U.S. SOCCER is RACIST and so is Kelley, Lindsey, Julie and Carli.
Everyone had a fucking aneurysm when Jaelene Hinkle said wearing a pride kit went against her religious beliefs. US Soccer had no choice but to denounce her, USWNT fans through a fit at all of her NWSL games, bullying her, calling her names. But when Kelley, Julie, Carli and Horan refuse to kneel in support of BLM, it’s fucking quiet. You can’t have it both ways, people. You can’t cry homophobia because someone refuses to wear a pride jersey and not cry racism because someone refuses to kneel for black lives. 
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White ppl: I can enjoy racist things critically whike acknowledging the problemstic parts
Poc: *criticize the racist, problematic parts*
White: Why are you so mean??? :(((( why cant you let ppl enjoy things..... :(((
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Okay, so I watched FATE:Winx
I never watched the cartoon or whatever; i've never even heard of the fairy shows and stuff so I literally thought this was just a new Netflix show. Saying that though, there are a lot of problems with this show.
1. It's like the writers took every trope there is in teenage Hollywood films and put it in a blender and poured.
It's 2021, the "fat girl with low self esteem" trope is so yesterday. Fat people exist, and no: being fat isn't a disease nor a personality trait. Terra literally was so cringey to watch! "oh, everyone can strip naked so freely but I have to wait until everyone leaves to take a shower because I'm so embarrassed of my body." Like I thought it was cool to see how Terra could blossom plants and shit but they spent more time showing how shitty the thought her life was because she wasn't a size 4.
2. I'm grateful that Aisha isn't a lightskin black person with curly hair because colorism is still a thing but honestly, the white to people of color ratio on that show is while, not suprprising, absolutely appalling. This is a fake world and to my knowledge I don't think only white people can be fairies so why the lack of POC? I looked at the extras during the last episode when everyone gathered in the school and if there were 50 extras, 47 of them were white. Is it really that hard to cast actors other than white people? It's become so normalized to make white people the default and that has to change. There are 9 main characters and two of them are POC. (i'm not sure if Elisha Applebaum (Musa) is asian or not) That's not normal and that's now how the real world looks. I pay attention to this shit because it's aggrivating. How many shows has had a large, white only cast (or one black person?) Gossip Girl, The OC, 90210, Vampire Diaries, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, One Tree Hill, Awkward, Secret Life of the American Teenager, Dawson's Creek, Nancy Drew....I could literally go on for ages. Hire POC!
3. I only watched this show to pass the time while I was having my coffee and eggs so I didn't pay attention that much when it came to the secondary characters but what the fuck is the Riven-Dane-Beatrix storyline? I think it's great if Dane is a bisexual but why are they tip toeing around it and making that his entire personality? Every time he's on the screen Riven is discussing whether he "likes dick or not" and wondering if he's "wanking off to guys or girls." What's his favorite color? What's his characteristics? You can have a bi boy and still give him a personality. The two aren't interchangeable. Also, the first episode he shows up in, he's this timid first year, then he's around Riven for 5 seconds and now he's full of confidence, smokes and bullies people? I know peer pressure exists, but my golly that was so unrealistic!
I'm not even a fan and I understand why fans are dissapointed. It's like the writers watched every American teenage show and said "yes! but give them british accents and superpowers!"
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What's the big deal about reposting, Tumblr users?
I don't mean to be rude but why is everyone on here so anal about reposting? Like I'm not talking about your own artwork or gifsets or fanfiction, but I mean getting upset about a video you posted that's from Youtube and all you did was trim it and have the nerve to put [#my video] in the tags. Or a photo from a celebrities Instagram and all you did was caption exactly what they wrote. Like you don't OWN that stuff yourself so why are you so upset if someone does the exact same you did, except to you? Someone please explain, am I missing something? I see so many "please don't repost" posts and it annoys the shit out of me. YOU REPOSTED IT TOO.
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