dailykugisaki · 4 months
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Day 197 | id in alt
Gojo sends Yuta a letter that just says "get better soon!" Followed by another Hex from Kugisaki.
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mania-sama · 3 months
gojo satoru's guide to being a good father: cheating is only tolerable if it happens in monopoly
Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood
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➼ information ❧ Jujutsu Kaisen ❧ Pairing: Fushiguro Megumi & Fushiguro Tsumiki & Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Megumi & Gojo Satoru ❧ Additional Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Kugisaki Nobara ❧ Tags: implied/referenced cheating, no curses au, guardian-ward relationships, gojo satoru adopted the fushiguros, parental! gojo, protective! gojo, vandalism, threats of violence, father-son bonding via car vandalism: the fic ❧ Summary: In which Tsumiki gets cheated on and, really, Gojo has been waiting to destroy a bitch's Maserati. ❧ Word Count: 4,054 ❧ Cross-posted from Archive of Our Own ❧ Original post date: 1 January 2024 ❧ Now available as a podfic!
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Gojo receives a text from Tsumiki saying that she’s coming home to visit for a couple of days, and two seconds later the front door slams open. A loud bang echoes in the house when it hits the wall. Oh, good. Megumi’s home.
“I’m going to kill that bastard,” he hears the boy fume, forcing the door shut with even more vigor. That poor abused door. Maybe Gojo should consider a therapist for it. “I’m going to chop his dick off and feed it to him.”
“Good afternoon to you, too,” Gojo greets cheerfully. Looking up from the living room couch, he sees his irate ward stalk to the kitchen and pilfer through the various sharp knives in the steel-colored knife block. Not good. He’s already picking out his murder weapon before taking off his backpack. “What’s going on?”
Megumi spares a side-eye so full of anger that Gojo doesn’t even have it in him to feel disrespected. “He cheated,” he says simply while drawing out the chef knife from the block. The noise it makes is a sharp shing, a telltale sign of crimes yet to come.
“Who cheat— oh.” That would explain the short, out-of-the-blue text message from Tsumiki. Suddenly Megumi’s fury seems a lot less irrational. Gojo has a short, beautiful vision of beating Tsumiki’s boyfriend to the point where even his mother wouldn’t recognize his face.
“Yeah.” Megumi holds the large blade out for a second, giving it a long, examining look. Apparently, it satisfies his criteria because he drops his arm by his side and starts heading for the door. Oh shit. He’s actually going to go chop his dick off.
Not that Gojo doesn’t want to either, it’s just that, well, he’s not supposed to indulge in body mutilation. Besides, if Megumi gets caught with that knife in his hand, he’ll get arrested, and Gojo really doesn’t want that to go on the boy’s permanent record. Satoru, unfortunately, cannot woo police officers out of prison sentences like he has for teachers to throw out Megumi’s detentions.
“Hey, hey, hold on!” Gojo jumps up and vaults over the couch in one swift movement, carefully sidestepping whenever Megumi carelessly turns around. The knife’s tip swipes where Gojo’s stomach had once been. “You cannot go around castrating people!”
Megumi glares at him with the heated fury of a thousand burning suns. His lips are pulled so far down into a scowl that Gojo’s unsure his facial muscles are ever going to let him smile again. “Oh, you’re going to start disciplining me now?”
Okay, wow, Gojo did not ask for commentary on his lack of proper child anger management.“I’ve disciplined you plenty,” Gojo insists, though Megumi looks unconvinced. “Listen. I know he deserves it. But do you even know where he is or how you’re gonna get there without anybody catching you with that knife?”
Satoru holds out his hand expectantly while Megumi stares at him hard, his nose scrunched up and green eyes alight with unrelenting ire. Eventually, he sighs hard and presses the handle of the chef knife into Gojo’s palm.
“You’re not seriously going to let him get away with this, are you?” Megumi asks, his voice marginally calmer and less accusatory than it was before. Deciding to be responsible, Gojo slides the chef knife back into its proper spot and stands firmly in front of the knife block. Just in case his ward makes another attempt at righteous vengeance.
At the question and Megumi’s impatiently crossed arms, Gojo has to think. Obviously, he isn’t going to let this go unpunished. To imagine that any man could think they could hurt his sweet Tsumiki who has never done anything wrong in her entire life — okay, there was that one time that she thought it was okay to spend three thousand dollars on Robux but she didn’t really mean to do that — and run away scot-free sends a violent shiver down Gojo’s spine. 
He never told Tsumiki this, but he doesn’t think her boyfriend is all that attractive or intelligent, emotionally or scholarly. What he did tell her was that as long as she was happy, he would be happy. Not before a talk with said boyfriend where he promised he would do much worse things to him if he ever dared make Gojo’s ward cry.
So, what could he do to a twenty-one-year-old university student without mutilating any body parts but still following through with his promise?
Gojo smiles at Megumi, whose eyebrows are raised in anticipation. “Megumi, you have a lot to learn about revenge. What is the one thing a self-absorbed, cheating man loves more than anything in the whole world?”
“His dick,” he responds confidently.
“No!” Satoru laughs and points a finger at Megumi’s nose, watching as he goes momentarily cross-eyed. “Good guess. I’d put that at number two. But Megumi, dear, you must understand. There is nothing he is more prideful of than his car.”
Noticing his ward’s skepticism, he brings his index finger upwards. He uses the rest of his fingers to list off with his words. “One: It’s hard to get away with castration. As much as I hate to admit it, no way you’re going to chop off his dick. Two: Cars are feminine. Men like him love to own anything they can call a she. Three: Cars are expensive and he is a broke college student. I imagine his parents paid for the one he owns now, which is a nice Maserati Ghibli. Four: He will be without a vehicle and have to own up to his parents that his car got destroyed, and the only correlating event that would lead up to such a tragedy would be his cheating. Do you understand now, Megumi?”
Truly, he doesn’t think he’s ever seen Megumi comprehend anything so well in his entire seventeen years of life. His ward gives him a short nod.
“Good. Unfortunately, we can’t enact our revenge today. We can’t show up wherever he is and destroy his car. No, we have to first get him to park in a secluded lot, then occupy him for a few hours,”  Gojo informs. Megumi listens intently, and, oh, it’s been so long since he’s gotten this boy to actually pay attention to everything he says. It makes Satoru feel all warm inside. “Got any friends that can help us with this?”
Megumi doesn’t hesitate to pull out his phone. “I bet that bastard likes them younger, too. Kugisaki can help.”
“When you’ve come up with a plan, tell me and we’ll review it.”
His ward nods and sends a text on his phone, presumably to Kugisaki Nobara. Gojo waits for Megumi to leave the kitchen to go to his room before he pries himself away from the counter. He chooses to stay in the living room in preparation for the scenario where Megumi decides that he can’t wait any longer and a castration must be performed. He also wants to be the first person to greet his older ward when she gets home.
The next three days are spent comforting Tsumiki while carefully planning the glorious demise of her ex-boyfriend’s car. She is too kind, even in mourning of her year-long relationship. She has barely a bad word to speak of that roach of a man. Instead, she cuddles with Gojo as they watch her favorite movies and comedy specials, eat all sorts of unhealthy food and home-cooked meals, and play various board games that Megumi reluctantly joins them in.
It’s the closest they’ve been since Tsumiki left for her second year at university while Megumi works on graduating high school. Gojo works at a different university about a mile away, so he’s nearby at all times. If he cancels a few classes, nobody says a word to him. It comes with being the most highly acclaimed physics professor in all of Japan.
It would be perfect if it weren’t for the weight of a cheating ex-boyfriend dampening the mood at all times. Gojo is happy to be with his kids — wards, technically. Wards — but one of them isn’t, and the other is too involved in a revenge plot to be fully invested in the time they are spending together. Whatever, he consoles himself. It’s the best he’ll get until summer.
In the midst of watching The Human Centipede 2, which, for the record, is a horrifying franchise and he doesn’t understand why Tsumiki likes it so much, he gets a horrid vision of both of his children away in university. Then them in apartments of their own, and they only get together again once or twice a year for holidays. He isn’t able to hold them close on his living room couch on a mundane Tuesday afternoon to watch a deranged scientist attach humans together via mouths to buttholes.
Gojo pulls Tsumiki a little tighter to his side and places a careful arm around Megumi’s shoulders. His son — ward — stiffens for a moment, then leans his cheek on Satoru’s bicep. While both of their eyes are fixated on the screen, he gives a small glance to both of the kids. He feels their steady breaths against his body.
It takes everything in Satoru to smother his smile.
Then the fated day finally arrives.
The plan consists of five participants, four willing (Gojo, Megumi, Nobara, Yuuji) and one unwilling (Tsumiki’s ex-boyfriend). Megumi and his two friends did all of the planning and arrangements while Gojo bought the necessary equipment: two Louisville sluggers, gloves, hats, brass knuckles, a box cutter, and the special edition Tokyo Monopoly. He also rented a sparkling silver BMW because Gojo refuses to be outclassed by a broke college student.
Oh, and they need it so his actual car won’t be recognized. That’s why everything he bought was either new or could hide their appearance, aside from the brass knuckles and board game; if the police catch them, Megumi will never forgive Gojo for not letting him perform a well-deserved castration.
At precisely two thirty in the afternoon, Megumi and Satoru bid Tsumiki a hasty farewell. Gojo doesn’t trust either of them to lie well enough to her, so they don’t give her enough time to ask where they are going. Her shouted question is left as an unanswered echo behind the closed front door.
It takes them thirty minutes to arrive at the designated location, a hole-in-the-wall bar in the rundown part of Ueno. Predictably, there aren’t many people there on a Wednesday before happy hour. Most people had classes or work at this time, and besides, drinking at three in the afternoon without any good football or baseball games to watch is just sad.
Unless, of course, someone had good company with them. A group of friends or a date with a seventeen-year-old girl who insisted that the only time she could get with him was at three on Wednesday! Really! She’s busy the rest of the week and her parents are oh-so restricting…
Since Satoru is a responsible adult, he made sure that the bartenders were paid off in advance to pretend that they are serving alcohol to young Kugisaki. She will simply act like she is getting drunk off of sparkly orange and pink drinks. Then, when the time is right, the ex-boyfriend will lead her to his car to take her to his apartment with only the most pure of intentions. Obviously. But what he will find instead is a pile of mutilated metal and deflated rubber.
There were only two glaring holes in the plan when Megumi originally proposed it to him, which they patched up by including Yuuji. The first: Gojo knows Nobara can bench twice her weight and take down a man with a hairpin, but he needs to be one hundred percent sure she will be entirely safe. There’s no telling what an enraged pedophile may be able to achieve. Additionally, she needs a quick getaway. The second: A video of the man’s reaction is required, and nobody involved will be in a position to record.
So, Megumi kindly asked Itadori Yuuji to hang out in the parking lot in his car, inherited from his dearly departed grandfather, and be at the ready with both his phone and brass knuckles should the situation escalate so far. Gojo hopes it doesn’t because that would make for a terrible reaction video.
The parking lot is situated at the back of the bar, which has no windows for an unsuspecting cheater to look out of and witness a crime being committed on his prized possession. Gojo parks a couple of spots to the right of the pearly white Maserati, spotting Yuuji’s old red Nissan on the left. The windows are barely tinted, allowing them to make eye contact with each other. Or rather, Itadori looks at Gojo’s shades for a split second before waving enthusiastically to Megumi. His ward returns the gesture with a small wave of his own.
Before Gojo can say something that will undoubtedly embarrass Megumi and spoil the mood, he swings his orange-and-blue slugger over his shoulder and adjusts his black cap with a gloved hand. “I’m feeling generous,” he declares. “You take the first swing.”
Megumi looks up at him, gives him a malicious grin, and steps close to the right wing mirror. Instead of swinging it, he slams the butt of the bat into the glass. It takes one more shove to send the wing mirror crashing to the ground. Glass shatters on the asphalt. Luckily, Gojo made Megumi wear a jacket and a pair of designer shades that would protect him from spray shards.
Laughing at the broken display of vandalism, Gojo pats Megumi on the shoulder. “Hit a home run into his headlights! I’ll work on getting in the car.”
“Destroying the inside?” Megumi asks, already stepping around to the front of the car. He gets into a proper batting stance, just like how Gojo taught him when the boy was playing the sport in middle school. The sun reflects brightly on the black-and-yellow Louisville slugger.
“Can’t leave a job half-finished, can we?” Satoru grins. His ward knocks a clean hole into one headlight at the same time Gojo leaves a spiderweb of cracks in the driver’s window. When the glass shatters inwards, he’s able to reach into the car and press the unlock button. The Maserati Ghibli has a slight off-white leather interior. Gojo takes a second to run his hand over the seat, savoring the beauty he’s about to destroy.
It’s a morbid pleasure to slide open his box cutter and carve jagged lines into the clean interior. White scars are left behind when he pulls the blade from the leather. He takes special care to draw little broken hearts and a cat with a pair of sunglasses on. When he’s done with the front and back seats, he finds that Megumi has already made a full round with the car. Thin streaks were keyed into the car doors, and every inch of the once pristine Maserati is filled with deep dents.
Megumi admires the view with Gojo, his breath coming out in small pants. “Well?”
“It can be better. Go again,” he answers, even though the car is so beautifully destroyed that it makes his heart swell. The teacher who said his kid was destined for failure was sorely mistaken; this is a sign of great things to come.
Megumi nods and lifts his slugger to smash another dent into the back window. It was already shattered, but now the only indication glass was ever there in the first place are the shards lying scattered in the trunk.
Gojo could cry with how proud he is of his son. His ward. Son.
Pushing out the blade of the box cutter again, Gojo crouches and slashes a hole into the first of four tires. He watches in satisfaction as air rushes out to rejoin the natural atmosphere. It has the same impact as releasing a caged, rehabilitated animal back into the wild. Probably. Satoru hasn’t done that before but he figures this is pretty much the same thing.
He moves on to the next tire after golfing the fenders three times with his bat. Megumi meets back up with him on the last tire, and this time there’s sweat dripping from his face. It’s a decently hot day, Gojo can admit. A few straggling wisps of clouds drift lazily across the sky, leaving the sun to bake the creatures on Earth. His own neck is uncomfortably wet and sticky.
“Here,” he hands over the box cutter, a shade duller than it was before. “I’ll leave the final honor to you.”
Megumi holds the box cutter in his hand like it’s the Holy Grail. When he rips into the tire, Gojo hopes he’s imagining a dick being sliced off instead like Gojo is. It’s the closest they’re going to get until one brave woman decides that enough is enough.
They step back to admire their work. It should be displayed in a museum next to Winged Victory of Samothrace or Perseus with the Head of Medusa. The whole world should lay their eyes on the perfect mound of metal and rubber they have molded. It’s barely even recognizable. The dark inside machinery of the car is visible from the parts Megumi tore off with his hands or batted away with the slugger. It sits closer to the ground than before thanks to the tire deflation. Several holes fall open in the cracked windows.
Gojo wraps an arm around Megumi’s shoulder, tugging him to stand closer to his side. His ward doesn’t put up a fight against his guardian and even rests his head against Gojo’s collarbone.
No language has an accurate word to describe the feeling that courses through his body. It’s a concoction of every good and bad thing Gojo has done in his life; every misstep he’s taken in raising the Fushiguro kids, and every moment he’s experienced overwhelming pride, fear, and joy for them. It’s twelve years all at once, tucked away under his arm.
“Your sister is going to kill me when she finds out about this,” he says. Megumi snorts.
“It’ll be worth it.”
Megumi’s voice is low with fondness, the only kind that can be produced after a long rush of adrenaline.
A great amount of strength allows him to open his mouth. “We need to leave before they get out here,” he mutters. Slowly, as if reluctant, Megumi detaches himself from Gojo’s arm. The warmth of his son’s body is lost immediately, replaced by the distant uncaring sun.
They wave Yuuji farewell and hop into the car, blasting the air conditioner and the playlist containing both the perfect, glorious, angel choir songs Gojo likes and the obnoxiously emo songs Megumi listens to. About halfway through the drive, Satoru asks if Megumi’s hungry.
Megumi looks up at him from his phone, his eyes squinted with something mischievous. “Can we have—”
“We are not having KFC,” Gojo says firmly.
Instead of frowning, Megumi’s lips contort into a half-smile of some kind. Like he’s trying to hide the fact that he’s enjoying being in the car with Gojo. And Gojo — Gojo can’t help himself. This is his son. The prickly five-year-old he met in an alley is now seventeen years old, looking down at his lap with his face scrunched up in a failed attempt at keeping his composure. He’s not laughing only to maintain his image. Megumi is happy.
It’s not enough to get Gojo to go through a KFC drive-thru because some wounds will simply never heal, but he does pull into the parking lot of the next best thing: Subway.
“So, I was thinking tonight we’d play Monopoly,” he suggests as they gorge themselves on two foot-long sandwiches and a large bag of Doritos. Megumi tries to scowl, but his full cheeks make him look more like a chipmunk.
“No. You always cheat at Monopoly,” Megumi says after swallowing his food.
“I don’t! I play fair and square.”
“You always have to be a banker so you can steal money and give us incorrect payments,” he deadpans.
Gojo ignores him. It’s not his fault they won’t play by the objectively correct rules of Monopoly. “But it’s Tokyo Monopoly! You can own Shibuya Crossing!”
Megumi’s gaze is unimpressed, but he doesn’t retaliate anymore. Gojo doesn’t bother to hide his shit-eating grin. Another day, another victory for one Gojo Satoru.
Tsumiki is waiting for them when they get home. She’s leaning against the wall of the foyer, her gaze stupidly hard for someone who’s supposed to be grieving the end of a relationship. It takes them exactly two point three nanoseconds to see that she has them figured out.
“Where were you two?” She asks them as if she doesn’t know. The air cracks with tension.
Gojo smiles and shoves Megumi forward. “You know, Megumi has been dying to tell you!”
His son glares at him in disgust before fully facing his sister. “We, uh,” he clears his throat. “We vandalized your ex’s car.”
The house is silent for five whole seconds. Megumi stares at his sister with bated breath, waiting for his soul to be wiped out of the mortal plane in the form of an hour-long lecture. But Gojo knows better. He knows because this is his daughter.
She sags forward, a smile ghosting her lips. Her eyes carry heavy eyebags, but they shine with expectation. “Do you at least have a video?”
Of course, she wants to chop his dick off, too. And of course, she recognizes that the next best option is destroying his pearly white Maserati Ghibli. She was raised by Gojo Satoru, after all.
Before Gojo orders her DoorDash Subway, they watch the video Yuuji sent to Megumi’s phone — the contact photo for the young Itadori is hilariously cute in comparison to Nobara’s, making Satoru give his son a knowing shoulder bump — on the big screen.
His reaction is priceless, what with the screams and caressing of the broken angles of the car. He moves to furiously grab Nobara’s shoulders, but she digs her heel straight into his balls before he can lay a finger on her.
Yuuji lowers his phone as she gets in, kicking his car into reverse so they can peel out of there before he gets up off the ground. The video ends with the kids’ glorious laughter and Nobara shouting, “It worked! Go, Itadori! Go!” Tsumiki’s giggle gives Gojo more joy than the actual process of destroying the car.
Well. Okay. Her giggle is almost better than destroying a Maserati Ghibli. What can he say? It was the most fun he’s had since he decided to stop breaking the law to set a good example for his kids.
Later, when they sit down to play Tokyo Monopoly, he may or may not tone down his strict following of the rules. Perhaps he embezzles a little less, and perhaps he switches out Tsumiki’s house for a hotel when his kids aren’t paying attention. He still wins after five hours of playing but that’s beside the point.
The day ends with a hug from Tsumiki. He doesn’t fully hug his kids often. Even when they were young and missing both parental figures who should’ve been giving them hugs three times a day, Gojo didn’t let himself get close enough to them. Realistically, he knows it’d been a product of his own young age and inexperience. Growing up in a cold family didn’t help matters; his only model of parents were his own unfeeling ones and what he’d observed of other families from afar.
That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt when he hesitates to hold his children, unsure if they would want to be touched by their legal guardian. It’s worse to see them withdraw from touching him, too, like they’re worried he’ll pull away in disgust.
So, this is nice, the hug from his daughter before she goes to bed. She smiles at him from the top of the staircase. She is happy.
Yeah, it’s certainly better than destroying a Maserati Ghibli.
… Well. Maybe not. Maybe nothing will be better than that. But he swears that Tsumiki’s happiness is a very, very close second.
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tomonari-nue · 3 years
could you do nobara for the ask game please?? also, your music taste is just HEAVENLY
OH,,,, THANK YOU....
favorite thing about them
the fact that she's one of the – if not THE best – female shonen character out there; she's allowed to be loud, brash and arrogant, while also being able to enjoy he girly side. she's allowed to be bother powerful AND beautiful and she knows her worth and she will fight tooth and nail for it bc its what she DESERVES and no one will take that from her. just. im so in love with the fact that she's multifaceted, being both strong and not having her feminine side sacrificed for it to be truly perceived as strong. i love her so much. i love her. and her chemistry with Megumi and Yuuji is also wonderful bc they all actually feel like they're FRIENDS who like to hang out with each other. she gets to be goofy! she gets to be reckless! she gets to be like her teammates!
least favorite thing about them
favorite line
"I love myself when I'm pretty and all dressed up! And I love myself when I'm being strong! I am Kugiskai Nobara!"
any combination with Yuuji and/or Megumi, also Maki.
Itafushikugi or Nobamaki, babey!
i think i saw some with her and Sukuji (Sukuna in Yuuji's body) around like. bold of you to assume she wouldn't kill him on sight
random headcanon
She is a notorious clothes-stealer. Why spend money on intentionally oversized fashion, when she can raid the closets of her bigger and taller teammates? She has already claimed 3 of Yuuji's hoodies – the boy's starting to sweat bc suddenly he actually has to make choices in the morning. Megumi can't find one of his favorite track jackets anywhere. Kugisaki "Street smarts!" Nobara.
unpopular opinion
Nobara can be soft. she's perfectly capable of being a little more gentle with her words, even if you know it's not quite her style. especially with people she genuinely cares about – did the conversation between her and Yuuji after the death paintings arc mean nothing to you all???
song i associate with them
Legend by The Score
favorite picture of them
Top Ten Anime Moments of All Time
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(ask me about my opinions on the jjk characters!)
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artoftamashi · 3 years
A Series of (Un)Fortunate Events (Pt. 3 of 4)
Part 3 is finally here! I think it's my favorite part of all. So thanks to you all who read parts 1 and 2 and are still here for part 3!
Why not just get to it?!
Spoilers: etooo, mentions a moment of the fight of episode 5.
TW: a lot of cursing, some anxiety feelings, oppression, helplessness, panic, and the word kitty is mentioned once.
I mean, 2 years isn’t temporary haha but he named me Hirano after about a year. He said I had a light and warmth around me like the sun (Hi-). But I won’t go by that name. Even after telling him not to come looking for me if I disappear, I don’t want him to find me using that name. Plus, I just got my new identification.
Oi, Natsu.
I’ll take a break after this job.
“I don’t think Yamamoto-san will like that.”
I don’t care. That old-fart of a pervert doesn’t deserve my service.
“Tama….. Just make sure you’re polite…”
Yeah, yeah.
Tama’s current job is just a curse hunter. No attachments, commitments, or any responsibilities. The agency that handles these curses is not certified—that they can do with illegal shit. No paperwork or repercussions. The wealthy people hire them and pay them as long as they do the job in the allotted time.
Tama sighs. “At least Matsuda-san wasn’t a pervert. Hm? Oh we’re here. Well, I should be saying ‘I’m here’ but having you listening in all the time, well, doesn’t feel like I’m alone.”
“Well, I’m sorry.”
“Haha! No need! Anyway, I guess I should look around and investigate this place a little.”
The curse that’s been wondering around this abandoned construction site is a grade 2. People’s fears about ghosts around construction sites really fed this thing. I don’t think it’ll be that easy to defeat it, but I should be able to nonetheless. However, something doesn’t sit right with me. After observing the site, they did not even start a foundation. They only cleared the field where they were going to start. And there’s still a lot of forest behind this site.
Tama gasps at a realization. I’m sure it’ll appear if I start walking towards the forest. The thing is, it’s probably not the construction site that’s ‘cursed.’ It’s the forest.
Tama starts hearing a low grumbling as she nears the tree line.
“So there you are! Hurry! I don’t have much time!”
A curse appears. Not so big in size, but as Tama expected: she’ll have a little trouble.
“What do you say I we dance?”
Tama takes her phone and plays some music.
After some “dancing”, Tama is able to exorcise the curse, when something—or rather—someone catches her attention.
“Hm?… OOOIIII! Are you okay?!” She asks while waving her arm. They’re not responding but they seem to be walking this way.
Wait… what’s this feeling?.. Blood thirst??
And just like that, she recognizes who the man approaching her is. She drops her weapons and puts up her hands, as surrendering, so he can see that she truly means no harm.
He suddenly appears in front of her, Fast… inches away from her face.
“Ohoooo… I thought you’d have more of a reaction!”
Gojo Satoru. The man with a blindfold who I should tread around carefully.
“I know how to pick my fights. And I’m not trying to pick one with you.”
“Hm? Why not?” A grin appears in his face.
“Gojo Satoru. A man who should be feared if a fight should ensue.” “Hahaha. I shouldn’t be feared! I’m the greatest being in this world.” Still grinning with arms spanning about.
“I never said I feared you. I’m just relaying what I heard.”
“Oh. You must be well informed, then?”
“Not really. I was only warned. Anyway, now that you know I won’t wield a weapon, I’m bringing down my arms.” Tama, tired from the fight, just wants Gojo to let her go.
Nothing. The man isn’t saying anything. Even though he has his blindfold, I can see him staring. Studying.
“Oh. Gojo-sensei!” A boy with fluffy pink hair comes running to his sensei’s side. “Mm? Who is this sensei?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out, Yuji.”
So he was ‘examining’ me.
“Why don’t you just ask?” Itadori grunts. “I’m Itadori Yuji. This is Gojo-sensei. And these two are my classmates, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara.”
“I’m Haruna Natsumi.”
“Nice to meet ya! Oi, sensei. We should go. Seems like the curse is gone.”
“Guess you’re right! Let’s go get some sweets!”
Then suddenly, another sinister feeling creeps up Tama’s spine. It makes her shiver to her core.
“What’s this?” Itadori’s face has another mouth.
Tama jumps back in fighting stance. Her instincts just make her move; no second thought. She even grabbed her shikomizue in that split second.
“This one’s got fire, Yuji.”
“Sukuna, you! I’m sorry! Please, I don’t mean any harm.”
“That is not normal.” Tama says as she points to Itadori’s face. Damn. I can’t control my heartbeat. It’s like my soul is trying to escape my body. My entire skin feels like its being pierced by needles. An extreme uneasiness that I cannot contain. I’m sweating profusely.
“Keep this one around. She gives me the same sense as Fushiguro. Ha. Ha. See you later, Natsumi.” And just like that, Sukuna’s presence disappears.
Tama can’t stand. Trying to catch her breath, she maintains a distance from the lot. Was that…? No, it can’t be…?
“Nat..su..mi….?” A concerned Itadori asks.
“I’m sorry…. Just… let me… catch my breath….” Panting as if she ran for her life. You could say her soul tried.
“Who are you?” Gojo abruptly asks.
Tama looks at the blindfold with eyes filled with regret as if she could see his eyes. Many things run through her mind right now; the many times she was going to die, how she grew up, Matsuda-san, Ryoku… Natsu…. After catching her breath, she gets up and recollects herself before answering.
“I already introduced myself. I’m Har-“
“You have no curse energy. You yield weapons without curse energy. You sensed Sukuna before he appeared to you. So: who. are. you?” Gojo is not backing down, standing right in front of Tama.
“Hmm….," he stares intently. "How about you come with us?!” He flips his switch. Serious -> Spontaneous. How does one even do that?
“Oi, sensei. Bringing in another stray?” Fushiguro steps in.
“Are you jealous Megumi?”
Fushiguro’s face says it all. Not a damn he gives.
“Whatever. The principal will be the one to put up with you. Let’s go.”
“I’m not going.” Tama doesn’t want to be involved with anything that has to do with Gojo Satoru. Ryoku’s words remind her that anybody around Gojo eventually get in serious trouble.
“Why not? Leaving something or someone behind?” Gojo asks as he puts his hands in his pockets.
“Uh, no. I need to pick up my pay for this job, so…”
“Oh! That’s what it is! We’ll go with you!”
“Megumiiiiii, so you are jealous.” Gojo pouts.
“As if. Just let her stop by when she’s done; of course, that’s only if she wants to come. Stop trying recruit.”
“I’ll go. But just give me time.” Tama isn’t sure if she should go with them. But maybe I can learn about myself if I have them around. “Oh, but wait. Sensei? Principal? You’re taking me to a school?”
“Riiiight.. I haven’t mentioned it. We are from Tokyo Jujutsu High! A high school for jujutsu sorcerers!”
“What Megumi? I think we can trust this kitty.”
Tama feels her stomach clench. Now, she’s not sure if she should go.
“How about sharing emails? So we can keep contact.”
“Uh, sure. I suppose.” Nobody tries stopping her so she assumes it’s safe.
“Okay then! I’ll be messaging you every day until you come! Bye-bye!”
“Every da-“ Why didn’t they bother to warn me?
And just like that, the lot of them leave, and Tama does too. I’m killing that pervert Yamamoto!
Phew! We've made it this far! I hope yall enjoyed this part. I focus on Gojo more because he's like my focal point (As I mentioned on a previous part.) Please stick around for the last part! Not so exciting so I understand if you don't stick around by then but it's a close interaction with Gojo and the heroine. Any way, thanks loves! 💖
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emi100395896 · 3 years
A/N: Hi, yes I’m back. I’m sorry for being inactive for 60 smth days and probably going to be inactive for another 2 weeks because of exams but it’s fine. <3 I promise I binged lots of animes and I’m back with more headcanons. Also, I’m not sure if you guys would like me to do more than headcanons, but do tell if you want me to. I started this as a fun blog and hope to continue that even though I’m always inactive lol. Anyways, here you go, a jujutsu kaisen rant! Ps: these are my personal thoughts and feelings, if you don’t agree with them then fair enough! ^^
Genre: Crack/Comedy/?reviewing?
A/U(s): None.
Warnings: spoilers are put in brackets and are red! Watch out for them. :D
Trigger warnings: None.
Summary: Just me ranting. :)
UHHH REVIEW TIME! The main characters ;)
Megumi Fushiguro
Megumi is best sasuke trope boy. By far my favorite emo boy. Why? Well, it’s mostly because when animes introduce characters like Megumi they’re all emo and have to avenge their village and kill people and are ‘brocken’ or smth idk.
But jujutsu kaisen does the whole sasuke trope a big middle finger and makes Megumi a less tsundere, and broken character.
Honestly, I never expected Megumi to have this type of personality because most animes try to give his archetype the whole ‘their honest’ when in reality they are just rude and selfish. Megumi is literally honest. My guy had no problems telling Gojou that he wants Yuji to stay as his own opinion which if you asked any of the people under this archetype they would respond with ‘Ugh, just keep him alive okay?’.
Like he is honestly sweet and even when trying to force Yuji and Nobara to leave it WASNT for his own well-being it was for theirs. Literally is the opposite of Ray, Sasuke, and any type of character that is emo and rude. Also he is one of the few characters that deserves to be as powerful as he is because he didn’t get his powers because of ‘his burning rage for the person who killed his village as he tries to avenge them.’ And he also has a bad background but is quite an average character. I just appreciate him. :)
Nobara Kugisaki
Honestly though, she’s amazing. My favorite character since she literally is a girly girl yet is powerful (nothing wrong with that, it’s just wow.), which hear me out.
Most shounen anime girls fall under 3 categories of female characters.
The useless damsel in distress that is a tsundere.
‘Another Naruto reference? Seriously Mochi?’ I’m so sorry my lovely reader, but Naruto is one of the founding fathers of all Shounen anime stereotypes. So yes, another Naruto reference.
First of all, I don’t hate this characters, I actually don’t dislike them either. That being said I don’t like them. I get this neutral emotion whenever someone like idk Sakura I guess is on screen next to Aiura Mikoto (Who btw, is another underrated female character that deserves love even though the anime is crack-y.). I guess it’s because throughout all of the Arc’s and episodes, Sakura hasn’t changed or developed or even learned from past mistakes. It sucks seeing character that could’ve had potential, being boring and just bad. Also she’s ungrateful for her parents for no reason, and that just says a lot about her persona. To be honest, most Naruto female characters are like this, and I don’t want to hear crap about Hinata’s character because she barely got screen time and the only times we see her is when the creator pushes her to be next to Naruto more often or if the whole gang is together. (I watched a bit of Naruto so I could be wrong about this whole thing but this is again, my opinion.)
The dimwit and clumsy/tsundere/strong female fan service
Oh look, it’s everyone’s ‘favorite’ Erza Scarlet from Fairytail. But whoops, her whole character is just her having cleavage. Or everyone’s favorite crime Taboo Tattoo (I didn’t watch it but most fans have come together and agreed that it would’ve been a decent anime without all of the fan service.) Or maybe the stereotypical dimwit character that is clumsy?
Yeah, you know who I’m talking about right?
I feel like some animes, that are 23 minutes long, would be reduced to around 15 minutes without all the fan service (not counting the Opening or ending)
(Also all the dumb jokes, but that’s for another time.)
Looking at how many creators complain they can’t go too in-depth with their OC’s, because they don’t have much time, but they somehow can fit in a whole scene of people literally having their clothes ripped off because of how ‘delicious’ it is. Yes, I’m coming after you Food Wars. Even though I am a big fan, that doesn’t mean I can ignore the flaws. I am fair and will admit that, as far as characters go, Food Wars is shallow.
Personally, mha is also another crime with lots of fan service of 15-16 year old girls. 😀
I don’t want to get into the heated Hero Hei debate wether this doesn’t count because they’re ‘fictional’ or if it does. So moving on.
Can I mention how much Momo Yaoyorozu could’ve been an amazing character with amazing development and a cool quirk? I mean personally, I hate how Momo is now just fanservice. This queen has an amazing quirk, went in through recommendations, smart, helpful, is class Vice President, heroic, tall, thoughtful, rich but doesn’t brag about it and is humble, and just a cool character that could be delved deeper on?
Haha nope. Boobs.
W h a t
This literal queen could carry this series on her back yet they have the audacity to make her have zero personality and just a background character? Like excuse me, I don’t think you understand, but Principle Nezu has more screen time than her. Literally her and Koda (Creati and Anima) could be so cool but no one ever acknowledges them. :(
Anyways let’s move on.
And finally, the love interest.
Ochako Uraraka. That’s it.
Ochako really deserves more, honestly. I was hyped up in the sports fest. because she just showed off that she isn’t backing down, and now she’s just a mindless love interest.
Honestly, I don’t like talking about this topic the most because A, it’s controversial for some reason. And B, it sucks seeing these amazing characters being watered down to just a love interest.
She’s fine on her own, thank you very much.
I mean best scene was when she was fighting Sabrina the witch and didn’t seem to care much about scars and she just debunked all of those things and I just UGGGHHHH- <33333
Like animes try so hard to have a feminist role model by making her tomboyish and mean and a tsundere and calls anyone that looks at her a pervert.
But Nobara isn’t any of that. Nobara is fashionable and powerful. She loves shopping. She loves eating expensive. She loves Luxuries. She loves proving people she’s strong. She isn’t easily scared. She protects, and I just love her. She isn’t your stereotypical tomboy or at least she doesn’t fall into the smurfette effect or smth.
Tbh, I was worried when she joined them. I said either she’s a tomboy who’s a tsundere or a soft spoken damsel in distress, but now that I’ve seen her, I know that Nobara is Nobara. And that you all should appreciate her also.
Okay enough of that rant lol, moving on to Yuji!
Yuji Itadori
Are we going to use stereotypes again? Yes we are!
Usually shounen MCs have the worst personality either being too bland (mf MC from re-zero) or just too much of a coward/weakling/pervert/happy-go-lucky character.
I mean, if we are going to have a strong character he has to be a pervert for some reason.
A respectful character is a crybaby/weakling.
And a happy character has a dark secret side and ‘OmG lOoK hE’s SoO sc a Ry!1!1!’.
And tbh Yuji falls in the rare category.
The category that isn’t a crybaby, perverted, 11 year old that looks like he’s at least 20.
That category is what I’d like to call. The Saiki K. category.
I love MC’s like this because they aren’t too shallow, but not the whole story is about THEM and THEM ONLY.
It’s amazing to see how they still have the same personality but somehow have went through a bigger character development than all those other MC’s.
(Not disrespecting your faves, once again this is a personal opinion-)
And the way he isn’t OP and actually has trouble and the way (Slight spoilers!) that we can see that when he asks Sukuna to heal yoshino and the way Sukuna just laughs and I just like how they didn’t make Yuji just ‘become OP through the power of friendship’ and just they accepted he was dead or how his hand was cut off and he accepted it but how when he was dying he actually cried saying how he didn’t want to die showing us hey, it’s okay to cry but please don’t cry when you win a prize or competition or something. (End of spoilers!)
Ugh I just love Yuji being an MC. Again, he is one of those few rare MC’s with interesting character design, and personality without overwhelming it or just underwhelm it.
Satoru Gojo
Honestly most surprising character.
DHEUIWOWV should I make a separate post for the plot, story and Gojo? It’s getting late where I am sooo this gonna get a continuation! I’m Mochi and see you guys next time, Bye-Bye! (。- u -。)
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