#spn fluff appreciation day
vaicomcas · 8 months
@juliet-hellhound-week, here is a ridiculous little story for the Juliet Appreciation Week day two prompt "claws and fangs."
It can be considered a backstory for this awesome outfit drawn by @1967-impala
(This took place in the AU after the end of my fic “Heart of a Hellhound”.  Having defeated their enemies and restored their families, Castiel and Jack and Kelly were living in a cabin in the woods, Crowley reclaimed hell, and Castiel and Crowley were good friends.)
“Why is my new suit not yet ready?” Crowley barked at his tailor, most displeased.
“It’s not my fault, your majesty.”  His tailor spread out his hands.  “I’ve had to restart it three times.”
“Because you screwed up the seams?”
“No, each time it was perfection. But look what happened to them.”
The tailor led Crowley to the back room, where three identical suits hang on three mannequins.
Indeed, the suits were elegantly shaped, beautifully detailed, each one more handsome than the next.
…Except for the part where the front or back or both had been thoroughly slashed in five long, clean lines.
Crowley had a pretty good idea what happened.
“Juliet!” He summoned his head hellhound.
A frenzy of loud clicks and clacks announced the arrival of the beast; when going to see Crowley, she doesn’t bother to retract her claws for stealth.
“What’s up, Papa?”
“Did you do this?” Crowley pointed at the shredded suits.
“Oh yes!  The fabric feels so nice under my claws!”
“Juliet, these are my suits.  You must not destroy them.”
“Pfffft.  They look great with the slits.  You should wear it on a date.”
“Do you hear me?  You are forbidden from touching my suit.”
But Crowley knew that his admonishment went in one ear, and out the other.
So when it happened again three more times, Crowley finally had enough.
He went to Juliet’s favorite woods, and found the tree stump Juliet liked to scratch her nails on.
He performed a transmutation spell and altered the tree’s substance from wood to a kind of coarsely ground angel blade material.  Like an adamantine sandpaper.
Whistling, he went back to his throne, and waited.
Soon, he heard a blood curdling howl. 
Crowley was starting to feel a little uneasy.
Then the hellhound was standing in front of him, red eyes glaring at him accusingly.
“I know it was you, Papa.”
She held up a paw.
“Look what you’ve done to me!  Look!”
Her nails were filed down into neat, smooth half moons. 
“Why, Juliet, your nails are so pretty!” Crowley suppressed a laugh.
Juliet threw her massive head back, and howled bloody murder once again.
“Papa, why do you betray me?”
Crowley huffed.
“Betray you?  I’ve improved you!  People pay good money to get their dog’s nails trimmed!  There are television commercials!”
"I am defenseless now!"
"Oh, aside from your sabor teeth, your fire breath, and your invisibility cloak? Besides, all our enemies have been vanquished, who do you even need to defend yourself against?"
Inside, Crowley was indeed feeling guilty.  But he was determined not to let Juliet walk all over him this time.
Juliet barked and growled, whirled around like a beast possessed, and scratched furiously at Crowley’s throne—realizing, to her further horror, that her trimmed nails were only able to leave shallow incisions on the upholstery.
Realizing that no amount of tantrum was going to bring her razor claws back, she stopped, gave Crowley a tragic stare, and disappeared in a black smoke.
Crowley decided to let his spoiled hellhound cool off for a few days.  She’ll forget all about it, he thought.
When Juliet was nowhere to be seen for three days, he started to worry.
Crowley went to Juliet’s own suite in Hell, with a sweeping view of the burning sulfur lake.
There he found a note that Juliet left for him.
“I have run away from Hell.  Goodbye forever.”
Crowley groaned and picked up his cell phone.
“Hello, Crowley.”  Said the gravelly voice on the other end of the phone.
“Hello, Feathers.” Though worried, a smile cracked involuntarily on Crowley’s face.  “Is Juliet over there with you?”
A beat of silence, and then, “No?”
Crowley’s smile grew bigger.
“You are a terrible liar. ”
“I am sorry, Crowley.  I don’t know what happened between you two, but she made me promise not to tell you.”
“It’s alright.  Let her stay with you until she comes to her senses and comes back.”
“Crowley, she was crying.  With tears!  Whatever you did, you should apologize to her.”
“How come you never choose my side?”  Crowley’s voice dripped with hurt feelings, and he enjoyed immensely the minutes of awkward stammering as the angel tried to redeem himself.
A week later, Juliet returned to Hell.
However, instead of a defeated, demure pet that Crowley expected, Juliet sauntered in with head held high, and eyes gleaming like rubies. 
“Juliet!  Did you have a good time at Castiel’s house?”
“Of course!  They treat me like a queen over there!”
Juliet stuck out her plump belly.
“Look! Jack fed me honey cakes every day!”
“You are a hellhound.  You can’t get fat.”
“Take it back!  Hellhounds are supposed to have pot bellies!”
“Fine, congratulations on your pot belly.”
“And Kelly knit many sweaters for me, and didn’t mind it at all when I shredded them.”
Crowley groaned.
“Ah… still mad at me about your nails?”
“Not any more.”  Juliet twirled in a tight, elegant circle, like a triumphant ballerina. 
“Now, look and weep at what Castiel did for me with his grace.”
She held up a paw.  Her claws had grown back sharper and stronger than ever, glistening menacingly like five daggers.
She walked over to the throne.
“No…  Don’t you dare, Juliet.”
With eyes directly on Crowley, Juliet brought down her claw in one smooth swipe, and rent the upholstery into oblivion.
Another two weeks passed, and it was time for Castiel and Crowley’s monthly meeting (or date, if you’d like).
“Nice suit,” Castiel didn’t usually understand fashion, but the dark grey and burgundy combination was so dashing he would have to be blind not to notice.
“Thanks,” Crowley beamed.  “Now, show me your blade.”
Castiel wasn’t sure if it was some kind of innuendo, but he agreeably drew his angel blade.
“What for?”
“I want you to stab me.”
“I will do no such thing.”
“Come on.  I assure you, it’s fine.”
Castiel frowned, and made a gentle slash at his suit.
“Oh Cas.  I asked you to stab me, not to tenderly caress me.”
Seeing that the suit remained pristine, Castiel understood the purpose. 
This time, he drove his blade forward with some real force.
He could always heal Crowley if necessary, he thought.
The blade was stopped at the burgundy vest, and could not penetrate it.
Castiel was pleasantly surprised.
“You made an angel blade-proof suit.  I am impressed.”
“My R&D demons and my tailor made a good team, don’t you think?” Crowley grinned proudly. “Protection sigils, woven into the fabric, with efficacy against a wide range of weapons.” 
“I take it you are now invincible to demon knives, salt, holy water, etc.”
“Yes.  Most importantly, my suits are now indestructible by hellhound claws.”
So this was how Crowley invented armored suits that were warded against all supernatural forces.
--and he made matching armor for Juliet too, of course!
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ninii-winchester · 1 month
Crossed Allegiances
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pairing: Dean Winchester X Reader
Word count : 7.5k
Warnings: angst, smut, fluff, spn spoilers, language, canon violence. Not proofread.
A/n: had to split in two because the long fic has become too long.
"Hurry up." Said the man in hushed whisper, his voice barely audible in the dead of the night.
"You're going to regret this, you know?" She whispered back, her voice was soft. She wasn't threatening him, rather she was scared for what might happen after.
"Don't make me change my mind." He replied. His words held no malice. They were more of a plea for her to hurry up. Before he could speak any further, she pulled him into a tight hug. He wasn't shocked at her action. He was used to her embracing him whenever the opportunity presented itself. Although he hated when she did so, this time he held her back and cherished these last moments with her.
"I'll owe you. For the rest of my life." She whispered lowly.
"You won't. You just be safe." He said pulling away from her. She nodded her head in a silent promise that she wouldn't be reckless and be safe. She looked at face, remembering every last detail, his short dark brown hair, the scar on his right cheek, his eyes, knowing this would be the last time she ever sees him in a very long time.
With a loud gasp Y/n sat up in her bed. Her forehead was covered in sweat as she heaved looking around. She relaxed a bit as she realised she was in her room, in her apartment.
It wasn't a nightmare per say that woke her up from her slumber. It was a memory. A memory buried in the back of her mind that she doesn't want to forget or remember. She wants to remember the last time she was with the most important person in her life but she wants to forget how she got here. She wants to forget how it was the last time she ever saw him and how she has no way of contacting him without risking his life.
With a heavy heart she dragged herself out of the bed, making her way towards the bathroom to get ready for her day.
Y/n L/n, a twenty four year old woman, who lives in Lebanon, Kansas for the past five years. She lives alone in her one bedroom apartment. Works two jobs, at the local bakery, near her place, during the day and as a bartender at the bar during the night.
She doesn't necessarily need the money. She works to keep herself busy. To keep herself from sitting idle and remembering the things she desperately wants to forget.
Making her way towards the bakery, she was the first to arrive there. It has always been like this, she's the first to arrive and the last to leave. She fumbled with the keys, her breath forming small clouds in the crisp morning air. With a soft click, she unlocked the door and pushed it open, the familiar scent of fresh bread and vanilla greeting her.
Y/n flipped the sign from "Closed" to "Open" and stepped inside, her movements practiced and efficient. She turned on the lights. The countertops were spotless, and the display cases were lined with freshly baked goods from the previous day, waiting to be restocked.
Soon her coworkers arrived and the bakery came to life with the customers filling in, and the aroma of rising bread and sweet pastries, filling her with warmth she lacked in her life.
Y/n's day went as usual, being in the back, finding solace in the warmth of the kitchen and  taking pleasure in baking goods.
"Hey Y/n." James, her co-worker called out. "Can you take the counter please? Ellie isn't back from her break but mother nature's calling me!" Y/n laughed, nodding her head. "Thank you you're a life saver. I owe you." He yelled running towards the bathroom and she just grinned. She didn't mind helping out.
Y/n made her way outside and stood behind the counter. Rush hour had passed and there weren't many people in the bakery. Just an old man enjoying his cupcakes, and a young couple having donuts with coffee.
The front door opened and the bell chimed indicating someone had walked in. Y/n prepared herself to greet the customer but the minute she looked at him, the air was knocked out of her lungs. He was gorgeous. She stared as he came closer, noting his eyes were the greenest eyes she'd ever seen.
"Hello!" The man said as he finally stopped in-front of her. His voice snapped her out of her trance, it was velvet smooth.
"Hey, what can i get you?" She cleared her throat flashing him a smile.
"Pie." He said with a childlike excitement. "The banner outside said it's Special Pie Day."
"Sure is. And it seems to be your lucky day mister, we're down to our last slice." She smiled before moving to get him his pie. She placed it in a takeaway box and gave it to him and he thanked her before paying for it.
"Have a nice day!" She said to him.
"You too." He replied before walking out.
The rest of the day Y/n spent thinking about of the handsome stranger. After closing up, she went home, she ate the leftover pizza and took a shower. Dressed in her jeans and a blue crop top she left home for her other job.
Time went by as usual, drunk fights, pool hustling and bad karaoke. After serving another patron Y/n wiped the counter top. She threw the paper towel into the bin it missed, so she squatted down to pick it up and throw it in properly this time. She jumped a bit when she stood back up and saw green eyes sitting on the stool.
"What can i get ya?" She questioned the handsome stranger. He recognised her from earlier.
"A beer please."
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're stalking me." She teased him putting the bottle in front of him.
"Nah, sweetheart. You just happened to be at two of my favourite places." He flashed her a charming smile.
"I haven't seen you around here before." She leaned a bit on the counter trying to remember if she's ever seen him before.
"Just passing by. But a good pie and beer, key to my heart." She nodded her head in understanding, it wasn't the places that were his favourite rather the items.
"Did you like the pie then?" She couldn't help but ask. She knew she was at what she did but it never hurt to ask for a bit of validation.
"Best damn pie I've ever had." He exclaimed.
"Then I guess I've unlocked your heart." She grinned at him.
"You made it?" He questioned and she nodded eagerly. She didn't know what it was about this stranger that made her act like a high school girl but she was having fun. She liked that she had his attention. She wanted to get to know him, even if he was just passing by.
"Well it was some pie..." he trailed off looking at her, hoping to get a name.
"Y/n." She filled in. 
"Dean." He introduced himself.
"So what brings you here Dean?" She asked hoping to find more about the extremely gorgeous man sitting in front of her.
"Work." His vague answer told her he didn't want to talk more about it. So she dropped it. He asked her a few questions about her life here, he didn't ask her any personal questions so she was happy to indulge him. After he was finished with his third beer, he got a call and had to leave, much to her dismay. Fifteen minutes after he left, her shift was over and she headed home.
It was a silent night as she walked in the dark. She could feel another presence behind her and she knew she was being followed. Whoever it was, it's his bad day. She wasn't just a girl and she was really waiting for him to jump her just so she could beat the daylights out of him. But he didn't, and she couldn't risk him follow her all the way to her home so she slowed her steps, and then completely stopped.
"I know you're there." She called out. She moved towards the alley behind the dumpster and saw a figure in the shadows. The figure moved back as she approached him. Another pair of footsteps could be heard from outside the alley. She grabbed the shadow's arm and placed her forearm over his neck, pressing him into the wall, slightly cutting of his oxygen. As she pushed him to the wall, the light from the street lamp shone on his face. "Dean?" She questioned. "So you are stalking me!" His eyes widened as she said that.
"No, this isn't what it looks like!" He replied in a hushed voice.
"Three time's not a coincidence, Dean." She snapped. The sound of another pair of footsteps was getting louder. Dean rolled his eyes, not at her but the approaching footsteps.  Soon enough a man appeared in-front of them and Dean managed to break free from her hold and pushed her behind him. The man in front of him snarled as he barred his teeth in a menacing display. They weren't teeth Y/n noticed. Fangs.
The vampire lunged at Dean and the hunter was quick, getting his machete out of his jacket he charged at him. The vampire pushed at Dean's chest, throwing him against the wall, his machete slipping off his hands. The creature, closed in on Y/n. With calculated moves, she kneed the monster in the stomach.  The green eyed hunter watched as she reached over and picked Dean's machete, beheading the monster in one swift motion. Dean stood up but his jaw was still on the floor.
It was true that he was following her but the other two times he met her was purely coincidental. When he met her at the bakery, he just thought she was pretty. The next time he saw her at the bar, it was pure coincidence, after talking to her, he found her enticing. But then he got the call from his dad asking about his hunt and he remembered he was here for work. So he went back to his motel for research, however during his research he noticed that vamp was taking a certain type of females. Girls with Y/e/c eyes, y/h/c hair and the ones with a specific body type. His mind flashed with an image of Y/n and he immediately left his motel. His assumption had been true since the vamp actually came after her but he didn't expect her to do what she did.
"What did you do?" He asked her.
"Killed him, obviously! And saved your ass." She snapped folding her arms across her chest.
"Damn it Y/n, I could've followed him to his nest." He argued. "I'm gonna have to start over now."
"You wanted to use me as bait? Are you fucking kidding me?" She glared at him. "Stop hunting if it's such a bother to do your job in the first place."
"I wasn't using you as bait, I came to save you. If you hadn't killed him, I would've made him tell me where the rest of them are." He retorted. "Are you a hunter?" He asked after a moment of silence.
"No." She replied unfolding her arms and walking over to the dead creature's body. She patted his pockets hoping to find something that could lead them to his base. Dean scoffed at her response.
"Are you seriously going lie to my face after I just saw you decapitate a vampire?"
"I'm not a hunter Dean." She answered through gritted teeth. She found a cellphone in the vamps pocket, she threw it at Dean who caught it effortlessly. "That might help you." She said walking away.
"Hey.!!" He ran behind her and grabbed her arm as he caught up to her. "I could use the back up, you know." He tried to convince her with his captivating smile. She gave him a deadpan expression. "C'mon sweetheart, I'll owe you." He didn't give two shits about back up. He just didn't want her to leave too soon. Now that he knows he can be himself in front of her, he just wants to spend a bit more time with her.
She narrowed her eyes at him, he fidgeted under her scrutinising gaze and she smirked. "C'mon, out with it, sweetheart." She demanded in a teasing tone. Dean let out a huff.
"I thought you were pretty. But now I think you're smoking, you're badass and it's hot so can you blame a man for wanting to spend some more time with you?" He rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. "Besides you seem to know about this stuff and it's just a cherry on top."
"You could've just said so. Besides now that I think about it, you actually might need backup." He rolled his eyes at her teasing, knowing he's completely capable of holding on his own. "Lead the way." She motioned him to lead the way.
He took her to the Impala and she settled in the passengers seat. It wasn't long before she found herself out a cheap motel. He guided her inside his room and she could see the beds were still made, a few empty beer bottles were placed on the table with his laptop sitting on it. 
"May I?" She gestured to his laptop and he shrugged. She took a seat on the chair, before she could open the computer he jumped a bit before snatching it from her. He gestured her to wait a minute and closed all the tabs before giving it back to her. She gave him an amused look and he looked sheepish. "The phone." She raised her palm out in front of him. She went through the messages, the recent one stating,
Get back ASAP. -Rick
Y/n quickly traced the number and a few minutes later the computer pinged. "I got it." She turned the screen towards Dean and he was impressed by how quickly she found their target.
"Let's go, sweetheart."
It didn't take them long to arrive at the vampire's nest. They quickly sneaked inside the abandoned building, Y/n's grip tight on her borrowed machete. She scanned the area before moving in stealthily. Dean right behind her. As they ventured further into the building, a bit of chatter could be heard over loud music coming from upstairs. The duo nodded at each other and made their way upstairs. It all happened in a flash, Y/n noticed they were seven of them and charged fearlessly. Slashing heads after heads. One of them had managed to knock the machete out of her hand but she didn't falter, she jumped a bit and spin kicked the vampire which made him fall a few feet away with a loud thud. That gave her the opening to grab her weapon and end his life.
Y/n and Dean panted, covered in blood with victorious grins of their faces. Dean had witnessed how she'd kicked the vamp and he was impressed. This girl was astonishing him every second. He wanted to know her, he needed to know the girl who denied being a hunter but fought better than one.
"I believe a celebration is in order." Dean said holding his hand out to her. She grabbed it without hesitation.
"My place, Deano." She whispered in his ear and he swore he felt his blood rush to all the right places. After burning the bodies the two got into the Impala, driving to her place. She let him inside her apartment and closed the door behind her.
"Drink?" She questioned walking into the kitchen. Dean nodded. "Have a seat, make yourself comfortable." She gestured to the couch.
"Nah, don't wanna ruin your couch, sweetheart." Dean replied as she came back with two bottles of beer. He took one graciously and took a big swig.
"Then why don't you strip, sweetheart." He mentally groaned as he's never met a woman like this before. He swore if he was capable, he would've fallen in love with her. Her eyes watched how his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. Leaving her bottle on the coffee table, she moved toward the bathroom. She tossed her top at him before disappearing inside.
"Fuck, this woman." Dean groaned before joining her inside. She was waiting for him under the shower in all her naked glory. Dean didn't waste anytime before stripping off his clothes and joining her. He stepped under the warm water his chest pressing against her back. She could feel his length pressing into her back. She turned around, slamming her lips into his. He grabbed the back of her head, pulling her closer, their lips met in an incredibly intense kiss, charged with a raw, electric heat. The kiss deepened, becoming fierce, that left them both breathless and craving more. He groaned into her mouth.
"Fuck i gotta take you to bed." He growled. As much as he loves a good shower sex he needs to take her to bed, he needs to have a taste of her sweet nectar, he wants her to fall apart on his tongue at least twice before has his way with her, before he spilts her open. Most of all he wants her to enjoy this as much as he does, he wants her to be comfortable.
She nodded before turning off the shower. He picked her up effortlessly, and threw her on the bed. He kissed her once before making his way down between her legs. He buried his head in her core. Lapping at her juices like a starved man. As much as his body ached to be inside of her, he needed her to come undone on his tongue. And she did. Hard.
"I could eat you all day, fuck you're sweeter than any pie I've ever had." He praised kissing the inside of her thighs.
"Dean." She whimpered. "Need you." She was needy for him, she had never wanted a man as much as she him and she didn't even know his last name.
"Patience, baby." He rasped. Fuck, his voice alone was enough for her to lose every last thread of her sanity. And his expert mouth and fingers had her wanting, begging for more.
He hovered above her, his hand resting beside her head. His other hand tracing all over her body as his mouth left open mouth kisses over her neck and chest. Although she was loving being submissive for him, she was running out of patience. Pulling him down slightly she flipped him on his back, moving up to straddle his waist.
"Easy, princess." Dean teased as she positioned herself and sunk down on him. He groaned loudly as he sheathed inside her completely. "Fuck baby." He grunted as she started moving.
"Dean." She gasped as running her hands all over her body. Throwing her head she moved faster.
"Say my name, just like that." He flipped them over so she was under him again. Pulling her legs over his shoulders, he pounded into her. She didn't remember the last time a man had her screaming his name over and over until it was the only thing she remembered. He pressed his lips onto hers, one of his hands wrapping around her throat, adding slight pressure making her roll her eyes in the back of her head. She kept repeating his name like mantra, with each snap of his hips.
After hours of immense pleasure, she'd lost sense of her surroundings, lost count of the times he's made her come, she didn't even know if it was night or day anymore. All she knew that this enigma of a man was making her feel things she'd never felt before. She came back to her sense as she felt Dean rub gentle circles on her skin.
"You okay, sweetheart?" She nodded slowly. "You were amazing baby girl." He grinned at her handing her a glass of water he brought for her.
"You were fantastic." She responded as he settled in the bed with her. He laid back pulling her down to rest her head on his chest. Pretty soon the day's exhaustion took over and she drifted off to slumber.
"We have to. I have to." A blonde girl muttered with no emotion.
"No we don't." She replied looking somber.
"You don't understand, there is no other way." The blonde girl took a step closer.
"We will find a way. This doesn't have to happen.!" She exclaimed walking backwards.
"I am sorry." Was the last thing she heard the blonde girl say.
A loud scream, woke Dean from his slumber. He shot up and watched Y/n sit up beside him. Her eyes were wide open and she was out of breath.
"Hey hey! Sweetheart, just a nightmare, yeah?" Dean nodded at her, slowly coaxing her.
Not just a nightmare.
"Yeah!" Dean gathered her in his arms, placing a kiss on her head. He didn't know why but his is heart was aching for the girl in his arms. He felt the need to protect her. He gently laid her back on the bed, his arms tightening around her. She felt safe in his arms. She wanted to ask him to stay forever. But she knew she couldn't and she knew he wouldn't.
Dean's woke up as he heard vibrations coming from somewhere. He snuggled into her neck further, but his eyes flew open as he realised it was his phone buzzing. He slipped out of the bed, tripping on his feet as he rushed towards his phone. He somehow managed to pull it out of his jeans before it stopped ringing.
"Fuck." He cursed as he saw the called ID. It was his dad. "Yeah Dad!" He said answering the phone. "Yeah. No, I forgot. It's done." Dean waited for his father to finish speaking so he could go back to the baddie in bed, cuddle her, wake her up with his head between her legs. But his father ordered him to be back in three hours. Since there's no use for him to stay there if the job's done. "Yes, Sir." Dean muttered before hanging up. He knows it's a long drive and he'd only make it in there in three hours if he left right now. There's no time for a quickie and the thought made him groan.
Y/n yawned and stretched as she woke up to an empty bed. She tried not to feel disappointed that he was gone; she knew he would leave eventually. But she had hoped for at least a goodbye. She heard footsteps approaching. Dean emerged through the doorway and flashed her a smile.
"Good morning."
"I thought you left," she mumbled, pulling the covers closer to her body. He inched closer, then kneeled on the bed before her.
"You really thought I'd leave without saying goodbye?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with surprise and amusement. He nugded her nose with his before pressing his lips to her. She gasped as he slipped his tongue inside her mouth. She pulled him closer, pulling him above her, but he pulled apart. "As much I'd love to, I have to leave. My dad called." He explained kissing her pout.
"This is goodbye?" Dean questioned.
"You can stop by whenever you want." She shrugged. Dean nodded.
"Do you think I can call you for backup?" He asked getting dressed.
"Don't you even dare." She threatened even when they both knew they hadn't exchnaged numbers, they didn't even know anything about each other apart from their names. He chuckled placing one last kiss on her lips before leaving her house.
Over the years Dean often thought about Y/n. She was the only woman ever that made Dean's heart leap out of his chest. He was beautiful, fierce, a badass when it came to hunting, but still had a graceful feminine touch to her personality. He was pretty sure she had ruined every other woman for him. His hookups were all meaningless and never enticed him to go for another night. He had every intention to go back to Y/n, visit her, maybe beg her to come with him. But due to this life, he never got the opportunity. Part of him stayed away because she didn't want to do anything with hunting, and he wasn't sure if he could bear her rejection. So he never tried.
Ten years had passed the bakery owner Mrs. Reed passed away and left the bakery in Y/n's name as she had no kin of her own. And she loved Y/n dearly. The old woman knew she was passionate about her job and was worthy of owning the place.
Dean never came back. Y/n never expected him to or even remember her. Y/n was thirty four now. Dean had managed to leave an impression on her. She tried not to think of him often. But this is life. You meet people, you remember some, you forget some. But there's some people she desperately wanted to forget but yet her mind wouldn't let her.
She stopped working at the bar ever since she inherited the bakery, but she still visited the bar on weekends. Having a drink or two. Had she known what awaited her, she would've never left her house that day. Y/n was by the pool table, a glass of whiskey in her hands as she watched the game between between two bulky men.
Her eyes wandered around the place ever so often. Her breath caught in her throat as she made eye contact with those blue eyes. She gulped down her drink in one go. She hoped he didn't recognise her but the smirk on his face said otherwise. She watched as one of men was positioned to take his shot, she accidentally stumbled into him ruining his shot. The large man turned to her and she cowered back in fear.
"He told me to do it." She pointed to his opponent and the large man turned to him. Grabbing him by his collar he threw a punch at his face. A fight broke out, creating enough diversion for her slip away.
"That was clever Y/n." A voice said from behind her as she walked out of the bar. "But you should know it isn't enough to outrun me." She stepped dead in her tracks as turned to face him. There was no way to run. Now that he knows she's alive, there's no way she could ever run. 
"Mr.Ketch." She stuttered taking a step back.
"I never believed you died." He took a step forward. His thick accent still the same as she remembered. "Even if you were nineteen, you were one of the best." She watched in anticipation as he inched closer. "Though I never thought I'd run into you in America."
She was terrified of him. If it had been anyone else, she would've tried to run. If it had been anyone else, she might've felt relieved that they hadn't hurt her yet. But this was him—ruthless, calculating. The more he stalled, the more her fear grew. He liked to make his prey think they had a chance to escape. He liked the chase.
"Mr.Ketch." She spoke again, but she didn't even know what else to say.
"I just don't understand how'd you do it? How did you run from the Men of Letters. And more importantly why?" He circled around her. "Ah you know what, don't bother. I'm not interested."
"Why are you here?" She finally mustered the courage to question him. "I have been living a normal life, I haven't told anyone anything about the Men of Letters." She added feeling the need to explain.
"Don't flatter yourself, darling." Arthur snipped in his usual tone. "I'm not here for you, though it is a pleasant surprise to see you here." A moment of silence passed and Ketch gripped her arm tightly. "Now that I think about it. You're coming with me." She knew struggling against him would be a waste of her energy. He dragged her towards his vintage looking motorcycle.
The ride was short, she didn't recognise where he was taking her. They stopped in front of what looked like a base, located in a hidden bunker. It appeared to be deeply hidden and fortified. He placed his hand on the biometric scanner, the security gate opened and he dragged in her inside the by arm.
He nudged her move on her own, he opened a door to what seemed to be a briefing room. There were screens placed all over the place, some showed maps, locations and security footage of God knows what places. A huge table with chairs was set up in the middle. The door opened for a second time and someone entered the room while her back was to the door.
"Look what I found." Ketch announced, turning her around forcefully. Her heart stopped for a minute when her gaze landed on the newcomer. Those eyes, the ones she memorised fifteen years ago, stared back at her with an unreadable expression. That scar across his right cheek was the same as she remembered.
"Mick." She breathed out. He was frozen in his place. He never thought he'd ever get to see her. He had always hoped and prayed for her safety. Seeing her back in the same hell again, the one he rescued her from, he didn't know how to feel.
She didn't care if she shouldn't have done it in front of Ketch but she ran straight into his arms. Her best friend. The one that helped her when she it needed the most. The one who risked his life help her run. As the initial shock wore off, Mick wrapped his arms around her. Hugging her tightly, not wanting to let go. He'd missed her.
"Well, isn't it heartwarming." Ketch said sarcastically, from behind her, making them pull apart.
"What do you want from me?" She snapped, her fear now turning into anger and frustration.
"Now that is a very good question, darling." Ketch clicked his fingers before towering her. "What do you think will happen when the Elders find out a rogue hunter is alive?" He sneered as he spoke. "They'd issue your death warrant. And trust me I would love to carry out those orders."
There was no doubt that he was right, Y/n knew and Mick did too. They would have her killed. The main reason Mick declared her dead was to ensure they would never look for her ever again. And that plan had been successful for fifteen years- until today. Until Ketch found her.
"I have a job for you. Complete it, or you won't live to see another sunrise." Ketch said retrieving his gun from his gear. "So what's it gonna be?" He questioned pointing the gun to her head.
"What's the job?" Ketch smirked at her answer and Mick let out a resigned sigh.
"Eliminate the Winchesters. From within."
Y/n didn't know who the Winchesters were or why the British Men of Letters were so concerned about them. But knowing Ketch as she did, she was sure he wouldn't hesitate to assassinate the Winchesters if it weren't so complicated.
"Mick here will tell you whatever you need to know," Ketch said, grabbing his stuff. Turning to her, he added, "And Y/n, one wrong move." He warned, pointing his gun at her to emphasize that he wouldn't hesitate to shoot. She nodded meekly before he left.
"Oh god." She let out a breath as the menacing man left the room. She turned to Mick embracing him again. He patted her back, calming her down. "How have you been?" She asked pulling away to look at him.
"I've been better. I'm ecstatic to see you, but I'm terrified for what might happen to you." He replied, his familiar accent soothing her. She gave him a small smile.
"Don't worry about me, Micky." He rolled his eyes at her for using his old nickname she'd given him. "I've had a great life thanks to you. After I'm done with these Winchesters, I might end up killing Ketch and maybe we can run away. I'm not leaving my best friend behind this time." She said sounding determined.
"Sure thing kiddo." He ruffled her hair. She pouted slapping his hand away. She hated when he did that.
"Fill me in about these Winchesters." She said plopping down on one of the chairs.
"They're brothers. American hunters, currently residing in a Men of Letters bunker in Lebanon, Kansas." Mick stated sitting beside her.
"What's Wretch's beef with them?" She questioned. Mick let out a laugh knowing who she was referring to.
"It's not a personal conflict. They're meddling with business." Mick replied.
"Such as?"
Mick gave her a look. She immediately understood that the Winchesters weren't fond of their methods. The British Men of Letters had no regard for collateral damage, as long as their goals were achieved. It was one of the reasons Y/n got out. She had had enough of having innocent blood on her hands.
"And why can't that cunt deal with them himself?" She asked.
"They've proven to be a bit unpredictable. They've outsmarted him. And they're resilient as hell." Mick informed her, a smirk appeared on her face.
"I like these Winchesters. At lease someone gave Wretch hell." She snickered. Mick chuckled before dropping a file in front of her. The file was labeled as 'Winchesters'. She flipped the file open and read through it.
Sam and Dean Winchester. The name Dean brought back memories, her mind flashed with the images of the green eyed hunter. Her eyes widened as realisation hit. Dean, American Hunter. She flipped through the file for a photo. When she found one attached to the page with a paperclip, she removed it and inspected closely. The man in the photo looked familiar, he no longer had that boyish charm on his face, he looked her older. But those eyes. Those green eyes.
Son of a bitch.
Y/n mulled things over, he probably won't even remember her. But does she want to play puppet for Ketch. She ran away from this god forsaken organisation for a reason. But then she knew Ketch wouldn't just kill her. He would torture her, mentally and physically. She could bear the physical pain being inflicted onto her but she knows he would drag Mick into this to break her. And she can't let that happen. She owed him her life, her happiness, those fifteen years she spent as a normal human being. He'd always treated like a little sister and she'd seen him like the big brother she never had. She can't let anything happen to him. She won't.
"I guess I got work to do." Y/n mumbled closing the file. "Call Wretch." She told Mick. The man nodded and called Ketch. The man came back with a stoic look on his face. "Final goal?" She questioned.
"On our side or dead." Ketch replied.
"When I do this, you'd better keep your pestering ass out of my way. And don't you dare show up anywhere near me!" Ketch scoffed at her threat. "I'm serious, those guys hate your guts and I don't want to be seen with you. Don't want your incompetence to mess up my work." This triggered Ketch and his face twitched a bit but he held back.
"Be my guest." He taunted before leaving again.
Mick helped her get back to her apartment. She dropped on her bed as she formulated a plan.
Plan A, get them to be partners with the British Men of Letters.
Plan B, Elimination.
She hoped it never came to Plan B.
Y/n knew her best shot at getting close to the Winchesters would be Dean. She'd read about them, the British Men of Letters had kept an eye on them for a long time. She knew Sam would be a bit suspicious of her but given her past with Dean, she could manage to accomplish her mission. Out of all the places in the country, Y/n never thought Dean would settle down here, in Lebanon. How come she never ran into him she wondered, but then again, she never went out much, just the bakery or the bar. It makes her question why he never visited her. Maybe he did forget about her.
Y/n visited the bar Dean visited frequently, according to the files. She'd been here for the fourth day in a row and he hadn't showed up yet again. She wanted to run into him accidentally, just so he wouldn't get suspicious of her. It wasn't unlikely for him to bump into an old fling at the bar. It would be completely coincidental. The door to the bar opened and walked in the green eyed hunter she'd been waiting for.
If he looked gorgeous back then Y/n didn't know how to describe him now. His features a bit more rugged, his hair a bit tousled, a bit of stubble present on his jaw and she pressed her thighs together, wanting to feel that scruff between her legs.
She downed her drink quickly as she watched him take a seat on one of the stools by the bar. She quickly made her way towards him. She lightly tapped on his shoulder and waited for him to turn around.
Dean wasn't in the mood to be bothered by anyone, and he certainly didn't want to deal with an annoying woman clinging onto his side. He presumed if he'd act uninterested, whoever it was, would leave him alone. But they persisted, tapping on his shoulder once again. He grumbled before turning around, ready to tell the intruder to fuck off but time froze as he did.
Dean didn't believe his eyes, it was Y/n. She was right in front of him. In the flesh. She logged a bit older than the last time he saw her. Her y/h/c was a bit longer, her body had grown, in more ways than one. She was a pretty girl but she's turned into an even more beautiful woman. He blinked a bit when he heard her call his name.
"Dean? Dean, you zoned out."
"Fucking hell. Y/n!" It wasn't a question. It was an exclamation. He remembered her. "Goodness, sweetheart. Look at you." Dean beamed. "Still beautiful as ever."
"And look at you, still charming as ever." She replied with a grin. He missed her. He missed this. She was the only woman who could tease him and match his flirty banter.
"How have you been?" Dean asked her.
"Been good. Though I'm a bit upset." She pouted. Although she was doing a job, she couldn't help but say what she felt.
"Why is that, sweetheart?"
"Well you're here, and you didn't visit." She replied honestly. He hadn't expected her to say that. He never thought she'd want him to visit her. "Is there a girlfriend or a wife I should know of?"
"None." He replied. At his answer she stepped closer, wrapping her arms around his neck, his arms immediately circling her waist.
"Missed you." She whispered in his ear making him shudder. The woman that has been invading his dreams for the past ten years is back in his arms and he was losing control. He dragged his nose through the column of her neck, inhaling her scent.
"Missed you too baby." If she was being honest, being back in his arms made her forget why she was there in the first place. Although she'd barely spent 24 hours with him in total, she'd missed him immensely over the years. "Let's get out of here, yeah?" She nodded, he turned and threw a few bills to cover for his beer. His arm never leaving her waist, he pulled towards the Impala. "You still live at the same place?" She nodded again as he pulled the car out of the parking.
They reached her place soon enough but none of them were eager to rip their clothes off of each other. With his hand tightly clutched in hers, she pulled him to the couch Dean's strong arms encircle Y/n, holding her close against his chest, where they can feel the steady beat of his heart. His warmth surrounds her. Dean's fingers lazily trace patterns on Y/n's back, his touch gentle and reassuring. Y/n nestles her head against the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent she missed so much. It hasn't even been an hour since she was back in his arms, and she's already considering telling Ketch to fuck off.
"What have you been up to these days?"
"Hunting. What about you?" Dean shifts slightly, pulling Y/n even closer, and presses a soft kiss to the top of her head. There's a quiet contentment in the air, the kind that comes from being with someone who makes you feel safe and cherished. Neither of them knew just how desperately they wanted each other, until now.
"Ah same old. I'm the owner of the bakery now. And i stopped working at the bar."
"That's amazing, sweetheart."
"When are you leaving?" Her question echoed through the quiet apartment. He tensed slightly; he hadn't told her he lived here now. He wasn't ready for her reaction upon discovering he'd been living here for years and never bothered to visit. Not this soon But he knew he had to come clean sooner or later. If he wanted something more with her—something real this time—he needed to tell her the truth.
"I'm not." She looked at him with curious eyes, although she knew he was living in the Men of Letters bunker with his brother. She knew almost everything about him— yet here she was, pretending. She hated doing it. "I live here with my brother. Have been for a while."
"I see." She replied looking down at his chest. A part of her was hurt that he had been living her and he didn't come find her. If Ketch hadn't appointed her with this job, she would've never met Dean again.
"Cmon, don't be like that, sweetheart. I wanted to come see you. I just thought maybe you'd moved on, had someone in your life. We didn't exactly make any promises." He rubbed the back of his head. "Besides, I don't think I would've been able to handle seeing you with someone else." A smile broke onto her features at his admission.
"There hasn't been anyone. No one was the flirty green-eyed hunter." She grinned up at him. It was the truth, she did meet other people over the years but they weren't Dean.
"I was wondering, if you'd want to give us a real chance? I know this is sudden, we just met again-" she didn't let him complete, she stopped him mid sentence by pressing her lips to his.
"I'd love to." Y/n was now questioning her own skills; she hadn't been on a job for fifteen years. The lines were blurring for her. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to complete this job or get herself killed by Ketch. Whatever it was, she didn't care in that moment. She wanted Dean. And he was willing to himself to her.
Dean stayed the night but nothing happened. Y/n served Dean the pie in her fridge, she loved how his face lit up like a child. Even after years his love for pie was still the same. The curled up in bed, catching up on each other's lives they missed over the years.
"Your best friend is an angel?" She looked at him incredulously. He chuckled at her reaction and nodded.
"Yeah. He's more like a baby in a trench coat."His laugh made her smile sadly. The more he told her about his life, the more she was second guessing this job. Is she really going to kill him and his brother if they don't cooperate with the British Men of Letters.
"I'm sorry Dean." He looked down at her with a questioning gaze. "The years haven't been kind to you." She pressed a soft kiss to his chest. "I can't even imagine how you'd felt, going to hell, purgatory. I'm so sorry." She cupped his cheek, staring in those green eyes that'd seen so much. There's pain but there's adoration, for her.
"It's in the past." He shrugged nonchalantly. He didn't know what possessed him to tell her his life story but he wanted to tell her everything. He wanted to be emotionally connected with her, he wanted it to be real, more than just a physical relationship. "Go to sleep, sweetheart." He kissed her forehead as she snuggled closer to him.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
@s0urw00lf @monkey-d-hoshizora98 @deans-baby-momma @fullbelieverheart
@riah1606 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @hobby27
@starkleila @suckitands33 @m3ntally-unstable @kanekilovelove-blog @candy-coated-misery0731
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queen-of-deans-booty · 7 months
A Big Misunderstanding
Pairing: Lucifer x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: relationship angst, giving the silent treatment, fluff at the end
Request by anon: I wanted to ask for spn lucifer x reader…they are married she would have been a hunter in the past, but she left the business with him, "giving up" on being the devil, and they actually like live normal life…once she gives him the silent treatment because he was "mean" to sam and dean (they are like brothers), and he just He does little things to kind of get her off her chest so she can talk to him (even if it's shouting), and when she tries to do or fix the little things he did/ or broken but without talking to him yet he just goes to the guys (the brothers, cass and jack) for help and apologizes just to make it up to her!!! (the boys make fun of him but he accepts defeat because not talking to her is worse than having people irritate him
Summary: Your passion is sewing and you love to make clothes and blankets for people, especially the Winchesters whom you consider to be family. When you overhear a conversation you shouldn't have heard, you get pissed enough at Lucifer to give him the silent treatment. Best thing? He has no idea what he's done but he'll try hard to make it right.
Square Filled: never go to bed on an argument for @as-the-saying-goes-bingo (deleted bingo)
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Three down only ten more to go. You have a lot of people who want to buy dresses from you so you’re slowly making your way through the list of orders from people. You’re only on the first order but you’ve gotten done three of the thirteen items they wanted. Sewing and making clothes and blankets is your dream. You love making things people can wear or snuggle with, and you’ve always had this passion ever since you could write.
You’d draw your designs and show your mom who was also a seamstress for a clothing store. She entertained your ideas and gave you a small sewing kit that you’d use to make your Barbie’s clothes. She was so impressed that she got you into sewing classes as soon as possible. You started off making small things like gloves, oven mitts, baby clothes, and other easy projects before working your way up to the harder items.
Now, you have your own business that is run by you and only you, and you work out of your home. You don’t have the money to buy a big store or hire employees. Plus, you kind of like doing it all by yourself. At least you can look at someone wearing your clothes and say, “Yes, I made that all on my own.” or “They’re wearing an original Y/N.”. You pour love and pride into every piece you make and it shows.
The door opens and your husband walks in with a look of confusion.
“Have you been here all day?”
You look at him like you were just caught with your hand in the cookie jar.
“I have orders to make.”
“Being in your room all day isn’t going to help you. You need to get out and move around.” You know he’s right, and your ass is hurting from sitting all day. You nod in agreement and get up, setting your project aside for now. “Come on, let’s go on a walk.”
Never did you think you’d ever go on a brisk walk with the actual devil. The neighborhood you live in is very mellow so you go a few laps around it.
“Want to hear what I’m working on?”
“So, Janice across the street asked for baby clothes for her daughter’s kid, Bruce and David want some slacks for David’s new job next month, and Ruby from the diner wants a blanket. Ooh! What if I make us another blanket?”
“Darling, we have eighty blankets in the house already.”
“We have enough,” Lucifer laughs and kisses the top of your head.
Who is he and what has he done with your husband? He is so not the man you met years ago. He was so much harder and meaner than he is now. After Sam killed Lilith and brought the devil out of the cage, he was one of the meanest men you’ve ever met. His behavior and attitude were atrocious.
It didn’t get any better even after Sam let him in so he could trap him in the cage with Adam and Michael. The cage stayed closed for five years until Amara was released because Dean got his Mark removed from his arm by the Book of the Damned. Lucifer convinced Castiel that he could possess him so that he could leave the cage, and he wreaked havoc on the world because of it. After Amara expelled him from Castiel’s body, he disappeared for a while. He decided that he was going to be done with all this shit.
That’s when you came back into his life. He met you again after he had come to terms with living a simple life. Sam and Dean had pissed you off enough that you wanted to be solo for a while, and you and Lucifer formed a relationship. The Winchesters weren't thrilled to hear you had a thing for the devil, but they trusted you enough to know what you were doing.
You had scammed your way into a very nice resort where he was staying and hit it off. Eventually, you got married to him. You’re not a hunter anymore, he’s not the devil anymore, it’s just you and him until death parts you. Lucifer’s changed behavior is all because of you. Before you, he was angry at the world for what his dad did to him but after you, he wanted to live for you and for you only.
Only after you’ve finished with all of your commissions, you start working on some stuff for the Winchesters. Winter is coming up, and the Bunker has a terrible heating system. You figured they could use a few extra jackets, shirts, and blankets.
They gave you a key to the Bunker should you ever need to use it, so you let yourself in carrying the clothes. Sam and Dean are talking to someone in the library so they don’t notice you coming down the metal staircase in the war room. Suddenly, Lucifer’s voice is heard, and you look at the entryway in confusion. Why is he here? What does he want from the brothers?
“I can’t trust you to do anything! You two are brainless, hairless apes who have no idea what the fuck you’re doing!”
“Maybe next time give us better instruction,” Dean argues.
“God, you had one job and you managed to fuck that up. Typical,” he scoffs.
Why is he being so mean to Sam and Dean? You’re hurt he’d say such vile and mean things to the two men you consider family. You leave the clothes on one of the control panels before leaving the Bunker quickly. You don’t let them know you were ever here. If Lucifer wants to resort to who he was before, then he can but you’re not going to stand by him.
Lucifer comes home hours later in a good mood. You’re in the kitchen cooking food for yourself when he enters. He frowns when he sees enough food for one person in the pan.
“Is that food for both of us?” he asks. You don’t answer him and continue to cook in silence. “Y/N?” Still, no answer. “Darling, are you okay?” No answer. “Are you ignoring me? What did I do?” Again, no answer. “Y/N?”
You don’t go to bed that night because you and Lucifer have a thing where you never go to bed on an argument. Instead, you make more clothes. Lucifer didn’t go to bed either mostly because he kept thinking about why you’re ignoring him. What did he do to piss you off? In the morning, he goes to the room where you make your clothes to try and talk to you but finds the door is locked.
“Y/N, open the door.” No answer. He can hear your sewing machine so he knows you’re in there. “Come on, darling, open the door.”
He is at a loss for words because he doesn’t understand what he did to make you like this. He gives you the space you need for the morning, but you need food eventually so you leave the room in search of some. Lucifer is in the kitchen when you get there but you make no move to acknowledge him.
Lucifer is drinking some water and reading a newspaper. He finishes the water before dropping the glass on the ground. The glass shatters and he watches your reaction to it. He doesn’t care if all you’re going to do is yell at him. He just wants you to do something. You pause and look at the glass on the ground before grabbing the broom. You don’t say a word as you clean it up and throw it away.
“I just broke a glass! You should be pissed at me. Yell at me! Something!” Lucifer gasps. Again, you don’t respond to him. “Fuck!” He walks over to you and points his finger in your face but doesn’t actually touch you. He knows you fucking hate this which is why he’s doing it. He’s such a fucking child. “I’m not touching you. You can’t get mad at me because I’m not touching you.”
You stand still and wait for him to be done before moving around him and heading back to your room to sew. Lucifer doesn't know what to do so he visits the Winchesters in search of answers. Castiel and Jack are in the room, too. Great, more people to witness this humiliation.
“Here to berate us some more?” Dean asks.
“I need your help,” he sighs.
“I said I need your help.”
Before Sam can answer, Dean cuts in.
“Sorry, let me just take in this moment. You need us. Isn’t that something?”
“Don’t be an ass.”
“No, I definitely will.”
“What do you need?” Sam asks.
“Y/N isn’t talking to me. She’s ignoring me and I have no idea what I did to piss her off. What do I do? I don’t care if she yells at me. I need her to do something.”
“Sorry, can’t help you there, buddy,” Dean shrugs.
“Does she know you’re an ass?” Castiel asks seriously.
“Yeah, let’s make fun of me. Seriously, you’re so funny.” Lucifer mocks laughs in their faces, ready to punch the shit out of them. “What do I do?”
“Have you tried apologizing?” Jack asks.
“I don’t know what I should be apologizing for.”
“It doesn’t matter. All women want to hear is that you’re sorry. Try that. It might get her talking,” Dean sighs.
Lucifer goes home with more questions than answers. Still, he thinks about their words the whole way home. When he gets there, you’re in the living room watching one of your shows. As soon as you know he’s there, you tense and turn the volume up on the TV. He walks around to face you but you don’t look at him.
“Darling, I am so sorry.”
“For what?” you ask and look at him.
Lucifer opens his mouth to answer but nothing comes out. You scoff as you get up from the couch. You go to leave the room but Lucifer is hot on your heels.
“I am sorry, but you can’t expect me to read your mind to figure out why you’re so pissed at me. You have to communicate, darling. What did I do?”
“You berated Sam and Dean and put them down for what? ‘You two are brainless, hairless apes who have no idea what the fuck you’re doing!’ Does that ring a bell? You treat them like shit.”
“I’ve said worse things to them.” You cross your arms angrily. “Look, I am sorry. I have a really bad temper, and I was trying to surprise you with something. I needed their help getting it but they did it wrong. It pissed me off because I wanted it to be perfect for you.”
“What is it?”
Lucifer takes you to one of the unfinished rooms in the house. You never got around to actually finishing it, but Lucifer has been working on it without you knowing. You walk in and gasp at what you see. Machines are lined up on the back wall, rolls and rolls of fabric hang off tubes, mannequins are in the other corner, and everything else you need to have a successful sewing business.
“I wanted it to be perfect and I took it out on them. I’m sorry you had to hear that.”
You rush into the room and admire everything he’s done for you. He’s trying to apologize but you’re too busy being excited.
“Is this all for me?!”
“Yeah, everything,” he smiles. “Do you like it?”
“Like it? I love it!!”
“Am I forgiven?”
“Good. Not talking to you was killing me.”
Lucifer pulls you into him and kisses you, glad to have overcome this with you.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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kaleldobrev · 1 year
Unexpected Love
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Pairing: Ash x Sister!Winchester!Reader
Summary: Ash is your mullet knight in flannel armor
Original Prompt: Requested by anonymous | Hiii, I saw you write for spn and I throught about making a request. Idk if you even remember Ash, he's seen in season 2 but for like, just 5 minutes in total so I'm not gonna be mad if you don't remember him, but I throught about asking you if you could write something for him with Reader that's Dean and Sam's little sister? You can write what you want, even something bite sized, I just feel like he's not appreciated enough 🥺 It's ok if you don't want to write it, and take your time if you do. Have a good day 💕
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Cursing (1x), Fluff, Sam & Dean just being protective/supportive older brothers
Authors Note: Of course I remember Ash my anon friend! How could I not remember Doctor Badass? | Since you told me to write whatever I wanted, I decided to do a cute little romance between him and reader cause hey, he needs some love too! | He’s honestly one of my favs | I hope you liked how this came out! I never wrote Ash before, so I hope I was able to do his character justice! | Takes place in Season 2 obviously | Flashbacks are in italics | If you want to request something, just send me a message! | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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Dating was something that was always particularly hard for you as you’ve been consistently on the road with your father and brothers since you were six months old. The four of you never staying in the same place long enough for you to ever form any kind of connection with anyone. In a way, you thought that it was a good thing considering this line of work, but at the same time, human connection was something that you craved, yearned for. Yes, you had a strong bond with your brothers (Sam more than Dean – twin power you know?), and kind of had a strong bond with your father, but the bonds that you had with the three of them weren’t particularly fulfilling for you. You always felt like there was something missing.
At one point when you were seven or eight, long before you had learned of the supernatural, you had asked your father once when the four of you were in the car if you could stay at Uncle Bobby’s for a while.
“I’m tired of moving around so much daddy. Can I stay at Uncle Bobby’s for a while?” You had told him, asked him; silence filled the impala, despite the music being so loud.
Sam turned to face you before turning to look at your father – you knew that Sam had felt the same way. Dean turned to look at you, craning his neck as he was in the front seat along with your father who was currently driving to the next motel. It would have been the third motel in less than two weeks. Your father looked into the rearview mirror, looking at you as you started playing with your thumbs. “I’m sorry…” You whispered.
When the four of you had gotten to the motel, Dean had practically pulled you to the side while your father and Sam had started bringing things into the motel room. “Why do you want to get away from dad so bad?” He asked, almost as if he was offended.
“I want to stay in one place longer than two days.” You said. “Motels smell funny.”
Dean scoffed. “So does Uncle Bobby’s house.”
That was the last time you had ever asked.
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Even if you had found yourself lucky to pull a date, something or someone would always get in the way. Either a hunt would take precedence, or one of your brothers (usually Dean) would “accidentally” interrupt the date. With either scenario, the guy you had landed the date with would either never call you make again – despite your efforts of trying to make something work or, they would outright tell you to never call them again.
As the years went by, you had simply come to the conclusion that you were destined to never find love, destined to spend the life on the road with your brothers as hunters.
“Come with me.” Sam said to you, a few weeks before he had told you, Dean, and your father that he was going to be leaving to go to Stanford.
“I can’t Sammy. I don’t have a full ride like you do.” You said. “Besides, he’d be too fucking worried if I went.”
“But we’d be together Y/N. It’s not like we’d be by ourselves.” He said. He wanted you to come with him, despite not really interested in the whole college thing; but he knew hunting was something that you had never wanted to do. You wanted that white picket fence life like he wanted.
“I can’t…leave Dean with dad.” You told him. As much as you had wanted to go with him, you couldn’t leave Dean and dad alone, as you were usually the buffer between them. Yes, they rarely got into fights but when they did…it got bad.
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You were fully prepared to do the whole one night stand thing for the rest of your life. At least you would have some kind of human connection, even if it was just for a little while. Hell, it’s been working out just fine for Dean, why wouldn’t it work for you? But that was until you met Ash.
Ash was an interesting person; someone that you thought you wouldn’t have ended up with. Despite knowing him less than a year, he was someone that you could actually imagine spending your life with (no matter how long that life span may be). You had first met him about a few months after the death of your father when your brother Sam was listening to your father’s voicemails.
“He’s always been so secretive.” You told them, upon hearing the sound of a woman’s voice in one of the voicemails – a woman that called herself Ellen.
“Think dad ever had a thing with her and it ended badly? Maybe that’s why he never told us about her.” Sam theorized.
His theory caused your other brother to give a disgusted look. “Gross, now I’m thinking of dad having sex.” Dean said, his voice sounding just as disgusted.
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“You are far too pretty to be with these two.” Was one of the first sentences that Ash had ever uttered to you. A sentence that had made you laugh, but a sentence that offended your eldest brother Dean the most.
The relationship between you and Ash was something that you honestly didn’t expect to happen. Not because he wasn’t your type, but because you had thought that there would be no possible way to maintain a relationship given the fact that you were always on the road.
“You know this isn’t going to work out right?” You had told Ash, the day you and your brothers had gotten back to the Roadhouse after completing the Rakshasa case.
Ash looked at you, trying his best to play it cool as your brothers were only standing within earshot. “That’s the beauty of technology. You’d only be a phone call away.” He said. Him saying this was something that you had never really thought about previously; but it was something that had made perfect sense to you.
“If someone wants to be with you kid, they’ll make the effort.” Bobby told you numerous times growing up. For years, it was a line you thought that he just said in order to make you feel better. But for the first time in your life, you realized that Ash was the only guy in your life (besides your brothers and your father) that had actually wanted to make the effort.
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“You and Ash still going strong uh?” Dean asked, leaning up against Baby.
“Uh, yeah.” You replied. “Still trying to get used to the whole long distance thing.”
“That’s fair.” He said. “At least you guys text and call right?”
“Yeah.” You nodded.
Dean raised an eyebrow. “Do you not want to talk about this? Thought this would be something you’d be all over.”
“Dean, you and Sammy have never been people I’ve spoken to about guys before. Nor have either of you really asked. Why the sudden interest in Ash and me?” Whenever you had crushes on people in the past, you had never once found yourself gunning to tell one of your brothers or your dad. You knew that it would only end badly; especially if you told your father or Dean.
He shrugged. “Can’t your brother just be interested in your relationship for once?”
“Not without ulterior motives he can’t.” You gave him a look, your brother automatically looking offended.
“Me? Have an ulterior motive? Honestly sis, I’m offended.” He scoffed.
“It’s kind of your MO brother.” You said. Dean opened up his mouth as if to say something; to try and get himself out of whatever hole he had dug himself into. But there was nothing that he could possibly say to get out of it. He instead just closed his mouth.
“Look, I’m just happy for you. Truly I am.” He actually sounded sincere. “You know me and Sammy just worry.”
“And you know just as well as I do that I can kick either of your asses.” You said. “I can take care of myself just fine. And Ash…neither of you have anything to worry about honestly.”
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“You know, I’ve been thinking Ash.” You said, sitting on the trunk of Baby while your brothers were inside of the motel room. Being outside was the only source of privacy that you could possibly have when being on the phone.
“What’s up Missus Badass?” He asked, hearing the smile in his voice.
“I was thinking, after we finally kill Yellow Eyes…I’m going to quit hunting.” You said. “How would Ellen and Jo feel about me working at the Roadhouse?” Your tone half joking and half serious. Ash was silent for a moment, more quiet than he normally was whenever he was on the phone. “Ash? I didn’t lose you did I?”
“No…No…” He began. “They’d love to have you.”
“Yeah?” You asked. “You know, I am very familiar with the workings of a bar.”
“If I didn’t know you so well, I would be concerned by that statement. But, since you are a Winchester, I ain’t the least bit surprised.” He said.
“Yeah. I’ve been hustling pool, and playing poker before I reached puberty.” You laughed a little. “As Sammy would say, the way we were raised was jacked.” You paused. “But hey, at least I met you.”
“Your mullet knight in flannel armor.” He said serious.
“Oh, I like the sound of that.” You smiled. The motel door opened, your brothers coming out. “I gotta go but…I love you.” You whispered the I love you. Hoping that it was just loud enough for Ash to hear, but low enough for your brothers not to.
Your I love you had caught him slightly off guard, but it was something that he enjoyed hearing you say. “I love you too.” He responded back. You were happy that he said it back, afraid that you might of said it too soon. For the first time in a long time, you had felt like you might actually get that happy ending you have always wanted: a life away from hunting.
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @missy420-0 If you'd like to be added to a tag list, let me know!
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Deck the Halls
Castiel x plus size reader
It’s Christmas time in the bunker so it seems to be the right moment to introduce some new traditions!
Warnings: dean being crude, fluff, alcohol
WC: 1k
Square Filled: Matching Pyjamas @spnchristmasbingo
Minors DNI
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SPN Christmas Bingo
“What exactly is the purpose of these clothes?” Castiel’s head was tilted to the right as he examined the colourful pile of fabric you had shoved into his arms. You just smiled sweetly at him and pecked his scruffy cheek before pushing him into your shared room in the bunker.
“It’s so we can match, angel! Now go get dressed and we can take photos.” You could tell he still didn’t understand but nodded and walked into the bedroom anyway, softly shutting the door behind him. 
“He’s so pussy whipped.” Your head snapped to the side, glare immediately locking onto Dean who was lazily leaning against the brick wall of the hallway, casually sipping a beer. “Say that again Winchester, see where it gets you.” The shiver of fear that rolled down his spine was barely concealed by his nonchalant shrug.
“Besides, you’re wearing the pajamas too and I know for certain I have never and will never sleep with you.” He glanced down and cringed at the bright shirt and pants combo that you had thrown into his hands after returning from the mall earlier that day. 
Yet, he still put them on, the same as Sam did, admittedly with the promise of a pecan and a cherry pie. Both of them knew it would make you happy, so they did it. 
“Yeah well, I’m just in it for the pie.” He pouted, turning away from you like a spurned child. 
“I love you too Dean!” You called after him as he stomped away. The smile never left your face. This Christmas would be different. Finally, all four of you were safe and living somewhere you could almost call a home. 
So with a tree Sam helped pick up and haul inside, lights Cas was enchanted by, and a couple all-nighters filled with baking and cooking, it was time for your very first Team Free Will Christmas! And what better way to kick it off than with matching pajamas!
“Come on! We’ve got presents to open!” You excitedly yelled into the empty corridors, rushing to the war room where the tree, and the presents, had been stowed. The tell-tale clack of your boyfriend’s dress shoes against the stone floors made your smile even wider.
“How do I look?” You turned to look at him and your heart skipped a beat. You maybe, had purposefully bought him a size smaller than he would normally wear and dear god were you happy about that decision. The scratchy fabric clung beautifully to his powerful frame, letting you see the way his muscles flexed and rippled, even if he was still wearing his signature trench coat.
“You look beautiful angel.” You cooed, wrapping your arms around his neck, your fingers immediately burying themselves in his short hair. Cas smiled along with you, although his expression still had a hint of confusion. “Thank you for doing this.”
His nose bumped gently into yours as he softly pressed your foreheads together. “I would do anything for you.” He spoke truthfully.
“Alright we’re here.” Sam lumbered into the room, obviously having been woken from a nap by Dean, red marks still spread across his cheeks from laying on his arms. Just like Cas, he wore the colourful clothes without complaint, all too happy to have something normal to do.
You sent an appreciative glance to your surrogate brother as he moved past, making a dash for the recliner Dean had dragged in a few weeks back. 
Speak of the devil. You thought.
Dean came in last, a very full glass of eggnog in his hands that you suspect was mostly filled with the spiced rum you picked up along with the pajamas. “I hope your pie is friggin worth it.” He grumbled and sat down on one of the other chairs, sending his little brother a glare for taking his seat.
“Great!” With one last peck to your angel’s cheek, you skipped over to the tree and gathered up as many perfectly wrapped presents as you could, dumping a small pile in everyone’s laps. You sat in your own seat, pulling out your phone to film your boys like an excited mother.
Like the animal he was, the older Winchester shredded the wrapping paper in an effort to get to his presents. Ripped paper surrounded his legs like colourful snow. 
Sam carefully slid his thumb under each piece of tape, ensuring he did not rip the wrapping. Then, once the present was completely unwrapped, he placed the paper to the side in a neat little pile by his feet.
Cas ripped off one stripe of paper from the middle of his gift, allowing him to simply pull it from the paper, leaving it most intact. He stuffed the trash in his pocket.
Your heart clenched as each of them studied what you had picked out for them, a comfortable silence settling over the bunker. Dean was easy to buy for, a nice bottle of whiskey that Bobby had been fond of and a new polish for Baby. Sam was less easy. You settled on a new spell book you might or might not have stolen from Rowena and a small iPod so he could listen to his podcasts while he ran.
But by far, Cas was the hardest to buy for. Being an angel, he wasn’t materialistic and probably wouldn’t have accepted a present if you hadn’t explained to him a few weeks before that you loved giving gifts to people. Like the others, you gave him two gifts.
The first was a large bottle of raw honey, a treat he enjoyed even if it did taste like molecules to him. And the second was a piece of paper he carefully pulled from the small envelope you had tucked it in. “What is it?” Ever impatient, Dean attempted to look over his friend’s shoulder, but Cas turned away, holding the paper tightly to his chest like a child trying to hide something.
“Thank you.” He murmured, overwhelmed with emotions he had not felt since he was human.
Leaning over, you captured his lips in a soft but loving kiss. “It was my pleasure angel.” You gave him one last peck, then stood up to fetch Dean his promised pie. As you left the room, you heard his raspy voice ask Castiel something.
“Is it porn?” The silence was deafening.
Supernatural Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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deandoesthingstome · 1 year
SPN - Masterlist
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Though I don’t write for SPN anymore, you’re welcome to the content:
Dean - SPN
Small Pack - werewolf!reader, angst, smut, fluff, finished: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Glimmer - angst, ust, drabble series: Glimmer , Glimmer, Pt 2, Glimmer, Pt 3, Glimmer, Pt 4
Twenty Minute Warning - smut, one shot
For A Good Time - smut, one shot, mechanic!Dean
Come on Over - smut, one shot
Whose Loss? - smut, Saints and Sinner
Dig Deep - angst, one shot
Now I Know - angst, smut, one shot
Blindfold - smut, three shot: Blindfold Beyond the Blindfold Who Needs a Blindfold
Come On, Get Happy - smut, one shot
Need You Now - ansgt, smut, one shot
Crazy For You - fluff, one shot
I Did Good This Time - fluff, smut, DFOTM project
Full Spoon - smut, SPN-Sutra
I Could Definitely Use This More Than Once - smut, Smut Appreciation Day
Hysteria - angst, smut, two shot: Hysteria, Like A Bomb
Easy Now - angst, smut, two shot: Part 1, Part 2
One Last Hunt - angst, smut, hiatus: One Last Hunt,  Maybe One More
Not This Time - angst, smut, three shot: Not This Time Gimme A Chance Steal Me Away
Fuck It - angst, smut, three shot: Fuck It Damn It Fix It
In My Blood - angst, smut, hiatus: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,
Get Me Out Of Here - angst, smut: Get Me Out Of Here A First Time For Everything In The Backseat Old Habits You’re Welcome Headed Your Way Moving On This Can’t Be Happening Again Let Me In Spill It Carry On
Broken - angst, smut Broken Part 1 Broken Part 2 Broken Part 3 Broken Part 4 Broken Part 5 Broken Part 6 Broken Part 7 Broken Part 8 Broken Part 9 Repaired - Broken Part 10
I Keep On Falln’ - Sweet AU Teen!Dean collab with @mrsjohnsmith This Is Not Goodbye If I Ain’t Got You Letters Never Felt This Way Stolen Moments Lovin’ You Wreckless Love The Thing About Love Nothing Ever Fades Troubles Speechless Teenage Love Affair Sure Looks Good to Me Doesn’t Mean Anything Where Do We Go From Here? Tears Always Win Every Little Bit Hurts Wake Up Put It In a Love Song Lesson Learned How It Feels To Fly Dragon Days Distance and Time Girl on Fire I Need You Goodbye
Sam - SPN
Holiday Hair - smut, fluff?, smut 1.0 1.5 2.1 3.7 4.9 5.1 5.3 6.4 6.8 7.2 7.6 8.1 9.2 10.0 Aftershocks, 1 Aftershocks, 2 Aftershocks, 3
Heartstrings - smut, fluff
Birthday Wishes
Dim Sum - SPN (Dean x Reader X Sam)
A Walk In The Woods - Winchester Three Way, smut, smut, smut, angst? A Walk In The Woods Whatever You Want Green Means Go You Promised Way Too Early For This Just Say So Don’t Be Mad
Whatever it Takes - Wincest Three way, smut
John - SPN
It Meant Nothing Right? - smut, one shot
Burning House - smut, angst
Walk Alone - smut, angst, one shot
Where Do You Belong? - smut, threesome with Dean
Randoms - SPN
Sweet Child O Mine - Destiel drabble, fluff Nothing Compares 2U - Destiel drabble, angst Satellite - Destiel drabble, angst, fluff
Movie Nights - Sam, Dean, Reader, eventual Benny, fluff
I Am the Passenger - Dean, Baby, light smut
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coppernickeldime · 9 months
Fast Car - Pt. 1?
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A/N: Okay, I'm totally new to Tumblr (only been here a couple months and have just been binging all the great spn content on here). Let me know if I'm not doing this right, haha. I haven't written fanfiction in like seven years, but this is just an au that popped in my head today and I just had to write it. I mean checkoutclerk!dean??? I'm also new to writing Destiel so any tips are appreciated.
Let me know if you even like this? This is all I've written so far, but if yall think it's worth it maybe I'll dig around and turn it into a full-fledged story.
Pairing: AU Dean Winchester x Castiel Novak
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: None really, a little fluff? Alternate Universe
Summary: Castiel, a journalist just recently relocated to Lawrence, begins having run-ins with the new super-hot grocery store clerk. Both Castiel and Dean have a lot going on in their lives. With Castiel fighting to earn the big writing gigs under his family's broadcasting company and Dean working at the grocery store when he gets off from Bobby's garage in order to have money to send to Sam each week, can they find time to figure out what's going on with this chemistry between them? Not to mention that Dean is just beginning to realize his own sexuality.
Here we go:
"C'mon, little bro. You just gotta wait your turn. You know how it is. You're the lowest on the totem pole right now," Gabriel encouraged through the phone.
"Well, it would be nice if I had a little money left over after paying rent," Castiel grumbled as he grabbed a shopping basket at the entrance of the local Piggly Wiggly. "I was under the impression there would be perks to working for family."
"There are! You just gotta wait it out. Before you know it, you'll be like me. Traveling the world to write the big stories," Gabriel said. Castiel rolled his eyes and huffed a little, turning the corner to begin examining the fruit selection even though he knew he couldn't afford any of the produce there.
When he didn't say anything after a moment, Gabriel continued, "Alright, I gotta get going. There are two very hot ladies who should be showing up at my hotel room any minute now. Adios!" The line went dead before Castiel could reply. With another huff, he flipped his phone closed and shoved it in the pocket of his trench coat.
It had been a long day. Well, actually, it had been a long year. Castiel was under the impression that once he finally made it out of school, he could start getting real journalism experience by working for his distant relative's big time news company.
Heavenly Hosts Broadcast Company was not only the largest broadcasting company in Kansas, but the most well-respected. Though it mainly operated out of Kansas City, the company also owned several smaller stations and newspapers throughout the state. After graduating school, Castiel had been surprised to find out that he would have to move to small-town Lawrence in order to be hired as a writer for HHBC, but he felt he had no room to argue being only a distant relative of the company founder. He was thankful to be working under the well-known company at all; it was better than some of the incredibly small newspapers some of his classmates had ended up at.
However, he realized very quickly just how lonely Lawrence was for him. He had no friends or family there to accompany him, nor any peers who were interested in the same field as he was like he had become accustomed to in college.
Castiel woke up at six AM sharp every morning, had coffee with two over-easy eggs, and headed off to work. Once he got to the news station, he said a polite hello to the receptionist, Hannah, and headed to his office. That was where he spent most of his day, answering emails and researching whatever stories were handed off to him.
Unfortunately, most of the stories he received lacked any real excitement. He thought that after a few months he would be entrusted with stronger headlines, but it had been just the opposite. This was why, after receiving the task of writing an article about the local school cafeteria food from his boss Zach, Castiel found himself graveling to his brother about his low-pay and meaningless work.
He probably shouldn't have even called Gabriel, but who else was there to complain to?
While he shopped, Castiel stewed on all of these things and wracked his brain for any ideas of how to make school lunches remotely interesting. He made his way mindlessly through the store, filling his cart with the same items he bought every week.
"Not much of a chef, are ya'?" A strong voice broke Castiel from his stupor. He blinked repeatedly, suddenly unaware of how he even made it to the counter and added his items to the conveyor. He supposed he was too wrapped up in his thoughts on whether or not it would be acceptable to turn his school-lunch article into something political about how all student lunches should be free.
"I'm sorry?" Castiel asked as he looked up from his groceries. His eyes widened slightly as he met the gaze of the young man behind the counter.
The man chuckled lightly as Castiel's confusion, and Castiel found the corners of his own mouth turning up in response. He wasn't sure what was so funny, but just the sound of this man's laugh made him want to join in. Castiel watched as small lines appeared next to the man's eyes, which he also noticed were a rather unfair shade of emerald. He was just a bit taller than Castiel with wide, broad shoulders, hidden by a dark gray Henley with the sleeves pulled up on his forearms. His store-issued apron hung over his chest quite nicely, Castiel thought, and he tried to avoid thinking about whatever the apron might be hiding of the lower parts of the man's body.
"It just doesn't look like you cook much," checkout-guy clarified, gesturing to the array of microwave meals and quick fixes adorning the conveyor. His words brought Castiel's eyes back up to his face, and that's when Castiel noticed the messily styled Ivy-League haircut as well as the freckles decorating the man's cheeks. He suddenly felt unable to speak.
After clearing his throat and feeling his cheeks flush, Castiel found his words, "Uh, yes. I'm afraid I'm not very well-versed in the culinary arts." A bewildered smile graced the checkout-guy's lips, one of his eyebrows raising.
"Yeah, I'd say so. You know, if you add some Sriracha and an egg to these, it makes them like ten times better?" Checkout-guy said as he held up the ten-pack of easy ramen Castiel had picked out.
"Is that so?" Castiel replied.
Checkout guy nodded thoughtfully, sliding the ramen over the scanner until it beeped before turning to place it in a plastic bag.
"Oh, wait," Castiel said hurriedly, turning towards his shopping cart. He pulled out two reusable shopping bags, one decorated with kittens holding rainbow flags and the other with the HHBC logo on it. Checkout-guy rose his eyebrows a bit as he took the bags, the corner of his mouth rising up in a smirk as he placed the ramen inside the kitten rainbow one.
"It was a gift," Castiel found himself saying, suddenly feeling defensive over the bags. Checkout-guy fully smiled then, shaking his head a bit.
"Hey, no criticism here," he replied, holding the palms of his hands up quickly before going back to scanning. He pointed at the HHBC logo, "Do you work for the station or something?"
Castiel nodded as he watched checkout-guy pay special attention to where he placed the loaf of bread. "Yeah, I'm a writer there."
"Oh yeah?" Checkout-guy said, his brow rising in what Castiel couldn't decide was impressed or shocked.
"Yeah, mostly just small stories for now."
"I get the feelin' you're not too excited about that," checkout-guy said with a small smile. "Is that what you were grumbling about the whole time you were shopping?"
Castiel felt heat rise in his cheeks for a second time. He glanced nervously around the store.
"You could hear me all the way up here?"
"What can I say, buddy," checkout-guy replied, the creases around his eyes showing again as he smiled. "It's almost closing time on a Tuesday. There's not really much else going on to drown out the sound of you talking to yourself."
Castiel realized that he was right; there weren't any other customers in the store and it looked like most of the employees had gone home as well. It was pretty quiet, other than the rock music playing over the store speakers in a low volume. Embarrassingly, Castiel hadn't even realized he had been talking to himself while he shopped, though he wasn't all that surprised considering how enveloped in his thoughts he had been. Plus, he buys the same cheap groceries every week, so waltzing around the store was basically muscle-memory at this point.
"I apologize, it's been a long day," he said as he adjusted his tie.
"Don't apologize, man. I get it," checkout-guy said as he clicked around on the register display. "Your total is twenty-nine thirty-five."
Castiel dug into the pocket of his slacks to retrieve his wallet, which he opened to find the last of his grocery money until his next pay day. There was only a twenty and a five-dollar bill.
Slightly flustered now for more than one reason, he spoke again, "I apologize again, but I'll have to ask you to take off the ramen and the jelly."
Checkout-guy's gaze turned from a look of amusement to something more serious. "How much are you short?" He asked, tapping his fingers mindlessly against the side of the register and leaning forward as if to get a peek in Castiel's wallet.
"I've just got twenty-five," Castiel said, a bit bashfully, and pulled out the bills and showed that his wallet was now empty. "It's alright though, I don't need those things anyway." He really didn't need to have those items, but jelly did make peanut butter sandwiches a lot more appealing, and the noodles were a great change of pace from Banquet microwave dinners.
Checkout-guy shook his head, his lips pursing as if he had already made some kind of decision.
"Nah, don't worry about it. The rest is on me, alright?"
"I couldn't ask you to--"
"You didn't ask," checkout-guy said, his smile returning. "I'm offering. Seriously, I had somebody pay for my coffee in the drive-through this morning. It's about time I return the favor."
Castiel eyed him, unsure if he was telling the truth or just trying to get him to accept the offer. The guy shrugged a bit and stared back at him with a confident smirk. 
"Won't you get into trouble?" He asked after a moment.
"No way," checkout-guy assured. "If my drawer is short a few bucks, I'll just pay the balance. Plus, they like me too much around here for me to get into too much trouble." He winked at Castiel as he opened the cash register.
With warmth in his face and a cat-bitten tongue, Castiel handed over his money a bit begrudgingly. "Well, thank you," he managed finally. "That's very kind of you."
Checkout-guy laughed and shook his head, and Castiel wondered what he had said that was humorous.
"Alright, you're all set," the guy said as he handed Castiel his receipt. Their fingers brushed lightly as Castiel took the small slip of paper.
"Thank you, again," Castiel repeated as he began to grab his shopping bags.
"No problem," the guy said. "Have a good one."
Suddenly Castiel found himself wanting to stay in the store all night. He didn't want the sound of this guy's voice or his smile or the brush of his fingers to be over with so quickly.
Castiel nodded in parting and forced himself to walk out to the car.
Later that night, Castiel thought maybe he finally thought of a way to write an article about crappy school mashed-potatoes that was worth reading. He was feeling a bit more relaxed after his encounter at the grocery store, though a bit embarrassed about being so flustered by the attractive guy that worked there and being short on cash. Still, there was an ease in his chest that he hadn't felt in a long while, and he was beginning to think that if he could spin this article into something good, maybe he would finally be recognized for his hard-work.
After the groceries were put away, Castiel put on a record of the complete works of Mozart before heading back into the kitchen. As the instrumentals began to play in the background, Castiel loosened his tie before removing it and throwing it over the back of a kitchen chair. It was nearly nine o'clock by now, and he needed to eat something and get to bed.
He made his way around the kitchen quite smoothly, heating water in a pot on the stove while he opened a packet of ramen. As he stood there, watching and waiting for the water to boil, a thought occurred to him. Without much more consideration, he was pulling the eggs from the refrigerator. He had ten eggs left, which would leave him two for every work-day breakfast. After eyeing the water that was beginning to boil for a moment longer, he decided he'd rather be one breakfast-egg short and have a spruced up dinner in return.
So Castiel pulled another pot from the cabinet and filled it with enough water to submerge the egg. He added it to the stovetop, turning the heat on high and leaning against the counter.
He found himself thinking about the checkout-guy again. It had been a long time since he was romantically involved with anyone, so that had to have been why he was so caught of guard by the man's looks and playful personality. Not to mention his generosity, which Castiel was extremely thankful for as he added the noodles into the boiling water. 
When the food was done, Castiel sat down at his little kitchen table. It was only big enough for two, but he didn't mind. He hardly ever had company, so the small setting was more than enough for him. He settled for a random hot sauce he found in the back of his refrigerator since he didn't have any Sriracha on hand. He was delighted to find that the checkout-guy had been right; the egg and hot sauce drastically improved the made-in-minutes noodles.
If he ran into the checkout-guy again, he would have to let him know he tried it and ask if he had any more cheap-food improvements.
As Dean locked the door to the Piggly Wiggly and began the walk to his car parked in the back of the parking lot, he found himself thinking about the dark-headed journalist that had came through just before close. At first, Dean had wondered if the guy was just a stick-up-his-ass businessman, but after talking with him, Dean decided that maybe the guy was just kind of clueless.
He was funny in a way Dean hadn't quite experienced before, with his talking to himself, frowns, and formal way with words. The guy's blue eyes were stuck in Dean's head, and he found himself wishing he had caught the guy's name.
He wasn't sure why he was so caught of guard by another guy. No use in worrying about it when he would probably never see the guy again, right?
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hornystiel · 6 months
hiii again gen z mutual from the other day here, i wanted to let you know that yes i did read everything and enjoyed too!
regarding the issue of using "old" too loosely and using it to make weird ageist comments, i understand your concern and i agree. although i haven't seen that much towards other people in the spn fandom but more towards actors like to wish a happy birthday to them i saw people saying "grandpa" and that was very odd (wasn't on tumblr though). also about your point about how busy adults have time for fandom, the way you wrote that was quite moving and very real.
regarding destiel you had a super insightful answer, which i was not expecting but was super appreciated i'm gonna try to reply slightly more in depth, sorry i don't remember the order but several points were made:
- 40 is absolutely canon dean age and in no way old and dying at any age below like 80 is quite young so yeah absolutely dean is not old
- regarding them getting old and being put in a heteronormative box, i agree on that so much and i hate those stereotypes with a passion too. i will say i get the appeal of the more white picket fence life, the suburban lifestyle or baby jack in art, it's downright delusional but it's the kind of dream that leads to seeing them happy which is heart-warming. thankfully there are wonderful exceptions that are realistic enough to want to indulge in them especially for AUs. i'm not immune to high quality fluff is all
- i LOVED the super realistic headcanons you had for dean and cas and i need you to know how incredibly interesting and CORRECT they are (the cas being too frustrated to garden too real)
long story short: no offense taken i appreciated your in-depth reply and if you read all this you're the hero ;)
(re this convo)
i am genuinely so happy my thoughts didn't look smth like 'old woman yelling at cloud' :') your answer is very sweet, thank you
the 'old' thing i mostly see on twt because here i follow those who'd never say smth like this in an ageist way but well even here some posts like this can still reach my blog through the vine but usually it's people already rightfully grumbling at the op so <3
about destiel - thank you again, usually people don't really like my way of thinking about them or are simply not interested in that (no offense to each their own) and i'm just doing my thing with a close circle of weirdos but sometimes it do be lonely. so you saying you find my thoughts interesting means a lot 💜 and of course, there are works (fics, art etc) that nail even the happy-fluffy-white-fence concepts and i enjoy them despite me not being a fluff loving person really. and sure, aus are literally for this - discovering different paths for the characters and if it's done in a compelling way - cheers
i can talk for a long ass time about all my hcs (hashtag just girl things) it's just i usually don't receive a lot of feedback on them so i keep them to one on one chats mostly, but you're always welcome to ask me stuff or just chat, i love chatting (even tho i guess i can be seen as an angry intimidating person sometimes because...well. i am angry at a lot of things sighhh)
anyway thank you again, i really enjoyed both answering your asks and reading your reply 🌷
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enigmatic-mystery-777 · 11 months
20 questions for writers!
Thanks @ellie--eille
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
thirty four (34)
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
Wh...like...all of the word counts of my THIRTY FOUR works combined?? You want me to do MATH??? *sighs* okay hold on
I'm gonna be so upset if I misunderstood what this was asking for lmao
Edit: Ellie showed me the easy way of finding the total word count and, like, nobody fudgin told me before that Ao3 has a statistics section! Y'all. 🙄
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now soley SG1. I dabbled once in SPN
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
*All of these are from my Supernatural fandom days and no, I don't remember what any of these were about lmao I don't even remember writing them
In first place, at 128 kudos (wtf): The Second Chance
Second at 114 kudos: When Fate Strikes
Third, 63 kudos: That one Leap Of Faith
Fourth, 55 kudos: I Only Ever Wanted You
And lastly, 53 kudos: The Beauty Of Snow Globes
5. Do you respond to comments?
A l w a y s; though I don't always know what to say
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
All of my fics have happy endings. Sorry, I'm a fluff person, I hate angsty endings with a passion lmao That's not to judge those who do like those types of stories by the way, OR those that write them! I just have a hard enough time with my depression as is, I need happy content to balance it out
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
...all of them? Lmao The problem here is I really don't remember, like, any of them, even the ones I've recently written so... heh. Sorry.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't so far. That I recall, anyway.
9. Do you write smut?
*Giggles and clears throat* well, see, I didn't before but something's changed because of Daniel, he's an entirely new experience for me in my history of hyperfixations, and now I can't seem to stop writing smut. I don't know why he's different, but he is. I hate that it's really fun lol
10. Do you wrote crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
My brain has a hard enough time handling one universe at a time, I think I'd just get confused trying to cross any over, but I do appreciate and respect all those that do write crossovers; y'all are incredible.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Given how AO3, unlike Inkitt, does not protect against the copy/paste option, I'm sure someone somewhere stole something of mine. I'm not too upset about it, everything on AO3 is just for fun anyway. All my serious stuff is locked down proper.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think I have one time, by someone who wanted it available in their language. I forget which fic it was, though I do know it was back in my SPN days.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I have not, but I have leaned upon @ellie--eille for the first smut piece I ever wrote for SG1, which was a big step for me and I'm so grateful that it turned out so incredible. I still appreciate her help so much <3
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
Daniel Jackson x reader, ngl; I'm having SO much fun with it
but also Daniel Jackson x Cam (I don't know why, though, cos we don't get as much content with them as we did with Daniel Jackson x Jack O'Neill; guess the heart wants what it wants)
Look, I can't pick just ONE, okay?? Lmao
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My original novel "Out Of Time". Book one is complete and I'm very slowly editing it, but book two is stuck on their honeymoon and I cant, for the life of me, seem to get past it :(
16. What are your writing strengths?
Fluff, 100%. Anything cutesy and emotional and happy and sweet. Stuff that makes someone swoon and feel like they're melting, stuff that makes them smile and hopefully giggle.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Literally everything else lmao That, and, I never studied grammar, cos honestly it's the most confusing shit in the world for me, so my grammar is likely atrocious. But, like, if you can read it, and you can understand it, and you can enjoy it, does it really matter??
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
That is extremely tricky and I usually avoid it. Because unless you know all the slang and grammar rules and stuff, you might accidentally be saying something you never meant to say and/or you might insult someone who's native to that language :/
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Ooh. Uhm. Honestly, it's a tie now between When Fate Strikes (SPN; I remember that being a big deal when I was writing it) and The Things We Don't Know (Stargate SG1) that I'm working on now.
This was a lot of fun!! I don't really remember who's a writer on here and who's not so if you see this and you write, please partake! Questions to copy are below the cut:
20 questions for writers!
Thanks @
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you wrote crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
0 notes
deanssweetheart23 · 7 years
Title: Bliss
Summary: Life with Dean Winchester is like a Ferris-wheel; intense, exciting and unpredictable. You don’t mind one bit. 
Author: deanssweetheart23
Characters: Dean Winchester x reader
Word count: 1053
Warnings: Very, very light smut, and fluff. So much fluff, guys. So much of it.
Author’s Notes: So I wrote this ficlet ages ago after a conversation I had with my twin @ravengirl94 about domestic Dean, but never actually posted it, and I figured why not do it today, since it’s Fluff Day? So. Please, enjoy. 
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Most of the time, people think of Dean Winchester as a gruff man.
They take in the rough edges and the outward confidence, the machismo and the wise-cracking and tend to believe that they have him figured out, that there’s absolutely nothing else to him, just a man’s man off to save the world with his brother.
They couldn’t be more wrong.
Dean is a hero, of course. He’s one of the noblest men you know and, admittedly, he’s dangerous and fierce and rambunctious but all these things, all that coarseness melts away the moment he lays eyes on someone he cares about.
Because, despite the way he’s been raised, the toughness and the discipline and the soldier-like upbringing, Dean is soft, gentle love, heart beating on nothing but emotion and loyalty for others.
And you love that about him.
You love how affectionate and doting he is, how his kindness and goodness are much greater than any mistake he’s ever made. You love that he’s home, tenderness and affection wrapping around you like the warmest of blankets, and you love that you have a life with him and that he lets himself have a life with you, even though it’s not always easy.
In fact, there are times that life with Dean is nothing but peril and chaos, bullets and knives and punches. It’s nights painted with whiskey and blood, needles that pierce through freshly wounded skin, scars and fear and bone-crushing hugs that leave you breathless and bring you to your knees because you realize that it’s all over and you’re both still there, alive and concrete and real, and it’s just too much.
But it’s not just that.
It’s never just that.
Life with Dean is brilliant Sunday mornings wrapped up in the scent of coffee and waffles and love. It’s the lazy morning kiss you share when he wakes you up and the long shower you take together, the Zeppelin songs he hums under his breath while he makes breakfast for you and Sam, hair sticking in every direction possible. It’s the way he smiles when you walk into the kitchen and the way he grins as he notices you’re wearing one of his flannels again, goofy and just a tad cheeky.
Life with Dean is quiet afternoons spent in the library, nose buried in dusted books written God knows how long ago. It’s thighs touching and knees bumping accidentally, fingers reaching for each other when Sam’s not looking, until none of you can take it anymore and you break, laughing like teenagers passing love notes during class.
Life with Dean is intense gazes while you’re getting undressed, green eyes trailing over every inch of skin with wonder and want and love. It’s the way he comes up with brilliantly silly excuses to touch you, to feel your presence next to him. Usually, it’s just an arm wrapped around your waist whenever you’re outside or a hand reaching for you when he’s driving the Impala, fingers that play with your hair while you’re watching a movie together, or scatter feather light touches across your softness. Some other times though, he uses his abnormal height as an excuse to keep you close. He likes to sneak up on you then and presses himself against your back to help you grab whatever it is you are looking from the top shelf, Shorty, then kisses your neck and just stands still, lost in the moment, until Sam begins to make gagging noises and you have to break away, all delight and flustered cheeks.
Life with Dean is short-lived fights, shouting and screaming and tears while all you want to do is kiss his sadness and the pain away. It’s the heated kiss that comes afterwards and the strong arms that suffocate you and the shaky I can’t lose you, kid that’s whispered against your temple while he holds you close to reassure himself you’re real and you’re there and you want him. It’s the way your heart breaks when he makes a self-deprecating comment and the way he puts it back together the moment he smiles at the way you look at him like he’s everything you’ve ever wanted. He might never believe it, but he is.
Life with Dean is bubble baths, the feel of skin on skin, the tender touches. It’s all those kisses he steals while you cook, all those flirty remarks and the slanted eyebrows and the greasy hugs after he’s spent the entire day working on Baby. It’s the way he leans into your touch when you ruffle his hair because no one has ever done it before and he deserves that sense of peace, he deserves the gentleness and affection he so generously gives to others. He whines about if, of course, says that he’s a grown ass man that doesn’t need pampering, but you don’t miss the way his lips quirk up in a soft smile when he thinks you’re not looking, eyes crinkling at the corners.
Life with Dean is slow and gentle love-making, soft whimpers and grazes of skin, desperate touches and breathless praises and whispered God, you’re perfects while he wraps himself around you like you’re the only thing he’ll ever need to be happy. It’s lips and hands and skin, endless nights spent plugged deep within each other, whispered sweet nothings and words of love.
Life with Dean is late nights filled with quiet conversation and hushed promises. It’s the drives you take together, just cruising down the highway with no particular destination, the star-gazing from the hood of the Impala, the classic rock and Dean’s steady when you drive back, tired but content. It’s the way you look into each other’s eyes until you fall asleep, the way he tucks himself against you, soft and sweet, the way he loves to feel your heartbeat on him.
Life with Dean is like a Ferris wheel, all excitement and intensity and freedom. It’s shared smiles and inside jokes, solid muscles pressing against your back and face buried in the crook of your neck. It’s a thousand I love yous whispered through actions and an unpredictable future that could never change the way you feel about each other. It’s fire and it’s rain, the softest of summer breezes and the coldest winter night.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tags: @ravengirl94 @jpadjackles @supernatural-jackles @trexrambling @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @percywinchester27 @escabell @keepcalmandcarryondean @kathaswings @emilywritesaboutdean @thevioletthourr @dancingalone21 @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba @imagining-supernatural @impala-dreamer @atari-writes @atc74 @mogaruke @pickupthatamulet @ruprecht0420 @sgarrett49 @becs-bunker @wordstothewisereaders @myrabbitholetoneverland @iwriteaboutdean @spngeronimo @captainemwinchester @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @winchestersnco @jayankles @wellthatsrandomkek @winchesters-flannels @akshi8278 @tiny-friggin-human @becominglionhearted @hannahindie @mandilion76 @polina-93 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @a-glass-of-orange-juice @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @ravenangel33 @holahellohialoha @juanitadiann @winchestersnfriends @castianityislife02 @ultrafandomcat @sinistersaltqueen @easelweasel 
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spn-ficfanatic · 7 years
Cubby Building 101
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Overview: Reader babysits for Jared and Gen’s kids overnight when Jensen is suddenly unable to. So what happens when Jensen knocks off early and decides to check in on you?
Words: 1679
Warnings: Like, super-duper mild swearing in the first two sentences.
Written for Fluff Appreciation Day, which I’ve missed by like 48hrs. Meh.
Part 2 is HERE
“Are you sure you need him tonight Bob?”
“Absolutely Jared, I'm sorry. It’s not like I mean to cockblock you or anything but if we don’t get this shot we’ll be behind schedule.”
You listened to the exchange between Jared and Robert from a few metres away. You’d just finished your shots for the day and were preparing to head home and get ready for your date, and decided to stop within earshot of the conversation in curiosity. Turns out Jared and Gen had rented a hotel room for the night, somewhere real fancy, and Jensen was supposed to babysit overnight. You watched as Jared ran a hand through his hair, disappointment on his face.
“No, it’s ok, this is important. We’ll make it work, don’t worry about it.”
You watched as Jensen came up and slapped a sympathetic hand on Jared’s shoulder, and as Jared reached for his phone you made a quick decision and leapt forward.
“Um, I couldn't help overhear. If you need a babysitter I'm happy to help,” you told him with a smile.
“I thought you had a date tonight,” Jensen replied before Jared had the chance. You scoffed.
“Yes, a blind date that my overbearing sister has set me up with. Sounds like so much more fun than hanging out with the boys,” you said with a grin, rolling your eyes.
Jared’s face immediately lit up. “That would be amazing, are you sure?”
“God, so sure! Save me from my nightmare family please,” you replied with a laugh.
“Haha, it’s you doing the saving trust me.”
You and Jared took a moment to work out the details, and decided you’d be around just after dinner. As he pulled away with a wave and final thank you, Jensen came forward and gave you a hug.
“You are amazing, you realize that right?”
“Haha, it’s just babysitting Jay,” you laughed. You continued as he pulled away, his noticeable reluctance to do so not lost on you. “The boys will probably be better behaved for me than they would for you anyway,” you replied with a wink. Jensen shrugged in begrudged agreement and gave you a slap on the shoulder as he went back to the set with a huff. Excitedly you grabbed your bag and ran to the car, off to get ready for what was sure to be a fun-filled night!
Gen gave you a tight hug as soon as she opened the door.
“Oh hun,” you laughed in surprise. “Been looking forward to this?”
“You have noooo idea! Need a night away from those two before the baby comes. Pretty sure Jared and I are just going to sleep the whole night” she laughed, peeling away and leading you down to the dining area while holding her swollen belly. The moment you stepped through the doorway the boys leapt to their feet and ran into your arms for a hug. You leant down and returned it.
 “Gosh, this is a cuddly family!” you moaned in fake annoyance. The boys giggled at you before being ushered back to their seats by Gen to finish their dinner. The next 10 minutes were a flurry of suitcases and “did you pack this?” and “why did you pack this?” and “I should have packed instead of you”, but finally you and the boys were waving Jared and Gen off as they pulled away from the house in their SUV.
 “Who wants to build a cubby house?” you asked, and the boys just about blew their tops with excitement as they ran into the house before you.
Jensen couldn’t believe it. They’d somehow managed to get all the shots they needed in half the expected time. Probably something to do with Jared’s absence, he smiled. It’s amazing how much they could get done without that giant Moose stuffing up the takes! He decided to stop in at Jared and Gen’s to see how things were going. It was about 11pm now so he fully expected the boys would be asleep and you’d be curled up on the couch watching a trashy movie or something.
He entered the house with his spare key and heard the faint sounds of his own voice floating in the air. He raised an eyebrow as he entered the TV room, surprised to find his path blocked by a giant sheet.
“Umm… Y/N?” he asked, poking his head as high as it would go in an effort to see you.
He heard a faint squeak and laughed when he saw the sheets frantically move, presuming you were trying to find your way out. Your head popped up through a gap in the top, your hair dishevelled and a look of surprise on your face.
“Oh my God, Jay! What are you doing here?”
“I think the better question… is why in the world is my face on the TV right now?”
You blushed, “this was the only thing on.” You were relieved when Jensen laughed.
“At least it’s a good episode. So how do I get in there? By airdrop?”
Your head disappeared back under the sheets, and opened a hidden flap by his feet. “Sorry not sorry,” you shrugged. “It was made by small people for small people”.
You backed up as he crawled through the gap and into the sitting space… or the “entertaining area” as dubbed by the boys. Jensen grabbed some cushions and took a few moments to position himself comfortably against the couch so he was facing the TV. You followed suit and within minutes you were both sitting comfortably next to each other.
“You guys did a good job with this, I’m impressed,” Jensen told you, taking a good look around.
“Hey, I'm a pro at cubby building. Don’t sound so shocked,” you replied with mock offense. “Or are you just sad to find I'm a funner babysitter than you are?”
“Pfft, not a chance Y/N/N. And ‘funner’ isn’t a word.”
“And THAT’S why I'm funner!” you replied triumphant, letting you head fall back as you laughed an evil cackle.
“How much caffeine have you had?” he asked with a grin.
“None, thank you very much. I'm just on a natural high tonight.”
“And it’s absolutely because I came by, isn't it? Don’t try and deny it.”
Rather than lying you thought it best to distract him. “Hey, why did you stop by? I thought they needed you all night?”
“Work’s faster without Jared there,” he replied with a shrug. “Less “funner” though,” he added with quotation marks.
“And instead of getting a good night’s sleep you decided to come here?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I guess. I feel like we haven’t really had the chance to hang out much lately, figured maybe this was a good opportunity,” he replied, avoiding your gaze and taking a sip of your drink. You smiled and looked at him with a wicked grin.
“You know… this cubby could really use a bar,” you trailed off, eyes pointing suggestively at the pile of unused sheets in the corner of the room. Jensen raised his eyebrows as a look of excitement flashed across his face. “Show me how a real pro does it Jay,” you laughed.
Jared and Gen didn't expect to be home so early, but since they both ran on weird schedules getting back to sleep after 6am seemed impossible. Instead they decided to surprise you and the boys with some donuts (and you a coffee), and found themselves putting their key in their front door just after 7:30am. They themselves had been surprised to find Jensen’s car in the driveway, and figured he might have had the same idea after he finished filming that morning. The boys would probably be asleep for another 30 minutes so they enjoyed the idea of a bit of a catch-up with just the four of you before they did.
To say they were confused by the sudden appearance of laundry in their kitchen was an understatement. Gen gasped in surprised and a smile crept on her face as she looked at her husband. She wasn't at all shocked to see his face turn instantly playful at the sight of the entire house covered in sheets and blankets.
“Oh hun, Christmas came early for you this year,” she laughed, turning back to take it all in.
“Where do you suppose…” he asked in wonder, trailing off as he carefully manoeuvred around the blankets to what seemed likely to be the main living quarters. Bending down he poked his head in and smiled at the sight of you and Jensen. He stood again and very carefully lifted the sheet so Gen could see too, her belly too big to allow her to bend down. She brought her hand to her mouth to cover the giggles as she saw you both. You were laying on the floor in front of the TV, which appeared to be playing a Supernatural marathon of all things, surrounded by pillows. Jensen was sprawled out, his left hand behind his head and his right stretched out underneath yours. You were curled up against his chest, your right arm and leg laid across his body so you were half on top of him. Neither of you apparently minded though, as you each had the hint of a smile across your faces.
Gen and Jared looked at each other knowingly. “When the hell are they gonna get together?” Gen asked quietly, shaking her head.
“How do we know they didn't?” Jared replied suggestively.
“Urgh. If they did, they’re washing the sheets.”
Jared looked back at you, and then back to Gen with a wiggle of his eyebrows. “They've probably had enough sleep… dontcha think?”
Gen sighed and smiled. “Don’t hurt her,” she pointed a finger at him sternly, before taking the coffee from his hands and turning to try and find kitchen space. Jared rubbed his hands together and grinned widely before taking a running leap onto your picture-perfect forms.
The boys were woken that morning to the sounds of your screams and laughter.
Part 2 HERE
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jayankles · 7 years
Chocolate and Pumpkin Spice
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 1476
A/N – for @bringmesomepie56 and @supernatural-jackles SPN Fluff Appreciation Day and @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Kari’s Jensen September Quickie Challenge and use the aesthetic made by Kari as inpiration so here is my take on the aesthetic.
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Walking outside of your front door, you noticed all the leaves that had fallen from the tree in your front yard, covering the pathway, too. You made a mental note to rake it later.
You ambled on the pathway and through the park. The orange, reds and browns of the leaves on the trees blended together.
The river created a beautiful image, reflecting and bending it in the water. You had to snap a picture on your phone before you pocketed the device.
A slight breeze whisked through the park you were currently walking through.
Thankfully, it didn’t nip too harshly at your skin, your caramel coloured knitted sweater was warm and inviting and the amber woolly scarf hung off of you, sitting comfortably at the back of your neck.
Your knee high boots felt the impact of the acorns and the crisp of the drying autumnal leaves as they went off the path and on your way to a tree located near the river.
Taking off your rucksack, you pulled out the plaid picnic blanket. Keeping it folded up, you placed it on the floor, your butt cushioned as you sat down on top of it with your back against the bark tree.
Enjoying a few minutes of bliss, you finally pulled open your bag and tugged out your book, resuming where you had left off, taking the bookmark and twirling it between your fingers.
Your eyes caressed the pages, sweeping over the words and drinking them in as they told a story of lost love and reunion. You wished it was that easy.
Although it did bring a tear to your eyes once or twice, it was beautifully heartbreaking.
With your focus on the story and your mind deciphering the position of the character the author had written for them, you didn’t notice anything other than the world stopping – or was it spinning – around you. You drowned out the other sounds and the pedestrians walking by in their own little world.
‘Dah, dada, wan dah.’
Jensen held his one year old daughter in his arms, tugging her little blue top down so it hid her slightly exposed tummy. Her eyes were level with the display case filled with cakes.
‘Lilah, honey, you think she’ll like it?’
Lilah comprehends little of his question yet she nods enthusiastically.
When it’s Jensen’s turn to order, he stepped closer to the employee, asking for a slice of chocolate cake, a chocolate chip muffin and a pumpkin spice cupcake – courtesy of Lilah.
Once the cashier told him the total price for his purchase, he awkwardly pulled out a ten dollar bill to cover the cost, he took the bag full of his goodies and exited the building.
The little girl’s big brown eyes devoured the chocolate cupcake he father had picked out for her, but she refrained from touching the cupcake just yet; that and the fact that her father had told her to wait until they got to the big tree.
Shifting in her place on Jensen’s hip, Lilah’s battering eyelashes break’s his will power to say no to his daughter. With skill and precision, he hooks the bag over his free wrist and holds the chocolate cupcake in the opposite hand.
He flicks his finger through the frosting of the cupcake and sticks his finger to her lips, where she decides to nibble and suckle off the darkened delicacy.
‘That is all you’re getting, little missy.’ He scolds in a light tone, his voice on the playful side as he interacts with his daughter. In reality, it should be little Lilah who scolds him as he is the one that had given her the frosting.
Jensen re-boxes the cupcake and shoves it into the carrier bag. The infant wiggles and pushes against his arms and Jensen has learned that that motion is his signal to set her down to allow her to walk on her own, obviously her hand in Jensen’s much larger one as he assists the silently demanding child.
They spot the river almost instantly, as a squeal leaves Lilah’s lips as she tries, bless her adorable little heart, to run; it’s more of a waddle and a lot of falling and Lilah getting back up, to anyone watching.
Jensen is careful to keep an eye on his daughter, ensuring that she doesn’t get too close to the edge but enough for her to see both hers and the colourful trees in the reflection of the translucent water.
There’s a seat somewhere near the place where they can enjoy daddy- daughter time in the calm serenity of the park. Jensen points out the things he can see and Lilah tries so hard to repeat them but her little mind either gets distracted or she only says half of the word.
Nonetheless, Jensen laughs, he laughs because of her innocence and because Lilah can do just about anything she wants to do and get away with it. She gets away with so much, mainly because she’s cute and young, and her chubby face is adorable.
Jensen smiles as his daughter tugs on his hand to move further into the park; the river forgotten as she moves onto the next task. He has an idea of where his daughter wants to go.
It may be his favourite place and it has nothing to do with the parks itself or their surroundings. The people, on the other hand, make the scenic route a lot better when Jensen and Lilah have their walks every few days.
‘Dere, she dere, dada.’ The excited one year old points in the direction of the tree, where the woman is once again leaning back on it.
‘Okay, baby girl, you found her. You win, come on.’
The Ackles duo slowly – for Jensen – tiptoe over to the aforementioned tree. Still out of eye sight, Jensen crouches down to his daughter’s level – just a little taller – scraping a hand down his coarse, short beard. He opened up the plastic carrier bag and dived in, pulled out the pumpkin spice cupcake and handing it to her with a wide smile on his face.
‘Alright Lilah, let’s go.’ Jensen returned to his usual height, coming closer to the tree and in the woman’s line of sight.
‘Um… excuse me.’
You heard a deep voice stammer above you, you tore your eyes away from the books’ pages, your fingers curling around the top of the open book.
Your eyes landed on the little girl standing at the foot of the man, the place where the deeper voice had came from. His eyes are what caught your attention, even after you glanced over at his bowlegs,  shining emeralds in place of green iris’.
‘Hi,’ you replied, putting a genuine smile on your face, an inviting and friendly one.
‘I’m sorry, this may seem a little weird or creepy,’ the surprisingly good looking man blabbered and you couldn’t help but giggle, your light laughter causing a weight on his shoulders to be lifted, you knew then you had eased at least some of his nerves.
‘I don’t find it weird at all; endearing, really.’
The little girl shuffled forward towards you as, who you assumed, her father talked to you, the man following closely behind her.
‘I’m Jensen and this is Lilah. Again, this is not going to sound right, but we’ve seen you around a lot and this little one thought we should introduce ourselves to you. We wouldn’t want to ruin your day and not bring you anything or go hungry so we bought a little cupcake for you.’
The little girl, introduced as Lilah, shyly hands you the cupcake.
‘You got me a cupcake?’ He nods. ‘Thank you, that’s so sweet of you,’ you get a waft of the aroma of the cupcake and immediately recognise it. ‘Pumpkin spice? That’s my favourite.’
Memorising the last sentence you read, you place the bookmark in between the pages and close the book, allowing it to take up residence in your rucksack once more.
Shuffling away from the tree, you unfold the plaid blanket you were sitting on and introduce yourself.
‘I’m Y/N, would you like to join me for a little get to know you picnic?’ You questioned, not sure whether they would but you hoped they did.
‘Sure, Lilah and I would love to join you, plus if you would like…’ he leaned in, covering Lilah’s ears as he let her sit in his lap, as if the next words out his mouth was top secret. ‘I have a slice of triple chocolate cake, if you wanted to have some that is.’
Biting your lip, you smiled, ‘only if you can spare some to a fellow chocolate lover.’
Jensen rose his eyebrow at you, a small smirk painted his lips as he took in your words.
Lemme know what you think...
@thorne93 @becaamm @jotink78 @love-kittykat21 @jensen-jarpad @capsheadquaters @kurosaki224-new-blog @supernatural-jackles @cyrilconnelly @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @iwantthedean @ruprecht0420 @mrswhozeewhatsis @feelmyroarrrr @mogaruke @pureawesomeness001 @mizzezm @jpadjackles @jesspfly @urpeachess @skybinx-blog @deansbaekaz2y5 @plaidstiel-wormstache @lilasiannerd @valerieshubin @be-amaziing @akshi8278 @purplediamon @graceforme86 @its-my-perky-nipples @nervousmemzie @percussiongirl2017 @oneshoeshort @whit85-blog @emoryhemsworth @reallyverynodansi @milo-winchester-4ever @captainradicalpassion @captainemwinchester @ilsawasanacrobat @alicat-life @cojootromuelle @essie1876 @dancingalone21 @iamabeautifulperson18 @misticty @grace-for-sale @dslocum89 @atc74 @superwhomerlockinuum @spnbaby-67 @anitalasirenita @queencflair @weasleywinchester-blog @ria132love @spn-fan-girl-173 @nightlyinsomnious @easelweasel
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revwinchester · 7 years
Late Night Visitor
I’ve not been in a fluffy place lately but I managed to put together just about 500 words of (last minute) Daddy!Dean fluff for Fluff Appreciation Day since he seems to be so popular.  Huzzah!
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ function replaceAll(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } function myHandler() { var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; document.body.innerHTML = replaceAll('Y/N', document.getElementById("inputTxt").value, document.body.innerHTML); } // ]]>
The door creaked open and Dean woke with a start, his hand instinctively reaching under his pillow for the gun he no longer kept there.  A sliver of light peaked through the door and a three foot tall figure was standing there, silhouetted in the brightness.  
“Daddy?” she whispered, “Are you awake?”
The little person standing in his doorway and, in particular, her middle of the night visits, was the reason Dean had moved his gun from beneath the pillow.  “Yeah, baby, I’m awake.  Come on in and close the door.”  He kept his voice low so as not to wake his wife, though he knew she’d likely stir anyway when their daughter climbed into bed with them.  
Dean watched as his daughter crossed the room and hoisted herself up into his bed.  She crawled across his legs and he pulled her into his arms.  “What’s up, sweetheart?” he asked as his little girl snuggled in beside him.
“I had a nightnare,” she told him.
Dean hugged his daughter closer.  “About what, baby?”
She looked up at him, her green eyes wide.  “Vampires,” she whispered.
A light switched on and Dean and his daughter both looked towards Y/N’s side of the bed.  “I’m sorry you had a nightmare, sweetie,” Y/N said, brushing some hair out of the little girl’s face.  
Dean took in his two favorite girls, the two most important people in his life, with awe.  Their daughter looked so much like her mother.  She had Dean’s eyes but in everything else, she looked just like her mama and Dean thought she was just the most beautiful girl in the world, that they both were, really.  “Why don’t you go back to sleep, baby,” Dean suggested.  “There aren’t any vampires here, I promise, and mommy and daddy will keep you safe.”  He kissed his daughter on the top of her head and tickled her a little, making her giggle and squirm before she snuggled into Dean’s side again.
Y/N turned the light off and wrapped an arm around her daughter and her husband.
“I’ll talk to the boys in the morning,” Dean whispered.  He and Y/N weren’t specifically sheltering their daughter from the things that went bump in the night but they also didn’t need her learning about everything that was out there.  Now that she was much more mobile and absorbing the conversations that went on around her, they would have to be more careful, as would their guests.  Dean loved hosting hunters in their home, helping them with research now that he was semi-retired.  It had practically become a bed and breakfast at this point but he wouldn’t hesitate to shut it down if that was what would be best for his family.  He’d worry about that in the morning, though.
For now, Dean smiled as he heard his two favorite women drift back off into sleep.  He imagined the picture they made right now, all cuddled together, and he couldn’t think of anywhere he’d rather be.
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport @sumara62 @ginamsmith @gallifreyansass @samwinjarpad @hexparker
Squirrel Scouts: @akshi8278
Dean Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @vintagevalentinexx @thinkwritexpress-official @bowtiesandapplepie @itsemmyb @ezauraemmaline @matteson-crazed @castielspahdehrah @charliesbackbitches @crzcorgi @ellen-reincarnated1967 @gryffindorable713 @deandoesthingstome @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @mrsjohnsmith @manawhaat @growleytria @thegleegeneration @samtomydeanwinchester @SinceriouslyAmellPadalecki @i-never-said-a-pilot @thewinchestielboys @Supermoonpanda @sis-tafics @amaranthinecastiel @fandommaniacx @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @samanddeanwinchester67 @prettyxwickedxthings @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien @myfand0msandm0re @olitzisbae @iridianuniverse @the-morning-star-falls  @shortandlongstories @strange-inhumanity @ackleslaugh @noisilyyoungpuppy @fangirling-instead-of-working @aprofoundbondwithdean @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @roxy-davenport @chrisatplay @kayteonline @spnsimpleman @faith-in-dean @kreborn17 @mamaimpala @for-the-love-of-dean @winchesterfiesta @zanthiasplace @salvachester @sleep-silent-angel @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @gadreelsforbiddenfruit @trenchcoats-and-bees @curliesallovertheplace @jencharlan @not-so-natural-spn @skybinx-blog @thebunkerismyhome @feelmyroarrrr @beachy2014 @fandom-book-nerd @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @tia58 @sams-little-toy @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @saving-things-hunting-family @winchesterswoonathon @jotink78 @lucifer-in-leather @i-dont-know-how-to-write @everyday-supernatural-af @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @supernatural-jackles @babypieandwhiskey @avasmommy224 @angelwingsandsupernaturalthings @mysaintsasinner @chelsea-winchester @spn-fan-girl-173 @besslincoln-bruh @wheresthekillswitch @shelovesallthethings  @klaineaholic @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @supernaturalismalife @pinknerdpanda @quiddy-writes @inmysparetime0 @hexparker @atwistoffate @evilskank-inthemegacoven @there-must-be-a-lock
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A/N: Fluff Appreciation Day. More Winchester!Sister but this one is more Sam focused instead of Dean like I normally do. Also, some Salieen 
Mad Skills
“Sammy let me help you,” you begged.
“No, y/n. I don’t really feel comfortable asking my little sister for relationship advice.”
“Awwww Sammy you scared that I’m better at relationships than you.”
“No, I’d rather think you don’t have relationships at all besides with your family.”
“Well, I’ve got mad relationship skills, bro. Let me know if you need trendy places to propose.”
“Y/n we are not at the stage in our relationship yet. We are barely dating.”
You grabbed Sam’s arm and dragged him to the war room to point out Eileen. She was seated at the table with Dean who was jabbering on about something you were sure she had no interest in, but she sat there and listened anyway.
“Sammy any girl that is willing to sit and listen to Dean babble must really like you because I’m his sister and I can barely handle it. That girl out there really likes you. You can see it in the way she looks at you. There’s a glint in her eyes. And you know what I know you like her just as much because I know you and Dean better than you guys know yourselves.”
He just looked at you with a smile and pride. “How did you turn out so great and insightful?”
“Well, my two really tall doofus brothers raised me right I guess,” you said with a shrug.
“That is a freaking miracle, let me tell you,” Sam said with a chuckle.
“Oh, I know. When Dean tried to give me the puberty/period talk, that was the most awkward moment of my life.”
You both chuckled at that remembering the poor guy trying his best to explain things to you. “So, do you really think she likes me like that?” Sam asked.
“No, I know she does. Like I said mad relationship skills, just don’t tell Dean. I’m really not feeling the sex talk right now.”
Sam laughed at that. “Deal and if you would like I could give you that talk instead.”
“How about you go make your move lover boy and don’t ever have that talk.”
“Oh, you’re getting the talk just not right now. I don’t think I could stomach that thought right now,” Dean said as he was walking towards.
“Shit, of course you hear that,” you said.
“Sis, I hear more than you think I do. Now, Sammy go get your woman while y/n and I have a very non-sex related conversation.”
You and Sam just rolled your eyes and walked off in your own separate directions. 
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Word count: 205
Pairing: Danneel x Reader
A/N: Gif Submitted by @percywinchester27
Unbetaed - All mistakes are mine.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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She looked so sad standing there overlooking the world from your new balcony. You could feel her worry all the way into the livingroom where you had been unpacking boxes and that had been what made you seek her out.
You quietly walked up behind your girlfriend, wrapping your arms around her from behind, pressing your lips to the back of her head. “Hi,” you whispered resting your chin against her back. “I’m happy you know. I can’t wait to start my life with you. I love our apartment and I love you.”
“They are your parents Y/N/N,” Danneel almost whispered, “they are your family.”
You gently took a hold of her arms, spinning her around to face you. “No Dani. I never fit in growing up. I was always judged and made to feel like I was some kind of freak. You are my family. You make me feel home and loved,” you smiled when Danneel wrapped her arms around your neck tugging you closer with a sheepish smile on her lips.
“You are loved. I love you more than anything in the world,” she spoke softly, pressing her lips against yours causing you to smile into her kiss. You were home.
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amanda-teaches · 7 years
Fluff Day
Summary: Can Dean make Fluff Day more fluffy?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 373
Warnings: All the fluff. Smut adjacent.
A/N: So, I was having trouble writing something new for fluff day and this came to me. Enjoy. ;) It’s unbetaed and barely edited, but at least it’s something!
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“Ugh! Why can’t I do this?” you screamed at your computer, desperate for a response that you knew wouldn’t come.
“Do what?” Dean asked, walking into the bedroom with a mouth full of beef jerky. He plopped down on the bed next to you and leaned over to peek at your screen.
You groaned heavily. “It’s fluff day and I can’t freaking fluff!”
Dean obviously wasn’t expecting that response. His face furrowed with surprised confusion and he looked at you skeptically. “It’s what day?”
“Fluff day!” You turned your computer towards him and pointed. “See, look!”
When understanding hit Dean, he smiled in amusement. “Oh! I get it. Your internet friends. I know what you’re talking about now. But, I still don’t get what fluff day is.”
“We’re supposed to post all of the fluffy, happy fanfiction we can on one day. But, I’m having trouble. I haven’t been able to write anything, which really sucks.”
Dean’s smirk widened. “Aw, babe, you having trouble writing?” He leaned into you, pressing feather light kisses down your neck. “I thought you said it was easy when you have the inside track.”
“It is,” you whispered breathlessly as Dean continued to press kisses down your body, pushing your shirt up slowly as he went. “At least it usually is.”
“Well,” Dean muttered gruffly, his scruff scraping against your stomach as he continued his amazingly torturous assault. “Maybe I can give you some first hand inspiration.”
“God, yes,” you groaned, pulling Dean up to meet your lips in an intensely passionate kiss. When you broke apart, Dean leaned back on his heels and pulled his shirt over his head in one smooth motion before once again covering your body with his.
“I love you, Y/N,” Dean whispered against your lips before he claimed them in a gentle, soft kiss. This was the Dean Winchester you loved. The man who could make you burn with desire while simultaneously filling you with such happiness and love. This was the man who inspired all of your fluffy fantasies, the ones you that you were lucky enough to be able to make into a reality every single day. Dean Winchester was yours. And you were never going to let him go.
Forevers- @hamartiamacguffin @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @katymacsupernatural @impandagrl @cyrilconnelly @damnandriel-in-hell @impala-dreamer @castielhasthetardis @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @shotgunintheimpala @be-amaziing @jalove-wecallhimdean @there-must-be-a-lock
Dean Tags- @akshi8278
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