#Jordan Vacation Packages
egypttourse · 8 months
Get familiar with the Arabic language and speak with confidence
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The Arabic language is regarded as the most demanded in Gulf countries. Non-native people can master the Arabic language with the help of simultaneous Arabic interpreting. It is not difficult to have a conversion going with an Arabic translator and interpreting services. Worldwide, the demand for different foreign languages keeps on increasing, with more demands in the industrial job sector proving that thing.
People from different native places familiarize themselves with best Arabic simultaneous interpreting is easy. All you have to do is give yourself time to learn the Arabic language and its accent. Around the world, the Arabic language is recognized as one of the most prolific languages because of its popularity in the Gulf nation. Learning a foreign language is not tough, considering you have the option to go for Arabic simultaneous interpreting services.
Arabic translator services give power and freedom to learn all languages comfortably
Yes, when it comes to having a conversion, the best way to address some of the language barriers that exist is to translate and exchange words that are easy to understand. Most people find the Arabic language easy to translate and, hence, speak confidently with a lot of command and sheer ability. With the help of simultaneous Arabic interpretation, most non-native people get a chance to gain knowledge about the Arabic language and its incredible range of popularity.
 So, if you are struggling with a lack of expression, then hire Arabic interpreting services to master the art of spoken power. It will help you in a big way as you start conversing with people. You can develop language skills that will help you land various jobs in the future and shape your professional career on a bright note. The art of explaining also helps you to become familiar with the Arabic language and help people who belong to other countries. This way, you can have a great conversation with your friends.
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 Arabic language popularity: A great example of learning and translating on demand training
People who belong to other countries can actually become experts in the Arabic language with the help of Arabic simultaneous interpreting services. Many people came across different views on learning the Arabic language and easily mastered the art of speaking a foreign language.
They are confident and believe in interpreting services to become skilled in language power and adaptability. Learning different languages needs extreme practice, and familiarity with the Arabic language indicates exactly that. This is evident in the way the Arabic language gained popularity and made the job of interpreting services easier. You can develop language skills to great effect since talking and conversing with people in Arabic helps them to be familiar with accents and demands, especially in Gulf countries.
Around the globe, people talk in different foreign languages and thus improve their speaking skills. Hence, learning one of the popular languages augurs well for future job prospects when you apply for jobs.
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sitaworldtourss · 2 months
Best Luxury Travel Experiences: Namibia Safari, Africa Tours, Peru Luxury Tours, and Chile Vacation Tours
Traveling is an art, a beautiful blend of exploration and relaxation, and when it comes to luxury travel, the experience transcends into a realm of pure indulgence. Whether it’s the breathtaking landscapes of Namibia, the vibrant culture of Africa, the mystical allure of Peru, or the diverse beauty of Chile, luxury tours in these destinations promise an unforgettable journey. Here’s a guide to…
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gayfromusa · 1 month
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Climbing Partners
[ Art from ksk199999 on DeviantArt, story by me ]
Brandon and Jordan (both 21) had been climbing buddies for about three years. Jordan always wanted a higher, tougher climb, and Brandon was always went along. Brandon loved the time he spent with his buddy, but wasn’t always enthusiastic about traveling so frequently to the mountains each summer. While he enjoyed the challenge, sometimes he just wanted to relax in the sun for a week instead of busting his ass climbing as a vacation.
On one sunny summer day at Brandon’s apartment pool during their breaks from college, Jordan asked Brandon about going for another climb.
“Hey man, how do you feel about going for a climb this weekend?”
“That sounds like a great time, but why don’t we just chill by the pool this weekend? I’d love to just hang with you. We can totally go on a climb next weekend though.” Brandon responded.
While his request was very reasonable, Jordan still couldn’t let go of the idea of reaching a new death-defying height and seeing the incredible views. Jordan made his point known to Brandon, “Dude, there’s always more time to relax, we won’t always be able to climb. C’mon, let’s do it dude.”
Just before Brandon could say something, he got a spam on his phone reading, “Buy now! The brand new Size Gun uses atomic energy technology to transform the size of those around you, to any height within the range! Only $50! Get it before the price goes up!” He showed Jordan before he tried to delete it.
“Dude, look at this bullshit!” Brandon laughed.
Jordan smiled, “Imagine if that was real dude, we could both have the weekend we want.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you could relax all day by the pool, and I could be shrunk to make you the size of a mountain. Honestly the view of your apartment complex would be spectacular from a new perspective.”
Brandon started thinking. It was Tuesday, he just got a bonus from last week’s paycheck, and Jordan was absolutely right. He honestly was excited at even the possibility of a real man being the size of a toy in his hand. “You know, what if this thing is legit? There has to be some sort of legal thing preventing them from selling this, so why not try and get my hands on it before they get caught? And honestly it’s so cheap for what it’s offering.”
“There’s no way though, right?”
“I don’t know man, but even if there’s a small chance, I’d bet something for it. Let’s see if this is real.” Right then, Brandon clicked the link and ordered the product. He put priority shipping on it. “It’ll be here Friday. If this thing doesn’t work, then we‘ll spend Saturday climbing and Sunday relaxing, deal?”
“Dude, I’m so in. This could be sick.”
Friday came and a package arrived. Brandon spent the night figuring it out and texted for Jordan to come over the next morning for a surprise.
On Saturday, Jordan knocked on the door of the apartment, and Brandon opened. “Is it real dude?!” Jordan asked with excitement.
“Well come inside and see!”
Jordan walked in and closed the door. Brandon led him to the living room where on the table sat a sci-fi-looking gun of sorts. “How does it even work??”
“Well I tried reading the instructions to find out, but they were in Chinese. Found a YouTube video where they basically said they can’t release how it works due to it being such a new technology. Anyways, it only works on biological matter. It’s not able to make anyone taller than their normal height, unless someone else is shrunk, then the height can be transferred to whoever. The limit on shrinking is currently an inch tall. It’s also supposed to make the person a bit more durable than you expect since it makes them more dense, but the guy said to still be extremely careful if ever handling a shrunken person.”
“One inch seems a bit tiny for climbing you, maybe we could do two inches instead?”
“Yeah sure, but don’t be shocked if you get there later.”
Jordan laughed off that last comment, “Dude I am so excited. I’ve kept on thinking about everything ever since earlier this week. Can we test it out?”
“Yeah man! It connects to my phone, then I have to make a profile for you. I made one for myself already. I’ll input your height and scan you with the gun. I hope you’re chill with it man, you have to be naked for the scan.”
Jordan nodded his head.
“Alright go ahead and strip.”
Jordan blushed slightly while he awkwardly got naked. He heard Brandon say it only shrank biological matter, so he’d be naked when he shrinks anyways. He really did want a climbing challenge, and only brought up this idea as a joke. Now that he is about to actually be able to do this, he started thinking about Brandon’s body. Brandon stood at a good 6’0”, and Jordan at a below average 5’8”. Brandon had impressive muscles, and occasionally Jordan wished he could feel them, but always wanted to respect Brandon and never asked.
But now Jordan was going to feel Brandon’s muscles up close, for maybe even a few hours. Even more pressed in his mind was Brandon’s specific features he might get to climb on. His feet, his pecs, his biceps, and maybe even other parts of his body. Thinking about all this gave Jordan a boner that he didn’t even notice, and he was already in just his underwear.
“You excited for today lil’ buddy?” Brandon smirked.
“I-“ Jordan blushed a bright red.
“Hey dude it’s alright, to be perfectly honest, I haven’t gotten the thought of you as a living toy out of my head”
“Oh, uh.. then let’s do this.” Jordan nervously took off his underwear.
Jordan, fully nude, stood before Brandon. Brandon pointed the gun and a fast burst of light emitted from it. Brandon set it down, while Jordan clothed himself.
“Why are you getting dressed? Your clothes won’t shrink.” Asked Brandon
“I wanna feel them get bigger on me.” Jordan said.
Brandon chuckled a bit, “Fair enough I guess.”
Brandon looked at the app on his phone. Jordan filled his profile for the app. He input his height, weight, sex, his feet size, then left blank the desired height spot for Brandon to fill out.
“I wanna start by just making you just slightly shorter, just to see if it works, how does 5’0” sound to you?”
“I mean 8 inches seems like a lot, but yeah let’s do it!”
Brandon once again pointed the gun, he pressed the trigger and the light flashed. No sounds or anything.
“Did it work?” Asked Jordan.
“I think so.. it’s not supposed to be instant, but shouldn’t take too- oh there ya go.” Brandon noticed Jordan’s eyes shrink down a bit.
Jordan felt a sensation through his body. His previously snug shirt and shorts now a bit loose. “Holy fuck dude it worked!!” Jordan reacted.
“Damn dude, my shorty got even smaller.” Brandon jokingly smiled.
“Dude I wasn’t short before. 5’8” isn’t short.”
“Maybe, but an angry 5’0” sure is cute.” Brandon began to laugh a little bit started messing with his friend’s hair.
Jordan’s face got a bit red again, then he pushed Brandon’s hand off his head.
Brandon didn’t say anything, just smirked and started inputting stuff into the app again.
“Hey! What are you doing now?”
Brandon pointed the gun and fired the silent blast again. “Made you small enough so you can’t fight back.” Brandon smiled.
Before Jordan could do something, he felt the sensation and this time got a bit dizzy. He fell back a bit, then his shorts fell down his legs and he tripped on them “What the- how big am I now?” Sitting with his butt on the ground, Jordan looked up and saw a staggering figure. His friend seemed more than twice the size of a normal human. He began to cower a bit as Brandon’s hands reached down.
Brandon laughed at Jordan’s choice of words as he crouched down and helped the little guy up. “You’re 2 feet small now.” Brandon laughed once Jordan was on his feet, seeing the huge oversized shirt on his friend was hilarious. He snapped a picture then removed the shirt from Jordan. “There you are again! All your glory. Still excited I see.” Brandon poked Jordan’s dick, Jordan tried to fight Brandon’s hand again but ended up pushing himself back more than doing anything to stop Brandon.
“I- I’m so sorry Brandon,” Jordan tried his best to cover the hard-on, “This is all so new to me, and seeing you so huge is kinda turning me on. We can stop if you want to, I don’t wanna do anything you’re not okay with.”
“Well I saw your hard dick earlier too bud, I kinda figured this was turning you on. Now that you’re tiny I can say that this is also really hot to me. I’m not gonna stop, no matter what you’re going down to two inches.” Brandon said with a hint of seriousness that hadn’t been there before.
Jordan was shocked. Brandon was speaking with such authority over him. He felt like a child, any sense of control was lost in that tone. A fear set in, he was at the mercy of this man. There was nothing he could do to stop his friend if he wanted to. Thankfully he didn’t want to.
Brandon shot the gun at Jordan one final time, then Jordan passed out.
After what seemed like hours, Jordan woke up. He was outside, laying on a cloth surface of some sort. It was hot outside, around 80 degrees Fahrenheit, so still pretty bearable.
Jordan sat up and looked around. He was on a humungous beach towel that was flat on the ground. He looked up and saw Brandon laying back on a pool chair in just his swimsuit. He was sound asleep with his hands behind his head, feet on the ground touching the opposite end of the towel.
Jordan grew excited, it was time to climb his friend. The moment he’d been waiting for. He began to run to Brandon’s right foot, realizing the distance, he slowed to a better pace.
Jordan had never in his life imagined a foot this massive. Size 13 was big, but it had never seemed this big. Still, once Jordan reached the foot he realized he could at least climb onto the foot with relative ease. The smell was prominent, but Jordan didn’t think it smelled bad by any means.
He paused though, and decided to explore the foot a bit before venturing upwards. Starting with the pinky toe, Jordan compared his own body to it, roughy half his size. He was amazed at the size. Moving to each bigger toe, Jordan found the sizes so hot. Reaching the big toe, he laid down next to it for a moment. It was bigger than he was. He stood up and bent over onto the toe and spread his arms, feeling the massive toenail. He then went to the side of the foot, and positioned himself under Brandon’s arch, nuzzling into the soft skin a bit, and noticed that Brandon was a bit sweaty already, just from laying in the heat. Jordan didn’t want to leave, but he decided to keep going before the sweat got too much worse.
Jordan got up and walked back to the pinky toe to climb onto the foot, and crawled his way towards the leg hair. The hairs didn’t contain a lot of traction, so Jordan had to sort of wrap one around his hand and pull himself up little by little. Getting past the knee, Brandon’s thigh was much easier due to the less harsh angle. It was still tough, but not as difficult.
He then reached the next challenge of his journey, Brandon’s swim shorts. They were made of a waterproof material without a lot of traction for the tiny man to grab onto, so Jordan decided to crawl under the shorts. What was one more detour? The man was seemingly sound asleep, and seemed pretty comfortable with Jordan’s hard-on earlier, so why not stop by and see Brandon’s beast for a moment?
Jordan slipped under the shorts and made his way towards it in the darkness. Before that, there was a sort of net/mesh barrier he needed to get through. Managing to push it up and squeeze underneath, he was safe from falling because of the barrier. The overwhelming musky scent of Brandon’s cock began to hit, it put Jordan into a horny state of mind. Climbing over just a bit more, he bumped into the semi-hard anaconda. Pausing for a moment to reflect on what he was doing, he continued. Jordan began to nuzzle up against it, and attempted to reach his arms around, but was far too small to reach around the girth. Still he tried to squeeze. It began to grow a bit harder from the sensation he was giving it, that’s when Jordan backed off and decided to keep going.
Climbing upwards a bit more another issue arose, the elastic band around the swim shorts were skin tight to Brandon’s waste. He went in arms and head first and tried to army crawl under the obstacle. It took a few minutes but eventually he crawled up the other side, revealing a glorious landscape Jordan rarely got to see; Brandon’s beautifully toned and tanned abs.
He paused to catch his breath, and at the same time turned around. Jordan saw the whole apartment complex’s pool space. Given it was a nice weekend day in the middle of summer, there was actually quite a few people. Some families, a lifeguard, and even some pretty big guys, all enjoying the pool and the sun. Thankfully Brandon picked a spot away from most people which wasn’t by the edge of the pool. He was the only person in this corner. Seeing all the ginormous people going about their day, not realizing a tiny person was climbing the man tanning in the corner, was intriguing.
Jordan wondered to himself if Brandon was going to grow him back after this. The way Brandon seemed so eager to have power over him made him wonder if he should climb down now and try and find someone who would certainly help him get back. Then Jordan realized, these people might not see him, they could crush him and just think he was a bug. But even if he found someone who wanted to help, Jordan couldn’t grow back without the mass stored in Brandon’s machine, and without Brandon’s app. Brandon had all the power, even if Jordan was in someone else’s hands.
He turned back to the giant he was climbing and accepted his fate, feeling someone content. Brandon would certainly grow him back, he beat himself up mentally for considering that Brandon didn’t have his best interest in mind. After all, Jordan asked for this. Besides, Brandon’s abs were hot. Jordan climbed up a bit onto his friend’s belly and laid there for a moment. Spreading himself and feeling the muscles. He then got up and kept going.
Knowing his end goal was the top of Brandon’s head, Jordan realized he could never climb straight up Brandon’s neck, he’d have to climb onto his biceps and forearm to reach Brandon’s head. But now Jordan felt he needed to hurry, if Brandon woke up, Jordan would certainly fall flat onto the concrete below.
But Jordan couldn’t help himself when he reached Brandon’s pecs, again he laid down for a moment then spread himself out between them. His mind going back and forth, Jordan got up and kept going. Finally being able to stand when reaching the collar bone, Jordan moved pretty quickly towards the bicep. He laid against the muscle for a moment, feeling it with his arms spread yet again, and then his footing slipped.
Jordan fell what felt like almost ten feet, but was actually just down to Brandon’s rank armpits. Definitely no deodorant used today, not that Jordan was complaining. He had caught himself using the armpit hairs. And used the same strategy from before, and began to wrap his hands around the hairs to secure himself and climb up. He made his way up and this time didn’t fondle with Brandon’s ginormous arms this time, and instead kept climbing.
Using the last bit of his strength, Jordan finally reached the end. And laid on top of Brandon’s head in relief. Immediately, Brandon’s massive hand made a move to scoop Jordan. The hand enclosed around him and Jordan could barely move. He struggled for a bit but gave up upon realizing Brandon was up and walking, likely back to the apartment.
Brandon opened his hand and placed Jordan on the desk in his room. Jordan collected his composure to the best of his ability and stood up and watched Brandon.
Brandon walked around the room a bit, picked up an old pair of socks off the floor and placed them in the laundry. He then took off his swimsuit, this time turned around revealing his muscles butt to Jordan. He threw the swimsuit into the laundry then turned and went to stand at the end of the desk. Jordan while on the desk was eye level with the head of Brandon’s dangling cock. His dick now appeared much more massive when it was freed from its mesh cage.
Jordan stared at the dick in front of his face for a moment, then began to lean his head back to look up at Brandon. Brandon was looking down at him with a pondering look in his eyes.
“Just so you know, I was awake the whole time.” Brandon stated.
“So you almost let me fall off your bicep??” Jordan seemed shocked. Why wouldn’t Brandon save his friend?
Brandon replied, “You caught yourself, I almost flinched, but I’ve seen your reflexes before and knew you could handle it. But regardless, do you remember the other parts of the journey?”
“The uh- oh, um..”
“It seems you rather enjoyed my feet, my abs, my pecs, my biceps, and not to mention my eight inch cock. I’m glad you took a fascination to me.”
“Wait, why are we in your room? Are you going to grow me back?”
“Not today. We said the weekend, remember? I want to play with you since you got to play with me.”
“Brandon, I-“ Jordan was shocked. He was reminded of his powerlessness from Brandon’s tone of voice. He had never seen this side of Brandon before today, and felt completely helpless to do anything besides comply. His dick got hard again.
“Jordan you are enjoying this more than I am, let me have some fun, okay?” Brandon left the room for a moment and returned with the gun, “To be honest, I wish I could make you smaller than an inch, but it’ll have to do.” The light flashed and Jordan felt himself dwindle down even tinier.
Brandon picked up Jordan with a hand that now felt twice the size. Brandon sat down on the carpet of the room and opened his hand and smiled.
“You are so cute, I’m so glad we did this.” Brandon said with a bit of a smile.
Jordan felt uneasy and turned on at the same time. He didn’t want to be like this tiny all weekend, but that thought started to fade when Brandon set him down. He tried to figure out where for a moment, but then realized he was laying between Brandon’s feet that were placed together. Brandon winked at Jordan then closed his feet softly.
Jordan could opened his mouth a bit and could taste the sweat from the gargantuan feet. Brandon slowly rubbed his feet back and forth a little bit, which caused such a pleasurable sensation for Jordan that he began to moan. Brandon heard the moans and stopped, picking out Jordan from his feet and bringing him over to his armpit.
“You know, I probably could have saved you now that I think about it, my armpit is pretty soft and could have protected you pretty well. Hope you enjoy bud.” Brandon said with a smirk.
Jordan was placed in Brandon’s pit once again, this time when Jordan grabbed the hair from the pit, Brandon closed his arm shut. The smell was ten times more potent, and the feeling of being enclosed under such a monstrous bicep was magnificent. The heat, sweat, and pressure only added to the experience. He had never felt more comfort, safety, vulnerability, and helplessness all at once. It was wonderful.
Jordan expected this to only last a minute or so, but instead it went on for ten or fifteen as Brandon walked around with Jordan before he could finally breathe normally again. He was plucked out of the pit, now smelling like it from the sweat, and held in front of Brandon again.
“I hope you enjoyed, I think I felt you ejaculate almost as soon as I closed my arm, but you’re still hard. Guess you wanna keep going.”
Brandon then brought his hand with Jordan in it down to the his dick. Without hesitation, Brandon grabbed his cock with the hand he was holding Jordan in, and began to masturbate. The cock was fully erect already, and Brandon slowly moved his hand up and down with Jordan being used as a sex toy.
Brandon then stopped for a moment to set Jordan down onto the desk once more, before continuing to masturbate at an increased speed and harder grip. Jordan sat watching the event transpire, only realizing a second before the climax what was about to happen as Brandon came all over Jordan’s helpless body, knocking him down. Brandon moaned as he released the cum.
He grabbed Jordan and brought him up to his mouth where he licked off the cum from Jordan’s back, then his front. The mouth and tongue were so huge to Jordan, and he could hardly process what was happened as he was receiving a sensory overload. When the second lick happened, Jordan came again.
Jordan was set on the desk once more as Brandon sat down in his chair and looked at Jordan. Brandon was smiling and had a look of glee in his eyes, “That was amazing, thank you for coming up with the idea for this weekend. I’m so glad I have you.”
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I was wondering if you had any ideas/thoughts on who you think the next speaker will be? I have a hard time imagining enough republicans will be able to agree on someone. Also, I was wondering if that rule that they only need 1 person to oust a speaker continues without McCarthy or will the new speaker make their own rules?
Various people have thrown in their names, i.e. Steve Scalise, Byron Donalds, Jim Jordan. They are Republicans and therefore all of them are terrible. Scalise is probably the most viable contender as he is the current majority whip. He will probably also draw the most "mainstream" Republican votes, but the crazies will probably go for Jordan (some of the nuts have also threatened to try to make Trump Speaker, which: LOLOLOLOL). Let the poo-flinging begin!
Yes, they will also have to agree on a new rules package, which will be the same shitshow as before and probably even worse; I have no idea why any new Speaker would agree to the same idea of one person being able to vacate them, considering the just-concluded Defenestration of KevKev, and the crazies will dig their heels in even harder. The Democrats will vote for Jeffries again. We have no idea how long any of this will take, especially since McCarthy is just the latest in a long line of Republican speakers to get tossed or otherwise forced out by his own caucus for not being crazy enough. Eric Cantor, John Boehner, Paul Ryan etc would all like a word.
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Jordan gets food poisoning and Keiko takes care of her
Twenty texts that spammed Keiko’s name, seven missed calls, and three voicemails. The second Keiko opened his phone when he got out of his last class, that’s what he saw.
With a sigh, he called his sister back. She picked up on the first ring and, without saying hi, just hastily asked, “Do you have dinner plans?!”
Keiko stayed silent for a second. Then said plainly, “Hi, Jor.”
“Yeah yeah, hey. So, dinner plans? Got any?”
Keiko raised a brow. “No. Why?”
“What’s Amber doing tonight?”
“She said she’s gonna try to finish reading the script for Chicago tonight. She’s gonna play a character named Roxy in it or something.” Amberlynn had been excited for the role and insisting that he was really, really gonna love it.
“Have dinner with me!” Jordan insisted. “El is studying the history of Dali tonight and ordering food to her place, so I’m free. And there’s that new Japanese restaurant that opened downtown, and I heard that they have amazing Takoyaki balls! Come with me! It’s the closest thing to Nana’s cooking that we have right now!”
That was really enough to convince Kei. He loved traditional Japanese cooking—even if nothing could beat his Nana’s cooking—and Japanese food was better than take-out pizza any day.
— — —
Dress nice, Jordan had said. Not too fancy, but nice.
It seemed that his simple navy blue button-up and his black dress pants was the right choice. But he groaned loudly and dramatically when Jordan pulled up to his apartment building and came out of her car, and he saw that Jordan was wearing a navy blue dress and a black sweater. As twins, their faces were already almost identical. Now they were matching clothes! It was either an insane coincidence, or some freakish twin telepathy or something.
Jordan seemed as shocked as he was, but less bothered. “Lookin’ spiffy,” she said in a teasing voice as they came up to each other.
Keiko pouted. “Mom would be happy,” he grumbled as he got in the car, remembering the times as kids when they were forced by their mother to wear matching clothes for dinner parties, events, vacations, and even school.
It was a bit of a longish drive. When they got to downtown, they easily found a parking spot. Jordan wore a wide, excited smile as they walked down the sidewalk in the downtown side of the city. Lights twinkled above the street, cars blaring music drove down the road, restaurants and stores looked busy, and Jordan seemed to almost draw energy from the lively buzz surrounding them. Meanwhile, Keiko really just wanted to get dinner and go home. Not that he was unhappy, but he had barely slept the previous night, and it was already almost eight now.
“Here!” Jordan said, pointing at the restaurant. The colorful lights and the music made it look nice. And truthfully, Keiko couldn’t wait to have some authentic ramen—not the instant packaged kind.
Chimes on the door jingled as they walked in. The aroma of incenses and food filled the air, dousing Keiko in a wave of nostalgia as he remembered his Nana’s house. He couldn’t wait to go there in the summer.
“Hello. Table for two?”
Jordan nodded, smiling. The lady grabbed two menus and led then over to a table near the fancy jade fountain in the center of the restaurant, carved fish and dragons making it look detailed and beautiful. Keiko couldn’t help but admit that it was far beyond his expectations.
The two siblings chatted casually, talking about whatever topics came to their minds. When they ordered, Keiko got himself some spicy Tonkotsu ramen with Takoyaki while Jordan ordered herself a giant sushi platter and spring rolls.
The food came out faster than they expected, which just impressed Keiko more.
The food was amazing. Not to his Nana’s standards, but really great.
Keiko could’ve laughed at Jordan who was all but inhaling her sushi. Then he pouted when she took one of his Takoyaki balls, but took one of her spring rolls as payback.
By the time they finished the dinner with cherry blossom jelly desserts, Keiko was in a much better mood than he was in when the night started. They split the check and then decided to go to the city park to just walk around and hang out a little longer.
“No way. Our best vacation was when we went to Birmingham, England,” Keiko states, kicking a rock on the sidewalk. The park was pretty much empty save for a few people here and there. The starry sky was visible through the trees.
“Birmingham was fun, sure, but China was on a whole other level. Don’t you remember the Birds Nest resort? It was something straight out of a fantasy book, I swear. And the food was WAY better.”
Keiko rolled his eyes, but didn’t deny the last part. He’d honestly prefer Chinese street food over fish’n’chips.
Suddenly, Jordan’s stomach let out a growl that was loud enough for Keiko to hear, and he chuckled and raised a brow at her. “Are you already hungry again? You just ate your weight in sushi!”
Jor narrowed her eyes at him. “Not hungry. I’m stuffed, actually. My gut is just a little off, that’s all.”
The smirk on Keiko’s face faltered just slightly. “Off?”
She shrugged, but Keiko noticed the slight tensing of her jaw. Still though, she didn’t say anything until she changed the topic and the two started talking about music and singers and celebrity drama that’s been circulating through the internet.
Keiko was stating his bet on how long Taylor Swift’s relationship with Travis Kelce was gonna last when Jordan suddenly just stopped walking. After realizing a few steps ahead that his sister was no longer walking beside him, he turned and saw her slightly bent over, one hand on her stomach while her head was tilted down.
He frowned. “Jor? Are you o—”
She interrupted his question and answered it at the same time by spewing her dinner all over the sidewalk. Keiko cursed, going back to her and quickly bunching up her long silky hair, even the strands which already had puke in them.
“Crap,” she grumbled, spitting on the ground. “I got sick.”
Keiko snorted a laugh. “Yeah, I can see that, dumbass.” Then his voice softened. “Do you think you caught the flu or something?” He continued to hold her hair in one hand while his other cupped her forehead, but he felt no heat. She was cold and clammy.
“How the fuck am I supposed to know? I’ve never had the stomach flu before!”
Keiko sighed. If she didn’t have a fever, then it likely wasn’t the flu. She’d seemed fine up until just then. What—
She vomited again, and the sight of chunks of white rice and pink meat made him freeze and his blood run cold.
“Shit. Um, okay.” He grabbed her wrist. “Okay, arm around my neck. I’m picking you up.”
She groaned in reply, allowing him to hook her arm around his neck and pick her up bridal style.
Keiko ignored any stares they got from the few people in the park, and Jordan was suddenly too dizzy with nausea to even notice.
When they got to Jordan’s car, Keiko sat her in the passenger seat and took the driver’s side.
It was another semi-long drive to the hospital.
Keiko thought he might have been overreacting a bit, but he’d rather be safe than sorry. It was quite a long wait in the hospital’s waiting room. A nurse had come out with a basin when Jordan had thrown up for the third time while sitting.
Finally, a different nurse took Jordan to get some tests, and Keiko stayed in the waiting room, tapping his foot anxiously. He didn’t want to text any of their friends unless he was sure it was something serious, but he did shoot a quick text to Eliana to tell her.
She was there as well in ten minutes.
It was a tense hour or two before a doctor came out and called Jordan’s name. Keiko and Eliana both stood and walked over to him.
“She’s fine,” the doctor said. “It’s just some fairly nasty food poisoning from some fish toxins, but no salmonella or anything like that. We’ll pump her stomach, hook her up to some antibiotics, and she should be out of here in two days or so.”
Keiko thanked the doctor, and he and Eliana went back to sitting and waiting.
“She was so excited when she heard about that place,” Eliana sighed, sagging back in her seat. “Now she’s getting her stomach pumped because of their crack-attempt at making edible food.”
Keiko shrugged. “It might’ve just been a bad batch of fish. Everything else there was perfect. It was fun.”
Eliana smiled a bit. “It’s nice that you two are so close,” she said. “Not many siblings are like that.” If Keiko noticed the slight catch in her voice, he didn’t show it.
Eliana stood then. “Alright, well, I have to get home and get to sleep. Tomorrow’s an exam day for me. But text me updates, and I’ll come visit Jor tomorrow after my test. Love ya, Kei.”
“Bye, El.”
They hugged, and she left.
It was a while of playing Subway Surfers on his phone to pass time before the doctor returned.
“She’s been settled in a room now. You can see her if you’d like.”
The doctor led Keiko up to a small room where his sister was in a bed glowering at her stomach like she had a vendetta against it. He noticed that her hair had been cleaned up and tied in a loose bun.
“Hey, sis,” Keiko said, sitting in the chair beside her bed. “How’re you feeling?”
She pouted at him. “They stuck a tube up my nose,” she muttered. “It was fucking uncomfortable as hell. And now my stomach feels. . . itchy.”
It took everything Keiko had to not laugh. “Um. . . itchy? Your stomach feels itchy?”
She huffed, rolling her eyes. “Well, not itchy. It’s just, like, tingly and sore and I feel disgusting right now and I’m hungry, but I’m not allowed to eat! And my head hurts and my abdomen is achy and did I mention that I had a tube stuck up my nose?! And it went all the way down to my stomach!!! And I can’t go home, even though I really just wanna be in my own bed while cuddling my girlfriend and life sucks and the world sucks and that stupid restaurant sucks and I really want some tacos!”
Keiko really couldn’t help but start laughing at the end of his sister’s rant.
She pouted at him again. “Really? No sympathy for your sick, ailing, dying sister?”
Keiko smirked. “Not really. But I’ll make the funeral arrangements. Orange and blue flowers, and an open casket with your body dressed in a Baby Shark costume. How does that sound?”
Jordan’s pout seemed to contort weirdly as she tried not to smile or cringe, but it was a losing battle and the cringe won. “I’ll rise from my grave to haunt you.”
“Let’s talk about the inheritance now.”
“Oh my God!”
They both started laughing. When both of their laughing fits subsided, Keiko hugged his sister tightly. “Tonight was a fun night,” he said. “Thanks for getting me out of my house. I swear, I’ve been becoming a cave rat.”
“You’re welcome,” she said. “And how about next time we want Japanese food, we take a trip home and have Nana make it.”
Smiling, Keiko nodded. “Agreed.”
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trip500company · 23 hours
Jordan Vacation Packages All Inclusive
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The Best All-Inclusive Jordan Vacation Packages
Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through the ancient wonders of Jordan? Look no further! Our all-inclusive Jordan vacation packages offer a seamless blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, an adrenaline junkie, or simply seeking a rejuvenating escape, we’ve curated three exceptional itineraries that cater to your unique preferences.
full article : https://jordanmw.com/jordan-vacation-packages-all-inclusive/
#jordanprivatetours #jordantours #travel
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etbtoursegypt · 4 days
Aqaba Shore Excursions with Etb Tours Egypt
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Discover the beauty of Jordan’s port city, Aqaba, with the incredible Aqaba shore excursions offered by ETB Tours Egypt. Aqaba is a gateway to some of the Middle East’s most fascinating cultural and historical sites. Whether you’re looking for adventure, history, or relaxation, these excursions are designed to enhance your Egypt vacation packages while exploring neighboring destinations.
Explore Petra and Wadi Rum
One of the must-do activities during your Aqaba shore excursions is visiting the world-famous ancient city of Petra. This UNESCO World Heritage site is known for its rock-carved architecture and historical significance. ETB Tours Egypt also offers trips to the mesmerizing desert landscapes of Wadi Rum, where you can enjoy a jeep safari or a camel ride through the dramatic sandstone formations. Combine this with Egypt private tours or Egypt family tours for a truly unique adventure.
Adventure and Relaxation at the Red Sea
For those looking to unwind or enjoy the sea, Aqaba’s crystal-clear waters make it a perfect spot for diving, snorkeling, or relaxing on the beach. ETB Tours Egypt provides excursions that cater to water enthusiasts with a focus on enjoying the marine life of the Red Sea. These excursions can be easily combined with Hurghada day tours, Sharm El Sheikh day tours, or Red Sea tour packages for a complete coastal experience.
Customizable Shore Excursions
At ETB Tours Egypt, we understand that every traveler is unique, which is why we offer flexible and customizable Aqaba shore excursions. Whether you're interested in adventure, history, or a peaceful retreat, our tours are tailored to fit all your preferences. You can even pair your Aqaba visit with Cairo day tours, Luxor day tours, or Aswan day tours as part of your Egypt travel packages.
Why Choose ETB Tours Egypt for Aqaba Shore Excursions?
With ETB Tours Egypt, you can be sure to experience only the best of Jordan and Egypt. Our Aqaba shore excursions are designed to provide unforgettable memories, whether you're interested in Egypt pyramid tour packages, Nile cruise holidays, or Egypt safari tours. We also offer All-inclusive Egypt vacations and Cheap Nile cruises to make the most out of your time in the region.
To Contact Us: E-Mail: [email protected] Mobile & WhatsApp: +201021100873 Address: 4 El Lebeny Axis, Nazlet Al Batran, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt
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next-holiday-travel1 · 2 months
Immerse yourself in the enchanting landscapes and rich heritage of the Middle East with our thoughtfully designed travel packages. Journey through ancient civilizations in Egypt, marveling at the Pyramids of Giza and the treasures of the Nile. Experience the blend of tradition and modernity in Dubai, from its towering skyscrapers to its vibrant souks. Discover the historical and natural beauty of Jordan, including the breathtaking Petra and the serene Dead Sea. Our packages also include Turkey's diverse attractions, from Istanbul’s historic sites to Cappadocia’s unique landscapes. Each package features premium accommodations, guided tours by local experts, and seamless travel arrangements, ensuring a memorable and enriching adventure across the Middle East.
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nileinfinitytours · 4 months
Experience the Best of Jordan and Egypt with Nile Infinity Tours
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Nile Infinity Tours invites you on an unforgettable journey that combines the ancient wonders of Jordan and Egypt with modern luxury. Our meticulously designed tours, such as the 5 Days Luxury Jordan To Romans Tour From USA, offer an unparalleled travel experience. From the timeless landscapes of Jordan to the majestic monuments of Egypt, immerse yourself in the rich history and vibrant cultures of these fascinating countries.
5 Days Luxury Jordan To Romans Tour From USA: A Journey Through Time Begin your adventure with our exclusive 5 Days Luxury Jordan To Romans Tour From USA. This tour takes you on a captivating journey through Jordan’s most iconic historical sites. Start in Amman, the capital city where modernity meets antiquity. Explore the ancient Roman city of Jerash, one of the best-preserved Roman provincial towns in the world. Walk through its grand colonnades, impressive theaters, and majestic temples, and feel the echoes of history beneath your feet.
Next, travel to the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth, where you can float effortlessly on its mineral-rich waters and indulge in luxurious spa treatments. Finally, visit Petra, the UNESCO World Heritage site known as the Rose City. Marvel at its intricate rock-cut architecture and learn about the Nabatean civilization that built this astonishing city. Every step of this tour is curated to provide you with a luxurious and enriching experience.
Jordan Tour Packages from the USA: Customizable Adventures Nile Infinity Tours offers a variety of Jordan Tour Packages from the USA tailored to meet the diverse interests of our travelers. Whether you're fascinated by ancient history, intrigued by natural wonders, or seeking luxurious relaxation, our packages have something for everyone. We provide comprehensive itineraries that include luxury accommodations, private guided tours, and exclusive access to some of Jordan's most iconic sites.
Jordan Tours from USA: Discover Hidden Treasures Our Jordan Tours from USA are designed to uncover the hidden treasures of this incredible country. Beyond the well-known sites like Petra and Jerash, we take you to lesser-known wonders such as the desert landscapes of Wadi Rum. Experience the stark beauty of the desert and the hospitality of the Bedouin people. Enjoy luxury desert camps, thrilling jeep safaris, and serene camel rides under the star-studded sky.
USA to Jordan Travel Packages: Seamless and Worry-Free Traveling from the USA to Jordan has never been easier with our seamless and hassle-free travel packages. Nile Infinity Tours handles all the details, from flights and visas to accommodations and guided tours. Our USA to Jordan Travel Packages ensure that you can focus on enjoying your vacation while we take care of the logistics. Our expert guides and premium services make your journey smooth and enjoyable.
Jordan Vacation Packages from the USA: A Rich Cultural Experience Our Jordan Vacation Packages from the USA offer a comprehensive exploration of this fascinating country. In addition to the must-see sites, we include unique experiences such as cooking classes where you can learn to prepare traditional Jordanian dishes and visits to local markets where you can shop for authentic souvenirs. These packages provide a deep dive into the culture and heritage of Jordan, ensuring a memorable and enriching vacation.
Jordan Trip Packages USA: Flexible and Customizable Nile Infinity Tours understands that every traveler is unique, which is why our Jordan Trip Packages USA are customizable and flexible. Whether you want to add extra days to explore more sites or include special activities like hot air balloon rides over Wadi Rum, we can tailor your itinerary to match your preferences. Our goal is to provide you with a personalized travel experience that exceeds your expectations.
Best Egypt Tour Packages USA: Explore Ancient Wonders Combine your Jordan adventure with the best of Egypt with our Jordan Trip Packages USA. Begin your Egyptian journey in Cairo, where you will visit the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum. Continue to Luxor, often described as the world's greatest open-air museum, and explore the temples of Karnak and Luxor, as well as the tombs of the Valley of the Kings. Our packages ensure that you experience the ancient splendors of Egypt in luxury and comfort.
Egypt Luxury Tours From USA: Unparalleled Opulence Our Egypt Luxury Tours From USA offer the ultimate travel experience, combining historical exploration with modern luxury. Enjoy five-star accommodations, private guided tours, and exclusive access to some of Egypt's most iconic sites. Whether cruising the Nile on a luxurious riverboat or dining under the stars at a Bedouin camp, every detail of your tour is designed to provide you with unparalleled comfort and enjoyment.
Nile River Cruise From USA: A Luxurious Voyage Embark on a Nile River Cruise From USA and sail in style along the world's longest river. Our cruises offer luxurious cabins, gourmet dining, and top-notch amenities. As you drift along the Nile, visit the ancient temples of Edfu and Kom Ombo, and marvel at the breathtaking landscapes along the riverbanks. A Nile River cruise is an essential part of any luxury tour to Egypt, providing a perfect blend of relaxation and cultural immersion.
Egypt Tours From USA: Comprehensive and Enriching Our Egypt Tours From USA are comprehensive and enriching, designed to cover all the major highlights of this incredible country. From the bustling streets of Cairo to the serene temples of Aswan, our tours provide an in-depth exploration of Egypt's rich history and culture. Enjoy private guided tours, luxury accommodations, and carefully curated itineraries that ensure a memorable and enjoyable travel experience.
Egypt Tour From USA: Personalized and Exclusive For those seeking a more personalized and exclusive experience, our Egypt Tour From USA offers bespoke itineraries tailored to your preferences. Whether you want to spend more time exploring specific sites, include special activities like hot air balloon rides over Luxor, or enjoy intimate dining experiences in historic settings, we can customize your tour to match your desires. Our goal is to provide you with a unique and unforgettable journey through Egypt.
Travel Packages to Egypt From USA: Convenient and Stress-Free Our Travel Packages to Egypt From USA are designed to be convenient and stress-free. We handle all the details, from flights and visas to accommodations and guided tours. Our packages ensure that you can focus on enjoying your vacation while we take care of the logistics. With Nile Infinity Tours, your journey to Egypt is smooth, seamless, and stress-free.
Egypt Packages From USA: Exceptional Value and Quality Nile Infinity Tours offers Egypt Packages From USA that combine exceptional value with the highest quality. Our packages are designed to provide you with a comprehensive and enjoyable experience, covering all the major highlights of Egypt. Whether you prefer an all-inclusive tour or a customizable option, we have something to suit every traveler’s needs and budget.
Egypt Vacations From USA: Memorable and Luxurious Our Egypt Vacations From USA promise memorable and luxurious experiences. From the ancient wonders of Cairo to the serene beauty of the Nile, our vacations offer a perfect blend of history, culture, and luxury. Enjoy stays in five-star hotels, private guided tours, and exclusive access to Egypt’s most iconic sites. Every aspect of our vacations is designed to provide you with unparalleled comfort and enjoyment.
In conclusion, Nile Infinity Tours offers an extraordinary range of luxurious and immersive travel experiences to both Jordan and Egypt. Whether you are interested in the 5 Days Luxury Jordan To Romans Tour From USA, Jordan Tour Packages from the USA, or Egypt Luxury Tours From USA, we promise an adventure that is as enriching as it is luxurious. Explore ancient wonders, enjoy unparalleled comfort, and create lasting memories with Nile Infinity Tours.
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egypttourse · 1 year
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Are you planning for Egypt and Jordan Tours from USA? Look no further. The land of breathtaking deserts, desert safari, temples, and the world's longest River Nile, awaits you.Experience the heritage of years of ancient history and the land of the pharaohs with Egypt Tours and Travels.
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sitaworldtourss · 2 months
Get Ready to Discover the Best World Tours with SITA Tours!
Introduction Are you yearning to explore the far corners of the globe, to experience new cultures, taste exotic foods, and witness breathtaking landscapes? With SITA Tours, your dream of seeing the world can become a reality. We offer a variety of World Tours designed to provide you with unforgettable experiences and lasting memories. From luxurious excursions to Affordable World Tours, our…
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travelcase41 · 4 months
“Europe Tour Packages : Your Gateway to European Adventures”
Europe, a continent known for its romanticism, rich history, and many cultures, invites visitors to experience an amazing journey through its famous cities and breathtaking scenery. Europe offers a rich tapestry of experiences just waiting to be discovered, from the romantic beauty of Paris to the busy streets of London, the charming village of Vol dam to the historic grandeur of Rome. Travelers may start their journey through some of the most fascinating locations on the continent with ease and confidence thanks to the convenience and experience of Europe tour packages .
Paris: The City of Love and Light
Without a trip to the City of Love, no trip to Europe is complete. Paris, home to well-known sites like the Louvre Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Eiffel Tower, has an enduring allure that draws tourists from all over the world. Your Europe vacation package will include a Paris city tour, so you may experience the romance and elegance of this enchanted city while strolling through Montmartre’s cobblestone streets, cruising the Seine River, and indulging in mouthwatering pastries at quaint sidewalk cafés.
London: The Meeting Point of Modernity and History
London provides an enthralling fusion of history and modernity, from the historic magnificence of Buckingham Palace to the lively energy of Covent Garden. When you include a London city tour in your Europe tour package, you can explore the Tower of London and learn about the city’s rich past, wander through the charming streets of Notting Hill, and see the famous Westminster Abbey and Big Ben, all while taking in the vibrant, international vibe of this vibrant city.
Amsterdam: A Tapestry of Canals and Culture
Amsterdam, which is surrounded by a network of gorgeous canals, captivates tourists with its exquisite architecture, top-notch museums, and active cultural scene. Your Europe tour package will include an Amsterdam city tour, where you can take in the distinctive atmosphere of this eclectic city while exploring the historic neighborhoods of Jordan and De Pip, viewing masterpieces at the Van Gogh Museum, and cruising along the famous canals dotted with 17th-century merchant houses.
Berlin: Where History Comes Alive
Berlin provides an enthralling fusion of history, culture, and innovation as a city that has witnessed both sorrow and victory. When your Europe travel package includes a Berlin city tour, you’ll get to see famous sites like the Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, and the Berlin Wall Memorial. You’ll also learn about the city’s interesting history and dynamic present. Berlin enthralls visitors with its vibrant energy and varied charm, from the hip Kreuzberg areas to the charming medieval Mitte neighborhood.
Prague: A Fairytale in the Heart of Europe
Prague is a city straight out of a storybook, with its picturesque architecture, quaint cobblestone streets, and rich cultural past. Your Europe travel package will include a tour of Prague, where you can explore the Old Town’s ancient lanes, marvel at the castle, and take in the expansive views from Charles Bridge. This tour will allow you to fully experience the city’s enthralling ambiance and timeless beauty.
Rome: The Eternal City of Antiquity
A Cultural Tapes Amsterdam Rome, the city of eternal beauty and historical wonders, is home to famous attractions including the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and Vatican City. If your Europe tour package includes a Rome city tour, you’ll travel through millennia of history as you discover the magnificent Roman Empire ruins, marvel at Renaissance masterpieces, and enjoy the flavors of Italian cuisine in quaint trattorias — all while feeling the eternal allure of the Eternal City.
Venice: A Serenade on the Water
Cultural Tapes Amsterdam Venice is a city unlike any other, with its winding canals, enchanting gondola rides, and stunning architecture. Your Europe tour packages will include a Venice city tour, so you can experience the city’s timeless romance and Venetian charm while navigating the Grand Canal’s winding waterways, meandering through the historic center’s narrow streets, and taking in the breathtaking views of St. Mark’s Basilica and Doge’s Palace.
Conclusion: Embark on a European Adventure with Tour Packages
: A Cultural Tapes Amsterdam Europe’s most famous cities, from the historic splendor of Rome to the charming streets of Paris, offer a multitude of experiences just waiting to be discovered. Travelers may experience a seamless journey through some of the most intriguing destinations on the continent, fully immersing themselves in the culture, history, and natural beauty of Europe, all thanks to the convenience and expertise of Europe tour packages. Discover the allure of Europe with tour packages catered to your every need and want. Whether you’re touring the historic sites of London, sailing the canals of Amsterdam, or taking in the breathtaking views of the ancient ruins of Rome, an adventure in Europe is waiting for you.
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pixeldistractions · 5 months
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Maya said, “It’s not like you’d summit this year and be done. Did you think you could feel that kind of rush and never want to do it again? Believe me, once you get there, you won’t want to stop, you’ll see. This is your life now. Even if it’s not what you do for a living, you’ll dream in summit fever. Just wait.”
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Jack was all in with the hype, but Jordan wondered if the dream of a summit would be all he ever achieved.
This hobby was expensive. He wanted to be sold on the whole package, he wanted to drink the Kool-Aid and buy all the hype, but the fine print gave him sticker shock. First there were the classes. Two years of training, probably, if he didn’t want to die on the mountain. He would certainly not make the cutoff for this January’s summit, which meant another spring and fall session next year. The gear wore out, and he’d need to repair and replace it often.
Then, when he finally was ready, there would be airfare, lodging, and supplies.
And besides the climbing, he still had important repairs to complete on the camper. There was still child support to send to Colette exactly when and how she wanted it. He needed to find work, finally, having burnt through most of his savings.
How did anyone afford this lifestyle?
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Well, if you looked at the people around him: Tyler Jackson was the son of Aura Jackson, a millionaire business mogul and sitting Secretary of the Treasury. His mother bankrolled this entire park. He was literally a trust fund baby.
Yeah. That was how.
Darren was a corporate marketing consultant by day—whatever that was—and an avid prize-winning marathoner on the weekends.
Kristoff wouldn’t talk about his work, but it sounded a little shady and was probably lucrative or else he wouldn’t do it.
Then you had Jack. He was just a cop, but his wife was an accountant, and he was the son of Sophie Phoenix, culinary marvel. She wrote a cookbook, Jack said.
Jordan hated to admit that Colette was right, but you couldn’t live this kind of lifestyle on a hobo’s wage and still send home child support.
Even Ingrid’s minimalist free spirit #roadlife was made of three-thousand dollar cameras, sponsorship deals, and loans from her mommy’s pocket.
And he needed to talk to a lawyer still. Lawyers cost money.
He needed to maintain a residence somewhere, because that was what Colette wanted. Not just any residence, but at least two bedrooms and a bathroom in a respectable neighborhood. And he likely couldn’t do all of that on gig work in between climb training. First and last month’s rent was the same price as the Komorebi trip he wasn’t skilled enough to take.
He wasn’t twenty anymore and adults don’t get a gap year.
He just wanted to find his own stride, to live a life that he carved out for himself and not one that someone else picked for him. But where was that life? The only answer he knew was that he needed more work, bigger jobs, and more of them. Money wouldn’t solve all of his problems, but it would solve a lot of them.
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So he picked up whatever work he could find in between the climbing. Task Rabbit, Doordash, delivering groceries and helping people pack and move boxes. It hardly made a dent in what he needed.
Jordan wasn’t of the mind to think any kind of work was beneath him, but he needed something more substantial than this. He could get by on little money, but not this little. Especially not after dropping $450 on climbing shoes! And even when the jobs paid more, it wasn’t always worth the trouble. If he wanted to be bossed around by insufferable women, he could go back to Colette.
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So he worked and he climbed. He climbed and he worked.
The vacation was over. He did handy jobs in the mornings, and it was hard physical labor. He climbed in the evenings, which was more physical exertion. Finally, he dropped onto his bed at night and crashed hard.
He didn’t intend to sleep through the ping of Maria’s goodnight texts, but his body was done and so it slept on his behalf. He would see her in his dreams instead, and he hoped she would wait for him there.
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— from “boxes and squares #4.2: then have some faith” (5/5)
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sitatoursandtravels1 · 8 months
Explore the Baltic Gems: Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia Tour from USA with Sita Tours
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Embark on an unforgettable journey to the Baltic States of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia with Sita Tours' exclusive tour package. Nestled in Northern Europe, these three countries boast rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and a wealth of historical treasures waiting to be discovered. With Sita Tours as your trusted travel companion, you'll experience the charm and beauty of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia like never before.
Discover the Enchanting Beauty of Estonia:
Your Baltic adventure begins in Estonia, a country renowned for its picturesque old towns, lush forests, and captivating coastlines. Explore the fairy-tale-like capital city of Tallinn, where medieval towers, cobblestone streets, and ancient churches transport you back in time. Wander through the charming streets of Tallinn's Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and admire landmarks such as Toompea Castle, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, and Town Hall Square.
Immerse Yourself in Lithuania's Rich History and Culture:
Next, journey to Lithuania, the southernmost of the Baltic States, where a tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty awaits. Explore the vibrant capital city of Vilnius, known for its baroque architecture, bustling markets, and lively atmosphere. Discover the historic Gediminas Castle, stroll along the picturesque Gediminas Avenue, and marvel at the intricate facades of the Vilnius Cathedral and St. Anne's Church. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the hauntingly beautiful Hill of Crosses, a symbol of Lithuanian resilience and faith.
Experience the Allure of Latvia's Capital, Riga:
Conclude your Baltic adventure in Latvia's dynamic capital city, Riga, a vibrant metropolis where medieval charm meets modern sophistication. Explore the UNESCO-listed Old Town, home to architectural marvels such as the iconic Riga Cathedral, St. Peter's Church, and the House of the Blackheads. Wander through the colorful streets of the Art Nouveau District, where ornate facades and intricate details showcase the city's rich architectural heritage. Be sure to sample Latvia's delectable cuisine, from hearty potato pancakes to mouthwatering rye bread.
Why Choose Sita Tours for Your Baltic Adventure:
When you travel with Sita Tours, you can rest assured that every aspect of your journey is meticulously planned and executed to perfection. Our expertly crafted itineraries, experienced tour guides, and top-notch accommodations ensure a seamless and unforgettable travel experience. Whether you're exploring historic landmarks, sampling local cuisine, or immersing yourself in cultural traditions, Sita Tours provides unparalleled service and expertise every step of the way.
Read Now:
Estonia Lithuania Latvia Tour From USA
Iceland 6 Day Tour
Jordan Vacation Tours From USA
Kenya Family Tours
Luxury Namibia Safari From USA
Embark on a captivating journey through the Baltic States of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia with Sita Tours' exclusive tour package. From the medieval charm of Tallinn to the vibrant streets of Riga, experience the rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality of these enchanting countries. Book your Estonia Lithuania Latvia Tour from USA with Sita Tours today and embark on the adventure of a lifetime.
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gktravel · 9 months
The indoor activities to do in the USA
In the US, going indoors opens up a world of exciting and varied activities that suit a wide range of interests. The USA offers a wide variety of theme parks and entertainment centers that guarantee an exciting day for those looking for an adrenaline rush. A plethora of exhilarating rides, live performances, and family-friendly entertainment can be found at these attractions, which range from the legendary Disneyland in California to the immersive experiences at Universal Studios in Florida.
The USA is home to top-notch museums that present art, science, and history in exciting ways, catering to individuals with a taste for culture and knowledge. Visitors may immerse themselves in a multitude of exhibitions, relics, and interactive experiences at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and the Smithsonian museums in Washington, D.C. In addition, the USA has a thriving theatrical industry that is alluring because of Broadway in New York City, where legendary productions and performances come to life. The world's best shows are on display under the bright lights of Broadway, showcasing a wide range of theatrical talent. In the United States, indoor activities provide a diverse range of experiences to suit every preference, be it thrill-seeking, cultural enrichment, or the allure of live performances.
The indoor activities to do in the USA
1. Enjoy Theme Parks and Entertainment Complexes: For those seeking an indoor rush, the USA is home to a sizable number of indoor theme parks and entertainment complexes. Well-known places like Florida's Walt Disney World and California's Disneyland provide an all-inclusive experience with thrilling rides, live acts, and interactive activities that are weatherproof. Moreover, indoor entertainment centers like Minnesota's Mall of America are home to mini-golf courses, aquariums, and amusement parks, making them the perfect vacation destination for families and thrill-seekers alike.  
2. Explore World-Class Museums: With some of the most renowned museums in the world located here, the USA is an excellent destination for art and history enthusiasts. The Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., which is made up of several museums and galleries, is home to an enormous collection of historical displays, artwork, and relics. In the meantime, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City is home to an incredible collection of works of art spanning many centuries and cultures. Every interest may be satisfied by a museum, which gives guests the opportunity to delve into the breadth of human knowledge, spanning from science to history.
Read More:New Zealand holiday packages from Dubai
3. Take in Broadway Shows and Performances: Often regarded as the height of theatrical genius, Broadway in New York City hosts world-class shows that captivate audiences from all over the globe. Broadway offers a vast array of shows to accommodate diverse preferences, ranging from contemporary dramas to classic musicals. There are many opportunities to enjoy live performances in warm, indoor theaters in major American cities like Los Angeles and Chicago, which also have vibrant theater scenes.
 4. Take a Trip to Indoor Gardens and Conservatories: There are stunning indoor gardens and conservatories in many American cities that offer a serene, natural setting. The United States Botanic Garden in Washington, D.C., offers a verdant haven with a vast array of plant species. On the other hand, the Conservatory of Flowers in San Francisco and the United States Botanic Garden in Chicago provide serene retreats where visitors may enjoy the beauty of nature without having to fight the elements.
Read More: jordan holiday packages from Dubai
5. Engage in Educational Exploration at Science Centers: Because science centers skilfully combine entertainment and education, they are the perfect indoor destination for families and curious minds. Science centers may be found around the United States. The Museum of Science in Boston, the California Science Center in Los Angeles, and the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago are a few instances of institutions that provide engaging presentations, hands-on experiments, and interactive exhibitions. With captivating and interactive displays spanning from biology to astronomy, these educational institutions cater to all age groups and foster a love of learning.
The variety of indoor activities available in the United States of America surpasses national borders and provides tourists with a wide range of engaging experiences. Within its climate-controlled havens, the USA offers a wide range of activities to suit the interests of its diverse population, which includes thrill-seekers enjoying theme parks and entertainment complexes and culturally minded individuals visiting world-class museums.
For anyone thinking about taking a trip to the United States from Dubai, USA holiday packages from Dubai are the key to easily accessing these indoor wonders. These carefully planned packages provide access to the abundance of indoor activities that the USA has to offer, in addition to a seamless and stress-free travel experience.
The memories made within these indoor havens become a vital part of the USA experience, even as tourists bid adieu to the thrilling rides at theme parks, the insightful exhibits in museums, and the captivating Broadway productions. Through a trip through these many activities, the USA becomes more than simply a place to vacation; it becomes an investigation of the cultural and recreational assets that draw tourists from all over the globe to enjoy its indoor delights.
Read More: Umrah package by bus from Dubai 
Umrah package by Air from Dubai
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omantuors · 9 months
middle east vacations
Introduction to Middle East Vacations
The Middle East is a culturally rich and diverse region, offering a unique holiday experience that can't be found elsewhere. With stunning landmarks, ancient cities, and world-class resorts, it is no wonder that the Middle East is increasingly becoming a popular destination for tourists.
Why choose the Middle East for your next vacation
The Middle East offers a unique blend of culture, history and natural wonders that is unmatched elsewhere in the world. Apart from cultural attractions, there are plenty of breathtaking natural landscapes and varied outdoor activities to explore. Whether it’s exploring the ancient ruins of Petra in Jordan, marveling at the towering architecture of Dubai, or relaxing on the beautiful beaches of Oman, a Middle Eastern vacation has something for everyone.
Apart from the amazing sightseeing opportunities, the Middle East also offers world-class resorts, great hospitality, and delicious cuisine. The region is famous for its luxurious hotels and resorts, which offer unparalleled comfort and top-notch service. From its distinctive architecture to its traditional decor, visitors are left with a lasting impression of the region’s hospitality.
How to plan your Middle East vacation
A trip to the Middle East requires careful planning, given the cultural differences and distinct seasons. To make the most of your vacation, it's essential to research and plan your itinerary in advance. Tourists must take note of the customs and laws of different destinations within the region to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.
When planning your vacation, consider the climate and peak travel times to avoid extreme weather conditions and overcrowded locations. Tourists may also want to book a guided tour to experience the region’s history and culture. With various tour packages available, tourists can choose one best suited to their interests and budget.
In conclusion, a Middle East vacation is an experience of a lifetime, offering breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural experiences, and world-class hospitality. With careful planning and research, visitors can have an unforgettable vacation and discover the hidden gems of the region.
Amazing Destinations in the Middle East
The Middle East is a unique destination that offers an unforgettable vacation experience. With diverse cultures, awe-inspiring natural wonders, and world-class resorts, tourists can enjoy the best the region has to offer. Here are some of the amazing destinations to consider when planning a Middle East vacation.
Dubai: The City of Gold
Dubai is a city that needs no introduction. Known for its glittering skyscrapers, luxurious hotels, and world-class shopping, Dubai offers a truly unique vacation experience. Visitors can enjoy the adrenaline rush of indoor skiing, experience the traditional Bedouin way of life in the desert, or take a scenic helicopter tour of the city. Dubai also offers some of the best dining experiences in the world, with an eclectic mix of international cuisine blending with traditional Arabic dishes.
Istanbul: Where East Meets West
Istanbul is a city that bridges two continents, offering a unique blend of Eastern and Western civilizations. Visitors can explore the majestic Hagia Sophia, marvel at the intricate tile work in the Blue Mosque, or immerse themselves in the sights and sounds of the Grand Bazaar. Istanbul also offers some of the best street food in the world, with a range of savory and sweet delicacies waiting to be discovered.
In conclusion, the Middle East offers some of the most amazing destinations in the world. With world-class amenities, rich cultural experiences, and breathtaking natural wonders, tourists are sure to have an unforgettable vacation. Whether it's exploring the futuristic city of Dubai or soaking up the cultural heritage of Istanbul, the Middle East has something for everyone.
Adventures in the Desert
The Middle East is a region filled with unique and thrilling experiences for adventurous travelers. Those seeking an adrenaline rush can explore the awe-inspiring natural wonders of the desert through a variety of activities. Here are some adventurous activities for visitors to consider.
Desert Safaris: A Thrilling Experience
One of the most popular adventures in the desert is a safari tour. Visitors can hop on a 4x4 jeep and explore the sand dunes, spotting camels, gazelles, and other wildlife. Many tours offer overnight camping options, allowing visitors to experience the tranquility and beauty of the desert under the stars. Some tours even offer falconry displays, showcasing the ancient art of hunting with birds of prey.
Hot Air Balloon Rides: Watch the Sunrise Over the Desert
For a more peaceful experience, visitors can take a hot air balloon ride over the desert at sunrise. As the balloon floats above the golden sands, visitors can enjoy the stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. This experience provides a unique opportunity to see the desert from a different perspective, offering a sense of tranquility and awe-inspiring beauty.
In conclusion, the Middle East offers a range of adventurous experiences for visitors seeking to explore the desert. With a variety of activities, including desert safaris and hot air balloon rides, visitors can create unforgettable memories and experience the natural beauty of the region.
Explore the Culture and History
Aside from the desert adventures, the Middle East also offers a rich cultural and historical experience for travelers. Visitors can immerse themselves in the region's fascinating past and unique heritage through various activities.
Temples and Tombs: Ancient Egypt
Egypt is home to some of the most impressive archeological sites in the world, including the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Valley of the Kings. Visitors can explore these iconic landmarks and learn about ancient Egyptian civilization through guided tours or independent exploration. They can also visit the famous Luxor and Karnak temples, which offer an insight into ancient religious practices and beliefs.
Mosques and Markets: Casablanca
Casablanca is a vibrant city that offers a glimpse into Moroccan culture and history. Visitors can marvel at the intricate architecture of the Hassan II Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the world. They can also explore the old Medina, a historic district filled with colorful markets, street food, and traditional handicrafts. Tourists can savor the flavors of Moroccan cuisine and indulge in mint tea at one of the many cafes.
In summary, the Middle East provides a unique cultural and historical experience for travelers. From exploring ancient Egyptian temples and tombs, to strolling through Moroccan markets and mosques, visitors can immerse themselves in the region's fascinating past and vibrant present.
Relaxation Getaways
Aside from the adventurous activities, the Middle East also provides an array of relaxation getaways for travelers looking to unwind and rejuvenate. From luxury beach resorts to tranquil spa vacations, the region offers something for every type of traveler.
Luxury Beach Resorts: Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi boasts some of the most extravagant beach resorts in the world. Visitors can indulge in five-star amenities and services while relaxing on white sand beaches overlooking the sparkling waters of the Arabian Gulf. The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Emirates Palace, and Zaya Nurai Island are just a few of the top-rated resorts for travelers seeking the ultimate in luxury and comfort.
Spa Vacations: Muscat, Oman
Muscat, Oman offers a retreat for those seeking a more serene and rejuvenating experience. The city is home to numerous top-quality spas and wellness centers that offer a range of therapies and treatments. Tourists can relax and unwind with the stunning view of mountains, pristine beaches, and clear blue waters. The Chedi Muscat, Six Senses Zighy Bay, and Al Bustan Palace are some of the highly recommended resorts for a revitalizing spa vacation.
In conclusion, the Middle East offers more than just thrilling adventures, but also a chance to relax, unwind, and recharge. Whether it's indulging in plush surroundings at a luxury beach resort or soothing the senses with a spa vacation, travelers will find the perfect getaway that caters to their relaxation needs.
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