tastesoftamriel · 3 months
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The Aetherium Forge. ~Talviel
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bretongirlwrites · 2 years
all things considered, i’m astounded i had never before contemplated the concept of sorine jurard working with katria
first chapter below the cut
What footprints they had left, who went before!
Which rising in tattered stone and burnished bronze among trees they had never seen, fascinated nations, intrigued scholars, and yet were the study only of a very privileged few: who daunted by their vast halls and gleaming towers, must not be more daunted, by the paucity of research which awaited them, back in the library. A privileged few, who must be two things: willing to get their hands dirty; and a dab hand at fighting in a tight spot. 
What footprints! which in their strange way, still walked the land: or, in the case of those automata which the Dwemer had forgotten to give actual feet, – rolled. 
Sorine Jurard was a dab hand at fighting in a tight spot: had refused the longbow, lacking the arm-room, and gone in for rivalling her enemies directly, with a well-placed bolt between the eyes. If indeed her enemy had eyes. Always hard to tell, in half-darkness; and with the thing bearing down on one so rapidly, that one cannot afford to be chivalrous, and look it in the eye. Sorine shot blindly, – the thing returned her violence, – she threw herself behind a pillar; and reloaded.
Damn it all, it was determined. She’d heard her bolt ping, – the hiss of steam which marked a hit; but it was still coming; and her hands were sweating. It was not the first time, that tinkering with a Dwemer sphere had proven a mistake; but she’d had a full run of successes, at fleeing or downing them; and she wasn’t about to break her streak. Sorine Jurard was a dab hand at fighting in a tight spot. Even with steam in her eyes and sweat running down her fingers and the sort of opportunity that meant she must survive under any circumstances, – 
Those footprints: that privileged few!
Sorine reached out from her pillar and released her bolt: which lightning-quick, nevertheless did not have time to ping. The automaton even in anticipation of her attack, crumpled; a remarkable assortment of nuts and bolts clattered to the floor; and that steam which had so irritated her eyes, began to lift almost at once. The sphere, which had seemed so angry, became in destruction the sort of museum-piece which Sorine rather preferred: and she sighing, quite relieved, lowered her crossbow and knowing the second bolt had strayed rather than hit, cast about for it. 
‘Looking for something?’ said a voice in the dark.
Whereupon a woman emerged at longbow-distance behind the thing: and to be sure she was carrying that weapon which Sorine, snobbish, had refused. A fine sort of bow, – glittering even here, – surely enchanted; not a crossbow; and to Sorine’s perfect consternation, the hero of the hour. The woman had the missing bolt in her other hand, and traded it for the arrow which Sorine, mistaking it for her bolt, had picked from the sphere’s remains. 
‘Katria,’ said the woman when her hand was free: ‘nice bow you’ve got there.’
Sorine shook and, polite, returned the compliment.
‘It’s not the best idea,’ said Katria eyes laughing: ‘to stick screwdrivers in the constructs. I don’t think they appreciate it.’
‘Oh!’ Sorine cried, ‘what is it Calcelmo says, – the advancement of knowledge… anyway it doesn’t matter. I suppose you, –’
Their meeting most inconveniently interrupted by a sort of rumbling, the pair turned around and about; and bemoaned the place having more corners than sense. – ‘How many screwdrivers did you stick in the constructs?’ cried Katria: and Sorine replying: Just the one for the moment, her new acquaintance violently swore. Sorine would have called it another centurion, rolling upon stone, and resounding deep in the bowels of the earth beneath them; but Katria knowing her question had been optimistic, put a readied arrow back in her quiver, and told Sorine in no uncertain terms to run.
Sorine, put in spots too tight even for her, was no stranger to fleeing Dwemer ruins, when her tinkering had got out of hand. Three spheres at once, defying the aim of a single crossbow; a steam-centurion whose eye had seemed to glimmer; and most memorably, that first time in Nchuand-Zel, when facing down a scuffling in the blackness, she’d recognised the thing not as a particularly large (if emaciated, and possibly winged) rat, but her first encounter with a chaurrus hunter. She’d fled through so many of these corridors, that matching her footprints with those of the ancient past, she could navigate new ones almost blindfold. Now however, she must do not only that, but, – quite unexpectedly, – sideways.
‘An earthquake!’ cried Katria: as if that sort of thing happened a lot.
Sorine’s breath was knocked out of her, by the first of the shocks: which pushing the ruin as if in a collision, she feared might topple the whole thing. There had been tremors in Markarth: but nothing beyond rattling a pencil-pot, or alarming the poor guard-dogs, who hadn’t been trained against enemies from beneath. Now, caught out by this remarkable shift, she hardly felt her feet upon the floor; wondered if she shook, or the ground; and heart pounding with her footsteps, perfectly thought she was going to die down here. All things considered she’d rather have died to the sphere. She almost swore aloud in Katria’s disfavour; but reconsidered it, when Katria, who knew what she was doing, reached for the trailing Sorine’s hand, and pulled her to the safety of the outside. 
The earthquake did not last long after that. Katria caught her breath; checked her bow; and said: ‘That was a close one.’ Sorine was not much reassured.
‘Are there… are there often quakes, in these mountains?’ she ventured. 
‘You know,’ returned Katria, ‘I thought you’d know about them, coming all the way out here. But yes. Here, and south of Markarth too. The city itself is spared the worst, I think. I suppose that’s why it’s still standing.’
Which prompted Sorine to look back, at the ruin she’d left: and consider, – quite as she hadn’t, before entering, – how dilapidated it was; how the mountain had crushed and half swallowed it; how any Dwemer city up here, was a house of cards waiting for the breeze. But still they’d built! – 
Her legs were still shaking a bit, though the quake was over: and Katria perceiving this, despite Sorine’s proud efforts to the contrary, took her arm again and led her to sit down. Katria was a marvel of sang-froid; which added to her experience with Dwemer ruins, made Sorine more envious than she cared to admit; and reddening, she asked the question she’d started, if Katria was some sort of mercenary. 
‘The knowledge-advancing sort, if ever there was one,’ Katria replied: ‘books more than badly-placed screwdrivers, it must be said.’
The privileged few, –!
‘A scholar!’ said Sorine: ‘oh! I suppose earthquakes aren’t your primary study?’
And I hope, she thought, that ballistics are not either; or we’ll have to duel over it.
At which Sorine became so flustered, that she must pretend she was still suffering the aftershocks; and Katria must hand her a waterskin. The water settled her heart; the ready companionship settled, if only a little, her growing jealousies; and Katria, she hoped, saw nothing save a woman who had been narrowly saved from a quite literal crushing defeat. They sat a moment more, in growing evening; Sorine glancing at her makeshift camp; until Katria, reassured that Sorine was not going to faint, or die of envy, answered her question.
‘It, – no, they’re not,’ Katria mused: ‘what I’m studying, it’s, – it’s been years and years of… of almost nothing.’
‘So, I hear, was Calcelmo’s Winterhold doctorate,’ said Sorine laughing. 
‘He’s the court wizard at Markarth, isn’t he?’
‘Yes. My tutor, sort of.’
‘Does he ever worry you’re going to get yourself killed?’
‘Probably he’s more worried about the books I’m carrying,’ said Sorine, who had brightened: ‘maybe you should meet him, if you’re into the Dwemer as well. I wonder if he knows about, – whatever it is you’re studying.’
Her persistence must eventually be rewarded: and Katria, struck by her light-hearted recovery, and innocent interest, put up a hand as if to measure the answer she might give. Looked back at the ruin, which though no more collapsed than before, had given up as many secrets as might be expected, from a quickly fading footprint; looked at Sorine, whose crossbow had shot so directly; and at last said:
‘Aetherium. I’m into aetherium.’
‘Aetherium!’ cried Sorine: ‘oh! what’s that?’
Innocent interest! which might listen, – 
‘If you listen to any of the scholars,’ the privileged few! ‘it’s a complete myth, and I’m wasting my time. Which is saying something, coming from Arniel Gane. – You know, I tried telling a blacksmith about it once. You’d think I’d told him to up and join the Thalmor. He said it couldn’t exist. It’s a, – a material, –’
Stone on crumpled grey stone; dull metal on metal; but between her raised hands, in the setting sun, a shimmer, – 
‘I don’t know what it is. Maybe it doesn’t exist. Maybe it’s a myth. Gods damn it all, maybe I mistranslated something, – twenty years ago! – But, Sorine, – I’m the only one looking for it; and gods damn me, if I don’t find anything. Nobody behind me, – to worry I might get myself killed, –’
Sorine perfectly startled, looked at her with fresh eyes: for half in shadow, she’d been all phlegmatic angles, and the darkness had hidden the furrows of her brow. Katria careworn, squinting at glimmers only she could see. Defying earthquakes, defying automata, defying everything; running only because someone else’s life depended on it, – 
‘Twenty years, Sorine! twenty years, chasing footprints, – it has to exist. I have to find it, – I have to find the Aetherium Forge…’
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tafiir-dovahkiin · 7 months
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my not-girlfriend ghost girlfriend, I will miss you. No one could possibly deny the chemistry we found between us (there was none, but I'll miss you anyway).
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pinguinosentado · 2 years
Pairing: Female Dragonborn/Katria Rating: M Summary: Making sure the dead rest easy is something Sayena takes very seriously and after saving the world three or four times, she has gotten pretty good at it. The ghost of one researcher, unable to rest until she clears her name, should be no different from any other. After all, she knows better than to try and keep a soul on this side of the river, no matter how much she wants to.
Excerpt “Are you alright?” the dragonborn asked as she rolled [Calcelmo] onto his back. He really should have asked her name. It was terribly rude of him not to, no matter what else was happening.
“Oh, it’s alright, my dear. Now, if you’ll just fetch that staff, please, I - oh, Molag’s balls, I’m too old for this.”
The dragonborn stood to her full, if not very imposing height above him, and only then did he remember that dragonborn was a title with weight. All sound in the room seemed to fade, the construct on the other side of the wall no more important than the spiders in the distant corners of the room.
Thunder boomed in the distance. Calcelmo tried to prop himself up on his elbows. He had heard the dragonborn could call storms to her, but to see it in person! He must take notes. Surely there - damn it, Katria, why hadn’t she let him take a pencil and paper? Stubborn girl, always thinking she knew best about these things.
“Put the staff down.”The dragonborn stepped over him, her sights firmly set on Taron Dreth. Calcelmo found himself grinning from the floor. The little bastard was going to get thrown around like a leaf in a storm and he damn well knew it! Ha! Quaking in his boots!
“No!” Dreth had backed up the first flight of stairs, panicked as a cornered hare. “You can’t!”
“I’m not asking. Put it down, now. You won’t get another chance.”
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realmoneystudio · 1 year
25 Most Beautiful Horses on Planet Earth
Watch video of ”25 Most Beautiful Horses on Planet Earth” video by @4EverGreenYT TAG: Friesian, Marwari Horse, Arabian Horse, Fjord Horse, Appaloosa, Brumby, The Oldenburg, Shetland Pony, Falabella, Yakut Horse, Spanish Norman, Katria Watch video below… 25 Most Beautiful Horses on Planet Earth
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theunchosenpotato · 2 years
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First book read this year was A Dance With The Fae Prince by @elise.kova I’ve really enjoyed her Married to Magic Series, and I’m thinking about giving Air Awakens another try! #marriedtomagic #adancewiththefaeprince #fanart #elisekova #katria #Davien #bookish #copics #traditionalart #bookfanart #aduelwiththevampirelord #adealwiththeelfking #artist https://www.instagram.com/p/CnRq8u6uHZX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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doli-nemae · 8 months
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oh look at this absolutely normal druid just runin' in the morning haha
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galacticsabc · 6 months
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Saw a prompt on twitter that was like "draw your WoL in this yoship screenshot" so here we are.
This is just a normal tuesday for Jarvis.
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katriaraden · 2 years
“Art shouldn’t be made for money”“Commercial art demeans real art”
You know who are the only people able to do art full-time for free? Privileged & wealthy.
Enjoying free art has never been more accessible. Learning how to make art has never been more accessible. Art careers have never been more accessible.
Marginalized & underprivileged people are now able to do art for a living. This technology seeks to take that away.
And AI proponents try to claim we’re elitist gatekeepers here?
Please don’t fall for the co-opting and weaponization of social justice terms. It’s a disgraceful practice.
There’s nothing elitist, classist, ableist, conservative or capitalist about wanting millions of people to keep their income in a ruthless capitalist society we live in.
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pinki-spitrax · 2 months
*Introduction of a new oc from Rottmnt*
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Pinki (an oc that I basically use for many stories and the oldest oc that I have) decided to have a daughter just because, and from there Kenia the little "albino" turtle, created "artificially", was born.
And yes
I know that Kenia's initials together could mean something very bad, keep in mind that I didn't know what it meant when I came up with that name, I just thought it rhymed and was pretty, plus it wasn't even really her name, I just reused that name from another discarded character
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And that's all, I'll try to publish more things about Kenia but the truth is that I'm not good at drawing her as an adult, I'm better at drawing her as a baby.
(No me funen porfa)
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Do you think your ocs would like each other if they met? Or what would you say was a moment that made them who they are (can apply to any of them that you want to talk about!)
oooh, some of my OCs would get along, others would not. and i'm gonna answer both, but focus on Annette, since DAI is my current fixation.
Annette Trevelyan and Katria Hawke. Annette is initially dismissive, Katria is downright hateful, but largely in part because she'd met Annette's older brother, who left a bad impression, and Annette is very... closed off, very formal, and so she falls under the sort of "Ice Queen" trope, which Katria loathes. Eventually they get along, but its a rough ride on the way.
Annette and Ashanaan Adaar? They need to meet. In a modern AU, Annette would be a chemical engineer, and Ashanaan would be an explosives expert or a rocket propellant engineer. In Thedas, Ashanaan is trying to reverse-engineer gaatlok, and Annette is playing with chemicals and making her artificer mines that way. Ashanaan is also a bit more cheerful/ebullient than Annette, which Annette likes, while Annette has a lot of Orlesian/Noble/historical knowledge that Ashanaan covets but doesn't know where to start. It'd be a meeting of the minds, they'd get along like crazy.
Annette and Harold or Sora Trevelyan? They're cousins. Annette is from the main branch, and Sora and Harold are twins from one of the poorer branches. Annette wouldn't look down on them, but she would be wary, for sure. They'd also be wary of her: Annette's father, Maximilian, has a ruthless and nasty reputation, and Annette's spent the last decade playing the Game in Orlais, which neither of the twins would be thrilled about.
Annette and Thalia Cousland-- friends, due to the simple fact that Ostwick and Highever are both port cities, so her father brought her along a few times when he was re-negotiating trade agreements and arguing over tariffs. They kept in touch, and through Thalia, Annette would meet Rilwyn Amell, who she's arguably closer with despite knowing each other for a far less shorter time period, but they just clicked.
Annette (DAI) and Darth Calumnia (SWTOR)? Throwing this one in for fun: Cal would respect Annette, as she's always a fan of the shrewd political types who can scheme all day, but Annette carries a strong distaste for violence, which Cal would be iffy about. For Annette, Cal is like... all her worst nightmares in one. Cal has no qualms about violence, and she has a lot of ambition and ruthlessness that exacerbate that tendency. In Cal, Annette sees the worst of what she could be if she grew accustomed to violence and she stopped taking death so seriously.
And then, moments that made them? Annette has a handful of big ones.
The first-- her mother died when she was 14, and with an asshole for a father, a two month old baby sister, and a six year old baby brother, Annette basically took on parenting both her younger siblings. She did it because she loved them, and she wanted to protect them, and while she would do it again, parentification at that age is still bad. But that's the first real moment she starts to shelve all the things that make her Annette and turn herself into whatever she needs to be.
The second-- she figures out that her father is a ruthless ass, but he's also intelligent enough not to kill the golden goose. If she plays the Game, buys House Trevelyan influence and power within Orlais, her father will leave her and her baby siblings alone. Annette thus dives into the Game and she does really well at it. As a result, she considers Orlais a refuge from her father's power, and she adopts the country as her own. Her mother was Orlesian, and Annette actually inherits her estate in Verchiel, so Verchiel will become a key part of Annette's identity.
The third-- Annette's closest friend within Orlais was Lorette Callier. Yes, that Callier. Annette did not have a happy growing up, and Lorette was her first friend. In addition, Lorette and Lord Callier's marriage was the first real instance of a happy relationship that Annette really spent any time around, and it began to help her sort out her thoughts around her parents' marriage. And then in 9:37 the Callier's are murdered, and it sends Annette into a tailspin. She gets a lot colder, a lot more guarded, and she swears off violence and war. She doesn't want them in her life, she wants nothing to do with it, and the Orlesian Civil War has now given her an up close look at how war and violence don't care who they hurt. She also puts herself squarely in Celene's camp of followers.
Fourth and finally, this isn't really one moment, but a collection of them: Annette's older sister, Clarissa, is a mage. The templars came and took her, and Annette got some letters, and because her House is rich, she was able to visit a handful of times. Ostwick isn't Kirkwall, but her sister still encountered templar abuses. Eventually Annette was cut off from contact, and her sister's status and location were denied to her. She also witnessed her father's politicking with Chantry officials from a young age, and so she's incredibly disillusioned with the Chantry, she's relatively agnostic, and she hates the templars.
Annette has been going through it, TBH. She's a lot of fun to write, though, and her distaste for war and fighting means I get to play around with alternate ways she plays the role of Inquisitor.
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chrisnaustin · 1 year
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If only I were she!
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Was playing Lost to the Ages a few days ago and I noticed Katria’s ghost effect was faded out. She looked kind of cool.
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fourkestrels · 2 years
okay I want to draw rings of power fanart, who should I do first?
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foxinacrowsnest · 7 months
Sacrificial Lamb
I could not believe that this was happening again. Again. After everything, after starting a war because of what happened last time. Not again.
“You have been specifically requested, Katria.” My sister, the Queen, her voice ice as always. 
“I don't care, Aeryl. The last time I was married off, it resulted in war!” My voice shook with barely contained rage. I clutched my cane tightly, the anxiety rolling through me. It had been one hundred and thirteen years since the start of the Century War. One hundred and thirteen years of pain, grief, fury. While we elves would live for centuries, and the vast majority of us remembered the tentative agreements between us and the humans, there was no longer a human alive that could recall the start. I was a boogeyman to human children. But now, I was to be married to another, a winged creature we knew little of, in hopes of peace and allies. 
“Katria, you are being a child. The High Priestess requested you, by name, to wed a Vovin of her choice to ally our peoples together. We need their support in this war.”
“Or, or, you could put us all out of our misery and let me surrender to the Montaignes. I am one person, one elf, and our children are being slaughtered before they even reach adolescence in the border towns. I started this, let me end it, sister.”
“Absolutely not. You are a princess, second in line to the throne. You will marry the Vovin the priestess sends. You will stop whining about things you know nothing of. And you will never be allowed to sacrifice yourself.”
“I am already a sacrifice.”
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conandaily2022 · 10 months
The Miss Globe 2023 predictions: Katria Agbodo, Anna Lakrini, Lilly Sødal, Yar Elizabeth Dau Wal, Kirstin Yvonne Bangs
The coronation ceremony of The Miss Globe 2023 will take place Ramazan Njala Sports Palace, Durres on November 17, 2023. It is the 20th edition of the international beauty pageant organized by Deliart Association. Before the coronation ceremony, the candidates will battled it out in the Miss Bikini competition at Diamma Resort in Golem, Albania on November 7, 2023. The judges are Franceska…
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