#Kam Noceda
slowthypiglordblr · 6 months
Aweirdlatina's Future Hexsquad Represented with Birds
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Azura "Mercedes" Noceda-Blight as the Goliath Heron
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Adalyn Noceda-Blight as the Crimson Rosella
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Regina Park as the Palla's Fish Eagle
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Ellowyn Antlerstein as the Secretary Bird
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Olive Blisterfield as the Mighty Emu
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Kam Noceda as Archeopteryx
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kujarojotu · 2 years
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Azura and her friends are ready for Pride month.
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Owl House is a show about a human girl Luz Noceda. Her mom forces her to go to a camp that will teach her to be 'normal' but instead she gets sucked into this magical world where she learns how to be a witch. She makes lots of friends, and enemies, and goes on lots of adventures. The show has a lot of positive LGBTQ+ representation as well as shows multiple different races. Luz is Bi (with a female love interest) and latina. A character has the same last name as Lo. You should check it out -Kam
(Hmmmmmmmm maybe. Also on a more positive note I finished my song!)
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slowthypiglordblr · 11 months
Aweirdlatina's Future Owl House AU New Hexsquad as Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Style
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Azura Mercedes Blight as Espurr
An adorable little feline genius in her own little world.
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Adalyn Noceda Blight as Mew
She's a precious little wonder with a giant heart of gold and a blessing to the world.
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Regina Park as Dusk Form Lycanroc
She's the noble wolf and who's bite is as vicious as her bark.
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Olive as Yamper
A wild free spirit with an electric personality.
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Kam Noceda as Zoroark
A trickster at work, and can come in many faces. She's great fun to be with when you want to break some rules.
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Ellowyn Antlerstein as Deerling
I'm not entirely certain with this choice I'm open to any suggestions.
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And last but not least, Regichu!!!!
(This art by @aweirdlatina is the reason I made this list honestly)
(follow the link for more information)
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kujarojotu · 3 years
A new kid joins Azura’s group of friends.
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kujarojotu · 3 years
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I wanted to make a list of who I’d want to play the main cast of my Owl Coven AU. I also added some of their roles to give an idea of what they’d sound like.
Tansy belongs to @dieingdemon
Barbeau and Fiona by Cupidcomet77
EDIT: I wasn’t really feeling Cree Summers as Tansy anymore, so I thought Diamond White would be a better fit.
EDIT 2: After much consideration, I decided Kat Graham was a much better choice for Tansy.
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