#Julian Kemp
olympain · 2 years
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Thomas Law as
17-years-old Gary King in The World’s End (2013). Originally portrayed by Simon Pegg. 25-years-old Tony Towers in Last Train to Christmas (2021). Originally portrayed by Michael Sheen.
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marylairre · 3 months
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Aldrich Kemp update 06-07-2024
"So that was a week - we recorded the entirety of Season 3 of Aldrich Kemp from Monday to Thursday, and then got a shiny new government on Friday. Not a bad week's work. "The recording went incredibly well, and every single member of the cast was on top form. I'm excited to see how this one turns out, and you'll get to judge for yourself later in the year. "There doesn't seem to be much appetite for more fiction audio at the moment. I'd like to do more Aldrich Kemp, I'd like to do another Lovecraft Investigations series, and I'd like to do some standalone radio plays. At this moment, I don't know if any of those will happen. "Nevertheless, we persist."
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pers-books · 7 months
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Latest news from Julian Simpson re: Aldrich Kemp 3:
The third season of Aldrich Kemp is now underway (being typed VERY slowly). Right now, it's called "Aldrich Kemp and the Rose of Pamir", but that might change along the way. This is, I hope, going to be a rollicking adventure featuring cat-burglars, secret maps, Nazis, underwater treasure and the requisite amount of tea and violence. We'll be recording in the summer and you'll be hearing it towards the end of the year.
Not to wish my life away, but the end of the year cannot come soon enough!
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silvandar · 1 year
Attempting to create some kind of chronological release playlisting for the Pleasant Green Universe. Using the release chronology from Wikipedia.
Starting from the beginning, episodes are now mainly available on soundcloud.
Then we move to The Lovecraft Investigations on spotify (also still available on other players if preferred).
Then the two Aldritch Kemp series. Again I'm using Spotify and made my own playlist, but this is still on BBC Sounds etc.
That's it so far! Will add any new series that come out :)
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 years
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farminglesbian · 1 year
so, who killed aldrich kemp
***spoilers for episode 5***
oh my, the clara and aldrich and mrs boone wandering about in mrs boone's literal mind shenanigans are the closest we're going to get to another mary and parker adventure huh ;-;
was pretty good fun tbh! phoebe fox is grande, nicola walker's having a blast as unhinged murderous foul-mouthed housekeeper <3
ngl i'm also all like I'VE CONNECTED THE DOTS, it's all the same universe, what if [redacted] 👀, gdi julian simpson, etc etc
.....now somebody tell me if mary lairre was afraid of rats because i can't remember but IF SO....
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annarellix · 2 years
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For Thy Great Pain Have Mercy On My Little Pain by Victoria MacKenzie
In the year of 1413, two women meet for the first time in the city of Norwich.
Margery has left her fourteen children and husband behind to make her journey. Her visions of Christ – which have long alienated her from her family and neighbours, and incurred her husband's abuse – have placed her in danger with the men of the Church, who have begun to hound her as a heretic. Julian, an anchoress, has not left Norwich, nor the cell to which she has been confined, for twenty-­three years. She has told no one of her own visions – and knows that time is running out for her to do so. The two women have stories to tell one another. Stories about girlhood, motherhood, sickness, loss, doubt and belief; revelations more the powerful than the world is ready to hear. Their meeting will change everything.
Book page: https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/for-thy-great-pain-have-mercy-on-my-little-pain-9781526647894/
My Review: There's a lot of books about historical witches and  their persecution, there's not a lot of fiction books about mystics even if their life wasn't alwasy easy and they were often persecuted. Margery Kempe and Julian of Norwich lived  in the same time, they were both mystycs but their life is very different. Julian, the anchoress who wrote a very important book like Revelations of Divine Love that is very different from the average Middle Age theology. An anchoress who lived in a small cell with a cat and a woman to help her Margery the mother of 14 children, the histrionic preacher who was arrested and tried by the Inquisition more than once an travelled to Jerusalem and all over Europe. A women who wrote the first autobiography in English This book is about them and I found it riveting and poignant. The voices of these women sound "real", similar to their voice in their books. It's not a long book but it's one that cause book-hangover as I wanted more, I didn't want to say good bye to these women and their incredible spiritual life. Two women who were able to chose a different life, women with a rich spiritual life and that strange gift call mystycism that mae them able to see what other couldn't see. It's an excellent debut and I strongly recommend it. Many thanks to Bloomsbury Publishing Plc (UK & ANZ) for this arc, all opinions are mine
The Author: Victoria MacKenzie is a fiction writer and poet. She is the winner of the Scottish Book Trust New Writer Award and the inaugural Emerging Writer Award from Moniack Mhor. She was shortlisted for the Lucy Cavendish Fiction Prize, as well as being awarded prestigious writing residencies in Scotland, Finland and Australia. She teaches creative writing for the Open College of the Arts. She lives in Scotland. victoriamackenzie.net @forthygreatpain
Social Links: https://linktr.ee/victoriamackenzie
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The Book of Margery Kempe is reminding me I need to start reading Inconvenient People: Lunacy, Liberty and the Mad-Doctors in Victorian England by Sarah Wise again. It’s about the treatment of the ‘insane’ in Victorian England, and it goes through various specific people who were deemed insane, as well as reforms over the course of the century. I didn’t finish it because it’s a bit intense but the first man discussed experienced delusions and heard voices that remind me of Margery Kempe. He managed to cure himself in spite of the asylum he was placed in and was an eccentric and very driven reformer from that point on. Its been too long since I’ve read it for me to be very clever or in depth, but I am seeing parallels.
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maddyjones2 · 3 months
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Here’s a happy start to the day.
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whencyclopedia · 19 days
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Twelve Famous Women of the Middle Ages
Women in the Middle Ages were frequently characterized as second-class citizens by the Church and the patriarchal aristocracy. Women's status was somewhat elevated in the High and Late Middle Ages by the cult of the Virgin Mary and courtly love poetry but, even so, women were still considered inferior to men owing to biblical narratives and the patriarchy.
Still, there were many notable women throughout the Middle Ages who were able to break from societal norms to live the kind of life they chose for themselves and claim a position of power traditionally associated with males. In almost every case, these women were from the upper class and had slightly more social mobility than the lower classes, but there are records clearly indicating that women throughout the Middle Ages worked alongside men in medieval guilds and were significant and sought-after artists, writers, illustrators, artisans, and monarchs.
Famous Women of the Middle Ages
Scholars divide the Middle Ages into three periods:
Early Middle Ages – 476-1000
High Middle Ages – 1000-1300
Late Middle Ages – 1300-1500
There were many famous women throughout these three eras but the following twelve are among the best-known:
Empress Theodora of Byzantium
Hilda of Whitby
Ende the Illuminator
Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians
Matilda of Tuscany
Hildegard of Bingen
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Marie de France
Julian of Norwich
Christine de Pizan
Margery Kempe
Joan of Arc
Many of these women significantly influenced their own time as well as later generations through their vision and ability to act on that vision. How women were perceived by society through the lens of the Church, how they were considered as legal and social entities by the law, and how they actually lived out their lives were never precisely the same, but the women named above took control of their situations to live as independent women, equal to men, in a patriarchal society. Scholar Eileen Power comments:
The position of women is often considered as a test by which the civilization of a country or age may be judged. The test is extraordinarily difficult to apply, more particularly to the Middle Ages, because of the difficulty of determining what in any age constitutes the position of women. The position of women is one thing in theory, another in legal position, yet another in everyday life. In the Middle Ages, as now, the various manifestations of women's position reacted on one another but did not exactly coincide; the true position of women was a blend of all the three. (9)
The Church exerted the greatest influence over how women were perceived through the teachings of the Bible. Famous biblical heroines such as Ruth or Deborah, the Virgin Mary or Mary Magdalene were countered by Eve or Jezebel and the admonitions of St. Paul in his epistles which claimed that men were superior to women and women should submit themselves to male authority. Even though more women were able to assert themselves in the latter part of the Middle Ages, some did so even earlier.
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and-her-saints · 12 days
Do you happen to have any resources on mysticism? I’m writing a short paper for one of my classes, and I want to bring in some outside sources <3
depends on what branch/type! i'm the most well-versed on Catholic mysticism, of course. so, that's what i'll share.
i illustrated Shannon K. Evans' new book: "The Mystics Would Like a Word." (out now!) It's about St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Catherine of Siena, St Teresa of Ávila, St. Hildegard of Bingen, Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe. i think it's a brilliant intro to mysticism that also ties the practice to modern day. besides, these women are the quintessential mystic girlies within Catholicism, so you could look into them.
For St. Thérèse specifically, you could look into her autobiography, 'Story of A Soul'. For St. Teresa of Ávila, it could be 'The Interior Castle.' For Julian of Norwich, 'Revelations of Divine Love.' For St. Hildegard, her Scivias or her songs... etc. etc.
a dear buddy, W, has the podcast 'St. Anthony's Tongue" and it specializes in this topic particularly. i'd definitely recommend looking through his podcast and show notes.
since it's a small paper, you might find good sticking to a single mystic. mysticism is so so broad and found across many spiritualities, approaches, religions and cultures. you could also compare and contrast the experiences of two different mystics.
for "lesser-known" mystics, i think St. Gemma Galgani's or Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz' experiences could also be a fascinating subject for essays on mysticism.
(i'm too much of a lesbian to mention men who were mystics. they are uninteresting, in my opinion. the only ones i think i like are St. Francis of Assisi and, in small doses, St. Ignatius of Loyola)
if you need any sources that are even more specialized later on, let me know! i'd be happy to help! best of luck!!!!!!
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marylairre · 10 months
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It's been a rollercoaster of emotions lately
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pers-books · 1 year
Two bits of news for fans of Julian Simpson's Pleasant Green audioverse:
Lovecraft Investigations 4 (The Haunter of the Dark) has now been recorded and is in the edit. The experience was, as always, amazing, and you'll be able to hear the results in October. In brand new news, another season of Aldrich Kemp has indeed been requested by Radio 4. It's not going to air until Autumn of 2024, so there's a bit of a wait, but that is mainly for reasons of cast availability. I have big plans for the new season and can't wait to get started.
Shame about the long wait for the next series of Aldrich Kemp - but that's what Simpson gets for employing such immensely talented actors!
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elles-books · 2 months
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Another recent book-related page! I really enjoyed the majestically titled “For Thy Great Pain Have Mercy on My Little Pain” by Victoria MacKenzie. It’s a novel focusing on two real, remarkable medieval women (Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe) so yeah, it was always going to be up my street 😌👌🏻
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aceofwhump · 9 months
Have you made a list or notes on whumpy Hallmark and if so where?🥺
You know what, I haven't yet! Let me do that for ya now. And if anyone wants to add their favs please do so!
A Gift To Remember: Darcy (Ali Liebert) hits Aiden (Peter Porte) while riding her bike and he gets knocked out and loses his memory. It’s pretty good.
Love on the Sidelines : Laurel (Emily Kinney) is a struggling fashion designer who finds herself with a job as a personal assistant for Danny (John Reardon), a quarterback sidelined with an broken ankle. Danny is on crutches for most of the movie and is recovery from his injury.
Spirit of Christmas: A young lawyer (Jen Lilley) finds romance with a spirit (Thomas Beaudoin) that takes the form of a human 12 days before Christmas. He was murdered and there are flashbacks to him being attacked and killed.
Christmas Homecoming: Stars Michael Shanks (Daniel Jackson from SG1!!) as an Army Captain recovering from an injury in battle. He's got a broken leg and suffers from survivors guilt and ptsd.
Hailey Dean Mysteries: Deadly Estate for some good poisoning whump of a medical examiner. You want unconscious? medically induced coma? respirator? bedside vigils? worry? waking up with a twitching hand? walking down the hospital floor holding onto their iv pole? Then this is the movie for you!
Love Blossoms: one small part when the main guy, Declan, gets sick with a cold during the movie. It’s kind of cute but the rest of the movie's got nothing.
Second Chances: "A badly injured leg forces fireman Jeff, who lost his father in a fire as a young boy, to rent a ground floor room during his recovery. Thus he moves in with Jenny, a 911 emergency call center operator, and her two young children, Luke and Elsie, who soon dote on him as an ideal substitute father and try matching him with their mother."
My Gal Sunday: Henry (Cameron Mattheson) gets shot in the beginning of the movie.
Signed Sealed Delivered Lost Without You: Oliver goes on a hike with his father. His dad trips and gets a seemingly innocuous injury on his leg but the two of them get lost in the woods and the injury turns out to be life threatening.
A Godwink Christmas Miracle of Love: Eric (Alberto Frezza) is run over by a plow near the end of the film. There's lots of surgery, worry, hospital stuff.
Retreat to Paradise: "Jordan is recovering from a shoulder injury and his grumpiness tempts Ellie, his carer, to leave him to his misery. But will romance finally blossom?"
The Christmas Waltz: Roman (Will Kemp) hits his head due to slipping on an icy sidewalk and has to go to hospital
Taking a Shot at Love: "Sparks fly between a ballet instructor and a professional hockey player as she tries to help him recover from the same injury that sidelined her dancing career." It's not got a lot of whump but it is about a hockey player in rehab.
Martha's Vineyard Mysteries series: The whole series. Jesse Metcalfe's character Jeff was shot on a previous case and the bullet is still in lodged in his back and it causes him pain a lot AND he continually has nightmares about the incident. It's great.
Mystery 101: Killer Timing: Travis (Kristopher Polaha) gets blown up and even though the aftermath doesn't last long its still wonderful. He gets knocked out, there's an ambulance and hospital scene (kinda), worried family members.
Never Kiss a Man in a Christmas Sweater: Maggie O'Donnell (Ashley Williams) accidentally breaks Lucas Cavelli (Niall Matter)'s arm while carrying a Christmas Tree and offers him a room to stay in when he can't find a hotel room cause she feels guilty.
A Timeless Christmas: Charles Whitley (Ryan Paevey) passes out in 1903 and wakes up in 2020.
Aurora Teagarden A Bundle of Trouble: Martin Bartell (Yannick Bisson) gets shot in the shoulder
Christmas on the Range: Clint McCree (Nicholas Gonzalez) is attacked and beaten up pretty badly.
Mix Up in the Mediterranean: Josh (Jeremy Jordan)'s twin brother Julian gets hurt and can’t do a cooking competition so Josh takes over.
The Christmas Cure: Mitch (Steve Byers) falls off ladder and gets a concussion
Love's Christmas Journey: Sheriff Aaron Davis (Greg Vaughan) gets shot in the leg while chasing a robber. His injury is bad and gets infected. He gets a fever and is rescued by an old man who cares for him. The wound needs cauterizing and he suffers fever, chills, and more.
Hearts in the Game: Diego Vasquez (Marco Grazinni) is a hot shot baseball pitcher who has a panic attack during a game which costs the team the game. Turns out it was triggered by the anniversary of his moms death and he has another panic attack later in the movie as well.
Fourth Down in Love is about an athlete who is sidelined by an injury. Broken ribs I think? 
Rip in Time: Another fun time travel movie. Rip (Niall Mater) gets knocked out at least once. 
Three Wise Men and a Baby: Paul Campbell's character has social anxiety and has a sort of panic attack in the park at the beginning of the movie.
Jolly Good Christmas: Will Kemp's character falls into a frozen river and he comes out shaking and shivering and she gets him a blanket and tea and he needs a hot shower. 
That's all I've got for right now. The bolded ones have the best whump in my opinion so definitely check those out first :) Love's Christmas Journey and the Martha's Vineyard Mysteries are A+ whump hallmark movies. Do those first ;)
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mcflythrills78 · 1 month
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Tom Fletcher and Danny Jones performing at Camp Bestival, Weston Park, Shropshire, UK. 16th Aug, 2024
Photo Credit: Julian Kemp/Alamy Live News
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