#Kari's SPN Girl Power Challenge
The Graul Girls
Summary: It had been you and your mom your whole life until she met Jensen. You weren’t the easiest teen, but neither of you would’ve had it any other way Words: 1.3k Danneel’s Daughter!Reader, Danneel x Jensen  Warnings: none (ignore the fact that irl Danneel didn’t have insta in 2012/13) Written for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing ‘s Girl Power challenge (thanks for the extension!!!), my prompt was ‘raising teenagers’
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Your name: submit What is this?
“Baby, are you packed?” your mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs, startling you out of your daydream.
“Uh, yeah?” you called back unconvincingly, throwing some clothes into your case.
“Elta Y/N Graul, you told me you’d done it last night,” she replied, and you zipped the half-filled case in panic as you heard her begin to climb the staircase.
You let your hair out of its loose braid, running your hands through it to try and look slightly more presentable seeing as you were still in your robe.
You opened your bedroom door just as she went to knock.
“What’s up?” you asked, going for casual.
One look at your mother’s face told you that playing it cool wasn’t going to work.
“Alright, I hadn’t packed,” you admitted, walking into your room and letting her follow as you unzipped your case, knowing that you needed to pack better for your week in Vancouver. “I got distracted.”
“Sure,” she sighed, rolling her eyes. “Get dressed, I’ll sort this.”
You threw your arms around her and kissed her cheek.
“Alright, get,” she laughed, kissing your temple and pushing you back. “The car will be here in fifteen and you can’t go to the airport naked.”
You walked to your wardrobe, pulling out the outfit and shoes that you had decided on the night before when you were supposed to be packing.
Your mom eyed the shoes wordlessly as she started to fold your clothes and neatly re-pack everything.
“What?” you questioned defensively as you began to change. “They’re cute.”
“I know, I bought them,” she laughed softly. “But we’re going on a plane, not to a fashion show.”
You rolled your eyes as you pulled on a plain white t-shirt.
“But we’re going to a TV set,” you reminded her. “Gotta catch me some gorgeous actor.”
Your mom stopped what she was doing to stare at you in shock.
“Y/N, you’re fifteen,” she emphasised. “Everyone on Jay’s show is my age.”
You shrugged as you pulled on your jeans, tucking in your tee as you fastened the button.
“Maybe there’s a young guest star around,” you reasoned. “Or someone from another show. ‘Couver is full of ‘em.”
She rolled her eyes, packing your make-up bag into your case.
“Hey, no,” you protested. “I’m gonna need that before we go.”
“You don’t have time, and you don’t need it,” she told you. “You’re gorgeous.”
“I know, I take after my mama,” you grinned as you chose your jewellery.
“In too many ways,” your mom murmured, zipping up your case now that it was actually packed. “Carry the shoes downstairs, don’t ruin the floor. There’s breakfast in the kitchen.”
“And I have snacks in my cabin bag,” she promised, knowing what you were going to ask. “It’s been the only way to keep you quiet on planes since you were a baby.”
“Snacks are the key to my heart,” you smiled, picking up your light jacket and shoes before heading for the door. “Tell that to any possible suitor you see in Canada.”
“You’re not allowed to date until you’re twenty-one!” she called out after you, making you laugh as you made your way downstairs.
She sighed as she zipped your case and locked it, content that she had packed everything you needed. It was going to be a long week.
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Trips to Vancouver had been a regular part of your life after your mom had married Jensen. You had always loved it when you were able to be on set, meeting Jensen’s colleagues and being behind the scenes. Growing up, you’d been on set with your mom during her movies but never for TV shows, so it all felt like a new experience.
You had just turned sixteen when Jensen came home for Christmas with an offer.
Your mom was pregnant with his first child and, to be honest, you had been feeling a little put out by the whole situation. You were happy for them - you really were - but you’d grown to see Jensen as a father figure and now he was going to have a real child. A blood-related child.
Your mother had convinced you that nothing would change, but you still had your doubts. You were sixteen, it was in your nature to question and worry about everything.
When Jensen came home and sat you and your mother down in the front room, you knew something was happening.
“First thing’s first,” Jensen began, strangely formal considering you were sat in your own home, “Do you still enjoy theatre at school?”
You laughed, relieved that it was an easy answer.
“Yeah,” you confirmed, looking at your mom. “Acting is in my blood.”
She smiled at you, nodding for Jensen to continue.
“I’ve talked it through with your mom and she says it’s up to you,” he hedged, “But there’s a new character that Supernatural is casting for. She’s supposed to be a highschool senior but I think you could pass, and I told them-”
“Are you offering me a role?” you asked excitedly, and your mom laughed fondly as she nodded.
“You might have to run a few lines before it’s confirmed, but the crew all know and love you,” she explained.
“And they agree that you would fit the role,” Jensen added. “I take it you’re interested?”
“God, yeah,” you breathed, your grin wide. “Yeah. Oh, my God.”
Your mom smiled, getting up from her seat beside Jensen to perch on the arm of your chair.
“You can travel up with Jay in the new year,” she smiled, kissing the top of your head. “My baby girl, the working actress.”
You couldn’t quite believe what you were hearing.
“There’s another thing,” Jensen approached, looking at your mother. “Regarding being a working actress.”
“Yeah,” your mom agreed, stroking your hair behind your ear. “We were talking about what your professional name would be.”
“Elta Graul,” you answered, frowning softly. “I’ve said before, I’d go by Elta. Keep Y/N for friends and family.”
“No, I know,” she nodded, meeting Jensen’s eye and urging him to continue for her.
“We were thinking,” he explained, “I mean- if you want- we thought-”
You laughed nervously as he stammered over himself, completely unsure what he was going to say.
“Elta Ackles,” your mom blurted, and you looked up at her with a soft frown.
“We were wondering if you wanted to go by Ackles,” Jensen expanded. “Professionally and- and officially. If, if you wanted.”
You swallowed, looking between the two of them with no words in your throat.
“What-?” you cleared your throat. “What are you saying?”
“Baby girl,” your mom sighed, a kind smile on her lips. “It’s been me and you forever. The Graul girls against the world, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.”
“Me neither,” you murmured, taking her hand and squeezing.
“But now…” she looked across at Jensen, and you followed her gaze to find him watching you nervously. “I’m an Ackles. Your little brother or sister will be an Ackles. Your… your father is an Ackles. We wanted to ask if… How would you feel about Jensen becoming your father, officially?”
“I’d love to adopt you,” Jensen added. “I would be honoured.”
Your throat was tight as you felt the tell-tale fizzle behind your nose that let you know you were about to cry.
“You don’t have to,” your mom murmured, and you shook your head.
“That’s okay,” Jensen assured you, trying to disguise the hurt on his face.
“No,” you blurted, wiping your tears as they fell. “No, I mean. Yes. Please.”
Jensen’s downturned lips changed to a grin but his eyes remained in question.
“Are you sure?” he asked, and you nodded, getting to your feet and rushing over to where he was sat, throwing yourself into his arms.
“Thank you,” you whispered as his arms wrapped around you. “For everything.”
“It’s my pleasure,” he replied, kissing your temple. “You’re so welcome, my girl.”
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emoryhemsworth · 7 years
Wonder Woman
Summary: Gen and Y/N became friends years ago, and she’s there to support Y/N on one of the biggest days of the reader’s life in the midst of the chaos that is her own.
Characters: Jared x Genevieve, implied future Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 734
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None!
Author’s Note: Written for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing’s Girl Power Challenge! My prompt was graduation.
This was definitely out of my comfort zone, as I’ve only written reader inserts up to this point. Oh, and obviously Jensen is single in this fic. Imagine Danneel is happy with someone else!
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Anyone who knew Genevieve Padalecki knew that her life was hectic to say the least. Keeping up with three children under six (including an almost 1-year-old), being married to an actor from a hit cult television show that filmed in another country, and trying to start a lifestyle brand meant that she rarely was in one city for more than a few days at a time. She thrived on the chaos though, and somehow, still managed to make the people she cared about feel loved and remembered.
It was a gorgeous day in Austin, and Gen went to check the mail as she came back from bringing Arlo, Odette, and Shep in from a long, refreshing walk when she saw an envelope with Y/N’s elegant script on it. She couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across her face.
Y/N was about a decade younger than her, but the two were incredibly close and she considered her like a little sister. She knew Y/N looked up to her as a mentor as well as a dear friend.
“Why are you smilin’, mama?” Shep asked curiously, trying to see what his mom was holding that seemed to make her so happy.
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“Remember how Aunt Y/N was working really hard on that really hard assignment she had to do for school? Well, it looks like she’s going to finish and graduate! Isn’t that exciting?” Gen could hardly hold back tears from how proud she was.
“Yeah!!! Can we make her a card?” Shep grinned up at her. He looked more like Jared every day, especially when he smiled.
“That’s a great idea, sweetie. I’m sure Aunt Y/N will love it! Maybe we can have Tom and Odette make one too!” she smiled, ruffling his hair as they walked back inside.
Once she got all of the kids to bed, Gen took a picture of the graduation announcement and sent it to Y/N.
Gen: Look what came in the mail today! Congrats, Y/N! I don’t know if we’ll be able to make the ceremony, but I am going to do everything in my power to make sure we can be there.
Y/N: Yay! I’m so glad you got it. I couldn’t have done this without you, and don’t stress about being there.
Gen: We will still do our best to make it! Jare and I are so proud of you! The kids may have gotten a little excited too…
Y/N: Aww, I miss them! Give them and the gigantor moose my love.
Life hadn’t slowed down a bit by the time early May rolled around, but thankfully season 13 of Supernatural had wrapped just in time for Jared to make it home.
“Babe, we’re still surprising Y/N at her graduation, right? Jay said he wanted to come and meet the infamous Y/N too,” Jared called from the kitchen, cracking open a growler from the FBBC.
“Yeah, your mom said she’d watch the kids. Y/N and Jay would make a great couple! He should definitely come,” Gen said, and Jared could see the wheels turning in her head.
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“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, Doctor of Philosophy in History,” the announcer read as she walked across the stage, shaking the hands of various faculty members and the university’s president. No one cheered louder than the Padaleckis for their friend, and even the usually reserved Jensen got swept up in the commotion and cheered just as loudly.
Once the rest of the graduates were awarded their diplomas and recessed out of the football stadium, Gen, Jared, and Jensen anxiously waited at the entrance to give her their congratulations. Y/N gasped and teared up when she saw her best friends standing at the entryway, Jared holding a small teddy bear adorned with a graduation cap and Jensen holding a bouquet of red roses.
Y/N and Gen ran to give each other a hug. “You came! I can’t believe you both made it!” Y/N smiled.
“We wouldn’t have missed it for the world, Y/N!” Gen said as she laughed through her tears of pride and joy.
“Congrats, kiddo! You’re officially Dr. Y/L/N!” Jared said, giving his signature grin as he dwarfed her body with a hug.
“Thanks, you big moose!” Y/N chuckled.
“By the way, Y/N, this is Jensen…”
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Tagging: @winchesterenthusiast @cherrycokegirls1 @lostnliterature @evyiione @littlegirlsdontplaynice @frickfracklesackles @ohmychuckitssamanddean @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @just-another-busy-fangirl @mrspadalackles @supernatural-jackles @wonderfulworldofwinchester @squirrel-moose-winchester @akshi8278
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atc74 · 7 years
You’re My Key
Summary: Donna decides it is time for her and Dean to take a vacation, but she has more than one surprise in store for him. 
Word Count: 2557
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, Donna’s doubt
Pairing: Dean x Donna
Written for: @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Kari’s SPN Girl Power Challenge
This can be read as a stand alone, but if you really want to know my story of Dean and Donna, read Wherever You Are first. Beta’d by my angel, @just-another-busy-fangirl. Love you to the moon and back!
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Donna poured a second cup of coffee and casually meandered about the Bunker. It was her day off and the boys were on a hunt. She couldn’t believe this was her life now. It was only a little over a year ago that she and Dean decided to give this thing between them a shot. She got the deputy job in Smith County and now came home to Dean every night at the Bunker. It wasn’t perfect, but she didn’t need perfect. She wanted real and that is what she and Dean had found in each other.
Sure, it was hard. She worked full time and Dean was hunting with his brother, but it was easier than if she still lived states away. She had the extra income coming in from renting out her house in Stillwater and she had been saving up for a while. She wanted to take Dean on an honest-to-God vacation. She was sure he hadn’t one of those in, like, ever. She had already planned a trip and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to spend some much needed alone time with Dean.
Donna had already booked the rooms they would need along the way. She had discussed her plans with Sam, so he was in on the decision and wholeheartedly agreed that Dean needed a vacation. The boys would be returning from the hunt later today, then she and Dean would leave first thing in the morning. She spent the rest of her day packing their bags and double checking the itinerary. Now all she had to do was wait for her man to come home.
She didn’t have to wait long. She heard the heavy door to the garage slam close and echo through the halls, carrying into the kitchen where she was cooking dinner. Dean always appreciated a hot meal and a shower when he returned. Before she started dinner, she laid clean clothes and a fresh towel out for him in the bathroom. Donna hummed as she mixed the dough for the chicken and dumplings she was making. It was the perfect comfort food for a bone chilling day. Of course, she thought it was nice out, being from Minnesota; this was great weather!
“Donna? Honey, I’m hoooome,” Dean’s voice rang out.
“In the kitchen,” she called back, a smile on her face.
“Hey, good lookin’, whatchya got cookin’?” Dean laughed as he wrapped her in a hug, his arms tight around her waist, head resting on her shoulder. He nuzzled his face into her neck, breathing her in. “God, I missed you.”
“I missed you, too,” she told him. Turning around in his arms, she kissed him deeply to show him just how much he was missed. “Now, go take a shower, dinner will be ready when you are done. And then I will show you that there is more where that came from.” He growled low, kissing her before she pushed him away, making a face. “Go, you stink.”
“You’re not wrong,” he agreed after he lifted his shirt up to his nose. “I’ll be back in ten.”
Donna dropped the dough into the creamy mix of chicken and vegetables and set a timer. The dumplings should be done before Dean returned. She grabbed the bowls from the cupboard, utensils from the drawer and set the table. She snagged three beers and put them down as well. The timer went off a few minutes later and no sooner had she set the steaming pot in the middle of the table on the trivet, Dean walked through the door.
“Something smells delicious!” He rubbed his hands together and took a seat, Donna sitting next to him. She dished up their bowls as Sam walked in, also fresh from the shower.
“My famous chicken and dumplings, boys. Dig in,” she told them. She watched each of their faces as they took the first bite. She knew it wasn’t necessary, that it wasn’t expected of her, but she also knew she felt the need to take care of these men that she loved. Dean, the love she thought she would never experience, and Sam, the brother she never had. It made her happy to take care of them, even though they told her over and over she didn’t need to. The three of them had fallen into an easy rhythm within a few weeks of her moving in and they all just fit in each other’s lives.
During dinner, Sam and Dean filled her in on the hunt. It was not as easy as they had hoped, but neither of them had sustained any injuries, and that was always a win. She thought she actually worried more about them now then she ever did when they were apart. But this was a relationship now, not just friendship. It was deep and meaningful.
The dishes were cleared and leftovers were stored. Donna took Dean by the hand and led him back to their room. She had set up an ice bucket with four beers in it next to the bed with an envelope leaning against it, Dean’s name neatly written in her hand across the front.
“What is this?” he asked seeing it there when he climbed into bed.
“Open it, silly goose,” she prompted. She watched as he opened the envelope, his eyes wide when he turned to look at her.
“Are you serious?” he was astonished, most likely because someone would do something like this for him.
“Of course, Dean! I think it is time we took a vacation. From talking to Sam, you guys have never really had a vacation, with the exception of Vegas week. You’ve earned it, Dean. We’ve earned it,” she explained.
“Route 66? This is gonna be awesome! Thank you, Donna. This is really great. I love it,” Dean whispered, pulling her in for a kiss. Whenever he kissed her, it knocked her socks off. He left her breathless and wanting more, even if it was just a peck. Dean approached everything like he did hunting: calculated and measured and every move with a purpose. He rolled them until he was hovering above her. He spent the next few hours loving her, showing her exactly what she meant to him.
Morning came too early for Dean’s liking, but Donna was already out of bed. He smelled coffee and shuffled to the kitchen, clad only in his dead guy robe.  Donna handed him a cup and continued bustling around the kitchen. She was packing sandwiches and snacks, along with extra beer, for their journey.
“You ready to begin our adventure today?” she looked over at him. He wasn’t even drinking the coffee, just admiring her as she moved about. Some days he couldn’t believe this beautiful and confident creature he was in love with was the same timid woman he met on a case more than four years ago.
“I am more than ready to start another adventure with you, Don. I’ll get dressed then carry this stuff out for you, then we are off,” he replied. He returned to the kitchen fully dressed and grabbed the cooler and headed for the garage, Donna right behind him with a smaller cooler she had packed the food in. They settled everything in the backseat, tossed the bags in and took their seats in the car.
“Ready?” she asked.
“First stop: Hamburger City!” Dean exclaimed as he turned the key and Baby’s engine roared to life. They pulled out of the garage on what Donna hoped was the next leg of their adventure together. She mentally crossed her fingers and prayed she was making the right move.
Their first stop was Robert’s Grill, a little diner in El Reno, Oklahoma. They each had an onion burger, the house specialty, and shared an order of chili cheese fries. “These are amazing!”
“This is probably the best burger I have ever had!” Donna declared as she shoved another chili covered fry in her mouth, licking her fingers.
“Honey, you keep that up and we won’t make it to our next destination,” Dean warned, a smile paying at his lips.
“Maybe that is the next destination,” Donna suggested. “We have been on the road for some time already…”
“Maybe a quick pit stop won’t hurt. Let’s get outta here, Sweetheart,” he slid out of the booth and reached for her hand. It was still early and the sun was shining bright. It took a bit of out of the way driving for them to find a secluded spot, but as soon as Dean parked, they made quick work of Donna’s promises from the diner. An hour later, they were back on the road.
Dean wasn’t as impressed with the Cadillac Ranch as Donna hoped he would be. He just didn’t get how people could do that to a car; it seemed so wrong in his eyes. They back tracked to Amarillo for dinner and checked into the hotel Donna had reserved. Dean was impressed with the hotel. The room didn’t smell like something had died and there was nothing growing in the shower. The bed was comfortable and the sheets were clean. He was with Donna and he couldn’t ask for more. This was already a memorable trip and he couldn’t wait to continue on this journey with her.
“Hey Don, I know you have TInkertown on the list, but I am kinda excited to see the Grand Canyon. Do you mind if we hit it up on our way back instead?” Dean asked Donna as they stopped for fuel.
“Oh hey, no! I think that sounds like a great idea, Handsome. Let’s go!” Donna exclaimed and climbed back in the Impala. Her plans were being pushed up slightly and now she was a little nervous. Her plan had been to arrive at the Grand Canyon nearing sunset and this would put them ahead of schedule. She may have to adjust her plan.
Dean and Donna sat hand in hand overlooking the Grand Canyon. They had stopped for lunch and a pitstop, arriving an hour or two before the sunset. Donna was relieved that the timing had worked. She looked over at the man next to her, not believing this could be her life. She shifted to her knees and turned to him.
“You see this Dean? The way the sunset unlocks even more natural beauty of the rock. It is already there, but like it needed a key to really shine,” she handed him a small box.
“Don, what is this?” Dean asked her, perplexed at the box she placed in his hand.
“Stop asking and just open it, please,” her big brown eyes, boring into his. He pulled the top off the box and lifted out the contents.
“A key?” he asked. An old fashioned key, small enough that it fit on a chain. Donna took the chain from him and placed it over his head, hanging perfectly over his heart. She took something from her pocket and placed an identical chain over her head.
“A key to this,” Donna held up a small lock that hung at the end of her chain. “The key that you hold, unlocks even more of me, the natural me that until I met you didn’t even know existed. You’re my key. I want to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you have made me. I am a happier, more confident woman since the day you busted into my life. Dean, will you marry me?”
The look, the myriad of emotions, that crossed Dean’s face made Donna start sweating and question everything she had ever felt for him. Was she reading more into it than was really there? Did Dean love her as much as she loved him? Did he love her at all? What if she made a terrible mistake? She took a deep breath and hung her head in her hands. She stood and tried to take a step back, but his hand on her waist stopped her.
“Sweetheart, I don’t even know where to start, much less what to say.” Dean licked his lips nervously, his eyes cast downward as he gathered his thoughts. Donna was terrified that he was going to end things with her; that she had gone too far.
“It’s okay, Dean. You don’t need to say anything. I get it,” she whispered.
“I thought I had it all worked out in my head and then you did all this, and now I can’t think of a single thing I wanted to say. I do have so many things I want to say, but they’re all going to fall short if held up against what you said.” He looked down at the key. “This is probably the best, most meaningful and perfect gift that anyone has ever given me. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Dean. Hey, uh, why don’t we head out?” Donna looked out over the beautiful landscape laid out before them, unconsciously wringing her hands in her lap. She was startled when she felt Dean’s large hand hold her two smaller ones.
“Look at me, Beautiful,” he said and Donna turned her head, her eyes meeting his. She still wasn’t sure what emotions she saw there, but felt that love was one of them. “I, um, I told Sam last week that you were it for me. It scares the hell outta me to think that, much less to say it out loud. Hell, Don, there was a time when you scared me. You are so beautiful and I couldn’t help but wonder what you wanted with a guy like me.”
Donna opened her mouth to speak, but Dean held his finger against her lips, silencing her.
“I never thought I would have this in my life, this unconditional love that I feel for you, and you for me. I never knew what that was. Despite all my faults, you love me anyways, and I love you even more because you can see past all my bullshit and excuses, and don’t hold back when I need to be called on it. I never thought in any lifetime, I would be saying these words and I find it so ironic that you said them first. So I’m just gonna give you this, since you beat me to it,” Dean laughed and handed her the small box he was holding. With shaky hands, Donna opened the box and her hand flew to her mouth.
“Dean,” she gasped. “What’re you doing?”
“Apparently, we had the same idea, but like I said, ya beat me to it,” he took the ring and slipped it on her finger. “Our love is like these knots. There is no end and no beginning, like my love for you.”
“I love it, and I love you. But, Dean, you never answered my question,” she reminded him.
“Oh, yeah that question that I wanted to ask, but as usual, you were one step ahead me. Yes, Donna. I wanna marry you, Sweetheart. Hell yes, I can’t wait to marry you.” Dean pulled her face to his and crashed their lips together. This kiss was like so many they shared before, full of love and passion, but this was the first kiss of the rest of their lives.
The Whole Enchilada Taglist: @iwantthedean @d-s-winchester @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @just-another-busy-fangirl @mamaredd123 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @tankcupcakes @katymacsupernatural @winchesterprincessbride @chelsea072498 @meeshw777  @tmccarney @ruprecht0420 @theoriginalvicki @nanie5 @docharleythegeekqueen @megansescape @notnaturalanahi @impalaimagining @mrswhozeewhatsis @blacktithe7 @emoryhemsworth @bringmesomepie56 @devilgirlsarah @spnbaby-67 @myoutletforfanfiction @deansangelgirl @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @kayteonline @percussiongirl2017 @fanfreak07 @tattooedmomster13 @sandlee44 @moonstar86 @uttertrash--butlikecutetrash  @squirrel-moose-winchester @growningupgeek @charliebradbury1104 @evansrogerskitten @feelmyroarrrr @itseverythingilike @smoothdogsgirl @supernatural-jackles @ryantherandomhero @love-kittykat21 @kathaswings @crispychrissy @paintrider13-blog  @bethbabybaby @ravenangel33 @shaelyn102
Dean’s Den of Iniquity: @akshi8278  @iamabeautifulperson18 @suzannebeaketa @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @deandoesthingstome @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @boxywrites  @sparklesuperwholock88  @ericaprice2008 @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels 
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iwantthedean · 7 years
Summary: Ruby prepares to carry on her plan to convince Sam to kill Lilith after being sent back to Hell by Lilith, this time with her own agenda.  Pairing: None Word Count: 580 Challenge: Kari’s Girl Power Challenge! My character was Ruby and my prompt was ‘Roar’ by Katy Perry. @thing-you-do-with-that-thing A/N: This was a different kind of piece for me to write, and I’ll admit, I struggled with it! Always nice to get out of the box and write something different though. Enjoy!
“You sent me back to this hellfire!” Ruby yelled at Lilith. “I was in. Sam knew I wasn’t there to save Dean, not in the way he wanted, but he was attached! I could have finished the job!”
Lilith grabbed the younger demon by the throat and lifted her into the air. “How dare you tell me I was wrong, you sniveling little bitch. Don’t you understand? There are greater things at work here. Sam may have been attached, but he wasn’t going to choose you over his brother. That is the key to infiltrating the Winchesters.” She dropped Ruby back down to the ground, leaving her sputtering and struggling to stand. “Now Dean is in Hell, and the First Seal will soon be broken. If we are to continue this work, your window of opportunity to finally lock Sam in is now. Find a new body, find Sam, and do the job you’ve been assigned to do. You will not get another chance, Ruby.”
Lilith walked off then, leaving Ruby to right herself and compose her breathing. Ruby glared after the other demon, more than irritated at having been treated like someone’s dispensable minion.
“I’ll show her,” Ruby growled to herself. “I’ll show them all.”
Sam Winchester would fall because of her, that was the end of it. No one but Lilith would know what she was up to, and, this time, Ruby would complete her mission.
For centuries, Ruby had bowed down to the powers that be. She had let Hell’s royalty run her life, but no more. She would do this for Lilith, and the she would demand to be put in a position of power.
“Without Dean in the way,” she mumbled to herself as she worked to crawl her way out of Hell, “Sam will give in to anything. He has no reason to stay alive anymore. He’ll serve my purpose while believing that I’m serving his.”
This newfound confidence was more than empowering; it was empowerment itself. Ruby felt like a whole new being, and, though her mission was the same as ever, she had new motivation to complete. A new fire had been lit in the dying embers of her soul, and she would not stop until that fire had consumed her and everyone and everything around her.
Revenge. That would be the selling point for Sam. Lilith had sent Dean to Hell, and Sam would be ready to kill the demon responsible for his brothers gruesome death, no matter the deal Dean had struck. Without Dean to stop him, Sam would be reckless, desperate; Ruby would take advantage of his grief and anger.
“And once all but the last seal is broken, we will kill her together,” Ruby thought to herself as she searched out a body to possess. “With Lilith gone, the demon army will be looking for a new leader. And who better than the one who brought down the Winchesters?”
For those centuries, Ruby had stood back and done what she had been told. No more. Perhaps this mission of convincing Sam to kill Lilith was what Lilith wanted, but Ruby’s plan for the outcome was so much bigger. No more quietly following the crowd. Ruby was going to be fierce and cunning. Not even Lilith would know her true intentions.
And, when she finally stood in her rightful place at the head of the demon army, they would all hear her speak. They would all hear her roar.
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lilredniki · 7 years
A/N: Hey there everyone. I come to you all with a new story. This one is for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing’s SPN Girl Power Challenge. I hope you like it dear and I know it is way early. But I got inspired and I just might make this fic into a series if anyone is interested in it.
Summary: Rowena and Y/n have been together for centuries. Then Sam came along. At first, Y/n thought it was a bad idea. And boy was she right. When Rowena got the mark off Dean, Y/n was there and helped her get out. After a while, Y/n and Rowena started to fit in to the world again. Till Crowley came and mucked it all up again. Y/n went after Sam. Rowena wanted to hurt him the way he hurt her until she saw the way Y/n was looking at him. After that things started to change. But for the better.
Y/n is a hell hound turned familiar. She looks like Rowena except her eyes.
A/N 2: Now that you all know what I was going for, on to the story! Enjoy!! Also I don’t own Rowena, Sam or any others that you recognize. I don’t own the song either. Warnings: smut F/M/F
You shout it out
But I can’t hear a word you say
I’m talking loud not saying much
Rowena slammed the door of the house as a big red wolf came running from the other room.
I’m criticized but all your bullets ricochet
You shoot me down, but I get up
The wolf nudged her hand with its head. Rowena looked down and gently pat its head.
I’m bulletproof nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
As Rowena walked to the kitchen, she could smell an Irish tea aroma.
She looked at the wolf following her and smiled.
 “You know just what I need don’t you my dear Y/n.”
The wolf nodded and started to shift into a new form.
You shoot me down but I won’t fall, I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won’t fall
I am titanium, I am titanium, I am titanium, I am titanium
In its place stood a tall woman with long red locks that fell loosely around her pale face. A pale hand reached out to the counter and grabbed the black tank top sitting there. Her long nails scrapped the countertop as she pulled the shirt off and over her head.
“Of course I do Row. I could feel how stressed you are.”
She walked over to Rowena and pulled her into a hug.
“I have a gift for you my sweet Rowena.”
Y/n led her to their shared bedroom and Rowena froze at the door.
Sitting there cuffed to their king sized bed was none other than Sam Winchester.
Cut me down
But it’s you who has further to fall
Ghost town, haunted love
“What’s all this then?”
Y/n crawled onto the bed and put her head on Sam’s bare chest then smiled at her.
“We both thought you could use a better form of stress relief.” Y/n said as she pulled the sheet that was draped over Sam’s legs down to reveal that he was in fact nude.
Rowena shivered as she watched her pet and best friend crawl down the Winchester’s body and lick his hardening cock.
Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones
I’m talking loud not saying much
Y/n got up and pulled Rowena over.
“We know Crowley has made you feel stressed and we wanted to help you relax.” Sam said pulling at the cuffs holding him in place.
I’m bulletproof nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Y/n pulled on the dress Rowena was wearing and with a small ripping sound, all Rowena’s clothing had fallen to the floor.
“Really Deary? How is this fair.” Rowena said pulling at the tank top Y/n had to cover up.
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
Y/n’s deep (e/c) orbs took on a darker hue as orange worked its way into the color of her irises.
She ripped the shirt off and pounced on Rowena.
You shoot me down but I won’t fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won’t fall
I am titanium, I am titanium
Y/n and Sam both had Rowena crying out in pure pleasure as they worked her over the edge of paradise over and over again.
Y/n knew Rowena didn’t want any man to enter her other than when she was the man (thank you Rowena for finding that gender spell) so Sam used his mouth as Y/n used her fingers.
Stone-hard, machine gun
Firing at the ones who run
Stone-hard, thus bulletproof glass
Rowena smiled as she lay between them.
“You know I love you Row.” Y/n said pulling her closer if possible. “You are so much more than anyone gives you credit for.”
Rowena kissed Y/n hard.
“I know my sweet Y/n.”
“You are the only reason I am alive. If it wasn’t for you, I’d be dead.”
You shoot me down but I won’t fall, I am titanium
Sam groaned as he watched Y/n and Rowena kiss.
“Maybe we should let him out so we can have more fun.” Rowena said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“I agree.” Y/n said as she pulled the cuffs off him.
You shoot me down but I won’t fall, I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won’t fall, I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won’t fall, I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won’t fall, I am titanium
I am titanium
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tjroewrites · 7 years
Light to My World Masterlist
Pairings: Eileen Leahy x Sam Winchester 
A/N: Again, this series fills two prompts. One for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing‘s “Girl Power Challenge,” as well as for the @spnangstbingo. The prompt for the Girl Power Challenge was the song “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons. Apocalyptic verse was a must. (Note: Some of the indentation may be funky at first. I am going through and fixing it. This will more than likely be fixed within the first few hours.) 
Square Filled: Apocalyptic AU
Prompt Filled: “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons
Warnings: Death. Blood. A lot of angst. (I actually wrote a bit of fluff!!! Wow!!!) The use of assault rifles (only a few times and it’s in dire circumstances. This was set in a war-type verse so, unfortunately, I couldn’t really find a work-around.) Swearing. 
Word Count: A lot, hence why it’s split up into chapters. Around 20k.
Summary: Life after the Fall wasn’t glamorous, but fifteen years later Eileen Leahy has finally gotten used to living underground. But when a malfunction in the reactor forces Eileen to run a routine check on the infamous ‘surface level,’ she discovers there is more to their world than meets the eye. 
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
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Fight Song
Characters: Donna, Jodi (mentioned), Dean
Length: 609 words
Summary: Dean reflects on how Donna has changed since the Winchesters both met her.
Warnings: Fluff!
A/N: This is my entry for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Kari’s Girl Power Challenge. This is written in Dean’s point of view reflecting on how Donna has changed over the years since they first met her. My song prompt was “Fight Song” lyrics are in italics.
**Not my gif
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God, when I think back to how long I have known Donna it amazes me at how far she has come. I think I’m in love…
When I first met Sheriff Donna Hanscum she was a seemingly carefree, powdered donut loving women. We showed up because there had been a death where the victim lost 200 pounds in a matter of minutes. We had followed the pishtaco to a health spa where we once again ran into the sheriff. She was excited because she had lost 10 pounds already on her first day at the spa, not that she needed to lose any weight.
Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
Buit i can make an explosion
We ran into Donna once again after Jody Mills had called us in for help. There was some sheriff convention of sorts going on and there also seemed to be a slight vampire problem as well. This trip was Donna’s introduction to the supernatural, and I must say she took it pretty well. Jodi told us about Doug though. That made my blood boil. Back then she was so timid and almost embaressed about herself. I can’t believe what a dick he was. But dear god! She was awesome against those vampires. Learning about the supernatural made her world seem bigger and darker, but  she allowed Jodi to fill her in on how to fight monsters. I think that day was the start of Donna’s change.
And all those things I didn’t say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them lud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?
About a year later we got a call from Donna. She wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but she knew it was something up our ally. This time she is with Deputy Doug. What is with her and Dougs? The case was a bit crazy, but we had it all under control. I wanted to laugh and hug Donna when she had said, “your life’s one big poop storm.” I couldn’t have said it better myself! She had three cases under her belt, she truely was a hunter now. I couldn’t help but grin when she gave me a bear hug. While we were on the way home I got a text from her. She had talked to Doug and appologized for the way she had been acting. He had offered to let her call him by his middle name, but she said Doug was just fine. She was moving on and becoming stronger!
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I’m alright song
My power’s turned on
Starting right now I’ll be stong
I’ll play my fight song
And I don’t really care if nobody else believes
‘Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me.
Sam and I had ended up in the “bad place” eating freaking lizard. (It doesn’t taste like chicken by the way.) Jodi had once again called in for backup, said it was better than the National Guard. That’s right D-Train is better than the National Guard. Her weapons supply rivals what we have in Baby. Donna has saved my ass more than once. She is strong, independent, and I’m not gonna lie I might fear her just the tiniest bit.
Seriously though, Donna Hanscum is a badass hunter chick. I am in awe of her. She may just be the female version of myself without the self loathing and alcoholism. She is a pretty awesome chick.
Jensen/Dean Tags:
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March 5th due date
Just a final reminder for y’all since there is a few I haven’t heard from. You still got today and tomorrow. I am not sweating timezones. If you need more time please let me know. I won’t mind - If you need to drop out no hard feelings either. Only thing I ask is you contact me if you can’t post on time. If the due date comes and goes without a word from you I will ban you from all future challenges. Communication is all I ask. 
Remember to add your fic to the doc here (it’s where I create the masterlist from and a security for you since tumblr is eating half my tags lately): 
@iwantthedean @manawhaat @winchestersmolder   @sillesworldofwriting  @emoryhemsworth @rowdyhooliganism  @jayankles
Extension granted to - I’ll post a due date after the challenge end but it will be beginning of April. 
@teamfreewill-imagine @mysupernaturalfics @evansrogerskitten
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fandomoniumflurry · 7 years
Twenty Four Hours
Danneel Harris x Genevieve Cortese
For @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  Girl Power Challenge!
Prompt: Pink- Fuckin Perfect
Language, self doubt, negative thinking, fluff
1.4k words. edit by me
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Twenty four hours. She hadn’t heard one word from her for a full twenty four hours. That wasn’t like her. Even if they fought, she would send a text just to say ‘I still love you’ or ‘I’m safe’, just something to let Danneel know that she was still there. But this time there had been no fight. They had been just fine, at least as far as Dee knew. Genevieve had been sick for a few days and so things had been pretty quiet because the tiny brunette had been spending a lot of time sleeping, getting the rest she needed to get over her illness. So a few hours without a word from her was usual and gave Dee no reason to worry. But after a full night and now into the afternoon of the next day, Danneel began to worry.
Calls went to voicemail, emails went unanswered, texts were ignored, even Facebook and instant messaging didn’t get a response. This was unlike Gen and Danneel couldn’t help but think the absolute worst. It was no secret to her that Gen had struggled with depression and anxiety from time to time but Dee had always been around to help her through it. And though the brunette wanted to lock herself away in her apartment during her sickness it didn’t stop Danneel from fighting her on it, suggesting that Dani fly up there to take care of her. Gen may have won there but Dee still checked in as often as she could. But now, Dani’s mind was racing ninety miles an hour, concocting the scariest possibilities for her girlfriend’s silence.
She began to worry if she had done or said something to cause the other woman to cut her out. Maybe Gen just didn’t want to be with her anymore, maybe she fell out of love. Danneel’s opinion of herself never lived up to everyone else’s high expectation of her. She was seen as a strong, beautiful independent woman but Gen knew that she was actually an insecure and broken woman who struggled with the same daily demons as any other person. And it was times like this that the faults and flaws reared their ugly head and sent Dani into a downward spiral. With each passing hour without her girlfriend, she laid around her apartment either staring at the ceiling or at the wall whether she was on the floor, the couch or her bed. She couldn't focus on anything else which gave her mind plenty of time to wander.
She wasn’t perfect by any means and there were plenty of times that she questioned why Genevieve was ever with someone like her. The actress deserved so much better than the auburn haired mess that Dee believed herself to be. There was no way that this wasn’t her fault, that Gen’s disappearance was all because of her. She had been a pain to deal with, breaking Gen’s heart plenty of times, making her cry, pushing her away before dragging her back in. Maybe Gen had finally had enough, finally dropped her. She would deserve it but it didn’t make it hurt any less.
Or maybe it had nothing to do with Danneel at all. What if her sickness had gotten worse and she had ended up in the hospital or was suffering at home alone? What if she had been in an accident or kidnapped or even murdered? No matter what situation Danneel concocted in her head, it never ended well. Her girlfriend’s silence could only be bad. This was why Dee hated living so far away from the brunette. She should have just flown up there even against Gen’s wishes just so she could be there for her no matter what.
After a hopeless afternoon, Danneel finally gave in and grabbed the phone to call the airline. She would get the next flight out of LA to Vancouver and settle this once and for all. Showing up unannounced at Gen’s apartment was better than sitting in her own apartment stewing and worrying. The phone was ringing in her ear when there was a knock at her door. Her brow furrowed in irritation at the interruption. She had no time for visitors, she had better things to do. With heavy strides, she stalked toward the door, the airline answering on the other end of the line. She began to speak as she opened the door.
Her jaw dropped when she saw a petite brunette standing with a big grin on her face. The phone fell from Dani’s ear and a questioning voice sounded from the device as it hit the floor. The auburn haired actress threw her arms around her girlfriend, lips finding Gen’s frantically. The smaller woman was stunned and giggled as she wrapped her arms around the other woman. “Dee, baby, it’s good to see you too but what the hell?” Her laughter ceased when Danneel pulled away from the hug to look into Genevieve’s eyes. “Danneel, what’s wrong? What’s going on?”
Tears ran down the tall woman’s cheeks as her chocolate hues fell to the floor. Her hands moved down Gen’s arms to find her hands and intertwined them. “Baby, you’re scaring me.” Genevieve squeezed her hands, bringing them up closer to her chest hoping it would make Dani look at her. “Tell me what happened.”
Danneel backed into the apartment, Gen removing a hand to close the door behind her before dropping her bag from her shoulder. She was quick to return her hand to Dani’s watching her closely as she waited for a response. “Talk to me.”
“Where have you been?” Brown eyes lifted to look at Gen, moisture clouding Dani’s vision. “I’ve been calling and texting all day. I was so worried. I thought something happened, I thought you didn’t want me, I thought so many things.” When Danneel’s voice began to speed up and sound frantic, Gen stepped forward to wrap her arms around her neck. She pulled Dani’s face against the crook of her neck as a hand combed through auburn locks while the other rubbed her shoulder blades. Danneel’s arms wrapped around Gen’s middle and she buried her face into Gen’s neck and taking in the fresh scent of her shampoo in her dark strands that fell down to her shoulder.
“I’m right here, sweetie. My phone died and wasn’t able to get a new one before I had to leave last night and the flights were ridiculous. Weather delayed my first flight so I was stranded at the airport then I had to have a layover in Salt Lake City for some reason and I didn’t leave there til this morning and they lost my bag at LAX so all I have is my carry on.” The aggravation was beginning to shine through Gen’s voice as she recounted the events of her past twenty four hours. Dani couldn’t help but giggle as she squeezed her arms tighter around her tiny girlfriend. A warm smile played at Gen’s lips before she kissed into Dee’s hair. “You had nothing to worry about. Everything is just fine. Well, other than the fact that I don’t have any underwear or clothes.”
A brighter laugh escaped Dani’s lips before she pulled back to look at Gen. She lifted a hand to tuck her hair behind her ear and the brunette leaned into the touch with a smile. “I was just so scared I lost you. You know how I always think the worst. I couldn’t help but blame myself--”
Before she could continue, Gen captured her lips in a loving kiss. Distracted from her thought process, Danneel melted against her mouth. Gen sported a smug grin when she pulled back, resting her forehead against her girlfriend’s. “You are fucking perfect and I flew all the way from Canada because I fucking missed you. So don’t ever question how I feel about you because I love you, you idiot.”
A quiet giggle fell from Dani’s lips before she pecked a kiss to the tip of Gen’s nose. “I love you too.” After months of being together, this was the first time they had ever said those three little words and all the worry and doubt washed away. A moment passed, the both of them reveling in the warm feeling of love between them before Danneel grinned. “I won’t get sick though, will I?” Gen laughed and shook her head. “Good. Because the weekend I’m planning on, you aren’t going to need that suitcase.” Her brows wiggled and Gen let out a laugh. Her head shook and she kissed Dee once again.
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jayankles · 7 years
Chocolate and Pumpkin Spice
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 1476
A/N – for @bringmesomepie56 and @supernatural-jackles SPN Fluff Appreciation Day and @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Kari’s Jensen September Quickie Challenge and use the aesthetic made by Kari as inpiration so here is my take on the aesthetic.
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Walking outside of your front door, you noticed all the leaves that had fallen from the tree in your front yard, covering the pathway, too. You made a mental note to rake it later.
You ambled on the pathway and through the park. The orange, reds and browns of the leaves on the trees blended together.
The river created a beautiful image, reflecting and bending it in the water. You had to snap a picture on your phone before you pocketed the device.
A slight breeze whisked through the park you were currently walking through.
Thankfully, it didn’t nip too harshly at your skin, your caramel coloured knitted sweater was warm and inviting and the amber woolly scarf hung off of you, sitting comfortably at the back of your neck.
Your knee high boots felt the impact of the acorns and the crisp of the drying autumnal leaves as they went off the path and on your way to a tree located near the river.
Taking off your rucksack, you pulled out the plaid picnic blanket. Keeping it folded up, you placed it on the floor, your butt cushioned as you sat down on top of it with your back against the bark tree.
Enjoying a few minutes of bliss, you finally pulled open your bag and tugged out your book, resuming where you had left off, taking the bookmark and twirling it between your fingers.
Your eyes caressed the pages, sweeping over the words and drinking them in as they told a story of lost love and reunion. You wished it was that easy.
Although it did bring a tear to your eyes once or twice, it was beautifully heartbreaking.
With your focus on the story and your mind deciphering the position of the character the author had written for them, you didn’t notice anything other than the world stopping – or was it spinning – around you. You drowned out the other sounds and the pedestrians walking by in their own little world.
‘Dah, dada, wan dah.’
Jensen held his one year old daughter in his arms, tugging her little blue top down so it hid her slightly exposed tummy. Her eyes were level with the display case filled with cakes.
‘Lilah, honey, you think she’ll like it?’
Lilah comprehends little of his question yet she nods enthusiastically.
When it’s Jensen’s turn to order, he stepped closer to the employee, asking for a slice of chocolate cake, a chocolate chip muffin and a pumpkin spice cupcake – courtesy of Lilah.
Once the cashier told him the total price for his purchase, he awkwardly pulled out a ten dollar bill to cover the cost, he took the bag full of his goodies and exited the building.
The little girl’s big brown eyes devoured the chocolate cupcake he father had picked out for her, but she refrained from touching the cupcake just yet; that and the fact that her father had told her to wait until they got to the big tree.
Shifting in her place on Jensen’s hip, Lilah’s battering eyelashes break’s his will power to say no to his daughter. With skill and precision, he hooks the bag over his free wrist and holds the chocolate cupcake in the opposite hand.
He flicks his finger through the frosting of the cupcake and sticks his finger to her lips, where she decides to nibble and suckle off the darkened delicacy.
‘That is all you’re getting, little missy.’ He scolds in a light tone, his voice on the playful side as he interacts with his daughter. In reality, it should be little Lilah who scolds him as he is the one that had given her the frosting.
Jensen re-boxes the cupcake and shoves it into the carrier bag. The infant wiggles and pushes against his arms and Jensen has learned that that motion is his signal to set her down to allow her to walk on her own, obviously her hand in Jensen’s much larger one as he assists the silently demanding child.
They spot the river almost instantly, as a squeal leaves Lilah’s lips as she tries, bless her adorable little heart, to run; it’s more of a waddle and a lot of falling and Lilah getting back up, to anyone watching.
Jensen is careful to keep an eye on his daughter, ensuring that she doesn’t get too close to the edge but enough for her to see both hers and the colourful trees in the reflection of the translucent water.
There’s a seat somewhere near the place where they can enjoy daddy- daughter time in the calm serenity of the park. Jensen points out the things he can see and Lilah tries so hard to repeat them but her little mind either gets distracted or she only says half of the word.
Nonetheless, Jensen laughs, he laughs because of her innocence and because Lilah can do just about anything she wants to do and get away with it. She gets away with so much, mainly because she’s cute and young, and her chubby face is adorable.
Jensen smiles as his daughter tugs on his hand to move further into the park; the river forgotten as she moves onto the next task. He has an idea of where his daughter wants to go.
It may be his favourite place and it has nothing to do with the parks itself or their surroundings. The people, on the other hand, make the scenic route a lot better when Jensen and Lilah have their walks every few days.
‘Dere, she dere, dada.’ The excited one year old points in the direction of the tree, where the woman is once again leaning back on it.
‘Okay, baby girl, you found her. You win, come on.’
The Ackles duo slowly – for Jensen – tiptoe over to the aforementioned tree. Still out of eye sight, Jensen crouches down to his daughter’s level – just a little taller – scraping a hand down his coarse, short beard. He opened up the plastic carrier bag and dived in, pulled out the pumpkin spice cupcake and handing it to her with a wide smile on his face.
‘Alright Lilah, let’s go.’ Jensen returned to his usual height, coming closer to the tree and in the woman’s line of sight.
‘Um… excuse me.’
You heard a deep voice stammer above you, you tore your eyes away from the books’ pages, your fingers curling around the top of the open book.
Your eyes landed on the little girl standing at the foot of the man, the place where the deeper voice had came from. His eyes are what caught your attention, even after you glanced over at his bowlegs,  shining emeralds in place of green iris’.
‘Hi,’ you replied, putting a genuine smile on your face, an inviting and friendly one.
‘I’m sorry, this may seem a little weird or creepy,’ the surprisingly good looking man blabbered and you couldn’t help but giggle, your light laughter causing a weight on his shoulders to be lifted, you knew then you had eased at least some of his nerves.
‘I don’t find it weird at all; endearing, really.’
The little girl shuffled forward towards you as, who you assumed, her father talked to you, the man following closely behind her.
‘I’m Jensen and this is Lilah. Again, this is not going to sound right, but we’ve seen you around a lot and this little one thought we should introduce ourselves to you. We wouldn’t want to ruin your day and not bring you anything or go hungry so we bought a little cupcake for you.’
The little girl, introduced as Lilah, shyly hands you the cupcake.
‘You got me a cupcake?’ He nods. ‘Thank you, that’s so sweet of you,’ you get a waft of the aroma of the cupcake and immediately recognise it. ‘Pumpkin spice? That’s my favourite.’
Memorising the last sentence you read, you place the bookmark in between the pages and close the book, allowing it to take up residence in your rucksack once more.
Shuffling away from the tree, you unfold the plaid blanket you were sitting on and introduce yourself.
‘I’m Y/N, would you like to join me for a little get to know you picnic?’ You questioned, not sure whether they would but you hoped they did.
‘Sure, Lilah and I would love to join you, plus if you would like…’ he leaned in, covering Lilah’s ears as he let her sit in his lap, as if the next words out his mouth was top secret. ‘I have a slice of triple chocolate cake, if you wanted to have some that is.’
Biting your lip, you smiled, ‘only if you can spare some to a fellow chocolate lover.’
Jensen rose his eyebrow at you, a small smirk painted his lips as he took in your words.
Lemme know what you think...
@thorne93 @becaamm @jotink78 @love-kittykat21 @jensen-jarpad @capsheadquaters @kurosaki224-new-blog @supernatural-jackles @cyrilconnelly @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @iwantthedean @ruprecht0420 @mrswhozeewhatsis @feelmyroarrrr @mogaruke @pureawesomeness001 @mizzezm @jpadjackles @jesspfly @urpeachess @skybinx-blog @deansbaekaz2y5 @plaidstiel-wormstache @lilasiannerd @valerieshubin @be-amaziing @akshi8278 @purplediamon @graceforme86 @its-my-perky-nipples @nervousmemzie @percussiongirl2017 @oneshoeshort @whit85-blog @emoryhemsworth @reallyverynodansi @milo-winchester-4ever @captainradicalpassion @captainemwinchester @ilsawasanacrobat @alicat-life @cojootromuelle @essie1876 @dancingalone21 @iamabeautifulperson18 @misticty @grace-for-sale @dslocum89 @atc74 @superwhomerlockinuum @spnbaby-67 @anitalasirenita @queencflair @weasleywinchester-blog @ria132love @spn-fan-girl-173 @nightlyinsomnious @easelweasel
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tjroewrites · 7 years
Light to My World | Chapter Eight
            They were up with the rising sun. Eileen felt it throughout her entire body. Her eyes sagged as they loaded up the truck bed. She threw her sleeping bag into the growing pile and blindly took the next thing that was handed to her. She was about to give it a good toss when she noticed the warm heat in her palm. It was a thermos. Full of freshly brewed coffee. 
            That same set of hazel eyes from the night before shone down on her. He had a thermos and dark circles to match. ‘Think we both need this.’ He raised his coffee toward her and she smirked. The metal thermos vibrated in her hand when she met his in the middle.  
            The Pennsylvania and Virginia state lines were blurs in their rear view mirror. By sundown their tires were scraping against the Nashville streets; comparatively small against the haunting reminders of a once proud music genre. The growing twilight made the one lit building stand out against the rest. ‘There’s more of us than you think.’ Sam explained. 
            There weren’t enough beds for everyone. Between the eight Robbers holed up in the old administration building and their thirteen, space was limited even on the floor. The younger Robbers offered to take up in the building next door. Eileen volunteered. Sam tagged along.
            They sat up just as the night before, huddled around a weak fire while the others slept. They were halfway through a bottle of warm scotch between the both of them when Eileen spoke.
            “Why didn’t you evacuate?” She asked.
            Sam smirked behind his Styrofoam cup. ‘That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?’
            “One that deserves an answer.”
            He shrugged. ‘Something didn’t feel right.’ His eyes darted to the left. 
            “You’re lying.”
            He turned his entire torso to make a face at her. His nose scrunched up to match the batch of wrinkles in the corner of his eyes. Eileen smiled. ‘How can you call me a liar? I’m telling the truth.’
            “I’m deaf, Sam, not blind.” She leaned back on one of her hands. “Now tell me the real reason.”
             Her head was spinning just barely. Just enough to make her giggle. Sam smiled and shook his head. ‘First of all, I’m not admitting I’m a liar…’
            ‘But,’ he pointed his cup toward her. ‘I will say that…’ He took a long sip of scotch. ‘A sense of belonging wasn’t the only problem that came with motel-hopping.’
            Eileen’s smile faded. She swirled her drink along the walls of her cup. “You weren’t assigned to a Casket.”
            Sam nodded. ‘None of us were.’
            Her heart dropped. “So, all of these people…”
            ‘Homeless.’ His lips moved against the rim of his cup. ‘One way or another.’
            Eileen’s eyes hovered over each sleeping bag around them. All of the young Robbers. The elderly. Eileen reached into her jacket pocket and clutched the woman’s locket tight in her palm. Rose, Sam had said. Her name had been Rose.
            Her blood began to boil. The Fall had been faked. The world-wide disaster made up for some unknown reason. But the idea that the government would just leave these people, these human beings, to fend for themselves while the rest of society fled underground… 
            “Your brother.” Eileen said. “Where is he?”
            Sam didn’t answer.
            ‘It’s getting late.’ Sam tilted his head back and downed the rest of his drink. He gave a tight smile and squeezed her wrist. ‘I’ll see you in the morning.’
            Only four of the Robber’s from Nashville tagged along after hearing their plan. The rest watched from the shattered office windows with dark expressions. It can’t be done, one of the elderly Nashville Robbers had said. Watch us, a younger one spat back.
            New Orleans was their next stop. Eileen wondered why Sam insisted on taking the longest possible route until she spotted another Robber base in the distance. He was trying to build their numbers. 
            Sam didn’t sit by the fire with her on the third night. She sat alone, watching the flames consume the logs they’d scrounged from a lumber yard a few miles out. She wondered how he would respond if she went to him. Apologized for asking too many questions. Apologized for the life he’d been forced to live. But she kept still, counting the sparks that flew from the pit as the night wore on. Eileen slept by the fire.
            Only three New Orleans Robbers agreed to help out of the fifteen housed there. Sam was frustrated. Angry. He shouted some words in the leader’s face until Eileen and a few others had to pull him away. He drove with white knuckles against the steering wheel the rest of the day.
            They bypassed Texas all-together and stopped in Oklahoma. The base was a larger than the others. Almost thirty faces stared back when they pulled up. A middle-age woman followed by two younger men stepped out into the sunset before their entire group had unloaded. She crossed her arms tight over her chest and gave Sam a hard stare.
            ‘Heard you’d be coming.’ She spoke slow, mostly out of the side of her mouth. Tattoos covered the length of both of her arms.
            ‘That’s too bad.’ Sam said. ‘Thought we’d get the element of surprise.’
            ‘Not this time.’ She nodded. ‘New Orleans radioed ahead. Said you’re taking down Houston.’
            ‘That’s right.’ 
            ‘Well, I’ll save you the time and the trouble, since you don’t got much of either left.’ She pointed back down the road they drove in on. ‘Haul it on over to Houston and shoot your shot. We’ll make sure and shake your hand if you manage to crawl back.’
            Sam shook his head. ‘Come on, Tammy, I think if we just-‘
            ‘If you think for a god damned second I’m sending my folk to the slaughterhouse, you’re touched in the head.’ Tammy charged forward until her nose nearly touched Sam’s. She was tall. Taller than any woman Eileen had seen on the surface. Their eyes were nearly level. ‘What you’re doing here is a noble goal. A noble one indeed. You know as well as I that The Ghost needs to answer for what he’s done.’ She shook her head. ‘But not like this. Not ‘till we have something up on them.’ 
            ‘This might be our only shot.’ The dimples in Sam’s cheeks flared. ‘Fifteen years we’ve sat on our hands. The time to act is now.’
            Tammy clenched her jaw. ‘I’ll remember that when I’m speaking at your funeral.’ She gave one last glare before spinning on her heels and trudging back toward her base. Through the window, Robbers of all ages followed her every step.
            ‘Tammy!’ Sam said. If Tammy said something, Eileen wouldn’t have known. But the middle finger she held up over her shoulder was loud and clear.
            They made camp in some place along Highway 35 north. Sam was hell-bent on finding at least enough to make up for their loss at Casket 017. He had one more base in mind. One more group that might be on board. No matter what happened there, he said, that was it. They would be heading through Texas state lines in two nights. 
            Eileen’s teeth were chattering after sundown. Her tent was great for blocking water but wasn’t much help for temperature. She pulled her sleeping back as tight as she could around her body and snuggled in further. Even with every shred of clothing still on her body it wasn’t enough. Her toes had lost feeling ten minutes ago. 
            She felt the zipper groan under her fingers as she pulled her tent flap open and gave their camp site a once-over. No one was awake. No one outside. Eileen tightened her sleeping bag over her shoulders and tip-toed across the grass to the small red tent a hundred feet away. Outside of the tent she paused, her mouth ready to speak but her words failing. What the hell was she doing? 
            “Sam.” She whispered. Damn it, Eileen, he’s sleeping. “Sam, it’s Eileen.”
            The tent moved. Shifted. Then, the flap came undone. Through the protective netting Eileen made out Sam’s chiseled jaw line and pink lips. ‘Eileen?’ Those lips said. ‘What’s wrong?’
             “I-“ She couldn’t control her jaw. Her teeth clanked together through her clenched jaw. “-too cold-“
             Sam undid the filtration netting and motioned for her to come in. Eileen slid in as far away from him as possible while he re-did the flap. ‘Guess you aren’t really used to the natural elements, huh?’ He had the flab on his ceiling undone enough so the moonlight could pour in. His teeth shone in the dim light.
            Eileen nodded. Already, her body began to relax. The tent was small enough that just having two bodies raised the temperature just slightly. It still wasn’t enough, though. “Casket’s never been lower than 69.” 
             The silence between them was tense. Her eyes drifted from his sleeping bag, to the moon, then back to him. He had himself propped up on his elbow, his bicep flexed from his weight. He was stronger than most. Fit. Lean. Many residents in the Casket were thicker and larger, mostly due to the lack of fitness equipment beneath ground. The swill they had been fed for years didn’t help much, either. 
            Her chattering must have been loud. Too loud. Loud enough for Sam to give one of his warm smiles and shift in his sleeping bag. ‘Eileen, if you want…’ He paused to lick his lips. ‘If you’re too cold and are okay with it, I mean, if you’re comfortable-‘
            “Yes.” Eileen nodded. He scooted to one side while she moved across the tent. “Yes, that’s just fine.”
             Had this been the whole reason she came here? She tried to convince herself otherwise as they lay beneath their sleeping bags, their arms wrapped around one another in a tangle of limbs. It was freezing, she said to herself with her nose pressed into his shirt. Just friends sharing body heat to survive. But she couldn’t deny the hints of pleasure that slipped up her spine when his fingers ran through her hair. His natural scent of engine grease and antique books enveloping her like a third blanket. His firm chest pressed against her own. It meant nothing. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.
             In the morning, the drive was short. Six hours. They rolled through a town no larger than a few miles. Hundreds of acres of empty field surrounded its limits. It wasn’t like the other cities that Robbers took shelter in.
            “Where are we?” Eileen asked as they stopped on a gravel road. A single iron door sat in what appeared to be a small hill. The corner’s of Sam’s lips pulled. 
             ‘Home.’ He said.
             Sam did not knock. Didn’t hesitate. He typed a code into the keypad along the side and gave the door a firm yank. Eileen followed close behind. 
            A small staircase led to a large space – a bunker, Eileen realized. A high-tech, industrialized bunker. Similar to a Casket, but different in structure. There weren’t any floors. No lifts to take you places. A single hall went on for what seemed like forever, leading to different doors with funny symbols engraved into the material. Eileen slid her hand along the lit surface of some kind of command table. Shelves and shelves of antique books filled the walls. It was unlike anything she’d seen. 
             A man emerged from a separate room, a beer in one hand and a banana in the other. A fresh banana. Eileen couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten fresh fruit, let alone seen it with her own eyes. She licked her lips.
             ‘You’re back.’ The man said, shoving a huge bite of banana into his mouth. Eileen couldn’t understand his next words. 
            ‘Yeah, I know.’ Sam smiled. He nodded toward the hallway. ‘Where’s everyone?’
            ‘Out. Hunting for the week.’ The man darted his eyes over the people standing with them. ‘You bring some new blood?’
            ‘Don’t be so dramatic, Gray.’ Sam rolled his eyes.
            ‘What? Can’t a guy make an observation?’
            ‘You’re such a prick.’ Sam glanced down at Eileen and raised his brows. ‘Oh, Gray, this is Eileen. From Casket 017.’
            ‘The sole survivor, huh?’ Gray stepped toward them and took a long sip of beer. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and freed one hand to offer it in her direction. ‘Gray Evans. Pleasure.’ 
             Eileen nodded and gave his hand a firm shake. “Good to meet you.” She said.
            ‘So, what’s the deal, Sammy?’ He motioned for them to take a chair. Eileen pulled the one closest to her from the table and offered it to Archie. His smile was weak but it was there. ‘What’s all this talk between the GR bases about taking Ghost on?’
            ‘This is our shot, Gray.’ Sam jabbed his finger into the table. The others around him nodded. ‘We have the fire power here. We have the people. We take down the Ghost, we get everyone out of the Casket’s. Get things back to how they should be.’
             ‘That’s a real nice plan and all, Sam,’ Gray took another bite of his banana, smaller than before. ‘but that’s all it is. A plan. A god damn fever dream. Counting everyone we got here, we maybe have forty people. Against their fucking army.’
            ‘We can do this.’ Sam said. His face was like stone. ‘We need to. We’re the only shot this world’s got to live on.’
            Gray’s face melted into something softer. His eyes grew misty. ‘Sammy, if this is about Dean-‘
            ‘It’s not about fucking Dean.’ Sam slammed his fist into the table and stood. The entire table flinched. Eileen could feel his voice through the floor. Dean. ‘It’s about doing the right thing. It’s about saving lives, Gray. This is what we do. What we’ve done for fifteen years.’
            ‘For a world that couldn’t give less of a shit if we lived or died.’ Gray brought the beer to his lips.
            ‘Millions of people, Gray.’ Sam leaned over the table until he was in spitting distance of Gray. ‘You’re willing to let millions of people die because you can’t let a pre-Fall grudge go?’ Sam huffed a breath. When he spoke again, his voice felt quieter. Calmer. ‘The world before hated us. But that world is gone, Gray. The world now? To them, we’re the hero’s. We’re the one’s they’ll look to. Not Ghost. Not the fucking Undead zombies that he’s got brainwashed to do his bidding. Us.’ Sam motioned to everyone in the room. ‘These people here? They’re willing to fight. To die for the right cause.’ He stood up tall before the table. ‘Are you?’
            Gray was quiet. The rest of the banana disappeared into his mouth; the peel left on the table top. He chugged the rest of his beer and rose from the table. A long moment passed before he stuck out his hand.
            ‘You’re a dumb son-of-a-bitch, Sammy.’ Gray shook his head. ‘But I’ve followed you this far. And god dammit, I ain’t gonna quit on you now.’
            Sam clasped his fingers around Gray’s and pumped it up and down. ‘Then let’s gank this asshole.’
            Sam hadn’t been kidding when he mentioned they had the fire power. Eileen followed Sam down that never-ending hall into a separate space packed wall-to-wall with weapons. Shotguns. Heavily-modded melee weapons and automatic rifles. Sam reached into one trunk in particular and revealed a heavy-duty gun in his arms. The black paint twinkled baby galaxies under the fluorescent bulbs.
            ‘The Hell Hound.’ Sam ran his hand over the barrel. ‘Mother of all guns.’
            “What does it shoot?”
            Sam chuckled. ‘What doesn’t it shoot?’
            When the remaining Robbers returned with the meat, they held a banquet. The ‘calm before the storm,’ as Gray had explained it. Alcohol poured freely and endless plates of good food were served. Solid, fresh food. Fruits and vegetables, freshly picked from the indoor greenhouse further down the hall. Freshly cooked deer meat. Before she knew it, Eileen had gone through three full plates and four glasses of wine with hardly a thought. 
            They danced. They sang. They laughed and grinned and partied as if the world they knew was ending. Maybe it was. No one really knew what they were walking into. But, in the end, they would go down as heroes. The scum of the old world would be born again into something greater. And what an honor it would be. 
            Near the end of the night Eileen found herself under a blanket of stars, sipping a glass of ice water with her legs tangled in the grass. It would be a long drive for all of them tomorrow. The thought of possible defeat, possible death, hanging over all of their heads. But Eileen wasn’t afraid. For once, her mind was at peace. She would either stand above the Ghost with his blood on her hands or be left cold in the ground, her soul at peace wherever soul’s went alongside her mother and father. Either way, she would win. Either way she would be happy.
              A warm body collapsed into the field next to her. She looked up and smiled at Sam: a happy, glowing version of Sam. They sat as close as two bodies could get, their thighs and arms pressed against each other. A warm rush spread through her body underneath her clothes. ‘Got sick of the party?’ He asked. That damn smile. 
            “Something like that.” Eileen took a sip of water. “Had to see the sky one more time. I’ve gone so long without it. Might as well enjoy it.”
            Sam nodded and looked toward the sky. ‘I’m sorry.’ He said. When their eyes met she saw something heavy between the hazel hues. 
            Eileen raised an eyebrow. “Why are you sorry?”
            ‘The other night.’ Sam said. ‘When you asked me about my brother. I sort of just…shut down.’
             “You don’t say?” Eileen teased. When he rolled his eyes she barked out a laugh. “We all have our demons. It’s fine.” 
            Sam looked to the stars like they were an old friend. ‘He died protecting me.’ He said. He scuffed his boot into the dirt. ‘Five years ago. I was careless during a Catacomb sweep and turned my back on an Undead. Came out of no-where. The fucker put that gun to my head and he just-‘ Sam closed his eyes.
            “Your brother.” Eileen said. “He was the man Gray mentioned at the table. Dean.”
            ‘He didn’t-‘ Sam’s Adam’s apple bobbed. ‘That should’ve been me.’
            “Hey.” She grasped his chin and turned his head until their eyes met once again. She swiped her thumb across his cheek, over the smooth skin stretched over his cheekbones. He leaned into her touch. “You can’t think like that. He died for a reason. He loved you that much to step in front of the gun.” Eileen smiled. “Dean is a hero, Sam. Just like you.”
            His entire face lit up in the darkness. He pushed away just enough to cross his legs and face her. He held his hands out in front of him and smirked. What the hell was he doing? “Sam?” She set her water down in the grass and turned toward him. “Are you alright?”
            He didn’t say anything. Instead, he started moving his hands. Slow, messy movements. Clumsy. ‘I am no hero.’ He signed. Eileen’s heart pounded in her chest.
            ‘When did you learn sign language?’ She signed back. She wasn’t even ashamed of the grin stretched across her cheeks.
             ‘I had Rose show me some.’ Sam signed. He matched her grin. ‘While you sat in the State Home.’ He messed up the sign for ‘house.’ Eileen giggled.
            ‘Not bad.’ She nodded. ‘What else did she show you?’
            Sam ran a hand through his hair and rubbed his jaw. For a moment he looked nervous. Eileen swore she saw his fingers tremble just slightly under the moonlight. ‘You are the strongest woman I have ever met.’ He signed. Eileen’s hands slowly fell to her lap. ‘Beautiful, kind, passionate. I have only known you a short time and I know this.’ Her eyes stung with tears threatening to fall. ‘If we die tomorrow, I want you to know this:’ He mouthed the words as he signed them. ‘Thank you for bringing light to my world.’
            It was like the air was sucked out of her lungs. He watched her every move, every twitch on her face. Followed the tear that slid down her cheek. When Sam reached with this thumb to wipe it away, her entire soul set on fire. 
            They moved at once. No hesitation. No doubt. They knew what they wanted. Their lips crashed together with the force of a hundred tsunamis, with the passion of a thousand lovers. Every movement was in synch. Their mouths. Their wandering fingers. Their hearts. Every touch, every shared breath, every tangle of their tongues. He pulled her into his lap and she felt him gasp under his thin T-shirt. She could picture the sound in her mind. Beautiful. Desperate. Hungry. His fingertips burned against her skin and it was the sweetest pain she’d ever felt. 
            They explored one another beneath a sea of stars. Goosebumps formed along her skin but not from the cold. His lips explored every part of her, every part he could reach and even further. Until she was putty in his capable hands. Until stars danced behind her eyelids. They gave each other everything underneath the midnight moon. Every broken piece, every hole within them was filled with affection. Scars were kissed and worshiped like a god. They came together and fell apart until their skin shone with sweat like dew in the grass. Until the only thing Eileen could think about was the way Sam’s lips felt against her own. Sam. The low-light casting a halo over his chestnut locks. An angel. Eileen pulled her angel toward her and brought him to her heaven one more time.
            They lay in the weeds, their clothes scattered all around and their arms around each other. She tangled her fingers into his hair and whispered quiet words of love against his lips that only Sam and the stars could hear. They watched the stars fade into the sky as the sun began to rise. And for the first time since she stepped foot out of her Casket, Eileen felt something she never thought she’d experience again.
            Eileen felt alive.
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten 
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Challenge Extension Dates.
I decided that the extension date for Heart of Winter and Girl Power Challenge is gone be the same to make it easier for me - Due date for people that asked for an extension is APRIL 1st!
I don’t trust tumblr so please add your fics to the extension doc under the right challenge. Thank you so much. 
Heart of Winter peeps: 
@percywinchester27  @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester  @ladysimoriah  @jayankles  @wayward-marvel-sommer1196  @deanssweetheart23 @attractiverandomness
Girl Power peeps (more might be added since the challenge due date is not up yet):
@teamfreewill-imagine @mysupernaturalfics @evansrogerskitten
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jayankles · 7 years
An Important Day for a Queen
Pairing: Danneel x Reader
Word Count: 921
Warnings: Implied Smut, FLUFF
Written for two of @thing-you-do-with-that-thing ‘s challenges 1) Kari’s SPN Girl Power Challenge with the prompt - adopting a child. 2) Kari’s Danneel turns 39 Quickie Challenge and the prompt was to use the aesthetic below as inspiration plus a bonus aesthetic I made because I can and it was cute.
Feedback is appreciated
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You stirred when you felt your hair being brushed to the side, then a kiss pressed to the soft arch of your eyebrow.
“Good morning, baby.” You heard your wife murmur through your sleep. “I know you’re awake, honey. I saw that little smile.”
“Just a little longer, Dani, please. Then we can do whatever you want.” You replied, blindly reaching for her hand until she took pity on you and placed it in yours. You knew it was her left hand when you felt the coolness of her silver wedding band.
“But I have good news, don't you wanna hear it? Besides,” Danneel started, her fingers trailing from your neck to the curves and dips of your back. “if you get up now, I'll make you breakfast.”
“Shouldn't this be the other way around? I should be cooking you breakfast, it is your special day after all.”
“I'm 39, it's not that special.”
“How could you think that? Not a lot a woman our age look as gorgeous and as glamorous as you do, even without make up.” You said as sultrily as you could pulling her down and pressing kisses all over her face before you moved to her neck. She was bent over you enough so that you could take advantage and tug on her arm. Danneel fell on top of you, giggling and shaking her head at your playfully sleep filled antics. “You are so damn amazing, oh I also have a surprise for you, two surprises actually. I just hope you like them.”
Before you gave her a chance to answer, you rolled over so that you were now the one on top, a slight roll of your hips send a shiver down both of your spines. “But how would you feel if I had a little breakfast before breakfast?” Whispering as you kissed down her beautiful body.
“What are you talking about?- Oh, oh!” She smiled, “yeah, I'm good with that.”
Danneel readjusted her clothes but had foregone the leggings that she was previously wearing.
You only had to change your underwear - it was a little wet - and threw on one of your oversized plaid shirts. It was definitely one of the most comfiest piece of clothing you owned.
Danneel had left just before you so she could get started on the coffees. She unknowingly had given you time to give yourself a pep talk to give her the birthday gifts.
“You can do this. She'll love them. You're a powerful, confident woman who is married to an equally awesome woman. She loves you. You love her. You know her like the back of your hand, she will love it. She's always wanted this.” You repeated the little mantra, shaking out your whole body to get over the jitters.
You grabbed the box and the manila file that had only just came in the mail the previous evening whilst Dani was out with Gen; Genevieve simply following your orders and taking a day off to hang out with her friend. You trusted Gen, she would do a good job of keeping your little plan under wraps, hopefully your wife wouldn't suspect a thing or ask too many questions.
Coming up behind Dani, the box safely tucked into your shirt pocket, you placed the manila file on the counter in front of her. Quickly, you kissed the back of her head and pulled away so she could read the signed papers.
Danneel was utterly gob smacked, her breath taken away and she didn't speak. This was, what you hoped, a good sign.
But then the tears came.
You stood awkwardly, just waiting for her to respond, just waiting for her to say something.
“We're going to be parents?!” She couldn't believe it, you were both finally getting the child that you wanted and have been fighting for.  “Alex is ours?”
“Yes, Dani. Alex will be our son and he will be brought up in a loving home, they couldn't argue with that.” You smiled sweetly at her, the fact that she was crying had set you off too.
“Well that kinda ruins my surprise.” She coughed out before she continued. “I bought us cruise tickets for next week.”
“No it doesn't. It only makes this moment sweeter.” Pulling out the box, you grabbed her left hand, a habit really, kissing it before you asked her. “Dani,”
Sinking to one knee, you started before she interrupted.
“My god, woman. Is this you getting even?” Of course it was, you had the ring ready and she decides to propose first. You were going to make the tenth anniversary and her birthday the best date in her life.
“Yes. Now shut up and let me ask you to remarry you, you asshole.”
“That'll work,” she squeals when you stand, almost kissing the life out of her and spinning her around. It was just like the day 10 years ago when she asked you to marry her.
“That was a yes right?” skimming your fingers across her back and grasping at her hips. “You wanna renew our vows on a cruise before we get the child of our dreams.”
She chewed on the inside of her mouth, not answering right away, you were starting to panic. Until she smugly smiled at you.
“I say, let's babadoobie this shit. Together.”
Such a drama queen. But she was your queen and that was all that mattered. Just two queens living under the same roof, just waiting for your heir.
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Feedback? Please? And lemme know if you wanna be tagged
current tag list (other) @thorne93 @becaamm  @jotink78 @love-kittykat21  @kurosaki224-new-blog  @iwantthedean @plaidstiel-wormstache @lilasiannerd @be-amaziing @purplediamon @graceforme86 @nervousmemzie @percussiongirl2017 @oneshoeshort @whit85-blog @muliermalefici @moonlover19 @emoryhemsworth @quinnthepanpin @captainemwinchester @ilsawasanacrobat @alicat-life @essie1876 @dslocum89 @superwhomerlockinuum @spnbaby-67 @queencflair @weasleywinchester @ria132love @cassieraider @jadalecki-jackles
I need this group to let me know which taglist you wanna be on.
New Forevers: @super100012 @lupine-princess @plaid-lover-bay25 @atc74 @fandomoniumflurry @growningupgeek @sophiebobzz @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @goldenolaf25 @docharleythegeekqueen @grace-for-sale @mrswhozeewhatsis @squirrel-moose-winchester @jesspfly @supernaturallymarvellous @wayward-and-worn @feelmyroarrrr @sammysgirl1997 @roxyspearing @mogaruke
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katymacsupernatural · 7 years
Killing the Rumors
Danneel x Gen x Reader (Friends)
1950 Words
Written for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing and her Girl Power Challenge. My prompt was standing up for others. 
Story Summary: Deciding to befriend Y/N, Danneel and Gen stand up for her when she needs them. 
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Lounging on the couch, her feet propped up besides Jared’s, Gen watched the newest episode of Supernatural. “Who’s that?” She asked him, seeing a new female character pop up on screen. She was young, and pretty and seemed to handle herself on the screen with ease.
“Oh, that’s Y/N!” Jared exclaimed. “I think I told you about her a couple of weeks ago. A little younger than us, shy but really sweet. I think you’d like her.”
“Yeah? Maybe I’ll have to come to the next convention, if she’s gonna be there,” She mused, watching as Y/N’s character on TV easily slayed the monsters in her way. “She seems pretty cool.”
“She is. I just hope that the fans welcome her. After all, there have been some stories going around, completely untrue, but still,” Jared continued to talk, as Gen stared his way, waiting for the rest of the story. “Stories that she’s been trying to get into either mine or Jensen’s pants. But I know that’s not true! She’s never tried, I promise!”
“Jared, I’m not worried. I know you, and I know you wouldn’t do anything like that,” She assured him, before they both turned their attention back to the TV, and the rest of the episode, Gen paying close attention to Y/N, and the way she moved about on screen.
It was the next day that Gen found herself over at Danneel’s house, sipping on a cup of tea. The babies were all asleep, the older ones as well, and it gave both Moms a chance to relax, and have some time alone.
“What did you think of the boys episode?” Gen brought up as Dani plopped down beside her on the couch, crossing her long legs underneath her, sighing heavily.
“I thought it was great. And I really like that new girl. Jensen said that she seems to stay to herself, especially now that there’s all this speculation around her and her love life.” Danneel said as she curled her feet up underneath her.
“Did he tell you that there are people saying she’s out for our husbands?” Gen asked, watching as Dani’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Wow, I mean, that doesn’t surprise me, but still. Don’t they realize anything?” She muttered. “Poor girl. I’d love to head up there and try to befriend her. Sounds like she needs a friend,” Dani suggested.
“Well, I told Jared that I’d go to the next convention. She’s scheduled to go to. Thought it would be the perfect place to get to know her, stand up for her if need be. Us Supernatural women need to stick together after all.”
“Do I count?” Dani asked, pouting her bottom lip out, and Gen nodded, assuring her best friend.
“Hell yeah you count! You’re married to one of the main actors, and after all, your character is coming up soon!”
“Ooh, maybe I’ll get to work with Y/N! That would be cool,” Dani thought out loud before crying could be heard from the baby monitor, interrupting the quiet moment.
The next convention was only a couple of weeks away, and by then the conversation swirling around Y/N and the rumors surrounding her were even loud enough that it had caught the attention of the gossip blogs. Jared and Jensen had both made points to call home and assure their wives, also posting on social media that nothing was happening, but it didn’t seem to matter. People had their own ideas, and the harder you tried to deny it, the more it fanned the flames.
Gen and Dani worked hard at a plan, Danneel actually heading up to the set, meeting Y/N for the first time as she became ready for her roll Sister Jo. Keeping Gen in the loop, telling her how sweet Y/N really was, how horrible she felt for all of the commotion her being on set was causing. Gen felt frustrated that she wasn’t up there as well, getting to know Y/N, trying to help the girl out, but she knew this weekend she would finally have her chance.
After making sure her parents could take the kids, Gen packed bags for all of them, dropping her kids off for the weekend before heading to the airport. Jared, Jensen and Danneel were all flying together, and she was planning on meeting them at the airport. She was nervous about meeting a new friend, but excited, hoping that maybe between the three of them they could come up with a plan to smooth things over for her.
Gen was filled with tension the entire plane ride. Guilty at leaving her children behind, excited for a weekend away from them, excited to meet Y/N and finally get to know her. Danneel had told Gen all about her, how wonderful she was.
Jared was the first one Gen could see, easily towering over most of the people, holding up a sign with her name on it. Shaking her head at the goofy man she had married, she headed over, getting a huge hug from Jared, then Gen before you noticed Y/N stand off to the side, a shy smile on her face. “And you must be Y/N!” Gen exclaimed, coming over and pulling Y/N into a hug, surprising the younger woman. “I’ve heard so much about you, and I can’t wait to get to know you!”
Y/N seemed startled, but Gen just wrapped her arm through Y/N’s, guiding her out of the airport and to the awaiting car, Dani right beside her. Leaving the men in the dust, the three woman walked together the rest of the way out of the airport, continuing their conversation in the car ride to the hotel.
By the time they made it to the hotel, Gen felt like she had known Y/N forever. “So, tell me all about how you’re trying to steal my husband from me,” Gen teased Y/N, watching as her eyes widened, her steps faltering.
“I’m….I promise I’m not. It’s just false rumors, and I’ve tried to stop them,” she stuttered, her cheeks red as she tried to prove her innocence.
“Whoa, it’s okay, I was just teasing,” Gen assured her, as Dani came and wrapped her arm around Y/N’s shoulder.
“Let’s let the boys have their own night, while we have a girl’s night,” she suggested, which Gen immediately agreed to. After making sure there were enough bottles of wine and food service sent up to your room, you brought Y/N and Dani up with you while Jared and Jensen went out on the town.
It was almost two bottles in before the three of you were feeling completely tipsy, lounging on Gen’s large king sized bed, a plate of nachos almost empty in front of her.
“So, we really need to figure out a way to stop these rumors,” Dani spoke up first, munching happily away on the chips in front of her.
“I just don’t get why they’ve even started,” Y/N exclaimed, pouring herself another glass of wine. “I just showed up on set, kind of stayed by myself, and before I knew it, I was supposedly sleeping with both of your husbands. And truthfully, while they are handsome men, they really aren’t my type.”
“How are going to fix this?” Gen asked, sitting forward. “Wait, I think I have an idea!”
“Oh no,” Dani moaned, but Gen was on a roll. Standing up, swinging her glass in front of her, Gen turned to face both of her friends.  
“Tonights Karaoke, right?” Gen asked, and Y/N nodded. “Well, let’s get all dressed up, head down there and show them that we aren’t worried about Y/N stealing our husbands!”
“And just how are we going to do that? Just by being with her?” Dani argued, and Gen just shrugged.
“Maybe, I don’t know. We’ll figure that out when we’re down there.”
“I’m okay with it,” Y/N spoke up.
Y/N and Danneel disappeared for a couple of moments, heading to their rooms, changing into karaoke attire as Gen did the same. Meeting them at the elevator, Gen whistled at both women. “Damn, you clean up good!”
Dani was wearing one of her typical jumpsuits, this time a sleek black velvet. Y/N was wearing a pair of hip hugging jeans, a low cut tank top covered with a black leather jacket while Gen had gone for a silky shirt, jeans and heeled boots. Wrapping her arms through each of theirs, Gen guided them into the elevator as they waited for it to bring it to the main level.
Fans were mulling around, some already at karaoke, while others were making their way. Walking through them, Gen could hear the hushed whispers as people peered at the small group, but none of the women paid any mind. Heading straight to the green room, they met up with Richard, who was the host for the night.
“We weren’t expecting three gorgeous women tonight,” he exclaimed, giving each of you a hug.
“We weren’t planning on coming,” Gen spoke up. “But we decided we needed to. Y/N needs to be seen, and fans to need to realize that she’s not out to get our husbands.”
“Well, go out there and let them know who's boss!” Rich insisted, and soon the three of you were on stage, to various rounds of applause.
“Hey everyone!” Gen took control, taking the mic from Matt, waving to the crowd. “I think you know my two companions tonight, but still, let me introduce them. Here’s my best girl, Danneel!”
Dani waved, staying back as you turned to Y/N. “And this woman whom I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know. She’s sweet, and kind, and no way interested in my husband, or Dani’s. So please be kind to her! It’s Y/N!”
Gen could hear the murmuring of the crowd, before they began slightly cheering, but it still didn’t seem enough. Dani took the microphone, coming forward to talk next. “I don’t know where the rumor started, but it needs to stop. Y/N isn’t interested in our husbands, at least that way. She’s the nicest woman, and deserves your respect. Film this, let everyone know that we stand up beside her.”
It was Y/N’s turn to talk, but instead of taking the mic, she grabbed Dani, pressing a kiss to her lips, before turning to Gen, doing the same thing. As both women stood there, shocked, she finally took the microphone. “If I was going to be attracted to anyone, it would be these two amazing, beautiful woman who I’m honored to call my friends.”
Taking Gen’s hand, along with Dani’s, she pulled them off the stage and into the green room, where all three women started laughing. “Well, that’s one way to kick the rumors. But aren’t you worried there will be more now? After all, you kissed both of us.”
As she blushed, Y/N shook her head. “I just figured it was the easiest way to stop the rumors. And what I said was true. Your husbands are handsome, and nice. But they don’t hold a candle to you two. And thank you so much, for being there for me. A person you hardly even knew.”
“Of course sweetie!” Dani assured her. “You’re our friend, and that’s what friends do. But man, where did you learn to kiss like that?”
Forever Tags: @16wiishes @4401lnc @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @anspgene @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @bemyqueenofdarkness @bohowitch @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick @camelotandastronauts @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @captainemwinchester @createdbybadappreciation @darthdeziewok @destiels-new-girl @donnaintx @dont-you-dare-say-misha @dslocum89 @duckieburns @docharleythegeekqueen @emmazach @emilicious-7 @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @essie1876 @generalgoldfishldrm @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @hms-fangirl @imboredsueme @internationalmusicteacher @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jbbarnesgirl @jensen-gal @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @keelzy2 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice @luciferslucille @maui137 @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @my-squirrel-and-moose @nanie5 @newtospnfandom @oneshoeshort @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman @sunskittlex @superbadassnatural @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @teamfreewill92 @thebikiniinspector @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @tmccarney @totallovelesson @tunadean @vvinch3st3r @whimsicalrobots @wildlandfox @winchesterbrothers-inc @winchesterxtwo @winchester-writes @worldwidehansum @zombiewerewolfqueen
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