#Kamille Marionetta
todosmeiape1an · 22 days
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Drew the besties bc I wanted to see Julia kiss Kamille's cheek ✨
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isapolvorita · 18 days
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After so much muder drama and fear to the monster in the attic i love watching Kamille giving no fucks about it and going to fight the monster herself, same girl.
Also im so excited to see more of her being or trying to be a better friend to Julia, protecting her and worrying about her. Season 1 was from Julias pov and the desesperation of not knowing anything about the situation you are in, but this one seems to be more light in that sense (im sure Miriam is gonna stab us with sad backstories in any moment)
Also its so funny that Julia didnt tell anyone about the monster and now we see characters going "oh yeah the monster in the attic, tonnys bestie"
Im starting to suspect Dotty has something to do with Julias contract wich is so dumb because why would she ever kill Tonny but i dont know i cant trust anyone there except my sun Kamille and Rainah and i guess Sahed because he dont know shit either
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anxiousxowl · 19 days
Omgomgomg! Episode 59 was so good! 😭
Spoilers ahead!
This chapter really helped me understand our girl Julia and how her interactions with others influenced and still influence her decisions.
1. Kamille and Julia’s friendship. I really like that Kamille is opening up to Julia, and being sincere about everything. Now it all makes so much sense. Why Kamille wasn’t as thrilled to have Julia there in the circus, as well as why Kamille kept ignoring Julia or didn’t seem to care about Julia’s feelings. Of course, i’m not excusing Kamille, but i can better understand her. Julia did abandon her friend and dismissed Kamille’s feelings growing up. I can see how Kamille would feel abandoned and why she would ultimately prefer to leave everything behind, because not even her friend (Julia) seemed to care.
2. Julia’s “goody-two-shoes” act isn’t out of character. This is someone she became (albeit unwillingly) for the sake of her father. It came from a place of guilt. Which brings me to Sahed and Tonny’s influence on Julia.
3. Sahed brought back the old Julia. Let’s start with Sahed. There is no denying now that Julia was truly who she’s meant to be with Sahed. She was her true self. She was curious, inquisitive, and adventurous. She also thought for herself and cane to her own conclusions. All the things she used to be before she got lost in the woods. But we know this changed, and while i was confused as to why she completely chose to ignore Sahed, now i understand why.
4. It was because of an ah’kon that she got lost and her father worried about her. Miriam is so amazing for this, how she connected all the little dots. Of course she doubted Sahed when she first met him, how could she not when she has such a traumatic experience with an Ah’kon. But even then, she chose to trust Sahed, but we all know how that went. Once again, because of an ah’kon she did something wrong and, once again feelings of guilt resurface, so what does she do? She goes back to doing everything by the book.
5. Sahed and Tonny bring out two different Julia. Sahed brings out her best version, her true curious and adventurous self; however, Tonny brings out the uptight person she forced herself to become. That doesn’t mean that one is better than the other, this is also not about shipping, but about character development. Tonny wants Julia that sticks to rules and leave everything to him without questioning anything, much like the society in which she lived (Kalgratt). Sahed wants her to explore, to question things, and encourages her to think for herself. He definitely messed up, but his intentions weren’t entirely selfish. We see him helping her understand Kalgratt for what it truly is. If Julia could balance the two, and stop going to one extreme, i’m sure her life would be less complicated.
I have so much more to say, but i’m gonna shut up for now lol. This is only my opinion of course. I’m sorry if this was too long or if i rambled too much, but wow this chapter was so GOOD, i had to!
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lee1504 · 26 days
she's so real for that
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ciastro · 28 days
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cowabunga!!! 🛩️🛩️
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tiphyrow · 11 months
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Just binge read the Marionetta webtoon and I fell immediately in love with Kamille and just had to draw here like she’s so cute <3<3<3
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Sahed and Tonny are either exes or they will end up together in the end, because THE TENSION THEY HAVE-- I swear
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itsm3m00n · 8 months
so i started reading Marionetta on Webtoon (very good btw) but one of my main issues is Julia and how the fanbase excuses her extreme bigotry and obsessive friendship.
they constantly bring up "oh she died for Kamille!" not intentionally! both Kamille and Julia have gone through hell in their own ways. Kamille is not responsible for Julia's death and she should not be grateful for Julia dying on her own accord.
both Kamille and Julia are extremely flawed. Kamille has certainly been a bad friend. she forgot Julias birthday, and spent less time with her. However, there were so many people willing to help Julia through her tough times, but she instead decided to be racist and horrible to them all.
the majority of the fanbase is completely overlooking this, probably because Kamille isn't the protagonist. Webtoon has had a lot of instances where the female Protagonist has been deeply flawed, but can do no wrong in the fandoms eyes because "everyone has problems" but then they go and hate on the secondary female character for having a life.
Julia has had extreme trauma, from dying and from having to kill Tonny. But there have been so many people trying to help, and instead she chooses to obsess over her friend who's only dream was to not be forced into an arranged marriage. Kamille is her own person and her life should not have to revolve around Julia's.
when Julia arrives at the circus, she immediately tries to drag her away and escape, without listening to a word Kamille says. it takes Kamille literally pushing her out a window for Julia to actually listen to her, and even then she doesnt respect her friends wishes. for nearly the entire comic Julia keeps trying to get Kamille out of the Circus, despite Kamille expressing multiple times that she is happy there and doesnt want to go back to her terrible home.
Now to address the Rainah and Sahed situation. They are big factors in both characters stories. Kamille's slightly obsessive crush on Rainah is one of her flaws, bacause she is allowed to be in love, however she completely abandons her friend for it.
On Julia's part, however, she is being severely manipulated by Sahed (i could write a novel on why that ship is extremely toxic). this is not her fault. Sahed is incredibly hot. however, when Kamille tells Julia about how she's in love with Rainah, Julia doesn't let her finish and immediately assumes Kamille is in love with Sahed.
Julia then goes on to completely destroy Kamille's and Rainah's friendship and doesn't apologize for it. Good job Julia. I might also add for those who don't already know, Kamille is a queer woman of color. now you may understand why the fanbase hates her so much. of course, no one says this out loud, they instead constantly blame Kamille for Julias bad descisions and say that Kamille is a terrible friend.
at the base of their problems is the fact that they don't communicate. Julia never expresses her concerns and never tells Kamille about what she's going throuh, instead she bottles it up and then explodes, blaming Kamille. Kamille doesnt tell julia about her issues and why she ran away.
Both Kamille and Julia are extremely flawed and they are both bad friends. My point is, Kamille should not under any circumstances be hated more than Julia for being a bad friend when Julia was Racist, Bigoted, and refused to be nice to literally anybody.
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asimplefarmboy · 1 year
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marionetta by míriam bonastre tur - episode 15!
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trixieswitchcraft · 1 year
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This has been my hyper fixation this summer, it's just so good and I love it so much💖 Tonny is such a sweetheart💕
Its an amazing story by @miriambonastre and I highly recommend it 😤👍✨
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todosmeiape1an · 9 months
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The Pact was sealed one year ago...🎪
I barely made it in time 😭😭 But here it is, it doesn't matter if I'm late!! (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)
It has been a wonderful year, every week looking forward to the new chapter and discussing it with my friends. I'm happy to say that I was there from day 1, when the new webcomic was announced and when the first 3 chapters were published (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) Already in chapters 10-11 my brain had decided that it would be my new passion, it caught me and wouldn't let me go again 😆 During that time I made my first fanarts, since they were shipart I was shy to tag Miriam, and later that shame went away sjsjksjdkd. Anyway, I greatly enjoyed this first season and I'm looking forward to another year of Marionetta fangirling!! 💖💖
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isapolvorita · 10 months
I really liked the final of the season 1 of Marionetta, i think that is a perfect base for what is gonna come.
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I wasnt expecting Julia to tell Kamille about the contract and the consecuences if she doesnt comply it. But i think their relationship is gonna be super important in season 2, Kamille realized that Julia is still a very important person in her life and im interested in see what she thinks about the situation. Also i want her to fix her relationship with Rainah and know more about her and her past.
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I believe deep in my soul that Tonny is a good guy. I dont know why he does what he does, if he is a god or human, how many years he has and why he doesnt tell the truth. BUT we know that he feels guilty when he kills someone, and he treasure a part of their custome (so he doesnt forget?). Also Dotty and Bob seem like good people. Well, Bob seems like good people, not sure about Dotty. So im really excited to see more of him and his reasons to do what he does.
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AND !!!!! Im a biiiiit dissapointed because it was her grandpa and not her that knew Sahed personally but thats was going to fuck up the timeline so, understable, BUT I WANTED SO BAD TO SAHED AND AMALIA TO KNOW EACH OTHER
I hope she to not have a redeption arc never and to be evil until the end and they defeat her and throw up her evil goverment. Also i want to know much more about her, who is her husband??? Does she has one??? Why does she agree with the goverment??? What does she knows???? I want her to have more beef with Julia too please please please
Ok so is that, Miriam is gonna have a deserved rest.
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strawberry-sea-writes · 8 months
chapter 4: Kalgratt is finally here! Julia processes colonel Amalia's words....what now?
from the chapter: "Julia’s head was spinning. It was a lie! It had to be! She was messing with me because of the riot the other night! “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Julia strangled out, “I am a citizen of Kalgratt!” Julia shouted through gritted teeth. “I am from Kalgratt! I Am!” She screamed so forcefully she tasted metal from the rawness of her throat. This was worse than when she had died and found herself joined to this god forsaken circus".
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
NOW KITH‼️‼️‼️‼️
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floralcavern · 11 months
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Hmmm.. funny, huh? What about Julia, who you left to work on the puppets, leaving her with mountains of work? What about Julia, who has difficulty making friends, and is pretty much alone?
Hmmm.. you have time to take two jobs and help with the puppies, but you don’t have time to actually spend time with your friend and help make the puppets?
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