testoster0ne · 2 months
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swollenmuscles · 10 months
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roidmusclemonster · 2 years
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saezuuuri · 2 years
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three months late to the party but this is all i could think of during this part
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roids101com · 2 years
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Dorian Yates
Skinhead in his wild youth, 6 time Mr. Olympia by his 40s.
At the age of 19, he was sentenced to the youth detention center for participating in the riots. This was when he realized he has potential and started his career.
Nowadays he's a legend — so we know how it turned out!
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tt-jluddy · 2 years
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144p isolation chamber. Working quick out here
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g4zdtechtv · 1 year
THE PILE PRESENTS: X-Play - Never Running Out of Things to Say | 10/19/04
With a review of the original version of Juiced that was NEVER shipped to retail, thanks to its original publisher going belly-up!
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smuttydreambarbie · 1 year
I can listen to the nastiest audiobooks with a straight face all day but the word juiced makes me throw up a little every. single. time.
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testoster0ne · 2 years
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juicedout20 · 2 years
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People say that being healthy is hard to do!
Sometimes it can be difficult having that mental motivation to eat healthy or even being active, but if you find a fun and healthy way to enjoy what you feed yourself and be productive it doesn’t have to be so hard.
Orange Mist🧡
A perfect source of vitamin C
A distinct taste of turmeric 
A great way to build your immune system
An exceptional way to help you reduce your weight
2023 should be full of excitement and breaking down barriers we thought we’d never accomplish. Health is the goal that we’re trying achieve each day, but where does the wealth come in right?
I’ll tell you where the wealth comes in, and that’s when you start to care for you body by acknowledging that it’s your temple. It starts with your mental, next is your emotional, and then your physical. If you don’t take care of your health, how do expect to have wealth?
Honestly no one really knows how much work is done behind the scenes, yet we only see the finished product.
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wowitsverycool · 2 years
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taitalltales · 2 years
It so greatly pains me that vampires do not exist in common knowledge, for if they did my dream job would in-fact be a payed blood donor for them; my Resumé? but of course I am
˜”°•.˜”°• gay •°”˜.•°”˜
I have a number of vampiric, eldritch and undead friends whom have my respect
I have blood
lots of it
It tastes very yummy (I have been told by undead friend)
I am a respecter and lover of the goth style
I am willing to take hugs and kisses as payment
and finally!
I have too much blood please help ;-;
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roids101com · 2 years
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Time for some classic bodybuilders. Even though you’ve probably invested some time in building a perfect Instagram feed — the best photo you'll see here today is Frank Zane in all his glory. ⁠⁠
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taffybuns · 16 days
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boxxed-juice · 2 months
y’all are gonna vote Kamala now that she’s called for a ceasefire and has condemned Israel’s actions, right? you’re going to vote for her because she’s said she hears the calls for a ceasefire, right? or will you find another excuse to now do your civic duty for this country that directly affects you and everyone around you. i am begging you to please vote in this election because we are literally between a man who has been charged with 34 felony counts, had more on the table, and wants to become a dictator if hes elected on day one and a woman who is sane, rational, and competent at her job and supports everything this man is against. if you want Palestine to be free, you’re going to get off your ass and vote.
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elstevo · 13 days
American Alpha
I wrote this for a writing competition, but I don't remember the prompt. I believe it was a 1,000-word limit.
You wanna know what’s up? I’ll tell you. It’s a setup, and the fix has been in since before you or I was even born, man. This little situation we got here is just the tip of the ice cube, you know? But I don’t sweat it. Look at me, I’m the complete package, a hundred percent pure alpha. That’s why they wanna keep me down, man, because they’re scared. They’re scared, not me. Look at that hand, steady as a rock. This ain’t nothing. I lay it out here or in court or wherever, and I’m out, and then I’m bouncing back ten times as hard. I hope your department got insurance or something because I’m looking at a fat payday outta all this.
Let’s start with the obvious: I’m innocent. Anything I might’ve done is justified under me just taking what I’m owed, what I deserve. I’m a superior specimen. You think this body is all just hard work? Nuh-uh, baby, there ain’t enough hours in the day. This is a product of genetics and intelligence. I 3D chess this stuff. I see dudes chugging protein shakes, and sure, sure a shake’ll help your gains, but I follow that up with a beer. Activate that protein with the yeast. I got a whole program worked out—the SwellSmart System. It combines everything you need to get your body and your mind both as shredded as me, but they won’t let me get it out to the people. The publishers, the gyms, the government, they all make too much money holding people back, and if there were a bunch of me running around, that’s too much pure alpha for the system to handle. This keratin thing y’all are working on is part of it. Check Bosco’s bank records, man. See what shows up ‘cause I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Bosco.
I bet he told you I approached him, but that’s insane ‘cause why would I go to a skinny-ass dude like him, a full-on beta, let alone a cop? Yeah, I knew he was a cop the whole time, man. I’m not stupid. I can read the signs, and anyway, if I wanted to rip someone off, I’d do it myself. I’m swole, but I’m sneaky. I’m like Arnold Schwarzeninja up here. That’s why he came to me. I knew he was a cop first thing. He heard me talking about the fluoride Microsoft puts in the water, and he got that look people too deep in the system get. You got the same look, you don’t even know. He hears me talking wisdom, he sees the gun show, he knows he’s dealing with a primo Hetero sapien, and he wants to hold me down like all the other little people, like little people have always done, man, going back to the Vikings.
He comes to me while I’m benching three-ten, and he’s all “Gosh, those are some darned big muscles,” and “I bet you can satisfy a lady,” and everything going on for like a half an hour, and I’m like “Yeah, water’s wet, dude, so what?” Then he lays out this plan to rip off this drug dealer he knows, score a bunch of keratin on account of the market for K’s really hot, and we can flip it for a sackful. Now, I’m a man of the world and a–what d’you call it?–a vociferous reader, so I know all about keratin, and it’s bad stuff, bro, a horse tranquilizer they use to get you high, but it’s part of the control system, like it literally quiets the animal in you, and I’m not about that. The only things that go in my body are all-natural. Protein. Hormones. Electrolytes. You can’t be pure alpha if you ain’t pure, know what I mean?
So I know right away that Bosco’s setting me up, but just like all them teachers and doctors, he thinks I’m some kinda mormon, like I can’t think circles around him, so I act like I’m interested, tell him I’m always down to hustle. Meanwhile, I figure I can turn this all to my advantage. I play along to get some cash and the drugs, then I flip, not to the cops ‘cause the cops are in on it already, and you’re just gonna stitch me up, but I flip to the media and bust a hole in the control system, get me some attention. Once I get that bit of attention, baby, I’m unstoppable, pure alpha, get word out about SwellSmart, some other ideas I got, and then I get what’s mine.
Besides, this Bosco’s a straight beta and so’s the dealer. I got a cousin in the drug game, and no I’m not gonna tell you his name, and he knows the mark, gave me the nine-one-one, said he’s nothing but a skinny punk, beta for real. Hey, it’s a doggy-dog world, and betas are there to feed alphas. It’s food chain science, you know? I’m actually doing them both a favor by teaching them a lesson about their true place in the world. Bosco’s a pawn in the machine, just a simple dude, so he’s got a simple plan. He says he’s gonna set up the buy for a whole buttload of keratin down in this alley over by Belmont, and I know it’s the right spot ‘cause my ex used to work at the pet store right there before the signals in her phone closed her mind to the truth I was teaching. I guess not everyone’s ready. Anyway, I always thought it’d be perfect for shady business if I rolled that way. Plan is Bosco goes there to meet the guy, and when they make the exchange, I pop out of nowhere and do a judo on the dealer, knock him right out, so we can take all his money and the K, then we split up. I stash my cut at my place, and first thing next morning, I’m on the phone to every TV station and newspaper in the state, and I know Bosco can’t do a damn thing ‘cause it was all his idea, which is entrappism, and that’s the truth. I don’t care what kinda fake “evidence” he says he’s got ‘cause I’m too smart to incinerate myself.
The day comes, and Bosco’s nearly peeing his pants he’s so nervous. Me, I don’t get nerves. Look at that hand, like a rock. I’m stone cold, dude, comes with being pure alpha. I drive us out there ‘cause Bosco’s too wired, but everything goes off sweet. While Bosco’s jabbering and stammering with the dealer dude, I get so close I’m basically in his hoodie with him, and I judo the hell out of the guy, just bam, and he’s on the floor, and Bosco’s all “That was incredible! I could never do that! You’re so alpha!” and I’m like “Whatever, let’s get this done,” so we clean the guy out, all his pockets and his car, the works, and we bounce. I call my cuz Riley Rhodes, and he tells me the dude's raging, didn't see who hit him. Perfect-o!
Later that night, I’m dead asleep when I hear someone in the apartment, and I’m up, I’m awake, I got reflexes like you wouldn’t believe. I go investigate, dukes up, ready to throw down, and I see Bosco snooping around like this son-of-a-bitch is trying to rip me off or set me up worse or some kinda nonsense. I’m about to jack him right up when boom, all your SWAT boys pile in, yelling and waving pieces, and I can take them, but I surrender peaceful-like ‘cause they’re just waiting for an excuse, you know? They probably got orders from the top to take me out if they can ‘cause I’m all kinds of dangerous. Meanwhile, Bosco mixes in with the crowd like he’s been there the whole time, the little beta rat.
So here we are, and, you know what I say? Come at me, bro, whatever you got. What, Bosco’s word and some Disney deepfake you cooked up? Your jury strung out on fluoride and moon dust till they swallow anything you sell ‘em? Bring it on, man! I’m pure alpha, I’m SwellSmart. I’m Superman like you don’t even realize, so get your house in order ‘cause I’m crashing it all down, man, just a matter of time ‘cause you can’t stop the truth train, baby, and I’m the ultimate alpha conductor, like choo-choo, you hear me, bro? Choo. Choo. Next stop—the classroom, let me show you how an alpha gets it done, talking pure alpha bringing it down, gonna get what’s mine, you hear? I’mma get what I’m owed, and then I’m not even started yet, bro, not even close. Bringing SwellSmart. Total package. Blowing up. United States of Alpha, you feel me?
That’s what’s up, baby, yeah. Believe that.
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