#Jude 1:6-7
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God's Judgment on the Ungodly
6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. — Jude 1:6-7 | King James Version (KJV) The King James Version Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Genesis 19:24; Deuteronomy 29:23; 1 Kings 22:46; Jeremiah 50:40; Hosea 11:8; Matthew 10:15; Matthew 25:41; Romans 2:5; 2 Peter 2:4; 2 Peter 2:9; Jude 1:13; Revelation 20:2
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martyschoenleber · 4 months
Christo-Centric Reflection on Psalm 24
Today we heard a message from one of our newly ordained pastors on Psalm 24. It was a good reminder that when we (Christians) read the psalms, we read through the lens of the New Testament, Christ, and the resurrection. We are built up in our most holy faith (Jude 1:20) on the foundation of the Old Testament Law and Prophets and the New Testament Apostles and prophets of which Christ is the…
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bojackson54 · 7 months
The Reluctant Brothers Who Didn't Believe
As we’ve been talking about eyewitnesses around the life of Jesus, there is a small group that bears consideration. Think about his own brothers. They saw him every day growing up, and knew him well. The few glimpses we get of them suggest that they had concerns about their eldest brother. Mark 3:21 says that as Jesus’ ministry began to draw crowds, “[his family] went to take charge of him, for…
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btssavedmylifeblr · 5 months
Void - Part 10 - Wednesday
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title banner by @rude–jude♡
Genre: Sci-fi with a little angst and a LOT of smut
Pairing: BTS x Reader (yup - all seven)
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
Word Count: 1.9k
Part 9 /?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Warnings: very short chapter
Mercifully, Taehyung does not wake you up with a thumb in your mouth. You wonder if you will even see him today, given he only signed the form to hide his feelings for Jimin. 
You head straight for the greenhouse, determined to avoid Hoseok for as long as possible. Will you ever be able to face him again? Maybe you should start working nights.
Luckily, there’s plenty to do in the greenhouse and you manage to work all day without interruption. Dinnertime arrives and your stomach grumbles, but you procrastinate heading for the kitchen out of fear of who may be eating there. You can’t stomach bumping into any of the men you’re fucking or any of the men you aren’t.
At a little past seven o-clock, Taehyung sticks his head into the door of the greenhouse. He furrows his brow to see your hands covered in soil. “I thought we had a date?”
“Huh?” you ask, wiping the dirt from your hands onto your pants. “I thought that was pretend. For the benefit of the crew.” 
Taehyung laughs, stepping further into the greenhouse. “Well, some of it was, but I did actually make dinner.”
“You did?” You aren’t dressed for a date. Not that you have anything else to wear. Just a different slightly less dirty jumpsuit. At least none of your clothing is covered in semen today. Yet. 
Taehyung is wearing the same jumpsuit from the accident with the rover. It’s still missing a sleeve from where it was cut off of him. It’s quite flattering on him, no surprise. His exposed upper arm has just enough muscle definition to draw your attention. It’s still in the sling but the bruising has faded. The asymmetrical look with its rough unsewn edge makes him look rather roguish. 
“Come on! The food’s getting cold!” He ducks back out of the greenhouse, waving for you to follow him.
You clean your hands with a cloth and follow him. You're surprised when he veers away from the kitchen and heads for the hangar instead.
The overhead lights in the hangar are off. The room looks so different, it takes you a minute to process what you are seeing. The Europa rover sits in the middle of the room, glowing from the inside with soft blue light.  Scattered around the room are little twinkling lights of white and blue and green. 
“Taehyung!” you gasp. “What is all this?”
“A date!” he answers triumphantly. He clambors up onto one of the large wheels of the rover and opens the door. Even from a distance, you can see a white tablecloth covering the center console, topped with more twinkling lights. He reaches down a hand to help you up. “Your chariot, m’lady.”
“This is…” You are at a loss for words as you take his hand and climb up into the rover with him. “This is so…” You examine one of the twinkling lights on the make-shift table up close. It’s one of the LEDs intended for lighting your paths down on the Europa ice sheets. At least it was rechargeable. "Taehyung, this is so much work for a fake date.” 
Taehyung laughs. “Just because we’re not bumping uglies, doesn’t mean it can't be a real date. I like dates.”
He pulls out a reusable water bottle from behind one of the seats that makes a surprising pop when he opens it. Then he pours something golden and bubbly into two champagne glasses. 
Without thinking, you take accept glass as he hands it to you, then do a double-take. “Is this champagne? Where on Earth did you get champagne? Or champagne glasses?”
He laughs, enjoying your surprise, as he takes a sip from his own glass. “Unfortunately, it’s not the real stuff, just some apple juice I ran through the carbonator.” He clinks his glass to yours as you hold it, still suspended in shock. “The glasses are from Earth though. Packed them for a special occasion.”
He stares a bit wistfully at the glass in his hand and you get a little pang of sadness. “Were you planning this for Jimin?”
He looks up at you and shakes his head, waving your concerns away. “No, no, no. I did this for you.”
“For me?”
He nods. “I’m trying to make amends.”
You’re surprised. “Amends for what?”
He sighs. “For the tape, for the jealousy, I feel like…” He gestures around at the ship in general. “I feel like a lot of this is my fault.”
“What? No.” You shake your head. “This is my fault. I started all this.” 
Taehyung gestures to one side of the console table welcoming you to sit down. “It seemed like you and Jimin were happy though, until I broke my arm and messed everything up.”
“Yeah…” You sigh as you sit down across from him. You sip your fake champagne as you remember orgasming with Jimin inside you, but Yoongi’s voice in your head. “Mostly… but there was something missing…”
“Ah,” Taehyung gives a bit of a teasing smile. “A certain flight engineer, perhaps?”
“Yeah,” you shrug nervously, running your finger around the rim of your glass and teetering on the edge of admitting your real problem. “And not just him…” 
Taehyung nods knowingly. “We do have a devastatingly attractive crew, don’t we?”
“Yes!!” You exclaim, laughing in relief at someone who finally understands. “Why did you all have to be so fucking hot?!”
“All of us?” He places a hand on his chest in fake surprise. 
“Oh shut up, you know you’re hot.” The bubbles in your glass make you feel a little tipsy even if there's no alcohol in them.
Taehyung gives an exaggerated wink, then laughs. "You are very good at seeming uninterested in anyone though. I couldn’t believe how well you held it together when Jungkook stripped in front of you for that haircut.”
A lightbulb goes off. “Oh my god, you put him up to that, didn’t you?”
Taehyung bursts into delighted giggles and you smack him on his good arm. “You did! You maniac! Are you trying to kill me?”
“Not my finest moment, I will admit. Perhaps I had ulterior motives for throwing the hunk at you. Sorry. Just one of many reasons I owe you apologetic fake champagne.” He takes another sip and smiles as he recalls the memory. “Still, you kept your cool remarkably well. If it were me, I would have had his dick in my mouth well before the end of that haircut.”
Your mouth falls open. Fuck. That’s… that’s a very attractive mental image. Your pelvic muscles flinch with a twinge of arousal. 
Taehyung sees your surprise and his eyes widen. “Oh shoot, sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He takes your glass from you and sets it down on the table, before turning to rummage with something in a cooler sitting under the seat next to him.
“Oh no.” You squirm in your seat. “I’m not… you didn’t…” you stammer. Fuck. What are you even trying to say? “I just didn’t realize you were attracted to Jungkook as well.”
Taehyung turns back to you and smiles. “I mean… how could you not be? That smile… those abs…”
You both sigh in unison, then laugh. “It’s deeply unfair,” you agree.
He nods, then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “What’s deeply unfair is how you have this crew wrapped around your finger.”
“What? No I don’t.”
He arches an eyebrow.
“I don’t!”
He sips his apple juice skeptically.
“No seriously! Hoseok and Namjoon won’t have sex with me even though I practically begged them…” 
He shakes his head. “I still don’t think you realize the power you hold.”
“What power?”
“I saw that video you made with Yoongi. That was incredible. When you let go of all the fear and stress and were so open and vulnerable, that was beautiful. It’s no wonder they all love you.”
Something about hearing it from someone you’re pretty sure doesn’t want to have to sex with you makes you feel like it might really be true. But the whole thing is still too embarrassing and uncomfortable to think about for too long. 
“They’re not in love with me. They’re just… I don’t know… can we talk about something else?”
Taehyung sets down two plates of what looks like fine dining. Red beets sliced thin and drizzled with balsamic vinegar and a rounded mound of rice pilaf topped with a whole chicken breast.
“My god, where did you get all this?”
He smiles, pleased with himself. “Jin helped me with a bunch of it. I’ve technically given up two of my Christmas dinners for this, but it seemed worth it.” 
You are shocked again that he would go to so much effort. “You didn’t have to do all this just for the sake of our pretend relationship…”
He reaches over the table to take your hand in his. “I do want a real relationship with you though,” he says and your heart starts racing. His dark eyes hold such warmth even as the rest of him is so statuesque. But then he draws back. “Even just as a friend.” he says and you’re a bit disappointed. 
The two of you chat the rest of the evening as you savor your meal, both relieved to find someone you can be honest with. 
At one point you offer to mend his jumpsuit sleeve for him, but he declines. “I like it," he says, shrugging. "Reminds me of important lessons."
You wait for him to elaborate, but he doesn't. "I suppose it is rather dashing," you admit, trying to fill the silence. "But I suppose you would make a dish towel look dashing." You can't even blame the fake champagne for your loose tongue.
His eyes widen in delight and he laughs as he pours the last of the bubbly apple juice into each of your glasses.
“So…” he says as you take a last bite of your dessert, a delicious chocolate cake designated for some future New Year’s Eve. “Fuck, marry, kill: Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi.”
You gasp in horror. “Taehyung, I can’t answer that!”
“Too violent? How about fuck, marry, kiss?”
“No way, not answering.” You mime zipping your lips closed. 
“I’d marry Jimin, obviously.” He continues, undeterred. “And I think I’d have to fuck Yoongi. Those hands… my god.”
“Ugh…” Just the memory makes you groan and collapse onto the table in front of you. “Tae, he’s so good with them. It’s terrible. Those goddamn hands are what started this whole mess.”
Taehyung is pleased to have finally cracked through your facade. “Though the commander… he just carries himself like he has a big dick, you know?”
“Agh…” you groan again, laughing as you stand up. “I think that’s my cue to go to bed.”
“Allow me, m’lady.” He stands up and takes your hand to help you out of the rover. He’s still holding your hand as the two of you reach the floor of the hangar. 
“Thank you again for all this.” You gesture at the twinkling lights spread over the floor, looking especially lovely now that most of the ship has gone dark. 
“Would you mind a platonic goodnight kiss?” He asks, tapping his cheek.  
You bite your lip and shake your head, feeling a whole storm of butterflies in your stomach that do not feel platonic at all. He leans in and gives you a soft kiss on your cheek. “Thank you for a lovely evening,” he murmurs close to your ear.
“Same time next week?” you ask, trying to fight down how on fire your face feels now. “I’ll cook next time.”
He grins. “Looking forward to it.”
Thursday is next! And it's going to be dramatic. Hopefully it will be ready soon! Thanks for reading!
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foreverisntenough · 21 days
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‘Act II’
Summary: Attraction is like a gravitational pull that is undefinable and unavoidable. Unbeknownst to you, Jude had been keeping an eye on you since he caught a glimpse on his best friend’s girlfriend’s Instagram but he’s been loving his single life. You always were independent and know how to swim on your own but maybe you have been just treading water. Could the tides change on a holiday in Greece when you finally meet? It might get a little rocky but maybe you could be his paradise.
Chapter 1 - Round Two
Chapter 2 - Wine & Tequila
Chapter 3 - Mr. Madrid
Chapter 4 - Oldest Friend
Chapter 5 - Important To Me
Chapter 6 - Footballers
Chapter 7 - Madrid or Manhattan
Chapter 8 - Last Night
Chapter 9 - His Angel
Chapter 10 - A Little Lost
Chapter 11 - Go
Chapter 12 - Loading…
Warnings: This series is 18+ MDNI
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! ‘Act II’ is interconnected to the 'You’re Mine' and 'Ours' Series but can read it independently.
🪩🫶❤���‍🔥🍹🌞 🍒🌞🍹❤️‍🔥🫶🪩
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judes-hoe · 1 month
Rich daddy ~ JB5
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Parrings ~ older!jude Bellingham x reader
Summary ~ Jude is your older husband, and you have two kids. He’s very rich and wealthy and takes you on a little get away.
Warnings ~ mostly fluff, oral(f receiving), p in v(unprotected), fingering, Jude referred to as daddy a few times🤭,
A/N ~ this is fr the last fic cause I need to focus on my series before I go on break. (Btw I listen to ‘All the Time’ by Jeremiah.)
Jude was 28, you were 22. You had a 6 year age gap. But neither of you minded it, you liked older guys, he liked young women. You had 2 kids, Antonio who was 2 and Olivia who was 1. They could be a bit of a handful sometimes for you. So Jude thought you could use a little get away.
He took time off his job for a 4 day get away. You dropped your kids off at Jude’s parents house. Jude wouldn’t tell you were he was taking you but you knew it would be good. You always put your trust in him.
Jude pulls up to a 5 star restaurant, it was one of your favorites. Like the gentleman he is, he goes and opens your door for you helping you out the car. He wrapped an arm around your waist and leads you inside. He had reservations made for 7:30 and you were quickly seated.
Dinner went by in a blur and it was amazing. You and Jude left, and instead of going home, he takes you to a 5 start hotel, he got the most luxurious room on the very top floor. He checked into the hotel and you took the elevator up to the 11th floor. In the elevator Jude pulled you into a heated kiss. He kissed you until the doors open. He then leads you to the room and pulls you inside closing and locking the door.
You take in the room, a small kitchen, a full bathroom, a king sized bed. Floor to ceiling windows. Jude walks behind you and leads you to the bed making you bend and place your hands on the bed. “Need you so bad.” Jude said and his hands roam and take your dress off. Jude hums and the sight of your naked body with only a matching black lace set.
Jude starts to take his clothes off, he pulls his boxers off and rips your panties off. You let out a gasp and smirk knowing you about to get a good fucking. Jude runs his tip up and down your wet folds. You moan and arch your back pressing back against him. He takes his free hand and grips your hips sliding inside you.
You let out a moan at the feeling of him inside you. He waist no time starting to thrusting his hips. His grip on your hips will definitely leave bruises. He leans down kissing your shoulders. “You miss when daddy would fuck you like this…I know you do baby.” He said into your ear making you nod and moan. “I feel you clenching around me, you missed being fucked rough by daddy huh?” He had a smirk on his face. You just nod again with a louder moan as he pressed down on the slight bulge in my stomach.
“Please daddy.” You moan and grab his wrist. “You feel daddy, so deep ain’t I?” He teased and pressed the bulge feeling you go away and come back with his thrust. “You’re mine, no one will fuck you like I do.” He said possessively. You grip the sheets and clench around him. “I’m cumming!” You moan loudly and climax around him. He continues his thrust until he stops fully inside you cumming inside you.
He slowly pulled out of you and went to the bathroom before coming back and cleaning you up, but not before watching his cum drop out of you. After leaning he clean you up he slipped one of his shirts on you and pulled you into his chest.
You wake up to an unfamiliar feeling, you look down and see Jude between your legs. You let out soft moans as you feel his tongue between your folds and him sucking your clit. You bring a hand down to his head pushing him closer and almost suffocating him. It only makes him flick his tongue more and suck harder. It’s not long before you cum around his tongue. He pulls back and licks you clean before coming up and giving you a kiss with his chin and mouth covered in your juices.
The whole day Jude spoiled you and took you shopping. When you got back to your room you started a bath for you both. You dimmed the lights, undressing with Jude. He got in and you got in after him between his legs and relaxing against his chest.
You feel Jude’s hand trail down between your legs and you just open them a little for him. He smirks and kisses your neck and he dips his fingers into your entrance. “Just relax baby, let me make you feel good.” He whispered and slowly fingers you while kissing your neck. He brings his other hand to play with your clit. “This getaway was all for you, and for me to help you relax.” He said, you nod letting out a soft whimper.
He speeds up his fingers a little more and rubs circles on your clit. Your moans get a little louder, he sucks on your sweet spot on your neck. It was so much pleasure at much you can feel you climax coming. “Cum for me baby, I feel you clenching.” He whispered and that tips you over the edge and you cum around his fingers. He pulled his fingers out and licks them clean.
After a few minutes he helps you out the bath and get changed before going to bed.
It was the last night at the hotel, Jude had took you out to another fancy restaurant for dinner. When you got back to the room he pulls you into a kiss. You both quickly underdress each other. You feel your bare back it something, you look as see your pressed against the windows that overlooked the city.
Jude smirks and lifts you up in his arms, your legs wrapped around him and he makes sure your back is pressed against the window. He looks down and puts his cock inside you. He starts thrusting hard and fast up into you. You hold onto him and moan loudly. “Yeah baby, moan for me, let the whole city know whats mine.” He said his voice filled with possessiveness.
He kisses your neck leaving more marks. Jude couldn’t get enough of you. “Shit baby you feel so good.” He mumbled and quickened his pace more as he reached between you and rubbed your clit. You were so fucked out you didn’t care if people could see. “Cum for me baby, cum for daddy.” He said feeling you clench around him. You didn’t even realize how close you were, you cum around his cock and he cums inside you.
After this, 4 days getaways became a monthly thing…
A/N ~ this is FR the last fic and I made it extraaaaa long for everyone. Now I’ll focus on these series before I leave.
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chaiichait · 21 days
Jude's list of near death experiences:
1. Force fed faerie fruit (basically saved by Cardan pricking her finger with salt and Locke)
2. Valerian trying to kill her
3. Valerian trying to kill her part two electric boogaloo
4. Almost getting trampled by courtiers and the gentry
5. The Undersea survival show
6. Getting married
7. Getting exiled
8. Being the in the court despite her exile (even though she could just go back, as per Cardan's words)
9. Madoc stabby stab stab
10. Falling off the roof AFTER SHE GOT HEALED
11. Cardan turning into a snake
12. Cardan when he turned back into a fae
13. Oak getting held hostage
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emjayewrites · 28 days
hey there, delilah • jude bellingham (5/6)
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SYNOPSIS: Real Madrid football star Jude Bellingham has had a big crush on Delilah "Lila" Hamilton, the younger sister of Formula 1 legend Lewis Hamilton, for a while. As their budding romance unfolds, will they be able to navigate the pressures of fame and family dynamics?
PAIRINGS: Jude Bellingham x Delilah "Lila" Hamilton (face claim Rayan Xasan)
WARNINGS: cursing, f1/football b.s., overly protective siblings, eventual smut (18+/minors dni)
TAGLIST: @dreamingjude @foreverisntenough @nichmeddar @hopefulromantic1 @lettersofgold @judesbabymamas @perfecttrashface @alika-4466 @cocobutterqwueen @leilaxaliel @ispywithmylileye @vile-harlot @bellinghaalands @certifiedlesbianbaddie @yeea-nah @empressdede @saturnville @pinkcatcus @shepgurl @neewrites @trentswrld @taytropicana
A/N: Please let me know if you like to be removed/added to the taglist.
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The Weimarer Land Spa and Golf Resort, nestled in the picturesque outskirts of Blankenhain, served as the perfect base for England's Euro training camp. The luxurious resort boasted top-notch training facilities, including multiple pristine football pitches, a fully equipped gym, and a high-tech recovery center. The players also had access to an 18-hole golf course, spa facilities, and gourmet dining options to help them relax between intense training sessions.
On a crisp morning, Jude and his teammates gathered on one of the immaculate pitches for their daily warm-up. The air buzzed with excitement and nervous energy as they prepared for another grueling practice session.
The players started with light jogging, gradually increasing their pace as they circled the pitch. They then moved on to dynamic stretches, focusing on loosening up their muscles and improving flexibility. Ankle rotations, hip circles, and arm swings were followed by more football-specific movements like high knees and butt kicks.
As they transitioned into passing drills, Jude found himself alongside Trent Alexander-Arnold and his roommate, Eberechi Eze. The three young players couldn't help but engage in some playful banter as they knocked the ball between them.
"Oi, Trent," Jude called out as he received a pass, "seen your barber lately? That trim's looking a bit dodgy, mate."
Trent rolled his eyes, a grin playing on his lips. "Fuck you. Not all of us can have a personal stylist on call 24/7."
Eze chimed in, "Yeah, some of us have to make do with what we've got. Speaking of which, Jude, when are you gonna hook a brother up with that LV sponsorship?"
"Off of it," Jude laughed, deliberately misplacing his pass to Eze. "You wish, mate. Maybe if you score in the opener, I'll consider putting in a good word."
"Oh, that's how it is?" Eze retorted, chasing after the ball. "Just wait 'til I nutmeg you in front of everyone. Your LV deal'll be mine before you know it."
Their laughter echoed across the pitch, drawing looks from some of the other players. Trent was about to fire back with another quip when a sharp whistle cut through the air.
"Alright, lads!" Gareth Southgate's voice boomed across the field. "That's enough fucking around. Let's get serious and start our real work for the day."
The three friends exchanged amused glances before jogging to join the rest of the team, ready to throw themselves into the day's training session.
A grin spread across Jude's face. "Alright, Trent, I'll hook you up with my barber. Maybe then you won't look like you've been cutting your own hair with safety scissors."
Trent nudged his friend on the shoulder, earning a hearty laugh from Jude. "I hate you so fucking much."
As the training session progressed, the players were split into groups for various drills. Jude found himself waiting alongside Trent for their turn at a passing exercise.
"So," Trent began, a mischievous glint in his eye, "how's things with Miss Hamilton?"
Jude felt his cheeks redden at the mention of Lila. "She's good, yeah. Miss her though."
"Bet you do," Trent teased. "When's she coming to watch?"
"She'll be at the opener in Gelsenkirchen," Jude replied, unable to keep the excitement out of his voice. "Was texting her last night actually. She's in Milan right now, finishing up some big business deal."
Trent's eyebrows shot up. "Business deal? What kind?"
Jude shrugged. "Dunno, mate. She didn't even tell me. Said it was all hush-hush for now."
Their conversation was interrupted as it was their turn for the drill. As they jogged back to the end of the line, Trent brought up Southgate's plan for family visits.
"Heard about the visiting rules?" he asked. "Southgate's paranoid about another Baden-Baden situation."
Jude nodded. "Yeah, 48 hours after matches. Bit strict, but I get it. At least some family's allowed to stay nearby. My mum's one of them."
"Lucky," Trent muttered. "My lot's stuck with the 48-hour rule."
As they continued their drills, Jude's mind wandered to Lila. He was grateful for the time they'd have together, even if it was limited. The thought of seeing her after the opener gave him an extra boost of motivation as he threw himself into the rest of the training session.
The day wore on, filled with tactical discussions, more drills, and a practice match. By the time Southgate blew the final whistle, the players were exhausted but satisfied with their progress.
Jude headed back to the locker room, and he pulled out his phone, smiling at a new message from Lila. Despite the grueling day, knowing she'd be there soon made everything feel a bit better. The locker room was filled with the usual post-training chatter when Bukayo Saka's voice suddenly rang out above the rest.
"Oi, Dec! Play that shit!" Saka called to Declan Rice, who was fiddling with a bluetooth speaker.
A moment later, the opening beats of Central Cee and Lil Baby's 'BAND4BAND' filled the room. Several players immediately perked up, bobbing their heads to the rhythm.
"Yes, bruv!" Saka exclaimed, starting to rap along with the lyrics.
Marcus Rashford joined in, matching Saka word for word. "We can go band for band, fuck that, we can go M for M…"
Jude shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched his teammates' impromptu performance. He pulled off his sweaty training kit, tossing it into the laundry bin.
"Not feeling it, Jude?" Eze asked, noticing Jude's lack of participation.
Jude chuckled. "Nah, mate. I'll leave the rapping to you lot. I'm more of a shower singer myself."
When he headed inside the showers, he could hear Phil Foden attempting to hit some of the high notes of a song from Queen, much to the amusement (and mock horror) of the others.
The hot water was a welcome relief, washing away the grime and tension from the day. By the time Jude emerged, dressed in his team tracksuit, the locker room had mostly cleared out.
He found Trent waiting for him in the corridor, phone in hand.
"Ready for lunch?" Trent asked, falling into step beside Jude as they headed towards the dining room.
"Starving," Jude replied. He glanced at Trent's phone. "What you looking at?"
Trent grinned, holding up his screen to show the Raya app. "Just checking out some potential matches. Want to help?" Jude gave him a shrug as a response. "What do you think of this one?" Trent asked, holding up his phone to display a photo of a stylish brunette.
Jude glanced at the screen, taking in the woman's profile. "She seems nice, mate. Good taste in music by the looks of it. Into indie rock, eh?"
Trent nodded approvingly. "Yeah, caught my eye. How about this one?" He swiped to another profile, this time a blonde with a radiant smile.
"Yoga instructor, vegan chef… bit different from your usual type, innit?" Jude observed with a smirk.
"Trying to broaden my horizons," Trent replied with a chuckle.
"Dickhead," Jude muttered with a bemused sigh.
They entered the dining room, picking out their lunch - grilled chicken, quinoa, and a variety of steamed vegetables, all carefully portioned according to the team nutritionist's guidelines. Finding a table, they settled in to eat.
As Jude was about to take his first bite, his phone lit up with a FaceTime request from Lila. His face instantly broke into a wide grin.
"It's my baby, it's my baby," Jude sing-songed, making Trent roll his eyes good-naturedly.
"Go on then, lover boy," Trent teased.
Jude answered the call, his face lighting up at the sight of Lila. "Hey, beautiful! How's Milan?"
"Busy but exciting," Lila replied, her voice slightly tinny through the phone speaker. "Just finished the meeting. How was training?"
"Brutal," Jude groaned dramatically. "Southgate's working us to the bone."
They chatted about Lila's day and Jude's training. At one point, Jude turned the camera to include Trent.
"Say hi to Trent, Li," Jude said.
"Hey, Trent!" Lila waved. "Keeping this one in line?"
Trent laughed, leaning into frame. "Trying my best, but it's a full-time job. Your boy here can't stop gushing about you, by the way. It's getting a bit sickening, really."
"Oi, shut it," Jude protested, but he was grinning.
Lila giggled. "Aw, Judey Bear, you softie."
The conversation continued, filled with laughter and easy banter. Jude and Lila made plans for her upcoming visit, while Trent occasionally chimed in with a joke or comment.
As they wrapped up the call, Jude's expression was noticeably brighter. "Bye, baby. Can't wait to see you. I'll phone you later, alright?"
After hanging up, Trent raised an eyebrow at Jude. "You two are disgustingly cute, you know that?"
Jude just shrugged, unable to wipe the smile off his face. "I know."
Trent shook his head in disbelief. "I still can't wrap my head around it, mate. One minute you're crushing on her Instagram, next thing you're proper boyfriend and girlfriend. What's your secret?"
Jude grinned, taking a bite of his lunch. "Just my natural charm, I suppose."
"Come off it," Trent scoffed. "Give us your game card, then. Share the wealth."
"Nah," Jude replied with a firm headshake. "Can't let my secret weapon go public. Got to keep some mystery, you know?"
Just then, Bukayo Saka approached their table, tray in hand. "Alright if I join?"
Trent put on a mock serious face. "Sorry, mate. You can't sit with us."
Saka promptly flipped him the bird before sitting down anyway. "What are we chatting about then?"
Jude filled him in. "Just Trent being in awe of my relationship skills."
"Ah," Saka nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Speaking of, Tolami can't wait to meet Lila. She's proper excited about it."
Jude nodded, his expression brightening at the mention of Lila. "Yeah, Lila mentioned that. They're following each other on Insta now. I reckon they'll get on well."
"It'll be nice for Lila to have someone to hang out with during the matches," Trent observed. "You know, when she's not too busy swooning over your football skills."
Jude rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress his grin. "Shut up, you mug."
Saka leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eye. "So, Jude, when are you going to let me meet the famous Lila? I need to make sure she's good enough for our star midfielder."
"Oi," Jude protested, but he was laughing. "You will meet her soon enough. Just... try not to embarrass me too much, yeah?"
They continued to talk about a plethora of things, including their love lives and excited chatter about the upcoming tournament. As they finished their lunch, Jude couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The Euros were just around the corner, and soon, he'd have Lila by his side to share in the excitement.
Life was pretty good if he'd say so himself.
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The day had been a whirlwind for Lila. It started with an early morning photoshoot at Versace's headquarters, where she modeled pieces from the upcoming collection. The energy on set was electric, with Donatella herself overseeing the shoot and offering words of encouragement.
After the photoshoot, Lila attended a series of meetings with Versace's marketing team to discuss the rollout plan for her ambassadorship. They covered everything from social media strategies to potential event appearances. Lila's head was spinning with information, but she felt exhilarated by the opportunities ahead.
In the afternoon, she had a final fitting for the custom Versace gown she would wear to the announcement dinner. As she stood in front of the mirror, draped in the stunning creation, the reality of her new role truly began to sink in.
Throughout the day, Lila's thoughts kept drifting to Jude. She longed to share this experience with him, to see his proud smile and feel his supportive embrace. Despite the excitement of the day, she found herself counting down the hours until she could hear his voice again.
As evening approached and Lila prepared for the dinner, she felt a mix of anticipation and nerves. She was about to step into a new chapter of her life, and while Jude couldn't be there physically, she carried the warmth of his support with her.
Now, as Lila sat in the private dining room at Cracco Restaurant, surrounded by Versace's top executives and creative team, she felt a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. After months of secrecy and hard work, it was finally official - she was Versace's newest ambassador.
The space was adorned with sleek, modern decor that complemented the restaurant's innovative cuisine. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow over the gathering.
Donatella Versace stood to give a speech, her presence commanding the room. "I've known Lila since she was just ten years old," she began, her voice warm with affection. "She would join her brother Lewis at our fashion shows, her eyes wide with wonder. Now, to see her not only as our ambassador but also launching her own label, Petite Soeur… I couldn't be prouder. We at Versace are thrilled to begin this collaboration."
As the evening progressed, Lila savored each moment, from the exquisite seven-course tasting menu to the animated conversations about upcoming projects. Once the evening wound down, Lila's driver escorted her to a sleek black Mercedes. The city lights of Milan twinkled as they made their way through the historic streets to the Bulgari Hotel Milano.
The hotel, housed in an 18th-century palazzo, exuded luxury from the moment Lila stepped into the marble-floored lobby. Her suite, with its blend of contemporary design and classic Italian opulence, offered a stunning view of the private garden.
Lila received a notification. The official announcement of her ambassadorship had just been released across all of Versace's social media platforms. Within moments, her phone exploded with calls and messages.
Amidst the flood of notifications, Jude's name popped up. She answered immediately.
"FUCK YEAH!" Jude's voice boomed through the speaker, making Lila laugh.
"Easy there, you almost burst my eardrums," she teased.
Jude's excitement was palpable. "I'm so proud of you, Li! My parents saw the news too - they're proper chuffed for you."
Lila felt a wave of gratitude. She recalled their meeting at the Champions League match - Denise's warm embrace, Mark's kind words, and Jobe's playful banter. Their sincerity had touched her deeply, making her feel instantly welcome.
"It means so much that your family is happy for me," Lila said softly. "They were so lovely at the match. I was nervous about meeting them, but they made me feel so welcome."
Jude's voice softened. "They adore you, Li. Mum hasn't stopped talking about how sweet you are since that day. But babe," he continued. "The internet's going mental over it. You're trending everywhere!"
Lila grinned, still trying to process it all. "It's a bit overwhelming, to be honest. But in the best way possible."
"You deserve all of it," Jude assured her. "God, I miss you. Can't wait to see you this weekend and celebrate properly. You're definitely getting celebratory head."
"Jesus Christ, Jude!"
"I'm serious, Li. Fuck...I can't wait."
"I can't wait either," Lila replied softly, her cheeks flushing as she remembered their time in Ibiza. "So, tell me more about training," Lila prompted, stifling a yawn. "How's Southgate working you lot?"
She made herself comfortable on the plush king-sized bed, nestling into the soft pillows. The city lights of Milan twinkled outside her window, creating a cozy atmosphere.
Jude chuckled, the sound warm even through the phone. "Still brutal, if I'm honest. But it's good, you know? Feels like we're really coming together as a team."
They chatted about the dynamics of the England squad, Jude sharing funny anecdotes about his teammates and their off-pitch antics. Lila listened, occasionally interjecting with questions or laughter. As the night wore on, their conversation drifted to more personal topics. They talked about their childhoods, their dreams for the future, and the little things that made them happy.
"You know what I also can't wait for?" Jude said, his voice soft and slightly drowsy.
"What's that?" Lila murmured, her own eyelids growing heavy.
"To watch the sunset with you in Gelsenkirchen after we win our first match," he replied.
Lila smiled, warmth spreading through her chest. "That sounds perfect."
Their words became fewer and farther between, replaced by comfortable silences and the soft sound of their breathing. Neither wanted to be the first to hang up, content in the illusion of closeness despite the miles between them.
"Jude?" Lila whispered after a particularly long pause.
"Mmm?" came his sleepy response.
"I'm really happy," she said simply.
"Me too, Li," he murmured. "Me too."
The night deepened and their breathing synchronized, both drifting off to sleep with their phones still connected. In the quiet of their respective rooms - Lila in her luxurious Milan suite and Jude in his training camp accommodation - they shared a moment of peace, connected by the invisible thread of their growing relationship.
The last thing Lila heard before sleep claimed her was Jude's soft, rhythmic breathing, a comforting lullaby that carried her into her dreams.
lilahamilton • posted on their story 6 hours ago
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story comments:
judebellingham: no fucking way 🤯 I’m so proud of u!! 🫶🏽
lewishamilton: congrats peanut!!
fencer: that’s what I’m talking about lil sis!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
foreverjudebellingham: yay lila!!
tolami_benson: congrats babe 🥳
england: absolutely crazy! congrats lila! 🎉
versace: 💕💕
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The Veltins-Arena in Gelsenkirchen buzzed with anticipation as fans filed in for England's Euro 2024 opener against Serbia. The atmosphere was electric, with chants and songs echoing through the stadium. Flags waved, faces painted in red and white, as the excitement built to a fever pitch.
Lila made her way through the crowd, her heart racing with anticipation. She was dressed in an oversized black leather jacket, a cropped England jersey with Jude's number, high-waisted jeans featuring a red stripe and lion emblems on the sides, and Adidas trainers. Her eyes scanned the sea of faces, searching for Tolami.
Suddenly, she spotted her. Tolami stood out effortlessly in the crowd, her presence commanding attention. She was taller than Lila's petite 5'3" frame, with lustrous black hair styled in a middle part and curled, falling just below her shoulders. Her deep brown, blemish-free skin seemed to glow, and when she smiled, her megawatt grin lit up her entire face, causing endearing crinkles around her warm brown eyes.
As Lila approached, Tolami lifted her black cat-eye sunglasses, placing them atop her head in a casual, effortlessly cool 'it girl' manner.
"Lila!" Tolami exclaimed, opening her arms for a hug.
The moment they embraced, Lila felt an instant connection. Tolami's hug was warm and genuine, and Lila knew right away that they were going to be fast friends.
"It's so good to finally meet you in person!" Lila said as they pulled apart.
Tolami nodded enthusiastically. "I know! I feel like I already know you from all our chats. But girl, you're even prettier in person!"
As they made their way to their seats, they chatted animatedly about everything from their boyfriends' pre-match rituals to their own matchday outfits. Tolami's personality shone through - friendly and warm, but with an underlying strength that suggested she didn't take any nonsense.
The energy in the stadium continued to build as kickoff approached. When the teams emerged onto the pitch, both Lila and Tolami jumped to their feet, cheering loudly. Their eyes were fixed on Jude and Bukayo as they lined up for the national anthem.
When the match began, Lila and Tolami were on the edge of their seats, their hands often finding each other's in moments of tension or excitement. They gasped collectively as Jude connected with Bukayo's cross in the 13th minute, heading the ball into the net.
The stadium erupted, and Lila and Tolami were no exception. They leapt to their feet, screaming in joy. On the pitch, Jude and Trent's celebration was iconic - both dropped to one knee before placing a splayed hand over their face, a move that would be replayed on highlight reels for days to come.
"Yes! That's my man!" Lila shouted, her voice hoarse with excitement.
Tolami hugged her tightly. "And assisted by mine! They're unstoppable together!"
The match progressed, and they rode the emotional rollercoaster together - celebrating England's strong first half, then biting their nails as Serbia pushed back in the second. Tolami's running commentary was both insightful and hilarious, keeping Lila laughing even in the most tense moments.
When Harry Kane's header was brilliantly saved, hitting the underside of the bar, both women groaned in unison. "So close!" Tolami exclaimed, squeezing Lila's hand.
The final minutes of the match were nail-biting. As Serbia pressed for an equalizer, Lila and Tolami clung to each other, barely able to watch. When the final whistle blew, signaling England's 1-0 victory, they erupted in cheers, hugging each other tightly.
"What a start!" Tolami exclaimed, her face beaming with joy.
Lila nodded, her eyes shining with unshed happy tears. "Jude was incredible out there. And Bukayo with that assist!"
"We have to do this again for the next match," Tolami said as they walked out.
Lila agreed enthusiastically. "Absolutely! Maybe we can grab lunch before the game next time?"
They made their way to the area where the WAGs and other supporters waited for the players. Tolami sighed, running a hand through her hair. "This two-day post-match policy is killing me. Southgate's strictness is next level."
Lila nodded sympathetically. "I know. Jude's been complaining about it too."
As they approached the waiting area, Tolami brightened. "Oh, let me introduce you to someone. Lauren!" She waved to a blonde woman nearby. "Lauren, this is Lila, Jude's girlfriend. Lila, this is Lauren Fryer, Declan's girlfriend."
Lauren suddenly chuckled. "You know, Lila, we both have Judes in our lives." Lila looked confused momentarily before Lauren explained, "My son's name is Jude."
"Oh!" Lila laughed. "That's adorable. Judes seem to be pretty special, huh?"
Their laughter was interrupted by Lila's attention being drawn to a group of girls in the corner, whispering and giggling. Their gaze was fixed on Lauren, and their expressions were far from friendly.
Lila felt her temper flare. "What the fuck do you think-" she began, but Lauren's hand on her arm stopped her.
"Girl, it's not worth it," Tolami said softly.
Lauren nodded. "Yeah, I appreciate it, but I realized my mental health is a lot better when I just ignore them. Besides," she added with a smile, "here come our men."
Sure enough, the players were emerging from the locker room, all clad in the team's tracksuit. Some of the girls in the corner began to fawn and scream, clearly trying to catch the attention of the single players.
But Lila only had eyes for Jude. When he spotted her, his face lit up, and he jogged over. In one smooth motion, he swept her up in a bear hug, lifting her off her feet. His lips peppered her cheeks with kisses as he spoke.
"God, I missed you," Jude said, his voice muffled against her hair. "Did you see the goal? That was for you, babe."
Lila laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I saw it. You were brilliant out there."
As Jude set her down, keeping an arm around her waist, Lila caught sight of the group of girls from earlier. They were watching her and Jude with barely concealed envy. But Lila found she didn't care. She was exactly where she wanted to be, with the man she cared about, celebrating a victory that felt like it belonged to both of them.
Jude looked around at the other WAGs. "You ladies been taking care of my girl?" he asked with a grin.
Tolami laughed. "More like she's been taking care of us. You've got a firecracker here, Jude."
Jude's arm tightened around Lila's waist. "Don't I know it," he said, his voice warm with affection.
The other players joined their partners, and the atmosphere became festive. The victory had everyone in high spirits, and for a moment, the strictness of Southgate's rules seemed far away.
Bukayo approached the group, his arm wrapping around Tolami. Lila's eyes lit up, her inner Arsenal fan barely contained.
"Bukayo! Brilliant game," Lila said enthusiastically as they shook hands.
Bukayo grinned. "Thanks! And it's such a pleasure to finally meet you, Lila. Jude here won't shut up about you."
Declan Rice joined them, exchanging greetings with everyone. "Hey, anyone up for some pints and food?" he suggested.
Bukayo pulled Tolami closer. "Respectfully, I'm declining. I miss my girl and spend too much time with your stinky arses already," he joked.
Jude nodded in agreement. "Same here, mate. But next time for sure," he promised, offering fist bumps to Bukayo and Declan.
After they said their farewells, Jude led Lila away, and she glanced around. "Where's Trent?"
Jude chuckled. "Probably talking up one of the groupies, but nevermind that, focus on us," he said cheekily, guiding her towards the exit.
Outside, a small crowd of fans and paparazzi awaited. Camera flashes went off as Jude signed autographs and took photos with fans, always keeping Lila close. Finally, they made it to the parking lot where Lila's rental car waited.
Once inside the car, Jude pulled Lila into another kiss. This one was slow and deliberate, his tongue tracing the outline of her bottom lip. When he pulled back, he wore a wide grin.
"Looks like both of us deserve celebratory head tonight," he said with a wink.
Lila rolled her eyes, but couldn't suppress her smile. "You're fuckin' impossible," she said, starting up the car.
"Impossibly charming, you mean," Jude retorted, settling into his seat.
As they drove away from the stadium, the excitement of the match still buzzing between them, Lila couldn't help but feel that this was just the beginning of an unforgettable summer.
lilahamilton • posted on their story 12 hours ago
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story comments:
footballwags: yes!! we needed this duo!!
britishvogue: you and tolami are literal goals!! ⚽️ 🥅
judebellingham: thank you baby 💕🥹
tolami_benson: my baby boo 💖✨
jobebellingham: go jude!!
landonorris: get in there, jude!!!!!
f1: so happy you’re having a great time but we miss you on the paddock, lila 😢
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Jude woke up feeling on top of the world. The euphoria of winning England's Euro opener still coursed through his veins, mingling with the warmth of having Lila by his side. Last night had been perfect - a celebratory dinner filled with carbs and laughter, followed by hours of cuddling and exploring one another bodies.
Celebratory head, sixty-nine, whatever one wished to describe it....he'd enjoyed it plenty. Lila was a fast learner, eager to please him just as much as he wanted to please her. Thus far, he's been marching to the beat of her drum - listening aptly to all of her wants, needs, and desires without crossing any boundary lines. Jude knew all about Lila's lack of experience, but he also knew that being her first was serious business.
The most serious. She was sweet, shy, and curious, which he never had in any flings besides his first time and he wanted nothing but the best for her.
As he scrolled through his phone, Jude couldn't help but smile at the flood of congratulatory messages, but mixed in with the positivity were the inevitable naysayers - people questioning whether he was too young for a serious relationship, wondering if Lila was just another WAG, or worse, accusing her of being with him for fame.
Jude's jaw clenched. He was determined to prove them all wrong. This wasn't just some fleeting romance; he was committed to Lila. He'd been crushing on her for so long, admiring her from afar, and now that they were finally together, he'd be damned if he let anyone or anything mess it up.
His DMs were flooded, more so than usual. Among the fan messages were an increasing number from groupies, their advances more bold now that his relationship was public. Jude ignored them all. He had eyes only for Lila.
A notification caught his attention - Lewis Hamilton had followed him on Instagram. Jude's heart raced for a moment, and the fan in him was excited to be noticed by the racing GOAT. But reality quickly set in. This wasn't about a simple liking to Jude per se; this was Lewis keeping tabs on the guy dating his little sister.
The thought of Lewis watching his every move online was intimidating, but Jude refused to let it scare him off. He was in this for the long haul, ready to face whatever challenges came their way - overprotective brothers included.
As Lila stirred beside him, Jude put his phone down. Social media, public opinion, even Lewis's watchful eye - none of it mattered in this moment. What mattered was the girl next to him, the connection they shared, and the future they were building together.
Jude was ready to show the world, and himself, that he was capable of balancing his career and a relationship. With Lila by his side, he felt invincible, ready to take on the Euros, the doubters, and anything else life threw his way.
Lila's eyes fluttered open and his heart swelled at the sight of her.
"Morning, beautiful," Jude murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
Lila stretched, a sleepy smile spreading across her face. "Morning. What time is it?"
"Just past eight," Jude replied, checking his phone. "Fancy some breakfast?"
Lila nodded enthusiastically. "God, yes. I'm starving."
They perused the room service menu together, debating the merits of various breakfast options.
"Croissants are a must," Lila insisted.
Jude grinned. "Agreed. And maybe some eggs? I need my protein."
After placing their order - a spread of croissants, fruit, eggs, and plenty of coffee - they settled back into bed, chatting about the previous day's events.
"I still can't believe that goal," Lila said, her eyes shining with pride. "The whole stadium went wild."
Jude felt a warmth spread through his chest at her words. "It was a team effort, really. But I won't lie, it felt amazing."
Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door - their breakfast had arrived. They set up their impromptu picnic on the bed, the smell of fresh coffee and pastries filling the room.
As they started to eat, Jude couldn't help but marvel at how comfortable this all felt - sharing a lazy morning with Lila, enjoying a simple breakfast together. It was a pocket of normalcy in their otherwise hectic lives.
"So," Jude said, taking a sip of his coffee, "what's next on your agenda while I'm off being a football star?" His eyes twinkled with playful mischief.
Lila rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Well, Mr. Star, I've got a few things lined up. There's a Versace photoshoot in Positano next week, and then I'm headed to Barcelona for Lewis's race."
"Ah, supporting the other star in your life, eh?" Jude teased, leaning in to steal a quick kiss.
Lila laughed, her fingers lingering on his cheek. "Jealous?"
"Of your brother? Never," Jude grinned. "Though I might be a bit envious of Barcelona. The weather there is gorgeous this time of year."
"Speaking of gorgeous," Lila said, her tone turning more serious, "you were amazing in the match yesterday. How are you feeling about the next one?"
Jude's expression became focused. "Feeling good, actually. The team's in great form, and that win has really boosted our confidence. But we can't get complacent. Every match is crucial."
Lila nodded, understanding the pressure he was under. "You'll smash it, I know you will."
Their conversation drifted between Jude's upcoming matches and Lila's projects, punctuated by soft kisses and shared laughter. Despite the whirlwind of their lives and the constant public attention, in moments like these, it was just the two of them - Jude and Lila, enjoying each other's company and planning for their future.
As they finished their brunch, Jude pulled Lila close. "I'm going to miss you when you're in Barcelona," he admitted softly.
Lila snuggled into his embrace. "I'll miss you too. But I'll be cheering you on from afar, and I'll be back before you know it."
Jude smiled. "I know. And when you get back, we'll enjoy another repeat of last night, yeah?" Lila's face flushed and she ducked shyly into her hand. "No, no, don't be bashful now," he continued to tease, removing her hands from her face. "You felt so good, babes. That fuckin' mouth of yours is going to be the death of me."
"Is it?"
"Hell yes," he growled, rolling her over to smother her with kisses. She let out a surprised yelp that dissolved into a satisfied moan when one of his hands cupped her breast. Leaning forward, he captured a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the perimeter of the bud until it hardened. As usual, Lila arched herself into him, her hips grinding to create delicious friction between herself and his boxer-covered sex. "Baby...cut that out."
Jude's murmurs against her skin made Lila shiver with anticipation. He loved her reaction to everything he did - her eyes and face were very expressive, unable to hide her true emotions, and he relished making her feel loved, cherished, and desired.
"J-Jude....p-please...." she moaned as she writhed beneath him.
"What? Tell me what you want."
"Me?" He glanced up to lock eyes with her and he wished he didn't. Her doe-like brown eyes were darkened to this seductive obsidian and filled with unbridled lust.
Fuck me, I turned her out.
And to think he didn't even give her all of the goods yet.
"Baby, please," she pleaded, jutting out her bottom lip for added effect. "Can you....uh.....lick me again?"
A small smile appeared on Jude's lips at the innocent tone of her voice. She was beginning to enjoy having her little pussy eaten, and Jude would always happily oblige.
"I'll lick you until you're hoarse and wrung out. How does that sound, babes?" he whispered, his breath hot against her skin.
Lila's eyes widened slightly at his words, a flush of excitement spreading across her cheeks. "That sounds... incredible," she murmured, her voice breathy.
Jude's smile widened, a mixture of affection and desire in his gaze. He shifted down the bed, positioning himself between her thighs. His hands gently parted her legs, revealing the glistening folds of her sex. He could see how wet and ready she was, her arousal evident in the slickness that coated her inner thighs.
He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her inner thigh, his eyes never leaving hers. "Tell me if it's too much, alright?" he said softly.
Lila nodded, her breath hitching as she felt the first brush of his lips against her sensitive flesh. "I will," she promised, her voice trembling slightly.
Jude's tongue flicked out, teasing her clit with gentle, feather-light strokes. Lila's hips lifted off the bed, a moan escaping her lips as the first sparks of pleasure shot through her body. He continued to tease her, his tongue moving in slow, deliberate circles that had her shaking beneath him.
"Jude... oh God..." she moaned, her hands tangling in his curls as she pulled him closer to her center.
He increased the pressure and speed of his tongue, licking and sucking her clit with a fervor that had her seeing stars. Lila's moans grew louder, her body arching off the bed as she felt herself climbing higher and higher.
Jude's fingers joined in, slipping inside her wet heat and curling upwards to find that sweet spot that made her cry out in ecstasy. He worked her skillfully, his mouth and fingers moving in perfect harmony to drive her wild.
Lila's breaths came in short, ragged gasps, her entire body trembling with the intensity of her pleasure. "Jude, I'm so close... please, don't stop..." she begged, her voice desperate.
He had no intention of stopping. Jude doubled down, his tongue and fingers moving faster, pushing her closer and closer to the edge. "Cum for me, Lila," he murmured against her skin, his voice a low, sexy growl.
That was all it took. With a loud, keening moan, Lila shattered, her orgasm washing over her in powerful waves. Her body convulsed, her hands gripping Jude's hair tightly as she rode out the pleasure.
Jude didn't stop until she was a trembling, boneless mess. He kissed his way back up her body, his lips lingering on her sensitive skin as she came down from her high.
Lila's eyes fluttered open, a lazy, satisfied smile spreading across her face. "That was... incredible," she murmured, her voice still breathless.
Jude chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I'm glad you think so, love. I aim to please."
She laughed softly, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a tender kiss. "You certainly succeeded," she said against his lips.
Despite the comfort of the hotel bed, Jude and Lila decided to venture out and explore Gelsenkirchen. There was a slight chill in the air, unusual for summer, which gave them an excuse to walk close together.
"I heard about this place called Alma Park," Jude said as they left the hotel. "It's supposed to be pretty cool - an amusement park built in an old coal mine."
Lila's eyes lit up. "That sounds amazing! Let's go!"
They made their way to Alma Park, marveling at the unique setting as they arrived. The park was a perfect blend of industrial heritage and modern entertainment, with attractions spread out across the former coal mine site.
"This is incredible," Lila said, taking in the sight of roller coasters and other rides set against the backdrop of old mining structures.
Jude grinned, excited to see Lila so enthused. "What should we do first? There's mini golf, trampolines, paintball..."
"Ooh, escape rooms!" Lila pointed to a sign. "Fancy testing our teamwork skills?"
They spent the next hour in an escape room themed around the mine's history, laughing and working together to solve puzzles. After successfully "escaping," they moved on to mini golf, where Jude's competitive side came out.
Jude and Lila were halfway through their mini-golf game, when a young boy approached with his father.
"Excuse me," the father said politely, "my son is a huge fan. Would it be possible to get an autograph?"
Jude smiled warmly. "Of course, mate. What's your name?"
The boy, no more than eight, looked up with wide eyes. "T-Tommy," he stammered.
As Jude signed the boy's cap, Tommy found his voice. "You were brilliant yesterday! That goal was amazing!"
"Thanks, Tommy. Maybe you'll be scoring one day, eh?" Jude winked, handing back the cap.
Tommy beamed, clutching the cap to his chest. "Thank you so much!"
As they reached the back nine, a group of girls in their early twenties sauntered over.
"Oh my god, it's Jude Bellingham!" one squealed. "Can we get a picture?"
"Of course," Jude said politely, maintaining a respectful distance.
He posed for the photo, and one of the girls twirled her hair. "You were so hot on the pitch yesterday," she purred.
Another chimed in, "Yeah, do you want to hang out sometime? We could show you around town."
Jude felt Lila tense beside him. He cleared his throat. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm actually trying to enjoy some time with my girlfriend," he said firmly but kindly, wrapping an arm around Lila's waist.
The girls' faces fell. "Oh... girlfriend. Right," one muttered as they walked away.
Jude turned to Lila, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "Sorry about that."
Lila nodded, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. Jude made a mental note to address this later, determined to reassure Lila of his feelings for her.
"Hey, want to grab a pretzel?" Jude suggested, hoping to lift her mood.
They found a quiet bench to sit and eat. Jude watched Lila pick at her pretzel, concern etched on his face.
"Li, what's wrong?" he asked gently.
Lila sighed. "I... I got jealous," she admitted. "Those girls were so confident, so forward. And there will always be girls like that around you."
Jude took her hand. "Lila, look at me. I'm not worried about other girls. The only girl I'm concerned about is Delilah Marie Antoinette Hamilton."
Lila's eyes widened at the use of her full name, a bright smile spreading across her face.
"My whole name, Jude? Seriously?"
"Of course," Jude said softly. "You're the only one for me, Li. Never doubt that."
Lila leaned in, pressing a quick but tender kiss to his lips. As they parted, Jude rested his forehead against hers.
"All mine."
judebellingham and 3 others - VELTINS Arena
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liked by lewishamilton, trentarnold66, england, and others
judebellingham: Good start. P.S. If you guys didn't know....she's all mine - and I'm all hers 🔒 tagged: england, lilahamilton, trentarnold66, and adidasfootball
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Lewis woke early in his Los Angeles home, the California sun already warming the air. After a long, intense run through the hills, he returned home, sweat glistening on his skin. In the kitchen, he prepared his post-workout vegan protein shake - a blend of plant-based protein powder, almond milk, banana, spinach, and a scoop of vegan peanut butter.
As he sipped his shake, Lewis scrolled through his Instagram feed. His thumb paused on a photo of Lila and Jude at the recent England match. The internet was buzzing about their official relationship status, and Lewis found himself tagged in countless posts and comments.
He sighed, conflicted emotions swirling within him. On one hand, he was happy to see Lila smiling and thriving. On the other, the protective big brother in him couldn't help but worry. Jude seemed like a decent guy, but the world of professional sports could be brutal, especially when it came to relationships.
As he continued scrolling, a comment caught his eye. Nicole Scherzinger had left a supportive message on one of Lila's recent posts. Lewis felt a twinge in his chest - a mixture of nostalgia and lingering affection. Despite their breakup, Nicole had always been kind to Lila. It was one of the many things he had loved about her.
Shaking off thoughts of his ex, Lewis's attention shifted to the flood of posts about Lila's new role as Versace's ambassador. Pride swelled in his chest as he saw images of his little sister looking confident and radiant in Versace designs. But that pride was tinged with a hint of hurt. How had he not known about this beforehand? He made a mental note to call her later to congratulate her properly and maybe gently probe about why she'd kept it a secret.
Lewis was so engrossed in his thoughts and the social media storm surrounding Lila that he almost missed the sound of footsteps. Looking up, he saw a woman walk into the kitchen, wrapped in nothing but a bed sheet. Her long dark hair was tousled, and her tawny skin glowed in the morning light. It was Amara, an Afro-Cuban model he'd been casually seeing since the new year.
"Morning," she said with a sleepy smile. "I hope you don't mind I stayed."
Lewis shook his head, offering a small smile. "No, it's fine. Coffee?"
As he prepared a cup for Amara, Lewis's mind wandered to the upcoming fundraising dinner at Emma Grede's home for the Fifteen Percent Pledge. He was looking forward to supporting such an important cause, but couldn't shake the feeling that his personal life was becoming increasingly complicated.
He thought about Lila and her budding relationship with Jude, about Nicole and their past, about Amara and their undefined present. Was he ready to settle down? Did he even want to? Or was he content with the casual arrangements that seemed to fit his nomadic, high-pressure lifestyle?
With a deep breath, he pushed those thoughts aside. Right now, he had a guest to attend to and a busy day ahead. He had to prepare for the fundraiser, make some calls about upcoming races, and somehow find time to reach out to Lila.
"So," Amara's voice broke through his reverie. "Any plans for today?"
Lewis turned to her, grateful for the distraction from his swirling thoughts. "Actually, I've got a fundraiser tonight. For the Fifteen Percent Pledge. You know about it?"
As he explained the organization's mission to Amara, Lewis felt a sense of purpose settle over him. Whatever complications existed in his personal life, he knew he could always find meaning in using his platform for good.
"That sounds exciting," she said as she took a sip of her coffee. Amara glanced at him over the rim of her mug and gave him a wink, and he smiled.
Amara, even though she was a model and influencer by trade, he couldn't deny how comfortable he felt around her. The casualness of their relationship was good for him and his busy schedule; he never had to commit or do things way out of his reach.
Lewis appreciated the simplicity of what he and Amara had. There were no expectations of romantic getaways, no pressure to attend family gatherings or red carpet events together. He could focus on his racing career, his investments, his production company, and his fashion endeavors without the added complexity of a traditional relationship.
Yet, as he watched Amara move around his kitchen with the ease of familiarity, he couldn't ignore the twinge of loneliness that sometimes crept in. Seeing his younger siblings and friends navigate successful relationships made him wonder if he was missing out on something.
His thoughts drifted back to his ex, not because he wanted her back, but because he missed the depth of connection they once shared. The fleeting endorphin rush of one-night stands had lost its appeal, leaving him craving something more substantial.
Could Amara be the answer? Lewis wasn't certain, but he kept her around for a reason. She was discreet, intelligent, and shared his values. Their pillow talk often revolved around their similar backgrounds - both raised by strong single mothers, both understanding the importance of family support.
He wondered if Lila would approve of Amara, if she'd see her as a good fit for him. The thought of introducing Amara to his family crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. Was he ready for that step? More importantly, was Amara?
Their relationship existed in a comfortable gray area, undefined yet meaningful. Lewis found himself curious about Amara's thoughts on their arrangement. Did she want more? Was she content with things as they were?
As he watched her, Lewis realized that only time would tell if this could evolve into something deeper. For now, he was grateful for the balance Amara brought to his life - a touch of warmth and companionship amidst the whirlwind of his career.
Lewis cleared his throat, a hint of playfulness in his voice. "So, I've got this race coming up in Barcelona..."
Amara raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"
"Mhm," Lewis nodded, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "And who knows? Will be nice to have a certain person also there...."
"Lewis," Amara interrupted, her tone amused but firm. "Are you trying to invite me to your race in Barcelona?"
He chuckled, caught out. "Maybe. What do you think?"
Amara shook her head, smiling. "Just be direct, Lewis. It suits you better."
"Alright, alright," he conceded. "Would you like to come to Barcelona for my race?"
Amara tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Well, I have a fitting and some meetings in Paris, but... I could probably make it work. When's the race?"
Lewis told her the date, and Amara nodded. "I'll see what I can do to rearrange things."
"Great," Lewis replied, trying to keep his tone casual. "I'll have my team book your flight then."
"Okay," Amara said with a teasing nod, mimicking his casual tone.
Lewis mockingly rolled his eyes, earning a chuckle from Amara.
"Now," she said, leaning against the kitchen counter, "are you going to make me breakfast, or do I have to fend for myself in this fancy kitchen of yours?"
Lewis grinned, already moving towards the fridge. "I suppose I could whip something up. Any requests?"
"Bacon and eggs will be nice," she began to joke but quickly noted his scowl, "or avocado toast."
His frown turned into a pleased grin. "Good girl. Thought I had to kick you out with that one."
"Never," Amara kissed her teeth at his thinly veiled threat. "You like this pussy too much to do all of that." She shook her hips seductively for added effect and he didn't waste any time wrapping his sweaty limbs around her body. "Ew! You stink, Lewis!"
"Let's go clean me off then," he murmured temptingly against her skin as he placed her mug on the island's counter. Lewis then led her to the bathroom.
"What about breakfast? I'm hungry!" she complained, pouting like a petulant child.
"I'll feed you this dick, baby; you'll be fine."
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jsprnt · 3 months
Americano | Jude Bellingham (completed)
What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
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Part 1: cup thief
Part 2: onscreen chemistry
Part 3: morals
Part 4: dessert
Part 5: napoli nights
Part 6: london baby
Part 7: cupido
Part 8: teased
Part 9: unexpected guest
Part 10: private driver
Part 11: proximity
Part 12: denial
Part 13: beautiful
Part 14: confess
Part 15: comfort
Part 16: my winner
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kurishiri · 3 months
official IkeVil JP twitter role-played with fans as Roger
translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties. Please reblog, not repost!
and here are some of my favorite responses and some tidbits about Roger (and some others, through his eyes) 🥹👌 also I wouldn’t consider these spoilers; they’re more like bite sized fun facts you might find in a random scene in some random side story or event or something lmao also I don’t like the green gun emoji on my phone so I’m using the beer one instead.
1. Roger is trying to get along with Alfons (it’s not working so well though I guess, haha)
💬: Roger!! Have you been getting along with Alfons recently?
🍻: That’s always my intention, but whenever I see him he gives me a kind of disgusted look. So maybe he’s just shy or something.
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2. maybe Victor is trying to get everyone drunk…?
💬: Roger, have you gone out to drink with Victor before?
🍻: I don’t think Victor really drinks outside. If anything, he’s the one bringing some good booze back to Crown for us. Could it be — he’s scheming something and trying to get us drunk?
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3. Roger can crack a joke 😂👌
💬: I kind of just ate this without knowing what that liquid is, but what is it, actually? 🧪
🍻: That’s a love potion. If you drink it you won’t be able to think about anything but me——just kidding.
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4. Roger and Ellis are the strongest!
💬: Who is the strongest in Crown?
🍻: Me, followed by Ellis. You wanna compare our strength now with an arm wrestle? Though I reckon you wouldn’t be able to win against me even if you used both hands.
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5. Roger’s worst fight with Alfons
💬: Please tell us the worst episode of a fight you’ve had with Alfons〜!!
🍻: Once during a mission we got into an argument where Al and I almost died — that day I’ve never seen Victor look that quietly angry before.
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6. drinking with William! (they’re the older bros of the group)
💬: What do you talk about with William when you drink with him?
🍻: Will knows a lot, so we’ll talk about all sorts of stuff. Like how Victor’s overworking himself, or how Jude’s got bad feet, or how Liam hurt himself again——wait, what are we, their guardians?
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7. Alfons bombed the drinking date
💬: Hey Roger, what sweets do you like? Other than Alfons’ scone.
🪞: Are we talking about me? Oh, that’s my handmade scone that I put a lot of love into. Don’t you feel naughty with just one bite? What do you think is in it?
🍻: Hey, you, get out and go somewhere else already.
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8. drinking with Elbie!
💬: Have you drank with Lord Elbert before? 🥺🍻💚💙
🍻: I have, yes. But I can never tell whether he’s drunk or not.
🪞: That’s because he always looks drunk.
🍻: Oy, Al, what are you doing here? Tonight’s supposed to be just me and the lil lady, so don’t get in the way like that. Shoo shoo!
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9. Roger doesn’t just drink beer (surprise surprise!)
💬: What do you like to drink other than beer?
🍻: I also drink whisky, though I always prefer beer. What about you, lil lady?
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10. Roger comforts you after a long day of work
💬: Roger, I finally finished work…
🍻: There, there, you did well. I remember your efforts very well. Good job today.
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11. Jude and drinking, according to Roger
💬: When you’re drinking with Jude, have you seen him when drunk before? I want to know what he’s like when he’s drunk.
🍻: Can’t say I’ve seen him drunk before. It seems like that guy always got a calm look on his face, no matter how much he drinks.
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12. what Ellis is like when drunk
💬: Cheers! I have a question, what is Ellis like when drunk?
🍻: Ellis isn’t that weak to alcohol… but he becomes a bit more fluffy than normal, I guess. But he can walk back to the castle just fine.
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13. trying to get Ellis drunk…?!
💬: I heard Ellis is a little weak to alcohol. Have you taken care of him when he was drunk? Also how many cups does it take for him to become drunk?
🍻: Pfft, haha… Are you trying to get Ellis drunk? I’ll have you know Ellis is like a cute younger brother to me, so I won’t tell. I have taken care of him though——let’s leave it at that.
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14. who can hold their alcohol in Crown?
💬: Who is the worst at holding their alcohol in Crown?
🍻: I think everyone in Crown is pretty good at holding their alcohol. But should we put that to the test? …No way, this really isn’t for me to gather information on them?
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15. he be takin care of Crown when they’re drunk
💬: Who do you drink with most often? And have you taken care of someone when they got drunk!?
🍻: Taking care of someone… Ellis — no, Al, maybe? Oh, and also Jude… whoops, can’t say any more than that, or he’ll be after me.
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16. what Harry drinks
💬: I always get the impression Harry drinks strawberry milk a lot, but when it comes to alcohol, what does he drink? I want to know 🦊🍸
🍻: Harry likes whisky soda. It goes well with chocolate, and I’ve seen him eating it together with the drink. Noww then, now that I’ve told you some important information, you’ll stop that lying fox from eating too much sweets for me, won’t you?
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17. Roger’s advice for those who simp to the point of illness 😆
💬: My friends love you to the point they might be a little ill, Roger. They love you so much it’s too much for me to handle. Is there medicine to make them feel better?
🍻: I can introduce you to a doctor I know who has some good medicine. Want me to? His name’s Roger Barel.
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18. he cooks?!?!
💬: I want to eat a meat entree with you, Roger! (this is sausage and roast pork that I made) 😋🍽️🥩✨ What’s your favorite type of meat? And what other foods do you like?
🍻: I would say steak, but any meat is good. But I also like salty things too. Sometimes I make things that go well with alcohol. Want some?
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19. oh..? 😳
💬: Yippeeee✨✨✨ it’s everyone’s older brother Roger!! Congrats on your main story🎉💕 I really look forward to this summer! (I have 🦑 with beer)
🍻: You have as much excitement as Victor! For sure, look forward to it. I’ll make it a summer you won’t ever forget.
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20. Roger’s recommended drinks
💬: I want to know your drink recommendations!
🍻: Mine is beer, beer, and more beer. Ah, having some ginger ale in between seems pretty good too.
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21. he drinks with Ellis and Jude often!
💬: Out of the members of Crown, who have you been drinking with recently? Have you drank with them several times…! 🍻✨
🍻: I go out to drink with Jude and Ellis quite a bit. Well, I think I prefer drinking together with you the most though.
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22. he loves meat at the end of the day eheh
💬: I’m thinking of drinking with you tonight🍻 What do you eat (snack) with alcohol? I’m thinking chips goes well.
🍻: My favorite is salty meat. But chips go well with beer too. Should we order some?
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23. Roger’s advice for those who just turn the legal age
💬: I’ve turned the legal age, what do you recommend for a first timer…? Was your first drink a beer…?
🍻: At first, you should go for drinks that don’t have high alcohol content to see if you can drink it or not. Other than that, drink together with someone. For example, with me. And of course, the first drink I had was beer!
24. Roger’s favorite drinking partner is… ✨✨
💬: Is there anyone you want to drink alone with?? What types of things would you talk about with them!?✨
🍻: The one drinking in front of me, right now.
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madridfangirl · 3 months
Jude Bellingham fics:
Star Crossed Lovers: Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11
A Weekend in Ibiza (completed): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Jude Bellingham blurbs:
Jude in a Suit (smut)
SKIMS smut fic (smut)
Making up after a fight
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smusherina · 6 months
yard work - chapter 6 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
warnings(s): 2004 was not a good time for the gays. homophobia persists. insecurity about weight and insulting oneself about it.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 7
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You dipped into your savings and got Regina a new, fancy moisturizer. You couldn't count on her using it instead of the lard, but well. Guide a horse to water, can't make it drink, and all that.
You didn't tell her about the Homecoming prank, though. She'd been pissed about that. Not for long, because then it turned into a sort of trend at Northshore and it only boosted her popularity.
You were perhaps more upset about it. Upset you'd let it happen, upset they'd done it in the first place, upset Regina stood there with Aaron. He didn't even look like he wanted to be there.
Regina managing to turn it around for her benefit didn't stop you from feeling bad. It was the principle of the thing. You'd taken some distance from her. Everybody, actually. People just didn't feel all that great to be around. You were betraying Regina by letting her be essentially bullied by Janis, you were tolerating Regina's abusive reign over the student body, Aaron was getting on your last nerve by simply existing, and your mom's death anniversary was coming up.
You went to the Georges' less. Regina came to yours when you didn't lie about having to catch up on homework or doing a project. You did do some yard work for them since you still needed the extra cash. Just basic things like raking leaves and doing small repairs here and there. You also covered the pool with Mrs George's help.
"Whew, I forget what a chore that is every year!" She wiped at her forehead. You laid on the grass, chest heaving. You'd carried maybe seventy per cent of that thing.
"You said it, Mrs George." You managed to get out.
"How many years have I been telling you to call me Jude. Or just mom." You looked up at her. She looked so much like Regina. Or Regina looked so much like her.
She'd known your mom. Cried harder at her funeral than your dad or even yourself. You hadn't really gotten it, at that point. She'd hugged you tight and told you what an amazing woman she was, that she hadn't deserved to go yet. She sent you food for weeks after, which you appreciated because dad was too busy sorting stuff out to cook for you.
She'd been more of a mom to you than your own had ever gotten to be. Still, it felt wrong to call her anything other than Mrs George. It was weird. Word association gone all wrong. Mom meant a casket being lowered into a hole on a bleak November day, an echoing house and an empty kitchen, sad and wistful things. Mrs George meant afternoons spent running around in the backyard, eating 'till your belly was full to bursting, happiness and summer.
"Many, many years." You groaned as you got up. "Is Reggie home?"
You figured it would be weird if you didn't go say hi, at least. You didn't want to cut her out entirely. It was just hard being around her when the weight of your own actions, and inactions, weighed on your shoulders.
She smiled in a way that told you she'd noticed your deflection. "In her room."
"Great. Oh, by the way, what did you do with the apples this year?"
"I convinced Rick to donate them to the women's shelter downtown. They'll be put to good use there."
"That's awesome," You put your hands to your hips and looked around. "Anything you want me to do?"
"I'll just hose down the rose bushes, you head on inside. Avoid the living room, Rick's on a conference call." She waved you off with a smile.
You trod through the house carefully, shoes in hand. You knew the Georges were a shoes-on household, but it just never felt right for you to walk on carpeted floors with your shoes on. What if you had stepped on dogshit? What then?
"Reg?" Her door was open a crack, so you peeked in. "You decent?"
"Yes, I'm decent." You could hear the eye roll in her voice. "What do you want?"
Yikes. She wasn't happy.
You walked in and closed the door behind you. She was on her bed, reading a book on her belly. She was snacking on some candy bar.
"I just came to say hi. I put the pool cover on with your mom." You walked up to her. "What're you reading?"
"I could hear you huffing and puffing all the way up here." She turned on her side to look at you. "The Catcher in the Rye. It's boring."
"I dunno, I liked it." You climbed in hesitantly. When she didn't protest, you settled down on your side facing her, head leaned against your palm.
"You've read it?" She tossed the book on the floor next to the bed, now giving you her full attention. "Can you write my paper?"
"Depends on how much you'll pay me." You grinned and rubbed your fingers together like you were handling cash.
"Boo, you whore." She pouted. "Aren't we supposed to be beyond that?"
"I don't do charity, my friend." You flopped onto your back and crossed your arms. Shit, she had a comfy bed. So soft but just firm enough, too. You let your eyes close. You were so tired from all that physical labour.
"Get off my bed, you traitor." You opened your eyes too late. She was already on you, pushing you, and you had no time to resist until you were toppling onto the floor. You clambered down in a mess of limbs and sheets, which you'd grabbed in your desperate attempt to stay aboard.
"Reg! Your bed is actually high up! Help me!" You felt like Mufasa clinging to the face of the cliff, fingers digging into the slippery bedding. One of your legs was still on the bed, but not securely enough that you would've been able to pull yourself to safety.
"Just put your leg on the floor, dumbass." She cackled, watching you panic over such a small drop.
"No, look, it's not that- close." You lowered your leg and your knee made contact with the floor. Regina fell back, gasping as she laughed. "Shut up, you teapot!"
"No! I'm not-" She tried to stifle the laughs escaping her, the real wheezing ones she didn't let out of their cage willingly, but one look at you set it off again. "Your hair!"
You lifted your hands to your head. "It's not my fault your sheets are fucking static."
By the time Mrs George came to inform you that she'd be starting on dinner, thus signifying you should probably go, Regina had stopped laughing, if just barely.
"Have you been using the moisturizer I gave you?" You tried to analyze her face. It didn't look any less flawless than usual.
"Yeah, it's really great. My old night lotion started smelling weird for some reason. Maybe it expired early or something." You just hummed in response.
"I should probably go home and make myself dinner too."
"I'll walk you down."
You walked down the stairs and to the backdoor, avoiding the living room despite the blaring of the TV. Mr George was definitely not on a call anymore.
"What're you making today?" Regina asked, standing somewhat awkwardly on the porch.
"Probably tacos. I found a great deal on some corn tortillas at the store. They're all going bad today, so. Gonna stuff myself."
"Save some for me, yeah?"
You weren't sure what she meant by that. "Sure."
You walked home and as you'd said, got started on dinner. Moving around the kitchen without Regina there in the way, chopping whatever vegetables into misshapen cubes, felt weird. She wasn't over that often, but you'd gotten used to it regardless.
It was perhaps your biggest flaw as a person, how intolerant you were to being alone. Ironic, considering how much time you had to spend alone.
If it was up to you, you would've made Birria tacos with a good cut of sirloin, but you didn't have the money for fresh cuts of beef. Besides, you hadn't even started on the stew, and that took a whole day. So, you settled on some basic ground beef filling. You had made Pico de Gallo earlier that day, so it was nice and flavourful by the time you were constructing your tacos.
Back when you'd still needed a babysitter, there had been this one Mexican lady who appeared on the roster most often. It was so long ago you couldn't remember her name. She'd made you call her Abuela. She was sweet and taught you the wonder of Latin American cuisine. From what you could understand, she'd been well-travelled and really loved food everywhere.
She stopped coming when all of your babysitters did. The last time you saw her, you hadn't known it would be the last time.
This time of year really made you a monster. A dull grey, depressing monster. You'd have to find some exciting hobby because even you were getting sick of this. Maybe cliff jumping?
A knock on your door was the last thing you expected when you were finally ready to chow down. Making such a huge amount of food took time.
"What?" You barked to whoever dared to disturb you. "Oh, shit."
"Is that how you greet all your dinner guests?" Regina asked, batting her eyelashes. She had on a deep red dress, shiny satin that licked at the curves and edges of her body just right. It reached all the way to her feet, where you could see black heels peeking out from under the hem. She stood taller than usual, but still so short you could see above her head. The dress was strapless as far as you could tell as her jacket was covering her shoulders. Sweetheart neckline and a clutch to match. She had a thin gold chain around her neck with a small R-charm on it. Gold hoop earrings, hair done up in curls.
A grin crept up onto her face as you continued to gape at her visage. "I know, right?" She posed, one hand holding the clutch at level with her thigh and one poised at her waist. "I'm so sexy."
"Yeah, uh, yes, you are." You stuttered, stunned and flustered. You wanted to touch her, feel the fabric of the dress with the tips of your fingers, grab a hold of her and press close to her. She looked so fucking good.
"Thanks, baby." She took a couple of steps forward to reach you and, nonchalant as could be, brushed her hand at your shoulder as if she were brushing off dust.
Your knees wobbled.
"I have dinner for us." You blurted out. "I, uh..." You needed to pull it together. "I'm gonna go change."
"You do that," Regina said with an indulgent smile. You shot up the stairs.
When you came back down, still tucking your shirt into your trousers and tie undone, Regina was sitting on the couch perusing a magazine. It was probably from last year or something, you didn't exactly update the stuff under the coffee table.
You coughed to get her attention. "Ready for dinner, Reggie?"
"Ugh, don't ruin the moment. Anything other than that."
"I'm Jorts and you're Reggie, that's how it's been." You reminded and gently plucked her clutch from her hands before gesturing for her to turn around. She did, looking a little confused. When you reached to take her jacket off, she recoiled.
"Um, I would like to keep it on." She said, the confidence from before diminishing.
"Oh, why?" You asked. "Are you cold?"
"No, it's just, um..." Regina George stammering. You didn't think you'd live to see the day. "I don't look like I used to before."
"What does that mean?" You checked her out, toes to forehead. Drop-dead gorgeous as always.
"I've gained a bunch of weight." She looked down as if she needed to be ashamed. "I barely fit into this gown. I had to suck in even with the Spanx. And I still look like a whale."
As much as you would've liked to be incredulous and loud about just how wrong she was, it didn't seem like the right course of action. She was being open and vulnerable with you.
"I don't think you look like a whale." You stepped close to her tentatively. You set the clutch on the coffee table. Then, just as tentatively, circled your arms around her. You slotted your fingers together at her lower back and pulled her to you so that your bellies touched.
"I couldn't hug a whale." You pointed out helpfully, leaning back slightly to still look her in the eyes. "I'd love to see the dress in its full glory."
Regina, hands fussing with unmade your tie, bit her lip in contemplation.
"Careful, don't mess up your lipstick." She rubbed her lips together at that, a smile threatening to break out.
"Fine. But you can't laugh or stare or anything."
"I swear." You put one hand on your heart and the other up. "Now turn around."
She did as you asked. "You're being awfully chivalrous."
"It's what you deserve, Reggie." You crooned jokingly, pulling the jacket from her shoulders. The dress was cut elegantly so that there were no straps, but bits of fabric hanging by her upper arms. Cold-shoulder. You hoped the jokes in your tone hid how nervous you were.
"What did I just say?" As if that little moment between you two hadn't even happened, she was right back to her normal self.
"Fine. But you'll always be my Reggie. I guess tonight we can pretend." You sighed. "Whatever you say, honey."
"Better." She turned and tugged at your tie. "Now, let's get you sorted."
"I had very little notice, okay?" You grumbled but bent down obediently so she'd have an easier time tying your tie. You'd used to play dress up mixed with house all the time. You'd nearly always been the dad and so, you had to wear a tie. Obviously. Mrs George had gotten tired of constantly being asked to do it, so she'd taught Regina.
Now, it felt a little different. For one, you were taller. Secondly, this wasn't a children's game. Maybe you were playing a little bit, pretending, but it didn't quite feel like that. There was something undeniably real about this.
"There." She said once she was finished, smoothing it out against your chest. "You couldn't find one matching the dress?"
"You're impossible to please." You chuckled. "I'll make sure to go tie shopping as soon as possible."
"Good." She liked to ignore your sardonic tone pretty often. "Now, what's on the menu?"
You tucked the rest of the shirt into your pants and, voila, you were done.
"Tacos, my lady." You offered up your arm half in jest. She hooked her wrist into the bend of your elbow with an incline of her head. Clearly, she was a girl that liked to be wined and dined.
You snuck a bottle from your dad's wine collection, hoping it wasn't some speciality. Looking at the label, it wasn't very old. Wine quality was assessed like that, right?
You ate your fills and then some, drinking wine all the while, then retreated to the couch to recover, and turned on the TV to watch while eating dessert. Sharing a pint of ice cream, curled up on the couch in fancy clothes, warm and away from the cold of late November, you wondered what had brought this on.
It wasn't an official date, that much you knew. Regina wasn't a lesbian like you. Maybe she was indulging you. That would mean she knew you had a crush on her. You hoped that wasn't true. Regina was an observant person, though. Fuck, that'd be humiliating.
It didn't feel like she was playing with you. It looked like she was having as much fun as you. Maybe she wanted to have a nice, romantic dinner without the pressure of having to impress or perform for her date.
It was nice she'd chosen you. Regardless of why she'd come here tonight, you were just glad she was with you. You'd had a lot of people leave, most of them never coming back. The exceptions to the rule were Regina and your dad. They were similar in that, but nothing else. When dad came back, he brought with him a never-pleased frown and a stifling presence. When Regina came back, she brought light.
She had her flaws. You had yours. Thanksgiving was right around the corner and Christmas would soon follow. You had no doubt that Janis had something nefarious planned for at least one of those events. Nothing was sure, things were undecided.
"I'm going for a smoke." You said when the episode ended.
"I'm coming with."
"You won't be getting one."
"I don't want it anyway. Cigarettes taste like shit."
You laughed and walked to the backdoor. Through it and onto the patio, you slumped onto the bench swing. Regina followed a lot more gracefully, heels chucked somewhere in the house, bundled up in the blanket she'd claimed as hers since the first time she slept over. She sat next to you and spread it over both your laps. You hummed in thanks and lit up.
Regina might've been a massive bitch. She had, and there was no denying it, done some awful things. And maybe it was fucked up for you to like one part of a person and not the whole of them, but did that count if you were sure that the undesirable part was all a facade?
"So..." You started. "Better than any of the dates Aaron took you to?" You couldn't help but ask. Veiled under a joke, you hoped your jealousy didn't show.
"Don't be cocky." She admonished, resembling her mom almost creepily. "He didn't really take me out."
"What? Why?" If you could openly date Regina there wouldn't be a limit to how much you'd be taking her out, showing her off to anybody who'd listen.
"How should I know?" She shrugged indignantly. "We broke up a little after Homecoming."
"What? I didn't hear about this."
"Really? I thought you would've since it was pretty big news for a while." You didn't want to admit you'd been purposefully avoiding rumours about the couple for the majority of their relationship. "He outlived his purpose."
"The Halloween Party and Homecoming." You clarified and she nodded.
You took a drag. Regina pulled what seemed like a candy bar out of her clutch. It was the same brand she'd been eating earlier today.
Considering she'd been insecure about her weight, you didn't comment on it. You took another drag. You couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something weird.
"Hey, can I look at the packaging of that?"
Wordlessly, Regina handed it over. You looked at the product info. Great, it was all in Swedish.
"Where'd you get these?"
"Cady got me a box of them. They're good for weight loss. Like, they just burn all your carbs." You furrowed your eyebrows and looked back at the product info. The numbers didn't seem like that of a weight loss product.
You didn't like she was eating something that would empty her stomach right after dinner. That couldn't have been healthy.
"You're trusting something Cady gave to you?"
She tilted her head, as if about to question you. Her mouth opened, then closed, and opened again.
"Shut up. Shut up."
You took a long drag.
Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism, @9unknown0, @sage-rose2000, @massive-honkas, @nattys-swiftie, @likefirenrain, @luz-enjoyer, @dandelions4us, @natashamaximoff-69, @alexkolax, @jareaul0ver, @here4theqts, @charleeeesworld, @natsbiggestfan1, @brocoliisscared
(i keep forgetting to add this note. comment on this post if you want on the taglist!)
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btssavedmylifeblr · 5 months
Void - Part 9 - Tuesday (M)
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title banner by @rude–jude♡
Genre: Sci-fi with a little angst and a LOT of smut
Pairing: BTS x Reader (yup - all seven)
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
Word Count: 5.7k
Part 9 / ?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Warnings: explicit sexual content, entirely too much discussion about semen, some jealousy, possessiveness and slut-shaming, semi-accidental voyeurism
A rush of cold air against your sweaty skin makes you shiver. It’s much cooler out here in the hallway than in the steamy sleep pod behind you. You leave Jungkook behind in the sleep pod, still getting his clothes back on, but your lingering arousal stays with you. 
You’ve barely made it two steps into the hallway when the door across from you opens. Jimin leans against the door frame. Damn, he looks good. He has the sleeves of his dark blue jumpsuit tied around his waist, leaving him in just a loose white t-shirt that rides up his arms as he crosses them. 
“Well, good morning to you,” he says. “And what have you been up to this morning?” The smirk on his face makes it clear he knows damn well what you’ve been up to this morning. 
“Umm…” You wiggle your hips in discomfort, the remnants of Jungkook sliding between your thighs. 
Mercifully, Jimin doesn’t actually make you tell him what you’ve been up to. “Do you have a minute to talk?” he asks, beckoning you to join him in his pod. 
Lord, you really don’t want to have an awkward relationship conversation with Jimin with Jungkook’s semen still inside you. You try to brush him off. “I have a lot of work to do this morning, Jimin.”
He snorts. “Seems like you’ve already gotten a lot done.” He lets the statement hang there as he smirks at you again. It’s very annoying how hot he is right now. 
The click of the door latch behind you startles you into action. The last thing you want is to be trapped in this narrow hallway with both Jimin and Jungkook. “Yeah, okay,” you say, diving into Jimin’s pod before Jungkook sees you. 
“So should I plan on waking up to the sound of you fucking other men every morning or only on Tuesdays?” Jimin asks as he closes the door.
“Well, not on Thursdays.” You are trying to flirtatiously deflect, but irritation flashes across Jimin’s face.
“Yes, well,” he mutters. “I guess I’ll just wait my turn.”
“Hey, you suggested sharing first,” you reply defensively. 
“With one man, not six.”
“Why does the number matter?” You’re already carving yourself into pieces to make them all happy, why did it matter how many? “You’ll still get your turn.”
“Bah!”Jimin stomps his foot in frustration. “I’m not some toddler who is bad at sharing a toy! I don’t want to have you just because it’s my turn.” He almost reaches for you again, but drops his hands in defeat. “I want you to want me.”
You sigh. “I do want you, Jimin.” Even first thing in the morning, with his dark hair falling loosely over his forehead, he’s the prettiest man you’ve ever seen. How can you explain that you are genuinely and specifically attracted to all of your crew members without sounding like a floozy? “I’ve wanted you ever since I watched that damn video of yours. And long before that too.”
“Really?” He bites his plush lower lip. “How long?”
You fold your arms and lean back against the other side of the pod. Memories come back to you of your space walk training at the bottom of the ICSE pool. Jimin always hated the overly warm training suits and would strip out of them long before reaching the men’s locker room. His sweaty t-shirts would stick to his skin, slightly translucent. It was impossible to keep your eyes off him as he’d laugh with the other guys and brush his hair back off his forehead, indifferent to your presence.  “Longer than you’ve wanted me,” you finally answer.
His eyes widen in surprise. “On Earth?” he asks. 
You nod. You chastise your past self for ever thinking that your insatiable thirsting for your crew wouldn’t become a problem eventually.
“Shit.” He runs his hand through his hair. “I had no idea.” He steps closer to you. “You were always so closed off.”
“Well, I’m not supposed to want you. Wanting you is highly inconvenient.”
He smiles as he leans in. “But you just can’t help yourself?” He glances down to your lips.
“Oh, don’t look so smug.” You push against his chest as his hands find their way around your waist. 
“I’m allowed to be smug.” He rests his forehead against yours. “The hottest woman in the universe wants me.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m the only woman in your—“
But his lips are on yours before you can finish your sentence, one hand gripping your waist as the other finds its way to the nape of your neck, pulling you deeper into the kiss. 
All your arousal that had been simmering just below the surface comes rushing back as his fingers caress your neck and along your jaw. His lips are just the right balance of soft and firm. You moan as he breaks away from your lips to begin kissing down the side of your neck. 
“But then how can you only want me on Thursdays?” he asks between kisses. “I want you every day. Mondays. Tuesdays. Wednesdays. All the time. God, I haven’t even bothered to remember what day of the week it is for the last two years and now it’s all I can think about.”
“I obviously don’t only want you on Thursdays.” You gasp as his hand finds your breast over your jumpsuit, closer to the surface then it would normally be since you abandoned your shirt with Jungkook. “I’m just trying to be fair.”
“Fairness is overrated.” He sucks on the junction of your neck and collarbone as you tilt your head back to give him more access. “Shit, are you not wearing a shirt?”
His hand is on your zipper before you can answer, tugging it down to discover the answer for himself. “Good lord,” he mutters, hands caressing your bare sides and breasts. “Where is your shirt?”
“I’m having a bit of a laundry problem.” You run your fingers through his hair, holding tight as he peels down your bra and runs his tongue across your nipple. “Somehow all my clothes are covered in cum.”
He groans out loud at that, sinking to his knees as he kisses down your belly, following the opening in your jumpsuit. “Shit, really? Jungkook?” And then he pauses and looks up at you. “What did he do?”
“You really want to know?” You ask and Jimin nods. You laugh. “It’s more what I did to him.”
“Tell me,” he urges. “And take this off.” He tugs at the bottom of your zipper. 
“Made him beg.” You shrug out of the jumpsuit, in your bra and panties once again. Your panties stick to you where Jungkook’s remnants have merged with your own arousal. Jimin’s eyes are glued to them. “Rode him until he came inside me.” 
Jimin licks his lips and looks up at you. “Can I see?”
You tilt your head curiously. “That doesn’t bother you?”
He laughs a little, shaking his head. “Maybe it will later, but right now, it’s just super hot.”
A whole new rush of heat runs through you as you slide your panties down. This is the dirtiest thing you’ve ever done. One man kneeling rapturously in front of you to see you covered in the release of someone else. It’s debauched and it’s glorious. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wonder if you should stop this and wait for Jimin’s assigned day, but your logical brain vacated its post the moment Jimin knelt in front of you. 
“You do like being messy, don’t you?” He runs a careful finger along your labia and your legs tremble. “Doesn’t matter whose cum it is, does it?”
“Fuck, Jimin, please.” You tug on his hair, needing him to do something, anything. 
He gathers a glob on his finger before flicking it to the floor. He stands up and kisses you again, the hand sticky with cum now caressing your cheek. It’s both tender and filthy. And then he’s turning you around to face the wall of the pod. “Bend over.”
Your legs are trembling so hard you have to cling to the wall, but you allow him to guide you down so you’re bent at ninety degrees, hands on the wall, ass out. You hear him strip out of his clothes and then a finger slips inside you. 
“God, you’re so wet.” His hands grip your hips as he replaces his finger with his cock. “How many times did he get you off?”
Jimin eases his way into you and the tenderness makes you groan. “He didn’t,” you pant. 
“Amateur,’ Jimin scoffs. He reaches around to your front and finds your sensitive clit. The trembling in your legs gets stronger as he begins rolling his hips. 
“He wanted to,” you gasp. “Didn’t let him.”
“Don’t even care about your own pleasure, huh? Just want to take all the cock you can?” He pairs the teasing with a firm pressure from both inside and out and you’re shattering around him, unable to deny how much it turns you on to be used by them all. 
You hear the smile in Jimin’s voice, how proud he is of himself, as he tightens his grip on your hips and speeds up his pace.  
“You’re mine now though. You were mine first and you’ll always be mine. Whenever any of them fuck you, I’ll fuck them out of you. Replace them with me. The only cum you’ll be carrying around inside you is mine.” 
He stills, leans over to kiss your back and neck as he fills you up. You can feel his self-satisfied grin against the skin of your back. 
He slides out of you, patting your ass as he goes. Your whole body flushes as yet more cum leaks from you. God, you’re a mess. He kneels down behind you and picks up your panties, sliding them back up your legs. 
“That’s better,” he says as he slides them up and over your ass, trapping his cum against you.  
“Uh, thanks,” you reply, completely at a loss for what to say as a weird cold feeling begins churning in your stomach. You have the sudden worry that Jimin is going to expect every day to go like this, even those that aren’t his. “Gonna go clean up now.”
Jimin grins and kisses your cheek. “See you soon,” he whispers. 
And so you find yourself once again attempting to de-sperm yourself in the space toilets. Another tinge of doubt washes over you as you stare at the flimsy compostable toilet paper and contemplate trying to do this every day for the next 12 years. Is that what you’ve committed yourself to? Multiple times a day? Multiple men per day? Surely they will grow bored of you eventually, right? This falls way outside your mission parameters. Maybe you should call this whole thing off.
Despite your best efforts with the toilet paper, you’re still gross and sticky. Your jumpsuit and underwear are gross and sticky too. There’s nothing for it. You need a shower and some clean clothes. 
Showers weren’t an everyday luxury on the Minos. You could only manage once or twice a week without outpacing the water reclamation system. Technically you weren’t due for another day or two, but you couldn’t wait any longer. 
The showers and the laundry machines sit in the same section of the ship near the water tanks. Before heading there, you jog back to your sleep pod to gather up the rest of your dirty laundry. Jungkook is long gone. Your shirt/make-shift blindfold lies thrown in a corner. As you gather up your scattered clothes, the stink of your laundry makes another way of regret wash over you. You were only one and half days into your new plan and all your clothes are covered in bodily fluids. This is exhausting. 
The laundry machines and showers also happen to sit right next to Yoongi’s workshop and you can’t help wondering about him as you walk in that direction. You haven’t seen him since your striptease in the kitchen.
“Okay, I’m in,” he had sent you. It betrayed so very little of what he’s thinking. And the question of what exactly he wants from you is still unanswered. But at least he has admitted to wanting you. Your stride slows as you pass his workshop, scanning with your peripheral vision while trying to look like you aren’t checking to see if he’s in there. 
But the workshop is dark and empty. Whatever his feelings for you, they will remain a mystery for now. 
God, what is the matter with you? You’ve already fucked two men this morning and here you are pining for a third. That can’t be normal, can it? The ICSE really fucked up when they decided to send the world’s horniest woman on this mission. 
You continue to chastise yourself as you load your laundry into the machines.  The laundry machines sit in a vestibule just outside the showers with a door to the hallway that locks, so you are able to strip off the clothes you are wearing now as well and run them through the laundry while you shower. Removing your wet underwear makes you cringe. How have you managed to go from “first woman to pass the orbit of Mars” to “woman with two different men’s semen in her underwear”?
You’re so preoccupied with your self-slut-shaming that you don’t hear the water running behind the shower door. The door was unlocked and there weren’t any clothes in the machines, so you just assumed the shower was empty. But you are wrong.
Flight Engineer Min Yoongi is standing in the shower completely naked and dripping wet. His back is to you as he washes his face. His long dark hair runs down over his shoulders. When did his hair get so long?
He doesn’t see you, face still covered in soap, but turns his head as the door clicks open. “Hey! Occupied!” he calls out. 
“Oh shit!” you curse, backing up. Shit. You’re naked too. Shit. All your clothes are in the washing machine and must be soaking wet by now. You attempt to cover yourself with your hands as you debate how to get out of here.
“Oh, is that you, Officer?” he chuckles, wiping the soap and water from his eyes before turning to greet you, smirk on his face. “I thought I wouldn’t be seeing you until Friday. Come to get a sneak peek?”
Your face is on fire, you are so embarrassed. “Shit, sorry, I didn’t know anyone was in here.”
He looks totally calm, running his gaze up and down you luxuriously. “No worries. We are in a ‘consensual sexual relationship’ now, aren’t we? Or should I be hiding my dick from you Saturday to Thursday?”
His demeanor is infuriating and you feel so foolish. “Why didn’t you lock the door?”
He shrugs. “Tuesdays are my shower day. No one is ever here but me.” He looks you up and down again and there is really no hiding anything from him. “The real question is what are you doing here?”
Shit. How do you get out of this conversation? “I, umm, needed a shower.”
He laughs, turns off the water and shakes his head, long hair sending drops of water flying around the sealed room. “You know this plan of yours is gonna fuck with our whole shower schedule, right?” 
It’s hard to focus on what he’s saying as he wraps his hand around his hair and pulls it up into a bun behind his head.
“When did your hair get so long?” Your voice is higher pitched than normal and you grimace.
“Oh yeah…” He tucks one of the shorter loose strands behind his ear. “It’s been getting in my way. I was going to ask if you might have time to cut it on Friday.” He pulls a towel from the wall behind him and wraps it around his waist. 
“Oh, no, no, no…” you rush out, heart skipping a beat at the allusion to your day with him.
“Oh.” He frowns. “Okay. That’s fine.”
“No, I just mean, don’t cut it.” You giggle nervously. “I just mean, uh, it looks good. As is.”
“Aha.” He grins and you watch a water drop glide from his jaw down his throat. “Well, in that case, I imagine there are more enjoyable things we could be doing…” He walks closer, and reaches toward you as your heart races. You close your eyes and give up trying to  cover yourself as his warm wet body comes right into your personal space. “On Friday,” he finishes, reaching the door handle behind you and popping it open. 
God, you hate him. “Um, yeah, sounds good,” you mutter as you dive out of his way. 
“Looking forward to it,” he replies, eyes dark with intention, before heading out the door. “Enjoy your shower, Officer.”
A shower has you feeling much more like yourself again. But when you get to the kitchen for breakfast, you nearly walk right back out when you see who’s gathered around the table. 
Jin, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung are all sitting at the table, munching on their breakfasts. The prospect of sitting next to three different men you’ve watched orgasm in the last 24 hours makes the idea of eating feel entirely impossible. Not to mention the very hot man you are just pretending to sleep with. How has your life gotten this messy?
You are about to flee down the hallway when Jin looks up and makes direct eye contact with you. 
“Good morning!” Jin greets you and suddenly all four men’s eyes are on you. “Come sit with us!” He pats the chair next to him. “Taehyung made scorched rice.” 
Your brain helpfully chooses this moment to remind you that the last time you saw Jin, you came on his face. 
Taehyung nods enthusiastically and mumbles through a mouthful of rice. “There’s plenty left.” He swallows and gestures to the pot on the cooktop. 
Jungkook springs up from his seat. “I’ll get you some!” He pulls out the chair between him and Jimin, not the one Jin was suggesting. “Have a seat.” 
“Oh, uh, thanks, but I need some coffee too.”
“I’ll get it!” Jimin pops up too. “You rest.” He also clearly gestures at the seat that would put you next to him and Jungkook. Jin frowns slightly, while Taehyung bites back a laugh. 
“Oh, okay…” You run out of objections and sit down at the table while Jungkook and Jimin run to bring you breakfast. “This really isn’t necessary,” you mumble, but they’re not listening. 
Jungkook returns first with a bowl of stew and a plate of scorched rice for you and then sits down next to you. The memory of him on his knees begging to touch you flashes across your mind.
You take a bite of your food as the other men at the table resume eating. Jimin returns a minute later with your coffee. You take a sip and grimace at the too sweet concoction. Jimin still doesn't know how you take your coffee.
“Something wrong?” Jimin asks. 
You swallow it down. “No, it’s fine. Thank you.”
There’s a few moments of silence while everyone eats, before Jin nudges Jungkook with his elbow. “Seems like someone got a pretty early start this morning, huh?” he says teasingly.
“Jin!” you gasp as Jungkook chokes on his food. “You can’t just say things like that!” You pat Jungkook on the back to make sure he doesn’t die. 
“What?” Jin shrugs. “Isn’t everything supposed to be out in the open now?”
“Mmm,” Taehyung nods, hiding his mouth behind his hand as he laughs. “Like the bonobos.”
“Fucking bonobos.” Jimin groans. 
“It seems more awkward not to talk about it.” Jin continues. “We all heard him in there. Why pretend otherwise?”
Jungkook finally manages to swallow. “You heard us?”
“The walls aren’t thick,” Jin laughs. “Impressive that you can go two rounds that early in the morning. Ah, to be young.”
“Two rounds?” Jungkook frowns in confusion. Your entire face feels like it will melt off. Jimin says nothing, but his hand finds your knee under the table next to him and squeezes it.
“Speaking of,” Taehyung interrupts. “Can I take you on a date tomorrow night?”
“We can take you on dates?” Jungkook asks.
“Um yeah, sure.” You answer both questions at once. “Though it’s not like there’s really anywhere to go.”
“Don’t worry. I have a plan,” Taehyung nods smugly. 
“Can I take you on a date today?” Jungkook interjects. “Or do you only get one shot per day?”
“Uh… I don’t know. I didn’t really make rules that specific.”
Jimin’s thumb traces small circles around your knee and it’s a reminder that you’re not really sticking to even the limited rules you set out in the first place. Seven men is entirely too many men.
The conversation is mercifully interrupted by a shipwide message on your tablets. It’s from the commander. 
“A reminder to all crew members that any activities of an intimate nature are to be conducted in the privacy of the sleep pods. They are not appropriate for the public areas of the ship, which are monitored and recorded.”
The choice to put this in a written communication rather than an in-person conversation is surprisingly passive aggressive for Namjoon.
Taehyung looks at you. “What did you do?”
“She took all her clothes off in the kitchen!” Jin laughs.
“Excuse you! I covered the camera! You’re the one who ran me ass-first into our commanding officer!”
Jin sighs in delight. “Man, you should have seen his face.”
Jimin’s hand slides further up your leg and you’ve had enough. “Thank you all so much for breakfast, but Hoseok must need me in the lab by now.” You gather the remainder of your breakfast into your arms and back out of the kitchen. “I’ll see you later.” You’re not even sure which man you’re talking to. All of them really. There’s no escape. You will see all of them later. 
For all your attraction to Hoseok and disappointment that he hasn’t signed your form yet, at the moment, you are a bit relieved. Hoseok puts on another science podcast and the two of you settle into your work for the day, safe in the knowledge that no one will come to proposition you. 
Or so you think until the end of the day, when Jungkook shows up at the lab door with a large plastic storage bin under one arm. Hoseok spots him first. 
“Hey, JK, what’s up?” he asks. “Do you have more samples for us?” He gestures to the box under Jungkook’s arm. 
“Oh, no.” Jungkook swallows, glancing down at the box. “It’s actually food.”
“Food?” Hoseok asks.
Jungkook steps farther into the lab. “I was hoping to treat our biologist to a dinner date.”
“Oh!” You and Hoseok are surprised in unison. 
“So you two are dating now?” Hoseok asks, looking back and forth between the two of you with raised eyebrows. “I thought this whole thing was just...” 
He trails off without saying the rest of the thought out loud and a frown line appears between his eyebrows.
“I’m not really clear on myself.” Jungkook takes this as an invitation to put the bin down on the lab counter and turn to you. “What are the rules exactly? Are we dating? Are we dating all the time or only on Tuesdays? Is it time-bound and when does it end? Does it end at midnight or can we fall asleep together? Can I hold your hand? Can I kiss you? Can I only kiss you on Tuesdays?”
Hoseok’s frown deepens and you rush to cut off Jungkook’s torrent of questions. “It’s not dating,” you try to explain. “We’re not…It’s not a relationship. I’m just trying to help people fill the void of what they’re missing from Earth. Like if they miss dates, we can have dates.”
“But it doesn’t mean anything?” Hoseok asks and you are totally stumped for what he wants the answer to that question to be. “You’re just pretending to be together one day a week?”  
“It’s not personal…” you reply, glancing back and forth between the two men, unsure which one you should be reassuring right now. 
But how could it be personal when you’re the only option? Like obviously they wouldn’t be choosing to date you on Earth. None of them chose you at all. They just miss sex and relationships and you can help them with that. But you can’t let yourself pretend it’s real. Or that it’s about you. 
“Nevermind.” Hoseok begins packing up his stuff. “It’s none of my business. I’ll leave you to your date.” The word “date” has a sarcastic bite to it that is unusual to hear in Hoseok’s voice. The temperature of the room seems to drop as he slings his supply bag over his shoulder and leaves. 
Jungkook turns away from you and busies himself unpacking food from his box onto the counter. His shoulders are a bit slumped and you really wish you could have talked to him alone. “It’s nothing fancy,” he mutters. “Just some sandwiches and drinks.”
You walk over and rest your hand on his shoulder. “That’s really thoughtful, Jungkook, thank you.” He freezes for a moment when you rest your hand on his back, then sighs and leans into your touch. 
“I’m sorry,” you murmur as you rub his back. He tilts his neck back and forth and groans in a pleased way. “We can hold hands. If you want. And you can kiss me.”
That’s all the greenlight Jungkook needs as he spins around and pulls you into his arms, He gives you a hungry kiss, then pulls back. “God, I would love you seven days a week if you’d let me.” 
“I know, Jungkook.” A real tinge of sadness creeps into the edges of your mind. You can imagine a world in which it’s just you and Jungkook, passing the time to Europa in an endless string of orgasms and increasingly athletic sexual positions on every surface of the ship as he finds new ways to get you off. You hear Yoongi’s voice chastising you again. Nobody actually gets what they want.
But your regrets quickly melt away the more you kiss him. His kisses are full of fire and desperation. If anything, he seems even more eager than he was this morning. The memory of him kneeling before you, begging to be inside you, is intoxicating.
“I owe you an orgasm,” he murmurs between kisses. 
You can get on board with that plan. “Maybe we skip dinner,” you say as you start steering him toward the door. 
He finds your zipper. “Aww, but I worked so hard. I can get you off and we can still have time for dinner.”
Your hand stops his from pulling down the zipper any further. “Jungkook, this is the lab.”
“So?” Jungkook is too focused on running his hands up and down your hips and ass over your clothes.
“So…” you grab his hands to get his focus back on your face. “Namjoon said sleep pods only.”
There is more to it than that. Something about the lab feels particularly like a betrayal. But it’s hard to put into words. 
“Oh come on, he just doesn’t want us on the cameras.” He starts guiding you by your hips toward the lab bench in the corner next to the door. “But I know where all the camera blindspots are.”
“I don’t know…”
“Just let me show you.”  Continuing to kiss you, he slowly backs you up into the wall just to the right of the door. He leans his forearms on the wall above you, caging you against the wall in between the door and the lab counter. “Pull out your tablet,” he commands.
The camera feed of the lab visible on your tablet appears to show an empty room. “See,” he says, kissing your neck. “No one here. Nothing to see.”
He picks you up and sets your ass on the edge of the lab bench. You like being manhandled by him more than you care to admit. He wiggles his eyebrows mischievously. “And this gets you to just the right height…” And then he’s dropping to his knees again. 
“I don’t know…” Your position up on the counter allows you to see out the window in the center of the lab door and out into the hallway. “What if someone sees us?” You want to sound concerned, but honestly the idea has you squeezing your legs together enthusiastically at the risk. 
“They can’t see us from the main hall. They’d have to be coming into the lab.” Jungkook’s hand cups your jaw and turns your face back down to him. “Watch me.” 
God, he’s so hot. Muscular hands and large eyes fixed entirely on you. 
“Okay, okay, but be quick about it.” You shuck your jumpsuit and underwear down your legs. 
“Yes, Ma’am.” He starts tracing little circles with his fingers up one thigh and trailing soft kisses up the other. “You remember when you were cutting my hair?”
“Yes….” you groan as his fingers reach the very top of your thigh, just short of where you really want them.
“And you were pulling my hair and using it to get my head in just the right position?”
You nod, ability to speak temporarily suspended as his mouth reaches the tender skin where your thigh meets your hip. 
“Well this is all I’ve been dreaming about since then. So feel free to hold on.” He scoots even closer on his knees, resting your legs on his shoulders and guiding your hands to his hair. 
You weave your hands through his soft dark hair and he groans. Arousal floods through you at the sound, your body responding in kind to how turned on he is. And then he dives in. 
He starts slow, but firm, no hesitation. Long slow strokes of his tongue around your clit, holding a steady rhythm. 
“Fuck,” you gasp. “How are you perfect at this too?”
He chuckles, so self-satisfied. “I’m a fast learner. Now will you relax and stop thinking?”
And you give yourself permission to let your guard down. To close your eyes. To relax into the sensations, the pleasure, the slow steady build. You’re so wet and open you barely notice when he slides a finger inside you, but you do jolt forward when he matches that steady pressure on your clit with internal pressure from his finger. It’s so good, you moan out loud and grip his head tighter.
Your eyes remain tightly shut, but you can hear his grin as he groans. “I’m going to make you come so hard.” The pride in his voice, the pleasure, it’s irresistible. 
And the pleasure builds and builds until it is overwhelming, almost beyond what you can tolerate, hands clenched in his hair for dear life, unsure if you’re trying to pull him off or press him in further. But the stubborn man holds his position, even as your hips buck against his face. “Fuck, Jungkook, fuck…” 
And you’re breaking, shattering into pieces under his tongue and clenching hard around his fingers. 
“Ugh…” you groan, leaning your head back on the lab cabinet behind you. Your breathing slows as you calm down, fingers still tangled in Jungkook’s hair as you open your eyes. 
There’s a face in front of yours when you open your eyes. His eyes are so dark that it takes you longer than it should to realize that they're not Jungkook’s eyes. Jungkook is still down on his knees as you process that the other man is standing in the hallway, watching you through the window. 
“Shit,” you gasp, yanking Jungkook away from you. “Hoseok…”
How long has he been there? How much did he see? Was he watching you? His gaze flicks up from where he’s been staring at the connection between you and Jungkook and meets your eyes. The intensity there is so overwhelming that it’s hard for you to make sense of it. Is it anger? Lust? Disgust? Then his eyes go wide as he realizes you see him and he disappears from view.
“Not exactly the name I was hoping you’d yell when you climaxed on my face…” Jungkook grumbles as he stands up and wipes his face on the sleeve of his jumpsuit. 
“Shit, sorry,” You reply as you frantically fight to get your clothes back on. “He was here, he saw us. I have to go.”
“But…” Jungkook gestures across the lab. “I brought dinner.”
“Sorry,” is all you can manage before you race out into the hallway. 
“Hoseok!” you yell as you run down the corridor. “Hoseok, come back!”
He’s not in the kitchen. He’s not on the bridge. “Officer Jung, report your location,” you try on your radio, but receive only silence. 
You are panting by the time you reach the sleep pods. The door to his is closed. “Hoseok!” you shout as you bang on the door. “Hoseok!”
You hear shuffling around inside the sleep pod and know he’s in there. “Hoseok!” you yell, almost on the verge of tears. “Hoseok, please talk to me.” 
The door opens just a crack, not enough to see him. “Please, Hoseok, I need to talk to you,” you plead. 
“I… I… can’t.” he stammers. “I can’t right now. Please. Just… just go away.”
Your stomach is full of lead as you shuffle into your own sleep pod next door and rest your head and arms against the wall, desperately trying to catch your breath. 
He hates you. You disgust him. You’ve betrayed everything you stand for. You’ll never be able to work in the lab again. 
A small knock on the door interrupts your thought spiral. 
“Hoseok?” you ask optimistically, scrambling to get up. 
“No, Jungkook again.” The hot ball of shame in your guts glows even brighter. 
“I’m sorry, Jungkook, I can’t right now…” If you see anyone else, you’re going to cry.
“I have dinner for you.”
“I’m sorry.” The idea of eating anything right now feels entirely impossible. “I’m not… I’m not hungry.”
A long exhale comes from the other side of the door. “Okay, goodnight.”
You collapse to the floor of your sleep pod as the weight of all your shame and guilt and irresponsible choices crashes down upon you. 
Part 10
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pauls1967moustache · 8 months
Lesbians in Beatles songs
1. The girl from Girl
This song is about Paul who is a lesbian.
2. Eleanor Rigby
Died alone? No husband? Hmmmm. 🤔
3. Rita from Lovely Rita
Bless his heart Paul’s so besotted with her, but I don’t think that was a date. First of all, she paid (ok, brokey); second of all, “sitting on the sofa with a sister or two” - those are her lesbian roommates. They told you that cause they were making fun of you.
4. The girl from Norwegian Wood
A lesbian playing mind games - John’s favourite.
5. She from She’s Leaving Home
I know what you’re thinking: Mo, the song clearly references a man from the motor trade. Ok, and what about he/him butches?? Who’s more likely to work with cars, a man or a lesbian? Did you ever think of that?
6. The singer from I Want to Hold Your Hand
Across the Universe (2007) dir. Julie Taymor
7. Loretta Martin from Get Back
Something very LGBT going on with Loretta, that’s all I’ll say.
8. Jude from Hey Jude
Jude is a gender neutral name and Miss Jude needs to go out and get her.
9. The girl from Ticket to Ride
“She would never be free when I was around,” ok so lesbian who has finally defeated comp het and left her boyfriend or something, idk, I needed a 9 for my punchline.
10. The singer from Here, There and Everywhere
This song is sung by Paul who is a lesbian.
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d1xonss · 7 months
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Desert Rose
Series Masterlist ~ Seasons 1-5
✧ Media : The Walking Dead
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x OC
✧ Status : Ongoing
Warnings : Mentions of blood, death, gore, swearing, sex, violence, etc.
Prologue ~ When a zombie apocalypse breaks out and wipes over half of the population, Rose is left alone to take on this new world as it unfolds. She knew it would be difficult, for things to not work out the way they once did, turning in ways she never would've expected. But what she really didn't expect was to come across more survivors like her. Not only that, but the journey that would come right along with it.
Disclaimer ~ This is a fan fiction I wrote that follows the TV show The Walking Dead, Seasons 1-11. This mainly follows the entirety of the plot of the show, but there will be little changes here and there that I've added on my own. There may be some disturbing topics in some chapters, but there will always be a warning at the top before you read. I don’t own any of the characters in the series except for my OC. As of now the story is not complete, but there will be weekly updates. Let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist!
Hope you enjoy!
Character Moodboards
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Season 1 ~ Moodboard
Chapter 1 - Introductions
Chapter 2 - Who the Hell are You?
Chapter 3 - Opening up
Chapter 4 - One Long Day
Chapter 5 - Decisions
Chapter 6 - Metallica
Chapter 7 - Overthinking
Chapter 8 - Panic Room
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Season 2 ~ Moodboard
Chapter 9 - Sophia?
Chapter 10 - Darkness
Chapter 11 - The Farm
Chapter 12 - Cherokee Rose
Chapter 13 - Hey Stranger
Chapter 14 - Thank you
Chapter 15 - Heart Attack
Chapter 16 - It ain't like that
Chapter 17 - Guitar lessons and confessions
Chapter 18 - Gone
Chapter 19 - Goodbye
Chapter 20 - Stay
Chapter 21 - Randall
Chapter 22 - Scars
Chapter 23 - Broken
Chapter 24 - Good Mourning
Chapter 25 - The Herd
Chapter 26 - Reunited
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Season 3 ~ Moodboard
Chapter 27 - New Beginnings
Chapter 28 - Stranger Danger
Chapter 29 - Shit happens
Chapter 30 - Three little words
Chapter 31 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 32 - Avoiding Me
Chapter 33 - Woodbury
Chapter 34 - Come with me
Chapter 35 - Hey Jude
Chapter 36 - The Attack
Chapter 37 - Welcome Back
Chapter 38 - Worries and Apologies
Chapter 39 - Going to War
Chapter 40 - The Deal
Chapter 41 - Peace
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Season 4 ~ Moodboard
Chapter 42 - Wildflower Wildfire
Chapter 43 - The Honeymoon Phase
Chapter 44 - Little Things
Chapter 45 - All Good things Must come to an End
Chapter 46 - I’m Here
Chapter 47 - Infected
Chapter 48 - In Sickness and In Health
Chapter 49 - Blood runs Thicker than Water
Chapter 50 - Bring me to Life
Chapter 51 - Liar
Chapter 52 - We’re Okay
Chapter 53 - The Pretty Purple Clip
Chapter 54 - Claimed
Chapter 55 - Moonshine and Memories
Chapter 56 - Alone
Chapter 57 - Found
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Season 5 ~ Moodboard
Chapter 58 - As Deep as a Wound
Chapter 59 - The Priest
Chapter 60 - Just Married
Chapter 61 - White Crosses
Chapter 62 - Deafening Cries
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kyoukamybeloved · 10 months
“That’s what makes me love you.”
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soukoku webweaves: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
vulnerability - A.J// art by @esmiara// moondust - Jaymes Young// art by @esmiara// the bomb - Florence+the machine// you’ve got the love - Florence+the machine// unknown// art by @twilicidity // unknown// art by @j11nko // useless magic - Florence Welch// king - Florence+the machine// make up your mind - Florence+the machine// no light no light - Florence+the machine// art from @katistry // straw house straw dog - Richard Siken// king - Florence+the machine// st. jude - Florence+the machine// art by @thornedarrow //art by @twilicidity// why be happy when you could be normal - Jeanette Winterson// the elektra complex - Joan Tierney// girls against god - Florence+the machine// heavy in your arms - Florence+the machine// flesh and the mirror - Angela Carter// art by @bananana2217 // built for sin - Framing Hanley// for your own good - Leah Horlick// art from @katistry// where it begins - Erica Jong// various storms & saints - Florence+the machine// art by @pleucas // the spring everything grew wild and the rain came down like punishment - Clementine von Radics//
@philzokman @dinosaur-mayonnaise @amagami-hime @sommmee @vivid-vices @pendragonstar @sskk-brainrot @autistic-ranpo @hypotheticallyhaunted @whiteapplesandblackblood @gorotic @lotus-reblogs @thesunshinebard @the-gayest-sky-kid @galaxitic @ghostsinacoat @zamxii @sigskk @vinylbiohazard @oatmilkbasic @sempieternall @shroombunnies @pastel-paramour @underthetree845 @ricelover888 @cosmiclovehauntings
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