atomfried · 5 months
bitte reinhören! wichtig.
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apigaday · 2 years
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6 views of the 2 sides of 3 HDF plates in oil pastel and acrylic colours before they'll be cutted #art #abstract #geometricart #modern #artwork #mobiles #sculpture #painting #artisessential #contemporaryart #artist #artinprogress #artforsale #postcard #workinprogress #konkretekunst #watercolor #constructive #konkret #constructiveart #composition #kunstwerk #kunst #künstler #zeitgenössischekunst #Hamburg #London (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf1cxAAIF3g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sophsphere · 3 days
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erwinkoschmidder · 2 months
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gelesen am 23.05.2019
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(𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙁𝙁𝙄𝙎 𝙏𝙀𝘾𝙃𝙉𝙊 ᴰᴶ Stoffi Ballert)
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universaldoubts · 3 months
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Heute Robbespierres Report "eat the rich" erleben...
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timmykimmel · 5 months
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Ein Feiertag für alle, die schon immer Journalismus mit Haltung retten wollten: Die konkret benötigt dringend 2.000 neue Abos, um zu überleben. #Rettetkonkret auf eure Art: Ein Abo für dich oder andere abschließen Menschen, die sich konkret nicht leisten können, ein Abo stiften oder Kommanditist:in werden. Danke an alle, die anpacken! ✊
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eco89eu · 10 months
"Grosse Merde
The riots in France are a class struggle without a goal and demonstrate the erosion of state authority. By Andrei Doultsev.
It's striking when a white motorcycle policeman from the infamous Special Forces Brigade CSI 93 shoots a teenager >>with a migrant background<< in a suburb. Just like in 2005 after the tragic deaths of Zyed Bennas and Bouna Traoré, who were killed by electrocution while fleeing the police in a transformer house, the suburbs were set ablaze. Days of unrest followed, during which anger and desperation erupted.
The social structure of the Parisian suburbs corresponds to racially conceived ghettos. Since the sixties, migrants have been distributed and grouped according to their country of origin: the Asians from Indochina, seen as >>clean<< and >>calm<<, were placed in the outskirts of Paris in Olympiades; Maghrebians were settled in the poorer suburbs of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis; black Africans were sent to Ivry-sur-Seine and Montreuil. Left to their own devices, the fifth generation of young people has grown up, deprived not only of bread but also of their dreams from birth.
How does France react in 2023? The second largest European democracy, hollowed out for decades by neoliberal reforms, numerous neocolonial military interventions, and violent repression of protests, drops its mask and shamelessly reveals itself as a Grande Nation, or rather, a Grosse Merde. While the bourgeois middle class and the far right express themselves with arrogance, France finds itself in a state of crisis. In his analysis, Clover first examines the common etymology of the English word >>emotions<< (which once meant uprising in English) and the French word >>émeutes<< (meaning: tumult, riot). Clover interprets riots as an excess of the inherent crisis of capitalism. In the years following 1989, when labor movements were "reduced in their majority to petty defensive actions," according to Clover, "political insurrection increasingly appears as a central figure of political antagonism," in other words, as the focal point of the largely unconscious and subconscious class struggle—an emotional struggle without a political horizon in a dystopia turned reality.
However, the recent riots in the suburbs, comparable in magnitude to those in 2005, have struck fear among the leaders and have been considered more than successful, not only because they created a space without state or authority for a few days, but also because the nature of the revolt revealed how, in recent years, despite and due to the intensification of police methods, the erosion of the state and authority has progressed significantly.
The historical organized labor movement aimed to create a society where class differences would be abolished, an association of the free and equal. That was its strength. The left, which has been on the defensive for decades, could not react clearly to the recent unrest. Isolated politicians found themselves helpless, claiming that the mistake lies in the fact that special police officers are involved in traffic stops. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the only politician who had the courage to call the police murderers, was criticized from all sides, arguing that the presumption of innocence applies and that the investigation is not yet complete.
Rights and the far right seized the paralysis of the left and outdid each other in the most odious populism. While right-wing deputies in the National Assembly called for all social assistance to be cut off from the families of the young people involved in the disturbances, the former presidential candidate of the Les Républicains (LR) party and president of the Île-de-France regional council, Valérie Pécresse, renamed the "Angela Davis" high school in the Parisian suburb of Saint-Denis by decree because Davis' positions contradicted certain laws of the French Republic.
The most accurate barometer of the mood in France, however, was the collection initiated by Jean Messiha, a veteran of the French far-right, in support of the police officer who opened fire. In just a few days, 10,000 sympathizers raised about 1.7 million euros. In parallel, a fundraising campaign for the victim's family only raised about 100,000 euros. (After this information became public, the amount for Nahel's relatives reached 485,000 euros.)
The fundraising campaign by the nationalist right in support of the perpetrator, in which prominent politicians of the Gaullist LR party also participated without scruples, demonstrates that the left lags behind in terms of action and that the most powerful donors support the right. But above all, the fundraising campaign for the murderer, which the executive "did not dare to stop due to a lack of legal powers" (Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne), testifies to the fact that the Fifth Republic has chosen barbarism over transparency.
Andrei Doultsev wrote in konkret 7/23 about the coverage of strikes in the French press."
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maestromediacoid · 2 years
Makna Pepatah Jawa Kakehan Gludhug, Kurang Udan
Makna Pepatah Jawa Kakehan Gludhug, Kurang Udan
Kakehan Gludhug, Kurang Udan Pepatah Jawa “Kakehan Gludhug, Kurang Udan” bermakna orang yang banyak bicara tetapi tidak ada bukti konkret yang nyata.
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theonehotnews · 2 years
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Spezielle Auto-Antikörper - Corona-Impfung: Die Ursache für Herzmuskelentzündung ist gefunden
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beyoncesdancers · 1 year
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In honor of the North American leg of the tour starting soon, I made a lil guide for the dancers currently on the Renaissance Tour!
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atomfried · 4 months
hallo konkretmagazin hamburg, geehrte frederike gremliza,
ich lese Konkret seit den neunzigern und habe soeben den informativen audiobetrag „konkret vor der Insolvenz?“vom 26.01.2024 von euch im netz gehört, auch wenn der anlass ein unguter ist: klasse! sehr netter, kluger beitrag, fand ich. ich wünsche euch jedenfalls viel erfolg und gutes netzwerken!
pro bono – contra malum.
herzlichst ,
Fratci Frutdel
...aka: die parteischluse (fb)
ich möchte mich euch sekundär als literarische texthure anbieten und euch auf diesem wege das copyright für meine texte im netz auf :
unentgeltlich überlassen; für den fall, dass ihr interesse haben solltet (als lückenfüller für schmale zeiten?).
Is´ kein problem, wenn´s nich´passt, erwarte keine rückmeldung.
:so hätte ich es wohl geschrieben, wenn ich geschrieben hätte, ich mich zu schreiben getraut hätte und nicht gedacht hätte, dass ich mich nicht zu wichtig nehmen sollte, obwohl es ja um ein konkretes thema ging und geht; feuilletonranking gleich hinter mehrfacher selbstmord in stammheim in den siebzigern.
blumen am arsch der hölle.
Aber fsk-hörn untglaichzeitich den transmitter lesn ist echt cool! EDITORIAL Super!! es gibt halt noch okehje menschen, auch ohne djöh und maitre. Die proTess-Tanten fonne körche am arsch.
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apigaday · 2 years
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Last weekend's experimental artwork, 4 pieces each made out of 4 postcard sized HDF plates #art #abstract #geometricart #modern #artwork #mobiles #sculpture #painting #artisessential #contemporaryart #artist #artinprogress #artforsale #postcard #workinprogress #konkretekunst #watercolor #constructive #konkret #constructiveart #composition #kunstwerk #kunst #künstler #zeitgenössischekunst #Hamburg #London (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl4SWbWoSLI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sophsphere · 3 days
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schleierkauz · 4 months
Thief Lord News
i'm still away from my laptop/slightly shellshocked after meeting cornelia BUT during the interview portion she said that she'd been determined not to work on any long stories this year, but when she went to Venice, an idea ambushed her and she can't shake it off. A bit later she confirmed (predictably) that it's something related to The Thief Lord 👀
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universaldoubts · 6 months
Vom Mythos des Sonnenunterganges
Mythos als Notwendigkeit der Menschlichkeit
Mythologisierung der Massen als Korrektiv zum Materialismus
Aufklärung vs. Romantik
Rebellion der Romantik gegen die Deutungshoheit und Kathegorisierung von Wissen!
Romantik als Korrektiv?
Anton Reiser vs.Goethe (schtirbt, Bernhard!)
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