#cerberus coup
cerberusdailynews · 1 year
[CUISINE] The Stench of Fear - Tourists Still Avoiding Sushi Bars
via Sights Unseen [CUISINE] The Stench of Fear - Ryuusei's Incident Still Haunts Sushi Bars, Deters Tourists The infamous Ryuusei's Sushi Bar shootout may be over ten galactic standard years old by now, but Citadel's sushi restaurants still feel its paralyzing sting on their business in the present. Results from a survey conducted last year by Citadel Restaurant Association and Partnership cast light on the grim reality. Staff and management reported the most drastic decline in their restaurants' popularity and some even had shuttered over past years. "Assassins make an attempt at a Spectre's life in a restaurant and the Extranet zooms in on the sushi bar as the butt of their joke! People didn't jeer at the victims like this when Cerberus razed a whole food court up at Presidium, did they? It's a sick, sick galaxy out there." wrote one anonymous restauranter in the survey. Yet not everyone believes it's just the incident behind the decline. Jomun Gemlen, a veteran restaurant reviewer with reviews published from The Citadel Post to Omega Herald, believes it is really twilight for one genre of cuisine in the galactic scene. “Earth’s time on the plate is over. Every combination of rice and fish in a roll has been seen and eaten. The mouths of the galaxy desire novelty!”, Jomun commented to us, “What one should really keep an eye out for are what’s coming out of Camala and Erzsbat. Today it might be a bowl of raksha hash from a street stall, tomorrow it’ll be ribs and t-bone steak at Presidium!” Whether the spicy and notoriously health warning-labeled cuisine out of Kite’s Nest will win over the galaxy’s tongues or not remains to be seen.
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acciokaidanalenko · 2 years
Breakfast: The Final Chapters
It's been over a year since my last update to this fic! I am so sorry it's taken this long, but I hope it's worth the wait!! I am so glad to finally be finished!! It has been my absolute favorite thing to work on, and... it may just be the beginning of a series 👀🙈
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Ch. 7 Summary: Kaidan prepares for Shepard's arrival at his apartment after their stand off during the coup attempt.
Ch. 8 Summary: Shepard and Kaidan have agreed that he’ll rejoin the Normandy crew after the events of Udina’s coup attempt on the Citadel. Though, when she turns up at his apartment, she’s unwilling to talk things out.
CW/TW: Sexual Content, 18+ only
Preview of each chapter below. AO3 link: here and here.
Ch. 7 Preview:
Two mugs rested side by side near the edge of the counter, as they’d sat for several hours now. One of them was blue and adorned with the Spectre logo, while the other was black, white, and red with a large “N7” printed on it. The Spectre one was newer, shiny and untarnished. In contrast, the N7 mug was slightly faded and chipped in a few places.
Kaidan smiled to himself as he remembered the countless times he’d seen Shepard drink from it. This small item had been one of the very few things that had somehow survived in her footlocker after the Collector attack. He’d cherished it for years. It had gone everywhere with him, and he hoped they’d be returning to the Normandy together, if she’d allow it.
He didn’t know exactly how long he’d been waiting, and there was no way to tell how much longer she’d be at Huerta. Each time he felt his impatience begin to press in, he reminded himself that she’d also sat and waited in that same waiting room after Mars. He tried to imagine what she must’ve felt then, so he could imagine what she was feeling now. He knew she’d need some grace as she waited to discover Thane’s fate after his encounter with that Cerberus assassin.
His eyes fell on the mugs once again. N7 and Spectre. Of course, she is both of these things. He’d only recently joined the ranks of one of them, and he knew he had big shoes to fill as only the second Human Spectre in the galaxy. He felt ready for it, if he was completely honest with himself. Especially after everything that had happened today. He'd helped stop Udina’s coup attempt, and that felt good. It was a victory.
Ch. 8 Preview:
Kaidan let out a heavy sigh as he pulled the zipper closed on his duffle bag, slightly amused by the fact that the few possessions he’d acquired in the weeks since the Reaper invasion could all fit perfectly into this small bag. He’d literally only had the clothes on his back when he’d unexpectedly boarded the Normandy SR-2 that day.
His eyes wandered around the room that had belonged to him since he’d been released from Huerta and felt oddly nostalgic. This place had not only served as his own private quarters during his time on the Citadel, but it was also where he and Shepard had finally reconciled. The place she’d come back to him. He would always cherish this little apartment, but he knew it was time to move on.
After three long years, he was returning to the Normandy. Though it wasn’t the one he’d spent those years yearning for. This was a completely new ship, with a new crew. There would be a few familiar faces aboard, but the majority of the soldiers he’d worked with as the staff lieutenant of the SR-1 were gone. Either lost in the same attack that had taken Shepard, reassigned, or trapped back on Earth. The knot in his stomach tightened at the thought.
He turned away from the dresser, now empty of its contents, and went into the bathroom. A smaller bag rested on the counter of the vanity. He’d already packed away his toiletries. His hand trailed across the cold marble of the countertop and he smiled softly to himself, recalling the events that had unfolded here only a few short hours ago.
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Lt. James Vega, EDI, and Urdnot Wrex With: Lt. Steve Cortez, Dr. Mordin Solus, Major Kirrahe, and Urdnot Bakara And a Special Guest Appearance by: Adm. Steven Hackett Alliance R&D has officially begun construction on the Prothean device. The team has dubbed it: "Project Crucible". We're throwing everybody who knows how to throw a hammer at it. This is gonna be the most ambitious undertaking in human history. I'm not saying it won't be a challenge- but we can do this, Shepard. You can do this. Never doubt that. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
+BONUS (the smirk™️)
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#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#james vega#EDI#urdnot wrex#steve cortez#mordin solus#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#i feel like i probably should have split the actually sur'kesh set in half like i did with mars#but i got lazy after i split out the normandy summit gifs and i wanted to keep the rest of the mission together lol#wrex having small conversation moments with james and EDI was everything to me#bc with both of them it felt like wrex passing on some of his old kid on the block knowledge to the new kids on the block and i just 🥺#like i didn't get it in the gif but the second part of that convo with james he says something like#'you're one of shep's new recruits? hang on kid- it's a hell of a ride!' and when i tell you i SOBBED#like the entire first half of this playthrough is soph taking her newer squadmates out to help her build the army for the reaper war#so running into all these old friends/teammates and hearing them share their wisdom with james and EDI as new recruits is everything to me!#also EDI and james look very cute in their armor (ESPECIALLY EDI IN HER HUNTER HOOD I LOVE HER YOUR HONOR)#i'm just gonna say wrex's little tongue out at the salarians in the background of padok's gif sent me so hard i had to include it LMAO#and i'd write something about the mordin cameo but the mordin cameo on tuchanka is better so i'll save my thoughts for that one#ig thanks for being wrex's inside man mordin you were real for that one#the real salarian homie of this mission was kirrahe and i love him (he's my favorite and i adore him thank you for coming to my TEDtalk) :)#and i will also say that i adore bakara and she's the highlight of this mission for me bc of the lines but also like???#her grabbing the shotgun from wrex to take out the cerberus troops is everything and his expression afterwards is *chef's kiss*#and SOPH'S LITTLE SMIRK LMAOOOOOOO i had to include it bc i saw it in the back and it sent me to the next dimension lol#and since i just use the tags to share all my annoying little thoughts on a final note:#i included the elevator bomb scene bc in soph's canon she gets injured during it for the shenko angst pre-coup bc i'm an angsty bitch :)
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hawkeykirsah · 8 months
50 Things I Love About Kaidan Alenko
I love that little smile he gives Shepard in the med bay after Eden Prime.
I love his slip of the tongue on the Citadel in ME1 when he indirectly tells Shepard he thinks she’s beautiful.
I love his dry comments when you take him along groundside in ME1 and his snarky remarks when you talk to him back on the Normandy.
I love how annoyed he looks when Joker interrupts that almost-first kiss in front of the lockers.
I love that tentative smile he gives Shepard at the beginning of ME3.
I love that strut when he comes to Shepard’s aid in the Citadel DLC together with that smirk and the “Looks like you’re having a bad day, Shepard.”, and his smirk after asking the volus to open the gates for them on the Cision Motors skycar lot.
I love the entire Citadel DLC dinner.
I love his “Next time … wake me.”
I love the love and admiration you can see in his eyes when he comes to Shepard’s quarters before the assault on Cerberus headquarters. 
I love his “I lied. I didn’t come here for a quick drink”, and the grin on his face when he carries Shepard toward the bed.
I love how his voice wavers but doesn’t break when you talk to him in London and how he doesn’t care that everybody can see them when he kisses Shepard good-bye. 
I love his “Don’t Kaidan me!” on Mars.
I love how he turns half around and looks over his shoulder when Liara asks Shepard how they manage.
I love his incredulous “Me?” after Shepard tells him he’s always been stubborn.
I love how his voice drops at “ … can be the difference between success and sitting at home in your PJs taking red sand” when you talk to him at Huerta. (I’m certain he’s speaking from experience.)
I love how he places his hand over Shepard’s briefly after they tell him they care about what happens to him.
I love the determination on his face in the elevator during the Coup before he encounters Shepard and their team.
I love that short laugh of relief when Shepard tells him they couldn’t imagine facing the Reapers without him.
I love the moment you walk into the Starboard observation after he rejoins the Normandy and you see him staring into space.
I love how nervous he is on that first date on the Citadel.
I love his “I love you, Shepard. I always have.”
I love how he takes Shepard’s hand and presses it against his cheek.
I love his banter with Tali aboard the geth dreadnought.
I love his worried “Shepard!” when they step on that first mine on Rannoch.
I love how concerned he is while Shepard is in the geth consensus.
I love how he places his hand on Shepard’s shoulder on Mahavid.
I love his “Let’s make sure we never let time just slip by us, okay?” after returning from the mining facility.
I love his “I’m not too crazy about this plan” on Despoina followed by that little nod he gives Shepard after Shepard tells him they’ll be fine.
I love his worried “Never do that again” in the shuttle after Shepard talked to Leviathan and his “You scare the hell out of me with those risky stunts …” back on the Normandy.
I love his “Nah” on Eden Prime after Liara realizes he was joking.
I love his enthusiasm back on the Normandy after finding Javik.
I love his level of snark on Thessia. (”Reaper convention”, all his “… looks like a Prothean” comments at the temple, etc.)
I love his comment about liking a challenge when Shepard tells him Joker has a terrible poker face.
I love his reaction to James “Flawed implant” comment during the party.
I love his “Wow, Shepard. Did you really just say that?” if you side with James at the party.
I love watching him and James doing push-ups (and that Kaidan wins even without Kasumi sitting on James’ back).
I love his “You’re the boss. Except when you’re not. And in that case … find me later”.
I love the wake up-scene after the party.
I love the once over with that predatory smirk he gives a male Shepard in the romance scene.
I love that he wants to be Shepard’s rock and soft place to land.
I love the look on his face when Shepard runs their fingers along his cheekbone and then down to his chest before gently placing them on his chin and giving him a kiss after waking from their nightmare.
I love his “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen” after getting injured during the run for the beam. (Stubborn, remember?)
I love his “I love you, too. Be careful.” (Just rip out my heart and stomp on it why don’t you?)
I love his “And I’m not leaving, either!” at the beginning of ME2. (*cough*stubborn*cough*) 
I love his integrity.
I love his friendship with Ash.
I love seeing him and Shepard remembering Ash’s sacrifice after disarming the bomb on Tuchanka.
I love his “Why can’t it be both? Ow, my heart!” before entering the casino and his disappointed “And here I had this good cop routine all planned” after finding Elijah Khan.
I love his apology for tripping at the Ardat-Yakshi monastery.
I love his shoulders. Seriously. They do things to me.
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ruvi-muffin · 4 months
C3e95 "lore" notes
Interrogating Astrid: (that's It tbh i got Distracted)
The Cerberus Assembly
• TCA have been relocating resources to foreign factions in secret
• The older CA members have been converting the younger members
• Many CA members are working with the vanguard
• TCA are all trying to undermine each other (ye we been knew)
• Absolute Empire control over Eiselcross
• Shadow war in eisselcross for the past seven years
• Ludnus spent 5 years in the genesis ward and beyond
• Asociate let "Ocoltus Thalamus" slip. (Possibly a location in the genesis ward).
• Trent was the closest asociate to Ludinus before he was put in prison
• Ludinus has a weird itch at the back if his neck and it scared him that Astrid saw. Astrid has theories about it.
• Astrid is not working with Ludinus
• Lidinus never tried to convert Astrid
• Astrid threw a Coup ???
• Astrid would not "bend the knee" due to "an old friend"
• Astrid asessed who the hells were and who they look like (oh boy) and now Knows they work for Keyleth (oops)
• Astrid is wearing a clasp on her robes, leather armour, detailed, small chain mail, two rings on her left hand (weding bands ??!!), and on her right pinkie and index
• (Astrid is in marketing) (lol)
• Astrid does Not wanna go to eisselcross (valid)
• Astrid has a white fluffy cat (!!!)
• Astrid's cat's name is Prudence (!!!)
• Astrid is reading the Gale and the Raven, she thinks it's "trite" and she doesn't have a favourite book yet. She is fun at parties still.
• Caleb!Liam jokes that essek is "super short" when he's not floating
• Essek has not been actively pursuing the assembly in the way caleb and beau has
• A terrible flaming bird of black and purple fire flew over the city before being stoped
• Essek is helping the hells as a "favour"
These are proof read like Once but !! I tried, i just wanted to type it all out tbh
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dragonflight203 · 3 months
Mass Effect 3 replay, Citadel post Omega:
-Liara’s “Just – friends” is sad. Girl has it bad for you whether you romance her or not.
-Her meet up is also very mundane command to Kaidan’s meal, Garrus’ trip to the top of the Presidium, James’s tatoo, etc. You just meet her in the park and talk.
Liara is in the odd position of favored by the writers and neglected. They keep forcing her on you, but she also has some of the least dialogue on the Normandy and her base game Citadel meeting is one of the most basic.
As usual, I’m left feeling that she deserved better.
-As others have mentioned, in Garrus’ meet up you need the option to miss the shot.
My vanguard can barely hit targets with their shotgun. They are not going to hit anything Garrus considers difficult.
-Garrus is so happy to beat Shepard. It must feel good to be better at something.
-That hanar that meets Javik must have one hell of a story to tell. Probably becomes a religious figure to the hanar or the like.
-If you don’t take the paragon interrupt, Javik’s speech is depressing as hell. He’s broken on a deep level.
I’m not sure he believes this cycle stands a chance. But it gives him an opportunity for revenge, and that he’ll seize with both hands.
-If you do take the paragon interrupt, Javik recovers very well and his speech is inspirational. It’s clear to see why he was such a beloved leader. Even if he doesn’t believe what he says, he fakes it very well.
-Why does Shepard meet Miranda in the Spectre office?
Does Shepard call Miranda? Why not call from the Normandy then? Or did Miranda somehow get the Spectre office’s number?
If the latter, that has to be a security concern.
-It’s silly that Miranda needs to do this herself to stop running from her father.
If she’s that concerned about Oriana, she should be willing to accept any help.
And this is Cerberus – they just attempted a coup! Shepard should insist on following up on any Cerberus lead for the good of the galaxy.
Instead, Shepard probably won’t even mention this to C-Sec. Or the Alliance.
Just saying, maybe Horizon could have been caught earlier if more than one person was investigating the lead on Miranda’s father...
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deathlessathanasia · 5 months
„Persephone had arrived in the Underworld shivering and alone in the back of her uncle Hades’s chariot, kidnapped while picking flowers in a meadow. But even lost and terrified, she was canny. Within a week, Persephone had all the servants of Hades’s palace answering to her; within a month, she had the fealty of its magistrates. In a seamless coup, Persephone took command of the bureaucracy of hell as her ineffectual husband watched. It was said that even the three-headed dog Cerberus, guardian of the Underworld, rolled belly-up at the rustle of her skirts. Hades was relegated to the shadows of his own castle. When her mother, Demeter, demanded her return, Persephone sat at the table with her downcast husband as the messenger delivered the news. Unruffled, the goddess pulled a pomegranate from the bowl on the table and ripped it open with her bare hands, juice dribbling like blood over herfingers. In defiance of the messenger, she ate six of the jewel-like seeds that had never seen the light of the sun, binding herself to the Underworld forever. Eventually, Persephone went back to her mother, bringing a reluctant springtime in her steps. But every autumn when she returned to the kingdom of the dead, she did so with a smile.” (Luna McNamara, Psyche and Eros: A Novel)
I don't care much for this book so far, but not going to lie, I really wouldn't mind if this was a more common retelling of this myth. Giving Persephone agency without centering it on love/desire for her kidnapper ought to be a more popular concept in a world so fond of feminist retellings.
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bagog · 10 months
N7 Month, 2023 - Day 21: Omni-tool
Continuing Mshenko drabbles in the Shepard museum.
More people were milling about in the Shepard Exhibit. The Reaper War wing was the reason most people came to visit the Alliance Military History Museum, and the museum knew it. The architecture of the place basically bent the crowds toward the popular wing, and the exhibits themselves were designed to facilitate those crowds and still offer each visitor an experience that felt personal.
“Do you suppose when this exhibit travels, every museum it goes too is gonna be this big?” Kaidan whispered.
“…this exhibit travels?” Shepard turned his head, eyes wide but brow heavy, looking at Kaidan overtop his sunglasses.
“Yes,” Kaidan snorted. “It’s been in the Smithsonian, Pathanaxx Provincial, the British Museum…”
“I thought it lived here,” Shepard’s expression was growing stony. “It at least makes sense here. What’s my armor doing hanging in a salarian natural history museum?”
“Attracting visitors by the millions,” Kaidan hissed conspiratorially, turning Shepard by the shoulders to show him how many people were now, at this very moment, gawking at his armor.
“This couldn’t feel any stranger.”
“I’ll take that bet, look over here,” Kaidan took his hand and led him to a wall of alcoves. Before Shepard could read the plaque, his audio-tour began to speak.
“Essential to every soldier, the omni-tool has seen use on the frontier and the front-lines for almost a decade. Commander Shepard’s omni-tool would have not only have been by his side day-to-day (from sending and logging comm signals, to processing messages, to reminding the Commander his schedule), but also on the battle field modifying his arsenal.
In these alcoves, you can access a copy of Commander Shepard’s authentic omni-tool. Fee free to scroll through the battle data taken during every battle of the Reaper War in which Commander Shepard took part. Listen to the famous comms recordings that signaled the turn of the tide in real time! ‘Spectre Access Granted’ to read the messages from the Council during the Citadel Coup! See what mods Shepard used to win the war!
Due to high traffic, we ask that you please keep your experience with the Commander Shepard Omni-Tool installation to a maximum of ten minutes.”
Shepard didn’t even respond, casting a side-eye towards Kaidan, who may or may not have noticed it before dragging Shepard toward one of the alcoves. Still ahead of the morning’s traffic, it wasn’t hard for them to find an unoccupied alcove. There was a cylindrical, rigid sleeve mounted tastefully on a pedestal within the enclosure, a sign indicating you should put your arm through the sleeve.
“Well?” Kaidan said, smiling/
“’Well’ what?” Shepard scoffed. “You’re the one who wanted to come in here.”
“It’s gotta be you, c’mon!”
Shepard rolled his eyes, but put his arm through the cylinder. A familiar orange haptic interface of an omni-tool glittered to life around his forearm. It was tastefully dim inside the alcove, and Kaidan removed his dark glasses to huddle closer to the interface.
“Well, it looks like my old home screen…” Shepard tapped interface and called up the menu.
“Look,” Kaidan pointed gingerly. There was writing on the home screen, dimmer orange than the rest, nestled in one corner.
Commander Shepard’s omni-tool was destroyed in the Crucible explosion, this recreation is an imprint of that omni-tool from several days before the battle of London.
“How about that?” Kaidan grinned. “What imprint are they talking about, I wonder?”
“Cronos Station? EDI would have backed up all ship networks before the battle with the Cerberus Fleet.” Shepard scrolled through the data logs. There was a log of all comms he’d received in the last six months of the war, there was telemetry data on various battlefields, maps coded in from planets where Shepard’s war effort had taken him. An idea struck him, “I think I have something to show you, actually.”
Shepard quickly navigated to his notes page, finding the way surprisingly familiar, given he hadn’t touched the interface in years.
His notes page was blank.
“Hmm,” Shepard frowned. “I… I guess they didn’t transfer everything.”
“You gotta figure they’d go through and at least remove all the top-secret and personal stuff, huh?”
“I guess so…”
“What is it you were hoping to find?”
“A letter I wrote to you. I could’ve sworn I typed it out on my omni-tool before Cronos Station.” He looked up at Kaidan, “I thought I lost my chance to give it to you when the Crucible went off. Was just me talking about how I feel about you.”
Kaidan smiled, a warmth in his eyes. His voice was rich and deep when he finally spoke. “That’s… that’s really sweet, Shepard.” He leaned forward and they kissed above the orange glow. “Guess they couldn’t leave a love note in a museum exhibit.”
“I didn’t ever think I’d see that letter again and now that I can’t get it back, I’m upset.” He slipped his arm out of the haptic display and it disappeared. Before he could exit the alcove, Kaidan took his elbow. Kaidan put his own arm into the sleeve and the interface reappeared.
“Here’s how I know how you feel about me,” Kaidan said softly. It took him seconds to get the hang of Shepard’s home screen and quickly find the data he was looking for. “Look,”
“What is that?” Shepard stared, numbers, names…
“Hardsuit data from your fire team, based on mission. Look:” Kaidan let the screen scroll. ‘K. Alenko’ was at the top of the hardsuit data list for every encounter of the late war. “I was with you the whole time. Look, I’m all over, here!” He used both hands to gently take Shepard’s face inside his raised hood, with the haptic interface dimmed, he stared at Shepard. “And I will always be here. With you. I knew how you felt about me then, and I know now.”
Shepard didn’t know what to say, so he let Kaidan kiss him deeply.
“ExCUSE me!” Came the trilling alto of a young salarian voice. Kaidan and Shepard leapt apart and fumbled for their dark glasses. “If you’re just going to use the kiosks to make-out, please try not to stay past the time limit, hmmmmmm?”
They made hasty apologies and slinked out of the alcove.
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swaps55 · 8 months
Sorry, long post but I just needed to get what’s in my head shared with someone out there with a couple hidden questions in there:
So my head canon Shep has a lot of similarities to Sam despite the very different backgrounds. At the end of ME3, Jon Shep struts (as much as possible) determinedly towards Destroy.. Then as StarChild asks Shep if they would consider any other option Shep flips off the AI while sternly stating “I was promised cuddles and I’m cashing in on no matter what”.
So, would Kaidan’s “I’ll fight like hell to hold you again” reinvigorate/encourage/help Sam to see it through to the end? 
Also, thank you for the WIP-Whenever link (I still can’t find it in your posts, yes, I am most helpless) and I keep imagining how they end up there.  I headcanon Grimson Academy taking place right after the Coup and on the shuttle ride back to the Normandy, Kaidan feels out of place and unqualified to be around the crew having fun so he goes and sits up with Steve and sees if there’s anything he can help with even if its just to chat a bit.  Shepard at first thinks Kaidan is very tired (recently healed, lots of biotics used, Jack is a bit loud and overwhelming…)  Then the mission with Jacob.  Once again on the way back to the Normandy as Jacob and Shepard reminisce, Kaidan goes up front with Steve.  Shepard starts to wonder if Kaidan just wants nothing to do with anything Cerberus and is pained as he just wants to share the good parts of his time spent away and mistakenly doesn’t see that Kaidan is just guilt ridden.
Then the mission to check on the Araklah Company and saving Grunt.  Garrus, knowing what Kaidan is about to do, goes and sits in the copilot seat first while telling Kaidan he’s exhausted and needs to sit and shoos him away back to Shepard.  Shepard is beamingly happy introducing the two and talking about birthing Grunt and some of his crazy stunts during the Collector mission.
Cut to the Ardat Yakshi monastery.  Kaidan takes more interest in Samara and interacts with her.  However, due to the banshees screams, Kaidan’s head wants to go migraine mode but isn’t fully one. The crew is having some sort of party in the lounge so there’s more noise.  Shepard carries Kaidan from the Starboard Ob’s couch and basically cradles Kaidan.  Chakwas comes to check to see if Kaidan needs anything.  As the door opens and light pours through, Kaidan buries his head deeper into Shepard’s arm.  Chakwas asks if everything is okay and Shepard just looks down at Kaidan, smiles, and says ‘yeah. Yeah, everything is going to be okay.’
Cue Kaidan waking up and your WIP-Whenever occurring.  Kaidan has that Fugue dream of Shepard and trying to hold him as he wakes up.  This time it works.  The part that died along Shepard comes back to life and some of the colder/harsher side of Kaidan leaves. (basically like how Sam has a Sam side vs butcher side Kaidan has a Kaidan side and Major personality).
Throughout this Kaidan talks to Steve and kinda uses him as therapy as both lost their significant other to Collectors.  So my question is do you think you’d poke at Kaidan/Steve interactions? How would Steve react if his husband came back and work for the enemy? Can Steve help Kaidan heal? Does Kaidan still need to heal?  Furthermore, I can’t decide if Shepard would feel jealousy towards Steve? Would Sam think Kaidan is trying to romance Steve or is that just adding unnecessary drama just for the sake of adding angst.  I can’t decide what my Jon would do so I’m curious what would go on inside Sam’s head.
This reads a bit like a fic but I’d never make it one as it steals way too much from Sam and I’m simply not  a writer but would like feedback so I can mentally play with scenarios.
Also, while many are eagerly awaiting Horizon, I can't wait for Mars as Sam has to watch his nightmares unfold right in front of him (and Liara too tbh).
Oh gosh, I LOVE this ask. Thank you!
If you want to know what the thought process has been as to ‘how do Sam and Kaidan reconcile, actually?’ this is kind of what it looks like. Throwing a lot of spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.
First, the ending. I have spent 12 years now hating the ME3 ‘endings’ with every fiber of my being. I will quite literally die mad about it. But I’ve spent those 12 years trying to envision an ending I would feel good about, that would give me closure, and do justice to the characters I love so much. I finally got there, and I am beside myself over it. While I intend to keep most of the same emotional beats from the game, they will probably unfold a little differently.
That said, Sam will see it through to the end because he’s Sam, and he’s ruthless by nature. The solution is all that matters. Once his course is set, you won’t deviate him from it. But when he said, “if it comes down to a choice between you and the galaxy, fuck the galaxy. I choose you,” he meant it, so that course won’t be without conflict.
As for the reconciliation, (which is referring to this snippet for those who are curious), I thought about a LOT of things that could be the catalyst for it and had a heck of a time getting to one that felt right, for reasons which tie into the dissertation I wrote on that snippet.
The catalyst being Steve Cortez is something I absolutely thought about, and almost went with.  I can definitely  see Kaidan and Steve doing a little bonding over grief, and Steve gently but firmly asking him, “Kaidan…what are you doing? He’s right there. No one gets a second chance like this. No one.”
And as for Sam being jealous, I actually think Sam would be the one to suggest Kaidan get to know Steve. Kaidan needs to talk to someone. He can’t talk to Sam. Steve is the right choice. Sam can have jealous moments, but he isn’t really the jealous type.
Missions like Lesuss (the ardat-yakshi monastery) will probably play into the tension between them. I wrote a story years ago about that mission, and while it isn’t part of Opus, my toxic trait is loosely considering nearly every fic I’ve written to be my own ‘canon’ in some way (I’ve referenced many, many, many things that happen in Exordium, my ME1 long fic, in Opus).  
I also thought Kaidan learning about his dad going missing might be the tipping point. I even did some writing for it, but as I talk about in that dissertation, it was too focused on Kaidan’s needs, and not focused enough on Sam’s.
I won’t spoil what it is actually going to be, yet anyway, but it involves them doing what they do best: understanding and being there for each other. I can’t wait. I haven’t written it down, but I have daydreamed about it in such detail it’s etched in stone.
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bikorarey · 1 year
I appreciate yer takes on Ashley, Cause I always feel like I have to justify choosing her on Virmire because people rag on her constantly. When, I like a lot of things about her character, like her bond with her siblings and her strong moral/family values. And she's Funny! I want to see her grow. Cause she's had to claw and struggle for what little she had, her arc is learning to trust not only others but herself. Plus people forget she HATES the actual Earth First movement Terra Firma! She critizes them for using Xenophobia/Racism to push their agendas!
Glad to be of use to fellow Ashley fans. I love that Ashley's arc is gaining self confidence! All it takes is Shepard and others believing in her. Anderson believes in her enough to get her a posting on an advanced warship with a Spectre candidate. Kaidan believes in her enough to give his life so that she will make it off Virmire. Shepard believes in her enough to ease her worries of Cerberus involvement when Cerberus returns to being the bad guys. She gets officer training and becomes a viable Spectre candidate for Udina to even believe she can protect him during his coup attempt, but Shepards belief beats his.
The alien stuff is always weird to me because people ignore the lore of Mass Effect 1 where Humans are barely second class, have next to no social or political power and literally need to rude in as the cavalry during the start of a galactic extinction to gain any kind of standing and even WITH that standing we still aren't as powerful as thenrest of the Council politically. Even with that in mind, Ashley has disdain for all types of intolerance. She hates Saren cuz Anderson tells us about his hatred of humans, hatrs terra firma because of their intolerance of Aliens, hates the (Heretic) Geth for what they did to Eden prime and the Quarians cuz of her closeness with Tali. She also protects those close to her. Her family, her CO, the crew, and even the Council.
No one should feel bad for their choice in Virmire Survivor*
*Unless you says "I killed Ashley/Kaiden on Virmire" cuz no you didn't. They gave their life to save yours, you prick. That's what Squadmates do.
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acciokaidanalenko · 9 months
Hi! For the WIP game - Breakfast Series? 👀
Heyyyy!! So, I decided a while ago to turn Breakfast into a series. Lunch will be next and will cover Natasha & Kaidan overcoming what they witnessed on Horizon (both times), and is set during the Apollo's date 🥰
I'll finish the series with Dinner, which will be Natasha's more canon compliant version of the Citadel DLC and the apartment date with Kaidan 🥰 since in my long fic that whole ordeal is very different.
Here's a little snippet from what I have of Lunch's intro:
The Presidium was still recovering from the damage caused by the Cerberus troops that had invaded the Citadel weeks ago. With less access to resources, and limited personnel available for repairs, it would take longer to get back to normal. Even with the help of the Keepers. Despite the considerable mess around them, Apollo’s was bustling. Every table was occupied, and the pleasant hum of chatter filled the air.
Somehow, this only seemed to add to the anxiety Kaidan felt as he sat alone at a table among his fellow patrons. He’d chosen this seat carefully. It was set in a corner, further away from the others, and had a pleasant view out into the rest of the Presidium.
In the weeks since Udina’s attempted coup, and his final reconciliation with Natasha, she’d somehow agreed to this ridiculous idea he’d had for them to finally go on their first date. They’d never had the opportunity to do this before, since their relationship had been kept a careful secret. The circumstances had changed, time had passed, and now seemed like the perfect time.
It felt odd, though. To be going on a first date with someone he was already completely in love with. Yet here he sat, nervously waiting for her as if she’d stand him up at this point.
He absentmindedly adjusted his sleeve, making sure it was still neatly rolled up to his elbow. Thankfully the material of his button up shirt was thin enough to allow ample airflow, keeping him cool despite the slight heat of the Presidium. Each minute that passed felt like an eternity. He checked the time on his omni-tool, again. He’d shown up twenty minutes early, to ensure they’d have a good seat. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but he felt as if this date needed to be perfect. They’d been through so much. Both recently, and over the last three years. He glanced around at his fellow patrons, his eyes moving across their faces as he wondered how many of them were refugees. Likely, most of them were, since most of the homeworlds had fallen by this point. There wasn’t much good news coming in concerning the Reaper War. But at least he had this.
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clericofshadows · 9 months
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Description: After Regis and Zaeed secured both the bombing fleet and the name of the colony threatened by Cerberus, they were left alone in the apartment, and Zaeed can't resist teasing his lover.
Paring: Regis Shepard/Zaeed Massani, referenced Regis Shepard/Kaidan Alenko/Zaeed Massani
Rating: E (Relevant tags: Oral Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Snowballing)
Notes: This is pure PWP inspired by a gifset I made and a tag by @edains <3
Regis watched the ambassador walk away with a glare still on his face.  What a fucking mess.  He turned to Zaeed, tilting his head to the side.  “So, this is where you ran off to.”
“Told ya I had a mission to deal with,” he replied, crossing his arms.  “And you got yourself involved anyway.”
“Message from the Primarch asking me to inquire into the situation,” Regis explained.  “You know me.  Chances are, it’s going to end up on my desk at some point.”
“I wanted to avoid that.  You have enough on your goddamn plate.  Especially after that damn coup,” he said, stepping forward into Regis’s space.  
Regis eyed him, clothed in his old yellow mercenary armor instead of his commissioned gear. “What made you bring that out?”
“Expectations,” he shrugged. “Most know I'm Alliance now, but not everyone.  You see me show up in this getup and they see Massani, legendary Merc, and not Massani, Shepard’s dog.”
Regis narrowed his eyes at the last statement. Zaeed said it so casually, like it didn't bother him, but it struck a nerve with Regis. 
Considering he's been called Kaidan's guard dog on a few occasions…
“You've been hearing that a lot?” He asked. 
Zaeed barked a laugh, motioning at his expression. “Oh, you don't like it?  Thought you would. I am yours, after all.”
Regis opened his mouth to reply, but Zaeed stepped closer, putting a gloved finger to his lips. “No, you like it, don't you, knowing you have me leashed to the Normandy. You don't like it when others say it like it's a goddamn terrible fate for me.”
Regis kept his expression still, but his lack of response made it clear that Zaeed was right on the money. Always too easy for him to read. 
Zaeed pulled him forward by the collar of his officer uniform. Regis let out an undignified gasp as Zaeed pressed his lips against his, backing him up against the bed in the apartment. Regis pulled away when the back of his legs hit the edge of the bed. “C-sec will be swarming this place after the mess we left.  And there are bodies in here because of you.”
Zaeed continued to kiss down his neck, unzipping the high collar. Regis tangled a hand in his hair despite his protests, gasping out his name at the attention. “Don't worry. They're down with a tranq. Won't wake up until a few hours later.  They're fine. We're as good as alone.”
“That's not what I was worried about.”
“You protest so much yet you aren't pulling away from me,” Zaeed purred up against his ear.  Regis closed his eyes and shivered.  He's right.  A little push with his biotics and he'll be off. 
The public theatrics weren't always his thing, preferring to let loose only in the gaze of his lovers.  He's not Kaidan. 
Still, the door has been locked by his own personal programs and laced with his Spectre ID if someone were to come knocking.  Enough to ward anyone off for a bit longer…
Not they they weren't far from a C-Sec outpost or anything.  He definitely didn't scope it out before running into the apartment complex to deal with the situation. Nope. 
“You know, we have a large bed in the Normandy.  With Kaidan.   And a locked door I can trust,” Regis said, throwing his head back and planting his gloves hands on the edge of the bed, groaning as Zaeed unzipped the rest of his jacket and pushed his hands underneath his undershirt, untucking it from his pants 
Zaeed hummed, moving to kiss down his chest, teasing his nipples with biting kisses and healing licks, the sharp hint of pain enough to make Regis bite his lip to hide how much he was enjoying it.  The smirk Zaeed gave him showed that he did a terrible job of it. “And we are alone, in this room, away from responsibility for one goddamn moment. He'll understand.”
“Would he?  He just got back on–goddammit Zee.” Zaeed stuck his hand down Regis's pants, rubbing his covered dick. 
“See, you like this. You like talking up a storm about it, but you submit in the end.”
Regis glanced over to the door. “You are not making a mess of my uniform.”
“I'll clean you up nicely.” He licked his lips. “Let your guard dog continue to clean up your messes.”
And that right there went straight to his cock. “Fuck you, Zee.”
“I didn't hear a yes,” he said pointedly, but he went ahead and started to get on his knees anyway, hands stopping at Regis's belt. 
One of the many reasons why he loves him so much.  Always checking in. 
“Don't expect anything from me in return,” Regis said with a sharp look. “Go ahead, Zaeed.”
“Spoilsport,” he snorted. “At least my gear hides it better than your leathers.”
“I’ll let Kaidan know what he missed out on and let him decide what he wants to do with you.”
“You say that like I consider that a bad thing.  Maybe I want him to fuck me into our mattress, hmm?” Zaeed finished undoing his belt and pushed his pants and briefs down just enough to give him access.  Regis whined at the sensation of his cock being freed, barely able to take that in before Zaeed licked a long, slow stripe up, starting at the weeping head and nuzzling into his hair at the root.  He flicked his tongue into the slit, circling the head of his cock before pulling off, a string of saliva connecting them briefly.  
“God, Zee–” Regis moaned.  “Don’t tease me now.”
“So, I can tease you later,” he murmured, breath ghosting against his sensitive dick.  “Good to know.”
“You know that’s not what I–oh fuck me,” Regis gasped out.  Zaeed took him in one swift movement, swallowing him down with hollowed cheeks, the warm, wet mouth of his gliding across his skin with expertise.  
He’s not going to last long.  Regis clumsily grabbed his hair for more purchase, his other hand tightly grabbing the sheets of the bed behind him.  He hoped this apartment was vacant, and hated to imagine the occupant coming back to this fucked up mess of a situation.  
Zaeed chuckled around his cock, sending pleasurable vibrations up his spine, knowing his lover was overthinking the situation as Regis always does.  How Zaeed managed to get two boyfriends that got lost in their heads, Regis didn’t know.  
Zaeed’s grip on his hips tightened, the metal of his glove digging into his skin.  A sharp bite Regis wanted more of, accentuated by a twitch of his dick.
Zaeed dug his fingers into his sides tighter, leaving marks and bruises waiting to rise to the surface of his skin.  Regis threw his head back and moaned, unable to keep quiet any longer as Zaeed continued to work him to a fast-approaching orgasm.  Moving up and down his cock with just his mouth, popping off to tease the head with loving kisses before swallowing him back down, curving his tongue around the underside of his cock, renewing his pleasure and pushing him closer to the edge, electricity crackling underneath his skin with every move by his boyfriend.
Regis’s corona roared to life, enveloping him in a light purple glow, unstable with dark energy as it pulsed and flickered.  Regis was a mess, sweat beading on his forehead, curls sticking to his face, making uncontrolled sounds of pleasure and delight, stuttering out Zaeed’s name when he did something just right.
Zee wasn’t any better, moaning and grunting around his cock, spit and pre coating his lips and his chin, a lewd sheen in the bright light of the apartment.
Zaeed adjusted his position between his legs and angled himself just right to get him even deeper into his throat, his length hitting the back of his throat with barely a flinch.
Regis’s grip on Zaeed’s hair tightened, and his corona flared out in wisps of violet, surrounding Zaeed in its aura, coming  down his throat with a shout.  Zaeed swallowed him down, not letting a single drop escape.  True to his goddamn word that he’d keep Regis clean.
His legs trembled, his cock flaccid and sensitive in his mouth.  Regis wiped at his eyes and forehead with a gloved hand, letting out a whine as Zaeed continued to taste and tease to the point of oversensitivity. 
He finally backed off his length with a click of his tongue, tucking him back into his pants and putting him back together as if Regis wasn’t the recipient of a mind-blowing orgasm.
The only sign of their actions were slightly wrinkled sheets at the end of the bed.
After Zaeed zipped back up Regis’s jacket, he claimed his mouth once more and opened his mouth and–oh.  Zaeed pushed a small amount of his come into his mouth, cupping the back of his neck in a tender way that contrasted the utter debauchery of the act.  Regis obligingly swallowed himself down, moaning at the taste of himself on his lover’s tongue.
“See, that wasn’t so bad,” Zaeed teased, his voice taking on an even rougher growl.  
He’s right, it wasn’t.  It was a bit weird that it was taking this long for C-Sec to show up, but he’s blaming that on all the thinned resources since the coup.  Maybe.  
“I love you, but–”
“No buts.  Unless you’re about to show off yours.”
Regis tried to glare at him for that terrible comment, but it clearly didn’t work.  Zaeed smirked at him mischievously and swatted his ass before heading over to the door.  “If you didn’t want me to talk about your ass, you shouldn’t have worn that outfit.”
“It’s a standard officer uniform!”
“Not when you and Kaidan wear it.”
Insufferable bastard.  Regis rolled his eyes.  “Can we get the hell out of here now?  C-Sec has to be on their way.”
“No, they aren’t,” Zaeed said, unlocking the door with his personal override.
Regis stopped in his tracks.  “What do you mean, they aren’t?”
“I mean that I messaged Kaidan to hold them off until we secured the area.  And now we have.”
Zaeed had his omnitool out.  “Scheming bastard?  Yes, I goddamn am.”
Regis shook his head, pushing past him. “I can’t believe you two.”
“You love us.” Zaeed caught up to him and held out his hand.  Regis took it with a roll of his eyes.
“Put it this way, you can have our way with us back in our cabin.”
“You want me to punish you, it doesn’t really work that way.”
“This was as much as Kaidan’s idea as it was mine, you know.”
“Which part?  The mission or you getting me off in public?”
“You know the answer to that already.”
“Tell Kaidan to get settled in our cabin once he gets back to the ship, if he isn’t already there.  I also want you to head straight there.  I will be a few minutes.  I trust that you both will know what that means.”
“And then?”
Regis stopped in his tracks and pushed out just enough dark energy to make his eyes glow purple along with the red leftover from Cerberus’s enhancements.  “It will be a surprise.  You like those, don’t you?” Regis purred, deepening his voice.
Zaeed shivered at his look.  “Maybe not when you say it like that.”
“It’ll be fun.  Trust me.  Get out that omnitool.  Or else my surprise will take on another edge…”
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breadedsinner · 3 months
See now I'm wondering if I could do a Mass Effect version of Tether where I recount the events of the game with personal touches and a few adjustments to canon. Because I very much like the idea of the VS, especially Ashley, being on the Tuchunka mission.
I think Raphael would insist she recover but I think it's fully in character for Ashley to push herself.
Raphael: I need you at your best.
Ashley: Skipper, look at me. This IS my best. I can't be cooped up in this hospital any longer while people die.
Raphael: But if something happened...
Ashley: Something already happened. I'll get up as many times as I need to. Whatever it takes. You wouldn't expect anything less from any other soldier.
Raphael: ...No. No, I wouldn't.
Of course that would change the whole Citadel Coup level, which as I understand is heavily criticized. I think people were unhappy with Cerberus as a whole in 3, it was strange that had a huge army when they were noted as a small but elite private operation.
I don't know how I would change that though... maybe Reaper troops are on the Citadel, TIM is trying to take advantage of the chaos. Ashley as Spectre wants to protect the Council, so she and Raph split into teams? is that anything?
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kaidans-alenko · 1 year
Udina listing “incorruptible” as a reason for choosing Kaidan as a spectre is so funny to me because, knowing what I know now and how he acts with Kaidan during the stand off, he took it as a challenge. Which…no 😂😭
He thinks everyone is as easily manipulated as he is, when Kaidan is as stubborn as it gets. Truly. The fact the Shepard, the love of his life couldn’t convince him to join her in me2 should be indication enough that that is not the case. Ofc he wasn’t there for that so he’d have no way of knowing granted. But Kaidan’s moral compass is so rigid, like there isn’t a lot of gray area. Especially not with Cerberus, even if in some instance Kaidan is as naive as BioWare and the fandom thinks the moment he hears the words “Cerberus” or “Illusive man” he’d back out.
It wouldn’t ever get to that point in the first place but we all saw the way he shut down the moment Shepard mentioned them on Horizon. And on top of that by the time you get to the coup he’s already decided to trust Shepard, nothing was going to change that.
He wasn’t walking away from Shepard again over some doctored footage. It just wasn’t going to happen and the fact he even tried it at all is hilarious to me.
But even removing Shepard from the equation completely it still wouldn’t have worked. She wasn’t the deciding factor in that, he’s loyal to the Alliance, it’s mainly why he didn’t join in me2. “I’m an Alliance soldier, always will be.”
Shepard or not Udina wasn’t going to get his way period. Yeah turning him against her was probably a sound strategy but it would never work. His sense of loyalty is too strong for that. So yeah you’re right Udina he is incorruptible.
Also can we talk about how Udina was never going to seize power even if the coup had succeeded? Daddy Illusive was just using him, like??? Anyway, I rambled on too long AGAIN
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askauradonprep · 6 months
got any Hades x Persephone hc for our / your Descendants au if you have them ?
Persephone is Hadie's mother. She's very protective of him, if from afar.
Hades thought he was never going to see her again, which is one reason he ended up with Maleficent. When she made her way to the Isle to see him? Yeah that marriage was toast.
She isn't particularly fond of Mal so Hades keeps them separate. It's for the best anyway - Mal's got enough issues with moms without throwing in an awkward at best relationship with a stepmom
She had to return to the Underworld after Hadie was born - she wouldn't be happy with how Hades took out his temper on him. I know he's evil but come on Hades!
The relationship is complicated. She herself isn't evil and she's not fond of his own evil turn. Killing their nephew and trying to destroy the rest of the family, really?
Pain and Panic like her and she looooves Cerberus. Big spoiled mutt.
I think Hadie will end up a lot closer to her. Hades is doing his best now but there's a lot of ignoring and angry blow ups to move past.
She agrees with Hadie - the 90s rocker thing is super cringe and she will tease him until the end of time.
Even if she's upset with him about the attempted coup and murder of the nephew, she also isn't happy about how the Isle is. She brought him fruit from her mom (without telling her mom who it was for)
They're going to marriage counselling to sort their problems out now. Hades doesn't like to talk about that with other people because it's awkward.
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dragonflight203 · 4 months
Mass Effect 3 replay, Citadel post coup:
-Notably, the C-Sec officers on the human embassy level are all turian.
On the presidium, the C-Sec officers are human.
Was this intentional of Bioware? Maybe the idea is to minimize potential conflict of interest on the investigation into Udina by assigning non-human officers to it and assigning the human officers to public spaces?
-Why do the C-Sec officers forbid Solik from filming the refugees on the docks?
They claim it’s because he’d be “disruptive”.
I suspect they’re actually trying to avoid a potential PR disaster if people see the conditions on the docks.
-Cerberus specifically looked for Kelly.
A bit flattering, in a sense – she’s more important to them than she thought!
Also a bit terrifying. TIM is really pissed at everyone who left Cerberus and is determined to clean up loose ends. There’s no other reason to go after Kelly; she’s no threat to Cerberus.
-Conrad is one of the best parts of ME3. All that busywork in ME1 finally pays off!
I know he’s supposed to be a joke about all the side quests, but I wish more or ME3 relied on past decisions like Conrad’s.
Maybe not to the extent that you lose content if you did not do so something, but so outcomes were at least influenced by them.
There are parts of ME3 influenced by past games – is Wrex alive? Kirrahe? Legion? Etc. – but there are a lot of past decisions that make no difference at all, like the turian insignia or if you got Lorik to testify against Anoleis.
Even if they just added flavor, I’d appreciate their inclusion.
-If you go renegade with Jack, you learn that her students helped get civilians off Palaven.
Interesting – turians usually don’t regard adult turians as civilians, since everyone has military training. The term is normally reserved for children or client races. So is Jack using the term in the human sense of non-combatants or the turian sense?
I’m probably thinking about this more than Bioware did.
-If you flirt with Joker, he just about panics. He does not think of Shepard that way.
-Joker won’t consider Shepard because they’re both in uniform and there are regulations against that.
There are no regulations against dating the ship AI, however, so that’s okay.
That’s cutting it awfully thin, Joker. I’m sure if the Alliance had ever considered the possibility of a ship having an AI they’d have regulations against it.
-Paragon or renegade, the fact Edi’s body is made of metal and Joker has brittle bones is brought up.
To go completely off script: Is this really relevant? They don’t have to have sex. Or they could get very creative. This is not what I would consider a deal breaker.
-If you go renegade with Edi, she brings up the lifespan difference between her and Joker.
Apparently she spoke to Liara about it and Liara was no help at all.
Interesting – Liara’s the obvious choice, since she’s an asari. However, her own relationship experience is very lacking so it’s logical she would have little to offer Edi. Very much a case of the blind leading the blind.
-As Thane dies, if you go paragon the last prayer is for you.
If you go renegade, the last prayer is for Thane.
-Shepard to Thane after he passes: Goodbye, Thane. You won’t be along for long.
Yeah, Shepard does not expect to make it through the Reaper war.
-The volus bank teller is skeptical of Sanctuary. How can it promise more safety than the Citadel? Second time a NPC’s called bullshit on Sanctuary and it’s another volus. I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked that the merchant race recognizes a scam when they see one.
Now we just need to set them up with an official broadcast so they can inform everyone else instead of one person at a time.
-Captain Sommers wants to kill a C-Sec officer who assisted Cerberus during the coup. He killed other officers and is now bargaining for a better deal by offering intel. He’s former Alliance and Sommers feels that the Alliance should deal with him.
Paragon, you tell Sommers to stand down because the intel may save lives. Renegade, you use spectre authority to let Sommers kill him legally.
It’s a nice touch to have another sidequest where paragon/renegade feels very different.*
In most of ME3 it feels like renegade has had the teeth removed; it just feels “softer” than in ME1 and ME2. This is a good instance of the two differing more.
*In main missions they differ more, although there the renegade dialogue still “feels” softer.
-Ghorek is the only time Shepard has to really deal with the consequences of destroying a colony in Arrival, and it’s disappointing.
He’s a terrorist, so you’re already predisposed to dislike him. You only exchange a few lines, and there’s no opportunity for investigate or a real back and forth.
I’m glad Bioware included it, but it feels very surface level with little depth. I wish there was more to it to really show the harm Shepard did and how they’re dealing (or possibly not dealing) with it.
Also, there should be choices between letting him die and calling over the nurse. Is there a reason I can’t call over the nurse AND inform C-Sec he’s a terrorist?
-Officer Noles is an excellent reminder on the importance of CyberSecurity. Balak’s using codes from when the batarians had an embassy on the Citadel.
That was what, 20 years ago? Those codes should have been decommissioned as soon as the embassy closed.
But they were not, and there are dead humans for it.
This is why it’s important to have standard operating procedures and regular asset reviews, people.
(How did Balak even get the codes?)
-Balak continues to be compelling.
He’s an evil bastard that’s been killing humans out of misplaced revenge, but paragon or renegade you can appeal to his desire to save his people and he’ll give you his support. You can see how much it costs him to do so, but he’ll set aside his personal desires to serve the batarian people.
In another timeline, Balak could easily have been hero. He has more than enough courage, intelligence, and drive.
In this one, however, he’ll just have to settle for being the lesser evil.
(Also, Balak can see that working with Shepard is the batarians’ best bet, but you expect me to believe that Udina thought Cerberus was a better option?)
-Also, nice of the C-Sec officer standing right there to ignore Balak holding a gun to head. Great job, sir.
-The callback to the Levaithan of Dis first mentioned in ME1 is also well done. The reveal it was a Reaper corpse, that the batarians who studied it all became indoctrinated and that’s why the Hegemony fell so easily – harsh and completely in line with lore.
-Kaidan: Knowing that you acted with integrity – then it matters.
Ah, Kaidan. Paragon of paragons, integrity carved into your bones. Regardless of who took the shot, you handle Udina’s betrayal poorly.
It wasn’t your fault.
-If you refuse to let Kaidan on board, he handles it very well. He doesn’t argue; just takes the polite rejection well and leaves.
-When you speak with Traynor to receive the mission about the Cerberus scientists that have quit, Shepard mentions that many who worked for Cerberus believed they were doing the right thing. Shepard did.
And of course the game doubles down that Shepard did do the right thing by working for Cerberus in ME2 and that the Cerberus was working to stop the Collectors while the Alliance did nothing.
Did I hallucinate the Virmire Survivor on Horizon during all my playthroughs? And has the game forgotten that spectres have leave way to choose their own missions – so Shepard could have pursued the Collectors as an agent of the Council rather than a terrorist?
-If you let Traynor take a shower but don’t join her, Shepard comes off as the most oblivious lady in the world. It’s actually rather funny. Traynor left the door open and Shepard registers nothing.
-James’ meeting is very touching. He opens up and is vulnerable – last time he was in command he lost everyone. He’s afraid it will happen again.
For all the bravado he puts on, there’s a lot going on behind that facade. He’d probably make a great officer and N7.
-There was a Cerberus spy working with the Collectors. How much you want to bet he was sanctioned by TIM?
Yet the game still insists Shepard was right to work with Cerberus in ME2.
-The game keeps talking up Kai Leng, especially Andeson, but when he doesn’t have plot armor he’s a wimp.
He’d have died in the attack on the salarian Councilor if a single character in that scene had had any sense.
-And once again Cerberus leaned on the “we saved colonies from the Collectors” angle to get an in with someone, this time the Din Korlack.
Apparently it can even excuse fighting with the Alliance.
And surprise, surprise the terrorist organization turns around uses the aide you provided them to blackmail you. It’s almost like they always had their own reasons for what they did.
-Din, it’s bad enough you helped Cerberus at all. Refusing to turn over the name of the colony you sold out unless Shepard is charismatic enough? Be better.
-The game’s refusal to explain Zaeed’s beef with Cerberus pisses me off to this day.
Once again, a Codex entry would easily have solved this problem. Or a few more lines from Zaeed. But no, keep guessing.
-James, stop shrugging while you’re getting a tattoo!
And getting a N7 tattoo before you’ve completed the program is a terrible idea.
-James panics even more than Joker when Shepard makes a pass. Lol, Kaidan’s the only human man that can keep up with femShep. The rest all run away.
-Kelly: I heard about the terrible things Cerberus did during the coup. That’s not the organization I joined.
Yes, Kelly, it is. Here’s a list of terrible things Cerberus did during ME1. Ask Jack if you want some more items that predate it.
Cerberus has always been terrible. The apparently just have the best PR department in the galaxy since everyone is shocked every time some new terrible thing they did comes to light.
-Liara still won’t speak to me on the Citadel, although everyone else will.
Well, except Garrus but that’s because he’s not there. Liara’s the only one both hanging around and not initiating a dialogue.
-Kaidan also takes it well if you reject him on the Presidium, although his hurt shows through more.
He does stick you with the bill, however.
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