · 10 months
disclaimer: de nombreux avatars datent de 2018-2019, je les poste si jamais ils peuvent toujours intéresser
aaron taylor johnson
alexander o'connor
alex hogh andersen
alycia debnam carey
ana de armas
ariana grande
aron piper
ashton sanders
billie eilish
brie larson
calvin harris
camille rowe
carlson young
chord overstreet
christopher briney
cole sprouse
dakota fanning
domhnall gleeson
dominic harrison
george mckay
halston sage
hande erçel
harry styles
hunter schafer
jack falahee
jackson wang
james lafferty
jennifer lawrence
jessica alba
julian morris
kiera knightley
kim jennie
kim taehyung
laetitia casta
lana del rey
lee taemin
lily james
lim bora
madison beer
magdalena zalejska
maia mitchell
matthew daddario
miles teller
nadia tereszkiewicz
nicolas peltz
philip froissant
phoebe tonkin
plan rathavit
rafael lazzini
rain spencer
salem mitchell
saoirse ronan
tia jonsson
tom hardy
tom holland
ursula corbero
victoria lee
vinnie woolston
zayn malik
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thoughtsofdoll · 4 months
February Hypnovember Day 30
Create and post a 30 song playlist that is inspired by hypnosis.
I will put video links to some of the songs but not all of them!
Also these are in no particular order.
a. The Tourist by Sarah Jarosz (or Radiohead, if that's how your sail blows) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib4eJzDzSJ8
b. The Rhythm of the Heat by Peter Gabriel
c. Mercy Street by Peter Gabriel
d. Secret World by Peter Gabriel
e. Darkness by Peter Gabriel
f. I'm Amazing by Peter Gabriel
g. Horizon by Luna Blake
h. Afterlight by Eternal Eclipse
i. Going Down by Thea Gilmore
j. This Is How You Find The Way by Thea Gilmore
k. The Governess (OST) by Edward Shearmur with vocals by Ofra Haza
l. Weightless by Marconi Union
m. Letting The Cables Sleep (the N O W remix) by Bush
n. Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish
o. Runaway by Aurora
p. Danse macabre - Symphonic Poem in G minor by Camille Saint-Saëns
q. La mer, trois esquisses symphoniques pour orchestre by Claude Debussy
r. The Red Violin (OST) by John Corigliano featuring Joshua Bell
s. Pini di Roma by Ottorino Respighi
t. Piano Concerto No. 2 II. Adagio sostenuto by Sergei Rachmaninoff (see also: "All By Myself" by Eric Carmen, as performed by Celine Dion)
u. Prologue: Beauty and the Beast by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman (without the narration)
v. The Demon Dance by Julian Winding
w. Anything Could Happen by Ellie Goulding
x. Only You by Ellie Goulding
y. World Inside the World by Rhett Miller
z. The Devil Wears a Suit (Live) by Kate Miller-Heidke
aa. The Last Day on Earth by Kate Miller-Heidke
bb. Zero Gravity by Kate Miller-Heidke
cc. Team by Lorde
dd. Yellow Flicker Beat by Lorde
And that should be 30!
0 notes
fishedeyelenz · 6 months
Tumblr media
remembered these things exist, did this to the best of my abilities
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cyarsk52-20 · 6 months
10 of the best and 10 of the worst TV shows that came out this year
This year brought a new lineup of comedies, dramas, thrillers, and docuseries.
Some of the worst-reviewed shows of the year included "Queen Cleopatra" and "Saint X." 
But critics recommended "Drops of God," "A Small Light," and "Cunk on Earth."
Plenty of new series entertained fans this year. But according to critics, some were better than others.
Here are the best and worst TV shows of 2023, according to critic scores.
Critics loved the highbrow drama “Drops of God.”
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Summary: After a titan in the wine industry passes away, his estranged daughter Camille (Fleur Geffrier) is forced to compete against her father's greatest student (Tomohisa Yamashita) to earn her inheritance.
The Apple TV+ drama was received as an intelligent, fast-paced series with rewarding plotlines.
"The writing, acting, directing, and cinematography all hit the right notes," Randy Myers wrote for The Mercury News.
“A Small Light” added new layers to the legendary story of Anne Frank. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Summary: On the National Geographic series, Dutch woman Miep Gies (Bel Powley) takes in Anne Frank's (Billie Boullet) family at the height of World War II.
Critics admired "A Small Light" for handling a delicate subject with grace and faithfulness.
"'A Small Light' finds a fresh way into this tale of courage, resilience and tragedy and, in doing so, may well pass the story on to yet another generation," Rebecca Nicholson wrote for The Guardian.
The mockumentary “Cunk on Earth” had critics rolling with laughter. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Summary: Philomena Cunk (Diane Morgan) travels the world, speaking to experts about untold secrets as she investigates the history of the human race.
Morgan's dry humor kept critics laughing from start to finish.
Michael Phillips wrote for the Chicago Tribune, "It's the funniest thing I've seen in months, and not just on Netflix."
The Australian comedy “Deadloch” offered a refreshing change of pace for crime fans. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Summary: After a dead body washes ashore in their town, by-the-numbers Sergeant Dulcie Collins (Kate Box) is paired up with rough-and-tumble investigator Eddie Redcliffe (Madeleine Sami) to solve the case.
Critics said viewers who take a plunge into the oddball Amazon Prime series will find a refreshing take on crime procedurals.
"It might sound a little cliche to say you'll be guessing all the way to the end, but you really will, with unpredictable pace-propelling twists rolled out from go to whoa," Luke Buckmaster wrote for The Guardian.
Critics tore through “Beef” in a matter of days. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 98%
Summary: After a road-rage incident, art curator Amy Lau (Ali Wong) and struggling contractor Danny Cho (Steven Yeun) are caught in an escalating rivalry that threatens to spill over into their everyday lives.
Critics said Netflix's "Beef" was a binge-worthy drama with an explosive finale that will leave viewers hungry for more.
"With addictive performances, stellar writing, and an innovative tone throughout, 'Beef' will undoubtedly garner a dedicated viewership on Netflix due to its sheer originality," Anna Miller wrote for Discussing Film.
“Gen V” expands on the world of “The Boys” with dark wit. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 97%
Summary: On the Amazon Prime spin-off for "The Boys," young college students with superpowers compete to earn a spot in the coveted Seven.
In the age of reboots, sequels, and spin-offs, critics were genuinely charmed by the worldbuilding of "Gen V."
"'Gen V' has the same irreverent, iconoclastic sense of humor as 'The Boys,' and introduces a new cast of superheroes with creatively designed powers that capture the audience's attention right off the bat," Audrey Fox wrote for Looper.
Critics said “I’m A Virgo” was bursting with creativity. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Summary: On Amazon Prime's "I'm A Virgo," 13-foot-tall Cootie (Jharrel Jerome) leaves his sheltered home and tries to accept his larger-than-life self.
Critics agreed it was a charming, weird, and wonderful series from "Sorry to Bother You"(2018) director Boots Riley.
"'I'm a Virgo' is a whimsical 'Alice in Wonderland'-style fantasy," Jeanine T. Abraham wrote for Medium.
“Telemarketers” pulled back the curtain on a nationwide con. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Summary: On HBO's docuseries, Sam Lipman-Stern looks back on his time working as a telemarketer for a suspicious corporate conglomerate.
Critics said that the scrappy early-2000s footage grounded the series in realism and added a grittiness that's noteworthy among a sea of glossy docudramas.
"It feels like a rebellious artifact, realized in real-time and with a kind of earnestness and zeal that the endless stream of glossy true-crime docs peeling off the streaming-service presses lack," Alison Lanier wrote for Pajiba.
Critics said period drama “Transatlantic” had a classic Hollywood flair. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 95%
Summary: In 1940 Marseilles, France, Mary Jayne Gold (Gillian Jacobs) and Varian Fry (Cory Michael Smith) help European refugees fleeing from Nazi Germany to the US.
Critics praised the Netflix period drama — which was based on a true story — for blending several plotlines in a riveting, cohesive way.
"While the show isn't afraid to get as dark as its circumstances require, it's also not afraid to embrace the occasional moment of levity, from funny misunderstandings to romantic drama to even an unexpected musical number," Liz Shannon Miller wrote for Consequence.
The charm of “Platonic” was undeniable. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
Summary: After a long rift, best friends Will (Seth Rogen) and Sylvia (Rose Byrne) reconnect when they need each other most.
Critics said Rogen and Byrne effortlessly carried their chemistry from the "Neighbors" film series over to the Apple TV+ show.
"'Platonic' works because Byrne and Rogen are such joys to watch together, and because viewers want to spend ten half-hour episodes watching them spend time together," Sarah Ward wrote for Concrete Playground.
On the other hand, critics were completely split on “Digman!”
Rotten Tomatoes: 57%
Summary: In a world where archaeologists are worshiped like heroes, Rip Digman (voiced by Andy Samberg) tries to reclaim his former glory a decade after being fired by the Smithsonian.
Critics were split on Comedy Central's "Digman!" Some called it a funny Saturday-afternoon cartoon, but others felt it was something to skip.
"'Digman' misses the mark in essentially every department," Brittany Vincent wrote for Decider. "Its jokes fall flat, its premise can't hold up an entire series, and the word 'arky' is overused to a maddening degree."
Critics felt like a great cast was wasted on “Secret Invasion.”
Rotten Tomatoes: 53%
Summary: On the Disney+ Marvel series, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) teams up with old friend Talos (Ben Mendelsohn) to stop rogue aliens from taking over Earth.
The phenomenal cast — Jackson, Mendelsohn, Olivia Colman, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Emilia Clarke — was commendable, even if critics were weary of franchise fatigue.
"'Secret Invasion' is the epitome of the Marvel TV and film franchise," Richard Ferguson wrote for The Australian. "Even an armed chase through the streets of Moscow seems stunted, fake and without life."
“Citadel” had high ambitions but felt clunky to critics. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 50%
Summary: Former spies and lovers Mason Kane (Richard Madden) and Nadia Smith (Priyanka Chopra Jonas) reunite after learning that a syndicate of adversaries wiped their memories.
Critics wanted to let their guard down and let the Amazon Prime series take them on a fun adventure ride. But its overstuffed plot and rushed CGI proved too distracting to ignore.
"Audiences for action movies are willing to suspend disbelief if the payoff is worth the cost, but 'Citadel' never closes the sale," Brian Tallerico wrote for The Playlist.
Critics were left unimpressed by the “True Lies” reboot. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 42%
Summary: On CBS' reboot of "True Lies," secret agent Harry Tasker (Steve Howey) tries to balance work and marriage when he invites his wife Helen (Ginger Gonzaga) to Paris on a spy mission.
Reviewers agreed that the series failed to translate any of the fun and spark of the 1994 movie that inspired it.
"Your eyes would be well advised to look for something better too," Pat Stacey wrote for the Irish Independent. "'True Lies' is truly dire — and that's no lie."
Bad reviews rolled in left and right for “Velma.” 
Rotten Tomatoes: 39%
Summary: On Max's reimagining of "Scooby-Doo," high-school-age Velma Dinkley (voiced by Mindy Kaling) is forced to prove her innocence after a murder is pinned on her.
Critics came to a consensus that "Velma" reworked "Scooby-Doo" so radically that it lost all its most lovable ingredients.
"It's an empty shell of a farce that's not clever or engrossing. Just gross," Erin Maxwell wrote for LA Weekly.
Critics called “Florida Man” an overstuffed crime drama. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 22%
Summary: Ex-cop Mike Valentine (Edgar Ramírez) promises to track down a mobster's girlfriend in Florida. But the gig spirals into something more sinister.
Critics said Netflix's "Florida Man" tacked way too many ideas to its storyboard, and lost a strong throughline in the process.
"'Florida Man' is a muddled show that has some interesting characters and story points, but they're lost in a show that's far too crowded," Joel Keller wrote for Decider.
With countless superhero shows on the market, “Gotham Knights” fell to the bottom rung. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 21%
Summary: After Bruce Wayne dies, his adopted son Turner Hayes (Oscar Morgan) is framed for his murder and forced to go on the lam with the children of Batman's greatest enemies.
"Gotham Knights" earned poor reception, with critics agreeing that there were much better superhero offerings than the CW show.
"There's too much other quality content based on comic book universes populating the broadcast and streaming landscape to make this feel like anything other than an embarrassing afterthought," Zaki Hasan wrote for The Wrap.
Critics said “The Idol” lacked any semblance of self-awareness. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 19%
Summary: After her last tour ended in disaster, pop star Jocelyn (Lily-Rose Depp) tries to piece her fame back together with self-help guru Tedros (Abel "The Weeknd" Tesfaye).
Critics felt like the Max drama was desperately trying to be edgy — and ultimately fell short of anything boundary-pushing or fresh.
"'The Idol' tries so hard to be edgy and coolly shocking that you start to feel sorry for the show," Craig Mathieson wrote for The Age.
“Saint X” left critics unsatisfied on many levels. 
Rotten Tomatoes: 19%
Summary: Based on the book by Alexis Schaitkin, "Saint X" follows Emily Thomas (Alycia Debnam-Carey) as she tries to solve the mystery of her sister's (West Duchovny) brutal death in the Caribbean 20 years prior.
Reviewers pointed to clunky dialogue and head-spinning plotlines while giving the Hulu thriller low marks.
"Unfortunately, its execution muddles the message on almost all levels," Adrian Horton wrote for The Guardian. "The timeline-switching is chaotic, the acting wooden, the pace doleful and the aesthetic cheap-looking."
Critics didn't know what to make of “Queen Cleopatra.”
Rotten Tomatoes: 18%
Summary: On Netflix's dramatic miniseries, narrated by Jada Pinkett Smith, the legacy of Queen Cleopatra is brought to life through reenactments and expert interviews.
Across the board, "Queen Cleopatra" received poor reviews from critics who said the series suffered from an identity crisis.
"With no distinctive aesthetic point of view on offer and nothing intellectually novel to engage with, 'Cleopatra' swiftly becomes a test of patience before it even reaches episode two," Joseph Fahim wrote for Middle East Eye.
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justice4billy · 6 months
You're the worst-Part ten
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Happy New Year you lovely lot! Sorry for the delay, I have had technical issues whilst writing this chapter so had to post it today rather than yesterday. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings; smut, mutual pining and angst
Billy x Fem reader/ enemies to lovers
December 31st 1991
New years eve came around quicker than Camille had expected. She had managed to get her allocated flight on the twenty-eighth and made it back home. Billy had been true to his word, he hadn't been around Mariah's house since that awkward morning they had shared, and Mariah had been busy taking down Christmas decorations and spring cleaning so hadn't been out of the house much. It appeared that Billy was either avoiding her, or he had gotten someone else to mess around with. She had replayed the phone call and wondered who the female voice was, but after a while she figured it was pointless since she wouldn't get an answer.
She was back in the harsh cold of New York, glad to be home and back to familiar territory. However, a part of her really missed having someone to talk too and coming back to an empty apartment had only emphasized just how lonely she felt.
That's why she was practically bouncing when she met up with Mariah and Danny at JFK airport, on the morning of New years Eve. Her grin was wide as she threw her arms around her best friend, the two girls falling into animated chatter as they hailed a taxi back to her apartment. A plan set in motion for the night ahead, they would have some drinks and get ready at hers and then try to get into a bar.
"Girl, you look amazing" Mariah had squealed handing her a drink. "And this apartment is insane" she gushed.
Camille giggled. "You've seen it before" she stated.
Mariah winked. "I know, but I always forget
how nice it is plus the views" she added.
"Thanks, and you look gorgeous too" Camille complimented back.
"I think you'll get alot of male attention" Mariah suggested taking a sip of her champagne.
Camille blanched slightly. She didn't want any other male attention, males just messed with her head, or in Billy's case her sexual desires.
"I don't want any" Camille replied flatly.
Mariah sighed. "Did you not see Billy before you left?" She asked gently. Camille shook her head. "Nope" she stated before waving her hand dismissively. "It doesn't matter anyways we will have a
good night" she smiled.
Mariah clicked her glasses. "Cheers to that hon" she replied just as her buzzer rang.
Camille rushed towards it placing her drink down and answering it. "Its the taxi!" She hollered over her shoulder, telling the driver she would be straight down.
Mariah widened her eyes downing her drink. "Danny, are you ready? Taxis here" she hollered.
Danny appeared in the door way. "Been ready for ages" he replied.
Mariah rolled her eyes, rushing over to grab his hand. "Come on" she urged as Camille grabbed her purse.
The trio exited the apartment, Camille ensuring it was locked before taking the elevator to the ground floor. The taxi awaiting to take them to a small bar called "Figs" located just outside Times Square.
The bar was rowdy and packed as they squeezed through the crowds gathering to celebrate their night. Mariah spotted a small booth at the back, telling Danny to order some drinks as they rushed to reserve the seats.
"Gosh, it's crazy" Mariah gushed as the girls sat down.
"Won't Danny need some help?" Camille asked.
Mariah waved her hand. "He'll be fine" she dismissed leaning forward. "So, do you see
any cute guys?" She asked.
Camille sighed. "I don't know and nor do I care" she stated. "The last thing I need is a guy complicating anything" she stated.
"Come on, it could just be sex" Mariah stated.
"Yeah, well look where 'just sex' got me last time" she stated mimicking quotations with her fingers.
Mariah bit her lip. "Yeah, well it's hard because you know Billy" she stated. "Whereas a random guy you wouldn't even need to get his number" she bargained.
"No, I'm good Mariah" Camille dismissed.
"Sorry hon, I just hate seeing you glum" Mariah apologised.
"It's okay, I know you're looking out for me" Camille replied just as Danny bustled over setting the drinks down.
"There you go ladies'" he stated ad the girls thanked him. He sat down before pulling out his pager and furrowing his brow.
"Why do you keep checking that?" Mariah enquired curious.
Danny sighed. "I haven't heard from Billy" he stated.
"And? He's a big boy" Mariah stated. "Are you guys in some secret relationship I don't know about?" She joked.
Danny rolled his eyes. "No, the dude likes girls" he dismissed.
Camille took a sip of her drink, yes he was a big boy her mind wondered with dirty thoughts. Her heart tried not to pang at the plural meaning to his words.
"When we fly he checks in with me" Danny replied.
Mariah furrowed her brow. "Why would he know we flew?" She enquired.
"Because I kind of told him our plans" Danny stated sheepish.
Mariah narrowed her eyes. "What the hell? Why would you do that?" She asked.
"He was talking about going to a party, he asked if we wanted to go and I told him we couldn't" Danny stated.
Mariah huffed. "Couldn't you make an excuse?" She asked.
Danny waved her off. "Relax, this is Billy who never leaves California" he stated. "He's hardly gonna follow us out here" he added.
"Room for two more?" A familiar voice sounded that filled Camille with dread
The trio spun around in their seats, Camille's mouth gaping open as she took in the sight of Billy standing in the bar, his arm around a petite blonde. What the fuck was he doing here.
"Dude, what the fuck are you doing here?" Danny grinned reaching out to slap his
Billy shrugged. "Fancied a change this new year, and this one said she's always wanted to see the ball drop" he stated giving his dates arm a squeeze. The girl giggling as she fluttered her eyelashes at him, however Billy didn't pay her any attention his eyes slowly fluttering towards Camille who looked away and down at the table.
"Are you kidding me?" Mariah hissed. "You've never left California since you came back and now suddenly you want to come to New York" she fired at him.
Billy rose a brow at her bristly tone. "Like I said, this one wanted to see the ball drop" he repeated. "Who am I to deny?" He asked smirking as Camille finally looked up.
"Bullshit" Mariah scoffed.
"Babe".Danny muttered.
"Don't babe me, your full of shit Billy" she fired at him. "Since when did you make such an effort? Like I said you've never been out of California and now you wanna come here, after Danny stupidly told you our plans for new years" she accused.
"Mariah" Camille warned quietly not liking the sudden tension in the room. Plus, she didn't want his date to feel awkward.
Billy scoffed. "You don't own New York" he fired back. "I can go wherever I wanna go and if I want to treat a beautiful girl to a good time then why the fuck can't i" he threw back.
Camille baulked at that comment, it was like she hadn't been worth anything. It was just sex.
"Well be my guest, I won't ruin your new years eve" Mariah stated giving Camille a tap on her arm. "Come on, we'll go back and have a few drinks at yours" Mariah stared.
"Babe, don't go" Danny pleaded.
"Its fine, just meet us there before midnight" Mariah stated as she hopped off the bar stool. Camille followed suit her eyes remained in front of her, not sparing Billy a glance even when she felt him burning a hole in the side of her head.
The ride back to her apartment was silent,
Mariah sharing a concerned glance every so often as Camille mentally reeled from seeing Billy in the flesh again. It was like he was just trying to hurt her in purpose.
"How about we go to another bar instead? It's only 10.30" Mariah suggested.
"Won't Danny wonder where we are?" Camille enquired. "He can meet us at yours, we'll be back before midnight" she assured them telling the taxi to take them to a bar.
"Okay" Camille stated looking out the window at the New York streets, her mind wandering to what plans Billy had for the evening. Maybe, he had a hotel somewhere she thought then shook her head, it didn't matter she didn't care.
O'Malleys was a packed Irish bar located in downtown New York, the girls had to squeeze through growing crowd to get to the bar both ordering Sex on the beach before squeezing themselves into a booth.
"I cannot believe him" Mariah grumbled sipping her cocktail.
Camille shrugged. "Maybe he did want to do something different" she stated.
Mariah rolled her eyes. "Yeah right, he's so transparent it's unbelievable" she stared.
Camille furrowed her brow, a slither of hope flitted through her stomach. "What do you mean?" She enquired sipping her cocktail.
Mariah huffed. "Its obvious he came here
to see you, but he won't ever just admit it" she stated.
Camille felt butterflies tingling in her stomach. "Don't be silly" she dismissed with q wave of her hand.
Mariah raises a brow. "Hon, Danny literally told him yesterday about our plans" she states. "This is Billy who only left California against his will when he was a teenager, he used to harp on about going back to California and he is the same guy who doesn't believe in New years" she finished.
Camille widened her eyes. "So, he doesn't do anything for new years?" She enquired her eyes flitting to her glass, her finger glazing the rim.
Mariah shrugged. "We sometimes have drinks at ours and he shows up, but my point is he wouldn't come here if me or Danny suggested" she stated with a small smirk. "The boys infatuated" she nodded to Camille.
Camille felt the swarm of butterflies growing bigger, swarming her stomach. "It was only sex" she repeated his earlier statement.
"Sure and I'm the Pope" Mariah quipped.
Camille flitted her eyes to the table. "It doesn't matter anyways, he brought a date with him" she replied. "Which we were pretty rude too" Camille winced feeling bad for the mystery girl.
Mariah rolled her eyes. "She must know
what she's getting into, he is just doing that to make you feel bad" Mariah stated.
Camille's ears perked up. "He said that?" She enquired off handed, trying to to make herself sound desperate.
"No, but I can just tell" Mariah stated taking a gulp of her drink.
Camille groaned. "Why do guys play stupid games?" She asked.
Mariah shrugged, her eyes furrowing as her pager beeped. "Ugh great, Danny wants to know where we are" she groaned.
"And that's a bad thing?" Camille enquired.
"Well you know he will bring Billy along, he won't leave his best friend stranded in a
city he doesn't know" she replied.
"Oh" Camille stated. "I suppose you have to tell him" she stated taking a gulp of her drink. Lord knows she needed some Dutch courage right about now.
Mariah flashed her a sympathetic look. "I know but I'm pissed off, we had plans and Danny has opened his mouth and ruined them" she swore. "Like he has to know Billy being here will make you uncomfortable" she finished a sour look on her face.
Camille sighed. "I mean its a tad awkward, but you can't leave Danny on his own not on New Years" she suggested giving Mariah a weak smile when she clocked her facial expression. "I'll be okay I'm.a.big.girl" she reassured her reaching over to grab her hand. "Plus, I got myself into this mess
you guys shouldn't have to suffer, I'll be civil and play nice" she promised.
Mariah sighed. "Billy better play nice or else my foot is going so far up his ass" she swore typing back before pausing. "Are you sure? I don't mind going back to yours plus Billy is an adult, he can find his way around" she dismissed.
Camille wanted to say no, but she couldn't hide forever. Sooner or later she would need to face him. "Its fine, tell them where we are" Camille urged a lump forming in her throat. God, she needed another drink she thought. "I'll get us another" she stated nodding to the empty glasses.
Camille hopped off her stool, fighting her way through the crowded bar. She signed as she waited patiently in line before finally
getting her drinks cradling them in each hand as she tried not to spill them. She had just put them down on the table when an arm slinked around Mariah.
"Baby" a drunk Danny slurred as he placed a sloppy kiss on her cheek.
Mariah grimaced. "How much have you had?" She asked wiping her face.
"A skinful" Camille heard Billy state.
Her head moved in his direction, noting he was standing at the end of the table with his arm slinked around his date. The girl snuggled up to him with a smile on her face, her eyes fluttering up at him. Billy clocked Camille's movements flashing her a smarmy grin as his eyes fluttered to hers. Camille looked away, her drink
suddenly becoming interesting as she took a gulp.
"God, I hope you make it to midnight we've got plans" Mariah stared annoyed.
"M' sorry baby, don't wanna make you mad" Danny stated with a hiccup making Camille giggle.
"OH, where are you going?" The girl spoke up for the first time.
Camille shifted her eyes to the girl. "Ermm..were going back to my place to watch the ball drop" she stated awkwardly.
"Wow that sounds exciting" she spoke up with glee.
Camille nodded, making awkward eye contact with Mariah before looking back at her. "You guys can come if you want" she cringed at herself before yelping when she felt Mariah kick her foot, a stern look on her face.
"Aww, ain't you so sweet" Billy cooed sarcasm lacing his tone, a smirk adorning his face as he looked at Camille.
Camille narrowed her eyes at his tone. "Just trying to be kind" she fired back at him.
Billy raised a brow. "Sure you are" he threw back at her.
Camille rolled her eyes. "Don't come then, see if I care" she stated flippantly.
Billy smirked. "There she is ladies and gents, feisty as ever" he replied taking a swig of his beer.
"Billy" Mariah warned, cradling a drunken Danny whose head was on her shoulder.
"What?" He spat back.
Camille cut in. "Well your date can come then" she stated giving the girl a smile. "Sorry I didn't catch your name" she stated polite.
The girl perked up. "Tammy" the girl answered. "I've always wanted to see the ball drop" she stared.
Camille smiled. "Well, great then you can come along with or without this brute" she stated flashing Billy a sickly sweet grin as he narrowed his eyes at her. "Excuse me, gotta go to the bathroom" she stated slipping off the bar.
"We can have one more then we better get going, it's after eleven" Mariah stated.
"Yeah, that's fine" Camille threw over her shoulder as she pushed her way through the crowd. She was surprised there wasn't a long queue for the toilets, and that there were only three single cubed toilets for such a big pub. She waited in line feeling proud of how she had dealt with Billy, judging by the look he flashed her she had won whatever stupid game he decided to play.
"Bet your pretty proud of yourself" Billy gritted in her ear.
Camille turned her head to see him
standing with a passive look on his face, his arms folded as he waited in line behind her.
"What are you even doing here?" She asked him.
Billy shrugged, a passive look on his face. But she could tell by how dark his eyes had gotten that he was annoyed. "Told you, wanted to treat my date" he replied.
Camille scoffed. "Yeah right, the guy who never leaves California wanted to come all the way out here" she stated rolling her eyes before turning around. She gasped slightly when she felt him tug on her arm bringing her round to face him.
"What are you insinuating?" He asked, his deep blues boring into hers.
Camille shrugged his arm off. "Did you come here to ruin my fun? Did I piss you off that much?" She accused.
Billy narrowed his eyes. "The fuck would I I that for? You really think so much of yourself don't you princess" he sneered.
A door unlocking had her wrenching her arm out of his grip. "This conversation is over" she stated pointedly before going to enter the cubicle.
"Like hell it is" Billy muttered before entering behind her, shutting the door and locking it for good measure.
"What the hell are you doing? I need to pee" Camille stated furiously as she glared at Billy.
Billy stood by the door. "I ain't finished plus it's not like I haven't seen your pussy before" he stated crudely.
Camille scrunched her nose up. "You're being gross!" She accused.
Billy let out a deep chuckle, slinking off the door and walking towards her. His hand brushing her hip as he cornered her against the wall. "Wasn't so disgusting when I buried my cock inside of you" he whispered hotly his other hand landing on tje wall beside her head, blocking a form of exit.
Camille felt ashamed at the wetness that pooled in her knickers, she hated the effect his filthy words had on her. "Yeah it wasn't, until you acted like a Jackass the next day"
she spat at him.
Billy flashed her a dangerous smirk, his eyes roaming her chest which was heaving up and down. Her breasts moving in sync giving him a view of her cleavage. "Yeah, and you couldn't wait to get out like a bat outta hell" he stated his voice taking on a low timbre, which made Camille clench her legs.
"Thought you would be used to that by now" she threw back.
Billy shook his head. "Yeah well, maybe I got sick of repeating old patterns" he stated. "Or maybe I wanted another round before tossing you out" he added with a nasty smirk.
Camille pushed at his chest. "You're
fucking impossible" she swore.
Billy gave her a devilish grin. "Well it ain't impossible to make you come undone" he stated trailing her exposed collarbone making her flush.
"I'm sure Tammy wonders where you are" Camille replied weakly, her head spinning at this confusing interaction.
Billy scoffed. "What she don't know won't hurt her" he replied.
Camille glowered. "I'm sure you say that about all the girls" she spat at him pushing at his chest. "But I'm not one of them, so if you could leave so I could pee in peace" she stated.
Billy smirked, his hand coming to cup her
jaw. "Or I could fuck you right here, show ya how much I've missed ya" he stated lowly his voice sending shivers down her spine.
"You're such a misogynist" Camille spat at him as she gripped onto his jacker, her legs feeling weak at the dirty thoughts that fluttered through her head. "There's a line so please just go" she begged weakly.
Billy shrugged. "Guess we'll have to make it quick" he muttered before flitting his hands to her hips, pulling her against him and crashing their lips together.
Camille let out a moan as she fell into the kiss, her hands threading through his curls as he picked her up and placed her on the sink. Her legs wrapped around his waist as they lost themselves in a heated kiss of
tongues meshing together.
Billy pulled his lips away, sucking on her bottom lip before moving to her exposed neck peppering kisses along her jawline. "Missed these damn lips" he muttered into her neck as Camille groaned her head flitting back against the mirror. "Missed you so fucking much" he stated sucking on the exposed skin.
"Billy" Camille moaned, her eyes opening as she came to her senses. "Billy" she called pushing at his chest.
He reluctantly moved his lips away. "What baby?" He panted his lips red and swollen.
"Tammy! What about Tammy?" She asked.
Billy flashed her a grin. "I'll let you in on a
little secret" he stated cupping her jaw. "She asked to come with me to make her ex jealous, wants us to take a picture so she can show him" he stated.
"OH, and you agreed?" Camille panted.
Billy nodded. "In a way, just wanted to come here because life got boring without your fiesty ass" he stated giving her a grin.
Camille felt her heart flutter, opening her mouth to agree, she had missed their back and forth arguing and the sex. A bang on the door interrupted the pair, her words dying on her tongue.
"I better go, you gotta use the loo anyways" Billy stated reaching down to land a quick kiss on her neck. "I'll see you later" he crooned sending her a quick wink before exiting the cubicle, the protests of other people dying off in the background when he shut the door. Fuck, things had just gotten a whole lot more complicated.
…………………………………………………….. Camille adjusted herself before finishing up and exiting the cubicle, she gave the annoyed patrons an apologetic look before pushing passed them and back towards her table.
"Finally, you need to down this and then we have to go it's 11.30" Mariah cried shoving a shot into her hands.
Camille gripped it clumsily almost dropping it, before downing the shot her eyes flitting towards Billy who flashed her a flirty grin.
"So, we all heading back to yours?" Billy
asked looking over at Camille.
Camille nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, we can split a taxi" she suggested.
Mariah flashed her a knowing look. "Billy, will you help me with him?" She asked nodding towards Danny who was laying on jer shoulder.
Billy chuckled. "I got him" he stated grunting as he lifted Danny up, slinging his arm over his shoulder.
Mariah looker over at Camille. "What happened?" She asked.
Camille groaned. "I'll tell you later" she whispered nodding over to Tammy who was following behind Billy.
Mariah nodded. "You naughty girl" she winked as they made their way outside into the cool New York Air.
Flagging down a taxi proved to be a challenge. Eventually Billy managed to flag one down, the driver taking one look at Danny and shaking his head.
"I ain't taking him" he replied gruffly. "Only got room for two anyways" he stated nodding to the two vacant seats in the back.
"You two go, I'll find another taxi" Billy suggested nodding at the yellow cab.
"Are you sure? What about Tammy?" Camille added nodding towards the young girl who was hiding shyly behind Billy.
Billy sighed. "We'll find another taxi, you two just get home" he urged.
Camille nodded reeling off her address to Billy, before entering the cab the other seat occupied by another couple who spoke to them throughout the taxi ride. Camille hoped they would all get back safely to her apartment, her mind worrying over the possibility of things going wrong.
They bid a happy new year to the couple as the taxi pulled up to her apartment, it was 11.45 Camille noted as they exited the cab and into the building thankful they only had to go up one floor as they bundled into the lift.
"God, they better make it" Mariah muttered.
"I hope so too" Camille replied as they got
out of the lift, walking towards her apartment door.
"So, what happened?" She asked.
Camille sighed. "I need a drink" she stated opening her apartment door and going straight for the bottle of wine on the counter.
Mariah shut the door behind her. "Tell me I'm literally dying" she begged dramatic as ever.
"We kissed in the bathroom" Camille confessed.
"OH MY GOD" Mariah squealed. "I told you he had come to see you!" Mariah clapped in delight then paused. "What about Tammy?" She asked.
"That'd what I said!" Camille stated. "He said apparently Tammy wants to get back at her ex, the plan is to take a picture so he sees" Camille explained taking a gulp of jer wine.
"And Billy went along with it?" Mariah asked.
Camille nodded. "He said life got boring without my feistiness" she stated.
Mariah squealed. "He has it so bad!!!" She exclaimed pouring herself a glass of wine.
Camille rolled her eyes, though she could feel the butterflies swarming in her stomach at the repeat of his confession. The buzzer went off signaling someone was trying to get in, she shared a look with Mariah before answering the call.
"Hello" she slurred slightly.
"Its me" Billy grunted on the other end. "Mind opening up before I drop this dickwad on his head" he grunted.
Camille chuckled before buzzing them up. "Think Danny is in trouble" she grinned at Mariah who rolled her eyes.
"Yeah he will be when I stick my foot up his ass" she grumbled.
Camille giggled before a knock sounded on her door. She walked over to open it, holding back a giggle at the sight of Danny slumped over Billy's shoulders an annoyed look on the blondes face as he entered the apartment. She furrowed her brows in
confusion when Tammy didn't appear.
Billy sighed putting Danny on the couch. "You got any glasses?" He asked Camille.
"Top cupboard" she replied shutting the door.
Billy went over to get a glass, his shirt riding up slightly exposing a slither of tanned skin. Camille tried to hide the blush that crept onto her face, or the way his muscular hand gripped the glass as he filled it with water.
"Where's Tammy?" Mariah blurted as he turned the tap off.
Billy turned to the pair giving them a lazy shrug. "Funny enough, she bumped into her ex who got her tickets for the ball drop
so we mutually decided to part ways" he replied sending Camille a slight grin which Mariah clocked.
Billy moved from the sink and walked towards Danny holding a glass out for him. "Drink this" he commanded.
"I love you dude" Danny slurred taking the glass and downing the water.
"Yeah yeah" Billy dismissed before going back to fill it up. "Drink more" he commanded before looking over at the girls. "What time is it?" He asked.
Mariah looked at her watch. "11.55" she stated. "Oh my god position's!" She squeaked moving away from the counter top.
"Well see better in my room" Camille suggested.
Billy smirked at that. "Lead the way" he stated. "Come on dickhead" he stated to Danny who was a bit more sober, standing up on wobbly feet as Mariah linked arms with him and chastising him.
The foursome stood by the apartment window. Mariah holding on to Danny and marveling at how much of times square could be seen from her huge window.
"You got a nice view from here" Billy stated lowly as the clock flashed counting down till midnight. 4 minutes to go.
"Yeah, it's not bad for what I could afford" she agreed flashing him a smile. 3 minutes to go.
Billy nodded his hand brushing hers slightly, fingers reaching out to lightly graze hers. Camille shivered at the slight contact.
"OH MY GOD! 2 minutes to go" Mariah squealed as Danny flashed her a lazy smile.
"I love you baby" Danny stated gleefully.
"I love you too but y9u better be sober enough yo kiss me at midnight" she warned.
Camille blanched slightly at that remark, wishing she could have someone to kiss her mind reeling back yo earlier on.
"One more minute!" Mariah cried out.
Camille took another gulp of her wine, willing away her thoughts as Billy grazed her finger tips once more sensing electric bolts through her.
"You okay?" He whispered lowly.
Camille nodded. "Yeah, you?" She asked.
"Always, but even more now" he replied as the countdown to midnight began. Mariah and Camille chanted along with the crowd.
"Five" Camille counted gasping slightly when when felt a pair or fingers thread through her hand. She looked down noting the tanned fingers sitting nicely between hers a ring shining in the moonlight. She looked up to see Billy looking out the window with a slight smirk on his face.
"Four…three..two" the crowd chanted outside as the roars started to get louder.
"ONE" Mariah practically screamed grabbing Danny's face and giving him a kiss.
Camille stood awkwardly clutching the remnants of her wine in her hand, anticipation bubbling in her veins if she should make the first move. She risked a glance at Billy who was still looking out the window, Mariah had settled on dauntless shoulder watching the crowd go wild.
"Happy New year" she stated with a small smile.
Billy turned to her, giving her hand a squeeze. "You too" he replied.
Camille held her glass up lamely. "I'm gonna refill" she stated reluctantly loosing her hand from his warm calloused one, turning on her heel and walking back into the kitchen. A sigh leaving her lips as she filled her glass back up and took another gulp. Why the hell didn't she just kiss him she thought.
"You okay?" She heard Billy ask from behind her.
She turned around seeing him leaning against the counter opposite her, brows furrowed a concerned look on his face.
"Yeah, just feel overwhelmed not how I thought I'd end my year" she stated.
"How'd you mean?" He enquired
straightening up.
Camille sighed taking another gulp. "Well, I started the year kissing my boyfriend of three years not knowing he was cheating on me the whole time". she confessed feeling slightly stupid as she wiped a tear away.
She heard Billy shift on his feet, his boots stopping infront of her heels his hand reaching up to brush the aide of her jaw. His blue eyes stared into hers. "His loss is another man's gain" he stated shifting closer, so his breath cascaded along her face. "Now you get to end it kissing a different guy instead" he muttered his eyes flickered down to her lips, his head shifting closer as their lips connected softly.
The kiss quickly turned heated, Camille threading her fingers through Billy's locks. Tongues meshing against one another, a moan slipping past her lips as his hands landed on her waist, squeezing and palming her ass.
Footsteps shuffling into the room interrupted the pair, as they broke away with Billy coming to stand beside her.
Mariah's head popped around the corner. "Wow, that atmosphere is insane" she gushed.
Camille smiled. "You got your kiss then?" She enquired.
Mariah nodded. "Yep, and looks like someone else did too" she smirked.
"Mariah" Camille warned, her cheeks reddening as Billy let out a laugh.
Mariah smiled. "I'm going to go now anyways, need to get this idiot home" she stated nodding towards Danny who was splayed against the window. "Mind helping me?" She asked Billy.
Billy nodded. "Sure" he replied.
"Don't you need to call a taxi? You can wait up here" Camille suggested.
"I already called one whilst you were in here" she smirked. "But I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast" she stated.
Camille smiled. "See you then" she replied reaching out to give her a hug which Mariah returned. The sound of her apartment buzzer interrupted them as Camille went to answer it. "Taxi is here" she called over her shoulder.
"Come on dickhead" Billy stated draping Danny across his shoulder.
"Where are you staying? Wanna share a cab?" Mariah offered.
"Well, I had a hotel room got a last minute deal with Tammy for two single beds but she's probably off with her guy" he stated.
"You can stay here" Camille offered. She figured she owed him for helping her out. "I can have the couch" she offered.
"If you're sure" Billy replied. "I mean you ain't have the couch" he stated.
"We can sort it out" Camille shrugged.
"I'll see you in a bit" Billy winked moving towards her door, Mariah just in front of him as they exited.
Camille busied herself with getting pillows and blankets out of the linen closet. Chugging the last of her wine as the door opened. Billy entered the apartment, letting out a groan that had wetness pooling in her knickers.
"Danny is fucking heavy" he swore stretching his arms above his head, his limbs popping a slither of skin exposing itself .Camille looked away, cheeks reddened.
Camille flittered her eyes away from the exposed slither of skin. ‘’Do you want to stay? No pressure’’ she added.
Billy smiled. ‘’Sure, if you don’t mind’’ he stated.
‘’Course not’’ Camille added.
‘’You going to bed?’’ Billy asked nodding toward the blankets.
‘’I’m actually not tired’’ she replied. ‘’I was going to have another drink and people watch’’ she replied feeling slightly lame.
‘’Sound good’’ Billy agreed.
‘’There is beer in the fridge if you don’t want wine’’ she offered.
‘’Thanks’’ Billy stated walking over to the fridge.
Camille set her blanket on the rug in the view of Times Square, watching the copious amounts of people still celebrating the New Year.
‘’I reckon that chick wants to be more than friends’’ Billy stated plopping himself down beside her, taking a gulp of his beer.
Camille furrowed her brows in concentration, looking down at the younger girl who was hanging off every word the male in front of her was saying with an animated smile on her face. ‘’That woman seems to be getting broken up with’’ she pointed sadly to another lady, tears streaming down her face.
‘’Ouch’’ Billy stated noting the guy in front of her looked awkward.
‘’Gosh, that is horrid shall we invite her up here instead?’’ Camille asked solemnly.
Billy tusked. ‘’Why? So we can have a threesome?’’ he joked.
Camille scrunched her nose up. ‘’that’s a gross thought’’ she admitted.
Billy laughed. ‘’I don’t do things like that’’ he stated turning his head to her.
Camille met his stare. ‘’Do what?’’ she asked.
‘’Threesomes’’ he answered. ‘’I take care of my girl, don’t like to share her’’ he added pointedly staring her down.
Camille felt the butterflies sore in her stomach. ‘’I don’t do them either’’ she replied dumbly.
Billy grinned. ‘’Good girl’’ he praised.
Camille bit her lip, his praise having an effect on her before reaching up to toy with the necklace splayed against his chest. ‘’I can be a bad girl too’’ she whispered moving closer to him.
‘’Really?’’ Billy smirked his eyes roaming her body.
Camille nodded, reaching out to touch his shoulder whilst swinging her leg over his effectively straddling him. ‘’Want me to show you?’’ she asked sultry.
‘’Fuck, baby’’ Billy swore lowly his hands reaching to grip her hips.
Camille felt the wetness pool in her lacy underwear, reaching out to slowly unbutton Billy’s blue shirt leaving a trail of kisses on his exposed chest as he shrugged it off his shoulders. She bit her lip at the golden abs on display for her viewing pleasure only.
Billy reached forward sucking on the exposed column on her neck, drawing out a long moan from Camille as he fiddled with the zip on the her lacy top, flinging the garment off her.
Billy reached out taking a nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the bud sending electric bolts through her body.
‘’Fuck’’ Camille moaned gripping his hair, her head lolling back. ‘’Wait’’ she called tapping on his shoulder.
Billy looked up, her nipple falling out of from between his plump lips. ‘’What?’’ he asked.
‘’Lay down’’ Camille ordered pushing at his shoulders.
‘’Really?’’ Billy grinned.
‘’Really’ she confirmed watching as he lay back.
Camille fiddled with his belt, unzipping his jeans pulling them down along with his boxers. Her mouth watered as his thick cock slapped against his exposed abdomen, her hands gripping the base as she licked a fat stripe down his shaft.
‘’Fuck’’ Billy grunted.
Camille took his entire length in her mouth, his cock hitting the back of her throat as she bobbed up and down his length.
‘’Oh, fuck baby’’ Billy groaned reaching out to thread his hand in her hair. ‘’Take me so well’’ he grunted bucking his hips.
Camille fluttered her eyelashes at him, pausing to suck on the tip whilst pre cum coated her tongue. Billy bucked his hips again as she sucked on his balls, before wrapping her lips around him. One of her hands reached down to push her knickers to the side, moaning as she plunged her fingers inside herself.
‘’Oh baby, that’s fucking hot you playing with yourself whilst sucking me off’’ Billy praised breathless. ‘’I’m gonna cum soon’’ he grunted bucking hips once more.
Camille moaned as he thrusted into her, spurting out hot thick cum into her mouth as she came on her fingers. His dick popped out of her mouth, as she stood up and shut the curtains whilst removing her skirt and knickers leaving her totally exposed.
‘’Get the fuck over here’’ Billy commanded his eyes roaming her naked body as he shrugged off his jeans and boxers.
Camille straddled him, the tip of his cock laying against her ass as he pulled her into a feverish kiss. She pulled away lining him up with her entrance, groaning when she sank onto him and he bottomed out.
‘’You going to take this cock?’’ Billy asked.
‘’Y-yes’’ Camille stuttered as she began a slow pace, groaning as she rocked against him. He felt so deep, like he was inside her stomach.
Billy landed a slap on her ass. ‘’Gonna ride me baby?’’ he asked bucking his hips up.
‘’Fucking yes!’’ Camille squealed, her nails digging into his shoulders as she rocked herself on his cock at a fast pace.
‘’Leave those marks baby’’ Billy grunted, his balls slapping against her bare ass as he gripped her hips. ‘’Missed these fucking pussy and those damn lips’’ he praised.
Camille groaned. ‘’S-so good’’ she babbled.
‘’No other man can fuck you like me’’ Billy bragged. ‘’Can he?’’ he asked fucking into her at a relentless pace. Camille responded with a moan. ‘’Use your words’’ he commanded giving her a sharp slap on her ass that had her clenching around him.
‘’N-no man can f-fuck me like t-this’’ she babbled feeling the coil in her abdomen snapping.
‘’You gonna cum?’’ Billy asked, sitting up so he was deeper inside. His pants becoming heavy, his chest coated in sweat.
‘’Yes, fucking yes’’ Camille screamed as her orgasm rippled through her.
Billy moaned, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he rutted his hips into her. ‘’Shit, I’m gonna blow’’ he warned as he let out a groan before shooting cum inside of her.
Camille panted, her legs cramping up slightly as she collapsed against him. ‘’I need to get off’’ she panted.
Billy let go of her hips, letting her roll off him and onto the soft blanket. ‘’Wow’’ she panted.
Billy collapsed beside her. ‘’Yeah, wow’’ he panted. ‘C’mere’’ he gestured patting his bare chest. Camille obliged, not wanting to mess up like last time before scooting over to him, laying her head against his bare chest. She could hear his heart beating steadily.
‘’You know when I said I was scared of clowns?’’ Billy blurted, his arm coming to rest over her waist.
‘’Yeah’’ Camille answered slightly confused.
‘’I was also scared of my old man’’ Billy confessed quietly, that she almost didn’t hear him. ‘’Fucker used to beat me senseless, thought it taught me respect and responsibility’’ he scoffed.
Camille swallowed. "I'm sorry, he was wrong to do that" she stated feeling her eyes pricking, the memories of her own turbulent childhood coming back.
Billy nodded. "Was always told I was a pussy because I didn't fight back, I could have taken him down" he sighed. "But I could never bring myself too, he was my Dad even if he was an asshole" he finished. ‘’Ain’t spoke to the fucker in five years’’ he added.
Camille sighed, her fingers striking against his cheek. "My mom used to take me to festivals, get high and leave me with strange men" she confessed.
Billy grazed her jaw, tilting it so their eyes met. "You serious?" He asked.
"Yeah" Camille replied. "She also said I wasn't pretty, even tried to cut my hair off to make me look like a boy" she replied sadly tears pooling in her eyes.
"Hey" Billy stated wiping away a tear. "She was wrong, your god damn sexy even when you’re driving me insane" he replied.
The butterflies swirled again at the compliment; Not being used to receiving them from anyone in her life. "Thank you" she replied shyly before flashing him a smirk. "I'd compliment you but we know your ego doesn't need it" she winked.
Billy chuckled. "I know I'm good by the fact
I make you scream so loud" he fired back.
Camille burst into laughter. "Typical" she rolled her eyes breathing as their laughter died down.
"I didn't wash my sheets after that morning" Billy blurted. "For days after cos they smelt like you" he groaned.
Camille’s heart soared. "Really?" She asked.
"Yep" Billy replied with a sigh. "You got me all fucked up sweetheart" he confessed.
"Me too, I don't know what's happening to me" she replied her eyes slowly closing as he rubbed the soft spot behind her ear. She didn't hear his reply, slowly falling asleep with his confession on her mind.
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alias-b · 4 years
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@tendermiri continues to be the light of my life with the most beautiful commission & send off for my first finished Billy/OC fic, Without The Lights. Billy & Camille look spectacular and I’m always going to miss writing them!! 🍒
“I don’t know, it’s like I’m awake for the first time in my life.”
“All I see is red still.”
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rosemarion · 3 years
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As Rose flies over Norway, many days after the TARDIS disappeared at Bad wolf bay. She writes a letter and cries and cries, but Jackie incourages her to write about all her feelings for the doctor. For closure, Jackie insists. Somehow, the TARDIS manages to give Ten the letter.
(an alt ending to doomsday)
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