#Jose Rosario Jr
acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Hoist The Colours
Oh boy, we're heading into the big ones now!
Hoist The Colours was uploaded on September 18, 2021, and features Jose Rosario Jr in his second collaboration with Voiceplay. This one stunned a lot of reactors (one of them, Dennis King of King Family Reacts, literally got up and left the room after the video was finished because he had been rendered speechless by it!), and the video currently sits at 4.6 million views (close to 4.7!) (EDIT/UPDATE: as of the night of the 8th of March, it's now at 4.7, close to 4.8!). So without further ado, let's get right into this one, and hope I don't have to start paying attention to my screenshot count!
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Can you believe this was only Cesar's second (full-length) video as a full-time Voiceplay member? Because wow
(Also interestingly enough, Rick Underwood is credited with makeup in the video description (shoutout to Rick!) but no one is credited with costuming, so did everyone just acquire their outfits themselves or what?)
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Geoff was in charge of the video creation for this one, as well as doing the arrangement, and he worked together with Eli for the lighting design, so big shoutout to Geoff! (And as always to Eli the lighting whiz)
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OKAY a few things to talk about here
First of all, love the set design, it's like the Little Mermaid Medley but on steroids and more pirate themed! Also love the horn-playing skeleton on the left-hand side of the screen (took me a while to notice it ngl 😅)
And of course the outfits/costuming! I can't really think of a lot of things to say individually right now, but there was 100% a lot of thought and effort that went into the clothes (even if the description won't specify who acquired the clothes. I'm going to assume Geoff, since the overall video credit goes to him.)
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Oh hey it's my blog banner/background, or close enough to it at least! (Hoist The Colours has a decent few very cool visual moments that are totally screencap-worthy, and of course that's what I'm here for - to point them out!)
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Geoff may play the villain (or otherwise just-generally-creepy/spooky/scary guy) a lot in videos, but as of the last few years at least, Eli's often been looking like the one that you really don't wanna pick a fight with. (Also cool ring, and is that fake scar tissue on his head?)
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This is a better shot of everyone's outfits actually. A few notes on everyone (except Eli, who I just talked about?)
Cesar: Very ghostly, especially with the cloudy contact lens in one eye. Love the white coat/jacket, and love the pop of colour with the red sash! Also what is he holding/shaking? I thought it was a set of old-fashioned keys, but it doesn't look like it.
Jose: The "captain" of this "motley crew", obviously. Cool coat, and love the sword.
Layne: Not too much going on with his outfit, relatively speaking, but I love the bit of eyeliner under his eyes, and the fake scar on his cheek! (Seriously Rick did a great job here, as he always does)
Geoff: Wearing at least two necklaces, and in true Geoff Castellucci fashion, he's got the top two buttons of his shirt undone (well, gotta show off those necklaces! 😉😁). ALSO, bonus thing that I literally only just realized after taking this screencap, is that Geoff has "VP" on his right arm, done in a way that makes it look like like scar tissue I believe.
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That is seriously a very cool and very smooth transition. Who edited this? Was that Geoff too? (Also Crazy Eyes Layne!)
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As I figured, one of the necklaces Geoff is wearing, the gold one, is for costume purposes, and the other one, the silver one with the diamond-shaped pendant, is the necklace from Kathy that Geoff basically never takes off (bless him <3 )
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I think Cesar's holding old-fashioned shackles/handcuffs or something?
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Hang on that skeleton on the left lost his little horn/trumpet and got stabbed?? 😅😂
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Yeah Layne had fun in this one I can tell 😁 (also his vest is more detailed than first appears! Very nice!)
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What a really freaking awesome shot/moment. In terms of "money shots", these two might in fact be two of the most awesome stills from any Voiceplay video ever (or so far, anyway).
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He's got charisma, I'll give him that (also cool necklace!)
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How are they just an independent acapella group that make YouTube videos that we can all watch for free? Like seriously, this is top tier stuff (both in terms of the video and the song cover itself), but this wasn't even Voiceplay at their peak! Voiceplay doesn't have a peak! They don't stick to a lane, they take "risks", they get creative, they will sing pretty much anything, and it works
Voiceplay says in the description "we may have gotten a little carried away with this one", but honestly would it really be Voiceplay if they didn't?
Anyway, I've got many more awesome videos ahead of me to write about, so stay tuned!
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thehappysorceress · 1 year
DRUNKEN SAILOR - VoicePlay (acapella) ft Jose Rosario Jr.
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playvoices · 2 years
It's bigger on the inside .ᐟ
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ambular-d · 1 year
VoicePlay - Drunken Sailor
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mythigal1966 · 1 year
DRUNKEN SAILOR - VoicePlay (acapella) ft Jose Rosario Jr.
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villainessbian · 3 months
When you get this, publish 5 songs you like to listen to, then send it to ten mutuals!!
You're assuming I can remember 15 names, and even then type them without anxiously thinking about which ones I'm forgetting
Sorry but this just won't (can't) happen, I'll just type the last two songs I listened to, so as to participate but not agitate
16 tons by Geoff Castellucci, Hoist the Colours by Voiceplay ft. Jose Rosario Jr
Listen to them, they're good
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haethealhell · 2 months
Voiceplay and Percy Jackson Crossover!
So, I tend to do a thing where I associate voices with characters, and here are some!
btw most of these have many of my headcanons laced into them, so they might not be what you would think / you may not agree with all of them!
Geoff Castellucci = Percy Jackson, he's a bass singer i swear also they both have the fucking grey streak like it's a pretty low hanging fruit. and with Walker there's even more evidence
Kathy Castellucci = Annabeth Chase, for obvious reasons and she has to have some sort of hearing loss after all of the battles and also the clip where Geoff is like Hey Kath, am I cool? and Kathy just replies with No! with no hesitation and it's obviously a joke and it's literally them your honour
Tony Wakim = Grover Underwood, it's the vibes okay
Earl Elkins = Frank Zhang, both big guys who are cuddly please understand me on this
JNone = Magnus Chase, he would rap alright dont question me on this
Eli Jacobson = Jason Grace, The Burning Maze can go away
Cesar De La Rosa = Nico Di Angelo, least canon, but like, pre-angst/post-Will Nico is so sassy
Omar Cardona = Carter Kane, vibes okay
Rachel Potter = Piper McLean, both are queens alright
Emoni Wilkins = Hazel Levesque, Emoni is much sassier but please hear me out here
Anthony Gargiula = Will Solace, do i need to explain
The Santa from Oogie Boogie = Tyson. This is supported by the behind-the-scenes clip where Geoff does a silly voice and moves to make him laugh.
Ashley Diane = Bianca Di Angelo, shhh she's alive okay shhh
Adriana Arellano = Drew Tanaka maybe? but if Drew were nicer obvs
Jose Rosario Jr = Honestly? Either Apollo or just not a Demigod idk
thats about all i can think of atm but i hope you like these ideas!
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jllongwrites · 1 year
Halloween 2023 Music Playlist
Come be spooky with me.
"Bones" by Imagine Dragons
"Look What You Made Me Do" by Taylor Swift
"bad guy" by Billie Eilish
"Friends on the Other Side" by Keith David
"Toxic" by Britney Spears
"I Put a Spell on You" by The Animals
"Devil's Flesh & Bones" by Eliza Rickman
"Monster Mash" by Michelle Creber (ft. Claire Corlett)
"Creep" by Pentatonix
"The Killing Kind" by Marianas Trench
"Hoist the Colours" by VoicePlay (ft. Jose Rosario Jr.)
"Life Hereafter" by The Muppets (ft. Will Arnett)
"UNBELIEVABLE" by Ethan Gander
"Bloody Mary" by Lady Gaga
"I Fell in Love with the Devil" by Avril Lavigne
"Thriller" by Michael Jackson
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dystini · 7 months
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better
thanks @alasarys
last song i listened to: Hoist the Colours Acapella VoicePlay ft Jose Rosario Jr The best and most theatrical acapella group I've ever heard. They're delightful
currently watching: Nascar. The Indycar off season is too fucking long and I'm desperate for racing. Even crappy racing.
currently obsessed with: Pato/Rossi. They're just so.... them. And such an unlikely pairing but it's undeniable that they're good friends.
Tagging @alexanderossis @bigcityduckf1 @dottieapple @whitewindhowl @firestoneslicks
Not 9 people but all I can think of that I think might want to do this. I don't know anyone else well enough. But if you want to do this, go right ahead and say I tagged you.
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cherokeegal1975 · 1 year
DRUNKEN SAILOR - VoicePlay (acapella) ft Jose Rosario Jr.
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lisaplant4 · 1 year
Watch DRUNKEN SAILOR - VoicePlay (acapella) ft Jose Rosario Jr. on YouTube Music
I love these guys 😀🥴👨🏻‍✈️
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acaplaya-musings · 6 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Drunken Sailor
Man I've been waiting to get to this one!
Drunken Sailor was uploaded on the 12th of August, 2023, and like the other pirate-themed video Voiceplay did akmost two years prior, it features Jose Rosario Jr! It also features Matthew Buckner (aka "Bucky") in an acting role, as the "drunken sailor" that Voiceplay sing about. "Bucky" used to be a vocalist in "4:2:Five" for a while (iirc), and he's good friends with Geoff, and even helped with the choreography for Geoff's Monster Mash video! Just like Hoist The Colours, both the arrangement and video were done by Geoff (who also wrote an original bridge for the song! (genius that he is)), and he also co-directed the video (with Tony), and worked together with Eli on lighting design. This might be one of those posts where I get close to the picture-upload-maximum and have to start counting them just in case, but still, it would be for good reason! So let's go!
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Group shot! Shoutout to Pattycake Productions for the set design!
I'm not sure if any of the group are wearing any of the same clothing pieces they wore in Hoist The Colours (I did a brief bit of visual comparison), but Jose, acting as the captain of this "ragtag motley crew" once more, is pretty close.
Also, Geoff is going with the bare-shoulders look again (we always stan), but so is Cesar! (Good For Him)
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Not even 10 seconds in and I've already found a funnier-than-first-expected/realized screencap! I'm not sure whose face I love more here - Layne's or Geoff's 😂😂
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Obligatory comment that Geoff was absolutely serving looks in this video! The subtle "guyliner" plus the light stubble and the black sleeveless shirt/tunic? I freaking live for it 👀👌
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Jose staring right down the camera, and Cesar giving 110% as per usual 😄
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Pfft XD
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Crazy Eyes Layne back again! 😆
Also look at Eli's face! He's terrified by the story that Layne is 'telling'!
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"I'll have that!" (also notice that when Layne makes the whale "eat"/bite the boat, Eli covers his head with his hands in distress! The Lore! The Lore!
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PFFFT, if looks could kill! 🤣 (and the fact that he's still beatboxing the whole time really makes this 👌)
Voiceplay said in the comments (in a reply to someone) that "there were a few different takes of this shot, and this was the one where it looked the MOST like Layne was gonna burst into flame." I think they nailed it 😝😁
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"Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom!"
Firstly, it sounds at least like Cesar is singing "hosepipe bottom", but the original line is "hosepipe on him". And despite what Cesar is implying with the wooden toilet seat, the line has nothing to do with toilets or bathrooms. A "scupper" is "an opening in the side walls of a vessel or an open-air structure, which allows water to drain instead of pooling" (according to Wikipedia). Ships have scuppers at deck-level, to allow for rainwater and/or seawater to drain off. So basically the line about "stick him in the scupper with a hosepipe on him" is about spraying the drunken sailor in question with a hose[pipe] (to try to sober him up with a dousing of cold water), in a part of the ship where the water can easily drain away afterwards.
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"ew I can't believe I just touched that!"
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Yes, that doll is definitely creepy, and I have no clue where Geoff got it from or what gave him the idea, but, according to Geoff in the comments section (comment from Voiceplay's channel, but it was almost definitely him who wrote it): "Her name is Clara and SHE HAS FEELINGS!" 😅
Also, the line "put him in the bed with the captain's daughter" probably isn't actually meant to be taken literally either. The main consensus that I've seen online is that "the captain's daughter" actually referred to a cat-'o'-nine-tails whip. (Not talking about the vocals or arrangement, I'm talking about song background/context! Which I've done before!)
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"Hey that's my cup!" (rip Eli)
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Hey look it's the screencap my profile pic comes from! (And for good reason - Geoff is positively unhinged and Cesar's reaction is priceless 🤣)
Also apparently Geoff holding a wooden spoon while singing "I'm gonna carve his heart out" is a reference to the 1991 movie Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves. "Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe?" "Because it's dull, you twit. It'll hurt more!"
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"And we should make him listen to Voiceplay while we do it!" "You... are a monster"
(I freaking died laughing first time I watched this bit, also look at Eli's smug grin! 😂)
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Have I mentioned that he's gorgeous and I love him?
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This video is really just pure unbridled/chaotic fun. It's the best 😁
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Cesar twerking! Get it!
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It took me an embarassingly long time to release that Geoff isn't actually sitting down in this shot here; he's kneeling instead 😅
Also note that while Layne, Eli, Cesar, and Geoff all freeze into place (in what is apparently sometimes known as a "tableau shot", Jose doesn't, instead doing a little bit of fourth-wall-breaking to give the audience a lighthearted half-shrug 😄
And no, I haven't forgotten the "bonus scene"!
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"HEY! Hey, I'm not drunk!"
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I'm just tired, because you simpletons been singing all night!"
(Also ayyy another Eli Eyebrow Raise!)
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"Wey, hey, and up she rises. Wey, hey, and up she rises. Wey, hey, and UP she rises! Ear-ly in the morn... ONCE AGAIN!"
Aaaaand I've officially hit image limit! At least I did make some attempts to be conservative with screenshots! 😅
This cover is utterly fantastic - all the silliness of "Classic Voiceplay", with the serious skills and high-quality video production of "Modern Voiceplay"! The video is hilarious, the cover is ridiculously creative, and really it just highlights all of the things to love about each person in the video, visually/performance-wise and vocally!
Not many Voiceplay videos left for me to make posts about now, but there are certainly still ridiculously-amazing things to come, so stay tuned!
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thehappysorceress · 2 years
Hoist the Colours Acapella VoicePlay ft Jose Rosario Jr
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playvoices · 2 years
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Voiceplay Minis .ᐟ
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ambular-d · 2 years
Any Voiceplay fans?
So I’ve been hooked on watching Voiceplay reactions on YouTube for a while.  (If you’re not familiar with them, please take a moment to treat yourself to their covers of Oogie Boogie’s song, We Don’t Talk About Bruno, and Hoist the Colours in particular, but they have a lot of other great videos, too.  Their bass singer, Geoff Castellucci, has also done some stunning solo work.)
The reason I’m bringing it up here is because Voiceplay are known as the ‘Theater Kids’ of the a capella scene for their dramatic and entertaining costumed presentations, and I noticed some curious details about the Hoist the Colours video that I thought might spark some interest among fellow Good Omens fans (and possibly Tolkien fans as well:)
All else aside, this is a phenomenal piece of music that’s well worth your time to check out.
Two of Voiceplay’s members, Cesar and Eli, have similar vocal ranges.  But in this video they’re positioned, costumed and singing in what appears to be almost competing parts in the arrangement.
In the center we’ve got featured guest Jose Rosario Jr., dressed as a ship’s captain in a white shirt and black coat.
On his right is Cesar, dressed in pristine white (curious choice for a pirate), who maintains a somber expression throughout the performance and for much of it, sings in gentle, almost ethereal tones.  His scarred ‘blind’ eye makeup only adds to the overall haunting impression.
On Jose’s left stands Eli, clad similarly but in black, singing loudly and powerfully, with a sinister grin on his face and greedy, grasping gestures.
The music swings back and forth between them, and one almost has the impression the devil on Jose’s left shoulder is trying to overwhelm or drown out the angel on his right--but Cesar doesn’t let Eli get away with it!  At one point (around 2:20) he actually cuts Eli off, not loudly himself but with a soft, intricate run that abruptly takes the wind right out of Eli’s sails.
A bit later in the piece, Cesar shows us that he can sing powerfully, too.  Nearing the end, it looks as though Eli may triumph after all--but ultimately it’s neither the angel nor the devil who wins the day.  They fall back into balance with Jose, as Geoff (who has piped up now and then to remind us he’s there, right next to their perpetually overlooked and underrated genius beatboxer Layne, but hasn’t really joined in the competition) carries us through to the end.
Apart from the angelic/demonic symbolism, which I have to believe was very much intentional, I think I caught an echo of the Singing of the Ainur: a loud, proud, greedy theme trying and failing to overwhelm a sweet, solemn melody that refuses to be silenced.  Unlike the discordant braying of the followers of Melkor, though, there’s nothing ugly or unpleasant about any part of this song.
ETA: Forgot the mention the lighting, which is a soft blue overall; but with a glare of red that falls for a moment over the entire group early on; later it reappears over on the left, where it illuminates Eli more than any of the others, and at one point he (and only he) is sillouetted clearly against it.
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ninja-troll-lover · 1 year
Note: This Trolls Human (ish?) AU is still in progress, and of course it's not properly fleshed out. When I say "ish,, I'm still thinking if I should also make it fantasy.
Their moms
Mama: "Gabby" "Gabriella (Filipino)
Mama: "Julie" Alejandra Julieta Alonso Blanco Sr. (Mexican)
Willow Bloom (OC; She/Her): Bernadette Ramona
Transwoman Omnisexual
Filipino & Mexican
Her name is a female variant of her grandfather's, Gabby's father
Fern( OC; She/Her): Fiona
Transwoman Pansexual
2nd Oldest
Clara/Clover's older twin sister
4 weeks older than JD
Pre-School Teacher
Clover (OC; She/Her): Clara
Transwoman Unlabeled Sapphic
3rd Oldest
Fern/Fiona's younger twin sister
4 weeks older than JD
Hockey and in-line hockey player
Also a PE Teacher or coach, where her twin sister works
John Dory: Juan Dominic
4th Oldest
Filipino & Mexican
Spruce: Joaquin Bruce
5th oldest
Filipino & Mexican
Known as "Lover Boy" in his family
Named after one of his uncles, one of Julie's brothers
Clay: Basilio Carlos
5th youngest
Filipino & Mexican
Named after one of his uncles, one of Julie's brothers
Floyd: Fernando
4th youngest
Filipino & Mexican
Named after his grandfather, Julie's father
Branch: Bernardo Ramon Nimuel Rodrigo Jose Marcelo Gabriel Angelo Lorenzo Alvaro Flores Del Rosario the V (The 5th)
Transman Bisexual
3rd Youngest
Filipino & Mexican
Named himself after his grandfather, Gabby's father
Hazel's older twin brother
Hazel (OC; She/He): Bianca Hazel
Agender Sapphic
2nd Youngest
Filipino & Mexican
Branch/Ramon's younger twin sister/brother
Tattoo Artist & Body Piercer & Nurse
AJ (OC;They/Them): Alejandra Julieta Alonso Blanco Jr.
Nonbinary Questioning Sapphic
Filipino & Mexican
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