#K-drama filming location
astrosky33 · 2 years
Where you’ll meet people based on your Composite Chart Ruler together
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Your Composite Chart Ruler can show you how you’re going to meet someone/how you met someone. Here are the steps to finding it if you don’t know how:
1) Check your Composite Chart with the person that you’re curious about - How to find Composite Charts
2) Check the chart ruler of your Composite Chart and what house that it’s in - How to find chart rulers
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1st house: At a fight (for ex: at a boxing match or maybe you fight/are involved in controversy upon first meeting), at some type of race, one of you may catch the other off guard when meeting, at a fashion show, somewhere involving athletics/sports, or it could just indicate meeting near topics surrounding the chart rulers planet itself
2nd house: While buying something, at a store (a mall, grocery store, etc.), at a restaurant, through a job (usually a short-term one), at a bank (or somewhere involving money), near somewhere involving singing (ex: choir)
3rd house: Through social media (likely in a group-chat), through your siblings, in school (high, middle, elementary, pre-k), a cell phone store, in some type of transportation (not air only ground transportation - such as an uber), through being neighbors, near somewhere involving literature/writing
4th house: Through your family, through your mother, in a house, through real estate (for ex: maybe they’re a real estate agent and helping you find a house), during a holiday/tradition occurring or some type of holiday event, nursing home (odd but a possibility)
5th house: Through your children or near children somehow, at a concert/entertainment event (not a party though that would be 11H), near a playground, through a hookup, while on vacation, at a casino, near somewhere involving drama, while playing a game/at some type of game, while doing one of your hobbies (ex: playing piano)
6th house: At the gym, at a location involving health (for ex: a health food store), a doctors office/hospital, at a pet store (or near pets), near animals (ex: a zoo), at a place you routinely visit/go to daily (ex: if you go to the coffee shop every morning you could meet this person there), they could be your coworker, you could meet them while volunteering, through your step-siblings, through your best friend (not friend group but BEST friend)
7th house: At a wedding, through a couple, through someone you dated/are dating, at a dance/while dancing, through business partners, while signing a contract, through one of your agents, through an enemy of yours, while there’s a conflict occurring, you may be enemies with them upon first meeting, or it could mean you just meet the person while they’re with their gf/bf
8th house: During a hard/transformational time in your life/lives, at a crime scene, near the police, at a funeral (odd but a possibility), at a big business (usually one you’re in), through a psychologist/near somewhere surrounding psychology, near a place involving spirituality or black magic
9th house: At college/uni, while traveling, through or near television/media, could be during an interview of some sort, at an airport, on an airplane, at or near a church, at a court (could be any type such as a basketball court, a courthouse, a tennis court, etc), at a library, somewhere involving the law
10th house: Through your career, through your father/father figure, through one of your bosses/managers, through a famous person, at a meet & greet, somewhere in public/at a very public place
11th house: Through friends, at a party, through technology, at a convention, near film/technology, at a social event, while doing community service of some kind, through your step parents or step/half children, at a hotel, somewhere involving politics, at a club (not just the ones you drink at it could also be at a type of club like chess club for example), near somewhere involving science
12th house: Somewhere involving spirituality (for ex: a crystal shop), in a place that’s a bit hidden or in solitude, while high/drunk, in a place involving sleep or while you’re asleep maybe you wake up to them (kind of weird but a possibility), during a lockdown (maybe while a pandemic is happening similar to the covid-19 one), in prison, while you’re trying to escape from something/somewhere, places involving mental health
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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autismtana · 7 months
so you wanna write a heartbreak high fic, but you're american...
As an Australian who writes fanfic for Glee (which is American), it's interesting seeing kind of the opposite thing happen with Heartbreak High, which is very much an Australian show (even though there's a couple things here and there that I'll get into in this post), and I thought I'd offer my perspective as someone who grew up and went to school in Sydney (and is also very autistic and detail-oriented). I think this might be the first time an Australian teen drama has gone mainstream, but there's a lot of specific cultural things in Australia that tend to get lost in fanfiction.
So, without further ado, here is your guide to how to write about high school in Australia (or if you just want to learn about Australia, here tis).
(Disclaimer: this is mostly based on my experience living in NSW where Heartbreak High is filmed and set, but there might be some subtle differences in other states)
{This is a photo from Maroubra Bay High School, which doesn't exist anymore and is now the location where Heartbreak High is filmed}
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Basic things: The school year starts at the end of January and ends in mid-December, and is broken up into 4 10-week terms, with two weeks holiday between each term and 5-6 weeks at Christmas. We're in the Southern Hemisphere, and February is an absolute nightmare weather-wise. In New South Wales (NSW), you're in primary school from years K-6 and high school from years 7-12. People generally refer to the grade they're in as "year #" or sometimes "grade #". If you go to a public school, it's usually with kids from your local area. Primary schools are usually called [Suburb Name] Public School (sometimes there's a "north" or "west" or even a street name instead; high schools are generally [Suburb Name] High School. School starts around 8:30 and ends at around 3. There's recess in the morning (usually around 11am) and lunch in the afternoon (usually around 1-1:30pm). Kids will either bring their own lunch or buy from the canteen, which these days is generally meant to be "healthy". The legal drinking age here is 18; that being said, it is not illegal for parents to let their children drink alcohol at home under their supervision (so if a 16-year-old's dad lets them have a beer at home, they're not going to get charged with supplying alcohol to a minor). Drinking culture in Australia is pretty feral and pretty much every social gathering involves alcohol. The youngest you can be to start school is turning 5 on or before the 31st July and the latest you can start is the year you turn 6; most parents, particularly those that are more well-off and can afford that extra year of preschool/childcare, start their kids the year they turn 6 (even if they turn 6 in January), so most teenagers will turn 18 during year 12 (which generally involves, parties, drinking and pubs). I did not. I turned 18 the day after O-week at uni ended, which is my villain origin story, but in some instances, a kid who is a month away from turning 19 will be in the same year 12 class as a kid who turned 17 four months ago without having repeated any grades.
Language & Slang: Australian slang is so niche that I'm just going to link you to this document, but just be aware that some of this shit is outdated and not used by anyone not named Alf Stewart, so use your better judgement. Thongs are a pair of shoes. Prawns are seafood (not shrimp; no one says "throw shrimp on the barby"). Australians swear a lot. Some of my favourite swears are "get fucked", "fuckwit", "fucknuckle", "shitcunt" and many others. We use "cunt" as a term of endearment and often use "mate" to be as passive aggressive as possible (call your mates "cunt" and cunts "mate"). Nobody fucking says "g'day mate" (and, while we're at it, nobody fucking drinks Fosters).
Uniform: Hartley High is a non-uniform school. This is actually extremely rare in Australia and I think there's only like 1 or 2 mainstream schools in NSW with no uniform. The vast majority of Australian schools have uniforms ranging from the typical stuffy blazer-and-straw-hat combo at the likes of Shore and Scots to a simple polo shirt and footy shorts/trackies in your average rural or regional public school. In the original series from the 90s, it's established that the school did at one point have a uniform that was a plot point in an episode where Nick Poulos (the main character at the time) is elected class captain to the chagrin of conservative teacher and football coach Bill Southgate. Other schools in the area would probably have a uniform; the school where it was filmed is now closed, but I did find a picture that shows what the uniform once looked like (see above).
Geography: Hartley High is located in the South Sydney/Eastern Suburbs area, so feel free to incorporate a little Rabbitohs/Roosters rivalry into your fic for that extra bit of authenticity. We play rugby here, which Australians also call "footy". Australian Rules Football (AFL) is also colloquially called "footy", which can get very confusing. Private schools (like the one where Darren's fuck buddy Jacob goes) tend to favour rugby union. Pretty much everyone (and I mean everyone) has a rugby league team they support. For example, I'm a Rabbitohs supporter, my mum is a Cowboys supporter and my dad is a Broncos supporter. There's also State of Origin, which is NSW vs Queensland (basically you support the state you were born in but some people jump on the Queensland bandwagon whenever they're winning ... fuckwits).
Classes and Timetables: Timetables here operate fortnightly, so it's not overly common to have the same class at the same time every day. Generally there's a rollcall class in the morning for 20 minutes where teachers do things like read notices, hand out notes and check uniforms and phones (I'm pretty sure the NSW education department actually just banned the use of phones in schools), then you'll typically have two classes, then recess, then another two classes, then lunch, then maybe one or two classes followed by home time. Here is a summary of everything kids in New South Wales have to learn in high school: Stage 4 (Years 7-8): English, Maths, Science, HSIE (History/Geography), TAS (e.g. cooking, sewing, metal work, woodwork, digital technology), CAPA (generally just music and art but can also include dance and drama), PDHPE (theory and prac), LOTE (my school offered French and Italian, but there's a massive variety of languages on offer and a lot of schools actually teach the local Aboriginal language). Stage 5 (Years 9-10): English, Maths, Science, HSIE, PDHPE and electives. The number of electives that can be chosen vary from school to school, but some popular examples are PASS, Art, Drama, Music, Food Tech, Metal, Woodwork. Some schools offer things like STEM as an elective and others offer, say, two electives and have all students undertaking some kind of STEM class. What my school did was offer four electives - two for year 9 and 10 and then two for just year 9 because Australian History and Australian Geography would take up those extra two timeslots. I chose Music, Italian, Drama and, for some reason, extension maths. Stage 6 (Year 11-12): this is the lead up to the HSC, and it's where things start to get complicated so ... everyone has to study English (Advanced, Standard, Studies, Extension and EALD) and I think Maths (Advanced, Standard, Extension and a course called Numeracy which is more everyday numeracy in society), then a whole bunch of subject choices that can be found here, and the HSC has no requirements as to the types of subjects you can study (e.g. there's no language requirement, science requirement etc. like in the US; you got that shit out of the way in stages 4 and 5). There are also VET subjects that give you a TAFE qualification when you finish them which is nice (most popular one is Hospitality). Then you get your HSC at the end of year 12.
This was so long that there is going to be a part 2 (apparently there's a lot to know about living in NSW and going to school there and it's longer than 4000 characters), so stay tuned for things like student leadership, sport, extracurricular stuff, uni (this is probably the area that's the most different from the US) and whatever other extraneous things I can think of.
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hongphobic · 9 months
behind the scenes 📸
“…hello. I didn’t think filming would be this awkward.”
PAIRING ; kwon soonyoung / hoshi x reader. (gender-neutral)
GENRE ; rom-com. fluff (?)
WARNINGS ; none.
in which hoshi and his camera director (who’s had a crush on him for quite a while) experience some tension in the middle of filming.
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“There will be a new camera director in charge of Hoshi,” The producer grimaced for the new director silently, “Especially when it comes to filming Going Seventeen episodes.”
You’ve been working under Seventeen for quite a while. What was truly unexpected was suddenly becoming your long-time crush’s personal camera director.
Being part of the camera/filming team, all you did was help with filming the members as a group, so you didn’t have that much of an important role. That’s why you’ve only ever ‘admired’ Hoshi from afar.
The old director constantly rambled about how Hoshi usually couldn’t stay still when filming tiring episodes, or how they’d stay in one spot for hours, until their butts became numb.
“(Name), he’s in the next room. You’ll meet him for a bit so you know what kind of guy you’re dealing with.”
I already know what kind of guy I’m dealing with, Producer…
You bow respectfully and make your way to the next room.
“Hello, Mr. Kwon. I’m the new camera director in charge of filming you.” You bow respectfully, eyes darting to scan the entire room nervously.
“Just call me Hoshi, director, I don’t mind!” He laughs—very cutely, you think— “Just giving you a heads up, we’ll probably be running around a lot for the shoot tomorrow.”
You simply nod before doing whatever you can to avoid eye contact with him. You’d probably end up blushing.
“So… See you tomorrow, director?” He smiles, holding a hand up. You assumed he was about to wave goodbye to you, so you didn’t high five him.
“See you tomorrow, Mr. Kwon.” You put your hand up, waving back at him, albeit sheepishly.
He practically lunges forward to high-five you, “I told you to just call me Hoshi, director!”
You rush to the door, opening it wide enough for you to slip through. You stopped once more than half of your body was outside, and turned to Hoshi.
“Just call me (name).”
Wow. You’re absolutely screwed.
Being too occupied with other things at home (you were watching k-dramas and variety shows all night), you ended up sleeping at around 3am. The call time for the shoot was 7:30am sharp.
You woke up at 6:00, since you lived quite close to the building.
You completely skipped out on your makeup and breakfast, deciding that you’d just do it when you’re on the way to the shooting location.
That was until the producer said that there was unexpected traffic, so you’d have to leave at 7:00.
You only managed to grab a sandwich, because you wanted to get coffee somewhere else. Mentally scolding yourself for staying up too late, you boarded the huge bus.
—only to be surprised by the amount of people. You didn’t know that Seventeen was going to ride with the directors as well.
Eyes scanning the entire bus, you sent a look saying ‘help’ to the producer, waiting for him to tell you where to sit. He gestures towards a seemingly empty seat, not until you went closer…
You’re sitting next to Hoshi.
Despite his heavy eyelids, he manages to flash you a smile, lifting up the two iced coffees he got.
“I got coffee. I figured you’d be tired because of how early it is,” He whispered, putting the cup in your hand, “I hope you like iced americano, though.”
“Thank you, Mr. Kwon.” You whispered back as you bowed in gratitude.
He huffed, as if he was angry, “Not Mr. Kwon, Hoshi!”
You pursed your lips apologetically. “Thank you, Hoshi.”
Hoshi gave you a thumbs up, “No problem, (name).”
The rest of the ride on the way to the shoot was a little quiet, occasional small talk every now and then. Once you confirmed that Hoshi fell asleep, you did your makeup as fast as you could, checking every now and then if he woke up or not.
After around three hours—yes, three hours— you arrived at the shoot location. You had to help set up the individual cameras, as well as the cameras in the warehouses.
Thank goodness Hoshi got you coffee. Otherwise, you would’ve passed out and fallen asleep in some random building.
At around 12:00pm, you began filming. The members were told about their roles and what they should do in order to win the game.
Since Hoshi was a rat, you brought a camera and your small bag with necessities with you as you made your way to his chosen hiding spot.
The rats, Hoshi, Woozi, Jun, and Wonwoo, decided that Hoshi would hide somewhere undiscoverable until the time was up.
“So, this is the hiding spot?” You sat down on the ground, pushing the white cover away from your body.
“Yes. We can just chill, I probably won’t get any screen time anyway,” He pouts slightly, crossing his arms sulkily.
Sensing the sudden wave of awkwardness between you two, you reached into your bag, soft rustling coming from your side.
“You want some candy?”
He answers immediately, almost like a child. You smiled at him before giggling softly. “Here. I thought you’d get hungry.”
You found yourself enjoying a conversation with Hoshi, completely forgetting that you had to film him. That was until you heard Seungkwan, The8, and Dino’s voice.
“Seriously, where’s Hoshi? He’s probably hiding in some obscure spot.” The three gossiped, determined to find the said male.
“Maybe he’s under one of these white covers,” Seungkwan says, lifting some of the covers up.
Hoshi began to panic a little. He shoved whatever candy he had in his mouth and pushed you backwards so that your body wasn’t poking out of the covers, almost destroying the camera.
He wasn’t aware of how close you two were, but you were.
Once the coast was clear, you two were in that position until he could confidently confirm that they were gone.
He turns to you, about to say that they were gone and that you could eat candy again, but he stopped. Your faces were practically inches away, his breath fanning your face.
You were sure that the heat your face was producing could battle even the sun.
Hoshi continued staring into your eyes, a tiny amount of redness brushing his cheeks, until he finally decided to break the silence.
“…Hello. I didn’t think filming would be this awkward.”
You take a deep breath before chuckling.
“Mr. Kwon, I don’t even think we’re filming anymore.” Your eyes trailed off to the camera on the ground, filming nothing but the white cover.
“Hey, you called me Mr. Kwon again. I told you it’s Hoshi.”
Smiling sheepishly, you offered him another piece of candy. “I meant Hoshi. Same thing.”
You two continue joking around with one another before he pauses, his face suddenly becoming serious.
“My total screen time for this month is definitely gonna be like, 30 seconds.”
“Great work today!” Everyone cheered, getting ready to wrap up.
You were busy helping your coworkers with the cameras, retrieving the ones in the buildings as well. You were alone, as the other directors were doing the same thing.
Jolting at the sudden scare, you turn around with furrowed brows— only to see Hoshi.
He’s barefaced, dressed comfortably, yet he still looks so damn handsome.
“May I help you, Hoshi?” You clear your mind, pushing away all unnecessary thoughts.
“Let me help you.”
“It’s okay, I don’t need help. You should go home, it’s getting late. You basically only ate candy today.” You bite your tongue as soon as the words came out of your mouth. You were showing that you cared about him a little too much…
“You can’t reach that camera, can you?”
Following his index finger, you spotted the camera that was around three meters up in the corner of the building.
“You can’t either, Mr— I mean, Hoshi.”
“Okay, you got me there,” He laughs, putting his hands up as if he were surrendering.
You both stand in silence, thinking about how to retrieve that camera. Hoshi decided to break the silence (again…)
“Let’s make a deal.” He clasps his hands together, turning around to face you.
You tilt your head to show that you’re listening.
“I’ll get it for you, but you’ll owe me.” He flashes that same charming smile of his, but despite how distracting that smile is, you couldn’t ignore his words.
Owe? Owe him? The Hoshi Kwon?
“What do I owe you? Money?” You crossed your arms, hoping that he wouldn’t say yes to that.
“Nope. I already know how you can pay me back.”
“Okay, how?”
“Go on a date with me, (name).”
likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
© kwonshuji on tumblr. do not repost. do not copy. do not remake. 09.09.23
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1) Harry has previously said that he didn't watch suits and has no idea about Meghan. Now he says that W&k were fans of suits so he knew Meghan/Suits? Which one is the truth?
2) Harry says William forbade him to keep a beard coz he wasn't allowed to have one. It sounds so petty. Did William really do that?
3) Harry couldn't even afford a sofa?? Why did meg had to lay for it?
4) If Harry couldn't even afford such a small item then who was paying for the Cotswold farmhouse that they had rented all through their courtship?
5) Most importantly, what exactly do h&m want in this so called "reconciliation summit"? What are your views Plant? I would be ashamed to show my face in front of my family and friends after such disgrace. They came to jubilee saying they want to honor queen, fine, but they have beef with Charles and William so why come to coronation. In fact if I had so much resentment towards someone I would cut them out clean. No contact ever.
1. No one watched Suits. He’s lying about Will and Kate being fans. He learned of Suits when he googled Meghan. The guy basically watches cartoons, by his own admission.
2. I don’t buy the beard story. Harry flips his narratives about Will several times in the book. First, Will ditches after his wedding and doesn’t my care about him anymore, then Will is over controlling, micromanaging stuff like his beard and wedding location. Both of those can’t be true.
3. Not sure what the deal is with the sofa because they got millions to renovate Nott Cott. Moreover, he has a trust fund Di left him and Meg made money from Suits and marching. They should have been able to buy furniture. Probably they bought a cheap sofa to tie them over until they got the big house.
4. Soho House paid for the Cotswolds cottage. It was a new development where the Soho House owner was an investor and the the Harkles were basically comped their stay in exchange for promoting the development.
5. He wants an official royal connection he can use for merching and reality shows, basically the half-in and half-out he asked for during Megxit. He doesn’t care about his family and just wants to monetize the relationship. He wants this for three reasons. First, they make a lot more merch money with the royal connection, like 200 times as much. The difference is huge. Second, official status gets them onto White House/political events and international events that they can use for their merching and reality shows and Netflix will pay them more money for that. Third, his main product is royal drama and he realizes he’s just recycling old drama now. He needs the reconciliation to create new drama material to sell. Of course, that’s exactly why the family can’t reconcile. They would be trading a five year old fake “royal racist” accusation for new “royal racist” accusations every three months.
His goal is to obtain a made-up post like the Trade Ambassador deal Andrew had that will allow him to set up two/three trips a year he can use for merching and filming. He’ll film each trip for Netflix and he’ll make up some drama about how the family is mistreating him by not giving him royal jewels/private jet/whatever. He’ll also sue the tabloids for some perceived slight. That should bring in enough income to support their lifestyle. Oh, the made-up role should also come with security, and the family should protect him from the tabloids who will be constantly accusing him of corruption and misuse of government funds. Oh, and none of his income should be taxed in the UK. Easy peasy.
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filmnoirfoundation · 8 months
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TV Noir on the Big Screen
The FNF will co-present Noir Television: Naked City with UCLA Film & Television Archive on Sunday, October 15, 7:00 p.m. at the Billy Wilder Theater located in Los Angeles' Hammer Museum.
The evening comprises two episodes of Naked City, a police drama from the original Golden Age of Television, and an in-person Q&A with FNF board member Alan K. Rode and actor/writer Michael McGreevey between screenings. Based on Jules Dassin's acclaimed 1948 motion picture of the same name, Naked City boasted location photography and a host of New York actors in thoughtful, original teleplays that emphasized character over action.
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First, Jack Warden (Twelve Angry Men) guest stars as a fugitive who takes refuge in a tenement rooftop hideaway belonging to a troubled child (Mike McGreevey) in The King of Venus Will Take Care of You (1962). As the police close in, the misfit pair confront each other and their individual life circumstances, which are untenable.
A Horse Has a Big Head — Let Him Worry (1962) plays second. In groundbreaking casting, Diahann Carroll (Julia) guests as an earnest special education teacher searching for a sight-impaired student (John Megna) who, in defiant independence, wanders away on a field trip. Admission is free. Full details and program notes are available on UCLA's website.
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whenthegoldrays · 4 months
For the ask game: mocha, mint tea, sparkling water
Mocha: Dream Job?
My first choice is film editor, but I also think I’d like screenwriting, location scouting, or cinematography :)
Mint Tea: How do you relax?
Jazz, hot tea or cocoa, and a good book in bed
Sparkling Water: Describe what qualities you look for in a person
Spirituality (faith), kindness, patience, humility. Loyalty. And also being well spoken, vibing with my sense of humor, and liking jazz and dancing! 💃🏻 Being a Swiftie or liking Jane Austen or k-dramas would be cool bonuses too, but they’re not required :)
Thank you for asking! 🥰
café ask game
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lopposting · 6 months
rando fun fact:
If you're a big k-drama fan, you may have actually seen Neowiz headquarters before!
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Not only does NEOWIZ produce and publish video games (most notably perhaps, the sleeper hit Lies of P), but it looks as though NEOWIZ headquarters also serves as a filming location. It's been used as a set for various K-Dramas, like the Hit Netflix series Attorney Woo!
its quite a small world after all !
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bengiyo · 1 year
Star Struck Eps 1 & 2 Stray Thoughts
I remember seeing something about this show, but am choosing not to look up anything on the front end. K-BL often disappoints when I have expectations, so we're just jumping in.
Episode 1
The intro is telling me that we care about stargazing and we had sponsors.
CHILDREN. I am hoping for long-term pining now.
I see this show is on the side of sustainable urbanism with these boys being able to make friends at night in a park.
I suppose we're teens now. One of them has a seductively-deep voice now.
Both of them have deep voices.
Did these boys go on a hunt for GRAPE DRINK?
I hope this boxing gym fits into the story more than as just a source of income.
Ah, so our protagonist is not having a good time at home. Mom is struggling, and dad seems to just be addicted to TV.
Why are the subtitles focusing so amuch on the TV and not the text conversation?
Our protagonist is named Seo Hanjoon. His friend, who he probably likes, is named Jo Yoojae.
The new boy we met at the academy, Park Jinhwan, seems to have a thing for the girl, Yoon Chaeyoung, who has a determined crush on Jo Yoojae.
Well at least we know these best friends are comfortable with each other. Still, feel like this show ended abruptly without really establishing what the drama is, other than that these high schoolers are gonna be sniffing around each other, and Seo Hanjoon is maybe trying to survive/escape his home life.
Episode 2
Alright, so we're leaning into the quartet we formed. I'll leave the color theory to those more knowledgeable and qualified than me, but I'm seeing a red protagonist, a blue boy he yearns for, the pink girl who wants the blue boy, and the green boy who wants the pink girl (and could be an option for the red boy?).
Oof, Seo Hanjoon is painfully aware of the family finances.
There were some fascinating layers to this bleachers conversation. The social rules of where to act on information that may have been privileged. The analysis of the web of attraction. The reveal that maybe Jo Yoojae has feelings for Chaeyoung, and how that deflated Hanjoon. Yoojae being jealous of the budding friendship Hanjoon has with Jinhwan.
I suppose using one of these after school academies allowed them to film in a cheaper location and use a smaller cast with less extras. Still, I hate the concept of kids being in school for like 14 hours a day.
Oh, Jinhwan, you can't just only crush on people. The perceived safety of unrequited love is false.
Oh no, I get Jinhwan. Rejection does sometimes seem more painful than the pain of seeing them get with someone else. Youths reading my blog, please don't fall into that trap.
I'm intrigued. Jo Yoojae is jealous of Park Jinhwan, but is sending mixed signals by seeking interactions with Yoon Chaeyoung. To express his jealousy, he dunks on Hanjoon's love of boxing. Only best friends could hurt you so quickly.
Seems like there's jealousy and tension between the boys' moms.
Well this feels messy!
I felt a little bored in the first episode, but I'm enjoying the way this show is building layers of social complications with each new bit of information. There hasn't been much star gazing since the opening shot, but I suppose I'll be patient. If you are iffy on K-BL, please wait this one out. I'll take the ride.
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oswincoleman · 2 years
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The new issue of Amazing Magazine is now out! It features Jenna Coleman on the cover, and contains pictures from a photoshoot of her, as well as an interview with her about her roles as Lady Johanna Constantine and Johanna Constantine in The Sandman!
You can order it here:
Jenna Coleman is navigating new waters as Johanna Constantine in the Netflix adaptation of The Sandman. Here the Victoria actor talks comic books, exorcisms and how Doctor Who prepared her for the DC Comics fandom.
“In terms of a female comic book character, I love the fact that she’s rough around the edges,” says Jenna Coleman, talking about her role as Johanna Constantine in the highly anticipated Netflix series The Sandman. “From Allan’s scripts she just leapt off the page and felt so textured, and layered; the cynicism, the wit, being such a lone wolf warrior, having this empathy and big heart, but having to not let anybody in. It really lent itself as a female role and I feel like, in the comic book world, there aren’t many female roles like that either.” The Allan in question is showrunner Mr Heinberg; he developed the show alongside Neil Gaiman and David S. Goyer, adapting it from Gaiman’s comic book of the same name. Published by DC Comics, the original series ran from 1989 to 1996 and followed the often-dramatic adventures of Morpheus (aka Dream), the king of dreams. Coleman’s character was the male John Constantine, who first appears to help Morpheus locate his stolen pouch of magical dream sand and in exchange is cured of his frequent nightmares. Johanna was actually another character – one of John’s ancestors from the 18th century – but Coleman’s Johanna is confirmed to be a direct replacement for John. “We played a lot with costume,” says Coleman, who previously transformed into Queen Victoria for the ITV historical drama Victoria, and time travelled back to the 1970s in Netflix’s The Serpent. “The visuals were really interesting, because the original comic book character is a chain-smoking Liverpudlian, so we went down that path with a version of that and the iconic Mackintosh coat on. It made me look more masculine, I guess, and myself and Allan wanted to take those roots and make Johanna a more upgraded version. We kept her quite sharp and sleek.” Johanna did maintain some of John’s rough and tumble, though; she swears like a sailor, with some choice quotes including, “Jesus f**k”, “run along and f**k off back to hell,” and the cleaner – but no less comically delivered – “Get in line, bruv, can’t keep God waiting.” The character is a detective with the powers of a sorcerer and is perhaps most notably skilled in performing exorcisms. Reimagined for the screen several times, he was played by Keanu Reeves in the 2005 film Constantine and portrayed by Matt Ryan in NBC’s live action Constantine TV series, and in various animated Justice League properties. A new HBO series revolving around the character is currently in development, though casting has not yet been announced. For Jenna Coleman's full interview and shoot, plus other AMAZING women, fashion and lifestyle features, order your copy of AMAZING issue 2 now. 
Jenna Coleman wears Chloé Photographed by Guy Lowndes Styled by Toni-Blaze Ibekwe Words by Jennifer Lynn Makeup by Naoko Scintu at The Wall Group using Shiseido Hair by Bjorn Krischker at The Wall Group using ORIBE Nails by Sabrina Gayle at The Wall Group using CHANEL Le Vernis in Pensée and CHANEL La Crème Main Production Director Morgane Millot Photography Assistant Wilbert Lati Styling Assistants Yasmin Williams and Ellis Kerwood Special thanks to the Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity Square
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theside-b · 4 months
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Mr. Blue's webtoon '#MyBiasIsShowing?! #최애가나타났다?!' is reportedly having its own web drama adaptation, produced by IPQ and MOND Studio, and the director of 'A Shoulder To Cry On' is in charge.
When high school teacher Na Aejoon shows up for work on an ordinary day, he never expects to bump into his favorite celebrity in the hallway. But when his school becomes a filming location for a show starring Choi Siyeol, his bias from the idol group A-One, that's exactly what happens! If that's not enough to give a fanboy a heart attack, Siyeol takes an interest in Aejoon and asks him to join the show as his "co-teacher." Desperate to keep his fan life a secret, Aejoon is forced to put his acting skills to the test, and not just on camera. But as he spends more and more time with Siyeol, the deception becomes harder to keep up. Not to mention, he might not be the only one keeping secrets…
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malaysiankpopfans · 4 months
South Korean Singer, Songwriter, and Dancer Yugyeom, Together With Thai Actor, Singer and Model Nanon to Attend Grand Opening of the New Coach Concept Store at The Exchange TRX Mall
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South Korean singer, songwriter, and dancer YUGYEOM will be making a visit to Malaysia on 2nd February 2024, for the grand opening of the new Coach concept store at The Exchange TRX Mall.
Trained under JYP Entertainment, YUGYEOM appeared on the 2013 Mnet reality survival program WIN: Who Is Next. On January 16, 2014, YUGYEOM debuted with K-pop boy group GOT7 releasing the EP Got It?. Over the years, he also took part in creating choreographies for "If You Do" from their EP MAD, and for "POISON" from their EP DYE.
In February 2021, YUGYEOM joined AOMG. On June 22, 2021, YUGYEOM made his debut on the Billboard World Digital Song Sales Chart at number two with "I Want U Around." He held a solo concert in Manila on August 19, debuting the unreleased track "Always Ready," and performed two sold-out shows at Impact Exhibition Hall 5 in Bangkok on August 27 and 28, 2022. On January 2, 2023, he released the digital single "Ponytail," followed by the single album LOLO on July 24.
The opening of the new Coach TRX store will be joined by Nanon, who will be a making special appearance alongside YUGYEOM.
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Koraphat Koetphan, nicknamed Nanon, is a Thai television actor, singer and model. He made his acting debut in 2015 and best known for his leading roles in drama series such as Secret Love: My Lil Boy & My Lil Boy 2 and Bad Buddy Series. In 2021, Nanon was nominated for the Asian Academy Creative Awards and the Asian Television Awards for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his role in The Gifted and The Gifted Graduation.
Nanon was casted as the leading actor for his first Thai feature film, SLR in 2022 and also made his solo artist debut under Riser Music, with the stage name NANON and the single Unidentified Wonder, and released his first full-length album The Secrets Of The Universe in the same year.
The opening of the new Coach TRX store will be an exclusive and private event. A red carpet occasion will be held in conjunction with the event where public could catch a glimpse of their favourite celebrities at the store entrance. Other celebrities and guests include Alyph, Alvin Chong, Anna Jobling, Daiyan Trisha and many more. 
Full details of the grand opening event are as below:
Date: 2nd February 2024, Friday Time: 6.30PM Venue: COACH The Exchange TRX Mall
The new Coach concept store is located at G.87.0, G.88.0 & G.89.0, Ground Floor and is open daily from 10AM to 10PM.
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Date ideas for them <3
(uh this isn't in the usual format and a lot of things were repeated but ye, hope u enjoy and if u have any ideas, u can leave them down and I can add them on :D)
-I feel like yall would go rollor skating, Rio just seems like the type to
-Maybe to a nice quiet little cafe that in more rural areas.
-Maybe yall went to a bookstore.
-Going to buy things for her pet tarantula
-Cat cafe ofc.
-Maybe one with rescue cats
-pet stores maybe? it would probably just be a chill day walking around the mall or smth like that
-Animal cafes, doesn't matter what animal just animal cafes.
-Would go shopping for things for all her pets together :)
-parks/bushwalks maybe?? Something nature themed, maybe the zoo
-Yall definitely went to an arcade
-She won some stuff for you as you watched her defeat everyone that dared oppose her
-Played lots of 2 player games together
-COOKING!!! Just spending time together cooking and making bento
-She would cook food for you as well as teach you how to cook
-Maybe taking a nice stroll at the mall :)
-Probably went somewhere cute, idk where, but it has a lot of cute stuff
-Maybe took you to the filming location she was shooting at.
-Fancy stuff because Kayano is just so <3
Fuwa: (my fav)
-MANGA CAFE!!! or maybe just themed cafes like pokemon ones (went to one in Tokyo, it was amazing)
-Maybe an arcade too
-Maybe to an anime con, she'd probably love that.
-She'd take you to the aquarium (idk but i feel like she would)
-Somewhere that's very chill :)
-Maybe like a movie night with like sweet wholesome movies
-Omg she is so sweet like she'll take you to the nicest places
-She plans out all the stuff and gets so excited over it :)
-To the mall maybe? or even a picnic in the park
Manami: (she's so sweet)
-She'd probably take you somewhere very chilled and relaxed
-walks in the park, cafes and I feel like bookstores/ book cafes.
-If your struggling with science she'd make a study date and help u :|)
-Yall would go somewhere outdoors, like a park or go for a hike
-Ofc if u don't wanna she wouldn't force u
-Movie dates/nights where yall are just snuggled up together watching (insert movie name here) with a bunch of snacks
-Well, basically anything can be turned into a date, just pull out your phone and there she is :) (but for this we're gonna assume she is real and human)
-Just about anywhere, like malls, parks, anywhere
-Maybe some chill time at home watching k-drama/j-drama
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nomadicism · 1 year
Am I the only one that thinks Netflixs is gonna be bought out by a company like Disney or Amazon in a few years? They're pissing off their customer base with policies like the charging people for password sharing. People are cancelling their subscription in droves. (Half of the people in my office said they canceled theirs over it.) I think a lot of people see these changes as the last straw. While they do make a profit, they also don't have any parent company to lean on, which might bite them in the ass.
Disney is wants to dive into anime and the more "mature" market. Plus, Robert Iger is the head of the Disney company again. He bought out Fox, Star Wars, Marvel and Pixar under his reign along with more if you count the current Kodancha buyout. I can see him doing that again.
Again, this is a theory. But if they keep on this path, I don't see them being as powerful in a few years, which could lead to something like that.
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask!
I mostly agree with you here. It is hard to see a path forward for Netflix. I also think that Netflix is worth paying for, and that password sharing was always a fluke that shouldn't have been allowed to continue as long as it did. But also, they aren't going to get substantially more subscribers by discontinuing password share, people who were using shared passwords were probably unlikely to pay for the service anyway.
There are too many streaming options to choose from, and now we are back to cable costs for those who pay for multiple services.
My partner is a tremendous film and animation hound so he pays for nearly every service that's out there, except for Apple+ which comes "free" with our T-mobile plan.
If it were me, we'd only have 3 services, and would rotate them based upon what we wanted to watch in a month's subscription time. I suspect that there are many people who would do something similar, unless a service forces you to make a phone call to cancel.
We've actually been having a lot of trouble with the Disney+ and Hulu services where my partner watches those all the time, but he is constantly being prompted to sign in, and his accounts are being signed out. He has to do some extra steps with his computer whenever he wants to watch either service via our Roku device.
No problems with other services though. I suspect that Disney+ and Hulu have new bugs in their account authentication services for location and device IDs.
More rambling, so what does that mean for Netflix?
Of all the services, they are the ones with the good international content. I watch C-dramas and K-dramas to my heart's content. If I were them, I'd do more for streaming international content with good subtitling translations, and partner with Bilibili and Tencent to stream donghua (aka Chinese animation). Partnering with Bilibili and Tencent can fill an animation gap.
Those shows are so quickly and cheaply made that you've got content for years. It wouldn't be hard to dub them either. In China, these shows get millions of views. They are absolutely worth the investment of distributing via Netflix (though I don't know if Bilibili and Tencent would want to partner since they have streaming services via YouTube).
Anyway, one of the reasons why Netflix could have difficulty competing on new content and gaining new subscribers is because they've gained a reputation for axing new content due to two bad reasons:
Avoiding pay of residuals after X days (I forget the number, it's complicated because residuals are for actors and film/production crew, lots of union and guild stuff); and
Assuming that nobody is watching if the first two weeks aren't hitting X amount of streaming views. Reality there is that there is so much content spread across so many services that people can't binge a show immediately anymore, but they might watch the show later after that 2 week period (which is close to the time frame for paying residuals)
Yes, they have breakout hits like Stranger Things, but when I think of Netflix, I think of cancelled shows. That reputation plus the password sharing issue equals a loss of trust and respect. Netflix needs to compete on new content, but why bother watching a new show if it's just going to get canceled?
I believe that Netflix will do better with films instead of TV shows, because a film is one-and-done. You watch the film, get invested in the story, and then the film ends and the story is wrapped up. There is no concern about getting invested in a story that gets cancelled.
For example, Netflix has The Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery and have partnered with the director to make more films about Benoit Blanc. That's a very good move on their part, so I wouldn't count Netflix out just yet. Especially since people aren't really doing theaters anymore, except for big spectacle film franchises like Star Wars, Marvel, DC, etc. That creates an opportunity where Netflix can step in and work with directors for theater quality films.
Netflix is currently building a film studio in New Jersey (surprising given property taxes in that state). There is a lot of money being thrown around. Quote from the linked article:
Some of those funds are likely dedicated to building up Netflix’s handful of growing franchises. Netflix and “Stranger Things” co-creators the Duffer Brothers launched this summer a production studio that will focus on creating spin-offs for the “Stranger Things” series, among other titles. Netflix is also considering a franchise for its spy thriller feature film, “The Gray Man.” Netflix’s production ambitions aren’t limited to TV and movies, as the streamer in September announced it’s establishing its own video game studio in Finland – a move that came after Netflix completed a series of gaming-related acquisitions.
Video games huh? Well, if they've got their own IP (I assume they own Stranger Things, but I could be wrong), then it makes sense to use that IP across multiple media platforms. Video games are a viable option.
So okay, Netflix is investing in the studio production infrastructure that will enable them to create new content (and probably avoid residuals if they do what I think they will do) across multiple types of media platforms. To me, these are the actions of a company that is confident in their direction and it's a matter of whether this is too late in the streaming wars to do.
All of this means that Netflix won't be gobbled up by Disney any time soon. Disney doesn't really need them anyway, they already got Hulu and their own service with a massive catalog of Disney media plus that of all the IP they've acquired.
On the matter of other streaming platforms, what the big studios have done is pulled their back catalogs from Netflix, Hulu, etc and they have their own service built on top of that. They still need to create new content too, because not everyone is interested in paying for a service just to watch 4 decades of Star Trek.
Like I never gave a shit about Paramount, but my film-and-animation hound partner was all on board because they have the Nickelodeon catalog and he loves Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I didn't pay much attention until I saw the ad for Tulsa King and was I like "Oh ho! Sylvester Stallone does The Sopranos in Oklahoma!? SIGN ME UP!"
The first season of Tulsa King was very enjoyable. I love Sylvester Stallone as an actor, and he is just so much fun to watch (look, I'm old and have nostalgia feels). I recommend signing up for the Paramount service for a month to watch it. But continuing the service? I dunno. Unless you really love Star Trek and want to watch decades of the show.
The crux of Netflix's problem is that we can't watch everything, and competition is fierce. Reputation matters. As we've seen with the HBO Max Discovery bullshit, these companies think nothing of removing content. It's just another financial decision for them. So we also have the issue of trying to watch shows or films (especially animated) that could easily disappear forever. And since they were intended for streaming, there is no physical media available.
What to do?
Hoist the flags mateys, for now we pirate!
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mystarmyangel · 2 years
[TRANS] 221114 [Jung Siwoo’s A Room] An extraordinary star that you can’t refute! YoonA sharing the story of human Lim YoonA in ‘SM Practice Room’
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Editor’s note: ‘A Room’ means ‘Actor’s room’. I listen to the actor’s thoughts in the actor’s space.
YoonA is an undisputed star who has never been far off from public’s eye. The eternal center of girl group SNSD, who marked a milestone in K-pop and is still going on. In SNSD, YoonA is loved as the pretty niece of uncles, wonderful younger sister of older sisters, as a romantic figure and friend of her peers. While singer YoonA was in full bloom, actress Lim YoonA has also been running non-stop, silently, and steadily. And in recent years, Lim YoonA has also taken a huge leap forward in her acting career and her sincerity is blossoming.
The discovery of actress Lim YoonA was wider and deeper, this is in sync with her screen debut ‘Confidential Assignment’. Followed by ‘EXIT’ and ‘Miracle’ where YoonA’s various grains of the spectrum which were once unnoticed has also been revealed. In ‘EXIT’, Lim YoonA gained the support of young people by playing the role of Euijoo, a newcomer in society, a girl who was like an icon to the teens, the view of growing up to become an adult and inspiring sympathy to youth of the same age has come out significantly.
It still remains impressive when the producer of ‘EXIT’ Kang Hye Jung who won the ‘Women in Film of the Year’ in 2019 ‘Women in Film Korea Festival’ pointed to Lim YoonA who won the ‘Best new Actress’ at the same venue saying, “Let’s give another warm round of applause to actress Lim YoonA for redefining the image of the most beloved and healthiest Korean woman.” A healthy Korean woman image. I think this is the driving force behind the ‘YoonA era’ that is blowing up in Chungmuro as well as the drama industry. At the same time, I became curious about YoonA. What are the characteristics of a person who reaches the top in one field and expands it to another field? She accepted this proposal and revealed her true feelings.
11.00am Seongsu SM New HQ Practice Room. I was looking around the practice room and YoonA dressed in a modest outfit, popped her head in and entered the practice room shyly. Even while in the rush of filming for her next project, YoonA looks very happy. Indeed, she was spending a year that would make a whole chapter of a book if a book about YoonA was to be published in the future. SNSD’s activities where they make a comeback together as a full group after 5 years, successfully putting an exclamation mark, the drama ‘Big Mouth’ was greatly loved on the TV screen, and the movie ‘Confidential Assignment 2’ which has returned as a sequel was also well received by the public. This is her second heyday. In addition, her eyes twinkled at the story of her next work, another fairy tale that she would create was drawn in front of her.
Q: The first practice room was located at Apgujeong? Yes, (as far as I remember) the first practice room was at 521 Apgujeong-dong. If you go all the way up the Galleria Department Store, you will see a yellow building (Laughs). I spent my time as a trainee there. I used it for a long time even after debut, so I have a lot of memories at Apgujeong practice room. This is the third practice room.
Q: Among the memories in Apgujeong practice room, there must be a lot of tears shed right I didn’t cry in the practice room, but I cried on my way home (Laughs). It wasn’t like ‘I don’t want to let others see me crying’, I guess I was upset when the practice didn’t go well. The emotions only came later, and I cried on my way home. Hahaha.
Q: The practice room at that time and the practice room at the moment must be different in many ways right? First of all, it has gotten a lot more luxurious (Laughs). It has become a very reliable space for me mentally. Oh, this is the practice that we used the most while preparing for SNSD’s 15th anniversary album.
Q: Oh, so this is a meaningful space. I thought that this space is only meant for dance practice since it is a practice room, but you also read your scripts here. Yes, I read the scripts here too. Not long ago, while filming for movie ‘2 O’Clock Date’, the director said that it would be nice to practice in a larger space, so we used this practice room. We got together on a small scale, did some reading and practices.
Q: ‘2 O’Clock Date’ is a work that you reunited with ‘EXIT’ director Lee Sang Geun right? As it is with a director that you create good results together, you must feel reassured but at the same time pressured to perform well right. ‘EXIT’ is my first starring film, it is also director’s first full-length production work. So, he told me that ‘We had a successful debut together (Laughs). I am really grateful that such a director approached me again.  And since it is a work where the team from the production company of ‘EXIT’ gathered again, I feel more reassured than burdened.
Q: After receiving A’s room interview offer, you pondered for a long time about ‘your own space’. When you have made up your mind to do something, I think you are the type to think hard until the end so as not to leave any regrets. Why did you put the practice room as one of the considerations and think hard until the end? I’m a homebody, so I couldn’t think of anything when I heard ‘my own space’. And… if ‘my own space = practice room’, I thought I would feel like a model student (Everyone laughs).
Q: Hahaha. As soon as I heard it, I thought it was a symbolic place of where you are standing at right now. Isn’t it a space that consists of the past, present and future? Yes, we spent a lot of moments together. Even right now too.
Q: So today, I would like to talk about various matters regarding ‘YoonA era’. First of all, the sequel to ‘CA1’ which make you realised the new fun of acting, was greatly loved. ‘Big Mouth’ got a good response, ranking first in the same time slot. How is it. Are you used to this kind of love? No, I was bewildered. It was also called the ‘Second Heyday’, how should I put it? It seems like I am getting attention again after 15 years since debut from the ‘appearance of SM girl group SNSD!’ It is a pity that I could not enjoy this joy leisurely due to my busy schedule, but I thought that it was a good thing that I kept acting.
Q: Even during the Chuseok holidays, you greeted the stage of ‘CA2’ without a break. I thought of this while watching it. When does YoonA rest? Oh, I took a year break after ‘EXIT’. The things that I heard very often then was, ‘How can you take a break at such an important time….’
Q: So, it is like, why aren’t you rowing when the water is in? (Everyone laughs) (T/l note: It means why aren’t you taking advantage of ‘EXIT’ success to go further) Hahaha, that is right. But you also need to refuel to go further, right? I was saturated at that time. I decided because I felt like I was getting signals one by one physically and mentally but stopping the tempo like that really helped me a lot.
Q: What did you do to relax? Things that I have not been able to do because I’m working. I lie around and take a rest, went on a train trip to Busan with my friends, I make a schedule and go abroad myself and learn cooking… I spent time focusing on myself.
Q: How was travelling overseas alone? Are you good with direction? The map and airport bus were really good. When I was confused, I received great help from blogs posted by travellers. I had a lot of thoughts too, be it on travelling alone or the small details in my daily life and I thought, ‘What is this? It feels like I’m finally doing it?’ Since it is common for me to move according to schedules, at some point I thought that there are many things that I couldn’t do as human Lim YoonA. I came to a realization that at this rate, I am going to become someone that does not know a lot of things. That is also why I do things that are not related to my work.
Q: In a sense, it is the time of independence for human Lim YoonA. That’s right. But strangely, all of them were connected. As a result, that time was accumulated with different experiences, giving me a broader view of the field when working. There is also a change in my daily life. In the past, I used to go to places where people couldn’t see me. I don’t do that anymore. Even if anyone recognised me, I would say, ‘Yes, that’s right~’ (Laughs)
Q: How was it? It wasn’t a big deal as you thought right? (Strongly) Yes! It is really not that big of a deal. Another great realization. The world doesn’t care about me as much as I thought! Hahaha
Q: This is a really tempting statement! The beginning of this realization was when I was getting a Chinese language certificate. I registered for a certificate test because I wanted to test my Chinese language skills. When I entered the test room, ‘Lim.Yoon.Ah’ was written on the chart paper. When I saw that, I was stuck in the corner thinking, ‘What if people recognise me?’ It was just my own thought. No one was~! So, it is only me myself that was so conscious of Lim YoonA.  That was when I realized it. People don’t care about others as much as they think.
Q: Human beings will be less unhappy if they also get this realization. However, it is not easy for a star who is always surrounded with people’s eyes to realise that. You seem to be able to grasp the balance well. I have changed my perspectives a lot now. I was really mindful of other people’s gazes when I first debut. To the extent that I find it hard to even answer questions like ‘What do you like’. I think it takes time to reflect on myself and get to know myself better.
Q: Maybe you couldn’t because you have a lot of things to be careful about. That’s right. There was such situation too. I could have spit it all out, but I swallow it down in case of creating misunderstanding. In order to change that, I wanted to be able to express myself better. I worked hard to convey my intentions accurately without being misinterpreted. Now that I am in my 30s, I am spending my time applying it.
Since YoonA’s debut, she has been exposed too much regardless if she wants it or not, and her privacy has not been sufficiently guaranteed. But she is not the kind of person who hides to the extent that people can’t even see her hair. It seems like she has developed her immunity by going through trial and error.
Suddenly, I remember what Kim Yong Hwa, the director of ‘Along with the Gods’ said. ‘Sometimes I think it is important for the world to see me, but at other times, the world I see is also important as well. But when will I be able to experience the latter upon becoming an adult?’ When I told her about it, YoonA smiled broadly and let out a sigh of relief saying, ‘Wow! Am I doing that right now? I thought it was really hard to become an adult, but that is a relief.’
Q: By the way, you are learning a lot of things, including language and cooking. Because my schedule is always full, so I will always force myself to do ‘things that I can’t do normally’ whenever I have the time. I have a slight regret that I couldn’t have the time to invest in myself. With that in mind, the first thing I did was getting a driver’s license. The amount of time I spent, the results came out the same amount in front of me too, so I thought to myself, ‘Oh? You used your time well.’ Because of that, I spent my time focusing on the results that remain. So is cooking. There are also reactions. I want to get hooked on exercise too, but that has been sluggish. I guess it must be because the results are not visible instantly right in front of me like cooking (Laughs).
Q: Let’s do an action movie. I feel like you will work hard on it. (Eyes twinkling) Action movie, I definitely do want to try it.
Q: In the past, on ‘Actor&Chatter’ interview, you said, “After ‘CA1’, there have been many cases where I get to choose works based on my opinion. My acting values have also changed”. Please elaborate more on it. When picking a project, especially when it is the first movie I am working in, it doesn’t matter even if the screentime is little. For the first movie, I wanted to play a role where I could act along with great seniors even if it is just for a little bit. It is also an opportunity to feel and learn from the seniors in a close distance isn’t it? During this process, the work I met was ‘CA 1’. A lot of people said this choice was amazing.
Q: When I was watching ‘CA 1’, what surprised me wasn’t that you weren’t afraid of ruining your image. Comical acting requires a lot more skills than you can imagine. It was impressive to see a first-time actor on the big screen skilfully timing and cleverly controlling the degree of the extent (of comical acting). I can say that you are an actor that did even better than I thought. Be it with my friends or SNSD members, I am the playful type that like to crack jokes. I also like to create fun atmosphere. I think the timing when these chords were blended without me realising was “CA1’. But it was only possible because the director made it well. I felt like I have benefited a lot from the reactions from the seniors.
Q: Minyoung (played by Lim YoonA) who mistook her brother-in-law Jin Tae who was lying on the bed (played by Yoo Haejin) as the man Cheol Ryung (played by Hyun Bin) who she has a one-sided crush on, the scene where she ran away after confession is still funny even when I rewatch it. Hahaha, that scene became richer and interesting thanks to Yoo Haejin sunbae who took the lines in a fun manner. It was fun to create it while acting together on set, but my lines alone would not have made it to such a fun scene. ‘CA1’ is a work that made many people see me with a different image. My image expanded once again after appearing in ‘EXIT’.
Q: ‘Big Mouth’ Go Miho, ‘Hush’ Jisoo and ‘Miracle’ Rahee. All of the characters you have played in recent years are active cool female roles. If we look at the past works, you played quite a number of pure and innocent characters, but at some point, you have been playing independent roles. Is this a natural flow? Or is this something that you consider at your own will. After doing ‘CA1’ and ‘EXIT’, there are definitely a lot of characters like that. But do you know what’s odd? From my point of view, I tried to show something new in the dramas more often. As I was doing dramas in parallel with my singing activities, I chose more of characters that are not like my usual self. On the other hand, I showed more of my usual self in movies. Family and friends have proven that. After watching ‘CA1’, my close friends said things like, “You are just like this, you aren’t even acting?” (Laughs). For people who don’t know me well, they said things like, “How do you even thought of doing this!” When I heard such reaction, I thought to myself, ‘Just how did you view me for you to be so surprised?’.
Q: Were you upset? No, looking back, it was inevitable. I had that question for a period of time. I realized belatedly that ‘Why should people know how I am like before?’ This is only natural. I have changed little by little over time. but I haven’t shown this process well externally. As a result, the gap between ‘me who I see’ and ‘me who people see’ has widened. The YoonA people have in my mind is the last YoonA that I displayed. After realizing it, it changed. I started to show a different texture.
Q: To be honest, I was surprised that you auditioned more than 200 times before your debut as SNSD. I don’t know how it sounds, but I had the impression that you are a star who never missed out on what you wanted. How do you feel about the time you went for auditions? The first work I participated in after passing the audition is drama ‘9 Ends 2 Outs’. I debuted as a SNSD member while filming it, so I actually debuted as an actress first. However, since I have more experience as a singer compared to my acting career, I felt embarrassed to hear that I am an actress even if the number of years is the same. I can’t say that I have little projects, but I felt that way because I had more experience as a singer.
Q: You achieved very good results as a singer. That’s right. I have reached a standard while promoting as a singer, so in comparison, I thought ‘Aren’t it too insufficient for me to be called as an actor yet?’. These days, I have been working hard, and I think I want to build a lot of portfolios as an actor.
Q: It is no longer awkward for you to hear that you are an actress, right? (Shyly) I got used to it a bit more than before.
Q: Currently, many of the actors who plays the roles in Korea dramas and movies are ‘models’. “You have good physical appearance, but what do you know about acting?” They overcame the same prejudice and left their presence in the acting industry. I personally think next will be actors that originally debut as idols. The idol industry started around 25 years back, so the prejudice towards them still existed (just like how it was for models in the beginning). Idol images that are deeply imprinted in the public’s mind, hence just like cellophane filters, they are unable to see the characters they play transparently. However, as cases that break this prejudice are coming out, the public’s perspective is also changing. YoonA is at the forefront of breaking down these obstacles one by one and presenting a new model. YoonA chose her words carefully for this part.
At some point, with the creation of the word ‘acting-dol’, the way people view is also changing. It is true that there was a time when I thought, ‘Would the evaluation been different if I hadn’t been a singer?’. Conversely, I also agree with the perspective how recognition that accumulated from being a singer can lead to (acting) opportunities. But I don’t think people can talk anymore if the former or latter do well. If there is still constant talk about it, it is just proof that I am not good enough.
Q: You are currently filming the drama ‘King The Land’ with actor Lee Junho right. The meeting of the 2 young stars, who are building an impressive career as actors and are now moving forward without the need of the modifier of being a singer, is gathering great interest not only from fans but also from the industry. You also worked with actor Junho as the MC for 2021 MBC Gayo Daejejeon, and I am curious all of a sudden. From a standpoint of walking down a similar path, what kind of topics would you all talk about? We said the same things back during Gayo Daejejeon. We debut at about the same period as singers, met each other while promoting with our respective groups, after entering the path of acting and standing alone, it really brought back a lot of memories and emotions meeting again at a new standpoint. We started reminiscing about how 2PM and SNSD performed together at the same venue 12 years ago. But since we are walking on a similar path, I think we are able to relate to each other, and also able to sincerely support each other’s path.
Q: Its heart-warming just by listening to it. Yes, we will cheer for each other more. At venue like Blue Dragon Film Awards, I met (Bang) Minah and other idol friends and I was just happy to see them for no reason. Just making eye contact and saying to each other, “(Silently cheering) yes~!”
Q: A lot of people were envious when they heard that I am doing an interview with you, people of your age especially liked it with sparklingly eyes. As someone from the SES-Fin.K.L generation, I felt that the feeling that women in their 20s and 30s have for you is the same feeling when I looked at Lee Hyori. Beyond simply getting older together, I also got the impression that they are receiving some kind of ‘comfort’ or ‘inspiration’ just from watching you grow up. Wow, first of all, it feels amazing that someone is able to gain strength because of me. And maybe because everyone has grown up and started living in society so at some point, I think there is a feeling that people are looking at me with the eyes that ‘being a celebrity is also a profession and job right?’. It is just like my friends, who have been with me since elementary school. When we were young, they used to say, “It must be nice to be able to wear pretty clothes.” But now, they tell me things like “take care of your health”, “how tiring it must be?” instead.
Q: I recognised YoonA as a professional. What kind of efforts have you put in? Strictly speaking, I started living in the society earlier than my peers, right? When my friends started working, they told me “How did you do all this from a long time ago?”. As I entered the adult world a little early, I am able to sympathize with them. On the contrary, as ‘Human Lim YoonA’, I always felt like I am running a little late. Mt friends have learnt things that I didn’t know how to do for a long time and have solved them on their own. So, my experience was the complete opposite of my friends. I felt like I only experienced those things in the middle of my 30s, so one of my friends say to me, that I am like ‘Benjamin’.
Q: Benjamin? The Benjamin from ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’? Yes, ‘YoonA’s time goes in the reverse way’ (Laughs)
Q: Have you ever been scared that your small words or gestures will have a huge impact on someone’s life? That is still the case. I will still be scared. Even in the case of interviews, there are many times when the text came out different from my intention. And also, an act that I did without any intention could also become a part of how people evaluate me, right?
Q: People see one thing and immediately judge them by it. Yes, watching how even the smallest thing can spread with a different meaning, although I’m not the mysterious type but I will still be careful.
Q: Celebrity is a job that requires one to be able to handle a lot of stress. I have more worries and fear in the past as compared to now. Therefore, people around me are often worried if this job will be too stressful. They thought that it would be hard for me as I am strict with myself.
Q: Nevertheless, what do you think is the reason of why you are able to do this for a long time? Well… putting myself in reality? I don’t set big goals. I am the type to resolve things that are right in front of me.
The miracle of time also applies to SNSD. In 2017, some members left SM entertainment, and SNSD who could not confirm the future of ‘activities as a complete group’ managed to come out with the 7th full-length album ‘FOREVER ONE’ without anyone missing. It is only possible if everyone has the same intention. Q: There are some cases in the world where friendship is maintained through business, but watching this 15th anniversary activities, I think that SNSD is a team that goes beyond that and makes history through friendship. Also, time is like strength, too. It would be a lie if I would to say that was no envy or jealousy when we were younger. It will be stranger if there isn’t any when you gathered so many people in one space. But as time went by, the members started to look at one another as what we are really like. It was different this time, but I felt like we met again after becoming even more mature. We tell one another honestly what we don’t like. It is possible because there is faith. I think the reason why our relationship can be seen as a good friendship is because of that naturalness. It is something that can’t be created just for show, right? The public knows everything.
The album this time was made entirely with the hearts of our members, so we became even closer. It was possible because of SM’s support but we wouldn’t be able to get together if our hearts weren’t there. Everyone said they would practice despite their busy schedules. We even said we must appear on entertainment shows too… Basically each and everyone of us are proud that we are SNSD.
Q: The fans must be the ones who give strength to that pride. While watching a K-pop program, I was like, ‘Wow’ at the cheers of the fans. No matter how much we practice among ourselves, it will only feel complete with fans cheering. On the first music show of our comeback, I was so touched to hear the cheers… I got the feeling that the cheers were telling us, ‘we have waited this long, and we will show you!’. I was moved to tears as the cheering feels like encouragement and that they were going to show the world that ‘SNSD, who we like is such an amazing group.’
Q: I want to show the fans the facial expression that you have right now, but it’s a pity that this is not a video interview. What is the biggest difference when you are back together for the first time in 5 years as compared to before? Our hearts quickly become one? There are 2 reasons for that. One is that we are working together after a long time, so everyone was able to put in more energy. The other thing is…(laughs) if our hearts are not in one, it will become so difficult in terms of adjusting schedules, so everyone says, “Hurry up, hurry up!!”, “Hey if this doesn’t work, we have to get together one more time to do it again and when will we be able to do it? Didn’t you say you have a schedule?” As a result, our hearts become even more united. (Everyone laughs).
Q: Strictly speaking, there isn’t a moment when you are not loved from the time you stepped into the entertainment industry. Do you have fears that people cannot remember you? Even if I want to be forever, but I do not think there will be forever. If I am lucky, I might be able to welcome a period of what we called as ‘The third heyday’. But nothing can be forever. As time passes, the things that I possess are not infinite. These thoughts are also included when I want to put the focus on myself. 
Q: You are preparing hard to become an adult. Haha, is that so? There was one thing that I regretted.
Q: What is it? I used to think like this when I was having a hard time. I wanted to go to a senior who walked this path first to seek advice and comfort. However, there were not many opportunities to meet. As if time was the answer, I had no choice but to realise it myself as I went through it. So, when I see my juniors or peers who are walking the same path as me, I thought ‘there will always be a difficult moment, how will you resolve it?’ along with the thought ‘I wish you will come to me’. I am not good enough to give advice, but I think I can share my experiences.
Q: When this interview goes out, won’t your phone be on fire? Hahahaha. But there aren’t many juniors who come to ask me.
Q: Even if you want to do something, there will be things that you can’t do as it is a hassle. Yes, that is difficult. As an experienced person, I know all too well what how that feels like.
Q: Everyone plays with many roles in their life. You also live as a daughter, a younger sister, a friend, an actor, and a singer. Which role do you think you are playing the best? I think the things I’m doing the most well are the roles in the work part.
Q: What role do you wish to do better? It’s the opposite. Because of how busy my work is, I often couldn’t see the people around me. Whenever I think of the time lost at work as a friend, a daughter, and a younger sister, I feel upset too. Why, aren’t there things that can only be done at a certain time?
Q: Yes, because time waits for no one. Yes, I feel that way more when I see my parents getting older.
Q: Do you believe in destiny, be it relationship, work, or love? Even though I don’t blindly believe it, but I do believe it exists. I suddenly thought of that when I look at the people around me. It must not be an ordinary fate.
Q: You have become the person you are today because of all the choices you have made. Thanks to these choices, you have grown. Are there anything you wish to say? No matter what, joining SM had a huge impact on my life. I also think the choice of taking a break after ‘EXIT’ made me grown even more. It was a choice only for me. I thought I should take care of myself.
Q: If you would to leave one day, I think that is a time when you wish to take care of yourself (Laughs). Haha. To recharge!
Q: What is a question that comes to your mind frequently these days? ‘Am I doing well right now?’. It’s a little crazy and since I have been living a busy life, there are times when I wonder if I am doing my part well in various areas and how satisfied I am. Of course, I think I’m walking down the path well (Laughs). Just like what I said earlier on, sometimes I feel like I want to spend more time reflecting on myself while living a more leisurely life.
Q: 15 years ago, the girls who were kicking into the air and singing ‘I get stronger just thinking about you’ (Into the New World) has now come back and sang ‘I become stronger when I think of you’ (Forever 1). What are the things that make you stronger just by thinking about it? Hmm… I mean…
Q: The fans? Yes~ This is really true. It can’t be help if you think it is a cliché answer, but it is true. I feel it even more these days and the fans’ support really give me a lot of strength. I want to give strength to those who give me strength, so I work even harder. One more thing, mental management. If I have been practicing relaxing for a while, these days I am working hard to take care of my mentality too.
Q: Will mentality gets better by trying? Even though there is a human nature, but I believe that the mind can change depending on how hard you try. For example, I tend to think that everything has a meaning to it. When I think about it like that, even if something hard happens, rather than digging into why this happened to me, I move on, saying, “I think a difficult situation has happened in order for me to feel something.” Giving meaning to change perspective, sometimes it fails but it helps.
Q: How does it feel to be at the top of one field and expanding your field in another? Well, to be honest, I think I am lucky.
Q: Luck? I couldn’t have reached this point with just my skills alone. I also put in a lot of effort, but I think it was possible because of the opportunity and timing matched well with luck. I am thankful to the company staff and people around me who stayed with me for a long time. So, I tried to be more humble. The things that are given to me. 
Q: You mentioned luck but are you also proud of the path you have walked? That’s what I think. That it is the result of persistence. I am proud of myself. (Laughs)
On this day, the word that YoonA mentioned the most is ‘persistence’. No matter how much you love what you are doing, there will always be storm like moments, and anxiety about an uncertain tomorrow that comes rushing in. At this time, looking at YoonA, I thought that the power to overcome such vagueness and anxiety would be to trust in the time that your steadiness and persistence has built up. In that belief, I think that the YoonA era would continue.
Source: Cine_play Trans: mystarmyangel
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart in Key Largo (John Huston, 1948)
Cast: Humphrey Bogart, Edward G. Robinson, Lauren Bacall, Lionel Barrymore, Claire Trevor, Thomas Gomez, Harry Lewis, John Rodney, Marc Lawrence, Dan Seymour, Monte Blue, William Haade. Screenplay: Richard Brooks, John Huston, based on a play by Maxwell Anderson. Cinematography: Karl Freund. Art direction: Leo K. Kuter. Film editing: Rudi Fehr. Music: Max Steiner. 
Key Largo was the fourth and last of the films that Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall made together, but the movie was stolen by Claire Trevor, who won a supporting actress Oscar, and by Bogart's old partner in Warner Bros. gangster movies, Edward G. Robinson. It's a little too talky and stagy, partly because it was based on a 1939 Broadway play by Maxwell Anderson, a once-admired playwright whose specialty was blank-verse dramas. Huston and co-screenwriter Richard Brooks took great liberties with the play, changing the characters and the ending, and updating the action to the postwar era, but occasionally you can hear a bit of Anderson's iambic pentameter in the dialogue. Bogart's Frank McCloud was originally called King McCloud and was a deserter from the Spanish Civil War; in the movie he's a World War II veteran, something of a hero, who comes to Key Largo to visit the father (Lionel Barrymore) and the widow (Bacall) of an army buddy who was killed in Italy. He finds them being held in the hotel they own by a group of gangsters, headed by Johnny Rocco (Robinson), a Prohibition-era mobster who is trying to sneak back into the States after being deported. As so often -- cf. Casablanca (Michael Curtiz, 1943) and To Have and Have Not (Howard Hawks, 1944) -- the Bogart character is called on to make a choice between taking the kind of action he has renounced and remaining neutral. Bacall's role is somewhat underwritten, and the relationship  with Bogart is tepid in comparison with the films they made for Hawks, especially To Have and Have Not and The Big Sleep (1946). Having to play opposite that scene-stealing old ham Barrymore doesn't help much, either. But Trevor fully deserved her award as Rocco's moll, an alcoholic club singer known as Gaye Dawn. She has a big moment when she's forced by Rocco to sing "Moanin' Low" on the promise that he'll let her have a drink -- which he then sadistically refuses her. As usual, Robinson is terrific, and also as usual, he failed to receive the Oscar nomination he deserved and was never granted. Karl Freund's cinematography helps overcome the studio's decision not to film on location.
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koreaguides · 2 years
Why Korean Celebs Pose With Food Trucks
Supporting From Friends
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During the filming of K-Dramas or movies, friends of Hallyu stars will send food trucks to express their support. It usually means that they wish the drama or movie to be a success and that the shooting process will be smooth-sailing. 
Fan’s Love 
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It’s not just friends or colleagues who send these trucks. Fans would chip in together a fanclub to show their support to their beloved celebrities by sending a customisable food truck. This is why you see some food trucks are plastered with the star’s picture. 
Why Do They Send 
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During busy filming period, both casts and crew usually do not have any time to dine outside filming locations. There are times where their filming locations are in remote areas too, making it hard for them to get drinks or food. This is why a food truck is great for friends or fans to express their care for the stars and dozen of crew working hard. 
Food Truck Sent By A Friend 
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As the food truck trend has been becoming more common and popular Internationally, even fans from overseas are sending food truck to celebrities. There was even a time where a Filipino actress sent food truck to actor Ji Chang Wook.
Food Truck Sent By Friends
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There are many celebrities which have well-known friend relationship. One of the best examples is the famous Wooga Squad. Park Seo Joon and Choi Woo Sik from the squad had sent V a food truck as V was jealous of Jungkook who received one. 
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