#Ethnic russian
eliounora · 13 days
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miku in a karelian feresi🌲
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 4 months
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1994: Crimean Tatars mark the 50th anniversary of russia deporting their entire population from their homeland. From the 18th-20th of May 1944 the Tatars were loaded onto cattle trains and removed from their native land.
2024 is the 80th anniversary of Stalin's Crimean genocide.
Since 2014 Crimea has again been occupied by russia.
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thenuclearmallard · 1 year
Very important. Please read.
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beehunni62 · 2 years
Fishskin Robes of the Ethnic Tungusic People of China and Russia
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Oroch woman’s festive robe made of fish skin, leather, and decorative fur trimmings [image source].
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Nivkh woman’s fish-skin festival coats (hukht), late 19th century. Cloth: fish skin, sinew (reindeer), cotton thread; appliqué and embroidery. Promised gift of Thomas Murray L2019.66.2, Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minnesota, United States [image source].
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Back view of a Nivkh woman’s robe [image source].
Front view of a Nivkh woman’s robe [image source].
Women’s clothing, collected from a Nivkh community in 1871, now in the National Museum of Denmark. Photo by Roberto Fortuna, courtesy Wikimedia Commons [image source].
The Hezhe people 赫哲族 (also known as Nanai 那乃) are one of the smallest recognized minority groups in China composed of around five thousand members. Most live in the Amur Basin, more specifically, around the Heilong 黑龙, Songhua 松花, and Wusuli 乌苏里 rivers. Their wet environment and diet, composed of almost exclusively fish, led them to develop impermeable clothing made out of fish skin. Since they are part of the Tungusic family, their clothing bears resemblance to that of other Tungusic people, including the Jurchen and Manchu.
They were nearly wiped out during the Imperial Japanese invasion of China but, slowly, their numbers have begun to recover. Due to mixing with other ethnic groups who introduced the Hezhen to cloth, the tradition of fish skin clothing is endangered but there are attempts of preserving this heritage.
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Hezhen woman stitching together fish skins [image source].
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Top to bottom left: You Wenfeng, 68, an ethnic Hezhen woman, poses with her fishskin clothes at her studio in Tongjiang, Heilongjiang province, China December 31, 2019. Picture taken December 31, 2019 by Aly Song for Reuters [image source].
Hezhen Fish skin craft workshop with Mrs. You Wen Fen in Tongjian, China. © Elisa Palomino and Joseph Boon [image source].
Hezhen woman showcasing her fishskin outfit [image source].
Hezhen fish skin jacket and pants, Hielongiang, China, mid 20th century. In the latter part of the 20th century only one or two families could still produce clothing like this made of joined pieces of fish skin, which makes even the later pieces extremely rare [image source].
Detail view of the stitching and material of a Hezhen fishskin jacket in the shape of a 大襟衣 dajinyi or dajin, contemporary. Ethnic Costume Museum of Beijing, China [image source].
Hezhen fishskin boots, contemporary. Ethnic Costume Museum of Beijing, China [image source].
Although Hezhen clothing is characterized by its practicality and ease of movement, it does not mean it’s devoid of complexity. Below are two examples of ornate female Hezhen fishskin robes. Although they may look like leather or cloth at first sight, they’re fully made of different fish skins stitched together. It shows an impressive technical command of the medium.
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赫哲族鱼皮长袍 [Hezhen fishskin robe]. Taken July 13, 2017. © Huanokinhejo / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0 [image source].
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Image containing a set of Hezhen clothes including a woman’s fishskin robe [image source].
The Nivkh people of China and Russia also make clothing out of fish skin. Like the Hezhen, they also live in the Amur Basin but they are more concentrated on and nearby to Sakhalin Island in East Siberia.
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Top to bottom left: Woman’s fish-skin festival coat (hukht) with detail views. Unknown Nivkh makers, late 19th century. Cloth: fish skin, sinew (reindeer), cotton thread; appliqué and embroidery. The John R. Van Derlip Fund and the Mary Griggs Burke Endowment Fund; purchase from the Thomas Murray Collection 2019.20.31 [image source].
Top to bottom right: detail view of the lower hem of the robe to the left after cleaning [image source].
Nivkh or Nanai fish skin boots from the collection of Musée du quai Branly -Jacques Chirac. © Marie-Lan Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0 [image source].
Detail view of the patterns at the back of a Hezhen robe [image source].
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
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Some tankie bs detection
I saw this post on my dash. The user is blocked now. But just to educate people so that they won't fall for idiotic claims online, here are a couple of facts:
1. The Islamic Republic is not anti imperialist, they're anti USA. The regime is very much in love with Russian imperialism. At this point, Iran is an unofficial russian colony. And by the support of their imperialist father figure they have their small version of imperialism in middle east. Ask Iraq and Lebanon.
2. There's no "safety" when it comes to economy in Iran. The "national sovereignty" is called "those fvckin thieves in power" here. Iran's regime is one of the most corrupt regimes by international index. Rent, nepotism, embezzlement and money laundering are serious issues in Iran. Done only and only by the governors and people in power. Social class is not only a thing, there's a raging gap between rich people and those in poverty. And the gap is getting bigger and bigger by month. If you have connections in government or you are in the government, you'll get richer and richer. Other wise, soon enough you'll be in poverty too. Many families, including mine, who used to be considered middle class, have incomes lower than the poverty threshold now.
About 15% of Iran's economic failure including inflation is on the sanctions. The rest is on the corruption within the regime.
Iran's banking system is also a corrupted organ. The so called Islamic banking is anything but Islamic. The loan interest rate is one of the highest worldwide, 23%, so that often you have to pay back more than twice the money you've received. It's called Riba in Islam and it's Haram. According to the regime themselves, the banking system in European countries, even in the USA, is more Islamic than us. The fact that some of the biggest embezzlement in Iran has been done by bank managers should give you a picture of how they're drinking our blood.
None of this is on USA imperialism. It's all the Islamic Republic.
3. The Islamic Republic doesn't support Palestinians. The regime is extremely racist and anti Arab. I dare you talk about this with an actual Arab. IR don't give two shites about Palestinians lives. The regime is antisemitic. That's what they are. Palestine is just an excuse to attack Israel. In the past 20+ years of my life, living in Iran and dealing with these posers, not once we've been educated about Palestine and Palestinians lives. Everything I know, I've learned from online resources and documentaries make by Palestinians. The regime doesn't talk about Palestinians when they pose as supporters. I'm pretty sure they don't know or care to know anything noteworthy about Palestine, considering my knowledge of the human rights violations there is always more than basiji people of my country, and I don't even know that much. All the regime talks about is how Israel should be eliminated. IR supports a terrorist organization called Hamas, not Palestinians.
4. Let's forget about everything I said so far. I wonder if tankies like the op has any ounce of humanity in them! The regime has been oppressing women, violating every type of human rights and murdering lgbtq people and other-thinkers for the last 40 years. The spectacular environmental disaster in Iran is the direct result of regime's policies and neglect. This is a case of human rights violation since it's ruining people's lives, especially ethnic minorities, like Arab farmers in south.
No religious minority is safe in Iran, be it atheist, Baha'i, Jew, christian, or Sunni Muslim. They commit crime against children, through labor and through war. IRGC have little regards for human lives in general but it descent into no regards at all for ethnic minorities.
They have MASS EXECUTED 30,000 leftists (members of Marxist Communist parties and their supporters) within the first decade of their autocratic rule. It's unbelievably funny to me when foreign leftists support a regime that has executed many of their fellow thinkers and still arrest and torture any left activist in Iran.
To say the reason the 1979 revolution happened was to get rid of western influence and to establish a democratic free independent government is true. But the Islamic Republic is not that result. Don't be fooled.
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eff-plays · 5 months
Other people looking at how Astarion's big floofy hair glows when the light hits it a certain way: Omg ... an angel. My moonlight. My starlight. My sunlight. Like a halo.
Me, Russian: A sweet old lady! God's (little) dandelion! 😊
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lem0nademouth · 9 months
idk who needs this reminder but uh race is a social construct, ethnicity is not. we can use DNA to determine the ethnicity of someone post mortem, we cannot determine their race that way. using facial reconstruction techniques we can estimate what they may have looked like and compare that with definitions of race from their lifetime, but even that is shaky ground to walk on.
that being said: many ethnic groups do not rely on blood quantum and in fact many actively reject it (Indigenous peoples especially). ethnicity is not solely genetic. its culture, its language, its customs, its religion, its clothing. so when you see someone argue that the concept of a Jewish ethnicity is fake or propaganda, they are willfully ignoring the fact that Jewish culture in the diaspora is diverse and unique, and also makes diaspora Jews distinct from the populations of the countries they now live in. being Jewish significantly changes your experience of any given country because you blend your culture with your country’s. because of this, we have yiddish and ladino and other judeo-languages, we have diaspora groups, we have unique practices all over the world because of our unique ethnic background.
and still, if you sample DNA from a Jew in Romania and a Jew in England and a Jew in Ethiopia, their DNA will be considerably more similar than their own DNA compared to goyim from their home country. the ethno in ethnoreligion has meaning, and denying it minimizes Jewish identity at best.
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odinsblog · 6 months
“When I was a teenager and my family emigrated from the Soviet Union, basically we were waiting outside of Rome for our papers to come to the United States. And there was a Rabbi who would give Torah lessons to kids of these Jewish refugees waiting for their papers. Now, for most of us, this was the first Jewish education that we ever received because this was illegal in the Soviet Union, which was part of the impetus for some of our families leaving.
I was a Jew on my passport, not a Russian.
I was a Jew in my passport, in my school file, in my parents’ personnel files, my medical records. Everywhere you went, you were marked as a Jew. And yet, you could not have any Jewish education.
You could not practice Judaism or study Hebrew. And so, my very first Torah lesson took place when I was 14. And it was on Amalek, which was a people that set out to destroy the Hebrews.
The way that the Rabbi taught it, which is a very common way, was that every generation of Jews has its own Amalek to destroy us. And the only way to survive is to destroy Amalek ourselves. And, you know, that spoke to me when I was 14.
It gave a framework to what I had experienced, both as a kid growing up in the shadow of the Holocaust and a kid growing up with this really pervasive, [Russian] state-enforced antisemitism. But this is also the legend that Netanyahu and other Israeli officials have been wielding to justify the indiscriminate destruction of Gaza. That second part of the legend of Amalek, that you have to kill the seed of Amalek, is a biblical quote, being used now in the International Court of Justice by the South African lawyers to make their case that there is clear genocidal intent.
It's so crazy making, but also so familiar. And I think even 43 years later, I remember how comforting it was to fall into a sense of communal victimhood. Israel is the victim of October 7th and will be the victim of October 7th for a long time to come.
But people can be victims and perpetrators at the same time. This is actually one of the other great lessons of the 20th century. Israel was the victim of a horrific attack and a horrific series of crimes against humanity, and is at the same time now committing crimes against humanity.”
—Masha Gessen, staff writer at The New Yorker and author of, In the Shadow of the Holocaust
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evenster · 9 months
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Kolyada is a pagan Russian tradition. At Christmas time, people put on scary masks, walked around the villages, sang and collected treats.
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Okay, but Adora being Latin makes perfect sense. She’s half human, so her mom could very well be latina. Like, her last name is Glenn, but still. It makes way more sense for the character who’s mom is LITERALLY FROM EARTH, to be half-latina or something, rather than the cat from a planet that does not have Latin America in its geography.
I also personally think it would be cool for the overarching themes of She-Ra/He-Man/MOTU, since a huge part of the story is hat the main villain in He-Man is literally the protagonist’s and Adora’s UNCLE. He’s the eldest son and the throne was passed over him because his skin is blue. So having the twins who are next in line being half alien (Earth), and Eternian and white passing, would really give writers a chance to go into the systemic racism of their heritage.
Idk, I just think it’d be something cool af to explore. How the twins have this unfair privilege they were never aware of, and how it affects their relationships in their family and to their kingdom’s citizens who never would have accepted their uncle as king, even before he became evil.
yeah, that's definitely more believable and better representation than the literal cat being coded as latina.
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horpyna · 6 months
foreigners who are insisting that #notallrussians are evil and it's russophobic, xenophobic and racist(huh? since when is russian a race?) to hate them are telling on themselves with these claims.
you are not defending poor unfairly accused russians, you are defending yourself. bc you probably have more in common with those russians that you want to admit. i don't see people from Poland, or Lithuania, or Estonia, or Latvia etc. defending russians as often as frequently as germans, french or americans do. and that's pretty telling.
so here's friendly advice: next time you feel that ukrainians are being to harsh to russians and you feel the urge to remind them that not all russians are bad, stop for a moment and reflect on why do you feel the need to do this. might be an eye-opening experience. deal with your colonial complex yourself and stop projecting it on the victims of colonialism.
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chicago-geniza · 2 months
The Algorithm has introduced me to an Influencer Subclass that makes absolute sense a propos online self-as-brand marketing niche demands but nevertheless makes me feel insane and it is people, usually women, born/raised in Eastern Europe with one East Asian parent creating Orientalist content about their Asian heritage in Slavic languages
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 4 months
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1945: The village of Uskut, Crimea after Stalin's deportation of the entire native population of the Crimean Tatars from the 18th-20th of May 1944.
russian colonisers had yet to move into the houses.
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usergreenpixel · 8 months
Okay, so I know it’s bad to have multiple stories going on but I’ve had an idea about writing a fantasy story inspired by Armenian mythology for a few months now.
Context: One of my maternal great grandmothers was Armenian and she used to babysit me when I was a newborn. My honorary great aunt is Armenian too and I learned a few recipes from her so I did get exposed to bits and pieces of the culture growing up.
Unfortunately, since USSR happened, I don’t speak any ancestral languages that are in my family (save Ukrainian but that one is very very basic) so yeah. I don’t speak Armenian at all and I’m not sure it’s my place to write that kind of story considering the complicated family history and an ethnic cocktail involved.
That being said, I’m still very much into mythology and would love to write a story based around the theme of rediscovering roots and embracing one’s heritage…
Edit: Tackling Ukrainian mythology one day could be a nice idea, but I am a Russian by nationality and my country has been stomping out other cultures for centuries now so I don’t want to appropriate Ukrainian culture or outshine Ukrainian voices.
They don’t need yet another Russian doing that. Same with Armenia and their history of being on the receiving end of genocide.
Yes, it’s my heritage, but I don’t want to take away voices. (1/4 Ukranian for a reference)
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fransen-art · 2 months
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Marionette WIP
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anyone who says shit like “russia is not europe bc it’s not civilized and their villages have outdoor toilets and they’re basically mongols.” I was going to say kill yourself but instead I will say please consider these things to unpack this statement a little:
- consider the last few hundred years of european history and what “civilization” means exactly in this context.
- consider the implication of equating europeanness with this concept of civilization.
- consider the implication of equating morality to europeanness, civilization, or wealth.
- consider why you are calling a country asian as an insult and what this indicates about your thoughts of asia and asian people (and mongolian people specifically for that matter).
- consider the similarities of this statement and nazi rhetoric about russia, the ussr, and slavs in general.
- consider the history of imperial russia and in particular how asian/siberian/far east territories came to be part of it. consider the demographics of these areas, especially the poor villages. consider why you are using indigenous people as an own or an insult.
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