#Julia Winter
atimburtonfan · 11 days
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lovecatnip · 6 months
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
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rainbow-femme · 6 months
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Hey was anyone going to tell me these are two different actresses
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wonka-world · 1 year
The highest resolution that I could find of the official poster. Unfortunately Tumblr slightly lowers the quality.
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camyfilms · 1 year
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Everything in this room is eatable, even I'm eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.
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oldinterneticons · 1 year
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meringuecream7 · 3 months
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Julia Winter!
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firefly-sky · 1 year
shoutout to the time that the tim burton Charlie and the chocolate factory scared me into not watching tv or eating chocolate for two weeks straight
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reallca-blog · 1 year
Unwrapping the Wonka Bar: The Leftovers Vol.1 - The “Woman in Shop” Theory (and a Birthday Celebration!)
Greetings readers,
This side series builds off my work from the main Unwrapping the Wonka Bar series, basically, whenever something gets cut from a post of the main series but I still feel it has some value, I post it here as a Leftover for you all to enjoy. And to commemorate an important date for us in the CATCF fandom, I give you all this Leftover!
Now, this post has nothing to do with the original question of where Charlie’s town could be located, but while conducting the last analysis, I resurfaced this thought that I have had rattling around in the back of my mind for a couple of years now and I thought I would finally share this with all of you. While the actress who plays the “Woman in Shop” is named and has amassed a small list of credits over the years, I am here to propose that “Deborah Weston” is not a real person. In fact, I am here to propose that the “Woman in Shop” is being played by none other than our very own Dr. Julia Winter, because don’t you tell me that they don’t have the same creepy, high-cheekboned smile.
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Bear with me here, my theory of the case goes that at some point in the 2040s, Doctor Winter grows tired of giving prostate exams and having to check if a patient’s particular bodily fluid should be that color and one day just says eff this and begins to regret forgoing acting to become a doctor. Her midlife crisis drives her to purchase one of the new Tesla Time Machine that Elon Musk just released, you know, right after he finished reducing Twitter to nothing but ashes for the seventh time just that month, and she time travels back to 2004 where she manages to sneak back onto the set of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at Pinewood Studios in order to relive her glory days as an actor. It is then that one of the crewmembers confuses her for one of the extras needed for an upcoming scene, the one where Charlie finds his Golden Ticket and gets harassed by adults into selling it to them. While this might have been the moment where others might have cracked under pressure for getting caught and admitted to being an imposter, Doctor Winter, always quick on her feet, quickly unpacked her acting skills she kept stored away in the corner of her mind since she was a teenager and quickly commits to her new role with pride. Even going so far as to play the role with a North American Accent, while also not doing the totally smug European thing where their North American Accent is just an impersonation of a Texan or a southern hillbilly, but instead made her character sound like a normal person one might find somewhere in Anglo-North America.
She of course plays her part well, overwhelming poor little Charlie into staying frozen in between two vultures until Bill the Shopkeeper has to shame the adults and tell the lucky winner to run straight home with his prize and is praised by her fellow scene members as soon as the camera stops rolling. Now, while this praise was a great change of pace from the thankless infected scab treatment and other duties a doctor must attend to, acting did not offer Doctor Winter the sense of purpose that she hoped to find once again. But that was until she looked off to the corner and spotted a young girl practicing her lines yet struggling to remember them. And so she approached the young girl in order to help her and in the spirit of an afterschool special, it turns out young girl was her eleven-year-old self. It all came back to her now, performing on screen for the first time as stressful for her, but Doctor Winter bucked up and imparted some cliché wisdom about perseverance onto her younger self. It was only until she saw the confidence in her younger as she quickly scurried off to the stylist's trailers so that they could doll her up to play the little brute that Doctor Winter remembered why she became a doctor, her true calling is to help people. And with that sense of purpose restored, Doctor Winter returns to the 2040s where she can continue to offer the good people of Sweden some of that good, old-fashioned socialist healthcare.
Well...that's enough shitposting for one day.
But in all seriousness, I believe I speak for the entire CATCF fandom when I wish Dr. Julia Winter a Happy Thirtieth Birthday!
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Veruca Salt is thirty years old. (P.S.: Veruca Salt is actually 28 because her character is nine years old in the film. But still!)
I don't know how I feel about this. Is this what it's like to feel old?
That’s it for the first installment of Unwrapping the Wonka Bar: The Leftovers. Join us next time we post a quick little insight into Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Also, make sure to check out the original Unwrapping the Wonka Bar series and follow us to keep up to date for when we post updates and other content.
Also, if you have better quality images of the scenes from the film I included in this post, feel free to share them with me so that I may replace the ones I used to improve the experience for the reader.
See you all next time!
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atimburtonfan · 5 months
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I don't know what's funnier: Wonka's fake concern or Veruca's glee.
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Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Letterman, ‘94
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callmeonmyrazr · 1 year
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so obsessed with the winter wonderland of glacial goddesses segment from the 2006 victoria’s secret fashion show ❄️🤍
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zoesrepository · 1 year
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Julia Korf
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julia-famula · 1 year
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:^ )
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sitting-on-me-bum · 6 months
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Horse enjoying the winter snow
Photo by Julia Solonina on Unsplash
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