#danneel harris x reader
sofreddie · 2 years
Hi it’s awkward me again! Here is my request idea! I was thinking danneel x shy! Female reader where they are on set and danneel is shooting a shirtless scene and reader can’t keep her off on her, and danneel noticed her stare, and takes her to the trailer and confess her feelings and kisses her maybe smut? If you are feeling froggy! ❤️
Of course you don’t have to write this!!
I’m a awkward turtle!! 🐢🐢
REQUEST #2: Anon - Hey beautiful I don’t know if you are taking request but I had a idea for danneel x reader where they are in high school and the reader is a huge nerd and doesn’t get out a lot, danneel  ask her to hang out at her place and they kiss, maybe some fluffy smut?✨❤️
At Last
Characters: Danneel Harris x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut (Vaginal Fingering, Thigh Riding)
BBB: LINGERIE (@badbitchesbingo)
LGBTQ: CLOTHES SWAP (@lgbtqbingo)
ANGST: ACTOR AU (@anyfandomangstbingo)
WC: 2491
A/N: Sorry this took me months to get to! Life's been busy and writer's block has been mean, lol. I combined the requests into one, and I felt they worked really well together. Hope you enjoy!
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The auditorium of the high school wasn’t large, but it seemed overwhelmingly huge as Y/N quietly wandered in, her books clung tightly against her chest as she silently slunk into one of the many chairs. Her eyes took in the stage, several other students interacting with one another as they auditioned for the drama club.
Y/N loved theater and film, but could never get the courage to actually be out front and seen. Rather, she was more interested in the behind-the-scenes work, helping backstage and assisting the actors so they could put on the show. Even though she was shy and didn’t have any friends, she forced herself to go, determined to not let her social shortcomings hold her back.
“Hey, you new here?”
A soft voice drew her attention, turning to the side to see Danneel Harris of all people talking to her. Of course, Y/N knew who she was, Danneel being one of the more popular people in school. But she never expected she’d talk to her of all people.
“To the club,” Y/N admitted with a nod. Though she’d been at the school the whole time Danneel had been, she wasn’t surprised she didn’t know her.
“That’s what I meant,” Danneel responded, rising from her seat to come to sit directly beside Y/N. “I’m Dani,” she introduced herself with a warm smile and an extended hand. Returning the small smile, Y/N shook her hand and turned her attention back to the stage. 
Dani took an immediate liking to Y/N, though she wasn’t sure why, and the pair quickly became inseparable friends. Even Dani’s more popular friends couldn’t understand why she spent so much time with Y/N, but Dani would shut them down, defending her best friend. They remained the closest of friends all throughout school and Y/N struggled with it greatly. Not because they were friends, and not because she was a shy introvert that had a hard time keeping up with Dani’s outgoing persona. 
It was because Y/N was certain that she’d fallen in love with her best friend.
She wasn’t sure how to feel about it. She couldn’t talk to her family, they’d never understand. And she didn’t have other friends to talk to either. All she had was Dani and she was not about to risk their entire friendship by telling her that she was in love with her. Though Y/N hadn’t ever dated anyone, Dani had had a few boyfriends. Boyfriends. Not girlfriends. 
That was enough for Y/N to continue suffering in silence. Throughout college and into their careers they stayed side-by-side, their friendship unbreakable and thriving. Y/N was always grateful for Dani, to have such a wonderful person in her life. Even if it was only as a friend, she considered herself lucky just to be in Dani’s orbit.
After college, it didn’t take long for Dani to start landing roles, her look and talent much desired in the industry. As her career took off, Y/N helped her with the non-acting side of her career and before long Y/N took on the role of Dani’s Personal Assistant. A job that suited her perfectly and allowed the both of them to spend as much time together as possible. Dani’s insistence that they were better as a team only solidified it.
Now, Y/N stood amongst the flutter of people running about on set, readying to shoot a scene in the movie they were working on. Y/N stood off to the side, papers held to her chest like a shield as she watched the scene. 
Her eyes were transfixed on Dani, as always. Except this particular scene was a lead-in for a sexual encounter. As Dani spoke her lines, removing her top for the male actor opposite her in the scene, Y/N’s eyes locked onto her revealed chest. 
She sucked in a sharp breath at the sight, the lingerie they’d picked for the scene highlighting Dani’s curves enticingly. She subtly licked her lips, her heart clenching as it always did when she thought about what she wanted but could never have.
When they called cut on the scene, wrapping for the day, Y/N was startled from her musings. Embarrassed, she glanced around, seeing everyone busy and no one noticing her. Sometimes she was grateful to be ‘invisible’.
“Hey,” Dani interrupted her thoughts with a smile, her shirt back in place. “You okay? You look like you were off in La La Land,” she chuckled.
Y/N nodded and apologized, shuffling her feet, hoping the heat in her cheeks wasn’t noticeable. Dani smirked and for a moment, she thought she’d been caught.
“Come on, let’s go to the trailer so I can change and we can head home,” Dani urged, taking Y/N by the hand and leading her away. 
That was part of what made her suffering so much worse. They were roommates, always together, and Dani loved to take her by the hand all the time. It was such a casual and normal thing for her and Y/N loved and hated it equally. This time, despite the ache in her heart, she let Dani take her hand and allowed herself to imagine on the short walk to the trailer that it meant so much more.
“Your schedule is open the rest of the evening,” Y/N began once they were behind the closed door of the trailer, prattling off from the papers in her hands. “But you do have to be back early tomorrow morning for shooting.”
“So we’re not gonna talk about what happened back there?”
Y/N’s head snapped to Dani, her brow creased as she tried to formulate a response. Dani’s grin only confused her more.
“You were watching me.”
“Well, I, uh…it’s my job, you know, to be there a-and support you-”
Dani took several slow steps towards Y/N, her hips swaying with the movement. Y/N had seen those moves before when Dani was hitting on some poor schmuck who didn’t deserve her. 
“So it wasn’t the same look you had at the bonfire that night?”
Y/N sucked in a sharp breath, remembering exactly what Dani was talking about - not that it ever strayed far from her mind.
Too many people. There were too many people, all around, cheering and dancing and drinking, the light of the bonfire illuminating the forest around them. Holding her red plastic cup, Y/N leaned against a tree on the outskirts of the party, always feeling on the outskirts of everything and everyone.
“Hey, Y/N,” Dani appeared in front of her, managing to tear herself away from throngs of other students vying for her attention. “You doin’ okay?”
Y/N nodded and smiled tightly, lowering her head and shuffling her feet, “Yeah, sure.”
“Alright,” Dani smirked, nudging Y/N’s shoulder, “What’s really going on, huh?”
“Nothing,” Y/N insisted, but Dani’s look told her she wouldn’t get away that easily. “I don’t really talk to any of these people. I don’t really know anyone here, except you.”
Dani smirked knowingly, taking Y/N by the hand and quickly moving through the trees and away from all the noise and partygoers. She stopped by the river, the fire still in view from their position but they still had a sense of privacy.
“I’d rather hang out with you anyway,” Dani chuckled, taking Y/N’s drink and indulging in a large sip before passing it back with a grin.
“You don’t have to,” Y/N tried, feeling awful for taking her friend away from all the fun that she was clearly enjoying. She didn’t want to be a burden, but she also wouldn’t reject the alone time with the woman she loved.
“I want to,” Dani insisted, brushing stray hairs back from Y/N’s face.
Her heart leaped into her throat and stuck there as Dani leaned ever closer, the sweet smile gone from her face, replaced with a look Y/N had never seen before. 
Then it happened.
Dani’s eyes closed, her lips pressed to Y/N’s tentatively. It took her mind a minute to catch up, but when she did, Y/N let her eyes flutter closed. Tilting her head, she deepened the kiss, Dani letting out a small hum. When Dani’s tongue teased across her lips, Y/N opened willingly, moaning at the taste greeting her.
But it was over all too soon.
“Come on,” Dani smiled once more, “Let’s go back for a little, and then we’ll go home, okay?”
Y/N nodded dumbly, still lost in the feel of the kiss, her heart beating wildly.
Panicked, Y/N tried to save face, to backtrack and hope that she wasn’t about to lose her best friend, “T-that was years ago,” Y/N struggled, still gaping over the situation.
“And yet, we both remember it clearly,” Dani said, brushing some of the hair back from Y/N‘s neck and locking eyes with her, “I think about it all the time over the years. Hard not to when we’re together all the time. And I just can’t help but think that maybe this-” she gestured between them, “-is supposed to be more.”
“M-more?” Y/N stuttered, thinking maybe this was a dream because there was no way Dani was standing before her saying these things right now.
Dani dropped her gaze, a blush spreading across her cheeks and Y/N’s heart nearly stopped at the words she spoke, “I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with you for years. But I didn’t know how you felt about, you know, girls.”
“I love you too,” Y/N hurriedly spat out, closing her eyes and taking a breath at her sudden outburst. Opening them, she locked eyes with Dani once more, stepping closer to be right in her aura, “I wish you’d said something sooner. I thought you weren’t interested or weren’t into girls.”
Y/N began to tear up, her emotions overwhelming her. Dani’s bashfulness took a backseat as concern overtook her, wanting to protect Y/N as she had always done.
“Don’t cry,” Dani urged, cupping Y/N’s face and wiping the tears away. “This is a good thing.”
Y/N laughed through her tears and Dani embraced her, holding Y/N close as she let her work through her feelings. She’d been in turmoil for years, over her feelings, over who or what she was, over all of it. Then, as if lightning struck her, she realized she didn’t need to be afraid anymore. Dani loved her and had her back, and she wanted the same thing.
Pulling back, Y/N took one more look into Dani’s eyes, finding the truth of it there, before she pressed her lips to hers. Dani smiled into the kiss, her hands smoothing down the sides of Y/N’s hair before cupping her face and kissing her deeper.
Y/N gasped into the kiss, all the pent-up feeling over the years crashing over her and easing away with every touch of Danneel against her. Dani seemed to have her own suppressed desires, her want and need palpable in her kisses as she led Y/N with urgency towards the bed at the back of the trailer.
“Wait,” Y/N pulled from Dani as her calves hit the end of the bed, her head spinning. “A-are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure about anything, Y/N.”
That was all it took for Y/N to cup Dani’s face, kissing her hard and with unrestrained passion. The moan Dani gave shot through Y/N like lightning. Spinning, she gently pushed Dani to fall back on the bed. Dani giggled and Y/N smiled wide, crawling over her and capturing her lips once more.
Clothes were tossed aside with smiles and giggles, the tension and uncertainty fading away with every intimate moment between them. Before long, Dani was laid back on the bed, the sexy lingerie still adorning her body, making Y/N take in a shuddering breath.
Dani was patient, letting Y/N get her fill, pleased with the look of awe and wonder in her eyes. Y/N gently ran a hand down Dani’s chest, between her breasts and over the lace of the bra, before leaning down and allowing her lips to kiss along the same trail. Removing her bra, Y/N marveled at Dani’s perfect breasts. Reaching up she massaged both breasts in her hands, enjoying the soft skin and weight of them before leaning in to encase one nipple in her mouth.
Dani squirmed beneath her, her hands roaming through Y/N's hair. Feeling encouraged, Y/N quickly stripped Dani bare before removing her own clothes. She lay on her side next to Dani, face-to-face as they both smiled. Dani moved first, leaning in to kiss Y/N, encouraging her hands back on her skin.
In a swift move, Dani had Y/N on her back, hovering over her with a menacing grin. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh, the sound fading into a moan as Dani’s hand smoothed over Y/N’s mound, a finger catching and teasing on her hooded clit. Y/N gasped, her legs spreading wider as Dani leaned down to capture her lips in a hungry kiss.
Dani’s fingers traveled through Y/N’s folds, gathering the wetness before sliding two fingers into her core. Y/N bucked, her hands landing on Dani’s hips. Dani’s fingers were small but dexterous, finding and hitting Y/N’s sensitive spots with ease. She moaned, feeling Dani grinding her own wet folds against Y/N’s thigh. Her hands encouraged Dani’s movement, pressing her thigh up into Dani harder as she wriggled her own hips into Dani’s hand.
Being so wound up, it didn’t take long for either of them to cum, panting their releases into one another’s mouths. As Dani relaxed against her body, Y/N wrapped her arms around her, holding her close and feeling Dani’s heartbeat against her own. She couldn’t believe what had just happened and she was worried how it was going to affect them afterwards. They were best friends, roommates, and they worked together. 
Dani leaned back and pecked Y/N’s lips with a sweet smile before climbing off of her, reaching for her clothes and quickly dressing. Y/N sat up and silently moved to get her own clothes, not really paying attention, her mind in turmoil.
“Hurry up!” Dani exclaimed, tossing Y/N’s clothes at her with a smile. “Wanna get home.”
Y/N looked over at Dani, her brow furrowing as she noticed they had switched shirts. Dani laughed before Y/N could point it out.
“Don’t care,” Dani responded, cupping Y/N’s face and kissing her lips sweetly. “Comin’ right off when we get home anyway.”
Y/N stood dazed, blinking several times before rushing after a smirking Dani. She was eager to get home too.
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21 notes · View notes
thebiggerbear · 9 months
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - Rachel Gatina Prompt Response
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Summary: Rachel, who has never spoken to you before, approaches you to ask for a favor. Despite what Bevin said, Rachel decides that she has to gauge this whole "being into girls" thing properly. And she's picked you to help her with that. ...Lucky you.
Pairing: Rachel Gatina x Female!Reader
A/N: Prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting (#941). I started quite a few scenarios for Rachel's response to this prompt but none of them felt right until this scenario popped into my head. I tried to keep this as 2000's as possible. Hope this is okay.
Both characters are over eighteen.
This is meant to take place right after the Bevin and Rachel bathroom scene in 4x13.
Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.
Warnings: mention of implied sex; internalized homophobia (I hope that's the correct term)
Word Count: 3757
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Rachel Taglist: @nancymcl
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
Soldier Boy version ✨ Beau version ✨ Dean version ✨ Jenny version ✨ Jason version ✨ Tom version ✨ CJ version ✨ Anael version ✨ Alec version ✨ SDV Leah version
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You were just getting your books out of your locker when someone suddenly appeared next to you. You glanced over to see a familiar redhead smirking at you. You rolled your eyes and went back to your locker. “What do you want?”
Rachel Gatina had been the new girl at Tree Hill High who was giving Brooke Davis a run for her money and her non-exclusive boyfriend. Now, she was besties with Brooke and constantly toggling between mean girl and party girl. Either way, she had never been very nice to you or anyone else (except Mouth) who wasn’t in the “cool cliques”. 
“Can’t one senior come over to say hello to her fellow senior?”
“When said senior has never spoken a word to this fellow senior? Then no.” You slammed your locker shut and moved past her to head to class.
“I’m speaking to you now.” She was keeping pace with you, great.
“Oh, well then let me put my entire day on hold since Queen Rachel is speaking to me.” You turned a glare on her. 
“Not queen, just…maybe a little royalty.”
You rolled your eyes again and kept moving. You were going to be late for AP Lit and you did not want to be late for that class. Mr. Barton had a rule that he enforced with an iron fist: one minute late, no class for you. He would lock the door and not unlock it again until the class was over. 
“As it so happens, I need a favor.” She was still following you.
“Oh, imagine that. A favor.” You still didn’t stop. 
“Oh, come on. For someone I’ve never spoken a word to before, you’re being awfully harsh, don’t you think?” She wasn’t wrong. The truth was that she intimidated you a little bit. And that was your go to when it came to intimidation: pushback and biting sarcasm.
“I’m late for class,” you threw at her. “And if I don’t hurry, I’ll be—”
She grabbed your hand and yanked you off to the side, right into the girls’ bathroom.
“What the— Rachel, what are you doing? I’m about to be locked out of class.” You hurried towards the door but she blocked you. “Rachel,” you growled. “The bell is about to—”
The bell rang before you could finish your sentence. You had now officially been marked absent from Mr. Barton’s class and you were locked out. Great. You were screwed.
“So you miss one class, big deal. It’s not like you’re flunking.”
You crossed your arms and sighed. “How would you know that?”
“I asked around. I make it my business to know. Now, about that favor.”
“That you made me miss one of my most important classes for.”
She laid a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry. Just tell Barton you had a girl emergency. He’ll offer you a make-up paper before you can get out the word ‘tampon’. Besides, it’s not like you’ll be lying to him exactly. This is a girl emergency.” She smiled, placing her hand on her hip.
You walked over to the gross looking tampon dispensing machine and gestured to it. “If you needed one, it’s right here. Are you out of quarters?”
She smirked and flicked her hair back. “I like you. It’s a shame we didn’t talk before this. I get the feeling we could have been friends.”
“A cheerleader hanging out with a loner? Yes, I can definitely see that.”
“You call yourself a loner?” She laughed. “You’re far from it from what I’ve heard.”
You narrowed your eyes at her. “And your emergency is?”
She pressed her lips together and sat on one of the sinks, swinging her legs back and forth as she settled. “I’m not sure how to ask this without sounding…you know, gay, so I’m just going to ask.”
Your heart started to pound at the word ‘gay’. Oh no.
“Will you kiss me?”
Your eyes widened and your heart stopped altogether. Was she for real? 
She gave you an encouraging smile. “It’s just to see if something Bevin said is true or not.”
“Yeah. We had class together last period and we had to do this stupid assignment together. She said this thing and now I can’t get it out of my head.”
“So let me see if I’ve got this right. Bevin said something to you in class during an assignment you both were working on together and that had you finding me, who you’ve never spoken to before, to push me into the bathroom with you to ask me to kiss you but not wanting it to sound gay. To see if what Bevin said is true or not.”
Rachel shrugged. “More or less. Yeah.”
“Right.” You immediately began opening stall doors, seeing no one was in here thankfully. You then began checking underneath the sinks, the bathroom mirrors, anywhere a recording device of some kind could be installed. 
“What are you doing?” She asked when you quickly looked under her sink. “I said a kiss not…that.” 
“Wouldn’t you be so lucky,” you snapped. “I’m looking for recording devices of some kind. Someone hidden in here who’s going to jump out and let me know I’m on Punk’d or Candid Camera or something. Maybe you’ve got a couple of the cheerleaders hiding somewhere with a camera to take a picture. Maybe Brooke and a couple of jocks are just waiting outside the door to laugh and spread rumors.”
Rachel crossed her arms. “You are way too paranoid, you know that?”
You shrugged. “Can’t be too safe, especially when it comes to high school. Especially this high school.”
“I’ll have you know that most guys would be dying for the chance if I gave it to them. if I asked them to kiss me, they would already be over here, all over me.”
“I’m not a guy in case you haven’t noticed.”
“Of course I noticed, that’s why I asked.”
“So, you’re just looking for any girl to kiss you. Is that it?” Lucky you.
“Not just any girl. You.”
“Why me?”
“I’ve heard the rumors.”
You tensed up. “What rumors?”
She leaned forward. “You know. And I know you’re into me, even if you won’t admit it.”
She was right; you weren’t going to admit it. “Right, right. Question, how did you fit through the door just now with that massive ego of yours?”
“That’s not the only thing of mine that’s massive.” As if to illustrate her point, she leaned forward a little more until you could see straight down her cleavage. Well, she certainly wasn’t lying.
“Alright, first off, those rumors aren’t true. Secondly, let’s say I do this for you. What do I get in return?”
“This is a favor, not a deal,” she scoffed.
“How long would this have to be for?”
She shot you a look and sat up. “Wow, talk about giving a girl a complex. Is the idea of kissing me really that horrible for you?”
“I didn’t say that. I’m merely trying to determine what I’m going to be asking in trade.”
“Now, it’s a trade.” She huffed a laugh in disbelief. A moment later, she glanced over at you. “Five seconds. No more, no less.”
“Okay then, what I want in return is this: you never tell anyone about this.”
“That’s what you want in return?”
“Yep. I want your word that you won’t whisper a word of this to anyone. When you go away to college and you’re experimenting or whatever, sure you can mention that one kiss in the girls’ bathroom one time, but not here in Tree Hill. Never here in Tree Hill. Or to anyone from here and that includes Brooke. Deal?”
She gave you a nod. “Deal.”
“Alright.” Now you were feeling nervous and self-conscious. “So do I, uh, just come over there or do you come over here or do we meet in the middle or—”
“Just come over here,” she ordered, impatience coloring her tone.
“Okay,” you muttered, moving over to her. 
Rachel studied you and you began to feel like an exhibit in a museum or something. “So, we doing this or—”
“Shut up.” She cupped your face and leaned in, pressing her lips to yours. 
You were sort of having a little meltdown in your brain right then. Rachel Gatina was kissing you. The beautiful, cocky, queen of mean, sexy cheerleader Rachel Gatina was kissing you. Ever since she’d arrived, she had been turning heads, even yours. You never had the courage to approach her or say hello to her, even at a party the two of you were at. Especially since she didn’t seem all that nice. Never mind the whole cliques thing, Rachel had been right; there were rumors going around about you. Most of the girls on Rachel’s side of the hallway so to speak avoided you like the Plague and only acknowledged your existence to make fun of you or gossip about you if somehow the rumors got a second wind (which you made sure they never did, not from you anyway). 
But Rachel was beautiful although personality wise, she wasn’t exactly your type. Though she did prove to be a lot smarter than she let on. You may have asked around yourself, overheard a few things. Plus, you had it on pretty good authority that she may have been the one to cause the whole time capsule business which then led to— You didn’t want to think about that. Now or ever quite honestly. Besides, Mouth had made you promise to keep it to yourself about the capsule. It was obvious that even Mouth had a crush on her. 
You counted down the seconds in your head as you enjoyed the softness of her lips against yours, the smell of her perfume, the feeling of her hands on your face. When you reached the end, you went to pull back but she tugged you back in. Not only did she keep you there but she deepened the kiss. You could have sworn you felt the edge of her tongue against your lower lip.
You continued counting in your head and by 27, Rachel finally let you go. You took a step back and watched as she held her fingers up to her lips, staring at you. Then she did the last thing you expected (or if you were being honest, you totally expected it). She laughed out, “Oh my God.”
There it was. You waited for the joke, for Brooke to pop out of a stall that she mysteriously appeared into and begin laughing and pointing, for the whole school to start filing into the bathroom, one by one, to join in the merriment. “Yeah, that’s usually the reaction I get,” you muttered, wiping your lips with your fingers.
“No, not you. I mean…Bevin was right.” She laughed again, seeming almost pleasantly surprised.
And there was the joke. “Great. Glad she was. Now, if I can be set free from this Bathroom Bastille, that would be awesome. Thanks for the laughs.” You gave her a peace sign and began to walk towards the door. You fully expected to find some cheerleaders or Bevin or Brooke on the other side of it.
“Hey! Hold up a second.” She jumped down from the sink and grabbed your shirt sleeve to stop you. “You don’t have to act like kissing me was such a revolting thing for you to do that you’re now relieved it’s over. You really do know how to give a girl a complex.”
“I know how to give a girl a complex? You’re laughing after you kissed me. What about that doesn’t give a girl a complex?”
She nodded, sticking her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. “True. I’m sorry. I wasn’t laughing at you.”
You arched a brow over at her.
“Scout’s honor.” She stuck two fingers up in a gesture that you were pretty sure they didn’t use in the Scouts but you kept that observation to yourself. 
“Then what were you laughing at?”
She looked uncomfortable then and you had to wonder if she had been telling you the truth just now. “That Bevin was right. …And not.”
“Right about what?”
She bit at her lip. “Okay, here’s the thing. I don’t know you just like you don’t know me. So if I tell you this, you can’t tell anyone at all. Even if they’re not from Tree Hill. Like ever. Got it?”
So, she also had a secret that she didn’t want getting out. You could understand that. You held up your fingers in the actual Scout’s honor sign. “Got it.”
Rachel looked uncomfortable again but her discomfort also seemed to be tainted by a little sadness. “I was telling Bevin that I never really feel anything with the guys I sleep with.” Ah, you knew where this was going. “I mean, I got this new body and everything but it didn’t change anything. Except for how they looked at me.” She bit at her bottom lip again which you were starting to see may be a nervous gesture on her part. “So, Bevin said she always wondered what it would be like to be a guy, checking out chicks. And I said that might be my problem, maybe I was into girls.”
You kept your face carefully neutral but inside you were half-shocked, and half-not so shocked. 
“She kissed me on the spot which totally took me by surprise, and asked if I felt anything. I told her I didn’t because I really didn’t. She said if I was into girls then I would’ve felt something because she’s a great kisser and I’d be into her.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at that one. Maybe Bevin was a great kisser like she boasted but that wasn’t exactly how it worked. You would know.
“And you weren’t?”
“No,” she snapped. “I like Bevin well enough but no. The class ended and that was it. But then it got me thinking.”
“Ah. You thought you’d go to one of the girls rumored to be gay in this school and ask her to kiss you, you know just to make sure.”
“Well, not to put too fine a point on it but yeah.”
You snorted. “Well?”
“Did you feel anything?”
She looked uncertain for a moment so you figured the answer would be no. But then she surprisingly took a step closer to you, giving you a hint of a smile that was absent of her usual cockiness. “Yeah, actually.”
“So according to Bevin’s vast array of knowledge in these matters, you must be into girls then. Mazel Tov. I’ll see you around, Rachel.” You turned to leave, eager to put this whole thing behind you, when she gently grabbed your arm. 
You sighed and turned back. “I did what you asked. I don’t get why—”
Rachel leaned in, kissing you again. 
When she broke away, your brows drew together. “Uh…?”
“Did you feel anything?”
Hell yeah, you did. You felt that down to your toes. But you weren’t about to tell her that. “I, um… It’s really hard to tell. I might need further exploration on the subject.”
She let you go and gave you a look. “Really?”
“Yep. As a matter of fact, I’m going to go find another cheerleader and shove her into a bathroom to make out with her so I can find out. Great idea, Rach. Thanks. Later.” You went to leave when she grabbed you again.
Smiling at you, she pulled you closer. “Shut up.” She kissed you then and you couldn’t help but kiss her back.
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You glanced up when you heard the bell ring again, signaling you needed to get to your next class. You groaned and it wasn’t because Rachel’s lips were attached to your neck. You both were currently in a stall with her in your lap (because she refused to get her clothes dirty sitting on a gross toilet seat though she was slightly taller than you with the heels she was sporting, which made positioning awkward at times) and you literally had been making out now for most of the period. 
“I need to get to my next class.”
“Skip it,” she breathed before kissing you again.
“I can’t skip it,” you panted. “I already missed one class while you’re having your gay awakening.” 
She pulled back, scowling at you. “I’m not gay.”
You inclined your head at her sitting in your lap. 
She shoved her hair behind her ear. “That doesn’t mean I’m gay. I’m just…trying new things.” She gave you a bright smile. “Besides, if I was gay, don’t you think I would have enjoyed kissing Bevin?”
“Yeah, that’s not how that works.”
“And you would know.”
“Says the girl who’s currently sitting on my lap and has been trying to convince me to meet her at her house later so she can get me into bed.”
She wrapped her arms around her neck. “Come on, it’ll be fun. Brooke won’t be there if that’s what you’re worried about. She has a date tonight. And I need to find out if those rumors are true.” She leaned in to place a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“I hate those rumors,” you muttered.
“Why? They’re not true?”
“What do you think?”
She thought about it for a moment. “Good point. So is it or is it not true that you and Donna DiLorenzo went all the way in the eighth grade at summer camp?”
You couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Summer camp? How cliche.”
“So they’re not true then?”
You shook your head. “No. Donna and I were just friends. And I never went to summer camp.”
She shrugged. “Fair enough. But obviously, the other part of the rumor is true.” She smirked and ran a finger along your jaw.
“That I’m a raging lesbian who’s always on the prowl for girls? No. Sorry to disappoint but your friend Brooke made all of that up.”
She didn’t say anything to that. How could she? “But if you’re making out with me, then—”
“I like both guys and girls. That’s the real truth. Which goes without saying, is to be kept secret along with this whole little makeout session and what you told me earlier. It all goes into the vault, for life. Got it?”
She nodded, that cocky smirk making a reappearance. “So I really can’t convince you to come by tonight once Brooke leaves?”
You heard the bell again and you let out a huge groan. “That’s two classes now.”
“You have me on your lap, asking you to come to my house later so we can continue this, and you’re worried about class?” She actually seemed insulted.
“Yes. Because I don’t need the absences which will turn into zeros when they realize I’m cutting.”
Rachel studied you for a moment and flicked her hair back, holding onto you. “Well, since you don’t have to rush off now. Care to feel me up?”
You arched your brows in disbelief, silently asking if she was serious, to which she only smiled wider. “I hate you,” you muttered.
“You certainly have a weird way of showing that.” She ground into you and interlocked her fingers at the back of your neck, grinning. “Come on. You know you want to. They’re a hell of a lot bigger than Donna DiLorenzo’s,” she teased.
“Like I said, I hate you, and I wouldn’t know.”
“You’ve had your hands on my ass for the last half hour. While I’m flattered, don’t you want to feel what my other attributes feel like?”
“You mean holding onto your ass to keep you from falling? You’re welcome.”
“Come on.” She reached down and began to lower the straps of her tank top, her jacket having been hung up on the back of the door long ago. 
You stopped her. “If I agree to drop by your house later, can we stop this ridiculous conversation in its tracks?”
She shrugged, moving her straps back into place. “I wouldn’t call it ridiculous but sure. Brooke’s date is picking her up around 8:00. Why don’t you swing by around 8:30?”
Your jaw tightened. “If this turns out to be some elaborate prank with cameras and people popping out and Brooke, I swear, I will go nuclear on your secrets. The vault won’t be able to withstand the heat of that explosion.”
“You are so incredibly paranoid but got it, loud and clear. For the record, I wasn’t inviting you over as a prank. I’m not Brooke,” she finished in a whisper. She then cleared her throat. “As it turns out, I am inviting you over to watch a movie.”
“Awww. You’re going to show me your Girls Gone Wild collection? How sweet.” 
She swatted your shoulder. “Shut up. I’m talking about that movie The Grudge. Have you seen it?”
You shook your head. “Didn’t really want to if I’m honest.”
Her smile grew. “Perfect.” She leaned in and kissed you, chuckling into your mouth when she moved your hands from her ass to her breasts. 
You squeezed them for good measure and muttered to her lips, “There. Very nice. Happy now?”
“Not yet.” She launched herself at you, kissing you deeply. You barely heard someone knocking on the bathroom door for the fourth time since this whole thing started, and you had stopped counting the seconds in your head long ago. Rachel Gatina was making out with you and she was inviting you over to her house later to “watch a movie”. There was no way in hell you were passing that up or paying attention to anything else (even if you had been dying to see The Grudge since you missed it while it was in theaters). You had missed two classes for Rachel’s experiment, after all.
That made you pull back for a moment. “I can’t miss another class, though.”
She nodded, panting. “You agreed to come over later so, yeah. I got it. But you still have forty five minutes.” She gave you that wicked smirk again before moving back in.
You moved your hands back to her ass and she moaned into your mouth though you could feel the smirk against your lips right before. You didn’t know Bevin Prince very well but damn if you weren’t going to send her some kind of gift basket as a thank you.
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mlovesstories · 2 years
Coughing and Spilling the Tea
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Summary: Jensen’s daughter knows something he doesn’t.  And she can’t wait to tell him.  
Words: None
Warnings: none
“Dad!” YN yelled for Jensen.  “I have something to tell you!” She grinned as he walked into the living room.  
“Can’t talk! Emergency at the brewery!” He called behind him as he stepped through the garage door.  “Talk later!” 
“Ungh.” YN sighed in disappointment.  “Whatever.” 
“So, what’s the big news? I’m here, you can tell me!” Jared walked in and sat down next to her on the couch.  
“Hi!” YN gasped.  “Were you charmed into hanging out with me tonight?” YN laughed.  
“I wanted to.  Haven’t seen my little punk in a while.”
“I saw you yesterday.” YN tilted her head in curiosity.  
“You know what I mean.  Just me and you.”
“Oh! In that case, can we pig out on pizza and ice cream and watch terrible movies please?  Is he going to be gone for a while?” Her face went from excitement to sadness quickly.  
“It may be a while.  You tell me your good news and then I will answer your question,” he winked.  “I won’t tell your dad, promise.” 
“I heard that Danneel Harris was working on a project in Austin, and she wants to “cross paths” with my dad!  OOOOOOoooo!” YN giggled.  
Jared rolled his eyes.  
“And where did you hear that?” 
“So you have heard it too!” YN gasped.  
“For the record, no, I had not heard that.”
“You know how it is here.  Plus- the kids I go to school with are all famous people and who are in town since their parents seem to have connections and know everyone.”
“You want them to date,” Jared sighed.  “Look-”
“Yes, I want them to date.  I’ve met her, and she is nice! They would get along great! Gen knows her, right? I’m going to go ask her what she thinks.” 
“Nope, you’re staying right here.” Jared put his foot between her and the pathway to the door.  “We have pizza to order and a movie to watch.” 
YN’s face fell. 
“Gen is having a self-care night anyway.  She’s had a long week.  You can ask her later.” 
His niece grumbled and sat back down.  
“Fine,” she huffed.  
After an evening of fun activities, Jensen was still not home.  Jared spent the night at the Ackles’ home because of it.  
“I’m fourteen!  I’ll be fine!  Plus, you guys live next door, and I have my radio you gave me.” 
She dangled the two-way radio in front of him.
“I told your dad I would.  It’s fine.” 
During the night, he heard her coughing from her room.  
“Hey, you okay?” He knocked lightly and slowly opened the door. 
“Yeah,” YN rasped.  
He walked closer to her as she coughed again.  
Jared felt her forehead.  
“Yikes,” he hummed to himself.  “Where is the humidifier? Take off all those blankets, it will help with your fever.” 
“I don’t have a fever.” YN turned away from him.  “I’m fine.” 
“Wrong answer.  Let’s go, chop, chop.” 
“The humidifier is in the hall closet.” YN coughed again. 
“I’ll be right back.” Jared walked out of her room.  
He heard her groan and cough all night long.  The next morning, her dad was asleep in his room, but Jared was still on high alert for what she needed.  
“Your dad got home super late last night.  He’s resting.  Would you like met to get you some tea?” 
YN sat up in her bed.  
“That would be great,” she whispered.  
YN heard the sound of voices chatting from the kitchen.  
Dad’s awake.  And home.  
YN smiled to herself. 
“Here,” Jared slowly handed her a coffee mug with Sam Winchester on it.  
“Of course you would choose that one,” YN grinned before turning away and coughing.  
“I’m going to go home and have breakfast with Gen.  Feel better,” he kissed the top of her head and exited the room.  
A few minutes later, her dad rushed in with a wrinkled forehead and jaw clenched. 
“Jared said you wanted to spill the tea! Why would you do that? It would make a mess and leave a stain!” Jensen crossed his arms and stood tall.  
YN’s eyebrows scrunched as she tried to figure out what he was saying.  
“I’m drinking the tea because my throat hurts.  I have no reason to spill the-” YN giggled.  “OH! It’s a saying, you weirdo!  It means gossip!” 
A look of relief washed over him.  He pulled a chair close to her bed.  
“And what’s that?” 
“Your new girlfriend is shooting a movie here! I heard she wants to hang out with you while she is here.” 
“Who?” Jensen sat up, confused.  
@metalfangirl​ @squirrelnotsam
@katymacsupernatural  @unicornblood4ever  
@fangirl-moment-x  @empirialwolf @winchesters-favorite-girl
@super100012  @percywinchester27  @waywardsuns  @supernatural-jackles  
@mcallmestiles @sdavid09  @kingandrear  @bellero @skylarraker
@seality​​​​​ @jaycc7983​​​ @luci-in-trenchcoats​​​
@cherryblossomflowers​​ @because-you-never-know-when​
@sleepylunarwolf​ @choosemyname​
@internationalmusicteacher​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​
@encounterthepast​  @torn-and-frayed​
@giggles1026​ @xiumin-girl99​
@idksupernatural​  @silverstripe101a​
@thevelvetseries​ @samsgirl93​   @supernatural3002​ *
* @breereadsthings​ *
@vicmc624​ @hookedinto-fictionalworlds​   @beatifuldisaster018​
@miraclesoflove​ @myopiamystical​ 
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jayankles · 3 years
Bec's Kinktoberfest Masterlist
This is my completed masterlist of @becs-bunker Bec's Kinktoberfest Challenge, this was such a fun challenge, even if half of my things didn't even post when they were supposed to. But anyway, thank you again, I loved writing for a multitude of fandoms and thanks for giving me the opportunity to explore these different characters.
I Need More - Mutual Masturbation - Billy Russo x Reader
Protection on Vacation: Smut Drabble - Sneaking Around | Forbidden Love - Bodyguard!Dean x Princess!Reader
They’re Gone - Voyeurism | Exhibitionism - John Winchester x Reader
Blood and  Ice - Hot/Cold Play - Frank Castle x Reader
Teasing Texts - Sexting/Phone Sex - Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Piss Me Off - Angry or Hate Sex - Jake Peralta x Reader
Dad Joke Seduction - Comfort Sex - Scott Lang x Pregnant!Reader
Teach an Angel New Tricks - Dirty talk | Size Kink - Castiel x Reader
Folded Chair - In front of a mirror - Ruby 2.0 x Reader
The Little Princess and her King - Toys | Praise Kink -King!Brunhilde x Reader
Spelled Eyes: Part 2 /Spelled Eyes: Part 3 - Threesome/Moresome - Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Cas x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Hands to Himself - Sir Kink | Bed Sharing - T’Challa x Reader
Call Me Out - Public or Semi public sex - Sam Wilson x Reader
All for Show - Filming Themselves - Oscar “Spooky” Diaz x Reader
Little Peter - Caught Masturbating - Peter Parker x Reader
Dino Nuggets - Daddy Kink - Daddy!Jared x Momma!Reader
The Ladies Room - Casual Sex - Danneel Harris x Reader
Sweet Tasting Demon - Touch Deprivation | Somnophilia - Sam Winchester x Ruby 2.0
Lucy Gives Up - Oral Sex - Wanda Maximoff x Powered!Reader
Selfish Hearts - Make Up Sex - Diana Prince x Reader
Stupid Plans end in Exciting Lessons - Teasing - Thor Odinson x Reader
Don’t Waste Perfect Lingerie Sets - A/B/O | Lingerie - Anael x Reader
“It’s not illegal if you pay for it.” - Camp fire - Rough Sex | Camping - Hunter Hardon x Venus Ryder (Pornstar!Dean x Pornstar!Reader)
Make it Up To You - Shibari | Bondage - Regina Mills x Reader
Save Me, Supergirl - Roleplay - Kara Danvers x Reader
Only at Home - Orgasm Denial - Finn Balor (Fergal Devitt) x Reader x Seth Rollins (Colby Lopez)
So Close to your Reward - Spanking - Adrian Chase x Reader
Imperfectly Perfect - Body Worship | Nipple Play - Killian Jones x Reader
Don’t Drown while I’m Trying - Aftercare - Carol Danvers x Reader
I Can Last Longer - First to come loses - Henry Cavill x Poc!Reader (aesthetic)
Mommy, Daddy, and their Baby Girl - Dealer's Choice - Jared Padalecki x Reader x Genevieve Padalecki
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percywinchester27 · 3 years
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Piece of jewelry
"So, now that we know everything there is to know about your new business venture, Limbo jewelry, how about we get a bit personal for the last question?" The reporter from Fox7 is being sly, but Danneel's quick to throw her a coy grin.
She's playing the reporter like a fiddle, you think to yourself as you watch Danneel on the big screen of your TV.
"We know that you and Y/N have been together for a while now..." The reporter pauses suggestively, before adding, "We're standing in the middle of a jewelry store, so I've got to ask this- any plans for erm... adding to the jewelry on your fingers?"
"Well," Danneel says, looking right into the camera and raising her shoulders in a shrug with that adorable little grin on her face. "When you see Y/N next, ask her this question, will you?"
You turn the TV off as the interview ends, feeling a little heady and giggly at the same time as you mutter, "Un-freaking-believable!"
That woman was so going to make it up to you in bed later for throwing you under the bus like that, when the damn ring was in her pocket all along!
Gif submitted by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Coming soon!
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Danneel Harris x Reader
You are Danneel's friend and PR. Once you get her an audition for a movie that Jensen is trying as well, things start to get complicated. She always had a thing for you, but you didn't know. Danneel wants you, you want Jensen, and Jensen doesn't know what he wants anymore. I wanna taste her lips cause they taste like you. Based on Girl Crush by Harry Styles (cover).
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YOU ALREADY KNOW: Danneel comforting the Reader during the fireworks show on Fourth of July because they sound scary and she's trying to sleep.
4th of july challenge
Fireworks are such a trigger for you ever since you got out of the military. Before, you used to love seeing and hearing them. Now, all they sound like are gunshots and screams and bombs going off right next to you. It’s why you have to have soundproof everything around this time of year. It’s hard since your neighbors like to set them off, and if you didn’t have your “security blanket” then you would surely be dead.
The fireworks have just begun, and you’re already soaked with your tears. The explosions bring you back to some of the worst times of your life, and you cower into your girlfriend more. She doesn’t get it—and you hope she never has to.
Danneel doesn’t know what you see inside your mind when this happens, so she doesn’t exactly know how to help you. She can’t make the voices and the images go away, but she can hold you and comfort you and make you realize that you’re not back in Iraq and Afghanistan... you’re home with her, safe in bed.
“Just listen to the sound of my heart. Follow the beats and you’ll be okay,” she whispers.
Another bang, and you’re flinching painfully in her arms. It never gets easier with time, but she makes it worthwhile. It’ll be over in just a few short hours, and while they will be very long hours, you know you’re safe in her arms.
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Word count: 205
Pairing: Danneel x Reader
A/N: Gif Submitted by @percywinchester27
Unbetaed - All mistakes are mine.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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She looked so sad standing there overlooking the world from your new balcony. You could feel her worry all the way into the livingroom where you had been unpacking boxes and that had been what made you seek her out.
You quietly walked up behind your girlfriend, wrapping your arms around her from behind, pressing your lips to the back of her head. “Hi,” you whispered resting your chin against her back. “I’m happy you know. I can’t wait to start my life with you. I love our apartment and I love you.”
“They are your parents Y/N/N,” Danneel almost whispered, “they are your family.”
You gently took a hold of her arms, spinning her around to face you. “No Dani. I never fit in growing up. I was always judged and made to feel like I was some kind of freak. You are my family. You make me feel home and loved,” you smiled when Danneel wrapped her arms around your neck tugging you closer with a sheepish smile on her lips.
“You are loved. I love you more than anything in the world,” she spoke softly, pressing her lips against yours causing you to smile into her kiss. You were home.
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Inked [Part 04]
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Title: Inked [Part 04] — A Missing Piece Summary: Jensen and Dani have a deep talk about Y/N. Jensen is falling for Dani’s best friend but he feels that something is missing. Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Danneel Ackles Squares: Jennel for @danneelacklesbingo Warnings: Past relationships, mention of abuse, mention of panic attacks, mention of anxiety, the reader has a day off, mention of sickness Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: We reached part four! I might add one more part after part 5, I haven't decided it yet. Anyways, in this part we will learn more about Y/N's past from Dani's POV. I hope you like it and feedback is welcome!
| Chapter 01 | Chapter 02 | Chapter 03 | Chapter 05 |
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*Dani’s POV*
When I woke up this morning, I knew today was going to be a really busy day. That changed when I unplugged my phone and saw Y/N’s text, “bad day, sorry. I’m gonna be late” I sighed, knowing why she was feeling like this, I decided to call her to see exactly why she was having a bad day and how I could help her. After talking with her, I decided to give her the day off, it was the best for her, besides, with her feeling under the weather it was going to be the best for her to not work that day, the only thing I asked her was to call if she felt worse, which I already knew she was not going to do. She was as stubborn as she could only be. I texted the team that Y/N was not coming to work and that they needed to cooperate with the tasks that were supposed to be for Y/N.
With Y/N’s absence, one of you needed to handle the front desk that Y/N was supposed to work on today. I asked Megan to help me there since both of you were the ones with fewer appointments. I was getting everything at the front desk ready when Jensen entered the studio a bit earlier than I had expected.
“Someone is excited” I teased but Jensen didn’t reply, he had a serious look on his face, he looked worried. “Hey, can we talk?” He asked, “if it’s in a private place, better” he mentioned, “yeah sure” I accepted and we went directly to Y/N’s office. It was the only private place inside the studio and it was the only room that had a “No Disturb” sign, so nobody was going to interrupt this little meeting.
I knew Jensen and I knew he had something in his mind that was bothering him, “Is everything okay?” I asked him worried, he took a deep breath and said, “Is about Y/N”, I nodded and he added, “I’ve tried to reach out for her since I left her at her apartment last night, but she hasn’t answered any of my calls or texts,” I hummed, “I was expecting her to be here so I could talk with her.”
“I’m sorry, but she’s not coming today,” I told him and he was surprised, “she was feeling under the weather,” I explained. “Did something happen between you two?” I asked with curiosity, the last thing Y/N had said the night before, was that everything went well. “She didn't tell you?” he asked you, I was confused now, what had happened between them that Y/N did not tell you?, I looked at my hands and said, “she did, not fully detailed but I'm aware of what happened.” I knew Jensen and I trusted him, this hesitation from him was something I was not expecting.
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Jensen sighed again and said “Look, you know her better than me, but the girl that came to the studio yesterday is not the same girl I’ve been talking to over the phone for the past few weeks”, now it was my turn to sigh, “I don’t know what happened between you two or what you’ve been talking but she’s been through a lot lately”
“I know, but… I felt like she was trying to be someone else.” He admitted and I just nodded to Jensen, thinking if I should tell him more about Y/N. It wasn’t my call to decide if he should know, but I could tell that Jensen was interested in her, the same way Y/N was in him.
I took a deep breath before talking, “I don’t know if I should tell you this, but if I do, you have to promise me that you won’t tell her” Jensen nodded and admitted, “Dani, I fell hard for the girl who I talked to over the phone. I was so excited to finally meet her but when I did, I felt like something was missing. It took her some time to finally get comfortable around me.
I sighed again, it wasn't something I should be talking about, it's her story to tell, but then Jensen said “Dani, please,” he insisted, “If you don't tell me I'll cancel all the appointments and I’ll go to her place to talk about it.” I sighed once again, I couldn’t risk it, I was aware that I needed to tell him part of Y/N’s story.
I checked the time and still, I had at least an hour and a half until Jensen’s first appointment. “Fine,” I said defeated, “but you tell a word and you’re a dead man,” he nodded knowing to not break that trust. While I went to the door to put the “No Disturb” sign I asked, “She talked about the tattoo, did she?” Jensen nodded, “both of them?” he nodded again. Back in my seat, I took another deep breath and started to think about what I would share since Y/N wasn’t around to tell her side of the story.
“Around four years ago, she was dating this man that was the perfect boyfriend every girl had dreamt of. All her "friends" envied her for being with him, but not me, I was not a fool.” I started talking, "one day she came to my place and I felt her off. It took me two hours and a few panic attacks to figure it out. I'm not going to get into details, but this man, he was messed up and the worst person affected by it was Y/N," I explained without realizing the anger I've been bottling up over the past few years was showing, Jensen grabbed my hand and squeezed it, bringing me back to the present and calming me down. I gave Jensen a small smile and continued talking, "after their break up, I made her move in with me. Two years ago I almost lost her." I explained with a weary voice. "It's okay Dani, you don't have to tell me more, I understand."
I shook my head, "I tried to help her by meeting people in general, not a partner, just people to hang out with. When this opportunity came, I didn't hesitate to give it to her. It was the perfect chance. And... " I paused, "You know you can tell me, I won't get mad," he said, knowing what I was thinking. "I knew she admired you and she kinda has a crush on you, so, kinda everything fell into place. I mean, I'm not expecting…" I tried to finish explaining when Jensen interrupted me.
"No, I get," it was his time to sigh, "she's an amazing person, and I knew she would be shy, considering how we actually met, but what I felt was that she was trying to impress me" he finally said. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost time to open the studio and you needed to finish setting some things up.
"Let's give her time to rest today, I'll go to her place later on," I finished the conversation, Jensen nodded and both of you left the office to get everything ready for the day.
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After the morning meeting with Jensen, the rest of the morning went pretty well. Happy clients, the work environment felt nice, everyone was having a good time, except for me. I had a bad feeling about Y/N. I've been texting back and forth with her throughout the morning and she kept telling me that she was fine.
I could tell that she didn't want to talk much, since most of her replies were one-syllable words, but I knew that it was the way she dealt with everything, so I didn't bother her much.
After midday, the studio started to have more people around, so I told Megan to come and help me at the front desk because I couldn't manage everything. With Megan, we were amazed by how easy Y/N made it look.
Y/N haven’t texted me back in almost two hours and I was getting worried, I've been having a bad feeling that something might have happened to her. "Once I'm done with the last client, I'm gonna take a mini-break and I'll call Y/N," I said to Megan and she nodded.
Not even five minutes later, Jensen approached the front desk with worry all written over his face. "What happened?" I asked, "is Y/N," he said, "what about her?" Now it was my turn to be worried, "I was talking with her over the phone when the line went dead" he explained.
I looked at Megan and she nodded, so I grabbed Jensen from the arm and took him to the office.
"What do you mean with "the line went dead"? Elaborate, please" I demanded nervously, Jensen sighed, "we were talking because I called her and then the line went mute. At first, I thought that the call had ended, but it kept going for like two minutes with straight silence." He explained, "I don't know about you, but something feels wrong," Jensen added and I just nodded at what he was saying.
I grabbed the phone line and while marking her phone number, "I know, I have this bad feeling inside, and I don't know what it is" I admitted. The phone line was dead and so was her cellphone. I didn't want to freak out but it seemed like everything was happening all over again.
"How many appointments do you have left?" I asked, "one more, why?" I sighed when Megan knocked on the door "your client is here Jay" she said. Jensen kept looking at me, waiting for me to say something, "go to work, I'll keep trying to contact her." Jensen went to the door and said, "when I'm done, we are going to her place," I nodded.
An hour and a half later, I was seated in Jensen’s car still trying to contact Y/N, but her phone kept sending me to voicemail. “Jay, I’m scared” I admitted and sighed, “Nothing bad had happened to her,” he assured me.
The small trip to her apartment door was the longest. The elevator seemed to be taking all the time to make it to Y/N’s floor.
When we made it to her door, my hands were shaking, please be fine my mind kept repeating like a mantra. Jensen knocked twice on her door and waited for her to answer, when there wasn’t any, I used the spare key she had given me.
“Check her bedroom, I’m gonna check the bathroom” Jensen instructed me once inside. When I entered her bedroom, I saw that the bed had been used but she wasn’t there. I was looking for any sign that told me she did something she had been avoiding for quite some time, I was too focused that I didn’t listen to Jensen calling Ne. “Dammit Dani, come ‘ere” Jensen called me once again, “did you find her?” I asked, “yes, call 911, she’d fainted” I saw her and my body froze. “Dani, please,” Jensen said, bringing me back from my mind.
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A few hours later, I was with Y/N in the hospital. She was severely dehydrated. Luckily nothing more serious than just some rest will fix it. The doctor had explained to me that she needed to stay the night over because of her severe dehydration, I just nodded, thankful that she was fine. After closing the studio, Jensen went to the hospital to keep me company. “It was so hard to keep working knowing that you two were here” I nodded and smiled, “How is she?” I signaled to go outside of her room to talk. “She’s fine, she fainted because she was dehydrated. She has to spend the night here just to make sure nothing goes south” I explained the same thing the doctor had explained to me. Jensen and I stayed outside of her room talking about the studio and how the others wanted to close the studio early to be there with her. Luckily, I had amazing people next to me that cared about both of you.
Sometime later, when Y/N was already awake and the doctor had explained everything to her, I was able to let my guard down. She needed to listen to me. “You gave us quite a scare Y/N,” I said using her full name, “I told you to call me.” she just looked at her hands, “I was really worried, you weren’t answering your phone,” I said, grabbing her hand and letting some tears fall. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you. You had a lot of things on your plate.” she admitted, “baby, you’re not a bother and you know it. What happened?” “Wait, us?” I smiled shyly, “Jensen was the one who found you" you explained, and that’s when she remembered what she was doing before everything happened, “I should call him, he needs to know,” she said and I smiled, “he is outside if you want to talk with him” she nodded, “I’ll let him know. Uh…” I stopped talking, thinking how I could formulate the question, “What?” she asked impatiently, “since you have to spend the night, Jensen offered to stay with you. And before you say anything, he moved his appointments to the afternoon, so no, you’re not a bother” I finally said and she nodded again.
After talking with Jensen and he assured me he was going to call if anything happened, I got back to Y/N’s place to clean and organize everything. After what happened, I started to consider moving in with her again. I wanted to help her, but first, I needed to know what was going on with her and I had the feeling that she might open up with Jensen. I just hoped she was right and everything got better. It was what Y/N deserved.
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
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Summary: Y/N has been having an infuriating dry spell in the love department lately, thanks to lockdown, and her roommate Jensen is getting fed up with her attitude. So, he lets her in on a little secret…
Pairing: Danneel x Reader Rating: 18+ Tags: female masturbation, talk of male masturbation, phone sex, dirty talk, praise kink, light degradation, lockdown was hard on singletons but great for phone sex operators Word Count: 4.5k Created for: @anyfandomgoesbingo - Sex Hotline AU | @spnkinkbingo - Tribbing
A/N: Requested by @danneelsmain - hope this lived up to your expectations babe! I haven't written Danneel before but I really enjoyed writing this ❤️
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“Yes... yes... yesyesyes–”
“Hey, Y/N!” Bang, bang, bang! “Hurry up in there will ya? I’m dyin’ here,” Jensen jiggled the doorknob to no avail, and Y/N was incredibly thankful she’d remembered to lock it this time.
I’m dying here, Y/N thought to herself, pulling the shower head from between her legs with a frustrated huff, the water swirling down the drain carrying the fading vestiges of her almost-orgasm with it. She had been so close. Bang! Bang! Bang!
“Just a minute!” she shouted, frustration tipping over into anger. The knob on the faucet was twisted to the ‘off’ position with unnecessary violence, and the shower curtain was attached at one less ring than it had been half an hour ago when it was yanked open to settle against the back wall of the tub.
Bang! Ban–
“Seriously, Jensen?!” Y/N barely had the towel secured around herself before she threw open the door, hastily ducking to avoid Jensen’s knock-in-progress.
“Thank fuck.” Jensen danced around Y/N and shoved the door shut, sending Y/N slipping across the tiles on her still-wet feet and locking her on the other side. The clearly audible hiss of Jensen relieving himself leaked through the door and Y/N growled in frustration, aiming a kick at the door before stomping down the hallway to her room.
He couldn’t have waited ten more seconds…
It had been bad enough that lockdown got them all stuck at home with no possibility of one night stands, or follow-up booty calls to keep her sex drive in check, but now Y/N was having an even bigger problem. She hadn’t been able to get herself over the finish line for at least two weeks, and she had no earthly idea as to why. Y/N was beginning to think that regular orgasms were part of the reason that she was usually nice to be around, because right now she felt like she was one bad joke away from stabbing somebody.
And that someone was likely to be Jensen.
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Tucked up into the corner of the couch was Y/N’s standard position these days. She wasn’t sure what was playing on the TV, something as mindless as she felt right now.
“Budge up.” Jensen hit her feet and flopped back gracelessly on top of them without giving her the chance to move them.
“Ow, asshole!” A pillow whipped through the air and collided squarely with the side of Jensen’s face.
“What is your problem lately?”
“You, clearly,” Y/N snapped, pulling her knees into her chest defensively. Jensen raised a single eyebrow, giving her a pointed look. “No, it’s not you,” Y/N admitted, letting some of her aggression seep out of her frame with her words. “Sorry.”
“What’s up?”
“Nothing, it’s fine.”
There was a stiff silence between them, Jensen waiting for Y/N to break and answer his question and Y/N knowing that she didn’t want to talk about this with Jensen but not seeing a way out of the conversation. Jensen had an irritating habit of getting her to open up about things she never planned on telling people – like the fact that she was gay. And now he was about to hear far more about her sex life than she ever wanted to share with someone of the male species.
“I’m, um,” her cheeks were on fire as she glanced up to see Jensen looking back at her with concerned curiosity. “I’m… having a problem,” she finished lamely.
“I can’t… Do you ever–” Y/N choked on the words every time they tried to bubble through. “So… um, it’s– it’s been a while.” She saw comprehension flash over Jensen’s freckled face a moment later.
“You know PornHub has a whole section for lesbian shit, right?” Another pillow hits him in the face. “Okay, okay, ow,” Jensen rubs his jaw in exaggeration. “But seriously, it’s been a while for everyone. You just gotta take business into your own hands.”
“You don’t think I’ve been doing that?” Y/N hissed, unconsciously checking around them as if someone else was in their apartment who might overhear.
“Well then what’s the problem?”
“I haven’t like,” Y/N made a variety of nonsequitous hand motions that had no bearing on the word ‘orgasm’ but Jensen seemed to get the message.
“How long?” he cringed.
“Like, almost three weeks? And it’s not like I haven’t been trying like, everything, I just… can’t,” she shrugged helplessly. “Has this kind of thing ever happened to you? Is there something like, physically wrong with me?”
“No, no, I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with you,” Jensen rushed to reassure her, patting her leg awkwardly. “This kind of thing happens all the time.”
“So it’s happened to you too?” Hope shone from Y/N’s face that maybe she wasn’t doomed to a life empty of sexual pleasure.
“Well… no, not exactly.” Y/N’s shoulders drooped, hopes slashed.
“How are you staying so sane?” Y/N accused. “You used to be with a different girl every few days before all of this.”
“Hey! I was not,” Jensen was mock offended but Y/N could tell he was also a little proud. “And I’ve, uh… I’ve got my sources,” his eyes twinkled mischievously as he answered her question.
“Jensen Ross Ackles, have you been sneaking out behind my back!”
“No,” he rolled his eyes, “nothing like that.” Jensen pulled out his phone and started scrolling through the screen as Y/N watched.
“Jen, if you’re trying to show me porn, I’m good. Don’t need to see what you get off to,” Y/N shuddered at the thought. A text beeped on her phone a second later, Jensen’s name popping up on the screen.
“That’s my source,” he explains and she opens the message to see a 1-800 number, next to the word Red.
“Red.” Jensen confirmed with a wicked grin, nodding sagely.
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Y/N could not believe she was about to do this. She looked down at the number on her phone screen, ready to dial as soon as she pressed the little green button. Jensen’s assurances echoed in her head. Best phone sex I’ve ever had… she actually gets off with you, she’s not just faking it… sounds so hot, and her body is killer in her profile pic. Admittedly, the picture he’d shown her had been really fucking sexy. A slender girl in small red panties and unfairly pretty breasts cradled in a satin bra covered in little hearts, dark red hair pinned up around her face in a vintage style.
Before she could talk herself out of it again, Y/N pressed dial and held the phone up to her ear. It rang a few times before connecting to an automated menu, and Y/N was secretly relieved she wouldn’t have to ask an operator if she could speak to ‘Red’.
Thank you for calling the Sugar Lips Hotline. Please enter your card details to continue.
Jensen had warned her about this part, so she had her card sitting out of her wallet on the desk in front of her.
If you know who you are trying to reach, please press one. If you would like to be assigned a random operator, please press two.
Y/N shakily pressed the number one, and then put the phone on speaker while she was at it.
If you would like to speak with Candy, press one, followed by the pound key. If you would like to speak with Kitty, press two, followed by the pound key. If you would like to speak with Lance…
Y/N wondered if she would still have the confidence to go through with this by the time the robotic voice mentioned ‘Red’.
If you would like to speak with Red, press thirteen, followed by the pound key.
The moment of truth. Y/N entered the number 13 and then pressed the pound key. The line began to ring again.
“Hi there,” a temptingly soft voice slipped through the receiver of the phone sitting on the desk in front of her.
“Hi-i,” Y/N’s voice was jarring in comparison, breaking on the first word she uttered.
“Oh, so I’ve got a pretty little girl on the line today, huh?” Y/N didn’t know how to answer so she didn’t, hands frozen in a death grip on the sleeves of her too big sweatshirt. “What’s your name, baby?”
“Y/N,” she whispered back, suddenly scared that Jensen would be able to hear every word being said in her room. Quickly digging into her pockets she pulled out her headphones and plugged them into her cell. Why hadn’t she done that earlier?
“That’s such a pretty name, baby,” the woman cooed, and now her voice was right against Y/N’s ears; it felt like she was in the room, whispering against her skin. “I’m Red.”
“That’s what I should call you?” Y/N managed to keep the tremor out of her words this time.
“Unless you want to call me something else? I can be whoever you want me to be baby girl. Mommy, ma’am, mistress…” Y/N’s heart thundered against her ribs. She realised that she had no idea what she wanted from this – she just knew she was desperate. “Or maybe you want to be in charge? I could be your baby, your good little girl.” Y/N wished she could see Red right now, watch what she looked like as she purred all these promises down the line, teasing and tempting.
“Is,” Y/N gulped, “is there anyone you want me to be?”
“Nuh-uh,” she tutted, and Y/N could imagine her shaking her head, red curls flying by her cheeks. “This is all about you Y/N. I’m here to make you feel good.”
Y/N felt a lick of heat curl in the base of her stomach, twisting itself around her intestines.
“Yeah, I could use that,” she laughed nervously, figuring she should be honest if she wanted this to work out well. And she really needed it to.
“Oh, have you been feeling a little pent up baby?” Red’s voice echoed in Y/N’s ears. The small vibrations coming out of her earbuds were enough to start sending a pulsing sensation down the side of her neck, worming its way under her skin and into her veins. Christ, it had been too long.
“You have no idea.”
“Well, I betcha we can fix that. Are you somewhere comfortable sweetie?”
“I could get on the bed?” Y/N offered, wondering why she hadn’t started there in the first place, rather than at her desk.
“That sounds like a great idea,” Red purred seductively. “Why don’t you stretch out on the bed, get yourself nice and cozy. Maybe prop a pillow up next to you and think about me snuggling you in real close. Wish I could be there to put my hands all over your body.”
Y/N was thankful she was already sitting on her bed by the time Red finished painting her little scene because if she’d been walking, she’s pretty sure her knees would have given out.
“Fuck, it’s been so long since I felt another girl’s hands on me.” She tried not to be embarrassed at how whimpery her voice had gone. If this went well it was about to get a whole lot worse anyways.
“I want to touch every inch of you,” Red breathed heavily. “Run my fingers through your hair, over your neck, down your back. Would I find a bra there to unhook, baby?”
“Yeah,” Y/N sighed, arching her shoulders and feeling the band scratch taught around her ribs, pushing her breast up towards her chin.
“Why don’t you take that off for me?”
“Okay,” Y/N felt her voice shake as much as her hands as she reached behind her back to unclasp her bra, breathing deeply when the pressure of the garment disappeared.
“Bet that felt good, didn’t it baby?” Red laughed knowingly.
“Yeah,” Y/N agreed, loosening up a little at the acknowledgement of a shared experience, something all girls could relate to. She pulled her arms through the straps beneath her sweatshirt and shimmying the discarded bra out the bottom before pushing her arms back through her sleeves. The peaks of her nipples tightened as they caught on the pills of fleece that now sat against her chest.
“What else are you wearing?”
Suddenly embarrassed she hadn’t thought to put on anything sexy in preparation for this call, Y/N didn’t manage more than an “um…” before Red laughed, a warm sound that melted into her like chocolate against your tongue.
“Why don’t I tell you what I’m wearing?”
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded before she remembered that Red couldn’t see her. “Bet it’s something really sexy,” she attempted to flirt, cringing at how awkward she sounded.
“Well that depends,” Red mused. “Do you like lace?”
“Yeah,” Y/N breathed. She loved seeing girls in lace lingerie; the way the delicate weave of the pattern offered small tastes of the skin it covered, the way you could feel someone’s warmth seeping through such a thin fabric so easily, the way it felt to have someone touch you or suck you through such a meagre sheet of modesty…
“What about stockings?” Red voice broke through Y/N’s train of thought, pulling her back to the vaguely out of body experience she was having.
“Love them,” Y/N answered quietly, trying to pitch her voice the way Red was, low and alluring.
“Well, that’s a shame,” she sighed dramatically. “Because I’m not wearing anything at all right now, sorry to disappoint.” Y/N couldn’t see her but she would bet anything Red was wearing a big pout right now. She wondered what her lips looked like. In her head she pictured soft and pillowy.
“You are such a tease,” Y/N laughed, hoping to disguise the pang of arousal that had shot through her a moment before.
“Yeah, but you like it, don’t you baby?”
“Yeah, I really do,” Y/N found herself admitting unconsciously.
“Are you gonna keep teasing me, or are you gonna get naked too baby girl?”
A throb of desire fluttered between Y/N’s legs, her pussy clenching, and when she squirmed back into her pillow a little she felt the lace fabric of her own panties sliding a little more between her thighs. Her arousal had started to soak out of her and into the material.
“You want me naked?” Y/N’s words scratched their way out of her throat, trying to pull her confidence along with them.
“Oh god, please baby,” Red moaned loudly, but it didn’t sound fake. It was like Jensen had told her, it sounded like she was really enjoying this, and like she was actually getting off on what was happening between them right now. “Want to feel your skin against mine.”
“I want that too, baby,” Y/N’s hasty breaths shook her words. She stripped out of her underwear and shoved her phone and headphones down the front of her sweatshirt so she could shimmy it over her head without disconnecting the earbuds. She didn’t want to miss anything.
“God, if I was there I would kiss all over you. Bet you taste amazing,” Red sighed, and Y/N could hear something shifting over the phone, like fabric moving around.
“Are you on your bed too?” Y/N asked.
“Yep, all spread out for you baby girl.”
“Are you touching yourself?” Y/N’s confidence was starting to build as she heard how much Red sounded like she’s into this, and she couldn’t deny she was turned on too. She felt wetter than she’d been in weeks, and when her fingers drifted down over her stomach its muscles twitched in anticipation of where she was about to touch.
“Where do you want me to touch?” Y/N let her eyes slide closed, and she could imagine Red batting her lashes as she asked - where do you want me to touch? - She pictured the girl she’d seen in the photo poised over her, legs straddling Y/N’s hips as Red ran her hands over her own body, fingers trailing over her throat, fondling her breasts, twisting around the pink flesh at the tips of each, lingering on the soft of her stomach before dipping lower.
“I want you to touch between your legs and tell me how wet you are,” Y/N said between deep breaths, trying to keep her voice even.
“I’m already so wet for you, baby,” Red gasped, and Y/N hoped it was a reaction to her fingers slipping inside her pussy.
“If you were here with me, what would you do right now?”
“I’d make you watch me fuck myself on my fingers.” Holy shit, Y/N couldn’t help the moan that bled through her lips, and she heard Red chuckle. “Yeah, you like the sound of that baby?”
“Mm-hmm,” Y/N whimpered, her own fingers finally making their way between her legs and sliding easily through the slick she found there.
“I’d straddle myself right over your face, so you could see my fingers fucking my pussy, feel me dripping on you.”
“Oh, fuck.”
“And then, when my fingers are nice and soaked, you’re gonna suck them clean like a good little girl, aren’t you sweetheart?” Red’s monologue was absolutely wrecking Y/N, she wanted everything the woman on the end of the line was describing so badly. “Want you to do it to yourself, since I can’t be there to do it for you. Can you get those fingers nice and wet for me baby?”
“Fuck, yeah, okay.” Y/N pushed two fingers inside her pussy, clenching around them wantonly. She must have let out some kind of noise because Red giggled again before she continued talking.
“That’s it, fuck yourself for me baby girl, until I can do it for you.” And fucking hell, the thought of Red actually with her, touching her, fucking her… “Your fingers nice and dirty now?”
“Mm-hmm,” Y/N squeaked, pressing against her g-spot to get herself even wetter.
“Good girl,” Red hummed. “Now suck them clean for me, Y/N. Want you to taste just how sweet you are. God, wish I could taste you too,” she moaned, her breath hitching.
Y/N obeyed Red’s instructions, sucking her fingers into her mouth and twirling her tongue around them, curling it across the dips and whorls of her fingertips. She groaned around the digits in her mouth, trying to make it audible that she was doing as she was told.
“Good girl,” Red cooed again, obviously hearing Y/N’s sucking. “Good filthy girl. You’re so dirty aren’t you baby, bet you’re dripping onto the sheets right now you’re so horny.”
“Oh my god,” Y/N felt her whole body clenching as she pushed her hand back between her legs, toying with her clit and sending fresh jolts of desire to her core. “Fuck, I’m touching myself again. Couldn’t help it, you’re so hot baby.”
“I want you to touch yourself sweetie. Want you to make yourself feel so good.”
“I want you to feel good too,” Y/N whimpered, maybe stupidly, but she remembered Jensen saying that Red got off with him and she wanted the same thing. She wanted to know that Red wanted her, that Red found her sexy. She didn’t want to be in this alone.
“Oh, I am feeling so good baby girl,” Red assured Y/N, her voice brimming with sincerity and whimpers to back it up. “Fucking myself so good, pretending it’s your fingers inside me.”
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Y/N couldn’t come up with anything more eloquent than that. The more she played with herself the foggier her brain got.
“What are you imaging right now?”
“Thinking about you, you on top of me.”
“You want me on top, huh? Want me to hold you down a little, baby?”
“Mm, yeah,” Y/N sighed, slipping two fingers from her free hand down to her entrance and pushing them inside, keeping her other hand on her clit, rolling it between her fingers. “You could hold me down, grind yourself against me. Use me to get yourself off.” Y/N’s breathing was ragged now, and the fingers inside her pussy sought out her g-spot again, starting to focus their efforts a little more concertedly on the spongy bundle of nerves.
“Oh sweetie, that’s so hot, fuck,” Red moaned heavily, her breath catching on her curse. “I’d grind against you so good. Rub our pussies together, all slick and hot, grind my clit against yours nice and hard. Fuck, touch your clit for me baby.”
“I am,” Y/N gasped, drawing fast little circles over the nub between her legs. “Fuck, want all that so bad. Think you could come like that? Just from rubbing your pussy on me, getting me all wet and dirty?”
“Fuck yes, love rubbing my pussy on yours, love grinding our clits together. I could tease you so good. Go nice and slow, wonder how long you’d last before you start begging me to let you cum.”
“I’m close,” Y/N whimpered, surprised at how true it was. She hadn’t gotten so close to cumming this quickly in ages.
“Already baby? You naughty little girl,” Red groaned, and the sound of bed springs crackled through Y/N’s earbuds too. Y/N pictured Red arching off the bed, fucking her hips into her fingers. “You want to cum for me baby?”
“Fuck, yes, yes please,” Y/N begged, feeling the muscles in her thighs and stomach starting to constrict, heat singing through her veins.
“Not yet baby, keep fucking yourself.” Y/N let out a pathetic whine in protest. “You can do that for me, can’t you sweetie. Fuck yourself on those pretty little fingers for me?”
“Yeah, yeah I am.”
“Good girl, I’m so fucking close baby.”
“Fuck, please, want you to cum. Want you to cum with me.” Y/N’s eyes squeezed tight as small pinpricks of light started to burst in the darkness of her vision.
“Gonna cum for you, baby girl,” Red cried, voice high and tight. “Fuck, I’m gonna squirt, I can feel it. Gonna squirt all over your pussy, fucking soak you.”
“Oh my god,” Y/N felt like she might actually start crying, she needed to cum so badly. She was so so so close.
“Rub that little clitty, pretend it’s me rubbing up against you. All hot and wet,” her voice was breaking, her words short and breathless, and Y/N could tell Red was as close as she was. “Gonna cum all over you. Fuck, gonna squirt so hard bet I could actually cum inside you.”
“Holy fuck!” Y/N’s hips snapped into the air, searching for the imaginary body she wished was there. It was becoming hard to hear through the intense buzzing in her ears. Every nerve in her body was pulled taut, ready to snap.
“Cum for me Y/N, c’mon baby, you can do it, want you to cum for me like the good little girl you are baby, c’mon.”
Y/N was sobbing, wrist pistoning her fingers in and out of herself faster than she ever remembered being able to move, and she felt the walls of her pussy clamping down, trying to keep the pressure inside where it wanted it. And then she couldn’t take it anymore. Everything froze. She might have screamed, but to be honest she couldn’t be too sure, because she couldn’t hear anything except the white light that had flooded the dark space behind her eyelids.
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Lockdown became much more bearable after that day. Though Y/N did have to try really hard to not think about the fact that she and Jensen were kind of fucking the same girl. In a way. It was weird. But if she ignored that part, then her ‘dates’ with Red were perfect. She was finally able to release all the tension, sexual and otherwise, that this whole mess had building up in her system constantly. And eventually, the world started to open back up and things started to get just a little bit easier.
Y/N wondered what she would do when lockdown was well and truly over. When the bars and clubs opened up again, would she and Jensen go out and try to hook up like they always had before? Would everything just go back to normal? Would she still want to call Red if she was getting actual sex with a real girl, and not just her hand or a bit of silicone? Yes. The answer was most definitely yes, Y/N had to admit to herself. Even though it was just phone sex, it was still some of the best sex she’d ever had.
Well, Red is a professional, she thought to herself wryly as she spooned some froth onto the top of the cappuccino she was making. The coffee shop she worked at had reopened last week, finally.
“Y/N! Can you jump on register while I take my break?” Michelle called from the end of the counter.
“Sure thing,” Y/N smiled and wiped her hands off on her apron, making her way behind the other baristas to the cash register. She briefly glanced at the line of people waiting to order – a couple of college kids carrying some scary looking textbooks, a portly man scratching his bald patch, a pretty girl with shiny hair and awesome winged liner. Y/N blushed as she caught the eye of the girl, and immediately looked back at her tablet, typing in her register code.
“Hi there, what can I get you?” Y/N’s customer service voice was alarmingly cheery, and the two college guys blinked, startled, clearly still unused to interacting with humans again – Y/N knew the feeling, cringing internally. She made a note to dial the pep back a little.
“Hey, what can I get you?” It was the pretty girl at the front of the line now.
“Um, I’ll have a caramel latte, please,” she answered with a bright smile, red lips stretching across shockingly white teeth.
“Size?” Y/N asked, tapping the order into her tablet.
“How big can you make it?” the girl giggled, and Y/N looked up, something tugging at the back of her mind.
“Um, large?” Y/N answered absentmindedly, trying to figure out what was bugging her so much. The girl just nodded, politely accepting the fact that Y/N had skated over her joke. “Can I get a name for the order?” She grabbed the large sized cup and uncapped the marker, hand poised over the white cardboard, ready to write.
“Oh, sure. It’s Danneel.”
“Danielle?” Y/N asked, her mind still wandering.
“No, Dan– you know what, it’s a weird name. Just go with Red.”
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calaofnoldor · 3 years
My Own Hidden Gem Masterlist
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as a tangent to the hidden gems reblog challenge, i've compiled a list of writers and the fics they've deemed their most underrated!
go show them some love and maybe tell them i sent you? 😉
if you'd like to add yours, please see this post :)
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@alleiradayne ~ There's Something Strange | Sam Winchester x Reader Series - When Y/N Y/L/N escapes to the upper Midwest for a weekend of inspiration to begin her tenth paranormal thriller novel, she never imagined the source of that inspiration to be her own life. Between the old mansion, two peculiar men posing as antiquers, and the mysterious death of the heiress of Hill Manor one-hundred and fifty years ago, Y/N learns the truth about far more than the paranormal.
@allys-creative-bubble ~ The Masquerade | Sam Winchester x Reader Series - To the outside world the Winchesters are just running an MNC and are really good people. Only few people know what they actually do and reader is one of them. Who also happens to work for FBI and go undercover to investigate them. Things went well until she stated to fall for the younger Winchester.
@calaofnoldor ~ Sixth Time's the Charm | Sam Winchester x Reader Series - All the times Dean has tried to get Sam to admit his feelings for you.
@carryonmywaywardbucky ~ Spring Break | Sebastian Stan x Reader - The reader and Sebastian’s friend group is headed to Myrtle Beach for spring break for some much needed R&R before finals. Their friends have a plan in place to finally get Seb and the reader together, something they’ve been trying to do since freshman year of high school.
@danneelsmain ~ My Angels | Danneel Harris x Etla Harris x Rachel Harris x Reader - Being an Omega is tough and Y/N thought she'd never get picked and escape the auction palace but little did she know an Alpha or a pack of them would. Certainly the angels that would take her away from a place of horrors.
@deanwanddamons ~ Women Are Always Right | SPN Gen Fic - Sam and Rowena have a disagreement about the use of ingredients for a spell.
@deanwinchesterswitch ~ Sacrifice | Dean Winchester x Reader - sac’ri·​fice’ v. 1 to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person  2 to give up something for something else considered more important (Cambridge Dictionary, 2020)
@downanddirtydean ~ Let the Light In | Dean Winchester x OFC Series - Tess Sands has spent the last eight years searching for the remaining Men of Letters bunker that her father has told her so much about. When she finally finds it, she discovers that the Winchester brothers are already living there. In almost no time, Tess joins Team Free Will… until she finds out that for her, will has never been free.
@hoboal87 ~ Elastic Heart | Sam Winchester x Reader Series - Y/N Y/L/N, a recent nursing school graduate, life is turned up-side down when, out of sheer circumstance, a certain Winchester walks back into her life. Neither one ever expected to see the other again, they most come to terms with how their relationship ended, and the secrets unspoken between them.
@idabbleincrazy ~ Go Out with a Bang | Spangel Series -Spike’s already faced down his last day on Earth once, hell if he ain’t gonna do it right this time. Stuck at Wolfram & Hart till the sun goes down, he decides to finally take it upon himself to fix the rift between him and his Grandsire. If Angel’s so certain they won’t escape the Senior Partner’s wrath, then he’s got nothing left to lose…right? Follow our two Vamps with Souls as they bare their hearts to each other and take a leap of faith that they just might make it to see tomorrow.
@iguana-eyanna ~ What Was Left Behind Pt. 7 | Steve Rogers x Reader - After the events of the Sokovia Accords, Steve is now a fugitive to the U.S.A. government and has left you in the worst way possible. What happens when fate reunites the two again when you are most vulnerable?
@katelynw93 ~ Dean fucking Winchester | Dean Winchester x Reader - Dean is out looking for someone or something to entertain himself with. Turns out that thing is you.
@myinconnelly1 ~ Throwing Pebbles | Sam Winchester x OFC Series
@peridottea91 ~ Holding Onto You | Sam Winchester x OFC Series - In 2012, Bobby Singer was killed by Leviathan Dick Roman. The aftermath of his death leads to a division between the Winchesters and Sam’s girlfriend, Kasey. Guilt-ridden and driven to her breaking point, she gathers her stuff and leaves in the middle of the night without a word. Four years later, she calls Sam’s phone after a hunt gone wrong in the hopes of hearing his voice one last time. Suddenly they are swept back into each other’s lives, but a lot has happened in four years. Can they rekindle what they had before, or is it too late?
@sams-sass ~ Secrets in the Snow | Sam Winchester x Reader Series - You and Sam get trapped in a cabin for Christmas. Fluff ensues.
@sofreddie ~ Chasing Shadows | Sam Winchester x Reader Series - The Shadow. A Hunter’s Legend, a Fairytale. At least, that’s what Sam thought until The Shadow showed up and saved him on a hunt. In his search to discover and know this mysterious Hunter, Sam runs into a woman from his past. Can she help him get to the bottom of this mystery?
@supraveng ~ Girls Night | SPN Gen Fic
@swiftlymoniquesblog ~ My Daughter's Nanny | Jensen Ackles x Reader Series - The hardest part of losing someone you love is trying to move on after they’ve gone. What’s even worse is having a 5-year-old daughter that you are the sole caretaker for. On top of that, you have to balance a career on a very successful television series. Hiring someone to help out around the house came with a lot more than I ever thought it would and I found myself compromising a lot of things I should never have. Believe me, I know that what I’ve done can be frowned upon but when there’s a hole in your chest the size of an entire human being, you’ll do anything to fill that hole once more, no matter what the cost. Desperate people do desperate things, right? Well, look at me; I’ve become desperate.
@there-must-be-a-lock ~ Gift-Wrapped | Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers
@thinkinghardhardlythinking ~ Wish | Sam Winchester x Reader - Sam, Dean and the Reader make a wish. The reader has a dream. Friends to lovers with Sam but leading up to Priest!Sam naughtiness.
@thoughtslikeaminefield ~ Where is My Shiny Gun? | Sam Winchester x Donna Hanscum x Dean Winchester Series - Sam finds himself in a quandary when he realizes he has feelings for Donna by way of the obvious mutual attraction between her and Dean.
@wonder-cole ~ Captive | Dean Winchester x Reader
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I Think It’s Time For A Change
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Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader, Danneel Ackles x Step-Daughter!Reader
Summary: YN is tired of her super long hair and Danneel decides to take her for a haircut after school. When she gets home, Jensen sees her now short and colorful hair and freaks out. How will he handle this dramatic change in his life?
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Slight Cursing, Yelling/Fighting, Depression, Mention of Death
A/N: Here's a one-shot to celebrate my 200 followers! Thank you so much, My Cherry Blossoms. I appreciate this more than you'll ever know. A huge thanks to @mlovesstories​ for encouraging me to post my writings from the beginning. No hate on any SPN cast/character! The first picture is the “Before Haircut” and the second is the “After Haircut”. Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
***ASK OPEN***
Cherry Blossom One-Shot Masterlist
Jensen: 35 Danneel: 34 YN: 15
One Shot
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While hiding in the bathroom during her lunch period, YN removed her hood from her head. She stared at her hair that was wrapped in a bun on top of her head.
She took a breath and took out the clip from her hair, letting her long locks fall down past her shoulders to her tail bone.
YN closed her eyes for a moment before opening them and staring at her reflection in the mirror.
And tears almost instantly filled her eyes.
For as long as she could remember, she had long hair. And the only reason she had never cut it was her father.
Jensen had always and will always see YN as his little girl, his first born, his baby. And no matter how old she gets, Jensen's views of her will not change.
Which sucked as a high schooler when image was everything.
And right now, YN hated the image she saw in the mirror.
She had tried so many different hairstyles, from straightening and scrunching to braids and buns, but nothing really fit. Her hair was just too long to manage.
It surely didn't help with her shyness either. YN had been shy for the past 3 years, not really talking in school, keeping to herself, and not having friends to hang out with.
So she used her hair to hide herself during school days. She'd sit in the back of the class, not answer any questions, and not sit near anyone during lunch.
Most of the time, she'd just go into the bathroom during lunch and wait it out.
She wiped her eyes and tossed her hair back into a bun on top of her head before covering it with her hood. After one last look in the mirror, she turned and walked out of the bathroom just in time for the bell to ring for lunch to be over.
YN went on with the rest of her day and when school was over, she waited outside for Danneel. She stood by a tree in the front while other students were hanging out and talking with their friends.
A horn honking startled YN out of her thoughts. When she looked up, she saw Danneel sitting in her car and waving.
YN grabbed her backpack and walked quickly to Danneel's car. She opened the passenger door and jumped in, slamming the door behind her.
"Hey, YN. How was school?" Danneel asked.
YN shrugged, "Fine."
Danneel thought maybe she could get YN open up, "Anything to report?"
YN shook her head in response.
"Well, why don't you tell me something you learned?"
"Um, we talked about Shakespeare in English."
Danneel stayed silent, thinking YN would continue. But she didn't.
"Anything else?"
YN shook her head.
Danneel let out a long sigh, "Do you want to tell me what's on your mind? Did something happen? Is there something I can do?"
YN turned to Danneel and stared at her for a moment. Tears welled up in her eyes as she reached out and twirled Danneel's hair in her hands.
"I really like your hair. It's a good length for you," YN said fighting back tears.
Danneel was confused for a moment before it suddenly hit her, "You wish your hair was shorter, don't you?"
YN nodded as tears fell down her cheeks, "I've never had it really cut. Dad just took me to get the ends trimmed and thinned out a bit over the years. But..."
"He won't let me have it shorter. He always says his 'baby girl' needs to stay young forever. I guess this is his way of doing that," YN explained.
Danneel smiled sadly, "Well, I happen to have an appointment at the salon to color my hair. Why don't you take it? And you can do whatever you want to your hair."
YN whipped her head up to Danneel, "Are you crazy? Dad would flip!"
"YN, you're a 15-year-old girl. At your age, my parents let me do whatever I wanted to my hair. You're old enough to make your own decisions about how you look. You're in high school. If you want to do something to your hair, just say so."
YN thought for a moment. She slowly pulled down her hood and took her bun down. Her hair fell on her shoulders and all around her.
She took a breath, "I've always wanted to have a blue and purple bob, but I couldn't ever make myself do it."
"Well then," Danneel put the car in drive, "We will go do it." -------------------- A few hours later, Jensen was setting the table for dinner for himself and his family. He had gotten a text from Danneel earlier that said YN was going with her to her appointment and they'd be back in time for dinner.
As he set the last plate down on the table, he heard the front door open.
"We're back!" Danneel yelled in the house.
Jensen smiled as he walked down the steps of the dining room and into the living room. He saw Danneel standing by the door and YN by her side.
Well, he saw Danneel's face clearly, but YN stood with her hood over her head and face.
"There are my girls. How was the salon?" Jensen asked.
Danneel smiled, "Great. She got my hair back to the way I like it. And a little something extra."
Jensen chuckled, "Extra? Oh, she styled it."
"Well, yes. But that's not what I mean," Danneel turned to YN, "Come on, show him."
YN took a deep breath and pulled the hood off her face. Danneel smiled down at her, happy to see the smile on her face.
Jensen, on the other hand, was speechless. And not in a good way.
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YN ran her hands through her hair, "So, um, I told Danneel an idea I've had for the last couple years. I've always wanted to have multicolored hair and you know how badly I've wanted to cut it short."
Jensen still stood in silence. Danneel and YN waited in anticipation for him to speak.
"Well, Jay? Do you like it?" Danneel asked.
Jensen took a deep breath and closed his eyes, "Danneel can I speak with you...in private?" he whispered.
Danneel turned to YN, "Honey, why don't you go get ready for dinner? I'll come get you once-"
"No, I'll get her once we're done talking, Danneel," Jensen interrupted her.
YN looked up at her father in shock from his outburst. Jensen stared at Danneel in anger while Danneel looked frightened. YN took a step away from the two and slowly walked towards her bedroom.
Once in her room, she shut the door lightly behind her and walked straight over to her mirror. She took off her hoodie and ran her hands through her hair again.
She stared at her reflection as a smile slowly spread across her face. She couldn't remember the last time she smiled at herself.
For the first time in years, she felt pretty. She felt like herself. She felt...normal.
YN jumped and gasped in fear when a heavy knock interrupted her thoughts. She slowly walked over to the door, turned the handle, and pulled it open.
Jensen stood there with his arms crossed over his chest. And he did not look happy at all.
He walked past YN and into her bedroom, but kept his back to her, "So, do you want to explain it to me?"
YN was confused for a moment, "Explain wh-"
"Explain why in the hell you dyed your hair and chopped it all off, YN!" Jensen turned and yelled at her.
Tears formed in YN's eyes, "Y-you don't like it?"
"No. In fact I think it looks horrible. What did you do, stick your hair in a can of paint? Grab a pair of hedge trimmers and go to town on your hair?"
YN started to sob, "B-but I-"
"No, YN. You knew better. You knew not to mess with your hair."
"Danneel said-"
"Danneel is not your mother, YN. She is your step-mother. She has no say in anything with what you do or how you will look."
Anger started to flood her mind as YN took a step towards Jensen, "At least she saw that I needed to change, Dad."
"Excuse me?"
"For years now, all I've wanted to do was cut my hair, even just a trim. But you wouldn't allow it. Danneel saw how upset I was after school today and thought maybe if I just changed a little it would bring me out of my shell. And it did! It's only been like an hour since we left the salon and I can already tell my confidence has doubled!"
Jensen held a finger up at YN, "Now hold on a minute, young lady-"
"I'm not finished. You never let me change without your permission. I'm in high school now, Dad. That's already a huge change for me. I'm so scared of changing, too. And I know you don't want me to change and grow up, but I am. Change is happening, Dad. And this," YN pointed to her hair, "Needed to happen. Don't live in the past, Dad. I'm not that little girl anymore."
Jensen took a step back as tears formed in his eyes. He turned and walked over to YN's bed, sitting down on the edge. He hung his head in his hands and started to cry.
YN blinked a few times in shock as she walked over and sat down next to her father. She laid a hand on his back to comfort him.
"It's not that I didn't want you to change, YN. It's that I didn't want things to change," Jensen began, "After your mom died, it was hard to adjust to life without her. Change was so hard for me that I need to try and keep something constant. I think that's why I never allowed you to grow and change. You keeping your hair long like when you were a little girl was a constant thing that made everything okay. I didn't think I would make you miserable with it," he sighed, "I'm sorry."
YN wiped her own tears, "Dad, change has to happen in life. Or else the human race becomes crazy. Besides, you did change one thing.”
“And that is?”
“You brought Danneel into our lives. She can't replace Mom, but she really tries to make us both happy. And she knew this made me happy. She just wanted to help."
Jensen smiled, "When did you get so mature?"
"About an hour ago when I didn't have to hold my hair up to sit down in a chair," YN chuckled.
Jensen laughed with her, "Well, I do like the length of it," he stared at her hair, "But did you have to color it like this?"
YN rolled her eyes, "Didn't we just have this huge heart-to-heart with 'change' being a thing? These colors help me express myself."
"Just...don't come home with piercings or tattoos please," Jensen sighed.
"No promises on the piercings. You know, I've always wanted my navel pierced."
Jensen shook his head, "Absolutely not."
"How about my second holes in my ears?"
"That we can discuss."
My Cherry Blossoms
@mlovesstories​​​​ @adorable-minibot​​​​ @chessurkait​​​​​
​​​@idksupernatural​​​​​​​​​ @desiredposion​​​​​​​​​ @thevelvetseries​​​​​​​​​ @let-me-luve-you​​​​​​​​​
@obsessedwithfandomsx​​​​ @mangueweaschester​​​​ @starchildwild​​​​ @deans-baby-momma​​​​​
@spnbaby-67​​​​ @unicornmadness2444​​​​​
​​​​@emery--nicole--morrison​​​​​​​​​ @spnfamily-j2​​​​​​​​​ @akshi8278​​​​​​​​​ @avocadogirl216​​​​​
@imthedoctorlove​​​​​ @wecantgiggleitsafandom
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jayankles · 4 years
The Ladies Room
Pairing: Danneel x Reader
Summary: You meet a hot girl at a club and find yourself waiting in the ladies room for her.
Word Count: 595
Warnings: fingering, thigh riding
Written for: @/spnonewordbingo
Square Filled: Cider
Kinktober Day 17: Casual Sex - @becs-bunker​
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“Meet me in the ladies room.”
That was it. That was all she said when she whispered in your ear and suddenly disappeared over to the bar. It had been a risk you wanted to take but you didn’t know whether or not it would pay off. 
So here you were, looking at yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair and make up while you waited for her to enter. She entered, checking to see if there was anyone around. Just one small group of drunk girls that were packing away their makeup and grabbing their drinks, getting ready to leave and hit the dance floor.
When they were gone, she licked her lips, easily finding an empty bathroom stall. She pushed you in there, locking the stall behind her. Your back was suddenly pressed against the wall.
“I would say buy me a drink first but you already did that. So I’m just gonna ask what name I’ll be screaming?” You said, hands on her hips and tugging her closer to you.
She giggled, humming after as she pressed kisses along the length of your neck. “Danneel, but Dani is easier to scream.”
“Fuck.” You whimpered as she pulled up your dress, pulling your panties down your legs, smirking when they hit your ankles, your heels stopping them from dropping any further.
“So are you going to return the favor or am I just going to have to call you ‘gin and tonic girl’?”
“Y/N but a sexy woman like you can call me whatever the hell you want.” You moaned as her teeth scraped against the shell of your ear.
Danneel had a smile on her face when she pulled away. “You sure you wanna do this?”
When you nodded, she held your face in her hand and pressed her lips to yours in a hungry kiss. Her mouth opening, tongue sliding against yours, your mouth already open, giving her permission.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, her kiss making you dizzy. You pulled Danneel flush against your body, her thigh sliding between both of yours. Grinding down, your dripping cunt sliding back and forth over her thigh. Moaning into her mouth, you picked up speed, holding her close as you rode her thigh. Danneel groaned back, her hips gyrating against yours on their own accord. 
Pulling away from her when you needed air, panting, you were wearing yourself out. You marveled at how easily, how quickly, she had gotten your pussy as wet as it was within a short amount of time that you had been in here.
Danneel’s hand snaked between your body’s, pulling the skirt of your dress higher, her delicate fingers finding your clit and rubbing harsh circles.
“Fuck, Dani, don’t stop.” Your body convulsed at her actions, fingers threading through her luscious locks. “I’m gonna come. Fuck, Dani, I’m gonna come.”
She smirked against your lips, fingers circling so fast that your body just couldn’t help explode with a loud outburst, Danneel covering your wide open mouth; only she wanted to hear those noises.
“God, you’re so hot when you come.” Danneel smiled at you, pressing kisses up the length of your neck to your ear.
“But you haven’t-” You started but she hushed you.
“I’ll come harder later when I sit on your face.” It was the last thing she said before unlocking the stall and pulling you out of the bathroom and back onto the dance floor. “I’ll have a cider just to sober me up so we can do that again.”
Forevers: @super100012​ @lupine-princess​ @plaid-lover-bay25​ @atc74​ @growningupgeek​ @sophiebobzz​ @docharleythegeekqueen​ @grace-for-sale​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @jesspfly​ @supernaturallymarvellous​ @sammysgirl1997​ @roxyspearing​ @mogaruke​ @be-amaziing​ @deanandsamsbitch​ @frankiea1998​ @hennessy0274-blog​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @iwantthedean​ @capsheadquaters​ @emoryhemsworth​ @notmoose45​ @essie1876​ @cassieraider​ @brewsthespirit-blog​ @its-my-perky-nipples​ @riversong-sam​ @jotink78​ @captainradicalpassion​ @jadalecki-jackles​ @spnbaby-67​ @holyfuckloueh​ @gh0stgurl​ @alyssa6marie​ @esoltis280​ @alexwinchester23​ @x-waywardaf-x​ @randomparanoid​ @kellianz​
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gloryevans · 4 years
Couldn’t Have Waited
Summary: Y/N seems to have gotten herself into a bit of trouble
Pairing: Jenneel x Reader, Jensen Ackles x Reader
Warnings: Alludes to cheating/adultery, a tinyyyyyyy bit of angst, fluff
Word count: 951
A/N: Heyo! this is my first poly fic, its short but im thinking about doing a part two to this, not sure yet haha. feedback is always appreciated :)
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“C’mon sweetheart, it’s not like you have anything better to do.” Jensen joked, poking your ribs. Shaking your head, you told him to shut up as you laughed along with him. You wouldn’t have given in to him if it weren’t for the look he gave you. His puppy dog eyes were nothing compared to Jared’s, but they worked wonders on you anyway. 
Probably has something to do with the gigantic crush you harbored on him. Fuck.
He’s very married, like super fucking married. Yet here you were, pining over your best friend. You fell in love with Jensen slowly, hardly realizing it until Jared brought it up to you. You swore him to secrecy and he had remained faithful to the promise for the past year and a half. You assured him it would pass, that it was fleeting, not that he believed you at all.
“Alright fine, but not for too long. You know we need to be here early tomorrow morning.” Jay was begging you to have a few beers with he and Danneel at their apartment tonight. She was in Vancouver for the next two weeks since she was guest starring on the show and was eager to spend time with you. You and Dani had been close since you’d met her, but since discovering the feelings you had for her husband you’d kept your distance. 
Well, Jensen wasn’t the only person you fell for. In fact, you met Dani before Jensen did and you developed quite a crush on the girl. You kept it under wraps though because you were in a relationship and by the time that ended Dani and Jay had gotten together. Not to mention, you weren’t convinced Dani was into women anyway. 
Jensen smiled eagerly at you, “Dani should be done with Misha any minute now, let’s wait for her in my trailer alright?”. You followed him with a small nod. When you reached his trailer he flopped down on the couch, patting the cushion next to him. “C’mon kid.”, he spoke softly. 
As you walked toward the sofa, you admired him. He was still in costume, flannel shirt and all, one arm over the back of the couch, other on his lap. He threw his legs onto the coffee table almost immediately, sinking further into the cushions. You sat next to him, playing with the hem of your shirt. 
The two of you carried on conversations about filming and whatnot for abut ten minutes, laughing and joking around. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt his hand land in your hair though. 
“Are you okay?” He frowned, eyeing you suspiciously. “You’ve been avoiding me a lot recently and now you’re all jumpy.” 
“I haven’t been avoiding you” you denied quickly, though even you could see how unconvincing that was. He tilted his head at you unamused, “It took me 45 minutes to convince you to get coffee with me yesterday.”. 
You opened your mouth but you didn’t have much to say; you couldn’t come up with an excuse fast enough. So, you sighed, leaning further away from him and focusing on your shirt again. His hand reached your chin, tilting your face to meet your eyes. “Talk to me Y/N”. 
You stared into his eyes, nearly getting lost in the green hue. How the hell were you supposed to tell this man you were trying to wash away everything you feel for him and his wife. You sighed, “About what Jay?”. His hand drifted to your cheek, cupping your face gently. 
“Whatever is going on in the pretty little head of yours.”
His thumb caressed you cheek softly, slowly. Unconsciously, you tilted your face further into this touch. Jensen had always been affectionate with you, it was normal, but this was different and you knew it. Though, you weren’t going to stop it just yet. You assured him that there was nothing wrong, nothing for him to be worried about. This time he seemed to believe you. Silence followed, filling the large trailer, though it wasn’t awkward.
You stared into each others eyes, his flickering down to your mouth three times before h began to lean forward. Every warning sign that could have gone off in your mind did, but you couldn’t help but ignore them as you leaned in too. Your eyes fluttered shut and his followed suit as you felt his breath fan your face. 
His lips brushed against yours briefly, hesitantly he waited for you to pull away. When you neglected to, he pressed his lips to yours softly, but with a purpose. The kiss lasted a lifetime and the longer it went on the more you lost yourself in him. This was all you had wanted for the past 18 months and you were finally getting it. 
His other hand found its way to your face and yours clutched his arms. As his lounged prodded your lower lip, begging for entrance someone cleared their throat. 
You pushed Jensen away quickly, turning to face Danneel. “Oh Dani, I- God I’m so sorry.” You cried out. You could hardly look at her, afraid to see the disgust you knew was plaguing her features.
“You just couldn’t have waited huh?”
The question caught you off-guard. Startled you looked up and she was smiling softly at Jensen who grinned sheepishly. “Don’t worry sweetie, it’s okay.” She said to you, softly. She rolled her eyes playfully at Jensen, “If only this child had a little patience”. She plopped down onto the couch next to you.
“I- what?”
“Perhaps we should have a little talk sweetheart.” Jensen said as he grabbed your hand, pulling you into him. Holy shit, this is about to get crazy.
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sammythashnath · 5 years
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“Destiny’s Child” is gonna be epic with these queens 👸 👸
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thevelvetseries · 5 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Summary : The Ackles oldest daughter Y/N has been growing up hiding a secret from her whole family and the entire world. She tries her best to keep it hidden, until one day her secret is released to the world.
Pairing : Jensen Ackles x Daughter Reader / Danneel Ackles x Daughter Reader / JJ Ackles / Arrow Ackles / Zeppelin Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki
Warnings : Lesbian Reader, Forced Out, Swearing, Drinking
A/N : I had just finished reading the book ‘Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda’ and really enjoyed it. After watching the movie with a few friends it gave me the idea to write a short one-shot about a female reading being outed.
Main Masterlist
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I was currently sitting in my last period of the day at school. We had 10 minutes left until the end of the day. I was meeting Bram, Alexandra, Hannah, Nick and Marcus we were heading to the mall after school to look around get dinner and see a movie like we do every Friday. Once the bell rang, I put away my books and picked up my coat and leave the classroom and head over to my locker to grab the rest of my books to take with me for the weekend. While I was placing books in my bag Hannah bounced up to me.
“Hey Y/N” she says while leaning up against the locker next to mine. She was wearing a light blue top with black skinny jeans and some simple sneakers. She looked amazing she always did. They way she would do her makeup and hair everyday she looked beautiful.
“Hey Han, have you seen the others.” I say while closing my bag, placing it on the floor to put my coat on.
“They are walking to us now” she points behind me and I see Bram, Nick, Marcus and Alexandra walking our way. I close my locker pick up my bag and we all had outside. Since there is 6 of us we take two cars, in the mornings I pick up Hannah, Nick since they live on near me while Bram picks up Marcus and Alexandra. We get into our cars and head off to the mall for the night.
Around 8pm I get home. When I pulled up in the driveway I noticed that Jared and Gen were over. I park my car and turn off my engine. I take an deep breath, and lean my head against the headboard and closed my eyes. After 5 minutes I grab my bag and head inside. I open the front door, took my shoes of sand hanged up my coat on the hook by the door. I walk into the kitchen place my bag on the counter and grab myself a bottle of water. I had drank about half the bottle when dad walked in the room.
“Hey kiddo, how was school today?” He asked while giving me a kiss on the head while continuing over to the kettle and tuning it on.
“It was ok, nothing out of the ordinary.” I say while putting the lid back on my water bottle. “I saw the Padalecki’s are here” I say while pointing to the living room.
“Yeah, they decided to come over tonight.” Jensen says while making coffee.
“I’m gonna say hello and head upstairs.” I say walking out the kitchen. I say hello to everyone in the living room and head upstairs to my room and start to do my math homework. After about an hour I make my downstairs to get myself a snack. I walk into the kitchen and see dad and Jared sitting at the table talking.
“Hey Y/N” Jared said while drinking some of his drink.
“Hey J” I say while grabbing myself an apple and joining them at the table.
“How’s school been?” He asked.
“It’s been fine. Nothings really changed” I say while biting into my apple.
“Got a boyfriend yet?” Jared says while dad gives him a look.
“Hey”dad says while putting a hand on Jared’s shoulders “She’s 16. She doesn’t need a boyfriend.” Then he looks at me. “You don’t have a boyfriend do you?” He asked me.
“No dad, I don’t” I say. What he didn’t know is that I didn’t want a boyfriend or a husband when I got older. I wanted a girlfriend, and a wife. I’ve know this fo a long time. Like when me and my friends would watch TV shows or movies I would always pay more attention towards the actresses.
“Well good. Wait until college or after college.” He says. I give me a smile and tell him I would. It was a way to keep him off my back. I get up from the table and head into the living room where mum and Gen where with the little children. They were watching Frozen and eating popcorn. I make my way over to mum and snuggled into her side. She gives me a kiss on he head and continues o talk to Gen and watch the movie, at some point I’ve fallen asleep.
When I woke up I was in my bed and it was light outside. I look at my bedside table and saw it was 6am. I get out of bed and make my way downstairs and find mum and dad in the kitchen cooking breakfast, JJ and the twins where in the living rom watching cartoons.
“Morning sweetie, did you sleep ok?” mum said while cracking some eggs into a bowl to whisk them together.
“Morning mum, dad.” I say while sitting at the table and yawning.
“Oh, is it still ok for me to go to Jessica’s party tonight?” I’m ask to the room. Mum and dad both agreed so when I finished my breakfast, I sat with my family in the living room for a few hours before heading upstairs and texting my group asking if they were going to go. We all were. We decided that I was going to head over to Alexandra to get ready with her and Hannah since she lived closer to where the party was being held. Jessica used to go to out school before she transferred when she moved last year but everyone still loved her.
Around 9pm we arrive at the party. We head to the kitchen to get ourself some drinks. By 12am I was drunk. I wasn’t really sure what was going on, all I knew was that I was with Hannah and Alexandra in the car and was heading back home. They pull up to my house I grab my bag and head inside. I quietly enter the house and close the door and went upstairs to my bed. I had a good night, but what I didn’t know was that my life was going to change when I woke up the next morning.
My head was pounding like crazy. I slowly open my eyes and immediately shut them when I come contact with light from my windows. Yes, I was definitely hungover. It wasn’t the first time it had happened but never this bad. After about 20 minutes I was finally awake enough to head downstairs. It was 10am. I left my phone by my bed. When I reached downstairs I saw JJ, the twins and their three little Padalecki’s in the living room while mum and dad and Jared and Gen where in the kitchen talking with a laptop in front of them. When I enter the kitchen they all look at me. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and turn around and looked at them.
“Why you all staring at me like that?”I asked confusedly while opening my bottle of water.
My dad looked at me and asked my to take a seat. I sit down and now I’m starting to get a little worried.
“When we woke up this morning there was an article wrote about you. It looked like someone took some photos of you at the party you went to last night.” Dad said while looking at me sweetly.
“Ok. That’s not bad. Is it.” I ask nervously.
Mum turned the laptop around and I could hear my heart break. The headline was the first thing I saw ‘Y/N Ackles seen kissing a mystery girl’. No, no no no no no. Fuck no. I start to scroll down and I see a photo of me kissing a girl. Tears start to build in my eyes. Why was this happening, for the past 3 years I’ve kept this hidden inside me. I look at up and a single tear runs down my face. I didn’t know what to do, they were all staring at me. 
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I got up from the table and ran up to my room ignoring the calls for me to come back. I enter my rom and lock the door and crawl into my bed. My phone was blowing up with missed calls and texts from my friends asking if I was ok and I just broke down crying.
I could hear my dad and mum, outside my room knocking asking for me to let them in. I couldn’t move. I stayed in my room all day.
When I woke up the next morning I woke and immediately hated the day. It’s Monday. School is in 2 hours. I head to my ensuite took a shower then go dressed, did my hair and makeup and went downstairs. When I enter the kitchen I see mum and dad and JJ eating breakfast. When they saw me dad looked me in the eyes. We hadn’t talked since they read the article. “Would you like a waffle sweetie?” He asks I just nod.
I seat down at the table not talking. I know I need to say something I should just tell them they already know. Dad placed my waffle in front of me and sat back down next to mum.
“I want to talk to guys about something.” I say. They both look at me, JJ was bus eating her waffles. “Well… I… I.. I like girls. And I don’t want you guys to think anything different. I’m still me.”
Mum jumped “of course you are sweetie” she said. “It’s ok hunny.” I give them both a small smile. “I loved you”
“We love you too” dad said. “Come here” he put his arms out. I get out my chair and walk over to him. He gives me a big hug and kissed my forehead. Then mum comes from behind me and joins the hug.
2 weeks later. Everything was great. I’m not sure why I was so worried in the first place. Nothing has really changed in my life except everyone knows my little secret, my family and friends still loved me everything was ok. I’m not sure why I was so scared too begin with. I’m was now myself. Who cares, the heart wants what it wants.
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