#KG Basin
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The Stupendous Alligator Snapping Turtle
Alligator snapping turtles (Macrochelys temminkii) are one of three recognised species of snapping turtle, all of which are found in North America. This particular species is found in the southeastern United States and the Mississippi Basin in particular. Macrochelys temminkii prefers deep freshwater, and is especially common in deep rivers, wetlands, and lakes.
The alligator snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in North America, and is one of the heaviest in the world. Most individuals weigh between 70-80 kg (154-176 lbs), and are about 79-101 cm (31-39 in) long. However, the largest verified indiviual weighed over 113 kg (249 lb), and many others have been recorded in excess of 100 kg. The species is easily identifiable by its large, boxy head and thick shell with three rows of raised spikes. Typical alligator snapping urtles are solid black, brown, or olive green, though the shells of many older individuals can be covered in green algae.
M. temminkii is famous for its strong bite, which is most often utilised when feeding. The turtle's tongue resembles a worm, and at night individuals lie on the bottom of the river or lake bed with their mouths open. Fish are enticed by the bait-tongue, and when they get close enough the alligator snapping turtle's mouth clamps down around them. In addition to fish, this species may also feed on amphibians, invertebrates, small mammals, water birds, other turtles, and even juvenile alligators where their territories overlap. The alligator snapping turtle's relies on ambush techniques, and so hunters can remain submerged for up to 40 minutes. In some cases, individuals can also 'taste' the water to detect neaby mud and musk turtles. Because of this species' thick shell and ferocious bite, adults have few predators, but eggs and hatchlings may fall prey to raccoons, predatory fish, and large birds.
This species spends most of its time in the water, only emerging to nest or find a new home if their current habitat becomes unsuitable. Mating occurs between Februrary and May, starting later in the northern regions of the species' range. Males and females seek each other out, but generally don't travel great distances. About two months after mating, females dig a nest near a body of water and deposit between 10-50 eggs. Incubation takes up to 140 days, and the average temperature of the nest determines the sex of the hatchings; the hotter it is, the more males are produced. In the fall, hatchings emerge and are left to fend for themselves. Sexual maturity is reached at between 11 and 13 years of age, and individuals can live as old as 45 years in the wild.
Conservation status: The alligator snapping turtle is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. The species is threatened by overharvesting for meat and for the pet trade, and by habitat destruction.
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tapwater118 · 30 days
here’s a fun fact. in tpot 7, pin tosses (among other things) callisto, a moon of jupiter, at coiny. the real life callisto weighs about 10^23 kilograms.
that’s 100000000000000000000000 kg.
for comparison, the most weight lifted by a human being was 2422 kg, 20 orders of magnitude less. this implies that pin is (at least) 10^20 times stronger than the strongest human to ever live.
we can make some assumptions (callisto is travelling at about 12 m/s) and we can estimate pin exerted about 10^24 joules of energy to launch callisto at coiny. this, needless to say, is a lot.
this is roughly the same amount of energy released in the impact that created the sudbury basin in ontario. this 130 km wide crater was created by a 10-15 km wide celestial body (note this impact (energetically speaking) is about ten times the size of the one commonly associated with the extinction of the dinosaurs)
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and pin can supply the same amount of energy in an effortless throw
what the fuck
you could make the argument that this callisto is smaller and thus weighs less, which is fair. but pin did practically pick up the eiffel tower (a full-sized one mind you) in bfdia 4 with zero effort, and the eiffel tower weighs about 10000000 (ten million) kg, which is still quite a lot
she stronk
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tyrianluda · 4 months
MerMay + Defense Class
Hey they found something shiny :D
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Demoman - Seal / Pinniped (based on Selkie in Norse and Celtic mythology)
Engineer - Guadalupe bass / Micropterus treculii (State Fish in Texas)
Heavy - Kaluga / River Beluga / Huso dauricus (Sturgeon found in the Amur River basin ; Weighs 1,000 kg / 2,205 lb and 5.6 m. / 18.6 ft. max. + one of the biggest of the sturgeon family)
{ Offense } {Defense; Here} { Support }
Proships DNI
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exitwound · 1 year
Amazon search crossbody bag shaped like a fish. Amazon search crossbody bag but it has to be shaped like a fish. A codfish with its many lovely fins a rainbow trout with all its color options. A herring quality for a good price with pockets meant for collecting shells and sea glass. A prickleback waterproof breathable fabric A pufferfish a school of sea needles a guppy an embroidered coelacanth Please why are you showing me another polygon zippered multi compartment single color nylon usb port rfid tap to pay apple pay portable cash register for traveling merchant traders of the future theft proof pocket with bluetooth encrypted lock Please stop Amazon please Amazon Im searching for a bag shaped like a fish Amazon you are supposed to have everything but you only have the same product a thousand times Amazon you are named after a rainforest I thought you would have the creatures of the earth Amazon you you do not even have bags shaped like the fish of the sea Amazon I want something you can not give me Amazon I am scared of your false utilitarian gods Amazon usefulness to a fish is only as good as aliveness Amazon millions of years have formed the swimming bodies of the fish who could think better forms would be found in computer modeling design programs by designers who job it is to play dead and browse for something copied to copy and add a pattern from the package of default patterns and Target will just love it Target is salivating Target can smell In Color: Dusty Rose like a sharks goosebumps at a drop of fresh blood of course it is a beautiful color of course I found myself alone and hungry for In Color: Dusty Rose (2 Left) Amazon’s Choice which brand will you Choose Tommy Republic Banana Bahamas Old Navy Teen Marines and Amazon You’re My Baby Blue Amazon please swim home Amazon I will never love you Amazon I’m still here because I want to own something from you I want to own a crossbody bag shaped like a codfish with its many fins I want to put my phone wallet water bottle inside it I want to carry it around all the cities of the world Amazon my manager gave me a $10 Amazon gift card to keep me from quitting I quit anyway Amazon now I have $10 to give to you only you I only have $10 for you it’s not romantic but isn’t it? Makes me want to say Hey Amazon what’s your number I think we could be twin primes because Amazon you amaze me you really do and Amazon I want to own a fish shaped like a crossbody bag or maybe it was the other way around was it the other way around I cantAmazon I just want you make it all easier Amazon if you won’t take the weight from me can you distribute it more ergonomically around my shoulders Amazon Amazon I have forgotten a world that was Amazon I can’t remember what a fish is Amazon can you describe it to me Amazon Amazon Amazon 10 Best Known Fish Species of the Amazon River of the Amazon fish described so far by science 40% are catfish and caracines including the neon tetra (Hyphessobrycon innesi), pearl headstander ... Amazon Fishing Species Guide · Peacock Bass · Payara · Arapaima · Piraiba Catfish · Redtail Catfish · Wolfish · Jau · Flat Whiskered Catfish. The Amazon has some 1,100 tributaries, 17 of which are over 1000 miles long. The Piramutaba catfish, a giant Amazononian catfish, is thought to migrate a ... The Piraíba is the biggest leather of fish in the Amazon Basin, reaching 3.2 yards (3 m) in length and 330 pouns (150 kg) weight. It has plump body, ... Category:Fish of the Amazon basin P · Panaque armbrusteri · Panaque bathyphilus · Panaque nigrolineatus · Panaque schaeferi · Paracanthopoma parva · Pareio... Amazon is home to several river monsters including the arapaima which needs to surface to breathe. The arapaima is unique in that its scales ... When it comes to eating the fish of the Amazon River, gamitana (Colossoma macropomum) is one of the most sought after due to its tasty flesh. CARAUARI, Brazil (AP) — Even in the most biodiverse rainforest of the world, the pirarucu, also known as arapaima, stands out. Top 8 most intriguing fish species that live in the A
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bethanythebogwitch · 10 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: invasive carp
I've mentioned on a few posts that in a previous job I helped remove invasive carp from the Mississippi river and drainage. For this Wet Beast Wednesday I'll discuss the three species that I personally helped remove: the silver carp, bighead carp, and grass carp. The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and block carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) are also invasive in North America, but I didn't remove either of those: the black carp because they haven't made it as far north as the area I worked and the common carp because the state governments where we worked considered them commercially important species. All the invasive species collectively described in America as invasive carp or Asian carp are large fish from the family Cyprinidae who are native to east Asia. They have been introduced to areas far beyond their native range for use in aquaculture and for food. Carp aquaculture in China goes back over a thousand years and the three species plus the black carp are known as the "four domesticated fish" for their importance in food and traditional medicine. The carp were introduced to America to clean aquacultural and decorative ponds and quickly escaped into the river system. They are now highly invasive throughout the Mississippi river basin and have also spread into other river systems, including the Illinois and Ohio rivers. All the introduced carp species are considered highly invasive due to outcompeting native species, lacing predators as adults, and their hardiness allowing them to thrive in harsh conditions.
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This picture isn't informative at all, I just thought it was funny (image: a close-up of the head of a silver carp, showing its eye and large, open mouth)
Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) made up the majority of the carp I caught. In their native range (from Vietnam to eastern Siberia), silver carp are actually considered threatened due to overfishing and habitat loss. Outside of their native range, they have become highly invasive in multiple parts of the world. Silver carp notable for their large head and silvery scales, which become brighter in healthier fish. They reach an average of 60-100 cm (24-39 in) and 9 kg (20 lbs), but can reach a maximum size of 140 cm (55 in/4.6 ft) and 50 kg (110 lbs). They are filter-feeders, primarily dining on phytoplankton but also eating zooplankton and organic particles. To catch food, they use specialized gill rakers that have fused together into a spongy surface and is coated with mucus that traps particles. As with all Cyprinids, silver carp lack stomachs, instead having their intestines attaching directly to the esophagus. Lacking a stomach makes the fish less efficient in their digestion and they feed near constantly. Silver carp were introduced to America to clean blue-green algae from ponds, aquaculture facilities, and water treatment plants. They consume so much plankton that they can outcompete local species, such as freshwater mussels, paddlefish, buffalo, and shad, as well as larval fish of most species.
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(image: a silver carp being held by a person (offscreen). The fish is seen from the side. It is a large fish with a silver color. Its head is relatively large and has no scales. The eye is unusually low on the head)
Silver carp migrate upriver to broadcast spawn, with their eggs and larvae being washed downstream where they grow in shallow waters like floodplains. Silver carp trapped in places without flowing water will not spawn, instead reabsorbing their gametes. Males have rough skin on the front of their pectoral fins, which they will scrape against the bellies of female to induce them to release their eggs. Females that have spawned at least once often have scars on their bellies that can be used to identify that they have reproduced. Silver carp reach sexual maturity between ages 4 to 6 and can live up to 20 years.
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I believe I can fly! (image: a silver carp in profile midway through a jump out of the water)
Silver carp are famous for leaping out of the water when startled. They can reach up to 3 m (10 ft) out of the water, though larger individuals are less likely to jump. The sound of boat engines can easily spook the carp into jumping and there are many videos out there of boats moving through rivers surrounded with dozens to hundreds of jumping carp. The jumping behavior combined with the sheer size of the fish makes them a hazard to boaters, as colliding with a carp can damage boats and cause serious injury. Interestingly, carp in their native range are much less likely to jump than those in North America. The reason for this in unknown though it could be because carp in America live in much higher population densities than those at home. It is also possible that the carp first introduced to America happened to have a trait making them more likely to jump and this trait has been passed down to most modern carp.
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(image: a small boat with three people on it. In the foreground, dozens of silver carp are jumping out of the water, causing the water to become frothy)
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(gif description: a man is sitting on a running boat. A silver carp jumps in from the right side of the frame and hits him in the face, knocking his baseball cap off)
The bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) is closely related to the silver carp, enough so that they can hybridize to make fertile offspring. Bighead carp have darker scales and larger heads, but what really makes them stand out is their size. They reach an average of 60-100 cm (2-3 ft) and 18 kg (40 lbs) but can reach a maximum of 160 cm (5.2 ft) and 50 kg (110 lbs). They fill a similar ecological nice to silver carp, both species being filter feeders with specialized gill rakers used to filter out plankton. Bighead carp prefer zooplankton in contrast to silver carp targeting phytoplankton. They are highly valuable in aquaculture as they grow quickly, allowing for a lot of meat to be developed relatively quickly. Like silver carp, they swim up river to spawn and reach sexual maturity between 2 and 3 years. They can live up to 16 years. Bighead carp will also jump, but are less likely to do so, especially once they mature, and are therefore less notorious than silver carp.
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(image: two bighead carp underwater, one closer and to the bottom right and one farther away at the top left. They are very similar in appearance to the silver carp, but have larger heads and darker scales, making them look brown. The closer fish has its mouth open)
Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) were the species I caught the least. They can be distinguished from the other two with their long, skinny, and round bodies, larger sales, and green coloration. Unlike the other two, grass carp are herbivores with teeth that feed on aquatic vegetation, though they also consume detritus and invertebrates in smaller amounts. Grass carp can eat up to a few times their weight in food a day. Grass carp can destroy whole patches of aquatic vegetation, which removes food sources for other animal, removes refuges for fish and other animals to hide, and can drastically alter the trophic web of local areas. They live in still ponds or rivers with slow currents, but move into fast-flowing rivers and swim upstream to spawn. They can reach between 60 and 100 cm (23.5 - 39.5 in) on average, but can get up to 2 m (6.6 ft) and 45 kg (100 lbs). Grass carp were first introduced to America to act as weed control in ponds before escaping into the wild. It is still possible to import grass carp for weed control, which is astonishing to me since thats how we got into this mess in the first place. Grass carp are highly valuable in fisheries and are used as a food source throughout their native range. They are the most farmed fish by biomass, with over 5 million tonnes of grass carp produced in fisheries every year. The second most farmed fish is the silver carp.
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(image: a grass carp underwater. Its body is slender and torpedo-shaped, with large, distinct, green scales. Its head is scaleless and its eye is level with its mouth. A second fish is peeking into frame at the bottom right)
One of the problems with controlling carp in America is the lack of a market for them. They are not commonly eaten in America despite being a major food source in China and other parts of east Asia. This is in part because of the association the phrase "Asian carp" has with the common carp, which was introduced to North America before the other species and is generally considered to have poor-quality meat. Because there is no market for invasive carp, fishermen do not bother removing them from the rivers and many do not bother taking the time to kill the ones they do catch. A few conservation efforts are attempting to make a market for the carp so that fishermen will take them. When I was at my last job, we gave the carp we caught to someone who used them for fertilizer and bait. A current effort by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is to rebrand the carp as Copi (from copious) in an attempt to get around the stigma that carp tastes bad and get Americans to start eating them. Copi is currently being sold in or distributed to multiple states and DC. The project has already exceeded the expected amount of fish removed in weight for the first year. Other rebrand attempts include Silverfin, the perfect catche, and (my personal favorite) Kentucky tuna. This rebranding is part of a major push to try to keep the carp out of the Great Lakes, though grass carp have already gotten into Lake Erie. If you can't beat them, eat them.
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Image: the copi logo. It is the word "copi" written in a dark blue, blocky, minimalistic font. The letter O is replaced by a simplistic drawing of a light blue fish, whose tail forms the curve in the letter C)
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cypherdecypher · 2 years
Animal of the Day!
Red-bellied Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri)
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(Photo from National Geographic)
Conservation Status- Unlisted
Habitat- Amazon River Basin
Size (Weight/Length)- 1.8 kg; 20 cm
Diet- Fish; Crustaceans; Insects; Algae; Aquatic plants; Fruit; Small mammals
Cool Facts- Most people know how piranhas, especially those of the red-bellied variety, can rip humans apart in seconds. However, fewer people know how that’s a complete myth. Red-bellied piranhas are actually more similar to water vultures, timid and carrion eaters. They form large shoals for protection against predators, such as dolphins and caimans, not hunting. Red-bellied piranhas warn each other of predators by creating a booming noise through their swimbladder, triggering the shoaling behavior. 
Rating- 11/10 (Despite the teeth, there’s nothing to fear.)
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fishfolkart · 1 year
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Perch is the English common name in Ghana and its classification name is Distichodus engycephalus. It is native from Senegal to Cameroon, in the Lake Chad basin and the Nile River, in Africa. It prefers flowing water over rocky bottoms and feeds on vegetation and periphyton. It can reach a maximum length of 40 cm (about 16 inches and a maximum published weight of 1.5 kg (about 3.3 pounds). https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/152596257
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doraemon-facts · 2 years
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Parts of Doraemon:
Infrared-vision eyes - Can see clearly even at night.
Powerful nose - Sense of smell is 20 times stronger than a human’s. But currently defective.
Radar whiskers - Can detect faraway objects. Not working.
Big mouth - Can hold an entire wash basin.
Cat-summoning bell - Not in good condition.
Ellipsoid hands - Can stick to anything.
Nuclear reactor - Converts anything he eats into energy. (Reprints after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster stop calling this a nuclear reactor.)
Fourth-dimensional pocket - On the inside is a different dimension, so it can hold an infinite number of things.
Flat feet - Should allow silent movement, like a cat’s, but currently defective.
Tail - Actually his master switch. All functions stop if it is pulled.
His measurements:
Height - 129.3 cm
Weight - 129.3 kg
Chest circumference - 129.3 cm
Sitting height - 100.0 cm
Source: ドラえもん大事典, 1976 (manga)
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cosmiccerebellum · 2 years
Sea lamprey facts (cause scronkle)
The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) is a parasitic lamprey native to the Northern Hemisphere. It is sometimes referred to as the "vampire fish".
The sea lamprey has an eel-like body without paired fins. Its mouth is jawless, round and sucker-like, and as wide or wider than the head; sharp teeth are arranged in many concentric circular rows.
Its mouth is jawless, round and sucker-like, and as wide or wider than the head; sharp teeth are arranged in many concentric circular rows.
There are seven branchial or gill-like openings behind the eye. Sea lampreys are olive or brown-yellow on the dorsal and lateral part of the body, with some black marblings, with lighter coloration on the belly. Adults can reach a length of up to 120 cm (47 in) and a body weight up to 2.3 kg (5.1 lb).
The etymology of the genus name Petromyzon is from petro- "stone" and myzon "sucking"; marinus is Latin for "of the sea".
The species is found in the northern and western Atlantic Ocean along the shores of Europe and North America, in the western Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, and as an invasive species in the shores of the Great Lakes.
They have been found at depths up to 4000 meters and can tolerate temperatures of 1–20 °C (34–68 °F).
In North America, they are native to the Connecticut River basin in the United States.
The largest European populations of sea lampreys are located throughout the southwestern areas of Europe (north-central Portugal, north-northwest of Spain, and west–southwest of France).These countries also support the main fisheries of the species.
Sea lampreys are anadromous; from their lake or sea habitats, they migrate up rivers to spawn. Females deposit a large number of eggs in nests made by males in the substrate of streams with moderately strong current. Spawning is followed by the death of the adults. Larvae burrow in the sand and silt bottom in quiet water downstream from spawning areas and filter-feed on plankton and detritus.
After several years in freshwater habitats, the larvae undergo a metamorphosis that allows young, post-metamorphic lampreys to migrate to the sea or lakes, and start the adult hematophagous method of feeding
The lamprey uses its suction cup-like mouth to attach itself to the skin of a fish and rasps away tissue with its sharp, probing tongue and keratinized teeth. A fluid produced in the lamprey's mouth, called lamphredin prevents the victim's blood from clotting. Victims typically die from excessive blood loss or infection. After one year of hematophagous feeding, lampreys return to the river to spawn and die, a year and a half after the completion of metamorphosis
Lampreys are considered a delicacy in some parts of Europe, and are seasonally available in France, Spain, and Portugal. They are served pickled in Finland.
Due to its lifecycle that switches between fresh and salt water, the sea lamprey is adapted to tolerate a wide range of salinities. Cell membranes on the surface of the gills are major contributors to ionoregulation. Changes in membrane composition influence the movement of different ions across the membrane, changing amounts of components to change the membranes' environment.
the larvae are called ammocoetes
Lampreys also maintain acid-base homeostasis. When introduced to higher levels of acids, they are able to excrete excess acids at higher rates than most other saltwater fishes, and in much shorter times, with the majority of the transfer of ions occurring at the gill surface.
The lamprey genome may serve as a model for developmental biology and evolution studies involving transposition of repetitive sequences. The lamprey genome undergoes drastic rearrangements during early embryogenesis in which about 20% of the germline DNA from somatic tissues is shed. The genome is highly repetitive. About 35% of the current genome assembly is composed of repetitive elements with high sequence identity.
Sea lampreys are considered a pest in the Great Lakes region. The species is native to the inland Finger Lakes and Lake Champlain in New York and Vermont. Whether it is native to Lake Ontario, where it was first noticed in the 1830s, or whether it was introduced through the Erie Canal which opened in 1825 is not clear.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 10 months
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Abroad with the Broad Shelled Turtle
Chelodina expansa, more commonly known as the broad shelled turtle, is one of the largest freshwater turtles in Australia. The length of their shells can reach up to 50 cm (19.6 in), and their neck accounts for an additional 60-80% of their total length. Because of this length, C. expansa tucks its head in sideways as opposed to pulling it directly into its shell. At maximum, females reach a mass of 6 kg (13.2 lbs), while males only typically weigh about 4 kg (8.8 lbs). The top of the shell, or carapace, is dark brown or green, while the underside is a light cream; the same is true for the broad shelled turtle's head, neck, and legs. The feet are webbed, and have large claws which help adults to dig or fend off predators.
While they spend the winter buried in the mud, the broad shelled turtle is most active during the summer months, from November to March. During this time they are almost entirely aquatic, rarely emerging from the water even to bask. This species lives throughout the river basins of eastern Australia, and can be found in rivers, dams, lakes, and wetlands with plenty of vegetation cover. C. expansa is entirely carnivorous, feeding on crustaceans, aquatic insects, fish, and frogs via ambush, and carrion whenever it can find it. To locate prey, they have a keen sense of smell. Adults are not usually predated upon due to their thick shells and sharp claws, but eggs and juveniles are often prey for foxes, dingos, birds, rakalai, and large fish.
C. expansa nests in the winter, beginning in late February or March. Outside the mating season, individuals are generally solitary, but aggressive territoriality has not been observed. When mating time roles around, males seek out females to mate with; following the encounter, the female climbs out onto the bank and digs a nest for a clutch of anywhere from 5 to 28 eggs. To seal the nest, she then slams her body into the re-piled sand and mud, compacting it into a plug that will remain intact until the following year.
Incubation takes about 360 days, though some nests have been recorded as hatching at 500 days; this process is exceptionally slow due to the two periods of diapause, or developmental delays, that embryos pass through in order to survive the winter. Juveniles hatch in the spring, and emerge from the nest at the first heavy rain. It's unknown how long these turtles can live in the wild, but given their slow growth rate and adult invulnerability it's likely that they can live in excess of 20 years.
Conservation status: The IUCN consideres the broad shelled turtle to be Near Threatened, due primarily to habitat loss and high rates of nest predation by introduced foxes.
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Claire Treilibs
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Shanna Bignell via iNaturalist
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zabdiresources · 2 years
8890 - Family Practice Exam table w/ stool | Zabdi Resources
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For comfort, economy, overall functional and storage, there's nothing better than Clinton's Family Practice Tables. These versatile tables have many convenient features that make them perfect for private practice or clinic. Family Practice ExamTables are available in your choice of upholstery and laminate colors.
See our color visualizer on our home page before ordering
➡️Premium, vinyl upholstery over 2" firm, foam padding (5 cm)
➡️Full 28.5" width for patient comfort (72 cm)
➡️Handy, pull-out, welded steel, step stool
➡️Air-spring adjustable backrest
➡️Coated, two position adjustable stirrups
➡️Pull-out leg rest on steel track
➡️Optional pull-out basin
➡️Easy care all laminate base
➡️Color coordinated doors and top available
➡️Chip resistant edges
➡️1 large side storage compartment with shelf
➡️Storage compartment is accessible from both sides (no right or left handed tables)
➡️2 drawers with all steel slides
➡️Built with plywood and laminate panels that are California CARB II compliant
➡️Top sections are easily replaceable in the field
➡️Adjustable feet for leveling
➡️Paper dispenser included
➡️400 lbs. load capacity under normal use (181 kg)
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nsfwhiphop · 15 days
Fun Fact #2:
Does India have oil and gas reserves?
ChatGPT Answer:
Yes, India has oil and gas reserves, but they are relatively limited compared to some of the world's largest producers. Here's a breakdown of India's oil and gas resources:
1. Crude Oil Reserves
Proven reserves: As of 2023, India has about 4.5 billion barrels of proven crude oil reserves. This places India far behind major oil producers like Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United States.
Major Oil Fields:
Mumbai High: Located offshore in the Arabian Sea, it is one of India's largest oil fields, discovered in 1974.
Rajasthan Fields: Significant oil reserves are found in Barmer, Rajasthan. The Mangala, Bhagyam, and Aishwarya (MBA) oil fields are key contributors.
Assam and Gujarat: These states have historically been oil-producing regions, especially in fields like Digboi (Assam) and Ankleshwar (Gujarat).
2. Natural Gas Reserves
Proven reserves: India has approximately 1.3 trillion cubic meters of proven natural gas reserves.
Key Gas Fields:
Krishna-Godavari Basin (KG Basin): Located offshore on the east coast of India, this basin contains significant natural gas reserves, with the D6 block being a major contributor.
Cambay Basin: Situated in Gujarat, it contains both oil and gas reserves.
Assam-Arakan Basin: This region in the northeast is also rich in natural gas.
3. Shale Gas and Other Unconventional Resources
India has potential in shale gas and coal-bed methane (CBM), though exploration and extraction of these resources are still in early stages. Basins like Cambay, Krishna-Godavari, and Damodar Valley are considered promising for shale gas.
4. Energy Dependency
Despite its reserves, India is heavily reliant on imports to meet its energy needs:
Oil imports: India imports about 85% of its crude oil requirements.
Natural gas imports: India imports around 50% of its natural gas, mostly in the form of liquefied natural gas (LNG).
5. Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR)
To ensure energy security, India has built strategic petroleum reserves in locations like Visakhapatnam, Mangaluru, and Padur, which can provide a buffer in case of supply disruptions.
In summary, while India has its own oil and gas reserves, its consumption far exceeds domestic production, making it one of the world's largest importers of both oil and gas.
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cypherdecypher · 2 years
Animal of the Day!
Congo Peafowl (Afropavo congensis)
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(Photo by Frank Wouters)
Conservation Status- Near Threatened
Habitat- Congo Basin
Size (Weight/Length)- 1 kg; 60 cm
Diet- Fruits; Insects
Cool Facts- The sexually dimorphic Congo peafowl is one of the lesser known peafowl species despite their brilliant feathers. Females tend to be more brown while males tend to be more black, but they both sport metallic green tail feathers. Males have a small crest of stiff, white feathers on their forehead that I like to imagine makes him all the more attractive to the ladies. Living in pairs, these monogamous birds spend the majority of their time foraging on the ground despite having the ability to fly. With the Congo being a place of war and deforestation, conservationists are rushing to establish National Parks to save the Congo peafowl and the many other threatened species that call the forest home.
Rating- 11/10 (More modest and shy than their Indian cousins.)
Requested by Anonymous
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igoldenlaser · 1 month
CNC Stone Granite Marble Cutting Machine
The CNC granite stone cutting machine has revolutionized the stone fabrication industry by offering unparalleled precision, speed, and versatility. These machines use computer numerical control (CNC) technology to automate the cutting and shaping of granite and other types of stone, making it possible to create intricate designs and achieve high levels of accuracy.
Types of CNC Stone Granite Marble Cutting Machine
CNC Bridge Saws
CNC bridge saws are commonly used for cutting large slabs of granite and other types of stone. They feature a bridge-like structure that supports the cutting head, allowing for precise and controlled cuts.
A CNC bridge saw machine is a specialized cutting tool used in the stone fabrication industry. It features a bridge-like structure that supports the cutting head, which is guided by a computer program to perform precise and controlled cuts. The machine is equipped with a diamond blade that can cut through various types of stone, including granite, marble, and quartz. The automation provided by CNC technology ensures high precision and efficiency, making CNC bridge saw machines ideal for both small-scale and large-scale stone fabrication projects.
Intelligent five-axis bridge cutting machine is a comprehensive five-axis processing equipment. It has the function of taking photos, positioning and typesetting, automatic measurement of plate thickness and tool size, and the head can rotate 360 degrees. Cutting, edging, chamfering, digging and other multi-functional intelligent operating system, simple and easy to learn; High quality motor, high precision, fast speed; Transverse, longitudinal, arc, circular, arbitrary Angle, shape cutting. The machine head can move and rotate freely. Besides cutting modeling, it can also open material for large plate, 45 degree chamfering, open basin hole, stove hole, and slash line cutting.
Suitable for quartzite, rock plate, artificial stone, granite, marble all kinds of large and small stone decoration engineering stone processing machinery. Save plate save time save worry save effort!
High cutting precision
Suitable for large slabs
Automated cutting process
Durable and robust design
Wall cladding
Architectural elements
5 Axis Bridge Cutting Saw Parameter
Technical indicatorsparameterModeliGS-B3320(Pro)Stroke of X axis3300mmStroke of Y axis2000mmZ-axis stroke 1255mm(Blade Diameter 400mm)A axis90°C axis360°Saw blade motor power7.5kw/11kw / 15kw/18.5kwBlade Diameter350mm/400mm/450mmMotor powerXYZ axis 1.8kw (Z-axis holding brake); A-axis 0.85kw; C axis 1.3kwInput power3-phase AC 380V/220V 50-60Hz 10A
Standard configuration function: Laser positioning, table flip, cutter, can cut square, round, horse belly side cutting, 45 degree cutting, Taichung basin cutting, Yin Angle drilling and milling, milling cutter opening.
Optional Functions:Suction cup displacement, photo layout, inverter, transformer, clean installation and measurement software.
5 Axis Bridge Cutting Machine Advantage
1. The A axis can automatically rotate 0-90°, while the C axis can rotate up to 360°.
2. It is equipped with a high-precision on-board camera, which brings higher-definition images and can provide high-precision stone processing. Moreover, it can take pictures to position stone plates, and can automatically plan the cutting path directly from the generated map, which greatly improves the processing efficiency.
3. The overturned worktable is adopted, which has large overturning weight redundancy, up to 80°.
4. Adopts a 11kw motor with high precision, it can complete circular cutting, square cutting, sector cutting, oval cutting, 45 miter cutting, drilling, external edge polishing, etc.
5. The robotic system has a lift capacity of 75 kgs for stone slab moving.
6. The 5-axis cutting head can miter and interpolate in any direction.
CNC Water Jet Cutters
CNC water jet cutters use a high-pressure stream of water mixed with abrasive particles to cut through granite and other stones. This method is ideal for creating intricate and detailed cuts without generating heat.
High pressure water cutting system mainly includes pressurization system, cutting platform, sand storage system, control system and auxiliary system.
Water cutting cutting without thermal deformation, to avoid the physical and chemical changes of materials, widely adapted to the cutting and processing of various materials, has the reputation of “universal cutting machine”, the incision is smooth and flat without burr, generally no need to reprocessing, the equipment is controlled by numerical control system, high cutting precision, cutting joint less than 1.2mm, easy to cut, save materials, The process does not produce environmentally polluting waste;
Numerical control water knife for those other methods are difficult to cut materials such as aramid, titanium alloy and a variety of composite materials is very ideal processing means.
High cutting precision
No heat generation
Suitable for intricate designs
Versatile cutting capabilities
Decorative stonework
Custom shapes
Artistic designs
Water Jet Cutting Machine Parameter
ModeliGWJ-4020Platform size4200*2200mmCutting stroke4000*2000*150mmA axis rotation Angle±60°C axis rotation AngleInfinite rotationMax. cutting speed20m/minMax. running speed50m/minCutting accuracy±0.1mmRotating accuracy±0.1°Control accuracy±0.05mmRepeated positioning accuracy±0.05mmPlatformSteel platformCNC garnet feederTaiwan FLOW sypeMotor servoJapan Yaskawa servo motorGuide railTaiwan HIWINScrewTaiwan HIWINGear rackImported rack and pinion from SwitzerlandControl systemWEIHONGElectrical elementSchneider
High pressure water cutting system mainly includes pressurization system, cutting platform, sand storage system, control system and auxiliary system.
Advanced Performance
Gantry design lathe bed, solid and stable, with a higher strength;
X/Y/Z axis adopts the new labyrinth protection to prevent double professional waterproof protection;
X/Y axis adopt high quality LINDEN, Sweden and Taiwan silver guide rail, heavy support, guarantee the parts machining precision, stable and durable, Z axis fully enclosed design of lifting mechanism of backwash in the cutting process of sand and water erosion can’t lead screw and guide rail;
Adopt Japanese valley centralized lubrication system, make the equipment maintenance automation;
Internal components choose schneider international brand, quality, reliable operation;
Use dimensional macro WEIHONG water cutting control system for special purpose, simple easy to operate;
International famous brands and yaskawa servo motor, reliable quality, long service life.
Stone CNC Routers
Stone CNC routers are versatile machines that can cut, shape, and engrave granite and other stones. They use a rotating cutting tool to perform various operations, making them suitable for both cutting and engraving.
ATC Stone CNC Machining Center
Stone processing center is a CNC automatic engraving high-tech equipment, mainly used for the processing of stone countertop, can achieve a feeding to complete all the processes of countertop processing. Stone countertop copying, special-shaped processing, grinding Roman edge, treatment of circular arc after retaining water, cutting basin holes, grinding basin along, polishing and other processes can also do stone relief carving.
Widely used in kitchen countertops, bathroom countertops, stone tabletop, coffee table countertop, TV counter surface processing, can also be used in billiard table, welcome table countertop, ordering table and other stone countertops.
Quartz Stone CNC Processing Center Applications
Technical DataX, Y Axis Working Area2000*3000mmZ Axis Working Height500mmPositioning Accuracy0.05mmRe-positioning Accuracy0.02mmBody StructureWelding BodyX, Y Axis Structure Gear RackZ Axis Structure ScrewMax. Running Speed20000mm/minMax. Working Speed10000mm/minSpindle5.5kwWater-coolingSpindle RPM24000Working VoltageAC 380V±10%
/50-60HzMachine Weight3300kg
If you need more detailed information, please inform us as soon as possible.
CNC Stone Cutting Advantage
The whole high quality steel is welded and tempered to ensure the long-term use of the machine without deformation;
The larger storage of automatic tool changing system makes the whole process from opening, cutting, milling molding and polishing all kinds of processes in one go, fully realize a high degree of automation;
Intelligent environmental protection, the whole process of automatic environmental protection processing; Create a dust-free workshop to reject pneumoconiosis;
Positioning adsorption block, double-sided sealed suction system combined with high-power adsorption pump + auxiliary positioning device effectively increase the adsorption capacity of the sucker, to ensure that the stone does not shift during processing.
Electric oil injection system, machine maintenance more time and labor saving;
The machine comes with circulating water tank, the whole machine realizes self-circulation, only need to change the water regularly to clean.
With Japan Pantoscopicguide rail and  rack, high positioning accuracy, smooth sliding, reliable quality, long life.
Professional CNC control system, easy to learn and easy to operate.
Engraved stone plaques
Custom stone shapes
Decorative elements
Benefits of CNC Granite Stone Cutting Machines
High Precision and Quality
CNC granite stone cutting machines offer exceptional precision and quality, allowing for the creation of detailed and intricate cuts. The computer-controlled movements ensure minimal distortion and high accuracy, resulting in high-quality stone products.
Speed and Efficiency
CNC machines are known for their speed and efficiency, making them suitable for high-volume production. The automated cutting process reduces the overall production time, increasing productivity and reducing costs.
CNC granite stone cutting machines are versatile and can be used on various types of stone, including granite, marble, and quartz. This versatility makes them suitable for a wide range of applications in the stone fabrication industry.
Durability and Robustness
CNC machines are equipped with durable and robust components that can withstand the rigors of stone cutting. This durability ensures a long lifespan and reliable performance, making them a valuable investment for stone fabricators.
Automation and Reduced Labor
The automation of CNC machines reduces the need for manual labor, increasing efficiency and reducing the risk of human error. This automation also allows for the production of complex and intricate designs that would be difficult to achieve manually.
CNC Stone Cutting FAQ
1. What types of stone can be cut using CNC stone cutting machines?
CNC granite stone cutting machines can be used to cut various types of stone, including granite, marble, quartz, and other natural and engineered stones.
2. How does CNC cutting compare to traditional stone cutting methods?
CNC cutting offers higher precision, speed, and efficiency compared to traditional stone cutting methods. The automation of CNC machines reduces the need for manual labor and increases the accuracy of cuts.
3. What industries benefit the most from CNC marble stone cutting machines?
Industries such as countertop fabrication, flooring and wall cladding, architecture, decorative stonework, and signage benefit greatly from the precision, speed, and versatility of CNC marble stone cutting machines.
4. Are there any limitations to CNC granite cutting machines?
While CNC granite cutting machines offer many advantages, they may not be suitable for all applications. Factors such as stone type, thickness, and cost should be considered when choosing a cutting method.
5. What maintenance is required for CNC granite cutting machines?
Regular maintenance, including cleaning and inspecting the cutting tools, checking the alignment, and monitoring the machine’s performance, is essential for ensuring the optimal performance of CNC granite cutting machines.
CNC granite stone cutting machines offer exceptional precision, speed, and versatility, making them an ideal choice for various stone fabrication applications. Whether you are involved in the production of countertops, flooring, architectural elements, decorative stonework, or engraved plaques, a CNC granite stone cutting machine can enhance the quality and efficiency of your projects. By understanding the different types of CNC machines and their benefits, you can make an informed decision and choose the right machine for your needs.
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fishfolkart · 8 months
Tumblr media
American Paddlefish - is a member of the Paddlefishes and Sturgeon family. It is native to the Mississippi River basin from southwestern New York to Montana and south to Louisiana; Gulf Slope drainagaes from Mobile Bay in Alabama, to Galveston Bay in Texas in the United States. It usually inhabits water deeper than 1.2 m (3.3 feet) in slow-flowing large rivers, lakes, and impoundments and feeds on plankton. Its paddle is thought to act as an electrical antenna for detecting the electric fields of plankton. It can reach a maximum length of 221 cm (7.25 feet) and a maximum published weight of 90.7 kg (about 200 pounds). It is listed as a Vulnerable species. https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/157639879
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indianpetrochem6 · 2 months
Delhi market sees increase in Styrene Acrylonitrile resin prices
Recent reports from Indian Petrochem analysts indicate a surge in the price of Styrene Acrylonitrile resin (SAN), grade 80 HF ICE LLHK, in the Delhi market. The price of this commodity, which stood at Rs 179/kg on July 17, 2024, has increased to Rs 182/kg on July 18, 2024, marking a rise of Rs 3/kg. This uptick reflects the growing demand and supply constraints impacting the resin market in the region. SAN is employed in transparent parts such as containers, mixing bowls and basins for kitchen utensils and fittings for refrigerators. an additional application is in multi-trip tableware for the catering sector. The plastics used in the office and in industrial applications must exhibit longwearing characteristics. Indian SAN Prices, SAN Prices In Indian, Indian Prices SAN, Indianpetrochem.
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