#Damien Harrington
makoto-nihil · 2 years
The Ocean Hunter: Eyes of Truth - Log Entry 01-01
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***Where do I start?***
***That is a good question.***
***I could've started with that one day, but it wouldn't make sense.***
***But if I had to remember how it really all began, I might as well start here.***
~~~~~~~ == Plymouth, England; June 13, Year 10 ==
The sun rose from the horizon and halfway into the middle of the sky as the hour gave way to morning.
Torel looked up at the sky as they lied on the cool grass, hearing the morning activities unfold from the city in the distance. They were dressed in a school uniform - an aqua green waistcoat over a white shirt, complete with their blue cravat; a navy blue jacket with the school badge sewn on the left side, navy blue pants, dark blue socks, and black Oxford shoes.
A few seagulls flew overhead, cawing. A moment later a small airship - probably a newer model, still retaining the blunt copper and brass colors as its predecessors - flew by, giving off the usual whup whup whup noise like every airship that had passed by the city in the sky every day. The waves coming from the sea crashed against the cliffs at the foot of the hill. A cold breeze blew by, counteracting the noise left behind by the airship and adding to the cool morning air.
Torel blinked for a moment and continued to stare at the sky for some time before letting out a small sneeze.
"Morning, sleepyhead."
Torel turned to their side and noticed Chris sitting right besides them. He too wore the same uniform but with a few minor personal changes - he wore a loose blue bow tie instead of the uniform dark navy tie, the dark orange belted arm glove that he always wore on his left arm, and goggles perched over his eyes. Plus, he didn't wear the waistcoat, as usual. Judging from the book in his hand - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - and the page he's currently on, which was near the end, it would seem that Torel themself was asleep for a long while. Right now, though, he's looking down at them.
Chris promptly closed the book. "Better get up. We'll be late if we don't get back in half an hour," he said, putting the book into his satchel.
"Yeah," Torel said as they sat up with a grin, stretching and rubbing their eyes.
They took out a brass pocket watch from their pocket and checked the time. The grin on their face almost died in surprise.
"Blimey!" they shouted in shock.
They quickly scrambled to grab their satchel, which had been their pillow for their impromptu nap, and got up on their feet. Now that they were up, they got a better view of their surroundings. He and Chris were at the city park, but it was the hill they were standing on that was one of its defining feature. Likewise, the hill looked out to a spectacular view of the sea beyond. If one were to look to their right, they would see a nearby shipyard, the blackened ruins of what used to be a factory, and a small part of the city in the distance. To the left was a lighthouse sticking out from the water in the far distance. A statue loomed over the two from the pavement a few meters behind them.
As Chris slung the satchel over his shoulder and got up, he glanced at Torel and noticed something.
"Torel, you OK? You're looking rather pale."
Torel touched their own cheek. It felt cold. A few beads of sweat streaked down from their forehead.
"Oh? Yeah, I'm fine. It's...probably from the morning heat."
Chris gave them a dubious but concerned look. "It hasn't been very hot or humid in the past hour." He started to move towards them, raising his left hand to feel their temperature on their forehead. "You sure you're OK? You didn't had the nightm-?"
Torel quickly caught his hand before he could press it against their forehead, prompting Chris to stop what he was going to say, and gently pushed it away. Chris pulled his hand back.
"I'll be OK. Really. Let's just head back," they reassured him.
The sun shined down from the middle of the sky as the bell rang from the building below.
"I still can't believe exams are in three days," Torel exclaimed as they and Chris exited the classroom and into the long hallway. Crowds of students surged by, fighting their way to the large wooden doors to get outside. "But when it's done, that's when we both can catch a good break!"
Chris noticed their queer platonic partner's beaming face and rolled his eyes, smirking.
"On the contrary, you didn't fall asleep in class for the first time."
"Hey, even if I didn't take that nap at the park before classes started today, I still wouldn't doze off! Not with exams coming up!"
"That doesn't justify for the previous times you did."
"Well, to be fair, I was dropped off here ninety minutes before classes began today because the butler decided, for some reason, that I should start arriving early to prepare for the exams. But, what better way to spend that extra time by exploring a part of the city-."
"Mr. Lee!"
A light brown-skinned instructor pushed his way through the crowd towards the two young adults.
"You have a phone call up at the office. It's from your uncle."
Chris blinked a bit before nodding in response. He looked at Torel. "I'll be right back soon."
Torel watched as Chris followed the instructor to the office, disappearing into the crowd. Shortly after a dark-skinned girl with dark short hair walked past by Torel and followed in the same direction Chris had taken.
I should probably wait outside. No point staying in the hallway at this hour.
They turned around and headed for the exit. Most of the students had already exited the building by now.
"Hey, seashell head!"
Torel froze on the spot, not daring to look over their shoulder to the source of the familiar voice calling over to them. If they had, they would've noticed a tall fair-skinned student along with his buddies walking their way towards them.
"Enjoyed your little nap, Alice?" the bully sneered.
His buddies snickered.
Still not bothering to turn around, Torel tried to keep their voice steady and calm as they replied, "What nap? What are you guys talking about?"
"You should've known better not to return to you little underwater Wonderland during class~."
His buddies howled with laughter.
"Oh? No," Torel quickly said, their voice starting to stammer. "None of that sort happened today. Now if you don't mind..."
They immediately power-walked their way to the door.
Hurry up, Chris...
"Hey! Hold it right there," the bully exclaimed, quickly walking up towards them. His hand reached out to grab them by the hair.
"Hey, sod off, you guys."
A tall, burly, fair-skinned with an ashen tone upperclassman quickly stepped in between Torel and the bully, his buddies following after the latter. He had his hands on his hips as he glared at the bully.
The bully scowled. "Or what, Damien? You're gonna start a fight, like you always do? And at this hour with everyone gone? Quite bold of you."
The bullies turned around to see Chris standing behind them. His arms were crossed across his chest, and already at the first sight of his glare towards them, the bullies immediately jumped. Although his face appeared serious, his voice right then and there gave off a dark, menacing vibe that would freeze someone on the spot.
"What're think you guys are doing, picking on my partner?"
The bullies immediately hightailed out the door, screaming.
"Idiots," Damien scoffed at the fleeing bullies.
"Thanks a lot, you guys," Torel let out a big breath of relief. "If you guys hadn't came..."
"No problem," Damien replied, crossing his arms. "Although I'm sure Chris could've taken care of them without me."
"Yeah, I kind of forgot that he can..."
Torel glanced over Damien's shoulder to look at Chris and noticed him talking quietly to the dark-haired girl they saw earlier - Kayla, they mentally reminded themself. His hand was on her arm as they talked. She looked at him with sad eyes, but then nodded. Chris then walked back to them.
"Sorry. Let's go."
The two stepped out of the building and into the afternoon sunlight. By this time, most of the students would have gone home, so the yard was somewhat empty, save for a few groups of students lingering around to hang out and chat. Damien had exited the building just now and was heading to one of the groups, raising his arm as he announced his presence, and the group exclaiming in response to him.
"So what did Mr. Lee called you for?" Torel asked.
"He said he won't be back from work until later tonight. One of the cars being worked on at the garage nearly blew up, so he needed to fix it and probably deal with the damage in the garage," Chris replied. "But he said I could go to your house, just for today," he added, lifting a finger up.
***Usually, Mr. Lee would've told Chris to head straight back home or come over to the garage to help, but today seemed to be an exception. Well, can't really blame him, not with the fact that exams were fast approaching at the time.***
The two then headed for the car parked in front of the school gates.
"Something on your mind?" Chris asked, concerned.
The car drove down the busy street, passing by small shops and stalls and people walking by. Inside the vehicle, Torel and Chris were sitting in the backseats, with the former looking absentmindedly out the window and the latter reading the same novel from earlier at the park (he's a few pages near the end). In Chris's case, however, he'd had put the book down to ask Torel the question upon noticing the odd look on their face that was reflected off the window.
"Huh? Oh, just...thinking about what to do later this week, after exams," Torel said, quickly turning to look at Chris.
Chris raised an eyebrow.
"It's just that, you've been dozing off a lot ever since January. It's like you haven't been able to sleep well after your birthday."
Torel sighed.
"How many times had we talked about this? I've told you, and everyone else who had asked, it's nothing to worry about. And this morning was no exception; it was just a simple nap."
"Says the one who kept on fidgeting and trying not to scream for five months straight in their so-called nap."
Torel couldn't tell if Chris was serious or joking there, but he wasn't wrong.
"Did you had the nightmare again at the park?" Chris then asked.
Torel hesitated at first, but then nodded after a couple minutes passed by.
"It's always been nothing but that dream." They clenched their right hand into a fist as they spoke. "Waking up underwater, wearing some strange diving suit, and being surrounded by shadowy monsters...not to mention a strange orb of light in the distance that I couldn't reach no matter how I tried...And I know that you'd said many times before that it could be a sign for something," Torel quickly added before Chris could say something.
"They still don't believe you?"
"Nope. Mother and Uncle still think I'm crazy, but I don't know about Father. I'd told him once, but he still hadn't said anything yet. Then again, you are the only person who believed me and took me seriously."
"The ‘only person’ outside your family," Chris corrected them.
"But really, Chris, please don't worry about it. Summer break is just around the corner. The nightmares should go away eventually and I'll finally get a good night's rest!"
Chris looked as if he wanted to say something, but he then closed his mouth. The concern didn't leave his face.
"I...highly doubt it would."
As the car made a turn into an open street, Torel looked out the window and watched as a small airship took off from the ship-crowded harbor in the distance. Chris returned to reading his book.
***Back in Father's day, the harbors used to be occupied with lots of seafaring ships. There were also a few aeroships back then, but they were rarely used due to how expensive it was to transport cargo or, in a lesser case, to own one. Instead, they were used to carry travelers across the Seven Seas to the other countries.***
***After the Seven Great Monsters came, though, aeroships were immediately in the demand outside of travelling, but the ships were still being used to transport cargo across the seas that would otherwise be too heavy for an aeroship to safely carry. Still, anyone would still use whatever ship that survived a Great Monster's attack and could still sail, but at a greater risk.***
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libraryofgage · 2 months
Harlequin Prince (3)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two | Three (you're here!) 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One | Two Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two | Three Leverage Crew One
So that Suicide Squad Isekai anime huh (it's great, I love it actually)
Anyway, I'll be playing fast and loose with Batman canon so all the batkids can be around at the same time have fun with that cuz I did (also forgive me if anyone is a little too OOC; i'm here for a good time not a long time), and the little flashback bit will continue in the next parts as Steve meets more batkids ^_^
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't UwU
Harley drops him off at Wayne Manor just after ten in the morning. She tugs a window open, carries him inside, kisses him on the forehead, and promises to pick him up in a week before climbing back out. Steve watches her until she's past the gate, clutching a Green Lantern plush his mother insisted he carry around because it'll annoy his Uncle Bruce.
Steve glances down at the plush, wishing his mother didn't have to go off on a mission when she'd just gotten out of Arkham two months ago. His wishes won't actually change anything, though, so he might as well make the best of his week with Uncle Bruce.
He turns on his heel, taking in the plain bedroom that will probably become his for the next few days. He holds the Green Lantern plush close and marches to the door, stepping out into the hall and choosing a random direction to walk in.
According to his mother, Wayne Manor can have anywhere between two and ten people staying in it at one time. She told him that Dick would be the most welcoming, if not the most confused, the girls would be the most fun, and Damien would be the most guarded, likely to consider him a threat for his entire stay.
It's just his luck that the first person he runs into is Damien. The other boy drops from the ceiling, blade of his sword glinting in the light as it comes to a stop just against Steve's neck. Steve freezes, glancing down at the sharp edge as Damien says, "Think very carefully before answering. Who are you, and what are you doing in my home?"
Steve looks away from the sword, tilting his head slightly as he shrugs. "I'm Steve. I'm staying here for a week," he says.
Damien's eyes narrow, and he takes a step closer, adjusting his arms so the katana doesn't move. "Says who? Does Father know you're here? Are you a spy sent by my mother?"
"Says my mom. Maybe. No," Steve replies.
A few more seconds pass before Damien hums. "Who's your mother?"
"Is there another?"
Slowly, Damien lowers the sword. "I suppose Quinn is somewhat reformed. How old are you?" he asks.
"Almost six."
"So, you're five," Damien says, nodding once. He sheathes his sword, apparently deciding Steve is no threat to him. "That makes me older than you, so you have to do what I say. Consider me your big brother for the week."
"Are you gonna make me hurt myself?"
"Mom said you wouldn't like me."
"Father said I should try being more trusting and welcoming. You are small and untrained, like a puppy. I could dismember you before you hurt me, which makes you ideal for practicing," Damien explains. He's quiet for a few seconds before getting a slight smirk. "Besides, it will greatly annoy my brothers if you obviously prefer me over them."
"I'm great at pretending as long as we can do fun stuff, too."
"Then we have a deal. You will act like I'm your favorite, and I will make sure you have fun."
Steve considers this, decides Damien is well on his way to actually being Steve's favorite, and steps closer. "Mom said Alfred makes the best cookies. Can we have some?"
"Yes," Damien says, "If you're hungry, then it's my responsibility to feed you as your big brother."
He offers his hand, seeming unsure when Steve takes it, like he isn't used to this kind of contact. Still, he doesn't pull away; he just hesitantly squeezes Steve's hand before leading him down the hall.
Not two days ago, Steve was telling himself he'd never set foot in Hawkins High School. Now, after getting the run down on the Upside Down (and holy shit did this place suddenly get a thousand times more interesting), Steve decides he'll just have to brave the brick walls to get Eddie out.
He leans forward on his motorcycle, arms resting on the handlebars as he looks up at the building. There's an American flag waving in the wind, faded paint on the outside, and security so lax it'd be suspicious in Gotham. Steve briefly considers leaving his helmet on, but he settles for placing it on the seat once he's off the motorcycle.
Walking into the school is easy. He doesn't even get stopped by the receptionist at the front desk. She just waves him in without looking up from her book. So, yeah, getting in is easy; figuring out where Eddie is might be a little harder.
He wanders the halls and stops the first student he sees, a girl with short brown hair carrying an unwieldy instrument case in her arms. Steve places his hands on the case and gently pushes down, flashing a grin when he can finally see her face. "Uh, can I help you?" she asks, her tone implying she very much does not want to help him.
"Yeah, I'm looking for someone," Steve says.
Her nose wrinkles slightly in disgust. "Listen, dingus, if this is some kind of pick-up line dare, save it," she says, rolling her eyes. She takes a step back and Steve follows.
"Nope, definitely not," he says, "You're not my type, sorry."
"Excuse me?"
"Well, unless you're not a girl...," he says, voice trailing off and eyebrow raising as he watches her understand his meaning.
She blinks, her shoulders rising some. She glances around, confirms the hallway is still empty, and relaxes. "Word of advice," she says, "don't just say that shit where anyone can hear. People aren't exactly nice about it around here."
Steve flashes a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I can take care of myself, but thanks. Anyway, still looking for someone."
"Oh, right, uh, what's their name?"
"Eddie Munson. Know him?"
She blinks again, her eyebrows shooting up in slight disbelief. "Yeah, I know him. Whatcha need him for? He doesn't usually sell until after school."
Oh. Steve hums softly, filing away that tidbit of information for later. "Not here to buy. I'm here to take him somewhere fun," he says.
A few seconds pass in which the girl looks at Steve, drops her gaze to the instrument case between them, and then glances around the empty hall. "Well, shit, man, I wanna go somewhere fun, too."
Steve considers her for a moment, trying to figure out the logistics of fitting her and Eddie on his bike. Well, he can just have her sit on the handlebars or something. "Okay, but the instrument won't fit," he tells her.
The grin he gets in return tells him that won't be a problem. "Name's Robin, by the way."
This has to be fate, right?
"Steve. Nice to meetcha, Robin."
Robin's grin gets even wider, and Steve knows they'll be great friends.
"Eddie usually sits in a corner," Robin says, standing at the edge of the cafeteria with Steve. It's teeming with life, and Steve hears snippets of conversations that blur into one dull roar that settles over the space. It reminds him of bars in Gotham even more than the actual bars he's visited here in Hawkins.
He can't see into the corners from here, but that doesn't bother him. "Wait here," he says, flashing a grin at Robin before walking to a mostly empty table. He climbs onto it, reaches into one of his jacket's inner pockets, and pulls out an air horn.
Steve waits long enough to see Robin cover her ears before raising the horn in the air and pressing down. It blares through the room, drowning out conversations and forcing people at the surrounding tables to cover their ears. A few more seconds pass before Steve lets up on the horn, grinning widely at the sea of eyes turned towards him.
"I'm looking for Eddie Munson," he says, twirling the air horn in the palm of his hand.
Instead of a verbal answer, he watches as the eyes turn from him to a corner across the room. A few people even duck close to their tables to clear Steve's line of sight, allowing him to see a confused Eddie sitting with his friends.
Steve grins, pockets the air horn, and starts making his way across the cafeteria. He walks on tables, jumps between them, and narrowly avoids stepping on more than one tray along the way. By the time he reaches Eddie's table, most of the students have gone back to their lunches and conversations.
"How's it going, Eds?" Steve asks, crouching in front of Eddie with a grin. He glances at the other boys by him, notes the identical Hellfire Club shirts, and nods in acknowledgement.
"Better now," Eddie says, his startled blink telling Steve he definitely didn't mean to say that out loud.
Steve somehow grins wider. "Wanna make like a banana and split? I've got somewhere fun in mind," he says, popping up from his crouch before hopping off the table and into the narrow space between Eddie's chair and his friend's.
"Dude, really?" one of his friends asks. "We have a session today."
Eddie looks torn at that realization, halfway standing and stuck like that. "That we do, Gare-bear," he says, defeat bringing his shoulders down.
"In that case, consider this a kidnapping," Steve tells them, grabbing Eddie's hand and pulling him up. He wraps his arm around Eddie's shoulders, winks at his friends, and promises, "I'll have him home before six, though."
Eddie's friends exchange glances, and Steve graciously pretends not to notice the puppy dog eyes Eddie aims at them. After a few seconds, one of them stands up, towering over Steve and outweighing him by a good bit. He clears his throat, glances at the other two, and tries to sound intimidating as he says, "Make it five thirty, and no funny business."
Steve nods and offers a mocking two-finger salute. "Yes, sir," he replies, flashing a grin before taking Eddie's bag from his seat and dragging him to where Robin is waiting.
"So, where are you kidnapping me to?" Eddie asks, managing to stick close to Steve despite having to weave through chairs and tables.
"Nothing special, really. Just an abandoned laboratory in the middle of the woods that has a gateway to another dimension filled with faceless monsters. Oh, and Robin's coming, too. Don't worry, though, I won't let you get hurt. "
He glances over to meet Eddie's wide eyes, something warm curling behind his ribs when Eddie finally smiles and whispers under his breath, "Fucking metal."
Tag List (definitely still room, so let me know if you'd like to be tagged!):
@nectandra, @y4r3luv, @just-a-tiny-void, @dotdot-wierdlife
@midwestharpy, @twilitdragoneye, @disrespectedgoatman
And now, a meme:
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nancylikesboobies · 2 years
okay so apparently eddie munson is based on a real life person who was in a friend group of metal heads in the nine-tees, and this group was suspected for murder only because they were different and this was a time of like ” otherness is devil worship “.
theese three spent eighteen years in jail for a crime they didn’t commit but during this time a lot of people campaigned that they should be released. one of these people was PETER JACKSON!!!!!!
this entire thing just completely like blew my mind (the person he is based on is named damien echols. google him and the story is going to be fairly easy to find)
but the fact that lord of the rings is eddies favourite book(s) and the man behind the movies worked to free “the real” eddie munson..
idk something about that just makes me happy?? like eddie was so alone and hated after chrissy but like everyone who matters is on his side
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reveluving · 1 year
masterlist ; choices (stories you play)
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— a growing collection of choices fics made by yours truly, especially for those who have been looking for fics written as a reader-insert style!
— written as 'you' (f!mc); no name usage!
↬ fics :
i'll show you little by little (m!trystan thorne x f!mc)
There's nothing better than the comfort of your favourite prince in the morning.
take me anywhere but home* (m!trystan thorne x f!mc)
Trystan always wants to take care of you, even if it's 3.12 a.m. in the morning.
you're shining (more than any star) (m!trystan thorne x f!mc)
What the wedding & having a kid with Trystan would be like.
come fly with me (m!trystan thorne x f!mc) [NEW!]
The beauty of your first dance with Trystan!
the prettiest of them all* (damien nazario x f!mc)
To hell with Nadia's plans, Damien has better ideas, and it includes you and a mirror.
the highlight of his day* (beckett harrington x f!mc)
Summer vacation's over, and Beckett wants nothing more than to make up for loss time.
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↬ about my ocs :
˚ · . Crimes of Passion: 1
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˚ · . back to full m.list , pics found on Pinterest!
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ejundo · 10 months
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​🇧​​🇺​​🇳​​🇳​​🇾​ ​🇲​.​🇱​​🇮​​🇸​​🇹​
original characters . . .  ♥︎
soo - yun : 1 . . more to be added..
jeung-kil : 1 . . more to be added..
damien "z" zicardo : 1 . . more to be added..
more oc's comin' soon.
genderbend applies to all fandoms i will write for.
jjk . . .  ♥︎
nanami kento : . . coming soon..
toji fushiguro : . . friends with benefits… interesting…
gojo satoru : . . coming soon..
suguru geto : . . coming soon..
megumi fushiguro : . . coming soon..
ryomen sukuna : . . coming soon..
kenjaku : . . coming soon..
itadori yuji : . . coming soon..
kuroko no basket . . .  ♥︎
all teams . . even the dads. : . . coming soon..
ohshc . . .  ♥︎ aged up or fluff takashi morinozuka : . . coming soon..
tamaki suoh : . . coming soon..
kyoya ootori : . . coming soon..
the twins : . . coming soon..
ritsu kasanoda : . . coming soon..
stranger things . . .  ♥︎
billy hargrove : . . coming soon..
steve harrington : . . coming soon..
jonathan byers : . . coming soon..
fluff for the rest.. : . . coming soon..
attack on titan . . .  ♥︎
all male characters listing main ones .
eren jaeger : . . stoned!?
jean kirstein : . . coming soon..
armin arlert : . . coming soon..
erwin smith : . . coming soon..
more to be added . .
♡ ʏᴏᴜᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴄʜᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ (more fandoms soon)
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dutifullynuttywitch · 3 months
Rank your favorite LIs within your favorite stories. (i.e., rank the OH lis, BOLAS lis, etc.)
Hi nonnie! Thanks for the ask 🥰
Blades of Light and Shadow
1. Mal Volari (my all time fav choices LI ❤️)
2. Tyril Starfury
3. Nia Ellarious
Wake the Dead
1. Troy Hassan
2. Eli Sipes
Perfect Match
1. Damien Nazario (just the one, he captured my heart - I could never play other LI routes 😅)
Endless Summer
1. Jake McKenzie
2. Sean Gayle
3. Quinn Kelly
1. Jax Matsuo
2. Kamilah Sayeed
3. Adrian Raines
Open Heart
1. Bryce Lahela
2. Rafael Aveiro
3. I would have romanced Tobias had he been a choice!!
1. Kaine Bell/Fang Zixin
2. Rainier
1. Lancelot du Lac
2. King Arthur/Artura
The Royal Romance
1. Drake Walker
2. Liam Rhys
3. I would have loooved to be able to romance Olivia Nevrakis !!!!
The Elementalists
1. Griffin Langley
2. Shreya Mistry
3. Becket Harrington
1. Cal Lowel
2. Nik Ryder (this was a hard choice, but I've played a few more times with Cal as my LI than Nik...)
Veil of Secrets
1. Flynn O'Malley
2. Grant Emerson
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storyofmychoices · 7 months
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My Top Ten Choices Love Interests
Thomas Hunt
Bryce Lahela (tied)
Mal Volari (tied)
Levi Schuler
Beckett Harrington
Trystan Thorne
Troy Hassan
Nia Ellarious
Ben Park
Ethan Ramsey (I did really enjoy him once... I wish I could go back to that... then I could finish Love & Scotch)
Honorary Mentions
(Emo)Drake Walker (@the-soot-sprite) (He's my LI okay)
Flynn O'Malley
Bartender from ROE
Tyril Starfury
Imtura Tal Kaelen
Aerin Valleros
Andy Kang
Justin Mercado
John Somerset
Damien Nazario
I wish they were Love Interests
Astrid Thorne 🥵 (PLEASE!)
Bas Thorne 😭
Vasili Thorne 💚
Kaspar 😍 and Emika ❤️ Thorne
Lydea while I'm at it 💖
Patryk lol jk hard pass!
Luke Watanabe (I love him and Ruby but I also love him, okay?!)
Addison Sinclair (in RCD)
All the mermaids
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outsiderempire · 3 months
A lil’ intro about me:
Hello! I decided I would make this since I have been gaining new followers and it's been a long time since I have done one of these (probably about a decade, holy hell I'm old)
So, please, continue on reading if you're interested in learning more about the strange person that I am!
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⛧ The basics: aroace, agender (they/them), 30 years old
⛧ Some of my favorite things/hobbies/interests: writing, crochet, painting, reading, anime/manga, danmei, music, researching, collecting things, Japanese culture, libraries, academia, exercising, wrestling, antiques
⛧ More specific favorite things you will encounter on my blog: Oli Sykes, South Park, Dishonored, D.Gray-man,  MXTX, Stranger Things, ATLA, Michael Myers
⛧ Some of my favorite characters you will probably see lots of: The Outsider (Dishonored); Nea D. Campbell (D.Gray-man); Damien Thorn, Christophe DeLorne, Kenny McCormick (South Park); Zuko, Jet (ATLA); Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
⛧ All time ships/OTPs: Bunny, Gregstophe, Dip (South Park); Harringrove (Stranger Things); NeaLink (D.Gray-man); Zukka (ATLA)
⛧ Other facts about me:
⸸ I have a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing which I have put to use primarily to write fanfiction (of all things), so be sure to pop on over to my AO3 if interested!  —> Click for fanfics!
⸸ I work in an academic library as a cataloger and acquistions specialist and I love every aspect of my job.
⸸ I hyperfixate like crazy and jump from one extreme to another, so my blog will be an amalgamation of all different sorts of things!
⸸ I am autistic, I also suffer from depression, OCD, and anxiety—a fantastic mixture of awfulness that makes life incredibly difficult to navigate, but I am still here chugging along and doing my best to get by.
⸸ I am an Oscar Wilde fanatic and collect all sorts of antique books and other interesting items related to him!
⸸ I have a 17-year-old cat named Patches who I have had since he was a baby and I love him dearly, he is my son. We spend our days together living contently and quietly in a little cottage by a lake in a peaceful and quiet community.
⸸ I have zero interest in relationships/dating, but you will always catch me writing the fluffiest, cheesiest, romantic bullshit because, for some reason, I love it even if I don’t love myself being a part of it.
⸸ As for my fanfiction, I primarily write modern day fanfiction, focusing on teens or young adults. Occasionally, I will write middle-age characters, but not often. I do not take requests as I only write what really excites me and I want to focus on those things first.
⸸ Most of my writing will also focus around themes such as: abuse, mental illness, romance, disabilities, slice-of-life, family (especially found family), sexuality/gender, identity, friendship, fluff, poverty, realism.
Please, never be afraid to reach out if you want to talk to me or leave feedback on my fanfiction. I appreciate every comment, reblog, and like that I get!
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i watched 120 new-to-me films this year; here are the posters from a few of my favorites in no particular order!!
faults (riley stearns, 2014) out of the blue (dennis hopper, 1980) wake in fright (ted kotcheff, 1971) entergalactic (fletcher moules, 2022) histoires d'amérique: food, family and philosophy (chantal akerman, 1989) the woman king (gina prince-bythewood, 2022) waking life (richard linklater, 2001) on the count of three (jerrod carmichael, 2021)  thank you and good night (jan oxenberg, 1991)
i’ll tag @lesbiancolumbo / @draftdodgerag / @localpubliclibrary / @calicoskiesacoustic / @jerrylandis / @columbosunday / @harrierdoobie  / @sightofsea and anyone else who’d like to do this!! 🌟
entire watchlist from 2022 is below the cut:
the world to come (mona fastvold, 2020)
nancy (christina choe, 2018)
la bouche de jean-pierre (lucile hadžihalilović, 1996)
run (aneesh chaganty, 2020)
the mosquito coast (peter weir, 1986)
mass (fran kanz, 2021) 
a field in england (ben wheatley, 2014) 
angels wear white (vivian qu, 2017)
a cape cod christmas (john stimpson, 2021) 
shook (jennifer harrington, 2021)
outing riley (pete jones, 2004)
love & mercy (bill pohlad, 2014) 
small engine repair (john pollono, 2021) 
the fallout (megan park, 2021) 
clemency (chinonye chukwu, 2019)
red elvis (thomas latter, 2022) 
calendar girls (nigel cole, 2003) 
the little hours (jeff baena, 2017)
out of the blue (dennis hopper, 1980) 
aya of yop city (marguerite abouet and clement oubrerie, 2013) 
fresh (mimi cave, 2022)
jesus camp (rachel grady, 2006) 
bamboozled (spike lee, 2000)
master (mariama diallo, 2022)
the world of us (yoon ga-eun, 2016) 
jezebel (numa perrier, 2019)
the cat, the reverend and the slave (alain della negra and kaori kinoshita, 2009)
cohabitation (lauren barker, 2022)
the queen of versailles (lauren greenfield, 2012)
secret ceremony (joseph losey, 1968)
the northman (robert eggers, 2022)
the silent partner (daryl duke, 1978)
in secret (charlie stratton, 2013)
the ground beneath my feet (marie kreutzer, 2019)
the man who haunted himself (basil dearden, 1970)
woodlands dark and days bewitched: a history of folk horror (kier-la janisse, 2021)
the miseducation of cameron post (desiree akhavan, 2018)
roadrunner: a film about anthony bourdain (morgan neville, 2021) 
karen dalton: in my own time (richard peete and robert yapkowitz, 2020) 
fire music (tom surgal, 2018)
histoires d'amérique: food, family and philosophy (chantal akerman, 1989)
fruit of paradise (věra chytilová, 1969)
a different image (alile sharon larkin, 1982)
preparations to be together for an unknown period of time (lili horvát, 2020) 
candyman (nia dacosta, 2021)
fan girl (antoinette jadaone, 2020)
chicago 10 (brett morgen, 2007)
pray away (kristine stolakis, 2021)
mavis! (jessica edwards, 2015)
M (yolande zauberman, 2018)
wake in fright (ted kotcheff, 1971)
thomasine & bushrod (gordon parks, 1974)
desire me (released uncredited; jack conway, george cukor, mervyn le roy, and victor saville, 1947)
faults (riley stearns, 2014)
premature (rashaad ernesto green, 2019) 
mother joan of the angels (jerzy kawalerowicz, 1961) 
the loft (erik van looy, 2014)
the black phone (scott derrickson, 2022) 
no exit (damien power, 2022)
nope (jordan peele, 2022)
paprika (satoshi kon, 2006)
our eternal summer (émilie aussel, 2021)
playground (laura wandel, 2021) 
not okay (quinn shephard, 2022) 
everything everywhere all at once (daniel kwan and daniel scheinert, 2022)
pressure point (hubert cornfield, 1962)
sharp stick (lena dunham, 2022) 
on the count of three (jerrod carmichael, 2021) 
martha marcy may marlene (sean durkin, 2011)
waking life (richard linklater, 2001)
sicaro (denis villeneuve, 2015)
arrival (denis villeneuve, 2016)
this magnificent cake! (emma de swaef and marc james roels, 2018) 
chevalier (athina rachel tsangari, 2015)
young and wild (marialy rivas, 2012)
alice (krystin ver linden, 2022)
shame (steve mcqueen, 2011)
good madam (jenna cato bass, 2022) 
black bear (lawrence michael levine, 2020)
speak no evil (christian tafdrup, 2022)
wet sand (elene naveriani, 2021)
the catholic school (stefano mordini, 2021)
poly styrene: i am a cliché (celeste bell and paul sng, 2021)
the violators (helen walsh, 2015)
the woman king (gina prince-bythewood, 2022)
the killing kind (curtis harrington, 1973)
oleanna (david mamet, 1994)
entergalactic (fletcher moules, 2022)
the more the merrier (george stevens, 1943)
primrose path (gregory la cava, 1940)
watcher (chloe okuno, 2022)
enemy (dennis villenueve, 2013)
darlin' (pollyanna mcintosh, 2019)
sissy (kane senes and hannah barlow, 2022)
till (chinonye chukwu, 2022)
black panther: wakanda forever (ryan coogler, 2022)
the hunt (thomas vinterberg, 2012)
the other side of the underneath (jane arden, 1972)
barbarian (zach cregger, 2022) 
the intervention (clea duvall, 2016)
sorry to bother you (boots riley, 2018)
the silent twins (agnieszka smoczyńska, 2022)
tahara (olivia peace, 2020)
arranged (diane crespo and stefan schaefer, 2007)
swimming (luzie loose, 2018)
#like (sarah pirozek, 2019)
babysitter (monia chokri, 2022)
chico and rita (tono errando, fernando trueba, and javier mariscal, 2010)
pleasure (ninja thyberg, 2021)
john the violent (tonia marketaki, 1967)
fat girl (catherine breillat, 2001)
lemon (janicza bravo, 2017)
thank you and good night (jan oxenberg, 1991)
what about me (rachel amodeo, 1993)
the KKK boutique ain’t just rednecks (camille billops and james hatch, 1994)
sun don’t shine (amy seimetz, 2012)
zero fucks given (emmanuel marre and julie lecoustre, 2021)
piggy (carlota pereda, 2022)
ladyworld (amanda kramer, 2018)
wolf's hole (věra chytilová, 1987)
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pottersmiracle · 9 months
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masterlist 【!】
• Harry Potter
- harry potter - ron weasley - hermione granger - draco malfoy - pansy parkinson - blaise zabini - tom riddle - fred and george weasley - sirius black - remus lupin
• Euphoria
- rue bennett - cassie howard - jules vaughn - maddy perez - kat hernandez - fezco - nate jacobs - lexi howard - elliot - chris mckay - ashtray
• Life is Strange 1 2 True Colors & Before the Storm
- max caulfield - chloe price - nathan prescott - victoria chase - rachel amber - warren graham - kate marsh - frank bowers - sean diaz - alex chen - gabe chen - steph gingrich - ryan lucan
• The Umbrella Academy
- luther hargreeves - diego hargreeves - allison hargreeevs - klaus hargreeves - five hargreeves - ben hargeeves - viktor hargeeves - lila pitts
• The Sparrow Academy
- marcus hargreeves - ben hargreeves - fei hargreeves - alphonso hargreeves - sloane hargreeves - jayme hargreeves
• Supernatural
- dean winchester - sam winchester - castiel - crowley - jack kline - rowena macleod - lucifer - gabriel
• Stranger Things
mike wheeler - jane hopper - lucas sinclair - erica sinclair (platonic) - will byers - dustin henderson - max mayfield - billy hargrove - steve harrington - robin buckley - nancy wheeler - jonathan byers - eddie munson - joyce byers - jim hopper
• The Walking Dead
- daryl dixon - rick grimes - maggie greene - negan - michonne grimes - carl grimes - glenn rhee - rosita espinosa - king ezekiel - jesus - abraham ford - shane walsh
• Outer Banks
- jj maybank - john b routledge - sarah cameron - pope heyward - kiara carrera - rafe cameron
• 13 Reasons Why
- clay jensen - hannah baker - jessica davis - justin foley - tony padilla - zach dempsey - alex standall - tyler down - skye miller
- stu macher - billy loomis - jennifer check - colin gray - ethan landry - [will be adding more i just dont know how to write for some other movies cause i dont know all the lore for them 😭]
•Jackass/Viva La Bam
- bam margera - johnny knoxville - ryan dunn - chris pontius - chris raab - brandon dicamillo
• Pitch Perfect 1 and 2 (i don't like 3 i apologize)
- beca - emily junk - chloe beale - stacie conrad - ashley - cynthia rose - jesse - bumper - benji - pieter kramer - kommissar
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
-damon salvatore - stefan salvatore - elena gilbert - klaus mikealson - elijah mikealson - rebekah mikealson - kol mikealson - bonnie bennet - jeremey gilbert - caroline forbes - kai parker -
• Avengers (+Loki and Valkyrie)
- tony stark - steve rogers - peter parker - natasha romanoff- thor odinson - bruce banner - loki laufeyson - valkyrie
• Guardians of the Galaxy
-peter quill - gamora - nebula - rocket raccoon - drax - mantis
- miguel o’hara - hobie brown - miles morales - peter b. parker - gwen stacy - pavitr prabhakar -
• Youtubers
- colby brock - sam golbach - jake webber - johnnie guilbert - tarayummy - anthony padilla - ian hecox - damien haas - shayne topp -
• Wednesday
- wednesday addams - enid sinclair - ajax petropolus - xavier thorpe - bianca barclay -
• Miscellaneous
- theodore finch - pete davidson - david wooderson - joel miller (show & game) - jake peralta - tate langdon - willy wonka (timothee chalamet) - felix catton - oliver quick - joe goldberg - spencer shay - freddie benson
[will probably update in the future!]
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darkdoverpseeker · 8 months
Hello! 🐺 32NB seeking some new discord rp partners who are 21 and older for dark, filth filled plots🌶🕊. Looking for a good mix of plot and spice. Please heed that these are not for the faint of heart. Not looking to replace anyone but seeking various fandom pairings. You will find the pairings listed below. Tupperbox use is a must.
• Frank Castle x Matt Murdock (willing to play either)
• Tony Stark x Peter Parker (I want to play Parker)
• Eddie Brock/Venom x Peter Parker (I want to play Brock)
• Eddie Brock/Venom x FTM Peter Parker (I want to play Brock)
• Hydra Supreme Steve Rogers x Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes (I want to play Rogers)
• Bucky Barnes x Serum turned FTM Steve Rogers (I want to play Rogers)
• MTF Natasha Romanoff x FTM Steve Rogers (I want to play Natasha)
• Natasha Romanoff x Peter Parker (I want to play Parker)
• Deacon Frost x Karen Jensen (I want to play Karen)
• Deacon Frost x Abigail Whistler (willing to play either)
Stranger Things:
• James Hopper x FTM Steve Harrington (I want to play Steve)
• MTF Robin Buckley x FTM Steve Harrington (I want to play Robin)
• Billy Hargrove x FTM Steve Harrington (I want to play Steve)
• James Hopper x FTM Billy Hargrove (I want to play Hopper)
• James Hopper x Joyce Byer x Jonathan Byer (I want to play Hopper but willing to play both Jonathan and Hopper)
• Clark Kent x Jonathan Kent (I want to play Jonathan)
• Harley Quinn x MTF Poison Ivy (I want to play Ivy)
• Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy (willing to play either)
• Dick Grayson x Jason Todd (I want to play Grayson)
• Dick Grayson x Damien Wayne (I want to play Dick)
• Kara Danvers x Clark Kent (I want to play Kara)
• Kara Danvers (futa) x anyone (I want to play Kara)
• Mark Hoffman x Peter Strahm (I want to play Peter)
• Amanda Young x Mark Hoffman x Lawrence Gordon (willing to play any and more than one)
• Lawrence Gordon x Logan Nelson (I want to play Logan)
• Amanda Young x Logan Nelson (I want to play Logan)
• Mark Hoffman x Logan Nelson (I want to play Logan)
• Don't Breathe: Rocky x Alex (I want to play Alex)
• Don't Breathe: Norman Nordstrom x Rocky (I want to play Rocky)
• Friday the 13th: Clay Miller x Whitney Miller (I want to play Clay)
• Friday the 13th: Jason Voorhees x Whitney Miller (I want to play Whitney)
• Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Heather Miller x Carl Hartman (I want to play Carl)
• Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Heather Miller x Jedidiah Sawyer (I want to play Heather)
• Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Lila x Richter (I want to play Richter)
• Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Heather Miller x Lila x Richter (willing to play any and multiple)
• Scream: Mickey Altieri x Sydney Prescott (I want to play Sydney)
• Scream: Sam Carpenter x MTF Tara Carpenter (I want to play Tara)
• Scream: MTF Sam Carpenter x Chad Meeks Martin (I want to play Sam)
Interact with this post or message me at @debauchedfilth
like or reach out if interested !
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bonkers-4-hatter · 2 years
31 Fan Fics of Halloween
Hello! I’m alive! I’ve been working on a spooky line-up of fics for you all! I know I only did a few last year, but this year a new fic will be posted every day in October! Starting tonight to officially kick-off spooky season! I hope you all enjoy them, they will be from various fandoms and please keep in mind the majority of my fan fics do depict Plus Size/Fat Readers and do have words that associate to that within. 
Below you’ll find the line-up for this year!  They have the Halloween activity or word that’ll be what the fic is centered around. It was so much fun to write these Holiday centric stories again and I hope to be more active once my life calms down a bit. Please read my notes before each story as some will have trigger warnings associated with them. I hope everyone has an amazing and fun spooky season! 
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Fic Line-up:
🎃 Victor Nikiforov X Reader - Pumpking Carving
🎃 Tetsuro Kuroo X Reader - Corn Maze
🎃 Prince Lotor X Reader - S’mores
🎃 Izo X Reader - Scary Movies
🎃 Howl X Reader - Cookies
🎃 Steve Harrington X Reader - Trick or Treating 
🎃 Uta X Reader - Ouija Board
🎃 Eddie Munson X Reader - Cemetery 
🎃 Prince Soma X Reader - Candle 
🎃 Trickster X Reader - Nightmare
🎃 Sebastian Michaelis X Reader - Demon Encounter 
🎃 Fenorian X Reader - Paranormal 
🎃 Nami X Reader - Hot Chocolate 
🎃 Portia X Reader - Haunted House
🎃 Esmeralda X Reader - Tarot 
🎃 Elly X Reader - Fall Festival
🎃 Blair X Reader - Black Cat
🎃 Atsuko Kagari X Reader (Friendship) - Magic
🎃 Perona X Reader - Ghosts 
🎃 Sally X Reader - Potions 
🎃 Junko Enoshima X Reader - Kidnap
🎃 Misa Amane - Obsession 
🎃 Huntress X Reader - Blood
🎃 Angelina Dalles (Madame Red) X Reader - Reaper 
🎃 Asra X Reader - Costumes
🎃 Charlotte Katakuri X Reader - Candy
🎃 Moondrop X Reader - Scary Stories 
🎃 Franken Stein X Reader - Prank
🎃 Lucifer X Reader - Bite
🎃 !Hylian Prince Sidon X Reader - Fireside 
🎃 Damien Bloodmarch X Reader - Moonlight 
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prettybrownelf · 11 months
who i write for
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marc spector
bucky barnes
sam wilson
miguel o'hara
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inside job
brett hand
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jake sully
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stranger things
eddie munson
steve harrington
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dream daddy
robert small
joseph christiansen
craig cahn
damien bloodmarch
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my hero academia
present mic
all might
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detroit: become human
elijah kamski
gavin reed
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dragon age
iron bull
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mortal combat
johnny cage
kenshi takahahi
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baldur's gate 3
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resident evil
leon kennedy
karl heisenberg
carlos oliveria
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attack on titan
levi ackerman
eren (season 4 only)
armin (season 4 only)
jean (season 4 only)
connie (season 4 only)
reiner (season 4 only)
erwin smith
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jujutsu kaisen
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star wars
the mandalorian
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skyofstorms · 1 year
The Muse Headspace
I could probably design images for each one in time, but for now, here's the masterlist of masterlists when it comes to my muses. Like...every single muse I've used [save a few novel muses] are on this list. Beware, my friends. It's a nightmare - 257 muses listed with fc and species [Canon or lore based mues are in bold]. Yes, there are some repeat faceclaims, I don't wanna hear it. @forwardlion, I want you to know this is your fault.
Abigail Phantomhive | Claire Holt | Demon
Abraham Greenfeld | Keiynan Lonsdale | Human
Adam Milligan/Winchester | Jake Abel | Human
Ahn Taehui | Lim Sejun | Banshee/Demon Hybrid
Akali Tethi | Aeri Uchinaga | Human
Akello Caine | Jussie Smollet | Leopard Shifter
Aleksi Holland | Harry Shum Jr. | Mage
Alexander Lightwood | Matthew Daddario | Nephilim
Alexian Holloway | Alberto Rosende | Human
Aliceon Hartigay | Katie Cassidy | Polykinetic [Pyro, Techno, Terra, Cryo]
Alistair Hypanile | Hayden Christensen | Katagarian Tiger
Alizair Hollis | Dominic Sherwood | Arcadian Wolf
Allison Argent | Crystal Reed | Human/Raven Spirit
Amelie Rayne | Rambo Suicide | Water Elemental
Amelyra Shanarra | Summer Glau | Witch
Amy Waterford "Sailor Mercury" | Nicole Gale Anderson | Senshi
Anabel Lightwood-Bane | Arden Cho | Nephilim/Warlock Hybrid
Andrea Kattalakis | Gemma Arterton | White Tiger Shifter
Andrei Cruz | Jeremy Renner | Black Panther Shifter
Anneliese Romanova | Vanessa Kirby | Dhampir
Annabelle Brunelli | Jacqueline MacInnes Wood | Human
Annika Mitchell | Bully Suicide | Ocelot Shifter
Anthony Stark | Robert Downey Jr. | Human
Ares | Manu Bennett | God
Armand Tempest | Brian Krause | Owl Shifter
Artemis Crescent | Kwon Ji-yong | Mauian
Ashelina Logan | Malese Jow | Werewolf
Asmodeus | Godfrey Gao | Greater Demon
Audrey Briarose | Sarah Jeffery | Psychic
Aziraphale | Michael Sheen | Angel
Baelfire "Neal Cassidy" | Michael Raymond-James | Human
Belinda Oriella-Curani | Taylor Momsen | Succubus
Belladonna Trumpet | Miranda Kerr | Pegasus
Bellek Mosely | Ian Bohen | Phoenix
Brady Johannsen | Chris Pratt | Psychic
Bradley Harrison | Anthony Mackie | Jaguar Shifter
Bruce Banner | Mark Ruffalo | Gamma Enhanced Human
Bruni | Osaki Shotaro | Elemental
Caleb Danvers | Steven Strait | Warlock
Camael | Jensen Ackles | Angel
Camryn Adelaide | Glitz Suicide | Poly Shifter
Carrie Devereaux | Radeo Suicide "Chelsea Vitorio" | Human
Cassidy Merlyn | Dakota Fanning | Vampire
Castiel | Misha Collins | Angel
Catarina Loss | Sophia Walker | Warlock
Cassandra Rogers | Chloe Moretz | Human
Ceannaire Mellark | Daniel Sharman | Fenrir
Cerberus | JR Bourne | Three Headed Demon Dog
Chae Nari | Lee Chae-yeon | Feline Shifter [Rusty Spotted Cat]
Charlie Goodwin | Jesse Labelle | Wolf Shifter
Chelsea Barton | Scarlett Johannsen | Witch
Chezna Lumiere-Conriocht | Devon Shigaki | Werewolf
Chinami Kennedy | Heo Yoorim | Human
Cho Sorren | Choi Seung Cheol | Psychic/Red Panda Shifter Hybrid
Choi Byeol-Dal | Roseanne Park | Forest Nymph
Choi Byeol-Jageun | Lee Felix | Rainbow Nymph
Choi Subin | Jeong Yunho | Poly Feline Shifter [Serval, Siamese, Marbled Cat]
Christopher Argent | JR Bourne | Human
Ciel Phantomhive | Jeonghan | Demon
Clarissa Fairchild | Katherine McNamara | Nephilim
Clark Morrigan | James Marsters | Warlock
Claudia Hale | Lyndsy Fonseca | Werewolf
Cleossandra Reid | Candice Swanepoel | Angel
Clinton Barton | Jeremy Renner | Human
Cora Hale | Adelaide Kane | Werewolf
Coraline Basilik | Kristyna Panochova | Fenrir
Crimson Macabre | Reita | Dragon
Damien DeLuna | Tyler Hoechlin | Vampire
Daniel Cross | Keahu Kahuanui | Werewolf
Daniel Mahaelani | Keahu Kahuanui | Druid
Darius Talbot | John Boyega | Human
Demetrius Beltre | Charlie Carver | Griffon
Demkos Florian | Tyler Posey | Human
Derek Hale | Tyler Hoechlin | Werewolf
Desmond McKnight | Alex O'Loughlin | Wolf Shifter
Dionysus | Darren Criss | God
Dokuno Kokoro | Uruha | Snake Shifter [King Cobra]
Dominique Brady | Alona Tal | Druid
Druid Harrington | Shane West | Human
Eden Tryphist | Elsa Hosk | Human
Elijah Mikaelson | Daniel Gillies | Vampire
Elijah Roanoke | Stephen Amell | Siren/Incubus Hybrid
Elise Macabre | Kwon Yuri | Dragon
Elliot Erso | Joseph Morgan | Fox Shifter
Emile Hargreaves | Kellan Lutz | Witch
Emilea Curani | Charlize Theron | Faunis
Eros | Adam Lambert | God
Esmerelda Logan | Emeraude Logan | Human
Evelyn Queen | Sofia Carson | Witch
Ezekiel | Jeffrey Donovan | Angel
Fang Blackwater | Alex Meraz | Fox shifter
Fenrick Kelos | Josh Duhamel | Thunderbird
Fenris Conriocht | Zac Efron | Werewolf
Finn Storm | John Boyega | Human
Fiorin Basilik | Cody Christian | Psychic
Fury Peltier | Jackson Rathbone | Katagarian Wolf
Grif | Jason Momoa | Human
Hades | Ian Bohen/Cheyenne Jackson* | God
Hak Jiwoon | Kim Hongjoong | Nogitsune
Harry Hook | Thomas Doherty | Feline Shifter [black Maine Coone]
Hayley Marshalls | Phoebe Tonkin | Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid
Heather DeRoya | Emily Van Camp | Banshee/Demon Hybrid
Hera | Meghan Markle | Goddess
Hope Dracul | Daniela Ruah | Vampire/Angel Hybrid
Hwang Beongae | Momo Hirai | Pheonix
Hwang Seungki | Kim Youngjo | Kitsune Tribrid
Hwang Taeyang | Wong Yuk-hei | Phoenix
Ian Logan | Ian Somerhalder | Werewolf
Isabelle Gautier | Jill Wagner | Human/Succubus Hybrid
Isabelle Lightwood | Emeraude Toubia | Nephilim
James Barnes | Sebastian Stan | Cybernetically Enhanced Human
Jameson Morgan | Liam Hemsworth | Witch
Jasmine Estrella | Dali Suicide | Bunny Shifter
Jason Carter | Sebastian Stan | Dragon
Jasper Hale/Cullen | Jackson Rathbone | Vampire
Jasper Kallihan | Joseph Morgan | Warlock
Jayden McNamara | Jake Johnson | Dark Fae
Jefferson Hatter/Barnes | Sebastian Stan | Magically Inclined Human
Jessica Hawkblue | Claudia Kim | Warlock
Jin Galeon | Jennifer Lawrence | Human/Vampire Hybrid
Jocelyn Celine Herondale | Holland Roden | Nephilim
Jonathan Herondale | Dominic Sherwood | Nephilim
Jonathan Herondale Jr. (JR) | Will Tudor | Nephilmi
Jordan Kyle | Chai Hensen | Werewolf
Joseph Dixon | Nicholas Hoult | Technokinetic
Julian Moore | Colin O'Donaghue | Human
Kaina Red | Son Ga-In | Dragon
Kallin Elijah | Willa Holland | Hellhound
Kane Lancaster | Robert Downey Jr | Demon
Kang Kija | Kang Min-hee | Thunder Kitsune
Kataigida Parthenopaeus | Tom Ellis/Dylan O'Brien | Demigod
Katherine Elysia | Taissa Farmiga | Fae
Kevin Hawkblue | Ruki | Weretiger
Kim Jeongwon | Han Jisung | Sugar Glider Shifter
Kim Seonyul | Moon Taeil | Siren
Kiniko Hajime | Cho Kyu-hyun | Vampire
Kira Yukimura | Arden Cho | Thunder Kitsune
Kirishima Kyung-jae | Nakamoto Yuta | Witch/Siren Hybrid
Kirishima Touka | Kim Jiu | Ghoul
Kol Mikaelson | Daniel Sharman | Vampire/Witch*
Kole Winston | Tyler Hoechlin | Fae
Konstantin Udinov | Riker Lynch | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Kouga Hajime | Han Groo | Vampire
Krigare Storm | Joseph Morgan | Imp
Kuradei Phantom | Jung Seung-bo | Umbrakinetic/Wolf Shifter Hybrid
Kwon Yuri | Moon Byul-yi | Sensitive
Kyo Sohma | N/A | Cursed Human
Kyle Artmen | Jay Ryan | Jaguar Shifter
Kyrian Stone | Jonathan Rhys Myers | Psychic/Siren Hybrid
Laura Hale | Meghan Ory | Werewolf
Lee Hajun | Kim Jong-in | Warlock
Lee Minji | Kang Seul-gi | Psychic
Lee Sanghoon | Kim Dong Young | Monarch
Lestat DeMyre | Dave Salmoni | Elf
Lim Eunjin | Jung Wooyoung | Incubus
Loki Laufeyson | Tom Huddleston | God
Lucien Callihan | Ian Bohen | Human
Lucien Hoijer | Matthew Davis | Griffon
Lucifer Morningstar | Sebastian Roche | Angel
Lucille Quinnzel | Ashley Benson | Human
Luke Garroway | Isaiah Mustafa | Werewolf
Lydia Branwell | Stephanie Bennett | Nephilim
Macaria | Meghan Ory | Goddess
Margaret Leigh | Jakhara Smith | Psychic
Magnus Bane | Harry Shum Jr. | Warlock
Maia Roberts | Alisha Wainwright | Werewolf
Malia Hale | Shelley Hennig | Werecoyote
Malika Udinov | Clair Holt | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Marcellus Gerard | Charles Michael Davis | Vampire
Markus Ducaine | Steven Strait | Werelion
Maryssa Dixon-Bennett | Selena Gomez | Druid
Matthew Bennett | Jake Abel | Werepanther
Maxine Owens | Griffin Ramsey | Demigoddess
Melanie Barnes | Alexandra Daddario | Genetically Enhanced Human
Merrick Bennett/Hadriel | Jake Abel | Werepanther/Angel
Mia Mosely | Adelaide Kane | Phoenix
Michael Caboose | Jake Johnson | Human
Michael Hartford | Ian Cohen | Human
Michaelis Moon | Lee Teuk | Dragon/Human Hybrid
Mieczyslaw Stilinski | Dylan O'Brien | Human/Spark
Mikabane House | Meagan Tandy | Red Panda Shifter
Mila Martinez | Katherine Mcnamara | Psychic
Miles Brunelli | Matt Cohen | Vampire
Momiji Sohma | N/A | Cursed Human
Moon Eukyung | Jeon So-yeon | Demigoddess
Moon Heechul | Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Snake Shifter
Moon Kona | Park Jisung | Ice Nymph/Snake Shifter
Morgan Lovec | Norman Reedus | Imp
Morgana Krajick | Zoe Saldana | Angel
Morriginya Branwen | Cho Seo Young | Semblance Gifted Human
Nam Arwen | Chonnasorn Sajakul | Elf/Werewolf Hybrid
Natalee Grybyx | Maggie Q | Seer
Natasha Romanov | Scarlett Johannsen | Enhanced Human
Nataliya “Nekome” Dashwood | Ashley Greene | Cheshire
Nevinovat Fata | Crystal Reed | Hawk Shifter
Nicholas Hightower | Gavin Free | Cat Shifter [Russian Blue]
Niklaus Mikaelson | Joseph Morgan | Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid
Niklaus Udinov | Sam Pettyfer | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Nikolai Buchannon | Hunter Hayes | Human
Nikolaia Udinov | Chris Hemsworth | Witch
Padme Amidala | Natalie Portman | Human
Park Sungjin | Kim Geonhak | Kitsune/Vampire Hybrid
Persephone | Holland Roden | Goddess
Peter Hale | Ian Bohen/Michael Fjordbak | Werewolf
Peter Parker | Andrew Garfield/Tom Holland | Genetically Enhanced Human
Qrow Branwen | Lee Donghae | Magic Gifted Human
Quinton Macklemore | Dylan O'Brien | Werewolf
Ragnor Fell | Tom Hiddleston | Warlock
Rebecca Daniels | Holland Roden | Human
Reno Akujin | N/A | Mako Enhanced Human
Rex Coltin | Chris Evans | Snake Shifter [Diamondback]
Reyna Wingyr | Grace Park | Fenrir
Ryan Macklemore | Dylan O'Brien | Werewolf
Ryn Hollings "Sailor Chibi Moon" | Bella Thorne | Senshi
Ryuu Kyosuke | Lee Taemin | Dragon
Sainika Winston | Mackenzie Foy | Fae
Sebastian Mills | Cody Christian | Hellhound
Sebastian Morgenstern | Will Tudor | Demon-blooded Nephilim
Serena James | Kristin Kruek | Phoenix
Shane Westfield | Nick Groff | Psychic
Shin Chan Young | Lee Dae-Hee | Seer
Siobhan Conriocht | Penellope Mitchell | Werewolf
Snow White "Mary Margaret Blanchard" | Ginnifer Goodwin | Human
Son Jin | Lee Dong Hyuck | Ice Nymph
Son Minho | Kim Chan Young | Naga
Spencer Todd | Shemar Moore | Human
Steven Rogers | Chris Evans | Genetically Enhanced Human
Sun Kyujin | Lee Siyeon | Witch
Sun Seoyun | Park Seonghwa | Cursed Vampire
Sun Wukong | Yanan | Faunis
T'Khani Ekundayo | Chadwick Boseman | Ghost
Tarael Lightwood-Bane | Brant Daugherty | Nephilim/Warlock Hybrid
Tatiana Novak | Hannah Marks | Angel/Human Hybrid
Terra Riley | Nina Dobrev | Kitsune/Werewolf Hybrid
Thor Odinson | Chris Hemsworth | God
Tigerlilly Sikari | Elizabeth Loaiza | Seer/Weretiger Hybrid
Tristan Royans | Nick Bateman | Fire Kitsune/Human Hybrid
Tsukinora Kitoai | Jay Park | Werelynx
Tykeisha Caine | Taraji P Henson | Demon/Leopard Shifter Hybrid
Valerie Wilson | Shay Mitchell | Human
Valora Lovelace | Genevieve Padalecki | Cheetah Shifter
Vanessa Choi | Kim Hyo Yeon | Psychic
Victor Rivera | Devon Sawa | Human
Victoria Mosely | Crystal Reed | Phoenix
Vio Curani | N/A | Demon
Vishal Malik | Taylor Lautner | Nephilim
Wanda Maximoff | Elizabeth Olsen | Mutant
Weiss Schnee | N/A | Semblance Gifted Human
William "Spike" Pratt | James Marsters | Vampire
Xavier Rybolt | David Castro | Demon
Xavier Remmington | Sinqua Walls | Poly Shifter [Jaguar, Doberman, Wolf]
Yoo Daeshim | Kang Yeosang | Tribrid/Demigod
Yoo Jangmi | Jeon Ji Woo | Snow Leopard Shifter
Yukihara Arashi | Minatozaki Sana | Fae/Siren Hybrid
Yura Rybolt | Lee Ga-hyeon | Human
Zacariah Morgan | Jeffrey Dean Morgan | Witch/Seer
Zane Hertzfeld | Rasmus Ledin | Seer/Vampire Hybrid
2 notes · View notes
fandomfiish · 2 years
Choices books RO's I picked Masterlist
Since I've successfully got my ass hauled back to playing choices (Due to It lives within, in a span of two days I already finished ILITW and started TE ... again. And I thought it'll be nice to share the RO's/LI's I've picked throughout the books, granted I haven't played all books yet so this will definitely be edited and updated as time goes on. Note: I haven't finished most of these books, just wanted to add which LI I picked.
Freshman series -  Zig Ortega || MC: Claire
The Crown and the Flame - Dominic
Most Wanted - Dave Reyes
Rules of Engagement - Blake Yasuda
Endless Summer - Jake Mackenzie
#LoveHacks - Ben Park
The Royal Romance/Heir - Maxwell Beaumont
Hero - Grayson Prescott || MC: Flynn Hudson
Highschool Story - Michael Reginald Harisson || MC: Klein Montgomery
Highschool Story: Class Act – Ajay  || MC: Kirby
It lives in the woods - Lucas Thomas || MC: Von Franco
It lives Beneath - Parker Shaw || MC: Seifer
It lives within - Lincoln Mcquoid || MC: Shohei Kim
Red Carpet Diaries - Matt Rodriguez/Seth Levine || MC: Jovia
Perfect Match - Hayden Young/Damien Nazario || MC: Liam Prescott
Bloodbound - Jax Natsuo/Adrian Raine || MC: Elise Sinclaire
Veil of Secrets – Flynn O’Malley || MC: Alex Thompson
America's Most Eligible - Unnamed Stranger/ Han|| MC: Isaiah Park / Han
Desire & Decorum – Ernest Sinclaire || MC: Ms. Camilla
Across the Void – Meridian / Zekei
Big Sky Country – Sawyer || MC: Thomas Jenkins
The Elementalists – Beckett Harrington || MC: Ike Eagleson
A Courtesan of Rome – Marc Antony
The Heist: Monaco - Fabien Ahmad || MC: Stiles Lee
Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance - Colt Kaneko
Open Heart - Bryce Lahela / Rafelo Avelero || MC: Dr. Cryx Montero
Passport to Romance – Ahmed Khabbaz
Wishful Thinking – Jaime Lewis
Nightbound – Nik Ryder || MC: Dwight Park
Platinum – Avery Wilshire
Sunkissed - Nate
Bachelorette Party – Ash Tanaka
Mother of the Year – Thomas Mendes
Save the Date – Simon Hendricks  
The Royal Masquerade – Hunter Fierro/Kayden Vescovi
With Every Heartbeat – Dakota Winchester
Blades of Light and Shadow – Aerin Valleros
Distant Shores - Edward || MC: Christopher Bang
Queen B – Professor Kingsley
My Two First Loves – Noah Harris
Rising Tides – Robin Tora
Foreign Affairs – Tatum Mendoza
Laws of Attraction – Gabe Ricci
Shipwrecked – Brendan Fraiser
Wake the Dead – Eli Sipes
Crimes of Passion – Trystan Thorne/Luke Watanabe
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densnake · 2 years
Writing list
This is the list if characters i write for. Any characters or fandoms not listed? Ask and they might get added!
Stranger things
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Nancy Weeler
Johnathan Byers
Eddie Munson
Joyce Byers
Jim Hopper
Good Omens
Micheal Myers (og)
Corry Cunningham
Jason Voorhees
Thomas Hewitt
Tiffany Valentine
Stu Macher
Billy Loomis
Freddy Kruger
Brahms Heelshire
Yautja (Male and Female)
Otis Driftwood
Anime only sorry
Jojos Bizarre Adventure
Anime only sorry
Johnathan Joestar
Caesar Zeppeli
Joseph Joestar (part 3 and 4)
Jotaro Joestar (all parts)
Jean Piarre Polnareff
Noriyaki Kakyoin
Muhammad Abdul
Josuke Higashikata
Yoshikage Kira
Okuyasu Ninimura
Koichi Hirose
Giorno Giovanna
Guido Mista
Leone Abbacchio
Narancia Ghirga
Bruno Bucciarati
Jolyne Cujoh
Weather Report
Narciso Ananusi
Dio Brando (all parts)
Oliver swift
Randy Jade
Karen Dunn (platonic only)
Norm Allen
Dead By Daylight
Dwight Farfield
Claudette Morel
Jake Park
Feng Min
David king
Ace Visconti
Nancy Weeler
Steve Harrington
Leon Kennedy
Legion (all except Susie)
Ghost Face
Detroit Become Human
Red Dead Redemption 2
Arthur Morgan
Dutch Van der lind
Sadie Adler
Resident Evil
Leon Kennedy
Luis Sera
Claire Redfield
Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine
Ada Wong
Carlos Oliveira
Ethan Winters
Alcina Dimitrescu
Karl Heisenberg
Stardew Valley
Monster Prom
Damien LaVey
Liam De Lioncourt
Polly Geist
Scott Howll
Vera Oberlin
Miranda Vanderbilt
Life Is Strange
Max Caufield
Chloe Price
Warren Graham
Nathan Prescott
Mark Jefferson
Until Dawn
Joshua Washington
Christopher Hartly
Mathew Monroe
Jessica Riley
Michael Taylor
Ashly Brown
Our Life
Cove Holden
Cliff Holden
Derek Suarez
Baxter Ward
Obey me!
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