greencheekconure27 · 9 months
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lelejskagora · 5 months
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The old winter slavic holyday period - “svyatky” - young people in festive costumes are waking from house to house, singing songs called “kolyadky” and throwing seeds on the threshold! They also dancining and singing by themselves on the dark winter streets. And also young unmarried women tell fortunes about suitors. Well, literally eastern slavic Halloween!
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wordspin-shares · 2 years
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OC Winter Holidays Challenge 2022 | Day 16: Merry Solstice
“What are you making?”
Daria stilled her hands, letting them hover above the half-shaped white block of wood in her lap. She looked up at David. Even bundled in his wool kefta, gloves, and fur hat, the cold air turned his nose pink.
“Nikolai wanted a centerpiece for the table tomorrow,” she answered. Her fingers skimmed the hard surface before resting lightly on it. She frowned at the look on David’s face. “It is a good idea, David. One night will not set everything back.”
“So Genya says.” David huffed a breath. “There’s still so much to be done, though, so much to repair—”
“It’s one night, David.” Genya came up beside him. Her auburn hair shone under the winter sun. “And before you say there have been days of preparation, I know that, but I also know people need this opportunity to forget about the last two years for a bit.” She slipped her gloved hand into his and smiled. Then she turned to Daria. “Is that a sleigh?”
Daria looked down at the wood. “It is.” She raised her hands, and the white surface beneath her gliding fingers began to shift. The rear half of the horse-drawn sleigh took its final form. A finely-detailed young woman in a fur hat and robes appeared in it, and a group of maidens followed behind, smiling and singing.
“I got nostalgic,” Daria continued, her lips curving upwards. “It is a pity Kolenda Night isn’t celebrated the way it used to be.”
“Oh?” David’s breath frosted in the air.
Daria looked over at the Grisha skating on the frozen lake. “It was more than simply hanging lanterns in the streets and outside houses and having a feast at the end of the day,” she said. “We would make wreaths from fir or pine, and children would have snowball fights and sing kolyadki dancing in circles. But this,” she tapped the wood she was shaping, “was the main event of the day.”
She smiled to herself, observing her work.
“Carving wood?” Genya lifted an elegant eyebrow.
Daria laughed. “Not carving wood — the maiden procession.” She gestured at the design she had fashioned on the white block. “Each year every town chose a young woman to represent the Sun. She was dressed in orange robes and drawn on a sleigh from house to house, accompanied by six others, singing kolyadki. The townspeople gave them gifts, and later those gifts would be used to help anyone in need. It was really a welcome to the longer days of the year ahead.”
“Were you ever chosen?” Genya asked.
“No,” Daria said simply. “We never stayed in one place long enough to become part of the community.”
Genya’s amber eye fixed on her. She didn’t speak. Snow began to fall, and Genya brushed a flake from Daria’s slate gray hair.
“Well, tomorrow you will wear lavender,” she said. “You are a teacher at the Little Palace now, and you should display that at our first formal function after the war.”
ToT Taglist: @arrthurpendragon, @raith-way, @noratilney, @foxesandmagic, @airwolf92, @kbeescreams, @stachedocs​ (let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
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7ooo-ru · 8 months
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Во Львовской области установили новый рекорд Украины по самому массовому исполнению колядки
На Украине продолжают ставить новые рекорды. Организация «Книга мировых рекордов» зафиксировала в селе Мшанец Самборского района Львовской области новый рекорд Украины по самому массовому исполнению колядки с участием вертепов. 105 вертепов из Львовской области и 1259 участников колядовали «Там во Бахмуте».
Рекорд установили во время массового съезда вертепов, который стал завершающим мероприятием благотворительной акции «Рождественские птички». Во время коляды собрали 4,7 миллионов гривен на дроны для 80 отдельной десантно-штурмовой Галицкой бригады.
Украина, раньше строившая самолёты и ракеты сейчас хвастается лидерством на планете по количеству безумных рекордов. Здесь уже делали самый большой национальный флаг, герб, гигантскую вышиванку, самое большое полотенце, веник и так далее. Лепят самые большие в мире вареники, самые большие в мире бутерброды с салом.
Зигмунд Фрейд, основатель психоанализа, писал о том, что истинные желания человека можно увидеть в проявлении бессознательного. Так, мужчины, с посредственными ��оловыми возможностями, обделённые насыщенной личной жизнью, зачастую компенсируют свои страдания покупкой огромного автомобиля.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/01/14/192-vo-lvovskoy-oblasti-ustanovili-novyy-rekord-ukrainy-po-samomu-massovomu-ispolneniyu-kolyadki-grss-273340850.html
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utility-knife · 1 year
Well I spent some time analysing what was I looknig for.
It took me some time.
I thought about what I enjoy and what am I interested in.
And I kinda got it.
I want a character that has no face/recognisable face features hiding behind a mask. I was thinking about wicca.
But then I thought a little more and realised that nothing stops me from making a more slavic oriented character. Maybe not purely slavic, but with influence of notheren pagan culteres (we've got a lot of people of finnic ethnic groups here and I am just mesmerised with their traditions). For sure there will be no historical or cultural accuracy but I want to make it the way people can kinda understand the roots of my inspiration.
Also I feel heavily inspired by kolyadki tradition which is vaguely similar to halloween treat or treating. That also makes mask make sense!
While researching the masks I found out that there's a plenty of artist creating them, so it will for sure influense the doll as well.
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In the meantime I received a blank head for a (Yomane) body and painted it black.
Plan to paint them eyes today and varnish.
Then it will be time for a mask and an outfit!
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justsweethoney · 4 years
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Всех с новым годом!
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averyderpyartist · 3 years
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It may be a tad belated, but merry christams, @marukyugoroku ! I was your secret santa for @touhousecretsanta !
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sovietpostcards · 4 years
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Antique Russian Christmas postcard featuring kolyadki—Christmas carols.
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propalahramota · 4 years
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Ukrainian Winter
“The Guests” by Opanas Slastion
“Winter” by Oleksandr Murashko
“Kolyadky (Christmas Carols)” by Mykola Pymonenko
“Portrait of Ludmilla Kuksin” by Oleksandr Murashko
“Caroling in Ukraine” by Konstantin Trutovsky
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greencheekconure27 · 9 months
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zu-is-here · 4 years
Do you celebrate Christmas Zu? If so how do you celebrate it?
I do (*´꒳`*) but in Russia this is a more religious and private holiday we celebrate on Jan 7th instead of Dec 25th! Not as big and fun as the New Year here (Dec 31th – Jan 1st) ☆
Christmas was banned as a religious holiday for a long time here, and New Year was made into the main one. Only in 1991 we were free to celebrate it again, but it's still a small and quiet holiday after the New Year (ówò)
At Christmas, we gather with our whole big family, and the children sing kolyadki (songs about Jesus Christ's birth. When I was a child, I used to be given fruits and sweets for this; now children are given money :') The main dishes are kutia (a porridge made from wheat served with honey, poppy seeds, fruit) and yushka (a cold fish soup)╰(*´︶`*)╯
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> Speaking of Christmas, I remembered that me and my friend once went to sing kolyadki, but that was a long time ago, and I don't remember how it was and how it works now (well, that's it). I remember that someone didn't open the doors for us. And that was late at night.
And those snowy roads... bruh! ;3;
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Tastes just as good ˚✧₊⁎
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blood-of-morana · 4 years
Happy Holidays!
Hello everyone! How have you been lately?
Ever heard of Koleda (Koliada)? I didn’t, not until writing this story anyway, heh. Apparently this is an old Slavic festival, celebrated on Winter solstice - at the end of December.
According to Wikipedia (which is always super reliable), the deities celebrated were Rod for the first half of the festival, and Veles for the last half. The name of this festival originates from the name of Koliada, the spirit or the god of the winter solstice.
One of the main parts of it was dressing up as animals, mostly as bears, horses, goats, or geese. People in costumes performed ritual dances, made a lot of noise, and sang special songs – kolyadki. These songs were a form of well-wishing and their lyrics were different for different listeners.
Read more about the festival here, here or here.
In any case, I hope everyone is well and healthy!
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futilebeauty · 5 years
for the ask thing - every number that has 6 in it!
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
can i have al ittle bit of everything? i don’t really follow any style code religiously
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
legs crossed
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
chill in a cool place with a cool drink lmao
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
ahahahah i think one of these
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46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
a soft pyjamas
56. favorite tradition?
really love our orthodox christmas traditions, especially kolyadky
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
a girly anime where i would kick ass and kiss girls, obviously
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
that’s too hard to pick, sorry hah
62. seven characters you relate to?
i don’t really relate to fictional characters anymore, this coping mechanism is over lol
63. five songs that would play in your club?
a whole nine inch nails playlist
64. favorite website from your childhood?
i loved these websites where you could dress your dolls in different outfits
65. any permanent scars?
my whole forehead is a one big scar, duh
66. favorite flower(s)?
white lillies
67. good luck charms?
my Ceasar ring
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
blood sausage is the worst thing on earth
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
mashed potatoe on water, plain and simple
86. cookies or cupcakes?
cookies, unless the cupcakes are with raisins i am unable to finish even the small ones
96. desktop background?
a girl in winter clothes with samoyed, i should really change it to smth spring-y hah
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taratarotgreene · 5 years
The Midnight Sun- Solstice
The Midnight Sun- Solstice
an interesting article about the meaning of the solstice.
via The Midnight Sun – A Generous Invitation to the Marriage of the Moon Spirits and the Northern Winds. Slavic & Balkan Tradition of Kolyadky & Auseklis
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