#Kaidan x femshep
missgamerin · 2 months
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Femshep x Kaidan
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soggy-frites · 1 year
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I would just play Mars on a loop if I could
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leopardmuffinxo · 1 year
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You’ve put the people together, the vision ─ and what you’ve done, Shepard, is build hope.
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makers-breath · 1 year
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Your honor, it’s them.
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puppypopcornpizza · 8 months
After Horizon
Warnings ➳ alcohol, suicide ideation, bad mental state all round
Pairing ➳ Kaidan Alenko x F!Shepard
Word Count ➳ 378
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Kaidan's words wracked at her brain, repeating syllables and sneers. An endless loop that had her chest aching.
Andy watched him walk away from her on Horizon, if she thought hard enough arms wrapped around her waist while breath tickled her neck. She tried not to recall what happened after.
"Huh?" She turned to Garrus with hollowed eyes, his mandibles twitched.
"I asked if you'd slept yet but I got my answer."
He took the seat next to her, chair scraping at metal floors and she almost wished she could go back two years to fighting Sovereign. Ilos felt so far away.
"Are the guns finally calibrated to your liking?" Andy tried a quip but she couldn't tell a smile from scorn with the turian.
"Last anyone saw you around the ship, you were drunk and Miranda found you sobbing in the bathrooms." She couldn't help the grimace spread across her features.
"That was this morning, I'm a changed woman now."
"That was yesterday morning, Andrea."
"God, please don't call me that."
"Joker said to, apparently it's a universal fear to be called your full name - but that's not why I'm here."
He shook his head. Shepard was sure if he were human he'd be pinching the bridge of his nose out of frustration. She knew she wasn't easy.
But that didn't stop Kaidan, didn't stop him from leaving. She was the one that left, she couldn't blame him.
"Y'know," a swig from the glass and a grumble from the turian next to her. "If Cerberus just left me dead-"
"Andy don't-
"It's true though, and you know it." Tears welled at her eyes at the thoughts that wouldn't leave.
"If Cerberus just left me where ever the hell I was, it'd all be better. Because Kaidan could've moved on; you, Tali- everyone could've just moved on. I'm sure someone would have found a fresh new, doe-eyed recruit without all the baggage."
"No - you wanted me to talk? I'm talking. I died, and God I wish I'd stayed that way."
He didn't say anything, eyes avoiding hers. She felt the rage staining her cheeks, grip on the glass almost shattering it. 'Shepard's Legacy' almost seemed laughable at this point- what good could she possibly have left?
Still silent, Garrus turned over a glass and unscrewed a lid. Andy watched the liquid pour with blurred vision.
"Let's talk."
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ljandersen · 2 years
Battle Couple
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We've been through hell together, had each other's back. That kind of bond is hard to break.
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amandashepard · 4 months
Kaidan x fShep
I don’t know them enough | wtf | why | just NO | tolerable | they’re okay | cute | awww | babies | hot | I will go down with this ship | OTP
Not my personal favorite ship but it is a very sweet and romantic pairing!
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morbius-sire · 2 years
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A companion commission from @fliath - Studio Colrouphobia of Kaidan Alenko to go with my Commander Shepard commission
Ready to kick Reaper Ass and look good while doing it
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acciokaidanalenko · 1 year
Breakfast: The Final Chapters
It's been over a year since my last update to this fic! I am so sorry it's taken this long, but I hope it's worth the wait!! I am so glad to finally be finished!! It has been my absolute favorite thing to work on, and... it may just be the beginning of a series 👀🙈
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Ch. 7 Summary: Kaidan prepares for Shepard's arrival at his apartment after their stand off during the coup attempt.
Ch. 8 Summary: Shepard and Kaidan have agreed that he’ll rejoin the Normandy crew after the events of Udina’s coup attempt on the Citadel. Though, when she turns up at his apartment, she’s unwilling to talk things out.
CW/TW: Sexual Content, 18+ only
Preview of each chapter below. AO3 link: here and here.
Ch. 7 Preview:
Two mugs rested side by side near the edge of the counter, as they’d sat for several hours now. One of them was blue and adorned with the Spectre logo, while the other was black, white, and red with a large “N7” printed on it. The Spectre one was newer, shiny and untarnished. In contrast, the N7 mug was slightly faded and chipped in a few places.
Kaidan smiled to himself as he remembered the countless times he’d seen Shepard drink from it. This small item had been one of the very few things that had somehow survived in her footlocker after the Collector attack. He’d cherished it for years. It had gone everywhere with him, and he hoped they’d be returning to the Normandy together, if she’d allow it.
He didn’t know exactly how long he’d been waiting, and there was no way to tell how much longer she’d be at Huerta. Each time he felt his impatience begin to press in, he reminded himself that she’d also sat and waited in that same waiting room after Mars. He tried to imagine what she must’ve felt then, so he could imagine what she was feeling now. He knew she’d need some grace as she waited to discover Thane’s fate after his encounter with that Cerberus assassin.
His eyes fell on the mugs once again. N7 and Spectre. Of course, she is both of these things. He’d only recently joined the ranks of one of them, and he knew he had big shoes to fill as only the second Human Spectre in the galaxy. He felt ready for it, if he was completely honest with himself. Especially after everything that had happened today. He'd helped stop Udina’s coup attempt, and that felt good. It was a victory.
Ch. 8 Preview:
Kaidan let out a heavy sigh as he pulled the zipper closed on his duffle bag, slightly amused by the fact that the few possessions he’d acquired in the weeks since the Reaper invasion could all fit perfectly into this small bag. He’d literally only had the clothes on his back when he’d unexpectedly boarded the Normandy SR-2 that day.
His eyes wandered around the room that had belonged to him since he’d been released from Huerta and felt oddly nostalgic. This place had not only served as his own private quarters during his time on the Citadel, but it was also where he and Shepard had finally reconciled. The place she’d come back to him. He would always cherish this little apartment, but he knew it was time to move on.
After three long years, he was returning to the Normandy. Though it wasn’t the one he’d spent those years yearning for. This was a completely new ship, with a new crew. There would be a few familiar faces aboard, but the majority of the soldiers he’d worked with as the staff lieutenant of the SR-1 were gone. Either lost in the same attack that had taken Shepard, reassigned, or trapped back on Earth. The knot in his stomach tightened at the thought.
He turned away from the dresser, now empty of its contents, and went into the bathroom. A smaller bag rested on the counter of the vanity. He’d already packed away his toiletries. His hand trailed across the cold marble of the countertop and he smiled softly to himself, recalling the events that had unfolded here only a few short hours ago.
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missgamerin · 7 days
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Mass Effect 3 I Model Swap : Femshep x Kaidan - Sparring
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wolfwhisperertf · 2 years
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kaidan Alenko/Female Shepard, Kaidan Alenko/Shepard Characters: Kaidan Alenko, Laurella Shepard, Female Shepard (Mass Effect) Additional Tags: Sole Survivor (Mass Effect), Colonist (Mass Effect), Fluff, Custom Shepard (Mass Effect), Pillow Talk, Flirting, Body Worship, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Spacer (Mass Effect), Established Relationship Summary:
Laurella Shepard has many scars, some from battle others from hardship. She has some she wishes to hide and other's that she's proud of. At the end of the day however, Kaidan Alenko likes to remind her that they are all part of her and deserve equal respect.
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catsharky · 1 year
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An interim comic! Rewinding to the first time my Shep met Garrus while I work on the next part. I'm halfway done the planning stage, but I needed to take a break and do something 'simpler' for a bit (this doesn't have BGs so it counts in my mind ok).
For anyone who doesn't know it, the song in Shepard's head
Also as a heads up, while I generally try to keep Shepard's appearance vague in any comic where I can get away with it, I'll be tagging any comics where she's definitively my Shepard with #SharkyShepard.
Part 1 • Previous Part • Next Part
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leopardmuffinxo · 2 years
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I'm not a distraction. I'm here to help you relax. Relaxing will help you focus.
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makers-breath · 1 year
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Shenko type beat
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puppypopcornpizza · 8 months
Mass Effect Masterlist
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Angst - 🌧
Fluff - 💐
Suggestive - 🔥
Kaidan Alenko
Everything before 2020 can be found on my Ao3
Hot Chocolate 💐
Whiskey (take two) 🌧
After Horizon 🌧
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ljandersen · 2 years
Shenko Hands
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