#Kayla Hale
fanficanatic-tw · 9 months
"She's going to think I'm stalking her"
Taglist: @arrthurpendragon @ocappreciation @darknightfrombeyond @foxesandmagic @eddysocs
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makoto-nihil · 2 years
The Ocean Hunter: Eyes of Truth - Log Entry 02-01
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==June 14, Year 10==
***The following morning, Father departed for his trip to Luna Sea without seeing me for one last time.***
"He left just a few minutes ago. He didn't mention if he'll stop by your friend's place to see you before his flight later this morning," Their uncle Roger's voice spoke on the other end of the line, still cheerful as ever. "But don't you worry about your father, boy."
Torel twisted the cord connecting the handset receiver to the wall-mounted telephone with one hand as they held the receiver with the other against their ear. The morning sunlight in the living room area on the other side of where Torel was in the apartment was peeking through the closed window blinds, but it still felt too early to be awake at seven in the morning, especially on a weekend.
A few minutes ago, their peaceful slumber was interrupted by the wall-mounted telephone ringing across where they were in the living room area of the apartment's main room in the dining room area. Since Torel was sleeping on the couch in the living room area last night, their earbuds were immediately subjected to the loud noise the moment the phone rang. At first they'd thought it was for Taka, since Chris had mentioned that in the past people would sometimes call him directly in the early hours before the auto shop opened to schedule appointments for repairs and maintenance ahead of time, much to his chagrin and annoyance. They'd pulled the pillow over their ears and tried go back to sleep in spite of the loud noise. A minute later, they'd heard Taka grumbling from his room, which was near the dining room area, followed by some shuffling, and then his door opening and him dragging himself to answer the phone and muttering to himself, accompanied by the sound of a metal crutch clacking against the hardwood floor. Another minute passed along with a small conversation muffled by the pillow over their ears before Torel heard Taka walk over, them hearing the crutch coming closer and clacking against the floor first before they felt him shake them by their shoulder with a gruff, "It's your uncle calling for you." Torel made sure to thank Taka before the older man headed back into his room to go back to sleep.
"Why, when we were young lads, we once got lost in the woods behind the family manor! I was scared out of my wits, being in the middle of nowhere, and your aunt, who had the entire woods mapped out in her brilliant and bright mind, was busy helping your grandmother with some historical records. But your father kept his chin up and remained absolute that we would find our way back home! Just when we thought we found the path we'd took earlier to head back home, a huge bear suddenly appeared and-."
"Roger, please!" Lady Murdoch's voice snapped in the background, interrupting Roger.
Torel heard his uncle's and mother's voice become muffled on other end of the line, as if his uncle had put a hand over the receiver to discuss something with her. "At least tell him to come home right now!" and "He'll come home when he feels like it" were what Torel managed to make out from the muffled discussion. A couple minutes passed before they heard their uncle get back to them.
"Anyways, I'm sure Samuel will be just fine," Roger said reassuringly.
"I guess so," was all Torel could mumble in reply.
***Despite how I felt about Father back then, even back since I was younger, I still felt a little worried about him. This was the first research expedition he'd done after he and his research institution were forced to stop five years ago because of what happened at North Sea. I thought about what if something happens during the trip? More importantly, would he return home like he'd always done in his previous trips?***
***Even so, I pushed those worried thoughts to the back of my mind.***
After his uncle wished them a good weekend before hanging up, Torel put the receiver back on the phone box and dragged themself back to the couch. As soon as they get some more sleep, they and Chris (who was still sound asleep despite all the noise outside his room) would continue with their study session for the upcoming exams which, as a result of their impromptu decision to stay over at Chris's apartment for the weekend yesterday, something they looked forward to at this point and would be for the rest of the weekend. They flopped back onto the couch and instantly fell back asleep the moment their head hit the pillow. The last thing they heard before their lights went out was the low whirring hum of the small rotating fan that sat on a chair next to the couch and towards them.
By the time the alarm clock in Taka's room went off an hour later, Torel was still fast asleep.
==June 16==
***Soon enough, the exams had came and gone, and summer break finally arrived.***
"Finally, it's over!" Torel exclaimed, exhausted. They stretched their arms up as they spoke, only for exhaustion to catch up to them and causing them to suddenly slump onto Chris, who was walking next to them. They managed to sling their left arm around his shoulder before their body almost gave way.
The two were walking through a huge crowd of students flooding out of the front doors of the school building. Chris blinked down at their now-tired queer platonic partner before wrapping his right arm around their right shoulder to pull them up and turning his attention back to the book open in his left hand - Moby Dick - while keeping an eye on the path ahead. As the crowd around them started to scatter off to different directions, Torel leaned against their partner and walked alongside him for a few more minutes before they finally realized Chris hadn't said anything to their earlier proclamation. They lifted their head slightly up to look at him.
"Hey, aren't you glad the exams are over?" they asked, still feeling exhausted.
"Hm?" Chris's eyes flickered towards Torel. "Yeah."
Torel tilted their head a bit. Chris didn't look as tired as they were; in fact, he looks rather relaxed and calm. "Really? 'Cause you were looking extremely focused and tense during the exams, so I'd thought you'd be happy to be done with them."
"I am. I just didn't devote my entire brain power into completing them, unlike you." Chris then lightly tapped the book against Torel's head. Torel exclaimed in surprise and lazily swatted at him with their free hand while Chris cracked a small smile at them.
Torel then noticed some of the upperclasspeople nearby being surrounded by Torel's and Chris's fellow current year students. The crowded students were being wished by the underclasspeople good luck with getting into the colleges or universities of their dreams, their future endeavors and whatnot.
"You know, it's really sad to see them go," they remarked as they scanned the crowded upperclasspeople to find a familiar face. "It's kinda hard to see them depart for college or other ventures after all the studying sessions and support for each other and us underclasspeople for the whole year, except for the jerks of course. Even though there's a chance that they'll come back to the city to visit whenever they can."
Chris hummed in assent, looking up in the same direction as Torel was. Before he could say anything, he felt someone glomp onto his right side and squeeze his right arm tightly. He glanced over to see a familiar dark-skinned girl with dark short hair clinging onto his right arm. Torel too was glancing over to see who it was, this time standing upright instead of slouching. Chris sighed and turned his left hand to lightly tap his book on her head. "Hey, Kayla," he mumbled.
"It's...sad," she mumbled.
"Sad?" Chris inquired.
"They're leaving. They kept saying they're going for their dreams, but it's just an excuse for something else..."
"Like...hunting sea monsters?" Torel guessed.
"Hm?" She looked over at them with her emerald green eyes.
"Well, it's no surprise, Kayla." Torel, Chris, and Kayla turned around to see a tall, fair-skinned upperclassman with short brown hair approaching them from behind. "Considering the bounties on the Seven Great Monsters' heads had increased just yesterday, it's no doubt people like them would be enticed and distracted from their otherwise stated goals to try to claim the big prize," the upperclassman continued.
"Why would they, though?" Torel asked.
"Even though many others have tried and failed in the past?" Kayla followed.
"Who knows?" The upperclassman shrugged. "Maybe they think their futures aren't worth it in the long run and that hunting sea monsters for their bounties sounds more exciting and prospective."
"Well, maybe it's something else besides that. Maybe they just want to get glory and fame faster?" Torel pointed out.
"Or maybe it's for personal vengeance," Chris guessed.
Silence quickly fell over the four young adults. The chatter and noise from the other students around them continued on.
"So what about you, Charles?" Torel asked the upperclassman a minute later. "What do you really plan to do now that you're done with A-levels?"
"Me?" The upperclassman immediately straightened up and stood with his arms crossed. "Well, I ain't fishing anytime soon. Ain't got the time for that!" he declared. A bold smile streaked across his face.
"So, you're still going for it?" Torel inquired excitedly.
"Definitely!" His face was now beaming with confidence and his bright purple eyes twinkled with excitement. "In three to four years, depending on your perspective, England will hear from the next Charles Dickens, the most awesome writer of all time - Charles Radcliffe!" he proclaimed, extending his hand to the air with a flourish. "I just have to decide which of the many universities that accepted my application I would attend," he added, lowering his hand a bit.
"Well, guess that means we'll have to wait for more than three to four years for your first novel," Chris said in a jokingly half-resigned and half-nonchalant voice.
Kayla giggled with a hand over her smile.
"Chris~!," Torel whined with a sweat drop rolling down the side of their face.
"Why you got to bring down the mood?"
"I wasn't."
Charles laughed and playfully cuffed Torel and Kayla by their shoulders, causing both Torel and Chris to bonk each other in the head and almost throwing Kayla off-balance. "Oh, I'm so going to miss y'all. But hey, my ol' pop sent my final manuscript of my short story to his friends at a literary magazine publisher just yesterday," he added with a wink. "With any luck, my months of drafts should pay off soon and you'll definitely see my first work before the semester starts."
Much later, the group had relocated to the city park. Since it was still early in the afternoon, the park wasn't very crowded when they arrived, and so they were able to find a spot in the grassy parts of the park to sit together under the warm afternoon sun. Torel and Chris sat next to each other, their satchels placed behind them to act as cushions, while Charles sat a bit from Torel's side and Kayla close by Chris's side and still clinging onto his left arm. For a while, the four friends did nothing but gaze out to the blue sea beyond while the the sounds of chatter and kids playing around them in the distance and the seagulls cawing above carried on.
But, it didn't take long for the calm and tranquility of the park, or rather the peaceful silence between the group, to be interrupted by loud chanting and shouting behind them in the distance.
"Them again?" Torel sighed in annoyance. They didn't bother to look over their shoulder to see where the source of the unexpected commotion came from - rather, everyone in the park and in the vicinity of the noise knew very well where it's coming from.
"Who? That group over there?" Charles inquired, looking behind him and pointing his thumb at the group of figures in black cloaks walking into the park.
"Who else?"
"Oh, the Vox maris Dei-whatever. That fanatic sea monster cult."
While Torel and Charles were chatting, Chris had quickly grabbed his satchel as soon as he heard the loud commotion behind them in the distance and got up, pulling Kayla with him in the process, considering that she was still clinging onto his arm and her satchel still slung on her shoulder, but she nevertheless willing to follow where he goes. Torel didn't notice this until they caught them by the corner of their eye heading down the hill. They looked back to where the cult group was and just then noticed the path the cultists were starting to walk down on would lead down close to where they and their friends were sitting. Quickly connecting the dots, Torel quickly picked up their satchel and followed after them with a "Hey, wait up!", Charles following suit.
The cult group soon walked past the four's original sitting spot, chanting loudly a disarray of phrases and gibberish. Some of the parkgoers looked at them, a few in annoyance and even shaking their heads. The rest were pulling their children towards them and away from the cultists while covering their ears. Eventually, the cultists reached the end of the path and were walking away from the park, much to the relief of every parkgoer, and the parkgoers resumed their activities before they were interrupted earlier. In the case of Torel, Chris, Kayla, and Charles, however, they remained at their new spot further down the hill and past the promenade and near the park's lighthouse.
"They seem to be going around more often than they used to," Kayla noted as she watched the cultists disappear from view. "Even though no-one listens to them at all."
"Well, who'd listen to them?" Charles remarked. "Scream and yell the same fanatical crap all the time, and people are bound to detest you, even ignore you completely. Though, it's not like that's ever stopped them from bothering everyone else they come across."
"Father and the other scientists at his research institute have had a few bad run-ins with the cult because of their work," Torel said, adding to the conversation. "Those fanatics have been harassing them for years, for 'disrupting the harmony and well-being of the Seven Seas'. What they don't understand is that Father - and my family in that matter - and the other scientists have been doing the opposite for a long time, even before the Seven Great Monsters came."
"But, as to why they'd been more active lately," Charles noted, "it's probably cause of this so-called 'doomsday' that's supposedly coming up."
"Huh?!" Kayla tightened her grip on Chris's arm as she and Torel whipped their heads towards the older young adult. Chris, for his part, grunted in pain and patted Kayla's shoulder to get her to loosen up her grip, which she promptly does, before turning his head to look at Charles.
"Haven't you heard?" Charles looked at his younger friends' puzzled look. "I know I said that people would usually ignore the cult, but I picked up a few details or so from their ramblings this past week. Supposedly, this 'doomsday' they'd been wailing and crying about nonstop is drawing near, around this summer or fall or something. Course, it doesn't sound like Rahab, who they proclaim to be their so-called god, could ever destroy the world and remake it in his own image, since after all he is just a sea monster. I would say, though, that Great Monster is a better mystery than the other six," he added. "But hey, it's not like the world will end soon."
"What makes you say that?" Torel asked curiously.
"Call me crazy for actually catching on to what the cultists that walked by earlier were yapping about, but supposedly Rahab would have to wait until he and the other monsters find this...thing of sort." Everyone gave him unimpressed looks. "OK, I wasn't that attentive. But the way I see it, and given that it's been ten years ever since the Great Monsters appeared, it'll probably be years before that sorta thing could happen. I would say, though, this 'prophecy' kinda reminds me a bit of this old tale I've heard of before". Charles scratched his hair. "I think it was called, The Man of the Sea, or something..."
Out of the corner of Torel's eye, they noticed Chris perked up a bit.
"But either way, I forgot how the old tale goes," Charles quickly admitted. "It was something I read up on in a book while I was touring one of the universities I applied to over waaaaaayyy back during January break, in the campus library."
"I think I may have also read something like that too in the library back at home, now that you mention it," Torel noted, rubbing their chin. "What about you, Chris?" they asked as they glance over at him.
The moment the attention turned to him, Chris nearly froze. "I, uh...maybe?" was what he managed to stammer out, a sweat drop rolling down the side of his face.
"What do you mean, 'maybe'?" Charles inquired, tilting his head in curiosity.
Chris could still feel everyone looking at him. "It's...just something my Mom used to tell me..." He stopped talking with a sigh.
Torel noticed something flicker in his eyes when he spoke and immediately got the feeling of what it was. A pang of guilt twisted inside them. "Hey, you don't have to continue if it's making you uncomfortable," they quickly said, putting a hand on his shoulder, which they hoped communicated to him as reassuring. "Sorry for asking-."
"No." Chris patted the hand on his shoulder. "I-It's fine. It's fine." He took a deep breath before he continued. "I just...only know the parts of the tale that she remembered." He swallowed and cleared his throat a bit.
"There was once a man who lived with his two children in the sea. The endless ocean was his home, and the creatures were his friends. And they all lived happily together in the sea in peace.
One day, the man fell into a great slumber. But when he woke up, he found destruction...and one of his children gone."
Silence filled the air, save for the whistling winds coming from the direction of the sea far away and the hubbub up the hill where most of the parkgoers were.
"That's...all I know," Chris said apologetically, looking away. He curled his right hand halfway into a fist, if not all the way, had Torel not gently placed a hand on his back and Kayla squeezing his left arm.
"I'm sorry again," Torel apologized.
"I'll be OK," was his response.
A few minutes passed before anyone spoke.
"Well, I think I'll raid the public library and see if I can find the old tale in the folklore section or similar," Charles proclaimed. "If not, then I'll swing by your place, Torel, and raid your library! Kidding!" he exclaimed, laughing, as Torel moved to swat at him while shouting, "As if!"
"But really," Charles pointed out, "it does leave a lot of questions. Like who or what destroyed the sea that the man calls 'home', and what happened to his kids. Ahaha...theories abound!"
Charles pulled out a pen and a notebook from his satchel and started to jot down ideas and theories. As he does that, Chris glanced over at Torel, who had turned their head to look out towards the sea beyond.
"You're worried about your Dad?" he asked.
Torel bit their lip as they contemplated for a bit. They shook their head. "Not really...but a part of me is, as much as I don't really want to," they admitted reluctantly.
"Even after ten years, your ol' pop must be really crazy to go out to to the Seven Seas at a time like this," Charles remarked, lifting his head up as he continued to write. "But, everyone here still respects him, as far as my pop told me."
"Well, it wouldn't be the first time he'd crossed into dangerous territory for the sake of research," Torel shrugged, followed by a sigh, "but, who knows? Maybe he'll come back alive and okay from this trip, just like he always did."
***Or so I thought.***
***I didn't "hear" from Father until a week later...***
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ocappreciation · 2 years
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ocappreciation + 2022 oc gift exchange ☃
↳ to: @fanficanatic-tw​ → from: @bloodieash
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mimitheaardvark · 2 years
kayla is as consistent as death and taxes
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jdjdhfdhdhdb · 19 days
Brandi gillis
Vannika Mann
Kaibah Joe
Shaye Notafraid
Queta yazzie
Aaliyah Claude
Skydawn phillips
Paige tsosie
Tiffany Sam
Marie Kennedy
Tyra claw
Monique Rose
Nadine skye
Aspen Rojas
Autumn Chino
Makaila Jesus
Amber j martza
Elena sosa
Cheyenne thomas
Dina curley
Felicia charley
Jessica Nosie
Delia Martin
Aoleon kaye
Carla yazzie
Janine Nachu
Kelcie quay
Shaundina yazzie
Jazmyne stanley
Jolonda Barlow
Brianna Jimenez
Tonita yazzie
Tamika Tsosie
Amanda Tsosie
Johnita Lopez
Tamalika shortie
Cheyanna stevenson
Demetria begay
Celeste seeley
Amanda joshevama
Taliyah john
Deanna Yazzie
Nicole Martinez
Taya sampson
Allison monroe
Kayla Goldtooth
Cecilia Laughter
Mary Ozmotiy
Cheyenne begay
Aubrey Redmustache
Faye Bennett
Adrianna Joe
Chanel Henry
Nuria grey
Deanna yazzie
Anna Hernandez
Joy begay
Nicole Curtis
Mariah frank
Marie yazzie
Nasasha Jane
Siane Hale
Tegan Lee
Tanya nih
Shawnee de
Laneisha brunette
Tysheena bedonie
Elgin youngbear
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Martyr’s don’t kill innocents including children. Content warning: it’s about a school shooting and people posting pictures of themselves holding weapons.
Controversial group behind 'Trans Day of Vengeance' raised money for firearms training - as other trans protestors pose with guns ahead of march in DC on Saturday
The protest was rebranded before the Nashville tragedy from 'visibility' to 'vengeance' by the Trans Radical Activist Network
But some social media users appear to have taken the protest to another level and have posed with powerful firearms posted along with the hashtag 
Twitter has since removed more than 5,000 posts that have used the flyer for the event on April 1 
Despite three nine-year-olds being gunned down by a transgender shooter at a private Christian school in Nashville, activists are still rallying the troops to protest for a 'Trans Day of Vengeance' - months after raising money for firearms training. 
Transgender shooter Audrey Hale opened fire on the Covenant School in Nashville at 10.30am on Monday, killing Hallie Scruggs, William Kinney and Evelyn Dieckhaus during her rampage at the school.
But despite rising political tensions across the country, which saw a press secretary for Arizona Democrat Governor post a Tweet about shooting transphobes, the Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) is pushing forward with their protest in DC.
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The Virginia chapter of the group held a 'dance party fundraiser' in Richmond 'benefiting firearm/self-defense training for trans-Virginians' on March 7, before the mass shooting had taken place. 
In statements, the group has taken pains to distance themselves from Hale, and her actions, and changed the name of the protest before the brutal slayings.  
The protest on Saturday was initially meant to be called a 'day of visibility' but rebranded before the shooting to vengeance because it means 'fighting back with vehemence' – though the group was quick to say they do not 'encourage or promote violence' when contacted by DailyMail.com. 
But one person posing as an activist appears to have taken the movement to the next level, posting a picture of a heavily armed person with an assault rifle and threatening to 'kill christcucks' - as Twitter removed thousands of posts with flyers for the event. 
Twitter has been removing the posts that could be deemed threatening or involve guns associated with the 'TransDayofVengeance' hashtag - but it is unclear exactly how many were others posing with weapons as they have since been deleted.
Ella Irwin, Twitter's head of trust and safety, wrote that the company removed more than 5,000 tweets that included a poster for the event.
She said: 'We do not support tweets that incite violence irrespective of who posts them. 
'Vengeance' does not imply peaceful protest. Organizing or support for peaceful protests is ok.'
Two other trans activists have since posted footage and photos of themselves with rifles, which appear to be in direct response to the Nashville shooting. 
One says that she will use the weapon for 'protection' against 'transphobes' who  target them. 
Kayla Denker, who describes themselves as a ‘communist, archaeologist and writer, posted the video of herself with her gun after the incident in Nashville – despite saying ‘advocating for trans people to arm ourselves is not any kind of a solution to the genocide we are facing’.
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She is also appealing for help with the medical bills for her transition on her social media, which has now been locked down.
Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Green also saw her account removed after she launched several anti-trans attacks on Twitter.
Greene claimed that 'Antifa' was organizing the alleged event, and reposted a poster for the protest while complaining Twitter kept removing her posts before she was ultimately suspended.
Activists are being encouraged to 'bring a buddy' and wear a mask at the event outside of the Supreme Court in DC on April 1, and is billed as avenging a 'trans genocide.'
Organizers did not respond when asked questions about the safety of protests amid the increasing pressure between the two sides of the political spectrum.
Websites such as Etsy are still being used to sell pro-gun and trans merchandise, with stickers that say 'defend equality' with assault rifles on as well as t-shirts and other items emblazoned with 'Trans rights… or else' which also have the high-powered guns in pink, white and blue – the Trans colors – on them.
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TRAN is run by three co-founders, one of whom is a former staffer for the Virginia Democrats and stepped down to work with the group.
Bo Belotti, the national recruitment director, is a 'trans masculine non-binary person' and helped the Virginia chapter of the group to raise money to go on guns and self-defence.
On March 7, the Virginia chapter held a 'dance party fundraiser' in Richmond 'benefiting firearm/self-defense training for trans-Virginians. Come boogie with us and defend trans life!'
Belotti worked as a fellow for Del. Elizabeth Guzman, and Del. Joshua Cole as a legislative aide and helped draft HB 145, which required the state to create model transgender policies for public schools.
His bio on the website adds: 'While working in their state's legislators they helped craft trans-affirming statewide policies.' 
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Another co-founder is non-binary Tsukuru, who had been posting updates on the protest before locking down their account following the backlash in the aftermath of the mass shooting.
Their bio states that they were a 'graduate of a high school in Hiroshima where 350 young lives were brutally taken on August 6, 1945, Tsukuru is an anti-nuclear/anti-war/human rights activist.'
It adds: 'After his brief marriage to his best friend and the birth of his child, he first came out as lesbian at age 29 and as a transgender man at age 50.'
The final founder is Noah Buchanan who helped to set up Tran initially, writing on the website: 'Noah Buchanan; I am a transgender male and have been out since 2018. I have 10+ years of working in the mental health field.
'What motivated me to start TRAN was the fact I was bullied to the point where I attempted to end my own life. The person that bullied me was a fellow member of the LGBTIA+.'
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In a statement to DailyMail.com Buchanan said: 'What I will say is that this protest was not about encouraging or promoting violence.
This protest is about uniting and letting people know that we are human beings, we exist, and love conquers hate.'
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nightsidewrestling · 7 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Fabian Rhydderch
The Cyhyraeth Duke of C.R.C Fabian Rhydderch (2020)
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Jarlath's son and Naoise's grandson, Fabian. An Irish-Catholic living in Wales and a methodical and enthusiastic father. He's also one of Kirby's first cousins once removed.
"Call on me, if you need a friend."
Full Legal Name: Fabian Banquo Huckleberry Gemini Rhydderch
First Name: Fabian
Meaning: From the Roman cognomen 'Fabianus', which was derived from 'Fabius', a Roman family name, itself derived from Latin 'Faba' meaning 'Bean'.
Pronunciation: FAY-bee-an
Origin: German, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, English
Middle Name(s): Banquo, Huckleberry, Gemini
Meaning(s): Banquo: Meaning uncertain, possibly derived from Scottish Gaelic 'Bán' 'White' and 'Cù' 'Dog, Hound'. Huckleberry: From the name of variety of shrubs (Genus Vacinium) or the berries that grow on them. Gemini: Means 'Twins' in Latin.
Pronunciation(s): BANG-kwo. HUK-el-behr-ee. JEHM-i-nie
Origin(s): Literature. Literature. Roman Mythology, Astronomy.
Surname: Rhydderch
Meaning: From the given name 'Rhydderch', from the Old Welsh name 'Riderch', derived from 'Ri' 'King' and 'Derch' 'Exalted'.
Pronunciation: HRUDH-ehrkh
Origin: Welsh
Alias: Cyhyraeth Duke, Fabian Rhydderch
Reason: This is Fabian's Ring name
Nicknames: Huck
Titles: Mr
Age: 21
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Welsh
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: June 13th 1999
Symbols: Banshees, Cyhyraeths, Ghosts, Crowns
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Irish-Catholic
Native Language: Welsh
Spoken Languages: Welsh, Irish, Scottish (Scots Gaelic), English
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Theme Song: 'Hole in My Heart' - Cyndi Lauper (2017-)
Voice Actor: Stefan Pejic
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Current Location: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Hometown: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Weight: 166 lbs / 75 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Sparse
Facial Hair: Goatee
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 5
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Triple, Both), Tragus (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: (As of Jan 2020) The Rhydderch Clan
Enemies: (As of Jan 2020) None
Friends: Adam Nye, Roger Lum, Macario Marino, Joseph Winter, Enrico Di Napoli, Heddwyn Pritchard, Padrig Llewellyn, Macaulay Rhydderch, Pace Rhydderch, Hale O'Hannigan, Walker Rhydderch, Eadburg Rhydderch, Iago Rhydderch, Jacob Rhydderch
Colleagues: The C.R.C Locker Rooms / Too Many To List
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Jean Rhydderch
Mentor: Jarlath Rhydderch
Significant Other: Jean Rhydderch (22, Wife, Née's Patterson)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Jarlath Rhydderch (44, Father), Ursula Rhydderch (45, Mother, Née Cavanaugh)
Parents-In-Law: Finnian Patterson (51, Father-In-Law), Iona Patterson (52, Mother-In-Law, Née MacAlastair)
Siblings: Eadburg Rhydderch (24, Brother), Gardenia Rhydderch (18, Sister), Hadley Rhydderch (15, Sister), Iago Rhydderch (12, Brother), Jacob Rhydderch (9, Brother), Kayla Rhydderch (6, Sister), Lalage Rhydderch (3, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: Fiachra Rhydderch (25, Eadburg's Wife, Née McWilliam), Francescu Patterson (19, Jean's Brother), Ianthe Patterson (16, Jean's Sister), Anto Patterson (13, Jean's Brother), Iole Patterson (10, Jean's Sister), Bruno Patterson (7, Jean's Brother), Jocasta Patterson (4, Jean's Sister), Dobroslav Patterson (1, Jean's Brother)
Nieces & Nephews: Alan Rhydderch (4, Nephew), Anna Rhydderch (1, Niece)
Children: Moire Rhydderch (1, Daughter)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Anglesey, Wales
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School, Naoise Rhydderch, Jarlath Rhydderch
Managers: Jean Rhydderch
Wrestlers Managed: Jean Rhydderch
Debut: 2017
Debut Match: Fabian Rhydderch VS Jarlath Rhydderch. Double Count Out
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Brawler / Hardcore
Stables: The Rhydderch Clan (2017-)
Teams: No Team Names
Regular Moves: Belly To Back Suplex, Bulldog, Figure-Four Leglock, Inverted Atomic Drop, Low Blow, Multiple Jabs, Poking /Raking Opponent’s Eyes, Running High Knee Strike, Big Boot, Atomic Drop, Backbreaker Rack, Diving Overhead Chop, High Knee, One-Armed Body Slam, Piledriver, Running Big Boot, Running Leg Drop, Vertical Suplex Powerslam
Finishers: Sleeper Hold, Jumping Knee Drop, Top Rope Jumping Knee Drop
Refers To Fans As: The Fans, The Family
Backstory: Fabian Rhydderch of the C.R.C (Welsh Wrestling League / Cynghrair Reslo Cymru) Owning Rhydderch Family. When Jarlath dies Fabian will have a 1/448th ownership of the promotion. Fabian is a 'Cyhyraeth Style’ (Brawler / Hardcore) trainer. He’s mostly Irish
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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fanficanatic-tw · 9 months
Kayla & Stiles being the ✨BAMFS✨
Taglist: @arrthurpendragon @ocappreciation @darknightfrombeyond @foxesandmagic @eddysocs
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makoto-nihil · 2 years
The Ocean Hunter: Eyes of Truth - Log Entry 01-01
Log Entry 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04
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***Where do I start?***
***That is a good question.***
***I could've started with that one day, but it wouldn't make sense.***
***But if I had to remember how it really all began, I might as well start here.***
~~~~~~~ == Plymouth, England; June 13, Year 10 ==
The sun rose from the horizon and halfway into the middle of the sky as the hour gave way to morning.
Torel looked up at the sky as they lied on the cool grass, hearing the morning activities unfold from the city in the distance. They were dressed in a school uniform - an aqua green waistcoat over a white shirt, complete with their blue cravat; a navy blue jacket with the school badge sewn on the left side, navy blue pants, dark blue socks, and black Oxford shoes.
A few seagulls flew overhead, cawing. A moment later a small airship - probably a newer model, still retaining the blunt copper and brass colors as its predecessors - flew by, giving off the usual whup whup whup noise like every airship that had passed by the city in the sky every day. The waves coming from the sea crashed against the cliffs at the foot of the hill. A cold breeze blew by, counteracting the noise left behind by the airship and adding to the cool morning air.
Torel blinked for a moment and continued to stare at the sky for some time before letting out a small sneeze.
"Morning, sleepyhead."
Torel turned to their side and noticed Chris sitting right besides them. He too wore the same uniform but with a few minor personal changes - he wore a loose blue bow tie instead of the uniform dark navy tie, the dark orange belted arm glove that he always wore on his left arm, and goggles perched over his eyes. Plus, he didn't wear the waistcoat, as usual. Judging from the book in his hand - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - and the page he's currently on, which was near the end, it would seem that Torel themself was asleep for a long while. Right now, though, he's looking down at them.
Chris promptly closed the book. "Better get up. We'll be late if we don't get back in half an hour," he said, putting the book into his satchel.
"Yeah," Torel said as they sat up with a grin, stretching and rubbing their eyes.
They took out a brass pocket watch from their pocket and checked the time. The grin on their face almost died in surprise.
"Blimey!" they shouted in shock.
They quickly scrambled to grab their satchel, which had been their pillow for their impromptu nap, and got up on their feet. Now that they were up, they got a better view of their surroundings. He and Chris were at the city park, but it was the hill they were standing on that was one of its defining feature. Likewise, the hill looked out to a spectacular view of the sea beyond. If one were to look to their right, they would see a nearby shipyard, the blackened ruins of what used to be a factory, and a small part of the city in the distance. To the left was a lighthouse sticking out from the water in the far distance. A statue loomed over the two from the pavement a few meters behind them.
As Chris slung the satchel over his shoulder and got up, he glanced at Torel and noticed something.
"Torel, you OK? You're looking rather pale."
Torel touched their own cheek. It felt cold. A few beads of sweat streaked down from their forehead.
"Oh? Yeah, I'm fine. It's...probably from the morning heat."
Chris gave them a dubious but concerned look. "It hasn't been very hot or humid in the past hour." He started to move towards them, raising his left hand to feel their temperature on their forehead. "You sure you're OK? You didn't had the nightm-?"
Torel quickly caught his hand before he could press it against their forehead, prompting Chris to stop what he was going to say, and gently pushed it away. Chris pulled his hand back.
"I'll be OK. Really. Let's just head back," they reassured him.
The sun shined down from the middle of the sky as the bell rang from the building below.
"I still can't believe exams are in three days," Torel exclaimed as they and Chris exited the classroom and into the long hallway. Crowds of students surged by, fighting their way to the large wooden doors to get outside. "But when it's done, that's when we both can catch a good break!"
Chris noticed their queer platonic partner's beaming face and rolled his eyes, smirking.
"On the contrary, you didn't fall asleep in class for the first time."
"Hey, even if I didn't take that nap at the park before classes started today, I still wouldn't doze off! Not with exams coming up!"
"That doesn't justify for the previous times you did."
"Well, to be fair, I was dropped off here ninety minutes before classes began today because the butler decided, for some reason, that I should start arriving early to prepare for the exams. But, what better way to spend that extra time by exploring a part of the city-."
"Mr. Lee!"
A light brown-skinned instructor pushed his way through the crowd towards the two young adults.
"You have a phone call up at the office. It's from your uncle."
Chris blinked a bit before nodding in response. He looked at Torel. "I'll be right back soon."
Torel watched as Chris followed the instructor to the office, disappearing into the crowd. Shortly after a dark-skinned girl with dark short hair walked past by Torel and followed in the same direction Chris had taken.
I should probably wait outside. No point staying in the hallway at this hour.
They turned around and headed for the exit. Most of the students had already exited the building by now.
"Hey, seashell head!"
Torel froze on the spot, not daring to look over their shoulder to the source of the familiar voice calling over to them. If they had, they would've noticed a tall fair-skinned student along with his buddies walking their way towards them.
"Enjoyed your little nap, Alice?" the bully sneered.
His buddies snickered.
Still not bothering to turn around, Torel tried to keep their voice steady and calm as they replied, "What nap? What are you guys talking about?"
"You should've known better not to return to you little underwater Wonderland during class~."
His buddies howled with laughter.
"Oh? No," Torel quickly said, their voice starting to stammer. "None of that sort happened today. Now if you don't mind..."
They immediately power-walked their way to the door.
Hurry up, Chris...
"Hey! Hold it right there," the bully exclaimed, quickly walking up towards them. His hand reached out to grab them by the hair.
"Hey, sod off, you guys."
A tall, burly, fair-skinned with an ashen tone upperclassman quickly stepped in between Torel and the bully, his buddies following after the latter. He had his hands on his hips as he glared at the bully.
The bully scowled. "Or what, Damien? You're gonna start a fight, like you always do? And at this hour with everyone gone? Quite bold of you."
The bullies turned around to see Chris standing behind them. His arms were crossed across his chest, and already at the first sight of his glare towards them, the bullies immediately jumped. Although his face appeared serious, his voice right then and there gave off a dark, menacing vibe that would freeze someone on the spot.
"What're think you guys are doing, picking on my partner?"
The bullies immediately hightailed out the door, screaming.
"Idiots," Damien scoffed at the fleeing bullies.
"Thanks a lot, you guys," Torel let out a big breath of relief. "If you guys hadn't came..."
"No problem," Damien replied, crossing his arms. "Although I'm sure Chris could've taken care of them without me."
"Yeah, I kind of forgot that he can..."
Torel glanced over Damien's shoulder to look at Chris and noticed him talking quietly to the dark-haired girl they saw earlier - Kayla, they mentally reminded themself. His hand was on her arm as they talked. She looked at him with sad eyes, but then nodded. Chris then walked back to them.
"Sorry. Let's go."
The two stepped out of the building and into the afternoon sunlight. By this time, most of the students would have gone home, so the yard was somewhat empty, save for a few groups of students lingering around to hang out and chat. Damien had exited the building just now and was heading to one of the groups, raising his arm as he announced his presence, and the group exclaiming in response to him.
"So what did Mr. Lee called you for?" Torel asked.
"He said he won't be back from work until later tonight. One of the cars being worked on at the garage nearly blew up, so he needed to fix it and probably deal with the damage in the garage," Chris replied. "But he said I could go to your house, just for today," he added, lifting a finger up.
***Usually, Mr. Lee would've told Chris to head straight back home or come over to the garage to help, but today seemed to be an exception. Well, can't really blame him, not with the fact that exams were fast approaching at the time.***
The two then headed for the car parked in front of the school gates.
"Something on your mind?" Chris asked, concerned.
The car drove down the busy street, passing by small shops and stalls and people walking by. Inside the vehicle, Torel and Chris were sitting in the backseats, with the former looking absentmindedly out the window and the latter reading the same novel from earlier at the park (he's a few pages near the end). In Chris's case, however, he'd had put the book down to ask Torel the question upon noticing the odd look on their face that was reflected off the window.
"Huh? Oh, just...thinking about what to do later this week, after exams," Torel said, quickly turning to look at Chris.
Chris raised an eyebrow.
"It's just that, you've been dozing off a lot ever since January. It's like you haven't been able to sleep well after your birthday."
Torel sighed.
"How many times had we talked about this? I've told you, and everyone else who had asked, it's nothing to worry about. And this morning was no exception; it was just a simple nap."
"Says the one who kept on fidgeting and trying not to scream for five months straight in their so-called nap."
Torel couldn't tell if Chris was serious or joking there, but he wasn't wrong.
"Did you had the nightmare again at the park?" Chris then asked.
Torel hesitated at first, but then nodded after a couple minutes passed by.
"It's always been nothing but that dream." They clenched their right hand into a fist as they spoke. "Waking up underwater, wearing some strange diving suit, and being surrounded by shadowy monsters...not to mention a strange orb of light in the distance that I couldn't reach no matter how I tried...And I know that you'd said many times before that it could be a sign for something," Torel quickly added before Chris could say something.
"They still don't believe you?"
"Nope. Mother and Uncle still think I'm crazy, but I don't know about Father. I'd told him once, but he still hadn't said anything yet. Then again, you are the only person who believed me and took me seriously."
"The ‘only person’ outside your family," Chris corrected them.
"But really, Chris, please don't worry about it. Summer break is just around the corner. The nightmares should go away eventually and I'll finally get a good night's rest!"
Chris looked as if he wanted to say something, but he then closed his mouth. The concern didn't leave his face.
"I...highly doubt it would."
As the car made a turn into an open street, Torel looked out the window and watched as a small airship took off from the ship-crowded harbor in the distance. Chris returned to reading his book.
***Back in Father's day, the harbors used to be occupied with lots of seafaring ships. There were also a few aeroships back then, but they were rarely used due to how expensive it was to transport cargo or, in a lesser case, to own one. Instead, they were used to carry travelers across the Seven Seas to the other countries.***
***After the Seven Great Monsters came, though, aeroships were immediately in the demand outside of travelling, but the ships were still being used to transport cargo across the seas that would otherwise be too heavy for an aeroship to safely carry. Still, anyone would still use whatever ship that survived a Great Monster's attack and could still sail, but at a greater risk.***
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
Masterlist - Female Green Eyes
Addy Miller
Ava Kolker
Amirah Johnson
Beatrice Kitsos
Caitlin Carmichael
Ella Ballentine
Ella Rubin
Isla Johnston
Larsen Thompson
Mackenzie Foy
Megan Scott
Melissa Collozo
Sky Katz
Alana Boden      
Alba August
Aleece Wilson
Alexandra Tikerpuu
AJ Michalka
Ali Collier
Alicia von Rittberg
Alina Bobyleva
Alina Boz
Alina Kovalenko
Alycia Debnam-Carey
Allegra Carpenter
Amine Gülşe
Amy Forsyth
Anna Grace Barlow
Brec Bassinger
Breezy Eslin
Brenna O’Brien
Cailin Russo
Caitlin Carver
Camren Bicondova
Catherine Missal
Chloe Grace Moretz
Danielle Campbell
Dove Cameron
Eda Ece
Emma Appleton
Ester Expósito
Esti Ginzburg
India Gants
Frances Encell
Isabel Hodgins
Jella Haase
Jenna Boyd
Júlia Molins
Katerina Tannenbaum
Laura Bilgeri
Lauren Froderman
Lauren Jauregui
Lauren Potter
Leonie Benesch
Lexi DiBenedetto
Lilli Camille Schweiger
Lola Rodríguez
Louisa Connelly-Burnham
Lucy Boynton
Luna Marie Schweiger
Madeleine Coghlan
Madisen Beaty
Madison Davenport
Madison Lintz
Marielle Scott
Meredith Mickelson
Mia Healey
Natacha Karam
Nell Tiger Free
Paula Beer
Pauline Burlet
Pinar Deniz
Rachel Matthews
Riley Voelkel
Romi Van Renterghem
Sabrina Bartlett
Savannah Baker
Sophie Turner
Stephanie Styles
Tiera Skovbye
Ulrikke Falch
Vanessa Grasse
Willa Holland
Abbey Clancy
Abbie Cornish
Alex Paxton Beesley
Alexa Chung
Alexa Davalos
Alexandra Turshen
Alissa Jung
Alison Sudol
Amanda Seyfried
Amy Winehouse
Ana Beatriz Barros
Ana de Armas
Angelina Häntsch
Avigail Harari
Bar Paly
Beren Saat
Carrie MacLemore
Claire Boucher
Clara Alonso
Darla Baker
Eliza Coupe
Elizabeth Knowelden
Elle Evans          
Emilia Clarke
Emily Baldoni
Emily Tremaine
Esther Povitsky
Felicity Jones
Genevieve Angelson
Georgia King
Haley Webb
Hannah Ware
Hilarie Burton
Isidora Goreshter
Jasna Fritzi Bauer
Jen Lilley
Jenna Dewan
Jessica Keenan Wynn
Jessica Lowndes
Joy Lauren
Julia Hartmann
Julie Marie Berman
Kate Lambert
Kate Phillips
Katie Cassidy
Katie Leclerc
Kayla Ewell
Krysten Ritter
Laura Bell Bundy
Lauren Cohan
Lindsey Kraft
Lucy Hale
Mallory Jansen
Marcella Lentz-Pope
Maria Sole Mansutti
Meg Steedle
Meghan Ory
Melissa McIntyre
Monika Reithofer
Paige Spara
Priscilla Quintana
Rachael Taylor
Razane Jammal
Rebecca Breeds
Sara Canning
Sarah Power
Shelley Regner
Tammin Sursok
Yasemin Kay Allen
Adamari López
Alison King
Amber Valletta
Angela Kinsey    
Anna Torv
Artemis Pebdani
Becki Newton
Brandy Clark
Brooke Elliott
Charlize Theron
Christina Applegate
Constance Zimmer
Dorian Brown Pham
Erica Durance
Ginnifer Goodwin
Jennifer Morrison
Jessica Chastain
Jill Flint
Julia Parker
Kathy Kiera Clarke
Keri Russell
Leslie Bibb
Melissa McCarthy
Niki Karimi
Portia de Rossi
Sabrina Grdevich
Sarah Rafferty
Stephanie Waring
Traci Dinwiddie
Alexandra Paul
Amy Ryan
Catherine Tate
Elisabeth Shue
Emily Procter
Francie Swift
Gia Cardis
Julianne More
Kelly Rutherford
Marcia Cross
Mary Page Keller
Melina Clarke
Natascha McElhone
Rebecca Stab
Sherry Stringfield
Allison Janney
Chloe Webb
Diane Keaton
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foxesandmagic · 2 years
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Holiday Gifts for @fanficanatic-tw
Teen Wolf OC
Kayla Hale and Stiles Stilinski: Romantic
Derek Hale and Kayla Hale: Cousins
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Okay okay okay have a looong list babe! 💚 (Going with literally everything that gives me vibes lol) (There's also ones that we already talked about but not explored that much... ops?! But they have a *) (Will also use # you'll know why lol) Also, there are some ocs that are in the same universe, but decided just about specific relationships so kept them separated! (Also, tried to follow you "don't do crossover with this oc" list, know that you alredy did some exceptions with me but we always talked about it first and I don't want to make you uncomfortable! If you think you could feel comfortable with some of that ocs or have some other ideas you know I'm always here 👀)
Sure that I forgot someone, but!
Harry Potter
Ara Black & Bianca Black-Lupin
Ara Black & Viss Potter
Emerald Evans & Viss Potter
Gemini Black & Eden Rosier *
Gemini Black & Rosalind Potter
Gemini Black & Gunnie Newton
Eurydice Crouch & Eden Rosier *
Eurydice Crouch & Rosalind Potter
Venus Malfoy & Viss Potter
Andromeda Jackson & Lilith Reeves
Ashley Wilson & Mike Lore
Ashley Wilson & Ashley McCoy
Ashley Wilson & Reggie Warwick
Atalanta Jackson & Lilith Reeves
Blossom Talbot & Mike Lore
Blossom Talbot & Ashley McCoy
Blossom Talbot & Catarine Johnson
Calliope & Catarine Johnson
Cassandra Aelius & Reggie Warwick
Cassandra Aelius & Gilbert Summers & Lucas Alderidge
Crystal Solace & Mike Lore
Crystal Solace & Reggie Warwick
Crystal Solace & Gilbert Summers
Delia & Catarine Johnson
Desdemona Gaumond & Mike Lore
Desdemona Gaumond & Reggie Warwick
Elyana Chase & Evelyn Chase
Esmerelda Wilde & Mike Lore
Esmerelda Wilde & Ashley McCoy
Esmerelda Wilde & Reggie Warwick
Lila & Iris Hardcastle
Mila Bellamy & Reggie Warwick
Pandora Jackson & Lilith Reeves
Pandora Jackson & Mike Lore
Stella Beauregard & Mike Lore
Stella Beauregard & Reggie Warwick
Summer Sol & Gilbert Summers
Viola Di Angelo & Reggie Warwick
Adina Lightwood & Elys Herondale * (and the kids ofc)
Adina Lightwood & Vienna Lightwood
Adina Lightwood & Pepper Orla #
Ariadne Blackthorn & Cassandra Blackthorn
Ariadne Blackthorn & Pepper Orla #
Ariella Lightwood & Elys Herondale
Calla Frey & Elys Herondale
Cassiel Fell & Elys Herondale
Clem Wayland & Elys Herondale
Evanna Garroway & Brian White
Josephine Garroway & Brian White
Mikaela Fairchild & Elys Herondale
Minerva Bane & Elys Herondale
Minerva Bane & Alice Knight
Minerva Bane & Lydia Knight
Minerva Bane & Pepper Orla #
Rebecca Wayland & Elys Herondale
Ainsley Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Deborah Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Elle Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Esther Colt & Kayla Winchester
Isla George & Kayla Winchester
Jude Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Marmaroth & Kayla Winchester
Nevaeh Murphy & Kayla Winchester
Rachel Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Teen Wolf
Abigayle Whittermore & Freya Ringold
Adrien Argent & Raphael Blackwell (& Diana & Angeline Blackwell)
Adrienne Argent & Ginevra Stilinski
Adrienne Argent & Raphael Blackwell
Adrienne Argent & Angeline Blackwell
Alexis Argent & Ginevra Stilinski
Alexis Argent & Raphael Blackwell
Arianne Martin & Ginevra Stilinski
Arianne Martin & Candace McCall
Arianne Martin & Samantha Ellis
Avril Argent & Raphael Blackwell
Avril Argent & Alastair Henwick
Belle Serpico & Addie Lewis
Bridget Finstock & Addie Lewis
Brooke Parrish & Diana Blackwell
Carmen Rivera & Candace McCall
Eden Dunbar & Ginevra Stilinski
Eden Dunbar & Stan Benson
Elsa Lahey & Candace McCall
Elsa Lahey & Samantha Ellis
Natasha Reyes & Linette Reyes
Natasha Reyes & Stan Benson
Raegan Stilinski & Ginevra Stilinski
Scout Stilinski & Ginevra Stilinski
Scout Stilinski & Candace McCall
Scout Stilinski & Addie Lewis
Scout Stilinski & Stan Benson
Sylvia Hale & Raphael Blackwell
Sylvia Hale & Alastair Henwick
Stranger Things
Abigail Layton & Olivia Marlow
Abigail Layton & Sunny Henderson
Angelica Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Angelica Hopper & Sunny Henderson
Angelica Hopper & Effie Munson
Beth Munson & Effie Munson
Beth Munson & Olivia Marlow
Beth Munson & Nora Wheeler #
Camila Nelson & Miles Henderson *
Camila Nelson & Olivia Marlow
Camila Nelson & Autumn Hopper
Cara Henderson & Miles Henderson
Cara Henderson & Sunny Henderson
Cara Henderson & Ethan Clifford
Ness Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Jacob Hopper & Miles Henderson
Jacob Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Jessica Wheeler & Alex Byers
Jessica Wheeler & Dolly Harrington
Jessica Wheeler & Nora Wheeler #
Kaylie Hopper & Miles Henderson
Kaylie Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Kimberly Harrington & Miles Henderson
Kimberly Harrington & Autumn Hopper
Kimberly Harrington & Dolly Harrington
Kimberly Harrington & Sunny Henderson
Laura Hyde & Olivia Marlow
Laura Hyde & Effie Munson
Laura Hyde & Ethan Clifford
Laura Hyde & Nora Wheeler
Lori Hill & Olivia Marlow
Olivia Wheeler & Sunny Henderson
Olivia Wheeler & Olivia Marlow
Olivia Wheeler & Nora Wheeler
Rhiannon Ballard & Miles Henderson
Rhiannon Ballard & Effie Munson
Samantha Mayfield & Dolly Harrington *
Samantha Mayfield & Ethan Clifford
Sidney Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Sidney Hopper & Alex Byers
Spencer Hargrove & Dolly Harrington
Stacey Byers & Alex Byers
Stacey Byers & Miles Henderson *
Descendants (Everyone & Jax lmao)
Ace Hearts & Gavin
Ace Hearts & Brielle
Ace Hearts & Rowan Cheshire
Princess Addie & Prince Baz #
Anissa Radcliffe & Jess Hearts
Anissa Radcliffe & Esme Balthazar
Beatrice & Juniper White
Beatrice & Celestine
Beatrice & Prince Baz #
Blossom & Celestine
Chessy & Jax Hearts
Chessy & Jess Hearts
Chessy & Juniper White
Chessy & Rowan Cheshire
Chiara Potts & Jax Hearts
Chiara Potts & Jess Hearts
Chiara Potts & Prince Bax #
Cian Hearts & Gavin
Cian Hearts & Brielle
Cian Hearts & Rowan Cheshire
Eliane & Jax Hearts
Eliane & Celestine
Elise Charming & Crystal Charming #
Elise Charming & Prince Baz #
Evander Grimhilde & Jax Hearts
Evander Grimhilde & Esme Balthazar
Finley Rider & Jax Hearts
Finley Rider & Primrose Rider #
Fitz Rider & Primrose Rider #
Fitz Rider & Jax Hearts
Gloria Gothel & Primrose Rider #
Harley Hook & Jess Hearts *
Princess Isabelle & Primrose Rider #
Princess Isabelle & Prince Baz #
Princess Kyra & Jess Hearts
Mae & Celestine
Queenie Hearts & Brielle
Robin Fitzherbert & Primrose Rider #
Rylan Fitzherbert & Primrose Rider #
Rosabelle Legume & Jax Hearts
Rosabelle Legume & Prince Baz #
Sloane White & Juniper White
Sloane White & Jess Hearts
Sloane White & Prince Baz #
Taryn Porter & Jax Hearts
Topher Charming & Prince Baz #
Topher Charming & Jax Hearts *
Topher Charming & Crystal Charming #
Topher Charming & Armie & Bernie Poppins
Violet Kingsleigh & Gavin
Violet Kingsleigh & Brielle
Violet Kingsleigh & Rowan Cheshire
Violet Kingsleigh & Prince Baz #
Winnie Pan & Jax Hearts
Winnie Pan & Jess Hearts
Effie Cox & CJ Holmes
Kit Holmes & CJ Holmes
Elaine Watson & CJ Holmes
MCU (Should have a list just for them ngl)
Achilles & Aimee
Adelaide Stark & Eleanor Stark
Adelaide Stark & Rebecca Stark
Adelaide Stark & Victoria Vill
Alvina Strange & Victoria Vill
Alvina Strange & Melissa Parker #
Alvina Strange & Aimee
Anya Barton & Kit Barton
Aphrodite & Aimee
Aria Parker & Melissa Parker #
Ava Potts & Victoria Vill
Ava Potts & Kit Barton
Ava Potts & Mia Barnes
Bianca Davis & Mia Barnes
Bianca Davis & Kit Barton *
Bianca Davis & Eleanor Stark
Brigid & Rebecca Stark
Brigid & Trixie Kingsleigh
Calypso Lokidottir & Eisa Lokidottir #
Calypso Lokidottir & Aimee
Cora Royce & Kit Barton *
Courtney Lang & Helena Watson
Eir Odinsdottir & Aimee
Eir Odinsdottir & Sol & Mani #
Eir Odinsdottir & Eisa Lokidottir #
Elena Barnes & Kit Barton
Elena Barnes & Mia Barnes
Elizabeth Barton & Kit Barton
Ellie Coulson & Victoria Vill
Ellie Coulson & Melissa Parker #
Elsie Carter & Mia Barnes
Erna Bragidottir & Sol & Mani #
Evelyn Rogers & Mia Barnes
Ezra Barton & Kit Barton
Freya Thorsdottir & Eisa Lokidottir #
Freya Thorsdottir & Aimee
Ilya Romanova & Kit Barton
Ilya Romanova & Mia Barnes
Jameson Barrett & Mia Barnes
Justine Barnes & Mia Barnes *
Kassandra Maximoff & Victoria Vill
Kassandra Maximoff & Kit Barton
Mia Pierce & Kit Barton
Mia Pierce & Mia Barnes
Nicholas Barton & Kit Barton
Peyton Parker & Victoria Vill
Peyton Parker & Melissa Parker
Saga Thorsdottir & Aimee
Sammy Barton & Kit Barton
Tyler Barton & Kit Barton
Wendy Parker & Trixie Kingsleigh
Wendy Parker & Victoria Vill
Wendy Parker & Melissa Parker #
Will Parker & Kit Barton *
Will Parker & Melissa Parker
Will Parker & Victoria Vill
Will Parker & Eleanor Stark
Will Parker & Rebecca Stark
Zora Wright & Kit Barton
TASM (Trust me on this, especially when you read one specific name lol)
Constance Osborn & Victoria Vill
Constance Osborn & MJ Watson #
Jill Stacy & MJ Watson #
Posie Parker & Victoria Vill
Posie Parker & MJ Watson #
Princess Aelia & Maeve *
Allyria Pendragon & Elissa Pendragon
Aurelia Devlyn & Mabel
Aurelia Devlyn & Delfine
Elsine Pendragon & Elissa Pendragon
Lynette Starfall & Maeve
Abbie Hudson & Nate Simmons *
Abbie Hudson & Kaylee Hummel *
Abbie Hudson & Maya Puckerman
Abbie Hudson & Mirabelle Ryder
Amelie Kline & Cosette Chamberlain #
Ash Astor & Cosette Chamberlain #
Barbie Corcoran & Linda Berry #
Barbie Corcoran & Maya Puckerman
Betty Fabray & Nate Simmons *
Betty Fabray & Elliott Walker *
Betty Fabray & Kaylee Hummel
Mac Hudson & Connie Sanchez #
(The Band & The Band? 👀)
Cece Cartwright & Nate Simmons *
Cece Cartwright & Elliott Walker *
Cece Cartwright & Melanie Jay
Charlie Sylvester & Nate Simmons
Christie Hummel & Nate Simmons
Christie Hummel & Kaylee Hummel
Daphne Carter & Susan Cole
Daphne Carter & Morgan Smith
Delilah Puckerman & Susan Cole
Demi July & Dulcie Klempt
Demi July & Nate Simmons
Demi July & Ronnie Nell
Dolly Corcoran & Linda Berry #
Dolly Corcoran & Jean St James
Gilbert Hummel & Kaylee Hummel
Haruki Knox & Nate Simmons *
Hillary Holliday & Nate Simmons
Holden Pierre & Chrissy Chamberlain
Holden Pierre & Nate Simmons
Jeremy St James & Nate Simmons
Jeremy St James & Elliott Walker
Jeremy St James & Jean St James
Johanna Berry & Linda Berry #
Joy Shuester & Morgan Smith
Joy Shuester & Nate Simmons
Joy Shuester & Elliott Walker
June Harris & May Taylor & Melanie Jay
June Harris & May Taylor & Lyra Wells & Melody Wells
Kendall Pierce & Nate Simmons *
Kendall Pierce & Elliott Walker
Kendall Pierce & Lula Delaney
Lilibeth Anderson & Jean St James
Lilibeth Anderson & Chrissy Chamberlain
Lindsay Wright & Zeke Wright
Lindsay Wright & Dulcie Klempt
Roman Kline & Cosette Chamberlain
Roxie Flores & Nate Simmons
Roxie Flores & Jennifer Glynn #
Sadie Berry & Linda Berry
Abigail Claremont-Diaz & Emma Spring
Abigail Claremont-Diaz & Romeo Dunn
Caroline FMW & Princess Valentina (& Emma Spring)
Caroline FMW & Eliza Halley
Caroline FMW & Rosalie Harlow #
Cate FMW & Rosalie Harlow #
Eileen Eisner & Eliza Halley
Isabel Luna & Lenora Richards
Kennedy Quinlan & Romeo Dunn
London Carter & Emma Spring
London Carter & Ken Morrison
London Carter & Lenora Richards
Lucy Kent & Ken Morrison
Lucy Kent & Emma Spring
Madison Richards & Lenora Richards
Margaret FMW & Princess Valentina
Margaret FMW & Rosalie Harlow #
Allison Queen & Virginia Falcone
Allison Queen & Jericho Valeska
Bellatrix Bullock & Lila Hart
Bellatrix Bullock & Jeneva Valeska
Bellatrix Bullock & Jericho Valeska
Chrissa Wayne & Jeneva Valeska
Chrissa Wayne & Annalise Pennyworth
Chrissa Wayne & Karina Wayne
Chrissa Wayne & Jericho Valeska
Dakota Dent & Margaret Gordon
Dakota Dent & Jericho Valeska
Felicity Nygma & Lila Hart
Felicity Nygma & Jericho Valeska
Isolde Kean & Margaret Gordon
Isolde Kean & Hel Mooney
Isolde Kean & Ade Kean
Isolde Kean & Larissa Thompkins
Isolde Kean & Jericho Valeska
Josette Cobblepot & Lila Hart
Josette Cobblepot & Hel Mooney
Josette Cobblepot & Jericho Valeska
Leander Zane Hayes & Elijah Crow
Leonie Murphy & Margaret Gordon
Leonie Murphy & Penelope Fisher
Leonie Murphy & Jericho Valeska
Lorena Falcone & Margaret Gordon
Lorena Falcone & Virginia Falcone
Lorena Falcone & Hel Mooney
Lorena Falcone & Jericho Valeska
Ophelia Wayne & Margaret Gordon
Ophelia Wayne & Virginia Falcone
Ophelia Wayne & Karina Wayne
Ophelia Wayne & Jericho Valeska
Piper Gordon & Margaret Gordon
Piper Gordon & Mireille Lacroix
Piper Gordon & Larissa Thompkins
Piper Gordon & Jericho Valeska
Sarina Strange & Jeneva Valeska
Sarina Strange & Jericho Valeska
DC Comics/Batman (Coming soon I swear, working on some of them 👀)
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andeatm · 2 months
byul, the chow chow pup, comes over to put his little bear paw on lee's lap. in the dog's mouth is a bright red ball, and byul demands play time since hale's not around. " wuf. "
pets were wishful thinking in the cracked picture of lee's family. kayla wanted a cat. lee vouched for a dog beforehand. their mom, like usual, empty promised the former. a maybe trucked through at least three of kay's birthdays. he got a flat-out no, once. in hindsight, putting another unfed mouth in that house would've sucked. and doors were left open all the time. so sitting here on hale's floor with byul wanting to play fetch is as good as he's gonna get. he'd never seen a fluffier dog in his life. like a goddamn living teddy bear. after a good pet to the head, he takes the ball and sends it across the room. careful to not hit anything breakable so he doesn't get chewed out later.
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musispoedmacarsiv · 1 year
11 Ekim 2023 Fenerbahçe Alagöz Holding LDLC Asvel Feminin Maçı
*Metro Enerji Spor Salonu'nda saat 19:00'da başlayacak olan Kadınlar EuroLeague Normal Sezon A Grubu 2. maçı. Yenilmez hale bürünen temsilcimiz Süper Kupa'da karşılaştığı Fransız ekibini konuk ediyor. 28 Eylül'deki maçı 109-52 kazanmıştık. Bir zafer daha bekliyoruz. Başarı dileklerimizi Kanarya'ya sunuyoruz.
*FB TV'den naklen yayınlanacak olan maç.
*İlk çeyreği 31-9 gibi müthiş bir sonuçla geçtik. Kanarya harika başladı zaten. Çeyreği de 15-0'lık seriyle bitirdi. Hakikaten çok fazla bu lige temsilcimiz. Bir dönemin UMMC'si gibi.
*İçeriye 49-36 üstün gidiyoruz. Asvel'den 28-17'lik bir çeyrek oyunu geldi. Fransız ekibi refleksi ile farkı 27'den 13'e çekti ama ipler bizde. Sakin kalalım.
*Üçüncü periyot 76-50 bitti ve yeniden gaza bastık. Kanarya 27-14'lük bir oyun sergiledi bu defa. Tamamdır artık.
*Fenerbahçe 106-57 ile gülen taraf oldu. Süper Kupa tarifesini uyguladı adeta. Temsilcimiz son periyotta 30-7'lik bir oyun ortaya koydu ve 49 sayılık zaferi elde ederek 2'de 2 yaptı. Teşekkürler hepinize. Fenerbahçe Alagöz Holding'de Napheesa Collier 23, Kayla McBride 22 sayı üretti. LDLC Asvel Feminin'de ise Marine Fauthoux 15, Alexia Chery 14 sayı buldu.
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brentclanton · 2 years
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Who gets married at 4pm on a Friday? These two wild and crazy kids! Congrats to the newly-minted Mister & Missus, Zack and Kayla Hales! #happilyeverafter #JustMarried (at Tomball, TX) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnGdtsEsHJ_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arrthurpendragon · 7 years
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For: @fanficanatic-tw
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