#Juan Luis Gonzalez
petnews2day · 5 months
Barking mad? Milei's attachment to 'dead' dog raises sanity worries
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/50NV2
Barking mad? Milei's attachment to 'dead' dog raises sanity worries
Does Javier Milei communicate with a ghost dog whose death he refuses to accept? Forced to respond to questions about his mental health, the Argentine president’s office has lashed out at “disrespectful” speculation. Twice this week, presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni was asked about Milei’s English Mastiff, Conan, said to have died seven years ago. Milei, […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/50NV2 #DogNews #ArgentinePresident, #ConanTheBarbarian, #Dog, #JavierMiley, #JuanLuisGonzalez, #ManuelAdorni
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gwydionmisha · 3 months
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tacticalhimbo · 4 months
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The only prominent post going around about the Pulse Nightclub shooting in 2016 is my own, and is unfortunately cursed to the fate of receiving reblogs of an inaccurate version. So, 8 years later, I'm doing the right thing and making a new post to properly honor the victims and their families.
May these beautiful souls rest in peace, and may we never forget their names (not in picture order, afaik):
Stanley Almodovar III, 23
Amanda Alvear, 25
Oscar A Aracena-Montero, 26
Rodolfo Ayala-Ayala, 33
Alejandro Barrios Martinez, 21
Martin Benitez Torres, 33
Antonio D Brown, 30
Darryl R Burt II, 29
Jonathan A Camuy Vega, 24
Angel L Candelario-Padro, 28
Simon A Carrillo Fernandez, 31
Juan Chevez-Martinez, 25
Luis D Conde, 39
Cory J Connell, 21
Tevin E Crosby, 25
Franky J Dejesus Velazquez, 50
Deonka D Drayton, 32
Mercedes M Flores, 26
Peter O Gonzalez-Cruz, 22
Juan R Guerrero, 22
Paul T Henry, 41
Frank Hernandez, 27
Miguel A Honorato, 30
Javier Jorge-Reyes, 40
Jason B Josaphat, 19
Eddie J Justice, 30
Anthony L Laureano Disla, 25
Christopher A Leinonen, 32
Brenda L Marquez McCool, 49
Jean C Mendez Perez, 35
Akyra Monet Murray, 18
Kimberly Morris, 37
Jean C Nieves Rodriguez, 27
Luis O Ocasio-Capo, 20
Geraldo A Ortiz-Jimenez, 25
Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, 36
Joel Rayon Paniagua, 32
Enrique L Rios Jr, 25
Juan P Rivera Velazquez, 37
Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan, 24
Christopher J Sanfeliz, 24
Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado, 35
Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez, 25
Edward Sotomayor Jr, 34
Shane E Tomlinson, 33
Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25
Luis S Vielma, 22
Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon, 37
Jerald A Wright, 31
Will it gain the traction it needs? Probably not. But I'm not as... distant, about today, as I have been over the years. Because let's face it... This hits close to home for me. I said this in my original posting, too:
As someone who lives relatively near Orlando, I remember this day so vividly and I still feel a lot of pain for the victims even five years later.
I remember biting back tears in my living room because I wasn't out of the closet, and couldn't let my family know just how much this hurt me. I remember breaking down that night while scrolling the headlines, watching as the number of fatalities kept climbing. I remember staring at the button on Facebook asking me if I was safe.
And to this day, even with those involved and responsible gone... I still do not feel safe as a queer man in this state or in this country.
More importantly, though, it's important to highlight the community impacted by it, and the way onePULSE and its founder (Barbara Poma), the city of Orlando, and the State of Florida have exploited and continue to exploit the deaths of these individuals.
Information from here on out will be taken from the Community Coalition Agaisnt a Pulse Museum's official website, which can be found at the following link: [ LINK ]
The Community Coalition Against a Pulse Museum (CCAPM) is a group of surviving victims, family members of victims, activists, and scholars who have banded together to fight against the onePULSE Foundation's privatized memorial and museum complex. Our position is that money raised in the name of the mass shooting should go to the continued care of survivors. A public memorial park that does not seek to capitalize on the mass shooting in any way is the only option for a just memorial.
In addition, we seek justice for mass shooting victims by exposing the history and scope of unpermitted renovations and code violations at Pulse, which impaired the escape and rescue of shooting victims. We believe that Pulse owners Rosario Poma and Barbara Poma should be held accountable for these violations, rather than continuing to profit from a tragedy that was exacerbated by their illegal business decisions. We also want to see the City of Orlando held accountable for their continued failure to enforce the law and bring the business into compliance.
So what are the prominent issues?
The onePULSE Foundation has placed a gift shop feet away from where 49 people were murdered on the site of the interim memorial. We firmly renounce putting any price tag on the murder of our loved ones. The proposed museum is also slated to have a gift shop and a price of admission.
Pulse nightclub owner, Barbara Poma, refused to sell the property to the City of Orlando for a public memorial. Instead, she created the onePULSE Foundation and has taken an executive salary in her self-made position as CEO. Perks have also included national recognition, celebrity, political connections, and undeserved accolades as an LGBTQ+ ally.
The onePULSE Foundation has received a $10 MILLION tourism development tax grant from Orange County for the building of a museum. The tax application shows how the proposed memorial/museum complex has been intended to increase tourism during the off-season. The corporate Board of Trustees also reflects the local tourism industry.
Money raised in the name of the mass shooting at Pulse is going to multi-million dollar buildings rather than the continued care of the people who were directly affected. Available services and organizations have not provided adequate care to survivors and the onePULSE Foundation has not stepped in to fill any gaps; focusing instead on cultural and "educational" programs, while ignoring the ongoing needs of survivors.
For years, the onePULSE Foundation raised funds for community grants for victims' families and survivors. In 2019, "community grants" were removed from the organization's mission. According to the released 2018 990s, only $1k was spent on community grants. People have donated money to the organization thinking that they were helping survivors.
onePULSE Foundation CEO Barbara Poma is currently being sued by survivors and victims' families as part of a security negligence lawsuit. This lawsuit also alleges the illegal transfer of the Pulse nightclub property which was transferred via quit claim deed in the months after the shooting to two other LLCs owned by Barbara and Rosario Poma. Funds raised by the non-profit are being invested in the Pulse property that the Poma's still own.
As of 2024, this case is still pending, with the latest service list being posted on the docket as of June 11. The case number is publicly available (2018-CA-006102-O) and is searchable via the Orange County Clerk of Courts Record Search.
Public memorial parks have been the overwhelming response to mass shootings around the country, including Aurora, Columbine, Las Vegas, and Newtown. Most have been built by volunteers, with no executive salaries. The OnePULSE Foundation's proposed museum attraction seeks to unnecessarily turn the shooting into a spectacle and requires merchandising the tragedy. Mass murder is not for sale!
Public records affirm that Pulse Nightclub was a death trap due to its unpermitted renovations and code violations. Documents show that these issues affected the both the escape and rescue of Pulse survivors on June 12, 2016. We continue to collect, document, and uncover these issues since the City of Orlando has still not released all relevant records to the public.
Survivors of the incident, as well as their families and those who have faced similar tragedy, have also signed an open letter [ LINK ] calling attention to these issues, provided documented evidence of the above claims [ LINK ], and have also been running a petition since 2019 to call attention to the matter:
Of course, it is important to note that the individuals mentioned (Barbara Poma, the Orlando City Council, etc.) are not the only ones involved in making this state an unsafe place for its queer community.
As noted in my original posting as well, the unsafe nature of this state runs through its government. The fight for our rights, our recognition, and our safety still continues. Here are some facts from the original post (dated June 12, 2021):
In June 2021, the Governor of Florida vetoed an "item-lined budget bill" - that legally provides mental health, counseling, and compensation directly towards victims of the June 2016 Pulse nightclub Orlando shooting.
While they cannot be enforced, sodomy laws still exist in Florida to this day. Every year, we are still criminalized by a technicality.
In many places, same-sex domestic partnerships are still not granted. It is only viable in approximately nine counties, thirty cities, and one town.
It took until 2016 for same-sex couples to be granted the same parental rights during in vitro fertilization and surrogacy as opposite-sex couples. Before then, the non-biological mother and father was not the child's legal parent nor guardian.
The state's "hate crime law" only accounts for sexual orientation, and does not protect victims who were attacked for their gender identity.
Anti-discrimination laws for sexual orientation and gender identity are not state-wide nor equally applicable within each county/town.
On June 1, 2021, Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis signed a bill to exclude transgender women from participating in sports designated for female students. This bill passed because of a last-minute legislative "procedural maneuver". The HRC is currently establishing a campaign to try and stop the law from going into effect (called "nullification") on midnight July 1.
Gay-panic and Trans-panic are still viable legal defenses, resulting in these abhorrent hate crimes to be decreased from murder to the lesser charge of manslaughter.
Conversion therapy against minors is not banned state-wide, and is still legal within many areas of the state. In fact, in some areas, a ban on the practice is deemed "unenforceable".
And that is just the tip of the iceberg, because if you've been active in your advocacy for the community (or at the very least, following me for a decent period of time)... Then you know just how unsafe Florida has become. You know how, even under the Biden administration, people like Governor Ron DeSantis have gone unchallenged in their writing and enforcement of vile legislation. You know how this legislation has begun creeping its way up to the top, to the federal level, and remained unchallenged the whole way up.
Here are some more "fun facts" about just how much we must fight against in the wake of this tragedy:
States like Florida have eliminated 80% of all trans adult care (SB 254), adults can be thrown in jail for using the bathroom of their gender identity (SB 1674), and trans people with correct gender markers on their drivers licenses can be charged with fraud (Florida Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles memo).
The State of Florida has had several travel advisories issued against it by local LGBTQ+ organizations (e.g., Equality Florida) and national organizations (e.g., Human Rights Campaign).
Likewise, many social media laws targeting "adult content and pornography" (HB 3) include sneaky, vague language that will very much target the existence of queer folk using the internet in this state.
More states within the United States are explicitly passing anti-trans legislation than not, and moreso now than ever [ source; dated June 4th ].
The time for relying on those above us is over. We MUST kill the plague of individualism and build community. If we don't support one another, nobody will. No amount of pinkwashing, placation, or sanitation will change that.
We are here. We are queer. We will never forget, and we cannot allow ourselves to.
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Rest in Peace
Stanley Almodovar III, 23
Amanda Alvear, 25
Oscar A. Aracena-Montero, 26
Rodolfo Ayala-Ayala, 33
Alejandro Barrios Martinez, 21
Martin Benitez Torres, 33
Antonio D. Brown, 30
Darryl R. Burt II, 29
Jonathan A. Camuy Vega, 24
Angel L. Candelario-Padro, 28
Simon A. Carrillo Fernandez, 31
Juan Chavez-Martinez, 25
Luis D. Conde, 39
Cory J. Connell, 21
Tevin E. Crosby, 25
Franky J. Dejesus Velazquez, 50
Deonka D. Drayton, 32
Mercedez M. Flores, 26
Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22
Juan R. Guerrero, 22
Paul T. Henry, 41
Frank Hernandez, 27
Miguel A. Honorato, 30
Javier Jorge-Reyes, 40
Jason B. Josaphat, 19
Eddie J. Justice, 30
Anthony L. Laureano Disla, 25
Christopher A. Leinonen, 32
Brenda L. Marquez McCool, 49
Jean C. Mendez Perez, 35
Akyra Monet Murray, 18
Kimberly Morris, 37
Jean C. Nieves Rodriguez, 27
Luis O. Ocasio-Capo, 20
Geraldo A. Ortiz-Jimenez, 25
Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, 36
Joel Rayon Paniagua, 32
Enrique L. Rios Jr., 25
Juan P. Rivera Velazquez, 37
Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan, 24
Christopher J. Sanfeliz, 24
Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado, 35
Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez, 25
Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34
Shane E. Tomlinson, 33
Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25
Luis S. Vielma, 22
Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon, 37
Jerald A. Wright, 31
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Conoce el Top 3 de influencers mexicanos y creadores de contenido más importantes
Por: Pérez Hernández Karla Iveth & Gonzalez Martínez Ximena
Los influencers mexicanos y creadores han sido toda una revolución a ultimas fechas. 
¿Sabes cuáles son los influencers mexicanos y creadores de contenido más seguidos? ¡Conoce nuestro Top 3! 
1. Kimberly Loaiza
Cuenta con mas de 29 millones de seguidores. Tuvo sus inicios en 2016 cuando abrió su canal de YouTube, en el cual, tras solo una semana, consiguió 100 mil suscriptores. Su contenido gira principalmente en sus viajes, familia y su pareja Juan de Dios Pantoja.
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2. Juanpa Zurita 
Cuenta con poco más de 26 millones de seguidores en Instagram; además es modelo y actor, seguro lo conoces por su papel en Luis Miguel La Serie. Su primera aparición la tuvo en la aplicación de videos cortos Vine, pero después abrió su propio canal en YouTube. 
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3. Luisito Comunica 
Comenzó su trayectoria en YouTube en el año 2007 con un canal llamado Piano para gente cool; años después abrió su canal Luisito Comunica en donde muestra diferente tipo de contenido, siendo los viajes alrededor del mundo, de los videos más populares. Actualmente cuenta con más de 27 millones de seguidores. 
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 3 months
Tened muy PRESENTE..que esto lo FIN_I_QUITO en o por JULIO REY DE PAZ [=Maratoniano nacido en ESPAÑA que la corrio mas RAPIDO y record que le quito a FABIAN RONCERO con el que QUEDE en la fuente de EL ANGEL CAIDO del Parque BUEN RETIRO y a cuyo POLIDEPORTIVO a 1 KM de mi casa iba a NADAR hasta que baje a SEVILLA por SEMANA SANTA 2014 ]...Caiga quien CAIGA Y CUESTE LO QUE CUESTE..estamos a 13 de JULIO CARDEÑOSA=el mayor ERROR DE ESPAÑA en un MUNDIAL [ARGENTINA'78] al que cesaron como entrenador del BETIS [=HELIOPOLIS=CIUDAD DEL SOL]..el día que murió con 43 años de un DERRAME CEREBRAL ANGELES LOPEZ o la ex_mujer de JUAN GUERRA [hermano de sevillano ALFONSO GUERRA o VICEPRESIDENTE DEL CAMBIO SOCIALISTA DEL 82] al que TRAICIONO dando documentación a sus rivales políticos como JUAN DE DIOS del PARTIDO POPULAR..de esto me entere hace unos dias por la portada de ABC.
Quien no vea que DIOS O LUZ está CONMIGO y que es TODOPODEROSO..creo que lo VA A PASAR REALMENTE MAL..
.. Asi que deberia la PUTA MUJER pensar en el ESPAÑOL APLASTADO POR ELEFANTE estando con su PROMETIDA o el tipo con 18 cervezas en LONG ISLAND [NY] que arraso un local de UÑAS DE BRUJA matando entre otras a una POLICIA QUE SE HACIA LAS UÑAS PARA UNA BODA jaja
SER ALGUN TIPO DE PUTA SE PAGA CARO como ex_MISS ESPAÑA SOFIA MAZAGATOS qué le SACO un Chalet de 1 millón de € en mi Barrio al ex presidente del SEVILLA José Maria GONZALEZ DE CALDAS [su ex novio..25 años mayor ] como FIN_I_QUITO del NOVIAZGO y ABANDONARA su MANSION en el parque del CONDE ORGAZ que dijo ella que la REGALO haciéndose un REPORTAJE..primicia que me contó su vecino o primo de mi padre LUIS PEREZ OÑORO que fue el 1er intermediador de mi padre y casi salimos a HOSTIAS en el Bar del HOTEL SENATOR DE MI BARRIO..me dijo que entonces o 2003 para que un tipo como yo de unos 30 años viviera SOLO necesitaba mínimo 2500€/ mes sin contar PUTAS jaja..o de lo que hizo la hija ANA DE CALDAS en la serie ALATRISTE donde al final accede a meterse en la bañera con un Enamorado pero enseguida llega el PROXENETA y LA CORRE A HOSTIAS POR PERDER EL TIEMPO jaja..por cierto..Sofía mazagatos fue el CUERNO DEFINITIVO para que la mujer del Torero JOSE MARIA MANZANA+eRES [en realidad DOLS] RESURRECCION samper se divorciara
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noticlip · 3 months
Fiscal confirma imputación de dos activistas opositores y dos periodistas por «incitación al odio y asociación»
 El fiscal general Tarek William Saab, confirmó este miércoles la detención e imputación de cuatro activistas opositores, acusados de los delitos de «incitación al odio y asociación». En un mensaje en la red social X, Saab confirmó el procesamiento de los periodistas Luis López e Ismael Gabriel Gonzalez y de los dirigentes políticos Juan Iriarte y Jeancarlos Rivas, quienes fueron detenidos tras…
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limeslices · 4 months
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The Pulse nightclub shooting, a tragic event in Orlando, Florida, occurred on June 12, 2016. It was one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history, resulting in the loss of 49 lives and injuring 53 more. It was also the deadliest violent attack against the LGBTQ+ community in US history. The shooter, Omar Mateen, pledged allegiance to ISIS during the attack. The incident deeply shook the nation, sparking discussions about gun control, terrorism, and LGBTQ+ rights. Vigils and memorials were held worldwide to honor the victims and show solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.
Here are the names of the 49 victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting:
Stanley Almodovar III
Amanda Alvear
Oscar A. Aracena-Montero
Rodolfo Ayala-Ayala
Antonio Davon Brown
Darryl Roman Burt II
Angel L. Candelario-Padro
Juan Chevez-Martinez
Luis Daniel Conde
Cory James Connell
Tevin Eugene Crosby
Deonka Deidra Drayton
Simon Adrian Carrillo Fernandez
Leroy Valentin Fernandez
Mercedez Marisol Flores
Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz
Juan Ramon Guerrero
Paul Terrell Henry
Frank Hernandez
Miguel Angel Honorato
Javier Jorge-Reyes
Jason Benjamin Josaphat
Eddie Jamoldroy Justice
Anthony Luis Laureanodisla
Christopher Andrew Leinonen
Alejandro Barrios Martinez
Brenda Lee Marquez McCool
Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez
Kimberly Morris
Akyra Monet Murray
Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo
Geraldo A. Ortiz-Jimenez
Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera
Joel Rayon Paniagua
Jean Carlos Mendez Perez
Enrique L. Rios Jr.
Jean C. Nives Rodriguez
Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado
Christopher Joseph Sanfeliz
Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan
Edward Sotomayor Jr.
Shane Evan Tomlinson
Martin Benitez Torres
Jonathan Antonio Camuy Vega
Juan P. Rivera Velazquez
Luis S. Vielma
Franky Jimmy Dejesus Velazquez
Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon
Jerald Arthur Wright
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twins2994 · 5 months
New York Yankees-Minnesota Twins Series Preview
5.14.24-Carlos Rodon LHP (3-2) 3.56 ERA Vs. Chris Paddack RHP (4-1) 4.34 ERA
5.15.24-Marcus Stroman RHP (2-2) 3.80 ERA Vs. Pablo Lopez RHP (4-2) 3.89 ERA
5.16.24-Clarke Schmidt RHP (4-1) 2.95 ERA Vs. Joe Ryan RHP (2-2) 3.21 ERA
The Yankees At A Glance- The Yankees are off to a good start over a month in . They are (7-2) in their past nine and are half a game behind the Orioles for first place in the American League East. The Yanks added to their outfield by acquiring Juan Soto, Trent Grisham, and Alex Verdugo. The team also added to their bullpen by getting Caleb Ferguson, Victor Gonzalez, and claimed Michael Tonkin off waivers. Juan Soto is having a solid year with a .314 average, nine homers, and thirty-four RBI's. Aaron Judge leads the team with ten homers, but is only hitting .235. DJ LaMahieu is out with a foot injury and is taking batting practice. The Yankees starting rotation owns a 3.35 ERA even without Gerrit Cole, who hasn't pitched with an elbow injury. Luis Gil has been good with a 2.51 ERA and the Twins will see Clarke Schmidt on Thursday. He has struck out forty-seven men in 42 2/3 innings of work. New York has the second-best bullpen in baseball with a 2.69 ERA. Clay Holmes hasn't allowed a run in 17 1/3 innings of work. Ron Marinaccio, Luke Weaver, and Victor Gonzalez all have been good arms out of the bullpen.
The Twins At A Glance- The Twins have been one of the hottest teams in baseball. They are (17-3) in their past twenty games and sit half a game behind the Indians for first in the American League Central. The Twins took two of three from the Blue Jays over the weekend and return home to host the Yankees. Max Kepler is red hot during a fourteen-game hitting streak. He is hitting .417 with three homers and twelve RBI's during that stretch. Byron Buxton ran the bases at Target Field on Saturday and the team is hopeful he can be activated on Tuesday. Royce Lewis continues to take groundballs and hit in the batting cage. He might be back by late-May. Carlos Santana has homered in three straight games and has knocked in seven during that stretch. Jhoan Duran has thrown seven shutout innings since his return.
What To Watch For- The Twins went (4-3) against the Yankees in 2023. They split a four-game series in mid-April then took two of three from them in late-April. Carlos Rodon is (6-3) with a 4.62 ERA in twelve games against the Twins. Chris Paddack gave up four runs in five innings in his lone start against the Yankees. Juan Soto has two career homers off him. Marcus Stroman is (1-4) with a 5.82 ERA in six starts versus the Twins. Pablo Lopez has a 2.25 ERA in two starts against New York. Juan Soto has three homers off Lopez in his career. Clarke Schmidt has a 7.71 ERA in two games against the Twins. Joe Ryan is (2-1) with a 3.00 ERA in three starts against the Yankees. The Twins face another tough test in the Yankees this week.
-Chris Kreibich-
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agendaculturaldelima · 5 months
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🎬 “LA SOCIEDAD DE LA NIEVE” [Society of the Snow] 👻
🔎 Género: Drama / Aventuras / Basado en hechos reales / Supervivencia/ Naturaleza / Años 70
⏰ Duración: 144 minutos
✍️ Guion: Juan Antonio Bayona, Bernat Vilaplana, Jaime Marqués y Nicolás Casariego.
📕 Libro: Pablo Vierci
🎼 Música: Michael Giacchino
📷 Fotografía: Pedro Luque
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🗯 Argumento: En  el 1972, el vuelo 571 de la Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya, fletado para llevar a un equipo de rugby a Chile, se estrella en un glaciar en el corazón de los Andes. Solo veintinueve de sus cuarenta y cinco pasajeros sobreviven al accidente. Atrapados en uno de los entornos más inaccesibles y hostiles del planeta, se ven obligados a recurrir a medidas extremas para mantenerse con vida.
👥 Reparto: Enzo Vogrincic (Numa Turcatti), Matías Recalt (Roberto Canessa), Carlos Páez Rodríguez (Carlos Páez Vilaró), Felipe Gonzalez Otaño (Carlitos Páez), Agustín Pardella (Nando Parrado), Esteban Kukuriczka (Adolfo Strauch), Juan Ignacio Caruso (Álvaro Mangino), Francisco Romero (Daniel Fernández Strauch), Paula Baldini (Liliana Navarro de Methol), Simón Hempe (José Luis Inciarte) y Diego Vegezzi (Marcelo Pérez).
📢 Dirección: Juan Antonio Bayona
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© Productoras: Misión de Audaces Films, Netflix & El Arriero Films
🔎 Productores Ejecutivos: Belén Atienza y Sandra Hermida
🎞 Distribuidora: Netflix
🌎 Países: España-Estados Unidos
📅 Año: 2023
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Viernes 26 de Abril
🕗 8:00pm.
🎦 Cine Caleta (calle Aurelio de Souza 225 - Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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🙂 A tener en cuenta: Prohibido el ingreso de bebidas y comidas. 🌳💚🌻🌛
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watergave · 4 years
NAME.   maria gonzalez (nee lópez)
ALIASES.   she doesn't like it when anyone younger than her calls her by her first name. it's señora gonzalez to you.
AGE.   in her nineties
BIRTHDATE.   july 26, 1865
GENDER.   female 
SEXUALITY.   unlabled
STATUS.   widowed
ETHNICITY.   puerto rican
NATIONALITY.   puerto rican
BIRTHPLACE.   san juan, puerto rico
RESIDENCE.   new york city, new york
OCCUPATION.   retired, former maid
HEIGHT.   five foot seven
WEIGHT.   underweight
BODY TYPE.   mesomorph
SKIN TONE.   almond
HAIRSTYLE.   straight
HAIR COLOR.   black
EYE COLOR.   brown
SCARS.   none
TRAITS.   in her youth, she was happy and excited. now, america has worn her out. she's been through too many betrayals. she is hesitant to accept help, but is a huge gossip and isn't a big fan of children.
HABITS.   tba.
HOBBIES.   tba.
FEARS   betrayal
FATHER.   luis lópez
MOTHER.   maria lópez
SISTER.   andrea lópez, victoria lópez
BROTHER.   juan lópez, daniel lópez, miguel lópez
SIGNIFICANT OTHER.   gabriel gonzalez
SON.   juan gonzelez (estranged), luis gonzelez (estranged)
DAUGHTER.   none
MBTI.   tba
married when she was around twenty years old. lived the simple life her people knew. she and her husband had two sons.
after her husband's death, she and her children became estranged for various reasons. maria doesn't do well with grief. that lead to her pushing everyone away.
moved to san juan hill after working for years to get enough money to pay for her ticket. she wanted to follow her friend valentina since she didn't know what else to do with her life.
worked as a maid for years before her health took a drastic turn. she still worked herself to the bone and suffers from various health-related issues for it. she's mostly waiting to die. there's not a huge reason for her to keep living.
when she found out valentina married a white man, she was extremely upset. their friendship suffered for a while as maria felt like she had been betrayed.
they were able to forgive each other eventually, though maria never was a big fan of doc. she was there when valentina lost doc.
her days are spent mostly waiting to die. she doesn't see a point in living anymore and just wants her pain to end. maria is still very good friends with valentina, though she isn't a big fan of tony.
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[ad_1] Jetset Pilates, Tropical Smoothie | Doral Century City Heart mixed-use advanced in Midtown Doral scored two tenants. Jetset Pilates took 2,200 sq. ft, and Tropical Smoothie Cafe took 1,400 sq. ft on the improvement, which opened this 12 months, in line with a Century City Heart information launch. The undertaking is at 8175 Northwest 107 Avenue in Doral. The leases come on the heels of Rumble Boxing, My Salon Suite, and youngsters's health coaching and confidence-building supplier KidStrong leasing on the advanced. Altogether, the 5 leases account for almost half of Century City Heart's 30,000 sq. ft of retail and restaurant area. Century City Heart Rumble is predicted to open subsequent month, adopted by the remainder of the tenants within the third and fourth quarters, a spokesperson for the builders stated. Coral Gables-based Century Homebuilders Group, Miami-based Mattoni Group and South Florida-based Double C by Conconcreto accomplished Century City Heart this 12 months. It features a pair of eight-story condo buildings with 326 items, mixed, and a 57,000-square-foot clubhouse, the discharge says. Century Homebuilders is led by Sergio Pino, and Mattoni is led by Ricardo Caporal. Double C is an arm of Colombian development firm Conconcreto, led by President Juan Luis Aristizábal. President Supermarkets | Southland Mall | Cutler Bay Presidente Supermarkets will anchor the primary residential tower on the deliberate redevelopment of Southland Mall in Cutler Bay. The grocery retailer leased 25,000 sq. ft for a 15-year time period on the $1 billion Southplace Metropolis Heart mixed-use undertaking, which can encompass the indoor mall at 20505 South Dixie Freeway, in line with a information launch from City Retail Properties, the owner's dealer . Neyda Bravo and Luis Gonzalez of Bravo & Companions Realty represented the tenant within the lease. Electra America, a subsidiary of Tampa-based American Landmark, and the Toledano household's BH Group plan Southplace Metropolis Heart with roughly 4,500 residences, a 150-key lodge, 60,000 sq. ft of medical places of work, new retail and eating places, and a group amphitheater, the discharge says. The 98-acre undertaking would rise on Southland Mall outparcels and substitute a few of the large field buildings. Electra and BH plan to renovate the 808,800-square-foot indoor mall. Presidente shall be in an eight-story, 350-unit condo constructing whose development is predicted to begin this summer time. The complete Southplace Metropolis Heart undertaking shall be accomplished over seven years. Electra is led by Joe Lubeck and Gil Rushinek. Aventura-based BH is led by husband-and-wife Isaac and Liat Toledano. The event companies purchased Southland Mall for $100.3 million in 2022, after a JP Morgan Chase industrial mortgage-backed securities belief had seized the property from the earlier proprietor that had defaulted on the mortgage. Electra's and BH's buy excluded a Mercedes-Benz dealership, in addition to a former Sears retailer and auto heart on the positioning. Hinshaw & Culbertson | Coral gables Hinshaw & Culbertson moved its Coral gables workplace, though it stayed close by. The legislation agency leased 18,000 sq. ft for a seven-year time period at 2811 Ponce de Leon Boulevard inside The Plaza Coral Gables mixed-use improvement, in line with the tenant's information launch. Hinshaw's new workplace, dwelling to 42 attorneys and 33 employees members, is smaller than its earlier 23,000-square-foot workplace at 2525 Ponce de Leon Boulevard. Agave Holdings, an actual property agency with initiatives within the US and Mexico, developed the roughly 2.6 million-square-foot The Plaza on 7 acres on the southeast nook of Ponce de Leon Boulevard and Sevilla Avenue. The undertaking features a 242-key lodge, 174 residences and over 160,000 sq. ft of retail. Apa Aesthetic | downtown Miami A beauty dentist opened an workplace on the Met 1 condominium in downtown Miami.
Apa Aesthetic, led by Dr. Michael Apa, leased 4,500 sq. ft at 300 South Biscayne Boulevard, in line with the tenant's information launch. Apa additionally has places of work in New York, Los Angeles and Dubai. The owner, Miami-based MDM Group, accomplished the 40-story, 447-unit condominium tower in 2008. Met 1 is a part of MDM's Metropolitan Miami advanced. The opposite towers are the 32-story, 462-unit Met 3 condo tower with a Entire Meals; the 34-story, 188-unit Met Sq. condo tower; and the 47-story Wells Fargo Heart workplace tower with a 313-key JW Marriott Marquis Miami. Bagels & Co. | Wilton Manors Bagels & Co. opened its second outpost in Broward County. The bagel and occasional store leased 2,500 sq. ft at 1015 Northeast twenty sixth Road in Wilton Manors, in line with the tenant's information launch. The restaurant seats about 20 patrons inside and has extra capability at a patio. Jaime Sturgis' Native Realty represented the tenant. Bagels & Co.'s different Broward restaurant is at 21 Southwest Seventh Road in Fort Lauderdale. Information present an entity managed by New York-based lawyer Thomas Korakis and Clay Anderson owns the Wilton Manors constructing. Night time Owl Cookies | Coconut Creek Late-night sweets retailer Night time Owl Cookies opened in Coconut Creek. The restaurant leased 1,400 sq. ft at 4431 Lyons Highway, in line with the tenant's information launch. AEW Capital Administration owns the constructing, data present. Nationwide Millwork | Palm Seaside County Doorways firm Nationwide Millwork is shifting its Palm Seaside County industrial facility to a different website throughout the county. Nationwide Millwork, which offers door, hardware and millwork providers, leased 101,000 sq. ft at 1715 Meathe Drive throughout the Turnpike Logistics Heart in an unincorporated space of ​​Palm Seaside County, in line with a information launch from the owner's brokers. The commercial campus is close by West Palm Seaside. Kirk Nelson and Robert Smith of CBRE represented the owner. The tenant will transfer this summer time from its facility at 1177 West Blue Heron Boulevard in Riviera Seaside. Dallas-based Dalfen Industrial owns the two-building, 317,500-square-foot Turnpike Logistics Heart, in line with data. The campus was accomplished in 2021. Maman, Pisco and Nazca Ceviche Gastrobar | Journey Regency Facilities scored two tenants at its deliberate Avenida Biscayne retail undertaking in Journey. Peruvian restaurant Pisco y Nazca Ceviche Gastrobar leased 5,700 sq. ft, and café and bakery Maman leased 1,700 sq. ft at 2747 Northeast 193rd Road, in line with the owner's information launch. Jacksonville-based Regency is engaged on a $23 million redevelopment of three retail buildings totaling 28,000 sq. ft, the discharge says. Biscayne Avenue is predicted to open subsequent 12 months. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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pimpernals · 3 years
NAME.   maria gonzalez (nee lópez)
ALIASES.   she doesn't like it when anyone younger than her calls her by her first name. it's señora gonzalez to you.
AGE.   in her nineties
BIRTHDATE.   july 26, 1865
GENDER.   female 
SEXUALITY.   unlabled
STATUS.   widowed
ETHNICITY.   puerto rican
NATIONALITY.   puerto rican
BIRTHPLACE.   san juan, puerto rico
RESIDENCE.   new york city, new york
OCCUPATION.   retired, former maid
HEIGHT.   five foot seven
WEIGHT.   underweight
BODY TYPE.   mesomorph
SKIN TONE.   almond
HAIRSTYLE.   straight
HAIR COLOR.   black
EYE COLOR.   brown
SCARS.   none
TRAITS.   in her youth, she was happy and excited. now, america has worn her out. she's been through too many betrayals. she is hesitant to accept help, but is a huge gossip and isn't a big fan of children.
HABITS.   tba.
HOBBIES.   tba.
FEARS   betrayal
FATHER.   luis lópez
MOTHER.   maria lópez
SISTER.   andrea lópez, victoria lópez
BROTHER.   juan lópez, daniel lópez, miguel lópez
SIGNIFICANT OTHER.   gabriel gonzalez
SON.   juan gonzelez (estranged), luis gonzelez (estranged)
DAUGHTER.   none
MBTI.   tba
married when she was around twenty years old. lived the simple life her people knew. she and her husband had two sons.
after her husband's death, she and her children became estranged for various reasons. maria doesn't do well with grief. that lead to her pushing everyone away.
moved to san juan hill after working for years to get enough money to pay for her ticket. she wanted to follow her friend valentina since she didn't know what else to do with her life.
worked as a maid for years before her health took a drastic turn. she still worked herself to the bone and suffers from various health-related issues for it. she's mostly waiting to die. there's not a huge reason for her to keep living.
when she found out valentina married a white man, she was extremely upset. their friendship suffered for a while as maria felt like she had been betrayed.
they were able to forgive each other eventually, though maria never was a big fan of doc. she was there when valentina lost doc.
her days are spent mostly waiting to die. she doesn't see a point in living anymore and just wants her pain to end. maria is still very good friends with valentina, though she isn't a big fan of tony.
0 notes
gerardofontenelle · 1 year
Apple Arcade - A New World To Play In from Mauro Chiarello on Vimeo.
Director: Ian Pons Jewell Producer: Chris Avery @ Apple Writer: Jordan Pories Creative Director: Hamish Pinnel Art Director: Esteban Cardona Group Creative Directors: Sam Oliver & Carl Broadhurst AD Producer: Jacob Stitzel Production Company: Reset Managing Director: Dave Morrison Executive Producers: Deannie O'Neil & Jen Beitler Head of Production: JP Colombo Producer: Megan Moore Director of Photography: Mauro Chiarello Director’s Assistant: George Daniell Casting: Majo Gallardo Costume Designer: Nayeli de Alba
Production Service Company: The Lift Producer: Fuad Abded Managing Director: Avelino Rodriguez Production Manger: Israel González Cadena Unit Manager: Vladimir Espinoza Production Coordinator: Liliana Huacuja APOC: David Carretero Script: Andrea Eduardina Key PA: Juan Tovar Production Assistants: Erick Ávila, Miguel Luna, Isaac Alvarez Runner: Paulina Camacho Chaperone: Paulina Marín Chaperone: Paulina Maqueda Locations Manager: Sergio Aguilar Locations Assistants: Itzia Rojas, Rodrigo López, Eduardo Gutierrez, Andrés Macías, Juan Chávez
1st AD DGA: Robert Phillips 1st AD: Sandra Mayerstein 2nd AD Vala Cárdenas 2nd AD: Lorenza Ramos 1st AC Horacio Vega 2nd AC: Adonay Meza Camera PA: Edson Reyes DIT: Julio Cesar Gonzalez Data Manager: Hayde Medina Corona VTR Operator: Jonathan Fernando Noriega Hernández VTR Assistants: Eduardo Martinez & Miguel Valdez Wheels Operator: Felipe Pérez-Burchard Steadicam Operator: Gerardo Manjarezz Trinity Operator: Niels Lindelien Gaffer: Leonardo Julián Key Grip: Juan Antonio Aguilar López Key Grip: Jose Marcos Vilchis VFX Supervisor: Daniel "Chovy" Cordero VFX Assistants: Rafael Santana Cruz & Francisco Ruben Perez Reyes
Production Designers: Robin Brown & Margarita Laborde Hair & Make Up: Chela Olea Hair & Make Up Assistants: Yoali Cortés, Ixchel Cortés Stunt Coordinator: Tomas Guzman Art Coordinator: Katia Duarte Propmaster: Diego Téllez Decorator: Melinda Ridaura Decorator: Sandra Jalife Art Assistant: Jessica Peralta Wardrobe Coordinator: Giselle Arriaga Wardrobe Assistants: Rodrigo Montoya, Paulina Regalado, Christian Fernando, Rocelia Alexandra Graphic Design: Mireya Guerrero Renders: Hugo Jiménez Swings: Daniel Hernández, Jesús Enriquez, Aldo Márquez, Juan Cisneros, Néstor Luna, Luis Hernández, Gabriel Cabrera.
Edit Company: Whitehouse Post, Los Angeles Editor: Tobias Suhm Executive Producer: Joanna Manning Post Producer: Jordan Stricklin
VFX Company: Framestore VFX Supervisor: James Rogers Senior Producer: Joe Greenberg Art Director: Carlos Vidal Lead Data Wrangler: Fabio Zapata Data Wrangler: Juan Colon Coordinator: Evan Kanter
CAST Kid in car: Ariella Covalin-Mizarahi Metro Guy: Shu Sakimoto
Chef & Waiters: Jack Morris Jean Wolf Allison Vargas
Taco Stand: Mariana Arias Emme Gonzalez Paulina Camacho Oscar Sagrado Raphael De Cecco Ivan Modragon Christian Godoy Miguel Angel
Airplane: Heidy Diaz
Popcorn Eaters: Micah Bijon Charlie Scovill
Clothes Guy: Rick Darge Bus Shelter: Yuki Oc-Noda
0 notes
gathersroses · 3 years
NAME.   maria gonzalez (nee lópez)
ALIASES.   she doesn't like it when anyone younger than her calls her by her first name. it's señora gonzalez to you.
AGE.   in her nineties
BIRTHDATE.   july 26, 1865
GENDER.   female 
SEXUALITY.   unlabled
STATUS.   widowed
ETHNICITY.   puerto rican
NATIONALITY.   puerto rican
BIRTHPLACE.   san juan, puerto rico
RESIDENCE.   new york city, new york
OCCUPATION.   retired, former maid
HEIGHT.   five foot seven
WEIGHT.   underweight
BODY TYPE.   mesomorph
SKIN TONE.   almond
HAIRSTYLE.   straight
HAIR COLOR.   black
EYE COLOR.   brown
SCARS.   none
TRAITS.   in her youth, she was happy and excited. now, america has worn her out. she's been through too many betrayals. she is hesitant to accept help, but is a huge gossip and isn't a big fan of children.
HABITS.   tba.
HOBBIES.   tba.
FEARS   betrayal
FATHER.   luis lópez
MOTHER.   maria lópez
SISTER.   andrea lópez, victoria lópez
BROTHER.   juan lópez, daniel lópez, miguel lópez
SIGNIFICANT OTHER.   gabriel gonzalez
SON.   juan gonzelez (estranged), luis gonzelez (estranged)
DAUGHTER.   none
MBTI.   tba
married when she was around twenty years old. lived the simple life her people knew. she and her husband had two sons.
after her husband's death, she and her children became estranged for various reasons. maria doesn't do well with grief. that lead to her pushing everyone away.
moved to san juan hill after working for years to get enough money to pay for her ticket. she wanted to follow her friend valentina since she didn't know what else to do with her life.
worked as a maid for years before her health took a drastic turn. she still worked herself to the bone and suffers from various health-related issues for it. she's mostly waiting to die. there's not a huge reason for her to keep living.
when she found out valentina married a white man, she was extremely upset. their friendship suffered for a while as maria felt like she had been betrayed.
they were able to forgive each other eventually, though maria never was a big fan of doc. she was there when valentina lost doc.
her days are spent mostly waiting to die. she doesn't see a point in living anymore and just wants her pain to end. maria is still very good friends with valentina, though she isn't a big fan of tony.
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conandaily2022 · 1 year
5 most beautiful Miss Universe Puerto Rico 2023 candidates
The Miss Universe Puerto Rico 2023 coronation ceremony will be held at the Centro de Bellas Artes Luis A. Ferré in San Juan, Puerto Rico on August 24, 2023. It is the 15th edition of the beauty pageant that selects Puerto Rico’s Miss Universe candidate. On August 11, 2022, Ashley Cariño of Fajardo. Leonela Gonzalez de Jesus of Dorado and Camille Fabery Diana of Cataño were the respective first…
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