#Justice For Ned
Cannot stress enough that seemingly not even Fitzjames could get the men to relinquish their guns once they had them.
He hurries out to meet Crozier's returning party saying that he stepped in but arms had already been issued and clearly he wasn't able to get them all returned. It's only later, with an order from Crozier and cooperation from multiple officers and trusted men that that happens.
And if cool, confident, second-in-command-of-the-entire-expedition, highest-ranking-officer-left-in-the-whole-camp, dude-who's-been-directly-overseeing-like-90%-of-those-men-for-the-past-god-knows-how-long James Fitzjames couldn't do it, I ask you, what chance did poor sweet Nedward actually have?
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burned-lariat · 1 year
Drew is being a massive, massive dick. I get that being an asshole is part of being a Benson cult member, but Jesus Christ, it's just egregious how he's coming after Ned because Ned dared to make one threat in a vacuum conversation.
I better see a bunch of crying and groveling for forgiveness when it turns out Ned didn't do it. Or else.
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kingofwinter283 · 1 year
i actually hate talisa maegyr. i think her whole plot with robb was so stupid. like in the books robb’s marriage with jeyne is this tragic situation that’s really a culmination of the stress and grief that robb has been going through and unable to truly process because he is a child trying to lead his people in a war. he gets injured and then learns that his former best friend has just betrayed him, captured his home, and killed both of his younger brothers which adds to growing list of loss in his life. his father got executed, his sisters are being held hostage, his best friend betrayed him, and now his brothers are dead. so while he’s injured and kind of being consumed by his grief, jeyne westerling is there to comfort him and they do the deed and this only makes things worse because of how robb was raised and instilled with his father’s honor, as well as seeing how jon was raised, robb feels compelled to marry jeyne to preserve HER honor which ends up being his downfall. but nooooo in the show robb falls in love with foreign beauty talisa maegyr and dies because he’s an idiot and couldn’t keep it in his pants. like don’t get me wrong i love robb’s scenes in the show richard madden call me i just think the story could have been so much better and been true to the tragedy that it is in the books.
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fromtheseventhhell · 29 days
I can tell I'm Arya-pilled to the max because I'll see other Arya stans talking about the questionable morality of her executing Daeron and I'm just like "That was so Lady of Winterfell-coded"
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Yeah it’s cool and all that Lyanna Mormont and Wylla Manderly are such vocal Stark loyalists. But it’s actually quite important that they share names with two of the most important women in Jon Snow’s life: Lyanna Stark - his mother, and Wylla - his wetnurse and rumored mother in universe. Such stunning loyalty from these two girls who are named after women so important to Jon just tickles all the key parts of my brain. These are the women who gave him life. And it’s even more poignant when we realize that by ADWD, when the girls are declaring their loyalty, Jon is the KiTN who bears the name STARK per Robb’s decree.
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la-pheacienne · 3 months
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I just LOVE how both in got and hotd we have established that the root of all evil is women who *checks notes* enjoy sex! consistency is important right? I mean GOD FORBID we genuinely root for anyone that isn't nEd FuCKinG sTark the paragon of big dick masculine honor! who are we gonna root for? a flagrant philanderer that started the war because she's a whore? pwease
but at least they're criticizing monarchy you guyzzz hashtag anti war hashtag subversion!! definitely promising!! never been done before!!!
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likeasurgeon · 3 months
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Fox Szn World Tour (≧▽≦)
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thestarlightforge · 3 months
I wish I was better at making GIF sets like you brilliant artists. But has anyone done this from the HOTD pilot? Because it chilled me today, and if not…
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“The dream… It was clearer than a memory.”
Dany’s dream about hers and Drogo’s kid, from the House of the Undying.
“Our son was born wearing Aegon’s iron crown.”
Bran’s vision and Ned’s memories of Jon being born to Rhaegar and Lyanna, and realizing this over him sleeping with Dany… “His name, is Aegon Targaryen.” / “He’s never been a bastard. He’s the heir to the Iron Throne.”
“And I heard the sound of thundering hooves, splintering shields, and ringing swords…”
The battle between Daenerys & Cersei’s armies at King’s landing.
“and I placed our son upon the Iron Throne…”
Jon watching Dany watching the Throne, then kissing/stabbing her.
“as the bells of the Grand Sept tolled…”
Close shot of The Bells tolling, the smallfolk running for their lives, Cersei looking out the window and squeezing her eyes shut in defeat after Jaime hopelessly rang them.
“And all the dragons roared as one.”
Drogon burning the throne and crying to the sky.
“Born wearing a crown?”
Ned holding baby Jon, then Ned with young Jon at Winterfell.
“Gods spare me… birth is unpleasant enough as it is.”
Tyrion giving Jon his sentence, then walking back north of the wall.
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chickren · 7 months
Without negating any of his own personal faults, do you agree or disagree with the notion that Jon Arryn, especially if we got to see more of him in some late Dunk and Egg novellas, would generally come across as an intelligent and kind man to those who knew him? Someone Ned and Robert could genuinely be seen to look up to (well, mainly Ned) and influence the people and politicians they became?
i'm not sure what you're asking here. like you want to know how jon arryn would be received by normies as opposed to how he's regarded by asoiaf fundies?
dude whatever energy i have to think about asoiaf goes into thinking about jaime and brienne fucking and pondering how they're going to fuck and debating when they're going to fuck and wondering who will eat their hearts out knowing jaime and brienne are fucking, you get me?
i just do not give a shit what anyone thinks of jon arryn.
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tweedfrog · 2 years
the smallfolk being horrified at blood and cheese and eventually rioting (in part) because of Helaena Targaryens suspicious death + the smallfolk being one of the few groups of people who still cared about the “butchery of Rhaegars children” years after Roberts Rebellion and claiming that the Lannisters were cursed for what they did like the nobility has been so corrupted by the system they uphold and benefit from that the peasantry are the only ones who have normal reactions to atrocities anymore
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On a lighter note, shout out to poor Lieutenant Little in the newest script for suffering the agony not only of already being apocalyptically pissed off with one's boss but also of retiring to the comfort and safety of one's cabin only to find the mechanism on the door's hopelessly jammed.
Truly the 19th Century naval equivalent of already having a bad day then having it made worse by getting your belt loop snagged on a door handle.
Thoughts and prayers, hen.
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had another epiphany regarding radchverse today, probably courtesy of the cursed das Tram post: translation state will be about the presger deciding who is significant based on whether they say der, die or das Nutella.
*cue radchaai crying in the distance*
finally, the correct of the three anaander mianaai factions, the das Nutella faction, wins over the der and die factions, and thus confirms that humans are indeed Significant, but her 50 000 bodies are simultaneously wiped out when she follows das Nutella up with der Joghurt. the end.
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kingofwinter283 · 1 year
i’m finally back from vacation, it was fun but i literally got sick at the end LMFAO (i hope my three followers missed me)
anyways something i thought a lot about was how it feels the show just forgot about robb in the later seasons. when jon and dany first meet and have their debate about why jon should bend the knee and dany was like “the last king in the north, torrhen stark, bent the knee 300 years ago” like gurl you are so wrong! Robb Stark was the last king in the north and that was like 4 years ago!!! let’s get the facts right people!!! also like why did theon and sansa never talk about robb? i’m very unhappy about this
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
Interesting how the Trident incident is the only moment where people question Joffrey's capacity for cruelty. He is almost universally considered one of the worst asoiaf characters, with no redeemable qualities. No one ever attempts to justify his actions when he abuses Sansa, orders Ned's executions, or any of his other many acts of violence. It's only this moment, a moment meant to introduce us to his cruel nature, that people seem to believe him to be a rational character with limits. It's honestly laughable. It's evident that the people who think like this are just biased against Arya; the majority of these arguments are centered not around Joffrey's violence, but Arya's actions to defend Mycah. People seem to truly believe that the better option would have been to let Joffrey "have his fun" and torment Mycah.
Debating how badly Joffrey would've hurt Mycah misses the entire point of the moment. Joffrey attacks Mycah because he's lowborn, he finds amusement in tormenting others, and he knows he can get away with it. He was quick to pull his sword and draw blood and, from what we know of his character, he undoubtedly would've taken it further. Arya stands up to him because she thinks that Mycah is worth defending which is significant considering she is the only one to do so. She is also the only character who mourns him and is affected by his senseless death, even books later (Ned is affected by his death but I wouldn't say he mourns him, although it is a moment that influences his feelings towards the Lannisters and Robert). Even if, which is a very big if, Joffery hadn't intended to go any further he had already crossed a line by attacking Mycah. The only alternative would be that Arya simply sits by and watches Joffrey further injure Mycah...and that's somehow the "better" option?
The people coming to the conclusion that Arya was the one who escalated the situation (and that it's somehow not Joffrey pulling his sword on an innocent boy) are coming from the perspective of the classist society that they live in. Joffrey attacking a lowborn boy wasn't an issue worth action, but harming a prince is "wrong". Mycah being attacked, and later murdered, is seen as inconsequential to the other characters (and readers) because he is lowborn. That's the thing though. You aren't supposed to look at this situation where a young boy is murdered for no reason and think that the only one who defended should've behaved differently. This moment is a criticism of the classist society these characters live in. It is significant that Arya is markedly less classist than a majority of other characters and cares when no one else does.
Further, if Arya were truly in the wrong for her actions then Joffrey wouldn't have needed to lie about what happened. From the very existence of the "trial" and Arya being given the chance to tell her version of events, we know that there wouldn't be any punishment if the truth of the situation had been told from the very beginning. The only reason there was an issue is because Joffrey decided to attack Mycah, and then later lie about what happened. Arya is not responsible for Joffrey's cruelty, Cersei's enabling, or Robert's subsequent apathy. The fact that people can't seem to comprehend this is maddening. I've never seen people have the same attitude towards Sansa for speaking up for Dontos, even though it incurred Joffrey's wrath and would've escalated had Sandor not spoken up. Why are Sansa's actions brave and kind, but Arya's are seen as stupid and reckless? What happened to not blaming young characters for the actions of others?
This is one of those things where the fandom decides for themselves that they know the story being told, without actually looking at how it's written. They would rather debate on (baseless) hypotheticals than look at why George presented the story to us the way he did. It takes an insane amount of misinterpretation to decide that Arya's actions are the reason for Mycah's death and misses a, rather large, point being made by the author. Notably, none of these people can ever provide evidence from the book to support their insistence that Joffrey would've simply left Mycah alone. You would think that since that's the basis of their argument and they're so adamant that their analysis is correct, they would be able to support their reasoning. It's almost as though the books don't support their interpretations...
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asoiafreadthru · 7 months
A Game of Thrones, Eddard III
“Where is the direwolf?” Cersei Lannister asked when her husband was gone. Beside her, Prince Joffrey was smiling.
“The beast is chained up outside the gatehouse, Your Grace,” Ser Barristan Selmy answered reluctantly.
“Send for Ilyn Payne.”
“No,” Ned said. “Jory, take the girls back to their rooms and bring me Ice.”
The words tasted of bile in his throat, but he forced them out. “If it must be done, I will do it.”
Cersei Lannister regarded him suspiciously. “You, Stark? Is this some trick? Why would you do such a thing?”
They were all staring at him, but it was Sansa’s look that cut.
“She is of the north. She deserves better than a butcher.”
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ufonaut · 1 year
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Jessica was right. It’s as if I have a super power, like one of those masked men, Hourman, or our own Mr. Terrific. But it’s not invulnerability, or even the power of dumb luck. Or, god knows, any kind of talent at all. It’s the power to hit bottom and then, somehow, keep on falling.
Ned & Terry Sloane in JSA: All Stars (2003) #7
(Michael Chabon, Michael Lark)
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