#Käärijä you should think before say or do things
storm-ec · 5 months
I have to tell you, I started following Blind Channel just after Eurovision, and it opened up my world. I really love them and i keep supporting Finland. That's why I supported Käärijä last year. I wanted him to win, I voted for him, something difficult as I count as 'rest of the world.' After that, I kept being a fan, listening to his songs daily, and stuff like that. Also, I followed Joost for him. But now, it feels so sad and disappointing. I won't 'cancel him' for what happened yesterday, but I'll probably stop supporting him for a while. Let's be honest, people. It's not the first time he's done something questionable. I understood that he was friends with N0A because they met at the contest, and probably Kä didn't know a thing about the conflict. But today, everyone knows about it. We're not talking about political stuff; we're talking about lives, people being killed and suffering for the power and money of a criminal government and population.
I know not all Jews are Zionists, and there are brave people, including Jews, against the war and genocide. He has to know there's a war, he knows there are people suffering, and he doesn't give a damn about it. Maybe he kinda 'apologized,' but what he wrote was about being caught, not for treating that woman (Zionist supporter) friendly when the others didn't even approach her.
Also, an important point is that I already saw cases like this, all important, EC with the derogatory 'Skimo' word and Joost with the song made with Russian musicians, but those issues were explained, there were apologies, and people involved were educated by themselves, it was necessary to studied and made official statements.
Today Joost held a piece of paper with 'Käärijä should have won,' but then Kä made a TikTok with a genocidal supporter? With the same woman that Joost confronted at the press conference? But above all, with the woman that will join the military when ESC ends? It just makes me think if Kä really listens to people or just cares about music because he's Joost's friend but he doesn't know Jo's against the Zionist and the Israeli representation in the competition? Jo's being pushed by the ESC and Israeli media for his comments, and Kä's actions could affect him too ..but back to what really matters.
I think this whole situation won't be fixed with an improvised 'No war' because being neutral might sound right, might sound cool, but it isn't. Saying this empty stuff is like saying, 'I don't care, I don't know why you're fighting, just stop it because we cant partying' And that's bad, people. That's pretty bad. It's not just ignorance but indifference.
I really hope that Kä could (finally) educate himself because that's not our job as fans, and he could understand that being famous also brings responsibilities. I really hope I could like him and support him as before someday, but for now, I prefer to keep my distance. I won't influence you all by writing 'don't support him' or 'let's forgive him,' that's something that each one has to decide.
Stay safe and think about lives, about people in Palestine being attacked without reason and the people who are gone for ambition
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izpira-se-zlato · 11 months
Berlin, 16.10.23
Also very haphazard and partial gig report:
fuck him for singling me out, I had suddenly never worked a job in my life 😂 (he asked me what job I worked. I told him "IT" after a lot of pointing to make sure he really meant me, but he just understood that I made tea, so I mimed typing. And he went "aaah! Computer things! So you're the smart one. Not like me, I'm the monkey." (Paraphrased because aaaaah)
I'm so so happy I got to see bulbasaur cap! Käärijä in person
he threw water into the audience near the start (not the CCC water) and a few droplets caught me. Much better than with a detour through Bojan's mouth
I felt a little bad for the girl next to me filming hhh because I was excitedly yelling along 😂
the girls during icip were so good? And he interacted with them in such a lovely way? Recreated the weird run where Tommy chases him across the stage, and they all fell to the floor, and idk if Käärijä just wanted to fistbump them, but they pulled him up from the floor and he just. Did not cooperate a lot 😂 so they remarked (bc they still had the microphone) "oof, he's heavy"
he was also so so careful to get consent before touching either of the girls on stage, but in a way that felt like he just Does That? He'd also told us that we're a family and that we should kiss each other, bit that you need to ask before you kiss someone and if they say no, you don't miss them, simple as that (unsure if the family bit and kissing bit were the same banter segment)
Jesse had to come in stage and do… Idek what it was. Oh! Open a water bottle for him 😂 that was a lovely little moment
the coat?? Actually looks really awesome irl?? I did not expect that
I got a Häärijä high five at the barrier 😭
bald cap Häärijä is… Something 😂
Jesse was so good natured about us cheering him on setting up the stage 😂
he was so so touched by the number of people singing along
we chanted voittaja for him 😍
icip slays live so fucking much Holy shit
I was drenched after the concert. I jumped a whole lot (and have already seen myself on Mikke footage 😂) and I will be dead tomorrow but I think it will have been worth it
apparently he was still asleep at doors, which might have been the cause for the delay? Or 1 hour simply being a little short to get 1.6k people into the room
Jesse told the people still waiting (not us, I was already asleep at the time) to please not ask for autographs when Käärijä went to the bus but they all got handshakes and apparently a thank you speech
Salena came on stage but she didn't really know any lyrics, and a nice Finnish woman I talked to in the queue told me afterwards, “such a shame, she was so unprepared, you could wake Bojan in the middle of the night and he'd be able to just go rankka viikko ja paljon…”
I didn't actually see a lot of Salena at the beginning because we were all squatted down
I stepped on so many toes while jumping
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alien-girl-21 · 3 months
Since semester has ended for me, have something I have been cooking for a couple of weeks:
Joker Out and Käärijä as shit my friends have said:
(Kind of long so it goes under the cut)
Kris: I'm the wall god punches when he's mad
Jan, while searching a song to sing in the karaoke: Peru :) ... wait
Bojan, filling out a form: is m for male or mujer?
Kris: if there was an idiot competition, Bojan would be the judge
Nace: good luck with your algebra homework!
Jan: how did you know it was algebra? (He wrote algebra on top of the page)
(Right before a test)
Everyone else: studying
Jure: well... what do we do now?
Jere: idk dude, join my game
Bojan: can you pass the meat for the grill?
Kris: what am I your fucking wife?
Nace, after joining the band: if someone were to come out of the closet here... I would say it would be Jan
Bojan: come out of what closet? The one made out of glass?
Bojan, to Kris: why would you need a toxic girlfriend when you have me
Jure: I don't know if I should go to pride with you guys, I'm straight
Kris: you can come as an ally and support everyone!
-at pride-
Jure: -making out with a guy-
Kris: not THAT much of an ally
Kris, pointing at the rest of the band: I'm sorry if my children ever missbehave, if they do, just call me, I'll put them in time out
Jan: Bojan, if you don't stop I'm dropping you off to Jere so his lovesick ass can sort you out
Interviewer: what is the first word you think of when I say eurovision?
Kris: money
Jure: microphone trophy
Bojan: talent
Jan: reciting poetry
-like 10 minutes after the interview-
Jan: why tf did I say reciting poetry?
Jan: the way to know that kris is really drunk is when he starts being nice to bojan
Nace: if you don't want to come to pride with us, you can come to the afterparty!
Jure: that's not really his type of party
Homophbojan: yeah, invite me to a party for normal people next time
(I should clarify that the friend who said this is an ally and they were joking, they are actually really cool and respectful towards queer people)
Jesse: Jere got really drunk at the party and he was talking about Bojan and started crying because he missed him
Bojan: I like people that have a presence, that's why I started dating jere
Nace: yeah, I remember the first time I saw him in person I went "oh, that's jere"
Bojan: exactly! ....... and then he opens his mouth
Jan: I don't care at this point, a car can run me over before I turn this demo in and I would be fine -walks into oncoming traffic-
Jere: what are you guys doing?
Kris: cutting a cake with a ruler
Bojan: welcome to the balkans
Bojan: I need to do my duolingo lesson!
Nace: Bojan, you're so drunk you threw up on the street, don't do your duolingo lesson now
Bojan: I have priorities
Jere, walking into a surprise anniversary gift Bojan was making: hi— what's that?
Jure: it's a mass hallucination don't worry about it :)
Jesse: Bojan branded my boy like a cow! (Jere's wearing a bracelet that says "are you?")
Jere: if this whole music thing doesn't work out, I'm moving to Thailand and raising fish
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kidvoodoo · 5 months
Okay I am caught up on the situation and am much calmer now. I do not forgive the three people who sent me anonymous death threats. I have an idea who at least one is and have blocked them since it is the only thing I can really do.
As for my thoughts:
I have mentioned before that I do not watch Eurovision this year and have only seen acts from last year, not the program in its entirety. I was unaware of what was occurring and was attacked in my inbox because I have posted Käärijä fan art. The art in question was several days before the event even happened.
That being said, I will not remove my artwork from my blog. It is my Art Gallery and the collection of my many pieces throughout the year. I will not be bullied to take it down.
I will continue to make fan art.
I do not approve of what Kä has done in regards to the Eurovision 2024 contest. I understand why he did attend and also why he made an Instagram post saying he was done with Eurovision. I don’t think he should have attended but it’s too late to take that back, unfortunately.
I think it was good he said “no war” at the end of his performance for the final (semifinal?). I think a lot of people wanted him say more, in the few moments he was able to say something, that is what came out. If he had tried to say more they would have cut the feed away from him, and they clearly are mad that he even did that because they won’t post the performance. They have done the same thing with another performer who had a symbol of Palestine Support with him. It is clear that the people who run the show are not good people for silencing people showing their support for a nation under attack. It is hypocritical they have acted supportive of Ukraine in the midst of the war but not with Palestine during the genocide. Was it enough of a statement? I don’t think so. Was it all he was able to manage that exact moment? I think so.
In regards to the video of Kä and the Israeli performer, it was bad that he did that. I don’t think it was entirely a mistake, nor do I think it was intentional. I think again in the moment he simply wasn’t thinking correctly. I don’t forgive him for that, and the statement he made on Instagram was not very good. If it was true he asked for the video to be removed and it wasn’t, that is bad too. It never should have happened and it’s a sad situation.
All of that brings me to my conclusion. I am sad and disappointed. I am also very aware of how bad of a situation it is now thanks to some kind people filling me in and providing sources. Thank you my friends 💜
I will take a break I think, let things evolve how they will. My brother and I have donated a sum $400 US dollars to UNICEF USA for aid for children. In a country where my very tax dollars are used to fund a genocide, it feels like a sad drop in a bucket, but it is all I can manage being on fixed income and disabled. I will attempt to do another donation at some point when I have the money.
I feel like this situation is bad in every direction. I personally still want to listen to Käärijä’s music and draw pictures. I want to read people’s fanfics and see their posts too. I am brought happiness by the kind people and by Käärijä as well, so I will continue to enjoy.
I hope that Käärijä does address the situation at some point in a more supportive and thoughtful way. I wonder how much he will have to do to gain back people’s trust. Sometimes it’s best to just let go, even if it’s hard.
If you are reading this and do not approve of my personal opinion, please do not send me death threats or harassments. I understand if you want to unfollow and block me, and I have no quarrel with you.
If you are reading this and are one of the people who has sent me kind messages and do not approve of my decision, i understand and apologize. Please do not send me hate messages or harassments.
If you are one of the people who has sent me kind messages and still wants to be friends, I am happy to hear that 💜 maybe we can all try and start a donation campaign together for more aid for Palestine. I know money is a difficult thing these days for a lot of people so please don’t feel guilty for not having g any to give.
I am sorry this is a very long post and if I am taking up too much space in the Käärijä tag, I simply wanted to address my feelings about the entire situation.
Thank you friends for reading, I hope your mind and hearts can heal and you can find joy in whatever you love again 💜💜💜
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befehlvonganzunten · 1 year
Final thoughts on the Grand Final before I'll shut up about Eurovision for the rest of the year...
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The Show
Gotta admit that I didn’t like it because I was hoping they’d be doing more to celebrate Ukraine since they actually won last year. It felt more like the Big UK Show and… yeah, that’s defo not what I tuned in for.
The Jury Votes
I do not understand how a small group of so-called experts can have so much power over the results. It shouldn’t be like that at all. Also: letting the juries place their votes before the actual final makes no sense to me. They should have to place their votes based on the actual final performance. Anything else is just bullshit.
The Official Winner
No surprise here, which is probably what disappointed me the most. I don’t think "Tattoo" is a bad song. It’s just one of those ESC entries that were purely designed to please the juries and I'm sorry, but Sweden does this pretty much every year and I’m tired of it. Like, maybe sticking to more or less the exact same formula for nearly a decade really is the key to success, but it’s also incredibly lazy imo.
I actually feel bad for Loreen, though, because none of this is her fault. Käärijä was clearly the public’s favorite and to know that you only won thanks to the juries who are famously - and rightfully - hated by the public must sting at least a little bit. (Sweden winning right on time for the ABBA anniversary thingy also seems suspiciously convenient, but I don't have the time or energy to go and make assumptions.)
The Real Winner
It’s the boy from Vantaa who cha cha cha’d too close to the sun. (Seriously, though: check out his other songs, he’s really good. And check out Finland, too! It's a beautiful country full of beautiful people who deserve way more credit than they usually get.) This dude has brought me such joy over the past few weeks, I'm genuinely heartbroken over the results. He and his team did their very best, but apparently the juries have zero tolerance for out-of-the-box thinking.
Käärijä won the public vote by a landslide and at the end of the day, that’s the only thing that truly matters, but still. Despite Ukraine’s win last year, rap is still painfully underrepresented in the contests and that’s a shame if you ask me. Like, there’s only so much jury-friendly pop I can take before my brain shuts off automatically.
Who Else Was Robbed
Austria, Moldova, LATVIA, and - and I can’t believe I’m actually writing this because I’m basically conditioned to hate my home country’s entries no matter what - Germany. I didn’t like "Blood & Glitter" as a song choice at all, but the stage-performance was solid. (Welp, at least we didn’t receive zero points this time.)
In Conclusion
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I do believe that Eurovision is completely ridiculous, but it’s also a great opportunity to explore European music and to get together with your friends and collectively yell at the TV in the middle of the night, which is always fun I guess. I had a lot of issues with this year's contest, so here’s hoping that the next one will be better and - most importantly - less predictable.
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snazzynacho · 1 year
Behind Closed Doors
Bojan Cvjetićanin x fem!reader
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Chapter One:
A/N: Apologies if I got some of the timeline wrong I'm trying lol. I used Käärijä and his real name Jere interchangeably so if you get confused that's why. Also when they're talking they're obviously talking Finnish irl but I only know some sentences so just pretend 🥴 (Definitions of Finnish words I may use are at the end of the chapter) I still don't know whether to turn this fanfic into a Bojan x reader x Käärijä...help me pls, comment below (I am deranged for them both I'm not sorry)
Being one of Käärijä's dancers for Eurovision 2023 was the best job you could ask for. You and Käärijä, or should I say, Jere, grew up together and have been through thick and thin. Nonetheless, you are still just as close as you were when you were younger.
To say you and Jere were friends would be an understatement. Best friends, sometimes slightly more if you had too much alcohol...It seemed either way Jere would always be the protective one, constantly looking out for you and prioritising your needs (and everyone else's) rather than his own. You would tell him that he had a habit of doing that, yet he would simply shrug it off.
You had the chance to meet a couple of the other contestants before arriving in Liverpool at a pre-party, specifically two nights ago at the Nordic Party, but unfortunately, or fortunately, you cannot remember a single thing from it. Thank you Finnish drinking culture! (Seriously, drink responsibly.)
Currently, the turquoise carpet was happening and Käärijä had finished his short interview which was the cue for you and the other three dancers to join him on the small make-shift stage to pose for the camera.
As soon as he saw you his eyes lit up, finding someone he was familiar with amongst the chaos of not only the carpet event but later on in the entire competition was comforting, and with having to mostly talk English (which he wasn't hugely knowledgeable on) in interviews and with the competitors, only made it more difficult. Despite this he had you and that's the only thing that mattered, and doing well in his performances, of course. You knowing slightly more English helped too...
Embracing you in a side hug was his way of showing he cared for you, for now, words are for later. While you hugged you turned to each other and smiled, both still not believing that you were in this together, at Eurovision!  At this, the camera took its last snap of you two like that. You could certainly foresee it being featured in a video titled "Fave moments of Käärijä and Y/n" or something along those lines.
Once you all began making your way to the carpet your nerves kicked in, something which Jere picked up on and whispered you some words of comfort making you struggle to shake the fuzzy feeling he gave you. Now is not the time to fixate on whether you have feelings for your best friend...
You all moved along the carpet, which consisted of talking to fans and more posing for different cameras.  While Käärijä was distracted with a fan you and the dancers decided to have a mini 'Cha Cha Cha dance moment' in the middle of the carpet for the cameraman to film. He was shifting his attention to you when he heard loud cheering. seeing you leading the dancers at the front, Cha cha cha-ing away, as he does. A laugh escaped you as you noticed him giggling at you out the corner of your eye so you dragged him by the arm to join in before embarrassment kicked in.
"You're already trying to replace me?!" Jere joked as he brought his hands on his hips.
"Maybe. I think I'll make a great Käärijä."
"I think you'll be more of a Juoppo, or better, Kalsarikänni" He teased back resulting in you playfully punching his chest, huffing, crossing your arms and facing away from him. From the corner of your eye, you thought you noticed him gazing at you for a little longer than normal but you brushed it off...
Of course, the cameras couldn't get enough of this. Another moment to add to that video!
After the carpet event, a few contestants were at a small bar table nearby, wanting to meet some other contestants.
You all had been there for around twenty minutes and the dancers had already left to get another drink leaving you and Käärijä to enjoy the last of your drinks together before planning on joining conversations with fellow opponents around you when a band had come over to the bar t order drinks.
"I think that's the guy I saw at the party!" Jere turned to you with a glimmer in his eye before waving and catching the man in question's attention. You followed his gaze and your heart skipped a beat. He had a black sequined flowing shirt on that made him sparkle in the light and complimented his dark blond locks, and you had to admit, he was nice to look at. Most importantly he was very familiar. Had you seen him at the party? You couldn't quite remember...
You hadn't had time to think about anything else as you noticed the man striding over, forcing you to take a sharp breath in, primarily because you were worried you were going to make a fool of yourself which left you to also mentally curse Jere for putting you in these ridiculous neon pink outfits and blinding white fake teeth and orange tan that gave uncanny valley to anyone who looked at you for longer than five seconds.
"Hey, I'm Bojan, singer of the Slovenian act, 'Joker Out'...We saw each other at the party!" He smiled at you both as you started to just about recognise him from the first time you and Jere met him at the party.
"Yes yes, Joker-man!" Jere joked in remembrance, making Bojan laugh and at that moment you thought you were dreaming. Hearing his voice again without the loud party music was nice but hearing his laugh? That was heavenly.
Jere finally (officially) introduced you to him. "This is Y/n, remember?" The man shook your hand. Your nerves were slightly eased when none of your fake tan left any marking on him, although they came right back as he spoke. Now you knew he was not only hot but had a pleasant voice too. All you had left was to hear his singing voice...
"Yes! I remember!" Bojan eagerly replied. You noticed a tinge of redness appear on his cheeks and hoped he was just feeling hot, as he physically does anyway, and not because of a recollection of something embarrassing at the party (that you still could not remember any major details of...) Deep down you knew the latter was probably true yet tried to keep yourself calm and collected.
"Good to see you again," You lied, wishing you were saying the right thing. What if you had done something stupid and now you're saying it's good to see him again? What if this isn't good?! Is it good? It must be. He is being nice to you after all...
Your thoughts were interrupted as the rest of Joker Out came over and once again said how great the party was...Even they had memories of it and they weren't even invited!
Leaving you and Bojan alone, Käärijä and the other boys began steering away, closer to a table by some other contestants the boys wanted to introduce Käärijä to.
"Hey, remember that drinking game we played at the party? That was fun..." Bojan trailed off, speaking of a moment that must have happened at the party.
"Oh...yeah! That was so fun!" You lied again, having no idea what he was talking about. Oh god, what if you had kissed him and not remembered...
Almost like an angel, Jere began walking back over with two drinks in hand, clearly seeing what you needed. Or he was sabotaging you because at this point you were ready to leave your Finnish roots behind and vow never to drink again, seeing the circumstances.
Before leaving to join the others Bojan leaned over and whispered into your ear.  "You don't remember anything at all, do you?" At that, he simply walked away, leaving you standing there even more confused...and concerned.
"Smooth." Jere had obviously heard the last of your conversation with Bojan and sent a smug smile your way.
You weren't sure but had Jere sensed the tension or were you going crazy?  Guilt was filling you up now. How could you not remember the Nordic party? You Nordics are known for liking a drink but not remembering anything, at all, is a new low even for you. Even in Käärijä's view. That hasn't happened since you were a teenager, he would know.
You felt like Jere was not telling you something or maybe he thought you had remembered what happened already... Again, you had no time to think, which was a typical thing lately much to your hatred, because a young woman around your age approached you. "Hi, I'm Alessandra! You're Y/n, right? I saw you at the Nordic party!" She smiled. Ah, yes, the party you barely could remember. As if you needed any more reminding.
"Hi! Good to see you again." You could lie for the whole world at this rate.
Alessandra introduced you and brought you over to the table where Joker Out and Käärijä were as well as the last few people who were at the bar; Luke Black who was representing Serbia and Alika who was representing Estonia. You got along well with them and you all decided to plan a get-together where tomorrow you'd all hang out at a café nearby and everyone was so excited about it! You were too, but, after that interesting interaction with Bojan, you were nervous to say the least.
As time passed the bar became quieter and quieter as they began leaving to go site-seeing, and back at the hotel, the day turned into night.
Even though you were sad to do so, even with Jere protesting otherwise, you both knew you leaving him to have an early night was for the best. To him, he assumed you were tired but you knew the only way you could escape from all the confusing and slightly flirty looks from Jere and Bojan was the comfort of your hotel room which was overwhelming at this point.
Taking a nice hot bath would surely do the trick of ridding your mind of not only them but also the stress of the competition...Until you had a vision, of yourself in a sauna. Kaarija's sauna. A pleasant steaming sauna with two other figures sat close to you. Bojan and Jere. Then it vanished away like a dream.
What was that supposed to mean?
While you clambered into bed for the night in your hotel room you tried to rest but something was keeping you awake, or someone, orrather two people. That bath did nothing but further confuse you!
Maybe watching Joker Out's interview from the carpet event would (worsen) help you... At that, you flipped over to your right side where your bedside table was and grabbed your phone, opened Youtube and the first thing to come up was the video in question. Seems like even your phone knows something's up.
The first was the official interview by the two hosts of the Turquoise Carpet. It opened with the usual questions like "How are you finding it all?" and "Do you like Liverpool?"    Although, as the interview progressed it built up to "Have you been anywhere you like?"
The band responded with site-seeing places like The Cavern Club where The Beatles performed but to you, the most important place was the Nordic Party..."Okay, that wasn't too bad," you thought to yourself.
The next video was by one of the reporters who was one of many along the Turquoise carpet and you thought it couldn't get any worse...but it did. The question that stuck out the most to you was "Which contestant would you rather get stuck in a sauna with?" which caused the band to erupt in laughter.
Luckily, while the video was being recorded earlier that day, you and Käärijä and the other dancers were further along or had left the carpet by then, otherwise, the answer they gave would have probably provoked anyone within reach to ask you about: "I think I've already done that already..."  Bojan hesitated yet finished the sentence; "...with two people here already..."
He then had the cheek to mutter under his breath: "Someone close to Käärijä." Bojansmirked and the rest of the band giggled. If you weren't slick you wouldn't have caught it but it looked like Jan said something under his breath to Bojan...something that looked to be your name.
So, in conclusion, that 'vision' you had in the bath was in fact, a memory.
Well, fuck.
Juoppo = drunkard.
Kalsarikänni = getting drunk in your underwear at home. (I still find it so funny they have a  word for this...I love Finnish😭)
Please reblog if you enjoyed! Thanks!
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mitamicah · 1 year
17,18,21! <33
Yay :D!!
I am not surprised that you chose to ask 17+18 together since they kind of rhyme and I like that x'D
17. what song in your playlist sounds like this 💖❤️🥰🤩💘💕 but the lyrics are 🖤🩸⛓💣🗡🪨
I feel like there might be a lot of songs like that, but for some reason I cannot for the life of me remember any of them :'D So here's what I found by digging deep into my playlist(s)
Firstly I'll choose Gotta Do Something by flor. Admittedly it is not dark in a way I'd say fit with the emojis but more dark in an existential way if you are an unemployed person in your late 20s like I am :'D it honestly hit me right in the gut to the point of making me panic before I went on sickleave OVO
This one is Hate Me (Sometimes) by Stand Atlantic. It is from a very old playlist and it seems to have more of a 'dark' tone fitting with what I interpret the emijos to mean x'D Case in point here's a snippet of the lyrics x'D (sorry in advance that it is long :'D)
Oh, where did I go wrong? Limbs in a noose Thought I'd be better But I'm written off to tell you the truth
Dead in the water Carry me home Get off on whiplash I'm losing myself red and I'm blue
I set fires so deliberately 'Til I taste the smoke On every part of me My hands are promised to my dirty jeans But I would sell myself to almost anything
I don't need your help You should probably save yourself There's blood on my hands (You should probably save yourself)
(Also I am not sure how 'happy go lucky' the second song is but oh well x'D)
18. what song in your playlist sounds like this 🖤🩸⛓💣🗡🪨 but the lyrics are 💖❤️🥰🤩💘💕
I mean ... it has to be Käärijä doesn't it x'D Buuuut let me go with this one instead because I love the contrast:
I chose Arrow of Love by Electric Callboy since especially the 'Kevin screams' make it sound very aggressive but it is a song about trying your best to spread love :'D x'D
21. what’s the weirdest song title you can think of right now.
I mean ... one that exists or?
Gah I am not good at remembering things rn :'D
La Di Da (by Vukovi) I guess? Sorry I am blank rn x'D thank you for the questions tho :'D 💚
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oh-yes-i-did-not · 1 year
Also, just as FYI, while I’m not a Loreen stan, I do love Euphoria and like Loreen as an artist and she features on my playlists a lot. I also had no idea who Käärijä was, just like most people, until UMK.
And I didn’t like Ta-a-a-ttoo from the beginning since I don’t like that sort of vocal gimmicks. I just DON’T. It sounds... uugh. I don’t know, call it my autistic trait but I don’t like that sort of vocal stuff at all that sounds like a cuccoo-clock.
Also, the song in general just sounded like Euphoria, when I expected her to bring something new, but that I think can’t be counted as much as minus since most people expected just that.
My still current fav from UMK was Benjamin - Hoida Mut, because it was THE absolute gay song. It LITERALLY said DO ME and it is not straight about it. It says FUCK ME IN GAY. And it did it while sounding gooooooood~ An absolute banger!
But like, I just loved most how the contestants are. You probably should too bc that is all the Finnish UMK contestants reacting to each other and it’s the most wholesome thing ever.
But also, Cha Cha Cha is a party anthem. And also, for many people related to the whole show, it was new and amazing to be treated as a pre-favourite! Even during Lordi, I don’t think Finnish press got that WIP treatment. And I don’t think Swedish people can ever understand that feeling since they’ve won so many times but being a pre-fav is a HUGE THING. They just take of for granted.
So what most Käärijä fans did during Eurovision was watching Käärijä making other bands go to sauna and learning Finnish and having the rest of the world Watch and See along. That has never happened before! And just to emphatize, NOT. EVEN. WITH. LORDI.
So yah, Finns were excited and there was a good reason.
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