#Kataoka Tesshin
apparently-artless · 3 months
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Daiya no Ace - A Mini Collection of Sawamura Calling Coach Kataoka "Boss" in Every Season ↳ requested by Nedzi (@inahochi)
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briology · 1 year
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-> Father with the most humor. Loves making their children laugh. Whenever their child is sad, all they have to do is make a funny face, do a little dance with them, or even make a funny drawing, and that child is no longer feeling sad. Also, those types of dads that say "ya momma" to their kid (like that ain't his wife...) Truly one of the best kinds of father to have.
(kuramochi, SAWAMURA, kanemaru, narumiya, carlos, sanada, ryosuke)
-> Father with the scariest face, but the purest heart. These fathers may LOOK terrifying, but these men are gentle with their kids. The faces that they have may look like they are able to murder someone (they could) but they are like the neighborhood dads. They have their house open to everybody, as long as they respect it. They do have a bad side tho. So just watch it and there will be ZERO problems!
(TANBA, TETSUYA, kataoka, okumura, raichi)
-> Father that is scared, but loving. So scared to be a father. Now don't get me wrong, they LOVE their child/children. But the thought of not being good enough for them leaves them wondering if they are cut out for this. Yet, all of those worries wash away when their child/children are clingy towards them. Their child absolutely adores their father so damn much. They have the best bond with their children, a bond that will always be cherished
(MIYUKI, chris, furuya, haruichi, jun)
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© 2023 briology
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auslanderka · 1 year
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fandom : daiya no ace
ship : Kataoka Tesshin x f!reader
note : theme taken from another my fic, just Kataoka version. I've been thinking a bit about Kataoka lately. He spends a lot of time on the field with his kids (I mean seido), and I wondered what his family was like. If he has any at all.
TW : longing, cigarettes (established relationship - marriage)
— contains eng grammar problems and mistakes as well —
You're his wife, but he's not home all the time because he's constantly working: competitions and seido training, and his regular job as a teacher. When he's away, you like to spend your time at his desk, taking notes or just catching up on the office work you bring home, because you have nothing better to do when your husband isn't around and you're sitting alone in four walls.
One day you just open one of the drawers because you need sticky notes and you're too lazy to go to the other room to get them. (Do I see him as an organized person, taking lots of notes about everything? Maybe.) In one of the next desk drawers you find an open pack of cigarettes.
His favorite.
You've never been a big fan of smoking. Most likely your grandmother smoked cheap, smelly cigarettes and you have an aversion to them. Tesshin, despite his addiction, tries to limit smoking in the rooms where you spend time together, he goes out on the balcony so that everything doesn't stink.
You also find a lighter in the drawer. With satisfaction you lit a cigarette, watching the white paper disappear into the flames. Although you still think cigarette smoke stinks, you suddenly felt as if someone hugged you from behind. A familiar smell. You turn your head, but there is no one behind you. Do you already miss your constantly absent husband so much that you start to freak out?
You raise your hand with a cigarette. You've seen Tesshin smoke many times, but you've never tried it. You try to take a drag, but your lungs are not used to this type of stimulant. After one clumsy inhale of smoke, you begin to choke. You laugh, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand to get rid of the tears.
"How can he do this?" you mutter, looking at the white smoke floating in the air. "Oh shit," you shake off the ash quickly from the papers lying on your desk. You put the still lit cigarette back on the ashtray standing in the corner of the desk, and let the smoke fill the room, so that for a moment you feel as if Tesshin has decided to stay home for at least more than a night.
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onnyho · 11 months
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well, here's the second one! Kataoka and Raichi. my rare ship from Daiya, because I can
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heaven-s-black-box · 9 months
Field Trips & Chaos- Crossover chpt.8
Return to File - SPN File - DNA File - BSD File
Recovery date: January 3rd, 2021
Description: The Winchesters are contacted by a very tired Japanese government official, trying to deal with a very troublesome case. Meanwhile, a coincidental schedule lands some high schoolers in the wrong place at the wrong time. Will everyone survive?
Notes: This entry has been translated for viewing facility, all bold writing is Japanese.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Word count: 1 483
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As the footsteps behind the door grew louder, a slight panic fell over the adults. Nine civilians, nine children to protect. Even if they escaped with no physical injuries, they would have to watch them kill the vampires rather violently. Not to mention the potential that their coach was dead or turned.
“Go, now,” Kunikida hissed.
The door began to open, and the Winchesters moved to hold it shut.
“Go!” Kunikida raised his voice and waved for them to leave.
Their eyes widened, before they started running back the way they came. How far had they come from the access point? Nori stumbled, having been pushed closer to the tracks as they’d unconsciously drifted apart, and had barely been caught by Jun. Everyone bumped into each other as they ran.
A loud crash came from behind them, followed by a bit of yelling.
“Shit,” both Winchesters yelled, as the door was kicked down.
They stumbled back, and Sam tripped as the door caught his foot.
Kunikida and Dazai, who had positioned themselves with machetes by the door, both swung at the first thing that came out. Unfortunately, their estimate of where the head would be was oof and the machetes became lodged in the vampire's chest. However, the brief hesitation allowed the brothers to get back up and draw their own machetes.
Dean cut down the giant vampire, and the two detectives pulled theirs out as he fell.
“Looks like they ran,” Kunikida said between pants.
“Hey, the kids are gone,” Sam said.
Kunikida opened his mouth to say that he’d just said that, before realization dawned on him and he closed his mouth.
“Everyone okay?” Sam asked.
“Yup, let’s go.” Dazai nodded towards the door, and Kunikida and Sam picked up their flashlights.
The minute the light passed the now empty doorway, they were charged. They didn’t even have time to fight back, they were pinned to the group in second. Sam fell back and hit his head on the track. His vision went black for a second before he began to struggle against the vamp trying to rip his throat out.
The other three weren’t fairing much better, Dazai was trying to kick his attacker off while Kunikida tried to grab at a pre-prepared page. Dean, who’d been distracted by his brother flying towards the track, was struggling to regain control.
They were all helpless when another vampire ran out of the room towards where the kids had run.
“Dazai! What do we do?!” Kunikida yelled. 
“I don’t kno-”
The head of the vampire above him flew off to the side and the body slumped into Dazai. Everyone froze in surprise, before the Winchesters and Kunikida took control back and grabbed at their weapons. Meanwhile, their savior ran off towards the last vampire.
“Where the hell did we come in?” Kuramochi yelled.
“I swear it wasn’t this far before,” Tanba responded from somewhere in the group.
All of a sudden, Sawamura screamed and everyone stopped and turned to find him being grabbed by a young man with dagger-like teeth. He was smiling as he pulled Sawamura in, and opened his mouth. Ice cold fear ran through everyone’s bodies, and there were tears forming in Sawamura’s eyes. Everyone was far too scared to speak.
Suddenly, the monster was shoved forward and he let go of sawamura before being tackled to the side into the tracks.
As their shock and fear subsided, the third years pulled everyone together and stepped back so they were against the wall. It was too dark, and they were moving too fast, to really see much. But it was clear one of them, the one on top, was bashing the other's head into the track.
They all looked away, and some even covered their ears to try and cover the squishing sound now coming from the fight.
“Hey! Are you kids all right?” The man who’d told them to run earlier, called. He was shining his flashlight at them, and without hesitation they ran towards him.
They hadn’t noticed the sounds and movement from the tracks stopped.
“The-Someone-” Everyone was speaking over each other in a panic, pointing towards the track.
Dean, who’d followed Kunikida while Dazai helped Sam up and to a doctor, pointed his phone light to where the boys were pointing.
There, sitting over a body, was Kataoka Tesshin. His breath was heavy, as to be expected from the rather violent beating he’d just given, and he wasn’t looking at them.
Dean shifted his grip on his machete, and Kunikda moved in front of the boys slightly.
“Coach?” Tetsu called.
He raised his hand.
“Don-Don’t come closer. I can’t hurt you boys.” He didn’t turn around, still staring down the tunnel.
“Ask him if he’s been turned and if he’s eaten anyone,” Dean whispered to Kunikida.
“Did you ingest any of your captors blood?” Kunikida asked, and the kids gave him looks of disgust and confusion.
Kataoka let out a dry laugh, and Kunikida took that as a yes.
“Have you had any human blood since then?”
“Does it matter?”
“We can turn you back.” Kataoka turned to look at him. “But only if you haven’t drunk any human blood.”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Kunikida!” Dazai called from the empty platform, waving.
Kunikida frowned. “Why’s the platform empty? Where’s Mr. Winchester?”
“I figured the less people around the better, so I had the president have the police clear this platform out. I also had him send Yosano to take Sam, she says he has a bit of a concussion but he’ll live.”
“Where’s Sam?”
“Our doctor has him, don’t worry.” Dazai smiled and waved at Dean. “Who’s the big guy?”
“Kataoka Tesshin, the missing coach. He says there are more people, some turned and some not, back where we were. I’m going to get them, are you coming?”
Kunikida made sure Dean was okay with the small group before him and Dazai made their way back to the track.
“By the way,” Dazai said, stopping, “Dean!”
“Their teacher is waiting with the police on the next platform up. Just a heads up!”
“When they get back everyone one of you is getting a call home,” Kazuyoshi said for the hundredth time since the rest of the team had caved and told him where the others were. “And I guarantee the coach is going to give you some form of punishment as well.”
“I think a hundred laps would be a fair start.”
They all turned to the escalator to find Kataoka leaning against someone, with the rest of the team behind them.
They all ran forward without really thinking, and awkwardly shuffled back again so everyone could get off the escalator. 
“Hey! Can we get a doctor?” Dean called out to no one in particular.
Yosano, the agency’s doctor, came over from an ambulance where Dean could see a few paramedics helping his brother.
“He’s fine,” Dean told her, “well mostly. Nothing you shouldn’t be able to handle.”
She laughed, and helped Dean easy kataoka onto his feet and towards the ambulance.
Finally being able to stand up straight, Dean stretched back. His relaxation was cut off by a sudden yell.
“I have never, in my life, seen such a stupid idea. You were all incredibly lucky today, but that luck ends now! As soon as I get you all sat down I am calling the school, and they will be calling all of your parents. Not to mention-”
The team could see the police officers roping off the area quietly chuckling as Kazuyoshi continued to scold them.
“You nine need to thank those detectives and apologize to them before we leave. But… I am glad you're all safe.”
“We’re sorry!” The team said, bowing.
Meanwhile, Dean had taken a seat with his brother in the back of the ambulance.
“So, when do we leave?”
“Actually, apparently our payment is being able to take a vacation here for a week.”
“This week?”
“No, next year.” Sam rolled his eyes.
“Hey! It was a valid question… How are you feeling?”
“Like I hit my head on a train track.”
“Yosano-sensei! Mr. Winchester! We have a few people on the other level who need treatment,” Kunikida called.
“We’re sorry for any trouble we caused you!” The Seidou team said, bowing to the agency and Winchesters.
They were currently on their way to the train station, hopefully for the last time, and had stopped by the agency to say thank you. The Winchesters were there to write their reports for Ango.
“If you ever consider doing something like that again,” Kunikida started, pushing up his glasses, “I sincerely suggest you go to the doctor to get your head checked.”
“Thank you, again,” Kataoka said, bowing to the Winchesters.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s what we do.”
“Bye!” They called as they left.
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jollyrolls · 2 years
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I tried to make a portrait of our coach Kataoka Tesshin - the best coach ever!!
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ukaiknowsbest · 2 years
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daiya-memes · 1 year
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shysheeperz · 2 years
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marchlione · 5 months
i didn't appreciate him much the first few times around but kataoka isn't just out here trying to coach baseball, he's trying to help his players grow as people
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koshienstadium · 2 years
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day 2 of drawtober or whatever - kataoka! sorry for this one i'll be normal again tomorrow
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aliavarrin · 6 months
Chapters: 17/?
Fandom: ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond
Rating: Teens And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun
Characters: Sawamura Eijun, Miyuki Kazuya, Kuramochi Youichi, Kominato Haruichi, Furuya Satoru, Yuuki Tetsuya, Takigawa Chris Yuu, Kominato Ryousuke, Kawakami Norifumi, Isashiki Jun, Tanba Kouichirou, Fujiwara Takako, Kataoka Tesshin, Yoshikawa Haruno, Yui Kaoru
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fantasy MMO-Like World, Magic, Swords, Raids, Dungeons, Japan Set in a Medieval-Fantasy World, Classes Decided By Baseball Positions, Gaming Lingo, Friendship, Didn’t plan on making this MiyuSawa, But that is where my brain is taking it, Light Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun, WIP, Not Beta Read
Eijun ducked a neon green glob as it flew toward his face. On immediate contact with the ground, the acid hissed as fumes rose from the slow-spreading puddle. While he may have avoided one, Eijun still had to jump over another spot of toxic ooze. This wasn't anything new, however, as a good portion of the floor now had a rancid layer of acid. The toxic puddles themselves had quickly grown to be a problem with how frequently they were shot out from all orifices of the toads.   The battle initially began nice and organized, per usual. They divided into teams to focus on each toad. Miyuki and Yui made first contact with their designated boss as the whole team began the assault to whittle the damned things down. The melee struggled quite a bit, what with the natural poisonous slime that coated the toad's bumpy flesh, causing any who made direct contact to suffer from their toxin. Eijun spent a good portion of time bouncing around from melee to melee, in an attempt to cleanse them all repeatedly.
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auslanderka · 1 year
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living in my head rent free
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onnyho · 7 months
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painting trainings can always be a little more fun :D
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heaven-s-black-box · 9 months
Field Trips & Chaos- Crossover chpt.4
Return to File - SPN File - DNA File - BSD File
Recovery date: December 21st, 2020
Description: The Winchesters are contacted by a very tired Japanese government official, trying to deal with a very troublesome case. Meanwhile, a coincidental schedule lands some high schoolers in the wrong place at the wrong time. Will everyone survive?
Notes: This entry has been translated for viewing facility, all bold writing is Japanese.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Word count: 722
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“So tired,” Furuya grumbled as the team finally arrived at the hotel.
They were in Yokohama for a set of away games, and had just finished their first four. Only the first string had come, as trying to get the whole team on a train would have been too much and why take a bus when you can take a train.
“You really need to work on your stamina,” Miyuki laughed. “You only pitched a game.”
“While I do agree with Miyuki about your stamina, they were fairly long innings.”
The team entered the small lobby, and huddled in a corner while Kataoka went to check them in.
“What about me Chris?” Sawamura yelled with his usual lack of volume control.
Both the receptionist and the coach glared at him.
“Sorry.” He laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“You need to work on your batting, you can’t bunt forever. You also gave up quite a few hits.” Chris said, not looking up from the score book he and some of the other third years were looking over.
Sawamura opened his mouth to start whining, only to receive a head chop from Ryousuke.
“Ahem,” the coach cleared his throat from behind them, “we’re on the second floor, four people per room with the exception of room 206 with Chris, Yuki, Isahiki, Tanba, and Miyuki. Room 210 is Shirasu, Kodata, Tanaka, and Endou.” The players began to pick up their bags and arrange themselves in groups. “Sakai, Kusunoki, Higasa, and Yamazaki have room 209, and 208 is for Masuko, Kuramochi, Kawakami, and Miyauchi. You three,” Kataoka turned to the first year trio, “Are with Kominato. Room 207.”
“Lucky me.” Ryousuke sighed, glaring at the rest of the team as they stifled laughter.
“You have ten minutes before we leave for dinner. Don’t be late.”
“Yes sir,” they all said, before rushing off to the stairs.
As they left, Kataoka let out a long sigh as he contemplated whether this was a bad idea or not. The away game would be a good experience for the first years, and it wasn’t often they participated in games outside of Seidou, but after the train ride he wasn’t sure he could handle them.
Between Sawamura’s constant yelling, and the worrisome snickers coming from Miyuki and Kuramochi, there was no doubt this trip would have a few bumps.
“Excuse me, sir?”
Kataoka opened his eyes to find a young man standing in front of him.
“Can I help you?”
“Yes, do you know where-”
“Huh?” Jun frowned as him and Tetsu re-entered the lobby
The lobby was empty, safe for the receptionist behind the counter.
As everyone else exited the stairwell, they all became similarly confused. The coach would have told them if they were supposed to go to the restaurant themselves.
“Maybe he went to the bathroom. We should wait.”
“Has boss abandoned us?” Sawamura asked, a little louder than necessary but careful not to shout.
“Please, if he was going to abandon anyone it would just be you,” Miyuki sighed, rolling his eyes.
“What! Why?”
“Eijun,” Haruichi grabbed his shoulder so he wouldn’t attack Miyuki, “he’s just joking. The coach wouldn’t abandon anyone… even if it is tempting sometimes,”Haruichi murmured the last part, just loud enough for his brother to hear.
They took seats in the lobby, and began to wait. After a few minutes Tetsu’s phone started ringing. From the one sided conversation, they figured it was Kazuyoshi, the teacher in charge of the baseball club and the second chaperon of this trip.
“We’re just waiting for coach, he wasn’t in the lobby when we came down.” Tetsu frowned in confusion, and everyone stopped to listen to him. “Alright, someone will go check. Room 205?”
Chris waved at him, before heading back up stairs with Jun to check on Kataoka. Tetsu didn’t bother hanging up, at this point something didn’t seem right and he felt better having a familiar voice on the line.
The two third years came back down not long after, shaking their heads, and Tetsu relayed the message. They spoke for a little while longer before hanging up, and Tetsu turned to them.
“He’s going to try and call coach again, but he wants us to meet him at the restaurant.”
“Well, this trip just got a lot scarier.”
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ojisanmansion · 1 year
I'm wondering, are there any sports manga that feature ojisans?
This has set in my box for a while along with several others, but I said I'm going to get back to maintaining this and I will.
Anyway, if you look into sports manga you have a good chance of finding ojisans. While sports manga normally focuses on youths typically an ojisan will be a coach, commentator, or even a legendary athlete.
Some noticeable examples that I have included
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Kataoka Tesshin from Ace of Diamond
In Kuroko's Basketball four coaches and one other character are ojisans. (I also haven't added all of them). They are
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Kagetora Aida
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Genta Takeuchi
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Masaaki Nakatani
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Katsunori Harasawa
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Eiji Shirogane
The rugby anime All Out!! has
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Komori Shingo
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Yoshida Satoshi
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Nanjiro Echizen from Prince of Tennis
Harlem Beat
Haikyuu!! also has a lot of ojisans in the form of coaches and retired players. So many in fact these are just a few noticeable ones
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Ikkei Ukai
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Fuki Hibarida
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Tanji Washijo
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Nobuteru Irihata
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Takuro Oiwake
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Tatsumi Osado
And those are at least in series I know. I'm aware of a few other sports series. Namely boxing ones:
Hajime no Ippo
And there are some other ones as well that I can't fully remember that might have ojisans at some point in them.
But I hope this answer is decent. Serious apologies about how long it took to answer
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