#Kai doesn’t want a normal life he only wants chaos
textsfrombeybladers · 2 years
The most unrealistic part of Beyblade is the ‘future’ chapter having Kai be a successful businessman as an adult and not a homeless alcoholic who lives in a cardboard box with like ten cats
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Attempted Outfit References for the Royal!Legacy AU! Was gonna do the other four royals too but maybe they’ll just get their own post in a thousand years cuz I am SPENT 
What’s that? You don’t even know what this is? So glad you asked! In short, it’s a ““quick”” fic meant to tide people over from the main chaos of Legacyverse and give ‘em some Aftershockshipping (Cole x Jesse) to gnaw on. We’re self-indulging to the max here. You don’t actually have to be fully caught up on the main series to follow along, but it does provide some extra context for certain character’s behaviors and whatnot. 
Anyway, some General Stuff if you don’t feel like reading several thousand words (and only a couple hundred instead):
Prince Cole is the sole heir to the Kingdom of the West, the Province of Entertainment, which inherited from his late mother, Queen Lilly. His father, Prince Consort Lou, is therefore putting extreme pressure unto him to at least begin courting a potential suitor, primarily to preserve the West’s “good” reputation, and meddling to make sure Cole is paired up with another royal/noble. Cole, however, doesn’t believe that royals are all that different from commoners, and more importantly doesn’t want to be stuck with someone he can’t come to love. He still tries to appease his father’s wishes by seeking suitors on his own terms, but those plans go out the window as a rose comes in through his...
Jesse was a magician-in-training after earning himself a magic ring from a lady in a traveling tea cart as a child, but finds himself working in the Western Palace’s gardens instead to have steady money to send back home for his little sister’s care. He really didn’t expect to become smitten with the Western Prince himself, but after spending months of failures to match up an increasingly depressed Cole, he decides to make a move himself during the Spring Festival. Enlisting the help of a Western Palace guard and the Eastern Princess to conceal his identity, he succeeds in wooing the prince, but now it’s his accidentally overly suave alter ego that Cole’s in love with...or is it?
Jay is Cole’s right-hand Royal Retainer—initially born to a western-born entertainer and an eastern-born lightning mage, Jay otherwise grew up as an abandoned orphan until he was taken in by a married couple working within the Western Palace, and got his break working his way up in rank by doing whatever jobs were needed + being a good childhood friend to Cole. He fears that Lou will fire him if he’s caught “slacking” on the job, and thus tries to nudge Cole into appeasing his father, but after seeing Cole become genuinely happy (and learning this mystery admirer’s true identity) eventually begins to advocate for “true love” too (especially after swooning over a certain Southern Princess). 
Antonia is a Palace Guard for the Western Palace, normally put on patrol in the Queen’s Gardens where Jesse works, and thus the two have formed something of a friendship (although for Antonia initially, it’s just for the entertainment). She helps Jesse secretly leave flower gifts in Cole’s room, and is the one to encourage him to go after Cole during the festival in the first place—though she made it very clear that this was supposed to be way easier than Jesse whipping up some kind of a double life that’s obviously going to backfire. 
Kai is the Heir Apparent for the jurisdiction of the Southern Kingdom, known for its fertile land and exceptional trade routes between the other kingdoms. Despite his father marrying a noble maiden from the Archipelago, there’s still some bad blood between the South and the royalty of the islands—which is unfortunate, given that Kai is secretly in a relationship with the Archipelago’s princess. Still fronting that he’s searching for a suitor like Cole, he has until the end of the Spring Festival to go public with his unapproved love and potentially abandon his kingdom in the process—or let her fall into an awful arranged marriage. Maybe seeing a humble gardener boy shoot his shot will be the inspiration he needs to make his choice...for better or worse.
Nya is the second-born heir to the Southern Kingdom, and as a result of not being in line for the throne, doesn’t take her role as a princess as seriously as she should. She gets to happily fling herself into a potential budding relationship with Cole’s supposedly non-noble retainer, but after becoming invested with Jesse’s wild romantic schemes by association and realizing the deep trouble her brother’s actually in, she starts to step up and help make things right where she can. 
For the other half of all this lore, stay tuned! And pray I can nail the rest of the refs...
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nataliiiii · 2 years
What if Luffy wasn’t the only child ?
Then will the world change ?
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Chapter II: The unexpected meeting
On the Mary Gold
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"Oh Tomiiiii!!!! Please play some music for us, we are bored as hell."
Bonbon and Y/n said like a child begging for candies.
"I’m sorry doc and cap. I’m in the middle of a conversation with Iris right now. Maybe I can play something later!"
Tomi apologized and turn back to his conversation.
It’s pretty much a peaceful day for the Y/crew/n pirates. But then Koi shouted.
Everyone immediately let their guard up and focus more on the direction Koi is pointing at.
Kai shouted to us while feeding anxious. The whole crew began to worry if them can survive this situation.
In spite of worrying, the captain of Mary Gold feels happy and extremely confident about herself.
"Elton, prepare the cannons!"
"Yes cap!"
Y/n ordered.
On the Moby Dick
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"Look at those rookies."
"Let show them what is power!"
"Let sink them!"
The Whitebeard pirates are feeling excited about the situation.
"SHUT UP!!!"
A large man sitting in the middle of the deck shouted.
"Marco, you will deal with this."
Suddenly a blue bird appears and fly towards Mary Gold.
Kai shouted. The bird immediately kicked Mary Gold backwards.
"Oh this lil birdie."
Kai took his guns and began to shooting at the bird. Koi came in and supported his brother. The other members are trying to hold the wheel of Mary Gold. Y/n on the other hand cut her hand. Blood began pouring out. Y/n just need to snap her hand then suddenly a wing appears behind her back. She then fly off to the bird. The two began to fighting but Y/n was no match for the blue birdie.
"Don’t try too much kid. You can’t win against me-you"
"Shut up and focus on the fight."
Y/n began to be mad about it so she shouted.
Immediately a knife was thrown towards the blue bird. He thought it was just a normal knife but he was wrong. It was made of sea stone. Blood began to pour down from his injuries. Y/n took that as an opportunity and began to control his blood.
"What kind of creepy power is that?"
The bird asked confused but Y/n ignored it.
Y/n said as a sign to go near the Moby Dick. The Mary Gold was much smaller than the Moby Dick but Y/crew/n pirates are on a different level. The fight soon began. Y/n attempted to leave the bird to Mirui and Bonbon. At the corner of Y/n eyes, she saw Whitebeard. One of the Yonko. Y/n charges for him. But she was no match for him and with the protection of his children. Soon Y/n was tired and as she looked back. The most heartbreaking thing happened. Her crew was all tied up.
"Now what will you do?"
The blue bird asked and transferred to a human with blonde hair and a purple t-shirt.
"How about we make a deal?"
Y/n looked at WB ( Whitebeard) and asked.
"Sound interesting"
He replied.
"You left my crew alone and I’ll be the hostage?"
Y/n confidently said.
"NO CAP!!"
Y/crew/n pirates start to get chaos.
"A deal is a deal WB."
"GURARARARARA I like this one. The deal is accepted."
After got tied up, Y/n started to think about her life. She doesn’t want to eat anything or talk to anyone on the Moby Dick.
A few days later
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Y/n heard cheers and laughter. She looked to where those noises were coming from. Then her eyes open wide. She used all her strength to get up and run towards the per that called "The second commander". At the last step she then jumped on him and hug his head. This action made the WB pirates prepare their weapons and ready to fight her.
Y/n shouted and cried. This makes everyone surprised. Only Ace was the one to be confused.
"Y/n what are you doing here? Are you hurt anywhere? Have they done anything to you?"
Ace asked worryingly.
"I’m ok aniki. I’m just a hostage here."
Y/n huffed. She then told Ace everything about what happened and about her crew.
A reunion of two brother and sister was held.
To be continued
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Instinct, Part 10
Summary: Omegas were rare. Some even thought them extinct. So when Boba contacts Din saying he has a gift Din can’t refuse, the last thing he expects to find is an omega in need of an alpha. Din has to make the hard decision, but what else was he really doing anyways? But naturally, there’s more to this omega than meets the eye.
Pairing: Din Djarin x OC
Warnings: NSFW, smut, P in V sex, unprotected sex, biting, violence, weapons, brief mention of blood at the end. 
A/N: I am sorry. But not really. But maybe a little. I’ve decided to speed things up a bit and make this story a bit shorter. A lot is going to happen in the next couple parts to be prepared. 
< Previous | Next > | MASTERLIST | Reader Version  
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They’ve managed to take out five of them. 
They’d spent the most time chasing cold leads, but Din had told her that was what a lot of bounty hunting involved, especially a hunt to this caliber. They still have a long way to go. 
Kai isn’t sure she can do it. 
Her nerves are almost frayed beyond repair. Din doesn’t seem bothered at all, but this was his life before her. This was normal for him. He never seemed worried, never seemed stressed. Every time he left the ship, with or without her, Kai came close to panicking. 
Naturally, in her worry, she’d been pulling away. She hadn’t realized it at first. She let him hold her when they slept. She still stayed glued to his side when they left the ship, let his hand rest on her back when people stared too long. 
They haven’t fucked since he killed the first target. 
It wasn’t like they were really trying, though. He hadn’t initiated anything, and neither had she. She was far too tense to even think of it. Even when he returns to the ship, scent thick with pheromones, still riding the high from the hunt, she can’t bring herself to do more than let him hold her and scent her. 
She’s agitated. 
Training doesn’t help much either. He still insisted she learn how to better protect herself. He doesn't try to force her to tap into her instincts anymore, instead focusing on hand-to-hand and using a vibroblade. 
He does agree that perhaps running is her best option. She’s not a fighter. Not, at least, without her omega. Her omega is ruthless. 
They still haven’t talked about her shooting him. 
It had been a good shot, a great shot, even. She would have taken down two men twice her size, had it not been for his helmet. She’s just glad it was him and not some poor civilian that had wandered over to help. Omega instincts were great in a pinch, but they did not distinguish anyone but her alpha, but even he had to get close enough. 
The incident only makes her nerves worse. She knows he never would take his helmet off in public, but what if he hadn’t been wearing it? What if she had shot him somewhere else? What if she had shot someone else? 
She’s elected to stay on the ship this time, letting him go out and explore. Her nerves wanted her to be with him, wanted to see him, make sure he’s alright. At the same time, she’s terrified that if something happened, she’d lose control or worse, she’d freeze and get him hurt trying to save her. Even if he did find who he was looking for, he likely wouldn’t engage right away. Not unless he had no other choice. 
Instead she occupies herself with making sure her nest is perfect. Din had gotten her more pillows and blankets at her request during their last stop. He already had more than he usually kept on board, and she had only needed more. She’s sore and tired from sleeping on the hard metal floor. The bunk was too small, and not all that more comfortable than the floor. At least on the floor she could spread herself out. 
She spreads the blankets out, meticulously placing them and the pillows where she wants. She casts a glance around the rest of the ship and the organized chaos that Din lived in. She feels an insistent urge to organize that as well, so she does. 
She’s finishing organizing the rations when the ramp begins to lower. She’s placing the last ration in the crate, having ordered them by flavor, when Din is suddenly on her. She hadn’t even heard him come up the ramp, his arms wrapping around her taking her by surprise. She turns to look up at him, only to have his lips meet hers. His helmet is on a crate, the hatch already closed. He’d moved fast, or maybe she was more distracted than she thought. 
She makes a quiet noise of surprise as his lips press hard against hers, his hands sliding down her body until they’re on the backs of her thighs. He lifts her, walking backwards until her back meets the wall of the ship. She groans quietly at the force, his body pressing close against her. 
She pulls her head away, taking a deep breath. “Din...” 
His mouth kisses a path down her jaw to her neck, hands pulling her shirt to the side. His lips suckle on her mark, her head falling back to bear her throat to him. She curses quietly, heat beginning to pool between her legs. His musky scent slams into her, setting her very nerves on fire. 
“Tell me to stop.” He growls against her throat, tongue and teeth grazing her skin. 
“Kriff...alpha!” She whines, arching her back as his hands tug at her shirt. 
“Say it.” He growls, tugging her shirt over her head. 
“Don’t stop.” She begs, pressing her chest against the cold beskar covering his. “Please don’t stop!” 
He wraps his arms around her, all but falling into the nest with her. He catches himself just before he falls on top of her, his lips seeking hers out. He kisses her deeply, a growl rumbling through his chest. 
He trails kisses down her throat and chest, teeth nipping at her skin as he goes. “I’ve been neglecting you, omega.” He says, voice thick with his alpha. Kai yelps as his teeth sink into the side of her breast, head snapping up to look at him. “Not anymore.” He says, before sucking her nipple into his mouth. 
She curses, head falling back onto the stack of pillows. She’s wet, practically soaked through her underwear. She moans his name as his mouth moves to her other breast, giving it the same attention. 
“Been so tense.” He murmurs, sliding his hands down her sides. “Alpha will fix that.” 
She keens, lifting her head again to watch him slide his way down her body. His hands grip her pants, tugging them off with one harsh tug. His gloved hands slide up her legs, bending her knees up until she’s spread right before him. 
“Beautiful.” He says, staring down at her slick folds. “All for me.” 
“Please, alpha.” She says, staring at him with wide eyes. “Need to feel you.” 
He releases her, pulling his gloves off, setting them on the edge of her nest. He begins removing his armor, taking each piece off and carefully setting it in the nest. Kai watches, breath hitching as more and more of him is revealed to her. She licks her lips as his flight suit comes off, revealing his skin to her. She wants to sink her teeth into him as he did her, mouth watering as she stares at him. 
His bare hands trail back up her thighs, pushing them apart once more. His gaze is lidded as he stares down at her slick folds, tongue darting out to wet his lips. He crawls over her once more, pressing his body into hers. She moans at the feel of his skin against hers, her body buzzing and alive. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed being close to him. 
He slips into her easily, her body opening to him. He buries his face in her shoulder, muffling a groan as he seats himself inside her. She wraps her arms around him, holding him close to her. She feels full, complete. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed him. 
He begins to move, grinding his hips against hers. Her legs wrap around his waist, keeping him as close to her as she can. He holds himself on his elbows, looking down at her face as he ruts into her. Her eyes are lidded, lips parted as she moans. 
He groans as she squeezes around him, burying his face in her neck. “Bid mesh’la.” He murmurs in her ear, pressing his nose against the column of her throat. 
A shiver runs through her at his words, the Mando’a striking something deep in her brain. She clings to him tighter, nails digging into his skin slightly. “Alpha...gedet'ye.” She breathes, trying to pull him closer. She feels clear headed for the first time in a few weeks. She feels like she can think, she can feel finally. 
His body tenses as he cums, hips stuttering before stilling as he releases inside her. She cums with him, body spasming around him. She holds him still, keeping him in place for just a moment longer. 
He rolls them, easing her down on top of him. She goes lax in his arms, ear pressed against his chest so she can hear the steady thump of his heart. His fingers trail along her skin, leaving a blazing path in their wake. 
“Why?” She murmurs, not complaining, but just asking. It had been sudden, random, spontaneous. He was not usually any of those. 
“I’ve been neglecting you, omega.” He says, one of his hands tangling in her hair to massage her scalp. “You’ve been tense. Worried. Stinking up my ship with your stress. Couldn’t take seeing you like that anymore.” 
She does feel better. Her body feels relaxed for the first time in weeks. Her mind has calmed, the worry that had plagued her suddenly feels far away. Had it simply been a side effect of them pulling away from each other? He would have pulled away in response to her distance. She hadn’t wanted to pull away, but it had been too much. Or had it all been because she needed to be close to him? 
“We really don’t know what we’re doing, do we?” She murmurs, letting her eyes close. 
He chuckles, still massaging her scalp. “I don’t think anyone really knows. That’s why they say you have to figure most of it out yourself.” 
“Both of them have been seen around here.” He says as he leads her through the sand. “If we’re lucky we can catch them both.” 
Kai is only half listening as she takes in the planet. “This place is beautiful.” 
Din hums, still holding her hand. “There used to be an Imperial base here.” 
She frowns a bit. “They had to stick their feet everywhere, didn’t they?” 
Din nods. “That is the point of having an Empire. Complete control over every part of the galaxy.” 
“It’s stupid.” Kai pouts. 
“At least it’s over.” He says. “We can move on from them.” 
Kai leans her head against his arm as they walk side by side along the sandy path. “I wish it was that easy.” She murmurs. 
Din glances down at the top of her head for a moment, but says nothing as they make their way into town. They get looks as they go, neither of them paying much mind. Din was used to it, and Kai had gotten used to it. Looks didn’t necessarily mean bad things. Most of them were just curious. Most people haven’t seen a Mandalorian before. Not in person. She trusts Din. 
She knew he would do whatever it takes to keep them both safe. 
He leads her into a restaurant, taking a seat in the back. He sits facing the door, scanning the few patrons inside. None of them were the targets they were looking for, which gave them the advantage of surprise. 
“I expect this will end in a firefight.” Din says. 
“I’m starting to feel like they all do.” Kai replies, eyeing the menu. 
“People like these men aren’t ones to go easy and quietly. They’ll fight to their last breath if that’s what it takes. I’m hoping we can surprise them enough that it won't come to that. If it does, keep down and try to find a way out. Get back to the Crest and lock yourself in.” 
“Don’t worry about you, I know.” She says, staring at him. 
He reaches across the table, taking her hand. It’s bold of him to initiate such an intimate gesture in public. His gloved thumb runs across her knuckles, the touch soothing. 
He doesn't release her hand, even when the waitress stops to take their order. She stares at him for a long moment, wishing she could see his face. 
“What?” He asks, turning his head slightly so he’s looking directly at her. 
She glances down at their hands. “Nothing. Just surprised.” 
“About what?” He asks. 
She lifts their entwined hands for a moment. “You’re not usually so openly...touchy.” 
“We’re trying to be inconspicuous.” He says simply. 
She eyes the beskar armor. “Yeah. Inconspicuous, says the shiny Mandalorian.” He squeezes her hand a little tighter. “What? It’s the truth. You stick out like a bantha in a pod race."
He shifts just a little, angling his body towards the door. Her own grip around his hand tightens just a little. She didn't have to see to know. Their target had just walked through the door. Kai sits up straighter, letting him pull his hand back. She can hear footsteps approaching, someone sliding into the seat next to her. 
“Well, isn’t this a surprise.” 
They both move in a blink of an eye, but they don’t get very far. An arm wraps around her shoulders, pulling her close against the unfamiliar body. The hum of a vibroblade meets her ears, the weapon pricking her side. Din had been reaching for his blaster, but his hand stills as a different blaster is pointed at him. Another man slides into the seat next to him, keeping his blaster trained on him under the table. 
“We saw your ship come in, Mando.” The man next to her says. “Thought we’d drop in and say hello. Didn’t expect it to be so easy.” 
“Word’s gotten out.” The other man says. “We know you’re hunting us. We know you killed the others.” 
The waitress returns to the table, slowing as she spots the two men. 
“Hello, darling.” The man next to Kai says, greeting the waitress. “Just ran into some old friends of ours.” He pat’s Kai’s shoulders. “Isn’t that right, Mando.” 
“Right.” Din says, voice pinched. His hands are on the table, fists clenched. 
“That looks good.” He says as the waitress sets the bowl of soup on the table. “We’ll have two more.” 
Kai stares at the waitress, ignoring the sharp prick of the vibroblade through her shirt. The waitress catches her gaze, Kai trying to put as much desperation into her face as she can. The waitress looks back at the man, nodding. 
“Coming right up.” 
“Thank you, darling.” He says, watching her until she’s out of sight, before turning back to Din. “We’d like to strike a deal. We’ll let you both walk out of here, if you give us your ship, your credits, and your girl.” 
Din’s shoulders tense. He looks like he’s ready to spring at any moment, but he knows he can’t. Not without risking Kai getting hurt. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll drop her somewhere when we’re done.” The man smirks, pulling Kai slightly closer to him. 
Kai stares at Din, imagining the rage on his face, the focus in his eyes. She tries to convey her trust in him, her acceptance that she probably wasn’t getting out of this unscathed. Not with a vibroblade pricking the skin between her ribs. 
“How about a counter offer.” Din says, hands slowly sliding together. “You leave this place, get off the planet, and you can live.” 
Kai slips her hands around the hot bowl of soup as the man beside her laughs. 
“You’re funny, Mando. I think you’re forgetting, we have the upper hand-” 
His words cut off as Kai launches the bowl of soup right into his face. He lets out a cry, falling back. Kai slips under the table as he releases her, Din elbowing the man next to him in the face. A blaster shot goes off, the man surprised by the sudden attack. Kai crawls out from under the table, the other patrons beginning to make for the door at the disturbance. If she can slip into the crowd, she can get out. Get to the Crest. 
A hand grabs her leg, knocking her to the floor. She lets out a yelp, just managing to save her face. She kicks out at the man, but he’s bigger and stronger than she is. He easily pins her down, his blistered face leaning down towards hers. 
“I’m gonna ruin that pretty little face.” He growls, raising the vibroblade over his head. 
She kicks out at him, landing a hit to his stomach. He releases her just enough for her to slip out of his grasp, driving her elbow into his chest. He’s expecting it, though, wrapping his arms around her. He stands, lifting her with him. 
Her body obeys before her brain even processes the command, her upper half folding seconds before a blaster goes off. The man’s grip on her goes lax, his body slumping onto the floor. She barely manages to catch herself, her brain fuzzy as it catches up to what had just happened. 
Din had used his alpha voice, forcing her omega to listen in order to have a clear shot at the man. She feels like she’s moving in slow motion as she turns to look at him, the second man lying dead behind him. 
“Kai?” Din asks, worry in his voice as she stumbles a bit. 
She feels strange, a sharp pain starting to blossom in her side. She runs a hand along her shirt until she hits something warm, fingers pausing for a moment. She lifts her hand, studying her fingers with blurry vision. 
Red. Her fingers are red with blood. 
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jaybirdss · 2 years
How it feels to fall for Nya Smith
🩰It’s honestly shorter than i wanted it to be, but i got it out for you guys. i promise i’ll get more nya stuff out for u guys ❤��.
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Now playing … Diet Mountain Dew , Lana Del Ray
Falling for Nya is like a carousel, you’ve picked the prettiest horse there and you’ve spun round and round until you’ve felt dizzy. You’re giggling and falling off and there’s a warm fuzzy feeling deep in your chest that you don’t wanna lose.
You’ll get one taste and suddenly Nya is an addiction.
Her hair is a noir cavern with a caramel hue when the light hits it. Eyes as green as the prettiest forest you can find.
Eyelashes naturally thick and heavy with the lust she holds
Her skin is a dark ivory, tan and contoured in the greatest places. Pink cheeks and a shiny nose to tie it all together.
She’s a messy but kind lover, with all the chaos she’d been through, her only calming point is you. She’ll go through hell & back and be fine with it knowing you’ll be waiting for her when she comes back.
Nya’s love language is words of affirmation. She wants an active listener, someone she can feel with, deeply feel. When she’s hurt, she hopes your heart aches just a little at the sight. When you’re angry, she’s just as furious as you are. She wants unexpected things, like love paragraphs, letters, little notes. It all makes a difference. Verbal confessions and sweet words will make her crumble in the best way imaginable.
As powerful and dominant as she makes herself out to be, she loves being babied and pampered sweetly. Taking on the role of the ‘girl’ of the team always was rough, she didn’t want to be a stereotype, but she didn’t want to give up too much of the feminine affirmations. She still loves doing hair, bits of makeup, being held and called ‘princess’ and ‘baby’
On the topic of nicknames, she loves calling you cheesy names. Like honeybun, or sweetie pie, it makes you embarrassed and flustered and she just finds it adorable. She prefers simpler names, a classic ‘babe’ or ‘hun’ is perfectly fine on a normal basis
She loves showing off in front of you. All the time. When she’s sparring with one of the guys, she’ll take the time to kick their ass harder than they expect, and look like a goddess while doing so. (and she always makes sure you’re looking at her, and her only)
Nya lives for PDA, any kind.
Walking down the street, pinkies intertwined, tiny kisses and cuddling in restaurant booths.
Or full smacking you on the ass in public, engulfing you into a tight touchy embrace, calling you her sweetheart and kissing you like you’ll run away from her.
I’m going to be honest. Kai didn’t really like you.
(can’t be all sunshine n rainbows xx)
He’s always been protective of Nya, and when it comes to her and relationships, he doesn’t like it one bit.
Despite this hardship, he came around eventually. After her fussing and fighting with him to get his act together and actually be nice to you because she loves you. For her, he learned to like you. For her, he learned to see all sorts of good in you.
Because in his eyes, she’s still his baby sister, vulnerable and new to this life. And if you hurt her, you’re dead.
She’s a lover of many things. Romance has her heart.
She adores romantic dates. Like spring picnics, where her head is laid against you as you read from a poetry book, fingers playing at her soft hair. She hums a quiet tune and watches the clouds with you, pointing out shapes and creatures she claims to see in the clouds.
Taking you to the lake and suntanning on the sandy shore, splashing you from across the little beach with her element just to see you squeal and yell
Surprisingly, she’s quite like her brother: Jealous.
She gets huffy and puffy when you mention anyone else in a way she considers too much. Crossing her arms and smacking her lips against her teeth, quietly scowling at whoever’s got your attention. Scoffing at the brief mention of them. You have a death wish if you even touch them.
But she never really believes you’ll be unfaithful to her. She mainly targets the enemy, the enemy being whoever crosses her imaginary line that she’s drawn in front of her lover.
Imagines them drowning tbh
Possessive jealous Nya is a pretty sight to witness
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TXT Universe Theory: The Dream Chapter
Hello and welcome back to another one of my theories! This theory will be quite long and will take into account everything in the first chapter of TXT’s story. I won’t be doing Minisode 1 or either of the Chaos Chapters yet cause it will give us all a headache if I do, so yes, there will be things missing. Believe me, I know, I’m just pretending like I don’t know anything for the sake of my mind XD Let’s dive into the theory!
The Protagonists
Name: Choi Yeonjun
Keywords: Promise, guilty, sleepless, apricity 
Association: Paranoid Park
Metamorphosis: Horns
Songs: Crown, Magic Island
Yeonjun is, perhaps, more relevant than his character wishes he was. Paranoid Park, the book (and perhaps also movie) he’s associated with, talks about a 16-year-old boy who accidentally kills a policeman and tries to cope with it while simultaneously hiding what he did. Yeonjun’s guilt can be seen almost everywhere. His Dream-Self grows horns during Nap of a Star, which are generally associated with evil and destruction, and in Crown he expresses his fear of being evil.
In the teasers for Magic Island he says “I think there’s someone else aside from us #itsmyfault”. And in the teasers for The Dream Chapter: Eternity he adds the hashtags #imscared #itwasjustajoke when revealing his association. He did something that makes him feel guilty. He possibly didn’t kill anyone (I mean, if anyone did, it’s most likely Beomgyu, but that’s not here nor there), but it hasn’t been revealed yet what he did do.
I associate Magic Island with him because it talks about promises and about the Odd Eye Cat, which I will talk about more in detail later, but suffice to say the Odd Eye Cat might have something against Yeonjun. There is a small chance that Yeonjun feels guilty about having forgotten their promise with the Star, since his word is promise. Everyone forgot, but maybe he’s more emotionally aware of it.
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Name: Choi Soobin
Keywords: Tomorrow, invisible, understanding, apricity
Association: Le Doulos
Metamorphosis: Elongated ears
Songs: Eternally
Soobin is on the opposite side of the coin with Yeonjun. He too is aware about the promise with the Star, but in a very different way. He is perhaps what we would define as a traditional protagonist, as he can hear the voice of the Star well before anyone else can, even if he can’t remember the promise. The first time we see him perceiving the voice is in Magic Island, that is when he starts to feel separated from the group. He’s still unaware of it, but he knows something that the others don’t and that puts a wall between them. In the Magic Island teaser he uses the hashtag “#IThinkImTheOnlyOneWhosDifferent”, and in the Eternity concept photos he says “Why am I the only one having a hard time?” and “Everything is your fault”. He is also tagged as invisible, which alludes to the fact that he feels distanced from the others, and is also the only one to get no interactions on his posts. The fact that he’s blaming someone might be that he’s aware of the voice or that he knows someone in the group messed up.
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Name: Choi Beomgyu
Keywords: Hope, unfair, relief, serenity
Association: The Catcher in the Rye
Metamorphosis: Spines on the back
Songs: ???
Beomgyu is an interesting if confusing character. Based on how he acts in the MVs, he seems to be rather headstrong and confident, much like the main character, Holden, of Catcher in the Rye, a story strongly related to growing up and leaving the innocence of childhood behind. Holden considers adults (and his life) to be quite unfair, doesn’t trust them, and wants to become a protector of the innocence of other children. However, much like Beomgyu, he’s rather headstrong and careless, moving forward without much consideration, which often gets him in trouble. These aspects can be seen reflected on the Magic Island Teaser, where he writes “What’s the problem? Let’s just do it. #rewind #hope #CantTrustAnyone, as well as the Port teasers from Eternity where he says things like “Who saw me that day?”, “We were all together then, right?” and “I don’t think this is the world I used to know” (which is tagged with “unfair”), and uses the hashtags #NothingToHide, #IsItMyFault?”. We do see him start the fire in both the Magic Island Teaser and MV, which might hint to the fact that he feels it’s unfair to blame him when they were all there, and he doesn’t actually believe himself to be at fault. He was just taking care of them.
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Name: Kang Taehyun
Keywords: Clue, suspicious, breathe, serenity
Association: Philip Marlowe
Metamorphosis: Star eye
Songs: ???
Taehyun’s character is observant and prefers to stay on the sidelines to catch every detail before casting his judgement. In the Magic Island Teaser he says “There’s got to be a way out” with the hashtag #LetsThinkAboutIt, plus, in the Port Teasers from Eternity, he keeps a reasonable suspicion on his team members about who’s truly at fault and uses the hashtags #EverybodyLies and #IWantToKnowTheTruth. This ties in well with his associated character, Philip Marlowe, the private detective. Both characters keep a distance and analyze everything carefully, never resorting to violence. It is worth noting that he keeps Yeonjun’s teddy bear at the end of Run Away, which in the teasers is labelled as “clue”. Taehyun is always observing.
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Name: Huening Kai
Keywords: Secret, lonely, longing, apricity
Association: Stand by me
Metamorphosis: Wings
Songs: Nap of a star
Huening Kai is perhaps one of the most complicated and mysterious characters in the story, since his role isn’t as established as the others. He’s constantly out of the loop about the situation that is happening, which is demonstrated by phrases like “What the hell is happening?” (Magic Island Teaser) and “What happened?” (‘Port’ Teasers) as well as the hashtags #OnTheSidelines and #IKnowNothing, as well as two of his keywords being secret and lonely. His associated media is also interesting, as Stand by me talks about a man remembering the trip he did with three of his friends when they were 12 to find the body of a missing boy. At the end of the movie, the main character Gordie, recalls his friends and comments on how much he’ll always miss them and how he’s never had friendships like that again. This raises the question if perhaps one of the boys would be the dead kid the others are trying to find. Kai being kept out of the loop could point to him being it, as he’s always trying to reach for them but can’t quite do it, however it could also be argued that either Yeonjun or Soobin could fill that space as well.
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The Setting: The Real World vs The Dream World
Back on the very early BTS theories, a lot of us didn’t think time travel or time loops were the answer, but it turned out we were wrong. At first, when working on this theory, I wasn’t sure where I should draw the distinction between reality and fantasy. In the end, I’ve decided that everything is real but in different ways, and I’ve decided to make the distinction between the Real World and the Dream World; after all, this is called the Dream Chapter.
The Real World is, you guessed it, pretty much just our normal world. Nothing magical or physics-law-breaking to be seen here. The Dream World is, well, a world made of dreams. But remember I said everything is real (I know the names I gave the two realities contradict this, hit me up if you have better suggestions). Whatever happens in the Dream World is just as real as whatever happens in the Real World, it’s just in a different plane of existence. It might also be of interest to note that sometimes these worlds blend. 
So, if everything is real in the Dream World, what is real in the Real World? This is a complicated question because even our characters struggle telling reality apart from the dreams, especially because the dreams aren’t just dreams. The fires that occur in Run Away and Can’t You See Me are very much symbolic, but them jumping into the Dream World through the subway in Magic Island is real. The visions they have in Eternally aren’t happening in the Real World either. It’s just a matter of what is supported through other clues and pieces of evidence, which I’ll try to provide.
The Story
So, you know, what is like… happening? Everything is extremely confusing and it took me a while to understand that pretty much all videos are happening like, at the same time? As in, it’s the same event but from different perspectives and slightly different intervals of time. So let’s try to lay down a cohesive timeline.
It all starts with the events narrated in Nap of a Star. When they were children, the five of them (or well, maybe I should say six) met through the Dream world and became such good friends that they promised to meet there again. However, as it happens, they grew up and forgot about it, meeting once again many years later through the school and the company without remembering each other. 
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While growing up, they have gone through many different things that have hurt and changed them, which manifested in their dream bodies as the “imperfections” that they all have. I believe these imperfections are tied to each of their characters: horns tend to represent evil, which ties in with Yeonjun feeling guilty and blaming himself for everything. Kai’s wings look angel-like, which fits his sweet personality who helps the “demon” (Yeonjun) and is always believing the best about his friends. Beomgyu is very defensive, which translates into his porcupine-like spines. Soobin is a good listener (plus he’s literally the first one to hear the Star’s voice) and Taehyun is good at observing the others. So these are all manifestations of how life has shaped them to be who they are now.
They become very good friends once again and get along well, nice! However, we know things are not perfect, and they have to confront a series of personal conflicts. Especially Yeonjun, who’s so overcome by the negativity in his life that he starts a fire that can’t be put out in Run Away. This fire is metaphorical, and represents all the pain and stress he’s been dealing with. So what do they do? They try to find an escape from all their troubles.
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There’s two ways this could’ve happened: the first one is that they stumble with the Dream World by accident on the Run Away MV when they go in through the pool. This seems fitting because of their reactions. After that they research it and Soobin discovers that there’s a secret magical entrance at a train station, as we can see in the Sanctuary Photo Teasers from the Magic comeback in the official BigHit website. The other option is that this accidental discovery didn’t happen and they simply researched. This would turn their visit in Run Away into a “summary” of sorts of their first impression of the place.
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Soobin: I saw how to find the hidden magic platform?
Soobin: When you close and open your eyes there, your dream becomes reality
Taehyun: Woah, cool
Taehyun: (not sure about this one) for real?
Soobin: Should we go together?]
Either way, they get there. Of course, as shown by the door being set on fire at the end of Run Away when Yeonjun looks at it, his worries aren’t entirely gone, but at least they’re under control now, or so it seems. This part of the video also ties in with the end of Nap of a Star. All of the children come together to help the “monster” and they reunite at the Dream World once again, awakening the Star.
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After this, though, weird things begin to happen. Someone or something is trying to reach out to them, and causes them to have really strange dreams. This entity, presumably the Star as marked by the pieces of dialogue, even follows them to their practice room, and keeps begging them to remember them. Yes, I think the Practice Room Ghost and the Star are the same character (and I also think they represent MOA, in a way). 
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[Translation: Remember my name.]
Here’s where the visions in Eternally come into play. The individual vision each of them has is, physically speaking, nothing more than that: a vision or dream. So they start having these visions, and some of them, especially Soobin who keeps hearing the Star’s voice, start doubting their reality. Plus, weird things start happening in their practice room, so no doubt they end up hearing about the Practice Room Ghost.
They have a conversation about it on the subway, and Soobin goes to mention he had a weird dream but then he backtracks. Obviously, he’s talking about the vision we see in Eternally, because he even says he always wakes up crying from it. In a split second, they decide to stop at the Magic Island using the method that Soobin found previously, and they go have fun there.
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Yeonjun: Did you hear about the practice room’s mirror ghost?
Beomgyu: *sland for shivering* A ghost? Wow
Taehyun: I heard about it. There’s no ghosts, you’re just tired and saw wrong.
Soobin: I’ve had weird dreams lately *cries* Maybe it was because I’m tired...
Kai: Did you have a scary dream again?
Soobin: (deleted message) In the dream we...
Yeonjun: Ah, I shouldn’t have said anything.
Beomgyu: What’s scary about this? If there’s a real ghost let’s go and check at night *laughs*
Kai: Hyungs, stop talking about scary things please *cries*
Taehyun: Beomgyu hyung is joking about this too??
Yeonjun: Should we just go to Ttukseom?]
Naturally, things go wrong, what else were we expecting? Their antics end up setting the magic forest on fire, until they end up destroying the whole Dream World, and it leads us to the start of Eternally. One thing I believe to be very interesting is how, when they’re trapped in the storm, Soobin keeps touching his ears, Kai touches his chest like in Nap of a Star, and Beomgyu touches his shoulder. Yeonjun and Taehyun aren’t properly shown but they probably also touch the affected places.
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I would argue that Can’t You See Me? is also just a reinterpretation of the conflict they’re going through, both within themselves but also as a group, because they did just destroy their secret place. This is pretty much where the current timeline ends. I’m a bit uncertain if they’re trapped in the Dream World or outside of it without being able to go back, because Taehyun does mention wanting to go back in the Port teasers, but he doesn’t specify where. I want to bet that they’re trapped in the Dream World but I do need to analyze the Chaos Chapter better to decide that.
The Practice Room Star
Yes, this is a play on words, as I fully believe that the Practice Room Ghost and the Star are both the same entity. When they were kids, they made a promise with the Star, but they’ve forgotten it with time, and now that they have reunited and found their way into the Dream World again, the Star wants them back. The Star is probably a very powerful being, since they are able to interfere with the Real World to reach to them, enough to make them confused about their own reality. Their bond seems to be stronger with Soobin, who’s even able to hear them reach out on occasion. It’s uncertain what exactly it is that they want.
The Visions (Eternally MV)
The night of the last day & Song of a Star (Soobin’s visions)
Eternally starts at the end of Magic Island, with the Dream World completely in ruins. Eternally happens before Magic Island, so this dream Soobin has at the beginning is nothing but a prophecy. In the dream, he is holding a book, which we also see Beomgyu with. I think this book is the one they got the information about the Dream World during the Magic era, since the cover is very similar to the symbols we can see in Run Away. 
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I believe Song of a Star is the Star reaching out to him. He’s the first one to be able to hear the Star, as shown in Magic Island, and he also references the Star’s song in teachers. The kid he sees is probably the version of himself that first entered the Dream World as a kid (or maybe Kai lol), which might be why he wants to cry everytime he has that dream: it’s the nostalgia for a time he left behind.
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Room No. 17 (Beomgyu’s vision)
While I’m not sure what the number 17 means yet, and my research on numerology yielded no results, this vision is particularly interesting to me. Through it we get to see Beomgyu’s more ‘brash’ nature as he defends the book that Soobin was seen holding previously. If that book is their key to the Dream World, then it makes a lot of sense that he’s trying to protect it. I’m not sure who the other person trying to stop him is, but it does kinda look like things didn’t go well for them after Beomgyu transformed. 
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Girl of Eternity (Huening Kai’s vision)
Perhaps the strangest of names for visions, this clearly represents how the rest of the members keep moving far away from Kai and become unreachable to him. He mentions several times how he’s clueless about what’s going on and wants to understand, but the rest of them continue to keep him in the dark, so he feels a distance growing between them, which might increase in the future.
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Moratorium of Rest (Taehyun’s vision)
Taehyun’s vision is perhaps the most shocking of all, as it shows us Yeonjun sitting on a chair and covered in spines and purple “paint”. Yeonjun is sitting in the middle of a field of all sorts of violets, and Taehyun tries calling him before realizing the condition Yeonjun is in.
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Promise (Yeonjun’s vision)
Yeonjun shares the misfortune with Taehyun of seeing his lifeless corpse, except his vision is much less artistic about it. After finding his body, he sees a fire from the corner of his eye, and right next to it, you guessed it, the odd-eyed cat. His vision in particular finishes with the phrase “I thought it was salvation, then.” And here is where things turn south.
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Yeonjun’s promise and the Odd-Eye Cat
I have a very strong reason to believe that Yeonjun is in danger of dying an awful death, and it’s only partially because of the visions. Since Nap of a Star, Yeonjun has been followed by the vigilant eyes of the Odd-Eye Cat almost religiously, and it usually never brings good situations with it. It’s bad enough that the neck cut in Nap of a Star is replicated in Taehyun’s vision, that Soobin sees Yeonjun all bloody in Eternally, and that both Yeonjun and Taehyun see the former dead, but there might be some external clues that hint towards Yeonjun’s upcoming demise.
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In the official BigHit website for TxT’s discography, where we found out that Soobin researched and figured out the way to go into the Dream World, we can find a picture of Yeonjun reading a book. In English, this book is called The Alchemaster’s Apprentice. This book narrates the story of a black cat who sells its soul to a sort of wizard in exchange for food, since he’s starving to death. The wizard agrees to fatten the cat for a month, after which it will kill it and use its fat for magical purposes.
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The cat in this book doesn’t have heterochromia, however I found out some pagan groups in Eastern Europe believe that a different colored eye was a witch’s eye, meaning that the eye has literally been swapped out with a witch’s. I fully believe that Yeonjun made a deal he shouldn’t have, and the Odd-Eye Cat has been sent by whoever made the deal with him to check on him. It might just be that Yeonjun’s time is going to run out very soon, and the visions are trying to warn everyone of that.
Magic exists and TxT might have bitten more than they can chew because they wanted to run away from the problems of real life (relatable). Now, the Star that they made a promise with is trying to reach them, and maybe warn them about something that’s coming. The fact is that they’re not safe, especially Yeonjun, and things might turn south very quickly very soon.
I’ll try to come back soon with the Minisode 1 + Chaos Chapter Theory update, but for now, if you liked this, please interact with the post and check out my other theories here!
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2ynjns · 4 years
to the far away land || choi yeonjun
sequel of day 4 of 31 days of christmas with ydale
find day 4 ‘your wish is my command’ here!
pairings: yeonjun x reader
genre: royalty!au, fantasy!au, fluff and angst(?)
warning: prince yeonjun being a rebel, chaotic christmas celebration, but all hail the royal couple! and this one is kinda long because i kinda got excited HAHAHAH
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“hyung! you’re crazy!” prince soobin warned his older brother. he couldn’t believe that prince yeonjun is going to run away with y/n tonight. that is the least thing prince soobin is expecting prince yeonjun to decide on, to abandon the throne and leave his future kingdom and soon-to-be-bride.
tonight is christmas night and supposedly prince yeonjun’s coronation since yeonjun already turned 21 this year, the king decided to give his first son the throne since the king is already aging and just want to watch his kingdom strive under the hands of his son.
“hyung, what is mother and father going to think? you’re going to abandon the throne.” soobin pulled his brother’s shoulders to face him. yeonjun is currently packing his gold and some clothes so he could arrive early and wait for y/n at the garden.
yeonjun sighed and gave soobin a blank look, “that’s the reason why i told you. you should take the throne.” soobin’s jaw dropped at how easily yeonjun gave up his throne for him. soobin blinked a few times before letting go of yeonjun’s shoulders.
soobin sat down on yeonjun’s bed and yeonjun continued packing his bags. “you’re really gonna leave us?” soobin looked at yeonjun with defeat. no matter how much he’d stop his brother, the older one lad would win anyway.
the older prince looked at his younger brother with soft eyes. yeonjun pulled the younger one up and gripped soobin’s padded shoulders, they stared at each other before yeonjun giving soobin a warm embrace, an embrace that seemed like a farewell.
“once me and y/n settle down at our new home, i’ll visit from time to time. i can’t just disappear from you and the little brothers forever, i love you boys a lot.” yeonjun finally patted soobin’s back and gave him a small smile.
“you deserve the throne. you’re more collected, calm and a better leader than i am. yes, we have our own capabilities, but you have to believe in yourself, soob. you got this.” soobin sighed and closed his eyes. 
“if you need me there from your new home, just send a letter or pay a visit, i’ll be coming in no time.” soobin gave his older brother a reassuring smile before giving each other their one last embrace.
after soobin helped yeonjun finish to pack up, their three younger brothers barged in the room to check up on them.
“hyung! the party is about to start in a moment-- why are you not dressed?” prince taehyun raised his brows while looking at the pink haired prince. yeonjun looked at soobin and soobin looked back and sighed.
“alright boys, here’s the deal...” soobin started.
as soobin was about to gently and calmly announce the news, yeonjun abruptly blurted his plans without hesitation, he needed to leave in a bit and he didn't have much time to chitchat. “i’m leaving tonight. no crowned king yeonjun, just crowned king soobin...” yeonjun looked at soobin again, “and i’ll be settling with y/n, far away from here.”
it took a moment for the three younger guys to give their eldest brother a response. not knowing what to say, taehyun’s jaw is just wide open while staring at yeonjun meanwhile beomgyu and kai’s eyes are questioning yeonjun’s decision.
“you’re doing what?!” beomgyu screamed. “ssHHH! don’t scream.” yeonjun covered beomgyu’s mouth.
“you didn’t just say you’re leaving the kingdom?” kai asked, “yes. yes, i just did.” yeonjun answered back.
“how about father and mother? the crown, the throne? your marriage with princess yuri?” taehyun asked with panic in his eyes. yeonjun just massaged his temples and sighed. “look, i’ve already thought this through. soobin is gonna take the throne and--”
“and soobin is gonna marry princess yuri?” taehyun stared at yeonjun.
well, yeonjun DID thought everything through with the coronation and the throne being passed to soobin. but he clearly didn’t think the marriage aspect through at all.
yeonjun nervously looked at soobin and soobin was just staring at taehyun. “you’re right...” yeonjun whispered.
beomgyu’s palm met his own face and he shook his head, “oh no what have you done.” 
“so where’s y/n?” kai asked. “they’re supposed to be waiting for me at the garden in a few. i really don’t have much time, i need to go.” yeonjun looked at his clock and grabbed his bag.
“you’re just really... gonna leave like that?” beomgyu asked his eldest brother.
before hopping out from the balcony, yeonjun stopped and looked back at his brothers. then it hit him, the four boys dressed up nicely for his coronation, hair neatly pulled back, shoes polished and expecting that yeonjun will be the one who’s going to handle the kingdom and he would be the reason why the kingdom will strive. 
yeonjun dropped his bags on the floor and walked slowly towards his brothers. he hugged them one by one, feeling guilty but this is what he wanted, to live normally.
finally, he looked at all four of them collectively and took them in a group hug. “hyung is sorry.” was all he said, he wanted to cry but he didn’t want them to see him in his weak state.
really, he thought about this through. as much as he wanted to stay for his brothers and he loved his kingdom so much, he didn’t think he’d be a good fit for the throne, but he didn’t want to get married by some princess he never met. although he didn’t mean to put soobin in this situation, he knew soobin will handle it better than he would.
“i’m sorry for putting you guys into this much trouble. i love you all.” he whispered, giving each of his brothers a one last forehead kiss.
he looked at the clock one last time before realizing he doesn’t have much time, he ran to the balcony and grabbed his bag. “tell mother and father that i’m sorry and i love them!” he yelled.
before the four other princes could say anything, prince yeonjun already jumped over the balcony and ran towards his horse.
you used your wings to fly to the garden, you figured flying there would be much quieter and saves you trouble although you left some fairy dust on the area.
when you got to the garden, you set your bag on one of the benches and you picked a few flowers so you can keep and cherish it since you don’t know whether you’ll be returning to the palace at all. you fiddled on the petals and smelt it, you then looked outside and you saw how the palace was lit up by colorful lights and you could hear baroque music from a far.
you looked down and questioned yourself if this was really a great idea. you’ve worked for the king and the queen for more than five years and you wanted to stay loyal, but you guess your deep emotion for yeonjun has taken over your morals.
you sat on the bench and you sighed. you’re hoping that everything will work out and that you and the prince will live a happy life far away from here.
you were disrupted from your thoughts when the prince’s shadow took over your tiny body. you looked up and even though it’s dark, you saw how he shines through the darkness. although he wasn’t wearing his formal royal clothes, he still looked very good, handsome as ever.
you saw how his eyes gleamed over the darkness, you loved that about him. how his eyes sparkled every time he looks at you, how he holds you as if you’re the most delicate flower, how he whispers sweet things to you like no other.
you stood up and opened your mouth, you wanted to ask him if he was really sure but nothing wants to come out from your lips. you looked outside and it seemed like the event was about to start as you saw the palace’s light inside turn brighter.
“i don’t think we should do this.” you said. yeonjun’s brows met and he shook his head, “what are you saying? we’ve already come into an agreement, we’re doing this.” he fought. he held your hands and he kissed it.
“we’re going to be fine, i swear. i’ll do everything just to make you feel better, just please, come with me.” you saw how his eyes pleaded you, you saw how tears piled up on his eyeball but you just looked at him, still unsure.
you looked down but you hugged him, you wrapped your arms around his neck and you played with his hair, “i just want what’s the best for you. i’m not capable of giving you rich, i’m just a fairy who does magic for a living, heck, yeonjun you’re a prince, you deserve better than being with a fairy.” you looked up while still hugging him.
you felt his hand gently run over your sparkling wings, it fluttered from the tickling sensation and yeonjun giggled.
“why are you suddenly doubting?” he whispered and he let go of your wings, he hugged you by your waist and he dug his face on the crook of your neck. “i want my best with you. we’re capable of doing things together, i don’t need rich, we can have a decent life together without needing riches. and i deserve you, i deserve being with the love of my life.” he muttered on your skin.
your heart softened, he really is eager to be with you. you cupped his cheek and you played the staring game for a few seconds before you leaning in to give him a deep kiss. “i love you.” you whispered in the kiss. he hummed and pulled away. “i love you too.”
you both heard ‘so this is love’ playing from the palace. he laughed and stretched out his arm, “may i have this dance?” 
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beomgyu couldn’t stop fidgeting from his seat in front of the loud crowd. he’s very anxious of what’s gonna happen next. the maids are currently looking for yeonjun since they need to get him ready for this coronation, and guess what, he’s the only person that everyone is waiting for.
the music ‘so this is love’ is currently playing to keep guests entertained while the chaos behind the hall occurs.
taehyun sat next to the chair next to beomgyu and leaned to his brothers. “mother and father hasn’t seemed to notice that hyung is missing yet.” he whispered through the loud music. kai chuckled and looked at the crowd and scanned through it.
“well, let’s hope they already fled.” kai hoped, although he felt a little disappointed in his eldest brother, he still wanted to support him from doing whatever he wanted in life.
“let’s hope they don’t get caught.” beomgyu runs his hands over his face. “where’s soobin-hyung?” beomgyu asked taehyun.
“he’s talking to father, i think he’s trying to distract him, he looked nervous tho.” taehyun said while pointing to his right, seeing soobin talking to their father and some lords from the other kingdom.
“what do you mean you can’t find yeonjun?!” the queen yelled behind the three boys. they turned around to see their mother panicked with a red face of anger at the maids and guards. the maid then explained that they already looked for yeonjun around the palace but he’s nowhere to be found.
“look again for goodness sake! we need him here right now. he needs to be crowned within an hour!” the queen demanded, “we looked several times your majesty, still, no prince yeonj--” the maid was cut off by a guard that just came in.
“your highness, prince yeonjun’s horse is missing from the stables.” the guard yelped. the queen quietly cursed under her breath and gritted her teeth. she looked around to gather ideas how they were going to find the first prince until she realized something. 
“what-- hold on, where’s y/n?” the queen finally asked.
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you and yeonjun danced in the dark with the muffled music playing from the palace. you were glad that was the thing you’re sharing with your last moments here at his kingdom.
“we need to go, they might see us. they’re probably looking for you by now.”
yeonjun gave you a quick peck before pulling you to grab your bags and hopping on to his horse and fleeing to start our journey together, alone, just the two of you.
“let’s go, we don’t want to be held back from our trip.”
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“your highness, king choi, prince yeonjun is missing.” the king’s right hand whispered to the king. the king looked at his right hand as if he was kidding. soobin overheard their conversation and he nervously swallowed his own saliva.
the king laughed loud while holding his stomach, “no need for jokes, mateo, tell yeonjun he needs to be here, his bride is waiting for him.” the king pointed at the sophisticated princess who is standing right across prince soobin. princess yuri blushed and looked away.
“your highness, i’m not making jokes. the prince really is missing.” the king glared at mateo and mateo just gently backed off a bit because everyone knows what the king is about to do, scream on top of his lungs.
“WELL LOOK FOR HIM!” and with that, mateo and the guards went on to look for prince yeonjun. the queen walked aggressively towards the king and whispered to him. “y/n is also missing. i haven’t seen them since the event began.” the queen pulled the king to the side while soobin tried to entertain princess yuri.
“is prince yeonjun really... missing?” princess yuri asked prince soobin. soobin just looked away and let off a breath. “i’m not sure, i haven’t seen him.” he simply said and gave a small smile.
“oh, i was really looking forward to meeting him. i heard he was attractive and lovely.” princess yuri smiled under her breath. soobin looked at the princess, he couldn’t help but to feel bad, however, he knew that his brother doesn’t want to be betrothed other than y/n.
“what if he really is missing?” he asked the princess. “what?” the princess asked back.
“i mean, like i said, i haven’t seen him-- that doesn’t mean that he really is missing. i was just asking what if he really is missing... and you don’t get the chance to meet him?” soobin was straight forward with his question. he knew his brother is not gonna come back, especially he’s not going to come back to marry the princess.
“uhm, i don’t know? i’ll be sad of course. i would be worried about why he disappeared.” the princess answered. soobin just let of a small oh before looking at his parents.
both the queen and the king are panicking and giving orders to all the guards and maids possible to check every corner of the palace. soobin sighed one last time before excusing himself to talk to his parents.
“if you may excuse me, princess.” he walked towards his parents and he nervously tapped his father’s shoulders.
“what is it, soobin?” his father said annoyed. he knew whatever he was gonna say wouldn’t make sense to his father’s ears but he had to do it because yeonjun is not going to come back anytime sooner to be the king. 
“m-may i talk to you, father?” soobin asked his father. his father just ignored him and continued on giving orders to mateo. “father, please, listen.” he pleaded with his father. his father raised his left hand and warned his second son.
“soobin, i don’t have any time for this. your older brother is missing and he’s going to be crowned in 30 minutes, what do you not unders--”
“father, he’s not gonna come back.” soobin finally said. this caused the whole crowd to gasp and a series of silence occupied the hall. soobin looked around the hall and back to his father.
“father, we should take this to--” soobin was cut off by the king. “what do you mean he’s not coming back?” that’s it, he knew his father was angry. he knew that if yeonjun comes back, he would be beheaded by the king himself.
“please, let’s talk this out in your office.”
“do not tell me that rascal fled with that fairy.” the king gripped on soobin’s shoulders. it was painful, but he didn’t want to show any sign of weakness to his father. he wanted to come out strong like a king should be. he wanted to prove his father that he is capable of being a king just like his elder brother.
“father, please. let’s go to your office.” soobin gently held his father’s tensed hands and pulled it off his shoulder. he guided his father to the royal office.
the king sat on his massive chair before massaging his forehead. it took a moment for the two to start speaking again. soobin is scared for his life, and his brother’s life. he didn’t want anyone to get hurt. most especially his brother, soobin is sacrificing his own life for his brother’s happiness.
“did he flee with y/n, prince soobin?” the king finally asked, looking at his son. soobin just bit his lip and looked down. not giving any answers, the king became impatient and slammed the table.
“answer me, soobin!” the king screamed. soobin shut his eyes. “yes.” finally, soobin spoke. “yes, he did.”
soobin swore he didn’t want to tell his father, but he thought it was the best thing to do. he didn’t know what to do, this is new to him. being interrogated is new to him. he never even stepped inside a royal courtroom, it was always yeonjun. but he knew he could do it.
“so you’re telling me yeonjun left just for that fairy?” his angry father asserted. “what are they going to do good for him? their magic? is their magic going to feed the prince? tell me soobin, why?” the king stood up and walked towards soobin. 
“who would be the king?” the king finally asked. finally letting out a defeated sigh.
soobin second guessed himself. he didn’t think he’d be a good fit to be a king, he didn’t think he’s trained properly to be the next king since he was overshadowed by his elder brother most of the time, but with perseverance and will, he can be the next best king.
“ah-- i’d be the king.” soobin said. the king looked at soobin as if his son is going insane, one brow raised and arms are now crossed. “you? be the king?” the king had to check twice whether he heard the right thing or what not.
soobin straightened up from his father’s question. the king walked closer to soobin and walked around him to examine the second prince. soobin is much taller than the king and his physique is perfect, he’s also smart and very much capable of being a leader.
the king stopped behind soobin, soobin heard his father give off a very deep breath and patted his back. “don’t fail me. don’t fail me unlike your brother. i’m going to postpone the engagement with princess yuri, but you will be crowned tonight.”
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few years into the future, yeonjun settled in a tiny cottage with y/n in the far away land. they are surrounded with fields, plants and animals. no outsiders tried to bother them at all since the couple lives a few miles away from the town. the kingdom, however, is many miles away and although the royal guards have been looking for the missing prince since then, he’s still unseen from the kingdom. 
the couple lived happily together and married few months after they fled the kingdom. they enjoyed every moment they spent together. yeonjun decided to farm and tend the animals for a living, y/n on the other hand became a healer just like their mother. the couple would often visit the town to heal needy citizens or even sell crops to the people.
“yeonwoo! come back here!” you screamed to call your three year old son. you’re trying to feed your son but he keeps running away from you to go to his father. at the same time, you’re trying to stop your four-month-old baby daughter from crying in your arms.
“shhh... it’s okay jiyeon, you don’t need to cry, i’m here.” you cooed at your daughter. your baby finally stopped from crying and you saw your husband pushing your son towards you.
“did you try to run away from your food again? not today, buddy.” yeonjun petted yeonwoo’s hair. you saw your son give his best puppy eyes and pout to his father, and it didn’t work. “not working today, bud. you need to eat, here lemme feed you.” yeonjun took the bowl in front of you and fed your three year old.
you smiled at the sight while swaying your daughter. you never imagined your life being like this. you’ve always thought of being wedded to another fairy and work for the palace until you retire. but through your prayers and wishes, you married your first and only love, prince yeonjun.
a year into your marriage you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and named his yeonwoo. he is a half fairy half human but he does not have fairy wings, he is a clone of his father, yeonjun and yeonwoo looks exactly the same. yeonwoo is yeonjun’s mini version. meanwhile, yeonwoo only inherited your pointed ears from your physical appearance however, you could already see his capability on following your footstep as a powerful fairy. 
you then gave birth to another child, which is jiyeon, and you could already tell your similarities with your daughter at a young age. she is your little fairy. jiyeon took your pointed ears and your wings, but, she still looks like his father.
“i received a letter from the kingdom.” yeonjun started after finishing feeding yeonwoo. your heart dropped from his revelation which caused you to quickly whip your head to his direction.
“they found us?” you asked, worried about the next outcome. “well, technically no cause i got the letter when i was in town. heeseung handed the letter to me.” your husband lifted the letter from his vest and opened it to show to you.
“king soobin wants us to visit him.” yeonjun smiled and walked towards you. he wrapped his arms around your sitting body and hugged both you and your daughter. “he wants to see us after being away for so long.” he kissed your forehead before cupping your cheeks and lifting your face.
“should we go?” he asked and sat in front of you.
you cradled your daughter tighter and pursed your lips. “are we going to be in trouble? y’know, your mother and father…” you asked him quietly.
your son walked towards you and caressed his sister’s face, your daughter laughed from her older brother’s action which caused yeonwoo to giggle. “look mama/dada, she’s happy.” your son cooed at jiyeon.
you smiled at the sight. it made you realize the love your son and your daughter have for each other. the sibling love that you can not take away from people. you looked at your husband and you saw him smiling at your children.
you thought the longing feeling yeonjun has for his brothers, after being apart for so long, you know yeonjun wants to see his brothers and parents badly. you can’t just take away your husband’s family for him especially they are really close with each other.
you reached to yeonjun’s cheeks and rubbed it, you smiled at him and held his hands. “yes. yes, we will go.”
yeonjun gave you a cheeky smile and intertwined his finger with yours, lifting your hand and giving it a kiss.
“thank you, love.” he said and hugged you, your daughter and your son. “yeonwoo, jiyeon, do you want to see your grandfather, grandmother and uncles?” yeonjun asked your children.
yeonwoo raised his arms and jumped, “yes! yes! we go tomorrow!” your son innocently scream out of excitement.
“you heard him, we’re going tomorrow.” yeonjun said before giving you a kiss.
“fine prince yeonjun, your highness.” you teased before standing up and getting your luggage ready.
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lucky-sevens · 4 years
mechanisms fanfiction recommendations
this began as a compilation of my own works for my about, but i decided to recommend some others as well!
i have kept this list to 20 of other people’s + all of my own, because i have a lot of mechanisms fanfiction saved and didn’t want to go overboard! in addition, i’ve made sure that everyone i draw from is a different author, vs. several by the same person, for the sake of variation and giving more people a spotlight! i’ve also made sure everything is complete, which sadly means i’ve left out a few of my favorite longfics. i’ve also tried to have a decent balance of album-focused things vs crew-focused things.
a note; i’ve tried to have a variety (of both genre and length), but my tastes skew towards angst and longer oneshots, so that’ll be a lot of that sort of thing. (please mind the tags on some of these fics!) this is also all sfw, as i’m a minor, but it’s not all gen.
edit: i copy-pasted the summary from each of these works over to this post!
no matter what you do it won’t go away by AssyEr
Brian coming to terms with being made of metal.
Hatter and Hare Top 5 Gay Moments!! [NOT CLICKBAIT!!!] by shella688
Majors Hatter and Hare grinned at each other as they shook hands.
Then, all of a sudden, the grins faltered slightly as a realisation went through both their heads.
Oh no, the realisation went. He's cute.
Date Night: New Midgardian Prison Edition by OnceAndFloral
The Mechs cordially invite Lyfrassir to date night in their prison cell. And by "cordially invite" I mean "orchestrate an elaborate scheme".
eternity will see her dead by Garecc
Rose Reds are made to die, and eternity will see them dead, sent off to another bitter end.
cold as numbers by alderations
Ivy starts at the beginning.
Every morning, Ivy starts at the beginning. Rubbing alcohol, scalpel blades, sensations that should be twisting and cutting and crushing, if the words could coalesce into feelings. A subdued voice, a cool hand on her forehead. She is Ivy Alexandria. She starts at the beginning.
beat inside your heart by zinabug
Jonny and Nastya sibling oneshots part two. (Note from @lucky-sevens- they all function on their own.)
And Sew by fracnkie
The benefits of teaching your Toy Soldier to do the following: sew, do makeup, how to cure a sore throat, and how to shoot a plasma blaster.
Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust by CloudDreamer
It was the two of them against the world. But then the two of them against each other, and that seemed so much harder than fighting all the worlds combined.
Wayfarers by Oblivion_Wanderer
Nastya and Lyf meet in the cold of space; Nastya adrift after leaving the Mechanisms and Lyf fleeing from the destruction of the Yggdrasil system. Each feeling lost in their own way, they decide to travel together.
No Heart To Break by meteornight
The Toy Soldier was not real. It could never be real, not if it had any say in the matter. The widow had said that the toy was real, that it had once been a real man with a real heart. The toy knew that was a lie, for if it was a man, why would she treat it like a toy?
is it piety is it purity is it virtue by consumptive_sphinx
“Percy’s blunt, not stupid,“ Mordred says when Kay asks why they’re even friends, “and anyway she’s great, she never calculates anything, she just says stuff and makes everyone else deal with it. I could never be brave enough.”
This is because Mordred absolutely does calculate every word that comes out of his mouth, except sometimes when it’s two in the morning and everyone except him and Galahad and Percival has gone to sleep and he can argue as passionately in favor of peace as he wants with the only two people who won’t call him a traitor for it, and while he doesn’t not appreciate this trait of Percival’s, like hell is he going to admit to his real reason.
orpheus, the soldier, and the short-billed dowitchers by alexsandr
orpheus finds rest with an unexpected friend.
No Violins Allowed by Alienea
Lyf had been having a very peaceful and fulfilling few decades, at least in terms of work fulfillment and being able to afford to bail out of the system at the very first moment anything happened.
So of course that was when the Mechanisms appeared over the horizon.
Labyrinthine by DuskDragon39
Your story is a labyrinth.
Your story is built along wandering lines and windings so vague that you, its architect, cannot trace your way out. It is your scream at its center, your pain that fuels it.
(Or: Daedalus and the stories they tell about him.)
Baking With Goggles (Safety First!) by eminorseven
Marius tries to justify bringing Jonny and Tim to the kitchen. Brian daydreams. Jonny stabs many walnuts. Tim gets locked out and explodes things.
Typical baking stuff.
Surprising Salvage by OddmentsAndTweaks
A normal boring morning is made infinitely more exciting by the prospect of a ship boarding. The Mechanisms prepare for chaos and murder and some really good violence. What they get is one very defiantly defended ruined vessel and a morning no one expected at all.
I wanna stay here with you by SnailArmy 
Loki and Sigyn get to be wives, in stolen moments. 
As It Was by i_am_made_of_memoriies
Jonny walked down the corridor, his steps burdened by an invisible force. His face was passive, and where there was usually manic glee, there was only a hint of curiosity–someone was trying to enter through the airlocks, and he was going to kill them.
Nastya returns to the ship formerly known as the Aurora to find the mechanisms at the end of their time.
burned out from a joyride by spiralingcosmos
ashes has a nightmare; as a result, they make a new friend.
In Which Nastya Is The Narrator Of The Deaths by nonbinary_frog
(Note from @lucky-sevens: There is no summary included, but I feel like the title works well enough.)
my heart in your hands
How Jonny d'Ville's mechanization came about.
i’ve got a map of your eyes (but i’ve never seen your face)
That’s not the real Rose. All the memories and feelings were merely planted in her head.”
 “Very true.”
 “And given the effective age difference, it’s unlikely they’ll have much of a life together, not to mention the massive amount of trauma they’ve both endured.”
 “Not only that, but everyone else they’ve ever known or loved is dead and they’re trapped on a planet full of corpses in a vast interstellar empire that is going to suffer the most horrendous power vacuum and associated bloodshed the galaxy has ever seen. Oh, and they’re both known war criminals and will likely be on the run for the rest of their lives.”
“Like I said. I love a happy ending.”
-Ever After
the death of a phoenix
You are Ashes O'Reilly, and you are twenty-three, and you are dying.
an exercise in futility
The Aurora doesn't have a daemon, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a soul.
marching ever through the black
Whoever’s uniform you wear No loyalties to hold or share No burning hate, no bitter fear No heart to break, so shed no tear
TMA Is The Mechanisms’ Podcast (series)
The Magnus Archives is a podcast distributed by the Mechanisms, a crew of immortal space pirates roaming through the galaxy having fun, violence, violence, and violence. They have an inane distaste for laws, and so refuse to put their podcast under any kind of copyright law whatsoever. Today's episode was cowritten by Ivy Alexandria and Nastya Rasputina and performed by Jonny d'Ville. It was produced by the SS Aurora and directed by Jonny d'Ville- well, no, but sometimes he wants to be in charge of things and the other Mechanisms don't find it worth arguing about. To comment on episodes, make donations, and view links, images, and show notes, simply throw yourself into space and the Mechanisms may or may not find you. Probably best if they don't. Thank you for listening, though why you choose to spend your time like this is beyond the Blogbot's understanding.
thank you for reading! i’d highly suggest trying these!
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lloydskywalkers · 4 years
planetary go
me: hey this would be a great time to actually do some of that oc development I’ve been planning for the last two years
also me: lloyd has no good very bad spiderman day
i’ve had this in my drafts for...over a year now, i think?? it’s entirely self-indulgent and i was very much committed to never posting it ever, but it’s oc day, so. maybe i will leave it up for five minutes before hiding it again gdhjkfg
(for background, the oc is Rachel, who’s Brad’s friend from school and a useless nerd, and one day i’ll actually take the ideas i have for her further, but today she’s just a kid who got her hands on an axe)
In theory, bringing Lloyd on their school’s annual planetarium field trip sounded like a great idea. Brad’s been trying to get Lloyd to hang out with them in a normal setting for forever now, and he knows that, as much as Rachel secretly enjoys waving at Lloyd during life-or-death situations because deep down she’s an adrenaline maniac, he also knows she’s been wanting to have five minutes of peace and normality with him as well.
As for Lloyd, Brad’s pretty sure he doesn’t even know what that is, but there’s always time for a learning curve.
Plus, Lloyd deserves it. As soon as Brad managed to get wind that the only education his friend’s had is Darkley’s — which is a tragedy, honestly — he’d started scheming a way to sneak Lloyd into his school. Only for the fun stuff, of course — he’s not about to subject Lloyd to the horrors of Pre-Cal, or AP Physics.
A field trip, though, is perfect. All the fun parts of school, without the actual busy work or potentially anxiety-inducing memories of school hallways. Sure, the planetarium their school insists on visiting is boring as it gets, but it’s still better than math class. It’s a full hour-long bus ride away, too, which means that by the time the teachers or the ninja catch wind what’s happened, they’ll be home free.
(Well, Brad thinks so. If Lloyd didn’t end up clearing this trip with the ninja and snuck out instead, he’s not sure their school bus is up to outrunning a bunch of dragons. It’d be funny to watch, though.)
The point is, it had been a great idea, until Rachel went and fell asleep in the first five minutes. Which would’ve been fine, except Lloyd took one look at her and decided that he liked the idea of being asleep too, so now Brad’s lost two friends to naps, and he kinda needs them awake, because hour-long bus rides are boring.
He eyes the two where they’re sleeping in disdain. Some friends they are. He contemplates shoving them both off the school seats for a second, and watching them sprawl all over the floor like a pair of idiots, but he decides against it. Lloyd’s packing a little too much power, and he’s seen Rachel when she’s angry. Also, he watched the news report this morning, and he knows the kind of night Lloyd had. Brad’s still trying to figure out how he doesn’t have ugly bruising all up the left side of his face, much less a decent night’s sleep.
Nah, he’ll let them sleep for now. He can read Lloyd’s comics in the meantime, since he doesn’t have school books. Brad can be nice, when he wants to. Not that it’s going to make up for the hour long bus ride on his own, but he can suck it up this once, he supposes.  
If only that had been the worst of his problems today.
“This is a terrible plan.”
“What do you mean?” Brad’s eyebrows furrow. “This was your plan.”
“Well, yeah, okay, fine, but I mean—” Rachel shrinks in her seat, still rubbing sleep from her eyes as she glances around at her classmates on the bus warily. “I didn’t really think it through,” she mutters.
Brad rolls his eyes. “Kai’s not gonna find out, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Oh, it’s not Kai I’m worried about,” Rachel scoffs. “I figured that out. Lloyd was right, Kai’s just a big softie. It’s Nya you gotta worry about.”
Brad scoffs. “Wimp.”
“Fine, you can face her down when she comes at us with all the wrath of god for hijacking Lloyd for the day.”
Lloyd shifts guiltily where he’s crammed in the seat between them, jacket hood pulled over his head, as it that’s gonna hide who he is. “I don’t have to come, guys.”
“Yes, you do,” Brad immediately responds.
“We want you to come,” Rachel says, emphatically.
“You can’t just ditch us, you’re the only exciting part of this dumb field trip,” Brad adds. “Plus, it’s like, way too late to back out now. We’re ten minutes from the planetarium, you should’ve spoken up earlier.”
“You deserve a normal day out,” Rachel steamrolls over Brad. “You’re coming.”
“Okay,” Lloyd says, still unsure as he glances around. He’s starting to wonder how, exactly, he managed to sleep through the better part of this trip. The West Ninjago High school bus is chaos incarnate, the high school students crammed in the seats all chattering loudly and occasionally chucking everything from straws to entire notebooks at each other.
Maybe he should get his reflexes checked, he thinks dully. Then again, it’s not like the school bus is an immediate threat. It’s pretty nice, actually — a lot nicer than the buses they used to have at school the guys taught at, at least.
“We do need to work on your disguise, though,” Rachel mutters, surveying his outfit. Lloyd tugs anxiously on the school jacket Brad lent him, the dark blue fabric scratchy and uncomfortable. Luckily, Brad and Rachel’s school doesn’t require a uniform, so his casual outfit blends in just fine. The jacket’s just a field trip requirement.
Why he’s crashing their field trip, he’s yet to figure out, but they’d made it sound fun, and he hadn’t had anything better to do today, so Lloyd Garmadon’s now Brad’s distant cousin from Metallonia. They haven’t decided on his fake name yet, because Rachel wants to use Luke Skywalker, and while Lloyd isn’t great at going undercover, he’s not that bad.
“Here,” Rachel says, rifling through her backpack. She pulls out a pair of glasses, unfolding them and handing them off to him. “The lenses are fake, don’t worry.”
Lloyd stares at the glasses in his hands. “This is my disguise?”
“Yeah,” Brad nods. “Like Clark Kent.”
“Clark Kent has the most obvious disguise ever.”
“Yeah, but no one ever finds him out.”
“Because it’s the comics. This is my life. Something’s gonna go wrong.”
Rachel doesn’t seem to share his concerns, pushing the glasses toward his face. “Just put them on?”
Lloyd sighs, complying. He slides the glasses on, frowning at the unfamiliar weight. “There,” he grumbles. “How do I look?"
Brad snorts, but he gives him a thumbs up. Rachel turns a weird color and coughs quickly, before saying what Lloyd’s pretty sure is “they’re alright”.
He’ll take it.
“So I’m good to go?” he asks, glancing at the teacher up front anxiously.
Brad and Rachel stare at him. Lloyd isn’t a fan of the looks on their faces.
“Well, you’re gonna have to…talk with your mouth closed a little more,” Brad winces. “The uh, the teeth.”
Lloyd shuts his mouth tightly. Right. His genetics.
“And um…” Rachel bites her lip. “Is there any way you could, like…turn the brightness down?”
Lloyd frowns. “The what?”
“The uh—“ Rachel gestures to her own dark brown eyes. “The eyes.”
Lloyd folds his arms, glaring at them. “This is part-human discrimination.”
“It is not—“
“Yeah, the only part we’d discriminate you for is the lame part—“
“We’re just trying to make sure no one figures out you’re a big ninja celebrity!”
Rachel immediately claps a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide. Lloyd sinks lower into his seat, and Brad cringes.
“Sorry,” Rachel whispers.
Fortunately, no one else seems to have overheard, or they simply just don’t care. Lloyd straightens up a bit, still wary, but he uncrosses his arms.
“Yeah, I get it,” he sighs. He closes his eyes, focuses briefly on the thrumming power that’s always in his veins, then opens them.
Rachel looks guilty, and Brad snorts.
“They’re, um, they’re red now.”
Lloyd bites back a curse. “Darn it.”
By the time they reach the planetarium, Lloyd’s finally got his eyes to stay a color Rachel says could be normal, and Brad says is lame. Lloyd’s eyes are itching, and he’s starting to have seconds thoughts about this, because the kids in the seat across from him are giving him weird looks.
“D’you think they recognize me?” he asks Rachel under his breath, pulling his hood back up over his head.
Rachel looks over, and her lips pinch. “I don’t think so,” she says. She gets a weird look on her face. “I think they just…like you.”
“Like me?” Lloyd frowns. “They don’t even know me. I haven’t even said one word to them.”
Rachel stares at him, the weird look replaced by a blank one. “Lloyd.”
“Yeah?” he blinks.
“Never mind,” Rachel sighs, and Brad snickers. “Hey, we’re here.”
Lloyd’s stomach does a little flip, which is ridiculous, because he’s faced things ten thousand times more terrifying than a field trip.  Maybe it’s the fact that he’s got a miserable track record with disguises, and really just acting in general?
Yeah, that could be it, Lloyd thinks. He never could pull off accents, unless you wanted like, an Oni one, which was useless anyways, because any Oni would probably just kill him for being a blood traitor on the spot, and anyone else who heard it would go running for the hills, or lock him up, or—
“—c’mon, Lloyd, we’re going!”
Lloyd snaps back as Brad shoves at him, forcing him out of the seat and into the aisle. He stumbles in with the other high schoolers crammed in the bus, all fighting to get to the front exit first, and is immediately onset by claustrophobia.
“Move it, people, come on—” Rachel shoulders her way past him, shoving the people in front of them until they’re stumbling forward, gradually thinning up the crowd. “I hate this bus,” she grumbles beneath her breath. “It’s like a mosh pit, but without any of the fun."
“I can start kicking kneecaps in,” Brad offers.
Rachel glances back at him, unimpressed. Lloyd considers it briefly, before quickly schooling his expression into “unimpressed” as well. Brad deflates.
Rachel finally gets them out by sheer value of being taller than most of the other kids, and Lloyd can’t help but be grateful as she tugs him in front of her, letting him escape the bus first. This last about half a second, because he immediately comes face-to-face with their teacher.
“Uh. Hi,” Lloyd says, weakly, as the teacher frowns at him.
“I don’t remember you,” he mutters glancing down at his clipboard, where he’s been checking off students. “Do you sit toward the back?”
“Ah, no, sorry, he’s with us!” Rachel says quickly, coming to his rescue. “He’s a visitor, just checking out the school, y’know?”
The teacher narrows his eyes. “Is that so,” he says, and Lloyd shrinks under his gaze. “And you’re who, now?”
“He’s my cousin,” Brad answers for him. “Luh — Floyd. Floyd…Calrissian?”
Rachel makes a muffled sound of agonized exasperation. Lloyd has to violently stifle the urge to stomp on Brad’s foot.
“Yeah, Floyd,” Brad nods, steamrolling ahead. “He lives out of city, in, um…“
“Ignacia,” Lloyd says, seizing on the name.
“Ignacia, yeah!” Brad snaps his fingers. “You know how it is there, real small town. He’s checking out schools here, so I thought I’d…bring him along…for the day.”
The teacher stares at them all for a beat, then shakes his head, looking uninterested. “You’re supposed to check him in, you know, but we’re already here. Nothing for it now. Keep an eye on him, Tudabone. Miss Lennox, you keep an eye on them both.”
“Yes, sir,” Rachel says, ignoring the face Brad’s making. “Thanks, sir.”
She seizes both their arms, dragging them away before Brad can make any kind of undoubtedly snarky remark. Lloyd’s too relieved to be out of the teacher’s stare to complain about being manhandled — he hadn’t realized how much he didn’t like teachers. Real good to know that he’s scarred for life thanks to Darkley’s, apparently.
“I thought you were gonna be from Metallonia,” Rachel hisses at him as they pass through the sliding doors, interrupting his train of thought.
Lloyd bristles. “I blanked, okay? It was the first thing I could think of on the spot. At least I did better than Brad.” He glares at him. “Lafloyd? That’s my name now?”
“It’s better than whatever you could come up with,” Brad shoots.
“Really?” Rachel turns on Brad. “‘Cause — Floyd Calrissian? Seriously? And you gave me heck for wanting to call him Luke.”
“Whatever, Miss Lennox, snooty teacher’s pet—”
“Oh, just ‘cause I didn’t spray-paint the teacher’s lounge—”
“Hey, here’s a fun idea, why don’t you drop it.” Lloyd glares at them both, immediately silencing them. Rachel makes a face, but her cheeks darken, and Brad glances at the floor. Lloyd watches his sneakers on the linoleum, where bright colored solar systems have been inlaid in fun little patterns.
“Lafloyd is a funny nickname,” Rachel suddenly remarks, quietly.
Lloyd stares at her, hoping it conveys the utter, crushing betrayal. Rachel just grins brightly back at him.
“Lafloyd Calrissian, from Metallnacia,” Brad snickers, and Lloyd feels a headache coming on.
At least it’s not Lloydkins, he tries to convince himself. Floyd is not the most awful option here. It could be worse.
The planetarium is actually pretty cool, more so than Brad was selling it as when he termed it “the most boring school trip conceived”. The domed, dark room is quiet and comfortable, and Lloyd could go for a really long nap in here, if time permitted. But then the ceiling lights up in constellations and the teacher starts introducing some visiting Serpentine professor, and Lloyd figures taking another nap would probably be rude. He’s here to hang out with Brad and Rachel, after all, he can’t sleep through the whole thing.
Plus, astronomy is fun, now that he’s getting to actually learn about it from a nice planetarium seat, as opposed to hurtling through space on a nindroid spaceship in a desperate attempt to stop the Overlord from ending the world.
Not that it’s going to stop him from bragging about it.
“I’ve been on an asteroid,” Lloyd remarks under his breathe, as the professor starts detailing the orbital paths of comets. “It’s not as cool as it sounds.”
Rachel chokes where she’s sitting beside him, coughing out what might be a laugh. Brad stares at him, before casting his eyes to the ceiling digging his hands in his hair. “Of course you have,” he mutters. “Why not. Been to six different realms, what’s one asteroid?”
“You’ve been to other realms?!” Rachel hisses, looking equal parts flabbergasted and wildly interested. “Which ones? What were they like? Did you make it to that one that’s supposed to have fire-breathing dogs?”
All three of them shrink in their seats as the teacher hushes them. Lloyd swaps looks with Brad, who’s already smirking at the familiarity.
Lloyd grins back, a bubble of happiness rising in his chest. His recently-rebuilt friendship with Brad has been slow-going at best — mostly because of how busy Lloyd’s schedule always is — and he’s been quietly fearing that the bridge their friendship was built on might’ve been a little too burned to build back. That there’s too much distance between them now, with how different their lives are.
It’s nice to proven wrong, he thinks. In fact, this entire field trip thing was a good idea, in hindsight. He’s having a pretty good—
The back door slams open with an almighty crash, and several shrieks ring out as a frazzled, deranged-looking man in a stained lab coat stands highlighted in the doorway, one accusing finger pointed toward the Serpentine lecturer.
“And you thought you could escape me, you halfwit snake.”
—oh for crying out loud.
“You,” the lecturer says, his face paling as he takes a noticeable step back. “You’re supposed to be in prison.”
“It didn’t agree with me,” the man cackles, his expression manic under the spiraling lights of the solar system. Brad and Rachel’s classmates are rooted to their seats, watching the scene unfold with wide eyes like some terrible soap opera. Their teacher’s kind of just gaping at the entire thing, like he can’t believe this is happening. Lloyd can completely sympathize.
“Should we call the police?” Brad whispers uncertainly, his eyes wide.
“No way, the police are useless,” Rachel hisses back. “Lloyd, use your zappy power-thing.”
The crazy guy continues before Lloyd can form a response. “So you’ve regressed to teaching now, have you? How the mighty have fallen.” A leer drags up the corners of his mouth, and Lloyd’s hair stands on end. Nope, he doesn’t like that—
“Luckily for you, I perfected the serum even without your help,” the guy continues, and the lecturer makes a strangled sound of horror as he pulls out a syringe. “Or unluckily for you, I should say."
The deranged man then grins, looking entirely too unhinged, and Lloyd’s stomach drops. He’s on his feet before his brain can catch up, ignoring Brad and Rachel’s yelps of alarm as instinct wired into his limbs drives him towards the guy before he can do anything, because Lloyd knows that look and he’s definitely going to do something—
“This is the turning point, old friend,” Crazy Guy hisses. “Now, no one will ignore me, ever again!”
He raises his hand, the syringe glinting in the dim lights of the planetarium. Lloyd puts on a burst of speed, mere yards from the guy, if he can just—
“Lloyd, wait!”
The man slams the needle into his arm, injecting the vivid purple right into his bloodstream. Lloyd reaches him just as the last of the liquid’s draining, launching himself from the top of one of the seats as a student screams, and kicks the syringe into an arching spiral away from his arm.
Oh, mistake. Big mistake. The guys gives a loud shriek, and the slight change in air pressure is all the warning Lloyd gets.
He whips back around to the students, eyes wide as he screams a warning. “Get down—!”
There’s a spectacular purple flash, and Lloyd goes flying, hurtling backward and smashing through an entire row of seats. This wouldn’t be so bad, except then his head cracks against something entirely too solid, and Lloyd’s vision goes out in bright, incredibly painful fireworks.
On second thought, this was a bad idea, is his last conscious thought, before the fireworks go dark.
Lloyd jolts back into awareness to a throbbing pain in his head, and a feeling similar to someone trying to tear his arms off. He moans, blinking hazily as sound filters back in with consciousness, the unfortunately familiar sound of panicked screaming and destruction filling his ears.
That’s a bad sign, he thinks dizzily.
“Oh, thank FSM — he’s waking up! Lloyd, Lloyd, can you hear me?”
Brad finishes this last statement by yelling it in his face, and Lloyd flinches back, his head pounding.
“Stop that, you’re hurting him!”
He registers that as Rachel’s voice, coming from near his left side. He cracks his eyes back open, trying to get his bearings, and realizes that he’s being dragged forward. The pressure on his arms must be Rachel and Brad’s grip where they’ve got them slung over their own shoulders, they’re hauling him away from — from what?
“The crazy scientist guy lost it,” Rachel explains, her breath coming in sharp pants. “I think he’s got some big grudge against the lecturer, or something? Like, really intense drama—”
“That’s not the point!” Brad hisses. “He just turned himself into a freaky lizard monster, how are you not focusing on that?”
“Details are important!” Rachel snaps back, flinching as something explodes from behind them.
Lloyd blinks again, trying to get his dazed brain to work with him again. His first thought is, I didn’t know I was Spider-Man.
His second thought is that he needs to get with the program, now.
“Where’d’e go,” Lloyd slurs out as he yanks his arms from their hold, stumbling briefly before he finds his balance. He wavers as a searing pain slices through his head, and he grits his teeth, pressing a hand to his temple as he takes quick inventory. Other than his head, everything else seems to be in working order, he finds with relief.
Which is a really good thing, because it sounds like mutated science guy is about to try and start snacking on high school students like popcorn shrimp.
“He’s still back in the show room, but — Lloyd, you need to sit down,” Rachel says, her hands flitting toward his head anxiously.
“Yeah, you hit your head bad,” Brad echoes, his eyes wide. “I mean, the crack was epic, but you were passed out for like, ten minutes or so, which is bad.”
“M’fine,” Lloyd waves them off, blinking in an attempt to get the room to stop spinning. “Everything’s gonna be fine. Here,” he shoves his phone into Brad’s hand. “Call the guys if I’m not back in fifteen, okay?”
Brad and Rachel stare at him like he’s lost his mind, their eyes wide and faces pale. Which is rude, they could at least try and have some confidence.
“I got this,” he says, and gives them a thumbs-up. Or he’s pretty sure he does, his vision is still doing that weird wobbling thing again. “I do this like, every day, guys. Just get somewhere safe, okay?”
Before either of them can protest, Lloyd takes off sprinting back to the show room, where the worst of the roaring is coming from. He grinds his teeth as another chorus of screams ring out, green light already flashing at his fingertips.
No luck. He’s got no luck at all.
“We’re so dead.”
Rachel doesn’t even respond. She’s just standing there, rooted to the floor while their classmates run screaming past them for the doors, her fists clenched.
“His team’s totally gonna kill us,” Brad continues, trying to stifle mounting panic. “Kai’s gonna roast me alive. We’re gonna die.”
Rachel still doesn’t answer, staring after where Lloyd disappeared, her jaw working.
Brad shakes his head, flinching as another roar echoes from the back. “Let’s go.” They should probably at least honor Lloyd’s final wishes, he thinks, dizzily.
Rachel shakes her head. Brad’s stomach begins to sink.
“Rae, come on,” he implores. “We gotta go, Lloyd said—”
“No,” Rachel cuts over him, and Brad’s stomach finishes sinking right to his shoes. There’s something dangerously stubborn in her eyes. “We can’t just abandon him,” she continues. “Friends don’t leave other friends to fight crazy mutant lizard monsters on their own.”
Brad gapes at her. “Uh, yeah they do, if one friend is a super-powered ninja, and the other two are just average joes!”
Rachel whirls on him, and his sputtering dies in face of her glare. “Brad, it’s just Lloyd, all on his own! And he’s already concussed, he needs our help!”
“What help?” Brad throws his arms out, helplessly. “What are we even supposed to do?! We don’t! Have! Powers!”
A high-pitched explosion echoes from the back, as if to emphasize his point.
“Didn’t you go to a school for evil masterminds?” Rachel snaps back, and Brad flinches. “Use your brain, come up with something!”
Brad sputters at her, but she’s darting off before he can reply, fiddling with something on the wall. Brad fists his hands in his hair in frustration, trying to formulate an explanation that while he did, of course, go to a school for evil kids, he never actually got to the part where they taught him how to fight, much less defeat giant mutated lizards, and he has no idea what to do about it. If they were going to be of any help to Lloyd, they needed to make sure they weren’t giant liabilities, first off, and then they’d have to find out what the scientist had actually done to himself, and if there was a way to reverse it.
“And we’re gonna have to — holy FSM, is that an axe?”
“Yup,” Rachel says, testing the weight and swinging it briefly. “It is.”
“Where did you get an axe?!”
“From the glass box for fires and emergencies, duh.” She swings it again for emphasis, then nods in satisfaction. Brad jumps a foot back.
“Don’t you want to be a doctor?” he yelps. “What happened to ‘do no harm’?”
“That thing is trying to eat Lloyd,” she snaps. “So yeah, I’m gonna do some harm. Are you coming or not?”
Another explosion goes off from the halls inside the planetarium, and two of the kids on the basketball team run by screaming. Rachel blows her breath out, sets her jaw, hoists the axe and takes off after the high-pitched sound of Lloyd’s powers.
Brad looks at the exit, then back at the hallway of doom. He brings his foot down hard, and groans. “I — you — gah, we’re so gonna die.”
He grabs the fire extinguisher and heads after his friends.
On the bright side of things, Lloyd’s managed to get all the high schoolers and their dumbstruck teacher out of the show room, and hopefully they’re now running to safety. He got the poor lecturer out too, even if it was a ridiculously close call and he’s gonna look like a rabid lizard attacked his right shoulder the next two weeks. Now the only ones duking it out in the room are Lloyd and Mr. Crazy Lizard Guy, so the chances of collateral have gone down, at least.
On the significantly less bright side, Lloyd might actually be losing this fight. He’s not sure, because the room’s pretty dark and the only real light is from some distant solar system the ceiling’s still whirling them through — which is really not helping with his headache, or spinning vision — but the fact that Lloyd, trained ninja that he is, hasn’t already obliterated this desk-job half-insane scientist is a bad sign.
As it turns out, fighting half-concussed just isn’t Lloyd’s strongest point. Which is dumb, because you’d think that by now, he’d at least be used to it.
“Infuriating child, why won’t you die—!”
Lloyd yelps, twisting aside as the mutated lizard-guy takes another swipe at him, razor-sharp claws whistling through the air where his head just was. Lloyd powers up a burst of green to retaliate, only to look back up and find that there are now three lizard monsters swimming in his vision, warping and swaying like snakes.
He shakes his head, desperately trying to re-focus, but it’s a fatal hesitation. The next swipe lands solidly against his side, and Lloyd cries out in alarm as he’s sent flying again, slamming into the auditorium seats before tumbling to the floor.
“Ow,” he coughs into the carpet, propping himself up with his arms and trying not to throw up. He’s going to feel this tomorrow — and look it too, probably. Man, the others are gonna kill him—
Scaled claws suddenly slam into the floor next to him, and Lloyd yelps, flinching back and craning his head upwards.
“Next time, know your place,” Crazy Guy hisses through jagged teeth, eyes flashing in deadly intent. Lloyd’s brain slams into panicked instinct, and he grasps at his powers, preparing to blast the entire room—
Lloyd stares with dinner-plate-sized eyes as Rachel appears from nowhere, swinging an axe straight into the mutated man’s raised arm with a wild shriek and a startling amount of force.
“Go to hell, you maniac—!”
Her next hit finds a shoulder, and before Lloyd can blink the guy’s scaly right arm is gashed open, his mouth open in an agonized howl as he staggers back. Rachel’s eyes are wild as she gasps heavily, brandishing the axe like a baseball player gearing up to swing. Lloyd manages to gape for a good three seconds before someone’s hands are pulling him to his feet, dragging him back.
“Move, move you moron!” Brad’s yelling, as he slings Lloyd’s arm around his shoulder and retreats. It takes Lloyd another second to realize he’s not yelling at him.
Rachel is still staring at the monster, her face pale and axe held aloft, frozen by shock. Or terror, either one’s fair game.
Lloyd snaps himself out of it, shrugging off Brad as the world swims again. He darts forward, grabs Rachel by the hand and pulls. He snags Brad as they go, hauling tail away from the still-howling scientist and throwing them behind the control podium at the back of the room, just barely sliding in behind them and out of lizard guy’s sight.
“We’re gonna die,” Brad gasps, his dark hair a frazzled mess. “It’s been real nice knowing you guys, we had a good run—”
“We are not gonna die,” Lloyd hisses, blinking black dots from his vision, That’s probably a bad sign. He shakes his head, fixing them both with a glare. “What are you guys doing?! I told you to get somewhere safe!”
“What, and let you die?” Rachel whispers back hotly, her hands still shaking around the axe she’s clutching, an odd green liquid dripping from the blade that Lloyd doesn’t wanna think about right now. “You were getting trashed out there!”
“No I wasn’t!” Lloyd defends. “I was just—”
“You think you can stop me?!” Crazy Guy’s voice roars across the room, and Lloyd pulls Brad and Rachel closer to him, ducking down lower. “Insignificant children, you’ll be the first to fall to my reign!”
“Wow, he’s really gone off the deep end,” Brad mutters, as if that, of all things, has jolted him from his ‘we’re gonna die’ mindset.
“I told you, huge grudge,” Rachel murmurs back.
Lloyd briefly wonders just how, exactly, he managed to end up with two utterly insane people as friends, then remembers who he is.
“Okay,” he breathes, pressing a hand to his throbbing head again and squeezing his eyes shut. “Plan. Need a plan. Um.”
“We got one,” Brad offers, exchanging looks with Rachel. “Uh, sort of.”
Lloyd looks between the two of them, trying to ignore how they suddenly blur into four of them.
Rachel makes a face. “Brad’s going to hack the light system and we’re going to get really, really annoying.”
Lloyd stares at them. “Absolutely not.”
Brad and Rachel glare back stubbornly, the planetarium lights dancing over their faces, their expressions set in shaky determination as the lizard guy continues to tear the room apart, searching for them. Lloyd’s hit by another vicious wave of anxiety. Brad and Rachel aren’t his team. They’re just — they’re just people, his friends, maybe, but civilians, he can’t ask them to—
“It’ll be fine,” Rachel assures him, the effect somewhat ruined by the manic way she’s clutching her axe. “I’ll be your eyes, so you’ll actually know where to shoot.”
“You can throw that axe at him, too,” Brad mutters, eyeing it warily.
Lloyd shakes his head. “No. No way, it’s too dangerous. You guys are gonna run, and I’m going to take care of him myself, because it’s my job.”
Brad and Rachel have those glares on again. “Sorry, Lloyd,” Brad says, with a burst of confidence Lloyd really wishes didn’t exist. “This isn’t Darkley’s. Friends don’t bail on each other. Also, you’re obviously gonna die if we don’t help out. No offense.”
Lloyd puffs his cheeks up with air, then slowly blows his breath out. This is an awful idea.
But he’s to the point where he’d admit that he’s concussed to Nya, and that means he needs all the help he can get.
“Okay,” he sighs, heavily. “Okay, but one rule — you are all staying far behind me.”
Rachel breaks the rule in the first five seconds, but it’s only to stop Lloyd’s skull from getting banged up any further, so he’ll let it slide for the time being.
Also, he’s too busy trying to listen to her harried shouts over Crazy Guy’s enraged screaming to be mad at her now.
“Five — no, six o’clock!” she shrieks at him, tugging on his shoulder to move them out of the way. “Six o’clock, ten feet!”
Screwing his eyes shut against the dizzying lights, Lloyd hurls a streaking ball of energy where Rachel’s told him, and is rewarded with a screeching cry of pain.
“Nice!” Lloyd winces as Rachel yells directly in his ear. “Sorry, sorry — you hit him dead on!”
“Please tell me he’s down.”
“Uh, I think he might — oh, nope, he’s getting back up, but he looks a little dizz—yyyy duck, duck!”
Lloyd grabs for Rachel’s hand and pulls her down with him, sending them both sprawling across the floor as a something large whistles overhead.
“He’s tearing up the seats and throwing them at us,” Rachel pants, sounding indignant. She’s got a death grip on his hand, which might hurt if she wasn’t shaking like she’d shotgunned energy drinks.
Lloyd gets it, even if his adrenaline high of terror is more because he still can’t see straight.
He can see enough to tell that the lights of the planetarium are still going berserk above them, flashing from panel to panel and lighting up the dark room in a dizzying kaleidoscope of changing skies. It’d be super cool if it wasn’t one) really disorienting, and two) taking place while a mutated monster of doom tries to murder high schoolers.
“Guys, get up!” Brad’s scream echoes from the control podium, where he’s spinning them through Ninjago’s nearest satellites now. Lloyd feels the floor vibrating a second before the lizard monster comes barreling toward them, screeching in fury. Rachel sucks in a sharp breath of horror, and Lloyd’s stomach drops as he runs into another row of chairs. Reacting half on instinct, he grasps Rachel by the arm, pulls her close, and gasps out a ‘hold on’ — then, briefly siphoning the green power — tosses her straight up in the air, soaring inches from the ceiling.
Lloyd barely registers Brad swearing in shock as Rachel screams, but he’s too busy counting the seconds as the lizard monster charges him.
One, two—
Lloyd sidesteps, wind whistling past him as he narrowly avoids being pummeled again—
Three, four—
Lloyd sends two screeching bursts of energy into the monster’s back, a howl of pain missing with a sizzling sound as he goes flying across the room—
Lloyd skids back into place, and throws his arms out just in time to catch Rachel as she comes screaming back down.
“Sorry,” he pants, carefully setting her on her feet. She’s rattling in place like a wind-up toy now, but Lloyd can just see her giving him a shaky thumbs-up through his spinning vision.
“L-little more warning, next time,” she gasps, sounding winded. “Would be nice.”
Lloyd feels a flash of guilt bubble up, followed by a helpless burst of frustration. She shouldn’t be anywhere remotely near this kind of situation, neither her or Brad — they’re his normal friends, he’s supposed to go on dumb boring field trips with them, not blow up half a planetarium in a fight for their lives.
Rachel suddenly goes rigid, then grabs his shoulders and pulls him back. “He’s up!” she yelps. “He’s coming, he’s rushing us—”
Lloyd can see that, through the dizzying lights of the nearest solar system. “Get behind me!” he orders, just in time to get sent flying by a torn-up chair the guy’s chucked at them.
A litany of curses streams through his brain as both him and Rachel cry out, and Lloyd barely has the sense of mind to wrap himself around her before they slam back into the floor, rolling several feet before Lloyd’s head slams right against the stairs with another solid crack.
So many aspirin, he thinks faintly, as the world pulses in and out in dizzying flashes of white. Gonna need so many aspirin tonight.
“—et up, Lloyd, come on—”
That’s Rachel’s voice, a vaguely functioning part of his brain notes. She sounds upset, all scared and worried, which is…that’s bad, right? Lloyd’s not sure, there are like, five of her all up in his face right now—
A roar sounds closely behind her, and Rachel’s expressions spasms in panic. Lloyd’s vision finally solidifies just in time fore her to throw herself over him, and panic screeches everything back into awareness, but it’s too late because the lizard monster’s right on top of them—
Another solid crack rings out across the room, but this time it’s not Lloyd’s head. Crazy Guy howls in pain as he staggers back, clutching his head where the fire extinguisher struck his temple. Lloyd stares blankly as Rachel shakily lifts her head, before Brad’s suddenly in front of them, grabbing them both by the arms and struggling to haul them up.
“Get up!” he yells, dark eyes wide but glinting in determination. “Don’t just lay there, you’re the green ninja, come on!”
“Shu’up,” Lloyd slurs, but Brad’s words are enough to cut through the hazy film inside his head. He staggers to his feet, highly conscious of Brad and Rachel supporting both arms. This is beyond humiliating, what kind of—
“Children.” The guttural hiss has all three of them freezing in place, hair standing on end as lizard-like eyes pin them in place, glinting yellow in the flashing lights. “All of you, infuriating bugs to be crushed beneath my feet. Your deaths will be the first in my new reign—”
Irritating monologuing aside, Lloyd can’t help but be grateful for the way the guy pauses to detail their deaths, because it gives him a split, beautiful second of clarity to finally send a concussive blast of green hurtling dead on. There’s a high-pitched shriek as it sends him flying, hurtling across the room and smashing into the bottom edge of the planetarium screen with a blinding burst of sparks.
“Now that’s more like it!” Brad crows, watching as the lizard guy flops to the floor. “That’s what you get for messing with us, you ugly—”
The lizard guy pushes himself to his feet, briefly swaying dizzily before turning furious, burning eyes on them.
Brad swallows. “Did I say ugly? Actually—”
Lloyd’s already gearing up for another round, green sparks lighting on his fingers as Rachel brings her axe up again — when an ominous cracking sounds from above them. Lloyd glances up, the frantic flashing of the cracking planetarium screen nearly blinding him, and his eyes go wide.
“Get down!” he cries, pulling Brad and Rachel and diving beneath the control podium. And not a moment too soon, because in the next second the entire planetarium screen comes crashing down with an exploding screech, large chunks of mangled ceiling smashing down on the guy, pinning him firmly in place.
Lloyd, firmly crushed between Brad and Rachel, but otherwise spared any further head trauma by the solid control panel sheltering them, gives a shuddering exhale of relief.
“Well,” Rachel finally says, with a shaky laugh. “You probably won’t have to worry about boring field trips here anymore, Brad.”
Brad makes a pained, weary sound of exhaustion, and simply buries his face in Lloyd’s shoulder.
Lloyd’s used to the after-battle adrenaline crash, for the most part. Brad and Rachel, as it turns out, are not. Five minutes after the paramedics have stopped fussing over them, leaving all three wrapped in the ugliest orange shock blankets Lloyd’s ever seen, there’s a sudden weight on both of his shoulders. Lloyd blinks, his head swiveling to where Brad and Rachel are snoring on either side of him, then sighs, staring upwards. At least they’re warm, he tells himself, even though it’s starting to get hot under the shock blanket.
Despite the screaming sirens all around him and the frantic voices of the students, Lloyd’s almost tempted to drift off himself. With the loss of adrenaline, his head’s really starting to hurt by now, and the flashing lights of the ambulance aren’t helping his headache in the slightest. He’s just deciding that dozing off with his friends is a good idea, when a familiar sigh has him yanking his eyes open.
Lloyd immediately wants to close them again. Kai and Nya are standing in front of him, arms crossed in identical expressions of disappointment, though it’s tinged mild amusement.
“Hi,” he croaks. He glances between Brad and Rachel, still snoring peacefully against his shoulders. Traitors. “Um. You got my text, then?”
Nya gives him a careful, judging look. “A month. You’re grounded for a month, at least.”
“Oh, come on,” Lloyd moans. “I was living my teenage years. Having a normal day.”
Kai snorts loudly, glancing back at the smoke still rising from the planetarium. “Totally normal teenage stuff, huh.”
Lloyd drops his head back, squeezing his eyes shut. “S’not fair,” he moans. “It’s not my fault trouble’s always following me.”
Nya’s expression eases up, and she shakes her head, uncrossing her arms. “Hey, we’ll have a normal evening back at home, okay?” She eyes Brad and Rachel, her lips quirking in amusement. “You can have a sleepover with your friends, or something. I’ll braid your hair.”
While the idea of anyone going remotely near his head sounds awful right now, Lloyd can’t help but smile back.
“Sounds like a plan,” he yawns. Anything to get them out of this parking lot. At least he knows what he’s missing out on with school, now.
Really, he doesn’t get the hype.
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crystalgirl259 · 3 years
The Flame and the Dragon Chapter 32
Chapter 32: The Art Of The Dress
Kai gulped under her stare as Harumi grabbed his wrist, and yanked him forward. They had to get Kai ready for the ball tonight. She took in the teen's messy hair, mud and slush caked riding boots and dirt-splattered riding clothes. He had just taken Flame for a quick walk around the castle grounds with Ronin when Harumi suddenly dragged him away and Ronin took Flame back to the stables. Kai was seriously confused. The ball was not until tonight, so he didn't know why he needed to get ready so early.
Harumi insisted that her absolute mess and they had less than six hours to get him ready.
With a struggle, Harumi managed to drag the stubborn teen inside. Kai looked over his shoulder at the troll for help, but Ronin just threw his hands up in defense and chuckled nervously. He couldn't save the brunette from his fate. Harumi scared Ronin more than Kai did. The harpy ordered him upstairs. Echo had put in too much work into this for Kai to show up looking horrible. Kai tried desperately to pry Harumi's hand on his wrist, fearful of his destination, but she shoved him into his room and shut the door.
Kai stumbled in his haste but regained his footing as he blinked at the chaos circling around him.
Pixal and Tox were both giggling with mischievous smiles while they set up the changing wall, Pixal holding a plethora of bathing supplies in her arms. Tox was in the joint bathroom preparing a large tub with dozens of bubbles gurgling over the rims like a cauldron. Griffin tapped his foot impatiently, holding a pile of clothing covered in red silk Kai assumed was his clothing. Jay, Echo, and Nelson set up a changing wall and Neuro sighed in the corner with his hand buried in his greying hair.
When they heard Kai stumble into the room their eyes turned to him.
Jay, Echo, and Nelson immediately sat on the bed. Jay and Neuro had sympathetic smiles on their faces while Nelson was trying hard to laugh. Echo crossed his arms over his chest with a wide grin on his face. Griffin's face twisted to a wicked smirk. The combination of looks sent a shiver down Kai's spine and he took a wary step back only to bump into Harumi, who was perched at the door with her arms poised to catch him. Her grin made Kai gulp and he turned around only to come face to face with Tox and Pixal.
The normally sweet girls both sported, devilish smiles, like giddy school girls with a new doll.
That realization made Kai wish he could sink into the floor.
"Why are you all looking at me like that?" He gulped, unsure if he truly wanted an answer to that question. He tried to take a hesitant step to the left, but Tox slithered to stop him. He faked right and waited for Tox to move, then went left. Too late he realized his mistake. Kai screeched when Harumi pounced from behind him and Kai was pinned by her strong grip before he could blink.
"What?! Put me down!" Kai demanded thrashing his arms and legs, stunned that Harumi managed to keep such a firm grip on his upper body.
"Oh no you don't," She taunted. "You're not going anywhere, we're going to scrub you from head to toe." She laughed as she dragged Kai towards the bath, but the brunette dugs his heels into the floor and tried to grab anything within reach to slow down his inevitable fate. He managed to free one of his arms from Harumi's grip, but Pixal grabbed his legs and Tox grabbed his wrists. The three women laughed and dragged him towards the washroom, ignoring Kai's rants and protests.
Kai flashed a pleading look over his shoulder, but the boys gave him the same fearful but sympathetic smile Ronin did.
"Sorry firecracker, we're sitting this one out," Jay smirked as he threw his hands up.
"W-W-W-Wait!" Kai pleaded, gripping onto the rim of the bathroom door with his free fingers, holding on firmly as the girls tried to pull him off. His nails scratched off chunks of wood when they finally ripped him off. Harumi shut the door and stripped him of his coat. A wicked gleam covered the three girl's faces.
"Don't worry, Kai, when we're done with you Cole won't be able to keep his hands off you!" Tox grinned wickedly. Kai gulped and backed into a corner before the three giggling ladies descended upon him. The girls had stripped Kai of his clothing faster than he could blink and shoved him backward into the tub of water sending a flood over the rim. Before he could protest, Harumi uplifted a basin of water over his head, drenching him. She then began attacking his hair with soap and her long nails.
"GET YOUR DAMN CLAWS OFF ME, YOU SHARP TALONED HARPY! I CAN SCRUB MYSELF!" Kai screamed a retort and shot to his feet, furious. He and Harumi exchanged glares but the older woman was adamant.
"THAT'S ENOUGH OUT OF YOU!" She scolded, harshly, and forced Kai back down by pushing his shoulders, surprising Kai with her strength. She shoved him under the water then hoisted him back up by his shoulders. Kai coughed and wheezed at soapy water filled his mouth, and released an animalistic growl but Harumi held him firmly by his shoulders while he lashed in the tub. Tox and Pixal then attacked every inch of his body with soap, scrub brushes, and a loofah sponge.
They battled the flailing limbs and the bathwater spraying all over them and the chamber floor.
"Hold still!" Harumi thundered, tightening her grip on one hand as she used the other to scrub Kai's back and shoulders
"Ow, stop that, Harumi, you're choking me!" Kai screeched, furiously. He tried to spray her with water to get her to let go, but missed and hit Pixal instead. Pixal shrieked as she was sprayed when she tried to scrub his hair.
"I've only got your shoulders, now stop that!" Harumi snapped. Tox shrieked rinsing her scrub brush in one of the basins then drowned it in more soap.
"My God, Kai, did you bathe at all this week? You're covered in grime!"
"No, I'm not!" Kai howled, insulted.
"The hell you aren't, I could grow Shade hundreds of ingredients in the muck I scrubbed off you!" Tox protested, returning to her crusade to rid the teen skin of any dirt. Kai wanted to insult them back, but he screamed in pain as a wave of soap fell into his face and stung his eyes.
"Ow! Pixal! Get that out of my face, you're getting soap in my eyes!"
"I wouldn't if you'd hold still!" She snapped, furiously attacking the floppy mane of brown hair. "My God you have so much hair! Tox, get me another basin! I'll need to wash this twice."
"The hell you are!" Kai protested angrily but Harumi dunked him under the warm, sudsy water and hauled him up for Pixal to scrub at his hair again. Kai thrashed furiously like a caged wild animal.
"This is worse than drowning in a frozen lake!" He cried as he thrashed his limbs, causing Harumi's grip to falter, but she quickly recovered.
"Harumi, don't let him go or he'll cause havoc!" Tox shrieked, concerned, grabbing another basin of water and dumped it over Kai's head riding his hair and upper body of soap, but it only worsened his already foul mood.
"Just wait until I get out of this you bitch!" Kai warned as Tox drained the bath and Pixal kept dumping water over him to remove the soap and shut him up...
Cole heaved himself out of his private bathtub the second he heard the door to his room slam open. Water pooled at his feet and his heavy wings shook violently hoping to free the waterlogged limbs from the heavy water weighing them down. He ran a hand through his damp hair spreading raindrops everywhere before grabbing a towel and proceeded to dry himself as best he could. Once dry, he let his damp wings hang loose and wrapped the towel around his waist.
When he entered his joint bedroom, he found Ronin sitting on his bed about to fall over in his half-conscious state.
The boy jumped back to life when Griffin entered, dragging Jay, Echo, and Nelson behind him.
"You're not dressed yet?" Griffin shrieked. "What is wrong with you people? How am I supposed to make alterations if none of you try your clothes on?"
"Calm down, Griffin, there's still plenty of time," Cole snapped, drying his hair, while Ronin helped him dry off his heavy wings. Once that was done, Ronin threw the towels over the chairs and handed him the neat pile of clothing Griffin had laid out for him. Cole grabbed the breeches off the top and disappeared behind the wall while Ronin turned to his companions.
"Why are you three here again?" He blinked. "I thought you were supposed to be helping Kai and fixing up the ballroom?"
"The Ballroom's done," Echo boasted, thrusting his chest forward proudly. "Shade is just setting up the food right now, and I personally made sure everything is perfect!" The boy flashed a triumphant smile.
"You didn't go overboard did you?" Cole asked, coming out from behind the wall, and look at the rest of the clothes. "Could you help me out here, Ronin? You need three people to put this thing on." He asked and Ronin nodded. He helped his lord to the ties and buttons on the difficult outfit Griffin had concocted.
"No, I didn't," Echo answered with a proud glint in his eyes. "This is my far my grandest work!"
"I helped!" Jay smiled, wrapping his arms around Echo's waist, while Nelson laughed at his enthusiasm. Griffin scowled at their distraction as he thrust three sets of clothes into their arms and forcibly propelled them all into the bathroom. "It's time to get dressed!" He exclaimed as he shut the door and left the boys to change before turning to Ronin and the prince. "Are you two finished yet? Ronin needs to get dressed too!"
"I'm going as fast as I can! This thing has knots that have knots!" Ronin complained standing on his toes to meet Cole's taller height and snap the chains on the front in place.
"It isn't that bad," Griffin protested, sitting cross-legged on the bed, waiting impatiently for them to finish.
"This thing has at least six pieces!" Cole snapped.
"So what? It looks brilliant, doesn't it? Besides Kai's is worse."
"I believe it, but he's right you look brilliant! Kai's going to be speechless." Ronin sighed when he finished buttoning Cole's top. Cole smiled and spun around in front of the full-body mirror to test his new clothes from all angles. His ballroom outfit, which consisted of a golden vest over a white dress shirt with a white kerchief, black dress pants trimmed with gold, and a stunning black ballroom tailcoat trimmed with gold. Cole had also tied his shaggy black hair into a ponytail adorned with a silky black ribbon.
"I'll admit it, I didn't think it was possible, but Griffin's outdone himself." He beamed with pride. "Hopefully, it'll be enough to convince my flame," Cole mumbled to himself.
"Tonight he'll be yours." Ronin corrected earning him a confused look from the prince. "We all know what you're thinking, Cole, we wouldn't be a good staff if we didn't know what our prince was thinking! You have nothing to worry about." He added with a smile.
"I hope you're right, I know Kai's answer, but there's still a nagging disbelief that's there." Cole smiled, mentally scolding himself for doubting his staff's loyalty. His sharp claws ran through his bangs.
"Don't be nervous, Kai feels the same way about you, even if he's not ready to admit it out loud just yet, and everyone knows how you feel about him." Ronin reassured him and that made Cole smile.
"Alright, you, time to get you changed." The tailor insisted as he dragged the troll away. Before Ronin could blink, he had been thrown into the same room as his friends, stripped and redressed in a new outfit. Ronin groaned as he looked over his outfit. He knew it was rude to complain and he should be grateful but Griffin had decked him out in formfitting black pants with a pair of spiked-heeled ankle boots, and a shirt made of a smooth black material that was open in the back, but the bottom billowed over his hips.
There were no sleeves, instead, the top material was held with a double ring that hung loosely about his neck.
Long fingerless black gloves with rubies over the back of the hands climbed up his arms, held to the collar of the shirt by gold chains. It was a comfortable outfit, but Ronin had grown so used to lose clothing that covered everything but his hands and head that wearing form-fitting clothing that showed even bits and pieces of his skin made him feel exposed. Echo thought he looked like a girl as he took in his own outfit. They consisted of light brown, form-fitting pants and a white long tunic that was also turtle necked but pillowed almost like a dress near the bottom.
Long black gloves with wide ends that curved to points formed sleeves over his shoulders and a large gold bow half his size, tied in the back.
Jay thought his boyfriend looked spectacular as he tied the bow. His own outfit consisted of a navy blue militaristic style outfit with silver accents, black gloves, and knee-high black boots. Nelson sat on the bed watching them. He eased his boredom by picking at a loose thread on his white, knee-length pants that billowed from the calf down. His outfit was similar to Ronin's but the shirt was a sleeveless turtleneck and was dark purple, and his sleeves were fabric bunched up from the wrists to the upper arms.
Silver leggings peeked above his knee-high black and silver boots.
These were normally not his style, but he didn't mind.
"What did I tell you, Cole," Griffin boasted, loudly, clapping his hands together. "My best work!"
"I believe so," Cole nodded, brushing his black locks to perfection. "Now I'm curious to see what you conjured for Kai."
"I swear if he's not ready by the time I get there, heads will roll!" Griffin exclaimed loudly as he bolted for the door. Cole and his staff laughed hearing Griffin's rant echoing off the hallways.
"I believe that is our cue," Cole announced. The servants quickly proceeded to take their positions in the ballroom, Ronin was the last to leave but Cole stopped him.
"Before you go, will do me a grand favor, Ronin?"
"Of course, name it?" Ronin replied. Cole swooped over to a corner of the room and pulled out two strange silver boxes. He opened one and pulled out the most beautiful piece of jewelry Ronin had ever seen.
"Will you give this to Kai? Tell him if he still wishes to be mine tonight, he'll wear it, but if not I'll understand." He requested. Ronin nodded and bolted towards the East Wing as fast as his legs could carry him. Cole smiled before opening the second box and pulled out an identical chocker, only this one was silver with an emerald heart, and snapped it around his neck then descended down the Western entrance to the ballroom. He couldn't wait to see what Griffin planned for Kai...
Kai growled as he sat on a stool in front of the vanity, his chin resting irritated in his hand while Harumi, Tox, and Pixal dried, brushed, and tried in vain to do something with his untamable hair. After two hours of vicious bathing, he had been dragged out of the tub, dried, dressed in a thin, silk bathrobe for the next phase of his torture. The light material felt wonderful against his tender skin, raw from having half his skin scrubbed off, at least that was what he felt like.
"My God, you have so much, hair! Someone get me another brush!" Harumi hollered over her shoulder. Neuro rushed in, now sporting his new clothing as opposed to his normal uniform. A long velvet grey frock coat, folded over and buttoned down the left side of the chest to hip in a militaristic fashion, and matching pants, white gloves, and black boots with gold buckles. It took all of Kai's willpower not to bury his head in his folded arm, but he knew the girls would shriek if he did.
He bit back and growl every time they came across a particularly stubborn tangle.
"I don't think we'll be able to do anything with his hair, Harumi," Pixal said letting the silk strands bounce back to their natural shape.
"I could've told you that," Kai snapped.
"Oh, be nice," Tox scolded playfully and Harumi pondered for a bit.
"I suppose we'll just have to touch it up with jewelry then." She beamed as she clapped her hands together. "Your ears are pierced, right Kai?"
"Yes," Kai replied looking over his shoulder.
"I'll be right back then! Thank God Griffin decided to go with the gold!" Harumi cheered as she vanished and emerged a moment later with a small wooden jewelry box and began digging through the pieces. Finally, she gave a triumphant cheer and gently titled Kai's head so it was facing her. "Hold still." She warned as she gently pierced his ears with dangling, gold, and ruby earrings shaped like a flying phoenix. She then placed a crown-like headdress shaped like phoenix wings curled around a large ruby on his head, allowing his spikey bangs to spill over it.
"There! You look wonderful!" The girls cheered, while Kai examined their work in the mirror. He had never been fond of gold accessories before but found himself liking them as he admired his reflection.
"Now all we need to do is get you dressed," Tox decided.
"Hurry up, Harumi!" Griffin suddenly thundered as he hammered loudly on the door. "There's less than three hours until the ball starts and I need to see if Kai's clothes need any alterations!"
"We're coming!" Harumi shouted as she threw the door open and the girls led Kai behind the changing wall to help him into the difficult outfit. After a few minutes, Kai was glad he had the girls' help getting ready. The outfit Griffin had created for the evening had more ribbons and ties on it than he cared to count. It would have been a bear to get the thing on properly by himself.
"Wow, you've outdone yourself, Griffin," Tox complimented over the wall. "He looks ravishing!"
"I told you he'd look splendid in gold," Pixal added and Harumi smiled as she laced up the back of Kai's clothing. Kai skimmed over what it was exactly he was wearing and blushed, taking in just how splendid the outfit actually was. Kai wasn't a huge fan of dresses, but he thought this was absolutely gorgeous. The bright, crimson red dress left the top of his shoulders uncovered, but did cover the sides and flowed down into a fancy heart-shaped neckline.
It was a loose fit which made the dress both enjoyable to wear and look at.
His had been left uncovered and in a way, help put focus on his soft tanned skin. The dress's waist was narrow, but it was a loose fit. A gold bow had been wrapped around his waist and positioned slightly to one side. Below the waist, the dress widened had glittering gold ends. The dress reached just above his ankles and was the same length all around. He was given a pair of shining, golden, high-heeled shoes, gorgeous on their own, an ideal match in combination with the dress.
To top it all off he was wearing a pair of simple, but stylish, red elbow-length gloves.
"Are you all sure about this? It is splendid, but I'll probably make it look ridiculous." He pouted as he gazed at his reflection. Before anyone could protest Griffin thundered over.
"I don't ever want to hear that come out of your mouth again!" He scolded swatting Kai's head with two fingers making him wince. "First of all, nothing I make looks ridiculous!" He spoke in a harsh tone, but it softened as he continued but did not lose an ounce of its authority. "Second, that's nonsense and you know it! You're just nervous; I could strip you naked and send you to that ballroom in nothing but a smock and you'd still look fantastic, and don't you ever let yourself forget it."
Kai blinked at the tailor's earnestness then smiled, suddenly feeling very silly.
"We're all done," Harumi announced.
"Good," Griffin smiled as he grabbed Kai's clothed wrists and pulled him back into his room. "Now then, you're done; just give me a few minutes to get everyone else dressed and we'll escort you to the ballroom, got to do this traditionally after all," Griffin winked, ushering everyone out of the room, leaving Kai alone. Alone, at last, he looked at his reflection and smirked proudly at the stunning being staring back at him.
"I do look good." He said out loud when a knock disturbed his play. "Come in!" He called out, wondering who it was. Ronin entered the room holding a box in his hand which almost slipped when he took in Kai's new appearance.
"Can I help you with anything?" Kai smirked, proudly. Ronin looked confused then blushed and straightened himself.
"Cole asked me to bring this to you, he said if you still want to be his for the evening he'd like you to wear it, but he said he would understand if you didn't."
"Thanks a lot, Ronin, I'll see you downstairs." Kai smiled. Ronin bowed and left. Kai sat on the bed and carefully opened the box gasping at the choker inside. It had a golden dragon curled up around a ruby love heart. His fingers gingerly traced over the elegant carvings and circled the beautifully cut ruby shaped exactly like a love heart. Carefully, he removed it from the box and clasped it around his own neck...
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vantemania · 3 years
Prompt Game ✨
thank you for the tag @jiminisyourangel — i'm sorry i'm so inactive!! but i always love & appreciate the tags 💞
rules that i just made up on the spot: use this prompt generator for cute imagines of you & your fave group(s)
1. Mina & BTS
Your prompt: Mina and BTS eating spaghetti like the lady and the tramp did in that animated film.
... i was mid-swoon over the cuteness of this, when i realized how chaotic it would be to do this with ALL 7 of the members, how even??
all i'm picturing is us tangling together noodles in a knot, so each of us has a noodle end to eat & then trying to do it at the same time & jinkook smack heads & taehyung chokes on his noodle & jimin laughs, which sprays yoongi in the face with pasta sauce. & now each jinkook & yoonmin are bickering. & hobi abandoned his noodle in favor of recording this on his phone. & joon has stepped back, staring at the scene with that incredibly fond look on his face (you know the one), twisted ball of spaghetti in his hands.
uh, anyway... onward!
2. Mina & Namjoon
Your prompt: Mina and Namjoon cooking something without the recipe, because Namjoon is confident they know how to cook it from memory.
HAHAHAHA YOU MEAN — Joon is confident I will know how to cook it from memory, & i just give him important, yet simple tasks (like the potato peeling sjfhskfsk)
3. Mina & Seokjin
Your prompt: Seokjin telling Mina a dumb joke just to see their smile.
how very on brand of him heh
4. Mina & Yoongi
Your prompt: Yoongi and Mina struggling to find each other in a crowded place. Fortunately, Yoongi knows just the thing.
what is... do we have a special signal, like random ass pterodactyl call, marco-polo situation? or is he gonna be practical & call my phone like a normal person? or maybe we established a meeting spot beforehand, because we knew the place was going to be crowded & this might happen.
5. Mina & Hoseok
Your prompt: Hoseok holding Mina very close, close enough to smell their hair. They whisper into Mina's ear: 'I don't like your new shampoo'
hsnddjsfsfsj HOBI pls, spare me 😭 i will buy the pretty smelling shampoo you like, i'm sorryyyyyy
6. Mina & Jimin
Your prompt: Jimin falls asleep in Mina's lap and Mina has a conversation with someone else while stroking Jimin's hair as if they were a sleeping cat.
so sofffttt~ probably having a conversation with yoongi over how adorable the napping boy in my lap is & yooni secretly wishing he was in my place
7. Mina & Taehyung
Your prompt: Taehyung likes stealing Mina's phone to change Mina's phone wallpaper into something stupid (like unattractive pictures of Mina's face or doing something like picking their nose). Taehyung is doing another routine swipe of Mina's phone, but doesn't have the heart to change it because this time because Mina's phone wallpaper is a cute picture of the two of them (like their first date together, or the only picture they have together).
hahahahaha... haha... hah... i'm not crying over how endearing this is, nope, not at all. it'd probably be some photo of us with Yeontannie 🥲
8. Mina & Jungkook
Your prompt: Mina getting to go back in time and change something bad that happened in their past with Jungkook.
hmmm... this smells of Bangtan Universe & A N G S T 😳
Now for our TXT babes~
1. Mina & TXT
Your prompt: TXT and Mina play Twister. Things get embarrassing and awkward fast.
in record time, i bet. too many tall bois & limbs tangled everywhere. Taehyun probably would be the one spinning & staying out of the chaos itself. butts in faces, the boys sabotaging each other, stepping on hands & shouting, falling all over each other
2. Mina & Soobin
Your prompt: Mina and Soobin go to a fair/amusement park and Mina wants to go on the roller coaster and Soobin agrees. Later, Soobin regrets their decision and ends up clinging onto Mina for dear life.
lolll just imagining his large frame clinging like an oversized koala to me is so amusing
3. Mina & Yeonjun
Your prompt: Yeonjun is a prince or princess, falling for Mina, the castle gardener who tends to the foliage surrounding Yeonjun's balcony.
yessss, my handsome prince. i'll cultivate you the most beautiful garden
4. Mina & Beomgyu
Your prompt: Mina having to comfort Beomgyu because Beomgyu just encountered a very large, unpleasant bug outside that scared them.
okay cute, but real talk — someone is going to have to comfort us, because i'll probably be screaming too
5. Mina & Taehyun
Your prompt: Taehyun screaming over a picture of Mina from long before they met. Taehyun describes the younger Mina as a tiny precious child, then looks at Mina, and says 'Well, you're still a tiny precious child'.
6. Mina & Kai
Your prompt: Kai tossing snowballs at Mina's window, not knowing the window is open and has no screen.
ohhhhh, someone's about to be in big trouble lol 👿😈
Ah okay! This was fun, I always love the little prompt generator things 🥰💞
hmm, i've been really inactive on here, so i don't know who to tag, but here we go~ as always, only if you want to ♡
tagging 💌 @fellforjoon @joonsrack @gguksgalaxy @blueversaillesdreams @moonsnail @bangtiddies @j-sope
12 notes · View notes
Paint Fight | Ninjago Calendar, June
Summary: In which Jay starts a paint fight with his friends because why not.
Sometimes Lloyd asked himself what he had done to deserve everything life threw at him.
As if it wasn’t enough to have his first love turn out to be a manipulative psychopath and have his dad resurrected from the dead as a soulless shell of who he once was, Cloud Kingdom had decided to top it of and throw a demon-invasion and a near-death experience at him.
And Lloyd Garmadon definitely wouldn’t be Lloyd Garmadon if he didn’t isolate himself from everyone close to him after a, yet another, traumatic event.
It was like a routine at this point. Everytime they got back from an adventure Lloyd would usually lock himself up in his room for a few days and then come back like nothing ever happened. He knew it wasn’t healthy - ignoring your emotions and stuffing them into a little box, hoping that they’ll never make it to the light of day, that no one would ever notice how much he really struggled. But there really wasn’t any other alternative for him, it was the only way he knew to cope and the others had stopped trying to get him to talk a long time ago.
Or at least so he thought, because right now the leader's door was being opened and revealed frizzy red hair and nervous blue eyes staring at him.
“Hey Lloyd, uhm, could I ask you something?”
“If this is about my Starfarer Video Game you can just take it-”
“N, no, no!”, his smaller friend interrupted him and sat down on his bed, playing with his fingers in an anxious manner, avoiding his gaze.
"You know, you've been isolating yourself and- I mean I totally get that, I get why, but- I miss doing stuff with y'all.", Lloyd blinked, trying to process what Jay was telling him. Jay usually wasn’t one to reach out like that, normally he’d keep to himself and just spend even more time with Cole and Nya, while being sad about the fact that he missed the others.
“But if you don’t want to, that’s fine of course! Don’t feel pressured, especially since you’re still recovering.”, the blond winced.
If there was one thing he hated most in the world it was his friends’ pity.
“It’s fine. I’ll join y’all.”, the redheads eyes lit up as that stupid grin - that was just  so jay - appeared on his face. 
“Great, I already got something planned!”
Surprisingly Lloyd wishes he had never agreed to Jay's offer. 
It wasn't that he didn't like spending time with his family, it was just that he didn't really know how to talk to them anymore. As a matter of fact it seemed like no one really did. The silence between them as they cleaned the dust off of the walls, like Jay had told them to, was almost suffocating.
“Why are we even doing this?”, Kai spoke up as he rolled his eyes in frustration. “Has Jay turned into Sensei Wu now and makes us do chores?”, Lloyd couldn’t help but chuckle.
Zane eyed them with a tiny smirk before continuing the task. “Well, I personally find cleaning to be very calming.”
“If that’s the case I’ll gladly have you clean my room!”, Jay called out as he stumbled outside with multiple buckets of paint, which sooner than later found themselves tumbling to the floor. “Now that didn’t go to plan.”, he muttered. “Ayways! Everyone come get their bucket!”
The others started walking up to him, taking the bucket of their respective colour.
“I don’t mean to sound like I’m judging or something but what exactly is your plan?”
“Oh Lloyd, isn’t it obvious? We’re going to paint the walls!”
All eyes fell on Jay in absolute disbelief.
“Sensei Wu will kill us! We can’t just paint the walls!”
“Going after our reputation this monastery won’t stand for long anyways. I give it 6 months before it is destroyed again.”, Nya sighed as she went to grab a paintbrush out of a bag Jay had brought with him.
Cole winced. He was more than familiar with the fate their homes usually faced. “I mean, you’re not wrong but still, you know? I don’t think Sensei is going to be too pleased.”
“Good thing he isn’t supposed to be back before tomorrow, so we got enough time to plan our escape.”, the Blue Ninja grinned, giving everyone a brush to paint with.
Maybe he didn’t regret this too much after all.
“Nya, if I was a worm, would you still love me?”
“I swear if you don’t shut your mouth-”
“Should I go inside and get us some ice cream?”, Zane asked, interrupting the silence that had once again fallen between them after they had started their paintings on the walls.
Cole’s eyes practically begged his friend to do what he had just offered. “Please, it’s so hot!”
“It’s not, it’s… rather mild, I guess.”
“Kai, no offence but you are literally the Master of Fire.”, Lloyd smirked slightly. “But yes Zane, it would be really nice if you could do that.”, he gave his nindroid friend one more smile before he stepped inside, making his way to the kitchen.
“You know, Cole, I think paint is fairly cold.”
“What are you hinting at, Bluebell-”, next thing they knew chaos erupted.
Cole watched the blue paint dripping from his face to the ground with a shocked expression.
“Any cooler?”, the Master of Lightning grinned at him.
“I’ll show you ‘cooler’!”, Cole yelled out, grabbing his own bucket and running after his best friend.
“Nya, save me!”, she couldn’t help but laugh at her boyfriend’ childishness.
“Coming!”, she calls, grabbing a bucket, as did her brother.
Sometimes Lloyd loved his family for being so stupid.
And sometimes Lloyd hated himself for being stupid.
You would think that after near-death experience number 37 and just barely getting away with a concussion and multiple bruises that he would start to pay more attention to his surroundings and be more careful.
You would also think wrong because as it turns out “careful” was something that just didn’t suit the blond.
And before he knew it he slipped on a puddle of paint and landed head first on the ground.
A pained moan escaped his mouth as his vision darkened for a second, everything started spinning.
Lloyd didn’t even get to sit up before Kai was already crouching down next to him, eyeing him in worry and grabbing his arm.
“Gosh Lloyd, you need to watch out, you’re still hurt!”, the younger tried to rid himself of his brother's grip, in vain. He rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Kai, I'm okay! Can you please just-"
"You need to be more careful! I always tell you that and you never listen! When will you start listening to me? When it’s too late?", suddenly everything around Lloyd seemed to come to an halt.
He knew Kai meant well, he always did, but he hated it more than anything when his brothers babyed him.
"Kai, I absolutely do not want your pity.", he spoke more harshly than he wanted to, pulling away from the brunette and standing up again.
“I’m not pitying you, I’m watching out for you-”
“Well you’re most certainly not doing a good job at it then.”, Lloyd had regretted many things in his life so far, releasing the Serpentine, banishing his father to the Departed Realm, but this - this was probably one of the actions he regretted most in his life so far.
Kai’s eyes widened in shock.
“This isn’t fair.”
“Life hasn’t been fair to us for a long while now Kai and you know tha-”, the teens sentence died in his throat as a loud noise interrupted them.
The elder gasped as he put his hand on his - now pink stained - hair. “Hey, watch the hair!”
"Where the hell did you get that from?!", Lloyd yells, hiding himself behind his big brother
Nya simply grinned, pointing the paint-gun in their direction once again.
"I have my ways."
“I say we all team up on Jay!”, Cole calls out across the yard.
“What?! 5 against 1? That’s unfair!”, 
“Fair?”, Lloyd yells as he grabbed another bucket filled with red paint. “Fair isn’t a word where I come from!”, he screams, running after Jay, eventually cornering him with the help of the others.
“Oh come on guys.”, the lightning ninja laughs nervously. “It doesn’t have to end like this.”
“It started with you, it will end with you.”, Kai smirks.
They were ready to empty their paint buckets over his head, that was until they heard someone clear their throat behind them.
In shock they turned around, just to meet stern yellow eyes.
“What’s the matter of this.”
“Sensei Wu! I thought you weren’t supposed to be back until-”
“Tomorrow, yes.”, the old sensei cut Nya off. “But my trip was cut short, so I went home just to be greeted by-”, he looked around himself, at the stained floor, puddles of now half dried paint and empty metal buckets. “-this.”
“I promise Sensei, we will clean everything up!”, the blond reassured his uncle.
“Lloyd?”, he looked at the others in disbelief. “You let my nephew join in on this? You know he is still recovering! As are you Cole!”
“I swear Sensei, I’m feeling way better-”
“No. I don’t want to hear it. Starting tomorrow you will clean this mess up and we will start training again. Every day you will have-”
Jay gasped. “Sensei, no! Please!”
“-Sunrise training.”, this six groaned in unison. “Except for Cole and Lloyd, you’ll join when I tell you to, until then you’ll stay in bed.”
“Yes, Sensei.”, they bowed slightly, waiting for Wu to leave.
Just as Sensei stepped inside the monastery, Zane stepped back outside in the yard, ice cream in hand. His face as he tried to understand what had caused the chaos and the stains on his friends’ clothes made them all start to laugh.
Maybe today hadn’t been as bad as Lloyd thought it would be.
Once again the part-human found himself alone, this time though not in his room but watching the sunset on the stairs in front of the monastery and eating the ice cream Zane had brought them. His thoughts remained the same however. Guilt was slowly starting to consume his mind, especially after the short interaction he had shared with Kai during the paint fight. 
He smiled slightly. The childish fight was probably the most fun he had had since everything with the Sons of Garmadon started to unravel. 
He didn’t like to think about it. It made him sad, thinking about how broken and alone he had felt, still did at sometimes.
He also didn’t like to think about all the sleepless nights he had spent, wondering why his friends had to die. Of course they hadn’t actually been dead, but sometimes - just sometimes - Lloyd was scared that if he closed his eyes for too long that they would slip away again.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw a red figure approaching and sitting down next to him, interrupting his thoughts.
He said nothing, did nothing, simply staring ahead - waiting for Lloyd to make the first move. 
“You know.”, the blond said, staring forward, just like his brother did. “I didn’t want to snap at you like that. Earlier today, I mean.”, he sighed as he placed his chin in his palm. "None of it was your fault..", Kai winced. 
"I know you didn't want to.", he felt a hand being put on his shoulder. "I just wish you wouldn't always throw yourself into danger. I know it's hypocritical of me to say this but-", the elder paused and took his hand. "You need to start thinking things through.", Lloyd laughed. 
"You're one to talk." 
Kai's face softened. "I know, I haven't been the best example but that's why I want you to be better, you know?”
Lloyd just nodded, leaning his head against his brother's shoulder.
“I don’t want to someday wait for you to come back from a mission and have you-”, he let out a heavy sigh as he squeezed the smaller’s shoulder. “Never return.”
“I get that, I feel the same about you guys.”
“I’d sure hope so. I mean who else could you have paint fights with if not for us.”, the Master of Fire chuckles slightly before standing up again. “But we should probably head inside before Sensei beats our asses, especially yours.”, he pauses as he runs his hand through his messed up hair. “Also should probably wash that out.”
“I don’t know.”,the younger grins as he walks towards the monastery. “Pink suits you.”
“Please, Zane has already claimed pink, thanks to you.”, Kai laughs. “Maybe I’ll go orange.”
“Don’t give me ideas because I absolutely will dye your hair in your sleep.”
“Oh, I don’t think so, Green Machine!”, he calls out sprinting towards him, making Lloyd run from him in a laughing fit.
Yeah, today was definitely not as bad as he had thought it would be.
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yamalegacy · 3 years
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[ prologue ]
SUMMARY: A new small group of villains is spreading chaos all over Japan and no hero agency seem to know what to do about them — they are perfectly organized, always manage to escape arrest, never cause any casualties and its members remain impossible to identify. All heroes can do is wait for them to strike again and hope that they will be able to capture them.
mirko x villain!female!oc
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Any place that made it impossible to avoid large crowds made it on her list of things that she found too obnoxious to deal with, though they often could be found of her ‘Places that cannot be avoided to lead a life worthy of a decently responsible adult’ list. Either way, she hated every entry on both those lists, as they brought nothing but misery to her antisocial existence.
Subway trains were among the worst of the worst. The overwhelming stench of sweat emanating from the man behind her and his bag digging into her ribs were not helping her enjoy the experience right now. At least that one was not one of the touchy kind who thought he could allow himself to feel her up and throw a shitty excuse along the lines of “Sorry, train’s packed”, which was no excuse at all, really.
Things only got worse at the next stop. Distracting herself by unlocking her phone and scrolling through social medias, she had not paid any attention to the new passengers who had stepped inside the train. When she felt something oddly warm and soft tickling her nose, it was too late.
Fluffy bunny ears. There was a pair of fluffy white bunny ears tickling her nose. Fucking obnoxious.
"Hey, bunny girl," she called, and the ears twitched at the sound, "could you keep your ears out of my face?"
"Fuck, sorry," the bunny girl said as she glanced above her shoulder. Sharp red eyes struggled to meet soft green ones — much higher than the little bunny seemed to have expected.
The taller woman blinked. Those red eyes and long lashes, those sharp features and that beautiful, seemingly flawless tan skin. She knew them. She had stared at the little Pro Hero figure discarded on her desk at home just before leaving for work that morning, and even if it had been hours, she hadn't forgotten. That Mirko was a lot prettier than a low quality figure had given her expectations for.
"I don't sign autographs when I'm not in costume," the bunny said after an uncomfortable moment of mutual silent staring.
"I don't want one."
The bunny turned her back to her again, a fluffy ear hitting her smack in the face, and she was certain that she had noticed a flustered blush on the pint-sized Pro Hero's cheeks. How cute. Heroes really were something else, with their out of proportions egos and inability to handle rejection. One more reason to her to loathe their very existence.
But well, that Mirko woman was cute when blushing. (At least it was a discreet blushing, not like her own overwhelming red flush that reached all the way to the tip of her ears whenever she got embarrassed, which thankfully only happened on rare occasions). Poor little bunny.
There was only a handful of stops left before she could step out of the train to walk the rest of the way home, get away from those fluffy ears still too close to her face, from all those people standing too close to one another. Too close to her. And she could not have been more grateful.
As the doors opened yet again, a crowd pushed inside the already packed train. Too much. She could feel too many people pressing against her body, an elbow jabbing her in the ribs as someone struggled to stay upright, a knee harshly bumping into her own. Her left hand cramped up immediately, pain spreading up her entire arm at the tension building inside her body, ready to boil over and explode at any moment.
Bad. It was bad. Real fucking bad.
She gritted her teeth, breath coming out in heavy, shallow puffs, and shut her eyes tightly to focus on keeping it together. Too much noise. It felt like her head was about to implode, threatened the pressure growing inside her skull. She needed to step out, to breathe—
Just before the doors could close again and seal her disastrous fate, strong, calloused fingers wrapped around her wrist and dragged her out, pushing through the crowd for her.
She heard the train leave the station, and before she could process anything else, she was sat on a small, uncomfortable bench. The first thing she saw was a pair of red eyes staring right back at her, as if to try and see through her, to read her thoughts.
Mirko, the Rabbit Hero (Was she really Mirko the Hero when she wasn't wearing her ridiculously revealing bodysuit?), was kneeling in front of her, looking at her with a slight frown, wrist still held tightly in her firm grip.
"You okay there? You look like you're gonna explode, or something."
There was a hint of teasing in the bunny girl's voice, and the woman found herself scoffing at the tone, at the words. She wasn't about to explode, but close enough, considering how messy things could get when her Quirk got overloaded. That bunny had definitely saved many lives without even realizing what she had done.
"I'm okay. Don't worry your pretty Pro Hero head over me."
Through shaky breathes and the pain invading her body, blood pumping against her eardrums, she almost couldn't recognize her own voice. Had she always sounded so pathetically weak? There was no way in hell her voice had always been so croaky... right?
"Aw, you think I'm pretty?" the bunny cooed. That teasing tone again. Though it was much more obvious this time.
But bunny girl wasn't looking at her face anymore, her gaze instead focused on her left arm — she stared for several seconds that seemed to drag on forever, before she started to press the pads of her thumbs roughly over the tensed muscles, massaging the pain away. Her fingers were calloused, but there was a level of knowledge in the way her thumbs moved up and down; it was genuinely helpful.
"You got some water in that bag of yours?" the bunny asked, throwing a quick glance at the messenger bag that had been discarded on the floor. When she nodded in response, Mirko reached for it with one hand, the other one still rubbing at her fingers, and easily took out the bottle, and held it between her thighs so that she could unscrew it open with only one hand. "Drink up. You need to stay hydrated. Cramping like that isn't normal, ya know."
Was that stupid Pro Hero genuinely worried about her health? She wanted to roll her eyes, to laugh, but she found herself unable to. So she grabbed her bottle and drank.
"It's just my Quirk acting up," she explained, unwilling to give the fluffy little Pro Hero more details. "It's not usually that bad, is all."
The bunny girl's hands moved up from her fingers, to her wrist, to her forearm, applying pressure with her thumbs. A shiver ran up the woman's arm as a finger found its way just under the material of her rolled up sleeve. She should have put an end to it, moved her arm away from that hero's grip — but it actually helped, eased the pain of the cramps, made the dangerous tension recede and quiet down to a whisper.
"Why are you doing this?"
Mirko frowned.
"You could have just ignored me. Everyone else on that train ignored me."
The bunny girl shook her head.
"There should always be someone willing to help. And just ‘cause I'm not wearing my costume, it doesn't mean I don't wanna help others, right?" Mirko smirked. "And my face was right into that dude's smelly armpit. Good excuse to get outta there, ya know."
The woman wanted to laugh, but, still struggling to catch her breath, she just coughed instead. She noticed then that Mirko had retrieved her hands now, that the massaging had stopped. She almost missed the warm contact, the way it so effortlessly eased the pain that had been building up for months now.
"What are you? Eighty and retired?"
"Do all heroes insult the citizens they are supposed to serve and protect?"
"I sure as hell do!"
The Pro Hero was grinning, her teeth pearly white — a pretty smile, no matter if it was overflowing with too much confidence and cockiness.
"Think you can get up?"
At the bunny girl's question, she merely nodded, still unsure. The pain had eased, but it had not left. It coursed through her veins, ever present. She knew that she needed to do something about her Quirk soon, or things would not go as smoothly next time she would feel that pressure inside her body again. There wouldn't always be a stranger in a train willing to help her. Bossman really needed to hurry the hell up.
She watched as the bunny got back up from her kneeling position and extended a hand towards her. She took it and allowed herself to be hoisted up from the bench. And, before she could try to reach down for her bag, the bunny had already grabbed it for her, going as far as hanging it over her shoulder.
“Be good and take better care of yourself, doll face, ‘kay?”
She scoffed at the comment and shook her head. Being lectured by a Pro Hero known to be reckless — she only knew that Mirko was reckless because she had done some research after (accidentally) acquiring the stupid little figure — was a new low in her life.
“There won’t always be a hot stranger in the train to help you.”
The sentence was punctuated with a wink. The only reaction that she could give the hero was a mere roll of her eyes. Who knew a bunny girl could be so obnoxious without even having to try?
“Is flirting part of your Quirk?” she inquired, eyes fixed on the shorter woman.
“Nah, that’s just my natural charms! C’m’on, let’s get out of the station before a crowd comes in, don’t want you to explode, right? Wait— you wouldn’t actually explode?”
“Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn’t,” she answered, shrugging. It earned her a bark of laughter from Mirko.
They walked side by side for a handful of minutes, not exchanging a word. It was weird. She didn’t know how she had gotten herself in such a situation, playing nice with a Pro Hero.
“Alright, doll face—”
“Stop calling me doll face.”
“Then tell me your name.”
The hero was smirking, proud and cocky.
“You could call me Yumeko, but we’re not going to see each other again, bunny girl.”
The hero extended a hand towards her.
“Usagiyama Rumi.”
“Thank you for helping me. Goodbye, bunny girl.”
“Bye, doll face! Try not to explode all over the pavement!”
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AOYAMA YUMEKO ( 青山 優芽子 )
QUIRK:: lock & load. allows yumeko to absorb shocks and store them in her body to weaponize them by concentrating the energy of the shocks in certain parts of her body.
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jensengirl83 · 4 years
Die From A Broken Heart
Dean x reader
Word count-1596
Warnings- Angst, fluff, heartbreak, Daddy!Dean
Summary- Dean and Y/n have managed to raise two great kids. How will they feel when their daughter comes home with her heart broken?
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Y/n and Dean have been together for years. They had managed to have a family and raise two beautiful children in the chaos that is the world of hunting. Dean had continued to hunt after their children were born, but not near as often. He had eventually hung up his hunting boots for being a domesticated mechanic and he loved every minute. Y/n and his kids were more important, and they wanted their kids to have a normal childhood that they had both been robbed of. The two of them still in the house they had managed to buy. Their daughter and son now adults, leaving them living alone for the first time in their lives.
“Good Morning sweetheart.” Dean says leaning down to place a kiss to Y/n’s temple on his way to the coffee pot.
“Good morning handsome.” Y/n replies with a smile. This is their routine every weekday morning as Dean gets ready for work at the garage he now owns.
“Have you heard from Hunter lately?” Their son had moved away for college. Stubborn and smart just like his Daddy. The irony of their son’s name is not lost on them.
“He called yesterday. He said that school is going great and I think he met a girl.” Y/n sighs. She is so proud of both her children but longs for the days that they still needed her for everything.
“They still need you darlin’. They always will.” Dean says hearing the sigh that escaped his wife’s lips. He knows exactly what she was thinking.
“But not like they used to. I’m getting older and more useless.” Y/n chuckles.
“Never Y/n. We all still need you to keep us in line. We would all be screwed if you weren’t around.” Dean laughs at the truth in his words.
“I love you Dean.” Y/n says smiling up at the man she loves. Twenty-five years is a long time to be with someone.
“Not as much as I love you sweetheart. I’ll see you after work.” Dean says and gives her a soft kiss before heading out the door.
Y/n finishes her morning cup of coffee before she starts her daily routine. The cleaning and organizing not near as much now that her kids had moved out. Y/n laughs at the thought. You wouldn’t think two teenagers could be so messy. Y/n puts her coffee mug in the sink to use later. Her and Dean both enjoy their coffee and drink it all throughout the day. Her cleaning is interrupted by her phone ringing. Y/n sees her daughter Kayla’s face lighting up her screen.
“Morning sweetie.” Y/n answers with a smile on her face. She loves when she gets to talk her babies.
“Hey mama.” Kayla says. Y/n intuitively knows something is wrong.
“What’s wrong baby girl?” Y/n asks hoping she can get her daughter to tell her. Of all the traits Dean passed to his daughter, his habit of pushing down his feelings was one of them.
“Can I come stay the weekend with you and Daddy?” Kayla asks hoping that it will make her feel better to go home.
“Of course, baby. You can always come home.” Y/n tells her. She knows her baby girl wanting to come home has something to do with whatever is bothering her, but she will get to see her, nonetheless.
“Ok. I’ll be there soon. I love you mama.”
“I love you too baby.” Y/n says as she hangs up the phone.
Y/n sits back down at the table. She is happy to see her daughter but her heart aches knowing her little girl is hurting over something. Kayla is twenty-two and just graduated college to be a teacher. Dean and Y/n were never so proud when she walked across that stage with her bachelor’s degree. Proof that they had raised intelligent, hardworking, non-hunter kids. She sighs as she stands to head to Kayla’s room and make sure it is ready for her.
The knock on the door later that afternoon has Y/n rushing to the door. She swings it open to see her baby standing there, her eyes red and puffy. Evidence she had been crying. No doubt about her boyfriend that Y/n and Dean did not like. He had never treated Kay with the respect she deserved but they had kept that to themselves. She was an adult and made her own decisions, Y/n and Dean there to pick up the pieces when needed. Looks like that time has come.
“Honey…” Y/n holds her arms open for her baby. Kayla falling into them as the tears start.
“He left me mama.” Kayla says between her sobs.
“I’m sorry sweetheart. Let’s go sit down and you can tell me what happened.” Y/n walks her daughter to the couch and lets her lay her head in Y/n’s lap.
Kayla lays there in her mama’s lap for a long time, letting the tears flow. Y/n rubs her hand over her hair and whispers words of love and encouragement. She gives her daughter time to let her emotions out, waiting patiently until she is ready to talk to her. In all the commotion neither heard Dean come in the back door. He stops at the entry way to the living room to listen to what was going on.
“How does he sleep at night mama? How could he leave me so easy? After everything we have been through, I thought he cared more about me.” Kayla finally says through her tears. Dean and Y/n’s hearts break seeing their baby girl like this.
“I’m so sorry baby.” Y/n says holding back her emotions. She must be strong for her little girl right now.
“Please don’t say it will all be ok mama. You didn’t see how he walked away. The nerve of that guy for leaving me like this! Mama I feel like I am going to die from a broken heart.” Her words cut Y/n to the bone. The hunter in her wanting to hunt him down and skin him alive for hurting her baby.
“Kayla, baby, listen to me. It won’t be ok for a while. I am not going to lie to you. You will move on one day and you will find a guy that deserves your love and your heart. You have to let yourself grieve this breakup and let your heart heal.” Y/n says softly.  
“Please don’t tell Daddy everything! Make sure he doesn’t get the pistol out of that drawer. I don’t want him to hurt him mama.” Y/n has to hold in a giggle. They all know Dean so well.
“I won’t let him do anything stupid baby, but your Dad isn’t going to be happy. You are his baby girl; he hates seeing you hurt.” She tells her daughter.
“I know mama. I just want to kick myself for falling so hard for him. It was so real, at least for me.” Kayla sighs, finally starting to calm down. “Can I go take a nap? I am exhausted from crying all night.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” Y/n leans to press a kiss to her hair.
“Thank you, mama. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Kayla says as she hugs her mother.
“I’m always here for you baby.” Y/n says with a smile.
Y/n watches Kayla make her way upstairs to her old room. She hopes the familiarity will be comforting to her. Y/n turns to walk into the kitchen, needing a drink after her heartbreaking conversation. She jumps as she turns the corner into the kitchen seeing Dean standing there. His fists are clenched at his sides. The look of pure anger evident on his face.
“I am going to rip his lungs out! That little bastard is going to pay for hurting my baby!” Dean yells. Y/n reaching up to cover his mouth.
“Hush Dean! She doesn’t want you to know everything yet. Wait and let her come to you.” Y/n says with a stern expression.
“Fine! But if I ever catch that little punk, he will know the wrath of a Winchester.” Dean growls.
“Come sit down Dean.” Y/n pulls on his arm to get him to follow her to the table.
“I told you Y/n.” Dean says looking at his wife with a smirk.
“What are you talking about Dean?” Y/n has no idea what he is talking about. Dean stands and makes his way behind her to wrap his arms around her shoulders.
“I am talking about our kids always needing their mama. They may be grown, but they will always need you sweetheart. I will too. You are the foundation of this family and we would crumble without you.” Dean says sweetly, placing kisses to the top of her head.
“I need you guys too. I’m only strong because I have people to be strong for. I would be nothing if I wasn’t your wife and their mama.” Y/n says smiling up at her husband.
“I love you babe.” Dean smiles back at her.
“I love you Dean. Now that you are home you can help me make your baby girls favorite dinner.” Y/n says with a laugh as she stands up to get started.
“No other place I would rather be sweetheart.” Dean smiles at his wife.
How did he ever get so lucky to have such beautiful girls in his life and a son as strong and protective as he is? He will never know, but he thanks whoever is listening, every day, for what he thought he would never have.
Tags: @flamencodiva​​ @sorenmarie87​​ @foxyjwls007​​ @waywardbeanie​​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @voltage-my2dlove​​ @hardcoresupernatural​​ @marvelouslysherlockedhunter​ @lyarr24​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @akshi8278​ @midsummereve1993​ @sutton2001​ @emory91​
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stitchandani · 3 years
Has Kai told his family how he feels about these "interlopers" returning and taking over his life or is he holding it all in? I'm assuming at some point he'll be stuck in a situation where he as to talk to Jumba, Pleakley and Stitch or maybe just to Stitch?
Gosh, your questions always seem to be so good Kai makes it very clear with his attitude and actions that he does not naturally like the alien half of his Ohana, but he doesn't quite get the nerve to tell any of them what he thinks except Ani. He knows he can tell Ani (angrily, sneeringly, demeaningly, not in a confidant kinda way) exactly how he feels about the aliens and she'll argue with him but she won't tattle to their parents. She's not like that. (much more under the cut, truncated for convenience to an audience who might not wanna read every detail)
He holds in his feelings of neglect (not that he has been neglected, but that everyone has always seemed to put so much importance on the aliens, even when they weren't around, and he felt like the attention he should have received got lost in the cracks) and his bitterness. He doesn't tell anyone that he thinks his family is basically made up of a bunch of really cool, legendary figures (because it is, I mean hello they saved the world and the island all through their lives). And he especially doesn't tell them that he wishes they weren't, because he thinks he's nothing special. He doesn't fit in; he's just a kid who can play the ukulele and that's it. He wishes his family had always just been Nani, David, Lilo (and I guess Ani by association). He says he just wants "normal", but what he really wants is to feel like he belongs with them, and he doesn't feel that way. But nah he for sure lets everyone know with his extreme grumpiness that his family is on his last lil nerve 98.9% of the time And yes! Kai is put in a lot of situations in which he has to address the aliens. It's not like he ignores them; they are his family, so he talks to them about as much as a little boy would, say, talk to his older sisters or uncles and aunts - he insults Pleakley constantly, and habitually tries to trip any of his three legs if they're in the hallway together, and plays pranks that throw Pleakley's latest Earth research into chaos. Stitch and Kai never get along. Ever. They have knock-down, drag-out fights if no adult is there to break them apart. Kai is insanely, unadulteratedly jealous of Stitch in every capacity. He looks for opportunities to verbally abuse Stitch, to make him look bad in front of people, and to argue with him. Jumba is probably the only alien Kai has the potential to actually like, the longer they all live together. In spite of himself, Kai is super interested in Jumba's inventions, because Kai is a creative type. He likes music and sand castles and watching nature documentaries to see how bugs survive. He loves figuring out the way things work. So he has a grudging respect for Jumba that he tries to hide, and a bad habit of messing with Jumba's stuff when people's backs are turned. Kai is a brat, and he's always angry, but he's not evil. He could tune into David's more mellow behavior and Nani's selflessness if he could get over his own hurt feelings, and that will eventually happen, but for now he's the series' biggest bully.
Thanks for asking! I have a lot of Kai thoughts I need to write down on here later
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chessdaze · 4 years
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T H R E E  W I S H E S
A school founded on the community and help of both friends and strangers alike, Three Wishes Institute was recently renovated and reopened to the public. Formally a magic only school, Three Wishes Institute is now a school open to anyone - magical or not - to apply to. The school has a heavy focus on community, volunteering, and building a better future.
The teachers of this school both come from magical and nonmagical backgrounds, looking to give the students opportunity to learn how to approach problems from more than one angle.
Character profiles are below, left to right!
Name: Kai Position: Flying teacher Birthday: June 15th Gender: Male (he/him pronouns) Age: 24 Height: 5’10” Dominant hand: Right Origin: Sea of Clouds Hobby: Telling Jokes Favorite food: Skewers Disliked food: Dairy Special skill: Juggling Unique Magic: Great Typhoon; Kai can summon strong gusts of wind to bend to his will. With this he can do a number of things; make himself and objects around him float, redirect a magic spell aimed at him, and when used to its full potential - create a large tornado. Summary: One of the few humans who lived among the dragons in the Sea of Clouds, Kai was always an outsider. This never seemed to bother him that much and at some point he stopped trying to fit in with them and simply live alongside them. At age 18 he left the mountain range to find his calling, meeting Meilin and Chao not long afterwards. The three of them soon became inseparable and applied to work at Three Wishes Institute together. While they are seen bickering and sometimes getting into physical fights, there’s no doubt from any of the students that the trio are extremely close.
Name: Chao Position: Yoga instructor, animal caregiver Birthday: February 15th Gender: Male (he/him) Age: 25 Height: 6’3” Dominant hand: Right Origin: Mirror Meadows Hobby: Eating Favorite food:  Dumplings Disliked food:  Nothing Special skill: Mending clothes Unique Magic: None; Chao has no magical abilities and therefore does not have a unique magic Summary: A gentle young man from Mirror Meadows, Chao worked odd jobs since he was young to help his family. He was either fired or laid off from most of the impactful businesses in the mirror meadows and started to seek work elsewhere. He met Meilin and Kai on his journey and was glad to finally have company, as he was always a bit of a loner. He applied to work at Three Wishes with his two new friends and was extremely thankful when they were all accepted. He’s normally breaking up fights between Kai and Meilin, but he isn’t above getting involved in them himself sometimes.
He helps take care of the animals on campus along with Asra.
Name: Meilin Position: self defense teacher Birthday: August 1st Gender: TransFemale (she/her) Age: 21 Height: 5’3” Dominant hand: Ambidextrous Origin: ??? Hobby: Watching Wrestling Favorite food: Meat Disliked food: Veggies Special skill: Dancing Unique Magic: None; Meilin hasn’t studied magic and doesn’t know if she has the ability to even get a unique magic. Summary: Meilin is someone who doesn’t want to talk about her past, but it’s clear she’s lived a rough life. Meeting Kai and Chao was a major turning point in her life and while she fights with them on occasion, she is honest when she says she wouldn’t be who she is today without them. Being the youngest of the trio, Kai and Chao tend to baby her but she’s quick to remind them that she’s the strongest of the three. She’s glad she’s able to work at Three Wishes Institute, but has had a hard time connecting with any of the other teachers. She tends to spend more time with the students, as she’s not much older than them a lot of them come to her for advice.
Name: Asra Position: Shopkeep and occasional substitute teacher Birthday: March 18th Gender: bigender (she/her and he/him, has no preference on which one is being used) Age:  ??? Height: 5’ Dominant hand: Left Origin: ??? Hobby: Jewelry making Favorite food: Grapes Disliked food: Sand Special skill: Sword Fighting Unique Magic: Night-time Story; Asra can use illusionary magic to wrap listeners into a story that unfolds around them. Scenes come to life as Asra narrates them into existence, surrounding the listeners and making it seem like it’s a real event happening in front of their eyes. However, Asra can only use this ability at night. Summary: A mysterious merchant who showed up just as the school was finishing its reconstruction. Asra supplied Amelia and Reed with the last of the items they would need for the construction and thus was invited to work at the school when it was complete. Asra was normally a wandering merchant but took a liking to the place and the headmasters. Though a bit shrewd with her business deals, she runs a shop called Mystic Night Market where she sells a number of items to the students at low cost, sometimes asking for favors instead of money from the students.
Asra appears to have a soft spot for animals and he helps take care of the animals in the Nightingale dorm’s barn or the strays found around the campus. He does this along side Chao from time to time.
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