ohposhers · 8 months
My favorite thing is how lowkey uncomfortable Branch's brothers look when they find out Branch highkey replaced them with a new band/found family after they left LOLOL
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JD and Clay being quick to crack incredibly forced jokes to cover up the awkwardness of the situation ooo And you KNOW the Kismet trolls probably think so fucking lowly of all of them too if Branch confided in them over everything that happened throughout the years rrrrr I think the brothers would definitely take personal issue with particular members too uh ohh the girls are fightingg
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and they know they have no right to be mad cause they are the ones who walked out and never came back but they're gonna be bitter anyway <333 i love troll drama
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zivazivc · 7 months
I like to imagine that Branch joined/started Kismet in between movies one and two because he decided he wanted to be normal again and to him that means being in a boy band (insane but funny)
that actually is really funny! (and insane!) also from what i've seen from the cartoon, branch does actually feel like he has to go out of his way to fit in and be a "real troll" so this is totally in character for him.
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kk1smet · 9 months
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“Give me a nice thing,” Harry said that night.
Draco blinked up at him, sleepy and lazy, like a lizard in the warm. “This is the happiest I’ve ever been,” he said.” - Nice Things, aideomai
Here’s a little gift for everyone here ♡ I’d like to think that often, Draco would stop, pause, and think, it’s a sheer wonder that they get to be together like this.
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evanoshiix · 9 months
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Krystal Kismet? Diamond Hype? Idk one of those
That shitpost doodle I made became a real au sorry guys hope you like it bcuz I’m probably gonna keep posting about it
Maybe idk
Anyways I also made them silly little designs for the story, I’ve got ideas in mind, if enough ppl are interested in this au maybe I’ll share more 👍
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koppaiterocker · 9 months
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What, you didn't think BroZone was the only band I've ever been in, did you? ⏤͟͟͞͞
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demon-witch-cat · 9 months
Random trolls AU idea that I'm probably not gonna do anything with, but it's a cool idea so I have to share-
Branch is kidnapped instead of Floyd, right? But instead of Velvet just sending a note out for Brozone, they also send out a note to Kismet, who team up with Poppy to go save Branch together.
The two groups meet halfway to Mt Radious, realize they're all there to save Branch, and team up.
There's some arguing both between the brothers and the two bands, though, that slows them down.
Eventually they do get to Mt Radious, and Branch is overwhelmed a bit by the fact they all came to rescue him. He'd only really expected Poppy.
IDK, that's my idea! I really like Kismet, but b/c we don't see/know that much of them, I'm not actually sure how the whole thing would go, so this is all I've got!
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sansxfuckyou · 7 months
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@ohposhers help
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eugeneplace · 7 months
That one chapter of The Beat Goes On but Branch does have friends outside Poppy and the Snack Pack AND is actually a introduction to Kismet as a second group of main characters!!
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I hate Mr Glittercakes so. Fucking. Much
It is so humiliating with a character whose only crime was not wanting to hurt his stupid friends' feelings by telling them he'd rather stay home alone.
But complaining is useless, so time to rewrite it is.
The chapter would be called "The Other Friends" and the premise would be the same: Poppy thinks Ramón is giving her excuses to no going to parties for the last weeks
The confrontation about the excuses could be talked out, such a twisted solution wasn't necessary
"Oh no, sorry, I would have loved to go to this... Super fun party" Branch say with a unconvincing smile "But I already made plans with my other friends and they-" he noticed the skeptic look Poppy was giving him and stopped "What?"
Poppy sighed in disappointed "C'mon, Branch. Everyone knows you don't have other friends"
"Excuse me???"
"Look, it's okay, I get it!" she hurried to reassure "All those years of isolation affected you I-I understand that you still need a break from so many people from time to time! And... you still haven't grasped everything that having friends means. I know. But something important in interpersonal relations is honesty so-"
Poppy took a breath, uncomfortable with the conflict.
"So yeah, the excuses have to stop"
It would have been a very good intervention if he was really lying
After that Branch introduces Poppy to his childhood friends (and secret band) who, to no one's surprise, are just as outcasted as him
I'm already thinking about other possible plots for Kismet Centric chapters
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daddy-long-legssss · 4 months
as it’s been 13 years since the release of Suck It and See, i had give special recognition to one of my all-time favourite arctic monkeys records. 
although it’s not as lyrically clever or deeply layered as its predecessor Humbug or as critically acclaimed as AM, to me it holds up as one of their best albums. 
i think there’s a mindset that simplicity doesn’t equate to greatness but i couldn’t think more the opposite. the fact that they stripped down the sound and brought it back to place of coherence makes it all the more captivating and accessible. and after all, sometimes the best things in life are simple. 
i always think about alex talking about the emotional impact of a song outside of the lyrical elements and leon russell’s lyric: and if my words don’t come together, listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding, and i believe that applies perfectly to Suck It and See. one listen to ‘that’s where you’re wrong’ and that opening chord and jangling guitar riff alone captures a indescribable feeling and transports you to another world. 
it’s the ultimate summer album and best enjoyed outside in the warm sunshine or on the beach or driving along the coastline. it captures the feeling of pure, unadulterated happiness. the entire album sounds incredibly nostalgic but also timeless.
i don’t know what else to say besides the fact that i just love this album with my entire being and that alex during this era will forever reside in a special little place in my heart.
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fandombrainrotcentral · 7 months
So like... We're all in agreement that regardless of when Branch met the other members of Kismet, they immediately basically adopted him, right? They're his brothers by choice and I need more fics where Ablaze decks JD in the face. I might end up writing one myself just to satisfy my need to cause that little fucker pain.
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incorrectkismet17 · 7 months
Boom: Where's Ablaze? 
Hype: Don't worry, I'll find him. 
Hype, shouting: Branch sucks! 
Ablaze, distantly: Branch is the best person ever! Screw you! 
Hype: Found him.
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 6 months
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How, knowing that even the universe is dying, do we bear our lives?
Most readily, through friendship, through connection, through co-creating the world we want to live in for the brief time we have together on this lonely, perfect planet.
maria popova//marginalian
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trshpndal · 7 months
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they’re cousins your honor
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kk1smet · 8 months
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I recently finished Never Mind the Bollocks by The_Sinking_Ship. Since that day, it has been living in my head rent-free, and will remain there. Perhaps for a long, long time.
Every time I try to collect my thoughts to articulate every single thing I loved about a fic, I just end up screaming and dying with the feels. So instead of words, here’s some drawn lines (and more screaming).
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no-where-new-hero · 4 months
"Last night I simply could not endure any longer the vaseful of dyed grasses on my mantelpiece. What if they had been there for forty years! I seized them, opened the window and strewed them over the lawn. This soothed me so that I slept like an infant. But this morning Cousin Jimmy had gathered them all up and handed them secretly back to me with a gentle warning not to let them 'blow out' again. Elizabeth would be horrified. "I put them back in the vase. One cannot escape one's kismet."
Emily's Quest, L. M. Montgomery
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thebisexualwreckoning · 8 months
They are dead.
Babies, their first cry not heard by the world before they become orphans
Toddlers, taking their first steps among the rubble of places they didn't live in long enough to call home
Children, not yet old enough to know what is happening but who still know that something is very very wrong
Teenagers, watching their friends starve and unable to do anything about it
Parents, who cannot go on any longer as they watch their children being murdered
Grandparents, who have seen the start of this war but fear that they will not live to see its end
Students, watching as their schools go from teaching them to housing them to being the only thing between them and certain death
Journalists, documenting the horrors every day because they may die any second but they will not die without a purpose
Doctors, refusing to leave their home because rivers will flow full of their blood before they stop trying to save their people
Millions of Palestinians, still hanging on to hope that despite everything One day From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free.
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