#Kagari really wants a fight. Let’s give it to him
judesmoonbeauty · 7 months
Licht Klein - Act2 - Ch 14 Quip- Azel’s, Kagari’s & Matthias’ Convo
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Not exactly a quick quip, but I decided to focus on them. Not 100% accurate. Lots of pictures.
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In a random house, in a random town or some unknown country, Azel, Kagari and Matthias are meeting. The boys are shocked that Azel actually brought them a dessert. 
(As a recap: At the last meeting - in Yves’ Act 2 Dramatic route - Kagari and Matthias were upset that they always brought snacks for everyone to enjoy, but Azel never does. So, yea it’s a big deal.) 
Kagari: It’s a lie. 
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Matthias: Is it an illusion?
Azel: Now, feel free to eat it.
Azel: This is a confection made from rare fruits in the Oases of Tanzanite.
Kagari: I never thought the day would come you’d bring us a gift. (It’s a very sensitive subject for him) 😂 
Kagari: Matthias, be careful. Something is going to fall from the sky today.
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Matthias: Is it snow?
Kagari: Wild boars. 
Matthias: Common sense dictates that wild boars won’t fall from the sky.
Kagari: That’s how strange this situation is. 
Kagari: What happened, Azel?
Azel: I made a lot of money. It wasn’t money from a foreign country, but from a guest. 
Azel: They gave me a lot, so I’ll share it with you.
Matthias: Pitiful.
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Azel: In return, I allowed him to leave and took care of his problems.
Azel: Well, everything went according to my calculations.
Kagari: Is Rhodolite the gold mine?
Azel: Yea. As expected they explored the alliance in an open manner.
Azel: However, the guest was a muscle-brained prince who uses force to make his decisions….he’s not really a threat. 
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Azel: I took as much money as I could and sent him back to his country.
Matthias: Pitiful. 
Kagari: That’s an evil face. He’s an evil god.
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Azel: Rude. I am a good god. 
Azel: Matthias and Kagari will also be visited soon.
Azel: Please, don’t hinder my plans, okay?
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Kagari: I know. Anyway, the muscle-brained prince, I want to meet him.
Azel: It might’ve been a good match for Demon Warrior Kagari.
Azel: It was the worst for me though.
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Matthias: Are there any people you, a living god, are not good with?
Azel: Of course. I’m not a philanthropist who loves everyone.
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Azel: The type of person who is blinded by love, forgets all reason and self-destructs.
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Azel: I hate it - the most. (Cuts to Emma calling for Licht. Cuz that’s not foreshadowing at alllllll.)
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I read your kogami shinya training and i was so excited for finally reading something kogami related.
And may i ask for a really angst scenario but fluff at the end. I want my heart broken but not that broken xbyjcahjj
awwww! thank you! I was surprised at the lack of stuff too, honestly. But we’re slowly but surely getting there ^_^. You came to the right place for angsty/fluff though. I can never have nice things lolololol
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“I need to see him.”
Ginoza stopped when he heard your voice behind him, but doesn’t turn around just yet until, you assume, the burning glare in your eyes had bore into his skull long enough. “You can’t. It’s against regulations.”
He of course doesn’t ask who you’re talking about, as he knows you’re talking about Kogami. He’s been wounded in the line of duty, again. Only this time the rumor was it was bad. He’d been shot with a real gun. How or where anyone got a gun this day & age was beyond you, but it was the first one you’ve heard of in a long time. He was hurt. And you were scared. Therefore, “I don’t care about regulations! I need to see him!”
The Inspector sighed. Pinching the bridge of his nose in that nervous, frustrated way he does. “I can’t take you to the infirmary. You’ll just have to wait until he’s released.”
“You’re an Inspector! You can do anything!” It by their ‘grace’ that you’re allowed to do anything anymore. Leave the tower. Access points in the building. Do your job. You can’t do anything without their permission anymore and you’ve never felt so helpless in that order than now. Where you have to ask permission to see the man you love when he’s possibly dying in the infirmary.
“Please Gino. Please.” Ginoza looked away when you used his nickname. You’ve all been friends a long time. You know it upsets him more than he’ll ever admit that you’ve fallen. First his father. Then his best friend. Then you. You chose to fall down into the gutter with Kogami, rather than take the high road with him, and you know it hurts him to this day. Because he still cares about you. More than you care about him, and you feel sick using that against him, but whatever it takes. “I need to see him. To make sure he’s ok. I know you want to see him too.” He flinched ever so slightly in his shoulders. Giving the truth away. “I’ll take the blame and they can do whatever they want to me, but please. I….I’m not too proud to beg.”
“Don’t do that.” Ginoza said in a stern voice. He wouldn’t let you debased yourself like that. Not in front of him. Then he sighed. “Fine. But only for a minute.”
A great weight felt lifted off your chest when he finally said yes. One less burden as the one stone in your gut, scared over Kogami’s health, was still there. At least you were going to get to see him.
You walk with the Inspector down to the infirmary and he swiped his access card to open the door. “Be quick.” He reminded you as he let you go in and closed the door behind you.
With the door closed it was eerily quiet. No sound in the room except for the machines beeping rhythmically next to Kogami’s bed. Slowly, you walk over to him. The stone in your stomach coiled up to your throat as you looked at him. He’d been bandaged and cleaned, but looked so pale. But he was breathing. He was alive. That’s all that mattered.
Carefully you perch yourself on the side of his bed and took his hand. Kogami of course woke up. Injured, drugged, and post-surgery he was still a light sleeper; if not a little slower to do so than he normally would. “[Y/N]…..?” He said confused, to which you smile.
“Yeah. It’s me.” You try to keep back your tears as you smile. “Gino let me in.”
“Oh…” He looked around for a second for his former friend, but when he doesn’t see him he sighed and closed his eyes. “That was nice of him.”
“It was. But I had to beg him to let me see you.”
“You shouldn’t be here.” Kogami reminded you, like Ginoza reminded you. “You’re going to get in trouble.”
Still, even as he reprimanded you, his hand tightened slightly around yours. Your smile strength at the silent gesture and return it to him. “Haven’t you figured out yet that I am trouble? Don’t worry. Kagari and I have it worked out that if I get in trouble, he’s gonna set the common room on fire so he gets into bigger trouble and I’m off the hook.”
Kogami started to laugh, but immediately regretted it as he winced in pain while holding his stomach. “Don’t make me laugh. I’ll pull my stitches.”
A soft, sad expression came across your face and you reach out to brush his bangs from his forehead. “I was so scared I lost you.”
“I’m sorry.” He replied. Lulling his head into your touch. “I was just doing my job.”
You can’t really argue the merits of the job with him right now. It’s not exactly a fair fight. Plus, he looked tired and you were running out of minutes to spare. So instead you lean forward to give him a soft kiss before you leave. “I’ll see you soon.”
Ginoza still waiting by the door when you came out. Looking as stern as ever. “How is he?”
“Tired.” You reply as you both walk down the hall ‘minding your own business’. “He seems alright though. He’ll pull through.”
“Of course. God never takes the dumb ones.” You glance over at Ginoza out of the corner of your eye. He doesn’t mean it. He’s angry. Angry his friend got shot. Angry he let himself fall into that position. Angry that he can’t really be angry about it out loud. But he can’t say any of that, because his hue would cloud. Then where would he be? In the gutter with the rest of you?
“Thank you. For letting me see him.”
“Don’t mention it.” He replied as a door opened to another wing. “I….might check on him tomorrow. Since he’s my hunting dog.” He then added, once you were out of ear shot of everyone. “If you’re around and want to come with me, I can see about putting you on protective detail for the day. Injured Enforcers can be unpredictable. As a safety protocol I might want another one with me. To be safe.”
You offer Ginoza a soft smile, knowing what he was doing for you. Using the system to your advantage for a change instead of biding you with it. “Thank you Gino.”
“Don’t mention it.
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atopearth · 3 years
Nightshade Part 3 - Hattori Hanzo Route
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It seems like lots of people like Hanzo's route so I hope I'll enjoy it too~ Hanzo is nice and blunt, I like that. Although I agree with Hanzo that shinobi need to mostly rely on themselves, I believe it's important to trust others as well. They won't always do missions by themselves, and by knowing what they can handle and what you can leave each one to do, it'll make things so much more efficient. But I guess considering how experienced he is, it's not something he can easily accept when he's probably been forced to go through life and death by himself with no one to rely on. At least he needs to protect her from the other shinobi going after her, so I guess Enju's way of life might make him rethink some things~
Lmao at Hanzo tying her up to make her sleep, he's really rough😅 I'm not surprised he knocked her out though, he'd have to do that because she would never leave Gekkamaru by himself without knowing if he's really okay or not. I was wondering why Enju seemed to be apologising to Hanzo so much, but I guess it's because he's like someone older and like a "guide" to her so he reminds her of her father, and since her father always thought of her as an incompetent shinobi, she keeps thinking that because she can't always keep up with Hanzo, it means she's too weak and useless, when I wonder if there are many people who can actually keep up with him. I'm glad he told her to only apologise when needed, and should fix it if it's become a habit, because personally, it's something I've been trying to fix too because I'm the exact same😭 Anyway, I'm really glad Hanzo reassures Enju that she isn't incompetent by telling her stuff like they're on schedule and that she's doing better than he expected, he's not outwardly praising her but he is telling her that she doesn't need to think she's a burden. I like how they address in this route the impact of Enju killing someone for the first time. It was so natural for her to hesitate even though she created her own opening to kill the ninja after her life, but Hanzo's commanding voice telling her to not hesitate really shook me even though it was to be expected. She thought she had the determination to protect herself but lacked the resolve when it actually came to killing, and that's understandable since everyone has always protected her from that pain and guilt of taking another person's life. Anyway, interesting to know that Kagari (Enju's mother) committed suicide, and that she was more of a herbalist than a shinobi that went out on missions. Otherwise, Hanzo saying he doesn't have a particular reason to live and is only alive because he is, really resonates with me, maybe because I feel that way alot😅
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It's really nice to see Hanzo training Enju, and she's really seeing the fruits of her efforts, but at the same time it's hurting her because the better she is, the more people she thinks she is hurting since she sees it as these shinobi (that are chasing them) are dead because of her. She's not wrong, but it's not like she's right, since shinobi are usually prepared to die on their missions, and if they didn't die, she would be dead. Hanzo hugging her from behind and keeping her warm was surprising lol! I knew it would lead to it somehow since it's the classic wet clothes, in underwear, needing warmth in a cave thing but the CG and Hanzo's warmth in his words reassuring her that he wouldn't let her die made me feel really warm haha. Too bad that even though he usually knows what she's thinking, he didn't realise that what she feared more than herself dying was actually the thought of him dying. I like how Goemon left as fast as he came, really there just to make Hanzo realise that he had begun to trust Enju and that even he could lose his cool when it came to her. I'm surprised Hanzo let down his guard at all considering the mission hasn't really "ended". Anyway, even though I like how much Hanzo is softening up to Enju, I can't help but think he sees a bit of her mother in her, like he felt like he couldn't protect Kagari so he would like to protect her kinda thing?
I'm surprised Kando is making 4 teams + Chojiro and them to go kill Enju, like wow, what if they all die, is there anyone left in the village that can fight?🤣 Even Kando himself?! Must be lots of money rolling in~ Anyway, now that Koga is participating as well, Hanzo really shouldn't let his guard down haha! On the other hand, Chojiro is very kind to say that Kyara and them don't need to do it, he'll be the one to kill Enju so they don't need to do it. How saddening...that Kagari asked Hanzo to take her away when she was pregnant with Enju... I wonder if Hanzo closes his heart off even more because his refusal eventually "led" to Kagari taking her own life. It was so sweet to see Hanzo not kill the Koga ninjas because he instinctively knew it would hurt her so he hesitated. It's hard to see Hanzo injure himself trying his best to not hurt the people important to Enju. I knew Kando was despicable but to think that he instigated the Tensho Iga War, took the rest of the Iga ninjas, and manipulated them with Kagari and the existence of Enju. I feel so terrible for Kagari, she was forced to make forbidden medicine and bear a child with this terrible guy. It's good to know that she didn't actually commit suicide, but still saddening that she failed to kill Kando and was killed by him instead. Well, Kando's death came wayyyy too easily considering how evil he is lol. I'm actually disappointed.
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At least by knowing the real reason for Kagari's death, Enju finally knows that her mother really did love her, and it was her father who was the one who never treated anyone like a human. It was so sweet how just like Hanzo did for her, Enju didn't kill the Tokugawa shinobi they had to fight with, she's so strong and kind, it's hard for Hanzo to not like her! Hahaha. Honestly, Kazaori (guy under Hanzo) probably made up those orders to get rid of Hanzo, but I guess it doesn't really matter because Hanzo believes that he's betrayed his master for her, and really, the fact that he was willing to go against his master's orders to protect her really makes me happy because he made this judgement for himself. I'm sure Ieyasu would be happy, because he's always wanted Hanzo to give his opinion on things rather than just follow orders, so I'm sure he would appreciate this change instead lol. Omggg Hanzo and Enju blushing, and kissing each other again and again is so cuteee. Ooh okay, so Ieyasu does want proof that Enju is dead to be the guardian~ I guess when everyone is out of the game, a sash drenched in blood is okay? Lol. They definitely needed Hanzo to be so wounded that it affects him using a blade now to make it "understandable" for him to leave Ieyasu and I think that's all right. Hanzo has been living as a shinobi for a long time, but it's about time he lived for himself especially since he's not as "strong" as he used to be. I really love how they're both living together in the hidden village (where past shinobi from Iga decided to quit the way of life as a ninja and just settle down) because I think it really suits them to live in a place like that peacefully without needing to kill anymore. I'm so happy for them~ The bad ending was pretty sad. Enju accepting Hanzo's will to commit suicide for "betraying" his mission and his master and killing him herself was sad... It was natural that she would follow him after that, and I guess the only nice thing about it is that they got to be together in death.
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Overall, I liked Hanzo. I think Hanzo's route was what I wanted Chojiro's route to be like tbh, especially since Chojiro exhibited so many qualities of wanting Enju to better herself etc, and considering he was the Iga leader's son, I also wanted him to be the one to find out stuff like Kanda being the "evil" guy who destroyed their village, I just feel like there was so much potential background to his story but they decided to make Chojiro and Hanzo's be pretty similar in focus with how a shinobi must live and die for their mission and have no feelings for anything else, and yet just make Chojiro's route pretty bland. Anyway, I enjoyed how Hanzo and Enju bonded by training together, teaching other different things and learning about each other's lives and feelings. I enjoyed seeing how well they worked together in fights and how much Hanzo began to cherish her. Imo, it was still kinda awkward, but I definitely prefer their romance development compared to Goemon and Chojiro in their respective routes lol, I also enjoyed this ending more because it really felt like they had to fight off a lot of their burdens and pain in order to reach the happy ending of a normal person rather than as a shinobi, and I think that was sweet to see.
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toasty-coconut · 4 years
Me, My Wife, and Alcor
Summary: Ah, yes. Me, my wife, and her £500, four-foot tall Alcor plush. Rated: G Words: 2460 Characters: Akko Kagari, Diana Cavendish Note: I saw this picture that @blee-bleep drew and could not help myself. I had to write something.
Read on AO3.
Purchasing birthday gifts for Akko Kagari was a relatively simple task. She had always been vocal about what she wanted—the 15th anniversary Shiny Chariot World Tour bluray set, a particular polishing kit for her broom, or a trip to the new amusement park outside of Blytonbury. This year it happened to be a certain £500, four-foot tall plush of Shiny Chariot’s crow familiar, Alcor.
Diana’s original response to the request had been a firm, ‘no, absolutely not’. However, when Akko got that look in her eyes and that pout on her face akin to that of a sad dog, Diana would find herself going weak in the knees.
To say the least, her wife ended up having a very happy birthday.
While the look on Akko’s face upon seeing the large, stuffed bird sporting a big red bow was completely worth every pound spent to Diana, after a mere three days, the novelty of it was beginning to wear off. Alcor was taking up more space in their bed than Diana was, making for rather uncomfortable sleeping arrangements. He was also getting more…  physical  affection as well.
Not that Diana was jealous.
It would be silly to be jealous of a doll, of all things.
No, the most important matter at hand was the amount of  sleep she was losing because of this. Their bed, as large as it was, was not meant to accommodate two fully grown women and one oversized bird plush. Her back and shoulders were sore from contorting her body to make room for Alcor. She was freezing at night since Akko  insisted  he ‘needed blankets, too’. She was awoken at 3 AM when his ungodly amount of weight was shifted right onto her face.
By the Nine, she was exhausted.
Perhaps that was why she woke up later than usual that morning. Typically, she was awake by no later than 6 AM, but today she had awoken at the completely unreasonable time of 8:30 AM. Upon sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she realized that, much to her surprise, there was no Akko (or Alcor) in sight. Seeing Akko out of bed any time before 10 was unusual.
Shaking the thought away, Diana pulled herself off of the mattress, slipping on a bathrobe as she made her way downstairs. The aroma of grilled meat and eggs hung heavily in the air on the first floor. Normally, Diana would have made her way directly into the dining room, but the sound of Akko’s humming voice in the kitchen caught her attention, and she turned on her heel to enter the kitchen doorway.
Under normal circumstances, she would have expected to find members of the Cavendish family staff moving about the kitchen. Instead, Akko stood in their place, her long hair still messy with bedhead, keeping a careful eye on some eggs that were cooking on the frying pan in her hand. Diana had to admit that it was an odd sight, but somewhat endearing in its own domestic sort of way.
Akko perked up as Diana entered the room, setting the pan down on the stove. “Oh! Morning, Diana!”
“Good morning, Akko,” Diana greeted, raising a brow. “You’re up early.”
Akko giggled, stepping forward and slinking her arms around Diana’s neck. “And  you’re  up late,” she noted, giving her wife a chaste peck on the lips.
“Restless night,” Diana briefly explained, causing Akko to knit her brows in concern. Deciding it would be better to change the topic than address the massive bird in their bed, her attention focused on the stove. “What are you doing in here? Where are Anna and Carter?”
“Kicked ‘em out!” Akko flashed her a toothy grin. “I thought it’d be nice to try making breakfast myself for a change!” She removed her arms from Diana’s neck, returning to her unattended frying pan. “There’s hot water on the stove if you want some tea.”
“That would be lovely.”
As Diana removed the hissing tea kettle from the stove, she wondered how much of a fight Anna must have put up to keep Akko out of her kitchen. But what she wondered about even  more  was how Akko convinced her to actually leave. Shaking the thought away, she poured the hot water into the tea cup sitting in wait for her on the counter.
That was when she noticed it.
No Alcor in sight.
She glanced around the kitchen, and sure enough, the massive stuffed animal was nowhere to be seen. Diana almost sighed in relief. She inwardly hoped that Akko had wisened up and finally decided to keep him where he belonged—in a separate room with the rest of her Shiny Chariot collectables. A smile graced her lips as she lowered a tea bag into her steaming cup.
“Here you go!” Akko announced, thrusting a plate full of food into Diana’s hands.
Diana nearly dropped her teacup from the sudden jerking motion, but managed to compose herself as she accepted the plate. “Thank you,” she managed, nodding to the dining room. “Shall we?”
Akko nodded eagerly, bounding ahead of her wife into the other room, food in hand. Diana followed close behind. It had been a while since she and Akko had breakfast alone. Usually they were accompanied by Aunt Daryl, Merrill, Marill, or the wait staff when they ate. She supposed it would be nice to spend some quality time over breakfast. Perhaps they could—
...Alcor was sitting in her spot.
Akko had happily taken her place at the dining room table and began munching away at the eggs and bacon on her plate. Diana, however, stood frozen. Her eyes were locked on the four foot tall toy sitting at the head of the table—the spot where she usually sat.
Diana cleared her throat. “...Akko?”
Akko looked up, her mouth full of bacon. “Hm?”
“Your… stuffed animal,” Diana gestured to the seat—her  seat. “Would you mind moving it so I may sit down?”
“Wha? No way!” Akko gaped, bacon falling from her mouth onto her plate. “He was there first while you were busy being a sleepyhead! You can sit next to him instead.” She turned her nose up. “And he has a  name , by the way.”
This was really happening. Diana Cavendish was really being kicked out of her spot at the head of the table, by her own wife, no less, in favor of a toy. She let out a long, restrained breath through her nostrils.
It was too early for this.
Plate and teacup in hand, Diana made her way around the table, choosing the spot across from Akko. She sat down, Alcor’s heavy presence looming over her, but she ignored it. Picking up her fork and knife, she began to cut into the eggs Akko had prepared.
But that was when she felt a different kind of heavy presence looming over her.
Diana’s eyes met Akko’s. Akko was staring heavily at her from across the table, drumming her fingers against its surface impatiently.
Akko scoffed. “For a Cavendish, I’m surprised you have such bad manners,” she snipped, causing Diana to reel back. “Aren’t you gonna say good morning?”
“I…” Diana’s face wrinkled in confusion, “already have.”
Akko puffed her cheeks. “Not to me!”
Diana twisted her lip, puzzled. She watched as Akko’s eyes flicked between Diana and the seat at the head of the table. She deadpanned.
“Surely you jest.”
“Surely I don’t.”
Diana put her fork down, rubbing her face with both hands. “Akko, dear,” she sighed, exasperated, “he’s not real.”
“He can hear you!” Akko hissed, covering the sides of Alcor’s head with both hands, as if to block his non-existent ears. His eyes bulged slightly at the pressure. “Don’t be mean!”
“Akko, please, it… it’s not even 9 AM yet.”
Akko narrowed her gaze, refusing to move her hands from Alcor’s head. Diana knew that look all too well. It was the look she wore when she absolutely was not about to back down from something. Diana couldn’t help but wonder if she gave Anna and Carter the same look earlier that morning.
It really  was  too early for this.
Diana closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. “...Good morning,” she droned. When she opened an eye, she saw Akko still staring at her expectantly. Through gritted teeth, Diana added, “ Alcor .”
Satisfied, Akko’s face lit up. “Better!” she sang, retrieving her fork from off of her plate. “Now, eat up!”
The pair spent the following minutes in relative silence, only broken by the occasional sound of utensils scraping against plates. Alcor hadn’t moved an inch, simply watching Diana from his place at the head of the table with those beady eyes. It was like he was mocking her. Diana wanted nothing more than to pick up the oversized pigeon and move it away from the dining room, but the fit she was sure Akko would throw if she did kept her restrained.
“Aren’t you gonna ask Alcor how he slept last night?” Akko asked, a teasing ring to her voice.
Diana resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “I would imagine he slept better than I did,” she huffed, stabbing her fork into a piece of egg a little more aggressively than she intended. “He seemed rather comfortable in your arms.”
“Nah.  I  was the one who was comfy,” Akko laughed, waving her off. “He’s just so huggable.” She turned to her plush, pinching his cheek and cooing, “Aren’t you, Alcor?”
Alcor gave no response.
“Mm,” Diana hummed bitterly, taking a sip of her tea. “Well, I’m happy for you both, then.”
Akko raised a brow, looking between Diana and Alcor. Then, as if a lightbulb turned on in her head, she blinked. A knowing smirk spread across her face. “Oh, I get it,” she snickered, placing her elbows on the table.
“Get what?”
“You’re jealous of Alcor,” Akko declared, the smug grin on her face widening.
Diana nearly spat out her tea at the accusation. Clearing her throat, she lowered the cup. She met Akko’s gaze with an unamused one of her own. “I said no such thing.”
“You didn’t have to. It’s written all over your face,” Akko remarked, reaching over to tap Diana lightly on the nose. “You’re jealous that I’ve been spooning with Alcor at night instead of you.”
“I’m not. That would be ridiculous,” Diana dismissed, swatting Akko’s hand away with a light swish. “You are welcome to do as you please. I merely believe that it—” Akko’s eyes narrowed again and Diana hesitantly corrected herself, “—  Alcor —takes up more space in our bed than necessary.” She picked up her teacup, huffing, “It can make sleeping rather difficult.”
Akko tilted her head. “What do you mean?”
“I  mean that it is arduous to attempt sleeping when a four-foot tall crow is covering half of the bed,” Diana explained plainly, taking a sip of her tea.
Akko blinked, her brows shooting up in realization. “You’re losing sleep ‘cause of Alcor?”
“I suppose that’s one way of putting it,” Diana murmured against the rim of her cup as she took another sip.
Akko frowned, slumping in her seat. “Oh, gee, I’m sorry, Diana. I didn’t realize,” she apologized, pressing her fingers together. “You could've said something.”
And just like that Diana’s heart sank.
The pout on Akko’s face was enough to make her feel as though she had just kicked a kitten. As guilt washed over her, Diana realized just how soft she had actually become. Several years ago she would not have tolerated having a 50 pound stuffed animal taking up so much space in her sleeping quarters, but now all it took was one look from Akko to make her flip like a switch.
She let out a long breath, rubbing her temples. She was pathetic.
“It’s really nothing to fret over,” Diana assured, reaching across the table to place her hand on top of Akko’s. “If it makes you happy I’m sure I can… adjust.” Akko peeked up at her and Diana offered a small, reassuring smile. “Besides, at £500, I would certainly want you to get the most out of him.”
A smile graced Akko’s lips once more. She glanced at the ceiling, humming in thought. “All right, how about this, then?” she started, nodding to Alcor. “Alcor gets to sit in bed and cuddle with us before we go to sleep. And then when we’re ready to call it a night, I’ll put him in the armchair next to the bed.” She grinned devilishly and held up a finger. “That way, he can sit up and keep us safe at night from any intruders!”
Diana held back a small laugh at the childish suggestion, but before she could make a remark, Akko’s expression softened and she intertwined her fingers with Diana’s. “As much as I love Alcor, I don’t want you going into work unrested, you know? So, let’s try that instead.”
A light laugh escaped Diana’s lips and she tightened her grip on Akko’s hand. “...I can live with that solution.”
The smile on Akko’s face twisted into something more smug. She raised herself from her seat so she could lean across the table, her face inches away from Diana’s. “Be honest with me though, Diana,” she started, raising a brow suggestively at her, “were you at least a  little bit  jealous of me hugging Alcor all night?”
Diana could feel the heat rising from her neck all the way up to her ears. She shifted her gaze away from Akko, choosing to look at Alcor’s stupid, plump figure isntead. “Perhaps I missed your…” she coughed, tensing, “embrace…” Her gaze returned to Akko as she added, “A little bit.”
Akko snickered, teasing, “I can read you like a book.”
With that, she leaned in to press her lips softly against Diana’s. Diana rolled her eyes, but gladly returned the favor, lifting her hand from Akko’s grasp and using it to cup her cheek instead. She had completely forgotten about Alcor’s empty stare watching them from only a few feet away.
The sound of a door opening forced a crack in the moment, alarming both women who rapidly pulled away from each other. Looking to the source of the sound, Diana saw her Aunt Daryl standing in the doorway. Her normally icy eyes looked tired and hollow as they flicked between the pair and the massive white bird sitting at the head of the table.
For a moment, she said nothing—her stare locked on Alcor. Then she let out a resigned sigh, rubbing her temple. “...Anna?” she called into the hallway behind her. “Bring me the good wine. The whole bottle.”
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dailydianakko · 5 years
What If I Put My Minecraft Bed Next To Yours?
The final chapter, and a long one (by my writing standards)! A big thank you to @valkyrie-exe for the quick beta read and dealing with me wanting to share my writing in its early gross stages. Go follow her, because shes very gay and awesome!
Diana said yes
After the initial shock of finding out that Diana of all people had been Akko’s Minecraft Girlfriend of three months, Akko had swiftly dragged into the nearest classroom by Diana. Pinned with a fierce blue gaze, Akko began to tremble. What if Diana was even more mad finding out her online, somewhat fake girlfriend was her?
Diana grabbed Akko’s uniform and tugged her forwards. Akko let out a yelp as her uniform was roughly straightened out and tidied up. Diana brushed the dust and crumbs from Akko’s uniform.
“I expect you to be in the game room with the necessary equipment. Do try not to be late, Akko. I would hate it if my Minecraft girlfriend stood me up.” Diana said with a curt air. With one last brush of a hand through Akko’s hair that got rid of the worst of the frizz, Diana quickly strode away with a slight red hue to her cheeks and ears.
“Did that just actually happen?” Akko wondered aloud, a blush coating her cheeks. She gently touched the lock of hair Diana had straightened out. Giving herself a shake, Akko quickly walked to the doorway. She peeked out as she looked around for professors gathering up the last stragglers of the food fight. Akko had to be extra careful, After all, it wouldn’t do to keep her girlfriend waiting.
Hours later, Akko lay slouched in Diana’s lap clicking away at her controller. Diana’s wrists lay gently on top of Akko’s head as she tapped away as well. Akko glanced up to stare at Diana’s face and smiled at the expression that it held. It was a mix of concentration and frustration. Diana was totally absorbed in the game, and didn’t even notice the stare. She was totally absorbed in her mission. The two were on a quest to build a library for their shared home at Diana’s insistence.
“No home that houses a Cavendish is without at least two bookshelves.” Diana had argued. It was pretty fair considering Diana had allowed a special room for all of Akko’s pets that she continually brought home. Four wolves, a rabbit, two parrots, a chicken, a horse, and a llama had been brought in to the family. It had helped that Akko had brought home a pure white horse for Diana’s own use when the blonde had tried to protest.
When Diana let out a cry of “robbery,” Akko was jolted back to the present. She turned her attention back to the screen to see what had Diana so mad. Apparently the trades the villagers offered them weren’t really worth it.
“Diana?” Akko questioned as she watched the blonde’s sprite laid cobblestone in front of the door that the cheating villager had walked through. “What are you doing?”
“Justice, my dear Akko. We are doing justice.” Diana said resolutely as her back straightened up. Akko watched in shock as Diana flicked the flint and steel. The villager’s house went up slowly in flames. The cobblestone she had placed outside the door made an excellent blockade in preventing escape.
“Diana,” Akko interjected as Diana finished her act of arson “you just can’t do that. That’s murder.”
“He was charging us three emeralds for one piece of leather, Akko. I am justified in my actions. Highway robbery needs to be dealt with by Nobility swiftly. It is my duty.”
“You’re murdering him. Diana you set fire to a poor villager in his own house.”
“He should’ve thought of that before crossing a Cavendish.”
The two walked away from the now burning building and the quiet screams of the villager still burning. To add injury to insult, Diana turned around and placed a sign. After a few rapid clicks, the sign now read ‘A pyre to stupidity. May the next merchant trade fairly.’ Diana resumed her brisk hop away from the village and towards the horizon.
“Diana.” Akko looked flatly at Diana.
“Why are you like this?”
Before Diana could respond, she let out a little startled shriek. Akko’s eyes flashed back to look at the screen. The chat log displayed her shame for all to see. 'Greembean fell from a high place'. Diana had fallen into a ravine hidden outside the village. “There’s no shift key!” Diana cried out. “How am I supposed to not fall without a shift key??” her tone went from anguished to demanding as she glared down at Akko writhing with laughter in her lap.
“Well normally I just do this,” Akko gasped out as she moved her character slowly to the edge. She promptly fell onto Diana’s still glitched body below. ‘Shiny@aiko has fallen from a high place’ the log decreed.
“Atsuko Kagari, are you telling me-“Diana was cut off as giggles began to escape her lips. Each attempt to complete her sentence fell short as both she and Akko were reduced to gasping giggles. Diana pitched forward as her body jolted with laughter, unable to keep her upright. Akko twisted and grabbed onto her waist as the two continued to laugh. The ‘YOU DIED’ message proudly projected across the split screen while they enjoyed the impromptu cuddle session. Akko propped herself up and looked Diana in the eyes, still breathless.
“Hey Diana? Wanna be my girlfriend for real this time?”
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Little Witch Academia
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Atsuko Kagari (nicknamed Akko) has always had a fascination with witches. Or should I say one particular witch! When she was a child, she saw a magic performance done by a famous witch named Shiny Chariot. After that, Akko decided then and there that she was going to become a witch just like Shiny Chariot. So when she became a teenager, she got the opportunity to enroll at Luna Nova Magical Academy. While this school has primarily been a place for witch’s only to hone on their skills, due to financial issues they opened the school up to non-magic users. And Akko has no magic in her whatsoever!
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We follow the antics of Akko as she tries to survive in a witch academy. During her time she’s managed to snag a wand that was once owned by Shiny Chariot (which she plans to return to), meet friends like Lotte and Sucy, start a rival with the school star Diana Cavendish, get one-on-one training from Professor Ursula (who has her own kind of past), and learn everything there is to know about becoming a great witch. But Akko is going to have a tough time because like I said, she has no magic in her whatsoever! BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: As I mentioned at the beginning, this series is under the thumb of Netflix (in every country). I haven’t had the opportunity to check out the subtitled version. As for the dub…boy, Erica Mendez is getting the choice roles in Netflix exclusive animes. I can’t complain, the lady does fine work. Plus Netflix gives me a chance to hear other new voice actors and seiyuus. Some were big misses with me, but others (like Sucy’s voice) won me over. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from. JAPANESE CAST: *Akko is played by Megumi Han (known for Yamato on Ore Monogatari, Momiji on Fruits Basket 2019, Kagari on Steins;Gate 0, Rio on YGO Zexal, and Chie on Tokyo Ghoul) *Sucy is played by Michiyo Murase *Lotte is played by Fumiko Orikase (known for Dianthe on Pokemon XY, Kyubei on Gintama, Riza on FMA: Brotherhood, Seras Victoria on Hellsing, Shirley on Code Geass, Rukia on Bleach, and Aki on Inazuma Elven) ENGLISH CAST: *Akko is played by Erica Mendez (known for Ryuko on Kill la Kill, Haruka/Uranus on Sailor Moon redub, Emma on The Promised Neverland, Nico on Love Live, Yuuki on SAO II, Retsuko on Aggretsuko, and Tsubaki on Your Lie in April) *Sucy is played by Rachelle Heger *Lotte is played by Stephanie Sheh (known for Mikuru on Haruhi Suzumiya, Kuro on Blue Exorcist, Nui on Kill la Kill, Hinata on Naruto, Orihime on Bleach, Illiya on Fate/stay night, Yui on K-ON, and Usagi/Sailor Moon on Sailor Moon) FAVORITE CHARACTER: I know in stories like these I always root for the underdog and they end up my favorite character…buuuuuuut…
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I like Sucy! Yeah, I like the little mischevious, mushroom-loving witch. And yes, I love the episode where Akko goes inside Sucy's subconscious and we see all the Sucy's inside Sucy.
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: I knew I couldn’t really hate Diana! I think most of the hatred I shared at her direction for the majority of the season was because of those two cronies that hung around her. Those two were catty bitches and I just hate those kinds of characters. But nothing could compare to Diana’s bitch aunt.
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God, fuck this woman! She literally tries to usurp Diana from taking over as head of the Cavendish family line. Just so she can give it to one of her bitch daughters! She’s seriously giving me Lady Tremaine vibes, it’s not even funny. You know it’s bad that I was rooting for them to die when they got into trouble. But Diana wasn’t going to let her bitch aunt and bitch cousins die so I should stop hoping for severe payback. SHIPPING: Hmm…the shipping category is going to be fun! I think it’s only because of that one episode that involves a bee sting and the person is smitten with the next person they see. And boy did Akko get her fill when not only Andrew falls for her, but Diana as well!
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Actually, I have thoughts of Andrew really taking a shine to Akko. I honestly thought there would only be two interactions at the most between him and Akko during the show. But surprisingly, there were more. I’m not really a fan of this ship, but I still find it cute. Hell, even Lotte found a boy that was interested in her at one point. She turns him down, but he still holds out hope. Also a cute moment! Hmm…at the moment I’m an open multishipper for this series. If Akko ends up with Diana, cool man! If she ends up with Andrew, whatever, I can dig it! If Akko ends up with Amanda, more power to you (and I can totally see that because Amanda is giving me total lesbo-vibes). What do you expect, this is like an all-girls school!
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You know what, I’m now leaning towards Akko x Amanda more than all the others. Don’t fight me on this, I just know I like it! ENDING: Up until the halfway point, a lot of the episodes are about Akko trying to make it as a witch. Did she surpass everyone’s doubts? While Akko was able to improve her magic a bit (I give it 5%), it’s not at the level as many of her classmates. I mean by episode 20, Akko still cannot fly a broom! That should tell you something. But what’s the one thing that seems to be missing from this series?
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An antagonist? Yeah, in comes Professor Croix! And to many of the students, she feels like she’s able to bring witchcraft into today’s era with her technology driven methods. And Akko certainly has taken a shine to her. However, Professor Ursula can smell this woman’s bullshit a mile away. Ursula was once the classmate of Croix. But back then Ursula was known as… Oh come on, it was so bloody obvious the moment Ursula met Akko.
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Ursula is really Shiny Chariot! Meanwhile, Akko ends up trying to speak these seven secret words that’ll unlock the wand she obtained in the first episode. You know, the wand that belonged to Shiny Chariot?! And Akko has managed to obtain six out of the seven secret words. She could be the one to get the seventh word, which was something Chariot was unable to do as a student. But this positivity ends with a looming war (over a soccer match) on the rise. In actuality, there’s a force around the town as well as certain moments at the school that have caused chaos. Yes, it’s Professor Croix exploiting people’s anger for her own research. Not only that, but she used Akko for her own selfish ambitions and as a result ended up injuring Shiny Chariot to a point of altering her magic (possibly permanently). That’s one thing. Then we get quite a big bombshell!
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AKKO’S MAGIC: Ever wonder why Akko has like zero magic ability?! When she saw Shiny Chariot’s performance as a child, her dreams and potential magic were taken by Chariot in order to make her performances more magical (due to audience members becoming disinterested in Chariot’s magic). Akko’s magic was taken away from her before she could even realize a thing. Damn! And you can just imagine Akko’s heartache finding out that her professor was really Chariot and that Chariot did that to not just Akko, but other children! After Chariot found out what her magic shows were doing, she immediately fell off the map.
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BACK TO THE CONCLUSION: One of Croix’s inventions went rogue and is officially threatening the world. And it’s up to Akko, Sucy, Lotte, Diana, Amanda, Constance, and Jasminka to catch up to this rogue missile invention. Now that Akko was able to obtain the seventh word, there’s a good chance they can take out Croix’s out of control missile. Croix thankfully realized the errors of her way and understood the pain she’s caused to her students and her former classmate. Croix and Chariot decide to give their all to help the girls as well. While five of the seven girls were able to give a big boost, it was Akko and Diana who took out the looming threat. That’s right, witches saved the world! Yeah, during the series a lot of people were kinda mean to or looked down upon Luna Nova and the witch race in general. Especially, those dickheads at Andrew’s prep school! With this act, I’m sure Luna Nova and the witches will finally get the respect they deserve. In the aftermath, yes Luna Nova is now receiving more respect from those that have been quite cruel to them throughout the series run. Croix is going away to do some research. One of her biggest plans was to restore Ursula/Chariot’s magic that was lost due to her own recklessness with Akko. The students go back to their lessons and…
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Akko (after 25 episodes) was able to float a few inches off the ground using her broom. She flew…sort of. I’ll let it count as a victory! THE TWO SPECIALS: A few years prior to the television series run, Little Witch Academia had two movies air. Now this is a different telling of the story. In the first special (which is 25 minutes), it has Akko come upon Chariot’s rod during a class assignment (instead of coming upon it in a forest like the first episode).
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And here’s a real kicker, while Akko is still the class screw-up and has the least amount of magic, here she actually has SOME magic. In the second special (which is 55 minutes), Akko ends up in trouble (like normal) and ends up having to do a punishment assignment. She has to help orchestrate a ritual which ends up turning into a parade. So Akko, Sucy, Lotte, Amanda, Constance, and Jasminka all end up working together to do this. But Akko wants to turn this into something for people to remember and always cherish. Like her experiences with the Shiny Chariot performances she saw as a child! But there’s always blow-back because at Luna Nova, Shiny Chariot is seen as a disgrace to traditional witches. And of course there was bound to be some disagreements when working with a big group. And despite a few hiccups, everyone was able to come together to put on a convincing parade for the crowd. Little Witch Academia was quite the enjoyable little story. Yes, it’s a root for the underdog kind of story and even though the television series seems to give Akko the short-end of the stick on the magic matter, it’s full-filling to see her accomplish quite a bit. Even if it took her until the final seconds to learn how to fly! I know it’s been about 2-3 years since the ending of the TV series and am wondering if this is it for the franchise. I know there are novels and games out for this, so maybe one day.
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But I do give a recommendation for those into witches, magic, and all that good stuff! It's full of fun characters, there's no harm in that. Currently, Netflix is the only outlet for this series (in just about every country). But Netflix does carry both the sub and dub (and several other languages). Now then, what’s my next Amazon/Netflix exclusive anime? Nope. You’re watching this.
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Rising of the Shield Hero? But isn’t that Crunchyroll or FUNimation? Don’t care. You’re watching this now. But I have a big list of other animes to wat… Tough shit. You’re watching this. You have no choice but to watch a modern Isekai!
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randomnotesofmyown · 4 years
Psycho Pass (16)
Episode 16 - the Gate to Judgment
Che continued explaining his opinion about Nona Tower. "As for areas where power consumption is concentrated in this tower...there's two spots. One is around the top floor, the other is the basement." Makishima wondered which one had what they were looking for.
Che commented that a radio tower was on the rooftop, so large power consumption there could be expected. However, even though they were inside Nona Tower, they could not see details of the entire basement. Makishima noticed that information was displayed only down to  basement level 4. And Che pointed out 
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Che realized a PSB vehicle was approaching. Makishima said that was expected from Kogami. Then he decided to head upstairs and told Che to go to the basement so as to create a diversion for Kogami.
Kogami, Tsunemori and Kagari arrived at the Nona tower. Tsunemori found out the communication had been cut off. Kogami contacted Karanomori for help. Karanomori said if using the back door was okay, she could check the security cameras of the PSB in the tower, "but I don't want to be held responsible for this later". Kogami looked at Tsunemori, and the agent responded
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So Karanomori started. Then Kogami said they needed to contact Ginoza to update him on what was happening. "It's an unmistakable fact that an armed group broke into the Nona Tower". Which communications had been cut off and, as the way the intruders broke through the entrance showed, the security system at the tower could not handle the situation.
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With what the PSB chief said to him earlier came to mind, Ginoza told the Kogami group to arrest Makishima if they saw him, that man needed to be interrogated.
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And Ginoza was not satisfied that Kogami only said he would try. "Trying's not good enough! What's important is the result!" He roared.
The Kogami group learned from Karanomori that the intruders splited into two teams, four headed up and four headed down.
"Where's Makishima?"
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Tsunemori found it strange that Makishima would head to the top floor instead of where the government office was. Karanomori confirmed the Makishima team went to the radio tower, and wondered if they were going to hijack the ratio signal.
Kogami then asked about the men who went downstairs. 
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Kagari found that fishy. Kogami decided to go after Makishima with Tsunemori and Kagari volunteered to head to the basement. Kogami told Kagari not to do anything reckless
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Karanomori guided the three agents their way around the tower. Kagari at the fourth basement floor and saw a staircase revealed
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"Professor, the basement should only have four floors, right?" "That's how it's supposed to be." Kagari said he didn't like it, yet he went down the stairs regardless. Cut to the Kogami and Tsunemori, Karanomori reminded them that each of the men was equipped with a helmet, and with Tsunemori around, Kogami would not be able to use his dominator. Kogami replied he had one of that helmet with him and he made Tsunemori wear it.
Kogami determined Makishima was a decoy, the real target was more likely at the basement
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And Karanomri said she lost contact with Kagari.
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Kogami figured Makishima and his men must have some knowledge about that facility yet, he determined it was more important to drive Makishima into a corner than to stop him from achieving his goal.
Cut back to Kagari, he tried to contact Karanomori and realized he couldn't.
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Someone crept up at Kagari from behind him. The agent subdued that man and took his walkie talkie. On the other end was Che, who invited the Enforcer for a talk, saying that the basement was a large scale anechoic chamber, and that they, as the only individuals inside, had only each other to talk to. And he asked,
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But before Kagari answered, Che went on saying, even if an Inspector showed up, Kagari wouldn't have to worry about being shot. "No matter what you say or do, there won't be any punishment. How does it feel to finally have your freedom again?"
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"Soon we'll have freedom in the outside world, too. If we destroy the Sibyl system, the crazy world will be overturned from its very foundation." Kagari responded with a question, "are you serious?" "This isn't a joke. Behind the door that I'm facing right now..."
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"You and I are the same. We're latent criminals. Just like a rat, I live by sneaking and hiding, and you're a disposable hunting dog who has a collar put on. Now, let me hear what you really think. How do you feel when you see those who took everything away from us, those who treated us like scum, killing each other all over town? Don't you think it serves them right?"
"To be honest, I was pleased. No matter when or where, I was treated as a killer beast. But now, rather than me, it's them who are the unsightly beasts. I wonder what goes through their mind as their friends' blood splatters on them." "Then..." "Don't get me wrong, you slimy bastard!"
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"Who do you think you are, manipulating others and talking about letting them live or killing them? If Sibyl is God, then are you pretending to be the Devil or something? Don't make me laugh! Both you and I are trash who simply envy the happiness others have. I don't care if thousands of citizens in this damn town are going to die. But I don't like the fact that only the guys who're making them kill each other live carefree. You should be the first to die! You should die over and over, once for each person you killed!" Che replied as he was hacking into the system
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"Enforcer, how many times will you have to die?" "Well, if there is really a hell the first time I die, then I'm sure Yama (閻魔様) will tell me." "I thought we could become friends." "My friends are fighting your boss upstairs. So I can't betray them. I'm gonna go there to kill you right away. Well, if you have enough time, it'd be nice if you destroyed Sibyl before I get there, then the two things I hate will disappear from this world at the same time." "I'll try my best...although the security on the last door is hard crack. 
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"There are no security cameras around there, so I can't help you!" Kogami replied that that information was more than enough already. Immediately when the two got to the emergency staircase, someone fired at them. They tried to strike back, but
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Tsunemori got shot. Kogami resorted to hand-to-hand combat to take down that man. Then he asked if Inspector was okay and the reply was yes, and she asked why the dominators didn't work. 
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"His Psycho-Pass is being copied to their helmets."
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"But you're..." "Don't let Makishima get away! This is an order!" And Kogami moved on, taking down one after another of Makishima's men before he finally approached his target.
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(The last time Makishima's coefficient was 0, he was about to kill)
Makishima started, "'Justice is subject to dispute; might is easily recognized and is not disputed. So we cannot give might to justice.'"
Kogami, "Sorry, but 'I have long since learned, as a measure of elementary hygiene, to be on guard when anyone quotes Pascal.'" Makishima, "I knew you'd say that. That's Ortega, right? If you quoted Pascal, I would've said the same words to you, too." Kogami, "Us agreeing on something doesn't really make me happy." Makishima, "It seems like it would be fun to talk the night away with you, but unfortunately I'm busy with other business right now." "That's not my problem. I'll kill you right here, right now." "I can't believe those words came from a detective." The two continued their verbal exchanges for a few more minutes and then they started fighting.
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Makishima got the upper hand.
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Figured Kogami had been defeated, Makishima produced his folding razor as he started, "I had thought this would end in a less disappointing manner...but even so, for the first time in a long while, I was able to forget my boredom. Thank you for that." Tsunemori charged at Makishima, and knocked him over with a helmet.
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Kogami asked Tsunemori to kill Makishima. With the helmet in hand, with memories of the moments Funahura Yuki died, and the last time she saw Yuki laughed coming to mind
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An aggrieved Tsunemori raised the helmet high, as if she was going to smash it down full force at Makishima. 
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She dropped the helmet to the floor, produced a pair of handcuffs and announced, "Makishima Shogo...you are under arrest."
Cut to Kagari and Che. They both entered the room where the core of Sibyl was located. 
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Che delightfully stated the system didn't even have to be destroyed. "If we make this public, it'll be the end of this country. And this time, real riots will occur. No one will be able to stop them!" Kagari sensed someone approaching them, turned around and saw someone at the door with a dominator, and lethal eliminator mode was activated.
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Che Gu-sung became a pool of blood.
Kagari recognized that the person at the door was the PSB Chief. 
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But something was off about the Chief...
She pointed the dominator at Kagari, and the system decided that non-lethal paralyzer would be activated. However, the chief overrode the system and activated the decomposer mode instead.
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Kagari's last words, "Oh, give me a break... This bites."
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End of episode 16
Comment: Just a few words, 1) Kagari's death was tragic, untimely, and pointless. He couldn't make it to see his friends again, he didn't die killing the villain, he got eliminated at the hand of someone who believed only the dead could keep a secret. He became a sacrifice because he saw what he shouldn't have seen.
2) Tsunemori, as aggrieved as she was, managed, after intense internal struggle, to do what she as an Inspector should do and make an arrest. The voice actress's performance made me feel the struggle, the pain, the sorrow, the anger, and the resolve of Tsunemori. Another powerful moment.
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scoutception · 5 years
Ranking the 5 animes I’ve recently watched
Long story short, I’ve been taking a break and watching anime, something that I’ve only really experienced in small doses before, though in general I don’t really watch a lot of stuff nowadays (to my memory, the only anime I’ve watched in full is Danganronpa 3, so I’ll go ahead and say it gave me an aversion to it all). As the title says, I’ve gone through 5 so far, so I’ve decided to just type up my personal rankings and thoughts. If I had to say anything important before starting, it’s that 1. everything I list here is a very enjoyable and worthwhile watch, and I would definitely recommend giving any of them a try, and 2. this is just a personal ranking, and so it’s very biased. I might, for example, think whatever is number 5 is technically better than whatever is number 4, but still prefer number 4 for any number of reasons. I’m at least going to try to point out when that’s the case, but it’s still something to keep in mind. I’ll also be including information like number of episodes, what streaming platforms they’re on, which I’ll admit mostly comes down to Netflix, Hulu, and Crunchyroll, and whether or not English dubs are available, or only subtitles. Other than that, let the rankings begin. 5. Little Witch Academia
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Number of episodes: 25. Language options: dub and subs available. Streaming availability: Netflix. Little Witch Academia originated as a short film released in 2013 as part of a training program for animators. It was only about half an hour long, but the fun cast and beautiful animation gave it a lot of charm, and enough popularity to spawn a second short film in 2015, the Enchanted Parade, which lasted for closer to an hour. Then, in 2017, it got a full series on Netflix, produced by Studio Trigger, which did away with any continuity from the short films, but kept the general concept. Little Witch Academia follows Atsuko “Akko” Kagari, who, after witnessing a magical show hosted by the witch known as Shiny Chariot, dedicated her life to becoming a witch, despite not coming from a family with magic in its bloodline. Despite managing to enroll in the academy of Luna Nova, dedicated to training witches, Akko finds the reality of it isn’t anywhere near what she expected; Chariot is ostracized by most of the magical community for portraying magic in a flashy, illusionist manner considered embarrassing, Luna Nova’s education is much more focused on tedious, small scale magic than what Akko had come to expect, the world at large considers Luna Nova and its magic to be weak relics of the past, something even its staff can’t argue well against, and worst of all, Akko is incompetent at magic to a downright abnormal degree, even for her normal origins, incapable of so much as riding a broom. Despite the constant demoralization, Akko receives help from one of the academy’s professors, Ursula, who puts Akko on the path to unlock the secrets of the Shiny Rod, Chariot’s personal wand, found by Akko on her way to Luna Nova. This isn’t exactly the most original series out there, and if you’ve watched pretty much anything involving non evil witches and magic schools, you’re not going to be too surprised. The main strength, writing wise, is the fun cast. Akko herself is a pretty entertaining main character, being very excitable and passionate, enough to keep likeable even with her many, many missteps throughout the series, but the rest of the cast is pretty good too. Characters like Sucy, Akko’s roommate obsessed with poison, mushrooms, and picking on Akko, the delinquent Amanda O’Neil, the mute technological genius Constanze, and Akko’s alleged rival, Diana Cavendish, who, though very haughty, has a lot more depth to her than you might expect, help hold the series together very well. Most of the series is pretty goofy and lighthearted, which helps keep it from feeling too cliche. Starting with the second half of the series, though, it gets much more story based, which might be a bit jarring for some people, but still manages some surprisingly sad moments. This is all helped by the great animation, as Trigger can always be counted on to provide, and the dub is good overall, with Erica Mendez especially perfectly capturing Akko. Overall, this is a fun watch, but it’s really not much special, so I can’t really put it anywhere other than dead last. If you want a fun, lighthearted romp that isn’t stuck to only 13 episodes, this is a good one to try. 4. The Pet Girl of Sakurasou/Sakura Hall
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Number of episodes: 24. Language options: subs only. Streaming availability: Crunchyroll, Hidive. Firstly, don’t let the very questionable title give too many bad impressions. Sakura Hall, as I’ll be calling it, was originally a series of light novels by Hajime Kamoshida, with 10 main novels being released. The anime, produced by JC Staff, actually only adapts the first 6, though it ends rather conclusively regardless. This is also probably the most obscure anime on this list. Sorata Kanda is a rather unremarkable high school student attending the Suimei University of the Arts High School, forced to live in the very abnormal mixed gender dorm of Sakura Hall. Sakura Hall’s other residents consist of Misaki Kamiigusa, an extremely talented, and extremely weird and energetic, animator capable of creating anime almost entirely on her own, Jin Mitaka, the scriptwriter and childhood friend of Misaki, who is cool, mature, and has an almost chronic playboy streak, Ryunosuke Akasaka, the extremely reclusive, but talented computer programmer who mostly communicates through texts, and Chihiro Sengouka, Sakura Hall’s extremely irresponsible supervisor who prefers to leave the students to fend for themselves, outside of the occasional words of advice. Sorata is only stuck in Sakura Hall due to his refusal to abandon a stray cat he rescued, and intends on escaping Sakura Hall however he can to escape his roommates and return to normalcy, a plan that’s certainly not impacted by him picking up 6 more stray cats along the way. One day, a new resident moves into Sakura Hall: Mashiro Shiina, a relative of Chihiro and extremely talented artist, on a level only Misaki and Ryunosuke can match, who is also very unemotive and almost completely incapable of caring for herself, not helped by some rather odd thought processes (she’s almost certainly autistic, but they never actually clarify that). Sorata and some of the other Sakura Hall residents thusly become Mashiro’s caretakers, and are soon additionally joined by Sorata’s friend, the workaholic aspiring voice actress Nanami Aoyama. Sorata’s previously tedious life becomes defined by his struggles to find a direction to his life, his attempts at caring for and understanding Mashiro, and the various problems of the rest of the Sakura Hall residents. The main writing strength, is, again, the cast of characters. The characters are all very enjoyable, even the designated average guy, Sorata, and they all have their share of struggles, hidden depths, and development. The first half of the series is, for the most part, plain wacky, and while it does delve into serious moments more than a few times, it’s also prone to plain breaking the mood, either by starting them suddenly, or just as suddenly interrupting them with a gag. It’s enjoyable on its own, but it can be a bit hard to get into. The second half of the series is a big change of pace, becoming much, much more focused and serious, and for the better. Bitter topics like resentment against those who can outperform others simply through natural talent, and the risks of overworking, and the slippery slope mentality against accepting help that it can generate, are frequently brought up, and it does not shy away from how brutal reality can be. It’s never dark to the point of creating apathy, though, and it overall captures a very bittersweet portrayal of nearing the end of one’s teenage years, and preparing to become an adult. The animation is pretty good, and the voice actors all give memorable performances. Overall, this was probably the hardest series for me to get into at first, but sticking with it is very worthwhile. I can’t really say much about it, if only because I don’t want to risk getting into spoilers, but it genuinely is great. I was even considering placing it higher than number 4, but the next three things were stiff competition. 3. Gurren Lagann/Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
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Number of episodes: 27. Language options: dub and subs available. Streaming availability: Netflix, Crunchyroll, Hulu, Funimation. Here’s what I would bet is the second most popular anime on this list, and was more or less one of the grand finales to the golden age of Studio Gainax, directed by one of the co-founders of Studio Trigger, and is perhaps most memorably one of the series where Gainax didn’t completely mess up the budget by the end. Simon (pronunced see-moan) and his self appointed big brother Kamina live in an underground village, with Simon living a monotonous life digging tunnels so the village can expand, in hopes of finding artifacts and being awarded better dinners, while Kamina constantly causes trouble in his attempts to breach the underground and reach the surface. Simon is insecure and self deprecating, thinking he’s only capable of the job he already has while Kamina is extremely boisterous, charismatic, and capable of seeing the potential within Simon. The way to the surface is finally opened for the pair by the appearance of a giant mecha called a Gunmen, which are piloted by the beastmen, who control the surface and are out to exterminate any humans they come across. Simon and Kamina are saved by the appearance of Yoko, a human who lives on the surface, and a miniature Gunmen discovered by Simon, which Kamina dubs Lagann. Making their way to the surface and capturing an enemy Gunmen Kamina names Gurren, Kamina decides to take the fight to the beastmen themselves, and drags Simon and Yoko with him, starting what can only really be described as a rollcoaster ride of giant mechas, drills, and general insanity. The series honestly starts only about average, but starting about episode 7, the scale just starts going up and up, and doesn’t tend to slow down. It goes for bigger and bigger heights, making for some amazing action scenes, and doesn’t get desensitizing like some things would. The cast of characters is great, between characters like Kamina, being lovably boisterous and encouraging, Simon, who gets some fantastic character development, Yoko, the sniper who despite seeming just like designated fanservice has some great development herself, Viral, the recurring beastman commander who just can’t keep up, and Lordgenome, the absurdly manly leader of the beastmen, and that’s just listing a few. The animation is great, the soundtrack is very memorable, the dub is one of the best out there, especially with Kyle Herbert as Kamina, and the writing, despite just seeming like big fun robot show, makes a surprisingly great story. I unfortunately can’t go much more indepth without definitely wading into spoilers, but it doesn’t take too long to start paying off. Overall, if I had to try to rank without bias, this would actually be number 2 on this list. It’s a great ride, and one I can recommend pretty much without question. 2. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
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Number of episodes: 64. Language options: dub and subs available: Streaming availability: Netflix, Crunchyroll, Hulu, Funimation. Here’s what’s certainly the most popular anime on this list, and what would be my number 1 without bias. There’s actually two Fullmetal Alchemist animes, with the original 2003 one going very off track from the manga and becoming its own thing, while Brotherhood, made in 2009, stays faithful to the manga. Fullmetal Alchemist follows the Elric brothers, Edward and Alphonse, in a world where the art of alchemy allows its users to transmute materials for purposes such as reshaping them into new forms, and operates on a principle of equivalent exchange, with every transmutation made relying on something being taken away. After being abandoned by their father, Van Hohenheim, and losing their mother to a plague, Ed and Al attempted the forbidden practice of human transmutation in an attempt to bring her back to life, only to fail, with Ed losing his left leg and right arm, and Al losing his entire body, forcing Ed to affix Al’s soul to a suit of armor. His missing limbs replaced with automail, a type of prosthetic, Ed becomes a government employed alchemist for the nation of Amestris, ruled over by Fuhrer Bradley, in hopes that he and Al can find a Philosopher’s Stone, an artifact said to be capable of eliminating the equivalent exchange requirement of alchemy, in hopes they can reacquire their natural bodies. Since things can’t ever go so smoothly, they end up involved in a massive conspiracy led by one known as Father, who commands Homunculi, artificial humans, who are themed after the seven deadly sins. By far the longest anime on this list, it’s also easily one of the richest. Almost every episode does something to move the plot along, and introduces a lot of important plot points fairly quickly, which helps keep the story interesting. There are many storylines going on, but all of them are both interesting and relevant, helped by the downright amazing cast Fullmetal Alchemist has to offer. From colonel Roy Mustang, out to become Furher to help atone for Amestris’ crimes, to Ling Yao and May Chang from the country of Xing searching for the secret of immortality, to the Ishvalan named Scar, out to avenge his people, who were the victims of a war of extermination waged by Amestris. As for characters closer to the main plot, Ed and Al are both great protagonists, with plenty of development between the two, and their interactions with Winry Rockbell, their childhood friend and mechanic, make for some great scenes. The antagonists are also great, with quite a few defying how one note themed villain groups like them can be, like the shadowy abomination Pride, the sadistic rat that is Envy, the independent Greed, and especially the extremely intimidating Wrath. The animation by Studio Bones is great, as is the soundtrack, and the dub is fantastic, helped by almost all of the cast from the 2003 anime reprising their roles. Voices like Travis Willingham as Roy Mustang, Christopher Sabat as Alex Louis Armstrong, Chris Patton as Greed, and Ed Blaylock as Fuhrer Bradley especially are fantastic. Overall, this is one of the best shows I’ve watched, period. I recommend it very highly, and almost wish I could confidently declare it number 1. 1. Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
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Number of episodes: 13. Language options: subs only. Streaming availability: Crunchyroll, Hulu, Funimation. Firstly, again, this is not something to judge based on the name. Secondly, yes, this is where all the bias on this list comes from. This is anime is actually only about a year old, so it’s surprisingly recent, and is also by far the shortest of all the series I’ve listed here. Rascal is based off a series of light novels by the same author as Sakura Hall, Hajime Kamoshida, and was produced by CloverWorks. Like Sakura Hall, the anime doesn’t completely adapt, only going through 5 of the 9 novels currently released, with a movie, of all things, adapting the 6th. You may or may not have heard of this anime while it was airing, but regardless, I’m here to spread the word of it, cause it’s a special place for me. One day, while browsing a library, high school student Sakuta Azusagawa notices a girl wearing a bunny suit walking around, not being acknowledged by anyone other than himself. The girl turns out to be Mai Sakurajima, an actress on hiatus that attends his high school, who has found she’s recently become invisible to an unknown number of people outside of their school. Sakuta identifies it as “Adolescence Syndrome”, a mysterious phenomenon that occurs due to the unstable psyches of adolescences, which causes physical effects on the world based on their biggest causes of stress. Sakuta has seen the effects of Adolescence Syndrome himself, with it causing physical harm to his sister, Kaede, and causing her to become a recluse, and somehow causing Sakuta to be scarred as well. Hoping to learn more about the phenomenon, as well as just hoping to spare Mai from a similar fate, Sakuta decides to solve the mystery of her syndrome, as well as those of other girls in each story arc after. The premise is pretty unique by itself, and it uses its potential very well, thanks to the grounded writing and great cast of characters. Sakuta is not your typical protagonist: he’s blunt, blatantly perverted, and more than willing to verbally pick on people with little to no provocation. He’s not even close to a bad person, though; he treats the friends he already has at the start of the series, and everyone else he proceeds to grow closer to, much more respectfully, and when the chips come down, he’ll do crazy things for other people with no hesitation. He’s one of the most refreshing protagonists I’ve seen in a long time, and has most of the best lines in the series. The rest of the cast is also great, especially Mai, the other main lead. In fact, the main focus of the series besides the Adolescence Syndrome cases is Sakuta and Mai’s relationship, which is very well written, to the point of being my favorite part of the series. It avoids so many stumbles a lot of other series can run into: the relationship is started up early, nobody manages to threaten their feelings, and any misunderstandings, current or even just potential, they take steps to work though. Even when she’s willing to jab at and mess with Sakuta, Mai is always affectionate and transparent with her feelings, and becomes progressively even more so as it goes on. It’s also just, a refreshing change of pace compared to most relationships in anime. The other main focus, the Adolescence Syndrome cases, are just as well written. Despite exaggerated situations like becoming invisible to people, or even causing a time loop, there are few times they’re played for laughs. The series takes it all very seriously, mostly because of the kind of factors that lead to the syndrome appearing. Things like an oppressive school atmosphere, where standing out causes scrutiny, and most decide to just follow the leader to avoid consequences, or the fear of your only friendships being damaged over minor reasons. While more positive than Sakura Hall, it takes the same care to show just how damaging issues like this can be. Even Sakuta isn’t above it: he’s rumored to have send some of his classmates to the hospital once, and despite being completely false, it’s ostracized him to the point that he considers himself lucky to have 2 whole friends, and he’s just accepted the mindset that fighting against such an atmosphere is pointless. There a lot of emotional moments throughout the series, especially the last three episodes, and it earns them all. It even shies away from fanservice most of the time, even despite the very title of the show (the bunny girl part was actually only the title of the first light novel, but the series just kept it for the whole thing) The animation isn’t too wacky due to the tone and grounded writing, but it has an appealing artstyle, and the voice actors do a great job as well. Overall, this is an anime that’s genuinely very good by itself. Even so, what is it that makes me so biased towards it? For one thing, it just hits some emotional soft spots a lot of other stuff doesn’t personally manage, through stuff like, once again, Sakuta and Mai’s relationship. The very interesting premise and general grounded nature also wins it a lot of points. But, ultimately, it’s not something I can really put into words. Might be because I watched it on a very weird day. Regardless, this is one I would definitely want everyone to give a chance, and here’s hoping the movie gets a DVD release soon. And with that, there’s to end to my rambling. Again, I would recommend everything I’ve put here to most people, but especially the top 2. I’m planning on watching some more anime, so I may make another ranking like this soon. Otherwise, till next time. -Scout
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7deadlycinderellas · 6 years
Akko Kagari and the School of Magic, ch2
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Akko’s first week at Hogwarts was, to put it bluntly, a disaster.
It would have been just one thing if she hadn’t already managed to get on Filch’s bad side by stepping on Mrs. Norris’s tail.
It would have been just one thing if she didn’t constantly get stuck outside the common room having forgotten the password.
It would have been just one thing if the moving staircases, disappearing steps and trick doors didn’t keep resulting in her injuring herself. Madam Pomfrey already knew her name and tut tutted when she saw her coming with another scrape or sprain.
But classes....
Akko was not a good student, even in the muggle world. She frequently forgot to do her homework, dozed off in class and when called upon in to answer a question, generally felt her mind go completely blank. She isn’t really sure why she thought magic school would be any different.
Charms, her very first class, had gone reasonably well. Even though she didn’t remember everything Flitwick had said, she definitely remembered watching him wave his wand and the previously set up brooms, dustpans, mops and buckets come to life and clear the classroom around the students. They hadn’t done anything practical to be sure, but it still gave a good first impression.
She remembered absolutely nothing from History of Magic. In fact, she was quite sure she dozed off.
Transfiguration had been a different story. Anne Finnelan was a new professor according to Amanda, and she clearly felt she had something to prove. Akko had stumbled in two minutes late, already earning the woman’s ire, and nothing in class improved the first impression. The whole “transform the desk into a pig” thing had got her attention but by the end of class the rest of the group had pages of notes and Akko barely remembered a thing.
And as for potions…
Professor Slughorn had honestly seemed nice enough, if a little overly concerned with people’s families. Potions was a double period with the Ravenclaws, and he had spend a solid five minutes dragging the names of her aunts and uncles out of Diana. Akko saw her face flicker this time, the stony faced girl suddenly and briefly wearing an expression of rage. Whatever discomfort his interrogations had caused the others, would soon be forgotten.
The first lesson had been a potion for the treatment of “pimples, boils and among the most stubborn forms of acne”, which Slughorn informed them. “Would likely avoid them some embarrassment in the coming years”. Brewing it had seemed easy. Crush ingredient, mix, add another. Soon the mixture was a soft blue with the proper pink smoke that Slughorn had said there would be.
Then Akko got a little overeager adding the last ingredient as Amanda was lifting the cauldron from the flame.
She heard a voice from the bench behind them, going “Wait! No!” before the mixture exploded.
She realized the voice must have come from Diana after the furor died down. Thankfully, it turned out the potion her and Hannah had been brewing worked perfectly to remove the enormous pustules that now covered both her and Amanda. Slughorn praised the other girls’ efforts before class let out. Akko saw Diana out of the corner of her eye shaking her head, and felt her cheeks blush bright.
“We’re never going to live that down are we?”
Amanda shrugs, “I’m sure someone else will do something more embarrassing eventually that will distract attention from us.”
Wednesday night, Akko gets a bit of a reprieve. Her first Astronomy lesson provides no opportunities for humiliating herself. She climbs the tower with the other Gryffindors. Professor Sinistra, and her assistant, who she introduces as Professor Callistis, a tall woman with glasses and blue-black hair, pass out star charts and explain the very practical, non-magical nature of the study. Akko actually remembers a few bit of astronomy from muggle school even, and she leaves for their late bedtime feeling like she might actually have a brain after all.
The last class of the week is Defense Against the Dark Arts, another double period, this time with the Hufflepuffs. Akko is apprehensive. Defense against anything is not necessarily a skill she has developed, but is reassured when Lotte waves her and Amanda over and they take their seats.
“So what do we know about this professor?” Akko asks, nervous about the possibility of facing another Finnelan.
Lotte shakes her head.
“It’s someone new, it always is. No one’s been able to keep the post more than a year in ages. “
“Some people says it’s cursed.”
Akko jumps. The voice came from the row behind them. Sucy. She had been doing her best to ignore the other girl, who frankly kind of gave her the creeps.
The door closes to the classroom, and a figure walks to the front. All the students lean forward curious. The woman who stands in front of them wears a long cape, a shirt and pants instead of robes, and no hat. Her short hair, in an improbable shade of purple is clearly visible.
“Not a traditionalist, clearly.” Amanda notes, sounding admiring.
“Hello, “ she starts. Her voice is confident, cool, like a stage actress’. “I am Professor Croix Meridies, I will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year. You may dispense with formalities and call me Croix if you wish”.
She takes a step forward, standing in front of her desk, with one hand resting on it and the other holding her wand. The pose would seen almost practiced, but Croix exudes an air of effortlessness.
“You may have come into this class with expectations. Fighting off curses and evil creatures. And yes, I will do my best to teach you these things. But there’s far more to protecting yourselves and others than magic. And I will do my best to each you these things too.”
The rest of the lesson is just an overview of the curriculum, and Akko finds herself barely paying attention.
When they rise to leave, Croix announces.
“Kagari, Manbavaran,” and a few other names Akko doesn’t recognize, Hufflepuffs maybe, “Stay back for a few.”
Confused, Akko nods to Amanda and Lotte and joins the others at the front of the classroom.
The professor slides onto the edge of her desk in a seated position, resting her arms on her knees.
“Can any of you figure out why I singled you five out?”
The group glances around. Akko hasn’t spoken to either of the two boys in the group, and the third girl she doesn’t recognize is a Hufflepuff.
Professor Croix clears her throat.
“All of you are new to the wizarding world. Muggle born, or status unknown.”
Status unknown? Akko thinks...what on earth did that mean?
“What I said, about there being more to defense than magic, you five will need to heed that lesson more than others in the school. There is much about the magical world you don’t know. Tradition dictates that most of this would be covered in History of Magic. But as this is recent history- barely five years, I felt it prudent to get you up to speed before you start hearing things second hand.”
She sounds serious. More serious than she had all lesson.
“Nearly twenty years ago a wizard came to power who wished to obtain immortality and conquer the world. It sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. Many witches and wizards still fear his name. He had followers, people loyal to him, many of whom still follow what he believed to this day. “
She takes a deep breath.
“Though he disappeared for more than ten years, five years ago he returned and tried to regain his power. The wizarding world was...torn apart. Devastated. Many people died, many places were destroyed. You would be hard pressed to find someone untouched the damage he caused. Even the Hogwarts campus is still rebuilding. We’re doing our best to continue. And while I am telling you this both so you can understand the nature of why some in this school may still react in unexpected ways, there is something else as well.
The main tenant of the beliefs of Lord Voldemort’s followers….”
Akko feels her stomach jolt. Even Croix herself had avoided using the name until now, and it feels...powerful.
“They were staunch in their belief in the superiority of magical blood. You may have already discovered that some of your classmates are from very old magical families. They called themselves pureblood, and believed that only they were worthy of magic. To be blunt, they would have despised you.
I am telling you this, because it is likely that you will still encounter people who believe as though this is true. They will still treat you as though you are second class. They may call you “mudblood”, a truly foul name. And I am here to tell you, that you must move past this, and you may have to fight, far more than your peers may have to. You can’t let these people define you.”
It’s a heady thought to end the school day on. Akko still carries it when she joins the others for dinner. She notices that the tapestry hanging in the Great Hall looks singed on the edges. Much like the first night, Akko is so consumed she barely has the presence to stuff her face.
She finds herself looking around the castle more. And looking at her classmates more. She’s never really paid any mind to the older students, much less the professors. What Croix told them...so many of her classmates must have suffered tragedies. But what about the other part? The ones who would think little of her...she suddenly has a flashback to Diana shaking her head at her….and it’s not like she had done much to prove them wrong yet.
When they’re getting ready for bed, and Akko’s looking at the glass in the windows (it looks like it’s been replaced, its not nearly as old as the windowframe), Amanda spares a glance towards Sucy’s bed and asks.
“I meant to ask earlier, what did Croix want with the five of you earli
Akko tries to keep her tone light.
“She wanted to give us a quick rundown about Lord Voldemort and what people might hate us because we’re muggle born”.
Amanda flinches when she says the name, and looks at Akko like she wants to shush her. Akko glances to see if they’re going to have any more input in their conversation, but Sucy’s out like a light already.
“Yeah,” she says, tone downcast, not sounding a bit like her normal self.
“I’ve been looking at the castle all afternoon. You can kind of see where things were repaired.”
“The whole Great Hall was flattened.” Amanda says, “They rebuilt it first from scratch. Hagrid had to rebuild his hut. The quidditch pitch is all new, they even moved it a little.”
“She said a lot of people died too.”
“One of my sisters was one of them.”
Akko’s head shoots up in shock. Amanda reaches into her nightstand and pulls out a photograph of a smiling teenager with familiar ginger braids on a broomstick.
“Her name was Ashley, she was fourteen. We’re still not quite sure what happened, but she died in the Battle of Hogwarts after staying here that entire hellish year. My parents are still upset they didn’t make her stay home with us in Galway.”
Amanda looks upset, but also angry.
Akko is quiet. There’s so much in that...Croix gave them some background but there’s still so much about the situation she doesn’t know.
“She…” Akko tries to start off gently, but that’s really not in her nature. “She didn’t really tell us a lot of details. Could...you tell me a little more? You said there was a lot going on that whole year, and that there was a battle. Can you start there.”
Amanda looks at her. She’s not crying, but she still looks a bit upset. There’s a glint in her eye though, and it gives Akko the feeling of once again being out of the loop.
“It’s strange for me to remember that you’ve never even heard of Harry Potter.”
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afreakingdork · 6 years
Review: Witch Craft Works
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“  Honoka Takamiya was perfectly happy with his completely average and normal life. His primary problem in life was the fact that he shared a school with the school's "Princess," Ayaka Kagari. Both girls and boys fawn over her which makes Honoka's life difficult since he rides the same bus as her in the morning and sits next to her in class. What's worse is that if he even idly interacts with her her fan club takes him out back and beats him up! One day while taking out the trash he looks up to see a school building falling on top of him! He is saved at the very last moment by the very same beautiful girl, Ayaka, that he's never even had a full conversation with. She finally speaks to him, revealing that she's been protecting him in secret, but now that someone is attacking him directly she no longer needs to do it covertly. It turns out that Ayaka is a fire witch and there are other witches in the world who want to capture Honoka and use him for the power that he possesses inside of him. “ 
I had really high hopes for this series and it really let me down. The character design and animation is stellar but the story is extremely lacking, but let’s save that for... 
I will begin with a list of questions: Why is Evermillion sealed inside Honoka? Why were Honoka and Ayaka’s memories erased? What happened to Ayaka when she was young? Why can she remember how her mom trained her but not why Honoka is important to her? What were Ayaka’s motivations in helping Medusa and the Ivory Quintet? What happened between Honoka/Kasumi’s mom and Kazune (because their mom seems under the impression that they were dating and were going to wed, but Kazune seems off-put that their mom even remembered her?)? There are more questions but this just gives you a brief idea of the number of questions this story does not answer. I am not asking to be spoonfed, in fact I hate that in story telling, but there is not even enough to infer off of. This story is borderline garbage just because it wants to tell this fantastic arc and instead is just a jumbled pile of garbage that forces me to wait in suspense with no relief. 
I have no idea what anyone’s motivation is. Medusa? Chronoire Schwarz VI? Weekend? They say they want Honoka’s power, they say they don’t want the power. It’s asinine. Also if tower witches and workshop witches are so at odds why are they so buddy buddy randomly like Chronoire and Kazune? Kazune leaves her in charge when she is out!!! 
Evermillion said giving her power came at a cost and said JK the first time she pops up. The second time she said she would need Honoka’s life in exchange for using her power. Then Ayaka just envokes a deus ex machina promise from the past to break the contract between her and Honoka if something like that were to happen (WHICH WE DON’T KNOW WHY THEY EVEN HAVE A CONTRACT ANYWAY). Then Evermillion, who didn’t seem to remember the contract before, acts like she does remember that the promise exists and it kills Ayaka. Then it’s revealed that Honoka was able to save the entire damn town with his own power that he’s had all along but Ayaka had been siphoning (and not actually siphoning off Evermillion’s power). DO I HAVE THAT RIGHT?????? YES?????? Fuck this show’s plot for real. 
The author’s notes at the end of the first volume say that Honoka was originally meant to be a girl. Probably should have kept that. There were dialog errors where Ayaka calls him a princess and a female constantly with no ryhme or reason. Gender is a construct of course, but this is not a progressive show. 
Incest, fucking goddamn incest, I am so fucking tired of it
Fanservice, get over it. 
The blending of 3D and regular 2D anime style is some of the best I have seen in a long time. The fight scenes are incredible and really fun to watch. 
The character design in this show is also incredible. Every character breaths so much life just by being on the screen. 
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Look at that 3D/2D blend! All style, no substance = = 
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hotcocosharing · 6 years
Double Troubles - the reunion. Part 7
Recap or familiarize with what happened click here
Picking up a little further ahead than where it was left off; the cast of Glory Days 20 years later have come back together for a college reunion; with life experiences, maturity (we hope) and are all hoping, for the least to have a good time. Let the magic unfold.
OC Eriko Sato & Midori Katayani
Voltage Canons Yukihisa Maki, Shunichiro Tachibana, Toshiakia, Shinichi Kagari & Rikiya
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 /
OC Eriko Sato & Midori Katayani
Voltage Canons Yukihisa Maki, Shunichiro Tachibana, Toshiakia, Shinichi Kagari & Rikiya
Midori’s POV
“We’re going home.”
The tired and weary remark comes as a clear indication that tonight should not have been on the cards for me. It’s as if the universe has spoken – so much for insisting that I forever didn’t and don’t believe in that kind of crap and without a second thought I’ve scooped Sakura up with a huff as I get back onto the phone and finalise a cab to come a collect us. It’s the usual friendly bickering between Maki and myself for the next few minutes. A concoctive fusion of ‘you should have said something’, ‘you promised to keep this to yourself’, ‘we’re all friends’, ‘well perhaps friends is a term we should be using to describe the past’ heighten as Sakura clings tighter to my dress and begins once again to cry.
“Mommmmyyyyy – don’t be ang-wy with Unkie Yuki.”
Before I’m able to respond to my daughter and tell her things are fine – and that adults just talk like this amongst each other every now and again; a car has turned up and I’m shuffling into the backseat to go home. Should I add on any last words for the doctor to tell anyone else? Eh – they’re all smart enough; I’m sure they’ll figure it out.
Maki’s POV
Car driving off into the distance I find that I’m alone once again – no ghost, no lover, no friend, nothing. It’s a blended frustration and antagonistic primal urge that courses through my veins just as it did when I was younger. So much for adding on a few decades – some god damn things just never change. Unwilling to bother raising the ideas of positives over potential consequences; I’m eager to return inside only to be stopped by the presence of a work colleague who seems to have arrived at just the right time.
“Maki.” “Kijima – nice timing.”
Inside the damned gymnasium, like a flash I’m back at the bar and ready to have a go at the runaway princess who still manages somehow to have anyone with something hanging between their legs in awe at her presence. “I know it’s not favourable to voice an opinion towards the infamous Eriko Sato but you have some nerve to act the way you did before without knowing the full story.” Yep here it goes – voice is low but the venom behind each and every selected word pulses with acrimony spite.
“Are you aware of how long Midori and I hassled your parents to give up your whereabouts or for a way to contact you? We searched through everything – phone books, consulates, internet histories, newspapers, business records… even friends of your past that you see here now didn’t want to give anything away to us ‘just in case’. Trips to the UK asking strangers on the streets if they recognized you from photographs amounted to nothing. The two of you were best friends and one petty fight shouldn’t have changed that. You may have physically aged Eriko but you’re still the same selfish and egotistical princess you were when you were 19. Forbid anyone tried to care or give a damn – you were and still are just too self-centred to bother noticing.”
Informing Shun and Toshiaki that I’ve had enough of the night – like Midori an earlier 15 minutes ago, I head home. I think.
Toshiaki’s POV
Fabulous – late as per usual and I manage to catch the end of something I probably need the whole story to understand. Chewing on my bottom lip, I pull my phone out of my jacket pocket and send my wife a text letting her know – just from what my intuition tells me that this is going to be a long night.
“So….”, I manage out with a choke to clear my throat, “..what did I miss?”
Shunichiro Tachibana’s POV
Brows raising impatiently and fed up with how fast trouble is already stirring between the growling Yuki and queen of spot light. The bitter sweet temptation for another cigarette emerges almost simultaneously after a quick pat on Toshiaki’s shoulder for leaving him with the mess- some things never change. So much for “I’ll be right back”- it takes no genius to realize that Midori must have left to attend whatever problem she has outside the gym, this pathetic reunion and back to her life- reality.
The chilled air strikes my face once I am outside and watch a cab disappearing into the night. Not that the idiotic idea of chasing after it ever pops up in my head but the white envelope hiding safely in my pocket hasn’t been delivered yet or perhaps it just isn’t meant to be. Has the universe spoken? Is this my hint of letting it go? Being friends with an ex really isn’t a thing? Is it selfish of me to want her there while knowing that it would most definitely hurt her eventually? I feel a taunting scoff escape my mouth while my hand fishes for the phone and asks Yuki for Midori’s address with another hand in the air hailing a cab for my next destination.
I should have chosen the cigarette over closure, I should have known better.
I should have.  
Eriko Sato’s POV
Never thought I’d live to a day where Yukihisa Maki could cause me that much pain (non sexually) and each step gets a little harder with blood boiling and heartbeat raising while every cell in my body is yelling for a come back at his venomous so called side of story but the multi faces in front of my eyes and pride get the better of me.
“Could you be a dear and send me something to eat, I’m craving something sweet.” Ignoring the boyish grin from the far too young waiter and sending him away on mission so I’d just face the necessary number of men to try enjoying the rest of this evening. “Not much, Toshi. Just that Midori and Maki are best friends, she completely ignores me like we’re strangers and he comes barking at me that they have searched for me. Well, way to show how they value me as a friend, don’t you think? So nothing, Toshi, you have not missed a single thing. I’m still that screwed up princess every man just want to fuck and brag.” Words just cascade my lips, years of friendship with the loneworlf has amazing effects- never the urge to hide my thoughts, negativity or insecurity. Resting my head against his shoulder and close my eyes, I let go of any awareness of what the other two gentlemen might be feeling or thinking. “Just stay like this for a minute, I will be fine, I promise.”
Nothing I couldn’t handle- I reassure myself. Being on my own in a foreign country with friends and lover gone, dead brother showing up my door like some Hollywood movie and making my stand in the business world- I sure as fuck can survive a night at a lousy college reunion!
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sage-nebula · 7 years
For the writing prompt meme, if possible, could you do either #13 or #31 for Akko/Andrew?
“I could kiss you right now!”
“Why don’t you?”
Time has not frozen. Akko would know if it had; she’s a witch, afterall, and even if her powers are only trickling back to her after Chariotaccidentally stole them, she still has enough experience by now to be able totell if a spell is cast to freeze time in its tracks. Akko can tell when aspell has been cast to alter the flow or perception of time, and that has nothappened here. She is positive that the world is still turning as it shouldbe—that all the students and faculty in Appleton Academy are experiencingtime just as they were five minutes ago.
Nonetheless, it feels as if everything has screechedto a halt—as though the academy itself has gone silent. It hasn’t; she and Andreware next to the fountain, and the cascade of water from it is giving off thesame whoosh and bubbly noises that itwas not fifteen seconds ago. Other Appleton students are milling about the edgeof the courtyard, and even from this distance it’s plain to see that they’retalking. If they’re talking, they’re making noises with their mouths. Akkoknows this, even if for the life of her she can’t focus on them, and thereforecan’t hear them. The world is not silent, nor is it still. Even if it feelsthat way, it isn’t.
But though the world didn’t stop, Akko realizes, she and Andrew have. Andrewis still seated on the edge of the fountain, and Akko herself is standing byit. She’s still holding her fists up in front of her, where she had pumped themin her excitement. She’s still staring at him, and he at her, and it’s as ifsomeone stuck a glob of peanut butter in the gears of her brain for all thatshe’s having difficulty figuring out what it is she’s supposed to do next. Theworld has not frozen, but Akko’s brain has. She can already hear Amanda andSucy making jokes about it, as if they have some sort of radar that tells themwhen Akko has done something foolish.
But she hasn’t. She hasn’t done anything, and that (Akko thinks, as theseconds tick by) is the problem.
With a Herculean effort to unstick her brain, Akko swallows, tries toignore the heat flushing over her skin, and forces herself to say, “What?”
It’s not the brightest or most exciting thing to say, but it is, atleast, something.
“If you could kiss me, why don’t you?” Andrew asks, and that—that iswhat Akko had thought he said, before, but that did little to scrape off theremaining bits of peanut butter jamming Akko’s brain cogs. She resists theimpulse to knock her fist against her head to get them moving again. That won’thelp either.
“I, um—I—I—why are you saying such weird things all of a sudden?”Akko demands, and she forces a laugh, trying to play it off as a joke. If shelaughs, maybe he will, too. They laugh together all the time nowadays. Itshouldn’t be so hard to make him smile.
But as in all cases when Akko wants something to go one way, the worldseems intent on making it go the other. Andrew does not smile. Instead, hefrowns, his eyebrows pinched over his eyes, and oh, Akko knows that look. Heisn’t going to let this one go.
“What are you talking about? You’re the one who said you could kiss me,”Andrew says.
“Yeah, but—but that’s just a—it’s just a saying!” Akko says, andshe waves her hands in the air. “It’s just something say, I hear people say itover here all the time—er, not here as in Appleton, but here as in England.People in England say it all the time, right? When they’re happy, or excited .. . Amanda says it, and I’ve heard it a lot on TV and in the movies—”
“You’re able to watch television at Luna Nova?”
“Well, not exactly, but—but that’s not the point!” She realizes asecond too late that Andrew had given her an out of the conversation, and thatshe plowed straight on ahead and missed it. That was just like her; she knew that Sucy, Amanda, and probablyDiana would all have something to say about it if they found out. At the veryleast, Lotte wouldn’t push the issue. Lotte would have her back. Bless Lotte. “Thepoint is I was just saying things. They’re just words people say, it’s just asaying, I was just excited that you helped me figure out my problem—”
“So you don’t want to kiss me?”
If Akko’s skin felt hot before, it feels as if a fire fairy hassmothered her face in a full-body hug now. She bunches up her skirt in herfists, and presses her lips together as she tries to formulate a response.Andrew doesn’t push her. Instead, he watches her, his eyes narrowed just so inthat scrutinizing way of his. Andrew has a way of watching her that makes herfeel like he’s really watching her,but not in any sort of bad way. Instead, it always feels like he is curious, like he genuinely wants to know her, and when he smiles … whenhe’s happy, like her …
Akko swallows hard. Her mouth feels like she has shoved a handful ofsand into it.
“I … didn’t say that,” she says, her voice strangled.
“Then what are you saying?”Andrew leans forward, his elbow on his knee and his chin in his hands, and ooh,this is one of his more infuriating qualities. He is so—he never gives up, doeshe, never backs down when he has questions, when he wants to know what she isthinking, and she knows that she is something of a hypocrite for feelingfrustrated about his persistence now, but damn it, she can live with being ahypocrite if it means being allowed to feel put on the spot. “Do you want tokiss me or not?”
“I … I … !” Akko resists the urge to hide her face with her hands,and settles for tugging her hat down over her ears instead. As she grips thebrim of her hat between her fingers, a spark of inspiration strikes her, andshe points a finger in his direction. “Don’t just pin all this on me! Whatabout you, huh? Do you want to kiss me?”
Andrew raises his eyebrows. “Isn’t that obvious?”
Akko deflates, and lowers her arm to her side. “Huh?”
“I wouldn’t ask you to follow through on your desire to kiss me if Iwasn’t interested.” Andrew sits back at last, and loosely folds his arms acrosshis chest. Akko can’t tell if he’s exasperated or disappointed. “Of course, I won’tmake a move unless I’m certain it’s what you want. I don’t wish to do anythingthat will make you uncomfortable. If you aren’t interested, that’s fine; I’mmore than happy to continue being friends with you as we have been. But if you are …”
Akko stares at him, dumbfounded. “You … want to kiss me?”
A smile flickers across Andrew’s face, faint and fleeting. “I wouldlike to, yes. I would actually be interested in courting you properly, if I’mbeing honest.”
Akko isn’t entirely sure she knows what it means to be “courtedproperly,” although she feels that if her brain was filled with less cottonfuzz (and really, that was unfair—first peanut butter, and now fuzz?!), shewould understand. But the idea—the knowledge—thatAndrew wants to kiss her is causingher heart to thump rabbit quick in her chest, and when she swallows again, shefeels a little short of breath.
“Oh,” she says.
Andrew watches her for a second longer before he stands up, and takes astep forward so that he’s standing just before her. He’s smiling again, in thatway that makes Akko think his eyes are like warm spring days, and all of theheat in Akko’s face feels concentrated in her cheeks. He reaches up, and gentlybrushes her hair back away from her face, his hand lingering over her cheek.
“So, Miss Kagari,” he says softly. “May I?”
They stare at each other, eyes locked. Andrew doesn’t make another moveforward, nor does he remove his hand from where he’s still cupping her cheek,his fingers gentle and soft. Akko’s heart is pounding so hard she is sure hecan hear it, and as she opens her mouth to answer him, she can’t stop herselfsmiling. Andrew’s smile grows in response, his eyes alight with the force ofit, but as Akko’s brain registers what is going to happen next—as it finallykicks into gear and she realizes what is in the process of happening—sudden awareness and panic seize her all inone, and she places her hand against his lips.
Andrew, to his credit, hadn’t leaned forward to initiate the kiss atall. He draws back all the same, pulling his lips away from Akko’s fingers, andwhile his smile is gone, he doesn’t look angry. Instead, Akko thinks, he looks… confused.
“What is it?” he asks. “Did I misread … ?”
“No, it’s not—it’s not that,” Akko says, and she waves her hands abit in the air to try and shake the energy from her nerves, as well as indicatethe courtyard around them. “It’s that we’re—we’re here, out here! Look where we are!”
Andrew, as requested, glances around the courtyard. Akko bites back asudden impulse to laugh.
“I don’t understand the problem,” Andrew says, frowning as he looksback at her.
Akko huffs. “We’re in the middle of your school courtyard,” she says,and when he continues to stare at her, she gestures with both arms to indicatethe space around him. “There are people all around—all kinds of people! We’reout here where everyone can see!”
His frown doesn’t fade, but his expression takes on a note of incredulityas he raises his eyebrows. “Are you embarrassed by me?”
“What? No!” Akko swats his arm, even as she once again has to fightback the urge to laugh, because of all the things to say—and people called her ridiculous! Not that she wasn’t,sometimes, but— “That’s not it! Are you crazy?”
“Then I’m afraid I really don’t understand the problem,” Andrew says.
Once again, Akko heaves a sigh. “Andrew, we can’t just do that sort ofthing in public,” she says. “It’s not anything personal, it’s just—that’sembarrassing, in general! Not because of you, but just …” She waves herhands again. “It’s just not … a thing! You see?”
Andrew stares at her for a long moment. Finally, he says, “You are oneof the most vivacious, passionate, performative, embarrassing people I know—”
“—and you’re shy about a little public display of affection?”
Akko puffs her cheeks. They still haven’t stopped burning. “Justbecause I want to put on magic displays to make people laugh doesn’t mean I don’thave manners. And if I’m so embarrassing, why do you want to kiss me in thefirst place?”
“I also called you vivacious and passionate,” Andrew says. “You shouldn’tonly focus on the negative. Besides, I happen to find your more embarrassing anticsto be endearing.”
Akko frowns. “Thanks?”
“But all right. If you’re uncomfortable with public displays ofaffection, I’ll keep that in mind.” Andrew’s smiling again, and as relieffloods through Akko, she can’t help but smile as well. “Come to think of it, wemight be better served saving that for later anyway. It seems more likesomething we should work up to.”
“Th-That’s right!” Akko says, and she regains her footing as she scoffsat him, folding her own arms across her chest. “You can’t just startimmediately in with the ‘I like you’ and ‘I want to kiss you’ stuff! You haveto work up to that! Jeez, and you call meembarrassing. Even I know you don’tjust pull that out first thing like that!”
“Hmm, fair enough,” Andrew says. Short of wiping the smile off hisface, all Akko’s rebuttal seems to have done is make him smile more. “Then,Miss Kagari, would you be interested in going out with me for dinner thisevening? My treat, of course.”
It won’t be the first time they’ve eaten together. Setting aside theparty she crashed, as well as the time they both accidentally ended up at theCavendish household, they’ve gotten meals together here and there, as friends.But there is something different about the way Andrew is asking hernow—something specific about his choice to say going out as he asks her, as well as their talk of working up to a kiss that makes thisfeel more poignant. Akko knows, even though this is a first for her, that ifshe says yes, she will be agreeing to more than just a friend dinner.
Her heart flutters in her chest, and everything about her feels solight she almost feels like she’s flying, broom or no broom. She smiles wide,and bobs her head in an exuberant nod as she says, “Definitely. For sure!”
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shintorikhazumi · 7 years
 A/N: Coz Khazumi is now sorta... Taken? teehee ;P Kidding... or not? Kidding Love, I am, I am :) ... If you ever see this. I’m dead.
AU? Maybe.. not magical.. pretty sure... hmm... college? Bubbly by Colbie is one of my all-time favorite sonnngssss. Also Last Chance by MYMP <3
Warning... Rushed? Super Rushed. SO... bad pacing... and might not be good? But still...
~Shintori Khazumi
Tapping her foot against the wooden floor paneling of the semi-rustic designed coffee shop, Diana gave her final sigh of impatience before giving up on all this waiting, her cup-o-joe long since drained of its content.
So her date was going to be a no-show, she supposed, disappointed, mad, and sad.
Years of sorting out feelings and such, all gone to waste in just a matter of days. This very special first date, ruined. Diana’s single life... continued.
“Hey Lovely thing, don’t scrunch up your brows. They make you lose some of that charm.”
With a groan, Diana stood abruptly, surprising the flirty fellow customer of the shop. She didn’t need another buffoon to aid her in thinning out her patience.
Leaving a few bills on the table, she walked to the direction of the door, but was quickly blocked by the man’s arm. Diana immediately got a small whiff of his... masculinity... uncontrolled. Eyes narrowed, she glared him down, earning a small whimper to which she inwardly smirked.
“Out of my way.” She commanded.
“Hey now darling,” The male said, putting up a bravado that seemed to annoy Diana even further as he did not do as she wished. Couldn’t he see she just wanted to get out? To not remember this place, the reason why she was here? He spoke up again, to her immense irritation. “I noticed you’ve been alone for some time. Jerk stood you up? Got no class, that guy, but maybe...”
Diana had to lean back as the man seemed to lack any sense of personal space... and personal hygiene as well, it seemed.
“I could show you what a real man is like.”
Diana threw up in her mouth a bit, flicking the man unashamed on the forehead to get him to back off. “Well, if I think about it...” She saw that hopeful, lustful glint in his eyes, smiling slightly before pulling a glare. “... NO.”
Trudging away from the gaping fish of a boy she just rejected, Diana was surprised to have her wrist grasped in a tight hold, now feeling as if she was being forced (which she was) to go along.
“Now listen here, Missy, I don’t care whoever you are or whatever, but-”
“Let go.”
Murmurs were springing up in the small cafe as Diana’s intense glare was fixated on the intimidated man, many eyes on the scene.
“Let. Go.” Diana reiterated, patience thinning out rapidly. “Or else I’ll call someone to ‘help’ me out.”
Smiling victoriously, Diana whipped about, hand free as she exited the small establishment, walking along the pretty much empty sidewalk of this unfamiliar town, city.
Having graduated from Highschool with flying colors, being offered a full-time scholarship at one of the country’s most distinguished institutions was quite the honor. Diana graciously accepted seeing as her dream of being a medical practitioner could be achieved here, in this place. She was a step closer to living that dream.
Happy as she was for this, nothing could beat the feeling of knowing that her best friend, someone who she truthfully could not believe she would refer to as such when they first met, a girl- Kagari Atsuko, was here with her in this town.
Having met during their first year in middle school, Diana admitted they clashed far too often, being polar opposites, sitting on opposite sides of the spectrum.
Akko was a heated ball of determination and fiery dreams. Diana was a cold and resolute, calculating person, never letting many close. It came as a surprise when one day they, this bickering pair, fighting, arguing, debating all the days away, suddenly became the best and dearest of friends- but that story shall be told another time.
As much as Diana said ‘best friend’, her feelings for Akko certainly outgrew the title.
Into their freshman year of high school, Akko, the lazy, tardy caterpillar coming to pick up the early-bird Diana Cavendish at the latter’s house in her fresh uniform, a smile on her lovely face and a small bouquet of flowers in hand as ‘Congratulations for getting into high school’,- or so she said, was a heart-throbbing surprise for the heiress.
Having her favorites all arranged in an eye-catching display, their scents filling Diana’s senses as she took in the warmth of Akko’s sudden hug made Diana realize a few things.
She never wanted to part from Akko.
Into their sophomore year, Diana was granted the pleasure of discovering one of Akko’s well-kept secrets, something she never knew Akko had towards her. Nevertheless, this secret was pleasantly shocking.
Being a part of the student council, Diana always left school late, and Akko, being the ever-caring best friend, waited for her each afternoon religiously, seated in the classroom alone as the sun set, always granting Diana a gorgeous picture to come back from an exhausting meeting to.
One particularly stressing afternoon, Diana walked slowly down the halls of the empty school, body slouching uncharacteristically of her as she made the final curve before reaching her classroom.
The sound of a soft guitar solo playing filled the empty building, and Diana listened carefully, feeling her tiredness wash away, before her body relaxed completely by another sound joining the previous one. A voice. Such a sweet voice.
“The rain is fallin' on my window pane”
As if the heavens were in sync with the singers emotions, a soft rain pelted against the large glass windows, softly enough to not disturb the number.
“But we are hidin' in a safer place
Under covers stayin' dry and warm...
You give me feelings that I adore.
It starts in my toes, and I crinkle my nose Where ever it goes I always know That you make me smile, please, stay for a while now Just take your time-”
Diana regretted clapping that moment. The song came to an abrupt stop as Akko’s head whipped around, eyes turned to the door and expressing panic and dread.
“Sorry.” Diana quickly spoke, hands still frozen in place. “I just had to-”
“N-no! It’s fine!” Akko replied, getting off the desk she was seated on, scrambling to fix up the guitar she managed to find lying around and returning it carefully, still seeming to be in a panicky state. “I just- you’re done already... umm... that... this-”
“It was really nice.” Diana said referring to the same thing Akko was referring to.
A second of silence slipped by, the two girls content on just sharing a look.
From that time on, Diana encouraged Akko to let this talent out. Although hesitant, Akko shared to her that she had been studying guitar since she was in third grade. Her first teacher was her father, she had said.
Diana suddenly realized why Akko seemed in a rush on wednesday afternoons. She had lessons for guitar then. The blonde had also inquired if Akko ever took voice lessons which the sorter girl denied, saying she didn’t have a good enough voice to need them (something Diana strongly disagreed with).
But reaching their senior year, their third and final year, choices had to be made. Career choices.
As Diana was a member of a long-standing line of medical personalities, she was very medically inclined and was to proceed along those lines, inheriting her families hospital. Akko, on the other hand, was unsurprisingly offered a scholarship in a farther town for a music program she had always wanted to join.
Despite being happy that her dear friend was acknowledged for her brilliance, Diana was torn as this would mean they would be apart. 
Smitten by Akko after all these years, she had wanted to confess and  possibly... have Akko as more than a friend after and into their adult life, maybe living together(?) if that wasn’t pushing it.
But Diana was to attend a nearby national college, her family’s alma mater. They were going to be separated for too long.
And so a prom passed, exams, final requirements, the grand day of recognition and proceeding to the next stage of life, and it was graduation night.
There was a party thrown by Amanda O’Neill, a celebration for their class and everyone was invited. Diana was not a very loud person, and certainly not a party-goer. Opting to sneak out into any quiet place, she found a room, occupied by one best friend, a soft bed, and a guitar.
A sense of deja vu washed over the girl as they both found themselves caught in a stare-off, frozen, before Diana managed the words...
“Play for me?”
Akko ended up playing a few songs, Diana sometimes humming along, the pair all smiles, and subtle gestures, touches. Diana thought it was now or never.
Apparently, they shared the same sentiment, eyes conveying every single thought they had.
“Let me sing for you.”
  This is my last dance with you This is my only chance to do all I can do To let you know that what I feel for you is real This is the last chance for us This is the moment that I just cannot let end Before I know that theres a chance were more than friends
So don't let go Just make it last all night long This is my last chance to make you mine
“Diana... I love you.”
A long discussion followed that night and Diana found herself with a girlfriend, the happiest lady alive. And it could only get better as she received a full-time offer from the school that also had Akko’s music program. It was a miracle that she would not allow to go to waste as she thanked the heavens for this blessing.
And this was how they ended up in the same unfamiliar town, the same city.
And Diana walked aimlessly still, just along the sidewalk until she found an empty park, beautiful in its peace and tranquility.
Seating herself on a cold bench, Diana thought on their relationship.
It had been about two months since they got together, but the reason for this meeting today was that they had yet to have their first date as both people found themselves incredibly busy over the course of the break, barely having enough time to sit and chat with all the packing and paperwork for moving and the campus and dorms. Diana’s family also had a vacation abroad.
Saying Diana was looking forward to this day was an understatement. She was far too excited, she needed this.
Alas, Akko was late, the two not sharing a dorm room due to different programs, apparently a no-show, and Diana simply wanted to cry, her day ruined.
She felt it. A drop of water touching her skin, splashing it’s sadness on her like a tin bomb. Slowly this drizzles intensity increased, Diana being forced to get up from her seat and seek shelter.
This rain made her even sadder as it was the time she needed comfort the most, and yet nothing shielded her from this sorrow, the skies crying with her-
It was that kind of sound, Diana thought. How this particular cloth when hit by rain sounded. It was an umbrella. Diana knew it that it could have just been another kind soul, but it wouldn’t hurt to hope? Looking up with a name on her lips, “Akk-” Diana frowned, seeing he man from earlier, his gaze stopping her words from escaping.
A smirk formed on his face, and Diana knew this was no act of kindness. “Thought you could get away after putting me on the spot like earlier?” He growled, hand grabbing the woman’s wrist.
“Have you been following me?!”
Wordlessly, Diana felt herself being tugged into a particular direction, her protests falling on deaf ears, her yells muted by the rain.
“Help, someone!” Even if she had a strong enough will, a man’s physique was stronger by nature. Especially this one’s. “Help!”
Without much choice as she was being dragged, only one thing entered Diana’s mind, and heart.
“Ladies should be treated with care.” A voice said coldly, threateningly. “Especially ones that are taken.”
Diana felt herself effortlessly pulled into a warm protective embrace, no more hurtful hold on her wrist as the contact with the man ceased. Finding herself under a different umbrella, Diana’s eyes tried to focus and she saw another hand, one holding her captor’s hand in a way that would certainly force him to let go of her.
“When they say let go,” The voice full of warning suddenly had a temperature drop, sounding so terrifying, ensuring nightmares. “Let. Go.” 
Watching the chap released and running in the distance, Diana fond herself releasing a breath she did not realize she was holding. Now that she as sure she was safe, her heart thumped loudly against her chest, now growing conscious of this point-zero proximity she shared with her... girlfriend.
Not that t wasn’t alright, just that the heiress was always embarrassed by these sorts of things, still trying to accustom herself to them.
“Are you alright?” That familiar loving voice whispered into her ear, an arm wrapping around her waist as the other hand held up an umbrella for the pair to share. Diana registered a new sound. It was a worried voice, a sorry voice. A voice that regretted, a cracked voice.
Nodding silently as Akko hugged her from behind, Diana hoped she could feel the gesture, not knowing what to say or do. Honestly, she was still rather upset that Akko had not come to their date. As much as she wanted to turn around an return the embrace, she couldn’t. She couldn’t bear the negative feelings she held towards Akko at that moment. She couldn’t even hold the hand on her stomach that was panting calming patterns to soothe her.
“I’m sorry.”
Words were meaningless to Diana. But she did need an explanation, and for that, she needed those meaningless words. Yet, she couldn’t form them for herself. It frustrated her.
“I’m so sorry, Diana.” She only nodded in response. “Please... forgive me.” Akko’s voice as cracked and Diana knew she was now crying. A warmer wetness was spreading on her shoulder. “So, so sor-”
Managing that one word was already far too difficult for Diana, so she was glad that Akko had heard it and began explaining.
“Diana, I... you see... my mother called- oh, but I know this has been something you’ve been waiting for! I’m so sorry! This is no excuse to ruin our very first date, but... my mom said that my dad go sick, but- oh he go well now, so they were celebrating and... and... they sent me some stuff... and actually... along with those... umm... I can’t believe I left it at home... you were supposed to have- where is it?!”
The hand around her waist momentarily retreated into Akko’s pocket as she heard jingles of keys and loose change and paper. She flinched a bit as she heard skin slapping against skin, Akko hitting her forehead.
“I’m sorry I’m so dumb!” The heiress felt herself being taken by the hand, her freezing hand being covered by Akko’s warm one as she was taken back into more familiar parts of town, walking for minutes in silence.
 Reaching this place, Diana raised a brow as she was being guided into the music department of their school, weaving through empty halls until they finally reached an open and empty room.
“Are we allowed to-”
“Oh don’t worry!” Diana’s question was answered before it was completed. “This is my designated practice room so...” Diana watched as her lover went about, grabbing a cushioned chair and letting Diana sit down as Akko went to a closet and brought out fresh towels, surprisingly. “Don’t ask why we have these here. It’s a musician emote thing.” Akko shrugged, not handing Diana the cloth, but going behind her and gently drying out her hair after placing one on Diana’s lap which the blonde used to dry her body.
After being considerably dry, Diana watched Akko go grab another towel and dry herself off before going around a corner in the room and emerging a few minutes later with warm chocolate milk.
“Again, don’t ask.” She chuckled, handing the cup over to Diana who gratefully accepted.
And now, as they were both settled, Diana in her chair and Akko on the floor in front of her, silence resumed.
“How- how is your father?” Diana tried. She was trying. To make their situation less tense and back to normal. She now knew Akko hadn’t done this on purpose and that it was just some inevitable mishap.
“Hm? O-oh. As I said, he’s better... they never told me he was sick... but well, while celebrating, mom said he got drunk and stumbled into my room and... he found... some stuff.” Akko said his last part with a blush and Diana was now curious.
“Stuff?” She was about to stand from her seat to get closer to Akko, but she was stopped and made to sit back down as Akko’s expressive eyes lit up in the way that told Diana she had something in mind.
So again, the Cavendish could only watch as Akko got up, heading off to the side of the room where Diana spotted a guitar lying around.
While she was left to wonder, Akko was left to be nervous, her fingers quivering and not from the cold. Diana saw all this, even as the musician was sucking in a deep breath before her eyes widened in recognition at a familiar intro being played, before Akko’s voice charmed her in was so marvelous.
“The rain is fallin' on my window pane”
“But we are hidin' in a safer place
Under covers stayin' dry and warm...
You give me feelings that I adore.”
Akko, from her standing position, got on one knee, playing closer to Diana as the medical student remained mesmerized, drowning on those warm pools. 
It starts in my toes, and I crinkle my nose Where ever it goes I always know
Diana giggled as Akko did Crinkle her nose, bumping it against Diana’s gently causing the girl to blush.
. That you make me smile, please, stay for a while now Just take your time wherever you go.”
Diana gasped as Akko drew closer, her eyes now gazing on Diana’s lips as she sang the next part almost in a whisper, guitar being strummed softly.
“I've been asleep for a while now You tucked me in just like a child now 'Cause every time you hold me in your arms I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth...”
Her breath hitched in her throat as Diana’s eyes shifted between looking at Akko’s lips, to gazing into her eyes, mouth dry, words caught. “... Akko...”
“Sing for me?” Having Akko kiss her nose affectionately was unfair, a sort of bribe, Diana would say, nevertheless, as Akko started on the last verse, she consented to the request and sang.
“It starts in my soul, and I lose all control When you kiss my nose, the feelin' shows 'Cause you make me smile, baby, just take your time now Holdin' me tight.. Akko....”
“Yes?” Akko’s hands stilled against the instrument, but Diana could still hear the accompaniment playing on. “What is it?”
“Wherever... Wherever... wherever you go.” Diana sang, to Akko’s pleasant surprise.
“ Wherever, wherever, wherever you go~.” Akko replied, bumping her forehead against Diana’s, singing in response. “Wherever you go I always know.“ She murmured, lips doing what the song said in its final words.
    'Cause you make me smile
“Diana, I’m sorry for being late. Sorry for ruining our first date, sorry-”
“Shhh...” A finger on her lips stopped Akko from further rambling. “It’s okay. Smile?”
And she did.
Diana gasped, Akko putting her guitar to the side and finally pulling something out of her pocket. A diamond necklace, one with the words, ‘Diana, Love and Forever’ engraved on it.
“You said you wanted it... when we thought we were going to be separated... in high school.”
“Akko...” Diana covered her mouth as tears flowed down, barely registering Akko’s words of planning to give it to Diana on their first date and her mom sending it over because she left it at home. All she heard an knew for sure was-
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
A/N: Too rushed. NO time... Ciao! Gotta runnnnn shoot....TEll me how it was?
~Shintori Khazumi
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atopearth · 5 years
Steins;Gate 0 Part 5 - Mayuri Ending and True Ending + Overall Opinion
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Mayuri Ending Hmmmm, so if you ignore Amadeus Kurisu’s call, Okabe and them waste too much time trying to explain everything to Maho, so they end up getting captured by the Rounders? I’m not really sure why the Rounders are still relevant right now to be after them, but I guess everyone just wants the time machine paper. The supposedly Stratfor guys coming to shoot off the Rounders and the laptop was very questionable though? Like, why? Hmm, I guess Okabe is right, better to destroy it than let others get their hands on it, but I feel like with how important it was, they still could have gotten it back considering their surprise attack and the manpower they had, but I guess they didn’t want to risk it? It was really sweet when Okabe stayed beside Maho when she was too scared to sleep by herself after experiencing all that, it’s cliche, but I thought it was really cute and heartfelt. I was pretty shocked when he was planning to tell Maho that he was the one who killed Kurisu, but I’m glad Maho stopped him since he was forcing himself so much. I don’t know why but I can’t skip those same events that happened in Leskinen’s ending part sighhhh, but anyway, aside from Maho cooperating with Daru and Suzuha on recreating/experimenting the time machine with their knowledge, and Maho coming to Japan (without getting brainwashed), nothing really different from the scenario before. Although, I really liked Faris’ suggestion of having Maho work at May Queen for rent instead of living at a business hotel hahaha.
I was pretty glad when Okabe found out the Daru was making the time machine, because it felt like they were finally confronting their problems. But I guess the highlight was Maho understanding that whether Okabe liked it or not, it was evident that despite what he said, he was less averted to stuff regarding time machines and Steins Gate etc now, he used to not be able to stomach it at all, but now he can talk about it. And honestly, you have to agree with Maho, that they’re similar, that despite wanting to give up many times and having given up before, they both are people that will persevere and keep trying. It’s hard, but that’s what people do to face themselves and the lives they want to live. My heart hurt for Mayuri when she heard them and realised that Kurisu was sacrificed for her, but I’m happy that she talked it out with Suzuha, who was able to tell her how much hope Mayuri gave her and Kagari in the future, and how much she believed in Okabe to change that future. It was nice to see Mayuri be able to pick herself up and want to fight for the one she loves too, knowing that she wants to try her best to bring her favourite Hououin Kyoma back was really heartwarming. Just as Okabe saved her in the past, she also wants to save him. Even if she knows that she can never be the one he loves (romantically), she will still do everything she can for him, and I think that’s wonderful.
Tbh, Yuki being Kagari (after plastic surgery) helped me confirm why whenever I heard Kagari talk, it sounded just like Yuki/Suzuha hahaha, so it wasn’t as shocking as it was supposed to be I guess. But it was pretty saddening to see Kagari brutally kill all those people and for Mayuri to not be able to comfort her in her last moments. The only solace I can think of is that, all this time that Yuki got to spend with Mayuri was probably enough for her though… In this sense, I guess it was nice to see in the other endings Kagari as Kagari herself. I guess I’m most shocked about this Yuki not actually being the mum they were hoping for all this time haha. Regardless though, she did seem to like Daru and I think that was pretty cute. I’m glad that Mayuri’s message to Okabe finally motivated him to time leap and change things since the war had started. Leskinen being the crazy doctor/professor that brainwashed Kagari ever since she was a kid in 2036 was hinted at already, so that wasn’t surprising even though it was saddening and uncomfortable to think about. But yeah Mayuri’s message really touched me, so I’m glad Okabe has finally understood her and everyone’s feelings and will try to fix things up again no matter what. It’s saddening that Kagari keeps dying, but it was nice to see Hououin Kyoma laugh at them all for being too late in trying to get the time machine. Just thinking about Mayuri going back to slap Okabe in the face makes me happy haha.
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True Ending I have to admit that it was great to see the older Okabe do that message he sent to himself in the original game in order to save Kurisu without changing the events that “happened”. It was also pretty cute to see Maho sigh at how ridiculous she thought he was hahaahha. I also really liked it when Okabe said he was going to find his escaped hostage haha😊 It’s inevitable that Okabe should “die” in 2025, but that can also mean he “disappeared” from 2025 onwards, so seeing him climb into the time machine to go save the Suzuha and Mayuri who went to wake him up, give them the spare battery their machine needs and then come back to this timeline together, it was sweet. They’ll probably never see him again, but seeing him with such strength in his eyes is worth it imo. And it ends! Okay, time for the rant/mini review?
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Overall Opinion
Honestly, I have mixed feelings towards Steins;Gate 0. Before I started it, I already read some reviews so I lowered my expectations because it’s pretty different from the original etc, but I think I was still disappointed LOL. The game depicts the journey of the Okabe who sent the message from the future telling Okabe in the true ending of the original game to deceive the world in order to be able to save Kurisu. At first, it was difficult to realise how all these endings tied into that concept because the game isn’t very linear. The game more or so follows the different world lines and potential endings for Okabe to kinda get through to I guess show how many times Okabe had to do all this in order to reach the world line where he would be able to help his past self. Quite frankly, I don’t think I enjoyed most of the endings haha… Some were good and nice, but others were just…tedious and haphazardly drawn out imo. If I could, I would suggest just doing the “main route” to the true ending, but the game doesn’t work that way, you’ll miss crucial information that ties things together, and you’ll miss all the background info to understand it, so I guess going through all those endings made me appreciate the end, however, it didn’t change the fact that going through all those endings were a chore. In that sense, it reminds me of OZMAFIA!! If you don’t know the otome game, you basically have to do all the routes before you get an explanation of the plot, story and everything basically. It ties together and makes things make much more sense so it’s good, but to this day, I’m still not sure if it was worth the 40 hours of different routes and endings to get to. That’s how mixed I feel towards 0. It’s relatively interesting, it has amusing plot points, and the slice of life was kinda fun, but it was way too draggy for my liking. 
When I played the original game, I enjoyed every bit of it, it never made me want to put it down and I was always engaged, and I really liked the characters. In this sequel, my favourite characters come back, but they’re pretty much a hollow shell of who they used to be, and there honestly wasn’t a moment in the game where I thought, I’d like to know where this will go now besides the ending. The new characters aren’t as interesting, well, Maho is all right, but she can’t carry the story with a depressed Okabe. I also found the flow of everything to be really…awkward? As you can see from my comments on the endings, I just found how everything occurred in each ending really sloppy, things aren’t built properly imo and it lacks the impact it could have created. Oh, and since Maho and Okabe are obsessed with Kurisu in their respective ways, the game kinda relies on you to understand and love Kurisu in the same way to really connect with them imo. Which isn’t bad I guess since most people do like Kurisu, and I do too, but yeah, I just felt like this game relied too much on the original game for you to like it. However, despite everything, I guess it is worth playing if you’re a fan of Steins;Gate, I mean, you might as well try it and see if it’s to your tastes hahaha. For me, it wasn’t and I definitely wouldn’t be interested in playing it again or watching the anime (especially when I thought the original Steins;Gate anime was tedious enough tbh lol). I was actually pretty glad when I was done LOL.
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lsgingasblog · 7 years
Of Happy Coincidences and Fated Connections Chapter 4
Act 4
“Fancy seeing you here Diana”
Goodness. Andrew.
“Likewise” Diana answered back with moderate civility.
They were of course near blaytonberry, near where the wild hunt took place there was a festival going on celebrating the successfully averted missile crisis and the British has decided to extend its help and gratitude towards helping luna nova and magic community since ‘they are useful after all’ as said by one of the politicians in the news conference 2 days after the missile crisis.
Today is a few months after said crisis and Diana has been rather annoyed at all the focus of the story being mostly about sensationalism and asking silly stuff like how did she get her hair so fluffy, does she have a boyfriend, or how does it feel to be up in space- granted that was fairly amazing so she can fault that- or what’s her diet or what does she like wearing. How is any of that relevant?
Or they ask to perform magic, of course she does end up relenting but she’s not sure how she feels, chariot toured and made people happy, here it just seems like a pet being asked to do tricks.
It would seem even akko that was enjoying it has grown rather weary of it, only Amanda among them is still basking in the limelight. Ooh wait. Amanda just punched a paparazzi disturbing Constanze and Jasminka. Ahh……headmistress Holbrooke will have her hands full for sure.
Worst thing though as I glanced at Akko she is being hit on by the 8th guy that evening and mind you that’s only counting the guys, she was hit on by 4 girls as well. Honestly-
“Does that make your blood boil Diana?”
There it is, that stupid smug look. I purposely pretended I didn’t hear.
Honestly I love akko, yes I am aware of that and have accepted that, but her trying to put Andrew and I in situations to better become friends has been grating to say the least. Also if I had to see his stupid smirking face one more time it will be too soon.
Also I can’t forget the threat he made about pursuing akko after some time. He makes my blood boil in all fairness, as honest as I am to admit that I do get jealous and annoyed how familiar some of akko’s suitors get she always seem wholly disinterested, but akko loves hanging out alone with Andrew. I’m vaguely aware she might hold feelings for me as well, but at times I am so uncertain and to make it worse today is the last day of the year. We have already finished school over a week ago and move-out time is tomorrow after noon time.
Akko is going to stay at Yanson along with Manbavaran & professor Ursula strangely enough for 2 weeks and they’re going to do a nightfall trip of Europe apparently and they chose professor Ursula as their guide.
After that Akko is heading back to Japan for the remainder of the summer break since she hasn’t visited back home once since she’s started and from I gathered her parents weren’t all too happy with their only daughter facing off a missile. Of course that is perfectly reasonable.
I invited team red, green and Hannah and Barbara to Cavendish manor 1 week before school begins, but sadly I will be swamped with taking care of Cavendish affairs as well as exploring the few politicians or higher ups that were interested in a more magic-science coalition in regards to medicine and health.
Apart from that professor Ursula seems to have asked my help into something urgent once she comes back from the trip, she seems very tight-lipped about it so I’m assuming it’s very serious.
Fake cough all you want Andrew. Hope you go into a coughing fit.
“Water is over there” I motion to the way other side of where we’re standing.
He smirks. Honestly he’s infuriating how akko enjoys his company is beyond me.
“No, I’m good although your face has such a noticeable scowl I worry how akko would feel if this facial expression would be your permanent face.”
I let my scowl slip? Good, actually not even bothered to be honest. He should know of my displeasure.
“Hmm I did say to akko quite a few times that getting you and I to be friends would be quite the fruitless endeavor, but you know her adorably stubborn attitude and all”
‘No, don’t call her that’ was on the tip of my tongue, but instead
“I actually agree with you on something for once”
“Ahh that’s good to hear. Listen Diana I honestly am sorry for the way I treated you and dismissed magic like I did.”
You know what, that sounded sincere. Maybe akko wasn’t completely wrong, Andrew and I can-
“That said I will give you until the first week back at luna nova after the summer break. After that I’m going to start pursuing Akko”
Never be friends. Nope. No. This guy. I swear.
“I assumed you were merely jesting Andrew, didn’t you say you weren’t sure of your feelings? I truly care about akko, can you say the same?”
Andrew smirk fades away. Aha. Instead he gets a genuine smile again. Darn.
“Yes I can, although I’m sure not as strong of bond as both of you have. I am gentleman of course so I give you ample amount of time. However if I still have these feelings toward miss Kagari after going a break without seeing her than I know I owe to myself to at least try.”
I can’t even hate the guy for that. Truly.
“In any case Diana it was interesting, I have already talked to akko a while back, I do recommend you go talk to her, I’m sure you’ve noticed her dip in mood. She won’t open up to me about it, but maybe it would be something you can get out of her. Good night Diana”
“Good night Andrew. Take care”
He looked surprised, but good thing he took away the sad smile from his face “Same to you Diana” he chuckled “Truly akko is incredible…”
“She is” I answer without a moment’s hesitation. We nod to each other and he was finally off.
Only akko can make me tolerate Andrew so much. Honestly seeing him genuinely care for akko that much, despite how unsettled it makes me, does warm me up a bit more to Andrew. Although won’t admit that out loud anytime soon.
In any case now to finally find Akko in these festivities. I go towards our groups of friends but they said akko zoomed past them but they could only show me the general direction.
I follow my instincts and see an opening in a small tree entrenched area I go past it and there she is.
Just staring up at the-Wow the night sky is beautiful. Akko notices I am here. She looks startled but she changes her sad expression into a smile I love seeing and pats the ground next to her.
Non-verbal akko means something is bothering her. However sometimes akko closes off or becomes defensive when pushed in these situations. Well-timed nudged and coaxing work best, at least from what I could tell about that night we drank at the café that cold night or a few other instances after.
Akko has mentioned briefly her feelings of inadequacy due to longer being in the possession of the shiny rod, but it’s mostly an object that channels your own energy, enhancements are as much a thing for it.
I suppose it’s the expectations placed on her though that truly has her worried, teachers, public and so many more are expecting great things from the underdog witch that saved the world. I heard murmurings throughout the halls and some people calling her out for being a one-hit wonder. I have made sure to report most of those as possible, but akko caught me and she made clear she wants to fight her own battles.
She iced me out a few days after that. It was horrible, but we patched things up a few days ago so I that’s good.
I sat down next to her.
Ooh god the way she said it……
“Yes akko?”
She grabs my hand and I swear my heart almost jumps out of my chest.
“Let’s get out of here”
Wait what.
“I’m sorry I know the fireworks show is soon and you probably want to see it, but it’s just been really tiring today and the people have been so clingy and annoying and I just want to go back to luna nova and don’t worry we’ll tell professor Ursula we’re leaving early so she doesn’t worry”
She looks at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes I have seen. Honestly she could be wearing a plastic bag with running mascara that might make her look like a trash can raccoon and I would still be charmed by her. Goodness I have it bad. Summer break is too long, maybe I should take advantage of today.
First things first though
She had the biggest smile ever and she runs to grab her broom and mine. She only recently started getting the hang of flying, but she has to have someone supervising her at all times when she trains on one, especially for longer distances. She comes back with a big smile and hands me my broom.
“Told Ursula it’s all good, let’s go. Tia Freyre!”
I called out the incantation as well and we were off. Akko isn’t as unsteady as she used to be after May fair. She still goes up and down and I stay close behind to make sure I can help if anything goes wrong.
There is something that nags at me though concerning the sad expression Akko had on and what Andrew said, I noticed it too. So did sucy and lotte but apparently akko refused to open to them about it as well.
It was a harrowing journey to Luna Nova, but nothing caught me more off-guard then when Akko finally said something I wasn’t expecting at all and it came without warning since we were talking about stuff that we were going to do in our respective breaks or how silly some of the politicians there truly were.
“Was shame the reason you didn’t admit that we knew each other before the Samhain festival months back?”
The wind was knocked out of me, I mean of course when I mentioned I was at chariot’s show akko would put two and two together. Right after though we had the missile fiasco and we were bombarded with attention from the non-magic community. While dealing with the overwhelming pressure of school and the stares and attention of our peers. Apart from that with everything going on I was roped to help headmistress in a lot of these exchanges and so was akko from time to time. It was so hectic that we haven’t had actual alone time now that I think about.
Goodness though shame is the least I felt, even back then. I have to clarify this.
“Of course not Akko, it was-”
The fireworks were going off overhead and akko was announced at the sky
“Look it’s beautiful!” but her voice was strained and she seemed to be avoiding my gaze.
“Akko please” I pleaded.
She can’t hear me over the loud fireworks and she speeds up. It’s true we weren’t that far from Luna Nova, but she’s avoiding me. No, no way. I will not leave things off like this the whole summer break at the very least.
She nearly crash lands in the courtyard I use a spell to cushion her fall. She whips around and her face is clearly angry but the tears near the side of her eyes are tell-tale sign of having cried. Merlin I’m the worst. Before I can start I’m cut off.
“You think I need protection or I can’t protect myself don’t you Diana!”
Goodness how did it get to this.
“No, Akko please I care about you and-”
“No you were silencing those other girls because you were ashamed to be associated with me as a friend. Ashamed that I no longer have the power of the Shiny Rod and you are still ashamed because I’m the little girl you met all those years ago at the Shiny Chariot show. You knew since then and you still didn’t say anything, what else could possibly be the reason here!”
Akko’s face is angry and she’s crying I just want to scream at the top of my lungs ‘Because I love you’, but I’m a coward and I will work on salvaging our friendship first.
“Akko I consider you a very dear friend and I couldn’t be prouder of you-”
“Diana you don’t have to lie”
I was annoyed now too so I pleaded
“Please Akko hear me all the way to the end. Is that acceptable? I hate seeing you this sad I’ve noticed for days. So has Andrew.”
“You actually had a civil conversation with Andrew?”
You know what the small spark in her eyes that came back is worth such a concession.
“Yes, but can I please finish my earlier point.”
She nods.
“Listen Akko we both stopped the missile up there so hearing the girls dismiss your effort and the fact that you were the one that was able to unlock all the words, yes you had help but without your drive, your energy and your pure love for magic and the joy it brings none of it could not have been possible. Everyone who is near you is inspired, that why we would stick with you and defend you till the end, because you are deserve such attention and actions. It is for that reason I reprimanded them, I know you can fight your own battles, believe me” I pause I look at her. She’s listening intently and I decide to continue.
“About Shiny Rod I knew you were sad but the rod was merely an object that transferred your powers. The magic that came out of it was all you. Now you merely have to get used to channel your magic through a much smaller relay which is your wand and that will take time, but that’s ok because I have no doubt in my mind you will become an even more amazing witch, because you inspire others and you work hard. It’s one of the things that has always left me in awe of you Akko.”
I looked at Akko she seemed less guarded, but I haven’t answered the question that started all of this yet. I took a deep breath and continued.
“Chariot’s magic was my drive to get my magic back then, but you have undoubtedly restored my sense of wonder and unbridled joy with magic, while my love hasn’t waned and the hopes of seeing it restored, the clinical and efficient way I went about learning more and more magic took away the childlike fun and happiness I felt for it. Akko when I first the cards I confess I didn’t know how to feel and I assure you though it wasn’t shame.”
She looks at me skeptically, but I power through.
“You see I wasn’t lying when I said the one from the café that evening. I was jealous despite how different you were that your magic was still the closest to chariot, I realized quite some time ago though why you deserve to be the closest. Your magic may tend to be clumsy in regard to execution but its charm is undeniable and you lost neither the love nor the unbridled joy you felt for magic. It is for that reason and the fact that I could not accept my childhood idol as chariot that truly held me back. I confess I also felt inadequate, I actually assumed you would be disappointed to have me of now as oppose to the me of back then”
Akko eyes widen.
“Diana, I wouldn’t you’re absolute amazing after all. Also we were kids back then of course we will be different from when we are kids. That said why didn’t you tell me at the café that night? It would’ve been the perfect time, right?”
She’s right. I mean I didn’t because I was still figuring out my jumbled non-platonic feelings for her. I have come to terms with them, yet why can’t I admit them? Fear of rejection? Fear of losing a friendship with her? No, I’m probably just a coward.
“You’re right it would’ve been a good moment to tell you and I’m sorry. I had just felt that we had started forming a bond, I was unaware how you would feel, although in hindsight now I realize I was being silly and I’m sorry. As you know the last months have been fairly hectic. I know that’s also an excuse and for that I am truly sorry. Akko I value our friendship and I value you as a person as well and I believe in you so please no that shame has absolutely no place in my feelings towards you.”
Akko had her face at the ground. Goodness I wouldn’t be able to bear it if she didn’t accept this.
She lifted her head and had big smile on her face.
“Ok got it. Let’s go exchange the cards”
She grabs my hand as I get dragged and run along to follow where she’s going. Our brooms lay forgotten on the ground but those can wait for later. I stare at her face, while we’re running towards her dorms from what I can make out from the twists and turn we are making and the general direction we are heading towards. Akko seems happy and although I would’ve liked to talk to her more in depth about her insecurities, Akko has always been a learning by doing person, so instead I’ll make an effort to put more time aside to properly help her, she’s already come a long way but I want to support and perhaps inspire her as well, it’s the least I could do after all she’s done for me.
I find myself having a big stupid smile on my face. This brings me back to that chariot show.
We finally made it to her dorm she opens the door and grabs the card
“You have yours here, right?” I nod and she drags me to my side of my dorm. This. This same exhilarating feeling whenever I’m in Akko’s presence. It feels amazing.
We got here and Akko stares at me expectantly and I open the door and I grab the card that was in the hidden compartment beneath where the chariot card was.
We both had flushed faces from the running although I’m sure mine wasn’t from that alone.
It was something so monumental back then and it was still fairly great but we exchanged cards and just started laughing at what transpired and how quickly and randomly we ended upon finally doing this.
I confess I was hoping for a special moment, but with akko most things will end up fairly unpredictable.
So I decide now is as good as time as any and I ask her if she knew about the book by the name of Believing Astral Hearts that Chariot did some years ago. She didn’t, but she seemed interested and so I grabbed the storybook.
We held onto our own zodiac cards for now and we made ourselves comfortable on the couch and started reading together.
We laughed and mimicked weird voices, mostly akko though and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
We decided to take a break after the third story. I was both relieved and sad we didn’t get to the cancer and Taurus one.
“This is amazing Diana! We never got this in Japan”
I explain to her it had an extremely limited and regional release and I offered it to her. After all since the messages in this story book reflect in a big way the Arcturus words it seems fitting that Akko might use this as inspiration in her summer break, much in the same way I tend to find comfort for it.
I may still be a coward to be fair, but just knowing that akko and I will be sharing yet another thing in common make me more-dare I say- giddy than I can even explain.
She refused at first but I insisted. She proceeded to tackle me with a hug after finally accepting it and says thank you.
One thing about akko is that’s she very hyper and is not afraid to show her immediate emotions so I have been the receiving ends of her hugs more than I can count, but it never ceases to amaze me just how warm and happy I feel when I get them from her, nor does it ever fail to make my heart race.
She pulls apart and grabs my hand. I’m unsure why until I feel the atmosphere and we start inching closer to each other.
“Diana!! Are you alright!?” Hannah and Barbara shouted in unison after bursting into the room.
Akko has completely pulled away and her face was beat red, I’m sure mine wouldn’t be fairing any better.
“Akko? Are you ok?” Hannah and Barbara have grown close with the rest of team red and green as well and since I suspect they are aware of my feelings for akko they also have a vested interest in her well-being.
Akko greets and says sorry and dismisses herself. No. I will not let this slide.
Hannah and Barbara finally notice what was going on by the exchange of looks I’m sure.
“We’re sorry Diana, we didn’t know- I mean when Ursula told us after the fireworks that Akko came to say you and Diana had to go without any explanation in such an anxious manner we got worried and decided to check on both of you. Since there were some people that were less than happy that magic is back at that event”
Ahh yes I noticed them, but I paid them no mind since I’ve always been antagonized like regarding my love for magic, I naturally suspected the opposition would grow now that magic is seeping back into the world.
“Ahh…..no it’s quite alright, Hannah, Barabara. If you will excuse me though….” I came at a loss what to say but luckily they understood me.
“Don’t worry Diana, go and clear things up right now, Akko is a loose cannon and persistent brooder when she’s properly down.”
Hannah was right.
“Also Diana good luck….” Barbara smiled at me and I was completely obvious but I couldn’t even care.
So I dashed as fast as I can to try to find akko and I finally caught up with her.
“Akko wait!” and I grabbed unto her hand. This is the perfect time to tell her.
“Akko take your card back” She looked hurt. Ooh no was supposed to say something else before leading up to that. Akko pulls harder to escape, but I’m not letting things like this.
“Ahh no you misunderstand I want us to trade back because we always find each other right? We’ll both be busy this summer so we have each other’s card to remind us that we’ll see each other again in a few months. Of course I realize right now that’s silly probably. I’m so-”
“No! I love it I mean that would be nice. Also sorry for storming off like that”
I wanted to ask why she did but she seemed as anxious as I am. Ooh. Andrew might be right. If the feelings are mutual though I wonder. You know what. I’m going for it.
“Diana would you like to come on the trip around Europe with lotte, sucy & professor Ursula, I’m sorry for such short notice it’s just I thought you were embarrassed of me or something…..and yeah.. I get it now you aren’t and I’m sorry for feeling down, but I think I really like this storybook Diana it reminds me a bit of shiny rod and the words so thank you….”
I smile. Although my courage is all but dashed away. I’m truly a coward, but I’m happy I cleared this up. It’s a pity though about the trip.
“I’m sorry akko, I have previous arrangements I can’t get out of although if you are going to a place in England or near the Cavendish manor to give me message. Here’s my address.” And I conjured up a paper with my address “Just send an owl to that directory. Also miss Yanson recently showed me how to use the modern gadgets and I will be buying mine soon. As soon as I have mine I will contact miss Yanson to contact you with the information”
She looks overjoyed.
“That would be really great Diana” and I was met with another hug. I swear they’re addicting.
She separates again and the atmosphere is back, but just as swiftly it is cut by Yanson’s
“Akko! Ooh there you are. We were worried.” Manbavaran comes stoically coming after Yanson, but you can tell Manbavaran’s facial expression relaxes a bit after she sees akko is ok.
Akko turns around “Don’t worry I’m a-ok! Tomorrow vacation starts! Doki Doki no Waku Waku time!”
I swear I have to ask her what a few of her Japanese words and phrases are, but I know this word means akko is extremely excited and happy and her exuberance is contagious in these instances.
Note to self. Learn Japanese this summer break.
“In any case good night Diana, see you tomorrow morning”
Akko smiles at me and I smile back “Good night Akko, sleep well and to you to Lotte, Sucy” they nod in my direction and wish me good night too.
Well today has been eventful. I have many things this upcoming summer break, but I’m very happy for all that’s ahead for me.
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Match-up for Oreocookie4501
@oreocookie4501 sorry for the wait and thank you for your nice words !
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Your match is Yamamoto
Yamamoto is a really simple and honest guy, he’s used to spit out every questions or positive thoughts that cross his mind because he doesn't see what’s bad about complimenting someone. When he tells you how amazing an pretty he finds you, it’s definitely not to cheer you up or reassure you, but it’s because he really thinks so.
Hiding depressing thoughts behind a smile, Yamamoto knows a lot about this, as well as he knows it’s important to have someone you can talk to about any problems you can encounter even if you’re cinvinced no one could understand or help you with your issues. He spotted how uncomfortable you could be or how fake and hurt your sweet smile can be when people compliment you or point weight problem in general, a grin is plastered on your face with the tone of the conversation, but your body langage says otherwise. Even if he understood pretty quickly, he won’t confront you because he doesn’t want you to feel even more uncomfortable but he’ll let open a door for you, whenever you’ll feel okay sharing your thoughts.
It makes him pretty upset to see you withdraw into yourself because you can’t pass throught these insecurities, which do not need to be by the way, and he’ll do everything he can to help you gain more confidence, cheering you up every now and then. When you’ll try to run away from him because you’re began to get attached to him, he’ll grab you won’t let go, showing you how much he cares about you and that everything’s going to be okay, he will not go anywhere and doesn’t want you to go away from him neither, at all cost. When both of your start dating, he’ll be the kind of guy who kiss every single parts of your body which make you uncomfortable to let you know that he loves you in your interety, and all the things you see as imperfections are what make you perfect to his eyes.
He’s usually the one everyone come to see when they need to talk to leave with a reboost, and it’s the kind of talk he needs himself sometimes, when he’s feeling a little down and even if he doesn’t act like it. As he can read in you, you can read in him as well and your reassuring side, your advices and your listener quality are gladly appreciate when you offer them to him, he wouldn’t want to be a bother for you at first, but he can’t refuse your invitations as, just your presence helps him feel better.
Once the "Real You" discovered, Takeshi realizes how much he loves spending time with you and he definitely doesn’t regret all the time digging to help you open up. Your funny side makes you someone he always has a good laugh with, while, even if he doesn’t get your sarcastic side all the time, you found him really cute. He can be a real tease when he plays like it and you’ll often be trapped in a cat and dog game~ You both are loyal and deeply care for you friends and family, ready to jump in if they’re in danger; even if he acts the exact same way and so, he can’t tell you something about it, he’s not pretty happy to see you put yourself in danger. It works as well for your independance, as he understands and admires the fact your fight for and love your independance, he won’t hesitate to give you a talk or a lecture if you’re too much reckless and put you in complicated situations, he doesn’t want to lose you or see you harmed because of unecessary risks. Your dates will probably be composed around a chilling atmoshpere, whether you or him hanging around in each other house, playing videogame instead of working or review lessons and often ending watching at the sky while wondering about the universe, Yamamoto is a big dreamer too and he won’t disappoint you with his theories!
Your life in the KHR! World
Yamamoto yawned, swallowing half of his words as tiredness pricked caramel eyes he was unable to rub because he couldn't free his hands. "..and that's what makes me think that the most powerful family own dozen of little planets throught the galaxy where E.T stop to recharge their spaceships batteries."
As you didn't answered, he casted his glance on your head, popping out the comforter you both were wrapped in, comfortably installed against his chest, your eyes seemed closed and surprise was clearly read on his face.
"..Don't tell me you're already asleep with all the naps you took today.." He let out a warmy chuckle, making his body trembled and your nose scowled as you moved a bit and he blessed you because he was now able to pull off his numbed arm from underneath you. He passed his fingers throught your chestnut brown hair, watching trenderly your little frowns, probably caused by the video game music still playing in the flat, it's funny because, he could bet that, seconds ago, when his voice was the only audible thing on the balcony, you seemed so peaceful. With a tender kiss on the top of your head, he smiled to himself, blinking at the thousands lights hovering above your forms.
Runner-up: Ken Friends: Gokudera, Tsuna, Chikusa Match from another Fandom: Kagari Shusei - Psycho-Pass
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