#Katherine Gorge
nordinor · 2 months
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Australia - Outback Impressions
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crossedwithblue · 8 months
random thought bc I've been listening to Six on repeat: the queens claim that the only reason they're remembered is because of Henry, but would Henry be one of the most iconic and well-known English monarchs if not for them?
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Katherine Langford, Insta, (circa right now lol). 
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erza155-writes · 2 years
Ok but like I'm still thinking of the Hawthorne staff. I can't say I remember their last lines but omigods they were amazing showstoppers
Jeremy Louden & "The Mess" where the meal serves as a reflection but also Jeremy had the time to reflect on the greatness he was aiming towards but didn't want and he made a mess of himself and for what?
Katherine Keller & "Man's Folly" where the meal serves to bring the women together to feast before death and practice honesty as the men are being hunted; is this too not a perverse reflection of our society?
But also I think I'm just obsessed with Katherine in general because when they're walking back into the restaurant without the men there's this amazing wide shot where you can see how all the women are wearing heels and they're kind of shaking and Katherine's solid black vans' are gliding on the floor. + when she says "killing you was my idea, I pitched that" and I immediately became obsessed with her because here she is gorging herself on her own folly as she welcomes the diners to dine with her and the staff to witness her
Elsa & the barrel: I remember her last lines because holy fuck the implications in that sentence alone!!!! "I didn't forget the barrel. He never told me about the barrel." Because even in death she's still worrying about work and about living up to exacting unrealistic standards. But she's also amazing because her power dynamics with the customers were amazing because she was supposed to the server in a place of subservience but she was in control the entire time and it was amazing
But once again that last fucking line. It's like being slapped and then spit upon because she was perfect and it wasn't enough. But also as a reflection of Slowik because he pit Margo|Erin & Elsa against each other, but did he really mean to, or is it just another careless action that leads to harm that does not concern him.
Elsa is amazing because she proves that Slowik is just like his customers even when he doesn't care to realize or confront it
The sommelier & "The S'more" I know that the s'more was Slowik's dish/masterpiece but there's this shot where the sommelier is gleefully pouring the wine that will aid the fire and that scene is so dynamic to me because the entire movie he's been this contained character who's poured the wine while extolling it's background making it worth the price tag but then in that shot there's this sort of mad joy on his face because he's going to die, but at least these customers are about to get their comeuppance too. It's the face of someone who has already dug the two graves and is snuggling into the 2nd grave because the 1st has been filled the way he planned
I don't really know the name of the other servers but holy shit they were great at building and maintaining the atmosphere too!
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wenbochenphoto · 11 months
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It's easy to distinguish the Blue-winged Kookaburra from the Laughing Kookaburra from the south, for the dazzling blue feathers are unforgettable. This is a male one in the Katherine Gorge of the Northern Territory.
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justhavinfunnn · 10 months
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Keleigh Teller looking gorge as ever via Katherine Espinosa's insta stories | August 15th 2023
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zalrb · 8 months
Of the times we see a vampire without humanity, which one did you find most convincing? Including when they "become themselves again." I feel like Stefan is the only one who pulls it off and I really liked the part where Katherine tells him that their humanity would always catch on because I feel like it tells us more about Stefan as a character and s their struggles than simply being world-building.
well i've maintained that stefan is the most vampiric vampire on tvd:
another reason why i like stefan as a character is because he’s as close to being a vampire as possible, from the blood to the conflict/inner-turmoil i.e. struggling with being a vampire and I don’t think a “humanity switch” is necessary for that struggle.
Yep! Stefan is actually the only who felt like a legitimate vampire
Well as I’ve said in the past, I don’t think TVD gets vampires right because I don’t think TVD treats vampires like they’re non-human, like they’re supernatural, I think they treat vampires like they’re humans who happen to drink blood. I never understood what it was about being a vampire that made most of the characters on the show miss humanity with the exception of Stefan because he was a ripper and as a ripper he kept killing people because he couldn’t stop gorging on blood. But everyone else? Especially in the later seasons where they barely compel, they don’t use their speed, they don’t even drink blood anymore, are those the only distinctions between humans and vampires? Even the time jump in season 7, three years? That’s a blink for a vampire who is going to live for eternity, that’s nothing, but it’s considered a long time and a dick move in the series because it’s still being treated as if these people are human.
so i think he's the best at portraying anything involving vampirism
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vecnasrevengerp · 1 year
{DUSTIN HENDERSON} is looking for {HIS EX-WIFE}. they might look like {UTP} and be {30-35} and the connection entails { after dusty bun’s first wife died and left him with the twins, dustin was … obviously very sad! overwhelmed! needed help! your muse (canonically named katherine but that can be changed) is the mom who stepped up! the kids loved her and dustin was so grateful and enraptured so they got married! gorg! dustin finally had time back to work on his inventions and shit! which included… talking to his old flame suzie. who he then went to visit and had a lil affair with. your muse found out, confronted him, and dumped his ass! (deserved) now they sort of co-parent, because she’s an angel and loves the kids even though they aren’t hers, etc etc… could be juicy !!! }. please remember that you {DO NOT} have to contact the writer first! [nikki – feel free to hit me up at @murraybaumanz or on discord as 𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐤𝐢 (derogatory)#2848]
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Pendant la plongée d'hier, j'ai rencontré deux canadiennes super sympas, Jacqueline et Katherine, avec qui j'ai aussi passé la journée d'aujourd'hui !
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On est parties dans la forêt luxuriante de Daintree, une espèce de jungle tropicale bien chargée en vert !
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Le plus impressionnant, ce sont sans doute les lianes : on en voyait absolument partout, certaines fines comme des cheveux (en comparaison de la taille de leur support), et sur d'autres un Dr Rathatton aurait pû faire une sieste sans souci ...
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On a croisé notre lot de rivières, forcément, puisqu'on était dans les gorges de Mossman.
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Pas de baignade (pourtant il faisait chaud), on n'était pas vraiment équipées, et il y a beaucoup de courant dans la zone!
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Je peux d'ailleurs confirmer qu'on est repassées dans les tropiques (on a passé les 20000 de latitude), il a fait dans les 28 toute la journée (et bien lourd, on s'est pris des petites pluies qui ont libéré l'air, ça a fait du bien !)
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On a également fait un joli petit arrêt à la plage, puisqu'on a conduit tout le long d'une route littorale, c'était très joli ! Ça tournait un peu beaucoup, mais avec des vues splendides, soit sur la mer, soit sur des champs de canne à sucre.
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Note : voilà les fameuses bouteilles de vinaigre qui servent à se défendre contre les piqûres de méduses ...
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Et on a terminé sur une petite cascade, tranquille, qui doit être sacrément impressionnante quand il pleut !
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Photo bonus de la plongée d'hier ... Yihaaaa /°~
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Oh, et la journée se conclut par un restaurant toutes les trois, à manger du kangourou (une tuerie), des gambas, du crocodile et de l'agneau... Miam miam miam miam 🥰 une très belle rencontre !!
Bizoux l'Australie, demain c'est l'avion pour la Nouvelle Zélande !
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pieterpretorius · 1 year
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The Rainbow Lorikeet is unmistakable with its bright red beak and colourful plumage. Both sexes look alike, with a blue (mauve) head and belly, green wings, tail and back, and an orange/yellow breast. They are often seen in loud and fast-moving flocks, or in communal roosts at dusk. We saw these beautiful birds in Katherine Gorge
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natureinfusion · 14 days
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Katherine Gorge, Northern Territory, Australia. By Rosie Rufus
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Guide to Backpacking Across Australia: Tips and Top Routes
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Australia, a land of diverse landscapes and vibrant cultures, is a dream destination for backpackers. With its expansive coastlines, rugged outback, bustling cities, and serene national parks, there's something for every adventurer. Here’s your ultimate guide to backpacking Australia, filled with essential tips and top routes to make your journey unforgettable.
Planning Your Backpacking Adventure
1. Visa and Documentation
Before embarking on your backpacking trip, ensure you have the appropriate visa. For most travelers, the Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417 or 462) is ideal, allowing you to stay and work in Australia for up to a year. Make sure your passport is valid for the duration of your stay and have digital copies of all essential documents.
2. Budgeting
Australia can be expensive, so budgeting is crucial. On average, a backpacker might spend around AUD 70-100 per day, including accommodation, food, and activities. Save money by cooking your own meals, using public transport, and taking advantage of free activities like beach outings and hikes.
3. Packing Essentials
Pack light and smart. Essential items include:
Lightweight clothing suitable for various climates
A durable backpack
A good pair of walking shoes
A hat and sunscreen for sun protection
A refillable water bottle
A basic first-aid kit
A power bank and travel adapters
A compact sleeping bag or liner
4. Health and Safety
Australia is generally safe, but it’s important to be prepared. Get travel insurance that covers health, theft, and cancellations. Be aware of local wildlife, especially in remote areas, and follow safety guidelines for activities like swimming, hiking, and bushwalking.
Top Backpacking Routes
1. The East Coast Adventure
Route: Sydney to Cairns
The East Coast of Australia is a backpacker’s paradise, offering stunning beaches, vibrant cities, and incredible natural wonders.
Sydney: Start your journey in this iconic city. Explore the Sydney Opera House, Bondi Beach, and the vibrant neighborhoods of Surry Hills and Newtown.
Byron Bay: A haven for surfers and hippies, Byron Bay offers beautiful beaches, great nightlife, and yoga retreats.
Gold Coast: Famous for its surf spots and theme parks, it’s also home to the lush hinterlands.
Brisbane: Queensland’s capital city has a relaxed vibe, with great parks, museums, and a lively cultural scene.
Whitsundays: Sail around these stunning islands and visit the famous Whitehaven Beach.
Cairns: The gateway to the Great Barrier Reef, where you can dive or snorkel to see incredible marine life.
2. The Great Ocean Road
Route: Melbourne to Adelaide
This scenic coastal drive is perfect for nature lovers and those seeking breathtaking views.
Melbourne: Known for its artsy vibe, coffee culture, and street art. Don’t miss the Queen Victoria Market and the laneways.
Torquay: Start of the Great Ocean Road and home to Bells Beach, a surfer’s dream.
Twelve Apostles: These iconic limestone stacks are a must-see.
Warrnambool: A great place for whale watching between June and September.
Adelaide: Explore the city's markets, vineyards in the nearby Barossa Valley, and stunning beaches.
3. The Outback Adventure
Route: Alice Springs to Darwin
Experience Australia’s red center and tropical north.
Alice Springs: Discover the town’s rich Aboriginal culture and art.
Uluru (Ayers Rock): This iconic monolith is a sacred Aboriginal site and offers stunning sunrise and sunset views.
Kings Canyon: Hike the Rim Walk for incredible views.
Katherine: Visit the beautiful Nitmiluk National Park and its gorges.
Darwin: Enjoy the laid-back tropical vibe, markets, and nearby Litchfield National Park.
Tips for a Successful Backpacking Trip
1. Use Backpacker Apps
Download apps like Hostelworld for accommodation, Rome2rio for transport options, and Meetup for social events and activities. These can help you find affordable places to stay, navigate public transport, and meet fellow travelers.
2. Stay in Hostels
Hostels are budget-friendly and offer a social environment. Many hostels in Australia have communal kitchens, bars, and organized activities, making it easy to meet new friends.
3. Travel Off-Season
To avoid crowds and save money, consider traveling during the shoulder seasons (spring and autumn). The weather is still pleasant, and prices for accommodation and activities are often lower.
4. Work Along the Way
If you’re on a Working Holiday Visa, consider taking up temporary jobs to fund your travels. Common jobs for backpackers include fruit picking, hospitality, and tourism.
5. Respect Nature and Culture
Australia’s natural environment is unique and fragile. Always follow Leave No Trace principles and respect the cultural significance of places, especially those sacred to Aboriginal communities.
Backpacking across Australia is an incredible adventure filled with diverse landscapes, unique wildlife, and vibrant cities. By planning your trip carefully, budgeting wisely, and embracing the local culture and natural beauty, you’ll create unforgettable memories. Whether you’re diving the Great Barrier Reef, exploring the outback, or cruising along the Great Ocean Road, Australia offers endless opportunities for exploration and discovery.
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petnews2day · 1 month
Bernedoodle killed, 3 rescued from Disney Springs hot car
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/we1Ns
Bernedoodle killed, 3 rescued from Disney Springs hot car
US News By Katherine Donlevy Published May 11, 2024, 1:06 a.m. ET One puppy was killed and three others were rescued in the nick of time last weekend after their owners left them in a hot car while they gorged at a Disney Springs restaurant as the temperature outside was a stifling 86, officials said. […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/we1Ns #DogNews
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newsiesjathrine · 6 months
The basics of a new story I wrote based of a game series me and my family play I hope you like the story
the life and cases of the 10 lane sisters
Caitlin and lila her physdo dragon lila familiar along with her 7 younger sisters and their familiars began their careers as homicide detectives in thier home citiy of grimsbrough in the industrial center for 12 cases then they were promoted to the financial center for 11 cases then they were promoted to the historical center for 11 cases then they were promoted to the university district for 11 cases then they were promoted to the maple hights district for 11 cases then they moved to the airport district for 6 cases
Lucy and her bird familiar along with her 6 younger sisters and their familiars moved to pacific bay leaving their home city and older sister behind for the ocean shore district for 6 cases then they were promoted to the bayou bleu district for 6 cases then they were promoted to the inner city district for 8 cases then they moved to the jazz town district for 8 cases then they were promoted to the white peaks district for 7 cases, then they were promoted to ivywood hills for 9 cases then they moved to the rhine canyon district for 8 cases then they were promoted to the innovation valley for 6 cases then they were promoted to the paradise city district for 7 cases then they moved to the wastes for 4 cases
Bonnie and her brown cat familiar and her 5 younger sisters and their familairs moved to join the bureau to travel the world and solve the murders around the world and they waved goodbye to lucy and kate seeing them off leaving pacific bay for europe for 7 cases then they traveled to the sahara for 7 cases then they traveled to eurasia for 7 cases then they moved to south asia for 7 cases then they moved to the east of asia for 7 cases then they moved to oceana for 7 cases then africa for 7 cases then they moved to south america for 7 cases then they moved to north america for 8 cases
Julia and her orange tabby cat familiar luke and her 4 younger sisters and their familiars decided to move back to the states to stay in concordia waving goodbye to bonnie and eliza seeing them off on their next adventure they started in the new haven district for 7 cases then they were promoted to Elysium Fields district for 7 cases then they were promoted to the century mile district for 7 cases then they were promoted to the sinners end district for 7 cases then they were promoted to coyote gorge for 7 cases then they were promoted to the crimson banks district for 7 cases then they were promoted to the wolf street district for 8 cases then they were promoted to the grim chapel district for 7 cases then they were promoted to the ivory hill district for 7 cases then the were promoted to the capitol hill district for 7 cases
Katherine and her owl familiar olivia and her 3 younger sisters and their familiars decided to move to the next town over waving goodbye to julia and luke who had decided to stay in the city and they moved back to that towns first district fairveiw for 7 cases then they were promoted to the money mile district for 7 cases then they were promoted to the greens district for 7 cases then they were promoted to the old town district for 7 cases then they were promoted to the maple hights district for 7 cases then they were promoted to the misty grove district for 7 cases then they were promoted to the university district for 7 cases then they were promted to the spring fields district for 7 cases then they were promoted to the airport district for 7 cases then they were promoted to the Newark district for 7 cases
Stella and her white cat familiar snow moved to join time for time travel crimes with her 2 younger sisters and thier familiars waving goodbye to katherine and olivia who decided to stay and they were in the ancient times for 6 cases then the were in the 1960s for 6 cases then they were in the Renaissance era for 6 cases then they were in the altered present for 6 cases then they were in the age of sail for 6 cases then they were in midevil asia for 6 cases then they were back in the ancient times for 2 cases
Rosabeth and her pet fish emma and her black cat familiar binx and her younger sister April rose and her familiar a calico cat ophelia decided to fight supernatural crimes around the country waving goodbye to stella who is getting ready for her next adventure while rosabeth and her sister were in the west for 6 cases then they went to the south west for 6 cases then they went to the rockies for 6 cases then they went to the Midwest for 6 cases then they went to the east for 6 cases then they went to the south for 6 cases
April rose and her familiar a calico cat ophelia went to join the Paris police department waving goodbye to her sister and embarking on her journey alone in Paris in the fantasy district for 6 cases then they moved to the attraction district for 6 case then the moved to the obsession district for 4 cases then they moved to the jealo and her familiar a dog andrea settled in Miami and delilah and her sphinx cat familiar Morgan settled in chicago and each sister found love in thier own ways within thier teams and on thier own terms
Sofia Jade Lane is resting in her apartment in California with her Bengal cat familiar Coyro he has peircing blue eyes and she watches him play with his toy that shes using weakly the cat stops playing jumps up and curls in her lap and she begins petting him still thinking about thier latest case with a drowning involving snakes it confused her and her partner and secret boyfriend tom who knows about her sanderson bloodline and the powers she has
Rachel lane is in her apartment bundled up in a sweater matching her beloved dog familiar alamanda she was busy thinking about thier Latest case with the birds and ants while her familiar curls up in her lap both waiting for her partner and secret boyfriend josh
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wenbochenphoto · 1 year
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Red-winged parrot (#Aprosmictus erythropterus) in the Katherine Gorge of Nitmiluk National Park, Northern Territory. The male has a black back, while the female only has red feathers at the edge of her wings.
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