#Keigo would be pawing at Aizawa like: “Look! Look!
kadecre · 2 years
“Maybe we should get red and blue slushies and make people question why our tongues are purple,” Izumi commented offhandedly, pointing towards a shaved ice stand in the middle of the park.
Hitoshi eyed it before locking eyes with the girl beside him.“Who gets the red and who gets the blue?”
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dayquil-nyquil · 3 years
MHA facetime headcanons pt. 3
(pt. 1) (pt. 2) (pt. 4)
feat. pro heroes + lemillion + suneater
all might, endeavor, eraserhead, hawks, lemillion, + suneater
fluff, hcs
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likes to facetime and have little lunch dates!!!!! <3 ((assuming izuku is busy ofc or actually yknow what? he'd call you anyway even if izuku was there and then the three of you would hang out and talk together))
((("honey can we adopt him?" "toshi, no he has a mother")))
every time he calls he always greets you with "lunch! together! you and me! now?" like yeah toshi we call the same time every day, ofc we're gonna have lunch now, you silly goose
you really like that once he gets settled in his private school room that he trusts you enough to decompress and eat in his small might form, it took a lot for him to allow you to see his small form the first few times but now it's normal
likes to make you lunch on random days and leave little sticky notes with cute messages and words of encouragement and, in turn, loves when you make him lunches too ((kinda makes his heart squeeze and he gets really smiley. it puts him in a great mood))
listens to you rant about work and offer advice on how to handle annoying coworkers
sometimes brings you around the school and all the kids love saying hi to you and asking about your day
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the only way this man calls is by unintentionally butt dialing you
doesn't know how technology works
he can text but he has no idea how to facetime you on purpose
his fingers are so much bigger than his phone so he accidentally hangs up on you like three times
the type to only show his forehead
after a few weeks, he'll get the hang of things and actually know what he's doing but until then you have to be patient
likes to call when he's getting ready to sleep so he's sitting up in his bed while a book open on his lap
he's much more relaxed at night and talking to you helps him unwind
he's so soft at night too, he'll be very sweet but don't tell anyone or he'll gaslight you
you'd think all he talks about is wanting to surpass all might but he's changed his tune after,,, yknow almost dying to that crazy strong nomu and being sent to the hospital
loves to talk about shoto and praise his accomplishments to you as if saying "that's my son, look at how well I raised him" ((even tho you're sittin there like 🤡 okay buddy))
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Face times you when his "cat misses you" yeah okay aizawa it's definitely your cat huh
"Toffee wanted to call you, he missed his cuddle buddy."
You coo over Toffee as Aizawa smiles softly from off-screen.
While you gush over Toffee he’s probably making himself some sleepy-time-tea.
Loud singing meows as he paws at the screen happy to see you.
Eventually, Shouta takes the phone from his overeager cat to finally give you attention.
Tells you about his classes for the day, mostly complains about his 'horrible' and 'bothersome' students.
You listen intently to his complaining, but you know he adores his kids till the end.
He’s secretly a very proud teacher.
So far your favorite students to hear stories about are Kirishima and Denki
Their stupidity never fails to make you laugh.
The call always ends with him softly whispering, “come over.”
You always do without hesitation
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Your phone is ringing 24/7
Calls a lot when he’s on patrol, shows you the sights up in the sky
But the camera is never off him for long (the narcissist)
One of the only heroes who on camera with you, will beat the shit out of villains
“See kid there’s nothing to worry about! No one stands a chance against me!”
The only time he doesn’t call you is when he’s in one of his moods.
You know how he was treated by the hero commission so when he’s in those moods you both usually text.
He assures you hearing from you through texts helps so you don’t push.
After that, it’s back to his regular scheduled calling.
Never texts you to come over always facetimes you to ask.
He always asks you to bring snacks and your fine ass booty.
You always laugh in delight and promise you’ll do both
Swears he’s going to marry you one day.
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"hey babe babe babe babe pick up hey hey babe hey pick up pick up hey babe oh hiiiii baby how are you???" "mirio wtf"
facetimes you when he's bored and has pent up energy
he's usually a pretty busy guy but when he gets home from patrol and doesn't have any more homework he just kinda sits there like 😃 time to annoy my sweet baby angel 😃
likes to call when he’s babysitting eri too and acts as though it was only eri who wanted to say hi and totally not him at all, no way jk he’s loud and proud about being in love with you
pretends that he definitely didn’t spend all afternoon teaching eri to call you ridiculous nick names like “rainbow princess” and “sun bear”
“hi miss sun bear, how are you!!! :D” “eri what? who taught you that??” “your husband :)” “MY WHAT”
mirio also absolutely conditions her to believe that you and him are married
he thinks it’s cute seeing you blush and babble that she has the wrong idea
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facetimes you when he’s on a break during his patrol!!
“hey what food do you think I should eat today?? it’s been a slow shift so I don’t know…”
stops at different food stands and shows you the menu and all the drink options
“ok but what if I got boba 🤤 do you want boba too?? I can ask kirishima to run back home :) fatgum won’t let me leave :,(“
kirishima will also steal his phone and run around “hey bestie!!!!! how’s suneater treatin ya???”
cut to distressed amajiki trying to jump and grab his phone back
when he finally gets you back he’s all pouty and you offer to buy him takoyaki for dinner
and then he’s like “:D ok!! thank you, angel :)”
also facetimes you whenever he gets really anxious
he trusts you to talk him down and reassure him that he’s a good hero and he’s a good boyfriend ((which he is idk how he doesn’t see it))
cried a little bit bc he loves you so much and feels like he doesn’t deserve you but you always tell him that he’s more than enough and he’s a wonderful person inside and out :)
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addercharmer · 3 years
Izumi woke with a gasp that had her bolting into a seated position. Her leg was throbbing in dull pain. 
"Ow." She moaned out, it was not the worst pain she had had inflicted on her, but the tugging sensation on her skin was still painful. 
"Ah good, you're awake." Recovery girl lightly exclaimed. Izumi just blinked at the younger than she was used to seeing  heroine, not really sure what she should say. 
"I will visit your home every other day to finish healing you, Nezu agreed that having you walk here would put unnecessary strain on your wound." Recovery girl tells Izumi as she walks over with a set of crutches. 
"Try not to walk around too much until we have the muscles healed. Nezu is waiting for you in the teachers lounge." The crutches are pushed into Izumi's hands, then Recovery girl disappears into her office. 
With a sigh Izumi levered herself off the hospital bed, she felt sticky with sweat and couldn't wait to get back home to shower. The way to the teachers lounge wasn't very long in normal terms but to Izumi it felt like it took a decade. 
Once she reached the door Izumi hesitated to knock. She had never been in the teachers lounge, but her obsessive need to know the layout of the building after the first time she had gotten lost pays off. 
Taking a deep breath and shifting to be on her uninjured leg Izumi knocked, turning the knob at the same time. 
"Dad, I can go home now." She called into the room, not really thinking. 
"Just a moment, Izumi." She heard Nezu call back, along with the sound of gasps. 
Once the door had fully opened Izumi saw that there were other people in the room, she winced and blushed a little at their looks of confusion. 
The feeling of a paw patting her hip broke Izumi from her flustered thoughts. 
"Let's head home, you need to get off that leg." Nezu said, further making the others in the room look more confused. 
Izumi just nodded and awkwardly swung herself around to follow the stoat. 
The walk home felt like it took forever for Izumi, her hands and armpits hurt from the crutches, and she couldn't put any weight on her injured leg because when she did the muscles burned. 
Once home Izumi hobbled straight to the couch and flopped face down with a groan. Nezu gave a light laugh at her actions, his paws giving light clicks as the nails hit the tile. 
"I saw you talking to two of the other examinees, were they people you knew before?" Nezu asked from the kitchen, Izumi had no doubt he knew she had and was just fishing for who they were.
Izumi groaned as she rolled over onto her right side. 
"Yes. The one who helped me from under the rubble was Aizawa Shōta, he was my homeroom teacher, and underground pro hero EraserHead. His capture rates were in the ninety percent range, he was the best of the underground." Izumi had been so sure that he had been older. 
"The blond one from in the hall was Yamada Hizashi, English teacher and pro hero Present Mic, he had a radio show where you could call in and ask for advice or anything else really. His capture rate was in the sixty percent, he had been more worried about civilians that if another hero was around he took care of them first. Really great hero when you match him up to someone like Endeavour or even All Might." Izumi had lost a lot of respect for the number one hero, she had still made herself look like a crazy fan girl before she had been rewound. 
Nezu hummed at her assessment of the heros. "Well good thing that they both got enough points to enter the hero course." 
Hearing that, Izumi pushed herself up a little. "Oh, well that's another change made." She whispered softly. 
Nezu's ear twitched letting her know that he had heard her, without him even asking, she explained. "Aizawa was placed in general studies and then was moved to hero course after winning the sports festival." 
"No one has ever done that before." Nezu said with just a little awe in his voice. 
Izumi nodded, but then she had a thought. "With him doing that a boy from my year tried the same, he made it into the final round, but he lost to me when his quirk didn't work well on me." 
By this point in their conversation Nezu had made his way to the couch and situated himself where her head had been. A soft pat to his own legs told Izumi he wanted to pet her, it had been something of an awkward bonding moment the first time it had happened. 
Nezu was at heart still partly an animal, he had instincts that made him want to clean his young and cuddle with said young often. 
The first time it happened, Izumi had been sprawled out on the couch. Nezu had entered the room and had taken note of the rats nest her hair had become and suddenly he was sitting by her head claws raking through her hair gently. 
Both had been mildly surprised at Izumi going boneless as his nails scratched lightly on her skelp, it had become their preferred method of comfort over the last two years. As they both sat on the couch Izumi felt herself relax completely against her guardians legs. 
"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I made progress with the commission. Tamaki Keigo will possibly be released into my custody depending on your performance during the sports festival. Your education records had been made available to them, as well as the physiological assessment you went through regarding your teaching license." Nezu told her, Izumi felt somewhere between elated and nauseous that the commission was basing the welfare of a child on her performance. 
"That's...good?" Izumi asked hesitantly. 
"Un, if you medal then Tamiki will be allowed to have a psychological assessment from an outside source of my choosing, the phycologist will then decide who would be the better caregiver." Izumi doesn't deflate with the knowledge, but it makes her feel better that she doesn't have to place first. 
"How are we sure that they won't just pay off the psychologist?"  Izumi asks, she wouldn't put it past the commission to do that. 
"Ah, I will be picking the day of the assessment, there is also a very well worded contract that was signed by the president that any chance at bribery or cohesion would automatically put the pup in my care." Izumi smiled, she knew that Nezu would have thought of that, just she had felt better asking. 
"We are gonna need a bigger house." Izumi says, Nezu's claws press a little harder on her skelp in his surprise. 
"We only have two rooms here. You are going to get Hawks out of the commission, and from some snooping that I've done has led me to some rather disturbing things." Izumi has full faith that Nezu will have custody of the crimson winged hero the day after the festival. 
She had been hiding something for Nezu that she hadn't been sure how to tell him, but she knew that he would do anything in his power to protect children. 
"Endeavour's oldest son, in six years it's said that he dies in a training accident, he doesn't die, he runs away and becomes a villian that attacks my class. I recognized the burn patterns in some photos online." Izumi pauses, she's not really sure if it's her place to say anything. 
"Also Endeavour bought his wife from her family after threatening them. His youngest son told me about it. Told me of the abuse that he and his family went through. I…I don't know what to do, I don't have enough evidence so I didn't want to bring it to you until then, but I think with the high probability of Hawks joining our family it would be better if we could plan for a way to house Endeavour's family too until something can actually be done, we could save Dabi, and Todoroki-san from being put in a mental hospital, and the maybe Todoroki-kun won't refuse to use half of his quirk, and I don't know…" Izumi rambles, she's a little nervous at telling Nezu before she has proof. 
"So a bigger home? I think we will need a backyard if there will be more children." Izumi is dumbfounded at Nezu's simple shifting of his own plans. Izumi just stays where she is quiet and wide eyed. 
Izumi had been sitting at the coffee table doing some research on what Todoroki-kun had told her at the sports festival. 
Most of her research wasn't the most legal way of doing things but her new dad had told her that sometimes bending and even breaking the law was better than doing nothing to help a person in need. 
One of the things Izumi had hacked into was Endeavour's cloud, he kept a bunch of documents there as well as photos of his children. 
None of the photos were happy, they looked to be progress photos, like the children were experiments. 
The one that caught her attention was of a six year old boy. He has snow white hair, bright blue eyes that looked like they wanted to end whoever was on the other side of the camera. 
The thing that really caught her attention was the beginning of nonreversible scars under the blazing blue eyes and starting to form a glazlo smile,  she knew those burns. 
"Holy fuck!" She yelped at the realization that Endeavour's oldest son had become one of the worst villains she had ever met. 
Snapping her laptop shut, Izumi backed away from it slowly, she was just gonna leave that all alone for now. 
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rosezure · 4 years
Songbird 4 - We’re All Suspects
Songbird Chapter 4
A/N: I wanted to try something out with the points of view in this part. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! :)
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the BNHA/MHA universe, nor its characters. This work is intended for entertainment purposes only. My own characters are, however, of my creation.
Content warning: nudity, mentions of pain, mentions of violence. Please,  let me know if I’ve forgotten anything!
Summary | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
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Winter in Japan was much colder than in Pindorama. Everything was covered in white, and snow fell every other day. Asa was enchanted. The coldest she'd felt was when she escorted Queen Yeba to the Andes for a secret meeting among allies. 
Now, Asa lived in a traditional Japanese home currently covered in snow. Her very own little winter wonderland. The house was quite large, having many rooms and accommodations. Her favorite part was the forest that surrounded it. Though the hot springs in her backyard were a strong second.
Asa had been delighted when she learned of the house's possession of one. In Pindorama, there was something similar: Houses at the foot of the Great Peak Mountain often had small lakes in their backyards. The waters were cold, but they were known for being refreshing to those that traveled through the dense humid Amazon jungle. 
Perhaps it could be her absolute favorite place right now.
Asa sat in the hot springs, as naked as the day she was born. Crystal-like snowflakes fell from the heavens as she leaned back with her mouth open to catch them. She giggled at the contrast of temperatures in her mouth.
"Madam," The housekeeper, Mrs. Ito, walked out of the house. Her beautiful smile flashed as she bowed.
"Mrs. Ito, please," Asa blushed, "Call me Asa, I insist!" She submerged, leaving her nose and up above the surface.
"Right, Asa," She older woman smiled, "The headmaster and some teachers have arrived for dinner," Mrs. Ito clapped excitedly.
"Splendid!" Asa rose from the hot water and beamed, "Please, tell them to come to enjoy the hot springs!" She asked, already moving around and making sure everything looked presentable.
"Right away, Asa! I'll provide them with the robes and slippers," Mrs. Ito bowed again and disappeared into the house.
"This will be a fine opportunity to assess how pro-commission these coworkers of mine are," Asa mumbled to herself as she retied her hair in place. 
The guests arrived: a small animal-like man, a tall dark-haired man, an elderly woman, and two blonde men. Beaming, Asa greeted them and invited them in. They shed their towels or robes and entered the spacey private onsen.
The guests introduced themselves, bowing their heads slightly.
Keigo had been warry of the invitation sent by the newcomer. She had her own house near the campus, and it was apparently luxurious. He didn't want to meet the ice queen Aizawa had described, much less some spoiled royal brat.
But even he had to admit the house was gorgeous. The residential complex was styled after the Edo Period, akin to high-ranked samurai living quarters. And at the very back, there was a private onsen where "Asa" was waiting for them.
To say Keigo was surprised at the foreigner's invite was an understatement. But he was beyond blown away by the beauty of the onsen in her backyard. The hot spring was surrounded by boulders of all shapes and sizes. Smaller stones formed a pathway to the spring, and it was decorated with all sorts of plants on either side. In the far left corner of the spring was a beautiful fountain cascading down into the steaming waters. 
Asa waved them over. Keigo felt himself blush as he almost stumbled when he saw her: She was breathtaking. Her dark hair was in a tight bun, leaving her features visible. Her copper skin contrasted ethereally with her icy blue eyes. Sadly, her wings weren't out, and Keigo felt himself kind of wishing they were. 
"Welcome!" Asa's accent as she spoke Japanese was only slightly noticeable. She smiled elegantly, inviting them in.
"Hello, miss Asa," Nezu greeted in English. He offered his hand, or paw, for her to shake. She took it gracefully. Keigo noticed her movements were reminiscent of a ballerina. But to him, it just meant she was probably deadlier than she looked. 
"I am Nezu, headmaster of UA High. These are my coworkers Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, Chiyo Shuzenji, and Keigo," Nezu pointed to each one of them. Asa nodded in understanding.
"It is customary here to address new acquaintances by their family name, correct?" She asked in Japanese, tilting her head.
"Quite right, miss Asa," Nezu nodded, almost dropping the towel on his head, "But you can call me Nezu." He was grateful she understood and spoke Japanese. Using his limited English would have made communicating hard. 
"If it is alright with you, sir," Asa offered a polite smile, "I'd rather call you Headmaster or sir," her tone was respectful, and her smile never wavered.
"Of course!" Nezu laughed lightly, "Whatever makes you comfortable." Asa nodded, then turned to Keigo and the others.
"Thank you for welcoming me into your school. I hope we can work well together and prepare great champions." Asa bowed her head at the end of her mini-speech.
"You are adorable, miss Asa!" Recovery Girl got closer to the woman and squeezed her cheeks. "You'll make a fine addition to our team." She patted Asa on the shoulder.
"Thank you very much!" Asa grinned widely, giggling quietly. Her smiles and words seemed genuine enough, but Keigo felt flustered for some reason. It was like something about Asa that he couldn't quite grasp, yet it made him uncomfortable.
"Mr. Aizawa, Mr. Yamada, Mr. Keigo, thank you for coming. I understand it must be strange to have a foreign coworker joining under these circumstances. I'll try my best to help in any way I can." She bowed once again.
Keigo was irked. She was too polite. Too smiley. Too nice. There had to be something wrong with her. Something she was hiding. And Keigo was going to find out what it was. 
"I assure you my mission is to work with you and for you," Asa declared, interrupting Keigo's thoughts. He looked up to see her staring straight at him. 
"Uh, right. Good." He nodded stiffly. Maybe his scowling wasn't as subtle as he thought it was.
The conversation continued to flow amongst them, but Keigo tried his best to stay out of it. After a few more minutes, Mrs. Ito called them for dinner. 
The dining room was beautiful. The dark wooden walls and tiles contrasted gracefully with the lighter-colored furniture. The food was laid out on a table in the center of the room. Soon, everyone had taken a seat on flowery-patterned cushions on the floor.
Dinner flew by with more chit-chatting and laughs. Asa was a natural diplomat: Everything she said and did was deliberate, showing her guests how much she valued their company. Even Aizawa seemed to be more at ease than usual, and Hizashi laughed delightedly at Asa's stories. Nezu and Recovery Girl were reminiscing, telling her about childhood memories attached to the dishes she had prepared. 
After they all finished eating, Asa took them to walk around the garden. It was kept safe from the harsh winter by a glass covering and its own heating system.
"Some of these species come from Pindorama. I had some sent over since they're used in some of our religious rituals and for healing." Asa walked ahead of them, explaining what each plant was and how it's used.
"Ah, I'm sorry! This is probably boring," She laughed lightly, her eyes turning to half-moons. Keigo felt himself blush. 
"Not at all," He blurted out. This was the first time he'd actually spoken. The others turned to look at him in astonishment. Keigo cleared his throat.
"Oh, thank you," Her smile seemed softer this time. 
Shortly after the walk in the garden, Asa sensed it was probably time to see her guests off. Recovery Girl was getting too cold, and Aizawa's state was worsening.
"What if I helped with that a bit?" Asa offered, seeing Aizawa's pained expression. 
Hesitantly, Aizawa nodded. Asa carefully removed the long coat she had worn over her clothes for the short trek. Carefully, she helped Aizawa onto a bench between two tall trees. She knelt beside him on the ground and gingerly placed her hand over his recovering leg.
"I'm not sure if you'll feel any side effects," She frowned, "So, please tell me if it's too much," She took a deep breath.
Soon, a strange aura began encircling them. Keigo watched in amazement as her wings ripped through her clothes. It tore through the layers she wore, exposing her back to the cold air. 
Asa's lips moved, but no sound came out. Yet, all of them felt a strange feeling of comfort. The air suddenly became warmer. Aizawa's leg seemed to be glowing, causing the man's eyes to widen.
The young woman stood up, removing her hand from his leg. She stood up and sighed.
"I hope that helps a little," Asa offered Aizawa a hand. He took it and stood up, his leg feeling more stable than before.
"It does," Aizawa smiled to everyone's surprise, "Thank you, Asa!" 
"It was my pleasure, Mr. Aizawa," She bowed slightly.
They left after that, bidding her cheerful goodbyes and promising to see her at work soon.
Keigo couldn't sleep that night. He'd never been so impressed by someone's quirk. His first reaction had always been to analyze and determine if they presented a threat to him or not. Yet, now, every time he closed his eyes to try and sleep, he'd picture her wings, those gorgeous, majestic, white wings. Hell, he still felt the aftershocks of her quirk. It didn't just heal Aizawa's pain; it felt like it was healing his own soul and-
Wait a minute.
Her quirk was a healing quirk. It healed wounds, cuts, bruises, pain. Not feelings or emotions. Or did it? 
Keigo stood up from his bed, running to his desk to go over the files he'd received on Asa. They contained classified information about her quirk's history, which the queen herself had. How he got them wasn't relevant. Keigo was sure they never mentioned any other form of healing in the description. But maybe, just maybe, he'd missed it in the report.
Asa of Pindorama's Quirk Description
Type: Healing.
Pros and cons: Can heal open and scarred wounds, bones, muscles, veins, etc. The subject's wings are exposed every time the quirk is activated, which can cause unwanted attention. 
How: Classified. 
Keigo read through every little detail. He skimmed every page and every folder, taking notes of the information he read. But, he found nothing about the strange feeling of comfort and warmness she'd made the others feel. 
Could it be a side effect? If so, why wasn't it included in the files?
What was Asa of Pindorama hiding behind those icy blue eyes?
One thing was certain: She wasn't just a simple healer.
In the onsen, Keigo noticed that her body was littered with scars. Some were too big to have been accidents or minor injuries. It was almost like her skin held war stories from how marked it was. Could it be she was tortured? Or maybe she was a soldier or spy of some sort. That seemed to match his theory more.
If Asa was really the enemy, then she'd have to be an excellent spy to have infiltrated the system. She even got a recommendation letter from the queen herself! What more proof was there that she wasn't a mere healer?
The ex-pro hero wrote down all of his observations. He wrote about the scars, the callouses on her hands, the polished manners that were almost too perfect, and every other information he thought was relevant. He wrote on an old notebook he had lying around his new room.
Follow the events of March, Keigo sold his old house and bought a smaller apartment. After he was hired by Nezu, he sold that apartment and settled for an even smaller one near UA High. But he still had most of his belongings; they were just piling up in random corners around his apartment. 
Maybe he needed to focus on cleaning his place. 
Yeah. Keigo was going to clean up and donate as many things as he could. Then, and only then, would he start focusing on his new "mission": Expose Asa of Pindorama as an enemy spy.
Asa sighed in relief once they were out of sight. Healing Aizawa's leg took a toll on her. She had meant to lessen the pain only, but she ended up using too much power and fully healed it. Hopefully, he wouldn't notice it soon. Asa wasn't sure how she would explain not being able to control her quirk. 
She helped Mrs. Ito clear the dining room and wash the dishes. After that, she went straight back to the onsen. Asa let her body practically melt into the hot water, feeling her tensed muscles relax. Asa had heard of the healing properties of onsens. She'd openly admit to having felt ten times better after spending time immersed in the hot springs. Yet, she couldn't help but replaying the evening. 
Hours later, Asa was still submerged in the hot waters of the onsen. Something was off about Headmaster Nezu and Keigo. And she would get to the bottom of it.
The way Keigo seemed overly suspicious and cautious bothered Asa. Sure, she knew they wouldn't all warm up instantly to her. Keigo, however, seemed wearier than the rest. Asa couldn't have one of them suspecting her true intentions already. No, she'd have to deal with him personally. 
From what she could gather on intel and data, Keigo was formerly known as the Winged Hero, Hawks. Whatever happened all those months ago made him retire. Of course, he wasn't the only one, but he was the youngest of the newly retired heroes. 
Yet, what made him stand out to Asa was his affiliations. Keigo had been brought up by the HPSC. He was taken in by them when his father was caught by Endeavor. Keigo's mother was in no state to take care of him, so the organization took it upon themselves to raise Keigo Takami. 
Asa believed his connection to the agency could be dangerous to the mission. She'd have Keigo watched, just in case.
Nezu was a whole different story. He was intelligent, clearly a capable teacher and headmaster. But Asa's instincts screamed the minute he entered her home. If she hadn't controlled herself, his head would've rolled right then and there. 
Asa lifted her wet hands to her temples, massaging them lightly. She groaned in annoyance.
This was becoming unnecessarily complicated. 
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