#funny tropes
lostcloud-world · 2 days
"I'm pretty sure I could take out that huge guy over there"
"What?! No!, he's like 6ft tall!"
"I didn't know there were height restrictions for dating"
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fanficanatic-tw · 6 months
Kayla & Stiles being the ✨BAMFS✨
Taglist: @arrthurpendragon @ocappreciation @darknightfrombeyond @foxesandmagic @eddysocs
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hellcatinnc · 9 months
Her Love In The Force Review - Shusuke Soma
Includes Spoilers...
So this is one of them games I will come back and fourth to and since right now only one really caught my attention I will do his review based off his chapter 1 and 2 which is a 2 part story split as a main story, and his pov. I may add others later but as of right now this game really isn't too great to me.
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So first off he is a beautiful man I noticed that from the start. He seems like a sweet man and is gentle and kind but he can be a bit wishy washy. Because of his job he spends so much time lying and manipulating people so even when he is nice you question if its just a act. You watch him manipulate women as well as people on the inside helping his case that are willing to die for him. Seriously if he wanted to start a cult and have them all kill themselves I think he could do it. The story seems a but rushed just in the first half alone and then when you start the 2nd part its like instant husband and wife even though undercover its just the fact things were just getting sweet between you and him then. It almost comes off rushed as well as pushed too fast. I wasn't a fan of that at all.
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He has points he can be harsh but then flip a switch and he is kind and gentle again. He makes weird comments at times and doesn't really trust anyone since his sister was murdered. He names all his bonsai trees Stephanie after his dead sister. He takes forever to confess his love to you after you have already done so. I didn't like that he left it open for weeks after before following through with wanting you. He is always protective and goes out of his way always to keep you safe and he really is a good guy. Even when you have to be undercover as his wife you see he would make a good husband but any time something lingers to be something there he changes the subject. He was upfront in the end of wanting you to stay with him forever yet never said I love you and he just assumed you would be his girlfriend he didn't even make it exciting by asking.
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Guess he assumed since you already confessed your love that was enough. Then he brings you to his apartment and starts kissing you and telling you he wants to give you "ALL HIS LOVE" that was so clear what he meant. In bed he even tells you that he knew it would come to this from the beginning its like ok was he a perv this whole time planning on sleeping with you after he got you to fall in love with him yet he says he trusts no one well now he trusts you. I don't know I was bored most of his story and it was more about being undercover than a love story. This is probably why it will be a bit before I come back and do any of the other guys. Out of love interests I have read he is probably close to the bottom and very forgettable. I'm just glad I didn't purchase any extra in Love365 for him. Also doesn't feel like there is alot of CG pics for this game either. Only plus side is how good he looked coming out of the shower...yummy!!!
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The "there's only one bed" trope but with three characters instead of only two.
There's all this romantic/sexual tension between A and B and they try to be subtle about it so C doesn't catch on.
C, completely oblivious as to what's happening next to them, occasionally appears over B's shoulder to ask if anyone knows any good food places around.
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A forbidden love trope where character A is extremely sensitive to textures while B has eczema
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literally me every single night
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guinevereslancelot · 1 year
first base is wound tending second base is hand touching
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buggachat · 7 months
do you ever think about how funny the fanon vs canon trope contrast of how Marinette and Alya talk to each other is. I’m guilty of this too. Fanon usually goes for the “Marinette is the relatable single friend who has to listen to Alya talk about her boyfriend all the time”, which is just an intuitive scenario etc etc. but. in canon Marinette is the demon keeping Alya awake at 3 am to talk about how raaaawwwrrr sexy Chat Noir is and waking her up at 6 am on a Saturday morning to cry to her about Adrien going on a weekend trip without her. they’re just so funny. we’ve only heard a FRACTION of what Alya deals with on a daily. Alya deserves financial compensation. if Alya is being TMI to Marinette in a fic just remember that she is only balancing the scales
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cassandracain52 · 13 days
Weirdly specific fanfic tropes in the Batman Fandom that I love
Cuddle Pollen: Ivy’s pollen but it just makes you crave human contact to the point it’s painful
People avoiding Bruce Wayne adopting them: sometimes the adoptee is a canon bat child other times it’s LadyBug or Spider-Man. Bruce absolutely dragging Batman through the mud to the press for no apparent reason: You would think such a specific prompt could not possibly have that many fics. You would be wrong. The Justice League finding out Bruce has 10+ children and being shook: It always goes one of two ways, either one of his kids was hiding under his cape and outs him or they all show up when Bruce inevitably needs help Tim destroying another company out of pure petty spite: Idk why it's always him, but it is. The reason can vary but it's typically in defense of another family member
Actual Ray of Sunshine Robin!Jason seeing the neglected little gremlin that is 9 yrs old Tim Drake and deciding to keep him: it’s always so funny. 90% of the time it’s just Jason telling Bruce “We’re keeping him” and Bruce just being like “ok”
Damian trying to fight Santa Clause: I don’t know when exactly we as a fandom decided that not only did Damian believe in Santa, but that he is ready to fight him at any given moment but I hope it never stops
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saturnisscreaming · 1 year
Y'know the thing people do in movies/shows where there like a monster/creature place and they poke a stick in there to investigate? Then it comes out shorter cause it got all chomped or broken? I want them to stick the stick in there and it comes back longer
I just grew your stick what're you gonna do about it
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hellcatinnc · 9 months
Did He Really Say This??? LMFAO
Her Love In The Force LMAO Trope
I was playing Soma in Her Love In The Force voltage game and I laughed my ass off at this like who complements a woman for being cute then compare her to a bonsai tree lmao.. I can't even!!
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my favorite sskk trope is ppl like akutagawa’s acquaintances meeting atsushi and being flabbergasted that the sweetest, purest, softest, can do no wrong-est guy is with mr grumpy pants and no one believing akutagawa when he says that atsushi is actually feral
so essentially ppl having a very soft baby boy uwu perspective of atsushi just becuz he’s sweet and smiles a lot and so on 
but akutagawa obviously knows atsushi since theyre dating so he’s like ‘guys. guys no. guys yesterday i told him he should eat something other than chazuke and he tried to bite me. guys. guys please believe me.’
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waitineedaname · 2 years
divorce as angst: boring, depressing, overdone, I've had enough of that in my own life thanks
divorce but the characters are still friendly: good! healthy! more of this please!
divorce as comedy: unparalleled, hysterical, I want characters to divorce each other repeatedly for no reason
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mischieviem · 7 months
Indulged myself for a homework assignment
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