#Keisuke Watanabe
haveyouseenthistoku · 1 month
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rosayi · 3 days
「ぴあ Movie Special」2019 Summer
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maschinen-mensch · 2 years
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Keisuke Watanabe as Greedling in Fullmetal Alchemist: The Final Alchemy
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ikemenbidanshi · 11 months
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chameleomille · 2 years
BESTIE I FOUND YOUR BLOG HAHHAHAHHAHAHAH OKAY OKAY write me a yandere greedling where like its dark nsfw they beat each other FUCK UP like sadist greedling and he and reader are bleeding and bruised and shit and then he starts pinning her and feeling her up
AHH 💕~
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The rain pounded on the windows as the neon lights from the bars illuminated the water stricken cement, as if to punish those midnight pretenders who conceal their drunkenness in the wee hours, hoping to not be seen. The rain seems to hate them, just like you.
The thunder roared outside reverberating against the walls of the dingy gray apartment, as wallpaper peeled from years of desolation and the furniture teared from the desolate souls that found themselves stumbling in for shelter from the wrath of the constant rains on this side of town. The dark side, Xing’s very own wall market, a secluded sector where the gambling, prostitutes and drinkers hide themselves from the light of the city. Tthe east side provided solace for these secretive sadists, masochists and murders. It was essential to provide an outlet for the people’s dark desires. But this is no place for a prince.
Especially not the Prince of Xing.
You stared hard as he slowly arose from the ground, his lips plump from a long night of all the women of the sector, his eyes dark from all he had witnessed, and his hair a mess from red nailed fingers. A purple illuminating light providing just a glimpse of the space he was occupying, a teared leather couch that may have once held high value with its rich oak accents, how oxymoronic. Most likely once was a pristine calling card of a home, now a waste away where soft headed groupies and their brat tamers came in the night. No place for a prince.
You heaved hard as your hair stuck to your face from the downpour you had run through upon receiving a call, asking you if you knew of your prince’s whereabouts. You stood still as his arms, his eyes narrowed gazing into your own, as if to trigger a faint memory of his loving gaze in a crowded ballroom in all it’s glamor, in all its women, his gaze fell only upon you. How distant. Your eyes darted away from his as you clenched the edges of your soaked clothing. The wet drops slowly falling off the edges onto the moist black carpet. Pressing against your perspiring skin. Your cheeks hot, your fists raging for contact. No. That was not your nature, punches were for the bag. Only for the bag.
[“why are you here.”
Your gaze traveled the room as you noticed you had not taken the time to digest your surroundings upon your abrupt intrusion. Darts of broken glass, stiff sheets draped on rotting couches, thrown clothing on broken tables, powdered puffs of white adorning the deep black carpet, and of course. Ling.
[I’m talking to you.”
You didn’t answer, you didn’t move, your gaze fell upon a small minnie mouse plush spewing out stuffing from a hole under her skirt. You heard rustling from across you, your hand still clenching the doorway as the living room before you shined in a brilliant flash of light. The thunder boomed outside, almost shaking the paper thin walls, how rancid. A sharp pain emitted from your wrist as you shot your head down grabbing it to stop the aching, what was going on with you?? Teach him a lesson. No. That was not you. You slowly raised your gaze as the soft steps in front of you seized. Another marvelous brand of light washed the whole room. Illuminating his right cheek. A pair of red plump lips imprinted, too large to have been closed, instead wide, with a smear of dried dark deep crimson blood. You clenched your wrist as you pulled back in a second. Bulleting your fist at the bottom of his jaw. The loud thud confirmed your suspicions as you had leaned back on your leg standing dead center of the doorway. Your gaze straining on the ground as a loud crash of wood and glass satisfied your desire. N-No. Yes. You did that. Your head shot up as your eyes strained holding back tears as a stark pale hand gripped the edge of a wooden side table, and an oversized long black blazer rustled under the fallen prince. You could not see his face as he lay his head back as if to achieve a somersault in a moment’s notice. However you did not need to see him to know him, he was in pain. Pain you had conflicted. You felt deep dread shaking you to your core more than the insistent rain outside which somehow had worsened, you collapsed to the ground letting go of your wrist. Shaking, worried, you began to cry. Violence was the answer. No it isn’t, it was not, you must take him home show him he does not need to indulge in this life, bring him back to the light. The Ling you know and love. Yes. Yes that’s it the pla– You felt a hand graze your cheek, you shot your head up seeing through blurry eyes a smile. A soft genuine smile, how you missed his smile. Yes, everything was going to be alright. Yes yes! You suddenly gasped as his hand clenched your face as that sweet soft smile of his changed to a dark sinister gaze full of lust, anger, hatred, and greed. He violently shoved you back leaving a bright red imprint as he stood before staring into your eyes with his mouth agape, in a slight smile, as he threw off his blazer slowly swallowing.
Your head had hit the carpet with abrupt impact, your face now facing the pitch black corridor you had trekked through to enter the apartment. You shoved your elbows underneath you to hull yourself back up as your head turned to face the horror above you, Ling watched you as you groaned to feel glass stab your hand nullifying your attempt to jump up from your state. His laugh filled the room as the thunder roared even louder, shaking the meek blinds that hardly covered the broken window. No matter, you had to get up, his right foot kicked your left leg that had bent to help yourself back up, mocking you. You shook the glass of your hand as you jumped to your feet, with only the doorway to fill the space between the two of you. His eyes traveled your body slowly with a growing smile. Grabbing your wrist and ramming you into his chest, as he slammed the thick door of the apartment shut. Turning you with him he fell hard against the door, sitting on the floor as his grip tightened on you. You could hardly breathe as your face was stuffed against his bare chest adorned by the open collar shirt he wore. His hands dug into you as you writhed screaming for him to let you go. Suddenly gripping your hair and violently pulling your head back, he grabbed your face as you cried out, shoving his hand up the back of your shirt. You screamed pushing him back, falling to the ground, squirming back and jumping up as he jumped up and shoved you into the couch behind you. In a burst you kicked his leg as you tumbled down to the ground together grabbing his shirt you violently shoved him to the side as you jumped back up running to the door. This was not ling. No. You jerked back as he grabbed you from behind, [NO.NO.NO L E T M E G O. LET ME GO LING!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE- - ”
Your legs contorting everywhere as you twisted and kicked, as his warm breath hummed against your neck as the two of you jolted down onto the couch. His left arm clenching your waist and his right entrapping your mouth.
[Shhhhhh, we have neighbors, pwencess.”
You used your elbow as you strunk his chest and reached back to grab his head slamming it into the back of your own. He huffed as you turned to face him as you slowly backed up watching him. Instantly rising up from the couch slapping you hard, sending you falling to the ground. You groaned as you held your face as he angrily kicked your stomach. You choked for air as he kneeled down to your level, slowly reaching to grab your hair. You immediately grabbed his arm and pulled him down slamming him against the ground as you threw yourself atop of him, the rain grew louder. You grabbed his face with one hand and with other punched him hard on that imprint a whore had left on your prince. He threw his head back, shutting his eyes, biting down on his lip hard as he grabbed your waist, slamming you to the ground, grabbing your face he jerked it to the right, smashing his face into your hair. You kicked and squirmed as you suddenly felt something. He was crying, drowning himself in your hair. You laid in shock as his arms wrapped around you shaking in violent cries of agony. You slowly hugged him back as he dug his face deeper as if wishing for you to absorb him. You didn’t move. You felt his hold loosen as he slowly unraveled himself from your hair, lifting you up, he didn’t face you, simply turned to the broken Tv in the corner of the room, in another flash of light followed by the cracks of thunder as lighting tore through the sky outside, you could see his face tear stricken as he swallowed hard a disgruntled mess. You propped yourself on your hands against the wall as he sat on your legs, hindering any movement. He turned to face you as he slowly grabbed your face with both of his hands, by instinct you grabbed his hands stopping him, your mouth agape heaving. He opened his mouth as if to say something however he faltered, letting go as he slowly stood. He rubbed his face softly as he turned towards the window watching the rain, you heaved as you leaned against the wall, prepared to defend at a moment's notice. His hand fell from his face as he walked towards the window gripping the pane staring out into the night. Turning his head to the side. You jolted up from the floor as the moistness of the carpet sunk into your palms. You leaned back against the wall regaining your breath as Ling stared at the ground. You gulped as he turned around from the window walking towards you, [N-N-NO!” You shouted, throwing your hands in front of you the moisture of the carpet dripping from your hands. Your red swelling cheeks and glaring blurry shut hard, fighting to keep your stance steadfast and for your legs not to give in to the fear. You felt his chest against your hands as your eyes shot open to see him standing before you an arm’s length away. His head ever so slightly tilted to the side as his cheeks blushed with tear streaks and his eyes dark with sorrow. He reached up gently grabbing your hands holding them leading them down to your sides. You looked up from your hands to be face to face with him. The rain begun to lessen as the thunder ceased, as he slowly kissed your forehead. You closed your eyes, as your tears stopped, feeling his hands intertwine with yours you leaned into him as he rested his head atop your own, breathing slowly to the sound of the wind.
[I love you.”
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kanamejun · 10 months
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maitzong94 · 1 year
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questintheskies · 2 years
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brady-art · 1 year
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Keisuke Watanabe portrait ✍🏻❤️
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komindal · 2 years
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rosayi · 7 days
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maschinen-mensch · 2 years
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Live-action Greedling with his Ultimate Shield ability
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ikemenbidanshi · 2 years
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Gorgeous eyes! 😍
(Yuichiro Umehara, Masaki Okada, Jun Matsumoto, Keisuke Watanabe)
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coolasianguys · 3 months
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Love him❤️
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kanamejun · 2 years
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storge · 10 months
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WATANABE KEISUKE as Kodama Yudai Ao Haru Ride (2023)
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